Nomination Pro forma for Election of Fellow Association of Microbiologists of India Important Instructions 1. Duly completed nomination Pro forma should be sent by Registered Post/Courier Service/ by Hand either by the Proposer or Seconder of Nominee to the General Secretary, AMI, so as to reach before 31 st July of the year. 2. Nomination for Selection of Fellow” should be written on the envelope containing the nomination papers. 3. Both the Proposer as well as the Seconder must sign the nomination Pro forma. 4. Both the Proposer as well as the Seconder of the nomination should either be FAMI or Life Member (AMI) for the last ten years. 5. Separate sub heads for listing scientific achievements under different categories are provided in the nomination Pro forma. For ensuring uniformity in evaluation research publication in National and International Journals only may be listed. 6. Ten most important publications should be listed on the sheet enclosed with the nomination Pro forma. 7. Ten copies of the list of publications and one set of reprints of all publications should be provided. 8. One set of the cover page and contents of the important book/monograph/manuals published with total page number along with publishers name and place should be enclosed. 9. All the columns in the Part B and C of the Pro forma should be typed. 10. Nomination with incomplete informations will be returned to the nominee with copy to the proposed and shall not be considered. Name: For official use only File No.:

Nomination Pro forma for Election of Fellow Association of ... · 12. (A028) Advances in Agronomy 13. (A029) Advances in Applied Microbiology 14. (A032) Advances in Botanical Research

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Page 1: Nomination Pro forma for Election of Fellow Association of ... · 12. (A028) Advances in Agronomy 13. (A029) Advances in Applied Microbiology 14. (A032) Advances in Botanical Research

Nomination Pro forma for Election of Fellow Association of Microbiologists of India

Important Instructions

1. Duly completed nomination Pro forma should be sent by Registered Post/Courier

Service/ by Hand either by the Proposer or Seconder of Nominee to the General

Secretary, AMI, so as to reach before 31st July of the year.

2. “Nomination for Selection of Fellow” should be written on the envelope containing the

nomination papers.

3. Both the Proposer as well as the Seconder must sign the nomination Pro forma.

4. Both the Proposer as well as the Seconder of the nomination should either be FAMI or

Life Member (AMI) for the last ten years.

5. Separate sub heads for listing scientific achievements under different categories are

provided in the nomination Pro forma. For ensuring uniformity in evaluation research

publication in National and International Journals only may be listed.

6. Ten most important publications should be listed on the sheet enclosed with the

nomination Pro forma.

7. Ten copies of the list of publications and one set of reprints of all publications should be


8. One set of the cover page and contents of the important book/monograph/manuals

published with total page number along with publishers name and place should be


9. All the columns in the Part B and C of the Pro forma should be typed.

10. Nomination with incomplete informations will be returned to the nominee with copy to

the proposed and shall not be considered.


For official use only

File No.:

Page 2: Nomination Pro forma for Election of Fellow Association of ... · 12. (A028) Advances in Agronomy 13. (A029) Advances in Applied Microbiology 14. (A032) Advances in Botanical Research


Association of Microbiologists of India The undersigned FAMI(s)/Lifer Member(s) of AMI propose and second


(Name of the candidate in capital letters)

as a cadidate for election of a Fellow of Association of Microbiologists of India

Particulars of the Proposer and Seconder Specific remarks about the nominee’s

suitability/scientific achievement by the

proposer & seconder











I agree to accept the Fellowship of Association of Microbiologists of India, if elected.

Page 3: Nomination Pro forma for Election of Fellow Association of ... · 12. (A028) Advances in Agronomy 13. (A029) Advances in Applied Microbiology 14. (A032) Advances in Botanical Research

Date (Signature of Nominee)

Page 4: Nomination Pro forma for Election of Fellow Association of ... · 12. (A028) Advances in Agronomy 13. (A029) Advances in Applied Microbiology 14. (A032) Advances in Botanical Research

Part B

Significant Achievement of the Nominee (To be updated on yearly basis during the period, the nomination is under consideration)

1. Personal details of the nominee


Present Position



Telephone and fax

Date of Birth

Age on 31st July of the year of nomination

2. Special Attainments in research

Salient achievements:

List 10 most important publications in journals of impact and high standing stating name of

authors, year, title, journal, volume no. and page no. 9enclose one set of reprints):

Give list of all the publications under different heads:

Full papers, short communications/notes and reviews in peer reviewed journals:

Books/manuals/catalogues written:

Books/manuals/journals edited:

Orals presentation of papers in international conferences:

Poster papers presented in international conferences:

Oral papers presented in national conferences:

Poster papers presented in national conferences:

Award/fellowship based on national/international competition:

International research project:

As Principal Investigator

As Co-investigator/Collaborator

3. Special attainments in education

Salient achievements:

Courses taught:

As Course Leader/course associate

3.3 Summer/winter School/refresher course organized:

As Course Director/ As Course Assistant Director

3.4. New Course Developed /Syllabus developed/revised:

3.5. Number of P.G. scholars and Ph.D. scholars guided:

3.6 Specialized training under national or international programme provided:

3.7 Human resource development activities (recognition/honor/award received by

P.G./Ph.D. scholars of the nominee):

Page 5: Nomination Pro forma for Election of Fellow Association of ... · 12. (A028) Advances in Agronomy 13. (A029) Advances in Applied Microbiology 14. (A032) Advances in Botanical Research

4. Products including culture, culture catalogue, vaccine, concept, process

methodology, technology, patent (actually granted), new educational technology

book/laboratory manuals, etc.

