1 Practice Direction 1 of 2017 1. This practice direction is to come into immediate effect from the signing date. 2. This practice direction is to apply to all parties, witnesses and Counsel, for Civil cases heard before (whether in Court or in Chambers): a. Court of Appeal b. High Court c. Intermediate Court d. Commercial Court 3. The following timelines are found from the Supreme Court Rules and previous Practice Directions and ought to be adhered to by parties: No Item Order/Section Timeline STARTING A CLAIM (to close of pleadings) 1. Validity of writ Order 6 r.7 (1) Date of issue for 12 months 2. Validity of current writ Order 6 r.7 (1) Remaining period of validity of original writ 3. Extension of Writ Order 6 r.7 (2) 12 months on the day following the expiry date 4. Validity of Originating Summons Order 7 r.6 12 months beginning from the date of issue 5. Extension of Originating Summons Order 7 r.6 12 months on the day following the expiry date 6. Service of Notice of Motion Order 8 r.2 2 clear days between service of motion and date of hearing 7. Service of Petition Order 9 r. 3 (2) Not less than 7 days before the hearing date 8. Filling of memorandum of service Order 10 r.1 (4) Within eight days of service of the writ 9. Entering Appearance Order 12 r.4 (a) 8 days after service of Writ including the date of service (unless extended) 10. Application to set aside the writ Order 12 r.7(1) Within 14 days of entering the appearance 11. Default of appearance to Writ- Claim for liquidated demand Order 13 r.1(1) After time limited for appearing i.e. 8 days after service of Writ

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Practice Direction 1 of 2017

1. This practice direction is to come into immediate effect from the signing date.

2. This practice direction is to apply to all parties, witnesses and Counsel, for Civil cases heard before

(whether in Court or in Chambers):

a. Court of Appeal

b. High Court

c. Intermediate Court

d. Commercial Court

3. The following timelines are found from the Supreme Court Rules and previous Practice Directions and

ought to be adhered to by parties:

No Item Order/Section Timeline

STARTING A CLAIM (to close of pleadings)

1. Validity of writ Order 6 r.7 (1) Date of issue for 12 months

2. Validity of current writ Order 6 r.7 (1) Remaining period of validity of original writ

3. Extension of Writ Order 6 r.7 (2) 12 months on the day following the expiry date

4. Validity of Originating Summons

Order 7 r.6 12 months beginning from the date of issue

5. Extension of Originating Summons

Order 7 r.6 12 months on the day following the expiry date

6. Service of Notice of Motion

Order 8 r.2 2 clear days between service of motion and date of hearing

7. Service of Petition Order 9 r. 3 (2) Not less than 7 days before the hearing date

8. Filling of memorandum of service

Order 10 r.1 (4) Within eight days of service of the writ

9. Entering Appearance Order 12 r.4 (a) 8 days after service of Writ including the date of service (unless extended)

10. Application to set aside the writ

Order 12 r.7(1) Within 14 days of entering the appearance

11. Default of appearance to Writ- Claim for liquidated demand

Order 13 r.1(1) After time limited for appearing i.e. 8 days after service of Writ

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12. Default of appearance to Writ- Claim for unliquidated damages

Order 13 r.2 After time limited for appearing i.e. 8 days after service of Writ

13. Default of appearance to Writ- Claim in detinue

Order 13 r.3 After time limited for appearing i.e. 8 days after service of Writ

14. Default of appearance to Writ- Claim for possession of immovable property

Order 13. r. 4 After time limited for appearing i.e. 8 days after service of Writ

15. Default of appearance to Writ- Mixed claim

Order 13. r.5 After time limited for appearing i.e. 8 days after service of Writ

16. Default of appearance to Writ- Other Claims

Order 13. r.6 After time limited for appearing i.e. 8 days after service of Writ

17. Entering appearance in Counterclaim brining in a third party

Order 15 r.3 (4) 8 days after service

18. Discharge or variation of under Order 15 r.7

Order 15.r.7(5) 14 days after service of the order

19. Amendments under Order 15 r.6

Order 15 r. 8 (1) 14 days after making of order

20. Service of order to add a party as a defendant in an action for immovable property

Order15 r.10 (3) The added defendant must serve a copy of the order on the plaintiff and enter appearance within 7 days of making of the order or otherwise

21. Service of statement of claim

Order 18 r.1 Service with the writ Service spate from the writ no 14 days after defendant enters appearance

22. Service of defence Order 18 r.2 No later than 22 days after service of Writ and SOC. If SOC served separately 14 days after SOC is served.

