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PlagiarismFinal ReportCourse code: 101Course name: communication Group name: No NameGroup members: Otaiba Al-Otaib#7998 Mohammed Saleh #8236 Abdullah Al-Hammadi #9406 Nadeem Al-Mahry #8223 Hasan Al-Ssaqaf #9222Date: 12-Dec-15

Abstract: Plagiarism is generally misunderstood since it has multiple definitions and students misunderstand the concept. The project aimed to compare students and teachers opinions toward plagiarism focusing on academic experiences and causes of plagiarism. The survey was conducted in petroleum institute between freshmen students and instructors with 60 participants, including 50 students and 10 instructors. The results showed that students already knew the concept of plagiarism. However, students and teachers had different views on reason for plagiarism. In addition, students results showed laziness is the main reason of plagiarizing. In contrast, teachers gave other reasons such as time pressure, unintentional plagiarism, and laziness. The results was different to our literature review as the students might be searching for the easy way to complete their work rather to do it by themselves.. The project recommended raising awareness by means such as workshops about plagiarism, educating students and teachers alike and developing knowledge of plagiarism to counter it.Comment by Mark Wyatt: Sentence could be clearer. Misunderstood because its misunderstood?Comment by Mark Wyatt: Maybe hedge? Generally already knew?Comment by Mark Wyatt: Generally a well-constructed abstract


Introduction........................................................................................................................4Background/Literature review............................................................................................4Purpose, Scope & Research questions and hypothesis.......................................................8Methodology.......................................................................................................................9Results................................................................................................................................11Discussion..........................................................................................................................18Recommendations..............................................................................................................23Conclusion..........................................................................................................................24References..........................................................................................................................25Appendices.........................................................................................................................26- Appendix-1: Survey.........................................................................................................26- Appendix-2: Gantt chart..................................................................................................35LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1.............................................................................................................................12Figure 2-3..........................................................................................................................13Figure 4-5..........................................................................................................................14Figure 6-7..........................................................................................................................15Figure 8-9..........................................................................................................................17Introduction: It might be difficult specifying plagiarism, but we are able to say that plagiarism is academic dishonesty or it can be viewed as the stealing of another persons ideas, methods, results or words without giving proper attribution.[1]. Plagiarism is a significant issue in terms of academic education, especially in the petroleum institute. PI wants to graduate good engineers and they dont want their students to miss the opportunity to improve their skills that they might need in the future, cause disrespect for themselves and others, deprave honest feedback and deny others work. We conducted this research because many students feel it is an increasing problem and this issue needs to be addressed. Hopefully, it is going to raise the awareness among PI students and avoid unintentional plagiarism. We are going to clarify and discuss about plagiarism through our outline which is a literature review, proposal, methodology etc.Comment by Mark Wyatt: Wrong word

Literature review: "Most plagiarists, like the drone, have neither taste to select, industry to acquire, nor skill to improve, but impudently pilfer the honey ready prepared, from the hive." - Walter Colton [6]. At the time that plagiarism grows as a serious issue educators have had trouble specifying the definition of plagiarism. Sharma B.B., Singh V [1], state that it can be viewed as the stealing of another persons ideas, methods, results or words without giving proper attribution. or taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own as well. Being as fluid as it is, it might be a bit hard to have a concrete definition of plagiarism. We hope to clarify the issue over the following few paragraphs.Comment by Mark Wyatt: Nice quoteComment by Mark Wyatt: This is the second in-text citation. Should be [2]Comment by Mark Wyatt: Page number required?Comment by Mark Wyatt: good

Plagiarism is generally understood as the use of other peoples work without citation or permission, but can also include ones own work. Self-Plagiarism is just as bad as general plagiarism. Authors are expected to clearly mention previous works that might be related to said article, as the work formerly published belongs to scientific medical literature and cant be replicated. We hope to raise awareness for plagiarism so that any unwary students will avoid committing it so they wont be subjected to the consequences. Such behavior is extremely ill advised and well known journals therefore might even refuse to publish ones work as to not taint their repute. Comment by Mark Wyatt: only if its medicalComment by Mark Wyatt: ok, but PI students arent writing for publication in well-known journals and Im not sure to what extent self-plagiarism is an issue at PI. You could have edited down a bit accordingly.

In this literature review we hope to elaborate three main points in plagiarism. The first being the reasons people choose to plagiarize and any external or internal influences. The second point discusses the consequences the subject might be required to face, and the last being how one can avoid accidentally committing plagiarism and how to know if teachers students are doing their own work.Comment by Mark Wyatt: , t

Teachers think that students plagiarize because it is easier for them to copy and paste rather than come up with their own words, and they suppose that the instructor will not find out, in fact, they could be caught if instructor did a simple search for the exact wording in the internet [7]. On the other hand, students consider time pressure and their lack of confidence in their literary abilities are the main reasons for plagiarism. Also they can't function with the amount of stress and work they are expected to complete within a seemingly impossible amount of time.

