•,.- r " ...•••-'•» w .<-•*., ;'V--r..#' '-"% v»» ,* •• " •• V , >• \{ V •g ^ J«, « * ^ , Till ***./ '* ; ^ 4-.i - %./' M i?t i sfi- 1 ! •4**-^ &* **?, EVENING BDITIOK grand HgRAED, SATURDAY, JULY' 5, 1919. '! /: North, Dakota's Greatest vl Classified Sedtion &?\t -.- ;:.^ n **L V^Sf . ® £IvUl^B'. '•OiTTM DAKOTA** 'H w <£*<£-: miM?A \M*WW-W; / ** WW fft Sv r ; I Ivals Bliss Irish 6.2.1 1- Want Ad Rates 8 Information & Oul>i WoM a-Bay •I » Uw » Maatk (It no chute In ad.) llintwuD Charg SS '*• 460 ' nhMtfMtto »wii i dag B,vortt ft (Mo 8 inMt 4»|»..3i ......40t Use this mstbodof* figuring onany imber of words. These rates en- 1 le you to pnblicaUonln both morn- ing and' evening editions. ^ Telephone 600 SlIlMt CLOSING HOXJR8—Wapt M Mm close ww> morning at lli4t for the evening edition, and I o'clock every er culpa for the morning edi- tion except wtwdty.'vhm forms , close at I p. m. for Sorday -morm- lng edition. , TELEPHONE WAN* ADS—Wast Ads are received by pketie, tow are payable the same day aa received i; and collection win be .made at your b home or offtoe aa MOD ea la eon- venlent. for tba collector to call., This la* accommodation service and payment riinM be made^rotaptly 1 when the ;1 la presa OUT OF TOWOBDERS rant be al ways-,' accompanied by 1 the cash. Please comply with this rale Urt avoid inconvenience-and May. ' AGENTS, AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE •* pamphlet on the inside history of i Towpleyism in North Dakota by J. D. Bacon. This is the fastest seller pub- lished in America. News agents ap- ply for particulara to J. D. Bacon, Hotel Dacotah. Grand Forks. ARCHITECTS _ W. J. EDWARDS, ARCHITECT Northwestern Block Tel. 215L N. W. BERT D. KECK. A. I. A. Architect First National Bank Building le at Eui vir- any corn ytina. B the' up. the from ranee i re- Id tq t the AUTOS. SOME SNAPS IN USED CARS B pass. Franklin Touring... .$150 4 pass. Overland Touring... .$150 2 pass. Jackson rebuilt Roadster .>.. .{125 5 pass. Interstate Touring... .$350 5 pass. Buick Touring .$325 6 pass. Studebaker, 6 ckl....$460 6 pass. Hollier Eight $675 fi pass Studebaker, 4 cyl.....$400 7 pass. Type 53 Cadillac... .$1,760 DAKOTA AUTO CO. N 4th St. s Grand Forks «»•••••»• » • • •• ••• REBUILT CARS On hand June 30, 1919 3—Ford touring cars. 1—Ford sedan. 1—Dodge touring car. 1-—Dodge roadster. - 1—Studebaker. FULLER MOTOR CO. Grand Forks, N. D. ••••• •• •• •••••••••••• 2.13 $. •y •••••**•••••••••• * r PART LIST * Ford road racer type. * Ford roadster, Murphy del. box. * Ford roadster, 1916. * Ford tourings, 15-16-17-18, * Ford panel delivery, 18. , * Ford Smith truck, 1 ton. * Chevrolet, 1#. * Chevrolet, new, 19. * Elgins, touring and sport model. * Chalmers, 2 pass, speedster. . * Jackson 8. . ' t Buick, small 4, starter. \ Kissel, small 4, starter. r* Monroe, 2 pass, roadster. * Changes Daily—See Us. * Dealers Used Car Exchange 10 South Fourth St. '*••••••••«» ••••• FIVE PASSENGER PULLMAN, in good condition. Will turn In on small house or pair of good lots. Address 791, Herald. •••»•»» WE ARB STILL IN THE LEAD IN painting of automobiles. Aak us for estimates. B. Christianson * Son. Over Sims" garage. BARGAINS IN. USED CARS IN NEAR- ly every make. Dakota Auto Co., ~N. 4th St.. Grand Forks. N. D. WANTED TO EXCHANGE FORD touring car body for runabout body. Getts Piano Co. 'CHEVROLET TOURING CAR IN good condition, for sale cheap. Getta Piano Co. KISSEL TOURING CAR. HIGH grade, flrst class condition. Getts Piano Co. ;o 40c to 3-7t to 3o< value. Brigh IS 18 DODGE FOR/SALE. STOWS AUTO * T>ivery. " * BATHS, ELECTRIC CABINET BATHS AND Swedish, maaaage: treatments for rheumatism ana chronic ailments. Separata department for ladies with lady nurse and mffsseuse In attend- S ica. Hotel Dacotah. Phone N. W. 74. meat .Carlson, Graduate Masseur and ,. Mechal»6 Therapist. , BUSINS8S CHANGES. ;Nj»OOL JSALIi ^AND BARBER SHOP IN connection' for sale. Will sell cheap. Address L. Brown, Russell, N. D. f V ;•! GROCERY AND BAKERY STORE FOR nd! r •'-• rent. E. A. Fladland. CHmOPRAOTORS BAHLKE AND BAHLKB ChiropractorB Snrikgs Block - *" Tri-Stat Phone N. W. 660 ate 487 M. E. KEMP. CHIROPRACTORS . . W. tB^k. Bldg. ' Phones 609-L sARRY TISDALE, CHIROPRACTOR. T Adjustments. Massage. Baths _ and !•fjt 5le«t l 'l®ai I^dy attendant Suite $02-20» S«curlty Block. Picture Fanues f HAT OLBANHfO SPHICO LTV4IS WE CLEAN AND RKBLOCK ALL kinds of hats, ladles'' and man's. Old nats made as good as new hy our spe- cial process. Send by mall; We pay return parcel post. Grand Forks Shoe Shining Parlor, 19 No. 3rd St., Grand Forks, N. D. T.-S. 9S2. ' MEN_AND WOMEN LRARN BARBER trade tad earn $M a Week up.. PMI* tions guaraateeg. Few weeks com- MlAiAA A.&. » .• _ RATS cleaned, blocked. We pay return postage. -Minneapolis Hal . Cleaning Parlor. 117 N. 3rd St. Grand-Forks. HKHSTTTOHINO FINK HEMSTITCHING ON ALL MA- terlals. Send lt_paroel post. G. F. Dye House, 317 Kittson Ave. HOTELS Family European Transient Finest Cafe in Northwest HOTEL DACOTAH Commercial Headquarters Rooms $1.00 up Recently Improved Cut out the picture on all four sides. Then carefully fold dotted Un« 1 in its entire length. Then dotted line 2, and BO oh, Fold each section under- neath accurately. When completed turn over and you'll find a surprising result. Save the pictures. FEMALE HELP. EXPERIENCED TELEPHONE OPBR- a tor wanted at once. One that can do some collecting and accounting in small exchange; $65.00 ' to start If ' competent will raise to $75.00. State experience. Address 798, Herald. PRKfWM A KTNG—Oontinned. SEWING WANTED.' S28 6th Ave. COOK WANTED FOR FRATERNITY . house to-have full charge of market- zing and planning of menus. Must be able to start Sept 18th. Write stating salary. expected. L. V. Miller, Box 663, Minot, N. D. EXCHANGES. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—OVER land with truck body, suitable for farm. Will, sell or trade for roadster or chassis. Address 799, Herald. WANTED—COMPETENT STENOGRA- pher and office woman. Permanent position, to commence July 10th. Ap- ply in own handwriting. Box 365, Grand Forks, N. D. AUTO TRUCK FOR SALE OR WILL trade for Ford touring car. 613 Inter- national Ave. T.-S. 196L. WANTED—SECOND HAND AUTOMO- htle in exchange for northern Minne- sota-land. Sundeen, Brunswick hotel. MAID WANTED FOR FRATERNITY house to start work Sept 18th. Room and board free. Write' stating salary exj>e«ted. L. V. Miller. Box 663, ^Cinot GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED AS BEC- ond cook. Seven hours' work; $40.00 S er .month, board and'room. Klrkwood otel, Carrington, N..D. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. •••*••••• 0*0***0* WAITRESSES WANTED mont Cafe. Top. wages. AT BEL- 320 acres—North half of Section 29, Keystone Twp.; 7 room warm house, barn fof JO head of horses, 20 tons of hay; lean-to for 10 head of cattle. Granary holds 2,500 bushels; hog house, chicken house, 3 good wells, 5 acres of grove; about 3,000 trees; 20 acres fenced for pasture. Price $70.00 per acre if sold soon. TWO SMART GIRLS WANTED FOR marking and sorting department Good working conditions and good pay. No experience necessary. . Grand Forks Laundry Co. NESBTT TOWN. \ 48. ; -NW(i Section .6, T. 151, R. Price $56.00. SW% Section 6, T. 161, R. 48. Pride $65.00. WH of W% Section 5, T. 151. R. 48. Price $66.00. SEE S. D. WILES FOR FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. i'' Your choice out of many proper- tie* - ranging from $700.00 to $8,000.00 in East Grand Forks. 0 0 0 0 FARM LOANS SULLIVAN BROTHERS Farm Loans East Grand Forks, Minn. FARM LANDS. ••••••• NE% of 16-168-38 - Beltrami Co., Minn. FOR SALE Must be sold immediately be- cause of Inability to meet pay- ments. I want $300 cash as I have that much into it.