( XtNSTRl OTION I NDFJtWAY—Workmen are busy excavating dirt for the basement of the new O Neill National drive-in bank to be constructed at the corner of Fifth and Itouglas. (ieer-Melkus Con- struction Company of (•rand Island is the contractor. Page News By Mrs. Ben Aivhor The regular meeting of the WSCS was held in the Wesleyan room of Ihe Methodist church w.th 31 members and 4 guests. Mrs. John Larnason, Lakeside, Calif., Mrs Lois Miracle, Albion anil Mary and Hannah Kemper, Stan- ton, were present. John Crumly gave his report on his weeks stay at camp. As a money making project, Mrs. J. W. Finch has invited all members of the Aid to her home on Friday, June 29 for dinner. The money collected for their meal will be given to the £id. Mrs. Alton Braddock and Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge serv* ed lunch. Mrs. Otto Matschullat entertain- ed 22 ladies at a party at her home Tuesday. Prizes went to Mrs. John Dienes, Orchard, Mrs. Roy Grubbs and Mrs. Clar- ence Finch, jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher, Ro- berta and Debbi were Friday af- ternoon and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher, Atkin- son, Vonda Asher returned home with them for a few days. The Get-To-Gether club met Friday with Mrs. Alma Tegeler. The 11 members and 3 guests, Mrs. Owen Parks, Mrs. Edwin Grubbs, Lincoln and Maude Mar- tin spent the afternoon informal- ly. The club will meet next with Fri.-Sat. June 29-30 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM "The Boy Who Stole A Million" PLUS "Hey Lets Twist" Starring Joey Dee and The Starliters --- JSun.-Mon.-Tues. July 1-2-3 Criminal & Priest. Devil & Saint, Each dedicated to his way of life. SEE Spencer Tracy in "The Devil at 4 O'clock" In-Color and filmed in the Hawaiian Islands IVed.-Thurs. July 3-4 No Family night this week The most laughs, you’ve had in a long time Terry Thomas, Tuesday Weld in "Bachelor Flat" In-Color Also Cartoon Mrs. Harry Thomsen July 13th. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Terrill left last week for Denver, Colo., to visit their daughters, Mrs. Lyle Parsons, and Marilyn Terrill. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Holli- day, Grand Island left their child- ren, Jeanie, Janelle and Mike here with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Holliday last weekend. Sunday the "Bud" Ick- es, Terry and Lee took the Hol- liday children to their home. They also visited with Mrs. Ruth Brum- mett and her family. Bruce and Bobby Ickes stayed with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Park. Couples Club met Thursday night with Mr- and Mrs. Melvin Carson, bridge was played with Mrs. Frank Cronk and Mrs. Dan Troshynski winning prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski were Friday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Murphy. The occasion was the birthdays of Dan and Mrs. Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bennett and family, Salem, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kennedy and Pat were Wednesday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. "Bud” Ickes. The ladies attended Or- chard school together. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Bader, Boring, Ore., and Mrs. Howard Gordon and children returned to their home Thursday after spend- ing the last few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. 9oren Sorensen, sr., Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and Clayton Messner and Leta Rea. They were also guests in th6 homes of Bill Russell, Jr. Soren- sens and Mrs. Bob Nissen. xvii. ami r cuiK rjtrtriaen and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper were Sunday supper guests of Mr and Mrs. Robert Beelaert. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stewart and family and Pat Collins, Ralston, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith. The Golden Rule Extension club met Tuesday with Mrs. Lorenz Riege. Roll call was answered by giving a recipe or a sugges- tion on the uses of eggs. At the July meeting at the home of Mrs. A. T. Crumly, the members are urged to have a theme for the Float to be used on Page’s com- munity day. Prizes were won by Mrs. R. V. Crumly and Mrs. Ivan Heiss. Bruce Bowen and Diane Kem- per returned home after a week's stay at Boy’s and Girl’s State. Mrs. Roger Bowen brought them home. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen and granddaughters, Connie and Lu- Ann Nissen spent from Friday to Monday in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Nisson were guests in the home of their son, Dale and the girls stay- ed with their brother, James. The Nissens also visited their granddaughters, Mrs. Harold Rock and Mrs. Robert Rassche and their families. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and family returned Monday morning after a week trip to the Black -1 yotTcan’t Stop'* / '/ flM.'/' But you can protect yourself y / against LOSS with a . . ^ 7 / ' / 7 / / 'Cimarron Hail Policy Gaskill Insurance Agency Phone 710 O’Neill, Nebr. E. E. 'Al' Gaskill, Dist. Mgr. Hills. They visited in the home of Bert, Marvin and Robert Bradeen and their families in Caster, 3. D. East Side Kountry Klub met Wednesday with Mrs. Robert Beelaert. Roll call was answered by giving a "Landscaping Hint”. The lesson on landscaping was given by Mrs. Dale Stauffer. A picnic will be held July 11 in the evening at the Page Park. Mrs. Darrell Heiss won the special prize Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlaufer and family and Joy Duncanson met Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dun- canson, Truman, Minn., at Sioux City for a picnic dinner. Joy, who had been a guest of the Wettlau- fer’s for the past two weeks re- turned home with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George McNair, of O’Neill. Also a guest was the former He- len Hoehne, of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. S. Sorensen sr., Soren, Jr and Russel, Creighton and Nels Lindquist, O'Neill, spent the weekend in Marshalltown, to attend the 50th wedding an- niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Storm held in the home of Mrs. Inez Black, daughter of the Storms. Anthony Craig and children, Norfolk, were supper guests Mon- day night of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Walker. The Craigs stayed for a few days. A coffee hour was enjoyed at the home of Mrs. Stella Russell Thursday morning with Mesdames Alton Braddock, John Steinberg emu ueurge uiasey as guests. Mrs. Jessie Kelly is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Bernard Grimes and baby, Chambers. Mrs. Alton Braddock and Alice French, O’Neill, were Saturday to Monday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stevison. Little Jimmy Stevison returned here with ius grandmother to spend a few days. A Carpenter reunion was held at the Norfolk park on Sunday. Among those attending were Mrs. Bertha Prill and her children, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Horn and Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Don Prill and family, Oakland, and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Fisher, Wakefield. Mrs. Prill accompanied Don to his home for a short stay. Hannah and Mary Kemper, Stanton, were here visiting their sister-in-law, Mrs. Emma Kem- per for the past week. The Page MYF met Sunday night with sixteen members at- tending. Dale Miller had the les- son on "How We Know God”. The freshmen and sophmores will again try to paint tne par- sonage garage Friday night, wea- ther permitting. The group going to the Black Hills left Tuesday to see the Passion Play. It was voted to pay the expenses of the Rev. and Mrs. Linder, who will accompany the group. Mickie Ste- wart and Lyle Harvey served lunch. Page Extension club met Tues- day with Mrs. Edgar Stauffer. The nine present answered roll call by telling about "A vacation I enjoyed”. Tne lesson "The Good Egg was given by Mrs. Edgar Stauffer and Mrs. Harry Harper. An article on the bill of rights was read by Mrs. Mae Copes, -Mrs. Elmer Throwbridee told the group about the sphere ne- edle at the World’s Fair. The Page American Legion met Tuesday evening at the Legion Hall. Don Kramer, District No. 2 Commander presented Dick Cun- ningham with a plaque for being an outstanding adjutant. Elec- tion of officers was held with B. Scheinost the new Commander. Other officers included Richard Heiss, vice commander, Jerry Asher, treasurer and Dick Cun- ningham re-elected adjutant. The class mothers of 1958 will hold a pre nuptial shower for the bride-to-be of Gary Bowen. It will be held July 7th at the Methodist Church basement at 8 p.m. Early Tuesday morning seven members of the M. M. F. left for the Black Hills to see the Pas- sion play and to do some sight seeing. These youths have had regular attendance during the past year and this was the re- quirement for going on the trip. Leaving on the trip were Connie Nissen, Caroline Max. Becky Bee- laert, Juanita Ragland, Randy nd Kent Stauffer Dd Dick Linder. They were sponso’-ed by Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Heiss and the Rev. and Mrs. Robert Linder. Fifteen members were present the RNA Lodge Wednesday night when they met at the IOOF Hall for their regular meeting. Mrs. Hester Edmisten and Mrs. Lee Taylor served lunch Mr. and Mrs Otto Matschulla: and Dale Matsctuiiiat and child ren were Sunday dinner guest: of Mr and Sirs. Al Anthony, In man. Mrs. Dale Matschuilat accom panied Mr. and Mrs. Loren: Hifge Sunday to Lincoln where the Rieges visited her son-m-lav and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jui Mitchell. Mrs. Matschuilat visitee her father and sister. The annjal picnic of the Chat ter Sew club was held Sundaj evening at the home of Mr. anc Mrs. Harry Thomsen. Nine fam ilies were represented. Milo Landreth left last Tuesday for Peoria, 111., where he visitee a caterpillar factory. He returnee home Saturday. Mrs. Landreth al so went visiting, she was a guesl in the hom.- of her sister, Mrs William Aim, Lynch and her mo ther, Mrs. Felix Hendricks, O’ Neill. She returned home Fridaj night. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Grubbs Lincoln, came last weekend te visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs Roy Grabbs. Mr. Grubbs returnee to Lincoln Monday and she re mained for a few days longer. Help-U-Club met Wednesdaj with Mrs. Kenneth Waring be ginning with a noon day luncheon The eleven members present die handiword for the hostess. Mr and Mrs. Earl Kennedy, near Chadron, who were guests of the Warings were also dinnei guests. Mrs. Dan Troshynski accom panied Mr. and Mrs. Art GivenA Stuart, to Omaha Sunday where they visited Sister Louis Givens at the St. Mary's Convent. Thej were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hanus. Mrs. 9tella Russell and Mrs Icie Snyder visited several fam ilies in the Orchard community among them were Mr. and Mrs Edw. Sukup, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Henderson and were lunch guests in the Ernest West home. Kenneth Franklin, the recipi- ent of the 1962 fifty dollar schol- arship awarded by the Eagle Band Parents of the O’Neill public school, returned home Sunday from Vermillion, where he attended the University of South Dakota high school sum- mer music camp from June 17 through 24. During the week he participat- ed in band, directed by Dr. De Vilbiss, band conductor of the I niversity of South Dakota band and Mr. Floren Thomesen, guest band conductor from New Mex- ico. He also took instruction in elementary conducting and pri- vate lessons on the Baritone un- der Mr. Owens of State College, Mankato, Minn. There were 182 girls and 76 boys attending the camp includ- ing Suzanne Stewart, Kenneth Peacock, Cheryl Mullendore, Jeanne Eoliaus, Helen (iokie and Judy Sullivan, all of O’Neill. PAGE—Two young men from this area enlisted in the United States Army Wednesday at Oma- ha. They are Ben Asher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Asher, and Arnold Hall, son of Mr. and Mr*. George Hall. Both are 1962 grad- uates of Page high school. After basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., they will at- tend schools in the fields they qualified for and chose prior to enlistment. I Church Notes All minuter* are Invited to send their church note* to The Frontier. For guaranteed publication, we ask that the note* are in our of (ice by Saturday, ooe week prior to the service. 