North American Burkitt’s lymphoma presenting with intraoral symptoms Wayne E. Svoboda, DDS Gerald R. Aaron, DDS, MS Edythe A. Albano, MD Abstract A case is presented in whichposterior tooth mobility and pain, bilateral intraoral swelling of the mandible, andanterior open bite following an incident of facial trauma were the presenting symptoms of a 4-year-old, white American male with Burkitt-type malignant lymphoma.Radiographic ex- amination revealed multiple osteolytic lesions in the body of the mandible, with loss of osseoustrabeculararchitecture, and generalized loss of lamina dura in both maxillary and man- dibular arches. The patient also had bone marrow involve- ment at the time of diagnosis. Following the initial course of chemotherapy, the patient experienced a significant resolu- tion of the bilateral mandibular swelling, anterior open bite, tooth mobility, and dental pain. Relapse occurred shortly after remission was achieved, with tumor metastasis to the central nervous system and testes. The tumor remained resistant to further chemotherapeutic treatments and radia- tion strategems. Because of renal and metabolic complica- tions, Burkitt’s lymphoma constitutes an oncologic emer- gency.If untreated, this rapidly growing tumor is fatal. Early interception and referral of these cases by the examining dentist is crucial. Introduction Burkitt’s lymphoma (BL) is a rare, extranodal malig- nant tumor of undifferentiated (small, noncleaved) lymphocytes occurring predominantly in children; it is worldwide in distribution. The tumor, which originally was described by Dr. Denis Burkitt in 1958 as a jaw This article is a work of the United States Government and may be reprinted without permission. The author(s) are employee(s) of the United States Army at Fort Lewis, WA, and at the Madigan Army Medical Center in Tacoma,WA. Opin- ions expressed therein, unless otherwise specifically indi- cated, are those of the author(s). They do not purport express views of the Dental Corp. of the United States Army, or any other Department or Agencyof the United States Government. sarcoma, involved children in endemic areas of equato- rial East Africa (Burkitt 1958). Following early reports endemic African lymphoma, pathologists reported sporadic cases from Europe and America that were histologically and immunophenotypically indistin- guishable from the African tumor (Dorfman 1965; O’Conor 1965). In the United States, the tumor is known as nonendemic or North American Burkitt’s lymphoma (NABL). Although similar histologically, there are numerous epidemiologic, clinical, and cytogenetic differences be- tween cases of Burkitt’s lymphomaoccurring in en- demic areas of equatorial Africa, and the sporadic cases occurring in North America. A summary of these differences is given in the table (see next page). equatorial Africa, malignant lymphomas account for 50%of all pediatric malignancies. In America, malig- nant lymphomas account for only 10% of pediatric malignancies, being third in relative frequency after acute leukemias and brain tumors (Young et alo 1986). BLin the United States comprises approximately 1-2% of all childhood tumors, and about one-fifth of child- hood non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas (Kjeldsberg et al. 1983). In endemic BL, jaw involvement is common, occurring in approximately 60%of cases (Biggar et al. 1979); in nonendemic BL, jaw involvement occurs in only 15-18% of the cases (Ziegler and Magrath 1974; Levine et al. 1982). In the United States, BL most frequently presents as an abdominal mass. However, whenthe initial presentation involves jaw lesions, the tumor can cause toothache, tooth mobility, tooth dis- placement, intraoral and extraoral swelling, and perioral paresthesia. Radiographically, the tumor pro- duces generalized destruction of the tooth crypts with loss of lamina dura and loss of trabecular pattern in the mandible and maxilla (Sariban et al. 1984). Current theory suggests that endemic and nonendemic forms of BLrepresent the neoplastic coun- 52 PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY: JANUARY/FEBRUARY, 1991 ~ VOI~UME 13, NUMBER 1

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Page 1: North American Burkitt’s lymphoma presenting with ... · PDF fileNorth American Burkitt’s lymphoma presenting with intraoral symptoms ... differentiation pathway ... initial tumor

North American Burkitt’s lymphomapresenting with intraoral symptomsWayne E. Svoboda, DDS Gerald R. Aaron, DDS, MS Edythe A. Albano, MD


