1 No. 126

No. 126 · 2021. 3. 4. · book on Bhakti. You may translate it.” Master: “Yes, it is a good book. I shall write to Sri Rajani Mohan Chakrabarthy and Sri NC Ghosh of Calcutta

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Universal PrayerSri Swami Sivananda

O adorable Lord of mercy and love, Salutations and prostrations unto Thee!Thou art omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient;Thou art Satchidananda;Thou art the Indweller of all beings.Grant us an understanding heart,Equal vision, balanced mind,Faith, devotion and wisdom.Grant us inner spiritual strength to resist temptationsAnd to control the mind.Free us from egoism, lust, greed, anger and hatred;Fill our hearts with divine virtues.Let us behold Thee in all these names and forms;Let us serve Thee in all these names and forms;Let us ever remember Thee;Let us be ever loyal to Thee;Let us ever sing Thy glories;Let Thy Name be ever on our lips;Let us abide in Thee for ever and ever.Om Shanti Shanti Shanti!

Prayer to GurudevO All-merciful Gurudev, every thought of my mind, every emotion of my heart, every movement of my being, every feeling and every sensation, each cell of my body, each drop of my blood—all, all is yours Gurudev, yours absolutely, yours without any reserve. Gurudev, you can decide my life or my death, my happiness or my sorrow, my pleasure or my pain. Gurudev, whatever you do with me, whatever comes to me from you, will lead me to your lotus feet.

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Sivananda Day-to-Day

LESSONS ON YOGA: Dr Mukherji of Calcutta came to the Master with some blankets, and presented them to him, together with a love-offering. The Master welcomed him.

When the doctor had seated himself, he took out a foolscap paper, and was preparing to read from it.

Master: “What is it?”Dr Mukherji: “Maharaj, I have noted down my queries

lest I should forget them. I shall read them out one by one, and note the replies. Swamiji, I have some personal and some general questions to which I seek your answers.”

Master: “Yes, yes, read them.”Dr Mukherji: “When I meditate my mind wanders. It

does not get concentrated. How to make it one-pointed?”Master: “Yes, the mind is very restless. It jumps, runs


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and hops. It is like a mischievous child. You will have to bring it repeatedly to the object of meditation, to the point of your concentration. Continued practice is necessary. In the Gita the Lord has given the method—‘From whatever cause the restless and unsteady mind wanders away, from that let him restrain it, and bring it under the control of the Self alone’. You must try to withdraw it from the objects and fix it on the point of your meditation. You will succeed after some practice.”

Dr Mukherji: “When I am engaged in worldly affairs, my mind gets ruffled and very unsteady. How to maintain peace and balance?”

Master: “Try to see Lord Krishna everywhere. Consider everything as His divine play. Do not be attached to anything. Act as His instrument. Then you will not feel distracted. The whole world is a manifestation of the Lord. Where then is the occasion for distraction?”

Dr Mukherji: “Yes, Swamiji, I will do as instructed. I have then another problem. I am the president, advisor and patron of so many institutions in Calcutta and elsewhere. They take much of my time and energy. I feel strained. Will it be proper for me to give them up, or do you think that I should continue?”

Master: “I think it will be better for you at this age to reduce your active work. Keep only the important ones. Some service is necessary, but it should not be too much. You must now devote more time to God and spiritual matters.”

Dr Mukherji: “True, Maharaj, I shall act accordingly. And what type of food will be conducive for my spiritual growth? What should I take?”

Master: “Are you a vegetarian?”Dr Mukherji: “Yes, Swamiji.”Master: “Then take fruit and milk. For a little break,

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take lowki, moong, and lady’s fingers. Take Sattwic food. Find out what suits your constitution. The night meals should be very light. Milk and fruit will do.”

Dr Mukherji: “Swamiji, I like this place much, and wish to stay here for another eight days, if your lordship will permit me. I want to learn some Kirtans and Asanas. Can I learn them here? Who will teach me?”

Master: “O yes! I will teach you Kirtans and Bhajans.” The Master then sang the Maha Mantra Kirtan and some other Kirtans.

Master: “All these songs are in my book, Inspiring Songs and Kirtans. I shall give you a copy.”

The Master asked Swami Satchidanandaji to get a copy and, when it was brought, handed it over to the doctor.

Master: “Attend the Kirtan session in front of the office. They sing daily in chorus. You will be able to learn them easily. And I shall teach you some more songs daily. Select the Kirtans that you like. Learn Asanas. In the morning there is a regular class in the Bhajan Hall. Asanas and also Pranayama are taught there.”

Dr Mukherji: “All right, Swamiji. I wish to visit the different departments of the Ashram. May I be permitted to do so?”

Master: “O yes! You may visit them. Have you seen the Yoga Museum, printing press, Bhajan Hall, and Regalia?”

Dr Mukherji: “No, I have only seen the Bhajan Hall and the temple.”

Master: “Our Diathermy, X-Ray, operation theatre—all these should be shown to you.”

Dr Mukherji: “I have a suggestion to make. My son-in-law, who is working in Delhi in the Welfare Department, is entrusted with the work of teaching foreigners who visit India and stay in Delhi. I hear that there is much false propaganda being carried on by some of these foreigners

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against holy institutions and Sannyasins. My son-in-law is highly paid. He is in need of some good books. Your books, Swamiji, will be very helpful to him. I wish to send him some.”

Master: “Yes, give me his address. I will invite him here and assist him in his work. I will send him books regularly. Give me the address. The rest I will do.”

The doctor felt overwhelmed to see such warm love and sympathy so willingly extended to him and his relatives by the Master.

Dr Mukherji: “Swamiji, can I translate some of your books and publish them in Bengali? I want to do it at my own cost.”

Master: “Yes, I shall give you some books.”Swami Satchidanandaji: “Do you wish to have books

on Bhakti or on Vedanta?”Dr Mukherji: “I want literature on Bhakti. I am a

follower of the path of devotion.”The Master then asked Swami Satchidanandaji as to

what books should be given to him.Some names were mentioned. Swami Satchidanandaji

brought a copy of Lord Krishna, His Lilas & Teachings and handed it over to the doctor, saying, “This is a very good book on Bhakti. You may translate it.”

Master: “Yes, it is a good book. I shall write to Sri Rajani Mohan Chakrabarthy and Sri NC Ghosh of Calcutta. They will help you in the translation work. I have a Bengali translation of one or two books. I will give them to you.”

Dr Mukherji: “I shall go to the temple and come to the Kirtan session at 7am. Can I take your leave, Swamiji?”

Master: “Yes, you may go. Attend the Kirtan session early. They will sing many good Kirtans and Bhajans. Jai Ho Bhagawan! May God bless you!”

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After the doctor had left, the Master remarked, “He is a very nice and pious soul. In society he is a big man, yet he is so very humble and simple.”

RECIPE FOR CONTROL OF MIND: Dr Hetram’s son, Sri Rishi Ram, came for the Master’s Darshan with his wife. The Master made kind enquiries about their life and Sadhana.

Master: “Are you doing Japa daily?”Sri Rishi Ram: “Yes, Swamiji.”Master (to Srimati Rishi Ram): “What about you?”

Srimati Rishi Ram: “I do not find any liking for Japa, so I do not practise it. Swamiji, the mind wanders wildly when I try to do Japa.”

Master: “Never mind, let the mind do what it is used to, but you must do a certain number of malas of Japa daily. Slowly the mind will be purified, and a taste for Japa will arise in you. Never leave the Japa.”

Srimati Rishi Ram: “All right, Swamiji, I will try from today. Bless me so that I may succeed in my efforts.”

Master (turning to Sri Rishi Ram): “What is your salary?”

Sri Rishi Ram: “Six thousand.”Master: “That is a good income, more than that of

government ministers. But do you have leisure and peace of mind?”

Sri Rishi Ram: “I have to hold the phone in my hand and take meals; absolutely no time to attend to any personal matters. I have now realised that wealth cannot give real happiness.”

Master: “Earn a little more and retire. You cannot have real peace of mind and freedom in the kind of life you are leading. Come here now and then.”

Sri Rishi Ram: “I do not find time to go anywhere. Even this time, my wife only brought me here.”

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Master: “How do you feel here?”Sri Rishi Ram: “I am having a feeling of freedom and

tranquility. I feel as though a burden has been removed from my head.”

Master: “That is it! Therefore come here and take rest. (To Srimati Rishi Ram) Bring him here every three months, and stay for at least three days. One day is not sufficient. A week will be better.”

Srimati Rishi Ram: “Swamiji, I try to persuade him to come to the Ashram, but he says that he has much work and has no time.”

Sri Rishi Ram: “Swamiji, I do not get good sleep. What is the remedy?”

Master: “Apply Amala oil on the head and take some Sanatogen when you go to sleep. Do more Japa and meditation. You will have good sleep. (To Srimati Rishi Ram) Do more charity and good deeds. Feed poor people. When Sannyasins and Sadhus come, feed them with your own hands.”

Srimati Rishi Ram: “Yes, Swamiji. Nothing else will come with us except this kind of service. I shall follow your advice. Kindly bless me to do this.”

Master: “Do charity and repeat the Lord’s Name.”The couple then prayed to the Master for initiation.

The Master initiated them, and gave them malas. Then he made some enquiries relating to their business and household life, and gave suitable advice.

They thanked the Master for his sympathetic concern shown to them.

Prasad was distributed. At the request of Sri Rishi Ram, the Master wrote letters to two of his devotees in Germany.

When the couple had left, the Master said, “I have to talk to each man according to his needs and temperament.

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When business people like this man come, I talk to them about business. Otherwise they feel that I pay no attention to them. Moreover, they understand mostly such topics only. When doctors come, I talk on medical matters. This kind of adaptation and adjustment is necessary in the field of service. We must identify ourselves with them if we want to help them.”

SANKALPA FULFILLED: Two young Brahmacharis of the Ramakrishna Ashram, Almora, stepped in for the Master’s Darshan. One of them said that he had been yearning intensely for years for the Master’s Darshan.

“Swamiji, I am so very happy,” he said, “to see you today. My long-cherished desire has been fulfilled today. Although my leave had almost terminated, and there was little chance of my being able to have your Darshan, I made up my mind that unless I see you, I will not go away. I am glad that my desire has been fulfilled.”

Master: “Your wish was very strong, so it was fulfilled.”Brahmachari: “I want to purchase some books from

your publication department. What commission do you give for people like me?”

Master: “Why do you ask for commission? I will give you all books free. What book do you want now?” Brahmachari: “I would like to have your Gita.”

