. v^bV . Vm. NO. 107 EIGHTH YEAR. TWIN FALLS^^TOIN FALLS COUNTY. IDAHO, FRJDAY, OCT: 24, 1913.__________ SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER YEAR ST A R OfflCIALS ^ ANSWER BOHM ‘ 'a y That Chicago Han Is lii- iDforracd FOKJfLirt KEflLSTKB STATE LAJil) BOAni) AJ.SO WHITES LETTEIU L o b m ' MiikcH AKKcrUoDM Tliut Aro Nut Borne Out by Luud Uourd llccords. Governor lloliiotj dqcii nol tnko klutl- 'iy to tho kind ot jmbllcUy i;lvuii iho alato by ISdwnrd IJoUm of Chicago, in., through tho columna ot Uio Irrlgti- tion Apo, and lie has ovWently tlotcr- mlnod 10 huudio thui Konilomtu wlih* oul cloven for eomo ot liiu olalomonU mode la rolnilon lo tho BIb Lost rlvor Carey act projoct In nn open Idler AddrcBsed to Mr. Bohm. tlio Kovernor glvoa tho othor side of lho plcturo nnd ahow’8 tlio Kcntlcman uji In somowbat 0 tho coloru of a iniickrnkor. Tho gov- irnor'B letior followe: ■Wr. Edwnrd Bohtn, cnro lho Irriga- tion Ago,> Chlcngo, III,—Sir; It \a ovi- dont from your open loltor published Ju' tho Irrigation Aro for Octobor, a» ^ well ac from-tho rafcronccs you ap- pond to your algnntury. tlmt you tit- tompt lo qualify as ono bavlng export Icnowlodgo of Cnroy nci mnttors, bul It ts Just 08 ovldenl lhat you oro on- tlrely lacking lu falrnotta In your tronl- mont of Uio queatlon which confronlB hnnr,) nntl tbo noonlo of Ida-. ' bo todny. Thla qucflUon cnnnot bo solved by booUeaa,dlacuaalon of wbat might havo been', or by railing nt tho «tato of Idaho' or Its offlclnla, paat or preaent . "Lot It bo admitted at tho outaot that ficrlouB mistakos ivoro mado la tbo IlnastdnK'tnd conaijQotloa-of porcQntogo of our Irrigation projocts. and that thoso mlstnkea havo boon ro; flponalblo for much Iobs and snfforlng to Individuals and for Uto nrroatcd do- volopmonl of our Irrigation ontor- prlscs. TTio accoiint you rIvo of your TOlatlons to tho Big Lost ^Ivor project la probably corrcct, oicopt your slato- mont that tho land board announced that It vould bold flrat paynionts on this trnct In escrow. In this, you nro not bomo out by, tho gonUomcn to ■whom you refer, nor bV the land board Tccorda. Your otory dooa not differ mntorlally from that of many othors, Ttor dooa it help tho proaont'eltutition, nor bring us any nearer tho solution wo aro sookinB. "NoUher will it help nt this timo to floek to exeuao or paJllnto admitted er- rors. nor to condemn tho short-slghl- «d. Bolflah policy of tboso who Bought to mako political capital out of an un- fortunate bualncflfl situation. EQva))y gmvo mlaUikca may bo expected in \ any now entorprlBO, operated under j untried and perhapa InBufflclent laws, I ndmlnlatorod by Inoxporlonccd ofU- / \clals pioneering a now field. "Tbo great quosilon now conjront- Ins: UB Is how to procead «o as to carry these suspcpdcd projects to compio- tibn, nnd to ho substanUally juat to all concomod. As you woll know, aclloD not only by ihe alato Innd board, but ■by tho leglslnlure has been rendered ' ImpOBBlblo by tho. llllgatlon In -whicli ■tho Dig Lost rivoj- project Is jnvolvcd, but out of this legal'mazo wo hopo tc ^om orgo in tbe near future*.'. Wo ore dhdally oxpecilng a declalon by tho fed' W oral circuit court ot apponla . whlcC -vlll wo hope, definitely selUii' quoa- tlons of title so t^at negoUaUcpelook- Joff to furtlier construction' ^an be proceeded with. AcUng on tbo besi logal advlco obtalnoblo, wo havo re- frained from InatliuUng suit to recov .. .er. on tho boc^l pending tho decision oi f circuit court of appeala, but th( ' ; PtPors have long since beon propare< In tbo offlco of tbo attorney «enora and tho stnle but awaits tbo oxpectec decision boforo filing suit looking t( tho recovery of tho $175,000 bond. "Hio present land board has gon< deeply into altquostlons affecUng tbii and other ijrojects and ita memberi bavo mndo numerous personal inves tlgaUona for'\tbo purpose of acquaint Ins themsolves wltl^ the facts In pro paraUoh for doflnlto action a t • tin otirlfost possible momont. . Wc foe that wo bavo done ovorything tha could ha'^e boen don^ In tho nlni months wo have beon.in oftlco and wi oxpoct to worlc unromltUngly In thi tutor* to bring obout a Just and saUs •7 Ucl6ry AOlUllon otrfdaliu's iutgaUoi .-problem*. "Wo need honest help, thougbtfu vuggoatlons and. »n8er;ucUvo advlec We do not nood sarcasm, Innuondo o bitter reflecUonsupon tho mistakes o others. J ' . “II ^OQ aro In poslUooi .t& .give a any part of what wa coed, wa shall h glad to hoar furthor from 70a at .an; O timo. If your quallflcoUoni eaabi you to offer only what we do BOt need ‘ It Is perfocUy evident.dot..ozxlr tha we ean expoc^ no help .from 70 a, bu . ' tbat wo must eonUnue 'fn 6ur effort to brJiiff about a propor, «o]atJo& 0 our dlfflctilUea in aplto of-you ao' other* whb are adepts at doatructlor but mere fiovlcei at'coastrucUQn." ,(Cc|jitlnued on pace 6.) DOUBIE'TRAGEDY IN B O I S f ' 0. E. Wnrdell Slioots Brldo and End/ Ownlilfp, J A double IrnKody—murder nijJ^Bul- cldo—wnn cnactod In ihia cl^y nl 10' o’clock'Tuesday nl Uio liiteri^cilou ot tho alloy botwccji Stato/'and Wnsh- Jn^ton Htrouta, nnd Tentli, oiipoulto lho I-'Iral Methodist cliurc'i.'wheu Glenn 12. Wardnell, a promln'iul youn;: rancher of Palnicr Btallcn In tho Il .jc vnlley, lOiol und klJlGii hla wltc,-bc..>.iai: iwo bullolB Ip.lo hor. body from 11 :iK-cr"- bre rp'/oJvcr and U)cn turnln« i- •; wea[jtin on hlmBOlf, liorcil n liolu tltfough bin heart, cnuHliig _lnBtant »lentb.-_HlH wife Burvlvcd him bul ix fow inlnuics and never pilacd con- HclouancHH. Slio died wlillo bcinK niBhod to a huBitliiil. dcnth InkluK jilncc while Uie dcud body ot her hUBr bnnd waa being irnnnfurrcil from the ambulance to lho underinklng parlora ot Schrclbcr & Sldcntailou. Mra, U'nrdell wnn Atruck with wo 1/ii!Icih. tho first coming from bohlriil. alrlUlng her In lho nock nnd Hcvorlns bcr JUKU- Inr vein, falnl In Itnolf. and Uio accoiid Imaulng through tho groin. Tempor- ary Ineniiity la nsalBnod an Uie cnuHO. Thc tragedy Is ono ot lho moal Blocking In tho bl/itory of Bolso. Wnr- doll wnn biil 2Z yonrs of ngo. Hla girl wlfo. wna but 21- youra old. ^ i h were hold In high csloom. wldoV- known and. popular. Thcro Io no ronson nsalRncd for tno crlmo that would Indlcalo It bnd boen promodlated. TJio young coupio had had no dlfforenccB bo tar aa la known. Tboro had been no qunrrola, Tholr nonreat rolatlvoa nre nt a Iobb to un- doratand whal could Jjave t'romptcd young 'Wnrdcirto commit lo terrible a dood.—Capital Newa. AIBION SyffERS fROM flRt tnnrM ini Lusub IIJ.^ LHo-ln-Ftw -f r U , day NlKht Burloy—Tho town Of A)hlon iuffor- od a hoavy losB Friday night when tho Albion hotol, lho Pieraon Hvery flUi- blos and tho resldenccB of B. M. Snod- graaa, ohd-Joha, UridBsr.Ji'oro. dostcoys od by flro. Ono man, Archlo HowoU, a bacholor about 40 years old, loac hie Jlfo in the hotel and E. H. Scbockoy waa BorlbuBly burned whllo many, of thc resldenia ot lho town wore Injured In fighting tbo flro la ordor to'aavo Uio courthouse and a numbor of oth- er buildings which woro threatened. .The flro atartod in tho hotel but no OQO knowH how and bad gaJnod a good headway beforo It waa dlscovorod. Howell nnd bla rcjramato attomptod to desccnd-'from tho aecond atory of tho hotol by tho stairway bul (ound paas- ago blocked by tbo flro. They rotum- Qd to tholr room and one ot tbom ea< capcd through tbo wlndoWB, but Ho- well wont down with the .floor before he cfould reach the Window. The. hotel was d two-atory woodon structure, tho two residences which burned stood noar by and the livery stable was across a 00-foot atreet. Tbo wind first carrlod tho flamoa lo . tho resldencV* and tbon changed toward tbo livery stable as tho town was onUroly without wator for flro fighting. LltUo could be dono to chock it. The total loss ts eatlAiatcd at '$20,- 000, with Ultlo Insurance.—Statesman. EARTHQUAKE ON SNAKE RIVER 1 Boandary' Between Orctton and Idaho > Shaken by T n u o n 1 ^ Territory aloag Snake rJvor on tiic I boundary belween Oregon and Idahc > was ahakea by a slight oarthquakc ‘ Tuesday, attornoon. It waa > noticoablo al Bnllard Landing, Land- ‘ oro, Idaho and Cuprum, Oro. Housoi • wore SllghUy shakon, but no damagt » waa reported. Word was. recolvc<l a ‘ liunUngton In a mossago from Hal: ‘ Way, a small town 12 nilloa from ihi ‘ scono of the quake, but direct oom f munlcatlon wIUi polnta whero thi I shock was fell has been cut off foi t sovoral daya and dolaUa ara ' no 1 known. Abotit 30 yoars or mpro ag< I a slight shock waa recorded ^ thii 1 socond and four yonrs ago ono wai . noticed along Snako rlvor moro seven s tban tlio prosont ono.—Nampa Loader J' __ ' ■ ■RANCHERS EIGHT W IH KNIVE! : DelloTve S u Stabbed Twenty Time \ - I Bollovw^At an all<nlght danco a „ Qannett, six miles, from Bellevue, at ai . osrly hour Saturday moralng. Did ° White pubbed Elmor Williams, dur ■ ing 'a dniBken row.. Williams wa atabtiea <!U umOS, lUUUt uC Uiu w u u n d I being in the abdopion and legs. I'be wounded man w u brougbt'to'i ^ pbyslcUa.JUid. lt.Jraa found'that th f Inteftlnes had protruded eight'Jncbu and ’It waa neceaaary. to take oigh , aUtcUes'ln tho abdomen. It is doubt ■ fuVlf ho Uves. , V- ° .The sheriff leonred WUte; and he. 1 ^ now Jn custody. Both men aro altigl r and ara rancher*. WltnMsos.say tha f there yaa nothlhg to have.eauaed th 'j TOW.—Stateaiaan. ! <S,COO’to IDSI. 0. s. ttcCallliUr. IS J Gem Are.. Get T p '' When the floett hone>baylBS ehuio - a years la open to you, yoa’ll g«t th newt In tbe "Real Bstata ro r S«la I i s . PANKHURST ONAMEWCANSOIL President Wilson Taltes Hand in Affair ;;:ii)En fou abmisskin made as A HESULT. Can Stay In ' tlu* Unltiid Staton UuUl liOrtiire Tour I h Cum- New Yiirk, Oct. Mru. ICniinelino i'uukliurut lofc l-:iU« lulfuicl niid cnrHC lo New York i I iIh.nftemoon,. A motor ; enr of Mra. 0. 11. I‘. Uelniont, lho uut- ' trngo iuiulor, met' her ul the pier nnd ' she waa driven lo Mrs. Belinoni’H ' home. Thu uinhiig(<muul of Mudlaon • Squnro Gnrdon nniioiiuccd ihul In do- : forcHcQ to .Mr«. PfmkhHr«l’a deairo to gel u good i-uH(. llm niniju incellng aho ' WOH to have adilrcBHed loiilglil Imd ‘ been poHlpoiied llll Wudneadny night. ' Wnahlngton, Ocl. "0.—Slrii. Kmme- I Uuo Pankhurat, mllllnul Brltlah auf- ' friigotte. Ih truo to cntor tho United ; .Slat£H. Tho lillla laland hoard's order of‘ Ooporlniion wna reveraed after I PrcBldent Wilaon had conterred on thc caao wllh Secretary Wiluon nnd thc ' hearing hnd lioen concludcd before Ini- . mlgrntlon CommlBBlonor Camlnotit Secretary . WJIsoh aniiounccd ni th( conclusion of hla conforcnco with the prosldoni Ihnl Mre. Pankliural woiiK bo admitted on hor own ^cogillznnci w ,aL»h thn iinr1rrntntldfni» thnt aho woulc depart nl tho end of her leciuro cn- gagctments. No bonds woro exncied. Sbrrotnry WDson docJnred that b< } and Uio prealdont had dlacuBsed Ui( - quosUon briefly. "Wo agreed," hi - and, "that Mra. Ponkhixrat bo admlltof s pn. h6r own rocoEiiiztuico. Tho-rcaaoi , Is that thoro Is naturally an olomon t of doiibl aa to whether her acta consU / tutod .moral turpitude or woro poUU f col Irt charnctor." Tho declBlon by Un 1 prosldont and Sccrotary Wilaon wai 0 referred to CoinmlsBionor CamlnetU - who laaued tho former ordor of ro loaso. 3 President WllBon's‘Intereat In thi 1 cnso was viewed with the groatest sat I. laractfon at the hoodqunrtors of tbi a. National Womnn Suffrage leag\io am 0 by BUffragp supporters In congress - Today's bearing wns moro colorfu - than ycaterday's, AcUng 'Scc’y. Past • and Chlof Parker of tho law dlvlstoi - snt. wllh Cnmlnoltl, nnd nn array o 0 attorneys wna drawn up In batter: 1 lino nt tho tablea. Tho attorney fo 0 Mra. Pankhursl prcBontcd n long brio J contending that the'acts of wbich Bh< s wna convicted In England wero pure!; poltUcal otfensos and did nol Involv' fl moral turpitude. a Atlornoy O’Neal referred to Mre a Pankburst's pledge that she wouli 0 conduct herself In 'a lawful manno k whlJe in tho coimtry. Camlnottl aakoi ,- Is Bbe Intended to preach mllltnnc: I. whllo here. "Emphaticolly no," said O'Nonl.- ^ Capitol Nows. 0 SOCCER fOOTBAU ^ First rraeUce GumiT Flayed Snndu ^ . Afternoon at Ball I'ark. ^ ' About twenty fans who are Interost f ed In soccer toot bnll met at the bal 4’a.rk last Sunday aflornoon of pracUco game. Will Macauloy an Hnrry Benoit acted ns captains ot th reapectlvo tcauiH, Aftor two porlod of' regulation length the scoro atoo two to two. Tbero Is no doubt bi Umt a good local team can be dove oped undor the coaching ot T. A. Hai ’• rlson. A inntchod game wUI bo playe Sundny nfiernoon commencing at tw o’clock betwccQ tbo local team as the Irigh school foot ball toam. It I hoped by those who are Intorostod I ® tho game that a matched game can I arranged wllh some outAIdo team fc a week from next Sunday. ^ NEW LAW FIRM >9 • • . Forter 4 Smith Open Of/Iees la Fir » NaUonal Honk ButKlng. ' • S J. W. Porter, otto of tho well know L. young attomeya of this city and Hns - P. Smith, a rocont graduate of U S MaUonal Unlvorsltv 06 Waahlngton. 1 0 ., aad a son or congrossamn Adfllst .. T. SmlUi,-of Uiia city,-have formed partnership for the pracUco ol Uw : this dty. They have offlcca on ,.U Jf aocond floor of the Flrat Naiiom I: B^p^c^ttlldlai, . . \ j ?» Pepaiimeat' C ^ ' . . . jt«oiB8 l A s t w ^ J t A n S ^ : ^ . : A defe^ve flue'^auted thetdvK w ment to tnako a quick nm to the rau bridge root&a yeaterday moTAlaf ai M It waa found that amoke was comli E»e from the atUo. The fire waa aoon p •" out with amall damage. GOODING SHI[S HATINRINC f o p e r Governor loses No Tim( in AnnounceDient CJliCUI.AK LETTElt 'iO CONiiTITI. ENTS ON POSITION. UIU Cnusc I'nitcd SUites Si-nntor lal CamiMilcn To StJirt Tlil Yi'ar. '*- Dear Sir: I uhiiuld ilko lo nmko ui nnuounix'nicni through tho ooiimiii of your paper of my candidacy for Ui Uiiltcd Statea uenuto. lu lho priniurlu of lOM. If 1 nm iiiiccuxHful In lh prlmarloa In liccomlng lhu caiulidale 0 lho' Uupiibllcnu party I promlHO t make n viggroim flglil for my ulectio to thc Ignited atutes senate. It was my good fortune to como t Idnlio Jual al tliu end of my boyhoo daye. Thlrly-lwo yearH ago on lh aoih.dny ot Aiirll 1 became a rcoldea ot Kelchum. tlicn a mining cnmp, 1: tho. Wood River counlry. I have ace Idaho gro wtratn a sjwraoly HottJc lorrltory unlil todny It ’ranks on ot tho gront BlntcH of ihe'unlon. Prot tho firut Idalio hna been kind to ,m< nud I luve her- great mounlulna an broad plaina, nnd I love her people, havo grown up with tbo Btalo nnd feol' thnt i nm a i>nrt of Ihis might commonwoalih. for In a public wuy have hnd much lo do wilh ItB gcowt and dovolopniont. Having aorved Ui pooplo twlco nB governor and In othe lumic offlcea, 1 KTIUW Un uuL-Us-nmm condlUons almost aa w'oU aa tho bo knows iho old bomoRiead. I cannot toll the people of Idalio I words how much I should appreclai the gront honor of representing thei ^ .th o .UtUto^Staiuui.saliato. Jf 1. ai elccted 1 can only promlso lo gh thom.aU there la In mo as a public so vant. For tho first Umo tho peop will havo an 'opportunity to chooi thoir asnator by a direct vote,-and ask tho' support df all tho good clt zons of Idaho who (>ellevo mo qual fied to reproaent them in the Unite Slatea senate. I have hoen a-Progreasivo In pollUi long before thore waa any divlalc In tho party or any talk about a Pn grcaslVQ party. For yonrs I havo bcc flghUng'/or tho control of n» publ servlco corporations by the. people, nn my record aa a public officer nnd as prlvoto clUzon will boar mo oul In lh siatemonL From boyhood I havo hnd somelhlr lo do with the pollUcal machinery « thlo . state. I have rcjtrcBcntcd n counly and-stnlo In utale nnd naiiom conventions. I have acted In the capi clly ot county and stnlo chnlrman f( my party. -I know that antll a fc yoara ago politics tn Idnbo woi wholesome, clean and honest. 1 n BOrry to say that lhat.lB nol truo 1 Idaho today, In no state-In tho unIc la thoro a moro deplo>‘ablo,conditlc politically than can bo' found In lh slate. Boglonlnc with tbo Brndy nr O’NeU campaign, many thlnga bai boon dono that aro a stench In the no trils of every man who knows an thing about the poliUcal condlUons ' Idaho. Kor this I hold Mr. Brndy tno responsible than any other indlvldui It la not strango that men of ordl; ary inoana bestfate to entor tbo poi tlcal arena* of Idaho on tbe Itepublict sldo of tho Iaauo. For the flrat Umo find -myaclf bosiUiUng lo bocomo candidate, for I know that through tl extravagant use of money a condltii exists iB tbls stato timt makes it 01 barrasalng for the honest man lo b como a candldato for so high an otfl aa that of Unltod Stales senator, my oxpondliuroB I shall koop wi within, tho law. for i will not perju my soul for any office. I will not p that prlco. I am going to try to brh back deans docont poIlUca wIthln'L Ropubllcan party. • Nor shall I chango my resldenco. I homo wUI always be at. Gooding, cou ty ot Qoodlng. atato of Idaho, for I t Hove that I am big enough to repi sent Idaho In tho United Statos sonz and rosido at Gooding. Wbllo I w governor I know no north or »ou ,* Idaho, and tho man who knows a noith.or south In this stato Is not t enough to represent any part of It B tbo ■Onited'^Utoa aenate or anywht h olM. * Idaho is a mighty atato WJ 0 wonderful resourcea In aijrlcuUni horticulture, mining, timber and II . aa woll as the northi baa all. theae 1 n sources. True the resources of t . north In dining and ttober ara lar( J thaa tliMe in the aouUs, yet no. pi can repreiie&t the nonhern pfirt ot tl atate well ;withodt represenUng t • southern part of It well« or the eoui 6m pare-.Vtbdnt.' representing < northew-.partj; '' *^ . . I h*?»-Wni;M*nnor a« of my 11 , ’ haT«. hsA^MtaethtBg -to ^ o with m ^ fa r In .1dabo...but'mr. ^rtadpal 00 iTatloa,'^ been that ora termer;a A atockIMtL^ ' . S 'Tl^^great murder .triale during : CLUB WOMCN ACTIVE , VarlouH BepartmenLs uf 20Ui (Jentui Club Taki‘ Ip Work. * An uiiUHually fntercatfng i.rogrn wna given m tlie Twenileili Centu elub. Tlie flrrfl numbor waH a aoi J "A Perfecl Day." l.y .Mni. Keniiel .. S h e grucloiiiily reiipoaUed lo an e Mru. Currie Hnrper White deliver :i itiilcii'dW fKiilrcHH ■■AiiictJci Womon." Mrii, WiiUe huu a churmli purKoniiUiy, and held thu cloao ulle . tton ot her hearers througlimit. S heruelt la a Hiilendii! exumide of t efficient AnierL<:an Woniau of whe »!ifi'H|ioko HO ciitertaliilnKly. . .Mr«, Wl,Ife Dun hrwKJJy the - were two I'laniieii of wdiiien—tlie ef H dent ami Uie liieffielenl. She ual.l i ' eftleleiil wonieii wem rreuily in t iiiujoriiy, and eoSiflnod iier remarks thlH cliiKH. Sbe HiKike tif women u wlvua. mollierH, li<niiiel<e<!|iern, leiie ,, LTji, w o m e n Jj) wijhIi-, Uii.-niiiij'c, a „ and drama. .. ft haa hi!« • ^ ;,! Ihut men are wli ^ their wiVi'H u. them. .Mrnl Wh ,f poiii.eil I .11 11.,- Aniorloan worn • are wli'i.i ;u'- 1 -cntiae ot t „ Biiiemlid Aiiierleaii : ;t.l -.id.' He giv her creilJt fcv iiii<!..:;i .ulln;; llie 1 (, iirobleiiiH ill wlilcli .. Ih InlereHti ,1 Women Hlinuld lie ti - In I ait nioltie c Sho ha» lhe right iir . • lege of icac , liiK certain thiuga to I.e.- chfWrOti, .M n Whlto puld high tribute to the vi u army of womnn employed an leiiehe ,] 111 cloning Him Bald tlie women of I „ went are not only expected' to good wiveu, good inolhera. good houi , koeperH, bm Uicy aro.aliio exiiected ,1 he good cltlzfHS. 1 MIhs Ve«ui ThonmB rendered a I uno nolo, "llnBan’u In thc Cold, Ci y Ground," very otfecilvoly aud I ponded lo lui encore. 1 , CliU> women everywhero nro bcco ,c Ing vitally Interealed In leglslnUc jj. One of tho niont InternHtJng progrn of thn year Ih nlaiined by tho logta ,y tlvo committco for Tueuday, r>loveinl -I, al the open mccling. n Thc Current l->cntu dopnrtmc JO Mni. Pncknrd. chairman, met Octol IB. The tariff queaUon waa the si n, Ject for Ujo. aftornoon. - In two wci ,0 this department win.take np tho si r. Joel of lho Panania cannl. lo Tho History nnd Lltoraturo dopj ,Q mont mot with tho chairman, M I Bradley, taking up lho utudy ot K J. John. }. Tho Parllnmcntnry and Ctvlco ■d partmont mot-wllh' Mrs. J. U Dau Plans for civic ..work woro dlscuBS :a Much interoat waa nmnifcstcd tn i^n protiosnl of ti swimming pool. J. Tho Homo nnd IC«lucaUonal dopr [Jl moot mot WodiicBday afternoon Ic fills week. Planu wore dlacusaed nl future acUvily. n Tho Musical department will m Ja Tuoeday afternoon, Octobor-28, at Masonic haJI. Tho.Current Eventfl partmont will moot WodneB<]Ay aft noon, Octobor 29, at the Masonic li ,y dining room. Tho Hiatory and Lit II ature dopartmoni will meet Friday J. tornoon, Oclobor 31, with Mrs. Br jr ley. Parllmeniary and Civics'depi mont will meet Mondny ^tom oon. I -o Vombor 3, with Mrs. Datibo. Gene m club meets nt tho Mnsonic hall In Tuesday. November A; Tl»o Househ m Economics department meets at ,n Manonic hall dining room Tuesday, 1 la vombor 11. Current Evonta Dopt ,(] mont meets io Maaonlc hall din ,0 room Wednoaday, Novomber/12. fl. CHAIRMAN PRESS COMMITTI L' SERIOUSLY INJURED BY H iL , . ______ n* 'n-alden tefghtod Strikes Head on 1 »* of Wagob and Is Seriously Injurci vn I Walden l^lgbton, who Is tn tho 1 " ploye ot tbo Crozlor Transfor ci ® pnny, mot wllh a serious accident W nosday forenoon. Ho was drivine tho nlley back of tho Twin ^ ila C cory & Morcantilo company whon ot tho whools of,m e wagon drop Into a hoio, throwing him from high soat. In falllns his hoad str tho hub of tho whool with groat fo He woa picked up by by-Btanders taken to hla room In an unconscl condlUon, A doctor waa quickly c cd and everyUiing Uiat was poss was dono for the Injuroa mon, bul n- did not regain consctoUBncss u le- Thursday morulng. At tho prei Ume he is gotUng along aa woU ito can be oxpectod. I RUSSELL’S MINSTREL MAID llo Lyrle TJieatre, Toeaday. October IUj Por One Night Oidy, [ire At tho Lyrle Uioatre for ono n ie» only. Tuesday. October 28. wlU re- seen fl race' Hiisaiir* iblllifj-wl ho This la said to be a clean, claaaya (er and is made up of 24 mualcal n an her*. ThU cpapany will .only b- itls Twin Falla fOit' one night. .. Jie- - ;'••• ---- I ,11 [fe !Sl ' The Twin PWls.'.T^nnhi Aaipcli has eleoted-Ibis; followtnK omeen Ute s«aaon oi m 4 ; President. 1 aa MacTlcar (r*^ectadl;..irtee.p»sl< ^ tn ^ B^llIs^ treasurer, O.'H;,0ha McreUry, T* W. Brotuwgh. . . TWIN fALLS GETS ; THE PRESS CLUB y --------- ;■ Eastern Idali# Editors Acccpt ;; Invitation g ______ ! b I'OC.Vi'KLI.O MEETIXd ATTHACTS .M.WV .ME.MBEIW. l.’utc CU) .lournnllsts Prove laoni le Host.s tl. the 1‘limcer Stale Or- lu ganlxutliin. I- The pencil puHherri of Knaiern Itlaho 't. met. .Sumlay Jh I'oaiioIJo tor n brief burtliie.ss Hcuulon. which waa greatly It enhinK-i,-i! by Uie courteiiy exloadea to to them by the Pocalcllo Commercial ill club lunl the newspaper boyo of tbat i<! city coiineetcu with the Tribune- and- Chronicle. Thc meeting waa, in iho l'~ Jiolnt ot numberu. ono of Uic best held ll. In the pasl lliree. yeara. -Paporaon lho s. Cosi Syslein. Pnid In Advanco Sub- II - scription, Newspnpora and PoIUIcb, «. with an able talk on Good Ronds iiy- at CommlAsloiier Theo. T. Turner, Wore a. dlscuHHcd wlih much bonoflt by the 10 membera, 10 a pari ot tho regular moeUns tho c- phue ot holding lho next Bcaalon (tho to June; lyi-J, gnUiorlng) was b^;ought up .ujd «j)on invitation ot tba Twin Falls ll- membera. Twin' Falls wait deslfeaated- Id na the lucky city. Aa tbo progron^ la B- outlined by lho mombcra of tbo city* visited, Twin Falla Is expected to nol n- only abow thu membora a good time, a- but also Rh'ow them lho advantages of ■)» tbla scctlon. In rotum ovory paper n- roDreacnted gives this city a boosting or write-up Uml Will Uuiur muuj uuatem homes nol rcachod by the Twin Falla ^t, papors. In fact, tho total clrcuIaUou or will run over 25,000. b- Pocatcllo at the mooUng Sunday, did ka ^uch to coavlnco tbAodltors ot t^ r»=- vflat tjosSlbnnietf'Ot thc-BftcUtfn-coTo^^ ed by the club 'as tho oxtonslvo plana rlv of the Shorl Line for Uiat city wero rs. brought out. .With a payrtil] from the Dg earBhops ruimtng into thq thouaanda ovocA- monlh, Pocatollo ia to a largo lo- ex t^ t dependent upon tho railroad JO. for .Ita prosport.ty and tho welfare of 5d. the city IdenUcal wlUi'.that of the'rail- ho road, which has boon generous In Ita policy toward th'o city. Poc«teBo rt> oa a dialrlbuUng point, with linos ran- of ntng In every dlrocUon, luia a a Im- or menao traffic to caro for and ,ls'doing mucb work to aid tho raUrbad la car- ! 0t Ing for .the Increase of buaiaeas.' This ho yoar work on a large amounl ot.pav- le- log was started oad comp.letfed, giving ir- the streOla ,a metrdpolitan air vorth nil whllo. Not saUsfied with tbat tbe clt- jr- izcns have voted to pav0 forty, moro if- blocks and all tho alleys is, the’ htul- id- noss district. After a most • bitter rt- fight the-dty has been able.to'c^trol Io- lu own walorwork»,situatlott and glVB •al its people pure water from the inoun- on tains surrounding. In fact, the dty ia >Id beginning upon aa era ot improve- ho moot thft will bring many new: iafe*- lo- tors to tiBhusinesB circlos -and mans rt- new homeseokers. Aa Btated b^ore, ng Pocatollo Is Ideally altuated to make tho best kind of a Jobbi^ center knd.lf IB. gradually becoming sUch. • - Tbo Slvrt Line the past yeac s^ 1 11 over a half million In Improremmti LL lo that city and wiU shortly bogla thi brecUon of a mlBlon-dollaratatlon.. ' -w A gllmpso of the -work goins on It I tbo city . woa given Uie PfMS d o t '* throDgh'tho courtesy o f‘the: Antomo- bllo club, which kindly fnmUbed eip ®* for Uio trips to tho points ot Iafere»t m- - - ■- - . • 1 CHARGfflWttiOllW ; >od Tboa. VeConTlUe*a Frelim lnarr Tri* tho Being Reid ii^ Probate .Court , ick - ----------- ' \ ’CO. Thomaa McConvlUo. .'Wbo &cted “id tho iapaclty of a detecUre Jor tb' county laat aprlng la getting «Ttdeae agalnat several booUeggera, is havlni his hearing In tbe probate court (o alleged perjury.. Tbe 'wafrwxf wa sworn to by Prank H ut^ i ont claimed that, the alleged.'perjury'w« as committoed ta connecUon toBtJmoay in t})^ booU egi^.j^isaii^ Attorney Hutto--refofod to.teisttfT'J C the case -and-. McCoov01a d chargod on moUoa of ProaeqitU^Ai toraey H l^'_ ... . 2 SAIIHEB SPUD1fl0J)^H The Twin Falla « o o n ^ U «^ri^^ in* Jts own vrtw lt banner. Tleiarot'p6ti^tp!hii^.\nm ^^ • . Cftriaota'ls - tort ... » a a : MTB sp ft^ aftgnwiifo^ M lHBH uw