23. Service of reply and defence to counterclaim

Order 18 r.3 Reply to defence – 14 days after service of defence Defence to counterclaim – 14 days after service on the counter-claim

24. Close of pleadings Order 18 r.19 14 days after service of reply or service of defence to counterclaim (if not reply)

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25. Filing of defence upon service of an amended statement of claim before defence is filed

Order 20 r.3(2)(b) 14 days after service of amended statement of claim

26. Filing of an a reply or amended reply upon service of an amended defence

Order 20 r.3(2)(b) 14 days after service of the amended defence

27. Filing of an application for disallowance of amendment made without leave

Order 20 r.4 14 days after service of the amended pleading

28. Expiry of time to amend upon a Court Order

Order 20 r.8 The document in question must be amended within 14 days after the order was made unless ordered otherwise

29. Service of Notice of discontinuance of action without leave of the Court

Order 21 r.2 The claim may be discontinued14 days after service of the defence or if two or more defendants, 14 days from the day the last defence was served


30. Service of affidavit in support for Summary judgment

Order 14 r. 2 (3) 4 clear days before hearing date

31. service of affidavit in support for application for summary judgment for counterclaim

Order 14 r.5 (2) 4 clear days before hearing date

32. Service of summons for directions third party

Order 16.r.4(2) Not earlier than 7 days after entering appearance

33. An action where the defendant claims against a third party for: - Any contribution

indemnity or indemnity

- Claim connected to the original subject matter and substantially the same relief or remedy as the plaintiff

Order 16.r.8 (4) 14 days after service of the notice on him

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- Determine question of law connected with the original subject matter that affects all parties

34. Issue of notice for claims by third and subsequent parties for claims begun by writ enjoined under Ord 16 r.1 and r.8 to other parties

Order 16.r.9(3) Within 14 days after the expiry of time to enter appearance

35. Entering judgment in default of defence for liquidated damages

Order 19 (2) (1) No later than 22 days after service of Writ and SOC. If SOC served separately 14 days after SOC is served.

36. Entering interlocutory judgment against the defence for damages to be assessed

Order 19(3) (3) No later than 22 days after service of Writ and SOC. If SOC served separately 14 days after SOC is served.

37. Entering interlocutory judgment for claims in detinue

Order 19 r.4 (3) No later than 22 days after service of Writ and SOC. If SOC served separately 14 days after SOC is served.

38. Entering judgment for possession of immovable property

Order 19 r.5 (1) No later than 22 days after service of Writ and SOC.

39. Entering judgment in respect of mixed claims

Order 19 r.6 If SOC served separately 14 days after SOC is served.

40. Application to Court to enter judgment

Order 19 r.7 No later than 22 days after service of Writ and SOC.

41. Entering judgment against a Counterclaim

Order 19 r.8 Defence to counterclaim – 14 days after service on the counter-claim

42. Written acknowledgement by the plaintiff of Notice from the defendant of payment to Court a sum of money in satisfaction of the claim

Order 22 r.1(2) 3 days from receiving notice from the defendant

43. Plaintiff’s acceptance of money paid into court upon receipt of notice of the payment as satisfaction of the claim or part of the claim

Order 22 r.3(1) 14 days after receiving notice of money

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44. Plaintiff’s acceptance of money paid into court upon receipt of notice of the payment as satisfaction of the claim or part of the claim when a trial has begun

Order 22 r.3(2) 2 days after receipt of the notice but before the Judge begins to deliver judgment

45. Notice of payment that represents payment of hospital expenses

Order 22 r.12(2) Notice to be given 7 days after payment is made to all parties to the action

46. Time prescribed to accept an offer to settle

Order 22A r.3(1) 14 days after service of the offer

47. Withdrawal of the offer to settle where the time is not specified

Order 22A r.3(2) 14 days from the date of service of the offer provided at least 1 day of notice of intention to withdraw is given.