8t. Patrick's Catholic Church Magr. Timothy 0 Sullivan and Father Robert Duffy, assistant) Sunday: Masses, 7:30, 8:45 ajn. and 10 a.m. Saturday: Confessions from 4 until 5:30 p.m. and from 7:30 pm. until 9 p.m. Masses in the church every lay at 7:45 a.m. Wesleyan Methodist Church (Rev. Bemiece Hubby, Pastor) The services of the Wesleyan Methodist church will be held in the basement of the Bill Brews- ter home beginning July 1st and continuing throughout the sum- mer until the new church bjilding is completed. Sunday School: 10 a.m.; morn- ing worship, 11 a-m.; evening ser- vice, 8 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 p.m. The WMS morning prayer meeting every Tuesday 9:30 a.m. We welcome you to our services. Church Of Christ Robert Granger Sunday morning Bible classes 10:00 a.m.; worship services, 11:00 a.m. Wednesday: Evening services, Bible study and prayer, 7:30 un- til 8:30. First Metho«dst Church The Rev. Glenn Kennicott) Thursday Prayer Circle, Claude Bates’ home, 10 a.m.; Dorcas 2 p.m.; no church board meeting. Friday: Last day of vacation Bible school. Sunday: Morning worship ser- vices 8:30 and 11 a.m.; church school, 9:45 a.m. Monday: W9CS Executive meet- ing, 2 p.m. Wednesday: Intermediate MYF, 7 p.m. Thursday: Prayer circle at Claude Bates’ home 10 a.m.; WSCS, 2 p.m. Senior MYF, 7:30 p.m. Page Methodist Church (The Rev. Robert Linder) Sunday: Church school, 10 a an.; worship 11 a.m. Wednesday: Choir and MYF, I p.m. Bethany Presbyterian Church (The Rev. John Hart) Sunday: Worship, 9:30 a.m., Sunday school, 10:30 a.m. Church ot Epiphany Emmet (Father Ralph O’Donnell) Masses at 8:00 a.m. the first third and fifth Sunday of each month; at 10:00 on the second and fourth Sundays. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 505 East Williams Sunday: Bible school, 10 a.m., NFC 7 p.m.; worship services, 8 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study, 7 First Presbyterian Church (The Rev. John Hart) Sunday: 9:45 Sunday School; Worship, 11 a.m. Monday: 2:30 Bible Study. Wednesday: 7:00 Choir; 7:00 jr. Hi Youth; Sr. Hi Youth, 8 p.m. Center Union Church Sunday: Morning worship, 10 a.m.; Sunday school, 11 a.m., and Christian Endeavor, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday: Cottage prayer ser- vice, 8 pun. St. Joseph’s Church Amelia (Father Ralph O’Donnell) Masses at 10:00 a.m. the first third and fifth Sundays of each month; 8:00 a.m. on the second and fourth Sundays. Wesleyan Methodist Church Page (The Rev. Mina Smith) Sunday: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.; WY service, 7 p.m.; evening service, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday: Choir, 7 p.m.; prayer meeting, 7:30 pm. MC Paul'* Luthrru Church 'Rev. D. L. Braunersreuther) Sunday Divine Service 8 p.m.; Sunday school, 7 p.m.; Walther League. 7:30 pm. N<«e that the schedule of services above is for the next 2 Sunday. Thursday Ladies aid 1:30 p.m. Friday Catechism class 8:00 p.m. Saturday Suceeding classes of all Catschism will be at St. Paul's, Chambers, beginning Sat- urday 21 and Saturdays following. Inman Methodist Church (The Rev. Robert Linder) Thursday: W'SCS, 2:30 p.m. Sunday: Church school, 8:40 a.m.; worship, 9:40 a.m. Wednesday: Choir and MYF, 8 p.m. Assembly of God Church (The Rev. Ivan Christoffersen) Sunday: Sunday School, 10 a. m.; morning worship, jun. church 11 a.m., youth service, 7 p.m. and Evangelistic service, 8 p.m. June 26 thru July 4: Ains- worth camp meeting. Service dis- missed at the church with the ex- ception of Sunday morning, July 1. Emmet Methodist Church Sunday Sunday school 9:00 a.m.; morning worship, 9:45. Methodist Church Chambers (The Rev. Charles Cox) 9unday: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m. Justice Court— 6-21 Robert P. Grubbs, Dri- ver for Interstate Glass, Norfolk, Nebraska, Overweight on Capa- city Plate, $12.00 and $4.00, Offi- cer, Richardson. 6-22 Merle R. Greis, Driver for Ruan Transport Co., Hast- ings, Nebraska, Overweight on Capacity Plate, $10.00 and $4.00, Officer, Kizzire. 6-26 Gene Montgomery, Si- loam 9prings, Arkansas, Over- weight on Axle, $70.00 and $4.00, Officer Kizzire. 6-26 James H. Peterson, Pierre, Soath Dakota, No Recipro- city, (Over Nebraska Cab Card- $50.00 and $4.00, Officer, Kizzire. 6-26 Melvin H. Walton, Gor- don, Nebraska, Overweight Inter- ior Group of 4 axles, $60.00 and $4.00 Officer, Richardson. 6-27 Liburn Kuhn, Jr., dri- ver for I. C. Deere Transfer & Storage, Dallas Tex., No Recipro- city (Over Nebr. Cab Card) $30.00 and $4.00, Officer, Richardson. At The Courthouse COUNTY COURT— June 21 Doris Rickart, Cham- bers, permitting minor to op- erate motor vehicle, fined $10 and costs, officer E. M. Hastrei- ter. June 21 James R. Fritton, failure to stop at stop sign, fined $10 and costs, officer E. M. Hast- reiter. June 22 James Horner, Ord, night speeding, fined $50 and csts, officer R. L. Gude. June 22 Roger Rassmussen, driver for Buckingham Transfer, overweight, fined $100 and costs, officer D. F. Richardson. June 22 James Malek, Om- aha, malicious destruction of pro- perty, fined $150 and costs, of- ficer Chris McGinn. June 22 Ronnie J. Clark, O’Neill, speeding in city limits, fined $20 and costs, officer John S. Havelka. June 22 Larry E. Gilg, speed- ing in city limits, fined $20 and costs, officer John S. Havelka. Jane 22 William L. Johnson, Bassett, night speeding, fined $25 and costs, officer R. L. Gude. June 25 Alfred J. Hierlmeier, Grand Island, permitting minor to operate motor vehicle, fined $10 and costs, officer E. M. Hastrei- ter. June 26 Roy A. Stewart, Newport, night speeding, fined $25 and costs, oficer R. L. Gude. June 26 Rolland Kersch, Spencer, night speeding, fined $25j and costs, officer E. M. Hastrei- ter. ——^MM PLANNING A WEDDING? PHONE 