NO. 107 EIGHTH YEAR. TWIN FALLS^^TOIN FALLS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN.... v^bV. Vm. NO. 107 EIGHTH YEAR. TWIN FALLS^^TOIN FALLS COUNTY. IDAHO, FRJDAY,

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Page 1: NO. 107 EIGHTH YEAR. TWIN FALLS^^TOIN FALLS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN.... v^bV. Vm. NO. 107 EIGHTH YEAR. TWIN FALLS^^TOIN FALLS COUNTY. IDAHO, FRJDAY,



‘ ' a y That Chicago H an Is lii- iDforracd


L o b m ' MiikcH AKKcrUoDM Tliut Aro Nut B orne Out by Luud Uourd llccords.

Governor lloliiotj dqcii nol tnko klutl- 'iy to tho kind ot jmbllcUy i;lvuii iho a lato by ISdwnrd IJoUm of Chicago, in., through tho columna o t Uio Irrlgti- tion Apo, and lie has ovWently tlotcr- mlnod 10 huudio thui Konilomtu wlih* o u l cloven for eomo ot liiu olalomonU mode la rolnilon lo tho BIb Lost rlvor Carey ac t projoct In nn open Id le r AddrcBsed to Mr. Bohm. tlio Kovernor glvoa tho othor side of lho plcturo nnd ahow’8 tlio Kcntlcman uji In somowbat

0 tho coloru of a iniickrnkor. Tho gov- irnor'B le tio r followe:

■Wr. Edwnrd Bohtn, cnro lho Irr ig a ­tion Ago,> Chlcngo, III,—S ir; I t \a ovi- dont from your open lo ltor published Ju ' tho Irrigation A ro for Octobor, a»

^ well ac from -tho rafcronccs you ap- pond to your algnntury. tlm t you tit- tom pt lo qualify as ono bavlng export Icnowlodgo of Cnroy nci m nttors, bul I t ts Just 08 ovldenl lha t you oro on­tlre ly lacking lu falrnotta In your tronl- m ont of Uio queatlon which confronlB

— hnnr, ) nntl tbo noonlo of Ida-.' bo todny. Thla qucflUon cnnnot bo solved by booUeaa,dlacuaalon of wbat m ight havo been', or by ra iling n t tho «tato of Idaho' or Its offlclnla, p aat or p reaen t .

"Lot It bo admitted a t tho outaot tha t ficrlouB mistakos ivoro mado la tbo Iln astd n K 'tn d conaijQotloa-of porcQntogo of our Irrigation projocts. and th a t thoso mlstnkea havo boon ro; flponalblo fo r much Iobs and snfforlng to Individuals and for Uto nrroatcd do- volopmonl of our Irrigation ontor- prlscs. TTio accoiint you rIvo of your TOlatlons to tho Big Lost ^Ivor project la probably corrcct, o icopt your slato- m ont th a t tho land board announced th a t I t vo u ld bold flrat paynionts on th is trn c t In escrow. In this, you nro n o t bom o out by, tho gonUomcn to ■whom you refer, nor bV the land board Tccorda. Your otory dooa not differ m ntorlally from that of many othors, Ttor dooa it help tho proaont'eltutition, n o r bring us any nearer tho solution wo aro sookinB.

"NoUher will i t help n t th is tim o to floek to exeuao or paJllnto a d m itte d er­r o r s . n o r to condemn tho sh o r t- s lg h l- « d . Bolflah policy of tboso w ho Bought to m a k o p o lit ic a l capital out of a n u n ­f o r tu n a te bualncflfl s itu a tio n . EQ va))y gm vo mlaUikca may bo e x p ec ted in

\ a n y n o w entorprlBO, o p e ra te d under j u n t r i e d and p e rh a p a InB ufflclen t laws, I n d m ln la to ro d by Inox p o rlo n ccd ofU-

■ / \ c l a l s p io n e e r in g a now f ie ld . ■"Tbo g rea t quosilon now conjront-

Ins: UB Is how to procead «o as to carry these suspcpdcd projects to compio- tibn , nnd to ho substanUally jua t to all concom od. As you woll know, aclloD n o t only by ihe alato Innd board, but ■by tho leglslnlure has been rendered

' ImpOBBlblo by tho. llllgatlon In -whicli ■tho Dig Lost rivoj- project Is jnvolvcd, b u t o u t of th is legal'm azo wo hopo tc

^ o m o rg o in tbe near future*.'. Wo ore d h d a lly oxpecilng a declalon by tho fed' W o r a l circuit court o t apponla . whlcC

-vlll wo hope, definitely selUii' quoa- tlo n s of title so t^a t negoUaUcpelook- Joff to fu rtlie r construction' ^an be proceeded with. AcUng on tbo besi logal advlco obtalnoblo, wo havo re­fra in ed from InatliuUng suit to recov

.. .er. on tho boc^l pending tho decision oi f c ircu it court of appeala, b u t th(' ; P tPors have long since beon propare<

’ In tbo offlco of tbo attorney «enora and tho stn le but awaits tbo oxpectec decision boforo filing su it looking t( th o recovery of tho $175,000 bond.

"H io presen t land board has gon< deeply into altquostlons affecUng tbii and o ther ijrojects and ita memberi bavo mndo numerous personal inves tlgaUona for'\tbo purpose of acquaint In s themsolves wltl^ the facts In pro paraU oh for doflnlto action a t • tin otirlfost possible momont. . W c foe th a t wo bavo done ovorything tha could ha'^e boen don^ In tho nlni m onths wo have beon.in oftlco and wi oxpoct to worlc unromltUngly In thi tu to r* to bring obout a Just and saUs

•7 U c l6 ry AOlUllon otrfdaliu 's iutgaUoi .-problem*.

"W o need honest help, thougbtfu vuggoatlons and. »n8er;ucUvo advlec W e do n o t nood sarcasm, Innuondo o b itte r reflecU onsupon tho m istakes o o thers. ■ J ' .

“ II ^OQ aro In poslUooi .t& .give a any p a rt of what wa coed, wa shall h g lad to hoar furthor from 7 0a a t .an;

O timo. If your quallflcoUoni eaabi you to offer only w hat we do BOt need ‘ It Is perfocUy evident.dot..ozxlr tha we ean expoc^ no help .from 7 0 a, bu

. ' tb a t wo m ust eonUnue 'fn 6u r effort to brJiiff about a propor, «o]atJo& 0 our dlfflctilUea in aplto o f-y o u ao' o ther* whb are adepts a t doatructlor b u t m ere fiovlcei at'coastrucUQn."

,(Cc|jitlnued on pace 6.)

DOUBIE'TRAGEDY IN B O IS f '0 . E. W nrdell Slioots Brldo and E n d /

Ownlilfp, JA d o u b le IrnK ody—m u rd e r n ijJ^B ul-

cldo— w nn cn ac to d In ih ia cl^y n l 10' o’c lo c k 'T u e s d a y n l Uio lii te r i^ c i lo u o t th o a l lo y bo tw ccji S ta to / 'a n d W nsh- Jn ^ to n Htrouta, n n d T en tli, oiipoulto lh o I-'Iral M e th o d is t c liu rc 'i . 'w h eu G le n n 12. W a rd n e ll , a p ro m ln 'iu l youn;: r a n c h e r o f P a ln ic r B tallcn In th o Il . jc vn lley , lOiol u n d klJlGii h la w ltc ,-bc..> .ia i: iw o bu llo lB Ip.lo h o r . body fro m 11 :iK -cr"- b re rp '/o Jv c r a n d U)cn tu rn ln « i- •; w ea[jtin on hlmBOlf, liorcil n liolu t lt fo u g h bin h e a r t , cnuHliig _lnBtant »lentb .-_H lH w ife B urvlvcd h im b u l ix fow in ln u ic s a n d n e v e r p ila c d co n - HclouancHH. Slio died w lillo bcinK n iB hod to a huBitliiil. dcn th InkluK jiln cc w h ile Uie dcud b ody o t h e r hUBr b n n d w aa b e in g irn n n fu rrc il f ro m th e a m b u la n c e to lh o u n d e rin k ln g p a r lo ra o t S c h rc lb c r & S ld cn ta ilo u . M ra, U 'n rd e ll wnn A truck w ith w o 1/ii!Icih. th o f i r s t c o m in g from bohlriil. a lrlU ln g h e r In lh o n ock n n d H cvorlns b c r JUKU- In r v e in , fa ln l In Itnolf. a n d Uio accoiid Im au ln g th ro u g h tho g ro in . T em p o r­a ry Inen iiity la nsalBnod an Uie cnuHO.

T hc tragedy Is ono ot lho moal Blocking In tho bl/itory of Bolso. W nr- doll wnn biil 2Z yonrs of ngo. Hla girl wlfo. wna but 21- youra old. ^ i h were hold In high csloom. wldoV- known and. popular.

T hcro Io no ronson nsalRncd for tno crlm o th a t would Indlcalo It bnd boen promodlated. TJio young coupio had had no dlfforenccB bo ta r aa la known. Tboro had been no qunrrola, Tholr nonreat rolatlvoa nre n t a Iobb to un- doratand w hal could Jjave t'rom ptcd young 'W nrdcirto commit lo te rrib le a dood.—Capital Newa.

AIBION SyffERS fROM flRttn n r M in i Lusub IIJ. LHo -ln -F tw -f r U , day NlKht

Burloy—Tho town Of A)hlon iu ffo r- od a hoavy losB Friday night when tho Albion hotol, lho Pieraon Hvery flUi- blos and tho resldenccB of B. M. Snod­graaa, ohd-Joha, UridBsr.Ji'oro. dostcoys od by flro. Ono man, Archlo HowoU, a bacholor about 40 years old, loac hie Jlfo in the hotel and E. H. Scbockoy waa BorlbuBly burned whllo many, of th c resldenia o t lho town wore Injured In fighting tbo flro la ordor to 'aav o Uio courthouse and a numbor of o th ­e r buildings which woro threatened.

.T he flro atartod in tho hotel b u t no OQO knowH how and bad gaJnod a good headway beforo It waa dlscovorod. Howell nnd bla rcjram ato attom ptod to desccnd-'from tho aecond atory of tho hotol by tho stairw ay bul (ound paas- ago blocked by tbo flro. They ro tum - Qd to tholr room and one o t tbom ea< capcd through tbo wlndoWB, b u t H o­well wont down with the .floor before he cfould reach the Window. The. hotel w as d two-atory woodon s tructu re , tho tw o residences which burned stood no ar by and the livery stable was across a 00-foot atreet.

Tbo wind f ir s t carrlod tho flamoa l o . tho resldencV* and tbon changed tow ard tbo livery stable a s tho town w as onUroly w ithout wator fo r flro fighting. LltUo could be dono to chock it. The to tal loss ts eatlAiatcd a t '$20,- 000, w ith Ultlo Insurance.—Statesman.


Boandary' Between Orctton and Idaho> Shaken by T n u o n1 ^

T errito ry aloag Snake rJvor on tiic I boundary belween Oregon and Idahc> w as ahakea by a slight oarthquakc ‘ Tuesday, attornoon. I t waa> noticoablo a l Bnllard Landing, Land- ‘ oro, Idaho and Cuprum, Oro. Housoi • wore SllghUy shakon, but no damagt » waa reported. Word was. recolvc<l a ‘ liunU ngton In a mossago from Hal: ‘ Way, a sm all town 12 nilloa from ihi ‘ scono of the quake, but d irec t oom f m unlcatlon wIUi polnta whero thi I shock was fell has been cu t off foi t sovoral daya and dolaUa ara ' no 1 known. Abotit 30 yoars o r mpro ag< I a slight shock waa recorded ^ thii 1 socond and four yonrs ago ono wai . noticed along Snako rlvor moro seven

s tb an tlio prosont ono.—Nampa LoaderJ' __ — ■' ■

■RANCHERS EIGHT W IH KNIVE!: DelloTve S u Stabbed T w enty Tim e\ -I B o llo v w ^A t an all<nlght danco a „ Q annett, six miles, from Bellevue, a t ai . o s rly hour Saturday m oralng. D id ° W hite pubbed Elm or W illiam s, du r■ ing 'a dniBken ro w .. W illiam s w a

atabtiea <!U umOS, lUUUt uC Uiu wuundI being in th e abdopion and legs.

I 'b e wounded m an w u b ro u g b t'to 'i ^ pbyslcUa.JUid. l t .J r a a fo u n d 'th a t th f In teftlnes had protruded e ig h t 'Jn c b u

and ’I t waa neceaaary. to take oigh , aUtcUes'ln tho abdomen. I t is doubt■ fuV lf ho Uves. • , V-° .The sheriff leonred WUte; and he. 1 ^ now Jn custody. Both m en aro altigl r and ara rancher*. W ltnM sos.say tha f th e re y a a nothlhg to have.eauaed th 'j TOW.—Stateaiaan.

! <S,COO’to IDSI. 0 . s. ttcCallliUr. IS J Gem Are.. G et T p

' ' When the floett hone>baylBS ehuio - a years la open to you, yoa’ll g«t th

newt In tbe "Real Bstata r o r S«laI


P resid en t Wilson Taltes Hand in A ffair

; ; : ii)E n f o u a b m is s k in m a d e a sA HESULT.

Can Stay In ' tlu* Unltiid Staton UuUl liOrtiire T our Ih Cum-

New Yiirk, Oct. Mru. ICniinelino ■ i'uukliuru t lofc l-:iU« lulfuicl niid cnrHC

lo New York i IiIh .nftem oon,. A motor ; enr of Mra. 0 . 11. I‘. Uelniont, lho uut- ' trngo iuiulor, met' he r ul the pier nnd ' she waa driven lo Mrs. Belinoni’H ' home. Thu uinhiig(<muul of Mudlaon• Squnro Gnrdon nniioiiuccd ihu l In do- : forcHcQ to .Mr«. PfmkhHr«l’a deairo to

ge l u good i-uH(. llm niniju incellng aho ' WOH to have adilrcBHed loiilglil Imd ‘ been poHlpoiied llll Wudneadny night.

' W nahlngton, Ocl. "0.—Slrii. Kmme- I Uuo Pankhurat, m llllnu l Brltlah auf- ' friigotte. Ih truo to cn tor tho United ; .Slat£H. Tho lillla laland hoard's order

o f‘ Ooporlniion wna reveraed after I PrcBldent Wilaon had conterred on thc

caao w llh Secretary Wiluon nnd thc ' hearing hnd lioen concludcd before Ini- . m lgrntlon CommlBBlonor Camlnotit

S ecretary . WJIsoh aniiounccd n i th( conclusion of hla conforcnco with the prosldoni Ihnl Mre. Pankliural woiiK bo adm itted on hor own ^cogillznnci

w ,a L» h thn iinr1rrntntldfni» thnt aho woulc depart nl tho end of her leciuro cn- gagctments. No bonds woro exncied.

Sbrro tnry WDson docJnred th a t b< } and Uio prealdont had dlacuBsed Ui(- quosUon briefly. "Wo agreed," hi- and, " th a t Mra. Ponkhixrat bo admlltof s pn. h6r own rocoEiiiztuico. Tho-rcaaoi , Is th a t thoro Is n a tu ra lly an olomon t o f doiibl aa to w hether her acta consU / tutod .m oral tu rp itude o r woro poUU f col Irt charnctor." T ho declBlon by Un 1 prosldont and Sccrotary Wilaon wai0 referred to CoinmlsBionor CamlnetU- who laaued tho form er ordor o f ro

loaso.3 P resident W llBon's‘Intereat In thi1 cnso w as viewed w ith the g roa test sa t I. laractfon a t the hoodqunrtors of tbi a. N ational Womnn Suffrage leag\io am 0 by BUffragp supporters In congress- Today's bearing wns moro colorfu- than ycaterday's, AcUng 'Scc’y. Past• and Chlof Parker of tho law dlvlstoi- snt. w llh Cnmlnoltl, nnd nn a rray o0 atto rneys wna draw n up In batter:1 lino n t tho tablea. Tho atto rney fo 0 Mra. Pankhursl prcBontcd n long brio J contending that th e 'a c ts o f wbich Bh< s wna convicted In England wero pure!;

poltUcal otfensos and did n o l Involv' fl m oral turpitude.a Atlornoy O’Neal referred to Mre a P ankburst's pledge th a t she wouli 0 conduct herself In 'a lawful manno k whlJe in tho coimtry. Camlnottl aakoi ,- Is Bbe Intended to preach mllltnnc: I. whllo here.

"Emphaticolly no," said O'Nonl.- ^ Capitol Nows.

0 SOCCER fOOTBAU^ F irs t rraeU ce GumiT Flayed Snndu ^ . Afternoon a t Ball I 'a rk .

^ ' About twenty fans who are Interost f ed In soccer toot bnll m et a t the bal

4’a.rk la s t Sunday aflornoon of pracUco game. Will Macauloy an

;® H nrry Benoit acted ns cap tains o t th reapectlvo tcauiH, A ftor two porlod of' regulation length the scoro atoo tw o to two. Tbero Is no doubt bi Umt a good local team can be dove oped undor the coaching ot T. A. Hai

’• rlson. A inntchod game wUI bo playe Sundny nfiernoon commencing a t tw o ’clock betwccQ tbo local team as the Irigh school foot ball toam. I t I

*® hoped by those who are Intorostod I ® tho game tha t a matched game can I

arranged wllh some outAIdo team fc a week from n ex t Sunday.

^ NEW LAW FIRM>9 • • .

F o rte r 4 Smith Open Of/Iees la F ir » NaUonal Honk ButK lng. ' •

S J . W. Porter, otto of tho w ell know L. young attom eya of th is c ity and Hns

- P. Sm ith, a rocont graduate of U S MaUonal Unlvorsltv 06 W aahlngton. 1

0 ., aad a son or congrossam n Adfllst . . T. SmlUi,-of Uiia c ity ,-have formed

partnersh ip for th e pracUco o l U w : th is d ty . They have offlcca on ,.U

Jf aocond floor o f th e F lra t Naiiom I : B^p^c^ttlldl a i , . . \ j

?» P e p a i im e a t ' C ^ '. . . jt«oiB8 l A s t w ^ J t A n S ^ : ^ .

: A d e fe ^ v e f lu e '^ a u te d th e td v K w m ent to tnako a quick n m to th e ra u

bridge root&a yeaterday moTAlaf ai M It waa found th a t amoke w as comli E»e from the atUo. The fire w aa aoon p •" ou t w ith amall damage.


f o p e r G overnor lo s e s No Tim( in AnnounceDient


UIU Cnusc I'n itcd SUites Si-nntor la l CamiMilcn To StJirt Tlil Yi'ar. '*-

D ear S ir: I uhiiuld ilko lo nmko ui nnuounix'nicni through tho ooiimiii of your paper of my candidacy for Ui Uiiltcd S tatea uenuto. lu lho priniurlu of lOM. If 1 nm iiiiccuxHful In lh prlm arloa In liccomlng lhu caiulidale 0 lho' Uupiibllcnu party I promlHO t make n viggroim flglil for my ulectio to thc Ignited a tu tes senate.