- Buyers must assume the obligations, which are much lower than any in that country.. Quarter Is worth about $2,000. Total cost to you will not amount- to much more than $700. Don't talk trades. . I must sell Immediately. If you want this land see or write GEO. L. ENGSTROM, Core Herald, Grand Forks, N. D. ••••*•••••••••• •• ••••••••• FOR 8ALB Three of the best farms In Grand Forks county. One, two and three miles Inkster. Fairly good buildings. Fine groves. Good water. Very cheap. Cash payment and easy terms. Call or write at once. L. R. FEET HAM _ Office, First Nat. Bank Bl«f Grand Forks. ••••• 00 HAVE A FARM HOME OF YOUR OWN. Low prices, long time easy payments, low interest' Clover lands for di- versilrta farming. Sheep lands. Beau- tiful lake region- where a man can makfe good. We arc owners, want ac- tual settlers. Write for map and par- ticulars. Itasca Lumber Co., Box 60, Dfeer River, Minn. FOR SALE—160 ACRES OF FINE land, four miles of town, Pembina County, N. Dak. Price for quick sale $$5.00 per acre; also 160 acres, three miles of town, price $35.00 per acre. Address J. L. Little, Drayton, N. Dak. KIMBALL FARM FOR SALE. LOQAT- . ed on Minnesota Point Inquire of Mrs. Andrew Kimball at Black's Ic? Cream factory, Minnesota Point FARM FOR RENT; STOCKED. HO *0, Edmore,N.D. FLATS. 6 ROOM FLAT FOR RENT IN BENT- xen btockr23-3t a 3rd St Fuiuiirciak FOR SALE—FIRST CLASS HOUSE- hold furniture. Walnut bedroom set, ' fumed oak dining room set, library table, davenport kitchen cabinet, rock- ers, etc. Call evaiUngs after 6:31V afternoons, 2:30 to 4 p. m., at 111 . North First street. Blast Grand Forks. Must be sold by. July 5th. BARGAIN. IN PHONOGRAPH. *>OPU- larrsise. Plays all records. Come and hear it. Room 12, Clifford Annex, SECOND-HAND Furniture, Stoves,-any- thing. bought sold, exchanged. Mc- Kensi}, 105 8a 3rd. nones .610. FCTuna^iBE. LARGE SIZE HARD COAL HSATMR and kitchen range for sale: CalFmora- inga at 73$ So. 4th. 3 PIBCH MAHOGANY PARLOR SUITE. Very reasonable. Call 1419J N. W. ROY A. HAYES, DRAY * TRANBFKR. 620 PeMers. N. W. 33L. OPOLD AND GAB PLATE TOR tale, an Chsstaut v HOUSEHOLD GO<»8 AT TtSK*.-Sth. Phone It ML N..W. DINING ROOM tABUB, 14-INCR TOP - HI Cottonwood, -v *PHroOPODI8JB. S. BAKER. Office Sit "N. nk Bldg. Phone N. W. 18«L IRfARD'S ORCHEBtRA M it* ' BitbsrdPko«e Ifil Bo* .197, aty. DancW*^^Instmetlsa—^ Pr MMt* Ml •" at., 'Grand Porks . Phone 1B-39S T.-1 ONB ROUND OAK RANGE FOR SALB. Call MtJ t-i OAS STOVB. BED ROOM BUITB. 117 J9. «tb. ALL YOUNG WOMEN ARE INVITED to make the Young Women's Chris- tian Ass'n. their headquarters while in. the city. •/ WANTED AT HOTEL SHORBHAM, second cook and two. laundry maids. Address K. C. Brownjohn, Manager, Detroit, Minn. COOK WANTED. Chocolate Shop. $15.00 PER WEEK. GIRLS WANTED. NEW YORK BfES- taurant EXPERIENCED LADY, CLERK. GOOD wages. Downham's Confectionery, East Grand Forks. RELIABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Small family. Mrs. Ben Cooperman, 617 Walnut. HOUSEKEEPER OR GOOD GIRL wanted on farm. Good wages for right party. Call 31F3 N. W. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES AP- •- ply Black's Purity Sweet Shop, In person. WANTED.—Girl for general,housework. Mrs. W. G. Miller, 1601 Cottonwood St COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: 2 In family. Mrs. H. A Llbby, 810L N. W. MAID WANTED FOR GENERAL _ housework. No. 3- Dlnnie Apts., on Chestnut WOMAN WANTED TO WORK BY DAY for two weeks. 170J N. W. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Mrs. H. G. Harvey, 610 N. W. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework at county hospital, Arvilla, N. D. GIRL WANTED—11M SO 5th. MRS. A. - A. Hofto. DINING ROOM GIRLS. CAN USE T* without experience. ^lotel Dacotah. DISHWASHERS WANTED, bial hotel. COLUM- SODA FOUNTAIN GIRL WANTED.— California Fruit Store. DISHWASHER WANTED, week. Fisher's Cafe. $.t».00 PER GIRL WANTED.—NO WAff.flNG. AT 513 International. WAITRESSES WANTED mont Cafe. Top wages. AT BEL- WOMAN NIGHT Empress Cafe. COOR WANTED.— DINING ROOM GIRL Columbia Hotel. WANTED AT SECOND COOK WANTED. COLUMBIA Hotel. WAITRESS AND KITCHEN HELP wanted. American Restaurant •CHAMBERMAID lal hotel. WANTED. IHPER- WAITRBSS WANTS) JPsfe. AT EMPRESS WAITRESS WANTED.—ARLINGTON Park Hotel. KITCHEN GIRL WANTED, DACOTAH Hotel. WAITRESS Cafe. WANTED. FISHER'S THREE GIRLS Steam Laundry. WANTED <r— TROY WANTED—GIRL. Store. ARCADIAN FRUIT HOTEL DACOTAH. n itiiJP TdATJBfc PLUMBERS AND TINNERS WANTED —Steady job,-good wages. Aberdeen Plumbing & Heating Co.. Aberdeen. S. D. -N e e e •• eeeeeoeeeeoa s -. rxl BATOR »i&fl; Vv/ MACHINI8T-OPERATOR ^5 OR OPERATOR ; v VitVWANTED AT ONCE; Night shift; $36 and $33. SI:.. Write or Wire/ •M'v ; FOREMAN " , * * MORNING BERALD b * e/e * * * * * * * * * 0 0 0 1 e e e V 7 r0 EVENING CARRIER WANTED. ' 5.^. Apply Circolatton Manager ; ; . Grand Forks H«r*ld luULWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED. - -iiaation r A— " »- ra salary , tion sufHcieot MTrite t; Shcamiaatlon' Au^^2$, jUl statsaL Be- %srrttj portsnlty 8oldier«H§ailo< kins, Washington, pt C. glnners salary $1101 tion suftlcieot Wri information Form NJ 143. en-Sailors. mon editcar BARBER WANTED—WAG1 id>»« over $X " pletee by our method. Geostant prao- tlea. Low summer rates. Write for catalog. Moler Barber Collage. 17 C. Nloollet Ave., Minneapolis. .Est. 1M3. WANTED—FIRST CLASS DELIVERY man July^ 10th. Married nan preferred. Steady position. H. K, , <jM*t A Co. AUTO REP AIR MAN WANTED TO take- over- ihe repair work on 70 -per cent oommission. Only good men used apply; l; N. Holden. Arthur, N. D. WANTED-— EXPERIENCED DAIRY- man to. produoe milk for city trade. Addtess 792, Herald. TINNERS AND SHEET METAL workers wanted. C. U'Llafoot. East Grand Forks. WANTED—YOUNG MAN TO WORK at printing trade. State experienoe, Box 290, Graad Forks. N. D. ' WANTED—BOY OVER 15 YEARS OLD at Grand Forks Shoo Shining Parlors. Good pay. GOOD BUTCHER WANTED; $30.00 A week. A. E. Erleksoa, Starkweather, N. D. START RIGHT. LOS ANGELES T. M. C. A. anto school. Servioe men H rata.' WAITER WANTED. GOOD WAGES. Hutching ft Webber cafe. East Side. WANTED—GOOD CHORE AND OAR* den man. J. Nelson Kelly, city. ' SECOND BAKER WANTED. Black's Purity Sweet Shop. APPLY WANTED—A GOOD BOY TO DELIV- er. Walker Meat Market FRY COOK WANTED AT THE HUN- gry Man's Place. CARPENTERS Dlnnie A Co. WANTED.— J AS. DISHWASHER press Cafe. DURING DAY. EM- KITCHEN MAN York -restaurant WANTED. NEW MAN COOK WANTED.—-ARLINGTON Park Hotel. DISHWASHER. EMPRESS CAFE. ••• * MICHIGAN EMPLOYMENT CO. * Help of all kinds furnished on * * application. Farm hslp, railroad * laborers, carpenters, etc. * 106 DeMers N. W. 1609 * Grand Forks, N. D. * e • • e ••••• GRAND FORKS RAILWAY MAIL Clerk examinations August S3. $1100- $1600 year. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 323R, Roch- eater. N. Y. •EXPERIENCED MAN AND WJFE without children wanted on farm at once. Salary $90.00 per month. Arn- berger Bros.. Gilby, N. D. WANTED—MARRIED COUPLE AND housekeeper for farm work. Address Bank of Orr, Orr, N. D. WANTED AT ONCE—MAN AND WIFE without children or competent woman on farm. Address 748 Herald. MARRIED COUPLE WANTED TO RUN nur farm by month or year. John M. O'Connor, St. Thomas, N. D. COUPLE WANTED ON FARM. NO 45, Edmore. N. D. HOUSES FOB RENT. WATCH GRAND FORKS GROW FOR RENT. $60.00~t-9 room all modern house—^Tor 3 6th on months—on N. Street $35.00—12 room all modern house Walnut St FOR SALE. $ 850.00-—4 room house on Street. $1100.90—5 room honse, city water, 60- foot lot, on lone Ave. $1260.00—6 room cottage. 50-foot tot. city water and electric lights, on Dakota Ave. $4700.00—8 room all modern house on South Fourth St $4250.00—8 room all modern hoese on South Sixth 8t $5500.00—8 room all modern house on South Sixth St. $7500.90—9 room house, all modern, on Vernon Ave. $8500.00—10 room all modern bouse on H0CV6S j^V6i $8000.00—9 room house, an modern, on Belmont Ave. $6600.00—9 room, all modern house, on Belmont Ave. $1800.00—6 room house, all modern bat' heat, on Fourth Ave. $3300.00—6 loom house, all modern, on Cherry St ' . $5000.00—6 room house, all modern, on Vernon Ave. $2700.00—6 room house, all modern but heat on Walnut 8t $3300.00—5 room house sad bam, I acres of land, all feased. on -Strong Ave. $4000.09—7 room house, all modern, on University Ave. $2200.00—6 room house, all modern but heat on University Ave. $6000.00—7 room house, ail modern. On / N. 6th St. ' W. H. KSt£EY HOUSES FOR SALE. • • e •• e e e e I have several an modern homes * for sale. These are my own. Fine * location. . Perfect condition. * V W. L. WILDER e ••••••••••••••••••a CHOICE BUILDING LOT ON BBL- mont Ave. for sale; also 'two inex- pensive homes, both in South end. Terms. Northern State. Bank. HOUSES FOR SAEK. COMFORTABLE SIX ROOM HOUSE, all' modern but heat. Will sell cheap on account of leaving city. SIT Chest- nut St HOUSES: ALL SIZES AND DESCRIP- tions, at $500.00 up. The H. Co. KODAK JHNUIiUIIG.. LET, US DEVELOP^ YOCR KODAK Fllbs; 26c for 0. esp, roll and J prists; prompt Servlco that knows hew. Elrlkson Studio. Little Fan*. Minn. DEVELOPING 6-EXP. ROLL. 10c; 10 or 12 exp. roll, lie. Printing liatK, So,each: 2*x4*. 