48. Discovery is take place by exchanging list of documents without an Order for discovery

Order 24 r.2(1) 14 days after pleadings have closed

49. Application for summons for discovery under Order 24 r.5

Order 24 r.6 Summons to be filed 14 days after pleadings have closed

50. Drawing up and filing affidavit in compliance of notice to make an affidavit verifying the list of documents

Order 24 r.7 14 days after service of the notice

51. Service of Notice for the inspection of documents referred to in the list of documents in order to inspect the documents

Order 24 r.9 Notice is to state time within 7 days after service to allow inspection of documents

52. Inspection of documents referred to in the pleadings and affidavits

Order 24 r.10 4 days after service of notice on the party giving notice stating time within 7 days after service to insect the documents.

53. Time to provide copies of documents upon being served notice of request to supply true copies of the document/s

Order 24 r.11A (2) 7 days after receipt of the notice

54. Filing of Summons for directions

Order 25 r.1 One month after the close of pleadings

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55. Filing of Summons for directions where there is an Order for discovery

Order 25 r.1 (3) 14 days after the expiration of the Order for discovery under Order 24 r.2

56. Resuming a summons for direction that has not been given a new hearing date

Order 25 r.1(6) 2 days’ notice to be given to the other party

57. Service of Notice in Form 47 of a person served with the summons for directions who wishes to apply for any other order or directions that is capable of being dealt with on an interlocutory application

Order 25. r.7 Not less than 7 days before the hearing of the summons for directions

58. Discovery of documents in personal injury actions (automatic directions)

Order 25 r.8 (1) (a) 14 days after the close of pleadings

59. Inspection of documents (automatic directions)

Order 25 r.8 (1) (a) 7 days after discovery

60. Written expert’s report in a personal injury action (automatic directions)

Order 25 r.8 (1) (b) 10 weeks after the close of pleadings

61. Setting down for trial Order 25 (1) (e) 6 months after the close of pleadings

62. Notice of admission upon setting down for trial

Order 27 r.2 (1) No later than 14 days after setting down for trial

63. Notice to deny admission Order 27 r.4 (2) 14 days from inspection of documents

64. Notice to admit authenticity of documents

Order 27 r.5(1) 14 days after setting down

65. Notice to challenge authenticity of documents

Order 27 r.5(2) 14 days after service of Notice under Order 25 r.5(1)

66. Plaintiff to file Affidavit evidence for originating Summons for inter parte hearings

Order 28 r. 1A(1) 14 days after service of acknowledgment of service of Originating Summons

67. Plaintiff to file Affidavit evidence for originating Summons for ex-parte hearings

Order 28 r. 1A(2) Not less than 4 clear days before the hearing

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68. Service of copies of affidavit evidence already filed in Court on the defendant in inter-parte summons

Order 28 r. 1A(3) No later than 14 days after service has been acknowledged

69. Filling and service of affidavit evidence by defendant

Order 28 r. 1A(4) 28 days after service of plaintiff’s affidavit evidence

70. Filling and service of further affidavit in reply by plaintiff

Order 28 r. 1A(5) 14 days after service of the defendant’s affidavit

71. Service of Notice of appointment to hear originating summons

Order 28. r.3(1) 4 clear days before the hearings

72. Service of affidavit in support of an originating summons

Order 28. r.3(3) Not less than 4 days before the hearing

73. Filing of affidavit in support of originating summons

Order 28. r.3(4) Not less than 4 clear days before the hearing

74. Application by plaintiff for interim payment

Order 29 r.10 (1) 8 days after service of the writ

75. Service of summons in chambers for an order for interim payment together with an affidavit in support

Order 29 r.11 (4) Not less than 10 days before the return date for the summons in chambers