I t was my good fortune to como t Idnlio Jual a l tliu end of my boyhoo daye. Thlrly-lw o yearH ago on lh aoih.dny ot Aiirll 1 became a rcoldea ot Kelchum . tlicn a m ining cnmp, 1: tho. Wood R iver counlry. I have ace Idaho g ro wt r at n a sjwraoly HottJc lo rrlto ry unlil todny It ’ran k s on o t tho gront BlntcH of ihe 'un lon . Prot tho firut Idalio hna been kind to ,m< nud I luve her- g rea t mounlulna an broad plaina, nnd I love her people, havo grown up w ith tbo Btalo nnd feol' th n t i nm a i>nrt of Ihis might commonwoalih. for In a public wuy have hnd much lo do w ilh ItB gcowt and dovolopniont. H aving aorved Ui pooplo twlco nB governor and In othe lumic offlcea, 1 KTIUW Un uuL-Us-nmm

condlUons alm ost aa w'oU aa tho bo know s iho old bomoRiead.

I canno t toll the people of Idalio I w ords how much I should appreclai th e g ron t honor of represen ting thei ^ . t h o .UtUto^Staiuui.saliato. J f 1. ai e lccted 1 can only promlso lo gh thom.aU there la In mo as a public so vant. F o r tho f irs t Umo tho peop will havo an 'opportun ity to chooi tho ir asna to r by a d irec t vote,-and ask tho' support df all tho good clt zons o f Idaho who (>ellevo mo qual fied to reproaent them in the Unite Slatea senate.

I have hoen a-Progreasivo In pollUi long before thore waa any divlalc In tho party o r any ta lk about a Pn grcaslVQ party. For yonrs I havo bcc f lg h U n g '/o r tho control of n» publ servlco corporations by the. people, nn my record aa a public officer nnd as prlvoto clUzon will boar mo oul In lh siatem onL

From boyhood I havo hnd somelhlr lo do w ith the pollUcal m achinery « thlo . s ta te . I have rcjtrcBcntcd n counly and-stnlo In utale nnd naiiom conventions. I have acted In the capi c lly o t county and stnlo chnlrm an f( my party . -I know th a t an tll a fc yoara ago politics tn Idnbo woi wholesome, clean and honest. 1 n BOrry to say th a t lha t.lB nol truo 1 Idaho today, In no s ta te -In tho unIc la thoro a moro deplo>‘ab lo ,conditlc politically than can bo' found In lh sla te . Boglonlnc w ith tbo Brndy nr O’NeU cam paign, many thlnga bai boon dono th a t aro a stench In the no tr i ls o f every m an who knows an th ing about the poliUcal condlUons ' Idaho. Kor th is I hold Mr. Brndy tno responsible th an any o ther indlvldui

I t la n o t strango th a t men of ordl; a ry inoana bestfate to en tor tbo poi tlca l arena* of Idaho on tbe Itepublict sldo of tho Iaauo. F or the flra t Umo find -myaclf bosiUiUng lo bocomo candidate, fo r I know th a t through tl ex travagan t use of money a condltii ex is ts iB tb ls sta to tim t makes it 01 barrasa lng for th e honest m an lo b como a candldato for so high an otfl aa th a t of Unltod S tales senator, my oxpondliuroB I shall koop wi w ithin, tho law . for i w ill not perju my soul for any office. I w ill not p th a t prlco. I am going to try to brh back d e a n s docont poIlUca wIthln'L Ropubllcan party . •

N or shall I chango my resldenco. I homo wUI alw ays be at. Gooding, cou ty o t Qoodlng. a ta to of Idaho, for I t Hove th a t I am big enough to repi sen t Idaho In tho United S tatos sonz and rosido a t Gooding. W bllo I w governor I know no no rth o r »ou

,* Idaho, a n d tho m an who knows a n o i th .o r south In th is s ta to Is n o t t enough to rep re sen t any pa rt of It

B tbo ■Onited'^Utoa aenate o r anywht h olM. * Idaho is a m ighty a tato WJ 0 w onderful resourcea In aijrlcuUni

h o rticu ltu re , m ining, tim ber and II

. aa woll as the north i baa all. theae 1 n sources. T rue the resources of t . n o r th In d in in g and t to b e r a ra lar( J th a a tliM e in th e aouUs, ye t no. pi

c an repreiie&t the n o n h e rn pfirt o t tl a ta te w ell ;w ithod t represenU ng t

• so u thern p a r t o f I t well« o r th e eoui 6m p a re - .V tb d n t. ' rep resen ting <n o rth ew -.p a rtj; ' ' * .

. I h * ? » -W n i;M * n n o r a « of my 11

, ’ haT«. hsA^MtaethtBg - t o ^ o w ith m ^ f a r I n .1dabo...but'm r. ^ r ta d p a l 0 0

iT a t lo a , '^ been th a t o r a te rm er;a A atockIMtL^ ' .S 'T l^ ^ g re a t m urder .tria le during :

CLUB WOMCN ACTIVE, VarlouH BepartmenLs uf 20Ui (Jentui

Club Taki‘ I p Work.

* A n uiiUHually f n te rc a tfn g i .ro g rn w na g iven m tlie T w e n ile il i C en tu e lu b . T lie flrrfl n u m b o r waH a aoi

J "A P e r fe c l D ay." l.y .Mni. K en iie l .. S he g ruclo iiiily reiipoaU ed lo a n e

Mru. C u rr ie H n rp e r W h ite d e l iv e r :i itiilcii'dW fKiilrcHH ■■AiiictJciW om on." Mrii, W iiU e huu a c h u rm li purKoniiUiy, a n d h e ld th u c loao u lle

. t to n o t h e r h e a r e r s th ro u g lim it. S h e ru e lt la a H iilendii! e x u m id e of t e ff ic ie n t AnierL<:an W oniau o f whe »!ifi'H |ioko HO c iite rta liiln K ly .. .Mr«, W l,Ife Du n hrwKJJy the

- w ere tw o I'laniieii o f w d iiien — tlie ef H d e n t am i Uie liie f fie le n l. S h e ual.l i ' e ftle le iil w onieii w e m r r e u i ly in t

iiiu jo riiy , a n d eoSiflnod iie r r e m a rk s ■ thlH cliiKH. S b e HiKike tif w om en u w lvua. m ollierH , li<niiiel<e<!|iern, leiie ,, LTji, w om en Jj) w ijhIi-, U ii.-niiiij'c , a „ a n d d ram a ... f t h aa hi!« • ;,! Ih u t m en a r e wli ^ their wiVi'H u. th e m . .Mrnl Wh ,f po iii.eil I .11 11.,- A n io rlo an worn

• a re wli'i.i ;u '- 1 -cntiae o t t„ Biiiemlid A iiie rlea ii : ;t.l - .id . ' H e giv

h e r c re ilJt fcv iiii<!..:;i .u lln ;; llie 1 (, iirobleiiiH ill w lilcli .. Ih InlereHti ,1 W om en Hlinuld lie ti - In I ait nio ltie c Sho ha» lh e r ig h t iir . • lege of icac , liiK c e r ta in th iu g a to I.e.- chfW rOti, .M n W hlto pu ld h ig h t r ib u te to the vi u a rm y of w om nn e m p lo y ed an le iiehe ,] 111 c lon ing Him Bald tlie w o m e n of I „ w en t a re n o t o n ly expected ' to

good w iveu, good in o lh e ra . goo d houi , koeperH, b m Uicy a ro .a l i io ex iiec ted ,1 he good cltlzfH S.1 MIhs Ve«ui ThonmB rendered a I uno nolo, "llnBan’u In thc Cold, Ci y Ground," very otfecilvoly audI ponded lo lui e n c o re .1, ■ CliU> women everywhero nro bcco ,c Ing vitally Interealed In leglslnUc jj. One of tho niont InternHtJng progrn

of thn year Ih nlaiined by tho logta ,y tlvo committco for Tueuday, r>loveinl

-I, a l the open m ccling. n Thc C u rren t l->cntu dopnrtmc JO Mni. Pncknrd. chairm an, m et Octol

IB. The tariff queaUon waa the si n, Ject for Ujo. aftornoon. - In two wci ,0 th is departm ent w in .tak e np tho si r . Joel of lho P anania cannl. lo Tho H istory nnd L ltoraturo dopj ,Q mont m ot w ith tho chairm an, M I Bradley, tak ing up lho utudy o t K

J. John.}. Tho Parllnm cntnry and Ctvlco ■d partm ont m ot-w llh ' Mrs. J . U Dau

P lans for civic ..work woro dlscuBS :a Much in te roa t waa nmnifcstcd tn i n protiosnl of ti sw im m ing pool.J. Tho Homo nnd IC«lucaUonal dopr [Jl moot m ot WodiicBday afternoon Ic fills week. Planu wore dlacusaed nl future acUvily.n Tho Musical departm en t will m

Ja Tuoeday afternoon, O ctobor-28, a t Masonic haJI. T ho .C urren t Eventfl partm ont will moot WodneB<]Ay aft noon, Octobor 29, a t th e Masonic li

,y dining room. Tho H iatory and LitII a ture dopartm oni w ill m eet Friday J. tornoon, Oclobor 31, w ith M rs. B r jr ley. Parllm eniary and C iv ics 'dep i

mont w ill m eet Mondny to m o o n . I -o Vombor 3, w ith M rs. Datibo. Gene m club meets n t tho Mnsonic hall In Tuesday. November A; Tl»o Househ m Economics departm ent m eets a t ,n Manonic ha ll din ing room Tuesday, 1 la vombor 11. C u rren t Evonta Dopt ,(] mont m eets io Maaonlc ha ll din ,0 room Wednoaday, Novomber/12. fl. CHAIRMAN PR ESS COMMITTI

L' SERIOUSLY INJURED BY HiL , . ______n* 'n-alden te fg h to d S trikes H ead on 1 »* of Wagob and Is Seriously Injurci vnI Walden l^ lg b to n , who Is tn tho 1 " ploye o t tbo Crozlor T ransfo r ci ® pnny, m ot w llh a serious accident W

nosday forenoon. Ho w as drivine tho nlley back of tho Tw in ^ i l a C cory & Morcantilo com pany whon o t tho whools o f ,m e w agon drop Into a hoio, th row ing him from high soat. In fa llln s h is hoad s tr tho hub of tho whool w ith groat fo He woa picked up by by-Btanders taken to hla room In a n unconscl condlUon, A docto r w aa quickly c cd and everyUiing Uiat w as poss was dono fo r the In juroa mon, bul

n - did n o t regain consctoUBncss u le- Thursday m orulng. A t tho prei

Ume he is gotUng along aa woU ito can be oxpectod.

I RUSSELL’S MINSTREL MAIDllo Lyrle TJieatre, Toeaday. October IUj P o r One N ight Oidy,

[ire At tho L yrle Uioatre fo r ono n ie» only. Tuesday. O ctober 28. wlU re- seen fl race' H iisa iir* iblllifj-wl ho This la said to be a clean , claaaya (er and is m ade up of 24 m ualcal n an her*. ThU c p a p a n y w ill .only b- itls Tw in F a lla fOit' one n ig h t. ..J ie - - ; ' • • • ---- ■ I ,11


!S l ' T he Tw in PWls.'.T^nnhi Aaipclih as eleoted-Ibis; followtnK o m e e nUte s«aaon o i m 4 ; P resid en t. 1

a a MacTlcar (r* ^ ec ta d l; . .ir te e .p » s l< ^ t n ^ B ^ llIs^ tre a su re r , O .'H ;,0ha

M creU ry, T* W. Brotuw gh. . .


;■ E astern Idali# Editors Acccpt ;; Inv itationg ______


l.’utc CU) .lournnllsts Prove laoni le Host.s tl. the 1‘lim cer S tale Or- lu ganlxutliin.

I- The pencil puHherri of Knaiern Itlaho 't. met. .Sumlay Jh I'oaiioIJo to r n brief

burtliie.ss Hcuulon. which waa greatly It enhinK-i,-i! by Uie courteiiy exloadea to to them by the Pocalcllo Commercial ill club lunl the new spaper boyo of tb a t i<! city coiineetcu with th e Tribune- and-

Chronicle. Thc meeting waa, in iho l'~ Jiolnt ot numberu. ono of Uic best held ll. In the pasl lliree. yeara. -P ap o rao n lho s. Cosi Syslein. Pnid In Advanco Sub-II- scription, Newspnpora and PoIUIcb, «. with an able ta lk on Good Ronds iiy- at CommlAsloiier Theo. T . Turner, Wore a. dlscuHHcd wlih much bonoflt by the 10 membera,10 a pari o t tho reg u la r moeUns tho c- phue ot holding lho nex t Bcaalon (tho to June; lyi-J, gnUiorlng) w as b^;ought up

.ujd «j)on invitation o t tba Tw in Falls ll- membera. Twin' F alls wait deslfeaated- Id na the lucky city. Aa tbo progron^ la B- outlined by lho mombcra o f tbo city*

visited, Twin Falla Is expected to nol n- only abow thu membora a good time, a- b u t also Rh'ow them lho advantages of ■)» tbla scctlon. In ro tu m ovory paper n- roDreacnted gives th is city a boosting or w rite-up Uml Will Uuiur m uuj uuatem

homes nol rcachod by the Twin Falla ^t, papors. In fact, tho to ta l clrcuIaUou or will run over 25,000. b- Pocatcllo a t the mooUng Sunday, did ka ^ u c h to coavlnco tb A o d lto rs o t t ^ r»=- vflat tjosSlbnnietf'Ot thc-BftcUtfn-coTo^^

ed by the club 'a s tho oxtonslvo plana rlv of th e Shorl Line fo r Uiat city wero rs. brought out. .With a payrtil] from the Dg earBhops ruim tng into thq thouaanda

ovocA- monlh, Pocatollo ia to a largo lo- e x t ^ t dependent upon th o railroad JO. fo r .Ita prosport.ty and tho welfare of 5d. th e city IdenUcal wlUi'.that of th e 'ra il- ho road, which has boon generous In

Ita policy toward th'o city. Poc«teBo rt> oa a dialrlbuUng point, w ith linos ran- of n tng In every dlrocUon, luia a a Im- o r menao traffic to caro fo r and ,ls'doing

mucb work to aid tho raUrbad l a car- !0 t Ing for .the Increase of buaiaeas.' This ho yoar work on a la rg e am ounl o t.p av - le- lo g was sta rted oad comp.letfed, giving ir- the streOla ,a m etrdpolitan air v o rth nil whllo. Not saUsfied w ith tb a t tb e clt- jr- izcns have voted to pav0 forty, moro if- blocks and all tho alleys is, t h e ’ htul- id- noss district. A fter a m o st • bitter rt- fig h t th e -d ty has b een a b le .to 'c ^ tro l Io- l u own w alorw ork»,situatlott a n d glVB •al i ts people pure w a te r from the inoun- on ta ins surrounding. In fac t, the d ty ia >Id beginning upon a a e ra o t improve- ho m oot th f t will b rin g m any new: iafe*- lo- to rs to tiBhusinesB circ los -and mans rt- new homeseokers. Aa Btated b^ore , ng Pocatollo Is Ideally altuated to make

tho best kind of a J o b b i^ c e n te r knd.lf IB. gradually becoming sUch. • -

Tbo S lv r t Line th e p a s t yeac s ^ 111 over a half m illion In Improremmti LL lo th a t city and wiU sh o rtly bogla th i

brecUon of a m lB lo n -d o lla ra ta tlo n .. ' -w A gllmpso of the -work go in s on It I tbo city . woa given Uie PfMS d o t '* throD gh 'tho courtesy o f ‘the: Antomo-

bllo club, w hich k ind ly fnm U bed e ip ®* fo r Uio trips to tho po in ts ot Iafere»t m - - - ■ - - . •

1 C H A R G f f l W t t i O l l W ;>od Tboa. VeConTlUe*a F re lim ln a rr Tri* tho • Being R eid ii P ro b a te .C ourt ,ic k - ----------- ' \’CO. Thomaa McConvlUo. .'Wbo &cted “id tho iapaclty of a detecU re Jor tb'

county laat ap rlng la getting «Ttdeae agalnat several booUeggera, i s havlni h is hearing In tb e p roba te c o u rt (o alleged perju ry .. T be 'w afrw xf w a sw orn to by P ra n k H u t ^ i

ont claim ed th a t , the a lleged .'perju ry 'w « a s committoed ta connecUon

toBtJmoay in t})^ b o o U e g i^ . j^ i s a i i^ Attorney H utto--refofod to .teisttfT 'J

C the case -and-. McCoov01a d chargod on moUoa of P ro a e q itU ^ A i

to raey H l ^ '_ . . . .


The T w in F a lla « o o n ^ U « ^ r i ^ ^ in * Jts ow n v r tw lt banner. T le ia ro t 'p 6 t i^ tp !h i i^ .\n m ^ ^

• . Cftriaota'ls

- t o r t

... » a a : MTBs p f t ^ aftgnw iifo^ M l H B H

u w

Page 2: NO. 107 EIGHTH YEAR. TWIN FALLS^^TOIN FALLS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN.... v^bV. Vm. NO. 107 EIGHTH YEAR. TWIN FALLS^^TOIN FALLS COUNTY. IDAHO, FRJDAY,

‘ . . ' . - TWIOE-A-WEEl T W IM .A l LB TIMEB ■ , , . ■ ' ' . ^ ~

jfalls tiinespQbUahcd Twlco a WeoV, TuoRdoya

-K id -P rtd a y s . Mn th o Oant-Holohau Ballding, Main S iru e t

W lhBVn S. H ILL Editor atid Publlalipr.

Membor of ISoutorn lOaUo Prorie Club.


Entorod an Sccond Claun M ntter aii u Son,t-»'««kiy, Oct. 18. I9I0.

Su»iscrl[)tIoii lUiica.Jo e yoar. In advaneo....................... IS.OOBIx m o n tb a .......................................... I.OO

. ' ^ TEL. 18.

Th* subscription boolta tba TIMES » r t opoa to . Uio InspocUon of nd ro r, U eeri.. •


Oa all of Voar T rln tcd MatU>r. It repreaeots - tiooil .WorkmuRKblp, Uo«« WasM ,.nnd,Good Coudltlona.

Several tlracB In. the paBl. th ree ycaru tho TIuiob han lulvocatcd thc placing of Kood HtronK arc llglita al cnch end of (iic O. S. I-. ileiiot in thl« city fo r thc iirotcctlon am r roiivcnlcncc

__ o t.tb o public. Au tho w inter montliaapproach the need for such llglitlnK lii prcBslnff. Under tlie {>rcsCTit Infido- fluatc Bystem it hi alm ost InipoBiilblo fo r str«nf:cr« to pick tljeJr iviiy lo l)>r Btrcot nnd Ju»t au hnrd fo r people of th is cUy TOootJiifr’frlcniJo nnil relntlve.^ on tho evening trnlnii lo Iduntlfy tliGin owing to the darknoHH. Tho Shorl Lino hna hail nil tlio arcct nnd mntcr- la l here fo r nearly iwo yearn fo r tliat purpofio and Hpoedy nction would cor- taln'ly be apiircclnicd hy the trnvelinK public.

A T im E A T TO OUTLAW A STIUKI':,There may "be "‘a hcud-<in colllaion

botween Governor Fobs and tliu N'uw Ilavcti etiKlnccm." la uaa n S{>r}»K' nplil..nfiniiliUr.nH nliriLHi!..iir iiiii' nf ijip

. tw o ntiiironching bodluii mny boc a dnoRor-Bignal and juit on the liralioH. o r £Vpn back Hp. Tbc eiij,'jncfr.H 'and firem en arc foimidcrlnK a Btrlkc lie- cnaflo of thc company’s new nilcn rc-

■ gard lng promotion and dlBcliilltfiS, and th c govcnior tjjrcalonu them ' w ith a Btato' law "to prohibit a ll utrlkoB of ra ilw ay omployceB.~ I'n th is the Muh- aachuaottB cxccutlvo la, In thc opinion

• e f papers ropreaented by tho Detroit Frco P rcsa, occupying ‘'wholly unton- .ablo ground." from which ho w ill hnvo to ro trpat. On tho p thcr hand, a mvni- ber of dalllCB would like to inform thc dIaaatlBfled cmploycca of-tho New H a­ven th a t they aro tho ones who wilt havo to back down from w bat tho New

'Y ork .T elegraph calls th e ir ■•Indcfenal- blo poaltlon.” Whatcvci; tho odtconio may be. thc govcrnor'a Idea of abolluh-

not a

stylesWe can suj

tofoot.Our children

—tryH:o-carry" arc things you can

. Just received a ship ments and ate well wb: the season and it issuit on sale at $17-51


Ing strlkC B by law In tc rc u tu lh o ed l- lorB, w h ile th u y a lso h a v e a w o rd to nay a b o u t th u u n io n 's InulB lenco upo n u "JiariJ find fa a t m i l o r i l y r u Ic " 'T o r p ro m o tio n ; A te w w eeks*nKo.'SD re a d - e rn o f c aB to rn iio w a p a p c rs w ill re c a ll , th u new iim iiaK om ea t o f th e N ew Y ork . N ow J la r ifo r d U vU roiid . “ fo rtilt; nolu puriiOHu o f . In crc iu iln g th e iia fc ty o f o i i r ue rv lcu ," Uiaiied new ru ltm r e g u la t in g th e a d v a n c e m e n t o f f irem e n a n d uiifilncdrH, j iu t t ln g m ore eniphiiKlH n p o n (ItnenB a n d 1i‘bh npon h o n lo rlty . ThiiHe n ile n . i-x i)lalned tie n - e rn l M a n a g e r Mardo. “ w il! n o t In te r - f<?ru w llh tlie s e n io r ity o f th e m en ex- c(i;it w h e re th e (pu-BtUmn of flinumt. a lilli ty , u n d p rev io n a tie rv lco n ro In ­volved, a n d Hinco th c a e re iiirlrc in c n tu can ho d e fin i te ly f ixed by th e ro co rd a n d H iirvlce o f th e m on Invo lved , th e re la no o p p o r tu n lly fo r fa v o r itis m a n d non o w il l l i e . p e rm i t te d . '' Y ei th e loadcrH a ^nong lh o m en a ro h a rd ly c o n ­v in ced u f th e t r n ih o f th is laB t Htaie* ;n o n t| J l i o now o r d e r , loo , tiuiier- ncilc« U io codo ftg rcod n p o n by th o r n llro a d a n d th e K ro th c rh o o d o f I>o- com o tlvo K iiglncerB , nniJ In th c ojiln - luii o f t h c adJuB in icn t c o m m ittee " l l w ou ld bo o n ly n s h o r t tlm o h e fo ro th e

, r u le s a n d w o rk in g condlilonH th a t h av e ta k o n y e a r s of h a rd w o rk to h u lld u p w o u ld bo d e s tro y e d n n d th e e n g i­n e e r s u n d f iren io n w o u ld b c In th c

, tvim o c o n d itio n th n t- th o y w cro in .bo­fo re th c o rg an b - iitlo n s w e re focm od ." H eneo th o Htrilce vo te now b e in g inkcn . I3ut C a v c r n o r 1'\»hh, f lrn ily _ co n v in ce d th a t p u b lic o p in io n w o u ld bii agalnH t th o se ra i lw a y w o rk o ra In th c e v e n t o f a s tr ik e , a n d d e te rm in e d fo do a l l in hiB p o w e r lo p re v e n t th e " |iu b llc c a l­a m ity " o f a »top]iago. on th c sy s te n i c o n n o c tln g .MaitfwrJiiisctffi, R h o d e Ih- l a n d , a n d C o n n e o ilc u t w ith o n e a n o th ­e r a n d iv lth N i’W Y ork , iii 'n l an em ))hn- l lc a l ly 'w orded l e t te r to th e hen d fiu a r- te r s o f th e tw o HnJons c o n rc rn e d , from w h ic h w e n iio le th e so s ig n i f ic a n t se n l- encou:

"A s t r i k e u pon th c N ew H av e n I'ys- ti'W in m u in , liur id o p p lj ig 'o f th o wheolB of In d u s try , lo s s of e m p lo y m e n t to hiiiid redB o f th o u sa n d s o f lnlroronr,“ln - torffT rence w llll th e r e g u la r uupiily o t food a n d fu e l, and a conHOi)uent h igh d e a t l i -n i ie a m o n g InvalldB a n d in fan lii. As g o v e rn o r o f th e ,com m onw ea lth ,^ 1 am b o u n d to tako s u c h a c llo n ns I Clin to p r i'v o n l HUch a im lillc calam ity.^

"T h e ro a l Ihbup Ib n o t b o tw een th e ’ n iil ro a (l_ ,n n d Ijs eniiiloycnK , h u t h t - iw cen th e om p lo y ces n n d th e p eo ide o t th ill c o in m o n w c a lili : a n il th e qucBtloii is w h e th e r th e liv e s of th o peoi)l-> s h a ll b e p lacod In Jo opn rdy by tho in a ln tc n a n o o of th c s e i ilo r liy ru )o . and W holhor. in o r d e r lo c n fo rc e tnh') ''uli-. o u r p e o p le m iis t 's 'u l in i l t to llio cvIIb In c id e n t to a .ra il ro a d B lrlke .