The degree of ones plagiarism defines the consequences s/he will be susceptible to. The Editorial Board members of Lung India agreed to the penalties of some examples of possible plagiarism across a varied degree of fabrication such as, minimal copy-paste in a presented document, where the perpetrator is asked to modify the plagiarized text. Although if the presented article contains substantial amounts of copied information, it would be sent back with a letter stating the journals dissatisfaction with such behavior and expects an explanation from the author and guarantee to not repeat such comportment again. On the other hand, if the article contains large amounts of information blatantly copied from other sources, said article would be rejected and an explanation would be demanded from the author. Where in the lack of a reasonable reply or failure to do so will result in the banning of the author from future publications in Lung India for a period of two years [1].Comment by Mark Wyatt: Again, this is in academic publishing, not a context that close to university study, as I commented on in September The authors [2] conducted a survey among teachers and students. They were given penalties and asked to choose one that will be imposed as punishment for plagiarism. The data showed (49-50%) agreed that it should be a zero for a grade for the job and a request to rewrite followed by a verbal warning. Whereas there was some conflict in final project penalties. Most students picked zero for the work, but a request to rewrite has been chosen by nearly half of the instructors. 33% of the students vs. 24% of the teachers picked to fail the subject as opposed to being exposed to the university community was chosen by 17% of teachers vs. 8% of teachers.Comment by Mark Wyatt: Sounds like an interesting study. The account of the findings could be a little clearerComment by Mark Wyatt: On 30th September, I wrote in feedback on your literature review: This sounds like an interesting study, but your account of it could be a little clearer.Its unfortunate you didnt really use the feedback.

While detecting plagiarism is necessary and important, there are too many students and too few staff members to make this easy. [3]. Automating plagiarism detection would be very helpful, because of the large number of students theses that supervisors need to check for plagiarism. Therefore, a system was developed based on multiple years of study and research into the problem. Duplichecker, this system contains a number of modules, which facilitate management, communication and learning. The Duplichecker system prevents plagiarism by providing clear instructions about rules and regulations for students and supervisors; an online peer-review system; transparent online communication and file storage of accumulated manuscripts; and a final seminar module enabling automatic generation of originality reports from Turnitin when students upload their final manuscripts. Taking in consideration the factors that can contribute in plagiarism such as intertextuality, adaption and many more. There are many ways that can be helpful in avoid plagiarism. One way to avoid plagiarism could simply be teaching the students how to summarize, paraphrase, and quote etc. [4]. This will assist them to develop the ability to comprehend and utilize ideas from different sources. Sometimes lecturers have to keep in mind that not all students came from good learning backgrounds no matter how frustrating and time consuming it may be to them. Also taking in account how this is the 21st century one cannot exclude the many useful things that technology has brought in specific systems such as Turnitin and other systems and websites that are used to detect plagiarism [5]. Students these days have access to many facilities such as these that cannot only help them detect their mistakes but also how to correct it as there are many websites made to help people in efficiently using their resources.Comment by Mark Wyatt: Again, there was some advice on the earlier draft you havent taken The articles chosen for this literature review were all less than 6 years old to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, as the issue of plagiarism has evolved greatly within the past 50 years due to the increasingly easy access to information on the internet. In every offence, there is a motive that compels the person to commit such an act. Those motives have been clarified as well as what any consequent punishments, and how one can avoid being accused of plagiarism whether s/he is guilty or wrongfully accused of something they might have committed accidentally. All of the articles we have read while researching were written in non-Arab countries, and included surveys conducted on students and teachers alike, which is why we will conduct a survey in the Petroleum Institute to know what people think about plagiarism whether they are teachers or students, and the differences in their opinions.

Purpose, scope and, research question and hypothesis: The study was conducted by our group to reflect on the true meaning of plagiarism. Our purpose was to deliver the accurate definition to the students who may not understand what plagiarism is and why it is such a controversial subject to be discussed, especially to students coming from lower education. Many students coming from high school were not taught what plagiarism is. And that forces lecturers to teach it as a part of the curriculum even though it is something that should be known. Our purpose for this research is to focus on teaching why people go through plagiarism.

The scope of this research is based around plagiarism and how it affects PI male students. We plan to introduce a sample of ideas that will assist the students to steer clear of plagiarism and the ideas that will be presented will be developed by merging suggestions of students that will be based on a survey that will be conducted and concepts that will be found in researches.

Hypothesis: We believe that PI freshmen students do not know or understand what plagiarism is and its impact on their academic life and believe that there is a difference of opinions between teachers and students.

Research questions: Main question: What is the difference between students and teachers opinion and academic experience regarding plagiarism in the PI?Sub-questions: What is the effect of education on peoples perspective on plagiarism? What is the reason of plagiarizing students? What is the resource used by students and teachers? What actions do teachers and students count as unacceptable regarding plagiarism?