76. Service of summons in chamber for the extension or abridgment of time

Order 32 r.3 One day before the hearing

77. Service of summons in chamber for all other applications

Order 32 r.3 Not less than 2 clear days before the hearing

78. Notice of resumption of hearing of an adjourned summons in chambers

Order 34 r.4 (2) 2 clear days’ notice to all other parties

79. Notification of setting down

Order 34 r.5 24 hours after setting down

80. Notice of trial Order 34 r.7 Any time after reply has been delivered or after time for delivery of a reply has expired

81. Application to dismiss for want of prosecution due to failure of filing notice of trial

Order 34 r.8 Within 6 weeks from the filing of the reply

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82. Identifying documents to be included in the Court bundle (defendant)

Order 34 r. 9 (1) 14 days before the trial

83. Filing of Court bundle (plaintiff)

Order 34 r.9 (2) 2 days before trial

84. Service of appointment to hear assessment of damages

Order 37 r.1 7 days before the hearing

85. Notice from plaintiff of acceptance of defendant’s offer

Order 37 r.9 (3) No later than 21 days after receiving the offer

86. Notice of application for further damages pursuant to provisional damages awarded

Order 37 r.10 (3) 3 months written notice

87. Service of written statement of oral evidence to be adduced at trial

Order 38 r. 2A (2) Within 14 weeks of the of the hearing of the summons unless directed otherwise

88. Inspection of photograph or model used as evidence at trial

Order 38 r.5 10 days before commencement of trial

89. Service of writ of subpoena

Order 38. r.18 (1) 12 weeks before trial

90. Hearsay notice to be given which has been set down for trial

Order 38. r.24 (4) (a) 28 days after being set down for trial unless otherwise directed

91. Hearsay notice for all other matters

Order 38. r. 24 (4) (b) 28 days after the appointment for the first hearing unless otherwise directed

92. Notice of cross examination on hearsay evidence

Order 38. r. 28 days after service of hearsay notice

93. Notice to party to attack the credibility of the person who made the hearsay notice

Order 38. r. 28 days after service of hearsay notice


94. Application to set aside judgment in default of appearance before the hearing

Order 35 r.2 (2) No later than 7 days after the trial

95. Approval of draft judgment to be submitted to solicitor of the other party

Order 42 r.8 2 days after receipt of the draft unless otherwise directed

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96. Drawing up of order due by other (loosing) party due to failure by the party whose favour the order has been be made

Order 42 r.10 (4) 7 days after the order is made

97. Request for duplicate or judgment or order from Court

Order 42 r.11 (1) One clear day after filing order or judgment

98. Application to discharge, vary or add to the judgment by an interested party

Order 44 r.3 (5) One month after service of the Notice of judgment on the interested party (not a party to an action)

99. Written statement of objection/s to draft judgment requiring deed to be settled by Court

Order 44 r. 8 (b) 8 days after service of the draft unless otherwise directed

100. Taking of affidavit verifying list of claims and debts of a deceased person for the purposes of examining the debts and liabilities of the estate of a deceased person

Order 44 r. 12 (1) (b) 7 clear days before the time appointed for adjudicating the claims

101. Taking of affidavit verifying list of claims for an inquiry for the next of kin or other unascertained claimant

Order 44 r. 12 (2) (b) 7 clear days before the time appointed for adjudicating on claims

102. Filing of affidavit in support where notice to a claimant to attend and prove his claim or furnish further evidence

Order 44 r. 13 7 days after service of the notice

103. Summons for an application to discharge or vary Registrar’s certificate pursuant to Order 44 r.22

Order 44 r. 23 (1) (a) 8 clear days after filing Registrar’s certificate

104. Summons for an application to discharge or vary Registrar’s certificate to be acted upon by the Treasury

Order 44 r. 23 (1) (b) 2 clear days after filing of the certificate

105. Issuance of summons for further consideration of the cause or matter in

Order 44 r.24 (1) (i) & (ii) No earlier than 8 clear days of filing of registrar’s certificate but no more than

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chambers pursuant to Order 24 r. 1 (a), (b) or (c)

14 days after the filing of the registrar’s certificate

106. Service of summons for further consideration of the cause or matter in chambers pursuant to Order 24 r. 1 (a), (b) or (c)