• 'I t tb c B lrlke Is c n lled I sh iill nak th o to u n c ll to Jo in m e In uum nioninK a sp c c la l BCHslon of lh o leglB lai.iire fo r th o puriiOBO of e n a c l ln g law i; w h ld i, a ftc n p ro v id in g e ffo cllv e rem c d l'’s fo r a ll g r le v a n c e s 'o f e m p lo y ee s , nhiili ali- ao lu le ly p ro h ib it s tr lk c B o f r a ll ro n d o iien illvcB c in iiloyed w ith in th e com ­m o n w e a lth ." •

In t h i s - " c l e a r n o te ," sn y s th c N ew Y ork E v c i iin g P o s t, " G o v e rn o r Foiis h a s no a ffc c tc d l h e ‘S itu a t io n n s to

■ V . ,

The reaso: ^ sell you

at prices For c a sh and s< Lbove our businc the best mercl is why we can

e are showing 5 and also the C)ply you with €

’s department I OIIrplete i^e^-fc daintily clothe I

ment of Misses’ suits, si: rth the original price c our plan not to carry gc

Yours for q|iick sah

A R T & i

b re a k tb c b n c kbono of tho s ir lk o move- m e n l." Other p a p o ra n ro in u o li- l i 'tid a an g u ln o , th o n e h there n re manlfOBtn- tJona of a p p ro v a l f ro n i 'n iu n y w ho havr h ith erto -seen - Icbb to pm lB O -th n n ’tr c e n s iiro In tlio g o v o ru o r’s p u b lic a c ts ThcBO B u p p o rto rs la k o a - s t a n d In tlil'- (b re o -a ld e d r o n ir o v e r s y , a m o n g g o v e r­n o r , cm ployeoB , nnd r a i l ro a d miin- agorA, w h ic h Ib o n illn c d lei th la p a ra -

' g ra p h fro m th e Now Y o rk Globe's lo r iii l p a g e :

" I t is n inn lfon t lh n t u t a llm c w hoii Iho im b llc In aroiiBud ovo r th c la rg e

• noiuher of iircvcnt.ablo railw ay wrocks■ lalk ot strikea to rcBlBt nioasures for . aimiiring safety will not be tolerated.

The rlnh t of thn nien.to 'organlzc to bo- 1 cure fnlr wagOB atid prolcotlon ngalnntI capricious oxorclac ot doHpotlc .jiowor

111 donlc'd by no one.' T heir righ t to put the ir personal In tcresl above tho safety of humnn life la denied b /

• evory one. If th e m a n n g u tn o n t.o t r a ll - wayn is to hc held nccounlablc, aa it pliould bo held, tor lhc tnuslinum sa fe - ty poBsllde. I t ’muut bo f re e to em p lo y In p iis so n g er s e rv ic e n o n e but m e n of w hoao e n t i r e fltnosB fo nssumc g rnvo rcsponB lb lliiy I t has ample p ro o f. This Is th e eu scnco of m n n -c f tlc le n cy high­e r up." ' • •• .

Governor Fohb'- th rea t "la radical," adm llB thc W ashlnglon. PoBt, ’'bu t pos­sibly It Is thc p n ly thing thu t auggests Itself In a aituailon which thrcrttons tho hoalih and com fort a s well ns tho commerchtl iirosperlty of hta atutc.1! The Htrlko ijiji;ficSWon. according to lh o Provldonce (Ft. 1.) Journal, really means ”111111 the whole eomnitinJO’ shnll he Bucrlflccd to the domination o t ll Blnglo_ class," and "It there uro no lawH 10 m eet Buch an Intolerable c-ofulUlon, then «eiv lawa inuol be pnuued." Now laws, but w hat new laws? Tho Wnll S treet Journnl, which prahioB Oovernor Fosa for U klng the aland ho iJoea, doubts w huihcr nny leglBlainrc can cnact a law. which, as the governor pula It, "slinll nbaolulely prohibit s trikes of rallrond operatives employed wlUiln the commonwcallh." Yet puriraps ih la 'can be nttalncd In n lea direct way.s Ab th is financial daily obsorvcB:

"There In no doiiht th a l tho loglBlo- turo ot any H tate enn ap)ily th e princi­p le s ot tho Shorman Law to labor- unlouB. It can, for iiiBtanco, m ake tlie ■ taking of a s trike baljot, o r an order friiiii union liundniinrlers lo tho picn lo ho ld thciiiBolvcH In readlneas to walk out. o r the final o rder lo 'coasc work, evidi^nce of n conspiracy In rea- trn ln st of irado., “ l-:ven w llh o u l g o i n g , s u c h le n g th s ,

lh o le g h d a tu rc cou ld h n n d le the alt- unilon aa It exluta on lhe Now Haven v e ry effectively. I t would have only to p n ss a law conipclllng r a ll ro n d cor- porntlons to s o lo c i cnKlneers. nnd con-

, tluciors lii- the o r d e r of the ir fltnosH a n d tr a in in g fo r tho rcBponfllbilltlCH

, Imposed u p o n th e m , p ro v id in g n Jail s o n te n co fo r nny cm p lo y co o r g ro u p of cni!»Joyeos w ho should •a l lc m ii t lo in te r fe re w ith th e r a t io n a l nnd dllll*- g o n t efforts o f rallrond c o rp o ra t io n s *to p ro tc c t th o IlvoB of paBBcngors nnd

■ men."i An<l The JournuKQf Commerce, tnk-II Ing Ull .Governor Fohi^s siiKgestlon

n why we can over-garments is this: We

ell for c a sh . ( ess. We buy tiandise for th« sell for little pri : the ever-preA) laprious new m<everything you i

is a growing pi w^Ji^ittlirfdft them with.

C I A Lzes 13, 15, and 17, 1 of $ 2 0 and $25 , but as oods over, we sacrifice p es and small profits,


l|12 .50Suitsf J



« S t y l (

_______£101Means absoli

\money, E

Boys’ ai■

Union Suits Frq

95c to $5-0


t h a t th o M oBB achusclta I c g ls la tu n H hould m om o rla llz o congrcsB n n d urgi ijpoH i t th o c n n cU n cn t o f u u c h Icgls la t lo n a s m ny bo n e ed e d f o r th o p ro v e n llo n of a tr lk c a -n tfc 'e tln g ln te r-a tat< c o m m erc c , c 'om m eoia a s fo llo w a :

" T tic re niKflt Do kokic log lfllallo j w h ic h s h a ll p la c c ra ll ro n d cn ip loycei o n a p a r w ith th o ra i l ro a d em ploy e r s In c o n d u c tin g th o b u s ln o a a o IrnnH porlfltlon s o f a r iih th c t e rm s om c o n d ltlo n a o t e m p lo y m e n t n ro co n co rn

• l a s ' ‘- 'M

3ur expense is wrhere we can i least money, ces.ailing sensible tdels.leed from head

oposition. We

hese are beautiful gar- they. came to us late irt

ur profits and place this

:y :

, $ 1 5 a i and Ovept the Best Ma lues in-All Ame

utely the best last, North, Soul

id Children’s Si ^ 2.45 to

m wool $1.25yhirt8 and drawers \

0 . . . . . 95c

e P r ice Clotli

3 cd. Thla would moan th n t another d< 9 c lntatlon’ of Inw undcrCtho prlnclph • of th a ' fudcral govom m ent should I - made— a declnrutlon th a t a ll wagi 3 pald,.nu well na chargea for nny se

vlcca ’rendered In tho trnnaportntlc J of property, pnHScngors, etc., shnll 1 3 ronsonablo and Ju a t A doclaratlon < . this ehnracter would give tho rallroi [ employees tho atnliis o t quael-publ ] scrvantB, nnd It Is obviously In th . direction thn t nny auch legislation i

Govornor I-'oas hnB In hlu mind mu tnko Bhnpc.“—L iterary DlgcsL ’


XO. ]»—THK MEN’I ^ E l’FiiCT OF S A Y t ^

"Saving dcpoalta in a bnnk nrollko an anchor to a sh ip—needful

• In cnlm, vlial In a storin ,"—J. ' P lorpont Morgrtn.

W ithout conlcnltnent nnd an 'oa mind uo .man can bu really happy

" Hm;i'tibafu1-ln hls wor lc r and-liT th la fn lies tho psychology o t . saving.• I t tnenna Jusl th is—besldca tho n tuni am ount of money you nccumuln by uystuniatic saving ,',you get vc valuable mental cffcctB.

Tho mind has a g rea t Influonco ov •the body. Saving m akes you thli auccoss thougbts. I t creates In you dcsldc to get abend, nnd dosiro la t first stop townrd nttnlnm cnt.

Saving frees you from w orry nbo the present, nnd from nnxloty for t future.

Therefore, tho psychological efft ot anvlng la thn t you nre enabled give your wholo nttentlon nnd bcBt i fo rts to your work.’ In Bhort, when you aavo rcgulni you cnn do be lte r work nnd m ore ot and thus you will be happier both ni nnd in the future.

There Js a suro and 'simple wny provide, for a coinfrfrtnhlo old ago. conulBlu of making tho m ost of tho i tlvo yoaro of your life, n o t only

”” c.nnriiiR-moiier, but a lsu 'l i i snrtfiff-A savings bnnk nccount w ill mi

you . save. Open ond new nnd p pnro for your com fort In th a t futi tfmo when falling Atrength and d sonlng Incomo will nmko money ai cd nnd working for you a g rea t ble Ing Indeed. . t

I t anj» young man s ta rtin g dut llfo will mnko np h is mind to at twenly per cont o f .h i s Income, t Btlck to ih js dolerm lnatlon ih ro i (hk-k nnd thlo, ho w ill haro enough retire on In hla o ld 'ogo Jusl from cum ulated savlnga nnd IntoroHt, wl: JudlcloiiB InTcstmonta. front tlmo Ilmo would put him In roaJIy cmnfc nblo clrcumalnncbs.

If you; w ant real .p lennure, llvo

ercoatskes and rica


Ilothcrgrftjtakealuies for the h or West I

lits From5

' ' $1.25 golf dress shirts, latest fall designs, Satur* day only . . 8 6 o

IVUBER^iers "■ ■ — ■ p — I- more , than Uio' present,-ood If you do « thnt, ono of th o moat Im portant p a r ts e of your llfo p lan will bo to aavo f ro m B your present Incomo lo,provldo a fu n d '- for your iiceUa a t th a t futuro Umo a when you w ill ccnao fomunorntlvo- e work—either from cholco or ncccBalty.'f - (1 • c • •8 I ARTESIAN C IT J. •

'.I Arteainn City, Ida., Oct. 20, 1913,Mr. and J lr s . Don W adawortb haVO'

moved, from M urtaugh out upon th o *l Udcn plnco, •which tbcy havo leased

tor tho coiiilrig yenr.Tho school fa ir a t Klmborly wna w ell

nttcnded. O ur achool w aa Ibcro w ith Mjaa McShca, our tcnchor. Wo le n m thut Jllsa Hlawnthn G ardncr rccolvod -n prlio for sowing, Alao that W a lte r

• Dny received flra t for b est com ra lao d by pupil. •,

M rs..W , G, lloyes returned W cdocar y day from n t r ip to Ogdon nnd L ym an.

Who., whoro she went to have h e r e y e s trentod.

rt- —^fhp-iiinim u i n fl'nira- LtvTiBtooi r c oin-pnny drovo a flno bunch ot ahoop through berc FYlday on thel’r w ay to ­w ards Klmborly, whero they w ill feed

■° for tbo w inter.■y Mrs. M. Tu Eden mado a trip to T w ltt

Fnlls Friday.,j. Sir. AfRstors nnd a compnny from ■ Klmborly, motored up to A rlesian C ity

Sundny. \ Mr. Maators lu looking fo r a land. aniU ve hnvo Just tho very best.10 R. J. Eny, also George Flolda and

Cap Dny, « r c BhJpplng onions th /s wcok. They hnvo a ll tho nvallnblo- boya nnd mon working aa well aa n il

10 tho loose team s. ••

J., A ropoMon of your wani da In oftety wlae—when Ifa Im portant lo And th e moal d ea ln b le ton&nt.


Unsightly— malted—colorlMB—acraggy to ta i r made— fla ffy ^so /t— abuiidant antf I t radiant with Ufc-otoncc. U ae.PorisIaa p. Sape. I t comes in 50c. bottles.. The f in t applicntion removes dandruff,

stops itchins acalp. cleanses th e hair» Takei away Hie d^/ritS3 flwl brinlwreBBr increases th e beauty o f thc hair, makinff

e- It wavy nnd lustrous. - • rc Evco^ons needs Parisian Sage. .B- SkcoJj.lVJJej-; D rag Co.V- ,. ■ ------'8-

Apples WantedJonathans, Rome Beauty. PcarmaiD W in e m p ,Q a n o

and Ben Diftis

C. A. SAW MIEw I’ncklne- House S*cbndRiTenao rl- vcx t to A ra a t B oase.

Twin Falls. IdcBoor n ' .........

Page 3: NO. 107 EIGHTH YEAR. TWIN FALLS^^TOIN FALLS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN.... v^bV. Vm. NO. 107 EIGHTH YEAR. TWIN FALLS^^TOIN FALLS COUNTY. IDAHO, FRJDAY,

' . THE TVnOE;A-WEEK TWIN g A U .S T n n a ' ‘ . • , __

t .

T he N e w Pota'tb

- 'Will (Jlu your polatoos aod w p o ra t bnllt ot licnvy channel stool, Btrons

' In atlll BCC them bcforo buying.

■ I Bcltcntlorf STEEL GIvAU wagnlni; wuson on thn innrlMsL Axleo

'• wngOQ. ■

E v o ry th liig In Im iilon icn tu , h n n tontB.

-Rough ook. bickory and aoh lu

c . 6 T 1Twin Fal

Twin FallsU P - T O

Specials for Satu& Watermdons, perpouW T cM cdboI.

Fancy oranges, per dc Fancy lemons, per dc

, Fancy bananas, per iFancy pears, per box Fancy Eating apples,, Fancy grapes, per era Fancy California grap

Fine Candle, SofF weet

PAPPAS B 123 South St

P h o n

O p e n f r o m 7 :0 0 a . i

. I p i a ;And Musical

A t Bed R<lIoTtDS tbe AdTaofiigM of p e n

'h IUi tbo Tw in Foils public, cIom li Mil for lo n c s t prlcos. and easiest

, thns gni»rantco e te ty purchaso m uiiioU iird 'D iiA ts:— —-----------------------•

- T w in Falls ]® O . E . C a r l s o


(From tbo buhl Horald.)Mr, ond Mrs. Wm. Cunningham and

Mra. C. V. BlggB woro Twin FallB vIbI- torfl Saturday. • • .

Shorlft H. C. VanauBdoln w as In tbo city yestorday on official buslncM.

0 . IL Wblto w ill loavo tb ls w<rolc for llllno |» ito spond tho wJntor.

Tbo Rev. F tilhor Haha. will conduct sorvlcos In 'th o Cotbollc church next

0 . M tOrasf T '! ,™■ <lay from J lanaon. ^<bflro abo bad boon

.s to r o , a p e n t S u n d a y V lBltlng n o r bis-

‘°M r° a n d 'S i . V . H . H arvor ontor- ta lw ihed « tow trioiuH a t c a r ta F rl-

■ Noblo'. ttiollior W t F ri- day for Nebraska, wbero she. will

p f Johnaon w rite? th a t tb w • havo decided to locatc In JocUsonvllto.

> ' ^ M r and 'Mrs. M. C. W aro and chil­d ren ot Tw in Polls, Bpent tbo week- end In the M arphy bomo. - _ _ „

Mmi X H N ihart • and M rs. P . C. Moredith ontortalned tbe Episcopal o " i a a t S i . bomo o r tho la tto r jo .-

. ‘" S i r u r s n o e o r l r lo ft ro r Jdabo

I ^


' I1

AmericanD iggerQ tho potatoca from thc vinca. Itt enough to stand tho work. Como

ons. Longcot-llvod. llglitost run* guaran teed for tho llfo ot tbo ' '

1080, fencing, wngon covcrB and

mber. ,^___________ i

M L E I G SIs, Idaho


Fruit Store- D A T E

rday and Sundayind..................Iorc b u y in g

i z e n ...............60oB e n .................d o z e n , 30 a n d 36o , $2 .0 0 a n d $2.60 p e r b o x , $1 , $1.25ite.................. :7Bees, two pounds, 266D r i ^ s , H a r d l i n S ' GiderM O T H E R S

loshone Street,e 144 '

]Q. u n t i l 11 :0 0 p . m .

N O S ■ . 1

IcfsTitiments ack Pricesa a a c a t loM tton, lotifr seqanlotADee lo jlo g for ctisb, enables tb ls firm t« term s. We a re bero to stay and ade ot os. Sec o n r priccs and

Music H ousen , P r o p r i e t o r

Palla Sunday to attond a toachTre’ In- B tltu to . Sho w in teacb noar th a t city.

Mrs. r . LeValley re turned tbe first of tbo weok from Dotroit, whoro aho w as callod to attend her fa tbor’a fun­eral.

Mrs. D. E . R egan of Twin Palla, a t­tended thc rocoptlon glvon < by tho Tuoaday club Tuoaday afternoon.

Mra. FYancla Shafer o t Robinson, in ., arrivod In tbc city on SaluTaay to apond tbo w in tor wllh ho r daughter, Mra. E.-A, ?oarco.

Tbo M. E. Ladioa Aid Society will m eo fin tbo churcb on Thursday, Octo­bor 23, tho new officers oatortalnlng. A <^o (]Ial IncJtutlon Is extended to alf.

Mra. F. 8.' M arshall en terta ined the Motbodlst Ladlos* . Aid la s t Thursday aftornoon. Tho Aid will m eet in. the

weok.Miss L illian P i t t returned on Mon­

day from Sale Lako, wbero abo bad boen fo r th e post four' m onths wJth h e r alstor. Mrs. Cbaa. M errick.' Al persona InteroBted a re cordially Invited to m oet a t the homo of Mrs. A. R. -Ktmball ovory Sunday m orning a t 11 o’clock fo r tbo read ing of the C hristian Science lesson.

C a p t U a u a rd has moved to towb from C lear "Lako, and w ill occupy tbe Goodman property, on Ninth avenne: Win. H azzard ' w ill occupy the ranch bouse In th e canyon.

Mrs. P. 8 . MarBhair# sla ter and Mr. and* Mrs. Odell, who bav^ beon v isit­ing a t tho M a ^ h a ll homo for aevoral


wooKB, le it TuoBuny ro r 'tiJe ir uonic m ho caat. Thoy stop otf In S a lt Lnlco or a 'sh o r t visit;

Mra. E. E. BurnH of Scribnor. Ne- braakn, arrivod In HtiUl Saturdny for nnM tttcndcil vlall w ith her daiightor, Mra.-Cf B. Engleaby. Mrn. U lirna cx- pccto'd to find a wlldcnicflH, more or

mid l«' grooily BurprlBUd n t tbe dcvclo'pmonC.......


On and after tbo f irs t day o t Octo­bor, I will not be roBponulblo for nny doblB contracted by my wlfo, Ethel McOrogor; E. K. AfcOnEQOn,

When tbe bouae you ovsb*. to bo llv* ing. la now la vacated unezpecti»dly. and Ib to r rent, y o u ll g o t,th e uow* tbrougb tho clasaiflod columns.

rciassified' ||*" I Advertlsemeiits E l l t

lOo h r Iina idrance

___________ F OM . SALE _________

J^ N D FOR SALE—KASY TERMS— 2—80 ncrea of Twin Falla Soulh Side tract. Will givo pnrty wbo w ill l:n- provb land opportunity lo puy for aaine out of croj»». Iniprovoutont - of land wunteU moro Diun ^jnonoy. Ad- droaajP. 0 . lU>x 1G5, Twin FuIIh. Idaho.

. O ct ai-:;4-28-3i pd

THOUOUGHUUED EW ES TOIl SALB —Wc offer for oalo 100 head of ihof- ougbbrcd Shropuhlre cwch, ull ulrud by Jniportod rnmo. Thcsu nrc tbo bcHt bred owcis In the weat, hnving cotno trom A. J. ICnollina' celobrn’iuil herd of tbocouKbbred Shropahlrua. Wo pt- fcr Uila Biijull num ber for ealo, owJnf; to tbo fact thnt ou r Inmbing ahcila nre over-crowilecl. WIH boII In lota lo ault inirchnaer. Uliilno ft.Lovorlch, George­town, Iciotio, breeders nnd dcnlorH in thoroughbred ahcoii. Oct 21-2-1-28-31

170U SALE—A flrBl-clnua utock and- dto. ■•ll." c«ro Times. Oct

FO il' SALB—A few cowa nnd holf- ors, mliod, on tbc K J. OroHBmnn ranch, Ht mile woat of Twin Falla, B. L. Mlcklo. Oct. 17-21-24 pd

FOR SALlj—Good coni hcuter, 4C0 2nd Avc. North. . Oct 21-24 pd

FOR SALK—C>room modern houae, cloHO to Lincoln achool. Flno luwn, two lota, good bnrn. ahnde trees , etc. Wlll-Hcll complotoiy o r pnrlla lly furn-. lahed n t Hucrlflco prlco 'to quick buyor. Con glvo torma on part. L. A. Duraon. Main Avc. and 7 th St. North. Oct 21 It

FOR SALB-^&OO hond of good abeop. Will BolI In lo ts to an it jm rchnsor. H. A. Shulaon, Jerom e. R. II. No. 2. Box 20. '________ Oet 14-17-21-ii pd

r o n SALE—^Toam o t driving horaoa. 8ee K. A. Moon._____________ Oot 7 tf

FOR SALE—M odern, e lectric hea t­ed five-room furnlahod house at. bar-. gain. L.' C. Fnulkner. Oct. 3-24 pd

■ FQR 8A L& -X w .o.ej5ctrlc tSroe K. W. > i..T :aro of Tlmca.

________________________ Sopt 30 tf

FOR-SALEJ—108 ac re s one and ono- half mllea woat of Tw in F alls. P lenty of pasturo and v o te r for flra t clasa dairy farm. .All -In alfalfa, eroBBOa aad clovor. If ronlod w ill glvo pos­session this fall ajid allow a lfalfa to bo plowed u p . ' W ill aell tb lrd cu tting of bay. machinery and atock to rontor If doslrcd. Thla Is ono of the best arranged farm s for Irriga ting on the tract, ox^ rlen co s o t nocessary. Ooo. W. Rico. . ._____________Sopt 23 tf

FOR SALG—Varnoy'B Soda Foun- tala. Inqolro a t sto re. A pr 1 ti

POR SALE—E x tra flno 18-acre trac near Twin Fa lla ; oIbo woll Impcovod 40 noar city, a t a bargain . WIU con­sider well located c ity property. T. V. Jordan, Twin FallB. P. 0 . Box S4.

Oct 21 tf

_________ WAJfTO}_____________

"WANTED—A housokoepijr. Coll 2i2-J or oddress L., T im es ottice.

•________ Qet 17 a

HAIiF 8SCTI0N WANTED-! hate cash cagtomor for 100 to SSO.acro Im* proved raaeh.^ fifost b« SNAP. Fn>. ?>raMV tn hflT. Inr irofld and practical. iT'DO atone: Givo location ana descnp- tio:^nr<l. }ett«>.- £ . B. lUpIer, Flier, Idaho..______________Oct 1T-21-24-.28

WANTED — Gontlomon room ers: furnaco h e a t InQuIto “M,” care ol Times._____________________ Sept 8 U

TO TRADE. ~FOR ’ TRADE—Elffbt-room bouse,

woll locatod, fo r land. E. Ai Moon. 402 2nd ATO. W o st . • S ept 9 U

FOR TRADEJ—Two flae O maha rosl- [ donco lots for Salm on, land . C. E. ; Llnd.____________________ Oct 14-17-21

FOR TRADE;—Good auto fo r resi­den t lo t 312 ^ u t h Main avenue.

Oct 14 tl


’ FOR RENT—Room, w ith board,■ cloao In. Phone 217. Oct 20-24 pd

1 FOR RENT—18-room f l a t unfum - • Ished. R ent reasonable. Mra. Qaut. . Phone 63 .black._______ ' . Oct 10 t |

I FOR RENT—Five-room bouse, well ' located, E .*A , Moon, phono 894-Blk.' ____ • Oct

FOR RENT—F u m lsb ed rooms. ■«(!. 2nd Ave. N orth._____________ Oct 21 tt

' ,POH RENT—Two n lco lr tnm lsho l ' rooms w ith e lec tric h e a t -<60 2nd Ave. ' ^ P f tb . • - Oct 21-24 p j

■ 80 ACRES. TO RENT—80 acres lo : alfalfa, SK m llea soutbeaat o f Jorome. I H oota and b a rs , team and Im plem enta ' F o r to rm s addresa Mra. B. C. Stowart, 1 Jorome, Id a , C are of N orth Side Inn 1 ■ • O c t gl-24-28-81

I l a c E i t i r a o D B •

liOST—D u st'co v e r fo r automobile■ top. F inder p lease-leave .a t ' Tlmoi I office. . ' ’ Sept 30 tl

PBOIKIION fOR GfRHANS-’rcsiaen t IVIlHon Demunds Tlioir Pro-

tcctldn In Jjlcxlco.

W nahiiiK ton, O c t 21.—WltIioul.;>-_nlt- n j; fo r tln! G o rm an K ovcriiiim ut' lo

n b o iil iiH 4H HUbJcjclH, hIuO Io.;1)C) on ilh ly ilc tu ltied In T o rro o n by Gon- iru l V ilin , Die U n iic d 'S tu u m , th ro u g h vhnrgo 0'Sl)aii(;h>ie»iiy. I>»» ninilu rep* a 'scn latloH H to th e l lu tT ta K ovcru- llu n l, H untilcm ontlng tbonu tiiiido by Cm poror WlUlsun'H ruijrcH ontntivo, who de itu indud p ro tec tio n fo r tbo prl- Jonora. CojiHnJflr Aw cnl C aro tbcrw a t r o f r e o n w a» likcvvlae iuH trnck 'd to Lrcnt w ith V illa In liohnlf o t tlio G er­m an, llrltiiilv/ F re n c h nnd S iian jsh huI)- lec js flolnJjiod w flor lho curnvuii o f jom e 300 A inoriciinB do p u rted ov(;rlaHd for M on te rey . I t Ih rep o r te d V illu i« hplilln i; IhoHt! prlHOiuirH lo iirovun t n (oderal a ttac k .:—C n p ltn l Nowa.

LETTER J O ROBEUT.SOX & JANKS, T n ln Fnlls, Idnho.

D ear S i ra : Portcrbo iiB o , so m u c h ; noi'k , HO m u c h ; a ll tlie w ny be tw een .