The Master ordered Swami Satchidanandaji to give him a copy. The Gita and other books were brought for both the Brahmacharis. The Master autographed them and gave them the books.

Both the Brahmacharis were greatly pleased. They thanked the Master again and again. The Master recalled some of his experiences in Almora, and also mentioned the names of persons who were in charge of the Ramakrishna Ashram there.

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KARMA YOGA: “The distribution of Prasad is a spiritual Sadhana. He who distributes it should be a good Karma Yogi. There may be some important persons who will go away immediately after a function is over. They will not wait for the Prasad. You must serve them first. Others can wait. You should always use the power of discrimination. You gave so little to Punditji,” the Master chastised the Prasad distributor after the opening ceremony of the extension of the Diamond Jubilee Hall had concluded.

“Swamiji, we prepared only very little. We did not expect such a big gathering.”

“Every function is holy. Even the opening of an office hall is an occasion for all to do Kirtan and have Satsang. All should be invited and served,” the Master said.

“Hereafter we shall do so, Swamiji.”“Even if the Prasad is very little and there is a large

gathering, you should first serve the visitors and we will share what remains. This is the spirit of Karma Yoga. Have you understood now?”

INDRA SABHA: “This is like sitting in the Indra Sabha, Swamiji. I am very happy to be in it. Kirtan sung sweetly by several inmates and visitors, with Harishji playing on the violin, that devotee of Sri Vishnu Digambar singing his most inspiring Bhajans, Narayana Swamiji reading the Gita and Upanishads, Sri Shamash’s children singing very melodiously your soul-elevating Kirtans—they make me forget where I am. This is in sharp contrast to several other Ashrams where they prohibit singing Kirtans and playing musical instruments, where only dry philosophy is taught. They make one feel a college atmosphere. I am indeed blessed to have visited this Ashram,” observed a Deputy Collector.

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“What is that light, Swamiji?”“That is the office where aspirants are busy working.” “It is wonderful!” said the Deputy Collector.“I love synthesis,” said the Master. “Work, devotion

and knowledge—everything should be nicely combined. In their ignorance some Vedantins condemn Kirtan. They put personal gods in the Paroksha (indirect) category. Direct realisation of the Impersonal Absolute they term Aparoksha. They greatly extol the latter and thoughtlessly condemn the former.

“Truth is neither Dvaita (dual) nor Advaita (non-dual). It is beyond both. Great Advaitins like Madhusudana Saraswathi and Sri Shankara have devoutly sung the glories of the Lord. What great devotion they had! They understood Vedanta in its true perspective. There will be no life, either in institutions or in individuals, if the Lord’s Names are not sung. Even Sukadeva, who always lived in the Absolute, recited the Lord’s Name. It is high time that the present-day Vedantins and Sannyasins realise this.”

GLORY OF SERVICE: “You have developed only a little love for Kirtan, since you like to read and meditate only. You cannot enjoy meditation if the impurities of the mind are not completely washed off and your ego subdued. This time it is all right, but the next time you come you must do a lot of work. Then by comparison you will know the glory of selfless service,” said the Master to a young Kundalini Yoga practitioner who had come to the office to take his leave after a short stay in the Ashram.

MUSIC IN KIRTAN: A number of people began to gather near the office for the Kirtan of Swami Mukund Hari of Bhatinda. On seeing them, the Master said, “They derive a lot of inspiration from cymbals and the tabla. Especially

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in public performances, such musical instruments are a great help. Concentration of mind also is induced.

“The type of Kirtan we do is good for meditative people. Without the harmonium or other musical instruments, go on with the Kirtan. This will induce meditation. There will be no distractions and Samadhi will easily supervene.

“One must be trained in both. For personal Sadhana and for select meditation groups, Kirtan should be sung without musical instruments; and for mass gatherings, the harmonium and the other instruments will be helpful.”

DIVINE LIFE IN PRACTICE: Sri RR Tiwari, M.A., LL.B. of Gwalior, introduced to the Master his friend, a retired colonel, who had held the post of a Minister of State.

The colonel confronted the Master with the question, “How to lead the divine life?”

“Practise daily meditation. Do Japa. Get up at 4am. All these I have given in my Twenty Important Spiritual Instructions.”

The Master handed him a leaflet.“All these I know, Swamiji.”“That is all,” said the Master. “The rest lies in practice.”“I have been practising in my own way but I have not

actually experienced the bliss that is said to flow from such practices,” said the colonel.

“You must be regular in your practices. Go on doing your Sadhana till you reach your goal. It does not matter even if it takes several births.”

“Ah! That is it! I have not been regular at all, Swamiji. I shall try from now.”

“You must devote your entire time to Sadhana as you are now retired.”

“Unfortunately, Swamiji, I am still leading the old way

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of life. I retired on a pension which was my full pay.”“That is extraordinary!” exclaimed the Master. “It is all

due to God’s Grace. You must do a lot of charity. You must reduce your expenses. You have been supporting a small family for a long time. Now you must expand your heart and treat all the poor people as members of your family.”

“That, too, I have not done so far because my expenses have remained the same. But in a way I am doing charity also; I am paying a number of servants.”

“No, no. That is not charity. How much money have you given to the lepers on the roadside? Every man is generous to himself. You must lead a life of seclusion and spend at least half your pension, if not the full amount, in charity. Then you will experience the bliss that comes through the Lord’s Grace.”

JIVANMUKTI EXPLAINED: Sri RR Tiwari is a Jnana Yogi. He practises Japa of Om and regularly meditates on the Absolute Brahman.

He asked the Master to suggest the royal road to bliss. “Control the mind, eradicate desires and become a

God-realised sage,” said the Master.“Swamiji, please tell me how to eradicate desires.”“Meditate constantly on the all-pervading Brahman.

Raise the Brahmakara Vritti (thoughts of Brahman) constantly. Through intense practice you will be able to go beyond even this. The complete elimination of all mental modifications is the goal according to Patanjali Maharishi also. This is the road to Jivanmukti. By this practice you will very soon attain Manonasa (destruction of the mind).”

“What will be the condition after Manonasa, Swamiji?” queried Sri Tiwari.

“The whole world is a mere creation of your mind,” said the Master. “After Manonasa this illusion also

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vanishes. You are then able to realise your essential, divine nature. You become a fully realised sage if you get established in Brahmic Consciousness.”

“Swamiji, I have a doubt. If the Jivanmukta has had Manonasa, then how does he work in the world?”

The Master said, “Some Vedantins hold the theory that there are two kinds of Jnanis—the Samadhi Jnani and the Vyavahara Jnani. When the Jnani is in Samadhi, he has absolutely no dualistic consciousness. However, when he comes down from that state and undertakes to serve humanity, he has Vyavahara Jnana. He is conscious of unity in diversity.”

“Swamiji, if the mind is completely annihilated, how can thoughts arise in it again?”

“In a Jivanmukta there is Swarupa Manonasa. The Rajasic and Tamasic elements in it are destroyed. This lasts so long as Prarabdha lasts. Prarabdha has its play in his body.

“Heat and cold, hunger and thirst and diseases affect the body. But, as his Antahkarana (Inner Being) is devoid of Rajas and Tamas, and only pure Sattwa is left, he is conscious of Brahman in this state. The pairs of opposites do not affect his inner blissful state. In Videhamukti, when the body falls as a result of the exhaustion of Prarabdha, there is Aroopa Manonasa. The Jnani rests for ever in the non-dual state till the body is decomposed. This is the supreme state. Attain this through vigilance and vigorous practice. Jai Ho, Tiwariji!”

GOD IS KIND: At the Satsang, the Master distributed melons to the people sitting near him. The weather was hot. He remarked, “God is kind. He knows the difficulty of people in summer. The Lord, who created summer, also created the melon for the sake of people.”

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Pranayama—4Sri Swami Sivananda

(Edited by Sri Swami Sahajananda)(Continued from the last issue)

Special Guidelines

1. Be regular and systematic in the practice. Never miss a day. If you have a serious injury or illness, stop the practice.

2. Do not go beyond your limit. Some people strain their faces while retaining the breath. This should be avoided. It shows that they are going beyond their capacity. Others make curious sounds while breathing in and out. This also is an indication that they are straining themselves. You should not feel any undue strain.

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3. You need not wait to get full mastery over Asanas before beginning Pranayama. Asana practice can go on side by side with Pranayama. In the course of time, you will acquire perfection in both.

4. Always remember that it takes time and much effort to achieve any mark of success. Therefore, be very patient. Do not be carried away by enthusiasm and start increasing the number of rounds by leaps and bounds. For the average person, it may take years to get full perfection. Never try to increase the number or duration of the Pranayama unless you are sure that you have the power and the strength to do so, and you have a guide at your side. There should be no sign of fatigue.

5. During the hot summer months, if there is heat in the brain or head, apply oil or butter on the head before you take your bath. Drink a glass of water in which sugar-candy has been dissolved. This will cool your whole system. Sitali Pranayama will also help to cool the body. A cold shower is beneficial and refreshing. It brings balance in the blood circulation.

6. Perfect celibacy will doubtless enable you to acquire rapid progress in spiritual life. Do not talk with members of the opposite sex freely. Do not be too familiar with them. Without Brahmacharya and dietetic regulation, you cannot get much benefit from Pranayama.

7. Sleeping during the day, keeping awake late into the night, and overworking mentally, are all hindrances to the practice of Pranayama. Moderation must be observed in all items of the daily routine.

8. If you perspire during the exercise, do not wipe the perspiration with a towel; rub it into the skin with the hands. Do not expose the body to chilly draughts of air when you perspire.

9. The breathing must be soundless, slow, steady,

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deep, rhythmical and thoroughly enjoyable. Remember these six points at all times during the practice.10. Excessive Pranayama should not be practised when

the summer heat is intense. Winter months are more suitable for Pranayama practice. Pranayama creates heat in the body and this heat rises to the head.

Pranayama in its popular and preparatory form may be practised by everyone in any posture whatsoever, sitting or walking, and yet is sure to show its benefits. But to those who practise it in accordance with the specific instructions given above, the fruits achieved are tenfold greater.

More about Prana

Up to this point you have all the information you need in order to do the simple Pranayama exercises successfully. Before we describe Pranayama exercises, you will need to know more about Prana. So far we only know that it is the sum total of all the forces and powers of the universe.

Let us now learn how this Prana is related to us, how we see its powers working through us—in our body, in our mind and in our personality. We will learn about the seat of Prana, its colour, and how to direct it in our body.