4.1. Products developed

4.2. Concepts

4.3. Process/methodology/technology

4.4. Patents

5. Fellowship from any other scientific society/academy conferred

International/ National

6. Positions held in any scientific academy/society

International/ National

7. Chairman of Sessions of important symposia/scientific meeting

International/ National

8. Member of Scientific advisory panel/committee:


9. Seminar/symposia/workshop/conferences organized


10. Office bearer of the association of Microbiologist of India

Central Council

10.1.1. President

10.1.2. General Secretary

10.1.3. Treasurer

10.1.4. C.C. Member

10.1.5. Editor in Chief

10.2. Chapter

10.2.1 President / Secretary

11. International experience and visits to foreign countries (enclose the details of visit,

purpose and year of visit)

12. Popularization of microbiology among general public

Articles/ Talk on electronic media (TV & Radio)

13. Transfer of technology and dissemination:

(State briefly or enclose the details of transfer of technology by the nominee)

(Signature of Nominee)

Page 6: Nomination Pro forma for Election of Fellow Association of ... · 12. (A028) Advances in Agronomy 13. (A029) Advances in Applied Microbiology 14. (A032) Advances in Botanical Research


Note: Marks for each item under Part B are shown in bold and italics letters. Total

Marks are 100.

Part B

Significant Achievements of the Nominee

(To be updated on yearly basis during the period, the nomination is under consideration)

1. Personal details of the nominee


Present position:




Date of Birth:

Age on 31 July of the year of nomination:

2. Special Attainments in research 40 marks

List 10 most important publications in journals of impact and high standing stating name of

authors, year, title, journal, volume no. and page no. (Enclosed one set of reprints, maximum

marks 40 with marks of each paper .The marks will be allotted as follows and based on the paper

published in journal with impact factor 1, 2, 3 and 4 and above will be allotted marks 1, 2, 3 and

4 respectively. 10 marks out of 40 marks will be for the citation (For each 100 citation candidate

will be allotted 2 marks).

Give list of all publications other than the above (maximum up to 20) 10 marks

Award/fellowship based on national/international competition: 5 marks

International/National research project: 5 marks

2.6. Years of research experience 5 marks

3. Special attainments in education 5 marks

As Course Leader:

As faculty

Summer/winter School/refresher course organized:

Page 7: Nomination Pro forma for Election of Fellow Association of ... · 12. (A028) Advances in Agronomy 13. (A029) Advances in Applied Microbiology 14. (A032) Advances in Botanical Research

As Course Director:

As Course Assistant Director:

As Faculty:

New Course Developed/syllabus revised:

Number of P.G. scholars and Ph.D. scholars guided:

Specialized training under national or international programme provided:

Served as Invited Faculty to other institutes/university for specialized lectures

Best Teacher Award by the Institute/University:

Human resource development activities (recognition/honour/award received by P.G./Ph.D.

scholars of the nominee):

4. Products including culture, culture catalogue, vaccine, concept, process methodology,

technology, patent (actually granted), new educational technology/ book/laboratory manuals,

etc. 5 marks

Culture/vaccine (either released for commercial production or listed in Culture Catalogue):

New Concept developed:



Educational technology:

5. Fellowship from any other scientific society/academy conferred 4 marks

International /National

6. Positions held in any scientific academy/society other than AMI 4 marks

International/ National

7. Chairman of Sessions of important symposia/scientific meeting 2 marks

International/ National

8. Member of Scientific advisory panel/committee: 2 marks


Page 8: Nomination Pro forma for Election of Fellow Association of ... · 12. (A028) Advances in Agronomy 13. (A029) Advances in Applied Microbiology 14. (A032) Advances in Botanical Research

9. Seminar/symposia/workshop/conferences organized 2 marks


10. Office bearer of the association of Microbiologist of India (provide the term with years)

3 marks

10.1 Central Council:

10.1.1 President:

10.1.2 General Secretary

10.1.3 Treasurer

10.1.4 C. C. Member

10.1.5 Editor in Chief

10.2 Chapter

10.2.1 President/ Secretary

11. International experience and visits to foreign countries (enclose the details of visit, purpose

and year of visit) 4 marks

12. Popularization of microbiology among general public 2 marks

Articles/ Talk on electronic media (TV & Radio)

13. Transfer of technology and dissemination: 2 marks

(State briefly or enclose the details of transfer of technology by the nominee)

Page 9: Nomination Pro forma for Election of Fellow Association of ... · 12. (A028) Advances in Agronomy 13. (A029) Advances in Applied Microbiology 14. (A032) Advances in Botanical Research

