Nostradamus A Catholic Astrologer

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  • 8/13/2019 Nostradamus A Catholic Astrologer


  • 8/13/2019 Nostradamus A Catholic Astrologer


    Since Nostradamus himself claims '"lmighty od' and 'Biblical scripture

    as his inspiration, on the one hand, and yet on the other hand, time

    has not obviously vindicated him, the -uestion was an open one for

    me. But the answer was -uick to show itself, from reading what the

    man himself said of his own work. (t soon becomes apparent that his

    'od' was not the Bible's od. $is use of scripture was distorted. $e

    relied on other sources.

    The prefaces from his larger works is where this clarity about

    Nostradamus is to be found.

    The emphasis in bold, large print and underlining is mine, andmy

    comments are in blue font.

    ( have used e)cerpts from...

    The Compleat Works of Nostradamus-=][ compiled and entered in PDF format by Arcanaeum: 2003 ][=-

    Notes Specific to This ReproductionThis tet is reproduced from Nostradamus! "ountdo#n to Apocalypse#ritten by $ean%"harles de Fontbrune! translated by Aleis &y'iard!prefaced by &i( )reene! and published by *enry *olt and "ompany! +nc,!Ne# -or'! ./3, This lar1ely literal translation is reproduced! here! asaccurately as possible,The ori1inal source is &es Prophties de 4, 4ichel Nostradamus! theedition of .56 by 7enoist Ri1aud at &yon8 stored in , 7,9, 4ontepellier!no, 30,De Fontbrune uses the second edition of .605 by 7enoist Ri1aud at &yon,This is a complete copy of the .56 edition #hich is considered the most

    reliable, +f #e accept the .56 edition as an accurate reproduction! #hich isreasonable! then this reproduction! here! has been copied once from the.56 edition to the .605! copied a1ain by De Fontbrune! translated oncefrom .6th% century French #ith a Pro;en

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  • 8/13/2019 Nostradamus A Catholic Astrologer


    $ere are his own words about it some years later, in a preface

    dedicated to the king, suggesting that it was a nominal address onlypistle that some years ago ( dedicated to my son, /:sarNostradamus, ( declared some points openly enough, without

    presage. But here, Sire, are included several great and marvelousevents which those to come after will see.=

    +our late arrival, /:sar Nostredame, my son, has made me spend

    much time in constant nightly reflection so that ( could communicate

    with you by letter and leave you this reminder, after my death, for the

    benefit of all men, of which the divine spirit has vouchsafed me

    to know by means of astronomy.

    (mmediately we can see that 'the divine spirit' has been replaced by

    human science? (t turns out that 'the divine spirit' does not mean what

    we imagine. (t gets worse.

    The word 'astronomy' is perhaps a little too generous, since what he

    describes is astrology.

    "nd since it was the "lmighty's will that you were not born here in this

    region 6Provence9 and ( do not want to talk of years to come but of the

    months during which you will struggle to grasp and understand the

    work ( shall be compelled to leave you after my death< assuming that

    it will not be possible for me to leave you such 6clearer9 writing as may

    be destroyed through the in@ustice of the age 612229.

    ;ell what could be so important and needing to be hidden, that he

    could not tell the king face!to!face, a king whom he says he fully

    trusted, the man to whom he dedicated his workATo tell, would spoil

    it, wouldn't itA The point is to keep all secrets hidden, not to reveal

    anything. But true prophets are revealers, even when it costs them

    their lives.

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    The key to the hidden prediction which you will inherit will

    be locked inside my heart.

    *ystics are well!named, for they hide behind inscrutable things, such

    as private visions, the capricious will of the gods, the distant past or

    future, and knowledge without evidence. "s ( have already said in the

    Bible commentary, mystics will claim a place within any local religion,

    while claiming topass beyond the detailsof that religion. They may

    name the same od or gods8 they will use the same religious @argon

    as their unwitting hosts do8 but they will subtly destroy the true spirit

    of prophetic revelation to ordinary people. Beware of mystics, in any

    religion. Beware of Nostradamus within /atholicism.