Methodology: There are two types of data that can be collected qualitative data for information and details and quantitative data for numbers or statistics. The type of data we aimed to collect was qualitative because we wanted to understand peoples thoughts and general attitude regarding plagiarism. Since the first step to solving an issue is actually understanding it in the first place, we have tailored the survey questions in a way that would help us identify the flaws in the academic system that allow an issue such as plagiarism to still exist. We will compare students elementary opinions to those of more intellectually experienced teachers. In doing so we hope to find out what gives teachers the aptitude to avoid plagiarism, and how we can accelerate the process in the students.

Design: The reason we chose to use a survey as our data gathering tool is because it can be personalized to target only the essential information to achieve our goals. Also we had interview as instrument in mind but it was excluded because its difficult and requires extra time which we hadnt due to short deadline. In the first part of students and teachers surveys, which consisted of five questions, we decided to analyze peoples backgrounds to be able to recognize any patterns in their statistics, such as age, educational background, and language.

In the second part, which was made up of eleven questions, we hoped to identify peoples opinions regarding the issue, such as what they thought of some hypothesized situations. This will help us to see the consistent information, differences and relationships between the varied sources of data so we are able to answer the research questions. We used multiple choice questions and tables for ease of analysis and time efficiency. And a few open questions to give the respondents a chance to express themselves and their opinions freely.

Target population and sample size & administration process: Male freshman students at the PI were targeted because they were inexperienced in the academic skills and unaware of the true definition of plagiarism. Also, instructors were targeted because they are experienced and they know the usual mistakes that the students commit. Therefore sixty surveys were distributed between students and faculty, fifty for students and ten for instructors. We surveyed sixty students and instructors in total because we believed that they are sufficient for the accuracy of the data and due to the time constraint we had. The administration of the survey was distributed between the group members. For example; each member was responsible for ten students surveys and one for the teachers. We also had relied on Dr. Mark to hand five surveys to instructors in Arzanah because it was out of our reach.

Design issues: While giving out the survey, there were some difficulties. For instance; there were some students who postponed to fill the survey to another time which was time consuming for us. Also, we encountered some questions that seemed to be answered with dishonesty. In addition, some students struggled on question 11 (a rating question) where they couldnt perceive the instruction of the question. Moreover, in the survey many students claimed that the survey was too long to complete.Comment by Mark Wyatt: This section has been improved

Results: Our Sample was divided by two parts one part was for the students and the other part was for the teachers. We distributed fifty questionnaires among PI male freshmen students and 10 questionnaires selected PI teachers among the PI. The students were all freshman and teachers varied from chemistry and physics teachers to mathematic teachers as well as communication teachers.

Figure 1.

Figure 1 characteristics of plagiarism shows that teachers and students results are similar in these cases generally, but teachers were more serious about it. The first case indicates that teachers and students thought that turning someones work as their own work was totally unacceptable. There was a small difference in the third case because most students thought that it was acceptable to fail in putting quotations in quotation mark while teachers didnt.

Figure 2-3. These two figures indicate the percentage of the primary resource that students and teachers use for their research.

In Figure 2, 82% students use the internet while 8% students use books and 10% students use other people as a source of their research.

Figure 3 indicates that 67% of the teachers use books or other written publications, 17% teachers use the internet, 8% use conferences and another 8% use SCI as a primary resource for their work. Figure 4-5. Suggests the students and teachers rate towards some actions whether it is acceptable, neutral or unacceptable.

Figure 4 indicates that 9 out of 9 teacher do not accept any on the actions.Comment by Mark Wyatt: of

Figure 5 explains that 29 out of the 50 students do not accept committing plagiarism. 31 out of 50 students think that someone assisting in plagiarism isnt acceptable and 14 students think that its neutral. Generally most students thought that these actions were unacceptable.

Figure 6-7.

Figure 6 reveals students thoughts toward different statements that are related to plagiarism, indicating that 29 out of 50 students agree with the statement Lack of academic skills could lead to plagiarism. It also indicates that 26 out of 50 students disagree with the statement students would plagiarize if they had a good academic level meanwhile 22 students arent sure about it. There was a 20 out of 50 students disagreed on the effect of the cultural background have an effect on his chances to plagiarize

Figure 7 reveals teachers thoughts toward different statements that are related to plagiarism, indicating that 8 out of 10 teachers agree with the statement Lack of academic skills could lead to also indicates that 6 out of 10 teachers werent sure about the statement students would plagiarize if they had a good academic level. And most teachers also think that cultural background could be a factor.

Figure 8-9. These figures indicate what teachers and students think the main reasons on why students plagiarize.

Figure 8 shows that 37% of the students believe that students are lazy, 25 % of the students have poor academic skills, 22% of the students lack time, and 16% of the students unintentionally plagiarize.

