Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda 26 October 2021 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING TO: Mayor Deputy Mayor Councillors Karen Redman Brian Sambell Cody Davies Diane Fraser Kelvin Goldstone David Hughes Paul Koch Paul Little Nathan Shanks Jim Vallelonga NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of Section 83(1) of the Local Government Act 1999, that the next Ordinary Meeting of the Council for the Town of Gawler will be held in the Council Chambers, Gawler Civic Centre, 89-91 Murray St, Gawler SA 5118, and available for viewing via video streaming at http://www.youtube.com/user/townofgawler, on Tuesday 26 October 2021, commencing at 7.00pm. A copy of the Agenda for the above meeting is supplied as prescribed by Section 83(3) of the said Act. Henry Inat Chief Executive Officer 22 October 2021

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda 26 October 2021


TO: Mayor Deputy Mayor Councillors

Karen Redman Brian Sambell Cody Davies Diane Fraser Kelvin Goldstone David Hughes Paul Koch Paul Little Nathan Shanks Jim Vallelonga

NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of Section 83(1) of the Local Government Act 1999, that the next Ordinary Meeting of the Council for the Town of Gawler will be held in the Council Chambers, Gawler Civic Centre, 89-91 Murray St, Gawler SA 5118, and available for viewing via video streaming at http://www.youtube.com/user/townofgawler, on Tuesday 26 October 2021, commencing at 7.00pm.

A copy of the Agenda for the above meeting is supplied as prescribed by Section 83(3) of the said Act.

Henry Inat Chief Executive Officer 22 October 2021

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda 26 October 2021

Order Of Business

1 Statement of Acknowledgement ......................................................................................... 4

2 Attendance Record .............................................................................................................. 4

3 Public Open Forum .............................................................................................................. 4

4 Deputations .......................................................................................................................... 4

4.1 Memorialisation Mosaic Mural project - Sandra Sullivan & Pam Young .................... 4

4.2 Relay for Life - Mr Richard Holt ................................................................................ 4

4.3 Code of Conduct Final Report - Mr Ian Tooley ......................................................... 4

4.4 St Georges tennis courts and recreation area on Orleana Square - Church Hill Heritage Area Residents Group ............................................................................... 4

5 Declarations of Interest ....................................................................................................... 4

6 Adjourned Items .................................................................................................................. 4


7 Petitions ............................................................................................................................... 4


8 Confirmation of Minutes ...................................................................................................... 4

9 Decision Reports ................................................................................................................. 5

9.1 Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan Update - Princes Park & Gawler Showgrounds and Gawler Oval Precincts ............. 5

9.2 2022/23 Budget Preparation Timetable .................................................................. 23

9.3 Hire of Gawler Civic Centre Venues Policy Update ................................................ 30

9.4 Strategic Workforce Plan - Town Services ............................................................. 37

9.5 Council’s Operating Hours – Christmas and New Year 2021/22 ............................. 42

9.6 Statute Amendment (Local Government Review) Act 2021 Update ........................ 46

9.7 Code of Conduct Final Report ................................................................................ 51

10 Information Reports ........................................................................................................... 53

10.1 Gawler River Floodplain Management Authority - 2020 - 2021 Annual Report ....... 53

10.2 Participatory Budgeting Implementation Overview for the 2022-23 Budget. ........... 58

10.3 Timed Parking - Adelaide Road, Gawler South ...................................................... 63

10.4 Monthly Finance Report - September 2021 ............................................................ 69

10.5 Gawler Civic Centre July to September 2021 Quarter Update ................................ 71

11 Recommendations from Committees ............................................................................... 80

11.1 Recommendations from CEO Performance Management Panel Meeting held on 19 August 2021 ................................................................................................. 80

11.2 Recommendations from Gawler Heritage Collection Committee Meeting held on 14 October 2021 ............................................................................................... 81

11.3 Recommendations from Infrastructure & Environmental Services Committee Meeting held on 12 October 2021 .......................................................................... 82

12 External Bodies Reports ................................................................................................... 85

12.1 Climate Emergency Action Plan Working Group Minutes - 13 October 2021 .......... 85

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13 Questions on Notice .......................................................................................................... 86


14 Questions without Notice .................................................................................................. 86

15 Motions on Notice .............................................................................................................. 87

15.1 Notice of Motion - Cr Hughes - South Gawler Football Club and Gawler Squash Club Lease Negotiations ........................................................................... 87

15.2 Notice of Motion - Cr Fraser - Heritage Walls Grant Scheme ................................. 88

16 Motions without Notice...................................................................................................... 89

17 Mayors Attendances & Correspondence ......................................................................... 89

18 Council Member Attendances & Activities....................................................................... 89

19 Confidential Reports .......................................................................................................... 90

19.1 Cleaning Contract Procurement Update ................................................................. 90

19.2 Tree Compliance Matter - 9 Jane Street, Willaston ................................................ 91

19.3 Recommendations from CEO Performance Management Panel Meeting held on 21 October 2021 ............................................................................................... 92

20 Close ................................................................................................................................... 93

21 Next Ordinary Meeting ....................................................................................................... 93

Tuesday 23 November 2021 commencing at 7.00pm .......................................................... 93

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda 26 October 2021


We would like to acknowledge this land that we meet on today is the traditional lands for the Kaurna people and that we respect their spiritual relationship with their country. We also acknowledge the Kaurna people as the custodians of the greater Adelaide region and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still as important to the living Kaurna people today.


2.1 Roll Call

2.2 Apologies

2.3 Motions to Grant Leave of Absence

2.4 Leave of Absence

2.5 Non-attendance


(Limited to a total time of up to 20 minutes)


4.1 Memorialisation Mosaic Mural project - Sandra Sullivan & Pam Young

4.2 Relay for Life - Mr Richard Holt

4.3 Code of Conduct Final Report - Mr Ian Tooley

4.4 St Georges tennis courts and recreation area on Orleana Square - Church Hill Heritage Area Residents Group







Ordinary Council Meeting - 28 September 2021

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Record Number: CC21/46;IC21/757

Author(s): Bryce Norton, Team Leader Recreation and Community Strategy

Previous Motions: Council 26/07/2021, RESOLUTION 2021:07:COU269; Council 25/05/2021, RESOLUTION 2021:05COU 183.

Attachments: 1. Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club proposal - Princes

Park and Gawler Showgrounds October 2021 CR21/80121


That Council:

1. Provides in principle support for the development of a shared (Gawler Greyhound Racing Club and Gawler Agricultural, Horticultural & Floricultural Society Inc.) storage structure as outlined within the report.

2. Requests a further report be presented to the December 2021 Council meeting providing the additional detail in relation to the following aspects of the proposed shared storage structure:

2.1 A costed plan for the development of the shared storage structure.

2.2 The funding model for the development of the shared storage structure, including quantification of stakeholder financial contributions and the funding shortfall and potential grant opportunities to be provided.

2.3 Further information relative to identifying a suitable location for the future redevelopment of the Gawler Central Cricket Club practice nets.

3. Notes the Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club proposal including a financial contribution of $10,000 towards the development of a new storage shed.

4. Notes the project update, and the impending design and planning works to be undertaken during the next six months relative to the northern area of the Princes Park and Gawler Showgrounds Master Plan Precinct, including the Princes Park Community Recreation Hub and proposed future development of facilities for the Gawler & Districts Racing Pigeon Club, Gawler Agricultural, Horticultural & Floricultural Society Inc. and Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club.


The Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan provides Council, stakeholder organisations, and the community with a holistic vision for this highly utilised and valued active recreation asset. An underlying principle of the Master Plan implementation provides for flexible delivery of capital initiatives, allowing Council and community stakeholder organisations to be nimble and able to respond to funding and partnership opportunities as they arise.

This report is focused upon the area located south of the Adelaide-Gawler railway corridor, the Master Plan precincts of Princes Park & Gawler Showgrounds and Gawler Oval, with summaries of the following six infrastructure initiatives outlined:

1. Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club proposal.

2. Gawler Greyhound Racing Club storage facility.

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3. Princes Park Community Recreation Hub Stage 1.