    The prophets of the Bible bring light, not a feeling of darkness, and do

    not rely on mysticism to gain a pass.

    Nostradamus focusses on disasters, as astrologers do.

    ;e all know that disasters will happen, even Biblical!scale ones, but

    we do not know when."strologers claim to tell us when.

    Nostradamus will not tell us when.

    $is work is thus made valueless.

    "lso bear in mind that the events here described have not yet come to

    pass, and that allis ruled and governed by the power of "lmighty

    od, inspiring us not by bacchic freny nor by enchantments

    $e is fully awareof the criticisms levelled against him, and is talking

    his way around them !! not so much addressing himself to the issues

    head!on, as 'talking his way around' them !! $e cannot use scripture

    to defend his practice, and so reverts to unfounded claims, logic,

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    The wording is designed to pay lip!service to od, to avoid criticism,

    but to @ustify his own methods, which depart wildly from scripture.

    $ow can we believe that he attributes 'all' to divine inspiration, when

    he continually invokes other means of predictions and inspirationsA

    "nswer< Since od is responsible for working all things, he can easily

    claim anything as 'from od'. Perhaps none of itis from the od of the

    Bible, but is from other spirits.

    $ere is a later writing, claiming that his inspiration is 'not unlike' the

    Spirit of od in the Bible, yet suggesting that the Biblical prophets

    were astrologers...

    =But the danger of the times, & *ost Serene Cing, re-uires thatsuch secrets should not be bared e)cept in enigmatic sentenceshaving, however, only one sense and meaning, and nothingambiguous or amphibological inserted. Dather they are under acloudy obscurity, with a natural infusion 6Esupernatural spirit9notunlike the creation of the world, according to the calculation andPunic /hronicle of oel< ( will pour out my spirit upon all flesh andyour sons and daughters will prophesy. But such Prophecyproceeded from the mouth of the $oly host who was the

    sovereign and eternal power, together with the heavens, andcaused some of them to predict great and marvelous events. "s for

    myself, ( would never claim such a title, never, please od. (readily admit that allproceeds from od and render to $imthanks, honor and immortal praise. ( have mi)ed therewith no

    divination coming from fate. Allfrom od andnature, andforthe most part integrated with celestial movements.=

    6note his use of 'natural' to mean 'super!natural' such as, perhaps,when he says, 'They 6his verses9 are composed in a naturalmanner.' and via a 'natural gift'9Since the times have changed radically since then, and since manyof his dire predictions were for the very near future, and since heclaims that all would become clear to those seeing the fulfilments,why is there such a multitude of guesswork still beclouding hispredictionsA (t is simply not as he saidit would be.( hope you stumbled over the doubletalk< 'enigmatic and under acloudy obscurity, and secret and unbared, but not at allambiguous. Spiritual, from nature and astronomy, but not spiritist,

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    together with other fortunate or unfortunate happenings, foreseen in

    their full une)pectedness, which have already come to pass in various

    regions of the earth.

    Sooth!saying is a spirit of predicting the future, but the content can

    vary between e)tremes, from spiritual truth about /hrist, to political

    warring or domestic interest, and even to outright fraud and fakery,

    perhaps mi)ed in with enough better!-uality material to get by.

    *any people try to 'debunk' his predictions, as if that would put

    religion to bed, but whether in polytheism or paganism or in udao!

    /hristianity, there are real spirits of real sooth-saying. The predictions

    may still be partly debunked, because +ahweh od sets out to thwart

    the predictions of the sooth!sayers and astrologers and diviners, but

    not at all times, but to show that they are 'no!prophets' and serve 'no!


    Nostradamus claims success for himself #which ( cannot verify since he

    gives no evidence for his claims, but I do not see that as the crucial

    question. (n addition to having success in predictions, a spiritist must

    show teaching in conformity with God's.

