No guts, No glory: 5 steps to become a brave new marketer

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Our world is changing rapidly. Technology is developing faster than ever. Information is shared and

made available everywhere. Generation Y is the first generation to grow up with Internet and is

used to having everything at its fingertips.

Therefore marketing will never be the same again. Merely pushing advertising doesn’t work

anymore. One-way communication simply doesn’t do the trick anymore. Ignoring your failures will

not make them go away.

21 global marketing executives from various industries (see list in appendix) provided us with

insights on their definition of Generation Y, the main marketing challenges and some possible

solutions to tackle these challenges. This paper is composed in this order:

• How different is Generation Y as a target group according to marketing practitioners?

• What challenges are marketing, branding and communication managers confronted with

when dealing with this Millennial generation?

• A 5-step plan to improve your marketing towards Gen Y customers.

One remark: don’t expect to find all the solutions. After all, it’s about having the guts to do

something you have never done before.

What to expect

from this paper?

Defining characteristics

Before defining the challenges

marketers face when connecting

with Gen Y, it is important to know

how they define this generation. It

is clear that coming up with one

unilateral definition is a hard task.

A lot of verbatim was used but

brought us to four key



The free generation

The overall trend when marketeers are talking about GenY is that the GenY

youth have a high degree of freedom compared to the previous generation.

Everything their parents and grandparents fought for finally paid off: youth

today is finally free. No pressure to practise a given religion, no worries about

being gay: let’s put it all on the table and talk about it. It’s [also] the first

generation that didn’t need to rebel against former generations. Society

became more liberal and parents more democratic.

Mum and dad are pretty cool in a way: they are not an institution to fight

against, rather a source of reliable advice. Up to GenY to make this advice

their own. Parents treat their children on an equal level, like friends, and the

kids today respond with more compusere towards their folks.

That doesn’t mean that there are no issues anymore. For example: they really

care about the environment and the economic crisis also affects them. They

have a strong feeling for justice: it’s not fair that the banks profit from

normal citizens and it is not okay that we are all polluting the planet we live

on. Fortunately, they have the balls, the skills and the means to address and

tackle these issues. And when they have issues with you as a brand, they will

tackle those as well.

Let’s go more into detail about the implications of these characteristics for the

today’s marketeer.

Looking for the best deal

As there is less stress about where to belong or how to

behave, youngsters feel more confident. They have a

realistic view on the state of the world and what their role in

it can be. Therefore, they make choices which best fit their

needs at that particular moment. They want everything as

fast as possible and have no patience whatsoever. They’re

annoyed when they can’t get what they want.

“They are not a generation that wants to wait; if they feel a need

for change they'll immediately want that change. Everybody in this

generation feels entitled to freedom, to deciding on their own

terms and having a better and bigger life. Life became more rapid

and this fast-paced age has changed their attitudes, their world

perceptions and their whole life.“

Christophe Fellinger, Employer Branding & Talent Attraction,



I want it all

Kuruma banare

Let’s take transport as an example: the more convenient, the

better. Improved infrastructure in the big cities, environment

issues, the rising fuel costs and everlasting traffic jams make

a car a luxury item rather than a necessity for youngsters.

In Japan they use the phrase “kuruma banare”

(demotorization), which means that youngsters fall out of

love with cars. They prefer public transport, bicycles or

even skateboards to go from A to B in big congested cities.

It’s not that they don’t like these big cities, they just want to

be as efficient as possible. Today’s youth is more

interested in the latest gadgets rather than in acquiring an

expensive car. City cars, like for example MINI, need to be

convenient, smart and easy-to-use.


I want to share it now

Sharing is caring

Connecting was never easier. There are no

restraints which keep them from communicating

exactly when, where and how they want it. They

have Internet in their blood and are not afraid to

use it. GenYers love to talk with each other

online. They learn about products, situations,

experiences by hearing from others. Not only are

they sharing, but they also do it continuously.

Being connected at any time has become more

and more important:

“Three quarters claim to never be offline for more

than an hour. They are accustomed to working on

numerous devices, gadgets, social networks and apps

and thus live in a perpetually virtual world allowing

them to maintain a consistent level of engagement.”

Anita Caras, Head of Insights Global Agency &

Accounts Microsoft

The success of the Tomorrowland


“When the product is good, people start the

campaign for you. And of course we have all these

deejays from all around the world who have their own

blogs or webpages and fans and they are the

ambassadors of our event too. And we try to surprise

them, like for instance the people flying in from

Barcelona, experienced a party flight with deejays

and dancers. They will talk about that.”