Figure 9 shows mixed opinions on reasons why student plagiarize that 21% of the teachers thinks that laziness is the main reason,21 % thinks having a poor academic skills as reason, 21% lack of time, 21% thinks that students plagiarize unintentionally and 16% thinks that students were poorly informed about plagiarismResults Conclusion: We have tailored the survey questions in a way that would help us to answer our research question. The data obtained from Figure 1 which was about some characteristics of plagiarism showed similar results between students and teachers. While figure 6-7, which shows some difference, indicate that students consider laziness is the main reason to plagiarize however, teachers believe that all terms are the main reasons which leads to plagiarize. This data will help us to find out more about the differences and similarities between students and teachers opinions in term of plagiarism and its causes and solutions. In discussion assignment we will relate this data to our researchComment by Mark Wyatt: section. Its not a fesh assignment now

Discussion Introduction: The focus of our research was to collect information regarding teachers and students opinions concerning plagiarism and how they might be similar in some areas and different in other areas. We hoped to understand how the presence or lack thereof of academic experience might have an effect on ones attitude towards plagiarism. In this section we will explain the results we obtained and discuss and connect them to or literature review.What is the difference between students and teachers in understanding plagiarism? The results incorporated not only students perspective but also teaches outlooks on some characteristics on plagiarism. Both teachers and students scored a high percentage on Turning someone elses work as your own but teachers scored slightly higher. This suggests that the students are put in such position do understand the situation and are conscious of the decision, this corresponds the literature reviews ethics section [1] which states that Plagiarism is generally understood as the use of other peoples work without permission. Another characteristic of plagiarism that scored a high percentage by teachers was students would plagiarize if they had a good academic level but slightly lower than students which suggests that students did not completely understand how wrong it may seem to teachers. This characteristic was not included in the literature review, which was an unexpected finding. What students and teachers use as main source of information? In our results we investigated what students use as main resource of information. Therefore, the data gives us the information needed to know which method may be used usually for plagiarism. Figure 2 indicates that nearly all PI Students refer to the internet as a resource of information. However, teachers prefer books or written publications over the internet as their main resource and this could be because as the issue of plagiarism has evolved greatly within the past 50 years due to the increasingly easy access to information on the internet [3]. We were expecting that both students and teachers use the internet as their main way to gather information because the internet is much easier and faster in obtaining information. The results answers one part of our research questions since our main target is freshman students in which we can identify the main source of information students use in order to avoid plagiarism. As students chose the internet as their main source of information and [4] we believe that one of the principal approaches in which plagiarism happens whether intentionally or unintentionally is the internet.

What actions do teachers and students count as unacceptable with regards plagiarism? In our study we categorize three plagiarism behaviors; committing plagiarism, assisting in plagiarism and teacher who accepts plagiarism. We asked students and teachers and there were three different choices; acceptable, neutral and unacceptable. Our results suggest that teachers considered that all the three actions are unacceptable. This agreement shows that the teachers have a lot of experience in these actions. Related to our literature review [2], these results were expected because they all are unacceptable behaviors. The results (figures 4-5) help us to know the awareness of students and teachers about issue of plagiarism. Furthermore, the students have the same impression (unacceptable) about these actions, even if they do not fully agree as a whole group. The other students who chose neutral and unacceptable are few, but these results led us to wonder whether the students know more information about plagiarism. The way that the students rated for neutral and unacceptable may lead us to various conclusions. First possibility is that the students may not know the true definition of plagiarism or how serious it is. Second possibility might be lack of experience in these situations because our survey involves only freshmen students. New students might be misled due to the fact that its their first experience with higher education (Petroleum Institute). Referring to our literature review [2], most of the freshmen students do not know the true definition of plagiarism, but according to our results most freshmen students in PI know the true definition of plagiarism. This could be because in COMM 101 we learned to reference others work (IEEE citation) and its useful to know more about plagiarism. Academic skill and plagiarism: Part of our research displays students outlooks regarding certain scenarios that talk about plagiarism, we asked about the potential reasons someone might commit plagiarism and we asked the students whether or not they thought their colleagues might still commit plagiarism if they had a higher level of academic intellect. We can see that 58% of the students agree that Lack of academic skills could lead to plagiarism. On the other hand, we can see that the majority (52%) out of the 50 students disagree that students would plagiarize if they had a good academic level which is to be expected based on what was concluded from the literature review. One way to avoid plagiarism could simply be by teaching the students how to summarize, paraphrase, and quote etc. [5] Another part of our research aimed at instructors reveals teachers thoughts toward different statements that are related to plagiarism. It shows that 80% of the teachers we have surveyed agree with the statement Lack of academic skills could lead to plagiarism. It also indicates that 60% teachers werent sure about the statement students would plagiarize if they had a good academic level as they didn't have a clear and straight forward answer. Teachers also had very strong opinions towards the effect a students cultural background has towards the chances of said student plagiarizing; which surprisingly, we didn't come across in our past research. We assume this comes back to us not taking racial background as a factor in our research.