AMI’s List of Journals Impact Factors

Sno. JrnID Name of the Journal

FAMI Rating

1. (A006) Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica 2. (A007) Acta Biotechnologica 3. (A009) Acta Botanica Gallica 4. (A011) Acta Cytologica 4. (A014) Acta Microbiologica Polonica 5. (A016) Acta Physiologia Plantarum 6. (A017) Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 7. (A019) Acta Protozoologica 8. (A020) Acta Tropica 9. (A021) Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 10. (A022) Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 11. (A023) Acta Virologica 12. (A028) Advances in Agronomy 13. (A029) Advances in Applied Microbiology 14. (A032) Advances in Botanical Research 15. (A034) Advances in Cell and Molecular Biology 16. (A035) Advances in Enzymology 17. (A036) Advances in Genetics 18. (A037) Advances in Insect Physiology 19. (A038) Advances in Marine Biology 20. (A043) Advances in Protein Chemistry 21. (A044) Advances in Radiation Biology 22. (A046) Advances in Soil Science 23. (A049) Advances in Virus Research 24. (A056) Agricultural History 25. (A058) Agricultural Research Journal of Kerala 26. (A059) Agricultural Situation in India 27. (A060) Agricultural Systems 28. (A063) Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, Tokyo 29. (A064) Agriculture Ecosystem and Management 30. (A067) Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 31. (A073) Agronomy Journal (Journal of American Society of Agronomy) 32. (A076) Allergy and Applied Immunology 33. (A077) Ambio 34. (A079) American Entomologist 35. (A080) American Journal of Agricultural Economics 36. (A081) American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 37. (A082) American Journal of Botany 38. (A083) American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 39. (A085) American Journal of Pathology 40. (A086) American Journal of Physiology 41. (A087) American Journal of Potato Research 42. (A088) American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 43. (A089) American Journal of Science 44. (A090) American Journal of Veterinary Research 45. (A091) American Naturalist 46. (A095) American Statistician

1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 4 4 4 2 3 4 2 4 2

Page 10: Nomination Pro forma for Election of Fellow Association of ... · 12. (A028) Advances in Agronomy 13. (A029) Advances in Applied Microbiology 14. (A032) Advances in Botanical Research

47. (A096) American Zoologist 48. (A097) Analyst 49. (A098) Analytical Biochemistry 50. (A099) Analytical Chemistry 51. (A100) Analytical Sciences 52. (A101) Andhra Agricultural Journal 53. (A103) Animal Biotechnology 54. (A105) Animal Genetics 55. (A108) Animal Reproduction Science 56. (A109) Animal Science 57. (A111) Annales de Genetique 58. (A115) Annals de la Soci,t, Entomologique de France 59. (A116) Annals of Applied Biology 60. (A117) Annals of Applied Microbiology 61. (A119) Annals of Botany 62. (A120) Annals of Entomological Society of America 63. (A127) Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 64. (A128) Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 65. (A129) Annual Review of Biochemistry 66. (A130) Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology 67. (A131) Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 68. (A133) Annual Review of Entomology 69. (A134) Annual Review of Genetics 70. (A135) Annual Review of Microbiology 71. (A136) Annual Review of Nutrition 72. (A137) Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology 73. (A138) Annual Review of Physiology 74. (A139) Annual Review of Phytopathology 75. (A140) Annual Review of Plant Physiology & Plant Molecular Biology 76. (A142) Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 77. (A143) Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology 78. (A149) Applied Ergonomics 79. (A151) Applied Microbiology 80. (A152) Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 81. (A154) Applied Soil Ecology 82. (A155) Applied and Environmental Microbiology 83. (A157) Aquaculture 84. (A163) Aquatic Botany 85. (A165) Aquatic Microbial Ecology 86. (A167) Aquatic Toxicology 87. (A169) Archiev fur Hydrobiologie 88. (A171) Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 89. (A172) Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 90. (A173) Archives of Environmental Health 91. (A175) Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 92. (A176) Archives of Microbiology 93. (A179) Archives of Toxicology 94. (A180) Archives of Virology 95. (A192) Australasian Plant Pathology 96. (A196) Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 97. (A200) Australian Journal of Botany 98. (A207) Australian Journal of Plant Physiology (Functional Plant Biology) 99. (A212) Australian Veterinary Journal 100. (A213) Avian Diseases 101. (A214) Avian Pathology 102. (B001) BBA Biomembranes

2 3 3 4 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 3

Page 11: Nomination Pro forma for Election of Fellow Association of ... · 12. (A028) Advances in Agronomy 13. (A029) Advances in Applied Microbiology 14. (A032) Advances in Botanical Research