    (n contrast, Biblical prophets were given on!the!spot high!profile

    public proofs, so that people thereafter recorded and feared their

    words, having confidence that their longer!term prophecies were also

    from od. This is not the case with Nostradamus. $e feels re@ected

    and condemned. $e has to write his own books. $e has to put off

    proof of his words to some nebulous time in the future.

    +et ( have wished to remain silent and abandon my work because of

    the in@ustice not only of the present time 6the (n-uisition9 but also for

    most of the future. ( will not commit to writing.

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    $ow can we believe that he sees his work as so important that he

    must write it down for his son, and yet must abandon most of it, must

    obscure the written part of it, and keep most of it to himselfA "nswerveryone else seems powerless in the eyes

    of those with a spiritual power, and the gifted person simply cannot

    bring himself to listen to their theories about whether the power is

    right or wrong. (t is like trying to deny oneself, to stop being the

    vehicle for the spirit in you. +et the spirit is a hitch!hiker, and does not

    belong to that person, nor constitute that person. The person can be

    delivered from the spirits in them.


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    $e in effect admits that the /atholics would call him a heretic.

    ( did not therefore wish to make known its dire import8 also fearful

    that several books which had lain hidden for long centuriesmight be discovered, and of what might become of them,

    after reading them ( presented them to Hulcan. 6i.e. burned


    This claim is unverifiable, and his reasons are unconvincing. $e in

    effect claims an independent confirmation and authority which no!one

    can check, and tells nothing about it, so that no!one might @udge, and

    destroys the evidence !! how convenient. ;hy does he even mention

    them in regards to his own 'gift of prophecy' 'by means of natural

    knowledge' and 'astrological calculations'A (t sounds puffed!up. $e

    might have plagiarised older apocryphal apocalyptic prophecies, but

    certainly admits to reading banned literature.

    (s he really asking us to believe that such important books as were

    irreplaceable, ancient and inspired #and yet unknown, were to be

    destroyed, while he wantspreserved and publiciseda far smaller book

    of deliberately obscured versesA ;hat could 'become of them' which is

    worse than being destroyedA $e describes the books as supernatural

    #which he would attribute to 'od'...

    "nd while he devoured them, the flame licking the air gave out such

    an une)pected light, clearer than that of an ordinary flame and

    resembling fire from some flashing cataclysm, and suddenly illumined

    the house as if it were caught in a furnace. ;hich is why ( reduced

    them to ashes then, so that none might be tempted to use

    occult laboursin searching for the perfect transmutation, whether

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    lunar or solar, of incorruptible metals #4.

    2"3oon and .un are constant symbols in Nostradamus of therepublic and the monarchy respectively, hence the alchemicimagery also has a political aspect here"6The editor assumes revolutionary terminology from the politics oftwo centuries later !! un@ustified9

    "lchemy !! seeking to transmute lead into gold !! was a pseudo!

    science more of the past than of the Denaissance. ( surmise that the

    Bible would label it as 'sorcery' because of the magical potions it

    brewed up.

    Note that the so!called 'light' was not the light of specific revelation,

    but is described as 'occult' i.e. hidden in darkness. ;hat is the

    difference between them and himA

    But as to that discernment which can be achieved by the aid of

    planetary scrutiny, ( should like to tell you this. >schewing

    6shunning9any fantastic imaginings, you may through good @udgement

    have insight into the future if you keep to the specific names of places

    that accord with planetary configurations, and with inspiration

    places and aspects yield up hidden properties, namely that power in

    whose presence the three times 6past, present, and future9 are

    understood as >ternity whose unfolding contains them all< for all

    things are naked and open 6$ebF7

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    Now to call od's eyesight 'able to @udge the hearts of men' in no way

    tells us that '$e has made all secret and hidden things available to

    Nostradamus and to his son'. To -uote scripture about od, to bolster

    a man practising astrology, shows us his ongoing contempt for the true

    meaning of scripture.