Prana is a powerful force. By controlling and acquiring complete mastery over it, the Yogis are able to perform many supernatural feats.

The Prana is related to the mind, and through the mind to the will. Through the will it is related to the soul, and through the soul to the Supreme Soul or God. This is how, if we know how to control the little waves of Prana working through the mind, we can know the secret of controlling the universal Prana.

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Prana functions in us in different ways. What is commonly known as the power of one’s personality, is nothing more than that person’s ability to control his Prana. Some people are more successful in life. They are more influential and more fascinating than others. They attract others and compel their attention. This is all due to the power of their Prana. Many of us exercise this force unconsciously, but those who use their Prana consciously by applying their will-power become great persons.

The working of the Prana is seen in the breathing process, in the pumping of the blood by the heart through the entire body, and in the stomach, where it sets the digestive forces at work. We see the Prana functioning in the organs that get rid of wastes from the body. It is the Pranic force that produces the various chemicals in the body, namely, the semen, chyle, chyme, bile, saliva, etc. Prana opens and closes the eyelids. In running, walking, talking, thinking, feeling, reasoning and willing, the Prana is ever at work.

We thus see that our life itself is the result of the working of this force. When the slender thread of Prana is cut off from the physical body, we call it death. The Prana does not die; it withdraws into our astral body. It is only the physical body that dies. Yogis are able to withdraw their Prana at will, and thus have complete command over the processes of life and death. The great sage Jnana Dev took Mahasamadhi in this way. He voluntarily withdrew his Prana and left this physical plane of existence.

Seat, Colour & Functions of Prana

Although Prana, the life-force, is one, it may be classified into five parts according to the different

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functions it performs. These five parts are Prana, Apana, Samana, Udana and Vyana. Each part has a specific seat, a specific colour, and a specific function in the body.

Prana is seated in the heart, its colour is red and its function is respiration. Apana is seated in the anus, its colour is reddish white and its function is excretion. Samana is seated in the region of the navel, its colour is that of pure milk and its work is digestion. Udana is seated in the throat, its colour is pale white and its function is swallowing of food. Vyana is all-pervading, that is, it has no specific seat. It moves all over the body. Its colour is that of a ray of light, and its function is to circulate blood throughout the body.

There are many minor Pranas performing various minor functions in the body, such as causing hiccups, moving the eyelids, inducing hunger and thirst, sneezing, yawning, etc.

Prana can also be directed to certain parts of the body for specific purposes. By centering the Prana at the tip of the nose, one obtains mastery over the elements of the air; by centering it at the middle of the navel, all diseases are destroyed; by centering it at the toes, the body becomes light. Similarly, there are advanced methods by which Yogis can become eloquent, wise and learned.

Prana is carried through the body in subtle, invisible tubes. These are called Nadis. There are 72 000 Nadis in all. Of these, only ten are important. Of these ten, three are said to be most important. These are the Sushumna, Ida and the Pingala.

The Ida and the Pingala lie on either side of the spinal column. The left one is known as the Ida, and the right is known as the Pingala. Ida flows through the left nostril, and Pingala flows through the right nostril. During the day, when one is engaged in worldly activities, the

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breath continually alternates between Ida and Pingala.The Sushumna is the most important of all Nadis. It runs

along the centre of the spinal column from the back of the anus to the crown of the head. The aim of Pranayama is to make the Prana flow along this Nadi. The Yogi tries his level best to make the Prana run through the Sushumna. The real work of the Yogi begins when the Sushumna functions. Now he becomes dead to the world and enters the spiritual realms of bliss and Samadhi.

Related to the Nadis are Chakras or centres of spiritual energy. The Chakras are located along the Sushumna Nadi. There are seven main Chakras. The Yogi attempts to take his Kundalini Shakti from the lowest Chakra at the base of the spine to the highest at the crown of the head.

Purification of Nadis

What happens when we start the process of cleaning our home? The furniture is polished and begins to glitter. The carpets are cleaned and become bright in appearance. The pots and pans are polished and made to sparkle. The whole house takes on a new, gleaming look. It is the same when the Nadis in the body are cleansed through the practice of Pranayama. The cleaning leads to the brightening or better working of all the mechanisms of the body and the mind.

The stomach is able to digest all kinds of food. The general health is enhanced greatly. The body becomes lean, strong and healthy. Excess fat is reduced. There is a lustre on the face. The eyes sparkle. The physical appearance becomes handsome. The voice becomes sweet and melodious. The inner Anahata sounds are distinctly heard. One becomes free from all sorts of diseases. The semen gets firm and steady; the Yogi

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becomes a perfect Brahmachari. The appetite becomes keen. The excretions become scanty. This is the grand result of the purification of the Nadis.

The mind also glows due to the purification process. It is made to go beyond ordinary experiences and to exist on a plane higher than that of even reason. The Yogi enjoys inner spiritual light, happiness and peace of mind. The tossing of the mind is removed and it becomes one-pointed. Rajas and Tamas are destroyed. The mind is prepared for concentration and meditation.

Westerners have come to realise the great benefits of Pranayama, and more and more of its practices are now being published in Western journals and books.

Due to the above purification, the mind begins to act on a higher level and gathers higher knowledge and facts. This is the ultimate objective of Yoga, and it can be achieved by the practice of Pranayama. Thus, to the Yogi, the control of Prana means kindling the fire of supreme knowledge and realising the Self.

All this is the direct result of purification of the Nadis. Now that you know how the practice of Pranayama leads to the highest spiritual experience, we are sure you will not treat the matter lightly, but will put your whole heart and soul to it. You, too, can achieve the same condition of excellent health in body and mind.

Cleansing Pranayama Exercises

Here are some exercises meant for the purification of the Nadis. For all the exercises given from here onwards it is strongly advisable to get the guidance of someone who has practised them with success.

1. KAPALABHATI: Kapala means “skull”, and Bhati means “shine”. This exercise makes the skull shine. Sit in your

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usual favourite posture. Keep the hands on the knees. Close the eyes. Breathe in slowly and mildly, then breathe out quickly and forcibly by contracting the abdominal muscles. Perform it vigorously. You may perspire profusely. This is a good form of exercise. There is no breath retention in this exercise. Keep the body erect at all times. Do not lunge forward. To start with you can have one expulsion per second. Do ten expulsions only at a time.

Kapalabhati cleanses the respiratory system and the nasal passages. It removes spasm in the bronchial tubes. People suffering from asthma are relieved and cured in course of time. The impurities of the blood are thrown out. The heart functions properly. The circulatory and respiratory systems are toned to a considerable degree.

2. SUKH POORVAKA: This is known as the “Easy, Comfort-able Pranayama”. Sit in your usual Pranayama posture before a picture of your Deity or Guru. Close the right nostril with the right thumb. Draw in the air very slowly through the left nostril. Then close the left nostril also with the little and ring fingers of the right hand. Retain the air for a few seconds. Then release the thumb and exhale very slowly through the right nostril. This is half the process. Now draw in the air through the right nostril, retain for a few seconds, close the right nostril with the thumb and exhale through the left nostril very slowly. All this makes one round. Do 2 to 3 rounds.

Sukh Poorvaka removes all diseases, purifies the Nadis and steadies the mind in concentration. It improves digestion and helps to maintain celibacy.

There are also purificatory exercises which use certain Mantras called Bija Aksharas. We will not describe them here as they are somewhat difficult to understand and practise. They require the first hand guidance of an expert.

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The Sadhu Who Conquered Anger Sri Swami Sivananda

This is the kutir of the famous Santananda. Notice the colourful board which proclaims: This is the abode of Santananda, who has attained complete mastery over anger.

“Come, let us have the Darshan of such a Mahatma,” said a pious man to his friend.

“Oh no! It is not so easy to control anger. Do not be deceived. What will you gain by the Darshan of this proud man who advertises his angerlessness? If you wish, you can go in and have the Darshan of the great soul. But please stay there till the evening and then tell me if you still admire the divine soul. I am off.”

And he went away.

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When the pious soul entered the kutir, little did he know that his friend had set out to collect instigators of irritation!

“Maharaj,” said the pious man, prostrating himself before the Mahatma, “what a great and divine soul you are, to have acquired mastery over this formidable foe of man—anger. There is not one in the three worlds equal to you.”

“Even so it is, my friend. The man who has conquered anger is greater than the gods Brahma, Rudra and Indra, for even they were often overpowered by this malady.”

“Maharaj, will you kindly tell me the way to control anger?” “O yes, gladly! Kindly remain with me and serve me. Even by such service of Mahatmas you will get over anger.”

And the pious man became a disciple of the Mahatma.Another young man now enters the Mahatma’s kutir

and takes his seat reverentially.“Maharaj, are you the great Mahatma who has

controlled anger?”“O yes! Did you not see the board that is outside?”“Yes, but please tell me how you managed to do it.”“By my will-power. There is nothing that a man of

strong will cannot do.”“Wonderful! Thank you.”And the young man leaves the cottage.Almost instantly another young man enters.“Maharaj, have you controlled anger?”“Yes. Did you not see the board outside?”“I did, but please tell me how you managed to overcome

this great foe.”“By meditation on the pure, all-pervading Santa Atma

that dwells in all beings. When one Self or God alone pervades all, how can one get angry with another, how

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can one abuse another, how can one harm or injure another? Through ceaseless meditation on this great truth, I have got over anger, which destroys the peace of man.”

“Thank you, Maharaj. It is indeed a great achievement.” The young man leaves the kutir. Immediately another

makes his appearance!“Maharaj, have you truly completely destroyed anger?”“O yes! Did you not notice the board outside?”“Yes, Maharaj. But how did you manage to do it?”“Come, sit down. I shall tell you. You see, passion

and anger are the twin children of Rajas. Now, if you sincerely cultivate Sattwa in you, you can completely get rid of Rajasic qualities. I partook of Sattwic food. I always entertained Sattwic thoughts. I uttered Sattwic words full of love, kindness and consideration. I practised Sattwic austerity. I did Sattwic charity. I always studied scriptural texts which increased the Sattwic content of my mind. Friend, it was indeed a long and hard struggle. But at last I managed to achieve the goal. I am now an embodiment of Sattwa. I am full of love. Anger has completely vanished now.”

“Wonderful! Thank you.”The young man leaves and at once a new arrival

enters. “Maharaj, I have heard that you have controlled anger. Is this true?”