Christophe Van den Brande, Marketing & Creative

Manager Tomorrowland

Tomorrowland has been voted the best Dance

Music Festival in the world in 2011. Everyone

who was ever there agrees: Tomorrowland is

quite an experience. That much an experience,

that people want to re-live it. The success of the

after-movie says it all: in 24 hours the movie

already had 2 million unique views. One week

later the video already had 10,000,000 unique

views. Quite impressive, knowing that there were

actually 180,000 people present.


I„m sharing it all

Heart on the sleeve

Having original and conversation-worthy experiences and

opinions is key. If it’s not buzz-worthy, it’s not cool.

Everything is shared, good and bad news. They have their

own voice and they are not afraid of using it. They like to

give their feedback to friends & family, but also to brands

and companies. Review sites are more popular than ever.

And you’d better be listening, because they won’t stop


“The challenge with this generation is that your organization

should be ready to act rapidly as a response to their feedback.

Social media are a good way to have feedback right away, but

this generation has a high need of quick reactions to their

feedback. If you want to satisfy them, you need to respond with

product or campaign changes much faster than before and try

to deliver what they are asking you.“

Clelia Morales, Head of Social Media & PR eBay Europe

Belvedere Vodka:

not so smooth

Past March, Belvedere placed a

rather controversial commercial

online. Within an hour, Belvedere

had to take the ad down.

Comments on Twitter and

Facebook were furious, even after

apologizing with the following


“We apologize to any of our fans who were offended by our recent

tweet. We continue to be an advocate of safe and responsible drinking.”

Even more complaints came in after this apology, because the

company only apologized for offending their fans, not going to the

core of the case. Charles Gibb, president of Belvedere, wrote a

personal message on Facebook:

“My name is Charles Gibb and I am the President of Belvedere Vodka. I

would like to personally apologize for the offensive post that recently

appeared on our Facebook page. It should never have happened. I am

currently investigating the matter to determine how this happened and to

be sure it never does again. The content is contrary to our values and we

deeply regret this lapse.”

The company also made a donation to RAINN, the Rape, Abuse and

Incest National Network, as an expression of their regret.


I want it my way

Puzzle time

Today’s youth isn’t about predefined structures or rigid

movements anymore, it’s about creating your own style

dimension. Freedom implies freedom of choice: clothes,

music, travel, hobbies… Instead of one main point of

interest there are several smaller ones which construct

their identity. Mixing and matching brands, expensive or

non-expensive, hippie, chic or vintage: it makes them feel

unique and original.

“Millennials break the traditional segmentation and

marketing theories. They may buy a very expensive fashionable

Louis Vuitton bag because of its badging value, but at the same

time they’ll buy very cheap private label crisps simply to go for

the cheapest. As consumers they are far less predictable than

before. They may buy the gorgeous next Paul Smith dress for

€1000 even, and the next day buy a €20 H&M copy of something

fashionable, just to use it for a couple of months.”

Mark Van Iterson, GlobalHead of Brand Design Heineken

Karl Lagerfeld for Coca-Cola light

A special cooperation is the one between Karl Lagerfeld,

the famous Chanel designer, and Coca-Cola light. The

fashion legend has already signed twice for the design of

special edition bottles for one of the most well-known

drinks in the world. Not only do Coca-Cola and clothes

not have that much in common, the high-end image of

Chanel and the image of the mass-produced soft drink

are also not an obvious match. It works, however: on all

fashion blogs, the cooperation was a hot topic. The

bottles were sold exclusively in only a few specific shops

per country.

“If you don‟t do what

you promised me

I‟ll get bored, I‟ll go

away and talk about

my feelings

(offline and online).”


These characteristics create challenges





“If you do everything

you promise me

I’ll stay with you

and share my thoughts

(offline and online).”

(until you no

longer surprise me…)

HOW The question is

“You constantly have to be up-to-date about what is actually moving in their heads, what

makes them happy, what makes them worried and what makes them prefer one company over

another.” (Jörgen Andersson, SVP and global brand & new business director Esprit)

Deliver value for money

Companies are obligated to deliver value for

money. This doesn’t necessarily mean monetary

value. Their personal needs (identification,

experience, trust…) will influence their definition of

value for money. It has to be the whole package:

it’s not about adding a nice design or giving a special

experience, it’s about having both.

Be where they are

If there are no restraints which keep them from

communicating exactly when, where and how they

want it, there are none for your company either. It’s

not about mass marketing anymore, but about

managing all different touch points.