4. Gawler Agricultural, Horticultural & Floricultural Society Inc. (Gawler Show Society) Goat Shed.

5. Gawler Central Sporting Club modular unisex change room.

6. Gawler Central Cricket Club turf pitch installation.

The Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club proposal, Attachment 1 to this report, identifies the existing Gawler Show Society storage shed as a suitable interim location for the Club to develop a workshop, so providing their own physical home. This intervening locale could be successfully utilised by the Club until such time as the surrounding existing structures are to be redeveloped, with the construction of new purpose designed and built club room and workshop facilities.

There has been In Principle support provided by the Gawler Show Society for this proposal, although the following two key project considerations must successfully be confirmed for the proposal to progress any further:

1. Location of a new storage facility for the Gawler Show Society.

2. Funding for the design and construction of a new storage facility for the Gawler Show Society.


The redevelopment of community sporting and active recreation assets, particularly Essex Park, the Gawler Showgrounds, and the Gawler Aquatic Centre, have been identified as key iconic civic projects having been endorsed by Council as significant initiatives to be implemented over the coming years. This is highlighted by the inclusion in the Gawler Invest brochure and its clear references within Council’s Community Plan 2030+.

Council has undertaken a meaningful planning process, producing the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan, a vision for the redevelopment of this key community sporting and recreational asset. The plan provides for the Gawler community, current lease holders, user groups of Gawler Sport & Community Centre and Gawler Aquatic Centre, and event organisers, as well as providing guiding principles for the potential future inclusion of other community organisations to the site.

The Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct is a large physical area, running along the North and South Para rivers. The development and implementation of this Master Plan will ultimately increase community participation in sport and recreation, both active and passive. The project will provide strategic direction to enable precinct facilities to accommodate population growth, be adaptable and flexible to the changing needs of current and new community members, and to enable Gawler to host high level sporting competitions and events.

The final Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan was presented to the May 2021 Corporate & Community Services Committee, with the committee recommendation adopted at the 25 May 2021 Council meeting, as per the following resolution:

RESOLUTION 2021:05:COU183 Moved: Cr D Fraser Seconded: Cr P Little

That Council adopts the recommendation from the Corporate & Community Services Committee made at item 7.7 of the meeting of that Committee meeting held on 11 May 2021, being:

That the Corporate & Community Services Committee recommends to Council that:

1. It adopts the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan including final project costing to guide the redevelopment of Essex Park and the Gawler Showgrounds as a high quality Regional Sporting and Community Precinct.

2. It notes that the cost estimate to deliver the entire Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Master Plan is $129,199,000- excluding any project cost escalations. The capacity of

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Council to deliver such a significantly costly project at this point is beyond its means, and as such, a staged approach to the implementation of the master plan will occur over the coming years.

3. The implementation of the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan be progressed subject to Council’s Long Term Financial Plan, Prudential Reporting, and Annual Budget deliberations, including the need for external funding to be secured.

4. Consideration be made to including female change rooms into any planning and design within any future upgrade to the Gawler Sport and Community Centre.

5. It notes Councils financial capacity to deliver its next ‘iconic community project’ as provided for within the current Long Term Financial Plan is estimated at net $20m (gross $40m less 50% external funding), split over two years, commencing from the 2027/28 financial year.

6. It confirms the ongoing need, in particular in the COVID-19 influenced financial environment, for Council to maintain flexibility in relation to the implementation of strategic community sporting and active recreation infrastructure projects such as the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan.

7. It notes the pending external funding application for the implementation of Stage 1 of the Princes Park Community Recreation Hub.

8. It notes that stakeholder relationships, including funding partnerships, are required for the implementation of the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan.

9. Staff liaise with key stakeholders and investigate opportunities to collaboratively attract external funding for the implementation of the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan.

10. It notes the ongoing dialogue between Council, the Gawler Veteran, Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club, and other stakeholders in relation to the establishment of a permanent club facility within the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds precinct.

11. A further report regarding the implementation of the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan be presented to the September 2021 meeting of the Corporate & Community Services Committee.

This report provides Council with an update in relation to the implemetation of the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precint specifically, relative to the following two Master Plan precincts:

1. Princes Park & Gawler Showgrounds. 2. Gawler Oval.

It is anticipated that ongoing general and project specific update reports regarding the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan and its ongoing implementation will be presented to Council and/or the Corporate & Community Services Committee, with the following scheduled for the next six month period:

1. December 2021 Council – Gawler Aquatic Centre infrastratuctre and the roject relating to the Gawler Greyhound Racing Club and Gawler Agriculture, Horticulture and Floriculture Society Inc.

2. March 2022 Corporate & Community Services Committee – General Master Plan implementation update.


This report is focused upon the area located south of the Adelaide-Gawler railway corridor, the Master Plan precincts of Princes Park & Gawler Showgrounds and Gawler Oval, as indicated in the below image.

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There are currently the following six capital infrastructure initiatives across this area with these all at various levels of implementation ranging from commencing detailed design, awaiting outcomes of external funding application, to early concept planning and project development:

1. Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club proposal (workshop). 2. Gawler Greyhound Racing Club storage facility. 3. Princes Park Community Recreation Hub Stage 1. 4. Gawler Show Society Goat Shed. 5. Gawler Central Sporting Club modular unisex change room. 6. Gawler Central Cricket Club turf pitch installation.

The following provides an outline and summary of these initiatives in isolation, noting that the report will later provide commentary of the relationship that a number of these projects have with each other, in particular driven by the Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club proposal and the broader potential impacts that may occur from their realisation.

Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club proposal

The Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club, following confirmation they could no longer pursue had use of Allotment 101 Little Paxton Street, Willaston, identified the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct as a potential site for the development of club room and workshop facilities. At the time of the Master Plan being adopted by Council, there had not been a preferred location confirmed. In this regard the following is an excerpt of the above resolution from the 25 May 2021 Council meeting:

10. It notes the ongoing dialogue between Council, the Gawler Veteran, Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club, and other stakeholders in relation to the establishment of a permanent club facility within the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds precinct.

The following is taken directly from the Officer’s Report presented to Council at its 25 May 2021 meeting:

“Noting the absence of a specific provision for the Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club within the Master Plan, investigations for a potential inclusion on site are ongoing, with a focus upon:

1. The feasibility of developing club room and workshop facilities for the Club. 2. Provision of positive outcomes for all stakeholders – Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic

Vehicle Club, existing lease holders/site users, community members, Council.

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3. Development of club room and workshop facilities are in line with the overarching principles of the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan.

4. Development, if occurring within the Princes Park & Gawler Showgrounds project precinct, adhering to the planning principles of this location – development of structures along the western site boundary to promote an open and useable area for existing and potential community uses.”

The Mayor, CEO and staff have met regularly with the Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club following the May 2021 Council meeting in relation to identifying a suitable location for the club to establish a long term permanent physical presence, with initial conversations focused upon potential locales within the below area adjacent to Princes Park:

Various potential permanent locations within this identified area were discussed with initial investigations being undertaken and considered relative to factors including:

1. Planning and development considerations: a. Zoning. b. Assessment pathway. c. Public Notification requirements. d. Relevant Authority. e. Planning overlays. f. Flooding. g. Car parking. h. Heritage. i. Trees including native vegetation, regulated trees, and protection zones.

2. Storm water and storm water detention.

3. Utilities a. Water. b. Electricity. c. Sewer.

4. Site access.

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5. Current/future site considerations including existing lease holders/site user activities.

The establishment of a physical presence by the Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club in a timely fashion is of utmost importance to the Club, its Committee, and members. The Club has been looking for a location within Gawler to develop and call home in recent years, with this search becoming increasingly important for the Club and its ongoing successful operation. It became evident during discussions between the Club and Council that there was not a feasible and available location within this area that was suitable for the immediate development/construction of a permanent long term facility for the Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club. Following this collective realisation and acceptance, a change of focus occurred, with the potential of the Club utilising an existing structure as a short term way to achieve their priority goal of having a Club facility.