788 THE FRONTIER, FOR Invitations Thank You Cards Napkins i Get our Prices Before you Buy i i The Frontier A Poem From Mrs. Eby •. —GO ON— Exod. 14:15 Speak unto The children of Isreal, that they go forward. Have you come to Um> Red Sea place in your life where, in spite of all you can do. There * no way out. there’s no way back, there’s no other way but through? Then wait on the Lord with trust serene till the night of your fear is gone. He will send the wind, He will head the floods, when He says to your soul, "Go on". And His hand will lead you through—clear through—ere the watery walls roll down. No foe can reach, no wave can touch, nor mightiest sea can drown; The tossing billows my rear their crests, ther foam at thy feet may break. But over their bed you shall walk dry sn<*d in the path that your Lord will make. In the morning watch 'neath the lifted cloud, you shall see but the Lord alone, when he leads you on from the place of the sea to the land that you have not known; and your fears shall pass as you foes have passed. you snail oe no more alraid. You shall sing His praise in a better place, a place that His hand has made. —Annie Johnson Flint— O'Neill Locals Returning from Rochester, Minn., Thursday, were Mrs. J. P. Brown and Mrs. D. H. Clauson. Mr. and Mrs Tom Harty and daughter, Neenah, Wis., who have been visiting his mother, Mrs. P. B. Harty, returned home Friday Jeanne Head was a weekend guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Head. Mrs. Edna Devereux returned to Omaha Sunday, after visiting the past week with her daughter. Mrs. Earl Hunt. Tom Head arrived last week- end to be with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Head until July 9. He is a student at the Univer- sity of Minnesota, majoring in chemistry. Mrs. Genevieve Harty returned to O’Neill last Thursday from Om- aha, where she visited wilh her daughter, Sister Mary Brian. Sis- ter Mary Brian will attend col- lege in Chicago this summer. Attending the Ladies Golf Tour- nament at Norfolk last Wednes- day were Mrs. B. J. Grady, Mrs. A. P. Jaszkowiak, Mrs. Fritz Yantzi, Mrs. Robert Cole, Mrs. G. O. Cole and Mrs. L. R Sut- cliffe. Dorothy Wilkinson spent a few days this last week in Grand Is- land and Columbus. George Richard Coventry was inducted into the Army June 19. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Campbell Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Devine and family, Oconto, Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stutz visited in Elgin Sunday with her mother, Mrs. W. J. Oik. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Galla- gher left last week for Washing- ton, D. C., to visit her mother, Mrs. Slattery. They stopped in Chic ago taking Mr. and Mm. Del Larson with them Mrs Larson ts their daughter. After visiting their grandpar ents. Mr. and Mr* Frank Frue- lwh, Chrrie and Colleen Wanaer returned to their home in Sam* City. Ia Mr and Mrs Thoms* itegan, Omaha, are expected visitors tliui weekend of Mr. and Mrs. Toni Green Mrs. Megan is a sister of Mrs Greene. On their way to Belle Fourche, S. D-, Mr. and Mrs. Kichimi Hammond ami suns, Omaha, Ne- braska, slopiwd in O'NelU Sun- day night, While here visited his relatives, Mrs. H. J. Hammond, Mr and Mr* George Hammond, and Mr. ami Mr*. Ira Moss. Mr. snd Mrs. Hubert llengan and daughters were in Omaha, returning Thursday While there he visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Berigan, who arriv- ed recently from Plioenix. Am, and his aunt, Mary Mullen. Mr. ami Mrs Edward Sclimit were in Neiuel Sunday and Mon- day to visit his parents; and also to view tin- damage done by a tornado. Stopping in O’Neill Friday on I heir way from a vacation in Co- lorado to their Iwmic in Lexington, Tenn., were Mr. and Mrs. Holland Moss. They visited his uncle, Ira Mom. Mrs. Norman Henson was hos- s 11_is race t_.j .j _l._s_ »«*#»«» ui vhv ui v itas# luai Wednesday evening. Mrs I lesson won high score prize; Mrs Mike Trupp, second high; und Mrs. Ed Schmit, low. The MM club was entertained at the home of Mrs, D. C. Schaf- fer. Mrs. Esther Harris and Mrs. H. G. Kruse were winners at bridge. Guests were Mrs. Harry Peterson, und Mrs. Ceacil Oten- baugh. Mrs. Leroy Mondine, Eureka, Calif., was honored at u coffee at tiie home of Mrs. Tom Schnei- der. She was formerly Joan Puce- lik. Guests were Mrs. Bub Ir- win, Mrs- A1 Hamtk, Mrs. Lyle Fox, Mrs Don Adamson ami Mrs. Harry Lamport. St. Patrick's Altur Society met last Thursday evening ui the new Social Hall. St. Theresa's Guild had charge of the entertainment. Arriving Sunday from a trip of three weeks to New York City and Chicago, III., were Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Coyne. In New York City they visited their daughter, Dr. Nadine Coyne and in Chicago, their daughters, Roni und Mary Kay. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Kruse over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dahl of Siwea City, Iowa. Mr. Dahl is a brother of Mrs. Kruse. Leaving Friday for their home in San Clemnti, Calif., were Mr. and Mrs. Art King, after visiting relatives for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grady, Washington, D. C. and Mrs. Paul Montgomery of Baker, Ore., left Tuesday. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grady ami Mr. and Mrs. Bennet Grady. Dr. and Mrs. Burgess departed last week on a trip to attend a Dental Convention in Seattle, Wash., and the World’s Fair. They will stop in Twin Falla, Ida., to visit his brother, also a dentist. Dr. Burgess and wife of Twin Falls will accompany them to Seattle. Mrs. M. J. Wallace returned Sunday from visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harold Connors, Greeley and Dr Steve Wallace, Wahoo. Saves So Much Time Costs So Little!! THE FRONTIER Phone 788 114 N. Fourth St. O'Neill, Nebr. -—.— ......- .i JUST OPENED! I Complete I CAR BODY SHOP at Thelander Auto Service Equipped to do all types of Body Repair and Glass Work SEE LEONARD YOUNG at I Thelander Auto Co. phone 430 for CyNem' Nebf I FREE ESTIMATES | No iob too difficult, too b=5 e- |