Order 44 r.24 (2) 6 days between service of the summons and the hearing date

107. Issuance of summons for further consideration of the cause or matter in chambers pursuant to Order 25 r.1 (a) or (b)

Order 25 (1) (i) & (ii) No earlier than 8 clear days of filing of registrar’s certificate but no more than 14 days after the filing of the registrar’s certificate

108. Taxation: Offer to settle costs

Order 59 r.7A (2) Within 7 days of receiving the bill of costs

109. Taxation: Payment of defendant’s taxed costs upon pursuant to a withdrawal of the suit without leave of court

Order 59 r.10 (1) Within 4 days of the taxation otherwise defendant may sign judgment for the costs

110. Taxation: When plaintiff’s costs may be taxed after filing notice of payment in satisfaction of claim to the Court

Order 59 r.10 (2) 4 days after payment is made

111. Taxation: When plaintiff may sign judgment for taxed costs pursuant to a notice of payment in satisfaction of claim

Order 59 r.10 (2) 48 hours after taxation

112. Taxation: Registrar to give notice of date of taxation hearing

Order 59 r.21 (1) Not less than 7 days before date of hearing

113. Taxation: Service of bill of costs to all parties entitled to be heard in the taxation hearing

Order 59 r.22 Within two days of receiving the Registrar’s notice

114. Taxation: Registrar’s notice of date of taxation hearing on the short and urgent taxation list

Order 59 r.23 (1) Forthwith upon satisfaction that time for taxation is likely to be short because of the amount claimed and speedy completion of taxation is necessary

115. Taxation: Delivery to Registrar of bill of costs

Order 59 r.23 (2)(a) When proceedings are entered on the list

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for taxation on the short and urgent taxation list

116. Taxation: Service of bill of costs and Registrar’s notice to all parties entitled to be heard in the taxation hearing list on the short and urgent taxation list

Order 59 r.23 (2)(b) Not less than 2 days before date of hearing

117. Taxation: Application for review of Registrar’s decision in taxation hearings together with written objections

Order 59 r.34 (2) Within 14 days after the decision or other shorter period fixed by the Registrar

118. Taxation: Reply to written objections by applicant for review of taxation decision

Order 59 r.34 (4) Within 14 days after delivery of the written objections

119. Taxation: Request for reasons for decisions to be included in Registrar’s certificate upon review of objected decisions

Order 59 r.35 (3) Within 14 days after the review or such shorter period as fixed by the Registrar

120. Taxation: Appeal to Judge in Chambers upon review of Registrar’s decision

Order 59 r.36 (2) Within 14 days of Registrar’s certificate being signed or other longer period allowed by the Registrar or court

121. Service of copies of written or type-written documents used in the High Court for parties entitled to a copy

Order 63 r.3 (3) Within 48 hours of a written request and upon payment of necessary charges

122. Application to remit or set aside an award given by an Arbitrator

Order 69 4(2) 6 weeks after the award has been made and published to the parties


123. Notice from execution creditor to sheriff admitting or disputing interpleader claim

Order 17 r.2(2) Within 4 days of receiving the notice

124. Service of Interpleader summons

Order 17 r.4 Served at least 7 days before the hearing

125. Validity of Writ of execution

Order 46 r. 6 12 months from the date of issue

126. Service of Summons on application to enter satisfaction of debt

Order 46 r. 10 (2) 2 clear days before the hearing

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127. Payment of costs of execution where Sheriff is in possession of movable property more than 14 days

Order 46 r.12 At the end of the first 14 days and at the end every subsequent 14 days

128. Service summons and affidavit in support for application for writ and seizure and sale

Order 47 r.1 (4) 4 clear days before the hearing date

129. Issuance of writ to enforce payment of taxed costs separately from writ of seizure of sale

Order 47 r.2 (1) No less than 8 days after the issuance of the first writ of seizure and sale

130. Validity of prohibitory Order

Order 47 r.6 (4) 2 years from the date of the order

131. Service of notice in writing of an appointment to obtain approval of Judge for sale of immovable property by sheriff