J u u t HO w ltb jin ln t. Duvoe la tlie porterliouB c. N obody w an ta th c n e ck ; tho bo tw een , aom e Hay, lu good eiiougli to r ihoiii.

U ul Dovoe'coHtH^fiu)^ n o t m o re , th a n be tw een . Lead-iiTTTT-oll Ih b e tw o eii; It iu th e ol(l-fuiihluito(l im inl. D ut zinc haH com c In .l /,in c toughenH w h itu load. D tv o c ia th e p n iu t H int wourH tw lco n« lo n g au lu iid-niul-on.

M r Jo lm N D olte l, F a ir l lu v e n , N Y. w rl lc s ; •

".Mr. Cbarlon ilulleiibcck. ot tlilH jtlace, jmlntcd IiIh hoiiHi! three yeani ugo with Devoe; IiIh tutlior puiiited ut tho Hntne tim e with hniel-wid-oll. To­day thc Hon’H hoiiHi! lookH as .well us the day il wjiH jwlntod. wbJJu Ibo fnlb- er'H 'hoiiHe hua nil dm lked off nncl noodu iialnlInK vory hiidly. The tuiii- er HayH be will pniiit wlih Duvoo next timo." • , . . .

Youra truly.. F . .M. DliV O E fk CO New Y ork and C hicago

P. S. PitlcrHoti lldnv. Co. su llu o « r p a in t . - A d v .

Wlion tho opDortunlty t<i step right (nto ft bottor position, with doubled salary comoa. you'll bo In line for ll If you w atcb the claKBlflcd ada.

Have You Seen

EWfidgeVHigh Grade Mackinaws


Wool Sweaters

With tlie D-

Notair Buttonholes?

S lchy^Big-DivideisiBllomes-

wben dccOAlon arises for selling. .• BuyorB' Uko cbar-

. actor and Individuality and ho n es lha l poBsesa them froquontly bring m u c h hlgbor prlcoB than bouses bu ilt merely for uae. Wo’vo Btudlod those Uttlo tblngs corcfully and . find thoy can usually uo appllod w ltb b u t lllUe ex tra c o s t Particu larly is th is truo • wbon wo aro consultod on tho original plans. And again in .the solecUon of lumbor. thoro are f r o - quonUy ways of securing tho desired resu lts a t low­er coat than prim arily col- culatod, and when tb ls is possible we a ro keen ' to

' p u t our customers wise to tho saving. Tbdso -Incl- dcnts toll only a pa rt of the hullding atory you sbould .know In full beforo spending your money. Ask UB for m o r* facts.

“Thbre’s Ko Place : l ik e liome.” , . ,


, NOTICE uF o r .h o rs e blankets, ten ts, caovai

goods.. Istftr&aUonal^Stock Food. _ 10 os. canvaa sowed up Into stacl

coTorB a t 2?H c per yard.

T E N T & A W N I N G C O .

■ y m

& S a v in g o f ' I ^ l H P ^ % liv Tue\ SO Wlih Soft a - 'C c x a l '. Slack P M w i m or

You get back the origir fuel money saved each wintc

Here is the Guarantee c

C o l e ’s (

H o t B i a sB a c k e d U p i n E v e r y P a

" I—A saving of one-third in fuel d ra ft stove of th e some size, slack or lignite.

"2—T h a t Cole's H ot Blast will us< ' for heating a given space tiian

m ade w ith thc same size fire i "3—T bnt th c room s can bc h ta tcd I

• hou rs 'cacb m orning with thc i coal pul in thc stove thc ever

"4 —T hat the stove will hold Tire wil Saturday nignt until M onday :

''5-:-A uniform beat d.iy an d night, hard eoal o r lignllc.

"6—T h a t every siovc will rem ain ab;as lo n g as used.

"7—T hat thc fccd-door is and will r« dust-proof.

"8—T h a t thc Anti-Pufljng D raft will "A ll wc ask is lha t tb c stove shall

cord ing to • d irections and ct good H«c.•■(Signed) C O I.E M ANUFA(

• — N ot Inc. (M akers o f tbc O riginal Paten ted U

■ T h is G u a r a n t e e ta n n o t \ s t^ v c . ■

I f y o u w a n t c c o n o m y an c

Twin'________________________ :_____


T h e VIs the Bij

5c CEver 01

S b

MACAUlCigars 1


The Blue LakeL1.BEN


Any Quantit Your

1» • ^ I 'I L . T l


IN T W IN FA U k ln d

W E IN S U R E Y O U . W e K n o i

P . O . B ox 73 . 1 5 1

* ■ • . A C a O E N

if 7 0 U -are .a need of aayihin a Times Want Ad. ?}UI Oil your wai

al cost of ybur stove in the r. Could you ask for more? n ,

) r i g i n a l I t H e a t e r ff t i c u l a r b y t h e M a k e r s : '

Jvcr a n y low er W A fc • w ith so ft coal, | 8 mW

less hard coal any base burner o t. ^:oin jn c to two o lt Loal o r hard ing before. \I fromHorning.

coft doal,

o luicly a ir-tight

main sm oke and

prevent puHing.be operated ac- .nncclcd with a --


ot B last Stove.)c m a d e o n a n y o t h e r h e a t i n g

r e a l h o m c c o m f o r t , c o m e iii IS s e l l y o u o n e o f t h e s e s to v e s .

Falls HardwareCo.e nam e " C o / .* ." on doorh tiooa. Nona gmnaina without it


fa ld o rffgest Value a a

I C iA Rfared to a oker

,EY BROS.liat Please

pie C iderD E BT

s Bottling Workso r r & SON'alls, idilio

f Delivered at Home


Ik . ~ '-—"■.ll'’

& K U N K E L Y ' ■

INSl«ANCE OFFICE, \LLS COUNTYlo f la su ra n c e - ......... /....-.j.!IN SURE INSURANCE ; f O u t fioalpeM M ala Ave. ^ ' t h , T ^ lo r aod H EA LTH ''

I f ! W u t '^ . 'a p e k i t l o r i h u ^I I o r tu a s , M O M * . .

- ■ . .... •••

Page 4: NO. 107 EIGHTH YEAR. TWIN FALLS^^TOIN FALLS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN.... v^bV. Vm. NO. 107 EIGHTH YEAR. TWIN FALLS^^TOIN FALLS COUNTY. IDAHO, FRJDAY,

............................... . • • • • ■ ' _________ .. .n.- . :THE TWIQ^-A,-.ygEg TWIN FALLS TPHIK. ’ : - \

S iB u s te r . S ch oolML

T h is cn lirc slock w ill b e d o no t m ean a l n p ro fi t , b u l net on o p po rlun ity to b u y higli gi w o u ld liavc to p a y fo r c licap s

r- sp ec U n derw i

W c o f /c r a Jinc o f 7 5 c M e a l 5 0 « cacli.

W e a lso hn v e b ro k en sizes\ . U nclcr^vear t) ia l w c w ill clos

(Ion. .

B la n k e t

'T i l l N o v . Is f , un less so ld re g u la r $ 1 .3 5 b la n k e t fo r $

* h e av y G erm a n finis)] bJ.m kcliio n a l figure, $ 1 .0 0 pa ir.

D ry G o o dW o o l D r e s s G

T lie tc com prise d if fc re n l ct ■ re g u la r 7 5 c fab ric s .

F ancy D l ries R e

T o dem on$lr!\le o u r le ad e r o /fc rin g rcd u c lio n s on new fa ll ia l inducem ecit lo b u y a t* B o o t so ld . W o o l-b r o c a d c s a n d f.

'in t lu d e d .

S p e c ia l H --------- Shoe-B^f.

5<EXTfN'ION W O R F i S i r

D oiilik ’ 'i 'n irK ln ir i>i ( In u ’oii S t in r t I.Jiic .IN -ilttf l i i - l . .

J-:. C, Muii;.rjn. ;i:<; l-'llfl-lllm iuiiiKtT to r till' O ic k I'ii S l i 'i r l M ih‘. rcivirnciJ in o rn lu i: fro m S:iU L :ikc uud Ojs'ilon. w h.T " hi- w:iii l:i in i i t i 'r - I'nco w ltli «-riiii|i;iiiy o r tlil iili. tuv :,.7v- c riil iliiyii, chirliu: w lild i tliiii' lli«‘ lii- UI)OflJ'>Jl I'f ll) I'lTill Kml; JillU'i--H a exi)ri:;inrci liiiiiM'U ;is r...liu; W.'U iiatiKfli:'! w ith tlio K rn i 'n il c iiin lliloun .Tfi.‘ ilnttlili* ^V))l I)?' t7)i:i| 'l " l r ili)c;t\vccll Koiibti uuii lll;iliiiiii‘r ;i lilUjU'U of JO iiilli'i'. llic ''l i 'l o t th e iiion ili n iul lh c n<!Xt .'(» itriys" w lil hci- th c <-«w- jiln tlo n o t Um' <1om1i1(! iracU w onl tif I’o c a to llo lo Mii'liaiKl. a cllt-liuu 'r of n lio u t ton mllcK. Tin.' i lo u l i l o 'i r a i k w o r f bcl'voi.'u Mi C a iiiian ti a u d l-iiv ii Ih iicjiriDK coiiijilV iltin, antl ilio m a to r la l , n iich HH IIch. ralln , i« on th eK roum l fo r llic (Iniililn t r a c k w o rk h r -

, tw r c n ;'» ij I’r'jujirli.-n). Tlil:il a t t e r w o rk w ill u o t hi' l)>.'i-.uu. lu>w- o v e r, u n l l l t!u‘ c o tu p lc l lo u of th o I 'o s - all-D l.iu iou il w ork .

Ppo n k lu i: of Hig K Ciicral t-o in liilous, AHHlHtrinl G i'uoriil Muu!iK<'f .Maiwon ualil to ilny :

' "T h en ? K iiracilcitll.v no r o n :‘"!;iion •In th o niovr-uM'Ut o f ili»‘ hc iivy c r'ijin of

• - tL o ^ 'u a r . . .0 1 li'-‘h ‘ a n d tlic rc ,- n u d now nnd lli‘-n, i I u to Ih a 'ld io r in m ’

o f ft [('»' cnr». u o ili ln i: l ik e tln> la y s o f Innt v<-:ir. Wn hnvo iili’n ty of cn ru .*U(1 '••Ilh o u r iuV^';d I 'o w cr w<! i ' r ’’

..•j.ii-.i t}tn f iu

O T tIVLEB r ^ nShoes

Zostiscd o u t a l cost. '1 liis docs u a lly a l cost. T h is o ffe rs rad c iljocs a l p riccs you Iiocs. '

:ialm r S a le q;n lo r u n d e rw e a r lo closc ou l

' \ C03in som e lines o f C h ild re n ’s jl;u

e o u l a t ju b s lan tin l rcduc- jngnnc

— I. II coll

S p ec ia l

^ 0ou l b e fo re , n e ivill sell our I.O O p a ir. A la rg e size, a n d a d a n d y a t th is cxccp- '

. [ zs S p ec ia lodds, 5 0 c Y d ^slo rs a n d m atcT iali nnd bu r , , ■

'ess Fab= — d u c e dsh ip in d ress g oods w e are. fab r ic s liiat m ake it a spec* lo!:h ’s. W e cnn uo l bc u n d e r- , - i i ancies in p a tte rn s and bo lls-

J ari

Hgh Class I I

m^rtment— ----------------

)O T H nI’ll Ull, Tlu! .m i l s Clt Id a h o <';iiiur|iil- ly. a ro Ihmvv a u d I'V iT yth iu j; hi tiiov- U rr"

’lh.? ur;\v uuil m ndiTii fri'U tlil hoiiv.o !;; nw.v jji Hi.-ryiri- .•mil ii j e

f(imid;itli)iiii fo r th " • u«'W idioim ar<‘ lu ai il< a lly < n iu ii|i'i. il, •riii- furtic lu r ;il M' i'J :iiuf icnn wnrJ; fn r (fir^ |;ifO T hi I 'lirou ti. fro m III!' (‘iis t a u d UDim itii a r - rlvji; riiliiil l>roi;ri.;,i; on lli.; hulhllUi; o f lll l ' u i'w itliDiirt fll iiu ilcIiiaU 'iI.— I'lica- iM lu T rlliiiuc ;

ADVERUSING THE MQC urs fo r KaiiMis i . i i a d td W ith I la y

>VJUj l i i t i i iw r i i>n y iieU .Sld»'.

Allvt! to Uh lutcroiitii Uio rea iilon tji n ( (111- T w in Kallu c o u n try , w ho u h lii- lu-d n irn lu liin d of liny In to th i‘ drouK lil k illed boulliin of K aiinan, plainiU im ii- n o rii DU v lth o r Htdr bi.-arlui; Ilm lu- ii<-rl|itloti. ' ‘T liU liay ralHoil In tin- a rid lioctlnii o t ! iou ili-aH li;rii_ ldalio by I r r l - Kllllon,”

1C. L. Glllii.'rt, w ho rr-c i 'n lly ro tu rnc 'd t rn iu Cirv, ii'JIii {>t llll' j jr r lv a lof th e hny In to Kani>;*s C liy i;n<l iit;it>'n t l i a l jiooiiIo r ro w d c d o ti liinli hIiIch of (lie ( rn ln , reud t)n> hIi' uh, (Ii<?liay am i ln-t;au ai.lclm: !iiH'.stlnnH. In iti<’ i-m w ils, ln‘ ;itah-s. w.Ti- u inuy fan ii'T H . wliimi' ram lii'-i luiif fictin p rn c - ilo lly liiin ii'.l ii|> liv til ,. <lroiii:lil und Uif-v ui:;tilfi“-.t' il uirirn lui-'r-Mt th n u nih-Tii a n d lii 'iu lri'il a:i ici. i |ic p rlco of

IjdOHll'r^' Air. (illhlTf tl'f tlw tw'nrtli.

is sQctober

Wear ^F o r llll? rem ainder o f iJie m onlh lliis

lu c giving sales.T lic jc .superior v a lu es a re o ffe re d

L adiei $ 4 .9 8 , 12.50

'.oats $ 4 .9 8 C oatsC o m p m ir g new c lo lh Coroprisin

a ls a n d ,, the good p o n y ch inch illas ;in coals o l b lack— m ak- , ,J cx 'cellenl m orning c o a ls cd m ost com fo rta b le for "■•*»ch arcId w cn th e r. a n d m ost sur

_________________ L - ____ --------------------

.a d ie s ’ Su its foE v e ry suit o f fe re d , a b a rg a in , includi

e ly m an ta ilo red e ffc c ts o f pcau-de-cli< : show ing a su perio r line o f iu it s w orih d $ 1 5 .0 0 w e o f fe r m odera te s ty le gnrrr ison s ty les ancj fo r th e lady w ho d o c s nc c rcsling .

.a d ie s ’ S ilk DreW c have a few silk d resses c a rried o \

n oon p a r ly o r s tre e l dresses— sty les vcr> fcring m a rk e d red ijc lions to closc.

,_________________ I__________________

N e w S e rg e D ress $ 7 .5 0 tl

T h i s superb line o f la ic styles in a ll ^v xy a tlrn c liv c a n d p r icc d ve ry reasonab le

C h ild re n ’s CiW c w ere never be tter e q u ip p ed in ll

b c r w e w ill o f fe r c u l p riccs on c h ild ren ’s

S p e c ia l S i l kE v e n w ith lhc scarcity o f silks w c an

id no h ighe r p riccs. W e have h n d 'to pa ; ■u. • ^ ’

B u llo u s , b ra id s , m otifs ; a ll the new

AEReAl^kn o w hn w:iH fro u i tliln n tn te w hore lr r l i :a i lu u ubo iiuded au it c rup^ iicvm ' f:illi‘<l and 111' M)i)u had n larK e au ill- i;iicc‘ u lii li ' 111' i; \p la ln i 'i l how ilie la n d s \v(Ti.‘ ili.'Vi.'lojii.'i), w iiliy ta k e n fro m tlie m p -au is tliro ir- .h Irr lg n tlo n d llc ln ii iim l w lllli' p ra d U ^ illy no rn ln fe ll ( I 'ir liii; f!iu i.(inirri(-r /riofitliH J}jer>; u';jif aUvay.i i;u abum liiu c e o f w a te r .— T np- U al Ncwii.

WOMAN S I T O S STEPSONC o iiflic lin i: lU-iKirts a n il S U itom onts _ UL-t,’iird liii; H ow T rn tti'ily O rc iirc d .

Sunday , itftV ruovn u b o u t fi o 'c lo c k -Mrs. Joo P a lm e r Kliiit h e r flf teen * y en r- o ld Hii'i'tiou i lin iu ::h tlio t'lKht Itiug wU)i :> tw > 'n iy .tw n r lf lc , u t th e P u ln iiT lioiiif' i ib r th i 'a u l of O nkloy. A l InHt

. r i 'p iirm th e boy wasi n tlll l iv in g b u l In

. <1, v>Ti- I'l^cfonaij C ou tlU tlnK H laleuioutH by llit> wo- . Tlian aud o llie rn w ho wltnOf^HccI the

tn m i 'd y u iak .r i t liiipoHiillifQ to s tn lc I jiin t how th e iihootlUK occiirod , l l In [ k n o w u . liow over. t l ia t th e re hnd boon I n dlH aKreem euI und lio l w ordu Iiad ; linuHnd. Mrii. I’a ltuo r Jn n uou ih e rn . WDJUWI, nud h a s the proverbl.-il I ie i i i |" 'r . Sill! ili 'c lareti th e hIidoH iik nn ■ ari-ldi'U l. nm l l» p ro n irn ted wU h j;rli-l . firifl ri-iriorti>- " v < t Uio o m ir n n c e .— I H url.V B n lb 'ilu ,1 . * •-r A r t \o lU lo n of y o u r w n n t nd, ai • • • ................ If y o u ’re try-. I I n •#% n » <

O CiPE<Ready to Specialsb ig d c p ar lm c n t w ill b c rep le te w ith

m a teria ls a n d sh a d e s o f lh c la test.

r. Coats a n d $ 1 7 .5 0

$ 1 2 .5 0 C o a ts $17.1{ fine a ll w o o l T h e s e com prise th cind so -ca lled d r a p p c d e ffec ts in vih.i, s o m t o f d c Ic in e a n d la te s ty lill sa lin lined cu l c h in c h a lla . C e rt

•jriWng * ar t: -cx lra g o o d .

r Less=y=$/0 Lng lhc b e st m e n 's A rl in g to n se rg e suigue, lin e d , fo r $ 1 7 : 5 0 . - T o r $ 2 5 .0 ( $ 2 7 .5 0 10 $ 3 0 .0 0 a n y w h e re . F o r $ [ i e n ti o f e x tra g o o d m a te r ia ls , g ood « I fo llow th e cx lrcm cs, ih c y sh o u ld bc

sses a t B argauc r from sum m er w h ic h m ake ve ry prell;

g o o d , a n d v e ry p rcU y , on w h ic h w<

es J u s t R e c e iv e d » $ 1 3 .5 0ool serges a n d E p o n g e , or w oo l ra line

)a ts R e d u c e dis d e p a r tm e n t a n d fo r lhc b a la n c c o f co ats . '

D e p a r t m e n ta b le to show b e lte r a sso rtm en ls ihan

m o re ’ b u t w e h a v e n o t a d v a n c e d pric

n s s o n D is p la ye ffcc ls a n d sh a d es .


I 'o lJ ito Kxiierl T e lls AVhy 3 lo rc X uhiT Munt JJo l«r<;*rji,

A c ro n lln ! : to E in :e n e 1!. O rub li, lh fu u iou ii p o ia io e x p e r t , iJHii co i/u tr . n c x l y e a r w ill, h a v e to ra lu e 10,000,00 m oru bu b lic la o t po lu to o u tlin n l i dl thiB y e u r.

S c c re tu ry of A K ric iiltu ro Jnm eu.'W ll BUU imu ^ lu a rn u tli le i l Ih ls c d u u tr jiK ninut p o tu to i 'ii f ro m l'’u « la n d , Scot lum l, I re lu u d , O o rn iu u y , A u ia ri:i-H un Kiiry iinil .New J'’o tindJjind , l<i‘i';ii),ne th

coun irleH . T h n l m oanu ib a l A uie rlcn po fu to f.TowntH w llJ hayo to Kct l>iin n ijd u u p p ly lb o d e flc lo ticy th a t w i' n rU o on a c c o u n i u f thh i Indc o t linpoi ta l lo n . '

W hn l' th i s in c n n u lo tlie p o la lo dli t r i f l lik o .Moini'oKo co u n iy . w h ich I ,ra p id ly d o v o lo p in g Iu to o n e o f lh o bci in th e H tate, iiirrv w ell lie ro u liz rd . ! Ih nct'c /iK/iry, ti« u \v v T , fo r fn r tn o m ( tnki! he i'd to th e wvivnUiK w h ich w;i Bounded by M r, O nX ih on a v la lt t Mon'troHO u w ee k aK (^ t i w llf^(ifi-r. uieu iberecl t h a t n t tlio lim e , M r. Clnili Htnleil wo u h o u ld b e v e ry c a ro fu l i ho lec i lioed f ro e f ro m d lacniie. If poi Bible, fo r p ln i i t im : In th e vn lley t e x tre m e ly ile le ierlouH ro n u ltn woul r e ii iiR 'to th e d iu tr lo t ,. ,

Mr^ ( Iru b b nino In h r’H poi'inl'oTniilii i;!h upo u (he riK uflo ii o f .cro p s,-« ay { ii ib ;it I' Im p o rln n t f<-t ti fo o f iio ta to ' c u l tu r e ' w ill cvon luu l

T O IilMS pecia l

$ .T h is b ig d e p a r tm e n i

e x tra o ffe rin g ever madetifu l new h a ts o f m ost a to m uch h ig h e r p riccd p o p u la r p ricc o f $ 4 .9 5 .


50new W c h av e o p e n ed a n

:Io u r ia l n u m b e r in n la rg e s<ha n d so m e • /c n rf, in an <

a in lv 8 « y o r b ia c L - W h e n ( a t th c p ricc . E x tra sp c

— $ 9 .5 t

^ I - - — [is Corduro:very T h c $ 1 .0 0 g ra d e o fm ost A l l co lors .

TS C o t^

: l $A n o th e r B o o th succ(

' W o rc c j le r co rse t o f la te co rse t o f o lh e r m ak cs. l

^ K i d GiB e tte r e q u ip p e d th a n

N o b e tte r w e a r. N o O c bu ild e r.

Specic1 ! 1 ' ' J

COMPAIre m iii lu a po o r, u n n m rk o t.ib lo iioln

S o riluK n n d KradiUK of p o la io o s u in r ite l Ju nino c o n h liie re d a v « ry I

JJ p o r ta n t fo u lu rc nm l euiiihn»l8 wuh li u p o u th la liy M r, (.Iruhb.— .^ lo n l^ (C olo .) I’rcHrt, O cl. 3. i o n .

; SUPPIY OF enOlERA SERUId . ______

C ood S u iip ly iv i l l ho S h lp p cil to T: * SccU on.

' •D r. V, C. W h ite , tstnlo v o to r in n r l roporiH I h a t h o .h u u u u c c c e d c J In K lltiK a liiuU ed m tpply o f hoR c lio li

r I 'p ruai.—ilO.OOU c u b ic ceu tlm c'lerH of lh o rc

fl edy . Of thiB n m o u n t 000 c u b ic ci . . tliiiotrH n ro lo bo HliUuicd fll o n ce

th e T w in F ;i))s R o d io n . T h o B lalo H iiiiplylnt: lh o iio n im lo liio f a rm

I" n l t tc tu n l c oB f.--N nn ip ii llcC ord .

\\ H o m e V lsllo rn ’ L ic u r s l o n Y in Orc{ Q S h o r i L in e .

‘o E A S T . ' .V T o D en v e r, O m nhn , K a n s a s C ity , it) L ouln, C h tcngo , M inncapt^H s a n d mi ;o o th e r p o in ts , O c lo b e r 25, N o v em b er }■ a n a 24. D eo c m b e r 20 a n d 22nd . L l >r _00 dnyn f ro m d a le o f sa lo .

• •W'EST.T o S nn FrnnclBC o, L o s A n g e lca i

1- O lhc r polntB K ovettilic r i2 , 21, Dcci Itf' -i.cr 20, L ohk U m ifs. Soc a n y 0 I- 1. .T ren t fo r rntoB lutd f u r r t ie r pn ly c u la r s . ' O cl U t(

M illin ery

4.95is co in ing into the sa le w ith lh c in se asonab le m illinery . .B e au -

rtistic shapes and trim m ing , e q u a l m illin e ry ,.w il l l>e ori sa le a l the

' F ur S a le

50 iS;w s to c k o f furs a n d have a spcc- t o f p rc lly furs— la rg e m u /f a n d xccp tio lia l w earing fu r o f b ro w n , icse a rc so ld « c c a n b a y n o m ore ia l

) p e r se t

y, 7 5 c Y d .velvet c o rd u ro y on sa le n t 7 3 c y d . '

f S p e c ia t 100ss in o f fe rin g a h ig h c la ss R o y a l it m o d e l. N o l ih e 'r e g u la r $ 1 .0 0 u t a h ig h c lass c o rse t fo r $ 1 .0 0 .

o ve D e p ’tev er. $ 1 .0 0 . $ 1 .5 0 a n d $ 2 .0 0 . . b e lte r f it . A B o o th su p rem ac y

1 D rapery crimT /o p e r

yd .p r c lty bo rd eT S r^p cc> a i-^5 c -y d .----------------

V f

; Cotillion HallId . , •

" M o n d a y , O c t . 2 7I JNO. J. HOLLAND



• *' Author o l “PAID In yU LL" ‘T'lIB •EASIEST WAY” “ Fl.NE FEA TIIEU S' t t e . ' ■

onTho O reatcst ncallsU c D ram a of thl{ Ccntnry,

’ ’’'J rM ” ’' “ S* f f ' ' ny and Chicago SpcUbountl fo r one IVlioU Dcoaoiu

n il •

S c a ts o n s a le .

