»« % IV i ;»ss THE GRAND FORKS DAILY HERALD, MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 6, 1915. PAGE FIFTEEN. *r NORTH DAKOTA'S GREATEST CLASSIFIED SECTION : 'fn WANT ADS] THE DAILY HERALD WANT ADS W ANT Arv Rate* and I f Information JL^ t om » wimi i mi. . Jtt a Uu » Month. (If no change In ad.) Minimum Chup Ue. To niuMMi 1 wort. 1 day tlo 8 words g days 36e 8 words 5 days ,,ur , Cae tbla method of figuring on any Humber of words. Theae rates en- title you to publication in both morn- ing and evening editions. Telephone 800 SMh«r Use. CLOSING HOURS—Want A4 Forma •lose ovary morning at 11:80 for «• evening editions, and I o'clock •vary evening for the morning edi- tions, except Saturday, when forms •loae at # P. M. for Sunday mora- ine editions. . t taUBPHONE WANT AM—Want Ada are received by pboM but are payable the same day aa received •ad collection will be made at your home or office as soon ' aa is con- venient for the collector to call. Thia is accommodation service and payment should be que. promptly when the bill is presented OUT OF TOWN ORDERS must be always accompanied by the cash. Please comply with this rule to avoid inconvenience and delay NUMBERED ADS—For the corivenl- •nc* of'advertiser* who do! not wish thsir names to appe«fr in their ads, wejclve a number: and replies will brf Vept at the office until called for, or Will be mailed If desired. On no .consideration will the name fee given out without the .consent of the advertiser. ANSWERS to numbered ads mast be addressed to the particu- lar number in the Ad In care of the Herald, for example, address your •«iv*i r.»( No Oare of O. F. | Pally Herald. Grand Forks, N. .D. I— ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW H. A. LIBBY, Lawyer. B-A. Bank Bldg. Suite 104 4th Floor. AUTOS & M'CYCLES 1916 FIVE-PASSENGER OVERLAND touring car for sale. Fully equipped with electric lights and starter. Two extra tires, chains, etc. Car may be seen at Lyons Auto Co. CHIROPRACTORS—(Continued.) A. A. & MRS. NELLIE Q. BAHLKE. Chiropractors, Spriggs Block. Phone N. W. 560; T-S 487. M. R. ANGLE, Chiropractor. M. E. Kemp, Chiropractor. Scan-Amer. Bank Bldg. Phones 609. CLEANING SHOf>. FURNITURE:—STOVES— (Con.) FOR SECOND-HAND FURNITURE call at the Northwestern Furniture Co., 208 South Third St. OIL STOVE FOR SALE. 514 ALPHA. HELP—FEMALE •••• A'E HAVE A LARGE 8TOCK OF •lightly used end secondhand oars. ! Come in and look them over 81mv Auto Co I AUCTION SALE ACCOUNTANTS. F. E. LUEHE, CERTIFIED PUBLIC Accountant. Bismarck. N. D. AGENTS REMEMBER THE DATE—DECEMBER 9, 1915. 10:00 O'clock A. M. FIRST ANNUAL REDUCTION SALE OF . HEREFORD CATTLE (Pure Bred and High Grades) DUROC JERSEY AND YORK- SHIRE BOARS. Will Be Held at The Grosvenor Farms: 5% Miles Northeast of CASSELTON, NORTH DAKOTA Phone 139-4. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1915, Registered Cows, Heifers and Bulla; also High Grades and Pure Breds—un- registered—over 100 head In all. We will offer a few Holsteln Bulls (tuberculin tested), and Calves and a few Grade Hereford Steers. 80 Duroc-Jersey Boars (some regis- tered.) 8 Yorkshire Boars (Canfleld strain). Our cattle are bred from the very best American and Imported families, among them are Show Animals and Herd Head- ers. In case of Inclement weather the sale .will be held under a well lighted shed. For information address. THE GROSVENOR FARMS, Casselton, North Dakota. ROSS BROTHERS, Auctioneers. NORTHWESTERN CLEANING SHOP. We do all kinds of remodeling of Ladles' and Gentlemen's Overcoats' and Fur Coats. " We also do Dry Cleaning and Pressing. We call for and deliver. Northwestern Cleaning Shop. 21 South Fourth St. Phones N. W. 74: T. S. 486-S. AGENTS WANTED ASTOUNDING, marvelous discovery, startles the world. Great excitement, people amaz- ed, strange scientific discovery, abol- ishes forever the rubbing of clothes, something new. A11 washing ideas revolutionized, unexpected, marvelous. Backed by a $60,000.00 corporation. A big repeat order business. You are protected on exclusive territory, no experience necessary, but we want good, reliable' representatives for un- occupied territory in the state of North Dakota. Write or wire us If you wish to make $60.00 to $200.00 week- ly. Fox Mercantile Co.. Brazil, N. Dak. CORSETS. SPIRELLA CORSET FITTING AT 711 South Fourth St. N. W. 557L. DENTISTS L. L. ECKMAN, DENTIST Suite 201-205 Widlund Block. Both Phones 468-J. DR. SWENDIMAN. Office over Benner and Beggs Store. N.. W. 187. Trl-State 58-J. DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING BY THE DAT. 134 T-S. 928-J. N. W. SEWING WANTED BY DAY—855L Trl-State. DRESSMAKING BY THE DAY. Trl-State. 149J BAKERY. • • • • EVERY HOUSEHOLD ON FARM, IN small town or suburbs where oil lamps are used, needs and will buy the won- derful Aladdin mantle lamp; burns common coal oil (kerosene); gives a light Ave times as bright as electric; awarded gold medal at San Francisco exposition; one farmer cleared over $500.00 in six weeks; hundreds with rigs earning $100.00 to $300.00 per month; no cash required; we furnish capital to reliable men. Write quick for wholesale prices, territory and sample lamp for free trial. Mantle Lamp Co., 620 Aladdin Bldg., Chicago, OAfttSIlJES IRON RUST SOAP CO.! 4064 Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia, Pa., Gartaide'q Jt;pn Bust Soap (trade mark, print and copyright registered in the U. S. Patent office) removes iron rust, ink and all unwashable stains from clothing, marble, etc; good seller, big margins, agents wanted. The origin- al, 26c a tube. Beware of infringe- ments and the penalty for making, selling and using an Infringed article. • • • • * * THE HIGHEST ART IN BAKING - * IS REFLECTED IN * * KAUFMAN'S BREAD The sweet, crisp crust that not only looks, but tastes nice. The pulp with * * its pleasing, appetizing, and satis- * fying qualities insures such perfect * * confidence in its flavor that when * * - KAUFMAN'S BREAD « * is once eaten, it Is always eaten. *• * * Ask your Grocer for * ». " "SUNRISE" BREAD and look for the "Sunrise" label. * * i* KAUFMAN'S BAKERY, * DeMers Ave., East Grand Forks. * * EXCHANGES AUTO WANTED IN EXCHANGE To- wards good quarter near market; 60 acres cultivated, lays fine, is clear; trade for car, taking mortgage back for balance. W. T. Bosley, Rugby, North Dakota. $25.00 TO $60.00 PER MONTH EXTRA money to employed women and men without interfering with regular work; no selling, no canvassing; positively no investment; unemployed need not apply. Spencer Co., 337 W. Madison, Chicago, 111. MALE HELP—Continued. DISTRIBUTORS BY MANUFACTURER of brand new article badly needed by every merchant; enormous profits; no competition; exclusive territory. Write immediately. Bevelle Mfg. Co., 15 S. Despiaines St.. Chicago. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS REWARD guaranteed acceptable men serving one month as firemen or brakemen; per- mament positions; wages $100-$120; experience unnecessary. Railway As- sociation. Care Herald. DO YOU WANT TO GET THE MOST wonderful proposition ever offered to any worr>an? write for full particu- lars of ladles garments from maker to wearer. Peoples Garment Mfg. Co., 716 Arch St., Philadelphia. MADAM MAKE MONEY SPARE time at home; no canvassing, experi- ence unnecessary; furnish everything; don't worry about capital. Bertram Co., Dept. B-102, Omaha, Neb. SALES MANAGER WANTED—SOME- tlilng new; business necessity; retails $5, $10, $15; enormous profits; no com- petition; exclusive territory; free sam- E les. Sayers Co., 491 Walnrlght, St. lOUls. YOUNG MAN—BE A BARBER—WE teach you cheaply and thoroughly and furnish tools free. Write or call for free catalogue. Modern Barber College, K. 20% E. Superior St., Duluth, Minn. K. 333 E. Seventh St., St. Paul, Minn. HOUSES FOR RENT—Continued. HOUSES—E, A. FLADLAND. N. W. 682. T-S 56-L, FOR RENT—HOUSE WITH GARAGE. M. F. Murphy. TWO HOUSES FOR RENT. APPLY Ontario Store. FLAT NO. 1, DINNIE BLOCK, NORTH Third St., for rent. 1277 N. W. SMALL HOUSE FOR RENT CHEAP. Sam Melby. 302R Trl-State. FOR RENT—SIX ROOM HOUSE AT 337 Plum Ave. Barney Haggerty. FOR PKNT—MY MODERN HOME AT 620 Griggs Ave. Mrs. Jauss. FIVE BRIGHT, CAPABLE LADIES TO travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; $26 to $60 per week; railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Company, Dept. 480, Omaha. Neb. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS. WANTED— $76.00 month; Grand Forks examina- tions coming; sample questions free; write Immediately. Franklin Insti- tute, Dep't. 800-J Rochester ,N. Y. FIVE BRIGHT, CAPABLE LADIES TO travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; $25 to $50 per week; railroad-fare paid. Goodrich Drug Company, Dept. 480, Omaha, Neb. .. . WANTED—PERSONS TO COLOR ART pictures at home; easy work; ho ex- perience; good pay; sample free. Wheeler Co., 837 Madison, Chicago. WANTED—LAD Y TRAVELER; Ex- perience unnecessary; salary, commis- sion and expense allowance to right lady. McBrady & Co., Chicago. ANY YOUNG WOMAN IN NEED OF A friendly hand will And It at the Young Women's Christian Association 414 H DeMers Ave. WANTED—EXPERIENCED STENOG- rapher, must also be an able book- keeper. Address 7 Herald. WANTED EXPERIENCED CHAM- i bermald; pay $6.00 per week. T. P. Hogan, Maxbass, N. D. FOR EXCHANGE FOR NORTH DA- kota land, merchandise or Income pro- perty, a well improved 240 acre farm near Linton, Indiana; valley land and all tiled. A. No. 1. S. Mack, Tracy, Minnesota. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Apply Mrs. J. R. Poupore, 20 Reevea ave. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Mrs. G. H. Wilder, 864 Belmont. WANTED LANDS; SMALL OR large tracts any location considered, to exchange for other properties or sell direct; state full particulars when re- plying. H. G. Hommee, Grand Forks, N. D. !COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL i housework. Mrs. W. E. Deltz, 172 Reeves. FOR SALE OR TRADE—GRIST MILL in Wisconsin In the. best dairy sec- tion of the country; real estate pre- ferable in exchange. P. J. Regan, To- klo, N. Dak. TO EXCHANGE—A SECTION OF good timber land in Missouri for a section of good prairie land in Canada. Address Arthur Parsons, M. D. Gen- eseo. 111. FOR SALE OH TRADE—ONE AVERY 20-35 Gas Tractor: 32-48 separator; five bottom self lift plow; all In fine condition. Address 13 Herald. SOME GOOD NORTHWESTERN North Dakota land to trade for other pro- perty. Albert Peterson. Stanley, N. D. IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED LAND for exchange. Address 22 Herald. CITY PROPERTY FOR LAND„ AD- dress 19 Herald. BOARD. ATTENTION—WE WILL PAY $1,000 reward if our home butter merger falls to merge .one pint of milk into one-pound of butter in two minutes; sweeter than creamery butter; dem- onstrator and Mieral agents wanted; salary or commission; write for il- lustrated circulars and addresses of 1,000 users; wonderful invention. Fam- ily' Butter Merger Co., Washington, D. C. Mrs. Hurst, first class boarding house. $4.50 and $5. 502 Belmont, N. W. 1317 LIVE HONEST HUSTLERS WANTED to sell our well known and finest nur- sery stock for northern planting; many of our agents make $100 per month and more; pay checks weekly; free outfit includes colored plates of fruits, shrubs, etc. and full instruc- tions; work part or all your time; in- formation free. Clarence Wedge Nur- sery, Box H, Albert Lea, Minn. BUSINESS CHANCES »• FOR SALE. * « » Amusement business in good city. Clears from $500.00 to $600.00 per * month. Old established business. * Pull particulars on request. W. G. MILLER, Grand Forks, N. D. •**** FARM LANDS MONTANA FORCED SALE; 960 acres; center of Havre grain belt; de- monstrated production 40 to 60 bush- els wheat; good oats, rye and flax crops; all fenced, 3 sets buildings, 380 acres cultivated, $16 per acre; terms. Fink, 615 Fourth Ave., Havre, Mon- tana. A SCHOOL GIRL TO DO HOUSE- work for board and room. N. W. 887-L. CAPABLE WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework. 308 Cottonwood. WANTED —. GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 409 South Fourth. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Mrs. A. Abrahamsen, 111 Reeves Ave. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Mrs. C. W. Fisher. 412 So. 5th. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED ON FARM by bachelor. Address 1 Herald. GIRL WANTED- FOR GENERAL housework. 730 South 4th St. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. MRS. H. G. Lykken, 807 N. 3rd St. WANTED—DINING ROOM GIRL. MRS. McHaffle; 12 North Sixth. WANTED—COMPETENT GIRL. MRS. J. D. Turner, 708r Nou«8rd. WANTED—HOUSEKEEPER ON FARM. Address 896 Herald. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 510 South 4th St. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 505 South Sixth. CREAMERIES PAYING TO FARMERS up to $30,000 per month prevail in tho clieap land districts ol' upper Wiscon- sin; let us tell you about this great region. Wisconsin Advancement Ass'n., 1555 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. 1,000 ACRE IMPROVED RED RIVER Valley farm for sale at $35.00 per acre; terms $5.00 per acre cash and balance mortgage on land at 7% to right party. Address 851 Herald. REPRESENT WELL RATED FAC- tory,. manufacturing exclusive patent- ed, staple articles; no canvassing; ex- perience unnecessary; by devoting all. or spare time you should make big money. Pease Manufacturing - Co., Desk 121 68 Broadway, Buffalo, N. T. AUTO ACCESSORY AGENTS FOR Ford cars; whirlwind, seller; It makes the motor start easy; cuts gas bills one-third; prevents carbon; guaran- teed; act quick. Carburetor Regula- tor Co.. 948 National Life Bldg., Chi- cago. NEWSPAPER FOR SALE; ONE THOU- sand dollars cash, balance easy terms, takes leading Independent county seat weekly In North Dakota; - splendid equipment and business easily worth ! $7,000; $5,000 takes It. Or will sell! office and lot for $1,700 additional, or rent office building for only $18.00 per' month as an inducement to buyers; ' official paper; good rates; no price cutting. Don't write unless you' have the cash. Address 886 Herald. FOR SALE—160 ACRES FARM LAND, 2% miles west of Fisher; all under cultivation; good granary; nice grove, 145 acres plowed. If Interested write 887 Herald. WANTED—TO HEAR FROM OWNER of good farm or unimproved land for sale. H. L. Downing, 400 Palace Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, 866 Belmont. HOUSEGIRL WANTED AT 604 WAL- nut. HELP—MALE WANTED, 500 SALESMEN—WE HAVE decided to double our sales force for 1916; big money, big line, all necessi- ties; groceries, paints, oils. Stock food; sell at wholesale; goods and house nationally known; quit road; stay In home territory; build homes and bank accounts as hundreds do; regular trade; quickly, easily covered; no capital, effective selling helps; $150 to 1500 monthly easy. Write today. John Sexton Co., Wholesale Groceries, Chicago. TRAVELING SALESMAN TO PLACE high-class sales boards on commis- sion; big side-money easy; no samples to carry; Chicago Diamond Importing Co., 59 East Madison St., Chicago. BE A DETECTIVE: EARN $50 TO $100 weekly; travel all over the world. Write Dept. 200 United States Detec- tive & Adjusting Agency, Chemical Bldg, St. Louis, Mo. WANTED SALESMEN NEW SPE- cialty; samples coat pocket; wonder- fully profitable. Address Box 497, Iowa City, la. SPECIALTY SALESMEN REAPING A harvest handling our line; nothing better; we want you; get started; leads furnished. Automatic Closet Co., Min- neapolis, Minn. WANTED EXPERIENCED FARM hand; young Dane or Swede; honor- able, clean and willing; dry hand milker; must be temperate. Address 897 Herald. FLAT FOR RENT IN NEILS BT.OCK. HOUSES FOR SALE FOR SALE. * Choice residence property on * Belmont ave. inside 8th ave.; Im- * * proved and unimproved; bouses * entirely modern and up to date. W. L. WILDER. a FOR SALE—MY SEVEN ROOM ALL modern house situated on 60x140 foot lot at 416 North Sixth street is for sale. Immediate possession. Otto Kel- ler. 7 ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE; BATH, heat, electric lights, gas; close to school and car line. J. J. Martin, 809 Walnut. KODAK FINISHING WE DO DEVELOPING AND PRINT- lng; lowest prices; best service. Lion Drug Store. 28 8o. 3rd. HAVE YOUR KODAK FINISHING done at the Walker Studio. 117 N. 3rd. IRVING DUTCHER—BELLE IS NOT expected to live; come here at once; you may save her life. Your sister, Lillian Lashlre, 36 Ave. B„ Lester- shire. LAUNDRY I WILL PAY ANY HONEST MAN UP to $50 monthly for part of spare time; no canvassing; no capital. Write to- day. Voorhles, Desk 133, Omaha, Neb. SIDELINERS MAKE $50.00 PER WEEK or better, during January, February, and March; sample free. Tho J. F. Meek Company, Coshocton, Ohio. EARN TWENTY DOLLARS A WEEK writing names and addresses; no can- vassing: information for stamp. G. C. Smith, Little Rock, Arkansas. $10 MONTHLY AND EXPENSES TO travel, distribute samples and take or- ders or appoint agents, permanent Jap American Co., Chicago. SALESMEN ACQUAINTED WITH grocery trade; large demand; liberal commission: pocket sample. Wlrth Salesbook Co., Chicago. IF SALARY OF $100.00 PER MONTH and commissions with liberal expenses Interest you. Address Dept. 3510 2907 Indiana Ave., Chicago. I PAY 26c EACH FOR LINCOLN PEN- nies and Buffalo nickles; several dates; send dime for list 602. "C. J. Conrad, Altoona, Pa. SALESMEN MAKE BIG MONEY SEL- ling our punchboard deals. Address Behrend Bros., 4847 Adams St.. Chi- . cago. 111. WANTED—MAN AND WIFE, WITH- out children, to work on farm. Scandi- navian preferred. Address 24 Herald. WANTED—MAN AND WIFE ON FARM —wages $26 per month. Address 14 Herald. WOOD CUTTERS, NASH FARM, EAST Grand Forks. Phone N. W. 397. MUSIC—Orchestral. MERTH'S ORCHESTRA. Music for all occasions; dance work specialty. Phone T-S. 1096-J. HIDES *ND FURS TO REALIZE TOP PRICES SHIP your hides and calfskins to the Redlck Hide and Fur Co., Grand Forks. We ! have been the market for over thirty years. HOME LAUNDRY—CALLED FOR & delivered. 1606 N. 4th. 610L Trl-State. GOOD HOME LAUNDRY WORK. TRY A)way's Laundry. 