Act like a chameleon…

…but don‟t become a lizard! Their eclectic nature

implies that companies nowadays should be flexible

and able to react quickly to all sorts of new trends. Gen

Y has another way of consuming than the previous

generation: harder, better, faster, stronger. Still,

consistency in time, channel & culture remains


Activate a conversation

Youngsters talk about brands and decide what is

said about them. Cool and interesting information

could be fun to share, irritations and bad

experiences are also a conversation starter. Open

the dialogue, participate (add value) and have a

honest conversation.








r th

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GenYers won‟t take bullshit. They

search for products which satisfy their

needs the best way possible. Being

relevant is key.

So many possibilities, so difficult to

manage them all. Reaching out to them

and communicating with them requires

good touch point management.

Their constant hunger for new

impulses makes it hard to keep

them interested. How can you

make them loyal?

You can‟t just expect them to

swallow every message. Do you

really tap into their minds? How

can you really engage them?










Step 5

Step 1 Make it relevant


It all starts

with the product

“The first way to be cool and stay hot

is to have a nice and differing product.

These days you cannot build a brand just

by marketing, you need a great product

and adapt all the marketing to the core

strengths of the product, not the other

way around.” Renzo Rosso, Founder Diesel

If your product isn’t doing what it

promises, you may as well close up.

Youngsters can find information

anywhere and are asking feedback

from peers all the time.

It is all about price/quality: are you

offering something valuable? That

will cost a certain price. Finding

exclusive promotions and getting

even more value than expected is the top of the bill.

Don‟t forget about

the company

“Corporate CSR became more

important because Gen Y is also smarter

and will spend and invest their money

carefully, in a way that it actually

reflects their value system and they will

challenge companies to use their money

in a conscious and social way.” Hubert Grealish, Global Head of

Marketing Communications Diageo

Of course, being true to who you are

is key. It’s about wearing the

company value glasses in everything

you do. Storytelling, authenticity

and uniqueness could add more

than you would expect: they reflect

their values and build up your

corporate identity.

Creating the


“We used to focus on creating the best

product benefits. Today that's not enough

anymore, it's all about creating the best

product EXPERIENCE. But creating a

relevant experience is always related to

understanding the world of your

consumers and trying to be as close to

them as possible.” Mariken Kimmels, Marketing Director

Heinz Continental

Stories will be stories, and the

product should give your consumers

what they’re expecting, nothing more

and nothing less. Creating an actual

experience around it, online and

offline, is something intangible that

could elevate your product and

brand experience.

Be cool

A cool product

is innovative and


Being the first to do something new

will certainly arouse the interest. Of

course, your innovation should be

clear and add an extra value to the

product. After all, the pragmatic

GenYer won’t like anything that

seems irrelevant or doesn’t add

some extra value.

Be cool

A cool company is

smart and reliable

Making genuine efforts to be

relevant to them is considered to be

cool. It is showing them that you

have done your homework and are

willing to go beyond the obvious.

Being cool nowadays means being

smart: inventiveness and creativity

create buzz.

A cool experience

is exclusive

Youngsters are afraid to be just like

the rest. They want to stand out,

have their own identity and

experience things that are

exceptional and exclusive. These

moments are most likely to be

shared with their closest friends. It is

about having a moment they will

never forget. ‘Remember that

evening we had thanks to brand x?’

Instant coolness.

“It is about relevance, being meaningful and worth sharing. Like tweeting it to your

friends. That’s a pretty good sign that it is cool. We’re not kidding ourselves into

thinking that people are really going to talk about it: “Oh, I had a great experience

when I paid with my debit card at the local pizza place”. What will get people to talk is

when you tap into their emotion and add some sort of value, so some of them will say:

“Oh, I got this through MasterCard. How cool is that?” Peter Jung, Senior Business Leader MasterCard

1 Step

Be real

A real product is

transparent and fair

Be clear about what you are: what

are the ingredients, where have you

made your clothes, how

environmentally friendly are you?

Youngsters appreciate honesty:

being clear about your intentions

and your goals and living up to them

is a huge asset.

Be real

A real company is

approachable and


Authenticity is key. What does

authenticity mean? First of all: you

need to have a story to tell. Second:

you should stay true to your brand

values. It is all about being human.

Social media is a perfect platform to

have direct contact with your

consumers. Brand ambassadors

even more so are giving your brand

a human face.

A real experience is

engaging (online and


Captain Morgan is a very popular

rum brand, named after a real 17th

century pirate from Jamaica. This

character is used as a real-life

entertainer in bars and pubs, offline.

People are then able to share their

pictures and experiences online.

“It can bring so much fun and personality to those places in ways we’ve just not seen before.