103. (B006) Behavior Genetics 104. (B008) Behaviour 105. (B009) Behavioural Pharmacology 106. (B013) Biochemica Biophysica Acta 107. (B014) Biochemical Genetics 108. (B015) Biochemical Journal 109. (B016) Biochemical Pharmacology 110. (B017) Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 111. (B018) Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 112. (B021) Biochemistry and Cell Biology 113. (B022) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International 114. (B024) Biochimie 115. (B027) Biodiversity and Conservation 116. (B029) Biofouling 117. (B031) Bioinformatics 118. (B033) Biologia 119. (B036) Biological Conservation 120. (B040) Biological Research 121. (B042) Biological Reviews of The Cambridge Philosophical Society 122. (B044) Biology and Fertility of Soils 123. (B046) Biology of the Cell 124. (B048) Biomaterials 125. (B049) Biometals 126. (B050) Biometrical Journal 127. (B051) Biometrics 128. (B052) Biometrika 129. (B055) Bioresource Technology 130. (B056) Bioscience 131. (B057) Bioscience Reports 132. (B059) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 133. (B060) Bioseparation 134. (B063) Biotechniques 135. (B064) Biotechnology Advances 136. (B065) Biotechnology Letters 137. (B066) Biotechnology Progress 138. (B068) Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 139. (B072) Blood 140. (B078) Botanical Journal of The Linnean Society 141. (B079) Botanical Review 142. (B082) British Journal of Nutrition 143. (B083) British Journal of Pharmacology 144. (B095) Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 145. (C005) Canadian Journal of Botany 146. (C006) Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 147. (C007) Canadian Journal of Forest Research 148. (C008) Canadian Journal of Microbiology 149. (C009) Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 150. (C010) Canadian Journal of Plant Science 151. (C013) Canadian Journal of Zoology 152. (C014) Canadian Veterinary Journal 153. (C015) Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 154. (C017) Carbohydrate Research 155. (C022) Cell 156. (C024) Cell Biology International 157. (C025) Cell Biology and Toxicology 158. (C026) Cell and Tissue Research

4 2 3 3 1 4 3 1 3 3 2 4 2 2 4 2 3 2 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 2 4 2 3 2 3 3 1 2 2 4 1 2 3 4 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 4 2 2 3

Page 12: Nomination Pro forma for Election of Fellow Association of ... · 12. (A028) Advances in Agronomy 13. (A029) Advances in Applied Microbiology 14. (A032) Advances in Botanical Research

159. (C027) Cellular Microbiology 160. (C028) Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 161. (C029) Cereal Chemistry 162. (C030) Cereal Food World 163. (C031) Cereal Research Communication 164. (C032) Chemical Engineering 165. (C033) Chemosphere 166. (C034) Chinese Journal of Physiology 167. (C035) Chromatographia 168. (C036) Chromosoma 169. (C037) Chromosome Research 170. (C038) Cladistics 171. (C039) Clay Minerals 172. (C040) Clays and Clay Minerals 173. (C041) Climatic Change 174. (C042) Clinical Biochemistry 175. (C043) Coastal Aquaculture 176. (C044) Coleopterists Bulletin 177. (C045) Colloids and Surfaces 178. (C046) Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 179. (C047) Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods 180. (C048) Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - A 181. (C049) Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - B 182. (C050) Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - C 183. (C051) Comparative Immunology Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 184. (C052) Computer and Geosciences 185. (C053) Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 186. (C054) Comunication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 187. (C055) Conservation Biology 188. (C056) Coral Reefs 189. (C057) Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 190. (C058) Critical Reviews in Biotechnology 191. (C059) Critical Reviews in Microbiology 192. (C060) Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 193. (C061) Critical Reviews in Toxicology 194. (C065) Crop Protection 195. (C066) Crop Science 196. (C070) Cryoletters 197. (C071) Current Biology 198. (C072) Current Genetics 199. (C073) Current Microbiology 200. (C074) Current Opinion in Biotechnology 201. (C075) Current Opinion in Cell Biology 202. (C076) Current Opinion in Genetics and Development 203. (C077) Current Opinion in Immunology 204. (C078) Current Opinion in Microbiology 205. (C079) Current Opinion in Molecular Therapeutics 206. (C080) Current Opinion in Plant Biology 207. (C081) Current Science 208. (C082) Current Topics in Cellular Regulation 209. (C083) Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 210. (C084) Cytobios 211. (C085) Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics 212. (D001) DNA Sequence 213. (D002) DNA and Cell Biology 214. (D003) Dairy Industries International

4 4 3 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 4 3 4 3 2 4 3 1 1 1 4 3 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1.5 4 3 1 2 1 2 1

Page 13: Nomination Pro forma for Election of Fellow Association of ... · 12. (A028) Advances in Agronomy 13. (A029) Advances in Applied Microbiology 14. (A032) Advances in Botanical Research

215. (D011) Developmental Genetics 216. (E001) EMBO Journal 217. (E008) Ecological Monographs 218. (E010) Ecology 219. (E011) Ecology Letters 220. (E012) Ecology of Food and Nutrition 221. (E013) Ecology, Environment and Conservation 222. (E014) Economic Botany 223. (E015) Economical and Political Weekly 224. (E016) Ecotoxicology 225. (E017) Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 226. (E019) Electrophoresis 227. (E021) Endocrinology 228. (E041) Environment 229. (E043) Environment and Ecology 230. (E047) Environmental Management 231. (E048) Environmental Microbiology 232. (E051) Environmental Pollution 233. (E052) Environmental Progress 234. (E053) Environmental Research 235. (E054) Environmental Science and Pollution Research 236. (E055) Environmental Science and Technology 237. (E056) Environmental Technology 238. (E057) Environmental Toxicology 239. (E058) Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality 240. (E059) Environmental and Experimental Botany 241. (E061) Enzyme and Microbial Technology 242. (E062) Epidemiology and Infection 243. (E065) Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 244. (E066) Euphytica 245. (E070) European Journal of Agronomy 246. (E071) European Journal of Biochemistry 247. (E078) European Journal of Radiology 248. (E079) European Journal of Soil Biology 249. (E080) European Journal of Soil Science (Journal of Soil Science) 250. (E083) Evolution 251. (E084) Evolutionary Biology 252. (E087) Experientia 253. (E089) Experimental Mycology 254. (E090) Experimental Physiology 255. (F001) FASEB J 256. (F002) FEBS Letters 257. (F003) FEMS Microbiology Ecology 258. (F004) FEMS Microbiology Letters 259. (F005) FEMS Microbiology Reviews 260. (F027) Folia Microbiologica 261. (F034) Food Microbiology 262. (F061) Functional and Integrative Genomics 263. (F062) Fund. Appl. Toxicol 264. (F064) Fungal Genetics and Biology 265. (G003) Gene 266. (G004) Gene Expression 267. (G005) Gene Therapy 268. (G010) Genes to Cells 269. (G013) Genetica 270. (G016) Genetics