194-L T-S. 422 S. 3rd LIVE STOCK e»eeeeeee*eee««ee*e FOR SALE—A FINE LOT OF improved Chester White Boars and Sows of April farrow. W. J. Hewitt, Mlnfo, N. D. e • • • e e e • • • e e A FEW REGISTERED AND SEVERAL non-registered Duroo Jersey Hogs; male and female, for breeding pur- poses. People wanting to raise good hogs should see this stock and get prices. J. D. Bacon, Grand Forks, N. D. FOR SALE—REGISTERED POLAND and China boars of April farrow: weight about 200 to 226 lbs.; price $20 each (including papers). Banner Stock Farm, Thos. Forbes, Prop., Pet- ersburg, N. Dak. FOR SALE—CHESTER WHITE HOGS, farrowed April and May; boars $25; sows $22; pedigree with eaoh animal. D. F. Gillespie, Park River, N. D. Telephone 74-3. DUROC JERSEY BOARS AND GILT8 .for sale, sired by "Hillside King;" first prise boar at North Dakota state fair. Fred Bye, Gilby, N.Dak. OLD COINS. OLD COINS WANTED—WILL PAY »7B for 1884 trade dollar; 10c for 1912 nickels S. Mint. We buy for cash pre- miums all rare coins and bills to lilt; all rare old cents to dollars; send now 4c for our large coin circular. Nu- mismatic Bank., Dept. 16, Ft. Worth. Tex. PERSONAL PRIVATE DETECTIVE; EXPERIENCE ed and reliable. Address 18 Herald. PHYS. fit SURGS. DRS. HEALY, LAW * WOUTAT Physicians and Surgeons. Office, Scan-Amer. BanV, Bldg. DR. A. F. BRATRUD Physician & Surgeon. Platky Bldg. Both Phones 141. DR. G. J. GISLASON. SPECIALIST. Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat. Beare Block. Over Lion Drug Store. DRS. EKERN & MARSDEN. Specialists. Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat. S. A. Bank Bldg. Grand Fork*. DR. J G. ARNEBERG, SPECIALIST Ear, Bye, Nose and Throat Over China Hall, Grand Forks, ft. D. DR. A. A. WESTEEK, SPECIALIST. Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat. Widlund Bldg.. Grand Forks. DR. C. S. CRANE, SPECIALIST. Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat. Over Trepanler Pharmacy. DR. JOHN D. TAYLOR. Physician and Surgeon. Office Over First National Bank. PHOTO STUDIOS PORTRAITS OF QUALITY. Boen, Photographer. 224 South Third. 8tt' PIANO TUNING. FOR FIRST CLASS PIANO TUNING and regulating leave orders gt O. Young Piano and Music Store. E. lie. Mathews. PICTURE FRAMING EXPERT PICTURE FRAMING. Ours Is the only exclusive picture framing establishment in the city. Bring In your pictures to be framed. Big variety of mouldings to select from. BARLOW'S ART STORE. Established 20 years in Grand Forks 206 S. 3rd T-S. .. Plione-2S4-S. ***••*••**. #****«*.« POULTRY. WHY HENS DON'T LAY. E. J. REE- fer, poultry expert, Reefer Bldg., Kan- sas City, Jlo., is mailing scientific! poultry book showing how you can make the ordinary hen lay plenty of winter eggs. Write for this valuable* book free. CQNKEY SAYS— DON'T WORRY—Roup doesn't have a show when the poultry owner fights it with CONKEY'S ROUP REMEDY. A trial will convince you. Dealers Every- where. RAW FURS NATIONAL DUROC JERSEY HOGS for sale; 35 gilts; 20 boars; all full bloods. J. J. Heftern, Ardpoh, N. Dak. GET BIG PRICES FOR YOUR FUR® by shipping them to The Redick Hide and Fur Co., Grand Forks. Send for price list, tags, etc. Sent free. THOROUGHBRED HOLSTEIN BULL for sale; papers guaranteed. H. Hal- •tenson. Petersburg, N. D. ROOMS FOR RENT YOUNG THOROUGHBRED JERSEY cow for sale; fresh in 8 months. Ad- dress 17 Herald. CHOICE DUROC JERSEY BOARS from my prize winning herd. John Kenmlr. Km<»rado. LOANS AGENTS—GET PARTICULARS OF one of the best paying propositions ever put on the market; something no one else sells: make $4,000 yearly. Ad- dress E. M. Feltman, Sales Mgr. 4208 Third St., Cincinnati, O. SALESMEN FOR FOUR-PLOW FARM tractor; commercial man calling on implement, automobile and hardware trade; wholesale only; satisfactory commission . and guaranteed product; references required; splendid oppor- tunity we advertise. Simplex Trac- tor Co., Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE—80 ACRES MINNESOTA land; close to school; small payment down: balance to suit. Address 15 Herald. AGENTS—USE OUR CAPITAL, JUMP . into big permanent business; new automatic fuel saver; fits any stove or furnace; saves 25% fuel; exclusive territory. States Mrg. Co., 147 Con- solidated Bldg., Chicago. ACT QUICK —AUTOMOBILE GASO- llne going up; sell gaso-tonicj equals gasoline at 3c a gallon; eliminates car- bon; dollar an hour profit. Sales guar- anteed. . White Mfg. Co., Dept. 10, Cin- cinnati, O. AGENTS—STOP" CA3WASSING;~OPER- ate from home; show you how; experi- ence -unnecessary; furnish everything; don't worry about capital. Bertram Co., Dept C-103, Omaha, Neb. AGENTS—INVESTIGATE OUR~PRO- posltion; «elUrln every home; exper- ience unnecessary; write for free par- ticulars. The Paramount Mfg. Co., 1137 W. 'yaylor St., Chicago, 111. ; AGENTS—MAKE (5 TO *35 DAILY; no experience; free catalog and sam- ples; new goods; quick sales; big pro- fits; worlds beaters. Cruver Co. Jack- son & Campbell, Chicago, 111. AGI5NTS—WE HAVE NEW HOUSE- hold specialty; one which every house- wife wants. Write today for booklet. V. A. Johnson Co., Dept. F, Commer- /clal Block, Wausa, Neb. AGENTS—600% PROFIT; FREE SAM- ples; gold -sign letters for store and office windows; anyone can put on. Metallic! Letter Co., 486 N. Clark, Cbl- ADVERTISERS—YOUR 46-WORD AD- vertlsement In 76 monthlies, $1.26: 3 months $2.50:. particulars free. Em- plre Advertising Syndicate, Chicago. AGENTS—NEW GAME FOR CIGAR •tores; barber shops, etc.; easy, big sel- - ler; particulars free. United Saleaboard Co.. TrentonjNjJ. ARCHITECTS J. W. ROSS ifc SON Architects, . Third St DeMers. Grand Forks. HAROLD E. WINSLO'W, ARCHITECT. 80f Wldlunff BU£ Grand g^rks. W. J. EDWARDS, ARCHITECT Northwestern Block. . . Tel. 216-L N. W. AtTdUffr BJUR6TEDT. ARCHITECT. 224-R Trl-State, First National Bk. Bldg. PATENTS WANTED WRITE FOR list of patent buyers and Inventions wanted; $1,000,000 offered for inven- tions; send sketch for free search. Our four books sent free; patents se- cured or fee returned. Victor J. Evans & Co., 622 Ninth, Washington, D. C. AN ESTABLISHED MANUFACTURER wants state manager; high class ar- ticle; should pay $7,000 annually; $300 < to $700 capital; will pay expenses to ; Chicago if you are man we want ! Salesmanager, 1012 Republla Building. I Chicago. WANTED TO RENT—A FARM ON shares. Owner furnish everything. Can furnish best of references. Address 21 Herald. FLORIDA I-ARM LANDS FLORIDA FARMS, GROVES: IMPROV- ed, unimproved tracts, virgin and cut- over lands up to 60,000 acres; high tltitude: pure water. M. B. Phlnney, Dade City, Fla. Kansas Farm Lands. IMPROVED 32o"""~near kans? ""oil fields, 3 miles to county seat; $57; mortgage $6,000; can be increased. Ad- dress owner direct G. Multly, 631 N. Laramie Ave., Chicago. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR A restaurant' investment, situated in heart of city; meals served on the American ana European plan; desolv- ed partnership is reason for sale. Ad- dress the Boston Cafe. Wllllston, N. D. SALESMEN—WHOLESALE OR RE- tatl, to sell high-grade four-plow farm tractor; big demand; good profits; per- manent growing business. Write for territory and terms. Simplex Tractor Co., Minneapolis, Minn. MAINTAIN FINE CHICAGO BRANCH office in the loop; $2 to $80 per month; name listed in directories; mall for- warded; orders taken. Aagard, >0 E. Jackson, Chicago. : YOUR 26-WORD ADVERTISEMENT placed in all of thirty good monthly magazines once for $1.26, three months $2760. Write for list; F. L. Miller, Syracuse, N. Y. FOR SALE STOCK OF GROCERIES, men's furnishings and fixtures; also meat market in connection. Sells Bros., Forest River, N. D. FOR SALE—GOOD PAYING GENERAL merchandise store; takes $10,000 to buy it: no trade considered. Address 6 Herald. FOR SALE—2,000 SHARES CAYUNA- Sultana Escrow iron stock at 60 cents per share. Address 18 Herald. FURNITURE—STOVES. • • • » MCKENZIE'S In the center of the second-hand furniture district. ' This is a clearing house for used furniture, stoves and house-hold goods, where all such goods are bought and sold, and' absolutely guaranteed to be a* represented. We buy for cash, exchange for what suits your requirements better, or will sell for you on a commission basis. Our store is now well filled with goods ' purchased during the past week, and the variety is so great, that you will be likely to flnd just what you want, and at a very small cost. When you want to buy or sell any- thing In our line, phone Grand For^a Furniture Co. 680 and ask for McKensle. 187 S. 3rd Street. Headquarters for ANTI-DUST, the FIRE-PROOF Sweeping Compound. SALESMEN—BIG MONEY; BIG LINE, all necessities; groceries, paints, oils, stock food; sell at wholesale; goods and house nationally known; immense crops insure vast trade; quit road; stay in home territory; build homes and bank accounts, as hundreds do; regular trade; quickly, easily covered; no capital; effective selling helps; $160 to $500 monthly easy. Write to- day. John Sexton St Co., Wholesale Grocers, 286 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. HOTELS Family European Transient Finest Cafe in Northwest. HOTEL DACOTAH Commercial Headquarters. Rums 81.00 TTn Recently Improved. HOUSES FOR RENT SALESMEN WANTED FOR FINEST line outdoor and indoor advertising signs made of metal-, cardboard, paper, muslin, wood, oil cloth and brass, ever offered public; also most complete up- to-date line cardboard, cloth, wood metal and leather advertising special- ties, business calendars and beautiful DeLuxe calendars; commission basis; good contract for right man. Write today with references and experience. The Scioto Sign Co., Kenton, O. WANTED A FEW SPECIALTY salesmen for Minnesota, North and South Dakota; our complete line of il- lustrated bulletin and road signs, art and business calendars, leather goods and other practical specialties make up the strongest line of this class of goods In the west—"A line that sells"; liberal expense and commission con- tract to the right men. Address Meek- er Adv. Co., Inc., Joplin, Mo. ••••• CHIROPODISTS SPECIALISTS ON ALL BOOT TROU- bles; gives Instant relief to tired, ach- ing f»et, limbs, weak ankles. Corns re- moved. Ingrowing nails and bunions treated. Dr. J. C. Anson, Clifford An- nex.. DeMecs Ave.. Grand Forks. FOR SALE—DINING ROOM SET. PA- per stand, rug, sanitary rot, refriger- ator and other household furniture. . Can be seen at Panovita Furniture Store. WE WANT TO BUY 600 STOVES— Also all kinds of furniture nnd house- hold goods,. Phone (80 and ask for McKenzte.187 South Third St CHIROPRACTORS H. TISDALE, CHIROPRACTIC .AND Massage. Security Block, Grantf Forks. FOR SALE—HOTEL FURNITURE complete; can r6nt blilldlng; $600; now running. Mrs.