4e each; MixtW *c eseh; 36 hour service if money is seat with films. Hoffs Studio. Graad Forks. N. D.. uvariwi. I RAVE PASTURAOB FOR 104 HEM of stsek. Abundant prater. J. X Bacon. Hotel Dacotah. Qraad Forks.' TEAM OF MULES FOR SAUL dence 208 Minn. Av*. Call SSI R. A. Hayes. SSL N.W. Loerr Ais rocm LOST—IRISH SETTER WITHOUT collar i answers to name of Jerry. Re- ward. Call Booth S00 either phone. LOST—SMALL BROOCH, SB* WITH nearls and one ruby, on Walnut St Return to T01 Walnut for ^reward. LOST—26 DOLLARS _T Third f St Address *00 FitkMr return to Herald for reward . STRAYED—7 DARX COL' * year olds, one yearling. ' . Dossil, Emends, K, D. 6 TWO Elmer .STORAGE. Household Goods Packed and Stored. Paaovltz Furniture and Carpet Co. WANTED TO BUT. WANTED TO BUY—A GOOD SECOND hand oak buffet. AddreSs 789, Herald. WANTED—A POOL HALL. ADDRESS 763, Herald. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED—SMALL HOUSE, FLAT OR unfurnished housekeeping rooms. To take possession on or before August 1st Mrs. Curran, 509 N. 4th St. 914L N. W. LEGAL NOTICES. We've often wondered about dram majors—wher they Kit ther inclina- tion t' be dram majors, an' what they aspect V gain by it Lafe Bod hasn' famillariacd himself wttb th' pcaoo terms, bat he knows th' names o* all Of 1ate collars. LIQOT AND FOPIP LOST—2 YEAR OLD DARK RED heifer with horns. Call 71 N. W., 902 4th Ave. LOST—BOY'S PLAID CAP IN CKN- tral park. Finder phone 1660J W. LOST—CLASS PIN. S. M. H. '19 ON IT. Call 533 N. W. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FEED. ••••• Ground Oats Ground Barley Ground Corn Ground corn and oata - Ground barley and oats OH meal, cottonseed meal Chick starter, chicken feed Egg mash, ground bone. CHOICE HAY BALE OR TON FEED GRINDING . _ W. L. HOOVER N.W. 386 T. S. 1147 V • • SUMKOHS. State of North Dakota, County of Grand Forks, In District Court, First Judi- cial District. S. Gregolre, plaintiff, vs. John Steven- son, O. A. Stevenson, and all un- . known persons claiming any estate or interest in or lien or incumbrance upon the property described in the complaint by or through the said John Stevenson and O. A. Steven- son, or otherwise, defendants. The State of North Dakota, to the above named defendants: You and each of you are hereby sum- moned to answer the complaint in this action which complaint is on file in the office of the clerk of the district. court of Grand Forks county, North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer up- on the subscribers within thirty days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service, and in case of your failure to appear or an- swer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated May 29th, 1919. L. A. Chance, Attorney for Plaintiff, Grand Forks, North Dakota. NOTICE. To the above named defendants: Please take notice that <ne object of the above entitled action is to determine adverse claims to the following describ- ed real estate situate in the county of Graad Forks, state of North Dakota, to- wit: Northeast quarter of section twen- ty-three, township one hundred fifty- one, north of range fifty-one west and that no personal claim is made against the defendant Dated May 29th, 1919. L. A. Chance, Attorney for Plaintiff, Grand Forks, N. D. (July 5-12-19-26, Aug. 2-9) CYPRESS CISTERNS AND WATER tanks—We have about forty cypress vats formerly used as beer vats. Thess are of the finest construction - made of cypress which is the best timber for this purpose that grows. Slse, all the way from forty to one hundred and forty barrels. Can be knocked down and shipped. Price on application. O. J. Barnes Co„ City. 8 Ft. PLATE GLASS HUMIDOR CIGAR case, 16 inch marble base, $100.00. Also 30 ft. wall case, 7 ft. 6 in. high with 6 inch marble base. Movable shelves, dark oak finish, white inter- ior, $60.00. One cash register. $100.00. Phone 712J T.-S. R. F. Jackson, 1201 Univ. Ave. FOR SAL®—ONE MeCASKEY RBGIS- ter complete: never been used. ' Also one Stetnfson grocery scale. F. J. Bosworth, Southam, N. D. FOR SALE—20 CORDS GOOD DRY Jack Pine wood, $8.50 per cord at the mill. Skidmore Ave. and North 5th-St N. W. 386; T.-S. 1147. W. L. Hoover. FIRST CLASS OLD VIOLIN FOR sale, new case; 2 good bows, 70 Im- ported strings. You can examine at Popptar Music Store. ONE CIGAR CASE, ONE TOBACCO ease, one soft drink counter with goose neck, one ice box. Sundeen, Brunswick hotel. BLUEBERRIES FOR SALE BY THE basket, 16 lbs. to the basket. Write M. N. Dalseg, Mors on. Ont, Canada. SEED FLAX: WE HAVE ONE THOU- sand bushel fancy wilt resistant flax for prompt delivery. O. J. Barnes. BXSS, GRADE SCROOK BUXLBXHO, cross TOX.T 6. 1819. East Graad Forks. Minnesota. Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Education, Independent School District No. 3, Polk County, East Grand Forks. Minnesota, at the office of the Board of Education, until 8 o'clock p. m. July 5th. 1919, for the erection and completion of a Grade School Build- ing, including the general contract work, heating and ventilating, plumbing and electrical work, in accordance with plans and specifications furnished by Bert D. Keck, architect First National Bank Building, Grand Forks, North Dakota. Bids will be received separately on the various contracts and are to be sub- mitted only on the form of bids supplied by the Architect under cover of the specifications. Proposals must be accompanied by a certified check for 5% of the amount of the bid, payable to the treasurer of the -district. Copies of the above plans and speci- fications may be viewed at the following places: At the office of the Board of Education. East Grand Forks, Minnesota, at the office of the Architect, First Na- tional Bank Building, Grand Forks, North Dakota, and the offices of the Builders' Exchanges in Grand Forks, North Dakota, Crooks ton, Minnesota. St Paul Minnesota, Minneapolis Minnesota, Duluth Minnesota and Minot North Da- kota. t Extra copies of plans and specifica- tions may be obtained by application to the Architect upon conditions as fixed by the Architect The said plans and specifications are to be returned in good condition and those sectoring plans and specifications guaranteeing the tender- ing of proposals. The successful bidders must furnish a surety bond for the full amount of the contract price? The right is reserved to accept any proposal or reject all proposals. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 3, POLK COUNTY, MINN. L. O. LYSTAD, President GEO. A. NOONAN, Secretary. THOS. POWERS, Treasurer. BERT D. KE9CK. Architect & Engineer. (June 15, IS, 21. 28, July S.) COMPLETE SET OF CARPENTER tools for sale by A. L WWlund, Ad- ministrator. FOR SALE—1 DOUBLE MAJESTIC range. If sold at once. 608 Int. Ave. MONUMENTAL WORKS MONUMENTS, W. R. Jack. MARKERS, VAULTS. Grand Porks. N. D. OffVlGES FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS FOR RENT IN THE Pfatky Block. E. A, Fladeland. OSTEOPATHY DRS. ORR AND MAY SANDERS 317 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Both Phones 642 Grand Forks PERSONAL ANYONE WISHING CHILDREN TAK- ' en care of either for a day, week or month, call 620 T.-S. or address 361 Herald. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DR MARGARET PEAKE, WIDLUND Bldg. Grand Forks, N. D. PIANOS FOR SALE—ONE STECNWAY ROSE- wood Upright piano and antique sec- retary, Geo. Washington period. Call 611 University Ave. Saturday. Phone 14C9LN. W. BOOMBxasiaNT. LARGE BRIGHT COMFORTABLE _ _ in He.