Notes From Mrs. Eby

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Page 1: Notes From Mrs. Eby

( XtNSTRl OTION I NDFJtWAY—Workmen are busy excavating dirt for the basement of the new O Neill National drive-in bank to be constructed at the corner of Fifth and Itouglas. (ieer-Melkus Con- struction Company of (•rand Island is the contractor.

Page News By Mrs. Ben Aivhor

The regular meeting of the WSCS was held in the Wesleyan room of Ihe Methodist church w.th 31 members and 4 guests. Mrs. John Larnason, Lakeside, Calif., Mrs Lois Miracle, Albion anil Mary and Hannah Kemper, Stan- ton, were present. John Crumly gave his report on his weeks stay at camp. As a money making project, Mrs. J. W. Finch has invited all members of the Aid to her home on Friday, June 29 for dinner. The money collected for their meal will be given to the £id. Mrs. Alton Braddock and Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge serv* ed lunch.

Mrs. Otto Matschullat entertain- ed 22 ladies at a party at her home Tuesday. Prizes went to Mrs. John Dienes, Orchard, Mrs. Roy Grubbs and Mrs. Clar- ence Finch, jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher, Ro- berta and Debbi were Friday af- ternoon and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher, Atkin- son, Vonda Asher returned home with them for a few days.

The Get-To-Gether club met Friday with Mrs. Alma Tegeler. The 11 members and 3 guests, Mrs. Owen Parks, Mrs. Edwin Grubbs, Lincoln and Maude Mar- tin spent the afternoon informal- ly. The club will meet next with


"The Boy Who Stole A Million"


"Hey Lets Twist"

Starring Joey Dee and The Starliters


JSun.-Mon.-Tues. July 1-2-3 Criminal & Priest. Devil & Saint, Each dedicated to his way of life.

SEE Spencer Tracy in

"The Devil at 4 O'clock" In-Color and filmed in the

Hawaiian Islands

IVed.-Thurs. July 3-4 No Family night this week

The most laughs, you’ve had in a long time

Terry Thomas, Tuesday Weld in

"Bachelor Flat"

In-Color Also Cartoon

Mrs. Harry Thomsen July 13th. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Terrill left

last week for Denver, Colo., to visit their daughters, Mrs. Lyle Parsons, and Marilyn Terrill.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Holli- day, Grand Island left their child- ren, Jeanie, Janelle and Mike here with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Holliday last weekend. Sunday the "Bud" Ick- es, Terry and Lee took the Hol- liday children to their home. They also visited with Mrs. Ruth Brum- mett and her family. Bruce and Bobby Ickes stayed with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Park.

Couples Club met Thursday night with Mr- and Mrs. Melvin Carson, bridge was played with Mrs. Frank Cronk and Mrs. Dan Troshynski winning prizes.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski were Friday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Murphy. The occasion was the birthdays of Dan and Mrs. Murphy.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bennett and family, Salem, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kennedy and Pat were Wednesday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. "Bud” Ickes. The ladies attended Or- chard school together.

Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Bader, Boring, Ore., and Mrs. Howard Gordon and children returned to their home Thursday after spend- ing the last few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. 9oren Sorensen, sr., Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and Clayton Messner and Leta Rea. They were also guests in th6 homes of Bill Russell, Jr. Soren- sens and Mrs. Bob Nissen.

xvii. ami r cuiK rjtrtriaen

and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper were Sunday supper guests of Mr and Mrs. Robert Beelaert.

Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stewart and family and Pat Collins, Ralston, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart were

Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith.

The Golden Rule Extension club met Tuesday with Mrs. Lorenz Riege. Roll call was answered by giving a recipe or a sugges- tion on the uses of eggs. At the July meeting at the home of Mrs. A. T. Crumly, the members are

urged to have a theme for the Float to be used on Page’s com-

munity day. Prizes were won by Mrs. R. V. Crumly and Mrs. Ivan Heiss.

Bruce Bowen and Diane Kem- per returned home after a week's stay at Boy’s and Girl’s State. Mrs. Roger Bowen brought them home.

Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen and granddaughters, Connie and Lu- Ann Nissen spent from Friday to Monday in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Nisson were guests in the home of their son, Dale and the girls stay- ed with their brother, James. The Nissens also visited their granddaughters, Mrs. Harold Rock and Mrs. Robert Rassche and their families.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and family returned Monday morning after a week trip to the Black -1

yotTcan’t Stop'* ♦ /

'/ flM.'/' But you can protect yourself y

/ against LOSS with a . . ^ 7 /

' / 7 / / 'Cimarron Hail Policy

Gaskill Insurance Agency Phone 710 — O’Neill, Nebr.

E. E. 'Al' Gaskill, Dist. Mgr.

Hills. They visited in the home of Bert, Marvin and Robert Bradeen and their families in Caster, 3. D.

East Side Kountry Klub met Wednesday with Mrs. Robert Beelaert. Roll call was answered by giving a "Landscaping Hint”. The lesson on landscaping was given by Mrs. Dale Stauffer. A picnic will be held July 11 in the evening at the Page Park. Mrs. Darrell Heiss won the special prize

Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlaufer and family and Joy Duncanson met Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dun- canson, Truman, Minn., at Sioux City for a picnic dinner. Joy, who had been a guest of the Wettlau- fer’s for the past two weeks re- turned home with her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George McNair, of O’Neill. Also a guest was the former He- len Hoehne, of Oregon.

Mr. and Mrs. S. Sorensen sr., Soren, Jr and Russel, Creighton and Nels Lindquist, O'Neill, spent the weekend in Marshalltown, to attend the 50th wedding an- niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Storm held in the home of Mrs. Inez Black, daughter of the Storms.

Anthony Craig and children, Norfolk, were supper guests Mon- day night of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Walker. The Craigs stayed for a few days.

A coffee hour was enjoyed at the home of Mrs. Stella Russell Thursday morning with Mesdames Alton Braddock, John Steinberg emu ueurge uiasey as guests.

Mrs. Jessie Kelly is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Bernard Grimes and baby, Chambers.

Mrs. Alton Braddock and Alice French, O’Neill, were Saturday to Monday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stevison. Little Jimmy Stevison returned here with ius grandmother to spend a few days.