-O: J. Kllborn, Niagara, N. D. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE. IN- cludlpg mahogany case piano, and range, nearly new. etc. 807 So. Srd St. LEARN BARBER TRADE—OUR NEW course of Individual instruction by ex- perts Insures you succeiss: many have enrolled; results wonderful; as far as training barbers, our school is in a class by itself; only school endorsed by leading barbers; enroll and be con- vinced; catalogue free. National Bar- ber College, 150 East Srd, St. Paul. Minn. .SALESMEN W ANTED—EXPERIENCE ! unnecessary; easy work; big pay. Write now for large list of openings offering opportunities to earn from $100 to $600 a month while you learn. Addres« nearest office. Dept. 236 Na- tional Salesmens Training Association, Chicago, New York,-San Francisco. SALESMAN—CAPABLE SPECIALTY 1 man for N. D.; staple line on new and exceptional terms; vacancy now ;at- tractlve commission contract for bal- ance of year and 1916;, $36 weekly for expenses. Miles F.' Bixler Co., 202-49 Carlin Bldg., Cleveland, O. WANTED—MEN TO LEARN THE barber trade; the only reliable, suc- cessful college In. the Northwest: school has proved successful for over 20 years; start right and you will end right. Moler Barber College, 28 Nicol- let ave., Minneapolis-Minn. SALESMEN EXPERIENCED IN ANY line to sell general ti^ide In North Da- kota; vacancy now; unexcelled spec- ialty proposition; $omml«sion con- tract; $86.00 weekly for.'expenses. Con- tinental Jewelry Co., 71-49 Continental' | ; Building, Cleveland, Ohio. .SALESMAN SPLENDID' 'OPENING January 1st: capable salesman for Nortb Dakota to sell tUitf* line on-un-. . usually liberal terms; Commission eon-' tract; '$85.00 advanced weekly. Sales Manager, 1 ' 40 Suite, 800 Woodward, De- troit.- WATCH GRAND FORKS GROW. For Sale. $ 860.00—Furniture In 14 room room- ing house; rooms all rented: do- ing good business; house thor- oughly modern; in good condi- tion; steam heat. $ 900.00—Smal< house. 60 ft. lot; all furniture, 26 chickens. $1,800.00—New 7-rootn house; 60 ft. lot; electric lights, furnace heat; will trade for stock. For Rent. $17—7-room, all modern hoi'.se; hot wat- er heat; University ave. $25—6-room house; modern but heat; Walnut at. (to—6-room house: modern but beat; No. 8rd st. $20—6-room house; modern but heat; barn; Vernon ave. $16—6-room bouse; city water; Univer- sity ave. $ 6—3-rtoom house, Dell avenue. $20—6-room house; modern out heat; Fourth fcve. $16—Small store, steam heat and city water free, ""Ittson Ave. W. H. KELSET. SMALL 6-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT: $17.00; 300 block on No. Fourth st. Inquire Lyons & Co. FARM LOANS—DO YOU NEED money? If you need money on an im- proved farm under cultivation near good markets, let us know. The Guar- antee Mortgage & Trust Co., First Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. MONEY TO LOAN: $800 OR $1,000 ON first real estate Address 894 Herald, FOR RENT—2 LARGE FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping: also front room in all modern houso. 1316 University avenue. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING; 4 WARM rooms upstairs; water, telephone; $7.00; save % rent and fuel. Call Tri-St&te 800-J 512 Cherry. TWO WELL FURNISHED, MODERN light housekeeping rooms. Downstairs front, Close in. 305 South Fourth St. STEAM HEATED ROOMS BY THE day, week or month at all prices, Brunswick hotel, 103 DeMers Ave. LARGE ROOM, SUITABLE FOR ONE) or two; close in; modern; reasonable 204 Walnut. Phone T-S. 2114-L. LOST & FOUND STRAYED TO WM. DAPHE FARM, eight miles west iu Brenna township, a year old bull. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for care and advertising. 2 NICE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room; all modern. 1308 University ave. T-S. 914-J. LOST—BETWEEN NORTH FOURTH ftnd Presbyterian church, package containing towel and apron. Return to Herald. LOT6 .butt sAL.iL FOR SALE—CHOICE LOT ON UNI- verslty ave; will sell at a reasonable price. Call 1023-L N. W. MISCL.—FOR SALE FOR SALE—104 COMBINED SHARES Northwestern Underwriters Associa- tion and Northern Fire & Marine Ins. Co. of Grand Forks, N. Dak. Will make an extraordinary low price for quick sale for cash, or will quote you a price of 66% cash; balance due Oct. 16, 1916; Address - 2 Herald. A USEFUL PURCHASE OR PRESENT —one that will be appreciated by ev- ery man or boy; your choice or two silk or knitted four-in-hand ties in- cluding fifteen holiday picture post cards post paid for fifty cents. Blake Specialty Co., 1521 Chicago Ave., Min- neapolls, Minn. FOR SALE—ONE 80-60 RUMELY OIL pull, almost new; one 8-bottom Cox- shut plow; one oil tank and wagon; one 22- H P. Advance engine: one large saw mill; one Minneapolis sep- arator. C. F. Hickman, Hallock, Minn. ALL MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. Call 887-J N. W. or 1717 University ave. FOR RENT—ONE FURNISHED ROOM for light housekeeping. 72G Nortli 4 th street. 2 ROOM DOWNSTAIRS FOR HOUSE- keeping; free water and telephone. 523 No. 7 th. FURNISHED PLEASANT ROOMS: very reasonable; close in. S04 No. 6th St. FOR RENT—A COZY, STEAM HEAT- ed 4-room flat. Enquire O'Connor Bros. FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOM AND board; gentlemen preferred. 603 Bel- mont. STRICTLY FIRST CLASS ROOMS— Belmont Ave. Mrs. Black, 641-J N. W. ROOMS. CENTRAL HOTEL $1 WEEK. Lizzie N. White. Prop, and Owner. TWO VACANT, FURNISHED* ROOMS in Herald Block. Call at Room 28. MODERN FRONT ROOM, StjITABLH for two. Call 121 North 6th st. STRICTLY MODERN ROOMS, water heat. 301 No. 7th at. HOT A NICE MODERN FT7RNI8HED ROOM on car line 604 Walnut. WELL HEATED floor. Herald Bldg ROOMS—THIRD FOR RENT—SUITE OF ROOMS. HAUL. Hotel. 811 So. 3rd. FOR SALE—DRESSED PIGS WEIGH- Ing from 80 to 125 lb delherto in Grand Forks at 9 cents per lb. Trl- State 32-1111. 4 ROOM COTTAGE IN SOUTH END for rent; $10.50 per month. Phone 866 McDougall Feed Co. FOR SALE—DRY CORDWOOD: $5 00 per cord. M. L. Enrlght N. W. Phone 68*. SMALL HOUSE FOR RENT; *10 PER month: free water. Apply F. J. Si- bell. (14 No. 4th. FOR RENT—2 6-ROOM FLATS AT Corliss Blk,, East Grand Forks. Ap- piy F. Ig. Corliss. ALL MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSE; rent $30.00. Call 807 N. Third, or 1689-L, N. W. FIVE ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT; ALL modern but heat Inquire M. Garbfir, 603 walnut FOR SALE—50, 88-NOTE PLAYER Pi- ano rolls at 16c per roll. Phone 1389- J N. W. PAIR OF BOYS HOCKEY SKATES ON shoes for sale; size 6; call T-S. East aoi-j. MONUMENTAL WORKS FOR RENT—WARM. 3-ROOM HOUSE; sewer and gas. Call 306 ' Cotton- wood. MONUMENTS MARKERS VAULTS W. R. Jack. Grand Forks. N. P. OFFICES FOR RENT. FOR 8ALE—LARGE HEATER, BELF feeder. Call lis Cottonwood. FOR. RENT—MODERN 6 ROOM FLAT in Improvement Blk. Either phone 104. > t' , ' ' * < ' i i >' i ^ \ / * i At, J» yff 1'* ' - KITCHEN MAN wanted. Phone SO". Nor Bakery, COOK (r'ood.'G winn's SEVEN ROOM. HOUSE FOR RENT; *14.00 a month.- Call 1819 Budge ave. MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT ON UNI- verslty ave. Inquire -J. D. Bacon. ALL MODERN HOUSE. CLOSE IN. South aide. Call 144IL N. W, _ OFFICES FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY Dr. MacDonald now for rent; best lo- cality in the city. Over Dakota Phar- OSTEOPATHS DR. a. K. HODGE, Office over Woint Phones «S1. R*«. «61. DRS. ORR AND MAT SANDERS. _8ult 806. Security Block. Both Phonea 542. . Grand Fork*. MODERN FURNISHED ROQM8. #17 North Srd. FRONT ROOM ALL MODEJEUt. >14 N. 6 th st. MODERN ROOM. 106 COTTONWOOD. ROOM BURNISHED. 834 BO. SRD BT SCHOOLS THE GREATEST TRACTOR YEAR IN history will begin next spring; pre- part yourself to be a traotor operator at the Twin City Tractor school, th« only long term school now operated by a large tractor manufacturer; first term begins November . 16th; other terms January 8d, February 7th,' March 18th. - 'For information ana , catalog address the Minneapolis Steel ft Machinery Company, 3864 Minn**' haha Ave., Minneapolis, Minnesota. i I I-? SEWING MACHINES. THE MOBT USEFUL CHRISTMAS gift la a Singer Sewing Motor. See It operated at No. 11 South Third St. —Slnger Stwing Machine Co. SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED—POSITION AS BOOKKSEP- - er-ln teak or general store; two years banking experience; tn furniah beat of roforanceo. Add re— it iSSai. Y -r L 1 ' , v*' ** s ' r i fc " & (Additional Wast Ada od ti.)