“Yes, it is. Have you not seen the board outside?”“Yes, Maharaj, but I want to know how you achieved

such a great victory.”“I wish to excuse myself for a short while. But never

mind, my duty towards you, my own Self, is more important. I shall tell you the secret. You see, anger has many forms. You are fully aware of the grossest forms—the blood boils, the eyes are bloodshot, great heat is generated in the body, limbs tremble, lips quiver, fists

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are clenched, and in great fury the person stammers and fumbles for words.

“The subtler form of irritability you know about. In a milder form the symptoms I have just described exist here also. Still subtler is displeasure; it is pride mixed with anger. With a sharp word or grunt, you dismiss the ‘nuisance’. These are all forms of anger. In extremely subtle forms, one’s anger becomes righteous indignation and pity. The man who thinks that he is always right gives vent to what he calls ‘righteous indignation’, in order to protect Dharma. If he does not, then in a lordly style he pities the person who has offended him.

“Now, I have gone beyond all these forms of anger. I first controlled the gross forms of anger. The anger that arose in the mind subsided there itself. Then by meditation I controlled the subtle ripples of irritability. Through diligent cultivation of a feeling of oneness, I got over the displeasure form of anger. I cultivated indifference towards wicked people and thereby got over the outbursts of righteous indignation and even pity. Now I shine as an embodiment of perfect peace and serenity. I shine as Santananda, radiating peace to all!”

“Thank you, Maharaj. What a marvellous achievement!” Santanandaji rises from his seat and attempts to leave

the room when a new arrival accosts him.“Maharaj, just a minute. Have you controlled anger?”In a slightly raised voice Santanandaji says: “Yes. Why

do you ask the question? Have you not seen the board outside?”

“Yes, Maharaj. But I want to know how I can achieve it also.”

“I shall tell you. Drink a glass of cold water when you find your temper rising, or count from one to twenty, or leave the place at once.”

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As Santananda tries to leave the kutir along with the man, the next one rushes in!

“Maharaj, have you controlled anger, and how?”Visibly affected by this annoyance, Santananda says:

“Only to avoid this constant repetition of the truth have I announced it on the board outside. I have told the methods also to a number of people.”

“But I want to hear it from your holy lips,” puts in the latest arrival.

“All right. Observe silence, and you will be able to control anger.”

“Thank you, Maharaj.”“Look here,” says Santanandaji, addressing the pious

man who first came and who has been watching the proceedings, “see that no one enters the kutir for some time till I have had a bath and my meals. I do not wish to be interrupted.”

“Guruji, if I begin to prevent them, they will quarrel with me and I may lose my temper. I do not want to do that. I want to be your true disciple.”

At once another young man rushes in.“Maharaj, you have got rid of anger perfectly, is it not?

Kindly tell me how.”Santanandaji addresses the first disciple: “Please ask

him to go away. I have to leave the room to rest.”“I will not drive him out, Maharaj. Why should I lose

my temper?” says the disciple.“But would you not share your secrets with me,

Maharaj?” pleads the latest arrival.“I will kick both of you out of my kutir!” Santanandaji

roars. “Good-for-nothing fellows troubling me the whole day long without letting me have a little respite—what do you think I am? Am I a gramophone set or a tape recorder? I have told you once and more than once that

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I have got over anger, and you people come again and again to trouble me. Get out all of you and see me no more. If you stay here a minute more I shall kill you. Here, take this and get out if you don’t believe that I have the strength to handle you!”

With that he slaps the two young men, drives them out and locks the door!

Outside, the pious man’s friend is waiting.“Have you had the Darshan of the great Mahatma

who has controlled anger? Are you satisfied?” he asks the pious man.

“It is not so easy to conquer anger. It can be controlled only through the Grace of the Lord. Continuous practice of humility is necessary. The ego must be crushed. Cosmic love must be cultivated. Selfless service must be untiringly practised. Even then the seed of anger will still be there, hidden in the bosom. You do not know where it hides itself. Through Japa and ceaseless self-surrender to the Lord, by constant prayer such as: ‘O Lord! I am nothing; Thy Will be done’, and ‘Lord, grant me freedom from all vice’, one will be able to invite His Grace. When God is realised, then and then alone will this greatest enemy of man—anger—be fully destroyed.

“Anyway, this Santanandaji has had a little success in his spiritual practices. He has also given us valuable hints as to how to control anger. We are all benefited.

“Santanandaji failed because, while he controlled anger to a certain extent, he allowed vanity to grow in him to the same extent. All these are forms of the ego. Only a person who has completely destroyed the ego and has realised God can be said to be free from anger.

“Come, let us continue our search for such a divine soul. His Darshan will purify us. Service to him will elevate us.”

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Daily Meditations—15 Sri Swami SivanandaA Sage is Ever Happy

A wise man, having understood that the body, senses, mind and intellect are entirely distinct from the imperishable Brahman, roams about happily. He is ever peaceful.

The sage who rests in the Self, having eliminated all the illusory vehicles, is ever happy. He knows the illusory nature of these products of ignorance. He also knows that Brahman, which is pure and eternal, is entirely distinct from these false superimpositions. He knows that he is none other than the eternal Self or Atman.

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Marks of a Jivanmukta

The distinguishing marks of a Jivanmukta are: knowledge of the past, present and future, absolute fearlessness, absolute desirelessness, equal vision, absolute freedom from pain, and balance of mind.

The Jivanmukta or sage has perfect contentment, unruffled peace of mind, deep, abiding joy and bliss, possession of super-sensual spiritual knowledge, and ability to clear any kind of doubt of aspirants. His heart is always full of bliss.

Start the Pilgrimage Now

Be honest, be sincere, be truthful, be alert, be diligent, be vigilant, be bold, be of good character. Success and glory will be yours.

Develop a correct value of life here. It is not full. It is not perfect. There is always a sense of want.

Soak your life with the remembrance of the Lord. Dedicate your all unto Him. See Him in all. Sing the Name of the Lord. Be an instrument in His hands. You are sure to attain eternal bliss and peace here and now.

O traveller on this earthplane, start the pilgrimage right now! Pray fervently. Constantly remember the Lord. You will surely reach the eternal abode of the Lord.

Carelessness is Dangerous

Just as the sedge, even if removed, again covers the water of a pond, so also ignorance enshrouds even a wise man if he is careless and stops his meditation.

Therefore, the aspirant should be ever careful. Carelessness is practical death itself. There is no greater

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danger for an aspirant than carelessness in his spiritual practices. The man who is careless falls from the ladder of virtue.

Who is a Real Potentate?

The sage in whom clinging to sensual life and thirst for sense enjoyments have vanished through knowledge of their real nature, is a mighty potentate of this whole world. His joy knows no bounds. He must be adored as visible Brahman on earth.

Through right enquiry one should differentiate himself as separate from objects, with the feeling that the “I” does not belong to the objects or the objects to the “I”. His mind should give up all desires and perform all actions as if in sport. Then only will one become a real potentate of this universe.

Be Amiable Always

Amiability is the quality of radiating love. A person of amiability has a sweet disposition. He radiates so much mental sunshine, love and joy that he is reflected in all appreciative hearts.

Amiability is the constant desire to please and love others. It is sweetness of disposition. It is the quality of lovableness.

A man of amiability has an agreeable mood and social qualities that please and make friends. He is friendly or pleasing in his disposition. He is genial, kind-hearted and gracious. He has a good nature. He is free from irritation and possesses sweetness of temper, kind-heartedness and a lovable disposition. Kindly smiles and a courteous attitude pay high dividends.

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The Plight of Jivas

The bull of Jiva sleeps its long sleep under the large shadows of attachment in the forest of worldliness, weltering in the mire of sinful actions, goaded by the goad of ignorance and lashed by the whip of sensual enjoyments. It is bound by the strong cords of desire and is ever and anon tormented by the flea-bites of rare diseases.

A sage’s power lies in lifting, through ceaseless effort, this bull which groans under the heavy load of pains. Having fallen into the pool of numberless births and deaths, it is quite lacerated through its ceaseless motions backward and forward.

Live the Divine Life

Lead the divine life of truth, love and purity. Repeat the Lord’s Name with every breath. Take everything as His Will. Surrender yourself unto His protecting hands. You will enjoy perennial peace.

Devotion to the Lord’s feet alone will enable you to obtain His Grace. Do Japa, sing Kirtan, do charity, practise meditation and realise the Atmic bliss. May God bless all your efforts!

Think correctly, decide carefully, speak sweetly and measuredly, work diligently. The senses and the mind are your enemies. Conquer them. Have an inner spiritual life. Fight against the dark forces of evil.

Time is Precious

Know the value of time. You cannot salvage even a second spent in a worthless manner. Time is most

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precious. Utilise every second in spiritual pursuits and in service.

The moment you turn your mind Godward, you will gain immense strength and peace. If you are truthful and pure in your daily life, you will inherit the kingdom of God.

As soon as you get up from your bed in the early morning, do Japa and meditation. Then do Asanas and Pranayama.

Pray and Meditate

May He, the Lord of all, pre-eminent in the Vedas and superior to the nectar that the gods partake of, bless me with wisdom! May I be adorned with knowledge of Brahman that leads to immortality!

May my body become strong and vigorous! May my tongue always utter delightful words! May I hear a lot of good with my ears! Thou art the scabbard of Brahman, which is hidden by worldly taints. May I never forget that which I have learnt! Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti!

The Five Sheaths

When all the five sheaths have been eliminated by the “Neti-Neti” doctrine and through reasoning, what remains is the witness, the Absolute, the all-full, indivisible eternal Atman.

The five sheaths are the physical, vital, mental, intellectual and blissful. These are all products of nature. They are like the layers of an onion. Just as the onion dwindles into an airy nothing when all the layers are peeled off, so also the body-idea vanishes when the sheaths are eliminated.

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Ambrosia—25Sri Swami Sivananda

(Continued from the last issue)Vegetarianism

Abolish Slaughter-Houses

If you want to stop taking mutton, fish and other animal food, just see with your own eyes the pitiable, struggling condition of the animals at the time of killing.

Now mercy and sympathy will arise in your heart. You will decide to give up flesh-eating. If you fail in this attempt, just change your environment and live in a vegetarian hotel where you cannot get meat and fish, and move in that society where there is only vegetarian diet.

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Always think of the evils of flesh-eating and the benefits of a vegetarian diet. If this also cannot give you sufficient strength to stop this habit, go to the slaughter-house and the butcher shop and personally witness the disgusting rotten muscles, kidneys, intestines and other nasty parts of the animals which emit bad smell. This will induce in you dispassion and a strong disgust and hatred for meat-eating.