The below image identifies with a red rectangle the existing Gawler Show Society storage facility, with this shed part of the Society’s current lease agreement with Council. The Show Society utilise this shed for storing much of the equipment required to successfully deliver the annual Gawler Show, noting though a significant quantum of the stored equipment is actually used on/around Gawler Oval or within Gawler Sport & Community Centre across the Show weekend. In light of this it was proposed during the development of the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan, and subsequently included within the final Master Plan, that this storage facility, in the future be provided for within the Gawler Oval Master Plan precinct.

As the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan has identified that the future location of storage for the Gawler Show Society is better suited in an alternate location, the potential for the Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle club to utilise the existing Show Society storage facility was raised.

The Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club has previously identified their desire to develop two structures, a 27m x 12m club room and a 20m x 12m workshop as their long term club requirements. The existing Gawler Show Storage facility is approximately 15m x 18m (270m2), so while being a different configuration to the proposed workshop, it actually provides a larger available area for the Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club.

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A meeting with representatives of the Gawler Show Society, the Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club, and Council – including Mayor Redman and Deputy Mayor Sambell, saw the potential use of the current Show Society shed as an interim short term solution discussed. This use would allow the Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club to establish a suitable physical club location in the near future. This would see members reap the numerous benefits such a facility could provide, while future planning in relation to the long term vision of the Master Plan implementation occurs. In response to these stakeholder discussions, the Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club provided Council with a written proposal in this regard, with the letter included as Attachment 1 to this report.

The Gawler Show Society have provided their In Principle support to the concept of the Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club utilising their existing storage facility for use as a club workshop. To realise this opportunity the development of a new storage solution in increased proximity to Gawler Oval/Gawler Sport & Community Centre for the Gawler Show Society is required to be facilitated.

Discussions with the Gawler Show Society and the Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club have included future planning in line with long term vision of the Master Plan. As part of these conversations both groups recently had a workshop with Council’s external Grant’s writer (attended by the Mayor and CEO) to discuss future opportunities and potential grants.

Gawler Show Society Goat Shed

The Gawler Show Society utilise and have a lease agreement with Council for various pieces of infrastructure across the Gawler Showgrounds, including the Goat Shed – identified in the below image with a blue rectangle.

The Gawler Show Society’s Goat Shed has reached the end of its useful life from an infrastructure perspective and as such has seen the decision for the Goat Shed to be demolished following next month’s 2021 Gawler Show, noting that a Development Application for this process to occur has been approved.

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Gawler Greyhound Racing Club storage facility

In recent months, following the finalisation and Council adoption of the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan, the Gawler Greyhound Racing Club have commenced investigations to construct a storage facility to accommodate new and existing equipment for track and site maintenance and upkeep. The initial considerations related to a potential development of a 15m (deep) x 12m (wide) x 3.5m (high) structure adjacent to the club’s existing kennel facility, indicatively identified on the below image with a yellow star. The Gawler Greyhound Racing Club commenced engagement with site stakeholders relative to the structure at this location, notably the Gawler Show Society, given its proximity to the Gawler Show’s Sideshow Alley. This proposed development will be further discussed later in this report.

Princes Park Community Recreation Hub Stage 1

Council Staff identified community recreation and connectivity aspects within the Princes Park & Gawler Showgrounds Master Plan precinct as an opportunity to commence early implementation of the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan. These opportunities have been identified and highlighted by the community, not only during engagement related to the Master Plan, but also during discussions with site users and community consultation as part of the Gawler Open Space, Sport & Recreation Plan:

a. Absence of community recreation offering across the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Master Plan site and as such the area is seen as sporting facilities only, rather than broader community recreational hubs.

b. Poor connectivity into and through the Gawler Showgrounds, in particular Princes Park which is a key connection between the Gawler CBD, the shared use path along the rivers (North Para, South Para, and Gawler) and the suburbs of Gawler South, Gawler West, and Reid.

Council applied for and was successful in obtaining external funding through the State Government Places for People program to deliver Stage 1 of the Princes Park Community Recreation Hub. The first stage included the provision of the following (refer image below):

a. Full court community basketball court with backboards.

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b. Associated hard community infrastructure including shade shelter, seating, electric barbeque, drink fountain, and solar lighting.

c. Landscaping allowances for the surrounding area, including soft landscape fixtures and formal pedestrian link between community basketball court and new and existing site entrances.

The second stage of the Princes Park Community Recreation Hub is the development of a formal play space to finalise the community recreation offering. This second and currently unfunded stage of the Community Recreation Hub is identified in the following images by the red rectangle, adjacent to the basketball court and associated hard community infrastructure to be delivered in 2022 through the projects first stage.

An important consideration for the current first stage of the Princes Park Community Recreation Hub project is to ensure that it is planned and delivered with deliberate contemplation for future developments in proximity to the Stage 1 works. To assist in this regard Council staff will, in conjunction with the detailed design for the Princes Park Community Recreation Hub Stage 1, undertake the following:

1. Have consideration for the whole area to the north of car park entrance adjacent to Gawler Primary School (Gate 7) within the Princes Park Community Recreation Hub Stage 1 planning and design development – this areas is shown in the above image as the area above the solid black line traversing the image. This will allow for consideration to be made relative to the proposed future realignment of Princes Park that will see the turfed sporting area cover the existing vehicle access between Princes Park and the current Show Society Goat and Sheep Sheds.

2. Development of concept designs for the future redevelopment of leased facilities for the Gawler & Districts Racing Pigeon Club, Gawler Show Society and Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club. These designs, anticipated to be to a 30% design level, will

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indicatively cover the area shown by the blue rectangle from the above Master Plan image, noting that the above image was finalised prior to this location being identified as the preferred location for the Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club. The producing of these designs is being funded through savings realised from the development of the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan and are seen by staff and stakeholders as important in being able to advocate for external funding from various funding bodies, including state and federal government.

The Princes Park Community Recreation Hub and it being nominated as a key early Master Plan deliverable was on the strength of the significant community consultation and engagement that has occurred in recent years regarding this site, in particular the formal processes undertaken to formulate the Gawler Open Space, Sport & Recreation Plan and the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan.

As a result of this and the nature of the nominated scope, Council will not undertaking any formal community consultation in regard to the works as a whole being undertaken in the first stage of the Princes Park Community Recreation Hub – i.e. development of a community basketball court, associated infrastructure (shade shelter, seating, electric barbeque, drink fountain, and solar lighting), soft landscaping, and pathways. There is though meaningful community and stakeholder engagement envisaged in the near future relative to the following initiatives – details of these will be provided as the engagement methodology is finalised:

1. Potential public art related to the community basketball court e.g. court and surround colours/design.

2. Community desires for the future, currently unfunded Princes Park Community Recreation Hub play space.

3. Concept designs for the future development of leased facilities for the Gawler & Districts Racing Pigeon Club, Gawler Show Society, and Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club.

Council has recently engaged an external Project Manager – Sarah Wrobel from APP Corporation, to assist in not only the delivery of the Princes Park Community Recreation Hub Stage 1 project, but also Stage 1 of the Karbeethan Reserve Redevelopment. The design process for both projects will commence next month, with a separate update report for each of these two initiatives planned to be presented at the March 2022 Corporate & Community Services Committee meeting.

Gawler Central Sporting Club modular unisex change room

The provision of suitable and compliant change room facilities is of utmost importance and a priority for local community sporting and active recreation organisations. This provision becomes timelier in situations of rapid increases in participation rates, in particular for locations with demand by both female and male participants. There has been, and continues to be, an ongoing and significant increase in local female participation in Australian Rules football across Gawler Central, South Gawler, and Willaston football clubs. These increases, in conjunction with growing participation rates across other activities within these clubs – male Australian Rules football, netball and cricket, is challenging clubs to comply with current sporting code requirements.

Council staff identified the use of modular unisex change rooms is a potential solution for the following three sites within Gawler – Elliot Goodger Memorial Park, Eldred Riggs Reserve, and Gawler Oval, with the following resolved by Council at its 27 July 2021 meeting:

RESOLUTION 2021:07:COU269 Moved: Cr D Fraser Seconded: Cr D Hughes

That Council:-

1. Notes the advice received from the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing that a single application from Council for contributory funding towards construction and installation of modular change rooms at three different locations within Gawler cannot be submitted to the Infrastructure Projects fund.