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Rate* and I f Information JL^

t om » wimi i mi. . Jtt a Uu » Month.

(If no change In ad.) Minimum Chup Ue.

To niuMMi 1 wort. 1 day tlo 8 words g days 36e 8 words 5 days ,,ur

, Cae tbla method of figuring on any Humber of words. Theae rates en­title you to publication in both morn­ing and evening editions.

Telephone 800 SMh«r Use.

CLOSING HOURS—Want A4 Forma •lose ovary morning at 11:80 for «• evening editions, and I o'clock •vary evening for the morning edi­tions, except Saturday, when forms •loae at # P. M. for Sunday mora­ine editions. . t

taUBPHONE WANT AM—Want Ada are received by pboM but are payable the same day aa received •ad collection will be made at your home or office as soon ' aa is con­venient for the collector to call. Thia is accommodation service and payment should be que. promptly when the bill is presented

OUT OF TOWN ORDERS must be always accompanied by the cash. Please comply with this rule to avoid inconvenience and delay

NUMBERED ADS—For the corivenl-•nc* of'advertiser* who do! not wish thsir names to appe«fr in their ads, wejclve a number: and replies will brf Vept at the office until called for, or Will be mailed If desired. On no .consideration will the name fee given out without the .consent of the advertiser.

ANSWERS to numbered ads mast be addressed to the particu­lar number in the Ad In care of the Herald, for example, address your •«iv*i r.»( No Oare of O. F.

| Pally Herald. Grand Forks, N. .D. I—


B-A. Bank Bldg. Suite 104 4th Floor.


touring car for sale. Fully equipped with electric lights and starter. Two extra tires, chains, etc. Car may be seen at Lyons Auto Co.


A. A. & MRS. NELLIE Q. BAHLKE. Chiropractors, Spriggs Block.

Phone N. W. 560; T-S 487.

M. R. ANGLE, Chiropractor. M. E. Kemp, Chiropractor.

Scan-Amer. Bank Bldg. Phones 609.



FOR SECOND-HAND FURNITURE call at the Northwestern Furniture Co., 208 South Third St.




•lightly used end secondhand oars. ! Come in and look them over 81mv Auto Co I



Accountant. Bismarck. N. D.



10:00 O'clock A. M.



. HEREFORD CATTLE (Pure Bred and High Grades)


Will Be Held at

The Grosvenor Farms: 5% Miles Northeast of •



Registered Cows, Heifers and Bulla; also High Grades and Pure Breds—un­registered—over 100 head In all.

We will offer a few Holsteln Bulls (tuberculin tested), and Calves and a few Grade Hereford Steers.

80 Duroc-Jersey Boars (some regis­tered.)

8 Yorkshire Boars (Canfleld strain). Our cattle are bred from the very best

American and Imported families, among them are Show Animals and Herd Head­ers.

In case of Inclement weather the sale .will be held under a well lighted shed. For information address.


Casselton, North Dakota.

ROSS BROTHERS, Auctioneers.


We do all kinds of remodeling of Ladles' and Gentlemen's Overcoats' and Fur Coats. "

We also do Dry Cleaning and Pressing.

We call for and deliver. Northwestern Cleaning Shop.

21 South Fourth St. Phones N. W. 74: T. S. 486-S.

AGENTS WANTED — ASTOUNDING, marvelous discovery, startles the world. Great excitement, people amaz­ed, strange scientific discovery, abol­ishes forever the rubbing of clothes, something new. A11 washing ideas revolutionized, unexpected, marvelous. Backed by a $60,000.00 corporation. A big repeat order business. You are protected on exclusive territory, no experience necessary, but we want good, reliable' representatives for un­occupied territory in the state of North Dakota. Write or wire us If you wish to make $60.00 to $200.00 week­ly. Fox Mercantile Co.. Brazil, N. Dak.


South Fourth St. N. W. 557L.


Suite 201-205 Widlund Block. Both Phones 468-J.

DR. SWENDIMAN. Office over Benner and Beggs Store. N.. W. 187. Trl-State 58-J.


134 T-S. 928-J. N. W.




BAKERY. • • • • • • •

EVERY HOUSEHOLD ON FARM, IN small town or suburbs where oil lamps are used, needs and will buy the won­derful Aladdin mantle lamp; burns common coal oil (kerosene); gives a light Ave times as bright as electric; awarded gold medal at San Francisco exposition; one farmer cleared over $500.00 in six weeks; hundreds with rigs earning $100.00 to $300.00 per month; no cash required; we furnish capital to reliable men. Write quick for wholesale prices, territory and sample lamp for free trial. Mantle Lamp Co., 620 Aladdin Bldg., Chicago,

OAfttSIlJES IRON RUST SOAP CO.! 4064 Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia, Pa., Gartaide'q Jt;pn Bust Soap (trade mark, print and copyright registered in the U. S. Patent office) removes iron rust, ink and all unwashable stains from clothing, marble, etc; good seller, big margins, agents wanted. The origin­al, 26c a tube. Beware of infringe­ments and the penalty for making, selling and using an Infringed article.

• • • • • * • • • • * THE HIGHEST ART IN BAKING • - • * IS REFLECTED IN • * •


• The sweet, crisp crust that not only • • looks, but tastes nice. The pulp with * * its pleasing, appetizing, and satis- • * fying qualities insures such perfect * * confidence in its flavor that when * • • * - KAUFMAN'S BREAD • « • * is once eaten, it Is always eaten. *• * • • • * Ask your Grocer for * ». • " "SUNRISE" BREAD • • • • and look for the "Sunrise" label. * * • • •

i* KAUFMAN'S BAKERY, • • • * DeMers Ave., East Grand Forks. * * • • • • •


wards good quarter near market; 60 acres cultivated, lays fine, is clear; trade for car, taking mortgage back for balance. W. T. Bosley, Rugby, North Dakota.

$25.00 TO $60.00 PER MONTH EXTRA money to employed women and men without interfering with regular work; no selling, no canvassing; positively no investment; unemployed need not apply. Spencer Co., 337 W. Madison, Chicago, 111.

MALE HELP—Continued.

DISTRIBUTORS BY MANUFACTURER of brand new article badly needed by every merchant; enormous profits; no competition; exclusive territory. Write immediately. Bevelle Mfg. Co., 15 S. Despiaines St.. Chicago.

TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS REWARD guaranteed acceptable men serving one month as firemen or brakemen; per-mament positions; wages $100-$120; experience unnecessary. Railway As­sociation. Care Herald.

DO YOU WANT TO GET THE MOST wonderful proposition ever offered to any worr>an? write for full particu­lars of ladles garments from maker to wearer. Peoples Garment Mfg. Co., 716 Arch St., Philadelphia.

MADAM — MAKE MONEY SPARE time at home; no canvassing, experi­ence unnecessary; furnish everything; don't worry about capital. Bertram Co., Dept. B-102, Omaha, Neb.

SALES MANAGER WANTED—SOME-tlilng new; business necessity; retails $5, $10, $15; enormous profits; no com­petition; exclusive territory; free sam-

Eles. Sayers Co., 491 Walnrlght, St. lOUls.

YOUNG MAN—BE A BARBER—WE teach you cheaply and thoroughly and furnish tools free. Write or call for free catalogue. Modern Barber College, K. 20% E. Superior St., Duluth, Minn. K. 333 E. Seventh St., St. Paul, Minn.


HOUSES—E, A. FLADLAND. N. W. 682. T-S 56-L,



FLAT NO. 1, DINNIE BLOCK, NORTH Third St., for rent. 1277 N. W.

SMALL HOUSE FOR RENT CHEAP. Sam Melby. 302R Trl-State.

FOR RENT—SIX ROOM HOUSE AT 337 Plum Ave. Barney Haggerty.

FOR PKNT—MY MODERN HOME AT 620 Griggs Ave. Mrs. Jauss.

FIVE BRIGHT, CAPABLE LADIES TO travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; $26 to $60 per week; railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Company, Dept. 480, Omaha. Neb.

RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS. WANTED— $76.00 month; Grand Forks examina­tions coming; sample questions free; write Immediately. Franklin Insti­tute, Dep't. 800-J Rochester ,N. Y.

FIVE BRIGHT, CAPABLE LADIES TO travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; $25 to $50 per week; railroad-fare paid. Goodrich Drug Company, Dept. 480, Omaha, Neb. .. .

WANTED—PERSONS TO COLOR ART pictures at home; easy work; ho ex­perience; good pay; sample free. Wheeler Co., 837 Madison, Chicago.