Order 47 r. 7 (b) 2 clear days

132. Service of Garnishee Order to Show Cause to judgment debtor and garnishee

Order 49 r. 3 (1) No less than 7 days before the date of hearing

133. Service of summons on an application for payment to judgment creditor monies in court standing in credit to the judgment debtor

Order 49 r.9 (3) No less than 7 days before the date of hearing

134. Service of Order Imposing Charge on Securities: Order to Show Cause to judgment debtor

Order 50 r.4 (1) Not less than 7 days before the date of hearing

135. Service of notice of motion for an order for committal and affidavit in support to the person whose committal is sought

Order 52 r.3 (1) No less than 8 days before the date of hearing

136. Validity of leave to apply for an order for committal

Order 52 r.3 (2) 14 days

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137. Application to discharge or vary an order on behalf of a person under disability

Order 73 r. 7 (a) 14 days after service

138. Application to discharge or vary an order on behalf of a person under disability

Order 73 r. 7 (b) 14 days after the appointment of a friend or guardian

139. Service of application for summary judgment together with affidaivit in support

Order 77 r. 2 (3) 4 days before the return date

140. Notice of intention to Register the transfer in order to enforce registered debenture or registered debenture stock

Order 78 r. 2 No less than 7 days after reply a reply from the registered holder in the ordinary course of post reach the receiver

141. Service of copy of notice for appointment to hear an originating summons for claim for possession or payment of money secured or charged

Order 79 r. 2 (2) 4 clear days before the day fixed for the first hearing

142. Notice of appointment of adjourned hearing with any further affidavits

Order 79 r. 2 (4) 2 clear days before the hearing.

143. Application for an order that any omission to register a bill of sale or an affidavit of renewal be rectified by extending the time for such registration

Order 81 r. 1 (1) (a)

144. Filing of affidavit verifying a list containing the name and address of every creditor entitled to claim and amount and total due upon order made in the Summons for directions

Order 83 r.8 (1) 7 days after the making of the order

145. Leaving of the list at the Registry

Order 83 r.8 (3) No later than 1 day after the affidavit is filed

146. Posting of notice to creditors list exhibited in the affidavit

Order 83 r. 10 7 days after filing the affidavit

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147. filing of affidavit upon receipt of notice of adjudication of disputed claims

Order 83 r. 13 (a) Not less than 4 clear days after a service of the notice


148. Appeal from Magistrate’s Court: Filing of Memorandum of Appeal in the High Court by the appellant

Order 55 r.2 (1) Within 14 days after receiving notice of the appeal

149. Appeal from Magistrate’s Court: Service of copies of the Memorandum of Appeal and copies of the appeal record to the respondent

Order 55 r.2 (2) Within 14 days after the appellant’s receive notice of the appeal

150. Appeal from Magistrate’s Court: Filing and service to appellant of notice of cross-appeal

Order 55 r.3 Within 7 days of service of the memorandum of appeal

151. Appeal to Judge in Chambers: Issuance of notice of appeal

Order 56 r.1 (3) Within 5 days after judgment

152. Appeal to Judge in Chambers: Service of notice of appeal

Order 56 r.1 (3) No less than 2 days before the date of hearing

153. Appeal to Court of Appeal: Filing and service of notice of appeal

Order 57 r.4 (1) Within one month from judgment or order or refusal

154. Appeal to Court of Appeal: Filing and service of petition of appeal

Order 57 r.6 (1) Within one month after service of the notice of appeal

155. Appeal to Court of Appeal: Filing and service of respondent’s notice

Order 57 r.7 (4) If for an interlocutory order, within 7 days after service of the petition on the respondent. In any other case, within 14 days of service of the petition on the respondent

156. Appeal to Court of Appeal: Amendment to petition of appeal or respondent’s notice

Order 57 r.8 With leave of Court, at any time. Without leave, by way of supplementary petition filed

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and served at least 10 days before the date of hearing

157. Appeal to Court of Appeal: Filing and service of Record of Appeal

Order 57 r.9 (1) Within 10 days of filing of the petition of appeal

158. Appeal to Court of Appeal: Notification of an objection by the respondent to the inclusion/exclusion of a document in the record of appeal