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2. Notes that to achieve the desired outcome of having modular change rooms at three different locations, a separate application must be submitted for each location.

3. Authorise Council Staff to submit the following three applications to the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing’s Infrastructure Projects fund:

a. An application for $416,000 contributory funding towards the design, construction and installation of LM240.2 modular change rooms (or equivalent) at Elliot Goodger Memorial Park that has a total estimated project cost of $852,000 with Council’s contribution being $406,000 plus a $30,000 in-kind contribution towards labour and/or materials from the Willaston Football Club.

b. An application for $416,000 contributory funding towards the design, construction and installation of LM240.2 modular change rooms (or equivalent) at Eldred Riggs Reserve that has a total estimated project cost of $852,000 with Council’s contribution being $406,000 plus a $30,000 in-kind contribution towards labour and/or materials from the South Gawler Football Club.

c. An application for $416,000 contributory funding towards the design, construction and installation of LM240.2 modular change rooms (or equivalent) at Gawler Oval that has a total estimated project cost of $852,000 with Council’s contribution being $406,000 plus a $30,000 in-kind contribution towards labour and/or materials from the Gawler Central Sporting Club.

d. An application for 50% contributory funding towards the design, constructions and installation upgrade of courts surface at Gawler and District Netball Association courts.

4. Notes that the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing will assess the three applications individually on merit and may decide to fund none, one, two, or three of the applications from the current funding round.

5. Notes the total estimated project cost for the design, construction and installation of three LM240.2 modular change rooms (or equivalent) is estimated at $2,556,000, with Council’s total contribution estimated at $1,218,000. Should the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing fund one (Council contribution being $406,000), two (Council contribution being $812,000) or three (Council contribution being $1,218,000) of the applications, Council funding would need to be allocated in either the 2022/23 budget or spread across the 2022/23 and 2023/24 budgets.

In response to the above resolution, a funding application was submitted to the Office for Recreation, Sport & Racing for the design, construction, and installation of a modular unisex change room for Gawler Oval. The Office for Recreation, Sport & Racing have previously communicated that notification for funding applications will occur after 1 December 2021.

Gawler Central Cricket Club turf pitch installation

The Gawler Central Cricket Club compete within the Barossa & Light Cricket Association, with the clubs A grade team playing the current 2021/22 season in the A2 grade, noting this is the Associations second highest grade. A condition, introduced by the Barossa & Light Cricket Association prior to the 2017/18 season, was that the Association move towards being a turf cricket competition. This decision meant that to be eligible to compete in the Association’s highest grade, A1, the club must have a turf cricket pitch. This decree has seen Gawler Central Cricket Club, regardless of their season result in the A2 competition, ineligible to be promoted to the A1 grade due to their ongoing use of a concrete pitch at Gawler Oval.

Gawler Central Cricket Club have in recent times been increasing their focus upon the installation of a turf pitch at Gawler Oval, with significant fundraising efforts being undertaken by the club towards the cost of the pitch installation and purchase of the required machinery for its upkeep e.g. roller, mover.

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In September 2021 Cricket Australia and the South Australian Cricket Association launched the 2021 round of the Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund. This external funding program allows for eligible organisations (clubs, associations, schools, councils, and facility managers) to apply for funding to provide cricket facility projects, with the installation of turf cricket pitches one of the most common funding applications submitted for consideration.

Staff have met with the Gawler Central Cricket Club following the recent announcement of the 2021 round of Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund, specifically in relation to the installation of a turf pitch for Gawler Oval. The Club is proceeding to submit an application for the current funding round, with successful applicants being notified during December 2021 and January 2022. In the event that Gawler Central Cricket Club is successful in attracting funding through the current round of the Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund, the club is targeting the installation of the turf pitch during the summer of 2022/23, with the project being a fully club funded initiative. The installation and ongoing maintenance and pitch preparation will see the club continue to liaise with Gawler Oval stakeholders including the Gawler Greyhound Racing Club (in particular in relation to oval access), Gawler Show Society (event considerations), and Council staff, in particular Council’s horticultural team.

Next steps and future considerations – Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club proposal.

The Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club proposal, Attachment 1 to this report, identifies the existing Gawler Show Society storage shed as a suitable interim location for the Club to develop a workshop, so providing their own physical home. This intervening locale could be successfully utilised by the Club until such time as the surrounding existing structures are to be redeveloped, with the construction of new purpose designed and built club room and workshop facilities.

There has been In Principle support provided by the Gawler Show Society for this proposal, although the following two key project considerations must successfully be confirmed for the proposal to progress any further:

1. Location of a new storage facility for the Gawler Show Society.

2. Funding for the design and construction of a new storage facility for the Gawler Show Society.


The first key project consideration that must be successfully addressed is the confirmation of a suitable location for the construction of a new storage facility. As outlined earlier within this report the Gawler Greyhound Racing Club have identified their need for increased site storage to accommodate new and existing equipment used for the maintenance and upkeep of their track and associated infrastructure. Council staff have engaged with the Gawler Greyhound Racing Club and the Gawler Show Society to establish if there are any synergies in the organisations storage requirements.

The Greyhound Club have stated that they are looking to develop a structure with the following dimensions - 15m (deep) x 12m (wide) x 3.5m (high). The Gawler Show Society advised that they do not have a specific configuration requirement, although would need comparable space to their existing shed – 270m2 (15m deep x 18m wide). Given the depth required by the Gawler Greyhound Racing Club is consistent with the existing Show Society shed, it was seen as feasible to investigate locations for a single shared storage structure for both organisations, noting that this was with the support of both organisations.

The following location is presented for consideration (with In Principle support of both the Gawler Greyhound Racing Club and Gawler Show Society), noting that with this concept the existing Gawler Greyhound Racing Club water tank (currently located adjacent to the Gawler Oval scoreboard) would be removed and a new (minimum 30,000 litre) tank installed next to the new shed. It should be noted that this is an indicative location within this area and is provided to allow Council Members a contextual location for consideration.

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The above proposed location in isolation is likely suitable as it takes advantage of what is traditionally an underutilised corner of the precinct and has minimal, if any, immediate impact to other stakeholders e.g. Gawler Central Sporting Club or event organisers. While it is noted that there are not immediate impacts arising for the use of this area, the below image is from the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan and illustrates this as the proposed future position for redevelopment and expanded practice cricket nets for Gawler Central Cricket Club. Also of note is the yellow highlighted square adjacent to the netball court in the bottom right of the image, being the proposed location of a new Gawler Show Society storage structure within the Master Plan.

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The following image provides two potential alternative locations (indicated by the solid blue rectangles) that could be considered for future redeveloped Gawler Central Cricket Club practice nets:

1. Princes Park 2. Southern Gawler Oval

Staff have had a discussion with a representative of the Gawler Central Cricket Club in regards to these alternative locations, with both sites deemed as worthy of further investigation and consultation in the event of Council supporting the construction of the storage structure in the originally proposed future site for the practice nets. The following are some initial considerations relative to the above potential alternative cricket net locations:

Princes Park

1. Noting the future proposed realignment of Princes Park to make a compliant oval, the location of nets would need to be considered with this in mind.

2. Nets could be orientated as per above image or rotated 90 degrees and run parallel to existing Gawler Sport & Community Centre stadium.

3. Consideration would need to be given to the proximity of car parking and site roadways. 4. Potential impact to other Princes Park uses. 5. Less isolated location, given proximity to Gawler Sport & Community Centre, in particular

with redeveloped facility proposed to have toilets/change rooms accessible from Princes Park.

Gawler Oval

1. Limited available space – close proximity to South Para River, topography, access requirements to South Para river bank, adjacent to Gawler Oval roadway.

2. Remains isolated and disconnected from all other facilities within precinct e.g. toilets, water. 3. Location has no shelter/shade.

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4. Proximity to large sandy area – this would likely result in meaningful amounts of sand on practice net matting, as well as being uncomfortable for participants.


The Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club proposal of utilising the existing Gawler Show Society storage shed is fully predicated upon the development of a new storage solution for the Show Society, at no cost to the Show Society. As outlined in the above commentary and given the complimentary needs of the Gawler Greyhound Racing Club for additional onsite storage, it has been proposed and given In Principle support for the development of a shared storage structure for both the Gawler Greyhound Racing Club and the Gawler Show Society.

It is proposed that a structure, with approximate dimensions 30m wide, 15m deep and 3.5m high be further investigated for construction in the south west corner of the Gawler Oval precinct. Given the significant lack of surety in relation to this proposed structure and related variabilities, at this time there has been no meaningful work undertaken to establish a total project budget, noting that the actual physical location of the shed will strongly impact project costs such as service establishment and any planning or building requirements.

While at this time a total project cost for the design and construction of the shared storage structure cannot be confirmed, it is known that there will be a shortfall, relative to the currently identified projects fund.

The Gawler Greyhound Racing Club, even prior to any discussion in relation the shared storage concept, were planning for the construction of a shed to address their imminent increasing onsite storage needs, with this project planned to be fully funded by the Club during the current 2021/22 financial year.

The Gawler Greyhound Racing Club have confirmed that they are prepared to contribute the funding they had budgeted for the development of their own shed to a shared structure, given its complimentary nature. This then theoretically sees the Gawler Show Society requirement (minimum 270m2) and other requirements the additional structure size triggers, for the shared structure as the unfunded component of the project. The Gawler Show Society have confirmed that in light of the organisations immediate operational requirements and longer term strategic objectives, they will provide a financial commitment to the development of a new storage facility at this time, given it does not align to any identified Society priorities.

The Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club, as part of their proposal, included the following consideration:

“GVV&CVC offer $10,000 towards the cost of a new storage shed to be built plus an interest-free loan to the Gawler Council for the shortfall of the required full amount. Conditions of re-payment of loan to be determined.”

It should be confirmed that the 2021/22 Council budget does not have an allocation of any funds towards the design or construction of a storage facility adjacent to Gawler Oval or in any other alternative location.

As stated the total project cost for the shared (Greyhound Racing/Show Society) storage facility is not yet known. It is proposed that if Council provide In Principle support for the development of the shared storage structure, staff (with the assistance of project stakeholders) will develop a fully costed project cost estimate, with consideration to the following influences:

1. Service connections – electricity, water. 2. Planning considerations – flooding, trees, planning overlays. 3. Building considerations – need for fire systems, storm water and storm water detention. 4. Site access (vehicle and pedestrian). 5. Demolition – existing horse stables. 6. Boundary fence replacement. 7. Lease requirements.

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Council staff have had regard to possible grant funding relative to assisting with the anticipated project cost, noting this has included consideration for any, or all of the project stakeholders being the actual application, with this being done in an attempt to expand the range of funding programs available. To date, and strongly driven by the nature of the project – construction of a storage facility – staff have not been able to identify any suitable external funding programs for this initiative.

Additional proposal considerations

There are further considerations relative to the conditions of the offer included within the Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club proposal that would require additional discussion and investigation, although noting these are considered to be ancillary to the two key immediate considerations of location and funding. These deliberations would be focused upon the following leasing conditions included within the proposal, noting that the Gawler Show Society has an existing ground lease agreement with Council for the Poultry Shed:

“Conditions of this offer are –

The current Show society storage shed ownership and a 7 x 6 ground lease be granted to the Car Club, along with a ground lease of the footprint of the poultry shed (to facilitate the future Car Club use with Master plan evolves). Use of the poultry shed remains with the Show Society until no further use is required by them or the demolition of the building for the construction of the Master plan building for the Car Club facility.”


Mayor Redman Deputy Mayor Sambell Chief Executive Officer Manager Library & Community Services Manager Infrastructure & Engineering Services Acting Manager Finance & Corporate Services Team Leader Recreation and Community Operations Team Leader Property and Facilities Horticultural Coordinator

Project Manager – Karbeethan Reserve Redevelopment Stage 1 & Princes Park Community Recreation Hub Stage 1

The development and now implementation of the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan continues to be influenced and contributed by a diverse contingent of Council teams, including the following:

1. Aquatic and Recreation Services. 2. Engineering. 3. Environmental Services. 4. Planning. 5. Property. 6. Special Projects. 7. Town Services.


Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club Gawler Agricultural, Horticultural & Floricultural Society Inc. Gawler Greyhound Racing Club Gawler & Districts Racing Pigeon Club Gawler Central Cricket Club


Sporting & Community Clubs/Organisations Agreement Schedule for Ground Leases (Exclusive Right of Possession)

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Identify Mitigation

Community and stakeholder expectations that projects will be delivered in the immediate term.

Ongoing communication with key stakeholders to manage expectations. The communications will reinforce that the Master Plan is a guide to future improvements and does not represent a commitment of funding by Council.

The implementation of the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan is subject to:

Council decisions as part of the annual budget process including financial capacity and broader resource pressures.

Potential external funding sources.

Further feasibility studies, technical investigations, and/or recommendations for facilities reaching the end of their life cycle.

Ongoing economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Inability to secure external funding required for the implementation of the Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan.

Ongoing communication with key project stakeholders (e.g. State Sporting Organisations) and external funding organisations (e.g. Federal and State Governments) to ensure Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan aligns with priorities of stakeholders and external funding organisations.

Utilisation of Council Grant Writer to develop funding submissions.

Awareness of external funding environment and ability to adapt and be flexible in response.


Identify Maximising the Opportunity

Budget and facilities planning Strategic sporting and active recreation planning will assist Council and sporting/community organisations to identify improvement priorities in the short, medium, and longer term.

Partnerships and funding Strategic sporting and active recreation planning will assist in identifying potential partnerships and funding opportunities to support project delivery.



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The Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan has provided Council, stakeholder organisations, and the community with a long term vision for the redevelopment of the highly utilised and valued active recreation precinct. The implementation of the $130million Master Plan is foreseen to stretch over the coming decades with capital initiatives occurring across the Master Plan precincts as priorities are identified and funding becomes available.

The financial capacity of Council to deliver various capital projects towards incrementally implementing the Master Plan will be informed by future updates to the Long term Financial Plan, Council’s annual capital works budget deliberations, and consideration to the impact on Council’s core financial indicators.

The 2021/22 Council budget has provision for the following initiatives:

1. Princes Park Community Recreation Hub Stage 1.

2. Essex Park & Gawler Showgrounds Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan – savings realised from the development of the Master Plan document to be utilised for delivery of concept designs and planning for the proposed construction of new facilities for the Gawler & Districts Racing Pigeon Club, Gawler Show Society, and Gawler Veteran Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club.

3. Design, construction, and installation of modular unisex change rooms at Gawler Oval (project is fully dependent on successful external funding application – Office for Recreation, Sport & Racing).

It should be noted that there is no allocation within the 2021/22 Council budget of any funds for the design or construction of a storage facility adjacent to Gawler Oval or in any location.

The proposed installation of a turf cricket pitch to Gawler Oval by the Gawler Central Cricket Club is anticipated to occur during the summer of 2022/23 and is projected as a club funded (including external funding from Cricket Australia) project.


1.2 Foster a vibrant and active local community that is proud of Gawler

2.1 Physical and social infrastructure to service our growing population and economy

2.2 Growth to be sustainable and respectful of cultural and built heritage

3.2 Provide sporting and recreational facilities to meet local and regional community needs

3.3 Recognise, respect, support and advocate on behalf of volunteers

5.2 Foster and encourage community teamwork

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Record Number: CC21/46;IC21/665

Author(s): Lokesh Anand, Team Leader Finance

Previous Motions: Ordinary Council Meeting – 2021:09:COU370

Attachments: Nil


That Council:

1. Notes and adopts, in principle, the 2022/23 Budget timetable.

2. That Council notes the commentary and analysis provided relative to the motion recently passed by Council that sought to consider the option of incorporating or not 1% ($335,000) of the budget towards Members’ bids. On the basis that Council resolves to proceed with the option to incorporate Member bids to a value of 1%.