3 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 4 4 2 1 2 4 2 1 2 2 4 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 2 1 2 4 2 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 3 4

Page 14: Nomination Pro forma for Election of Fellow Association of ... · 12. (A028) Advances in Agronomy 13. (A029) Advances in Applied Microbiology 14. (A032) Advances in Botanical Research

271. (G017) Genetics and Molecular Biology 272. (G018) Genetika 273. (G019) Genome (Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cytology) 274. (G020) Genome Research 275. (G021) Genomics 276. (H001) Haryana Journal of Horticultural Science 277. (H003) Hereditas 278. (H004) Heredity 279. (H005) Himachal Journal of Agricultural Research 280. (H006) Himalayan Journal of Environment and Zoology 281. (H014) Hydrobiologia 282. (I008) Immunology 283. (I014) Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry 284. (I015) Indian Journal of Agricultural Chemistry 285. (I016) Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 286. (I017) Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing 287. (I018) Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 288. (I019) Indian Journal of Agroforestry 289. (I020) Indian Journal of Agronomy 290. (I027) Indian Journal of Applied Chemistry 291. (I028) Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 292. (I029) Indian Journal of Biotechnology 293. (I030) Indian Journal of Chemistry Section A 294. (I031) Indian Journal of Chemistry Section B 295. (I032) Indian Journal of Com. Micro. Imm. and Inf. Dis. 296. (I033) Indian Journal of Cytology and Genetics 297. (I034) Indian Journal of Dairy Science 298. (I035) Indian Journal of Dairy and Biosciences 299. (I036) Indian Journal of DryLand Agricultural Research &Development 300. (I037) Indian Journal of Earth Science 301. (I038) Indian Journal of Ecology 302. (I039) Indian Journal of Engg. and Mat. Sci. 303. (I040) Indian Journal of Entomology 304. (I041) Indian Journal of Environment and Toxicology 305. (I042) Indian Journal of Environmental Health 306. (I043) Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 307. (I044) Indian Journal of Experimental Zoology 308. (I045) Indian Journal of Extension Education 309. (I048) Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 310. (I049) Indian Journal of Heredity 311. (I050) Indian Journal of Hill Farming 312. (I051) Indian Journal of Horticulture 313. (I052) Indian Journal of Labour Economics 314. (I053) Indian Journal of Marine Sciences 315. (I054) Indian Journal of Meat Science and Technology 316. (I055) Indian Journal of Medical Research 317. (I056) Indian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Sciences 318. (I057) Indian Journal of Microbiology 319. (I058) Indian Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology 320. (I059) Indian Journal of Natural Rubber Research 321. (I060) Indian Journal of Nematology 322. (I061) Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics 323. (I062) Indian Journal of Patho Microbiol 324. (I063) Indian Journal of Petroleum Geology 325. (I064) Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 326. (I065) Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharamocology

1 1 2 4 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 1 1.5 1.5 1 1 1 1 1.5 1 1 1.5 1 1.5 1.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.5 1 1.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.5

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327. (I066) Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 328. (I076) Indian Journal of Social Research 329. (I077) Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 330. (I078) Indian Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 331. (I080) Indian Journal of Veterinary Pathology 332. (I081) Indian Journal of Veterinay Surgery 333. (I083) Indian Journal of Virology 334. (I084) Indian Journal of Water Management 335. (I085) Indian Journal of Weed Science 336. (I102) International Dairy Journal 337. (I106) International Journal of Animal Science 338. (I107) International Journal of Biodeterioration 339. (I109) International Journal of Dairy Technology 340. (I110) International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 341. (I111) International Journal of Engineering and Materials 342. (I112) International Journal of Food Microbiology 343. (I113) International Journal of Food Properties 344. (I114) International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition 345. (I115) International Journal of Food Science and Technology 346. (I117) International Journal of Geophysical Information Science 347. (I119) International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 348. (I121) International Journal of Nematology (Afro-Asian Journal of Nematology) 349. (I123) International Journal of Pest Management 350. (I124) International Journal of Pharmaceutics 351. (I125) International Journal of Plant Sciences (Botanical Gazette) 352. (I126) International Journal of Remote Sensing 353. (I127) International Journal of Renewable Energy 354. (I128) International Journal of Safety in Agriculture 355. (I130) International Journal of Systematics and evolutionary Microbiology 356. (I132) International Journal of Toxicology 357. (I133) International Journal of Tropical Agriculture 358. (I134) International Journal of Tropical Plant Diseases 359. (I137) International Journal of Zoonoses 360. (I138) International Review of Cytology 361. (I141) Intervirology 362. (I144) Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research 363. (J005) Japanese Journal of Genetics 364. (J007) Japanese Journal of Nematology 365. (J008) Journal of Agricultural & Urban Entomology 366. (J009) Journal of Agricultural Biological & Environmental Statistics 367. (J014) Journal of Agricultural Sciences 368. (J015) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 369. (J017) Journal of Agrometeorology 370. (J018) Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 371. (J019) Journal of American Chemical Society 372. (J036) Journal of Applied Bacteriology 373. (J038) Journal of Applied Engineering in Agriculture 374. (J042) Journal of Applied Microbiology 375. (J044) Journal of Applied Physiology 376. (J046) Journal of Applied Poultry Research 377. (J047) Journal of Applied Toxicology 378. (J049) Journal of Aquaculture 379. (J053) Journal of Arid Environments 380. (J060) Journal of Bacteriology 381. (J061) Journal of Basic Microbiology 382. (J062) Journal of Biochemistry