-9dd Apartments, third flow. Herald Bldg. 6 UNFURNISHED ROOMS UPSTAIRS suitable for light housekeeping. 610 Srd Ave. Gall at Tit 3rd Ave. THE PALACE H< wefk and up. 7th NICE FRONT ROOM SUITABLE FORv two •snUomen. - 614 So. 5 th 8t FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING s. Modsfo, rooms. _ _ national Ave. downstairs. 320 Inter- F^BNISaiD ROOMS FOR RENT. 11 6 th. ftTRNISHSD ROOMS FOR RENT. iSSSL N. W. ' UNFURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. 611 N. 4U». 130TJ N. W. w REPAIRING THE SHOE HOSPITAL. The'largest and most up to date shoo repairing shop in Grand Forks. Best of material and service. Parcel post paid one way. . J no 8oUand. 5th-DoMera, Grand Forks 8HOBS "REPAIRED NKATLT; Postage paid one way. No prices loVer in city. srrq/moNswAirira TOMip«TENT '8 TEN Ob R A.PHER would like work "espying legal doeu- vments, manuscripts, lecturoa. ate. Rates reasonable. Telephone OWL N. WW.c^for^furthar particular* to :ows. State of North Dakota, County of Grand Forks, ss. In District Court, First Judicial District. William C. Protz, Plaintiff, vs. Alice NL Chance, Abram or Abraham Miller, Solomon Milier, and the unknown heirs, devisees and legatees of Abram or Abra- ham Mmer and Solomon Miller, William R. Day, as assignee for the creditors of Alice N. Chance, C. M. Russell and Jud- son A. Wann, as trustees of the creditors of the Sun Vapor Street Light Company, and all other persons unknown claiming any estate or interest in or lien or in- cumbrance upon the property described Ml the complaint Defendants. The State of North Dakota to the above named defendants: You and each of you are hereby sum- moned to answer the complaint, in this action, which complaint is on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Grand Forks County, North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscriber within thirty days after the service of this summons upon you. exclusive of the day of service, and in ease of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated June 12th. 1919. BTINTYRE & BURTNESS. Attorneys for Plaintiff, Graad Forks, N. Dakota. Wotlos. To the above named defendants: Please take notice 'that the above en- titled action is brought solely for the purpose of determining adverse claims to the following described real estate, situate in the County of Grand Forks, State of North Dakota, to-wlt: The southeast quarter of section twenty-nine (SE14-29) and the northeast quarter of section thirty-two (NE%-32>, township one hundred fifty-two north (152), range fifty-three west (53). and that no per- sonal claim is made against the defend- ants. Dated June ltth. 1919. MTNTYRE & BURTNESS, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Grand Forks. N. Dak. (Juno 14-21-28. July 6-12-19.) State of North Dakota, County of Graad Forks, ss. In County Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Rose Ann Johnston, deceased. / C. W. Dennlston, Petitioner, ~*s. Alex- ander Johnston, Charles A. Johnston, Mrs. J as. Farrage, Mrs. H. E. Walker, Mrs. E. L. Copeland, Ernest A John- stoQ^ Fred A. Johnston, Mrs. C K. Sal- isbury. Harold W. Johnston, Cleveland M Johnston and-°Mrs. O. W. Jones,-Re- spondents. The State of North Dakota to the above named Respondents: Take Notice: That C. W. Dennlston as executor of the estate above men- tioned has rendered and presented to the Court his final account praying that a time be fixed for the settlement there- of, and for the distribution of the said estate; and it appearing to the Court that said estate is ready for distribu- tion; It is ordered, that said account be brought on before the Court for settle- ment on the 21st day of July, 1919, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the office of the County Judgo in the Court' House in' the City of Grand Forks, in the County >nd State aforesaid. That upon confirmation and settle- ment jot said final account the Oourt without further notioe and at the time and place above mentioned will proceed to a distribution and partition of said estate to all entitled thereto. Thht all persona interested .in said es- tate lie and they are hereby cited, to appear, at said time and place to cause, if any there be, why:said account should not to settled and said distributed as prayed. J And it is further ordered, That notice of said hearing be -given by service Of Ms order on all persons lnterested in estate by>-pubiiahlng the same -, for suoctsssiv* weeks. In the Forks Herald, a ... published at Grand county. Done at the-office of the County OMnt above mentioned, thU 12th 4ay eC June. 1919. - . ' •'> ^ Tf "- By .the Court . . . L. tK •" T (Seal) - Judge of CbMitr Ooort (June 14, SI. SS, July M Northern Railway Company, a rporation, plaintiff, vs. Mary 8. ttthle as administratrix at the ce- cal Ma SUmHHNL State of North Dakota. County of Geand Porks, In District Court, First Judlcfel District. Great Northern Railway corp Matthie _ _ state of Neil B^ Matthie, deceased, Mary S. Matthie, Annie F. Halt, nee Matthie, James H. Matthie, Mar- aret E. Muir, nee Matthie, Roth J. "atthie, Rachel L. Matthie, Mary S. Matthie, Charles L. Matthie, Elisa- beth Matthie, and the cowaty of Grand Forks, a municipal corpora- tion, defendants. The state of North Dakota to the above named defendants: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in the above entitled ac- tion, which complaint is on file w3*h the clerk of the above named court at Grand Forks, North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscrib- ers within fifteen days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service; and In .case of your failure to appear or answer judg- ment will be taken against you by de- fault for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated February 21st, 1919. * Murphy & Toner, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Residence and Post Office Address, Grand Forks, North Dakota. (June 29; July 5-12-19-26. Aug. 2) ® I << MUST GJKT TITUS. I London, June 16.—(Correspondence of the Associated Press)—Under the will of the late C. W. Wallace, an Indian merchant, $1,250,000 is left -to the British government in the event of his sons failing to acquire "a baronetcy or superior title." The testator's only, surviving son. Captain W. W. Wallace, has not re- ceived a baronetcy and the executor* are seeking to set-aside the clause in the will on the ground that it is oj>- posed to puMic money. Such wills, they contend, embarrass officers of the crown in the distribution of hon- ors and induce other persons con- cerned to adopt -improper means to obtaint titles. Mr. Wallace explained his condi- tional gift by saying in his will: "I do this because I hold the view that, subject to the testator's right to make ample provision for his chil- dren, all poesessions. great or small, if acquired from or through the peo- ple, as mine were, should return to the people. I am not acting fully up to this view In me case of my chil- dren, because the law does not enforce it upon all others." COOKING BEFORE KISSING VERDICT AFTER AO TEARS London.—"Cooking is more im- portant than kissing in making life one long honeymoon," declared Mrs. William Goode, upon celebrating with her husband the sixtieth anniversary of their wedding at their Waltham- stow home. "Kissing doesn't last but cooking does. "The flrst precaution is to dispel the illusion that too often exists be- fore marriage and during the official honeymoon—that the flrst novelty will not wear off. It must; and when it does one needs something to re- place it." Mr. Goode is 8S, and his wife 81. When he was 13 and she was 11 Mr. Goode used to hide in an upstairs room to smoke while she mounted guard at the door to warn him of danger. HATS ON AT FUNERAL. London.—All mourners were re- quested by his will to keep their hats on at the churchyard while .Charles Milnes-Gaskell was being buried. That the order might be carried out he directed that the request be read at. the services. m ' fe-r \ y is#