And to think that all of that is brought together again with the digital background is so important

because it allows people to share their pictures, share their stories and it allows the Captain to

say where and when he will be in different places. It creates a whole new type of engagement

opportunities for Millennials based not only on branding but actually on personality.” Hubert Grealish, Global Head Brand Communications Diageo

1 Step

Be unique

A unique product is


Personalisation is still key. The clue

is to go beyond personalisation: it’s

not only about adding or changing

something to the layout of a product,

but also about being open to co-

creation and co-ownership.

Be unique

A unique company has

a story to tell

A unique company has a story to

tell: they talk about heritage,

consumer experiences, employees

and company culture.

A unique experience is


For Gen Y, creativity is also very

important. There is so much to

choose from that you have to stand

out in the crowd. Abercrombie&Fitch

are doing a great job in giving their

customers the ultimate in-store


1 Every company, product, service,

commercial… has to be unique in

some way. The time of one single

USP is over. Having a combination

of several USPs is what every

company strives for.

“When people enter an A&F shop, they expect high energy, a cool fun environment with

shop staff with a great sense of style and appearance. We bring that same consistent shop

experience in all countries. We are cool on many levels: songs, music, lyrics, feel, smell, taste,

touch, in the shop, how we look. It's important that our staff humanizes our brand and

experience of walking in the shop. When you walk in people will talk to you and help you.”

Todd Corley, Senior VP, Abercrombie&Fitch


Make them happy

The product fulfils

my needs

It’s all about managing expectations.

Don’t promise what you can’t make

happen. Listen to the needs of your

consumer and try to adapt your

product to these needs.

Make them happy

The company believes

I‟m important

It’s about truly engaging with your

consumers: are you listening? Are

you reacting to what they’re saying?

Only when you’re showing your

honest interest and link actions to

this, the consumer will really feel

that they make a difference.

The experience met or

even exceeded my


For this generation, it’s all about fun,

happiness, excitement, feeling part

of something, feeling empowered.

It‟s about living the light life. Let’s

again take the example of

Tomorrowland. Tomorrowland is a

dance festival in Belgium which has

captured the hearts of youngsters all

around the world in no time. In only

four years time the visitor count

went from 50,000 to 180,000 this

year. Tomorrowland is more than

just concerts, it is a total concept:


“We work on exceeding the expectations. We want to create an atmosphere of phantasy, a separate imaginative world, everything must be

part of that experience: from high quality food (Michelin starred chefs cooking, fresh vegetables and good meat even at the burger stall...),

over comfortable entrances, showers and luxury cabins for overnight stay, some of them with Jacuzzi and sauna and butler. We build an

experience comparable to the good feeling after a long holiday with memories to cherish for life, the ability to get in touch with new people,

start a relationship. It's more than just people watching a good show and then leaving again, we want to bring them a creative and sexy

unique experience.” Christophe Van den Brande, Marketing & Creative Manager Tomorrowland


Let them identify!

A product I can

identify with

While globalisation no longer left youngsters

clueless about each other and styles are a

mixture of several influences, GenYers still

want to have their own identity. They want to

be proud of the products they are using.

Tapping into their personal atmosphere and

adding a local touch stays important:

Xerud the fortune teller

Despite the liberal mind-set of Taiwan, talking

about safe sex is still a sensitive subject.

How to adapt to this cultural threshold if your

brand is called Durex? In Taiwan, fortune

tellers are very common. Durex decided to

develop an unbranded fortune-telling

automaton that provides love/life predictions.

They let her tour in bars and clubs over the

country. With their prediction comes a

condom and a message. An example:

"In a relationship it is vital to just be your free

self. Don't worry. With Durex your romantic

undertakings are in safe hands... For more

predictions go to durexfu.com.tw of look for

Xerud on Facebook.“

Let them identify! 1

A company I can

identify with

Values are a reflection of a consumer’s

identity. Identifying these values and

responding to them makes consumers feel

connected with the company.

“For Esprit last Christmas we did the "make

your wish" campaign around the world with the

Facehunter (famous street style fashion

photographed/blogger). Urban people were

holding a card with their personal wish in the

pictures and some candid movies were shot too.

Everything was posted on Facebook and people

could add their own wishes and then a jury would

select wishes relevant to the Esprit brand and

make them come true. So instead of just showing

clothes, we were showing the values and

expressing that we care about people and the

world around us.” Jörgen Andersson, SVP and global brand & new

business director, Esprit

An experience I can

identify with

An experience should have a personal

approach and elaborate on a person’s

interest. Involving peers in the experience will

make it more valuable and memorable. When

being connected with each other, youngsters

will share interesting content. Add a local

experience to your global campaign and you

already have the right mix to approach a

diverse audience.