    That is why, my son, you can easily, despite your young brain,

    understand that events can be foretold naturally by the

    heavenly bodiesandby the spirit of prophecyternal od knows the eternity of $is light which proceeds

    from $im, and ( speak frankly to those to whom $is immeasurable,

    immense and incomprehensible greatness has been disposed to grant

    revelations through long, melancholy inspiration, that with the aid of

    this hidden elementmanifested by od, there are two principal

    factors which make up the prophet's intelligence.$e ne)t usurps od with 'astral science' and places it first8 then he

    follows with 'natural gift' as defined by him and as opposed to divinely

    supernatural grace and anointing known to the /hristian church from

    the infilling of the $oly Spirit. $e therefore classifies himself as a

    'diviner', such as is outlawed by *oses.

    To 'divine' means to get in touch with the divine gods. +ahweh is truly

    divine, but the gods are false!spirits only claiming to be divine and togive divinations, so 'divining' by means other than +ahweh's, is


    The first 6principal factor9is when the supernatural light fills and

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    illuminates the person who predicts by astral science,

    while the second allows him to prophesy through inspired revelation,

    which is only a part of the divine eternity, whereby the prophet comes

    to assess what his divinatory powerhas given him through the

    grace of od and by a natural gift, namely, that what is foretold is

    true and ethereal in origin #2.

    6"1ther7 originally personified as a deity of the upper atmosphere,and later confused with 8eus" 9#:%*"

    '%ivine truth' through 'astral science' E astrological error.

    By 'natural gift' ( think he means 'supernatural spirit' !! because of the

    way he merges 'nature' and 'predicting the future' by means of


    "nd such a light and small flame is of great efficacy and scope, and

    nothing less than the clarity of nature itself.

    E'( am unsurpassable among prophets' !! >gomania is a product of a

    little power.

    The light of human nature makes the philosophers so sure of

    themselves that with the principles of the first cause they reach the

    loftiest doctrines and the deepest abysses.

    $istory has proven, through science, that most philosophy has been in

    error, by reason of e)ceeding the evidence. (nterpreting the sky is one

    such philosophical endeavour that has long been shown up to be full of

    pseudo!science. The spirits inhabiting astrology have found a home

    wherein they can safely escape scrutiny, behind a wall of pretence, and

    yet they are powerful enemies of od, none!the!less, such that od

    warned vehemently against them.

    >ven more have theologians been shown to fall into religious error, by

    departing from scripture, to rely on visions from mystics, logic from

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    "ristotle, over!literalism from poor translations and such!like.

    The 'light of human nature' is more like humanism, in direct opposition

    to od.

    'Natural philosophy' always was ill!advisedly mi)ed with religion,

    mysticism, astrology, false!science and the occult.

    But my son, lest ( venture too far for your future perception, be aware

    that men of letters shall make grand and usually boastful claims about

    the way ( interpreted the world, before the worldwide conflagration

    which is to bring so many catastrophes and such revolutions that

    scarcely any lands will not be covered by water #5,


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    so that after centuries the average person still knows nothing but the

    name of Nostradamus, and yet knows a great deal about ohn's


    The point, before od, is not whether his prediction #of calamities is

    true, for od sends false!prophets with true signs which come to pass,

    but that $e also abhors the false!prophets who deliver their false!



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    of us to trust +ahweh because of $is superior teaching, not @ust

    because of $is superior powers, prophets and prophecies, with

    consistency, proofs and hope.


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    afterthe last millennium.

    0or before war ends the 6twentieth9 century and in its final stages

    61LJ2!LL9 it will hold the century under its sway. Some countries will

    be in the grip of revolution #J for several years, and others ruined for

    a still longer period.