Teachers and students views about what the main reasons behind plagiarism are The data collected from this small study in figure 8 as we highlighted, suggests that over one third of freshmen students in the PI believe that the main reason of plagiarism is laziness. One reason for this finding may be that they are looking for the easy way to complete their work regardless of circumstances such as having enough time to complete their work. However, our results in figure 9 indicate the main causes behind plagiarism according to teachers perspective are laziness, poor citation skills, lack of time and unintentional plagiarism (by mistake) as each reason was chosen by almost one fifth of the teachers. This could be because those teachers have a more intellectual experience as they have been exposed to higher education longer than students. Our research questions to find out the reasons people plagiarize and result answered our question as one third of the students chose laziness. The second biggest reason of plagiarism by students is poor citation skills and for teachers one of the main reasons is also poor citation. The results that we gathered were unexpected because rather than finding out similar information to our literature review, which we clarified earlier in the background, it was different from teachers and students. [2] Says that students plagiarize because they are running out of time, but in our study we found that students think that students plagiarize because they are lazy and it is easier for them to plagiarize rather than do their work by themselves. According to [2] teachers think that students plagiarize because there are lazy, but in our study we found that teachers considered time pressure and other reasons such as laziness, poor citation skills and unintentional plagiarism (by mistake) to be the main reason for plagiarism.

Discussion Conclusion: Overall, The main issue that students believe causes plagiarism is the laziness, but teachers have mixed opinions of plagiarism and this result answered our main question which is to identify students and teachers opinions and academic experiences regarding plagiarism in the PI. This contradicts the findings of [2] which says that students plagiarize because they are running out of time. Also [2] says that teachers think that students plagiarize because there are lazy. The results we found, with regard to the effect of academic influences supported our research because it agrees with the results. [5] States that plagiarism could easily be avoided by making students more aware of the situation, and educating them on the matter.Comment by Mark Wyatt: s

Recommendation: Further problems regarding plagiarism could be avoided by raising awareness concerning the issue. Certain workshop techniques and presentations might prove useful. Students and teachers must both be educated about the rules and regulations regarding plagiarism as to keep them on the same page.Comment by Mark Wyatt: these recommendations could be much more specific. You could say how

Conclusion: Based on the information we have presented, we can establish that this research would be really helpful to our community here at the Petroleum Institute, and would be intrinsic in ensuring a more cohesive and constructive society. A similar study on a larger scale might provide sufficient information for it to be relevant. Such information would be proven useful in making an effort against plagiarism. By eliminating plagiarism, people will be more authentic and hardworking. Permission to carry on with the research would be greatly appreciated in the hopes of taking a step in the direction of a more utopian PI. Some limitations that we had was that we only managed to survey a small amount of people and we cannot generalize their opinions on the rest of the students.Comment by Mark Wyatt: wrong word. Instrumental

References:[1] B.B Sharma., Singh V., Ethics in writing: Learning to stay away from plagiarism and scientific misconduct, Lung India,148150. Apr-Jun 2011

[2] T. Foltynek, J. Rybicka, C. Demoliou Do students think what teachers think about plagiarism?, international Journal for Education Integrity, Vol. 10 No.1 June, 2014 pp. 21-30 ISSN 1833-2595

[3] (Chuda et al., 2012, p. 27) Anti-plagiarism strategies, international Journal for Education Integrity, Vol. 9 No.2 December, 2013 pp. 60-73 ISSN 1833-2595

[4] E. borg, Center of Academic Writing, Coventry, UK, Assessment & evaluation in Higher Education vol. 34, No. 4, Page 415-426, August 2009.

[5] L.G. Matheson & S. Starr, "Is cheating or learning the craft of writing? Using Turnitin to help students avoid plagiarism," journal OF research in Learning Technology vol.21, March 2013.

[6] W. Colton,

[7] EnglishClub, Plagiarism

[8] Michelle Fabio, Esq. Has the Internet Increased Plagiarism in Schools? Apr2012 [22/11/2015].

Appendices:Students survey:Introduction:

The main objective for this survey is to identify teachers and students opinions and academic experiences regarding plagiarism in the PI. This survey will help us to gather important data in order to raise the awareness of PI students about this issue.

The survey consists of two sections. However, it should take you no more than 5 minutes to complete. Please don't write your name or ID. All of your answers will be kept anonymous and they will only be handled by the group members.

Your cooperation would be appreciated.

Section A: Demographic information 1. How old are you?

16-18 19-20 21 and higher

2. What is your academic level?

Freshman I Freshman II

3. What is your first language?

Arabic English Other (Please specify) _____________________

4. Which school system did you graduate from?

Arabic system British system American system Other (Please specify) _____________________

5. What was your average high school grade?

90%+ 86-89% 81-85% 75-80%

Section B: opinions

1. What is plagiarism? (tick all that apply)

Stealing and passing off ideas or words of others without giving credit A form of cheating Inadequate paraphrasing Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation Other (Please specify) _____________________

2. What do you think is the main reason students plagiarize? Poor skills in citing Unintentional plagiarism (by mistake) Laziness Lack of time Other (Please specify) _____________________

3. What do you primarily use as a resource for research? Books or other written publications The internet Other people Other (please specify) __________________________

4. How does plagiarism affect your learning skills?

Negatively Positively No idea5. Do you support the idea of developing automatic tools for detecting plagiarism in order to save time?