A Carpenter reunion was held at the Norfolk park on Sunday. Among those attending were Mrs. Bertha Prill and her children, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Horn and Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Don Prill and family, Oakland, and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Fisher, Wakefield. Mrs. Prill accompanied Don to his home for a short stay.

Hannah and Mary Kemper, Stanton, were here visiting their sister-in-law, Mrs. Emma Kem- per for the past week.

The Page MYF met Sunday night with sixteen members at- tending. Dale Miller had the les- son on "How We Know God”. The freshmen and sophmores will again try to paint tne par- sonage garage Friday night, wea- ther permitting. The group going to the Black Hills left Tuesday to see the Passion Play. It was voted to pay the expenses of the Rev. and Mrs. Linder, who will accompany the group. Mickie Ste- wart and Lyle Harvey served lunch.

Page Extension club met Tues- day with Mrs. Edgar Stauffer. The nine present answered roll call by telling about "A vacation I enjoyed”. Tne lesson "The Good Egg was given by Mrs. Edgar Stauffer and Mrs. Harry Harper. An article on the bill of rights was read by Mrs. Mae Copes,

-Mrs. Elmer Throwbridee told the group about the sphere ne- edle at the World’s Fair.

The Page American Legion met Tuesday evening at the Legion Hall. Don Kramer, District No. 2 Commander presented Dick Cun- ningham with a plaque for being an outstanding adjutant. Elec- tion of officers was held with B. Scheinost the new Commander. Other officers included Richard Heiss, vice commander, Jerry Asher, treasurer and Dick Cun- ningham re-elected adjutant.

The class mothers of 1958 will hold a pre nuptial shower for the bride-to-be of Gary Bowen. It will be held July 7th at the Methodist Church basement at 8 p.m.

Early Tuesday morning seven members of the M. M. F. left for the Black Hills to see the Pas- sion play and to do some sight seeing. These youths have had regular attendance during the past year and this was the re- quirement for going on the trip. Leaving on the trip were Connie Nissen, Caroline Max. Becky Bee- laert, Juanita Ragland, Randy nd Kent Stauffer Dd Dick Linder. They were sponso’-ed by Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Heiss and the Rev. and Mrs. Robert Linder.

Fifteen members were present the RNA Lodge Wednesday

night when they met at the IOOF Hall for their regular meeting. Mrs. Hester Edmisten and Mrs. Lee Taylor served lunch

Mr. and Mrs Otto Matschulla:

and Dale Matsctuiiiat and child ren were Sunday dinner guest: of Mr and Sirs. Al Anthony, In man.

Mrs. Dale Matschuilat accom

panied Mr. and Mrs. Loren: Hifge Sunday to Lincoln where the Rieges visited her son-m-lav and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jui Mitchell. Mrs. Matschuilat visitee her father and sister.

The annjal picnic of the Chat ter Sew club was held Sundaj evening at the home of Mr. anc

Mrs. Harry Thomsen. Nine fam ilies were represented.

Milo Landreth left last Tuesday for Peoria, 111., where he visitee a caterpillar factory. He returnee home Saturday. Mrs. Landreth al so went visiting, she was a guesl in the hom.- of her sister, Mrs William Aim, Lynch and her mo

ther, Mrs. Felix Hendricks, O’ Neill. She returned home Fridaj night.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Grubbs Lincoln, came last weekend te visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs Roy Grabbs. Mr. Grubbs returnee to Lincoln Monday and she re mained for a few days longer.

Help-U-Club met Wednesdaj with Mrs. Kenneth Waring be ginning with a noon day luncheon The eleven members present die handiword for the hostess. Mr and Mrs. Earl Kennedy, near

Chadron, who were guests of the Warings were also dinnei guests.

Mrs. Dan Troshynski accom

panied Mr. and Mrs. Art GivenA Stuart, to Omaha Sunday where they visited Sister Louis Givens at the St. Mary's Convent. Thej were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hanus.

Mrs. 9tella Russell and Mrs Icie Snyder visited several fam ilies in the Orchard community among them were Mr. and Mrs Edw. Sukup, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Henderson and were lunch guests in the Ernest West home.

Kenneth Franklin, the recipi- ent of the 1962 fifty dollar schol-

arship awarded by the Eagle Band Parents of the O’Neill public school, returned home

Sunday from Vermillion, where he attended the University of South Dakota high school sum- mer music camp from June 17

through 24.

During the week he participat- ed in band, directed by Dr. De Vilbiss, band conductor of the I niversity of South Dakota band and Mr. Floren Thomesen, guest band conductor from New Mex- ico. He also took instruction in

elementary conducting and pri- vate lessons on the Baritone un-

der Mr. Owens of State College, Mankato, Minn.

There were 182 girls and 76

boys attending the camp includ- ing Suzanne Stewart, Kenneth Peacock, Cheryl Mullendore, Jeanne Eoliaus, Helen (iokie and

Judy Sullivan, all of O’Neill.

PAGE—Two young men from this area enlisted in the United States Army Wednesday at Oma- ha. They are Ben Asher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Asher, and Arnold Hall, son of Mr. and Mr*. George Hall. Both are 1962 grad- uates of Page high school.

After basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., they will at- tend schools in the fields they qualified for and chose prior to enlistment.


Church Notes All minuter* are Invited to send their church note* to

The Frontier. For guaranteed publication, we ask that the note* are in our of (ice by Saturday, ooe week prior to the service.

8t. Patrick's Catholic Church Magr. Timothy 0 Sullivan and

Father Robert Duffy, assistant) Sunday: Masses, 7:30, 8:45 ajn.

and 10 a.m.

Saturday: Confessions from 4 until 5:30 p.m. and from 7:30 pm. until 9 p.m.

Masses in the church every lay at 7:45 a.m.

Wesleyan Methodist Church (Rev. Bemiece Hubby, Pastor) The services of the Wesleyan

Methodist church will be held in the basement of the Bill Brews- ter home beginning July 1st and continuing throughout the sum- mer until the new church bjilding is completed.

Sunday School: 10 a.m.; morn- ing worship, 11 a-m.; evening ser- vice, 8 p.m.

Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 p.m. The WMS morning prayer meeting every Tuesday — 9:30 a.m. We welcome you to our services.

Church Of Christ Robert Granger

Sunday morning Bible classes 10:00 a.m.; worship services, 11:00 a.m.

Wednesday: Evening services, Bible study and prayer, 7:30 un- til 8:30.

First Metho«dst Church The Rev. Glenn Kennicott)

Thursday — Prayer Circle, Claude Bates’ home, 10 a.m.; Dorcas 2 p.m.; no church board meeting.

Friday: Last day of vacation Bible school.

Sunday: Morning worship ser- vices 8:30 and 11 a.m.; church school, 9:45 a.m.

Monday: W9CS Executive meet- ing, 2 p.m.

Wednesday: Intermediate MYF, 7 p.m.

Thursday: Prayer circle at Claude Bates’ home 10 a.m.; WSCS, 2 p.m. Senior MYF, 7:30 p.m.

Page Methodist Church (The Rev. Robert Linder)

Sunday: Church school, 10 a an.; worship 11 a.m.

Wednesday: Choir and MYF, I p.m.

Bethany Presbyterian Church (The Rev. John Hart)

Sunday: Worship, 9:30 a.m., Sunday school, 10:30 a.m.

Church ot Epiphany Emmet

(Father Ralph O’Donnell) Masses at 8:00 a.m. the first

third and fifth Sunday of each month; at 10:00 on the second and fourth Sundays.


Sunday: Bible school, 10 a.m., NFC 7 p.m.; worship services, 8 p.m.

Wednesday — Bible Study, 7

First Presbyterian Church (The Rev. John Hart)

Sunday: 9:45 Sunday School; Worship, 11 a.m.

Monday: 2:30 Bible Study. Wednesday: 7:00 Choir; 7:00

jr. Hi Youth; Sr. Hi Youth, 8 p.m.

Center Union Church Sunday: Morning worship, 10

a.m.; Sunday school, 11 a.m., and Christian Endeavor, 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday: Cottage prayer ser-

vice, 8 pun.

St. Joseph’s Church Amelia

(Father Ralph O’Donnell) Masses at 10:00 a.m. the first

third and fifth Sundays of each month; 8:00 a.m. on the second and fourth Sundays.

Wesleyan Methodist Church Page

(The Rev. Mina Smith) Sunday: Sunday school, 10 a.m.;

worship, 11 a.m.; WY service, 7 p.m.; evening service, 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday: Choir, 7 p.m.; prayer meeting, 7:30 pm.

MC Paul'* Luthrru Church 'Rev. D. L. Braunersreuther) Sunday — Divine Service

8 p.m.; Sunday school, 7 p.m.; Walther League. 7:30 pm. N<«e that the schedule of services above is for the next 2 Sunday.

Thursday — Ladies aid 1:30 p.m.

Friday — Catechism class 8:00 p.m.

Saturday — Suceeding classes of all Catschism will be at St. Paul's, Chambers, beginning Sat- urday 21 and Saturdays following.

Inman Methodist Church (The Rev. Robert Linder)

Thursday: W'SCS, 2:30 p.m. Sunday: Church school, 8:40

a.m.; worship, 9:40 a.m. Wednesday: Choir and MYF, 8


Assembly of God Church (The Rev. Ivan Christoffersen)

Sunday: Sunday School, 10 a. m.; morning worship, jun. church 11 a.m., youth service, 7 p.m. and Evangelistic service, 8 p.m.

June 26 thru July 4: Ains- worth camp meeting. Service dis- missed at the church with the ex-

ception of Sunday morning, July 1.

Emmet Methodist Church Sunday — Sunday school 9:00

a.m.; morning worship, 9:45.

Methodist Church Chambers

(The Rev. Charles Cox) 9unday: Sunday school, 10 a.m.;

worship, 11 a.m.

Justice Court— 6-21 — Robert P. Grubbs, Dri-

ver for Interstate Glass, Norfolk, Nebraska, Overweight on Capa- city Plate, $12.00 and $4.00, Offi- cer, Richardson.

6-22 — Merle R. Greis, Driver for Ruan Transport Co., Hast- ings, Nebraska, Overweight on Capacity Plate, $10.00 and $4.00, Officer, Kizzire.

6-26 — Gene Montgomery, Si- loam 9prings, Arkansas, Over- weight on Axle, $70.00 and $4.00, Officer Kizzire.

6-26 — James H. Peterson, Pierre, Soath Dakota, No Recipro- city, (Over Nebraska Cab Card- $50.00 and $4.00, Officer, Kizzire.

6-26 — Melvin H. Walton, Gor- don, Nebraska, Overweight Inter- ior Group of 4 axles, $60.00 and $4.00 — Officer, Richardson.

6-27 — Liburn Kuhn, Jr., dri- ver for I. C. Deere Transfer & Storage, Dallas Tex., No Recipro- city (Over Nebr. Cab Card) $30.00 and $4.00, Officer, Richardson.

At The Courthouse

COUNTY COURT— June 21 — Doris Rickart, Cham-

bers, permitting minor to op- erate motor vehicle, fined $10 and costs, officer E. M. Hastrei- ter.

June 21 — James R. Fritton, failure to stop at stop sign, fined $10 and costs, officer E. M. Hast- reiter.

June 22 — James Horner, Ord, night speeding, fined $50 and csts, officer R. L. Gude.

June 22 — Roger Rassmussen, driver for Buckingham Transfer, overweight, fined $100 and costs, officer D. F. Richardson.

June 22 — James Malek, Om- aha, malicious destruction of pro- perty, fined $150 and costs, of- ficer Chris McGinn.

June 22 — Ronnie J. Clark, O’Neill, speeding in city limits, fined $20 and costs, officer John S. Havelka.

June 22 — Larry E. Gilg, speed- ing in city limits, fined $20 and costs, officer John S. Havelka.

Jane 22 — William L. Johnson, Bassett, night speeding, fined $25 and costs, officer R. L. Gude.

June 25 — Alfred J. Hierlmeier, Grand Island, permitting minor to operate motor vehicle, fined $10 and costs, officer E. M. Hastrei- ter.