JJi‘1 SkeelB-WiIey*Drug Store v'; P r J r p s n r < 6i n n < c i k (\

Page 5: NO. 107 EIGHTH YEAR. TWIN FALLS^^TOIN FALLS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN.... v^bV. Vm. NO. 107 EIGHTH YEAR. TWIN FALLS^^TOIN FALLS COUNTY. IDAHO, FRJDAY,

■ I . - . T m ^JW lqE -A .'W IE K IW IK FA IL S TIMBB ________ • . _______ ______________ ^

■iipR iC E has nptWng tcTdo wit

; A , the real fineness o f a watcl

Ofttimcs a low priccd wa will keep perfect time.

T ry our low priced wat es. They ore a marvel of curacy.

'locaT and PersonalU orn , to M r. u iul M rs. 11. D . Sco tt.

S u iu rd a y ,.O c io b u r J8, a dauB liier .

S h e r if f H . C. Viimimiilcln w na ti b«ii- iQufla VlHllor In iiu lii W odncaiitij- of Ih te w eek .

. O. M. G ray iraimacitM l lumlnoHn lu T w in I-'ullB Woiliioacluy fro m lii leu on tliC N o rth Slilo.

1. D. P e r r in e reiiirnocl TuoHcliiy from D olue, w h o re h e h a d Ijcen fo r (icver- a l duyu on luiiiluoim.

K ey IJlBhoji WOH a b tiB lueoH -visitor Iri T w in F a llu fo r a day th e in ld illu of

• t l i e w ee it fro m Poca tc llo .

J . P . Cliirlc tm n m icicd liuslnetifl In th e c o u n ty u e a l fo r H cvcral ita y B 'o f th la w ee k f ro m noK eraou .

H i J . Y olm gu of th o S ie r lln R C rcnm - o ry com pim y . tram m eled bu«lncBB on th e w e s t e n d o t th c t r a d TuoBilny.

M r. a n d M ra. 0 . P . /\n t l£ r so n w cro v lB llo ro In T w in FnllH S a tu r d a y frotn t l i e l r hom e In th e C aullo ford c o u n lry .

0 . V . T ow lo , one o f tho p roeroaalvfl r flrr tic rs o f th o .Vorili SWo, w au a bUBj- t i c i i v lsU o r Iq lho Mui.'lo C lly yeu ler- d a y ." ■

L loyd J o in and O liv e r Jo h n s o n , whc a ro a ttcndJD jr c th o o l In tb la c lly , aj>cni S u n d a y In filyrU iugh v la llluK wlUi

-------- thdi:.imrcDi-B ._ - . _________ _

'W . E . L ow la, o n e o! lh o proKroBslvc ta rm o ru o f th o K im b e rly nelBhbor- h ood , ir iinB ac ted buslncaa in Uiu c o u n ­ty Beat yeatord tty .

' J . E . L ucy u rrlT cd lu lh o c lly NVcd' ncBday from Y ak im a, WauhlngloD, auii w in rom aln f o r Bovorol d a y s looklnE a flo r bualneBB affnlrii.

G oo rge C la rk a r r iv e d In T w in F a lli W e d n e a d a y 't r r f m ' h la ho m o In th i T h re o Crtsok c o u n try an ti w il l r cm a li I o r B ovcral d a y s ou bualnoas.

■ M r t. L . A. B ooth o f H av iu ia , C uba, li In th o c liy a n d w ill o jjcnd so v c ra m o n th s h e ro v ls lU ng w ith h e r u lsto r M rs . F . C. Hebco.

W . W . H u m p h ro y r e lu r n e d lh o f i r s o f Uio Vi'ook f rd m W a e h ln g lo u , D. C, w h e r e he hml been on Jh conn c e t lo n w llh .llio Y ellow atono P a r i B lago lin e .

- - . N .- L n r s e n , ouo of tlio p ro m ln c n BloCk m on a n d fa rm o ra o f th e Uoc: C ro c k n o lghbo rhoo il, w a s a hualnofl V lBltor In th o c o u n iy «out W cdneada

■ o t tblB w ee k . ' ■ _

J . R. l» iw r(?nco a r r iv e d ' In th e c lt th e f l r a l nf th e w o e k 'f r o m w h e a t la n d , W yom ing , w lih a v ie w o t m nk In g Inventm ontH . ffc la w e ll i>)oaso w ll l i th e c lly a n d Irn c t.

R ev . H . W . I’a rk p r . d la lrU -t Buperln---------njnaCTit-of-t!H»-MpiuodiuL_rliurdi,_!:£

lu rn o d y e s to rd n y from N nm iia , w lic r h o h a d be en a tten d in g a- m oeU ng c tb e c h u rc h c x tonBlon b o a rd .

■ M r . 'n n d M ra. H . K. R ound:i d e p a rle y o a to rd a y e v e n in g fo r I to c k VflDo;

• lo \v a , w h e re Ibcy w ill v is i t u n til Jiir W y J .-^ -b o n Ihoy, w ill go lo l» a Ai gcloB, C ftllforn ln . w h e re they wi sp e n d lh o b a lnna ,y t th e w in te r .

... Y o i l C a n ’ t A f f o r d

' ' t o B u y S i l v e r w a r e

U p , i n t e C l o u d s

----- *— Y oti muH l hn v c b o th fee ton th e g ro u n d a n d bo lh oyca wMo open .

W c W A N T V o u to . H o v e Y o u r E y e s W id e O p e n

1 W h e n Y o u V is i t U s ,

• Bomo o t lh o s ig h t s w e h av e b e en u l som e p a in s to aa-

. Denible.

W e Are Showing Some of the L A T E S T Pattcm s in .. Sterling Silverware.O u r P rice*


O . B . S t a p l e t o n

Jeweler and Optician

I W . R . Pj L M D I N G J]

f T h e Hamiltc■ The Railroad Timekeh ~ ■I. The Hamilton Watch

commercial watches that tch The prices of these watchc

Just think of it—a life tim ch- ,ac- BUY YOUR WATCH C


IJ . '

Frank Lyilo nnd Bon wcro In Uie city yeaterday from lluhl,

Mr. and Mra. Harry Donton of Klni- bt'Dy, wen.’ TwJjj FjjIJa vJaJtoru Wed- neadiiy.

•f. F. Denney was a busfness vlBltor on tbe wuBi end of lhe ira c l Wodnoa- day of IhlH week.

W. F. Hinllh ot Uurloy, iranHucled IidiilnoHa Itl fho city {ar u cotnilv ol days of IhlB week.

I'. C. O’Malley. poBlmaBler ot Poca­tollo, tranBiicled biiBlnexB In the Magle CJly tor a dn> 'or Iwo thin week.

AKcomilon ICiilaeopal ehureh. Even­ing prayer Sunduy, Oct. i'ulb, nl Tt-l!! o’clock. Uev. Howard Stoy. reotor.

W. H. Cravon, the Holllator banker, apenl several dayn lu the clly ihla

: weok JookhiK a fte r {jitidiiOBH rnntterp^

MrB. John Newton and Bon Were guuniu a i ibo homo ot. >Ir. aad Mra. E. C. Lavering lual Saturday and' Sun- (Iny. . _ ; ■

, .Earl Kenuojly _wii8 a .bu ilnoflf^v isi­tor In Tw in FallB to r a dny-tho''mlddle of tiie week trom Eden, on lhe North

: ■■■_______ _________ ■Mrs. F. T. MUcholl loft for low a Uie

latiec pnri of lam week, wliorc ahe was called by th’o serloiia lllneaa of hor niolher, •'

, . - J . ------ --------- £ _ -AUornoy W. P.’ CJuthrlo o t Uilii city.

■ Imu boon appointed a tlclegate to a t­tend tho flflh naUonttl conaervaUon

- l!Hn^riiuCM.-l.l,-). w in’ ninnt in WimhlTH;- , ton, D. C., Novombor 18, 10, i>0. Tho . ap|H)lutmenl was mado by Govornor . Jolin .M. llulneB il;o 7 lra i of tho wcok.

Mr. and Mrs. It. Phllleo w ill leave . Suturdny morning, for Colorndo, where I Ihov will Bpoml anme time looking af- . tor Jand wblt-b Mr, Phinoo owna In

lh a t Btate. From ihoro.thoy w ill go to O niaha 'and vlall wlUi frlenda, golnv

J from lliero lo the ir old (lomo la llUtlr, 3 lu Uio aamo alato.

' Rov. J. K. MacGllllvray. mlnsloner) for UiQ Preabyterlan church, w ill holt'

I, Borvlccs aa followa nort^Siim iny; CO' I dar Draw, lllblo schooU. a t LNSO , preaching servlcea a t 3;30. Maroa ’ Bible Bchool at 10 o’clock.a. m.. preach.

lug a t 7:30 p. m. All are cordially In. t vltecl to these eorvlccs,

E. 9. Urownaon and N. A. Nlrbob ^ wcro in the cliy fo r a ilay o r two thli

week from Thomas, Q klahom x Thej aro iimkJnK a lo u r of tho weal w llh i

I view of making lnv6Btm(!nta and weri highly ploaBcd wllh Twin F a lls ani

u tho tra c t in gonoral. They w ent fron J. hero to the w ealern pa ri of thc stnto

ItcK iilarjierviceH a t th e .C h u rch o y the Urelbren ncx i -Sunday. Siinda;- school a t '10 a. m. Sermon b y ’Ilcv. S :- S. Nclicr ' a l . n o’clock. Subjocl, -'Tin d Coming ot thc Law.” In the o v e i ^

ChrlRtlan W orkers mooting jUr-'TTtJi o’clock; Loader, Mr. J. H. Wolfe. Ser

,- mon a t firOO by Rov. C. Fjihrnoy. You preHonco 1b doslrcd.

if A t uio firs t n ap tls t church nex Sunday, ‘.’Tho Mlaalon 'of Uio Church fS» A More .ManlfcHt’God," n t n.-Of

(I nnd ‘'Two /[Chapters from Uio Mbdorj k-, nook of Acta," n t 7:80. Woll m annc I- graded Sunday, achool n t 10;0{) nnd In 1- sp iring young people’s mooting a It T lie."G o to C}j»rcJj" rnnipalc:

Is lolllni;. liul a few oxtrn chairs ca;- be provided. Co_;ne lo tbla church o

go to somo othor nnd bc helped.

On Sun<lny, Octobor 1£>. doath cam to KnUierlne Sm ith, cldcal dnu(;hter c Mr. nnd Mra. Goorgo II. Sm ith, aftc nn lllnesB of typhoid fovcr. K athcrln Smith wan Ihlrfocn years, ono mont and onft dny o)jJ nt thc Umo of hc dcnth. and wno born In the stnto c Nebraska, coming to Uils olty wit bor parcnla -w^icn only a BmaU chile Sho waa of a happy disposition nn was wrJI helovod by nil h e r frleni! nnd school mntos. Tho funoral wn hold trom the family homo nn Secon aveiiuo Wont. Tuosday m om lntr a t tc o'clock,, with Intorm ont In tho Twi Fnlls cemotery. .

T he sermon itubjoct nt tho Mothodli c \,n ,u v mnm fjye wJJl bo U:

tb lrd In t ''o •«rlc9 on tho Mission « U'O Church, “'’'he Chnr.ch tind a Moi ManltoFl nod." In tho ovetifiig tonic -will bo th c P<!cond In tho Borlc "Tho G osw l in Twonty-flvo Word Tho stibjcet for t>»o sorm on will t "The GoHuel Mfiilvo." Tho romilf sundav srhonl n<*a«l(>n w |» be hrid i 10 o'clock. L ast Sunday tho attonc nnco wn? 317 without -countlnR tt n-»rica and Phlim hea clnasoB whlc »nnde tho fntnl'O hout 375., Tt woul > 0 a th in e worth whllo fo innko It 4i th h Sttndnv. Tho Y oune Ladles’ ctaj wJlJ meet immodlntcly a fte r tho mon InK sermon nnd thA Barncna o t R;( In tbo nftornoon. Tho E nw ortn i-ei cuo f« brnnkJnfr tho record 5n attem nnco. nm nlna over a hnndrod ovei m eotlne... AU who arP n o t motnl)6i ;» ------------- - cordlali

■ Iwoleomod nt thoao sorvIcca.


3 n W atch uflllleeper of A m erica

“ 1 d o l

Factory also makes keep rnilroad time. W atcl

ea are from $12.50 up. lepieceatsuchniow

c r th an cla


: II. 13. Vogel was a vinltor In the Magle City for Heveral days thin week.

Mru. I r a Lanililng' wna a sluipplug• vlalior Ih the cily yeulerdny froji) Filer.

Ud K inney waa looking a fte r biml-• nePH matterB lu IfuJil Tucmla.v nftcr-

W. 11. Prlebo. Oregon Short Line1 watch Inapector. apenl \V(idnenclay on t Uh) .'Iliililoka branch on official imsl-

D. W. W alton nrrlved lu tbc clly - Wedneaday from hlii homoTn Nebraaka

and will vl.sil for boijjc Umo at Ibf homo of hls Blater. Mra. .1. .M. Dlmond,

; | j . ,E ..\v B A R C

'1 ■I ' Choice business lot on Slioa

o f ihis lo tls making a big s.icrifici

2 9 4 iicrcs in SucL-cr F lat. on« I fcnced with hog fcncing and soi

acrcl 5mii}l cash paym m ^balan

' F IR E IN S U R A N C E IN B E1 |-

r ■ J . E . \» . 1 3 9 M a i n .ti \ • o 11, , ■ — . ~g __________________________ .' Attornoy A, M. ~Howen left yeator

day m orning for HoIbo to be nbiien y for aeveral (laya on Icgftl DiialneaH.

!l George MaltHOii. n native ot Flnlnu' i) who waH laat heard of on the Twli ,■ Falls trnet. la badly wanted by hls re

IntlvcN J« tJj«t roum ry. Uo hjui sojr. money und aa Inlereat In nn cBiat coming lo him.

Ih F lra t Church o f 'th r la i Selentiat. 23Ig Third .nvejiiie Enst, ServlccH- Sundaj,y October 2R. 11 a. m. Subiect: "Proft ballon After Dontb."- Sundny school n•0 10 a. m: ToKliuionlal m eeting WedJ noBday nl 8 p. in.•II --------------------------------------------------■-----

J L w l c T IS. , 1 ^ \10 y . .IS- I

. I




l6thoo f ------ . ”ro ... —

I G r a c e Inr

f - . 1 4 - g i r l s — T h e c l e iCh rlid \ . • 00 \>» ; \•n- : . »• - •00 . '>“* ■ ' id-

:S [Adam N ever

T ian o r b o y w ith a few a r | t o p u t i n to a real a n t s t o le a rn a b o u t th c

ies Priebe Carriesk n o w (hat y o u can b u y s ipcr f ro m y o u r lo c a l jcw cl- Bwhcrc?

a positive fact. Try

Oeo. F. Sprague waa a-buiilneHU vial to r In Uubl :rucmla>- afl.-vuoon.

ICruetU ICleniteil traiiti:ii'ti:d biiiilaeii; lu lhe County aisii We(lin'Hil:iy fron M llncr.

W. H. T iin ier. {In' Khii)«?rJ.v Ii.'iiilici WUK a bi aliii'UB v b llo r In ilte coual, Hoat WtidnoKilay.

Dr. .1. 11. Murpliy Waii lu -Uu, .-It, UV'dnejiiljiy froJii Jlubl, bcjjig calle he re on iiroteiiHlunal liualnei.a.

S. I'. ^Vorihlngdin. oih’ of die (inriii In't^nt bunlneaa men of Oakley, uauii acted buulnesu In .Ibe Mimle City for dny Ibe middle of tlie wueU,

'^H IT E ’SJA IN Slionc St. only $ 2 2 5 0 .. T hc owner

o f thc very best farms on ihc Iracl.1C iinprovcmcnli. Price $ 1 3 5 per zc $ 1 0 0 0 per year unlil paid.

5T O L D L IN E C O M P A N IE S .

V H I T E 'V v e n u e E a s t

P, d . H nrrlm an, a deputy sheriff ( . Twin Falla coumy, la In the clly ti

(Jny on buBlnDnH- connected with h ofilco.—C apital Newa.

1 ------------------------I . L, Lee .lohnHon. who la conneelr• with .the lloyle CommlsBlon e*iuii>an• waa a bualneaa vlaitor in the Mu• tnuglrnolghliorbood fo r.a dny tbe mb

dlo of the week.

) .lullua Sielnmeyer of Uie Fal. W holesale coinpnn.>’ of Uolae. who hi• hocn In Twlu Fnlla for aeveral dn> L looking nflcr hualnoBB of the bran« - hoiiflf'. lofl for hJ» homo Wedn^udi


l e a t r e , C

W K K m

H y s i

| | | l 4 (s

R u s s e l l ’ si n e s t , c l a s s i e s t g i r l , s h o w

P r i c e s , 2 5SEATS ON SALE

had a CHA^

Harvey W. Hurlobauso, sccrctary ( tho Snlinon Laiid aniJ W ater comjian; waa a buslncBB visitor In llu: city froi hls headquarters In Mllnur tor a daj tlio iniddiu of the woelc.

J. J . fifay. one o t tho well know alieep men of iJlaliie county, waa 1 th e c ity the--roiddlc ot lh» week froi JjJh lioific Ih llfllovijc, looklwj,' afU luiy to feed hla abcep tbla oonilng w'lr ter.

Ur. and Mrn. Fn.'derlok Snook lei Wi'daesday evening for Hurley xvher Ihe iloctor will ai>eail a day or uv duck huiitlnj; wUllrvMrB. Snook vlidi wltli frlcTMlit, ’IVk-}; /ic<<it(H(a(il<-!i!i fur ;t;i M urlaugi.'by Mhei (Joi ilaii,

Cbailcii lluiOiaW uud Cllftonl IJr> (len iiiH’iiI \Vc‘iliii.'t(day la the Kliuln-il

rep.’jIrJjjK Jlin-ii for ili (ii'i'ai. Sli(i!.liiiiii' and Twin I'nllH Lh;), aud Power (uiiiji.iuv, wlili.li had Im,- blown down hy tii- lifgb v.lml tin, fii; (it tbe we«>k.

I'lrul Pi(.|;t)yt(.rlan eliurdi. h r. .1- 1 Slii'iibc.Til. iiaiiior. 'J'lii.Tc' will ll fin'aehlim' af. II :i. iti. uri.J T.'.'io j<. u ’riio iiuiiiiln/. Ib i'ii" Cbuii.and a .Mon- Maiilfct i Uod." 'I'bi. evri Ing. "A Cr<-;it Salvation." Tlio .S;il

, bath M-bocil nii'C'ta ai l0 ;Uu a. m.. wit fiiy i'V<T.vIwi|y. lili; larK..|it a

" tcnilanr'c lu our hlntory belugla»t S.ibbnOi, 'I'lK' CbrlHtlan Kn'h-a' or. lec! by .Mla.s .V.'Ctl,. (.'rad.r. will rii.:i

il 111 ir, m.. A large alt<-lidaa>i.‘‘ nil liiapli'atl<in as iiroVcn last Sabbai

■ ■venlng..

H im Vlirhid.'ifi f/iiirrli; ";i<J Sl. ai y Ilh ^\vc. |.;. U<’V. W aliiT K. llarina

iiilniKii.'r. Moralng i.c-rvt(..- ami <(ir munl'ui of lb(‘ l.unrn auiiin.r at Il-.i

V Si-rnion Uhuiks "The .Mlaalon of tl >' ('hiin-li. Srniioii JH. v\ -Mon- Miuiltc

<iod.'' "I'l"' .hinlor .euni:r<‘gail(Ui ui'owlii!'. i" i-i)|iularliy ov.-r l.<ird'a K:i

• .It mei-;: f-i i!m- iias'-inrut at tin- (lo '■ of .the- rc-'-'iilir niiiriiltig servlri-. Pii '> eutK sb o iib rn o t nogli-i't .tlilii liiipui

atil ai-rvli'p liui ishoiiltl aeo (,d It tb . tboir eblldreii an : In il. Senior (!.

a( I,;iKf J-onl'/f drij’ cveniii/:/li'‘wail itreiipul u record breaking ero\ of fine young men and women. It w a candle light lueellng. only Uioiio ta Ing im rl llghtoil ihelr enndlos. The wau Ilf) othor light in lhe room. Ov inii'trTook jia rf dud thun lot tbe ir Ilg ablne. Evening aervlcca n l 7:30. Se mon thc-nie, ''How Some ^furdere Were Convorteil." Tbla wlll^be an : liintrated aermon and' aerlptiViU pro will be given for every step In tbo |ir eeaa o t ennveraloa. Come and nee hc folks HVf?. Tfir? r"ihll<- In alivnys wi come n l the Christian church.

FOR [ARll[il THANKSGIVINGWould Make I t Same Day As (lett)

b u rs .Sjn‘i‘ch Anniversary.

Thankaglving da>''may bo proelal: ed f(ii* Jsoveniber 1!> Ihln year liiijJe o L jh e ln st-T huraday |n the mon the d a y tliai h.w ber-n—r.>«**r-v«d- Thankaglving ever alnre Ihc pllgr fnthera dcelurod a . day foi* givl f|j«nk« for hoifzitlfiil hjirvcjitji,

The niovomenl tb a l may roHult lhe ebanglni; of lbe date for Tbaiil giving th is year originated in Clileni I t la apronUlng all over lho Uuil S la te J November 19 will be the I tieth nnnlversnry of the ddfvory

“ Abrahain LIneoln'ii Gettyuhurg i jf dross and the plain la to tinve (lie he 1- dny fiorv-o the dual puritoao of romn Is m orntlng Thankaglving. day and l

world of lhe great cm anclpator’a mi lorplece an well.

!cl Tlio^moveiitent toward IJic ehni y. Ing of the Thanksgiving dale this y( r- ronched'Holiie Saturday, nnd Idnbo 1- fielnlB Immediately fell In lino wllh

Govornor Haines gavo his heartj- t <lordowent.

Ik Chief .lustlco Ajlshle. who In also IB vision eommnndor of the Sona of V ,8 ornns of fdabo, wna ono of the first -h tnkc up the plnn. Ho Issued lho f ly lowing stntomefil:

"I can aee no objccUoi) to the p

> n e N i g h

Hipi M i n s t n

t h a t e v e r c a m e t o t o w r

t o 7 5 C e n t sA T U S U A L PL^

ICE to S ee a

11 posed clinngo o t ThankBglving d a y , / froni thu dato wo buvo lo c a accu»- i tomed to obson'o to November Ml 1 nl presen t obHUrvcd, T hankftslvine hJtm-

(loKencratetl Jnt<va. mcro feoat tlay whca. Wf try to BOO how -iuuch wc can catt.

I It Is high time wo gel bnck to tho e o r - I ly significance o t th is A m erican hoU- I dn)!._and. roMoti aomcwbnl Oiion the-- r '(jnilliJons wf ou r com jlry nnti Jl* fn^• a'tltutlons nnd how.we may best dovlso

tbat .tbeso barveata of p len ty nnd l"'rliy cif which wo lioaat m ay ho morfr

I oc|tiliub|y dlatrlbutcd no aa to ctutbkr-': all wbo sow and all w-bo ea t to aino• i-ai ;'.n:l onjoy aomo oomforlH. U n -i '(iiii’a !-;roal oliim.lr, itio Cotiyubnrj;.I «iir'..c|i. (!<-lh'ere<l im ^iivm iiher J9,

r.ni", rtielii to Inuiilro not only iKilrIt>~ li'iM, but alHo Jusilrc ami fa ir treo t--

- iiiciit.—Idaho Falla Tiiueii.

TO S P fA K HERE' ______ r ~' I>;iTiIi'l 'I'oole. nf N e« York C Ilj, U>

CliiMi I..H . S. A. Serli-H.

P.istor Danlol Toole, of Nc-w York Cliv. will give the last loctunr of the

; i..ll. K. si-rlca. Ttirisdav .-vcnltif: n t s (I’oi.iok, In Ilni ui;;h school iu d ito r-

. lum.-Conslclc-rablo Iniorout bna been ninn-

Ifoatcil 111 tlilK soriea of tinaeriiirlaii [ IllbVi? loelure. Tin- nubjecfy liavii ficett

attractlvo, and the api-aUera able locn.

^ -v' ‘

I- •)f The iiubjeel of the closing lecturc lo:>- "Two Salvaliona, b u l no .S econd . 'V ChaiK-e." Many are c'onimenUui: on-.I- llic- "Secoml Cliajjce" theory . a«n« •

elalnilug lha l thftlic who live w icked ly here w-lll gel ano ther chnnco hero- after, while o thers th ink Umt co y one ibau<): will, be afforded to aujr-' ojie. This la aald to b o 'tlie m ost l a -

u teri‘stlng leciuro of the Borlcs. WJU» an able Hlble aebolar to r the Bpealccr, nncf a llvoly thetnc fo r dlHctiaslon, »•

J. good tu rnou t Is .expeetcd.—Adv.


!g Hurley P lan t U rglns CnUlnR W e « — Kmjiloy.K Over Two llu n d ^ t l J icn . .

a- The loe.il p lanl of lho A m nlgam ato*o. Sugar Co. will begin lo cut bceta to -jd morrow—V'Tldny. Over 200 m en w ltt'If. be Omplovcd lu nnd .about the factory,of while. K.0 Japs nnd 2C! M exicans a r e d- working In lho fleldu lopping and lootf-II- Ing tho heels. T hc hauling furn ishe* 0- ciuploymcol for a largo numbor of ad - lie dlllonnl men and teams.a- The openlnii o f thc raiffpnlgn fn tfto

local factory wns dolnyod by' tho re - cen t storm s nnd cold wcathor.

ar bowc%’or, several thousands totia o r )f- beets nro op lho Krouml, rondy to -t« r it. ruu Into tho factory, and t J io a e te - t te n- fields hnvo a ll ripened ao th a t the,

work of digglnfe need not ho a o la y c t 11- The c a p a c lly o f tbp factory ttif» y e a r !t- Is fiOO tons per day, and It f« ofiUmatod to t h a t 't h e campjiign w-ill la s t fo r 9* )1- days.—P urley DullcUn.