North, Dakota's Greatest ;:.^ vl Classified Sedtion...•,.-r " t» ...•••-'•» w

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EVENING BDITIOK grand HgRAED, SATURDAY, JULY' 5, 1919. ' ! / :

North, Dakota's Greatest vl Classified Sedtion

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Sv r ;


Ivals Bliss Irish 6.2.1


Want Ad Rates

8 In fo rmat ion

& Oul>i WoM a-Bay •I » Uw » Maatk

(It no chute In ad.) llintwuD Charg


'*• 460

' nhMtfMtto • »wii i dag B,vortt ft (Mo 8 inMt • 4»|»..3i......40t

Use this mstbodof* figuring onany imber of words. These rates • en-1

le you to pnblicaUonln both morn­ing and' evening editions. Telephone 600 SlIlMt

CLOSING HOXJR8—Wapt M Mm close ww> morning at lli4t for the evening edition, and I o'clock every er culpa for the morning edi­tion except wtwdty.'vhm forms

, close at I p. m. for Sorday -morm-lng edition. ,

TELEPHONE WAN* ADS—Wast Ads are received by pketie, tow are payable the same day aa received i; and collection win be .made at your

b home or offtoe aa MOD ea la eon-venlent. for tba collector to call., This la* accommodation service and payment riinM be made^rotaptly

1 when the ;1 la presa

OUT OF TOWOBDERS rant be al ways-,' accompanied by1 the cash. Please comply with this rale Urt avoid inconvenience-and May. '


•* pamphlet on the inside history of i Towpleyism in North Dakota by J. D.

Bacon. This is the fastest seller pub­lished in America. News agents ap­ply for particulara to J. D. Bacon, Hotel Dacotah. Grand Forks.


_ W. J. EDWARDS, ARCHITECT Northwestern Block Tel. 215L N. W.

BERT D. KECK. A. I. A. Architect

First National Bank Building

le at Eui vir-any

corn ytina. B the' up.

the from ranee

i re-Id tq t the



B pass. Franklin Touring... .$150 4 pass. Overland Touring... .$150 2 pass. Jackson rebuilt

Roadster .>.. .{125 5 pass. Interstate Touring... .$350 5 pass. Buick Touring .$325 6 pass. Studebaker, 6 ckl....$460 6 pass. Hollier Eight $675 fi pass Studebaker, 4 cyl.....$400 7 pass. Type 53 Cadillac... .$1,760


N 4th St. s Grand Forks

« » • • • • • » •

» • • • • • • • • • • •


On hand June 30, 1919

3—Ford touring cars. 1—Ford sedan. 1—Dodge touring car. 1-—Dodge roadster. -1—Studebaker.


Grand Forks, N. D.

• • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2.13


• y • • • • • * * • • • • • • • • • • *r PART LIST * Ford road racer type. * Ford roadster, Murphy del. box. * Ford roadster, 1916. * Ford tourings, 15-16-17-18, * Ford panel delivery, 18.

, * Ford Smith truck, 1 ton. • * Chevrolet, 1#. * Chevrolet, new, 19. * Elgins, touring and sport model. * Chalmers, 2 pass, speedster. . * Jackson 8. . ' t Buick, small 4, starter. \ Kissel, small 4, starter.

r* Monroe, 2 pass, roadster. • * Changes Daily—See Us. • * Dealers Used Car Exchange •

10 South Fourth St. • ' * • • • • • • • • « » • • • • • •

FIVE • PASSENGER PULLMAN, in good condition. Will turn In on small house or pair of good lots. Address 791, Herald.

• • • • » • » »

WE ARB STILL IN THE LEAD IN painting of automobiles. Aak us for estimates. B. Christianson * Son. Over Sims" garage.

BARGAINS IN. USED CARS IN NEAR-ly every make. Dakota Auto Co., ~N. 4th St.. Grand Forks. N. D.

WANTED TO EXCHANGE — FORD touring car body for runabout body. Getts Piano Co.

'CHEVROLET TOURING CAR IN good condition, for sale cheap. Getta Piano Co.

KISSEL TOURING CAR. HIGH grade, flrst class condition. Getts Piano Co.

;o 40c to 3-7t to 3o< value.




Swedish, maaaage: treatments for rheumatism ana chronic ailments. Separata department for ladies with lady nurse and mffsseuse In attend-

Sica. Hotel Dacotah. Phone N. W. 74. meat .Carlson, Graduate Masseur and

,. Mechal»6 Therapist. ,


;Nj»OOL JSALIi AND BARBER SHOP IN connection' for sale. Will sell cheap. Address L. Brown, Russell, N. D.

f V ;•! GROCERY AND BAKERY STORE FOR nd! r •'-• rent. E. A. Fladland. •


BAHLKE AND BAHLKB ChiropractorB Snrikgs Block

— - *" — — Tri-Stat Phone N. W. 660 ate 487

M. E. KEMP. CHIROPRACTORS . . W. tB^k. Bldg. ' Phones 609-L

sARRY TISDALE, CHIROPRACTOR. T Adjustments. Massage. Baths _ and

!•fjt 5le«tl'l®ai I^dy attendant Suite $02-20» S«curlty Block.

Picture Fanues f HAT OLBANHfO


WE CLEAN AND RKBLOCK ALL kinds of hats, ladles'' and man's. Old nats made as good as new hy our spe­cial process. Send by mall; We pay return parcel post. Grand Forks Shoe Shining Parlor, 19 No. 3rd St., Grand Forks, N. D. T.-S. 9S2. '

MEN_AND WOMEN LRARN BARBER trade tad earn $M a Week up.. PMI* tions guaraateeg. Few weeks com-MlAiAA A.&. » .• _

RATS cleaned, blocked. We pay return postage. -Minneapolis Hal . Cleaning Parlor. 117 N. 3rd St. Grand-Forks.


FINK HEMSTITCHING ON ALL MA-terlals. Send lt_paroel post. G. F. Dye House, 317 Kittson Ave.


Family European Transient Finest Cafe in Northwest

HOTEL DACOTAH Commercial Headquarters

Rooms $1.00 up Recently Improved

Cut out the picture on all four sides. Then carefully fold dotted Un« 1 in its entire length. Then dotted line 2, and BO oh, Fold each section under­neath accurately. When completed turn over and you'll find a surprising result. Save the pictures.


a tor wanted at once. One that can do some collecting and accounting in small exchange; $65.00 ' to start If

' competent will raise to $75.00. State experience. Address 798, Herald.

PRKfWM A KTNG—Oontinned.

SEWING WANTED.' S28 6th Ave.

COOK WANTED FOR FRATERNITY . house to-have full charge of market-zing and planning of menus. Must be able to start Sept 18th. Write stating salary. expected. L. V. Miller, Box 663, Minot, N. D.


FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—OVER land with truck body, suitable for farm. Will, sell or trade for roadster or chassis. Address 799, Herald.

WANTED—COMPETENT STENOGRA-pher and office woman. Permanent position, to commence July 10th. Ap­ply in own handwriting. Box 365, Grand Forks, N. D.

AUTO TRUCK FOR SALE OR WILL trade for Ford touring car. 613 Inter­national Ave. T.-S. 196L.

WANTED—SECOND HAND AUTOMO-htle in exchange for northern Minne­sota-land. Sundeen, Brunswick hotel.