A case is presented in which posterior tooth mobility andpain, bilateral intraoral swelling of the mandible, and anterioropen bite following an incident of facial trauma were thepresenting symptoms of a 4-year-old, white American malewith Burkitt-type malignant lymphoma. Radiographic ex-amination revealed multiple osteolytic lesions in the body ofthe mandible, with loss of osseous trabecular architecture, andgeneralized loss of lamina dura in both maxillary and man-dibular arches. The patient also had bone marrow involve-ment at the time of diagnosis. Following the initial course ofchemotherapy, the patient experienced a significant resolu-tion of the bilateral mandibular swelling, anterior open bite,tooth mobility, and dental pain. Relapse occurred shortlyafter remission was achieved, with tumor metastasis to thecentral nervous system and testes. The tumor remainedresistant to further chemotherapeutic treatments and radia-tion strategems. Because of renal and metabolic complica-tions, Burkitt’s lymphoma constitutes an oncologic emer-gency. If untreated, this rapidly growing tumor is fatal. Earlyinterception and referral of these cases by the examiningdentist is crucial.


Burkitt’s lymphoma (BL) is a rare, extranodal malig-nant tumor of undifferentiated (small, noncleaved) lymphocytes occurring predominantly in children; it isworldwide in distribution. The tumor, which originallywas described by Dr. Denis Burkitt in 1958 as a jaw

This article is a work of the United States Government andmay be reprinted without permission. The author(s) areemployee(s) of the United States Army at Fort Lewis, WA, andat the Madigan Army Medical Center in Tacoma, WA. Opin-ions expressed therein, unless otherwise specifically indi-cated, are those of the author(s). They do not purport express views of the Dental Corp. of the United States Army,or any other Department or Agency of the United StatesGovernment.

sarcoma, involved children in endemic areas of equato-rial East Africa (Burkitt 1958). Following early reports endemic African lymphoma, pathologists reportedsporadic cases from Europe and America that werehistologically and immunophenotypically indistin-guishable from the African tumor (Dorfman 1965;O’Conor 1965). In the United States, the tumor is knownas nonendemic or North American Burkitt’s lymphoma(NABL).

Although similar histologically, there are numerousepidemiologic, clinical, and cytogenetic differences be-tween cases of Burkitt’s lymphoma occurring in en-demic areas of equatorial Africa, and the sporadic casesoccurring in North America. A summary of thesedifferences is given in the table (see next page). equatorial Africa, malignant lymphomas account for50% of all pediatric malignancies. In America, malig-nant lymphomas account for only 10% of pediatricmalignancies, being third in relative frequency afteracute leukemias and brain tumors (Young et alo 1986).BL in the United States comprises approximately 1-2%of all childhood tumors, and about one-fifth of child-hood non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas (Kjeldsberg et al.1983). In endemic BL, jaw involvement is common,occurring in approximately 60% of cases (Biggar et al.1979); in nonendemic BL, jaw involvement occurs inonly 15-18% of the cases (Ziegler and Magrath 1974;Levine et al. 1982). In the United States, BL mostfrequently presents as an abdominal mass. However,when the initial presentation involves jaw lesions, thetumor can cause toothache, tooth mobility, tooth dis-placement, intraoral and extraoral swelling, andperioral paresthesia. Radiographically, the tumor pro-duces generalized destruction of the tooth crypts withloss of lamina dura and loss of trabecular pattern in themandible and maxilla (Sariban et al. 1984).

Current theory suggests that endemic andnonendemic forms of BL represent the neoplastic coun-


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terparts of closely similar cells, probably cells at adja-cent points in the lymphocyte differentiation pathway(Magrath and Sariban 1985). Cytogenetic studies of cell lines suggest that a characteristic chromosomaltranslocation involving the long arms of chromosomes8 and 14 is implicated in the oncogenetic mechanismgenerating malignant B-cell tumors (Zech et al. 1976).However, the precise location of the break point onchromosome 8 differs in endemic BL as compared toNABL (Pellicii et al. 1986). Chromosome 8 is the site the c-myc oncogene, and chromosome 14 is the site ofthe immunoglobulin heavy chain locus. This uniquetranslocation phenomenon partly may enhance induc-tion of the rapid cell proliferation characteristic of BLtumors (Regezi and Sciubba 1986). Another intriguingdifference between endemic and NABL is their asso-ciation with the Epstein-Barr virus. Ninety-five per centof all endemic BL tumors carry EBV genomes in theircells, while only 10-15% of NABL tumors carry EBV(Levine et al. 1982). EBV may be implicated directly the oncogenesis of the endemic form of BL, but, themechanisms proposed for this remain controversial(Klein 1975; Berger and Bernheim 1985).