WANTED—LAD Y TRAVELER; Ex­perience unnecessary; salary, commis­sion and expense allowance to right lady. McBrady & Co., Chicago.

ANY YOUNG WOMAN IN NEED OF A friendly hand will And It at the Young Women's Christian Association 414 H DeMers Ave.

WANTED—EXPERIENCED STENOG-rapher, must also be an able book­keeper. Address 7 Herald.

WANTED — EXPERIENCED CHAM-i bermald; pay $6.00 per week. T. P.

Hogan, Maxbass, N. D.

FOR EXCHANGE FOR NORTH DA-kota land, merchandise or Income pro­perty, a well improved 240 acre farm near Linton, Indiana; valley land and all tiled. A. No. 1. S. Mack, Tracy, Minnesota.

GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work. Apply Mrs. J. R. Poupore, 20 Reevea ave.

COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Mrs. G. H. Wilder, 864 Belmont.

WANTED — LANDS; SMALL OR large tracts any location considered, to exchange for other properties or sell direct; state full particulars when re­plying. H. G. Hommee, Grand Forks, N. D.

!COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL i housework. Mrs. W. E. Deltz, 172


FOR SALE OR TRADE—GRIST MILL in Wisconsin In the. best dairy sec­tion of the country; real estate pre­ferable in exchange. P. J. Regan, To-klo, N. Dak.

TO EXCHANGE—A SECTION OF good timber land in Missouri for a section of good prairie land in Canada. Address Arthur Parsons, M. D. Gen-eseo. 111.

FOR SALE OH TRADE—ONE AVERY 20-35 Gas Tractor: 32-48 separator; five bottom self lift plow; all In fine condition. Address 13 Herald.

SOME GOOD NORTHWESTERN North Dakota land to trade for other pro­perty. Albert Peterson. Stanley, N. D.

IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED LAND for exchange. Address 22 Herald.



reward if our home butter merger falls to merge .one pint of milk into one-pound of butter in two minutes; sweeter than creamery butter; dem­onstrator and Mieral agents wanted; salary or commission; write for il­lustrated circulars and addresses of 1,000 users; wonderful invention. Fam­ily' Butter Merger Co., Washington, D. C.

Mrs. Hurst, first class boarding house. $4.50 and $5. 502 Belmont, N. W. 1317

LIVE HONEST HUSTLERS WANTED to sell our well known and finest nur­sery stock for northern planting; many of our agents make $100 per month and more; pay checks weekly; free outfit includes colored plates of fruits, shrubs, etc. and full instruc­tions; work part or all your time; in­formation free. Clarence Wedge Nur­sery, Box H, Albert Lea, Minn.



• * • « »

• Amusement business in good city. • • Clears from $500.00 to $600.00 per * • month. Old established business. * • Pull particulars on request. • • W. G. MILLER, • • Grand Forks, N. D. • • • * * * *


acres; center of Havre grain belt; de­monstrated production 40 to 60 bush­els wheat; good oats, rye and flax crops; all fenced, 3 sets buildings, 380 acres cultivated, $16 per acre; terms.

„ Fink, 615 Fourth Ave., Havre, Mon-• tana.

A SCHOOL GIRL TO DO HOUSE-work for board and room. N. W. 887-L.

CAPABLE WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework. 308 Cottonwood.

WANTED —. GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 409 South Fourth.

GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Mrs. A. Abrahamsen, 111 Reeves Ave.

GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Mrs. C. W. Fisher. 412 So. 5th.

HOUSEKEEPER WANTED ON FARM by bachelor. Address 1 Herald.

GIRL WANTED- FOR GENERAL housework. 730 South 4th St.

GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. MRS. H. G. Lykken, 807 N. 3rd St.

WANTED—DINING ROOM GIRL. MRS. McHaffle; 12 North Sixth.

WANTED—COMPETENT GIRL. MRS. J. D. Turner, 708r Nou«8rd.




CREAMERIES PAYING TO FARMERS up to $30,000 per month prevail in tho clieap land districts ol' upper Wiscon­sin; let us tell you about this great region. Wisconsin Advancement Ass'n., 1555 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis.

1,000 ACRE IMPROVED RED RIVER Valley farm for sale at $35.00 per acre; terms $5.00 per acre cash and balance mortgage on land at 7% to right party. Address 851 Herald.

REPRESENT WELL RATED FAC-tory,. manufacturing exclusive patent­ed, staple articles; no canvassing; ex­perience unnecessary; by devoting all. or spare time you should make big money. Pease Manufacturing - Co., Desk 121 68 Broadway, Buffalo, N. T.

AUTO ACCESSORY AGENTS FOR Ford cars; whirlwind, seller; It makes the motor start easy; cuts gas bills one-third; prevents carbon; guaran­teed; act quick. Carburetor Regula­tor Co.. 948 National Life Bldg., Chi­cago.

NEWSPAPER FOR SALE; ONE THOU-sand dollars cash, balance easy terms, takes leading Independent county seat weekly In North Dakota; - splendid equipment and business easily worth ! $7,000; $5,000 takes It. Or will sell! office and lot for $1,700 additional, or rent office building for only $18.00 per' month as an inducement to buyers; ' official paper; good rates; no price

cutting. Don't write unless you' have the cash. Address 886 Herald.

FOR SALE—160 ACRES FARM LAND, 2% miles west of Fisher; all under cultivation; good granary; nice grove, 145 acres plowed. If Interested write 887 Herald.

WANTED—TO HEAR FROM OWNER of good farm or unimproved land for sale. H. L. Downing, 400 Palace Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.




decided to double our sales force for 1916; big money, big line, all necessi­ties; groceries, paints, oils. Stock food; sell at wholesale; goods and house nationally known; quit road; stay In home territory; build homes and bank accounts as hundreds do; regular trade; quickly, easily covered; no capital, effective selling helps; $150 to 1500 monthly easy. Write today. John Sexton Co., Wholesale Groceries, Chicago.

TRAVELING SALESMAN TO PLACE high-class sales boards on commis­sion; big side-money easy; no samples to carry; Chicago Diamond Importing Co., 59 East Madison St., Chicago.

BE A DETECTIVE: EARN $50 TO $100 weekly; travel all over the world. Write Dept. 200 United States Detec­tive & Adjusting Agency, Chemical Bldg, St. Louis, Mo.

WANTED — SALESMEN NEW SPE-cialty; samples coat pocket; wonder­fully profitable. Address Box 497, Iowa City, la.

SPECIALTY SALESMEN REAPING A harvest handling our line; nothing better; we want you; get started; leads furnished. Automatic Closet Co., Min­neapolis, Minn.

WANTED — EXPERIENCED FARM hand; young Dane or Swede; honor­able, clean and willing; dry hand milker; must be temperate. Address 897 Herald.




* Choice residence property on * • Belmont ave. inside 8th ave.; Im- * * proved and unimproved; bouses * • entirely modern and up to date. • • • • W. L. WILDER. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a

FOR SALE—MY SEVEN ROOM ALL modern house situated on 60x140 foot lot at 416 North Sixth street is for sale. Immediate possession. Otto Kel­ler.

7 ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE; BATH, heat, electric lights, gas; close to school and car line. J. J. Martin, 809 Walnut.


lng; lowest prices; best service. Lion Drug Store. 28 8o. 3rd.

HAVE YOUR KODAK FINISHING done at the Walker Studio. 117 N. 3rd.

IRVING DUTCHER—BELLE IS NOT expected to live; come here at once; you may save her life. Your sister, Lillian Lashlre, 36 Ave. B„ Lester-shire.


I WILL PAY ANY HONEST MAN UP to $50 monthly for part of spare time; no canvassing; no capital. Write to­day. Voorhles, Desk 133, Omaha, Neb.

SIDELINERS MAKE $50.00 PER WEEK or better, during January, February, and March; sample free. Tho J. F. Meek Company, Coshocton, Ohio.

EARN TWENTY DOLLARS A WEEK writing names and addresses; no can­vassing: information for stamp. G. C. Smith, Little Rock, Arkansas.

$10 MONTHLY AND EXPENSES TO travel, distribute samples and take or­ders or appoint agents, permanent Jap American Co., Chicago.

SALESMEN — ACQUAINTED WITH grocery trade; large demand; liberal commission: pocket sample. Wlrth Salesbook Co., Chicago.

IF SALARY OF $100.00 PER MONTH and commissions with liberal expenses Interest you. Address Dept. 3510 2907 Indiana Ave., Chicago.

I PAY 26c EACH FOR LINCOLN PEN-nies and Buffalo nickles; several dates; send dime for list 602. "C. J. Conrad, Altoona, Pa.

SALESMEN MAKE BIG MONEY SEL-ling our punchboard deals. Address Behrend Bros., 4847 Adams St.. Chi-

. cago. 111.

WANTED—MAN AND WIFE, WITH-out children, to work on farm. Scandi­navian preferred. Address 24 Herald.

WANTED—MAN AND WIFE ON FARM —wages $26 per month. Address 14 Herald.

WOOD CUTTERS, NASH FARM, EAST Grand Forks. Phone N. W. 397.


Music for all occasions; dance work specialty. Phone T-S. 1096-J.


your hides and calfskins to the Redlck Hide and Fur Co., Grand Forks. We

! have been the market for over thirty years.

HOME LAUNDRY—CALLED FOR & delivered. 1606 N. 4th. 610L Trl-State.

GOOD HOME LAUNDRY WORK. TRY A)way's Laundry. 194-L T-S. 422 S. 3rd

LIVE STOCK e » e e e e e e e * e e e « « e e * e

FOR SALE—A FINE LOT OF improved Chester White Boars and Sows of April farrow. W. J. Hewitt, Mlnfo, N. D.

• e • • • e • e e • • • • • e e

A FEW REGISTERED AND SEVERAL non-registered Duroo Jersey Hogs; male and female, for breeding pur­poses. People wanting to raise good hogs should see this stock and get prices. J. D. Bacon, Grand Forks, N. D.

FOR SALE—REGISTERED POLAND and China boars of April farrow: weight about 200 to 226 lbs.; price $20 each (including papers). Banner Stock Farm, Thos. Forbes, Prop., Pet­ersburg, N. Dak.