    :"he (rench tet refers to &quarius, i"e" the water-bearer" 0f"note ; above"6Emore astrology8 more alteration of the te)t after the event, tosuit the presumed interpretation8 The editor's dates are not to bebelieved. Nostradamus himself has disowned specific dating.9

    "nd now that we are in a republican era,6probably an astrological concept #like 'the age of "-uarius' rather

    than any historical reality !! $enri (( was in power #from 127J!122L,

    followed by 0rancis ((, and then /harles (O, at the time of the second

    preface being printed.9

    with "lmighty od's aid, and before completing its full cycle,

    'completing full cycle' is astrological talk.

    the monarchy will return, then the olden "ge #K.

    ="Golden &ge7 rule of .aturn, the happy, peaceful time, tocommemorate which the )omans celebrated with .aturnalia"

    0or according to the celestial signs, the olden "ge shall return,

    and after all calculations, with the world near to an all!encompassing


    ! from the time of writing 1JJ years 4 months 11 days #L !

    >" !666 ? !:: @ !:2/, the eact date when )ousseau arrived inAaris,6*y encyclopaedia says that he arrived in Paris in 1J7G?96The letter is dated the first of *arch, which ( suppose indicates

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    the 1Gth une. ;hy has the editor not used this obvious dateA96The 'arrival in Paris', upon which Dousseau taught and wroteabout musicfor decades, can hardly be called significant to therevolution, or to the world, nor 'an e)act date' to the nearest year?with the Devolution still decades away, nor can it be a pivotal point

    in history, and can hardly be called 'the world near to an all!encompassing revolution' !! Dousseau was one among a host ofe)traordinary figures of the age. "nd the full light of atheism ishardly a laudable turning #'olden "ge' for someone who talks sohighly of the "lmighty in this preface96&nly one -uatrain mentions 'rousseau', which makes the editor'scomment an obvious over!generalisation

    1. H((.Tard arriu: l'e)ecution faicte,F"rrived too late, the act has been done.e vent contraire lettres au chemin prinsesllen ;hite and others, or

    of the *ormon's oseph Smith, who were all e)posed by time or law!


    (t is normal that when a dated prediction fails, the 'prophet' 'amends

    his calculations and sets another date further off. "fter this happens

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    two or three or more times, they revert to 'not specifying a date'

    #somewhat like Nostradamus has decided, but they do not

    immediately resign in disgrace at the obvious error of their ways and

    spend their efforts to disillusion their followers.

    (n the firmament of the eighth sphere, a dimension whereon

    "lmighty od will complete the revolution, and where the

    constellations will resume their motion which will render the

    earth stable and firm,

    This is generally regarded as pseudo!science passing off as religion.

    %on't you feel blinded by fogA (t is mysticism, not revelation.

    The idea of 'the seven heavens' is an earth!centred onion!skin model

    of the visible heavens, as 'spheres', debunked by science, so that the

    'eighth firmament' would be od in $is heaven.

    This was the time of Denaissance of science, and Deformation in

    religion, which leaves no e)cuse for *ediaeval error.

    $e paints od as complicit with astrology

    , which serves Nostradamus, not od?

    $e presumes that constellation movements move politics and religion

    on earth.

    $e implies that the constellations will stand still, which they never

    have done.

    but only if $e will remain unchanged for ever until $is will be done.

    This is -uoting the Bible '( change not' and 'Thy will be done', so that

    he is leaning on the respect won by the Bible, in order to depart from

    itwithout being called a heretic.

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    Someone no doubt -uoted the verse to him which contrasts od with

    astrologers, eclipses, occultations8 so he alludes to it as if astrology is

    consistent with od?

    as 1very good gift and every perfect gift is from above,coming down from the 0ather of lights,with whom can be no variation,neither shadow that is cast by turning.

    This is in spite of all the ambiguous opinions surpassing all natural

    reason, e)pressed by *ahomet8

    *uhammad was another false!prophet, in that his promised world!

    wide calamity in the life!time of his hearers, simply failed centuries

    ago, and yet his following thrives more than ever before.