All slaughter-houses should be abolished and the use of animal flesh as food should be absolutely given up.

Meat-eating is unnecessary and unwholesome. The countless instances of reputed athletes, philosophers, authors, saints, Yogis and seers who lived on vegetarian diet, prove conclusively that a vegetarian diet produces supreme powers both of mind and body, and is high conducive to divine contemplation and practice of Yoga.

Man is created as a frugivorous or fruit-eating in creature. This scientific fact is evident on a comparison with the carnivorous animals from whom he differs in respect of his internal organs, teeth and external appearance, whereas, anatomically, he is most intimately allied to the anthropoid apes whose diet consists mainly of such foods as fruit, cereals and nuts.

When man abandons flesh foods and gets his nutriment directly from nature, of well-ripened and healthy fruit and grains, nuts and vegetables, with the addition of honey, cheese and milk, we will find a large number of diseases disappearing. People will have more power of endurance. They will live longer.

What is needed is a well-balanced diet, not a rich one. A rich diet produces diseases of the liver, kidneys and pancreas.

A well-balanced diet helps one to grow, to turn out more work, increases his body-weight, and keeps up

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efficiency, stamina and a high standard of vim and vigour.

Those who eat meat cannot give up animal diet because they have become confirmed and inveterate meat-eaters. Hence, they try to justify their habit by means of various arguments and statistics. One cannot change one’s ways merely by argumentation and disputation. Ultimately, it is only the force of personal example that has a strong effect upon the people around you.

Mental Health

You must be a psychologist if you want to lead a happy and healthy life, and if you want to progress on the spiritual path. Most of the physical ailments spring from a diseased state of mind. Emotional imbalance leads to all sorts of nervous troubles and physical illnesses.

That is why a real Sannyasin, even though he may be starved, homeless and friendless, is ever happy and full of vigour, because he has inner spiritual strength.

You should all lead a well-regulated life. Proper hours of work and rest are necessary. Excessive fatigue, strain of any organ and mental strain should be avoided. You must practise moderation in all things. Excess of any kind should be avoided.

You must stick to the happy, golden mean. Then alone can you be healthy and peaceful, have ample time for spiritual practices, and achieve success in all your undertakings. Go to bed at 10pm and get up at 4am. You will have strong nerves.

One of the reasons why many people suffer from nervous breakdowns is that they do not know how to

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utilise their holiday period. There is in fact no recreation. Observe a period of silence during the holidays. Devote some of the time to spiritual practices. Do this periodically and you will experience the truth of what I say.

Secret of Conserving Energy

If you want to enjoy sound health and peace of mind, give up indulging in useless, wasteful activities. You should discriminate and analyse each action: “Is this necessary for me to achieve the goal of life?”

Restrain the mind. The mind will revolt since you have given it a long rope. You should find out intelligent methods of weaning it away from its wanton ways. You can conserve a lot of energy by avoiding idle gossip and aimless wandering.

Once you cultivate a healthy habit of engaging your body and mind in useful activities, you will find you are more peaceful, healthier and have more time for your daily spiritual practices.

The worrying habit is the biggest drain on your nerve power. One who has faith in God can never worry. He has trust in the goodness of God. He has self-confidence. He is serene. He is bold. He is cheerful. He takes things as they come, as the Lord gives. He achieves a great deal, while the man who worries, drops from his hands many golden opportunities that are put into them by the Lord.

Eliminate fear, care, worry and anxiety by relying on God. God is the source of power, bliss and wisdom. Fear, worry and anxiety corrode the mind. They paralyse the mind and fill it with despair, depression and despondency.

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Connection Between Body & Mind

There is an intimate connection between the mind and the body. The body is a mould prepared by the mind for its enjoyment. If there is any physical ailment the mind reacts, and vice versa.

If there is depression, you do not have a good appetite, you feel very weak, you cannot walk very briskly, and you cannot do any work with intense attention and application. This is the common experience of all.

The pains which afflict the body are called secondary diseases, while the desires that afflict the mind are termed mental or primary diseases.

A man receives a telegram that his only son has died of pneumonia. At once his face becomes pale, his mind is agitated, he becomes nervous and has no appetite. His red blood corpuscles are destroyed.

First the mind is affected when he receives the shocking news, afterwards the whole body begins to react. Mark here the influence of mind over body!

Causes of Ill-Health

Psychologists are of the opinion that diseases are not primarily of the body or flesh, but of the mind. They say that diseases are caused by poisons generated in the blood through anger, revenge, hatred, lust, etc.

Fill the mind with purity. Keep pure, holy company or association with the wise. Cultivate serenity, faith, courage, truthfulness, mercy, devotion, cheerfulness, confidence, love and celibacy.

Try to change worldly thoughts into divine thoughts. Allow the mind to run in the spiritual direction, in divine grooves. Your mind will then be peaceful and

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harmonious. You will have excellent mental health. You will have no physical disease.

Very few people realise that evil qualities like hatred, jealousy, anger, touchiness and impatience are harmful to themselves rather than to those towards whom they are directed. A fit of anger that lasts for ten minutes takes away more energy than would the work at a plough for two days without food.

The slow, gnawing jealousy eats away nerve power more rapidly than white ants that eat through dry wood. Impatience, worry and sensitiveness bring on grey hair scores of years earlier than they are due.

Therefore, be serene. Look within. Strive. Exert. Give all your energy to the eradication of your own evil qualities. Look into the good qualities of others, then you will hate none. Learn to admire the achievements of others, then jealousy will disappear. You should try to emulate the good in others; you should grow spiritually and not be impelled by jealousy to hold back those who are marching forward. Jealousy will create an inferiority complex, disable your mind and ruin your health. Jealousy is at the root of all nervous breakdowns.

If you wish to possess good mental health, you should always be cheerful. You should cultivate this virtue again and again. Cheerfulness acts as the best mental tonic. Depression, gloom and cheerlessness corrode the mind.

Cheerfulness, harmony, serenity, faith, compassion and love, co-operate with the constructive principles of nature. They relax the tissues and muscles, open them wide to the inflow of purity and vital force, and harmonise the physical vibrations.


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Problems of Daily Life—4Edited by Swami Sahajananda

(Continued from the last issue)The Sure Remedy

For those who are not familiar with Japa (repetition of the holy Divine Name), we reproduce the instructions given to our Spiritual Darlings to make them understand how to repeat the Sri Ram Mantra during the day:

Sitting Sri Ram, Playing Sri Ram, Eating Sri Ram, Studying Sri Ram, Writing Sri Ram, Walking Sri Ram,

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Driving Sri Ram, Working Sri Ram, Talking Sri Ram.It means that even while you are sitting, playing,

eating, studying, writing, walking, driving to school, working or talking, you must repeat the Sri Ram Mantra all the time.

Here is one more for those Spiritual Darlings who shed some crocodile tears now and then:

Crying Sri Ram.So if your mummy or daddy scolds you for some mistake

and you get upset and begin crying, repeat Sri Ram then also! Isn’t this a lovely way of crying?

God-realised saints, and even sincere devotees with a keen sense of discrimination and a good grasp of Hindu Dharma, will look at the present world situation from the cosmic angle. They will know that it is all God’s Divine Lila or play that is at work.

Saints say that if one does not turn to God willingly, one will be forced to do so through suffering. Perhaps this is what is happening at the present time—suffering is making many turn towards God. Each individual has the freedom to make the appropriate choice.

Trials, difficulties, tragedies, calamities, deaths and losses develop in us positive virtues like courage, faith, endurance, etc. They instil in our hearts mercy and compassion. They make us turn to God more and more. This is how Divine Grace operates.

Understanding this spiritual truth a little, made me state at our Satsangs that the Divine Life Society is entering its golden age because its devotees are turning more and more towards God.

This is evidenced by the fact that the number of

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devotees attending the Yoga Camp and the Sivananda Day Satsang at La Mercy, and the Sunday evening Satsang at Reservoir Hills is steadily increasing. At Reservoir Hills we are now utilising two prayer halls for the evening Satsang to cater for the increased numbers.

Depression & Suicide—1

Depression causes pessimism. It discourages all effort and kills initiative. It produces despair and sickness in the mind and body. It infects others also. It makes one a prey to all kinds of negative thoughts. It makes one resort to rash and thoughtless actions.

Causes of Depression

The causes of depression may be different in each person. It should be found out and intelligently analysed and understood. Then the method of overcoming it will be easy and effective.

Here are some factors that cause depression in people:1. Sometimes the cause may be purely physical; it may

be due to indigestion.2. A cloudy day may cause depression in some people.3. Ill-health is a contributory factor. Sometimes the

body may be lacking in certain essential vitamins, and this may be the cause of the depression.

4. The revival of old bad habits, the unpleasant memories of which recur in the mind again and again.

5. Hatred, fault-finding, revenge, anger, jealousy, envy, the guilt complex—all these bring about a morbid state of mind and depression.

6. Inability to face difficulties, trials and setbacks. Inability to face failure. Lack of initiative and will-power.

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7. Unnecessary tension, fear, worry and anxiety are great contributory causes of depression.

8. A weak nervous system makes one a prey to depression. Sexual excess, fear, worry, jealousy, hatred, anger, overwork and tension are some of the causes of a depleted mental and nervous state.

9. Inhibitions resulting from inadequate parental care may surface in later life and torment one mentally.10. The above are some of the causes. There are also

occult causes.

Disastrous Consequences of Suicide

Depression is very common today. Many are not able to overcome this negative state of mind. They seek medical and psychiatric treatment, and in extreme cases even resort to suicide, thinking that such a step will put an end to their problems.

All the scriptures and sages of the East and West have vehemently condemned the act of suicide. They have emphatically declared that absolutely nothing is solved or gained by getting rid of the physical body. On the other hand, the results of suicide are disastrous in the extreme.

Scientists and psychologists today, researching in psychic phenomena, have corroborated some of the teachings of the sages.

The sages state that at the time when the soul is to depart from the body, the dying person sees, as on a cinema screen, all the actions done by him during the present lifetime, from childhood up to the moment of death. And from all these varied scenes, the most prominent one arrests and engages the soul’s attention, and the soul leaves the body in that state.

If there is intense attachment to someone, then the soul

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departs with that person’s image in mind. Intense hatred means that the hated person’s image remains in the mind as the predominant thought at the time of death.

A person who had been strongly addicted to liquor and drugs will leave the body only with thoughts of liquor and drugs.

A person who had led a pious and virtuous life, with thoughts of God, will depart from the body with thoughts of God.