MAID WANTED FOR FRATERNITY house to start work Sept 18th. Room and board free. Write' stating salary exj>e«ted. L. V. Miller. Box 663, ^Cinot

GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED AS BEC-ond cook. Seven hours' work; $40.00

Ser .month, board and'room. Klrkwood otel, Carrington, N..D.

FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. • • • • * • • • • • 0 * 0 * * * 0 *

WAITRESSES WANTED mont Cafe. Top. wages.


320 acres—North half of Section 29, Keystone Twp.; 7 room warm house, barn fof JO head of horses, 20 tons of hay; lean-to for 10 head of cattle. Granary holds 2,500 bushels; hog house, chicken house, 3 good wells, 5 acres of grove; about 3,000 trees; 20 acres fenced for pasture. Price $70.00 per acre if sold soon.

TWO SMART GIRLS WANTED FOR marking and sorting department Good working conditions and good pay. No experience necessary. . Grand Forks Laundry Co.


48. ; -NW(i Section .6, T. 151, R. Price $56.00.

SW% Section 6, T. 161, R. 48. Pride $65.00.

WH of W% Section 5, T. 151. R. 48. Price $66.00.



Your choice out of many proper-tie* - ranging from $700.00 to $8,000.00 in East Grand Forks.


0 0 0


Farm Loans East Grand Forks, Minn.

FARM LANDS. • • • • • • • •

NE% of 16-168-38 -Beltrami Co., Minn.


Must be sold immediately be­cause of Inability to meet pay­ments. I want $300 cash as I have that much into it.- Buyers must assume the obligations, which are much lower than any in that country.. Quarter Is worth about $2,000. Total cost to you will not amount- to much more than $700.

Don't talk trades. . I must sell Immediately. If you want this land see or write

GEO. L. ENGSTROM, Core Herald, Grand Forks, N. D.

• • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Three of the best farms In Grand Forks county. One, two and three miles Inkster. Fairly good buildings. Fine groves. Good water. Very cheap. Cash payment and easy terms. Call or write at once.

L. R. FEET HAM _ Office, First Nat. Bank Bl«f

Grand Forks. • • • • • • • 00

HAVE A FARM HOME OF YOUR OWN. Low prices, long time easy payments, low interest' Clover lands for di-versilrta farming. Sheep lands. Beau­tiful lake region- where a man can makfe good. We arc owners, want ac­tual settlers. Write for map and par­ticulars. Itasca Lumber Co., Box 60, Dfeer River, Minn.

FOR SALE—160 ACRES OF FINE land, four miles of town, Pembina County, N. Dak. Price for quick sale $$5.00 per acre; also 160 acres, three miles of town, price $35.00 per acre. Address J. L. Little, Drayton, N. Dak.

KIMBALL FARM FOR SALE. LOQAT-. ed on Minnesota Point Inquire of

Mrs. Andrew Kimball at Black's Ic? Cream factory, Minnesota Point



6 ROOM FLAT FOR RENT IN BENT-xen btockr23-3t a 3rd St


FOR SALE—FIRST CLASS HOUSE-hold furniture. Walnut bedroom set,

' fumed oak dining room set, library table, davenport kitchen cabinet, rock­ers, etc. Call evaiUngs after 6:31V afternoons, 2:30 to 4 p. m., at 111

. North First street. Blast Grand Forks. Must be sold by. July 5th.

BARGAIN. IN PHONOGRAPH. *>OPU-larrsise. Plays all records. Come and hear it. Room 12, Clifford Annex,

SECOND-HAND Furniture, Stoves,-any­thing. bought sold, exchanged. Mc-Kensi}, 105 8a 3rd. nones .610.

FCTuna iBE.

LARGE SIZE HARD COAL HSATMR and kitchen range for sale: CalFmora-inga at 73$ So. 4th.

3 PIBCH MAHOGANY PARLOR SUITE. Very reasonable. Call 1419J N. W.

ROY A. HAYES, DRAY * TRANBFKR. 620 PeMers. N. W. 33L.

OPOLD AND GAB PLATE TOR tale, an Chsstaut v

HOUSEHOLD GO<»8 AT TtSK*.-Sth. Phone It ML N..W.

DINING ROOM tABUB, 14-INCR TOP - HI Cottonwood, -v


S. BAKER. Office Sit "N. nk Bldg. Phone N. W. 18«L


' BitbsrdPko«e Ifil Bo* .197, aty.

DancW*^^Instmetlsa— Pr MMt* Ml •" at., 'Grand Porks . Phone 1B-39S T.-1



ALL YOUNG WOMEN ARE INVITED to make the Young Women's Chris­tian Ass'n. their headquarters while in. the city. •/

WANTED AT HOTEL SHORBHAM, second cook and two. laundry maids. Address K. C. Brownjohn, Manager, Detroit, Minn.

COOK WANTED. Chocolate Shop.

$15.00 PER WEEK.


EXPERIENCED LADY, CLERK. GOOD wages. Downham's Confectionery, East Grand Forks.

RELIABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Small family. Mrs. Ben Cooperman, 617 Walnut.

HOUSEKEEPER OR GOOD GIRL wanted on farm. Good wages for right party. Call 31F3 N. W.

EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES — AP-•- ply Black's Purity Sweet Shop, In


WANTED.—Girl for general,housework. Mrs. W. G. Miller, 1601 Cottonwood St

COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: 2 In family. Mrs. H. A Llbby, 810L N. W.

MAID WANTED FOR GENERAL _ housework. No. 3- Dlnnie Apts., on


WOMAN WANTED TO WORK BY DAY for two weeks. 170J N. W.

COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Mrs. H. G. Harvey, 610 N. W.

GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework at county hospital, Arvilla, N. D.

GIRL WANTED—11M SO 5th. MRS. A. - A. Hofto.

DINING ROOM GIRLS. CAN USE T* without experience. ^lotel Dacotah.



SODA FOUNTAIN GIRL WANTED.— California Fruit Store.

DISHWASHER WANTED, week. Fisher's Cafe.

$.t».00 PER

GIRL WANTED.—NO WAff.flNG. AT 513 International.

WAITRESSES WANTED mont Cafe. Top wages.


WOMAN NIGHT Empress Cafe.


DINING ROOM GIRL Columbia Hotel.



WAITRESS AND KITCHEN HELP wanted. American Restaurant

•CHAMBERMAID lal hotel.








THREE GIRLS Steam Laundry.





n itiiJP TdATJBfc

PLUMBERS AND TINNERS WANTED —Steady job,-good wages. Aberdeen Plumbing & Heating Co.. Aberdeen. S. D. -N

e • e e • • e e e e e o e e e e o a s • - . rxl BATOR

» i&f l ;





Night shift; $36 and $33.

SI:.. Write or Wire/ •M'v

; FOREMAN " , * *


• * e/e * * * * * * * * * 0 0 0 1 e e e

V • 7 r0


5. . Apply Circolatton Manager ; ; .

Grand Forks H«r*ld luULWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED. - -iiaationrA— " — »-

ra salary , tion sufHcieot MTrite t;

Shcamiaatlon' Au^^2$, jUl statsaL Be-


portsnlty 8oldier«H§ailo< kins, Washington, pt C.

glnners salary $1101 tion suftlcieot Wri information Form NJ 143.


mon editcar

BARBER WANTED—WAG1 id>»« over $X "

pletee by our method. Geostant prao-tlea. Low summer rates. Write for catalog. Moler Barber Collage. 17 C. Nloollet Ave., Minneapolis. .Est. 1M3.

WANTED—FIRST CLASS DELIVERY man July 10th. Married nan preferred. Steady position. H. K, , <jM*t A Co.

AUTO REPAIR MAN WANTED TO take- over- ihe repair work on 70 -per cent oommission. Only good men used apply; l; N. Holden. Arthur, N. D.

WANTED-— EXPERIENCED DAIRY-man to. produoe milk for city trade. Addtess 792, Herald.

TINNERS AND SHEET METAL workers wanted. C. U'Llafoot. East Grand Forks.

WANTED—YOUNG MAN TO WORK at printing trade. State experienoe, Box 290, Graad Forks. N. D. '

WANTED—BOY OVER 15 YEARS OLD at Grand Forks Shoo Shining Parlors. Good pay.

GOOD BUTCHER WANTED; $30.00 A week. A. E. Erleksoa, Starkweather, N. D.

START RIGHT. LOS ANGELES T. M. C. A. anto school. Servioe men H rata.'

WAITER WANTED. GOOD WAGES. Hutching ft Webber cafe. East Side.

WANTED—GOOD CHORE AND OAR* den man. J. Nelson Kelly, city. '

SECOND BAKER WANTED. Black's Purity Sweet Shop.


WANTED—A GOOD BOY TO DELIV-er. Walker Meat Market




DISHWASHER press Cafe.