    "ll you need to do to get a following is to swear that you are od's

    prophet, and many people will fear to deny it.

    which is why od the /reator, through the ministry of his fiery

    agents with their flames,

    This is an allusion to inspiration via 'angels'verything is predicted by divine afflatus #13!C"Breath or inspiration, oracular possession"

    and thanks to an angelic spirit inspiring the one prophesying,

    consecrating 6making sacred and holy9his predictions through divine

    unction 6anointing9. (t also divests him of all fantasies by means of

    various nocturnal apparitions 6inspired dreams9, while with daily

    certainty he prophesies through the science of astronomy, with

    the aid of sacred prophecy, his only consideration being his courage in


    $e claims the sky as an independent public witness to his private

    interpretations of the future. That is either astrology or unbelievable,

    or both. $e in effect is again claiming that he cannot be wrong, which

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    is wrong.

    Spiritual help does not make anything sacred, divine or holy8 it makes

    it spiritual. Then the spirit has to be discernedas to its origins and

    loyalties and character.

    The term 'sacred prophecy' is made ambiguous by preceding it with

    'my consecrated prophecies and predictions through divine unction'. (t

    therefore tries to slip in an unwarranted comparison between his words

    and od's.

    So come, my son, strive to understand what ( have found out

    through my calculationswhich accord with revealed inspiration,'Devealed inspiration' is ambiguous. ;e might think of 'scripture',

    which is what he says he has been 'in accord with', but he might

    intend 'my angel', which is what he describes in several places.

    $e uses the words 'prophecy8 prophet8 prophesy8 inspired revelation8

    divine inspiration' only in the sense of receiving inspiration from some

    source or other, and not in the sense of 'scripture', so that 'sacred

    prophecy and revealed inspiration' is more likely to mean 'my divine

    inspiration8 my spiritual revelation' than mean 'scripture'.

    because now the sword of death approaches us, with pestilence and

    war more horrible than there has ever been ! because of three men's

    work ! and famine. "nd this sword shall smite the earth and return to

    it often, for the stars confirm this upheaval

    People only get noticed when they 'sound like od', and especially,

    they have to imitate the most notorious aspects of what od is known

    for !! warnings of future calamities so fearful that they are hardly

    believable. ;hat about od's plan to save the whole worldA '&h, no,

    my forte is $is destructive powers, and the end of the world'. ;hat

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    about od's mercyA &h 'that will end'. ;hat about salvation by faithA

    &h it is more important that you 'understand my -uatrains'. ;hat

    about $is good pleasing and perfect will, and pleasant ways of peaceA

    &h, that doesn't draw attention.

    +ou can again hear the presumption that heavenly alignments portend

    >arthly changes.

    od and Bible re@ect such a claim.Science re@ects such an invisible force or connection.$istory re@ects astrological predictions.

    "strology must, by its very nature, focus on the unusual #like comets,

    and so predict disruptions from normality, which must mean 'evil

    turnings' #an astrological concept. (t will only ever be mostly about


    asF1very good gift and every perfect gift is from above,coming down from the 0ather of lights,with whom can be no variation,neither shadow that is cast by turning.

    The Bible uses a lot of similar wording, for those familiar with 'the

    signs in the heavens', such as the red comet with a long tail in

    Develation, and its wars in heaven and on earth. But they are always

    described as visions and dreams to be interpreted with the given

    interpretations, and they point to the sovereignty of /hrist over the

    demons, spirits spiritists and opponents. 0or instance, in ames, @ust

    -uoted, he makes a stark contrast between od and astrology.

    and it is also written< ( shall punish their in@ustices with iron rods, and

    shall strike them with blows. 6PsaFG

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    od's plagues have a purpose made very clear in the Bible, but not

    addressed here, that od's people should repent #not simply be afraid,

    and blame the anti!/hrist. Nostradamus is a good e)ample of

    someone who feels safe within his religion, but who is sinning full!time

    against od, and needs to repent more than the people he is blaming

    for evil.