The last thoughts determine the conditions and nature of the next birth. This is what the sages have declared about the phenomenon of death.

This argument seems reasonable, as the last dominant thought in our mind at the time when we just drop off to sleep, is the thought that dominates our mind the next day.

It is for this reason that we are advised to sing the Divine Name or hymns at the time of death, in order to focus the attention of the dying person on holy and noble thoughts.

It is needless to add that if the soul departs from the body with thoughts of anger, hatred, jealousy, worry and fear, or in a state of great mental turmoil, then such thoughts and turmoil will be carried over and immediately experienced on the other plane also.

That is why the sages state that suicide does not solve anything. On the contrary, it makes the condition of the soul very much worse.

They give an analogy to explain this. When we experience a nightmare during sleep, we wake up abruptly with a shock. But we feel a sense of great relief at the same time, because the consciousness has rushed back to the safe refuge of the physical body. In suicide the soul does not have a physical body to return to as in the case of a nightmare. Hence, it undergoes great

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misery and suffering, perhaps more than during its sojourn in the physical body. Furthermore, it is said that such a soul has to roam about as a ghost for a long time.

As the body is a precious instrument given to us by God for realising Him, voluntarily discarding it will bring in its train very adverse reactions. The repercussions may last for a long time and the soul may encounter adverse conditions for many births.

Hence, under no circumstance should one resort to this most thoughtless and rash action of suicide.

Blessings in Disguise

Adversities, trials, difficulties, calamities, diseases, pains, afflictions and sufferings are all blessings in disguise. They strengthen the will and increase the power of endurance. They turn the mind more and more towards God. They instil in us discrimination and dispassion. They draw out all our latent faculties. They force us to perform even beyond our ability. They develop all the talents and capacities lying dormant within us. Therefore, do not try to evade trials and problems, but make the best use of them for your spiritual progress.

It is easy to bask in the sunshine of prosperity. The crucial test is your reaction under adversity and hardship.

God wants us to enjoy eternal bliss and peace. For this purpose the body and mind have to be strengthened and purified, so that they may be able to bear the pressure of His matchless bliss and peace. This process of purification and strengthening cannot be effected without one confronting adverse conditions and circumstances.

Furthermore, nature’s Law of Cause and Effect is

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inexorable and operates with relentless precision. The discriminative and wise individual will allow the effects of his past actions to bear fruit by meeting all the conditions of life with patience, good cheer and calmness, and thereby develop more faith and trust in God.

How to Overcome Depression

It is very easy to overcome depression. It is not at all as difficult as one imagines. Mind has the mysterious power of magnifying a problem and making it appear formidable. Do not listen to the promptings of the mind. Reject them and throw them out ruthlessly.

Here are some practical hints that will enable you to triumph over this malady once and for all:

1. First try to analyse yourself thoroughly and find out the cause of the problem. Do not be hasty. Sit calmly and think over the matter for some days. Put your thoughts down on paper and reflect over them. If necessary get the assistance of someone whom you trust and who will be sympathetic to your feelings. Pray to God within to lead you to the right person.

2. Do not listen to promptings from within that your trials and problems cannot be solved. The Divine within you, and the loved ones around you, can effectively solve or dissolve all your problems.

3. Know that for every problem that confronts you—however complicated, insoluble and difficult it may seem to be—there is the requisite guidance, strength and wisdom readily available to you from the Divine dwelling in the chambers of your heart. The Lord is nearer to you than your life-breath. Turn to him with childlike faith and experience the miraculous results.

(To be continued)

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Midnight Anecdotes—1Sri Swami Sahajananda

We commence this series of inspiring anecdotes in which Pujya Swami Sahajananda strove to convey the teachings of the Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda, in a simple, narrative style. Many of them are original and came from Pujya Swamiji’s direct experience from early childhood and from experiences with devotees, parents and Spiritual Darlings.

These anecdotes which depict extremely high moral and ethical standards are from what Swamiji calls ‘Midnight Anecdotes’. They came to him during the hours of midnight or early morning.

Like the Master, Pujya Swamiji had a keen sense of humour. Included in this series is a selection of

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Pujya Swamiji’s humorous stories as well as jokes and humorous incidents from his day-to-day life. They also are full of deep spiritual meaning. We owe a great debt of gratitude to Pujya Swamiji for giving us deep spiritual truths in such a simple manner.

Glory of Renunciation

From time immemorial Hindus have demonstrated the glory of the spirit of renunciation. God-realisation being their only aim in life, they are prepared to give up anything and everything for the achievement of this goal. Today, a person is a director of a large company, tomorrow he is seen walking along a solitary path in Rishikesh with a begging bowl in his hand. Today, one is a renowned professor in a university, the next day he has disappeared to the banks of the holy Ganga to perform Tapas and realise God. Hindu women are just the same. The spirit of renunciation is also ingrained in them.

It is due to the supreme renunciation and superhuman Tapas of our modern saints and sages, like our Divine Master Swami Sivananda, Swami Ramdas, Mother Krishnabai, Sri Aurobindo, Mother Mirra, Sri Ramana Maharishi, Sri Ramakrishna, Paramahansa Yogananda, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Muktananda, Sadhu Vaswani, Anandamayi Ma, and many others that Hindu Dharma is flourishing today.

Here is a story illustrating the above truth:Once a young girl joined a spiritual institution and

practised Sadhana under her Guru. She was a brilliant student and, after acquiring her degree, worked in a university. The divine qualities like love, compassion and kindness that she possessed heightened her extremely captivating physical beauty.

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One day, she approached her Guru for help, pleading to him to advise her how she should select her life-mate. The Guru listened in silence and then told her that the Lord will do the needful at the right time.

She also said that she was being harassed by some males, and asked him as to how she could protect her chastity and keep herself free from danger.

The Guru advised her, “Practise Sadhana daily. You already know my teachings. Give discourses to the disciples. But now and then you should behave in a queer manner, giving them the impression that there is something mentally wrong with you.”

Being talented and attractive many sought her hand, but the girl would not select anyone. Now and then, as instructed by her Guru, she would behave abnormally. Very soon those who wished to win her began to get disgusted with her behaviour and were no more interested in seeking her hand!

But one day one of the aspirants came to her and revealed, “I have been listening to your advice for several weeks now. I am presently the manager of a large firm. When I was the foreman, I had to face many challenges with my staff. There were always disruptions, disputes and strikes. I also was not patient with my staff and could not handle such situations. But when I heard your talks about prayer, and got instructions on how to meditate, I began practising earnestly. Soon my attitude towards my staff changed drastically. Because of the new spirit of understanding, love, patience and tolerance that I exercised, the disruptions and problems began to disappear rapidly.

“My staff wanted to know how I changed so quickly. I told them of my new attitude of prayer and trust in God. They all became enthused and also began attending

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your discourses. They took to spiritual practices and daily prayer. The result was that the profits of our company began to soar. The director promoted me to the position of manager and doubled my salary and that of my staff. All this was due to your inspiring discourses.”

When the girl heard this, she asked him whether he was married. When he replied in the negative, she at once fell at his feet in prostration. She remained like that for about two minutes. The boy thought that this was due to her mental derangement.

When she got up she said that tears streamed from her eyes, so she could not arise quickly. Then she revealed the reason for her queer behaviour now and then, as instructed by her Guru. She begged the boy to be her life-mate.

The young man was startled and delighted to hear all this. Being also attracted by her purity, learning and charming nature, he happily acceded to her request. So both went to their Guru and informed him of their desire. The Guru advised them not to be hasty but to wait for three years, get to know each other properly and then get married. They obeyed and continued their spiritual practices with greater earnestness and zeal.

Now when the girl appeared normal to all others, they again sought her hand, but her heart was already given to someone!

As instructed by the Guru, the marriage took place after three years. After the marriage the couple went to him and prayed for his blessings.

The Guru advised, “After the birth of the first child observe complete Brahmacharya. Today, family life is fraught with tremendous problems. You do not know how your children will behave. TV, drugs, evil company, the liquor and gambling habits, sex novels and other

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evils have adverse effects on children. They might turn your heaven into hell. So be very careful and do your best. The goal of life is God-realisation. If you are dragged away, many births will go by before you return to where you are at this moment.”

On hearing this, the boy and girl thought over the matter seriously. At once, discrimination and dispassion dawned in them. They debated that if God-realisation was the glorious goal of life, why wait until the birth of the first child? Why not start now on this great venture of seeking God?

So the very next day they approached their beloved Guru and, falling at his feet, begged him to allow them to join his Ashram and live under his protecting care.

Immensely pleased and, gazing at them with great love, the Guru gave his permission, stating, “The scriptures declare that one should renounce everything as soon as dispassion dawns. You have done just that. It is all due to the boundless Grace of the Lord and the Samskaras of your past births. The scriptures also say, ‘He whom the Atman chooses, to him the Atman reveals Itself’. The Lord has chosen you. You will be blessed with His vision in this very birth itself.”

The young man resigned from his lucrative job and the girl from her post at the university. Position, money and all other attractions ceased in their pure hearts. They did not lead a conjugal life even for a single day.

Shortly afterwards, the Guru appointed the girl as his successor. All the disciples were filled with immense joy because they knew that she had a wonderful and loving heart and would be like the Divine Mother to them. Through the Grace of her Guru, the girl did fulfil the expectations of the disciples with the result that the spiritual institution prospered greatly.

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Yudhisthira & Duryodhana Sri Swami SivanandaDo you remember the great Yudhisthira, who was

Arjuna’s elder brother? He was the noble leader of the Pandavas, who always praised God and did good actions.

The other person in this story is Duryodhana. He was the leader of the Kauravas, who were always causing trouble and doing evil deeds.

At one time, when Yudhisthira was ruling the country, he appointed the wicked Duryodhana to look after

Divine Life for Children

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his money and treasury, even though he knew that Duryodhana was always looking for an chance to harm him.

As soon as Duryodhana was given this new task, he wished to reduce Yudhisthira to poverty by using up all his money. So he sat and spent all his time thinking about how he could spend more money.

Soon he began giving parties and feasts. He fed thousands of Brahmins and Sadhus and gave away money and clothes to the poor. This did not use up the money quickly enough. So he hired thousands and thousands of workers to build expensive palaces and construct many bridges and roads all over the country. Now Duryodhana was spending millions of rupees!

But what was happening to the country? Remember that all this was being done to hurt Yudhisthira. All the people began to praise Yudhisthira for being so noble and generous, and for using all his riches for the people of the land.