On a corporate and brand level, they

should make sure their brand is

including as many Millennials as

possible. Gen X marketing was all

about creating an exclusive brand. To

approach the social Gen Y, brands

should be involved in all lifestyles and

segments of Millennials. Brands must be

innovative, surprising and

inspirational for all of them. This is the

only way Gen Y will identify with the


On a product level, it is important to be

accessible for everyone (inclusive) on

the one hand but to create stimulating

exclusive novelties, limited editions,

higher priced temporary items or

innovations on the other. The latter will

keep the attention of the fickle

stimulation-junkie generation.

In marketing campaigns, activations,

events and retail experience, successful

Gen Y brands know how to create

extraordinary, exceptional

experiences. They should feel like

exclusive and personalized experiences

that Millennials find worth sharing with

their friends.

To stay relevant for Millennials, marketers should take

inclusiveness AND exclusiveness into account.


Being an inclusive company becomes more and more

important. After a racist scandal, where potential employees

were discriminated because of their skin colour, hipster shop

Abercrombie&Fitch decided to focus on an inclusiveness

program, creating a special function which would be

occupied following up this program.

“We rolled out a programme to make our staff more dexterous,

more flexible with different cultural styles or different ways of

looking at thing, to help them figure out the common ground and

meet someone who is perhaps more passive or less direct,

somewhere in the middle. In 2004, when I started this office/new

function, A&F had 400 shops, based in the US only, in 2011 we had

grown to 1,000 shops, the majority still in the US but also in many

other nations. We moved from a 90% white in-store population to

a 50% white and 50% non-white population. With that evolution

came an increased level of awareness and dealing with not only

issues of race but also nationality.” Todd Corley, Senior Vice President & Global Chief Diversity Officer A&F

MasterCard & Exclusive experiences

MasterCard, a difficult product for youngsters to really

engage with, tries to connect with consumers through exclusive

experiences. By surprising their consumers and tapping into

their true interests, MasterCard becomes more relevant.

“An example of engaging young consumers in conversations: a

pilot project in Mexico built around one of the core passions: music.

We've invested in mobile apps which actually profile consumers based

on their listening behaviour. So, for instance, if you like Coldplay and

you live in Mexico, you will receive an invitation to post something or

share something and then get an invite for a VIP cocktail reception

before the concert. Or you will get access to presales of tickets

exclusively for MasterCard holders so that you will be guaranteed to

get a ticket before the mass sales start... So exclusive, experiential

offers based on your preferences.” Peter Jung, Senior Business Leader MasterCard

Step 2 The touch point mix


Point of sale

Look at your (web) shop as if it‟s your own home: when

you invite people to your home, you want everything to be in

order. You want people to have a nice impression of you and

you want to make them feel comfortable. Hopefully they will

spread the word and will be eager to come back. Don’t forget

about social shopping either: it’s an important trend that will

emerge more in the future. Offline and online go hand in

hand: GenYers have the tendency to ask feedback from a

friend when shopping offline or online. The faster, the better!

"One of the new services we are testing now with eBay is all

about this instant gratification. It is called "help me find". For

instance, if you see a bag you like, you can immediately take a

picture, tag your friends and ask them to help you find out which

brand it is and where you can buy it. It is this type of instant

services allowing you to connect with your friends that are

endorsing the social shopping trend among Gen Y“ Clelia Morales, Head of Social Media & PR eBay EU

Media & Advertising

What about good old-fashioned above-the-line campaigns?

Of course they’re not dead. You just need to know that you

won’t make it with a single TV advert. Actually, campaigns

are great to create global awareness. But it not enough to just

leave it at that. Integration with social media is a must. The

campaign should trigger some kind of interaction with your


“Gen Y understands very well what marketing and advertising is

about and that marketing people paid big sums of money to put

their logo on TV. If the content is not entertaining or relevant it's

useless. Of course TV commercials are still important but it's all the

digital marketing around it, the extra content like in films or behind

the scenes, the challenges and little games make the commercial

more talkeable and interesting. So it's all about understanding the

context of a touch point.” Mark Van Iterson, Head of Global Brand Design Heineken


2 Website

A website is more than just an

information stall about your product. It is

what you are: you can share your past,

your present and your future and get

feedback from your consumers. You can

engage and connect on a deeper level

than for instance on your Facebook page

(which is obviously linked to your website

and vice versa). Contests, games or

advertising often refer to the website.

Make sure you keep your new visitors

connected by making them more curious:

hide a riddle, reveal a secret or show

exclusive footage! Don’t make it

overcomplicated though: your website

should be a portal where everything your

consumer needs to know is presented in

an intuitive and engaging way.

“Mobile and web is not a differentiating

factor, it is just something you have to have.” Christoph Fellinger, Talent Relationship

Manager Beiersdorf

Social media

Of course, social media are a must.