    0or od's mercy will be poured forth only for a certain time, my son,

    This is a fallacy in the making. ;hen od says '( will show no mercy'

    #see two lines further on it does not mean that $e has changed, nor

    that $is mercy will ever cease. $e says such things only in specific

    instances, when $e has e)hausted all options for salvation from what

    $e is about to do. The ones affected by such a calamity have little

    chance to regret their intransigence, but the ones looking on or coming

    after, once again turn to the ever!lasting mercies of od. In the thick

    of )evelation's end-times plagues, there are frequent mentions of

    chances for the enemies of God and 0hrist to repent, and esus

    advised his disciples to earnestlypray for the promised mercyof

    salvation, right up to the end, and told them that the days had been

    cut short for the sake of the elect. >ven 'all (srael' who are 'enemies to

    the gospel' will mourn and repent and be saved, as promised. The idea

    that there will be an end to forgiveness for the repentant is therefore a

    false!doctrine from the one who hates the eternal gospel. There will be

    an end, for the unrepentant. That is not an end to mercy. (t is the

    fruition of mercy. *ercy will be poured out atthe end, and not 'cease

    before the end'. (t is typical, though, of a false!prophet, to hate the

    ideas of salvation and faith in /hrist. ;ith no advice about how to

    avoid the predicted disaster, and with no @oy and praise, Nostradamus

    is completely one!sided.

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    until the ma@ority of my prophecies are fulfilled and this fulfillment

    #sic is complete.

    (f we of latter generation ever 'see with clarity' the fulfilment of his

    predictions, to whom should we give the gloryA "nswerD&EC?,

    6,ater and floodin1 are often as a symbol of re;olution in Nostradamus,E,The French tet refers to Auarius! i,e, the #ater%bearer, "f, note 6 abo;e,,)olden A1e: rule of Saturn! the happy! peaceful time! to commemorate#hich the Romans celebrated #ith Saturnalia,/,.555 G .EE H .E32! the eact date #hen Rousseau arri;ed in Paris!Nostradamus considered Rousseau the father of re;olutionary and atheisticideas,.0,7reath or inspiration! oracular possession,..,9phea;als and re;olution, "f, notes 6 and E abo;e,Abbre;iations:"f, confer! &atin! compare,D&EC Dictionnaire &arousse! E ;ol,etc, et cetera! French! and others,i,e, id est! &atin! that is,4, 4ichel or 4onsieur,Tr, translator,;ol, ;olumes,

    Part 1b: Nostradamus' Astrological Predictions for 1555

    $ere is Nostradamus' astrology for the year of his letter.#The sea reddens with blood at least thrice.reat calamities are a dime a doen.%eath is filled up so it can take no moreA*any of the words are without meaning.

    Almanac of !!!

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    The soul touched from a distance by the divine spirit presages,ENostradamus, doing his worst in od's name

    Trouble, famine, plague, war to hastenpistle that will be contrary to the true /atholic faith 6mentioning the

    saints to the /atholic king e)cludes the meaning of little 'c', 'catholic',

    which is 'universal'9, whilst consulting the astronomical calculations to

    the best of my abilty. Such is the e)tent of time past, sub@ect to

    correction by the most learned @udgment,

    that the first man, "dam, came 1,G7G years before Noah # notreckoning by such entile calculations as Harro used, but simply bythe $oly Scriptures, as best my weak understanding andastronomical calculations can interpret them."bout 1,3K3 years after Noah and the universal flood came"braham, who, according to some, was a first!rate astrologer andinvented the /haldean alphabet."bout 212 or 215 years later came *oses,and from his time to that of %avid about 2J3 years elapsed.0rom the time of %avid to that of out Savior and Dedeemer, esus/hrist, born of the uni-ue Hirgin, 1,423 year elapsed, according tosome chronographs.