Millions were receiving some of the king’s money, either because they had a job on one of the roads or buildings, or because they were given a gift. No longer was anyone out of work or hungry. What a wonderful and kind king they had!

Instead of using up all the king’s money, the people who worked paid their taxes regularly. So there was much more money in the treasury.

And the rich, seeing their king’s noble work, also wanted to help, and gave enormous presents to him. So Yudhisthira ended up by having a great deal more money than he had even started with!

Duryodhana was furious when he saw how happy the people were, and how his evil intentions had turned out only for the good of the king and the country.

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Learn, therefore, that if you try to harm a good person, the only one who will get hurt will be yourself. The good and noble works of saints are God’s works, and nothing can stop them.

Divine LifeSri Swami Sivananda

Time is Most Precious

Time is money. Time is more precious than money. Money can be earned again if it is lost, but if time is lost, it cannot be regained. A moment once gone by cannot be called back.

Life is but a collection of small moments. Every moment should be well utilised in study of school books, study of the Gita, in Japa, prayer, service of the poor and the sick and in games and activities that generate good health. The “tick-tick” of the clock reminds you that moments are passing away.

Do not waste your time in playing cards, in sitting in front of the TV for hours together, in reading useless comics and novels and in evil company. Realise the value of time. You will weep and repent later on if you misuse it.

Do not kill time in chit-chatting, in idle gossip, in talking ill of others. Have a daily routine and try to stick to it. Then all your efforts will be crowned with success.


Brahmacharya is purity in thought, word and deed. It is the practice by means of which you protect and

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conserve the semen, the vital force in the body.If you protect this most valuable power and do not

waste it, you will have wonderful memory, strong will-power, good health, inner peace of mind, courage and, finally, the vision of God.

If you waste it, you will have a fickle mind, poor memory and a weak will. Your mind will not be able to think on any subject properly. All this will hamper your studies and in the end bring you pain and misery.

Sri Hanuman, Lakshmana (the devoted brother of Sri Rama) and Bhishma were some of the great Brahmacharis of the past. In recent times we have had Swami Vivekananda, the illustrious disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. He was a great Brahmachari, so great indeed that he could memorise pages and pages of the Encylopaedia Britannica. Is it not therefore glorious to be a true Brahmachari?

Japa, Kirtan, prayer, Asanas, pure vegetarian food and holy company will help you attain perfect Brahmacharya.

Lord Buddha

There was a noble Sakya king called Shuddhodana. He had a noble son called Siddhartha. Siddhartha was very soft-hearted and kind from his early childhood. He was very loving to all beings and even to birds and animals.

One day, he saw the body of a dead person. He came to know that he, too, would die some day in the same manner. Another time, he saw a hawk greedily eating a dove. He saw many such pitiable things.

The young prince grew unhappy when he saw the sufferings in the world. He was married to a beautiful

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princess and had a son, but one day he quietly stole out of the palace and went to live with the monks.

He knew that only through God would he be able to escape all pains and sufferings, so he himself wanted to find God first and then lead others to Him, so that they also might not suffer any more.

After many years of prayer and fasting he had the glorious vision of God. Then he began to preach to people how to live a pure and noble life of love and kindness, because only these qualities will lead one to God.

Buddha thus became one of the greatest figures in history. Even today, his followers are found all over the world. They are called Buddhists. They practise Ahimsa (non-violence).

Be Punctual

Time is most precious. You will miss your lessons if you go to school late every day by an hour. You will miss the train or bus if you do not reach the station or bus terminus at the right time.

Form the habit of doing things at the right time. Get up early and start your work at the right hour. Always arrive at school a few minutes earlier. Be punctual in attending any meeting, especially a prayer meeting.

See how punctual nature is! The sun rises at the right hour. The seasons come regularly. The rains also come at the right time for our well-being.

If you are regular and punctual in life, you will achieve success in all you do. You will be respected by all. You will do the right thing at the right time. An unpunctual person’s life is full of tension and chaos. There is no rhythm and harmony.

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The Master’s Assurance

In his handwritten letters to Sri Swami Sahajananda, the Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda, gave his assurance about the work of Divine Life Society of South Africa:

God will look after the divine work,Lord will look after everything.All must adapt, adjust and accommodate; co-operate,

collaborate and co-ordinate. Co-operation means fifty-fifty—giving out and taking

in advice.Strengthen your resolves. Regularity, tenacity and

fixity in spiritual practice are essential. Record your practice in a spiritual diary daily. Review it every month and correct your failures.

The ego is your terrible enemy. It wages guerrilla warfare with you. Beware! Beware! Beware!

Take delight in the joys of other people, in making them happy. Intense, concentrated effort is demanded in self-discipline towards righteousness and God-realisation.

71st Anniversary of Divine Life Society of S.A.

Wednesday, 11 November 2020, marked the third celebration of the 71st Anniversary of the Society. The Master wrote three letters to Pujya Swamiji in 1949, urging him to start an Ashram. In the first letter dated 5 June he said, “I recognise you as the Secretary.”

Guru-Bhakti Yoga—99

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Swamiji was not at all eager to take on such a task as he was reluctant to head an Ashram. While he was thus hesitating, a second letter arrived dated 18 October 1949. Only then did Swamiji resolve to start the Ashram, offering everything to Master. His letter of acceptance crossed the third letter, written on 11 November. Our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda therefore himself founded Divine Life Society in South Africa.

We are not tired of reiterating that the formation, growth and present status of Divine Life Society of South Africa is due entirely to the Grace of our Master, Sri Swami Sivananda. Divine Life Society of South Africa is unique in spiritual history, because it was founded by a spiritual Master who forced his disciple, in this case, Swami Sahajananda, to obey him and carry out his commands. We are most grateful to all our well-wishers, patrons, devotees and the general public for the support and encouragement throughout these years. In his lifetime, Pujya Swamiji meticulously planned the structure and the functions of Divine Life Society of South Africa. Through the Grace of the Divine Master and Pujya Swamiji, the work of the Society has proceeded uninterrupted since Pujya Swamiji’s passing.

The Society continues to build on this proud and rich legacy left by Pujya Swamiji. Readers will be glad to know that during this Covid-19 Pandemic, by the Grace of our Divine Master, the Society was granted naming rights to three medical facilities we contributed to and that were erected at public hospitals around Durban. These are Sivananda King Dinuzulu Screening Centre, Sivananda Wentworth Flu and Screening Centre, and Sivananda RK Khan Screening Centre. The Society has also distributed grocery hampers to more than 4000 needy families via collaboration with Civic bodies, temples and other Hindu

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organisations. The Society also hand-delivered over 700 health care packages, each containing 12 items to those who tested positive during the pandemic. The purpose was to sustain them through the 14 day isolation period.

Our Sivananda Ghat has been functioning and providing much needed solace and comfort to the bereaved throughout the lockdown. We also note with deep gratitude the manner in which devotees took up the call to intensify their Sadhana during this past year when the world was placed in a crisis. We pray that we may soon be in a position to open our Ashrams and resume our normal prayer services at our Ashrams.

Speaking ex tempore in the pre-recorded audio message, Pujya Swamiji said, “Gurudev says if you have a good knowledge of Karma and if you know how the Law operates, and if you have faith in the Law, then a great deal of your sorrow will be over and you will know that most of what takes place, is your Prarabda Karma that you are working out. We can never escape it. At the right time, at the right moment, it will work out. So, if we know that the Law is operating, if loss comes, we will bear the loss. Everything is just. These are some of the basic spiritual truths that you must accept if you want to succeed in spiritual life. Otherwise, it will be like trying to row a boat that is anchored. You are not going to make any progress if you don’t have faith and if you don’t accept it, then your faith is going to come crashing down.”

Whilst our Divine Master and Pujya Swamiji are no more with us in the physical form, we must bear in mind that great souls never leave the world with the demise of the physical sheath. They are alive, now more than ever. They pervade and permeate the whole universe and are always available to those who call sincerely for guidance and transformation. In Yoga Lessons for Children, our

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Master states, “The greatest miracle is to purify the heart and make it fit for receiving the Light of God. The greatest miracle is to change a sinner and turn him into a saint.”

We pay our reverential respects and tribute to the pioneers of the Society for their invaluable contributions as well as our sincere gratitude to all the devotees who continue to loyally support and nurture all that Pujya Swamiji has built for us. We offer our gratitude to all donors throughout South Africa and abroad, who have been supporting our Society so unstintingly all these seventy-one years, despite the turmoil and uncertain conditions that prevailed, and continue to prevail in our country.

Our deepest gratitude goes to our Divine Master and Pujya Swamiji for giving us the best facilities in the world for our spiritual growth and for guiding and protecting us at all times. May our Divine Master bless all with peace, protection, prosperity and spiritual progress.

Sri Swami Sahajananda’s 13th Mahasamadhi Satsang

Pujya Swami Sahajananda’s Mahasamadhi Anniversary was observed via our online programme on Thursday, 10 December 2020. The morning programme was from 6 to 6.20am. Chanting commenced at 4am and concluded at 4pm. Devotees were invited to participate in hourly slots, in the comfort of their homes. In the evening, Ganga Arati commenced at 5.30pm followed by Satsang.

It was 13 years since Pujya Swamiji shed his mortal coil. Though he has physically left us, his invisible spiritual presence can still be felt even now. His Grace and energy manifests in abundance in all spheres of the Society’s work.

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From 1949 until Pujya Swamiji’s passing in 2007, Pujya Swamiji worked tirelessly and selflessly promoting the Master’s mission in this country, seven days a week, with very little respite. Over the years, the Society’s state-of-the-art printing presses, expertly supervised by Pujya Swamiji, produced thousands of high-class illustrated books and disseminated the universal teachings of Sri Swami Sivananda world-wide.

Even now the printing press continues to churn out large volumes of spiritual literature which is transforming the hearts of thousands. The Divine Master’s teachings are highly practical in their application. They are also very simple, broad and universal in their approach, so they readily appeal to people of all religious faiths. But the most unique feature of his works is that they are charged with a rare spiritual power. He himself once stated that Mother Saraswati, the Goddess of Learning, glitters through his writings.

In the pre-recorded audio message Pujya Swamiji spoke at length about surrender. Pujya Swamiji said, “If you surrender to the Guru, you surrender to the Infinite Being. It is a very effective kind of surrender”. Pujya Swamiji read extracts from the book entitled Dictionary of Sri Aurobindo’s Yoga. “Surrender is the main power of the Yoga. The surrender is bound to be progressive; a complete surrender is not possible in the beginning but only a will in the being for that completeness. In fact, it takes time, yet it is only when the surrender is complete that the full flood of Sadhana is possible.