KITCHEN MAN York -restaurant




• • • • •

* MICHIGAN EMPLOYMENT CO. • • • * Help of all kinds furnished on * * application. Farm hslp, railroad • * laborers, carpenters, etc. •

* 106 DeMers N. W. 1609 • * Grand Forks, N. D. • * • e • • • • • e • • • •••••

GRAND FORKS RAILWAY MAIL Clerk examinations August S3. $1100-$1600 year. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 323R, Roch-eater. N. Y.

•EXPERIENCED MAN AND WJFE without children wanted on farm at once. Salary $90.00 per month. Arn-berger Bros.. Gilby, N. D.

WANTED—MARRIED COUPLE AND housekeeper for farm work. Address Bank of Orr, Orr, N. D.

WANTED AT ONCE—MAN AND WIFE without children or competent woman on farm. Address 748 Herald.

MARRIED COUPLE WANTED TO RUN nur farm by month or year. John M. O'Connor, St. Thomas, N. D.




$60.00~t-9 room all modern house—^Tor 3 6th


months—on N. Street

$35.00—12 room all modern house Walnut St

FOR SALE. $ 850.00-—4 room house on

Street. $1100.90—5 room honse, city water, 60-

foot lot, on lone Ave. $1260.00—6 room cottage. 50-foot tot.

city water and electric lights, on Dakota Ave.

$4700.00—8 room all modern house on South Fourth St

$4250.00—8 room all modern hoese on South Sixth 8t

$5500.00—8 room all modern house on South Sixth St.

$7500.90—9 room house, all modern, on Vernon Ave.

$8500.00—10 room all modern bouse on H0CV6S j V6i

$8000.00—9 room house, an modern, on Belmont Ave.

$6600.00—9 room, all modern house, on Belmont Ave.

$1800.00—6 room house, all modern bat' heat, on Fourth Ave.

$3300.00—6 loom house, all modern, on Cherry St ' .

$5000.00—6 room house, all modern, on Vernon Ave.

$2700.00—6 room house, all modern but heat on Walnut 8t

$3300.00—5 room house sad bam, I acres of land, all feased. on -Strong Ave.

$4000.09—7 room house, all modern, on University Ave.

$2200.00—6 room house, all modern but heat on University Ave.

$6000.00—7 room house, ail modern. On / N. 6th St. ' W. H. KSt£EY

HOUSES FOR SALE. • • e • • • • • e e • e e

• I have several an modern homes *

for sale. These are my own. Fine * location. . Perfect condition. * V •

W. L. WILDER • e

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a

CHOICE BUILDING LOT ON BBL-mont Ave. for sale; also 'two inex­pensive homes, both in South end. Terms. Northern State. Bank.


all' modern but heat. Will sell cheap on account of leaving city. SIT Chest­nut St

HOUSES: ALL SIZES AND DESCRIP-tions, at $500.00 up. The H. Co.


Fllbs; 26c for 0. esp, roll and J prists; • prompt Servlco that knows hew. Elrlkson Studio. Little Fan*. Minn.

DEVELOPING 6-EXP. ROLL. 10c; 10 or 12 exp. roll, lie. Printing liatK, So,each: 2*x4*. 4e each; MixtW *c eseh; 36 hour service if money is seat with films. Hoffs Studio. Graad Forks. N. D..


I RAVE PASTURAOB FOR 104 HEM of stsek. Abundant prater. J. X Bacon. Hotel Dacotah. Qraad Forks.'

TEAM OF MULES FOR SAUL dence 208 Minn. Av*. Call SSI R. A. Hayes.


Loerr Ais rocm

LOST—IRISH SETTER WITHOUT collar i answers to name of Jerry. Re­ward. Call Booth S00 either phone.

LOST—SMALL BROOCH, SB* WITH nearls and one ruby, on Walnut St Return to T01 Walnut for reward.

LOST—26 DOLLARS _T Third f St Address *00

FitkMr return to Herald for reward. STRAYED—7 DARX COL' * year olds, one yearling. ' . Dossil, Emends, K, D.

6 TWO Elmer

.STORAGE. Household Goods Packed and Stored.

Paaovltz Furniture and Carpet Co.


WANTED TO BUY—A GOOD SECOND hand oak buffet. AddreSs 789, Herald.



unfurnished housekeeping rooms. To take possession on or before August 1st Mrs. Curran, 509 N. 4th St. 914L N. W.


We've often wondered about dram majors—wher they Kit ther inclina­tion t' be dram majors, an' what they aspect V gain by it Lafe Bod hasn' famillariacd himself wttb th' pcaoo terms, bat he knows th' names o* all Of 1ate collars.


heifer with horns. Call 71 N. W., 902 4th Ave.

LOST—BOY'S PLAID CAP IN CKN-tral park. Finder phone 1660J W.

LOST—CLASS PIN. S. M. H. '19 ON IT. Call 533 N. W.


0 0 0 0 0 0 0


• • • • • •

Ground Oats Ground Barley

Ground Corn Ground corn and oata -

Ground barley and oats OH meal, cottonseed meal

Chick starter, chicken feed Egg mash, ground bone.



. _ W. L. HOOVER N.W. 386 T. S. 1147

• • V • •

SUMKOHS. State of North Dakota, County of Grand

Forks, In District Court, First Judi­cial District.

S. Gregolre, plaintiff, vs. John Steven­son, O. A. Stevenson, and all un-

. known persons claiming any estate or interest in or lien or incumbrance upon the property described in the complaint by or through the said John Stevenson and O. A. Steven­son, or otherwise, defendants.

The State of North Dakota, to the above named defendants:

You and each of you are hereby sum­moned to answer the complaint in this action which complaint is on file in the office of the clerk of the district. court of Grand Forks county, North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer up­on the subscribers within thirty days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service, and in case of your failure to appear or an­swer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint.

Dated May 29th, 1919. L. A. Chance,

Attorney for Plaintiff, Grand Forks, North Dakota.

NOTICE. To the above named defendants:

Please take notice that <ne object of the above entitled action is to determine adverse claims to the following describ­ed real estate situate in the county of Graad Forks, state of North Dakota, to-wit: Northeast quarter of section twen­ty-three, township one hundred fifty-one, north of range fifty-one west and that no personal claim is made against the defendant

Dated May 29th, 1919. L. A. Chance,

Attorney for Plaintiff, Grand Forks, N. D.

(July 5-12-19-26, Aug. 2-9)

CYPRESS CISTERNS AND WATER tanks—We have about forty cypress vats formerly used as beer vats. Thess are of the finest construction

- made of cypress which is the best timber for this purpose that grows. Slse, all the way from forty to one hundred and forty barrels. Can be knocked down and shipped. Price on application. O. J. Barnes Co„ City.

8 Ft. PLATE GLASS HUMIDOR CIGAR case, 16 inch marble base, $100.00. Also 30 ft. wall case, 7 ft. 6 in. high with 6 inch marble base. Movable shelves, dark oak finish, white inter­ior, $60.00. One cash register. $100.00. Phone 712J T.-S. R. F. Jackson, 1201 Univ. Ave.

FOR SAL®—ONE MeCASKEY RBGIS-ter complete: never been used. ' Also one Stetnfson grocery scale. F. J. Bosworth, Southam, N. D.

FOR SALE—20 CORDS GOOD DRY Jack Pine wood, $8.50 per cord at the mill. Skidmore Ave. and North 5th-St N. W. 386; T.-S. 1147. W. L. Hoover.

FIRST CLASS OLD VIOLIN FOR sale, new case; 2 good bows, 70 Im­ported strings. You can examine at Popptar Music Store.

ONE CIGAR CASE, ONE TOBACCO ease, one soft drink counter with goose neck, one ice box. Sundeen, Brunswick hotel.

BLUEBERRIES FOR SALE BY THE basket, 16 lbs. to the basket. Write M. N. Dalseg, Mors on. Ont, Canada.

SEED FLAX: WE HAVE ONE THOU-sand bushel fancy wilt resistant flax for prompt delivery. O. J. Barnes.


East Graad Forks. Minnesota. Sealed proposals will be received by

the Board of Education, Independent School District No. 3, Polk County, East Grand Forks. Minnesota, at the office of the Board of Education, until 8 o'clock p. m. July 5th. 1919, for the erection and completion of a Grade School Build­ing, including the general contract work, heating and ventilating, plumbing and electrical work, in accordance with plans and specifications furnished by Bert D. Keck, architect First National Bank Building, Grand Forks, North Dakota.

Bids will be received separately on the various contracts and are to be sub­mitted only on the form of bids supplied by the Architect under cover of the specifications.

Proposals must be accompanied by a certified check for 5% of the amount of the bid, payable to the treasurer of the -district.