Treatment of both endemic BL and NABL primarilyinvolves chemotherapy. NABL is very sensitive tocytotoxic therapy, and cure is achievable. Patients withonly abdominal disease at diagnosis have a 50-75%likelihood of cure with chemotherapy (Anderson et al.1983; Murphy et al. 1986). In contrast, patients with

bone marrow involvement have a poor prognosis, hav-ing a prolonged survival of only 10-40% (Magrath et al.1984; Murphy et al. 1986). Central nervous system(CNS) involvement also confers a poor prognosis. Earlyrelapse after a short remission is associated with resis-tance to further treatment and carries a poor prognosis;relapse after an initial long remission carries a muchmore favorable prognosis (Ziegler 1981).

Complicating the initiation of chemotherapy inBurkitt’s lymphoma is a syndrome of hyperuricemia,hyperkalemia, and hyperphosphatemia withhypocalcemia (Cohen et al. 1980). It is a consequence rapid tumor cell proliferation and tumor cell lysis, andhas been termed tumor lysis syndrome. It can lead torenal failure and sudden death from hyperkalemia orhypocalcemia. Early management of patients withBurkitt’s lymphoma is directed toward controllingpreexisting hyperuricemia and/or azotemia, afterwhich chemotherapy is initiated promptly.

This report describes a case in which orodental signsand symptoms were the first manifestations of a widelydisseminated malignant Burkitt’s lymphoma.

Case Report

On September 28, 1988, a 4-year-old white malepresented to the Madigan Army Medical Center emer-gency room for treatment of trauma to the chin sus-tained in a fall earlier the same day. The chief complainton presentation was painful, loose molar teeth. The

TABLE. Comparison ot Burkitt’s lymphoma in Artrica and the USA

Africa (equatorial) USA Reference

Very common (10 per 100,000)Peak age: 7 years

Distrubution related to climate and geography

Nearly always associated with Epstein-Barr VirusDNA in tumor cells (95% of cases)

Common sites of initial tumor involvement: jaw,abdomen, retroperitoneum

Jaw tumors common

50% prolonged survival with chemotherapy, usingCyclophosphamide alone

Multiple relapses not incompatible with eventualprolonged disease-free survival

Chromosome 8 breakpoints: Upstream of c-myc

Very rare (02 per 100,000)Peak age: 11 years

Distribution unrelated to climate andgeography

Uncommonly associated with Epstein-Barrvirus DNA in tumor cells (15% of cases)

Common sites of initial tumor involvement: GItract, abdomen, lymph nodes, bonemarrow

Jaw tumors rare

50% prolonged survival with chemotherapyusing Cyclophosphamide, vincristine, andmethotrexate

Survival uncommon after relapse

Chromosome 8 breakpoints: Within c-myc

a. Pizzo and Poplack 1989b. Magrath and Sariban 1985c. Levine et al. 1982d. Ziegler 1981


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patient was referred to the Pediatric Dentistry Service torule out the possibility of mandibular fracture, and toprovide follow-up care.

On initial examination, the patient appeared in goodgeneral health, with age-appropriate physical andmental development. He was alert, communicative,and cooperative. Vital signs were normal. The pastmedical history was noncontributory. There was nohistory of recent foreign travel. The dental historydisclosed that before the trauma, there reportedly wasno anterior open bite or evidence of loose teeth. Thepatient admitted no prior experience with painful teeth.The extraoral exam revealed mild lymphadenopathy ofthe submandibular, jugulodigastric, and cervical lymphnodes. These nodes were freely moveable, firm, andnonpainful. No facial asymmetry, TMJ tenderness,preauricular pain, facial contusion, paresthesias, orpainful palpable areas of the head or neck were noted.

The intraoral examination revealed a complete intactprimary dentition with marked mobility of all molarteeth. The oral soft tissues were normal in appearance,except for localized areas of mild marginal gingivitis,and mild bilateral swelling of the mandibular andmaxillary buccal vestibules. The epithelial attachmentassociated with the mobile teeth was normal, and pe-riodontal probing revealed no significant pocket for-mation or hemorrhagic tendencies. A 3-mm anterioropen bite was present, with incisal wear facets evidenton the maxillary central and lateral incisor teeth, indi-cating past contact. In ruling out a possible condylarfracture, it was noted that there was no intraoraleccymosis or lateral deviation of the mandible onopening and closing, and no pain associated withfunctional excursions. Primary second molars were incontact bilaterally in centric occlusion.