FOR SALE—CHESTER WHITE HOGS, farrowed April and May; boars $25; sows $22; pedigree with eaoh animal. D. F. Gillespie, Park River, N. D. Telephone 74-3.

DUROC JERSEY BOARS AND GILT8 .for sale, sired by "Hillside King;" first prise boar at North Dakota state fair. Fred Bye, Gilby, N.Dak.


for 1884 trade dollar; 10c for 1912 nickels S. Mint. We buy for cash pre­miums all rare coins and bills to lilt; all rare old cents to dollars; send now 4c for our large coin circular. Nu­mismatic Bank., Dept. 16, Ft. Worth. Tex.


ed and reliable. Address 18 Herald.


Physicians and Surgeons. Office, Scan-Amer. BanV, Bldg.

DR. A. F. BRATRUD Physician & Surgeon.

Platky Bldg. Both Phones 141.

DR. G. J. GISLASON. SPECIALIST. Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat.

Beare Block. Over Lion Drug Store.

DRS. EKERN & MARSDEN. Specialists.

Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat. S. A. Bank Bldg. Grand Fork*.

DR. J G. ARNEBERG, SPECIALIST Ear, Bye, Nose and Throat

Over China Hall, Grand Forks, ft. D.

DR. A. A. WESTEEK, SPECIALIST. Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat.

Widlund Bldg.. Grand Forks.

DR. C. S. CRANE, SPECIALIST. Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat. Over Trepanler Pharmacy.

DR. JOHN D. TAYLOR. Physician and Surgeon.

Office Over First National Bank.


Boen, Photographer. 224 South Third. 8tt'


and regulating leave orders gt O. Young Piano and Music Store. E. lie. Mathews.


• EXPERT PICTURE • FRAMING. • Ours Is the only exclusive picture • framing establishment in the city. • Bring In your pictures to be framed. • Big variety of mouldings to select • from. • BARLOW'S ART STORE. • Established 20 years in Grand Forks • 206 S. 3rd T-S. .. Plione-2S4-S. * * * • • * • • * * . # * * * * « * . «


fer, poultry expert, Reefer Bldg., Kan­sas City, Jlo., is mailing scientific! poultry book showing how you can make the ordinary hen lay plenty of winter eggs. Write for this valuable* book free.

CQNKEY SAYS— DON'T WORRY—Roup doesn't have a

show when the poultry owner fights it with CONKEY'S ROUP REMEDY. A trial will convince you. Dealers Every­where.


NATIONAL DUROC JERSEY HOGS for sale; 35 gilts; 20 boars; all full bloods. J. J. Heftern, Ardpoh, N. Dak.

GET BIG PRICES FOR YOUR FUR® by shipping them to The Redick Hide and Fur Co., Grand Forks. Send for price list, tags, etc. Sent free.

THOROUGHBRED HOLSTEIN BULL for sale; papers guaranteed. H. Hal-•tenson. Petersburg, N. D.


YOUNG THOROUGHBRED JERSEY cow for sale; fresh in 8 months. Ad­dress 17 Herald.

CHOICE DUROC JERSEY BOARS from my prize winning herd. John Kenmlr. Km<»rado.


AGENTS—GET PARTICULARS OF one of the best paying propositions ever put on the market; something no one else sells: make $4,000 yearly. Ad­dress E. M. Feltman, Sales Mgr. 4208 Third St., Cincinnati, O.

SALESMEN FOR FOUR-PLOW FARM tractor; commercial man calling on implement, automobile and hardware trade; wholesale only; satisfactory commission . and guaranteed product; references required; splendid oppor­tunity we advertise. Simplex Trac­tor Co., Minneapolis, Minn.

FOR SALE—80 ACRES MINNESOTA land; close to school; small payment down: balance to suit. Address 15 Herald.

AGENTS—USE OUR CAPITAL, JUMP . into big permanent business; new

automatic fuel saver; fits any stove or furnace; saves 25% fuel; exclusive territory. States Mrg. Co., 147 Con­solidated Bldg., Chicago.

ACT QUICK —AUTOMOBILE GASO-llne going up; sell gaso-tonicj equals gasoline at 3c a gallon; eliminates car­bon; dollar an hour profit. Sales guar­anteed. . White Mfg. Co., Dept. 10, Cin­cinnati, O.

AGENTS—STOP" CA3WASSING;~OPER-ate from home; show you how; experi­ence -unnecessary; furnish everything; don't worry about capital. Bertram Co., Dept C-103, Omaha, Neb.

AGENTS—INVESTIGATE OUR~PRO-posltion; «elUrln every home; exper­ience unnecessary; write for free par­

ticulars. The Paramount Mfg. Co., 1137 W. 'yaylor St., Chicago, 111. ;

AGENTS—MAKE (5 TO *35 DAILY; no experience; free catalog and sam­ples; new goods; quick sales; big pro­fits; worlds beaters. Cruver Co. Jack-son & Campbell, Chicago, 111.

AGI5NTS—WE HAVE NEW HOUSE-hold specialty; one which every house­wife wants. Write today for booklet. V. A. Johnson Co., Dept. F, Commer-/clal Block, Wausa, Neb.

AGENTS—600% PROFIT; FREE SAM-ples; gold -sign letters for store and office windows; anyone can put on. Metallic! Letter Co., 486 N. Clark, Cbl-

ADVERTISERS—YOUR 46-WORD AD-vertlsement In 76 monthlies, $1.26: 3

months $2.50:. particulars free. Em-plre Advertising Syndicate, Chicago.

AGENTS—NEW GAME FOR CIGAR •tores; barber shops, etc.; easy, big sel-

- ler; particulars free. United Saleaboard Co.. TrentonjNjJ.


Architects, . Third St DeMers. • Grand Forks.

HAROLD E. WINSLO'W, ARCHITECT. 80f Wldlunff BU£ Grand g^rks.

W. J. EDWARDS, ARCHITECT Northwestern Block. . . Tel. 216-L N. W.

AtTdUffr BJUR6TEDT. ARCHITECT. 224-R Trl-State, First National Bk. Bldg.

PATENTS WANTED — WRITE FOR list of patent buyers and Inventions wanted; $1,000,000 offered for inven­tions; send sketch for free search. Our four books sent free; patents se­cured or fee returned. Victor J. Evans & Co., 622 Ninth, Washington, D. C.

AN ESTABLISHED MANUFACTURER wants state manager; high class ar­ticle; should pay $7,000 annually; $300

< to $700 capital; will pay expenses to ; Chicago if you are man we want ! Salesmanager, 1012 Republla Building. I Chicago.

WANTED TO RENT—A FARM ON shares. Owner furnish everything. Can furnish best of references. Address 21 Herald.


ed, unimproved tracts, virgin and cut-over lands up to 60,000 acres; high tltitude: pure water. M. B. Phlnney, Dade City, Fla.

Kansas Farm Lands. IMPROVED 32o"""~near kans? ""oil

fields, 3 miles to county seat; $57; mortgage $6,000; can be increased. Ad­dress owner direct G. Multly, 631 N. Laramie Ave., Chicago.

EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR A restaurant' investment, situated in heart of city; meals served on the American ana European plan; desolv-ed partnership is reason for sale. Ad-dress the Boston Cafe. Wllllston, N. D.

SALESMEN—WHOLESALE OR RE-tatl, to sell high-grade four-plow farm tractor; big demand; good profits; per­manent growing business. Write for territory and terms. Simplex Tractor Co., Minneapolis, Minn.

MAINTAIN FINE CHICAGO BRANCH office in the loop; $2 to $80 per month; name listed in directories; mall for­warded; orders taken. Aagard, >0 E. Jackson, Chicago. :

YOUR 26-WORD ADVERTISEMENT placed in all of thirty good monthly magazines once for $1.26, three months $2760. Write for list; F. L. Miller, Syracuse, N. Y.

FOR SALE STOCK OF GROCERIES, men's furnishings and fixtures; also meat market in connection. Sells Bros., Forest River, N. D.

FOR SALE—GOOD PAYING GENERAL merchandise store; takes $10,000 to buy it: no trade considered. Address 6 Herald.

FOR SALE—2,000 SHARES CAYUNA-Sultana Escrow iron stock at 60 cents per share. Address 18 Herald.

FURNITURE—STOVES. • • • • • • • »

MCKENZIE'S In the center of the second-hand

furniture district. ' This is a clearing house for used

furniture, stoves and house-hold goods, where all such goods are bought and sold, and' absolutely guaranteed to be a* represented. We buy for cash, exchange for what suits your requirements better, or will sell for you on a commission basis.

Our store is now well filled with goods ' purchased during the past week, and the variety is so great, that you will be likely to flnd just what you want, and at a very small cost.

When you want to buy or sell any­thing In our line, phone Grand For^a Furniture Co. 680 and ask for McKensle.

187 S. 3rd Street. Headquarters for



SALESMEN—BIG MONEY; BIG LINE, all necessities; groceries, paints, oils, stock food; sell at wholesale; goods and house nationally known; immense crops insure vast trade; quit road; stay in home territory; build homes and bank accounts, as hundreds do; regular trade; quickly, easily covered; no capital; effective selling helps; $160 to $500 monthly easy. Write to­day. John Sexton St Co., Wholesale Grocers, 286 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111.

HOTELS Family European Transient

Finest Cafe in Northwest. HOTEL DACOTAH

Commercial Headquarters. Rums 81.00 TTn Recently Improved.


SALESMEN WANTED FOR FINEST line outdoor and indoor advertising signs made of metal-, cardboard, paper, muslin, wood, oil cloth and brass, ever offered public; also most complete up-to-date line cardboard, cloth, wood metal and leather advertising special­ties, business calendars and beautiful DeLuxe calendars; commission basis; good contract for right man. Write today with references and experience. The Scioto Sign Co., Kenton, O.

WANTED — A FEW SPECIALTY salesmen for Minnesota, North and South Dakota; our complete line of il­lustrated bulletin and road signs, art and business calendars, leather goods and other practical specialties make up the strongest line of this class of goods In the west—"A line that sells"; liberal expense and commission con­tract to the right men. Address Meek­er Adv. Co., Inc., Joplin, Mo.