Copies of the above plans and speci­fications may be viewed at the following places: At the office of the Board of Education. East Grand Forks, Minnesota, at the office of the Architect, First Na­tional Bank Building, Grand Forks, North Dakota, and the offices of the Builders' Exchanges in Grand Forks, North Dakota, Crooks ton, Minnesota. St Paul Minnesota, Minneapolis Minnesota, Duluth Minnesota and Minot North Da­kota. t

Extra copies of plans and specifica­tions may be obtained by application to the Architect upon conditions as fixed by the Architect The said plans and specifications are to be returned in good condition and those sectoring plans and specifications guaranteeing the tender­ing of proposals.

The successful bidders must furnish a surety bond for the full amount of the contract price?

The right is reserved to accept any proposal or reject all proposals. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT

NO. 3, POLK COUNTY, MINN. L. O. LYSTAD, President GEO. A. NOONAN, Secretary. THOS. POWERS, Treasurer.

BERT D. KE9CK. Architect & Engineer. (June 15, IS, 21. 28, July S.)

COMPLETE SET OF CARPENTER tools for sale by A. L WWlund, Ad­ministrator.

FOR SALE—1 DOUBLE MAJESTIC range. If sold at once. 608 Int. Ave.



MARKERS, VAULTS. Grand Porks. N. D.


OFFICE ROOMS FOR RENT IN THE Pfatky Block. E. A, Fladeland.


317 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Both Phones 642 Grand Forks

PERSONAL ANYONE WISHING CHILDREN TAK-' en care of either for a day, week or

month, call 620 T.-S. or address 361 Herald.


Bldg. Grand Forks, N. D.


FOR SALE—ONE STECNWAY ROSE-wood Upright piano and antique sec­retary, Geo. Washington period. Call 611 University Ave. Saturday. Phone 14C9LN. W.


LARGE BRIGHT COMFORTABLE _ _ in He.-9dd Apartments, third flow. Herald Bldg.

6 UNFURNISHED ROOMS UPSTAIRS suitable for light housekeeping. 610 Srd Ave. Gall at Tit 3rd Ave.

THE PALACE H< wefk and up. 7th

NICE FRONT ROOM SUITABLE FORv two •snUomen. - 614 So. 5 th 8t

FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING s. Modsfo, rooms. _ _

national Ave. downstairs. 320 Inter-





THE SHOE HOSPITAL. The'largest and most up to date shoo repairing shop in Grand Forks. Best of material and service. Parcel post paid one way.

. J no 8oUand. 5th-DoMera, Grand Forks

8HOBS "REPAIRED • NKATLT; Postage paid one way. No prices loVer in city.


TOMip«TENT '8 TEN Ob R A.PHER would like work "espying legal doeu-

vments, manuscripts, lecturoa. ate. Rates reasonable. Telephone OWL N.

WW.c^for^furthar particular* to

:ows. State of North Dakota, County of Grand

Forks, ss. In District Court, First Judicial District. William C. Protz, Plaintiff, vs. Alice

NL Chance, Abram or Abraham Miller, Solomon Milier, and the unknown heirs, devisees and legatees of Abram or Abra­ham Mmer and Solomon Miller, William R. Day, as assignee for the creditors of Alice N. Chance, C. M. Russell and Jud-son A. Wann, as trustees of the creditors of the Sun Vapor Street Light Company, and all other persons unknown claiming any estate or interest in or lien or in­cumbrance upon the property described Ml the complaint Defendants.

The State of North Dakota to the above named defendants:

You and each of you are hereby sum­moned to answer the complaint, in this action, which complaint is on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Grand Forks County, North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscriber within thirty days after the service of this summons upon you. exclusive of the day of service, and in ease of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint.

Dated June 12th. 1919. BTINTYRE & BURTNESS.

Attorneys for Plaintiff, Graad Forks, N. Dakota.

Wotlos. To the above named defendants:

Please take notice 'that the above en­titled action is brought solely for the purpose of determining adverse claims to the following described real estate, situate in the County of Grand Forks, State of North Dakota, to-wlt: The southeast quarter of section twenty-nine (SE14-29) and the northeast quarter of section thirty-two (NE%-32>, township one hundred fifty-two north (152), range fifty-three west (53). and that no per­sonal claim is made against the defend­ants.

Dated June ltth. 1919. MTNTYRE & BURTNESS,

Attorneys for Plaintiff, Grand Forks. N. Dak.

(Juno 14-21-28. July 6-12-19.)

State of North Dakota, County of Graad Forks, ss. In County Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Rose

Ann Johnston, deceased. / C. W. Dennlston, Petitioner, ~*s. Alex­

ander Johnston, Charles A. Johnston, Mrs. J as. Farrage, Mrs. H. E. Walker, Mrs. E. L. Copeland, Ernest A John-stoQ^ Fred A. Johnston, Mrs. C K. Sal­isbury. Harold W. Johnston, Cleveland M Johnston and-°Mrs. O. W. Jones,-Re­spondents.

The State of North Dakota to the above named Respondents:

Take Notice: That C. W. Dennlston as executor of the estate above men­tioned has rendered and presented to the Court his final account praying that a time be fixed for the settlement there­of, and for the distribution of the said estate; and it appearing to the Court that said estate is ready for distribu­tion;

It is ordered, that said account • be brought on before the Court for settle­ment on the 21st day of July, 1919, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the office of the County Judgo in the Court' House in' the City of Grand Forks, in the County >nd State aforesaid.

That upon confirmation and settle­ment jot said final account the Oourt without further notioe and at the time and place above mentioned will proceed to a distribution and partition of said estate to all entitled thereto.

Thht all persona interested .in said es­tate lie and they are hereby cited, to appear, at said time and place to cause, if any there be, why:said account should not to settled and said distributed as prayed. J

And it is further ordered, That notice of said hearing be -given by service Of Ms order on all persons lnterested in

estate by>-pubiiahlng the same -, for suoctsssiv* weeks. In the

Forks Herald, a ... published at Grand county.

Done at the-office of the County OMnt above mentioned, thU 12th 4ay eC June. 1919. - . ' •'> ^Tf"-

By .the Court • . . . L. tK •"T

(Seal) - Judge of CbMitr Ooort (June 14, SI. SS, July M

Northern Railway Company, a rporation, plaintiff, vs. Mary 8. ttthle as administratrix at the ce­

cal Ma

SUmHHNL State of North Dakota. County of Geand

Porks, In District Court, First Judlcfel District.

Great Northern Railway corp Matthie _ _ state of Neil B Matthie, deceased, Mary S. Matthie, Annie F. Halt, nee Matthie, James H. Matthie, Mar-aret E. Muir, nee Matthie, Roth J. "atthie, Rachel L. Matthie, Mary S.

Matthie, Charles L. Matthie, Elisa­beth Matthie, and the cowaty of Grand Forks, a municipal corpora­tion, defendants.

The state of North Dakota to the above named defendants:

You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in the above entitled ac­tion, which complaint is on file w3*h the clerk of the above named court at Grand Forks, North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscrib­ers within fifteen days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service; and In .case of your failure to appear or answer judg­ment will be taken against you by de­fault for the relief demanded in the complaint.

Dated February 21st, 1919. * Murphy & Toner,

Attorneys for Plaintiff, Residence and Post Office Address,

Grand Forks, North Dakota. (June 29; July 5-12-19-26. Aug. 2)

® I


MUST GJKT TITUS. I London, June 16.—(Correspondence

of the Associated Press)—Under the will of the late C. W. Wallace, an Indian merchant, $1,250,000 is left -to the British government in the event of his sons failing to acquire "a baronetcy or superior title."

The testator's only, surviving son. Captain W. W. Wallace, has not re­ceived a baronetcy and the executor* are seeking to set-aside the clause in the will on the ground that it is oj>-posed to puMic money. Such wills, they contend, embarrass officers of the crown in the distribution of hon­ors and induce other persons con­cerned to adopt -improper means to obtaint titles.

Mr. Wallace explained his condi­tional gift by saying in his will:

"I do this because I hold the view that, subject to the testator's right to make ample provision for his chil­dren, all poesessions. great or small, if acquired from or through the peo­ple, as mine were, should return to the people. I am not acting fully up to this view In me case of my chil­dren, because the law does not enforce it upon all others."


London.—"Cooking is more im­portant than kissing in making life one long honeymoon," declared Mrs. William Goode, upon celebrating with her husband the sixtieth anniversary of their wedding at their Waltham-stow home. "Kissing doesn't last but cooking does.

"The flrst precaution is to dispel the illusion that too often exists be­fore marriage and during the official honeymoon—that the flrst novelty will not wear off. It must; and when it does one needs something to re-place it."

Mr. Goode is 8S, and his wife 81. When he was 13 and she was 11 Mr. Goode used to hide in an upstairs room to smoke while she mounted guard at the door to warn him of danger.

HATS ON AT FUNERAL. London.—All mourners were re­

quested by his will to keep their hats on at the churchyard while .Charles Milnes-Gaskell was being buried. That the order might be carried out he directed that the request be read at. the services.


' fe-r