The radiographic examination included anorthopantomogram (OPT), maxillary and mandibularocclusal films, periapical films of the four posteriorquadrants, and right and left bite-wing films. The OPT(Fig 1) revealed no evidence of a fracture to the condyles,rami, or body of the mandible. Premature root resorp-tion of the lower first and second primary molars,possible congenital absence of permanent tooth budsfor all four second premolars, and loss of dental folliclesaround developing teeth was demonstrated. The OPTalso showed a diffuse circular radiolucent area 1.5 cm indiameter in the body of the mandible, inferior to thedeveloping crown of the lower left permanent firstmolar. The periapical films indicated loss of laminadura, crestal bone, and trabecular architecture in thebone surrounding the roots of the mobile teeth; this wasevident especially in the lower left quadrant (Fig 2).

A provisional differential diagnosis pending furthertesting was formulated to include: prepubertal local-ized juvenile periodontitis; hypoparathyroidism;

Fig 1. Orthopantomogram taken at initial presentation. Thereis generalized loss of lamina dura, crestal bone, and trabeculararchitecture in the mandible and maxilla.

Fig 2. Periapical radiograph taken at initial presentationdemonstrating loss of lamina dura and premature resorption ofprimary molar root.

hypophosphatasia; and histiocytosis-X. The patientwas scheduled to return to the clinic in the followingweek for a complete blood count, urinalysis, and bloodchemistry profile.

The patient returned the following week with theprior symptoms of painful mobile teeth unresolved.The open bite persisted unchanged, with occlusion onsecond primary molars only. No significant change inthe mobility of the posterior teeth was evident. Thepatient had been unable to eat solid foods during theintervening week. Some moderate expansion of themandibular lateral alveolus was noted. The patient wasreferred to the pediatric service for medical evaluationand blood studies, to rule out metabolic, endocrine, andneoplastic disease.

Standard laboratory studies were within normallimits except for a low hemoglobin. A long bone ra-diographic series was read as normal; no osteolyticlesions were recognizable. Because of the inconclusivefindings of the medical examination, the patient wasreferred to the oral and maxillofacial surgery service fora biopsy of alveolar bone tissue underlying one or moreof the mobile primary molars. The differential diagnosis


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was revised to include: histiocytosis-X; lymphoma; cen-tral giant cell tumor; and leukemic infiltrate.

The following day the patient was taken to the op-erating room and under general anesthesia, the upperand lower right second primary molars were removed.Underlying soft tissue was curetted and submitted tothe pathology service for tissue examination.

The hematoxlyn and eosin stained touch prepara-tions demonstrated a diffuse and monotonous prolif-eration of immature undifferentiated lymphoid cellsinfiltrating bone and fibrous connective tissue (Figs 3-5). The cells, in general, were uniform in size and hadlarge round to oval nuclei, one to four small nucleoli,and a sparse amount of amphophilic cytoplasm. Mitoticfigures were frequent, as was individual cellkaryorrhexis. Nuclear debris was abundant and wasingested in large, irregular macrophages. These cellshad abundant, clear, and vacuolated cytoplasm andsmall orthochromatic nuclei. The characteristic mac-rophages were found scattered throughout the closelypacked lymphoid cells, producing the characteristic"starry-sky" pattern (Fig 3). An unusual finding in onetissue section was the presence of odontogenic epithe-lium, with characteristic palisading, polarized colum-nar cells surrounded by tumor (Fig 5). Immunohisto-chemical marker studies identified a B-cell lymphomawith IgM kappa light chain phenotype. The micro-scopic diagnosis was consistent with malignantlymphoma, small noncleaved cell, Burkitt's type, alsoknown as Burkitt's lymphoma.

Following pathologic identification of a malignantprocess in the biopsy specimen, pediatric oncologyconsultation was obtained. A detailed evaluation wasundertaken to identify other areas of tumor involve-ment. At that time, generalized lymphadenopathy,hepatosplenomegaly, and bilateral kidney enlargementwere noted. Significantly abnormal laboratory studiesincluded hematocrit 29.6%, hemoglobin 10.3 gm/dl (N =11.5-14 gm/dl), BUN 36 mg/dl (N = 10-20 gm/dl),creatinine 1.9 mg/dl (N = 0.2-0.8 mg/dl), and uric acid13.4 (N <7 mg/dl). A diagnostic lumbar puncture re-vealed normal cerebrospinal fluid without malignantcells. A bone marrow aspirate and biopsy showed thatB-lymphoblasts had almost completely replaced thenormal marrow.