“Essence of surrender is to accept whole-heartedly the influence and guidance when the joy and peace come down, to accept them without question or cavil and let them grow. The core of inner surrender is trust and confidence in the Divine”.

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Pujya Swamiji said, “Self-surrender is the greatest Tapasya, it is greater than will-power and everything else. But each one has to find out within oneself how to effect this from within. Pujya Swamiji continued reading, “If part of the being surrenders, but the other part reserves itself, follows its own way, or makes its own conditions, then each time that happens, you are yourself pushing the Divine Grace away from you”.

Pujya Swamiji explained, “That means, it must enter every part of your being. Suppose we lose something materially and a part of the being resists. If we get sick (as a result of this experience) or rebel, then that part of the being does not surrender and the Divine is not able to work. So certain conditions are necessary. It requires your co-operation.”

The reading concluded as follows, “If you open yourself on one side or in one part to the Truth and on the other side are constantly opening the gates to hostile forces, it is vain to expect that the Divine Grace will abide with you. You must keep the temple clean if you wish to install there the living Presence”.

Let us all therefore offer ourselves to the Divine to make our surrender perfect and complete, to make ourselves worthy of this Grace that will transform us. In so doing, we will then be able to render greater service for the betterment of the world.

Sri Swami Sahajananda’s Mahasamadhi Satsang, Sanskrit Calendar

Pujya Swami Sahajananda’s 13th Mahasamadhi Day Anniversary, according to the Sanskrit Calendar, was observed on Tuesday, 15 December 2020.

We continue to focus on the theme of surrender and

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transformation. In the book, Sadhana, our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda states, “Become a good man first. Then control the senses. Then subdue the lower mind by the higher mind. Then the divine light will descend. Only then will the vessel be able to receive and hold the divine light.

“You may have aspiration to the Truth. You may be endowed with devotion. You may possess a will to overcome the obstacles and hostile forces. If the little ego asserts or persists, if the external personality has not consented to change or transformation, you cannot have rapid progress in the spiritual path. It will have its own ways and inclinations.

“The lower nature must be thoroughly regenerated. The habitual lower personality of the Sadhaka must be entirely changed. If this is not done, any spiritual experience or power is of no value. If this little ego or human personality persists in retaining its petty, limited, selfish, ignoble, false and stupid human consciousness, any amount of Tapas or Sadhana will bear no fruit. This means that you do not really thirst for God-realisation. It is nothing more than idle curiosity. The aspirant says to the preceptor, ‘I want to practise Yoga. I want to enter into Nirvikalpa Samadhi. I want to sit at your feet,’ but he does not want to change his lower nature and old habits. He wants to have his own ways and old habits, old character, behaviour and conduct”.

In one of the pre-recorded audio messages, Pujya Swamiji said, “If I have not experienced Divine Grace then I will have no right to talk to you about it. It is better to speak from your own experience than to quote from the books. That there is such a thing as Divine Grace, we know. Now I am not referring to our external success, like the many schools we have built. Anyone can do that!

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And, it is not difficult to get money. It is not difficult to build an Ashram. It is not difficult to print books. But it is very difficult to change your nature. What is important in our life is the transformation.

“I can remember that it took 23 years for the first light to dawn—23 years when the band around my chest loosened a little bit and I could breathe a little bit freely. Another 6 years went by when the breathing became freer; another three years when I felt that I was fairly free. And all came without my asking! Nothing changed externally. No situation changed. In fact, it became worse. But, what Gurudev gave two months ago surpasses all that he had given previously.

“When I first found Gurudev and he rescued me from that life, to a life of Sadhana, I made one resolution and I said that in this birth, I will try to serve him with all my heart and soul in repayment. I felt that I should express my gratitude to him. And that is what I am trying to do. Gurudev does not expect us to do spectacular things. We have not done anything spectacular at all. I asked Gurudev how and why did he give me this knowledge. Am I worthy of it? What have I done? And I found that there is nothing spectacular that I have done. Nothing that could be called great! But I felt that whatever I did, I did with all my heart and soul. I thought of the books and I said, ‘Gurudev, this is all that I have given you.’ I didn’t even print 50 or 100 books. All that was printed was about thirty books. But in those 30 books went every drop of my blood, every fibre of my being. My concentration went into that. So perhaps, that is what made Gurudev grant me (this radical transformation).”

In this Satsang programme, Pujya Swamiji’s golden and melodious voice was also transmitted across the globe, effecting much-needed healing energy in these

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times of the Covid-19 pandemic.In the audio message on the 15th December, Pujya

Swamiji reinforced the theme of self-surrender, “The secret is to accept God’s Will in the small things when you are irritated. And once you get the wheel spinning in that direction, it will never spin in the other direction. Whatever calamity strikes you, whatever tragedy strikes you, you must accept it. But once you start getting pessimistic, then you are making the wheel spin more and more in other direction. So, the idea of self-surrender is to get the wheel spinning in the opposite direction. Everyday, when you get up, feel that everything belongs to God. You got to repeat it, parrot-like in the beginning. ‘My children belong to God, my body belongs to God, my house belongs to God, my property belongs to God. Everything belongs to God.’ So, if any tragedy strikes you, you will find yourself repeating that, and the moment you repeat that, then you would get relief. So that is the easy Sadhana that Gurudev has given us. As I said, once you get the wheel spinning in that direction, you’ve done it. All that you have got to do is to strengthen that spin in the same direction of self-surrender. God-realisation is tremendous, it’s stupendous, and we got to pay the full price, and the full price will only come when there is a firm surrender.”

We conclude with a prayer from our Divine Master that incorporates both transformation and surrender:

“O Lord! Make my will strong to resist all temptations, to control my senses and lower nature, to change my old evil habits, to make my surrender complete and real. Enthrone Thyself in my heart. Do not leave this place even for a second. Use my body, mind and organs as instruments. Make me fit to dwell in Thee for ever.”

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By the Grace of our Divine Master, the Society's work in terms of projects has continued successfully. For this year, the following are the completed projects:

597. Verulam Primary School, 3 classrooms and 5 toilets598. Sivananda Wentworth Flu and Screening Centre599. Sithandizile Day Care Centre, Ndwedwe, refurbishments and

supply of crèche furniture600. Palmview Temple, Phoenix, palisade fencing and paint601. Satchidananda Temple, Newcastle, fencing602. Sivananda Mkhakhansi Creche, Ward 4, uMshwathi Municipality603. Sivananda Trust Feed Peace Centre, Ward 9, uMshwathi

Municipality604. Sivananda Ndlaveleni Creche, Ward 13, uMshwathi Municipality605. Sivananda Mpolweni Creche, Ward 10, uMshwathi Municipality606. Sivananda Gujini Peace Centre, Ward 11, uMshwathi Municipality607. Sivananda Socolile Creche, Ward 14, uMshwathi Municipality608. Chatsworth Hospice, Silverglen, installation of Hydroponic tunnel

Press and Publications

In the past few months, Sivananda Press has released the following publications:

1. Divine Life No. 125—5 0002. Sunlit Path No. 44—4 0003. Divine Life for Junior Children, Sotho (Reprint)—50 000

Forthcoming Publications:1. Lord Shanmukha and His Worship (Reprint)2. Facing the Challenges of Youth (Reprint)3. 20 Important Spiritual Instructions (Reprint)4. Agnihotra Pamphlet (Reprint)

Page 67: No. 126 · 2021. 3. 4. · book on Bhakti. You may translate it.” Master: “Yes, it is a good book. I shall write to Sri Rajani Mohan Chakrabarthy and Sri NC Ghosh of Calcutta

Important Notice

Children should not be allowed to use cellphones. We all know the dangers of it. Children might talk to those with good habits but they will also talk to those indulging in drugs, alcohol, TV and other bad habits. Boys will freely talk to girls and girls will freely talk to boys. This may lead to a lot of trouble.

Children or parents may appear in court for the crimes of their children, and if they are devotees of Divine Life Society, the name of our Society and Master will be spoilt. We have given elaborate instructions in our journals on how to bring up Spiritual Darlings. If parents do not heed the instructions, they are entirely responsible for the bad habits of their children.

Henceforth, all those who allow their children to use cellphones will be banned from attending any of our Satsangs at any of our Ashrams in the country. Divine Life Society will not be held responsible for any of the problems of children using cellphones.

Forthcoming Functions(Subject to alteration)

Until further notice, all Satsangs are currently online. Below are two options to join in on our online Satsangs:

1. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel at the address below to receive alerts on your YouTube app to our Satsangs.


2. Please join the WhatsApp group on our website below to receive direct links to our Satsangs: www.sivananda.dls.org.zaSUNDAY AND TUESDAY EVENING SATSANGS:

Ganga Arati at 5.30pm followed by Satsang. THURSDAY EVENING SATSANGS:

Ganga Arati at 5.30pm followed by Sri Hanuman Chalisa 11 times.SPECIAL SATSANGS

THURSDAY, 11 MARCH 2021 – MAHASIVARATRI SATSANG: Ganga Arati at 5.30pm followed by Satsang until 5am the following morning.

SUNDAY, 4 APRIL 2021 – SIVANANDA DAY SATSANG: Ganga Arati at 9.50am followed by Satsang at 10am.

THURSDAY, 8 APRIL 2021 – SWAMI SIVANANDA’S BIRTHDATE SATSANG: Ganga Arati at 5.30pm followed by Satsang.

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Sivananda Day-to-Day 1Pranayama—4: Sri Swami Sivananda 13 The Sadhu Who Conquered Anger: Sri Swami Sivananda 21 Daily Meditations—15: Sri Swami Sivananda 27Ambrosia—25: Sri Swami Sivananda 32Problems of Daily Life—4: Guidance in Daily Life 38 Midnight Anecdotes—1 45Divine Life for Children 50Yudhisthira & Duryodhana: Sri Swami Sivananda 50 Divine Life: Sri Swami Sivananda 52 Guru-Bhakti Yoga—99 5571st Anniversary of Divine Life Society of S.A. 55Sri Swami Sahajananda’s 13th Mahasamadhi Satsang 58Sri Swami Sahajananda’s Mahasamadhi Sanskrit Calendar 60Projects 64Press and Publications 64

Divine Life Society of South Africa513 Mountbatten Drive, Reservoir Hills, 4091

P.O. Box 65282, Reservoir Hills, 4090Phone: (031) 262-2314 Fax: (031) 262-3248

Website: www.sivananda.co.zaCopyright © 2021