Order 57 r.9 (3) Within 48 hours of receiving the draft index of documents

159. Motion to the Court of Appeal: For leave to appeal (except where appeal has been time barred) where leave was refused by the Court below

Order 57 r.16 (3) Within 7 days of the refusal


160. Payment of bail to prevent the arrest of property in Admiralty proceedings

Order 70 r.5 (1) (b) 3 days after receiving notice of the main action

161. Validity of warrant of arrest in action in rem

Order 70 r.9 (1) 12 months beginning from the date of its issue

162. Validity of caveat in an action in rem

Order 70 r. 14 (1) 6 months beginning with the date of its entry

163. Filing of bail bond together with the affidavits and an affidavit proving service of the notice of bail in an action in rem

Order 70 r.15 (4) 24 hours after service of the notice of bail

164. Filing of ‘preliminary act’ in an action in rem

Order 70 r.17 (1) Plaintiff – 2 months after issue of writ Defendant- 2 months after entering appearance

165. Notice of party who intend to rely on the defence of compulsory pilotage in an action in rem

Order 70 r. 17 (3) 7 days after the opening of the ‘preliminary act’.

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166. Service of statement of claim by plaintiff to each defendant

Order 70 r. 17 (5) 14 days after the latest date on which the ‘preliminary act’ of any party to the action is filed.

167. Judgment against defendant in an action in personam who has failed to lodge a ‘preliminary act’

Order 70 r. 18 (2) 2 months after entering appearance

168. Application for motion for judgment against a defendant who has failed to lodge a ‘prelimianry act’ in an action in rem

Order 70 r. 18 (3) 2 months after entering appearance

169. Application for judgment in default where a writ is issued under Order 70 r. 7 (4) on a party whose instance a caveat against was arrest was issued and has failed to fulfil the undertaking given by him

Order 70 r. 20 (1) (b) 14 days after service of the writ

170. Application for Judgment in default to an action in rem where the defendant fails to enter an appearance and an affidavit proving service , affidavit verifying the facts and statement of claim has been filed

Order 70 r. 20 (3) 14 days after service of the writ

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171. Application for Judgment in default to an action in rem where the defendants fails to serve a defence and plaintiff has filed an affidavit stating no defence was served

Order 70 r. 20 (4) No later than 22 days after service of Writ and SOC. If SOC served separately 14 days after SOC is served.

172. Application for Judgment in default to a counterclaim in an action in rem where the plaintiff fails to serve a defence and defendant has filed an affidavit stating no defence to the counterclaim was served

Order 70 r. 20 (5) Defence to counterclaim – 14 days after service on the counter-claim

173. Application to Court for an order determining the order of priority of the claims against the proceeds of sale of the ship in an action in rem where the Court has ordered that the ship be sold

Order 70 r. 21 (1) (a) Order 70 r. 21 (2) (a)

90 days after the proceeds of sale are paid into Court

174. Service of hearing of application by motion to extend period under Order 70 r. 21 (2) (a) for an action in rem

Order 70 r. 21 (6) 3 days before the hearing date

175. Setting down for trial where an application has been filled to fix a date or a date has been fixed for trial under Order 70 r. 33,

Order 70 r. 25 (2) No later than 7 days after a date for trial has been fixed

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176. Filing of praecipe for attendance together with relevant copies of any pleadings, preliminary acts, notices and statements

Order 70 r. 25 (3) Not less than 7 days before the date fixed for trial

177. Filing and service of notice of motion for the apportionment of salvage the aggregate amount which has already been ascertained together with the affidavits in support

Order 70 r. 31 (2) 7 days before the hearing of the motion unless otherwise directed

178. Filing and service of a notice of motion together with the affidavits in support for any action except for an action under Order 70 r.31 (2)

Order 70 r. 32 3 days before the hearing of the motion unless otherwise directed

179. Application by summons for a decree limiting liability or directions as to the further proceedings where a defendant fails to enter an appearance