June 26 — Roy A. Stewart, Newport, night speeding, fined $25 and costs, oficer R. L. Gude.

June 26 — Rolland Kersch, Spencer, night speeding, fined $25j and costs, officer E. M. Hastrei- ter.




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The Frontier

A Poem From Mrs. Eby •. •


Exod. 14:15 Speak unto The children of Isreal, that they go forward.

Have you come to Um> Red Sea place in your life where, in spite of all you can do. There * no way out. there’s no way back, there’s no other way but through? Then wait on the Lord with trust serene till the night of your fear is gone. He will send the wind, He will head the floods, when He says to your soul, "Go on".

And His hand will lead you through—clear through—ere the watery walls roll down. No foe can reach, no wave can touch, nor mightiest sea can drown; The tossing billows my rear their crests, ther foam at thy feet may break. But over their bed you shall walk dry sn<*d in the path that your Lord will make.

In the morning watch 'neath the lifted cloud, you shall see but the Lord alone, when he leads you on from the place of the sea to the land that you have not known; and your fears shall pass as you foes have passed. you snail oe no more alraid. You shall sing His praise in a better place, a place that His hand has made.

—Annie Johnson Flint—

O'Neill Locals

Returning from Rochester, Minn., Thursday, were Mrs. J. P. Brown and Mrs. D. H. Clauson.

Mr. and Mrs Tom Harty and daughter, Neenah, Wis., who have been visiting his mother, Mrs. P. B. Harty, returned home Friday

Jeanne Head was a weekend guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Head.

Mrs. Edna Devereux returned to Omaha Sunday, after visiting the past week with her daughter. Mrs. Earl Hunt.

Tom Head arrived last week- end to be with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Head until July 9. He is a student at the Univer- sity of Minnesota, majoring in chemistry.

Mrs. Genevieve Harty returned to O’Neill last Thursday from Om- aha, where she visited wilh her daughter, Sister Mary Brian. Sis- ter Mary Brian will attend col- lege in Chicago this summer.

Attending the Ladies Golf Tour- nament at Norfolk last Wednes- day were Mrs. B. J. Grady, Mrs. A. P. Jaszkowiak, Mrs. Fritz Yantzi, Mrs. Robert Cole, Mrs. G. O. Cole and Mrs. L. R Sut- cliffe.

Dorothy Wilkinson spent a few days this last week in Grand Is- land and Columbus.

George Richard Coventry was inducted into the Army June 19.

Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Campbell Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Devine and family, Oconto, Nebraska.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stutz visited in Elgin Sunday with her mother, Mrs. W. J. Oik.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Galla- gher left last week for Washing- ton, D. C., to visit her mother, Mrs. Slattery. They stopped in

Chic ago taking Mr. and Mm. Del Larson with them Mrs Larson ts their daughter.

After visiting their grandpar ents. Mr. and Mr* Frank Frue- lwh, Chrrie and Colleen Wanaer returned to their home in Sam* City. Ia

Mr and Mrs Thoms* itegan, Omaha, are expected visitors tliui weekend of Mr. and Mrs. Toni Green Mrs. Megan is a sister of Mrs Greene.

On their way to Belle Fourche, S. D-, Mr. and Mrs. Kichimi Hammond ami suns, Omaha, Ne- braska, slopiwd in O'NelU Sun- day night, While here visited his relatives, Mrs. H. J. Hammond, Mr and Mr* George Hammond, and Mr. ami Mr*. Ira Moss.

Mr. snd Mrs. Hubert llengan and daughters were in Omaha, returning Thursday While there he visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Berigan, who arriv- ed recently from Plioenix. Am, and his aunt, Mary Mullen.

Mr. ami Mrs Edward Sclimit were in Neiuel Sunday and Mon- day to visit his parents; and also to view tin- damage done by a tornado.

Stopping in O’Neill Friday on I heir way from a vacation in Co- lorado to their Iwmic in Lexington, Tenn., were Mr. and Mrs. Holland Moss. They visited his uncle, Ira Mom.

Mrs. Norman Henson was hos- s 11_is race t_.j .j _l._s_ »«*#»«» ui vhv ui v itas# luai

Wednesday evening. Mrs I lesson won high score prize; Mrs Mike Trupp, second high; und Mrs. Ed Schmit, low.

The MM club was entertained at the home of Mrs, D. C. Schaf- fer. Mrs. Esther Harris and Mrs. H. G. Kruse were winners at bridge. Guests were Mrs. Harry Peterson, und Mrs. Ceacil Oten- baugh.

Mrs. Leroy Mondine, Eureka, Calif., was honored at u coffee at tiie home of Mrs. Tom Schnei- der. She was formerly Joan Puce- lik. Guests were Mrs. Bub Ir- win, Mrs- A1 Hamtk, Mrs. Lyle Fox, Mrs Don Adamson ami Mrs. Harry Lamport.

St. Patrick's Altur Society met last Thursday evening ui the new Social Hall. St. Theresa's Guild had charge of the entertainment.

Arriving Sunday from a trip of three weeks to New York City and Chicago, III., were Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Coyne. In New York City they visited their daughter, Dr. Nadine Coyne and in Chicago, their daughters, Roni und Mary Kay.

Guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Kruse over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dahl of Siwea City, Iowa. Mr. Dahl is a brother of Mrs. Kruse.

Leaving Friday for their home in San Clemnti, Calif., were Mr. and Mrs. Art King, after visiting relatives for a week.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grady, Washington, D. C. and Mrs. Paul Montgomery of Baker, Ore., left Tuesday. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grady ami Mr. and Mrs. Bennet Grady.

Dr. and Mrs. Burgess departed last week on a trip to attend a

Dental Convention in Seattle, Wash., and the World’s Fair. They will stop in Twin Falla, Ida., to visit his brother, also a

dentist. Dr. Burgess and wife of Twin Falls will accompany them to Seattle.

Mrs. M. J. Wallace returned Sunday from visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harold Connors, Greeley and Dr Steve Wallace, Wahoo.

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THE FRONTIER Phone 788 114 N. Fourth St. O'Neill, Nebr.

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