3. Facilitation of Member bids will be progressed by the administration as detailed in this report with Members bids presented for initial consideration early in the budget preparation process at the second of the draft 2022/23 Budget workshops in February 2022.

4. Council notes that the administration will proceed to prepare relevant information to assist Members in preparing their bids, with template documents, supplementary information provided and any other assistance considered necessary.


Consideration of the 2022/23 Budget / Business Plan timetable and options to provide 1% of budget for the purpose of Member bids.


This report is presented to Council to consider a proposed timetable relating to the preparation and consideration of the 2022/2023 Budget / Business Plan, in accordance with Clause of Budget Management Policy.

The proposed Budget / Business Plan timetable in Table 1 below also incorporates the annual review of Council’s Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP), which plays an integral role in Council’s financial management methodology.

The report also addresses Councils recent motion relative to 1% Member budget bids.

Table 1 – Proposed 2022/23 Budget / Business Plan timetable Date Notes

Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Workshop 1 Introduction & 'Setting the Scene' (LTFP / Rating Strategy / Budget framework). Independent Members of Audit Committee will be invited to attend the workshop.

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Wednesday, 2 February 2022 Workshop 2 LTFP / Asset Management Plan / Budget Bids/ Council Member Bids 1% consideration. It is proposed that Council Member Bids equating to 1% of the budget (equating to approximately $335000) be processed and for members to present their bids in this regard early in the budget process timeframe. (Initial presentation of member bids)

Wednesday, 16 February 2022 Workshop 3 Recurrent Budget / Fees & Charges / Rating Strategy. Further consideration to Member bids.

Tuesday, 1 March 2022 Audit Committee Review LTFP / Asset Management Plan / Budget / Fees & Charges / Rating Strategy.

Tuesday, 15 March 2022 Special Council meeting LTFP / Budget / Fees & Charges / Rating Strategy/ Council Member Bids 1% (Finalisation of draft bids).

Tuesday, 5 April 2022 Special Council Mtg - Endorse for Public Consultation

LTFP / Budget / Fees & Charges / Rating Strategy.

Wednesday, 13 April 2022 Advert in Bunyip inviting submissions

Wednesday, 13 April 2022 to Friday 6 May 2022

Public Consultation 23 days (statutory requirement is minimum 21 days).

Tuesday, 17 May 2022 Audit Committee - Final Review

Copies of budget submissions to be tabled for information.

Tuesday, 7 June 2022 Special Mtg - consider submissions received

Tuesday, 28 June 2022 Normal Council Mtg - Adoption

LTFP / Budget / Fees & Charges / Rating Strategy.


Budget Timeline

In accordance with Council Budget Management Policy and Section 123 of the Local Government Act, 1999, Council must prepare, consider and adopt a Budget / Business Plan for each financial year.

The Budget Management Policy incorporates and recommends final adoption of the Annual Budget / Business Plan prior to 30 June each year, so that, the budget is ideally adopted prior to the commencement of the related financial year.

Similar to previous years, the timetable provides for the internal review of the LTFP prior to the consideration of the draft 2022/23 Budget / Business Plan. This is a deliberate approach so that the broad financial parameters pertaining to the 2022/23 budget (reflected as the 3rd year within the 10 year LTFP) are considered before Council’s formal consideration of the 2022/23 Budget.

However, consistent with previous years, public consultation of both the LTFP and the draft 2022/23 Budget will occur at the same time (i.e. the LTFP review will be included in the 2022/23 Budget / Business Plan document).

The approach in drafting the proposed timetable, for both the LTFP and the Budget / Business Plan, is based on the following sequential steps:

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a) 3 internal workshops with Council Members (including an initial workshop to ‘set the scene’ for subsequent workshops). The Independent Members of Council’s Audit Committee will be invited to the initial workshop on 15 December 2021.

The second of the workshops to be held in February 2022 will provide the opportunity, as per the suggested timetable, for Member bids which have been prepared to be presented in the first instance for initial consideration. Council staff are in progress of developing the member’s bid template and associated information and will be available to assist Members as and where required..

b) Draft Budget/Business Plan 22/23 considered by the Audit Committee

c) Special Council meeting to consider draft Budget/Business Plan 22/23 (including feedback from Audit Committee)

d) Council meeting to endorse draft Budget/Business Plan 22/23 for the purposes of Public Consultation

e) Public Consultation period of 3 weeks) (refer more detailed comments pertaining to participatory budgeting as per separate agenda item)

f) Audit Committee to consider updated draft Budget/Business Plan 22/23 during the Public Consultation period

g) Council meeting to consider public submissions received, and to determine whether changes required to draft Budget/Business Plan 22/23 as a result of community feedback.

h) Adoption of Budget/Business Plan 22/23 at Council meeting on 28 June 2022.

The timetable also incorporates the annual review of Council’s Strategic Rating Policy and Fees & Charges, both of which are integral elements of influence within the budget process.

The proposed timetable provides for the Audit Committee considering the draft budget on two separate occasions (i.e. initially in March 2022 and then the final draft budget in May 2022).

1% above the line allocation for the successful Council Member budget bids:

Council had at its meeting in September 2021 resolved as follows in respect to the option of including above the line allocation equal to 1% of Councils budget dedicated to council member bids. Members would be aware that 1% equates to approximately $335,000.

RESOLUTION 2021:09:COU370 Moved: Cr K Goldstone Seconded: Cr N Shanks

That the next report to Council detailing the 2022/23 budget timetable/processes include comment on the option of including an ‘above the line’ allocation equal to 1% of Council’s total budget in future draft budgets to accommodate successful elected member budget bids.

What 1 % means to the overall budget:

Members would be aware that as for the 21/22 budget 1% equates to $334,209. Depending on the final state of the 22/23 budget, this allocation may be slightly more. The following table is provided relative to the current years break down in this regard.


Total Income $ 33,712,658

Total Expenses $ 33,420,953

Budgeted Surplus $ 291,705

Capital Expenditure $ 15,791,519

1% allowance for Member’s bid - Anticipated $$ needed $ 334,209.53

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What does Council Budgeted Expenditure comprise of?

Recurrent Expenses: Recurring expenses are those expenses that are incurred as part of regular, routine and ongoing business operations of the Council. These expenses are important to ensure continued business operations. Examples are operating salaries & wages, repair & maintenance, electricity & phone charges etc.

Capital Expenses: Capital expenditures (CapEx) are funds used to acquire, upgrade, and maintain physical assets such as property, plant and equipment, roads, buildings and infrastructure, technology and equipment. These expenses are important for long-term growth and benefits. Examples are building of a road, upgrade to an existing building or buying a backhoe etc.

New Operating Initiatives: This includes any new operational projects, projects that are not capital but would provide benefits to the council and members’ bids in relation to operational efficiencies. Examples are a planning study, Tourism plan, organisational mobility etc.

New Staffing Position: Being a growth council, the service levels are always increasing. To meet the increasing community expectations, there is always a need to consider what additional resources are required to service ever increasing service demands and expectations. New staffing position budget caters for that additional budget in staffing and allows for new positions.

Please note: Council long-term financial plan also allows for indexed funding of $200,000 for new initiatives every year.

Council Annual

Expenditure Budget

Recurrent Expenses ($32.5M)

Capital Expenses


New Operating Initiatives


New Staffing



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What does Council Budgeted Revenue comprise of?

Please note Council also receives Capital Grants that are tied to Capital projects they relate to.

Options to fund 1% Member Bid allowance ($335,000)

If Council resolves to specifically dedicate 1% of the draft budget ($335k as indicated above) for the sole purpose of funding certain Council Member budget bids on merit, then consideration needs to be given as to how such funding will be accommodated within the broad budget setting parameters – e.g. will such funding be determined as ‘new’ increased expenditure, or will the additional funding be accommodated by a reduction in other operational expenditure.