Order 70 r. 36 (1) Within 7 days after the time limited to enter an appearance

180. Service of the for a decree limiting liability or directions as to the further proceedings

Order 70 r. 36 (4) 7 clear days before hearing of the summons

181. Filing of notice where Registrar does not make a decree limiting the plaintiff’s liability

Order 70 r. 36 (8) Immediately upon the making or the order

182. Filing a service of claim for reference to Registrar

Order 70 r. 39 (1) 2 months after order is made

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183. Application by summons for directions as to the proceedings on the reference

Order 70 r. 39 (2) 28 days before the appointed hearing of the reference

184. Filing praecipe requesting the entry of the reference in the list for hearing where the reference is in a limitation action

Order 70 r. 39 (5) No later than 7 days after an appointment for the hearing of a reference has been made

185. Filing and service of list, affidavits and other documentary evidence for hearing of reference

Order 70 r. 39 (6) Not less than 14 days before the day appointed for the hearing of the reference

186. Written request to file statement of grounds of the Registrar’s decision

Order 70 r. 40 (5) 14 days after the filing of the decision

187. Filing of motion in objection to Judge in Court to set aside or vary Registrar’s decision

Order 70 r. 41 (1) 14 days after date on which notice of the filing of the decision was sent to the party

188. Filing of Affidavit of testamentary script in contentious probate matters

Order 72 r. 9 (2) 14 days after entry of appearance by defendant

189. Service of statement of claim in contentious probate matters

Order 72 r.11 6 weeks before expiration after entry of appearance or 8 days after the filing of an Affidavit of testamentary script whichever id the later

190. Filing of case for motion with and affidavit verifying the statement of fact in a probate matter

Order 72 r. 17 (a) 7 clear days before the day on which the motion is to be heard

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191. Service of case for motion with and affidavit verifying the statement of fact in a probate matter

Order 72 r. 17 (b) 5 clear days before that day


4. Any application for an adjournment of a trial, when possible, ought to be made 21 days before the

commencement of the trial.

5. Adjournment of hearings other than trials - Subject to the directions of the Court, the application is

to be made at least five working days before the hearing, setting out the reasons for the

adjournment of the hearing.


6. Absence from court - If any party to the proceedings, is required to attend the Court and wishes to

excuse himself from attendance in Court on medical grounds, the party must provide the Court with

an original medical certificate within 24 hours of the scheduled hearing.

7. Absence on any other ground - An application to be excused from attendance before the Court must

be given in writing at least 5 working days before the date of appearance in Court.

8. Absent without reason - Any party that has failed to attend Court must give the reasons for absence

in writing with any supporting document(s) within 1 working day from the day of his absence.

Request for interpreters (Malay-English-Chinese)

9. The requesting party must send a written request addressed to the appropriate Chief Interpreter or

Court Legal Assistant at the relevant Registry not less than 7 days before the day on which the services

of an interpreter is required.

Request for interpreters for other languages

10. The requesting party must send a written request addressed to the appropriate Chief Interpreter or

Court Legal Assistant at the relevant Registry not less than 4 weeks before the day on which the

services of an interpreter are required.

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Production of record of hearing

11. Requests for copies of the record of hearing or transcripts of the record of hearing shall be made at

least 7 working days before the scheduled hearing. In the event that no requests are made prior to

the scheduled hearing, any requests thereafter should be made at least 21 days before the record of

hearing or transcripts are required.


12. Requests for translations of documents should be sent 4 weeks before the date the translations are

required, unless there are exceptional reasons justifying non-compliance. Such reasons should be

given in writing to the appropriate Court Registry or Court Translation Unit.

Non-adherence to the prescribed timelines

13. In the event parties are unable to agree on any variation to the timelines under the Supreme Court

Rules, the party seeking the variation is to file a Summons In Chambers together with the affidavit in

support of the application.

14. If parties are able to agree on any variation to the timelines, they are to file into court copies of the

letters agreeing to such variation.

15. Where parties have not complied with the timelines, they are to provide to the Registrar in charge of

the case with a written explanation which should be filed into court no later than the day after the

timeline lapsed.

Dato Seri Paduka Hj Kifrawi Dato Paduka Hj Kifli

Chief Justice

8th April 2017