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383. (J063) Journal of Biological Chemistry 384. (J066) Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 385. (J067) Journal of Biosciences (Proceedings of Indian Academy of Sciences) 386. (J068) Journal of Biotechnology 387. (J069) Journal of Bombay Natural History Society 388. (J071) Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry 389. (J072) Journal of Cell Biology 390. (J073) Journal of Cell Science 391. (J074) Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 392. (J075) Journal of Cellular Physiology 393. (J077) Journal of Chemical Ecology 394. (J078) Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 395. (J079) Journal of Chromatographic Science 396. (J080) Journal of Chromatography - A 397. (J081) Journal of Chromatography - B 398. (J092) Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 399. (J094) Journal of Dairy Research 400. (J095) Journal of Dairy Science 401. (J096) Journal of Development Studies 402. (J097) Journal of Ecology 403. (J100) Journal of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Monitoring 404. (J102) Journal of Electron Microscopy 405. (J106) Journal of Environment Science and Health 406. (J107) Journal of Environmental Biology 407. (J108) Journal of Environmental Monitoring 408. (J109) Journal of Environmental Quality 409. (J112) Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 410. (J113) Journal of Evolutionary Biology 411. (J114) Journal of Experimental Animal Science 412. (J115) Journal of Experimental Biology 413. (J116) Journal of Experimental Botany 414. (J117) Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 415. (J121) Journal of Farming System Research 416. (J124) Journal of Food Biochemistry 417. (J135) Journal of Food Science and Technology 418. (J138) Journal of General Microbiology 419. (J139) Journal of General Virology 420. (J140) Journal of General and Applied Microbiology 421. (J141) Journal of Genetics 422. (J146) Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 423. (J150) Journal of Immunology 424. (J151) Journal of Indian Academy of Wood Science 425. (J152) Journal of Indian Botanical Society 426. (J153) Journal of Indian Chemical Society 427. (J155) Journal of Indian Potato Association 428. (J156) Journal of Indian School of Political Economy 429. (J157) Journal of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics 430. (J158) Journal of Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research 431. (J159) Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing 432. (J160) Journal of Indian Society of Soil Science 433. (J161) Journal of Indian Water Resources Society 434. (J162) Journal of Industrial Microbiology 435. (J163) Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 436. (J164) Journal of Infectious Diseases 437. (J179) Journal of Lipid Research 438. (J181) Journal of Maharashtra Agricultural University

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439. (J182) Journal of Marine Biological Association of India 440. (J183) Journal of Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 441. (J184) Journal of Marine Research, USA 442. (J187) Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Science 443. (J188) Journal of Meditararian Phyto Pathology 444. (J189) Journal of Membrane Science 445. (J190) Journal of Microbiological Methods 446. (J191) Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 447. (J192) Journal of Molecular Biology 448. (J195) Journal of Molecular Evolution 449. (J196) Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology 450. (J206) Journal of Nuclear Agriculture and Biology 451. (J210) Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 452. (J211) Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 453. (J222) Journal of Peptide Research 454. (J223) Journal of Peptide Science 455. (J224) Journal of Pesticide Science 456. (J225) Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 457. (J226) Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 458. (J227) Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry 459. (J228) Journal of Physiology-London 460. (J232) Journal of Plankton Research 461. (J233) Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 462. (J238) Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 463. (J239) Journal of Plant Physiology (Biochem. Physiol. Pflanzen.) 464. (J243) Journal of Potassium Research 465. (J244) Journal of Protein Chemistry 466. (J245) Journal of Protozoology Research 467. (J246) Journal of Quantitative Economics 468. (J247) Journal of Radiation Research 469. (J262) Journal of Soil Biology and Ecology 470. (J263) Journal of Soil Conservation 471. (J264) Journal of Soil Contamination 472. (J265) Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 473. (J266) Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, India 474. (J269) Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 475. (J270) Journal of Steroid Biochemistry 476. (J271) Journal of Stored Products Research 477. (J278) Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 478. (J279) Journal of Tropical Ecology 479. (J280) Journal of Tropical Forest Science 480. (J281) Journal of Tropical Forestry 481. (J282) Journal of Tropical Paediatrics 482. (J284) Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 483. (J285) Journal of Veterinary Parasitology 484. (J286) Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 485. (J290) Journal of Virological Methods 486. (J291) Journal of Virology 487. (J292) Journal of Water Management 488. (J296) Journal of World Aquaculture Society 489. (K001) Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences 490. (K002) Korean Journal of Genetics 491. (L001) Lakes and Reservoirs, Research and Management 492. (L002) Lancet 493. (L003) Land Degradation and Development 494. (L008) Letters in Applied Microbiology