A chest X ray was normal. Computer tomographicscan of the abdomen showed marked bilateral renalenlargement. A technetium bone scan showed abnor-mal radionuclide uptake in the proximal left humerus,the maxilla, and the distal right femur (Fig 6, see nextpage). A gallium scan showed similar findings.

Before chemotherapy was initiated, measures wereinstituted to reduce uric acid and improve renal func-tion. Chemotherapy then was begun according toChildren's Cancer Study Group Protocol 503, using

Fig 3. Typical "starry-sky" pattern of Burkitt's lymphoma. Thetumor is characterized by dense monotonous proliferation ofundifferentiated B-lymphocytes many demonstrating mitoticactivity. Interspersed in the B-cell tumor mass are numerouslarge pale-staining histiocytes containing cellular debris.(H&E stain, 400X mag., B-5 fixative)

Fig 4. Bone trabecula resorption with replacement by B-lymphocytic tumor mass. (H&E stain, 200X mag., B-5 fixative)

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FigS. Odontogenic epithelium surrounded bytumormass. Notethe palisading arrangement of the polarized columnar cells.Specimen was curetted from the alveolus of the lower 2nddeciduous molar extraction site. (H&E stain, 200X mag., B-5


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Fig6. Technetium 98 bone scan before chemotherapy, indicatingprobable tumor activity in the left humerus and maxilla.

Fig 7. An anterior open bite created by hypereruption of primarymolars secondary to the expansile proliferative tumor masswithin the basal and alveolar bone of the mandible and maxilla.

cyclophosphamide, vincristine, prednisone, andintrathecal ARA-C initially (Anderson et al. 1983). Atthis time, the patient had developed marked bilateralbony expansion of the mandible, with an increase inanterior open bite (Fig 7). Also, soft tissue edemaincreased in the lower face and submental region (Fig 8).At three days postinduction chemotherapy, a dramaticreduction in both the bilateral mandibular expansionand generalized facial edema occurred (Fig 9). Five daysafter chemotherapy was begun, the hypereruption ofthe primary molars persisted, maintaining the anterioropen bite; however, tooth mobility had decreased.There was only mild regression of the intraoral man-

Fig 8. Patient one day beforeinitiation of chemotherapy.There is marked bilateral bonyexpansion of the mandible andgeneralized soft tissue edemain the lower face area andsubmetal region.

Fig 9. Patient three days afterinduction chemotherapy. Thereis marked reduction in bothbilateral mandibularexpansionand facial edema.

dibular swelling. At 36days following initiationof chemotherapy, anOPT (Fig 10, see nextpage) showed improvedtrabecular pattern in themandible, better align-ment of the developingfollicles of the lower sec-ond molars, and a closedanterior occlusion. Thediffuse radiolucency in-ferior to the developinglower permanent firstmolar had not resolved.The patient was consid-ered to be in remissionsince bone marrow aspi-rate, abdominal comput-erized tomography scan,technetium bone scan,and gallium scanshowed no evidence ofdisease. Patient care wastransferred to LomaLinda University Medi-cal Center, CA, for socialreasons.

At three monthspostdiagnosis, relapseoccurred in the CNS andtestes. Further efforts tocontrol the spread of thetumor by chemotherapyand radiation strategemswere unsuccessful. Thepatient died 10 monthsafter initial diagnosis.

DiscussionBurkitt's lymphoma

has the highest prolifera-tion rate of any human

neoplasm, with a potential doubling time of 24 hr and agrowth fraction of nearly 100% (Regezi and Sciubba1989). If untreated, this tumor invariably is fatal. Be-cause of its growth rate and associated metabolic conse-quences, BL constitutes an oncologic emergency.Metabolic imbalances are particularly severe in patientswith Burkitt's lymphoma, as a consequence of rapidtumor cell proliferation and lysis, and may lead to renalfailure and sudden death from hyperkalemia orhypocalcemia (Cohen et al. 1980). Early interventionwith a remission induction chemotherapy regimen is


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Fig 10. Orthopantomogram taken 37 days after inductionchemotherapy. The patient is in remission. There is evidence ofimproved trabeculation and some resolution of lytic bonelesions.

critical for assuring a reasonable probability of long-term survival.