0- Road tbo w an t ada fn the T im u t

t , O c t . 2 8

i-y - ■ '

s T l V l a i i ^~ --2 4 musical m im bers.'

Show Like

Page 6: NO. 107 EIGHTH YEAR. TWIN FALLS^^TOIN FALLS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN.... v^bV. Vm. NO. 107 EIGHTH YEAR. TWIN FALLS^^TOIN FALLS COUNTY. IDAHO, FRJDAY,

■ ■ TH B T W I0g-A-W 3BEg T W IN PA L L S TIM ES ■ . ■ ''■ ' £ ............. ■ - ..................... . .



HULLPUno Tuner.

23 yfldra’ oxporionco, D yCnro In T^'ln FU la. Tuning, volclnK and ncUon w gtilatlng . All w ork, tmarftntood.

Bcsldcnco IlogcrHon Hotel., P..Q. Kox 67L___________


.BK. TAYLOll,/ D en tis t

Offlco In Central Bulldliis, wUh Dr. Morgan. Pliono No.

fiB . D. UUOWJi LEWKllS,DcnUsC

• BpocIftUflt in Crown and Ilrldgo Work. Ovor V am cy’a Candy Store

G ulbort Uulldlni:Tolopliono 109.



€ . U. BOOTH,Lawyer.

€ * a d Offlco IrrigationPracUco. Law,

F lm t National - Bank Dldg.

SWEELEY & SW EELEr,Atto'mey8*at*Lnw.

W ill practice In ittl Courts. TWIN FALLS. - - IDAHO II«Qib«r T n in Falls,Com m crclnl Clnb.

^ f f . P . GUTHBIE,L airycr.

Rooms S and 4 Fox Dulldlns,Main Avonue. .


J . a . TYIS^ LAWYER.O fllce rooms 8 and 7rT w ln Falls

Bank and T ra s t Co. UnlldiDS. Twin F alls, Idaho. ,



Panoora.' H otels 'nnd'’(2oatractora, any kind of holp you wont.

IL D. SCOTT,120 U oin Avo. N. Phono 2«3.


P . J . GBOSSSIAK.S ace«sio r of C. i . W aikcr,

rKDEETAKER. g p w D a y & 'N ls h t All C alls Rcspond- i «d to Prom ptly. Private Ambulance. . H a rd e r Bldg. 230 Socond Avo. East, r t o p e 110.________ Twin Idaho.

f r a t e r n a l SOCIETIES. <

’ AI. W. A.- CAMP n g g g g e ' N o 10890 m m

« i d a a d 4 U iW n o a d a r 'F . O .B .n a l l .

k s . DODGES, Consul.T elophooe No. 3G3. Paul Sm ith. Clork.

; Twio ru i; Lo4;(Ho.2?i.o.o.r. ,

M M ta OTorr T barsday ovening a t ' 7:3<l 4n Odd Fallow s’ H all. Tl&ltlns Droth- • n i a lw ays .welcome.

0 . D. SCmVIEOER, N. 0, . & A. CRTDEI^ S ecroury .


' ’StfediTC B aaday, M an h lOlh, I01S. 'D * a rN o .2 StotlosB D allyN o.I U :0 5 p jn . L v ..O oodlng ..A r. 5:CSp.m.

-------- |S :20p.'m cL V TT ^ynonnatt^^A r, r»-3 0 p.mU :4 0 p jn . Lv..W ondoll.-.Ar. 6;20p.m. 12 :65p ja . Lr..A ppleton. .A r. D.-OBp.m. 1:10p.m . A r...Je rom o ...L v . 4:60p.m.

D. C. MACWATTERS, Tl<;o-Pnw. and Gon. Mgr., Milner. Ida

B. 8 . JACKSON, Superlntondont. Ooodlng, Ida.

J. H. RADCLIFFE.O. F . Jk P . A- ilJlnor. raw ».“

It Is An Absolute Fact

T but your Lomo can be perfoct- Ijr heated with imro. healthful, con- stantly-renowod warm air. froo from duBt. gna, and amoko; and th a t a good W arm Air tum nco will do i t

H. A. Brizee12C 2d St. E a s t

- -farni-anil-Cilj- j Loans


Twin Falls Title and Abstract Co.


T il l rills , lllh a

Rock Springs and Hiawatha

C O A LCoal that pleases and

gives the heat


Phono■ - 28



Twin Falls Counly


Royal o( London.London & Llverpuol f t Qloba.Sun o f London.A etna of H artford.London AsHuranco.ScottlBh Union & National.81. Paul F lro & Marino.ConnocUcut of H a rtfo rd . 'Provldenco W aahington.American of No^mrk.Colonfal Undorwrltors.Fldollty Phcnlx. ,Lloyda Plato GIrb" Cn.Dultvd S tates Fldnlliy.

Hill & Taylor

NeUco F o r PahllcaUon—Final Proof.J, 11. 0 . Short, of K lm beriy,.Idaho,

who nmdu en try num ber 2531. under Uio provlalons of im ac t o f ttio loglsJn- luro of tho Stato of Idaho, commonly known aa tho "Caroy Act," npprovod March 2nd. 1899, which onibmcea S .-W r-% r«.-ffi.-14,-aodJQnjr.iDyjjflhjli 11. Range 18 12. U. M., do hereby T?lvo noUco of my in ten tion to mako Ilnnl proof to oAlablluU my claim to tho land abovo described, nnd tha t 1 ox­pcci to provo Uint I havo roaldod on, reclaim ed and culUvatod said land aa rcQulrcd by law , botoro Maurlco Gu- bocn, C arey A ct Land CommlBSlonor, n t Tw in ra i ls , Idaho, on the 24th dnj .of Octobor, 1913, by two of the fol- ’lojvJng w jincsB cs:' M ark Doan, ol Tw in F a lls . Idaho; A. M. Johnson, ol Twin F a lls . Idnho; A. L. liarber, Jr., of Tw in FnllB. Idaho, and Don Dady, o f KicnhorJj’. Iduho.

R. O. SHORT. SojH 26 Oct 24 I'Jntryman


To Whom It Mny Concorn:NqUco Is hereby given tha l I. lh t

undersigned, w ill hoII -at., public nuc­tlon. fo r cnsh, the following doscrlbcd poraonal proporty, to-w li: Ono (1)

[ brown sm ooih raouihod mulo, n( m arks o r brands, w eight about Nlm

’ H undred (900) poundn, snld nnlmal being lho property ot ono John Doo

' Snld solo is to bo had fo r thc piirpou< o t paylnR tho undornlgned for feod ani

■ keep Blnco tho I bI dny of Mny, 191$ and for cortnln veterinary ocrvlcei

, rendorod, nmountlnA In nil to the sun' of F ifty Ono.oo) Dollars, baaldes cobui

Said Bale to tnko place In thc City o: Twin F alls, County of Tw in Falla an<

■ Stnta o t Idaho, nnd In fron t of tho O• K. Saddle Livery a t No. 410 Sccont■ -AT«7-6o;--lii-«Hl<UCIt>:—and-Couni>:_oi• tho 2r>th day of Octobor. 1913, and iv■ tun nO) o 'clock A. Af. o f sJiJd dny.'■ Oct H . Signed. J. E. UOSS,

. !a Uio P roba te CouH, County o f .T n h F a l l s S tate of Idabo.

In tho m a tte r of the o«tnto ot Marj C. Woods, Decc«BCd,r-:Ordcr to ahov cnuBO why O rdor of Sale of Hoal Es tuto ahould n o t bo mndo,

Nick Sm llh, tho atlmlnlBlrator witl the w ill annexed, of Uio esta te of Mnr; C. Woods, deccasod. having filed hli poUUon heroin praying fo r an o rder o Bnlo of u ll the real ciilnto of snld do codent, fo r th c purpoaea thoroln ao forth.

I t is thoroforo ordoro<I by tho aale court, th a t all persons InicrcBtod In thi estnto of euld docoased nppear bofon tho snld probntQ court on Frldny, thi Slut day of October, 1913, a t 10 o'clocl In tho forenoon of said day nt tho cour room ot a a ld probato co u rt n t Uji court houae In Tw in I-’nllii, County o Twin FnllB. lo show cauae why an o r dor should n o t bo grantod to tbo aaU NIcfc Sm ith to-soll ho much bi tho ran CHliito of tho iwiid doc«u«Ml lus shall b< nocesimry.

And th a t n couy of tlila o rdor In nnbllshod nt loiiut onco i\ week for no

~h}HH~tlrim"to»r sncceflaivo-weokH-ln-UM Twin I'^illB TlmcB, a nowsjinpor prin t od and pnbllnhod In snld Twin Falli Cnuuty, Idaho, and lh n t.said puliKca Uon be completed nl leant flvo dayi nrlod to^aald .Hat day of October. 19i:i

D a to d ^ p tc n ib e r 30lh, 1913.J. M, SHANK,

(SKAL) . Judge of ProhatoOcl 3-10-17-2

When* thoro’s n piaco for you In th« Itoardlng house In which you’d fool s( much n t homo thn t llfo would grov do ub l/ w orth-whllo you 'll find thi news In flomoono of the "Doarderi .Wanted’' ads.

The peopio wJm wociid b u r w hat yoc would llko to soil—o r who would flol’ w hat you'd like to buy—are, of course rsado rs of tb e classified odfl.

SOBGEPE qOESIIONSO n th c S unday S chool L esson

b y R ev . D r. Llaaco tt fo r ih c lo tc rn a tio n o l P ress Bi­

ble Q uestion C lu b '

O c t 'iti, lo ia .(C'nin.TlRht, lO i:;, by U o v . 'T . s . L ln

•ucotl, D. D.TIk’ Sin of Mobcs and Anron. Num

x x ;l- 1 3 . .(.loldcn ’IV xt— l.n l tlio w o rila o f m:

inoiiUi am i CJif fitw llim fw i ot jn y Iw nr bo a cc cp ln b lo In lliy o lg h t, O .lehovab n iy r o c k 'a n d iii>’ r.idec 'nier. P a . xlx^l-l

(I) Vorsu 1—Who wus Mnrlnm W liat nre (he prhicliml oventa in he life?

(L') H ow m a n y ycura hnv o In te rv o n (;d Blnce lb o ro iiu r t o f th o sp le b an tile iB racllltuu b iiln g ’tu rn o d imcic f ro r till) b o rd e n i of Ciiniinn in to th o w ll (k'nicHB?

i;i) Veriio Wnlit Ib lbo dlfforonc lu tbu vahiL’ c t u commiinlly wher Ihero is no w ater cainjiareil to on wlii-re'tbcru 1» plenty of w alcr?

( II I f th o w a t i 'r im pply o f U i la p l a e Hhould po rn iiin e m ly fn ll w h iit offoe w ou ld ll liave u jnm th c p o p u la tio n ?

(■)) W im l ill th e econom ic vn lu e o \v;iii.’r w b lrh Goil no p le n t ifu l ly hui: p'llc:ii w lilio iit m oney a n d wlUioii p r ice ?

(II) rc ra e n :i-4--Ht)w in ll thn t th {Kvjplf; f.’<>n<>raJ!y blamo Ujohi! w)io »r In aiiDiorlly for llieir provldenll:i iroubloH?

(7 ) My w h a t iio rl of a rg u m e n t, hav lOK fJi<* w n iM fin w o f rn:iuoii. rou)it J)i iH nu'lltoH H ii]ipurt th e i r accuun tlo i u g a lim t Moiii!h und A aron?

(S) W b a t ]iro |i()rtlo n o t p in n a a]>cak (ng peop le ' lo d n y w h en th e y n re h tn m l i ln a c t in a s ln i lla r u i i r c a s o n a b l iiia ii tie r an ilieiie iHraelllOH?

(!)) I s I t possH ilf, n n d If an how , (' hiiTO iiP iirr nm l- In w a rd iio Iho n f sou no m a tte r how se v e re t l i e , ca lnn iU y (T h la i» one of th e (itiea tiona w hlcl m uy bu nnaw erod In w ri t in g hy mom b e ra o f tlio c lub ,)

■(10) V orao fl—C o n tra s t th e i r g e n e ra p ro v ld e n t ln l 'c o n d it io n s in c e th e y lof K g y p l w ith U iolr com lllio n In Egyp a n d any w h lrh nviB th e lie tte r .

(11) W iiy la I t th a t poople g o n e ra ll: n t id o r r a lu c th e p re» e n t a n d a p ea k o ■'the good o ld dnya"?

‘ (ll!) Y erne f>— W b al ia a lw a y s 't in b e n t th in g to do. a n d w jiy , w hon wi a r e c o n fro n te d w ith a p a in fi il proble'n w h lrh wo cnJUiot Holvc?

( l a y W h n t go n o ra lly h a p p e n s w het w fa ith fu lly and e a rn e a t ly te ll ou tr o u b le a \ o G od?

“ ( l i ) IVhflH In o n r t r o u b le a Ood a p pn a ra lo, iia’ In a rea liH lle m a n n e r am

1. o u r h e a r la a re fllled w ith th c jo y o r " g lo ry o f th e L o rd " w b a t o ffoc t doe: - th a t h av e upo n o n r JndK m en t i?nd <3it y ncilouB ?ll ( ir . l V oraea 7-R—W hen a n d w h e n a d id Moana b e fo re th lft a l th e com niam 1‘- o f C.nil b r in g w a te r o u t o f a ro c k ? o' (K .) ^Vliat' w ere tiio ex iic t~ U tc ri ■1 w h ic h G o ir 'c o m m a n d ed M oaea lo ta k ' 0 In o r d e r to g e t w a lc r o n t o f th o ro ck

(17) Voracii 9-11— W lm i w aa UiIb roi t. w h ic h Moaea to<;k In h la h n n d , nni a w h n t b a d lio p robab ly dnno w ith I t li I- th o pnBt?

(18) W boro ln w ou ld yon hay >1obo: y nnd A aro n a lnned In "'the m a n n e r Ii I- w h ic h th e y g o t th e w a te r fro m lh if ro c k ?'f (19) V crao 12—W’h e re in d id Moae .. a n d A nron ahow u n b o lle f in G od? r. (20) W bon a p r e a c h e r o r Sundn:

a c b o o l tc n c h o r o r ‘p a r e n t tc ac h e n g n ln a t lh e nin o f p e tu la n c e o r an g e

1. nnd p u t ahow a a n g e r h lm a e lf, w h ich 1 fo llo w ed , h ia p re c e p t o r h la e x am p le ?

(21 > W'liy would you say J t was ncc Oflflary for Ood to exocuto Bomo iional ty upon MoBca and A j^ n ?

d LeaBon for Sunday, Nev. 2, 1913 > Onlak and Num. x i l l ; ld x x ll: l—xxlll;in .' . • • . - ^

0 •tl ' MUKTAUOH N EW S.0. •

« B • • • « • • • • • • rd M u rta u g b , Id a ., OcL 23. 1013.S, M lsa D o ra Goaa re tu r n e d S a iu rd n la a f t e r a p en d ln g lho niOBt of tho^w oo! :n lu T w in F a lls v la itln g frien d a .H, T h u L ad lea ' Aid m e t T h u ra d a y a )f ti ie hom e of .Mra; W . H. H n ll. T he: d n ru buay g e ttin g - r e a d y fo r th e i ). b a z a a r lo b e he ld a b o u l tw o w eek a bc d fo ro X m iia. T h e n e x t m e e tin g w ill b u . lie ltl n l tlie h omo o f M ra. H offm an . Oc It to b o r 3 u ., A te n -c c n l ic a ^ I T I)

a e rv e d by Ihe fo llow ing In d ies ; M ri l l i in l , 'M ra. H offm nn, Gobb, .Mru, N . C .Mall a n d Mlaa E un ico H o y t. A ll a r

D In v ite d to com e, T h e lu d lc s w ill a la g iv e fiJi (‘« t(frta ln m e iit .o H tb o cvcuJd, o f th o ba za a r,

y M r. C ra ig b a s m oved h is fam ily In t w th e houao on tho Ja m ea H oyd rn n ch . I- .Mr. M’ftlke r'a f a m ily n o w occup;

th e W ein lie lm er r a n c h , h G ra ce G ordon w na n p a a a e n g e r t •y T w in I 'li lla T ueaday a n d I 'r ld a y , w h er is s h e la h a v in g Home d e n ta l w o rk <loa< )f S overn l acco m jian icd th o te a c h o r >- a n d pup lla W o d n c a d a y - to K im b e rly 3l A ll en jo y ed a ' good tim e . O the r

w o u ld h a v e gone h a d I t n o t been buc ,d a b uay tim e.10 W'm. M orrison m oved M r. L aw w cll' •0 houao to I lc rg e r S u n d a y . H o fo rm all ic ta u g h t aclioo l h e re a n d b u il t th la tem k p o rn ry bouao fo r th c tlm o be in g , r t M r. P a y m oved b la f a m l ly -h o r a j ro i10 H e y b u rn a n d Is th e a cc tlo n f6 rc m a )f fo r th e 0. S. L,r- ,M r. S n id e r , f a th e r o f H o m e r an ,d J a c k S n id e r , n r riv e d in M u rtn u g11 T u e a d a y evon lng f ro m C a lifo rn ia . H lO la- n a a la lin g H o n io r , S n id o r. w ho 1

h u lld in R M r. S e n e c a l 'a now houao . ‘ K5 M ra. W. D. Goaa a c c o m p an ie d Jn c It F i t l le r ’s fnm lJ) ' lo T w Jn F n lla W cdnei * Aiv_-j>.-bpre M ra. F i il) e r lin.l h n r ton t I- o x trac to d .la Mlaa W ea v er o f T w in F a lla , vIbUc I* ______ 1!_____________________________

' A ll Skin R0.:i H av e you tr ie d a ll th o n d vo rtU od sk i

r em e d le a w ith o u t bucccbb?' H av o yo,e B ought m ed ica l t r e a tm e n t In v a in10 A nd you a tlil s u f fe r f ro m t h a t I r r l ta " Ing I tch , th a t h o r r ib le , una ig h U y uklIp dlBCUBO?'# D o n o t doapalr.

Com o to our atoro n n d wo wl g u a r a n t e e y o u IN S T A N T R I

D L IE F . W o will le l you havo a full bIj11 b o ttle o f th o D.D .D. P re s c r ip t io n fc B H czem a, a s im p le . nnU aoplIc w n sh , o

o n r poBillve g u a ra n te e th a t u n le u s

; u Ul u t kuu ywu..BUU uuiuo, tu iuu ltu li .sdl^uu;.

i l is uopoa spua UigglUg will Ij ovor ' lu lUla uolgiiworuood. thJ WOOK fo r Ulls year.

Air. wnd Mrs. Bmlth arrived lu Mu; td'ugn Tuuaduy from OKlnnomn. Tt: •lorniur is a uou oI.M lltou SmllU.

. A hnndio snowor -wus glvou u t U L-eo homo Jn Jiouor oX Mr, nnd Mr Lim ou iJiiloa. iiovural valuable pro cntH were rocSo(l> A' largo crow wua preaont.- .Nmny more would hn' Kttendcd h«d it h u i been aimii a bui Utio. splendid mualc. was reudori l>y .Ulaa Kenuell and utheru aang sob uuu uiieia. RurroBhmcnia woro sorvi and all duparceii n t n Utlo hour <lec}a

■ lug lliey nail Had a moat dollghtf ; llino.

Wlillo Walkor, who la confined tho '(loapftal a l iiaR I.4tko, la ruporC< lioiicr. .Mra. Forguaon, mothor

: M io . Wm. W alker. Ia aiHJudliig ll ' 'Winter with bcr.' N. O. Hall wont lo Pocalcllo Sundi ‘ m orning to moul M rs.'H ail ami irui)

who Iiave beon vlaliiiig for Bonie tin ’ la lho eaat.’ Soverul of the fai'm ura' apuda a

avornging 200 Backa to tne acre.Thero will be a box uocini given

’ tho jiuiLT future. The proceeds to uaod to cloar the debt on the piano.

, ' .Miaa C lara Miller la making li homo with Mra. Will lla jl nnd atlon

■ InK Hcbool.‘ Mra. W. n.- Hall, who haa been co

fined to the lioiiao wllli rhoumatlsm ' much bettor and able to bo oul aom• .Mr. fimJ Mra. John CnrJaon nro tl• liroud paren ta ot a baby girl.

W ork la progreaalng rnpldly on M■ Hanuon’a now len-rooincd iiout■ which doea credit <-fo on r conntr ' From the looka of the now .houoi

being orectod Uio farm era .are pr ' Kroaalng.

Ju llua Im gard left fnr Oakioy •’Ifoi■ day lo be gono about tbroo day

Whllo Uiere ho will lako the civil ao! vico cxamlnatidn. . -

Mra. John Sllvera ia inaklng prepa ' a ilons lo loavc aoon for Kanaaa ' v lalt rclativea.

Lloyd Jain nnd Oliver Johnaon aiie Sunday wlUi homo folku. Thoy are a

I lending high achool in Twin Falla.Mra. Cox roturnod homo Tueadi

• bvenInK from lho cast whero aho h: iieou visiting for tho pnat fow wech

B O O T irp fO M E IH u BeDeHtted Thousands of C

tarrh. Sofferer:—Will Do the Same for Yoo or Moq>

t j Back •The Hyomel troatm on t thn l haa r

roctlvoly benefited m any thouannds ' Huffora from catnrrh i bronchlUH, bus) voice mid coldB In Uio head la cat and pleasant to nso. Ju a l pour a fo

- tlrops In the Inhaler nnd breathe it : —no slomnch doaing. The iicairn

I soothing and antlaoptlc a ir will roae ovory nook nnd crevlco of tho mucoi mombriuio of tbe noao nnd lhroat;vWl surely atop c rusts lu tho noao, ralair of mucua, hnwklug and Ihni'choko' up feeling. I t w ill quickly nllay .11

' InflamaUon-JUid biialah the dlsoaso i ‘ monoy refunded by Skeola-Wiloy Dn i Co.

A fompJolo Ilyom cl outfit, includi; ‘ Inhaler ni\d bottle o f liquid, coata on

Sl.OO, nnd nn ex tra bottle of liquid, aftorw arda needed, la but CO cents.-

! Adv.' •

; NOTICEAll personal tax , not socured 1

ronl oatato, la now due. and ^ u s t 1 . paid Immediately, luatcad of Janua

le t, as horotoforo. Alao tnx on sta Innd la now due. Notices hnvo boi

’ sent- Cnll a t tho nsaoasor's office.' send tho nmount of your tnx by mi■ n t onco. J. W. DEAUCHAMP, . O c t 21-24-2JI-31 • Abscssc

n o t iH

: To Ed Roberta; You are horcby n Ufled th a t tho undersigned will sell

. public nuctlon. one two-acatcd euri• fo r w ork dono thereon nt your rccjuei• tho rensonnblo chnrgo for said wo . being in Uio sum of $5.00, w ith coal. anlo and advertising. The salo will 1 held a t Uio sale grounds of H. ft. Lv r In T wln-FnllirrH dnhtr." gatn rd ay. N

vombcr 1, 1913, puraunnt to soctli■ 3447 of the Rovlsed Codos.J Dated October 21.-1913., O ct 21-31 T. n . HENDRICKS,

K O nC E TO CKEDITOHS.) --------- . ■ •

Eatnto of W llllnm D. McCobo, D’ CCASOd.

NoUco ta horcby givon by tho n > dorsigned, S lu a rt H. Tnylor^ admlnl } tra to r w ith will annexed of tbo ests . o t W illiam D. McCabo, doc<uu«d.1 tho crodltors o t and all persons hn . Ing clt^m s aga in st tho said doccost s to oxhiblt thom w ith tho necossa I vouchers, w ithin ton m onths-sftor t

f ir s t publication of UiIs noUce, to t J sold adm inistra tor a t h is offlcc, 1 f M ain Avo. E a s t In the c ity of Tw- F alls, County of Tw in F alls, 3taM

Idaho, th is being Uio f irs t place fix1 fo r tho tranBaction of Uio buslnoss 1 said estate.

Dated Soptomber aoUi, 191S.1 STUART H. TAYLOR,1 A dm inistrator w ith Will Annexed.0 tho Eatnte of W illiam D. McCal B decenscd. Oct 3-10-17-

< ^ ^ o n tho npartm ent. which mlg:- alm ost, b a rs boon plannod a sd doslj1 ed fo r yog; bocom es av^lnblp to rt ~ 'the n«ws wITI bo found“ ln Ih s '" ll R ent” oolnmna.

em edies FaUa stops the Itch AT ONCE It will c« ll you n o l a cent. You owo It lo youra ! to Uko nilvantngo of tbla offor. A- nro confident It w ill succeed o r ' a could nol afford to mnko tho'offerJ

D.D.D la n peaetrnU ng liquid t l k ills nnd w ashes ^ w a y dlsoaso ooiti

I loavlng tho sk in smooth and hoalU- A COc botUo la enough to s ta r t t0 cu re of tho m oat obstinate cases r Eczama. Poarlnsls and alllod d lse is1 D.D.D. soap Is n valuable aid. , A t us about II. Bedford Drug Co.-rAi

r- ■ . ' . „

ife»y , ■It’s on the Kl hours a dajS sixty-five dIn time, any'frl

playdays--frj to to farthest,j. made, roads c

~,the Ford i ready.”