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495. (L009) Life Sciences 496. (L010) Limnology and Oceanography 497. (L011) Lipids 498. (L012) Livestock Production Science 499. (M001) Madras Agricultural Journal 500. (M002) Magnesium Reseach 501. (M005) Marine Biology 502. (M006) Marine Biotechnology 503. (M007) Marine Ecology Progress Series 504. (M008) Marine Environmental Research 505. (M009) Marine Pollution Bulletin 506. (M015) Meat Science 507. (M017) Methods in Enzymology 508. (M018) Methods in Microbiology 509. (M020) Microbial Ecology 510. (M021) Microbial Pathogenesis 511. (M022) Microbiologica 512. (M023) Microbiological Research 513. (M024) Molecular and Microbiological Reviews 514. (M025) Microbiology 515. (M026) Microbios 516. (M029) Molecular Biology 517. (M030) Molecular Biology Reports 518. (M031) Molecular Biology and Evolution 519. (M032) Molecular Biology of the Cell 520. (M033) Molecular Biotechnology 521. (M034) Molecular Breeding 522. (M035) Molecular Cell 523. (M036) Molecular Ecology 524. (M037) Molecular Genetics and Genomics (Molecular and General Genetics) 525. (M038) Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology 526. (M039) Molecular Microbiology 527. (M040) Molecular Plant Pathology 528. (M041) Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 529. (M042) Molecular Reproduction and Development 530. (M043) Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 531. (M044) Molecular and Cellular Biology 532. (M046) Molecules 533. (M047) Mountain Research and Development 534. (M048) Mushroom Research - An Internatioal Journal 535. (M049) Mutagenesis 536. (M050) Mutation Research - Fundamental&Mol.Mechanism of Mutagenesis 537. (M051) Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology & Env. Mutagenesis 538. (M052) Mutation Research - Reviews in Mutation Research 539. (M053) Mycologia 540. (M054) Mycological Research 541. (M055) Mycopath et Mycol Applicata 542. (M056) Mycopathologia 543. (M057) Mycorrhiza 544. (N001) Nature 545. (N002) Nature Biotechnology 546. (N003) Nature Cell Biology 547. (N004) Nature Genetics 548. (N005) Naturwissenschaften 549. (N012) Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Sciences 550. (N013) Netherlands Journal of Sea Research

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551. (N015) New Genetics and Society 552. (N016) New Phytologist 553. (N017) New Scientist 554. (N018) New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 555. (N019) New Zealand Journal of Botany 556. (N020) New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 557. (N021) New Zealand Journal of Ecology 558. (N022) New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 559. (N023) Nordic Hydrology 560. (N024) Nordic Journal of Botany 561. (N025) North American Journal of Aquaculture (Progressive Fish Culturist) 562. (N026) North American Journal of Fisheries Management 563. (N027) Novon 564. (N028) Nucleic Acid Research 565. (N029) Nucleus 566. (N030) Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (Fertilizer Research) 567. (N031) Nutrition 568. (N032) Nutrition Clincal Practice 569. (N033) Nutrition Research 570. (N034) Nutrition Research Reviews 571. (N035) Nutrition Reviews 572. (N036) Nutrition and Cancer - An International Journal 573. (N037) Nutrition: International Journal of Applied Basic Nutrition 574. (O002) Oceanography and Marine Biology 575. (O004) Oecologia 576. (O005) Oikos 577. (O011) Outlook on Agriculture 578. (P002) Packaging Technology and Sciences - International Journal 579. (P003) Pakistan Journal of Botany 560. (P004) Pakistani Journal of Nematology 561. (P005) Pan-Pacific Entomologist 562. (P006) Parasitology Today 563. (P008) Pedologist 564. (P009) Peptides 565. (P010) Periodicum Biologorum 566. (P011) Pest Management Science 567. (P012) Pest Mgmt. Hort. Ecosystem 568. (P013) Pestic. Monit. J. 569. (P014) Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 570. (P015) Pesticide Outlook 571. (P016) Pesticide Research Journal 572. (P017) Pesticide Science 573. (P019) Pharmaceutical Biology 574. (P020) Pharmacological Review 575. (P021) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A 576. (P022) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 577. (P023) Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 578. (P024) Photosynthesis Research 579. (P025) Photosynthetica 580. (P026) Phycologia 581. (P027) Phykos 582. (P028) Physiologia Plantarum 583. (P029) Physiological Entomology 584. (P030) Physiological Genomics 585. (P031) Physiological Research 586. (P032) Physiological Reviews