Strongly agree Agree Not sure Disagree Strongly disagree

6. In your opinion what do you think the penalties of plagiarism should be?

Expulsion (kicking a student out) Course Failure Warning None Other (Please specify) _____________________

7. In your opinion, how to prevent plagiarism? Please write them down. (at least 1)

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

8. Can you describe plagiarism in 3 adjectives? (Option)

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

(acceptable) 1234(unacceptable) 5

Engaging in plagiarism.

Someone assisting in plagiarism.

A teacher who accepts plagiarism.

9. Rate the following acts based on your opinion

10. Please tick one of the given choicesYesMaybeNoNo Idea

a) Do you think some punishments are too strict such as kicking students out of university?

b) Do you think lack of academic skills could lead to plagiarism?

c) Do you think the variety of assignments prevents teachers from checking for plagiarism?

d) Do you think teachers lack the tools in order to detect plagiarism?

e) Do you think universities should enforce strong policies for plagiarism?

f) Do you think PI should encourage their students and teachers to attend workshops about plagiarism?

g) Do you think there should be awards for teachers to motivate them in detecting plagiarism?

h) Does the students cultural background have an effect on his/her chances to plagiarize?

i) Does plagiarism have an effect on students grades?

j) Do you think students would plagiarize if they had a good academic knowledge?

11. Which of these cases are more suitable to be considered as plagiarism? (Rate from 1 to 6: 1 is the worst)a) Turning in someone else's work as your own.

b) Copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit.

c) Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks.

d) Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation.

e) Changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit.

f) Copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not.

This is the end of the survey, thank you for your time.

Teachers survey:Introduction:

The main objective for this survey is to identify teachers and students opinions and academic experiences regarding plagiarism in the PI. This survey will help us to gather important data in order to raise the awareness of PI students about this issue.

The survey consists of two sections. However, it should take you no more than 5 minutes to complete. Please don't write your name or ID. All of your answers will be kept anonymous and they will only be handled by the group members.

Your cooperation would be appreciated.

Section A: Demographic information 1. What is your gender?

Female Male

2. What is your first language?

Arabic English Other (Please specify) _____________________

3. How long have you been teaching in schools, colleges and universities in general?

3> years 3-5 years 5-9 years 10< years 4. How long have you been teaching at PI?

3> years 3-5 years 5-9 years 10< years

5. What department do you work in?

Mechanical Electrical Chemical Petroleum Other (Please specify) _____________________

Section B: opinions

12. What is plagiarism?

Stealing and passing off ideas or words of others without giving credit A form of cheating Inadequate paraphrasing Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation Other (Please specify) _____________________

13. What do you think is the main reason students plagiarize? Poor skills in citing Unintentional plagiarism (by mistake) Laziness Lack of time Other (Please specify) _____________________

14. What do you primarily use as a resource for research? Books or other written publications The internet Other people Other (please specify) __________________________

15. Do you support the idea of developing automatic tools for detecting plagiarism in order to save time?

Strongly agree Agree Not sure Disagree Strongly disagree

16. In your opinion what do you think the penalties of plagiarism should be?

Expulsion (kick out) Course Failure Warning None Other (Please specify) _____________________

17. In your opinion, how to prevent plagiarism? Please write them down. (at least 1)

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

18. Can you describe plagiarism in 3 adjectives? (Option)

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

(acceptable) 1234(unacceptable) 5

Engaging in plagiarism.

Someone assisting in plagiarism.

A teacher who accepts plagiarism.

19. Rate the following acts based on your opinion

20. Please tick one of the given choicesYesMaybeNoNo Idea

k) Do you think some punishments are too strict such as kicking students out of university?

l) Do you think lack of academic skills could lead to plagiarism?

m) Do you think the variety of assignments prevents teachers from checking for plagiarism?

n) Do you think teachers lack the tools in order to detect plagiarism?

o) Do you think universities should enforce strong policies for plagiarism?

p) Do you think PI should encourage their students and teachers to attend workshops about plagiarism?

q) Do you think there should be awards for teachers to motivate them in detecting plagiarism?

r) Does the students cultural background have an effect on his/her chances to plagiarize?

s) Does plagiarism have an effect on students grades?

t) Do you think students would plagiarize if they had a good academic knowledge?

21. Which of these cases are more suitable to be considered as plagiarism? (Rate from 1 to 6: 1 is the worst)g) Turning in someone else's work as your own.

h) Copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit.

i) Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks.

j) Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation.

k) Changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit.

l) Copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not.

This is the end of the survey, thank you for your time.

Gantt Chart:

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"We pledge that we have neither given nor received any unauthorized assistance on this academic assignment, exercise, or examination."