In Pivo hundred dollabo ' F o rd runabout; th(

the town car oovcn . com plolo wllh .cou

particu la rs from n- l-'alls. Idaho.Is10.no


• ) ' . ______________ ' ___________ -



i ' ; ’ V A R

Icapital - SI00,000 Surplus and-Proflts c i

$20,000 riwntEik - , • “

T- r . ». JobDMn. Pre«td«Bi. . at J. B. aiotoB. Jr..ty W. S . Eldridn. VI«»-IW miy J . U. MuwoU. OuhSor. Ww W. K. NUfio. AMt. O s ^ "In * • JRT ■ ■ ^ ---------------;hIS,11

I % Twin Falls BanI V S A V I N G SI I . Look“ N On« D o lla r ($1.00) s ta ru

so m l-anoually a t th e i

S -Safe Depositt)0ry :tejn

■' P len ty oiir.

FarnS ■ CaU•y.

S Twin Falls Bankbole,


SACK!o- PRICE before 3lal Potato,,wh©ito clov«

5: Twin Falls Mill^ ---------------------------------------------------ho ----------------------------------------------------27 ---------

i f R - R . C L A Y T O N


1)0. O ur l i f e t im e ex p e rien ce e i2-1 y o u r s tu ff t h a n a n y o n e e lse . . V

P b o o e u s a t

S m ith & IMT T --------------------------— '• T VyiN



wo D ancing achool Wednesda: o'fohlng from 7:4B to 8:45.

,*f • ■ R egular dnnce Wodnesda: Q. and S a tu rday oronfng.■.J Holl. fo r ro o t for dances oni l{g • parUbs. - - T elephone 2B8*Rod.

M an ag ers , NYE & 6 R 0 V Ijv.

job., twenty-four - , three hundred lys a year—any ere—workdays, |im farthest North South~on w l- r unbroken trails i always “fit and

■a la the.new price of lbo * touring, car Is flvo fifty; fifty—ail f. 0 ; b. Detroit,DMcnL (jot catalog and .'eatcrn Auto CoT,''Twin---

-SweetsT H E SEASOI^

N E Y ’ S


RST m m BANKOF' t w in f a l l s

e Invite Your Bnsinesstcmber Twin Fa»« Commereia] Clafc.

Trost Company DEPARTMK^T vFor the Sign I

aa acco u n t. In te ree t. a llo w ed N Inio of 4 per o en t p e r annum .

B o x ^ -for R en t ^

M oney for i Loansand see us

and Trust Company

^ Still in th e busi- ® ness. G et ou r ou buy."it, oats, beam and seed sacks.

ing & Elevator Co.

^ G. J . B R A D L E Y

& BRADLEY O N E ER Sable* ua t o g e t y o u b e t te r p ricee fo r 'e K uam stee sa tisfac tion o r n o p ay .

cM aster’s B amFXIXSTTDXDO ------ r - ---------

l l The O R PH E U M R O O M S

AboTO ■ Orphcnin T heatre. R ates by Day o r Woek. '


* Also .Rooins fo r Ltftbt ilonsokeepIoK ^

Page 7: NO. 107 EIGHTH YEAR. TWIN FALLS^^TOIN FALLS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN.... v^bV. Vm. NO. 107 EIGHTH YEAR. TWIN FALLS^^TOIN FALLS COUNTY. IDAHO, FRJDAY,


■ ^ ■ ■IIIIII - ^ ^ M l . I - u m m y


O U R S T O R E i s c r a m m e d f u l l o f n e w , u p - t o - d a t e m e n ’s w e a r , e v e r y a r t i c l e a b s o l u t e l y g u a r a n t e e d t o g i v e y o u s a t s f a c t i o h . H e r e ’ s

* 1 y b u r o p p o r t u n i t y t o s u p p l y y o u r w i n t e r n e e d s a t p r i c e s w h i c h w i l l I n o i b e e q u a l e d i n T w i n F a l l s t h i s c o m i n g w i n t e r . ____________ __

j R E A P - T H & 4 J S ^ B E L O M LI M e n ’s S u i t s a n d O v e r c o a t s M e n s H a t s M e n ’s S u i t C a s e s

' I $30.00 Suits and Overcoats . / $ 2 2 J 5 0 v *51® ‘ $7.50 Suit Case^ . . . . $ 6 .4 5 I 25.00 jSuits and Overcoats . . 1 9 .0 0 s ’s o M r n ’l * H a t V . . . silB 6 . 0 0 Suit Cases . . . . 4 . 9 5 I 20.00 Suits and Overcoats . . 1 6 .0 0 *00 Men’s Hats . . • 2-65 5.00 Suit Cases . ■ • - 4 .1 5 I 18.00 Suits and Overcoats . . 1 5 .0 0 SM en-tHaS . . ' lleB ' ' f - ? | I 15.00 Suits and Overcoats . . 1 '2 .0 0 1.50 Men's Hats , . 1.25 2.Q0 Suit Cases . •^ 1 ,4 5

- I MEN’S PA N TS M e n ’s S w e a te r C o a ts Men’s Bib Overall? 9 d c " I $5.00 Men’s Pants . . . . 5 4 ^ 1 5 $5.0o Sweater Coats '. $4.35. Meii’s Waists . . . 90c-■ ■ r-> ' i l . 4.50 Sweater Coats . 4.00 n/i ■ i --I 4.50 Men s Pants....................... 3 .7 5 4.oo Sweater Coats . . . 3 . 4 5 Men s Jumpers , ^8 DCI 4 no Mpn’s Pants ^ 3.50 Sweater Coats . 3.00 ----- -^ ^ ^ ^I ■ ■ ■ I ’ S g \ 2.50 sweater Coats .. . . 2 . 0 0 MEN’S GLOVES■ 3.5U IVlen S r a n t s ................ ..... 2 .3 5 " 2.00 Sweater Coats . 1.50 < r th e *I . 2.50 Men’s'Pants . , 1 .9 8 ' -------------m T h T ' ' e t f nI , ' jl^pin^s Tt^rSPVS $1.75 Mens '^ork Gloves . $ 1 * 5 0 ■

T ---------------nW E N ’i S H O E S — =” S \ $3.50 Jerseys ! - $3.00 I ^ .50~Msirs“Wcirk“GfoveS : : • 1 .2 5 - SI $ 5 . 0 0 Men’s SKoes. . . . . $ 4 .1 5 ' ' 2-45 1.25 Men’s Work Gloves . . 1 . 1 0 I 4.50 Men’s Shoes . „ . . . . 3 .8 5 ~ ~ 1. 0 0 Men’s Work Gloves . . . 856.-

i l l 4 . 0 0 Men’s Shoes . . 3 .2 5 M e n ’s U n io n S u its .75 Mens Work Gloves 6 0 cI ' 3.50 Men’s Shoes . . . . 3 .0 0 HOO Wool Union Suits - - $3.25 ------------------------------------------ --I , 3 . 0 0 Men’s Shoes . . . . . 2 .6 5 LlwooIuSonSulu ' - ' - IT s A l l H o s i e r y a t S p e c i a l P n c c s

_____ jrTTTls'r ir ' 2.00 Cotton Union Suits - 1.65 ------------ :------------------------ ;M E N S SHIRTS 1.50 cotton Union suits - 1.15 r p | • ¥ V ' r .

I 1 1.7 5 Men’s Shirts . . . $ 1 .3 5 U5 Cotton Union Suits - - 1.00 [ h l S IS 1 O U r U p p O l t U n i t y

I ' ■ ■ ■ ' I n n M e n ’s T w o - P ie c e S u its . ' \ -■ 1.25 Mens atlirts . . . . I j j y $3.00 Two-Piece Suits - - $2,35 'n r iX T ’X W A T T TI 1.00 Men’s Shirts . . . . .7 5 2.50 Two-Piece Suits - - - 2.00 1 VV 1 • ^

I -.65M e„'.shiffi . . . . ■ . '.5 0 , J5SS2:l."S -■:■.■ !:Si COME IN N O W •. I .50 Mens Shirts . ■ . • .4 0 l.OO Two-Piece Suits - - - 'S5o ▼ ▼ ■.

I iic a ^ K s SHW,

Page 8: NO. 107 EIGHTH YEAR. TWIN FALLS^^TOIN FALLS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN.... v^bV. Vm. NO. 107 EIGHTH YEAR. TWIN FALLS^^TOIN FALLS COUNTY. IDAHO, FRJDAY,

> ^ : • • ' - THE TW lOE-A.W EEg TW IK FA U[g T n m . •

• Purity of Ingredients Gtv<

■ HERBST & RAMBOO nly B peclu lly hcIccioc3,

' ; , bearing lliu Puro row l-;^f<e

■ KlnvorlnKH arc the host ‘ th c citiLdicLt II illullu

Tho bonl grnde uuBnrH u . g rade coiilccllonu,

llorbHl & Uambo’H lilgh-t th an othcrwlHft, on account

,Kt‘l lho bcno{U*-thi! Biillufivcl


CBNSTRUaiON BEING PUSHEI-SfoxV <m IdnlK. X ortl» rn ^Vllf h

ICualicd Hofori! tV(ut<'r.

Naojim , Ocl. lil.—The UDlcnilfi v e a lb c r of lhe imHl \vcoI< on Ihc Ida

. i M y M l H E A T R lTHIS WEEK

'T linraduy , F riday nnJ Sntnrdnyy a u w :y il l k a ttua ctio n

Huella & CompianyTHunIon Act» IVnturln^r lho’

Singiqg Head , ^CJrcatcst MjHicry o t Ci>nlnry


HU Mother's SongJL D ram atic MuKior-l’Icco nitli i

I ’oTrcriful ;}Iorn>. ’

T he Gaumont WeeklyC o to s t lUTlow of llnppcnlnh's Uu

W orld O tcr

The Sheriffs RivalComedy Subject

■----------The-Norwood-Ca*e-—% S to r j W hkli M ight H aro Iliipl’onct

.H nsle by On>bcum Orchcslm .,,I Friodijum, D irector.

• N ."APMSSION 10 and IG CENTS.’. 'X a f la e e S a tn n U r at 2 0 0 . Scud Yom

. Children.

‘ T he prices onpay us a short prit ^ble Wear.

To Ht


I M U S T .R Aat a fraction of it

i Suit!


}s High Quality to ■

’s Candies

Vi'liolciioine colorlngn arc m o ! T

tfial .cnoncj’ a m buy nml Kivo cllvc laule—uol blilurncaii.

iflcd. tniido CHiiccially for hU;h-

iniillty rainIlcH coiit a little moro • ot purity nt liij;rtnllcutB, hui you , lou of oatlng lliu t)ciii.

AMBO, Confectioners

) b(i N orthern cxieutilon ha:i g reatly (uc lllluiJd Ih'o Irii.cU laying crnv.’ whtc 111 now rai>ldl^’'|iruuocuU ng WQr)t_b<; iwccfi' Ciold-l-^irk and Lake Pork. ’I'F l»r«(! brldgo ftl (iold I'ork huB buc croimed uml ibcy ux|)cci to rcueli Luk

;j lorluy o r lom orrow. 'I’ho dlv. tuui'C Ijciwcon tbo Iwo idacOH In tii . K}}}i.'H. IvJiJjo l'’ork, w hlth In 1! mile■ from ^rcCall on I’aycH^n luko, :i;1 mllo• fKjrtfi oS S«jJiirn l''ej’ _ iin d 18S MiDe• n o rilr of Nam]ia, ll I tinhw . though■ «•»! he tJiu u-lHier tfnHJJiaJ. I t wJ]■ tuko about ibrei; wcekw to Imlld lh

longlroH tlo tic.-ccuflftry {lier<>, hy H-blci lline the iinow will be too deei) to pro t'Cfd furllior. '

KuglucerH tielleve thn llnc w in b turned tiver to liio o |ieratfng dciinrt mciu as fur a« Arlliigtou, a iioltii 1 mllou below • Unke Kork and uliou three -mllcu ubovo Uo»cbcrry. Tbi would mnko lho w inlor term inal fo

■ t r a l n n t n l l o a norlh ot Smlth’H F c rrjConcroto aliulmonlH for ilio nice

Ijrlilgoa, oiin a t .Crawford, ono lw> ' ' tnlles nhd ono alx mlloa ubovo. w lU 'b

r/mi|>Jotod ihl» w in ter. Tbc depot nn' Hoellon hulldlnga a t Cnnciulo. IG mllo Hortli o f Ihc Kerry, wjjl bo done hi nn o ther week. II lu reported lha l. ihi line will l;c'Inkcz» oyer hy tbo ojii'm l Ing deiiarlnioni of the Oregon Shor Mno na fa r fw CSfirnde itl oncc, tbu.

' making tlm t place tho proncui tcrm ln UH Inatoad of SmUh’« P<*rry. Tho w i tor aliiUon a fno lv jdcro . 12 inlles nortl of Sm llb’H I'erry . fa well tm tlor mr. nnd thc large force bnllnmlng tbi ira rk In alioul up lo tho trncklnyerfl.

Local ira lnm en oxpoct conHldnrnbl trouble tb ls w lnlcr In TceoplnR tho nev Ilpo' open on nocount of iht*»‘liea%'! imowH In tho Pnyoile rlvcr cnnyon nnc tho looBC cojidlllona of lbe cnrib li tho cmbnnkmontH. which may cniini Jniid ulJdos. Ilowcvor. a lurge revolv lug nnow plow has been aocurod 'fo

- tlir* t>l?i)in 'or)hi;fn whicb will bO kop 1 In lhal HOcllon alPwlnfer nncitrlpH H-ni bo mndo over tbo lino If nec

- oaaary to koop It opnn.—C apital Newn

ST7vTK officials. ANSWEli HOini■ (CottUni'tcd froni Pago 3.)

• Kor IB thJB an Mr. nofim wJll find h r hlH mnll bearing bearing on lils rcccn

communicaUon to tho Irrigation Age

A rt« ■ ' She

Db you gl '^^~look trim

they.give lon^ please you in s

^ wear a long tin

our shoes are never 1: ze the shoes you will g;

ive Your Feet Prof

t T 8l

n v r e iJS E $9000 .00 IN Tls teal value. W e need

3, overcoats, shoes W hy wait?

> C L # T K

•■i. 1. w au UL vus lu ie la n d o tilcu a t lh u u m o o t lu o jie n ln g oC th o D ig L o a i r iv e r p ro je c uiKcu doclclcd obJcctlonB to so m o ( lb e utniorooutB nta4a.-by..]kU*JDoluii ii v o lv ln g lilm p^rB Onally. ' l o ^ a con w iijik a tlo ji, ^ ddrow oduX o..tU o~ Kcnt-h niAu M r ; 'c im r c i i . , ‘

E d w ard ijoljrij. ISfiij.. c a r o I r r J g M lt A ge. Clilcago, 111,— D ea r S i r : I a i y o u 't o carri?ct-fJio-B tJ«czneatfl n ia d o .l y o u r le tte r lo llio g o v o rn o r of th c s ta ' (if (daho , und iiub tlahcd fn Cbo I r r ig . lio n Age In -tho -laaL luuuc .o f. ua ld pul llt 'u iio n . In ro u p u tt to th o D Ig 'L o r lv c r ]iro]ecl.

Ill m y o p in io n th e re haB b e e n ci i l r e ly too m u c h p u h l lc a t io n 'n o w , . r e la tio n ib Ih la p ro je c i, f o r th o go t o t a l l c o n ce rn e d . I’u b llea tlonB whi« u ro n o l c o n d n cd lo th e e x a c t t r u t h at d i'tr lm e n ta l a n d ' In ju rh iu u lo tboi c o n ce rn c d an w ell an lo tb o coDiiniii Jty a ffec te d ih e ro b y , au In tb lo caBO.

1 cinote f ro m y o u r le i te r a s folluw i " I j»(U a, fjiiGsiiob p o in t b la n k to tl g tiu ilem au w ho, a l lh a l lln io , occi

“ ■ iiliid llic ?ioHor;ibI.e pwhJiIoh o f ,» U l c- la n d reg lflie r , a n d w an lo ld w liho i ;ii (I 'lallficiitlon o r r<!^crv«llon, tb n t tl <> e n iry m a n ’H f i r m p a y m o n l u p o u 11 10 T ir jrT ^ n tr r lv e r t r u c i w ouM ha ho ld , ill eac row l>y tb e la n d h o a rd . \VaH Ih la le cuHii o f d e llh e ra te fa tid ffca ilo n hy n- iruiiti'c l o tf ie ia l o t lhe. rtla te , o r wuh ix n o l? ”en In th c f lrn l placi;, y o n r <lTlt8rlt i!8 WHB n o l aukod u t^ lh e r e g is te r , an I en WI13 Dot jireH onl a l tb a l o p n n ln g , b' III Ing d e ta in e d a l hom e on accounV < IJJ Jllneai).>0 In the Iiecond plaoe ihore Is nothin -h lit the- of Ibe Binte Jand boat0- to Bbow .lhal thu hoard ever uulbo

frecl tlic flrfit ■ payjjMvilH tj'pon sa! '0 t r a c t , re ro iv e d a t thin draw ing, to 1 t - held in oucrow. nnd tliercforo fajim 10 he llev e lho ■ g e n tlem an re p re n c n tin H lho hoar<l mndc Biich nnn«X T to yoi, '» tpioBiion. ■

Do yon n o l bo llo re . (ho t r u th ’r o g a n V- liigM hlii p iito rlu n alQ o p e n in g In nii •1 flc lon t? 1 t rm il you w ill d ir e c t a Ie

■'0 le r lo lh e g o v e rn o r o f IblB n la ie cm r e d in g th c H lntonientn m a d o in y o i

>d mihllHbcd la t to r , to w h le h I Imvo n fe rro d abovo.

■I* I WDi rc K M o r o f Iho s la lo lun ‘0 ho a rd a l th o t im e .o t th e abovo m e r

MoHod oi>CJih)g, a u d iho 'ro to rn roiior th o nrcm m tlonH m ado by you In nal

»» im hllc/itlon.‘* Y oura t ru ly ,.

M. I. c n i - n c f i .


lc (C o n tlm ied f ro m P a g o V) ■**

lo rm an g o v e rn o r m a d e m o a cloa id fltuden t o f (lie aocla l co n d ltlo n o o f Ch in' c o u n lry a n d I fee l tb a l ! im d c ra ln n 10 th o n tru g g lo tfn ttj la g o in g on bctw ei? !■- c a p ita l a u d la h o r. I t 1 Bhould bav >r lb e h o n o r o f r o p ro a e n t in g Id a h o 1 n tho U n ite d StalOB Bonato, I .B h a ll w o r ly ■with—th c n < r-T rh o -a n > -lr> -la K -tn _ J itJ jj c- a h o u l a h ig h e r rcBPQcl f o r th o la w nn B, « Bpiril o t fa lm c a u lo th e to lllnR mriai

o s of th o n a tio n .■r A gain I auk rny friendB n n d a l l 'th o s

* w}io hnvD confldonco In jn y a b ility an In m y In te g r i ty to r c p ro n e n t Id a h o I th e U n ited S ta tc fl B cnato to g ir o m

- Ih e ir h o a r ty o u p p o r i f o r th i s -h ig h o: In ficc.I t V ery roBpo(!tfullv vou rn .c . P . n . C P O D IN G .

3 You Bu3

)e sa tth eR i;et a style that i!? Do~fKey~KufFg wear? T he shoes we style; they will not huff ne.

ligher than the quality st from us will give yc

o er ly F i t t e d B r in g


H IR T Y D A Y S . O i I the inoney., A t no t5 , o v e r s h o e s , s w e a

C o m e n o A V . S a l e



( Exclusive' Agency for I

» M I. I M i M l l - l — ■Q

I Menus'DreiI-

i THURSDAY, !0 — -It . ---------------------------------I I \


if iI?


J I For Thursday, Frk'a; ' will place on sale men C ent. dull-calf and tan,

modefe and guarantee three days only...:...


1 Solid Leather SchiHoy’s ABd Iltllo gen l’B solid let

In kangaroo blucher or gun,m et teed to give good aorvlco.SIzcB 'J to 12, to r ...........................SlzcB 12Vi 10 .‘J, < o r . . . . ..............Sizoa 2% lo 7, fo r.........................

W oi1 At popular prices is whore wo n » 75, IWOO arid WwO. Comc nrJ

; Men’s Wool r —Sweater-CQatflJHT $2.85F o r a sh o rt Ume on- V

? ly wo arc o ttering a ^m en’a wool sw enicr

coat, regular $3.50 ■ H B I value, for ........

r wYour

ght Place?nakes your foot your- f e ^ D(J~shall sell yoil will

yw-feet; they ,will

Even though you u Long Comfort-

Them to


w m s \•

r store is cram full of ime this winter will yter co^ts, underwi .starts Saturday, (

>P - - 1


E 8 5 (IS Shoes, RegiFRIDAY AND Sj

J S3' ? *>aturday, October 23 .*8 b'gh grad e dress shoes,, blm her or button, Gooc id to give good service.

Dol Shoes Girliilh e r school bIioob , Chlld'a, h'al button, guaran- hl-lop, a t b!

SlzcB 5 to B 'Sizes 9 lo ;

.........................$1.05 SIzoB 12 to

......................... I1.85- Sizes i : '4 .u: .......................

nen’s Nobby VFo.re atrongei' than the law. Wo aro pro id bo convlnccd o l lho savliVga..


STATE HONEY SA fFAll Money In D cfnnct Nam pa II

Will bo JkcoTcrcd.

) Bolae’, Ict. 18.—Slate TrcoflUrer V. Alloa Bnid Thursday thn t oven lor conferring w llh Stato Rank O Rilaslonor Roid ho could say Illtlo g a rd in t lho fnlluro ot the Bank N’amrn.

“The bank," ho said, "is now In handa of tho sCato bank OofinrtRl lind all I can do Is lo aw ait devoi mentB. I am confident cho sUCc’ got overy do lla r q f Ub dopOBll In .hank, oven should It develop that bank Is n o t ablo to pay out in I hecanae any d cflc lt.w lil be made by Burollea on tho bond.

" T h e f t l s no Bpoclal Blgnlflcn In tho /n cr~ lh a t tho OJobe-8ocu company w ithdrew from tho bond bank gave th e fltnto to p rotect Its j 'QgltB. T ho Globo wlthdrow from B tato 'en tire ly an3T"i?TrffrnIirJiig a he lofiB In tho BoIbo Stale banlc I t c cellcd nil tlio bonds It h ad -In Btate. Including tho one In Nan Tills mado ll nocoanary. for ub' to f alltulo porfional bonds. In m y jt raent, th o a o pornonal bondB wfll found.good BO lh a l tho nlalc nhould loBO a do llar by tho failure." '

Mr, A llen cxpreBBcd deep roi ovor tho fa ilu re of the bnnk. Ho siirprlficd. too, ho said, aa ho loo npon tho bank If Nampa aa n anfo proapcroHfl InaCiliitlon.—PorateJJo ' hune., ________________


Nollc'e iB hereby given, thnt. In < form lty w ith tho nuthorJznUon of spcclai clccllon called and held th a t fiurposo In snld school dJstrlcI the l l t h dny of Octobcr, 1913, Board of School TrUBteos of Mr Indcpeodent School .D istrict No. G tho Cqunty of Twin PallB, State Idaho, Is about to iatiuc and soil

" coupon bonda of said d is tric t In

r N x s nnew, up-to-date men’s pu find equal values.ear, furnishings ai DAober25, 1913.

fwin Fal

:t Grow as They. Should.”

IEN TSliar $4 Value iTURDAY, ONLY

J 5:d, 24th and 2Sth only, we regular $4 Values in pat- year welt. All new fall

= i _ $ 3 . 1 5

i’ Gun-MetalluBCB’ and big glrla' g . ^ ^ e t a l buUon R savings. .

tor .................................................... 81.81*Ih i. fo r ..................................................$U 52 , fo r ........ ......................................«ajOO7,' fo r....................................................


otwear \[larcd to Bhow you nil IcaCtiore, at

usaa.* Men’s Heavy Union Suit

^ 3 3 Sunion Hijll fo r..» l.M

aum ot ?4,000.00. Said bonds will bc Issued In denomlnallonB of JGOO.OC cach, dalpd .Pocombor 1, 1913, bcarlnj

mk aix per cent Intoreat, Intorest payabU flcinl-annualJy, jnaturJog twenty ycnri a fte r tho dato thereof. Tho procecde

0 of saJd bonds w » l bo used fo r Ujo pur. / pose of providing a achool honso Ie

aald diBtrtct, wJth a ll necossary fura- • lluro, deska, blnckboarda, globes

charts and ouCIIno-mapa.Notice 1b fu rth e r given .that Board

^ 0 will rccelvo sonlod bids and bcH Bald ,jj[_ honda nt the Bchool Iioubo In said dla- 3p. tr^ct, Maroa. T w in ' P alls County. Ida- .fill ho,.on tho 29th day of November, 1913 the a t tho hour of 7:30 o'clock P, M.; thul {,<3 Bald bonda w ill n o t bo aold for Icai jjl_ th an tbc lr par value and th a t th( up T rusleos nro authorized to reject nn:

and all bids nnd to acU aald bonds al private Bale If tboy deem Jt for tbc beat IntereBt of tho dlatrict. and ai: raone>'s -arising from tho oalo of sali bonda muBl bo paid forlhwlth .lhio th(

“* troaaury o f th o oalil dlBtrlct, and to b< J"” ImmedlatQly available for the purpoaci

afoytgaiffT’ A-trL»rHf<ed-cfaeck-of-»800.0( a guaran ty of good faith, muat ac.

company each_bld. * ii’h.: S. G. D1I2HL,Jp . C lerk of Doard -of T rusioes of aalt

Schoo] D istric t, F iler, Idabo.’Ocl 24-31 Nov 7-H-2;

ro t p " ■ ................... - - .............


?;■: $ 3 . 0 0to r > Is a u re ly a co o d Inveatinenton

55 a A. TOBEYQf T . F> M usic H puse Phone IOO

tho T w ln .F a lla alnce 1908the I - - - -

S A t twear. Everything goes Supply yourself, N 0 W .

id gloves

Is, Idahommmmmmmmmmm