• • • • • •


bles; gives Instant relief to tired, ach­ing f»et, limbs, weak ankles. Corns re­moved. Ingrowing nails and bunions treated. Dr. J. C. Anson, Clifford An-nex.. DeMecs Ave.. Grand Forks.

FOR SALE—DINING ROOM SET. PA-per stand, rug, sanitary rot, refriger­ator and other household furniture.

. Can be seen at Panovita Furniture Store.

WE WANT TO BUY 600 STOVES— Also all kinds of furniture nnd house­hold goods,. Phone (80 and ask for McKenzte.187 South Third St

CHIROPRACTORS H. TISDALE, CHIROPRACTIC .AND Massage. Security Block, Grantf Forks.

FOR SALE—HOTEL FURNITURE complete; can r6nt blilldlng; $600; now running. Mrs.-O: J. Kllborn, Niagara, N. D.

HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE. IN-cludlpg mahogany case piano, and range, nearly new. etc. 807 So. Srd St.

LEARN BARBER TRADE—OUR NEW course of Individual instruction by ex­perts Insures you succeiss: many have enrolled; results wonderful; as far as training barbers, our school is in a class by itself; only school endorsed by leading barbers; enroll and be con­vinced; catalogue free. National Bar­ber College, 150 East Srd, St. Paul. Minn.

.SALESMEN W ANTED—EXPERIENCE ! unnecessary; easy work; big pay.

Write now for large list of openings offering opportunities to earn from $100 to $600 a month while you learn. Addres« nearest office. Dept. 236 Na­tional Salesmens Training Association, Chicago, New York,-San Francisco.


man for N. D.; staple line on new and exceptional terms; vacancy now ;at-tractlve commission contract for bal­ance of year and 1916;, $36 weekly for expenses. Miles F.' Bixler Co., 202-49 Carlin Bldg., Cleveland, O.

WANTED—MEN TO LEARN THE barber trade; the only reliable, suc­cessful college In. the Northwest: school has proved successful for over 20 years; start right and you will end right. Moler Barber College, 28 Nicol-let ave., Minneapolis-Minn.

SALESMEN EXPERIENCED IN ANY line to sell general ti^ide In North Da­kota; vacancy now; unexcelled spec­ialty proposition; $omml«sion con­tract; $86.00 weekly for.'expenses. Con­tinental Jewelry Co., 71-49 Continental'

| ; Building, Cleveland, Ohio.

.SALESMAN — SPLENDID' 'OPENING January 1st: capable salesman for Nortb Dakota to sell tUitf* line on-un-.

. usually liberal terms; Commission eon-' tract; '$85.00 advanced weekly. Sales Manager,1' 40 Suite, 800 Woodward, De­troit.-


For Sale.

$ 860.00—Furniture In 14 room room­ing house; rooms all rented: do­ing good business; house thor­oughly modern; in good condi­tion; steam heat.

$ 900.00—Smal< house. 60 ft. lot; all furniture, 26 chickens.

$1,800.00—New 7-rootn house; 60 ft. lot; electric lights, furnace heat; will trade for stock.

For Rent.

$17—7-room, all modern hoi'.se; hot wat­er heat; University ave.

$25—6-room house; modern but heat; Walnut at.

(to—6-room house: modern but beat; No. 8rd st.

$20—6-room house; modern but heat; barn; Vernon ave.

$16—6-room bouse; city water; Univer­sity ave.

$ 6—3-rtoom house, Dell avenue. $20—6-room house; modern out heat;

Fourth fcve. $16—Small store, steam heat and city

water free, ""Ittson Ave.


SMALL 6-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT: $17.00; 300 block on No. Fourth st. Inquire Lyons & Co.

FARM LOANS—DO YOU NEED money? If you need money on an im­proved farm under cultivation near good markets, let us know. The Guar­antee Mortgage & Trust Co., First Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111.

MONEY TO LOAN: $800 OR $1,000 ON first real estate Address 894 Herald,

FOR RENT—2 LARGE FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping: also front room in all modern houso. 1316 University avenue.

LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING; 4 WARM rooms upstairs; water, telephone; $7.00;

save % rent and fuel. Call Tri-St&te 800-J 512 Cherry.

TWO WELL FURNISHED, MODERN light housekeeping rooms. Downstairs front, Close in. 305 South Fourth St.

STEAM HEATED ROOMS BY THE day, week or month at all prices, Brunswick hotel, 103 DeMers Ave.

LARGE ROOM, SUITABLE FOR ONE) or two; close in; modern; reasonable 204 Walnut. Phone T-S. 2114-L.


eight miles west iu Brenna township, a year old bull. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for care and advertising.

2 NICE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room; all modern. 1308 University ave. T-S. 914-J.

LOST—BETWEEN NORTH FOURTH ftnd Presbyterian church, package containing towel and apron. Return to Herald.


verslty ave; will sell at a reasonable price. Call 1023-L N. W.


Northwestern Underwriters Associa­tion and Northern Fire & Marine Ins. Co. of Grand Forks, N. Dak. Will make an extraordinary low price for quick sale for cash, or will quote you a price of 66% cash; balance due Oct. 16, 1916; Address - 2 Herald.

A USEFUL PURCHASE OR PRESENT —one that will be appreciated by ev­ery man or boy; your choice or two silk or knitted four-in-hand ties in­cluding fifteen holiday picture post cards post paid for fifty cents. Blake Specialty Co., 1521 Chicago Ave., Min-neapolls, Minn.

FOR SALE—ONE 80-60 RUMELY OIL pull, almost new; one 8-bottom Cox-shut plow; one oil tank and wagon; one 22- H P. Advance engine: one large saw mill; one Minneapolis sep­arator. C. F. Hickman, Hallock, Minn.

ALL MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. Call 887-J N. W. or 1717 University ave.

FOR RENT—ONE FURNISHED ROOM for light housekeeping. 72G Nortli 4 th street.

2 ROOM DOWNSTAIRS FOR HOUSE-keeping; free water and telephone. 523 No. 7 th.

FURNISHED PLEASANT ROOMS: very reasonable; close in. S04 No. 6th St.

FOR RENT—A COZY, STEAM HEAT-ed 4-room flat. Enquire O'Connor Bros.

FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOM AND board; gentlemen preferred. 603 Bel­mont.

STRICTLY FIRST CLASS ROOMS— Belmont Ave. Mrs. Black, 641-J N. W.

ROOMS. CENTRAL HOTEL $1 WEEK. Lizzie N. White. Prop, and Owner.

TWO VACANT, FURNISHED* ROOMS in Herald Block. Call at Room 28.

MODERN FRONT ROOM, StjITABLH for two. Call 121 North 6th st.

STRICTLY MODERN ROOMS, water heat. 301 No. 7th at.


A NICE MODERN FT7RNI8HED ROOM on car line 604 Walnut.

WELL HEATED floor. Herald Bldg


FOR RENT—SUITE OF ROOMS. HAUL. Hotel. 811 So. 3rd.

FOR SALE—DRESSED PIGS WEIGH-Ing from 80 to 125 lb delherto in Grand Forks at 9 cents per lb. Trl-State 32-1111.

4 ROOM COTTAGE IN SOUTH END for rent; $10.50 per month. Phone 866 McDougall Feed Co.

FOR SALE—DRY CORDWOOD: $5 00 per cord. M. L. Enrlght N. W. Phone 68*.

SMALL HOUSE FOR RENT; *10 PER month: free water. Apply F. J. Si-bell. (14 No. 4th.

FOR RENT—2 6-ROOM FLATS AT Corliss Blk,, East Grand Forks. Ap-piy F. Ig. Corliss.

ALL MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSE; rent $30.00. Call 807 N. Third, or 1689-L, N. W.

FIVE ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT; ALL modern but heat Inquire M. Garbfir, 603 walnut

FOR SALE—50, 88-NOTE PLAYER Pi­ano rolls at 16c per roll. Phone 1389-J N. W.

PAIR OF BOYS HOCKEY SKATES ON shoes for sale; size 6; call T-S. East aoi-j.


FOR RENT—WARM. 3-ROOM HOUSE; sewer and gas. Call 306 ' Cotton­wood.



FOR 8ALE—LARGE HEATER, BELF feeder. Call lis Cottonwood.

FOR. RENT—MODERN 6 ROOM FLAT in Improvement Blk. Either phone 104.

> t' , ' ' * < ' i i >' i ^ \ / *

i A t ,

J» yff 1'* ' -

KITCHEN MAN wanted. Phone SO". Nor Bakery,

COOK (r'ood.'G winn's

SEVEN ROOM. HOUSE FOR RENT; *14.00 a month.- Call 1819 Budge ave.

MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT ON UNI-verslty ave. Inquire -J. D. Bacon.

ALL MODERN HOUSE. CLOSE IN. South aide. Call 144IL N. W, _

OFFICES FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY Dr. MacDonald now for rent; best lo­cality in the city. Over Dakota Phar-


Office over Woint Phones «S1. R*«. «61.

DRS. ORR AND MAT SANDERS. _8ult 806. Security Block. Both Phonea 542. . Grand Fork*.


FRONT ROOM ALL MODEJEUt. >14 N. 6 th st.




history will begin next spring; pre-part yourself to be a traotor operator at the Twin City Tractor school, th« only long term school now operated by a large tractor manufacturer; first term begins November . 16th; other terms January 8d, February 7th,' March 18th. - 'For information ana

, catalog address the Minneapolis Steel • ft Machinery Company, 3864 Minn**' haha Ave., Minneapolis, Minnesota.





gift la a Singer Sewing Motor. See It operated at No. 11 South Third St.

—Slnger Stwing Machine Co.

SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED—POSITION AS BOOKKSEP-- er-ln teak or general store; two years

banking experience; tn furniah beat of roforanceo. Add re— it iSSai.

Y -r L 1 ' , v*' ** s 'rifc " &

(Additional Wast Ada od ti.)