Otaiba Al-OtaibaMohammed Saleh Abdullah Al-Hammadi Nadeem Al-Mahry Hasan Al-Ssaqaf COMM 101 Writing Rubric Student/Team Name:

Task Fulfilment (25%)Organization (20%)Content (30%)Language and Mechanics (25%)

Above Expectations/Very Effective

A B+100%-83% All components of task are complete and accurate All task directions, including formatting requirements, are thoroughly followed Skillful use of timely, credible, and relevant sources to develop ideas; accurate use of IEEE citation style Demonstrates a thorough understanding of academic discourse, audience, and purpose relevant to the task25




21 Information is organized in a logical manner Whole text is very clear, coherent, and cohesive Clear transitions connect ideas both on the paragraph level and the sentence level All headings and sub-headings are appropriately named, consistent, and illustrative of section topic If applicable, all tables/figures are consistently formatted, appropriately placed, relevant, labelled, and referenced within text20



17 Information is sufficient, relevant, and accurate Main ideas are fully developed with appropriate details and explanations As applicable, writing displays a strong critical awareness of: Topic identification and exploration Context and issues related to topic and existing knowledge, research, and points of view Elements of research methodology Analysis and synthesis Evaluation Recommendations & Limitations Implications & Conclusions






25 Uses highly developed style and expression appropriate for academic writing Demonstrates mastery over the basics in sentence completeness, structure, variety, word choice, and punctuation Strong evidence of editing & proofreading






Meets Expectations/Effective

B C82-70% Some components of task are incomplete and/or inaccurate Some task directions, including formatting requirements, are not fully followed Intermediate use of timely, credible, and relevant sources to develop ideas; partially accurate use of IEEE citation style Demonstrates a partial understanding of academic discourse, audience, and purpose relevant to the task20.5



Some of the information on paragraph or whole text level is not organized in a logical manner Some of the text is not clear, coherent, and cohesive Some transitions are missing or used incorrectly Some headings and sub-headings are not appropriately named, consistent, and illustrative of section topic If applicable, some tables/figures are not consistently formatted, appropriately placed, relevant, labelled, and referenced within text16.5



Some information is not sufficient, relevant and/or accurate Some ideas are not fully developed with relevant details and explanations As applicable, writing displays some awareness of: Topic identification and exploration Context and issues related to topic and existing knowledge, research, and points of view Elements of research methodology Analysis and synthesis Evaluation Recommendations & Limitations Implications & Conclusions





Uses style and expression mostly appropriate for academic writing Occasional errors in sentence completeness, structure, variety, word choice, and punctuation do not disrupt the flow of communication or interfere with comprehension Some evidence of editing & proofreading




Needs Improvement/Developing

C- D69-60% Most components of task are incomplete and/or inaccurate Majority of task directions, including formatting requirements, are not fully followed Ineffective use of source material; sources may not be timely, credible, or relevant; inaccurate use of IEEE citation style Demonstrates little or no understanding of academic discourse, audience, and purpose relevant to the task17.5


15 Poor organization and structure loses the reader Whole text is difficult to read/ is not clear, coherent, and cohesive Transitions are rare/missing Headings and sub-headings are rare/missing or not illustrative of section topic If applicable, most tables/figures are not consistently formatted, appropriately placed, relevant, labelled, and referenced within text13.5

12 Most of the information is not sufficient, relevant and/or accurate Most ideas are not fully developed As applicable, writing displays little or no awareness of: Topic identification and exploration Context and issues related to topic and existing knowledge, research, and points of view Elements of research methodology Analysis and synthesis Evaluation Recommendations & Limitations Implications & Conclusions 20.5


18 Style and expression not appropriate for academic writing Frequent errors in sentence completeness, structure, variety, word choice, and punctuation disrupt the flow of communication and / or interfere with comprehension Little or no evidence of editing & proofreading17.5



Below Expectations/Ineffective

F59-0% Task is misunderstood or incomplete Most or all components are missing or unaddressed14.5

Lack of discernible organization and structure No use of transitions No section headings Missing tables and figures11.5

Information has no relation to task17.5

No understanding of style in relation to the task No use of appropriate grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation No evidence of proofreading14.5

Feedback: This is generally a good attempt, although improvements to the different sections are uneven. Feedback provided earlier on the literature review, for example, does not seem to have informed revisions. The methodology section, in contrast, is better. The new sections are also a little uneven, with the recommendations in particular very brief. Nevertheless, this was a good piece of research overall, as reflected in the score. Total Score: 86%

Final Grade: B+

Grading Criteria: 90=A; 87-89=A-; 83-86=B+; 80-82=B; 77-79=B-; 73-76=C+; 70-72=C; 67-69=C-; 60-66= D; 59 = F