    Some may ob@ect that this calculation cannot be true, because it

    differs from that of >usebius. 0rom the time of the human redemption

    to the detestable heresy of the Saracens about 5G1 years elapsed.

    *uhammad's first revelation is put at 513. 5G1 is the date of his ha@@.There is therefore considerable slop in his figuring.

    0rom this one can easily add up the amount of time gone by. "lthough

    my calculations may not hold good for all nations, they have, however,

    been determined by the celestial movements, combined with the

    emotion 6spirit9, handed down to me by my forebears 6familial spirit9,

    which comes over me6spiritually9 at certain hours.

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    $is 'calculations' contradict the scriptures by centuries in several

    places. %avid to /hrist is ten centuries, for instance.

    0or a more careful listing of the $ebrew scriptures used as the

    recognised basis for our >nglish versions, see the article on Biblical

    '%ating' within' the commentary on >gyptian te)ts. #The Samaritan

    and Pentateuch versions are not considered reliable, but there is

    disagreement between versions.

    $ere is another part of the same writinggypt'.acob was 143 when he went to Pharaoh and died at 17J and wasburied in (srael soon after !! 1J years later !! but the time of hiscoming out is not the point at which the chronology continues.Between the entry of acob into >gypt and the e)odus, 743 yearspassed.0rom the e)odus to the building of the Temple by Solomon in thefourth year of his reign, 7K3 years."ccording ot the calculations of the Sacred ;ritings, it was 7L3

    years from the building of the Temple to the time of esus /hrist.This seems to be 2 centuries in error. $e has named the temple asSolomon's, but the %aniel's time!span of 'seventy times seven'refers to the rebuilding of the ruined temple half a millennium later."dding up his figures to @ust over 7 millennia, leaves no room forthe e)tra half!millennium, so it is indeed a mistake on his part, andnot a mistranslation."lso the timespan of ten @ubilees is 233 years, not 7L3 as easilybut wrongly concluded, since each @ubilee counts a 23th year tocomplete the 'J weeks' of years.

    Thus, this calculation of mine, collected from the holy writ, comesto about 7,1J4 years and K months, more or less.K1.2 years has gone missing, 'according to my calculations'perhaps to fill the gap between creation and "dam #2 'days'.This gives us no confidence in his dating, even if he had 'wanted todate each -uatrain'.(t is very easy to check the scriptures against history, about thedates from Solomon to /hrist !! about a millennium between the

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    two sons of %avid and their respective temples !! taking in abouthalf a millennium of kings followed by about half a millennium ofthe four great empires predicted in %aniel !! so for someoneclaiming to be very good at his numbers, how can you believe anyof his astronomical calculations, which we cannot checkA The

    scriptural history is so clear in dating, for this period of history,that he must be distorting the scripturesin order to make histheories fit his calculations, which is an intellectual sin two ordersbigger than distorting his theory and calculations in order to makethem fit the scriptures.

    $ere is a check on his astronomical calculations)cept for

    one similar and ambiguous reference< 'he prophesies through the

    science of astronomy, with the aid of sacred prophecy' 6probably

    meaning his own 'holy inspiration'9, he did not talk about the

    scripturesas his source, to his son, but only about the spiritsof

    angels, astronomy, vigils, and such like.

    the persecution of the >cclesiastical folk will have its origin in the

    power of the Cings of ="-uilon= 6the North9, united with the



    Thereupon the third Cing of ="-uilon= 6the North9, hearing the

    lament of the people of his principal title, will raise a very mighty

    armyand, defying the tradition of his predecessors, will put almost

    everything back in its proper place, and the great Hicar of the hood will

    be put back in his former state. But desolated, and then abandoned by

    all, he will turn to find the $oly of $olies destroyedby paganism,

    $e seems to be transferring %aniel's *iddle!>astern and temple!

    centred prophecies into a >uropean and /hristian conte)t. $e earlier in

    this preface said of his predictions