The Administration is of the view that any additional funding specifically provided towards Council Member budget bids is not done via simply increasing Council’s debt - taking into consideration Council’s policy position of achieving sustainable operating surpluses (2021/22 adopted budget provides for a nominal $292k operating surplus) and maintaining its Net Financial Liabilities Ratio less than or equal to 100% (the estimated Net Financial Liabilities Ratio as at 30 June 2022 is currently 93.2% per the 2021/22 adopted budget).

It is also appropriate that consideration of funding Council Member budget bids as with all such other bids, are done in the context of Council’s immediate, short-term priorities and long term plans as informed by the Community Plan, Long Term Financial Plan, Long Term Asset Management plan and other key strategic documents.

The below table summarises the above options and their impact:

No Option Risk/Consequence

1 Increase the overall Rates for 2022-23 (1.34%)

This option will generate discretionary funding. This will be over the 2.5% increase already provided for in adopted long term financial plan

2 Increase the debt levels and draw on additional loan.

This will deteriorate the Net financial liabilities ratio and will affect the council’s borrowing power for the scheduled bigger capital projects in future years as per Long Tern Financial plan.

3 Fund the budget from the savings in operational budget

The operating budget is already very tight and reducing it further will adversely impact on the service quality and relative to staff capacity concerns.



5% 2% 1%

Budgeted Income Sources


Grants, Subsidies& Cont.

User Charges

Statutory Charges


Category Amount

Rates $25,787,819

Grants, Subsidies & Contributions


User Charges $1,719,931

Statutory Charges


Others $359,323

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4 Reduce the operational budget Will adversely affect the service levels and impact council’s ability to serve community

In previous years’, Council Member budget bids have been sought as part of the annual budget process. Such bids, consistent with all other budget bids (whether of a Capital Expenditure or New Initiative nature) have been considered for funding (i.e. ‘Above the Line’) on merit, and within the broad financial parameters and limitations relating to budget bids, consistent with the consideration of all other budget bids. All bids are then collated and discussed at various budget meetings before being adopted at the council meeting in June – July.

Members would be aware that significant parts of the budget relate to expenditure of functions which Council has legal obligations to provide. Smaller portions of the budget are directed to discretionary areas of service delivery. The following table provides a break down of these discretionary expenditure areas and is provided in the broader context for Members deliberations:

2021-22 Discretionary funding for service provision to the community:

Work Order Annual Budget

Contributions towards Armistice & ANZAC Services $ 5,700.00

Town Events/Activities $ 6,400.00

Australia Day Awards $ 8,200.00

Community Grants $ 15,300.00

Christmas Festival $ 29,183.00

Gawler Show $ 40,800.00

Gawler Activation $ 66,500.00

Total Cost in 2021-22 Budget $ 172,083.00

Proposed Participatory Budgeting cost (2022-23) $ 40,000.00

Total Cost for 2022-23 $ 212,083.00

As per the above motion, the inclusion of the ‘above the line’ allocation for Council Member’s bid have been included in the existing budget timeline. The Council Members’ bids are proposed to be discussed as per below:

1) 2nd February – Council Members will present prior to and then discuss their bids at this workshop. Members will be provided with documentation, in the form of template forms to be completed relative to their budget bid suggestions. The documents will seek that Members in formulating their bids consider such matters as the dollar value required, risk, challenges, suitability as per council’s long-term plan and opportunities associated with their bid. Staff will be available to assist and provide information as and where possible to assist members in their considerations relative to the bids.

2) 15th March – This will be a Special Council meeting at which point Council will deliberate on the draft budget and in respect to the draft member bids the meeting will allow for debate and decisions to be made relative to the individual bids. Noting that overall the bids will seek to be retained with the 1% value of the Budget.

3) 5th April –Bids incorporated and presented in the Annual Business plan to be ready for Annual Budget/Business Plan on public consultation on 13th April.


Executive Management Team Team Leader Finance Financial Accountant Governance Staff

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The Budget / Business Plan and update of the LTFP will require a minimum 3 week public consultation process prior to formal adoption, pursuant to Section 123 of the Local Government Act and Council’s Public Consultation Policy.


Budget Management Policy



Identify Mitigation

The annual Budget / Business Plan is not adopted within legislative timeline

Preparation of a Budget timetable to map out key milestone dates as part of Council’s budget deliberations

The annual Budget / Business Plan is not reviewed by the Audit Committee, nor is it circulated for Public Consultation, in accordance with legislative provisions

Preparation of a Budget timetable that ensures the draft Budget is reviewed by the Audit Committee and that public consultation is undertaken for a minimum of 3 weeks


Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1999 Part 2 (Financial Accountability) of Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 2011


The cost of preparing the Budget / Business Plan and LTFP is incorporated within the annual budget.


5.1 Be recognised as a best practice organisation delivering effective services and collaborating regionally

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Record Number: CC21/46;IC21/806

Author(s): Sam Irrgang, Civc Centre Operations Coordinator

Previous Motions: Council, 17 December 2019, Resolution 2019:12:COU471; Council, 28 January 2020, Resolution 2020:01:COU007; Council, 25 May 2021, Resolution 2021:05:COU188

Attachments: 1. DRAFT Section 2 Policy Hire of Gawler Civic Centre Venues CR21/77752

2. Gawler Civic Centre - Lower Ground Floor Plan CR21/80534


That Council:

1. Authorises the Chief Executive Officer (or delegate) to offer short-term tenancy contracts ranging up to but no longer than 12 months for the Lower Ground Floor Town Hall Meeting Rooms at the Gawler Civic Centre, as outlined in this report.

2. Notes that such tenancy arrangements will be prioritised towards parties associated with the Business Innovation Hub to further assist them transition into the broader commercial rental market.

3. Adopts the Hire of Gawler Civic Centre Venues Policy – Attachment 1.


Since the redevelopment and re-opening of the Gawler Civic Centre (GCC), Council Staff have liaised with a variety of corporate and community individuals and organisations regarding venue hire, with a growing number seeking short-term tenancy or exclusive office space.

Increasing the use of Town Hall Meeting Rooms, especially the Lower Ground Floor, is an area that Council Staff are eager to address. Modest changes to the Hire of Gawler Civic Centre Venues Policy (Attachment 1) and authorisation from Council that would allow Council Staff to negotiate short-term tenancy of the four (4) Lower Ground Floor Town Hall Meeting Rooms, could improve the capacity usage, deliver a better financial return to Council, and encourage increased foot-traffic and occupancy of the GCC.

Council Staff are recommending that Council adopt these simple, yet significant, policy and use changes so that operations at the GCC can provide better outcomes for the community.


The Gawler Civic Centre Institute Event Spaces and Town Hall Meeting Rooms offer two distinct business aspects to the facility’s operations – venue hire and programming.

Venue Hire optimisation continues to be analysed in an ever challenging and competitive industry. Council Staff continue to look at a range of options to increase capacity usage, including, but not limited to marketing, services and product offerings, and other innovative approaches.

Council Staff have previously researched a range of local, regional, and national facilities to benchmark the fees and charges for the GCC. Every facility is different therefore, the fees and charges set for the GCC are aligned with, yet distinct from, other market offerings. The methodology applied to setting the fees and charges relates to the number of people able to be accommodated within the specific venue being hired, the services included (such as furniture and audio/visual equipment) as well as the location and prestige attached to the facility. This methodology has delivered pricing consistent with that of comparable facilities.

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Council’s adopted Fees and Charges Register provides for a two-tier charging model for venue hire at the GCC:

a) Corporate Rate, and

b) Community Rate.

Discussions at the 19 November 2019 Council Workshop related to GCC Functionality and Marketing highlighted the low occupancy of the Town Hall Meeting Rooms and suggestions were made regarding providing easier after-hours access for community groups, potential permanent room-use options, and ways of managing security within the facility. The Workshop also discussed some of the challenges that potential users have fed back to Council Members regarding the Centre, its rooms, and accessibility. Council Staff reflected on the various comments and discussion points and presented the Gawler Civic Centre Functionality and Marketing Report for Council’s consideration at the 17 December 2019 Council Meeting where the following was resolved:

RESOLUTION 2019:12:COU471 Moved: Cr D Hughes Seconded: Cr P Koch

That Council:-

1. Notes the Gawler Civic Centre Functionality and Marketing report.

2. Adopts that after-hours access to the Town Hall Meeting Rooms be facilitated via the issuing of swipe cards to community group hirers and installation of code locked key safes within the Gawler Civic Centre as outlined in this report.