Facebook for example should be

integrated in all communication actions.

Don’t think of it as a one-way

communication platform though: the most

valuable feature of Facebook is the fact

that it enables interaction and

inspiration (by brands, celebrities and

friends). Not only with the brand, but also

with their peers. It is a great platform to try

new things and to innovate. Playing with

trending topics, asking them about the

latest news and using humour are

successful ways to connect with your Gen

Y audience.

“Brands have to be more social today and that doesn't just mean adding a Facebook tab and Twitter account. It's about investing in community management and establish a strong social voice. It means that you have to respond and syndicate conversations about your brand and payments and create real two-way dialogues. It takes serious commitment and engagement to get people to talk about your brand or service - you should ask yourself: why should they care, why should they share?” Peter Jung, Senior Business Leader MasterCard

Mobile integration

Use mobile efforts to connect with your

consumers and connect them with each

other. Don’t create just another app:

make it relevant.

• Take location-based marketing to

the next level: it’s not about knowing

where your customer is, but about

customizing your communication in

the right context. If you know your

customer is working out at the gym,

you might as well communicate about

your energy drink.

• When are your customers the most

active? Maybe during lunch? Maybe

just before or after school? Link

certain actions to these timings!

• It’s not about culture, but about

services: where are the good

restaurants, where are the other

people around here who have the

same product as I have? How can I

connect with them as quickly as


• Don’t make a rip-off of your website,

but do something unique. An app is

a perfect platform for branded utility.


2 Event

Being relevant is defined on three levels: product level, company level and

experience level. Events are the way to go when you want to create the

ultimate customer experience. Not only can you connect with your

consumers, but consumers can also connect with each other. This results

in WOM, sharing stories online and long-lasting memories.

“When it comes to touch points, although we have the right product in the right

shops and successful social media networks, we believe connecting with

consumers in real life, physically, is still very important. So skateboarding events

like Coastal Carnage at Huntington beach are important because we bring

10,000s of people together to interact socially with each other and it's an

exceptional experience that they will discuss with their friends both on- and

offline. (see also 100 club events in London)” Geoff Cottrill, CMO Converse

Managing touch points nowadays means having a well-balanced mix of

online and offline channels. Take a good look and bear in mind the tips

and tricks of the previous chapter when choosing the appropriate way to

communicate with Generation Y.

“The true CEO of the company is the consumer. And it is all about his/her

emotions, what he/she feels when coming into a shop: it's not just the clothes or

colours: it's also about feeling inspired. So with every touch point of the brand,

you have to feel something. If you're passionate about something, you become

engaged.” Jörgen Andersson, SVP and Global Brand & New Business Director Esprit


Step 3 The engagement toolbox


Top users

You probably have some true brand lovers. Those consumers are crazy

about your product, love to talk about it and share their experiences with

others. So why not connect with your top users and engage them to

engage others?

"It's not only about selling stuff to them, it's about getting into a relevant

conversation with them related to their interests in daily life and get involved.

For instance: eBay's spring&summer fashion campaign in the UK ( #mymix).

We had a meeting with the 20 most influential fashion bloggers and through a

Twitter party everyone could connect, ask questions and make live comments.

Three bloggers created their own style with eBay items -and became a model of

their own look! It's an example of how we engage with our clients through

different channels.“ Clelia Morales, Head of Social Media & PR eBay EU



Collaboration Co-creation is evolving more towards

collaboration. The pragmatic, eclectic

and bold GenYer wants to have a say

in the products he uses. How should

you facilitate this? Create a platform

where they can share their thoughts

and ideas. Act upon these thoughts

and involve them in the early stages of

the creation process.

“I do think brands are co-owned.

Companies need to learn to let control of

the brand by consumers. Before it was more

centralized and more, small groups making

decisions on how the brand acted, and what

type of campaigns you portray, activate and

what type of platforms you use. I think now

we are shifting towards more co-ownership

of the brand.” Francisco Bethencourt, Director Strategy &

Marketing PepsiCo

Co-creation Consumers are no longer waiting for

an invitation to co-create brands.

They are building their own brands

with other consumers, involving your

brand whether invited or not, and

expecting their influence to be

rewarded. So it is not a question of

incorporating co-creation or not, it is a

question of how far you want to go.

“Many companies are still afraid of

what I would call the real co-creation.

Not just using co-creation as a one-off

shot for marketing purposes but really

involving consumers in an early stage of

developing new products, concepts and

ideas. At Heinz, we are now

experimenting with the Talking Labels:

people can order their own label with a

personalized text but the next phase

should be collaborating with them in an

earlier phase.” Mariken Kimmels, Marketing Director

Heinz Continental




Ok, so now you have

used your relevance

checklist, you checked

the touch point mix and

you involved your top

users. How can you now

engage with consumers?