38 | Page


INSTRUCTOR =# of HoursSATSUNMONTUEWEDTHUFRISATSUNMONTUEWEDTHUFRISATSUNMONTUEWEDTHUFRISATSUNMONTUEWEDTHURFRIACTIVITY9-Oct10-Oct11-Oct12-Oct13-Oct14-Oct15-Oct16-Oct17-Oct18-Oct19-Oct20-Oct21-Oct22-Oct23-Oct24-Oct25-Oct26-Oct27-Oct28-Oct29-Oct30-Oct31-Oct1-Nov2-Nov3-Nov4-Nov5-NovProject Plan (Oral)Identify & Revise Research QuestionRevise Lit. ReviewRevise PurposeDraft MethodPrep Project Plan Slides Proofread Project Plan SlidesRehearse Project Plan Presentation

SurveyStudy Example SurveysCreate a Draft SurveySeek Feedback on SurveyTest SurveyRe-draft SurveyCollect Survey DataCreate Charts & Tables in ExcelStudy Results

Progress Report (Oral)MEETING - Team Members' ProgressPrepare Slides (see Assn #2 O'view)
rjones: INCLUDE:Work CompletedWork in-progressProblems experience & solvedPredicted Completion Survey QuestionsDraft of Results/Charts (if available)Proofread SlidesRehearse PresentationGive Presentation

Progress Report (Written)Study Example Reports Write First DraftInvite Comments Edit First DraftProofread Final Draft

Final Presentation (Oral)Study Rubric & Assgn OverviewMEETING - Team Reflection Prepare SlidesProofread SlidesRehearse PresntnGive PresentationColour CodeSTUDENT A =STUDENT B =STUDENT C =STUDENT D= ALL TEAM MEMBERSDUE DELIVERABLE

&"Arial,Bold"ENGL 101 Assignment #2TEAM ACTIVITIES&"Arial,Bold"&16PROJECT PLAN&"Arial,Regular"&10Saturday 3 October to Friday 5th NovemberSECTION ____


INDIVIDUAL TIMELINE FOR REPORT WRITINGSATSUNMONTUEWEDTHUFRISATSUNMONTUEWEDTHUFRISATSUNMONTUEWEDTHUFRISATSUNMONTUEWEDTHURFRIHours9-Oct10-Oct11-Oct12-Oct13-Oct14-Oct15-Oct16-Oct17-Oct18-Oct19-Oct20-Oct21-Oct22-Oct23-Oct24-Oct25-Oct26-Oct27-Oct28-Oct29-Oct30-Oct1-Nov2-Nov3-Nov4-Nov5-Nov6-NovWritten ReportStudy RubricPrepare Notes & Outline
rjones: Include Notes on:MethodResultsDiscussionConclusion

Get Copies of Charts & TablesWrite First Draft in Class
rjones: Write:MethodResultsDiscussionConclusion

Submit First DraftEdit First DraftSeek Peer CorrectionDraft AbstractEdit AbstractPrepare AppendixPrepare IEEE List of ReferencesProofread Complete DocumentSubmit for Grading

SUGGESTEDTeam name: No Name PROJECT TITLE:PlagiarismInstructor : Mark WyattTimeweek 5week 6week 7week 8week 9week 10week 11ACTIVITYEstimateActual6-Oc7-Oc8-Oc9-Oc10-Oc11-Oc12-Oc13-Oc14-Oc15-Oc16-Oc17-Oc18-Oc19-Oc20-Oc21-Oc22-Oc23-Oc24-Oc25-Oc26-Oc27-Oc28-Oc29-Oc30-Oc1-No2-No3-No4-No5-No6-No7-No8-No9-No10-No11-No12-No13-No14-No15-No16-No17-No18-No19-No20-No21-No22-NoA Proposal1Introduction22Improve literature review33Scope & pupose24Methodology25Deliverables16Deliverable Proposal0.25*7Rehearse Presentation48Give Presentation0.5#14.5

B SURVEY21Develop sections22Variable A23Variable B24Develop questions19

C DATA COLLECTION#5Pilot46Administer47Collect311

D DATA COLLATION#1Collate survey data22Develop EXCEl 4 3Enter Data in EXCEL44Create charts5155E ANALYSIS1Analyze information gathered43Answer RQ124 RQ225Collate drafts412

F DOCUMENTATION#1Study Example Reports52Write Introduction23Revise Purpose24Review Method25Review Results (answers to RQs)26Discussion27Format, & Edit Report217

G Final Presentation (Oral)1Study Rubric & Assignment Overview12MEETING - Team Reflection 23Prepare Slides44Proofread Slides15Rehearse Presntntaion66Give Presentation0.5#14.5930Colour CodeAbdullah Alhammadi8Muhammed Alharrasi8Nadeem Almahry16Hasan Alssaqaf22Nadem + Hasan2Otaiba Alotaiba11 ALL TEAM MEMBERS24


&"Arial,Bold"ENGL 101 Assignment #3TEAM ACTIVITIES&"Arial,Bold"&16PROJECT PLAN&"Arial,Regular"&10Saturday 23 April to Friday 27th MaySECTION ____