Sariban and associates (1984) reviewed 100 cases ofNABL and found 16 with jaw lesions at presentation. Ofthese, 14 first were evaluated by a dentist. Adults mostfrequently presented with toothache and perioralnumbness, and children with toothache, loose teeth,and intraoral and extraoral swelling. Of these cases, 10were treated initially by dentists for presumed dentalinfection with antibiotic therapy and/or dental extrac-tions. Significant delays in cancer therapy resulted. Theincidence of jaw lesions on presentation has been esti-mated to be 12% (Levine 1982). This suggests thatdentists may have the opportunity to play an importantrole in the early recognition of NABL patients present-ing with oral symptoms.

The most important diagnostic aids besides biopsy indifferentiating early BL from gingival and odontogenicinfection are intraoral and panoral radiographs (Badenand Carter 1987). The loss of lamina dura in the pos-terior quadrants is one of the most consistent radio-graphic findings associated with early stage BL (Nzeh1987). A panoral view often will reveal diffuseosteolytic lesions in the body of the mandible or maxilla.Accordingly, lymphoma always must be included in thedifferential diagnosis when a young patient presentswith clinical findings of generalized loss of lamina durawith resulting tooth mobility, associated pain, andswelling. BL then can be differentiated from other oraland systemic disease entities with similar presentationby histopathologic examination of one or more of theosteolytic lesions. Alveolar bone biopsies of youngpatients ideally are performed in an operating roomwith general anesthesia. The biopsy specimen shouldnot be fixed, but placed in 0.9% sterile saline and im-mediately transferred to the pathology laboratory forhistopathologic examination. Cytological, histochemi-cal, and immunological cell marker studies needed toconfirm the diagnosis require a variety of special tissue

preparation techniques. Therefore, the pathology ser-vice should be consulted before a biopsy to determinethe requirements for a representative and adequatespecimen, and to order specific studies.

Clinical diagnosis of this case centered on a variety ofintraoral findings inconsistent with the chief complaintof trauma to the chin. Most notable of the early signswas hypermobility of all posterior teeth. Diffuse neo-plastic osteolysis in areas of the alveolar process causedby the B-cell tumor mass resulted in loss of supportingalveolar cortical bone and its associated bundle bone.The hypereruption of posterior teeth is related to theexpansile nature of the B-cell tumor mass. The samephysiologic pressure causing the lateral expansion ofthe jaws also may cause the teeth to hypererupt. Thisphenomenon of disarticulated or "floating teeth" can beexplained by the replacement of supporting bone bytumor with an intact epithelial attachment at thedentogingival junction (Staalman and Aarts 1984). Theosteolytic nature of the neoplasm also may account forthe unusual resorption pattern seen on roots of teethembedded in the tumor mass. Following tumor abla-tion therapy, loose teeth generally return to stabilitywith the regeneration of alveolar bone and the peri-odontal ligament (Hupp et al. 1982).

In the case presented, the patient responded favor-ably to remission induction chemotherapy. Yet, withinthree months of remission, relapse occurred, withmetastasis of the tumor to the CNS and testes. Casessuch as this, with early relapse following a short periodof remission, tend to respond poorly to further che-motherapy treatment. New treatment modalities thatmay improve the survival of Burkitt's lymphoma pa-tients are being investigated. Murphy et al. (1985)suggests that future trends will involve marrow-transplant rescue, either allogeneic or autologous, withmarrow treated in vitro to remove tumor cells. How-ever, better means to control CNS involvement need toprecede this development.

A review of the literature shows that the majority ofAmerican Burkitt's lymphoma cases presenting withjaw involvement are seen initially by dentists for treat-ment of oral and dental symptoms (Sariban et al. 1984).Dentists treating children must always suspectlymphoma when there is unexplained tooth mobility,tooth pain, jaw swelling, or numbness of the chin.Prompt referral for medical evaluation and biopsy canbe lifesaving.

Major Svoboda is senior resident and Colonel Aaron is director,Pediatric Dentistry Residency Program, U.S. Army Dental Activity,Fort Lewis, WA. Dr. Albano is a staff pediatric hematologist-oncologist at Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma, WA. Reprintrequests should be sent to: Dr. Wayne Svoboda (Maj, DC), TaylorDental Clinic, U.S. Army Dental Activity, Fort Campbell, KY 42223.


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Baden E, Carter R: Intraoral presentation of American Burkitt’slymphoma after extraction of a mandibular left third molar. J OralMaxillofac Surg 45:689-93, 1987.

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