Look in the toolbox and

choose an engagement



3 Surprises

Surprising your consumers is the best

way to give them a shake and make

sure they stay focused. A surprise can

be anything: send them a birthday

card, post a video that nobody has

ever seen before, show up

unexpectedly at an event… As long as

it is relevant (see previous chapter)

and you don’t stalk them, they’ll love it:

“When the product is good, people want

to be part of it, share movies and pictures

on YouTube and Facebook and start the

campaign for you. And we have of course

numerous deejays from all around the

world who have their own blogs or

webpages and fans and they are the

ambassadors of our event too. And we try

to surprise them, like for instance the

people flying in from Barcelona,

experienced a party flight with deejays and

dancers. They will talk about that.”

Christophe Van den Brande, Marketing &

Creative Manager Tommorowland


Do not underestimate the power of

stories. Tell a story about yourself, let

your consumers share stories about

their personal life, or even better:

combine both. People want something

to talk about. What kind of stories?

Cool, real, unique, personal and

emotional stories!

“Red Bull is a good example of a brand

which represents 'experience life to the

full', with adrenaline kicks. Maybe the

biggest fear of Gen Y is to lead a dull and

boring life. So Red Bull does all this

exciting interesting stuff with adrenaline

kicks, stuff worth uploading and sharing

on FB or through Twitter.”

Mark Vaniterson, Global Head of l Brand

Design Heineken


3 Games

Games are engaging, no question about that. The problem is:

everyone is doing it already. So how can you stay relevant and stand

out in the crowd? First of all: link it to your product and try to make it

cool, real, unique and relevant. Second: don’t make it too difficult so

your consumers can still feel good about themselves. Most of the

time they are playing for attention and achievement. And last: don’t

forget to leverage on the social potential: your target group probably

has a wide social network. Try to engage your gamers to activate

that network as well!

“Achieving something and feeling happy (in a social context) is utterly

important to Gen Y. Gamification can fit into this aspiration to achieve and

self-improve but in the same time you gain feedback and comments of your

social circle.”

Anita Caras, Head of Insights Microsoft

“To develop the new cap of the Heinz bottle we used some gamification

elements. For instance the first 57 visitors of a new website to develop a

new cap were invited to share their ideas. (57 refers to the 57 varieties of

Heinz also mentioned on the bottle). They could create their own content

and share it with their friends. It really worked and we found out that mire

young people participated because of these gamification elements.”

Mariken Kimmels, Marketing Director Heinz Continental


Step 4 Enhance Loyalty: be FAIR


Want fame? Be FAIR!

How to keep them involved, for more

than just 15 minutes of fame?

Great that you managed to create a

good campaign which receives a lot of

positive reactions. But it doesn’t end

there. A frequent mistake is to take a

break whenever something goes well.

Wrong: you have to keep your young

consumers involved. If not, you just had

your fifteen minutes of fame, but you

want to be legend, or not? Follow the

FAIR model:

Be fast

Let’s get Famous – have a continuous conversation with your Gen Y


Famous is the first advertising agency which truly connects with consumers,

in order to make their campaigns more relevant. For consumers and for their

clients. Via an on-going online research community, Famous has a constant

connection with consumers. Not only campaigns, but also trends, brand

positioning and strategy are discussed. Famous is always in touch with

consumers and can ask questions at any moment of the day.

The faster you react towards your consumers, the more likely you are to have

a bond with them. It’s all about conversations: the more fluent you

communicate with each other, the better you will understand each other. Fast

action shows them that you actually listen and care. And it’s not only about

literally acting fast on Facebook or Twitter, it’s also about monitoring their

behaviour and keeping on learning more about them. Go out and talk! As

their world is so rapidly changing, an on-going approach is the most

successful way for keeping up:

“Research now is done online, both qualitative and quantitative. Companies that

are more forward-thinking and are starting to embrace those ideas, will understand

much better what is up and coming in the new generation, engaging with them on an

on-going basis.”

Francisco Bethencourt, Director Strategy and Marketing PepsiCo



Innovate (or let them innovate)

Standing still is going backwards. By innovation you

are showing interest, creativity and proactivity. Always

question your product with the end-user in mind. And

very important: involve your users in the innovation

process. They will feel heard, appreciated and will stay

loyal to the brand they helped building.