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587. (P033) Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 588. (P034) Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 589. (P035) Phytochemistry 590. (P036) Phytomedicine 591. (P037) Phytomorphology 592. (P038) Phytoparasitica 593. (P039) Phytopathologia Mediterranean 594. (P040) Phytopathology 595. (P041) Phytoprotection 596. (P042) Phytotheraphy Research 597. (P043) Plant Biology 598. (P044) Plant Biotechnology Journal 599. (P045) Plant Breeding (Zeitschrift fur pflanzenzuchtung) 600. (P046) Plant Cell 601. (P047) Plant Cell Reports 602. (P048) Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 603. (P049) Plant Cell and Environment 604. (P050) Plant Diseases (Plant Disease Reporter) 605. (P051) Plant Ecology 606. (P052) Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 607. (P053) Plant Growth Regulation 608. (P054) Plant Journal 609. (P055) Plant Molecular Biology 610. (P056) Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 611. (P057) Plant Pathology 612. (P058) Plant Physiology 613. (P059) Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 614. (P060) Plant Protection 615. (P061) Plant Science (Plant Science Letters) 616. (P062) Plant Systematics and Evolution 617. (P063) Plant Varieties and Seeds 618. (P064) Plant and Cell Physiology 619. (P065) Plant and Soil 620. (P066) Planta 621. (P067) Planta Medica 622. (P068) Plasmid 623. (P069) Plasticulture 624. (P070) Polymer 625. (P073) Poultry Science 626. (P075) Proceedings of Indian National Science Academy 627. (P076) Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, India 628. (P077) Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, USA 629. (P078) Proceedings of Royal Society of London Series B 630. (P085) Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology 631. (P086) Progressive Horticulture 632. (P087) Protein Science 633. (P088) Protoplasma 634. (P089) Public Health Nutrition 635. (P090) Punjab Horticulture Journal 636. (P091) Punjab University Journal of Zoology 637. (R011) Research in Microbiology 638. (R012) Research in Veterinary Science 639. (R013) Research in Virology 640. (R014) Review of Agricultural Economics 641. (R015) Review of Plant Pathology, UK (Review of Applied Mycology) 642. (R016) Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries

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643. (R017) Reviews in Medical Microbiology 644. (R018) Reviews in Medical Virology 645. (R019) Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 646. (R020) Reviews of Microbiology 647. (R021) Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology 648. (S004) Science 649. (S005) Science of The Total Environment 650. (S006) Scientia Horticulturae 651. (S007) Scientific American 652. (S008) Scientist 653. (S009) Sea Technology 654. (S010) Seaweed Research and Utilization 655. (S011) Seed Research 656. (S012) Seed Science Research 657. (S013) Seed Science and Technology 658. (S016) Small Ruminant Research 659. (S019) Soil Biology and Biochemistry 660. (S020) Soil Chemistry 661. (S021) Soil Cons. Soc. America (USA) 662. (S022) Soil Science 663. (S023) Soil Science Society of America Journal (Proceedings of Soil Science Society of America) 664. (S024) Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 665. (S029) Spectroscopy 666. (S032) Steroids 667. (S033) Swedish Journal of Agricultural Research 668. (S035) Symbiosis 669. (S038) Systematic Parasitology 670. (S039) Systemic and Applied Microbiology 671. (T001) Taxon 672. (T002) Tetrahedron 673. (T003) Tetrahedron Asymmetry 674. (T004) Tetrahedron Letters 675. (T007) The Botanica 676. (T012) Theoretical and Applied Genetics 677. (T013) Theory in Biosciences 678. (T016) Toxicological Sciences 679. (T017) Toxicology 680. (T018) Toxicology Letters 681. (T019) Toxicology and Environmental Chemistry 682. (T020) Toxicology in Vitro 683. (T021) Toxicon 684. (T026) Transactions of British Mycological Society 685. (T027) Transactions of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene 686. (T028) Transactions of The American Entomological Society 687. (T029) Transgenic Research 688. (T030) Transgenics 689. (T031) Tree Physiology 690. (T032) Trees-Structure and Function 691. (T033) Trends in Biochemical Sciences 692. (T034) Trends in Biotechnology 693. (T035) Trends in Cell Biology 694. (T036) Trends in Ecology and Evolution 695. (T037) Trends in Food Science and Technology 696. (T038) Trends in Genetics 697. (T039) Trends in Microbiology

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698. (T040) Trends in Plant Science 699. (T041) Tropical Agriculture 700. (T042) Tropical Animal Health and Prodution 701. (V001) Vaccine 702. (V002) Vegetable Science 703. (V003) Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol 704. (V004) Veterinary Bulletin 705. (V005) Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 706. (V006) Veterinary Journal 707. (V007) Veterinary Medicine 708. (V008) Veterinary Microbiology 709. (V009) Veterinary Parasitology 710. (V010) Veterinary Pathology 711. (V015) Virology 712. (V016) Virus Genes 713. (V017) Virus Research 714. (V018) Vitis 715. (W001) Water International 716. (W002) Water Policy (Elsever Pub) 717. (W003) Water Research 718. (W004) Water Resource Journal 719. (W005) Water Resource Management 720. (W006) Water Resources Bulletin 721. (W007) Water Resources Research 722. (W008) Water Science and Technology 723. (W009) Water and Energy International 724. (W010) Water, Air and Soil Pollution 725. (W011) Weed Biology and Management 726. (W012) Weed Research 727. (W013) Weed Science 728. (W014) Weed Technology 729. (W015) Wiss. u. Technol. 730. (W016) Wood Science and Technology 731. (W020) World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 732. (Y001) Yeast

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