“Apple's communication is very much about innovations,

improvements and simplicity, but always clearly linked to

daily life. Their strength is that they don't bother too much

about dominating technologies but are able to imagine what

the future will bring.” Mark Van Iterson, Global Brand Designer Heineken

“Who creates the content? Historically this was done by

the agencies. Companies engage with agencies to create a

new marketing campaign based on a big idea. That content

was pretty much created internally, within the four walls of

the company. Together with the agency, but in that internal

environment. I do think we are seeing more and more

examples and we will see more successful companies and

brands engage in that two-way dialogue and create content

together with their consumers.” Francisco Bethencourt, Director Strategy and Marketing


Reward them for their loyalty

The pragmatic GenYer won’t do anything for free.

Showing them your appreciation for the fact that they

choose you is key. Compare it with a relationship: you

also like appreciation for the fact that you’re

committed, no? Some nice words, a little surprise, a

gift… It makes you feel appreciated and motivates you

to go on! Going beyond the obvious could even make

your consumers happier: a random act of kindness is

an instant satisfier.

“Durex sponsors Valtifest, a festival in Amsterdam. The

theme of one of the previous editions was religion. A sign

dropped from the sky upon the festival visitors when Durex

dropped 3,000 condoms on the festival terrain. A random

act of kindness.” Ilse Westerik, Senior Brand Manager Personal Care Reckitt


FAIR= FAst, Innovative, Rewarding


5 Go out there and

create a daring but

relevant appeal

“Keeping the Heineken brand cool and stay hot… in the

end it’s a couple of people who had the imagination and the

guts and thought “okay, let’s do it”. Because this is typically

how cool stuff happens, not by endless business meetings

and calculations on return of investments. That will come

later, you know. If you’re cool, people will buy it.

I think that in the end it’s about having guts. It’s daring

to do stuff that’s never been done before. This Milan club

is a brilliant example of it. We didn’t know at all what this

was going to bring, my boss and his boss thought: Okay,

wow, this sounds like a great adventure, it’s probably going

to cost quite a lot of money… we cannot calculate the return

of investment up-front but somehow it fits the brand, it’s a

territory in which we must start experimenting.”

Mark Vaniterson, Global Head of Design Heineken


1 2 3 4 The shop in your

favourite city is linked

to Facebook, where

you can find the latest

collection you can

buy online and share

with your friends and

wear afterwards on

the event the brand


integration is


One of the biggest

fears of a GenYer is to

lead a boring life.

Bring in your toolbox

to keep it exciting and

use your top

consumers to spread

the word.

Keep your consumers

involved by acting

fast in everything you

do and show your

appreciation for their

loyalty by doing

random acts of


Being relevant goes

beyond the product:

it‟s about the

combination of

product, company

and experience

creation. Use the

relevance checklist

and make sure you

have what it takes.

1 2 3 4 5 Have guts!

Go out there and

create a daring

but relevant




Van den Bergh Gen Y expert & speaker

Author of ‘How Cool Brands Stay Hot – Branding to Generation Y’

Co-founder InSites Consulting

[email protected]



+32 496 232 919

Hear the key take-aways first hand from author

Joeri Van den Bergh in a workshop or presentation

More information on www.howcoolbrandsstayhot.com/speech


Boullart Research


+32 472747659

[email protected]


Heineken Mark Van Iterson Global Brand Designer

Durex Ilse Westerik Senior Brand Manager Personal Care & Sexual Wellbeing

Esprit Jorgen Andersson Global Brand Manager

Eastpak Jean-Jacques Maartense Ex-Marketing Director

KFC Michaël Werner Chief Marketing Officer

Nivea (Beiersdorf) Christophe Fellinger Employer Branding Responsible

ex-Mexx/Crumpler Christophe Krick Head of Marketing

PepsiCo Francisco Bethencourt Director Strategy & Marketing

MasterCard Peter Jung Senior Business Leader

Abercrombie&Fitch Todd Corley Senior Vice President & Global Chief Diversity Officer

ID&T Christophe Van den Brande Marketing & Creative Manager Tomorrowland

BBC Ishita Roy Marketing Head, BBC Worldwide Channels, South Asia

LUTA Luke Dowdney Founder & Director at Fight for Peace / LUTA Limited

Diageo Hubert Grealish Global Head of Brand Communication

Heinz Mariken Kimmels Marketing Director Heinz Continental Europe

UCB Samantha Clarke Associate Director Global Marketing Excellence

eBay Clelia Morales Head of EU Social Media and ROE PR at eBay Europe

Microsoft Anita Caras Head of Insights - Global Agency & Accounts at Microsoft

Diesel Renzo Rosso Founder of Diesel

Converse Geoff Cottrill Chief Marketing Officer

Mini Wim Verbeurgt Marketing Manager MINI Belux

Special thanks to the interviewees for sharing their knowledge

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