3. Adopts, in principle, that after-hours use of Town Hall Meeting Rooms be provided free of charge to community groups in the same manner that the Gawler Civic Centre Venue Hire Policy currently provides for business hours use by community groups.

4. Notes that the Hire of Gawler Civic Centre Venues Policy will need to be updated to reflect the revised after-hours access to the Town Hall Meeting Rooms adopted in principle in Resolution 3 and that the updated Policy will be presented to the January 2020 Council Meeting for adoption.

5. Seeks to address potential consequences from after-hours community based access without the need for security services by firstly pursuing a ‘soft’ approach to limiting access to the ground floor café spaces and notes that such access and associated security consequences will be closely monitored.

6. Does not support the permanent (exclusive) use of Town Hall Meeting Rooms by community groups or storage of community group equipment/assets within the Gawler Civic Centre.

7. Reaffirms the position that after-hours access to Institute Function Venues (James Martin Room, Institute Hall, Seating Gallery and Council Chamber) will only be provided when a Council Staff Member or Security Guard is present and associated costs applied.

8. Notes that the financial arrangements for operations of the Business Innovation Hub, under the Management Agreement between Council and Mr Andrew Morris, from 1 February 2020 to 31 January 2021 are currently being negotiated and an update report on this matter will be provided to Council at a future Meeting.

9. Acknowledges the ongoing implementation of various Marketing Plans for the Gawler Civic Centre and the Council operated business functions it houses and commits to optimising the marketing spend and gradually moving away from paper based.

10. Notes that Council Staff are currently investigating Deductible Gift Recipient Status for the Cultural Heritage Centre and part of these investigations is the potential for a “tap and go” donation system within the Heritage Gallery.

11. Seek the Administration’s ongoing engagement with Council Members keeping Members informed as to programs and initiatives being offered at the Gawler Civic Centre ensuring that Members can act as champions for the Centre.

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Responding to the above resolution, Council Staff amended the Hire of Gawler Civic Centre Venues Policy to provide for the after-hours free access to Town Hall Meeting Rooms by community groups and the Policy was adopted by Council at the 28 January 2020 Council Meeting:

RESOLUTION 2020:01:COU007 Moved: Cr D Hughes Seconded: Cr C Davies

That Council:

1. Notes the Gawler Civic Centre October to December 2019 Quarter Update report.

2. Adopts the Hire of Gawler Civic Centre Venues Policy as presented.

This report provides Council with the opportunity to review the Hire of Gawler Civic Centre Venues Policy (Policy) and consider the option to provide short-term tenancy to businesses for the under-utilised Lower Ground Floor Meeting Rooms.


Since the redevelopment and re-opening of the Gawler Civic Centre, Town Hall Meeting Room and Institute Event Space usage have been reported on a quarterly basis with statistics captured monthly. During this time Council Staff have liaised with, quoted, toured and managed a large variety of corporate and community individuals and organisations with venue hire enquiries and bookings.

Town Hall Meeting Room capacity usage has fluctuated between 11.3% (most recent quarter with lockdown and heavy restrictions with recent SA COVID-19 Modbury cluster) and 70.2% (largely staff accommodation during 2020 COVID-19 lockdown/restrictions) since the Centre opened in April 2019. Disregarding the use by Council Staff to facilitate uninterrupted Council operations during 2020, the average Town Hall Meeting Room capacity usage per quarter is 14.9% across the 9 Meeting Rooms. Council Staff would obviously prefer this to be higher and increasing use is currently a key performance indicator within the GCC’s Business Plan.

Several Meeting Room enquiries since April 2019 have included the request for short or long-term exclusive use of a private room. Some of these enquiries we have been able to progress, with varying success, to Business Innovation Hub Membership rather than occupancy of a Town Hall Meeting Room. Recent examples of this type of enquiry include a disability support worker, commercial service business and a recruitment agency.

The general request is for short-term tenancy (6-12 months) of a private Meeting Room, to utilise as a single or dual office space, 4-5 days per week. Whilst this type of business use is technically provided for within the current Policy as it does not apply to “properties, facilities or contractors that are leased, hired, or managed from or through the Town of Gawler and for which a contract has been established” (Clause 1.2), this exemption has only been used to facilitate the lease of space to The Gawler Club.

Council Staff have consistently applied the Council adopted non-exclusive use by community groups methodology (Resolution 2019:12:COU471 point 6) to all use within the GCC. Applying this methodology does not allow for secure, exclusive use by businesses and proposed solutions offered under this methodology are not financially viable as they require businesses to pay casual use rates which are higher than can be offered for ongoing use.

Ground Floor Town Hall Meeting Rooms (2 rooms, now that Council has designated G.1 as a permanent Cultural Heritage Storage Room – Resolution 2021:05:COU188) are the preferred spaces for all community/corporate hirers with the most usage. First Floor Meeting Rooms (3 rooms) are also booked and used by both community/corporate hirers and are heavily utilised by Business Innovation Hub Members, as part of their Membership. The Lower Ground Floor Rooms (4 rooms) – as shown in Attachment 2 - are under-utilised spaces and have only been required as occasional over-flow.

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Based on Meeting Room use data gathered since the GCC opened, Council Staff do not believe that offering a short-term tenancy option for four (4) out of the nine (9) Town Hall Meeting Rooms (Lower Ground Floor) will impact on Council’s ability to support either community Groups (with free Town Hall Meeting Room hire for all Town of Gawler registered community hirers) or corporate hirers.

Offering short-term tenancy of Lower Ground Floor Town Hall Meeting Rooms can also assist the operations of the Business Innovation Hub.

Currently, there are limited options available for Hub Members that have outgrown the existing co-working space to take the next step and occupy a small footprint office within Gawler. Generally, the step out of the Hub requires leasing an entire commercial office space which is not financially viable. Providing an interim Business Office model for those Hub Members who have outgrown the co-working space and/or are transitioning into a ‘bricks-and-mortar’ business premise through short-term tenancy of the Lower Ground Floor Meeting Rooms could be extremely beneficial to some Hub Members who are transitioning out of the Hub in anticipation of then proceeding to other commercial rented premises.

After-hours access to the Lower Ground Floor Town Hall Meeting Rooms for Business or Corporate users can be facilitated via the following process:

a) Establishing an appropriate contract between Council and the Business/Corporation for short-term exclusive tenancy – including designating an exclusive Lower Ground Floor Town Hall Meeting Room (LG.1, LG.2, LG.3 or LG.4)

b) Induction to the Gawler Civic Centre – including evacuation procedures, access, and security system

c) Issuing of a Civic Centre Security/Access Swipe Card and specific Lower Ground Floor Meeting Room door key for the duration of the contract.

d) 24/7 access will follow the same security path as current Gawler Club access:

o Swipe Card access at the Murray Street automatic doors only (no access via High

Street automatic door)

o Moving downstairs to Lower Ground Floor via the lift or stairwell at the front of the


o Swipe Card access into the Town Hall and ‘Walk of Honour’ corridor

o Finally, Key access into their exclusive Town Hall Meeting Room

Council Staff engaged McGees Property to assess the market rent applicable to four offices/meeting rooms within the Gawler Civic Centre for advisory purposes. Their report concluded the following key points:

a) The economic environment within Australia is currently experiencing significant volatility across financial and property markets. The fall out of the COVID-19 global pandemic is ongoing and changes to fiscal and Government policy have created great uncertainty in the real estate marketplace

b) The property (GCC) is contained within the Township Main Street Zone, within the Town of Gawler. The Desired Outcomes of this zone are as follows:

i. A cohesive, active, accessible and welcoming main street environment for residents and visistors to shop, work, meet, entertain and relax

ii. Development contributes to the vibrancy and activity of public spaces and reinforces the traditional main street character.

c) The four offices/meeting rooms under review are oriented towards the Murray Street frontage. Access is provided via the main entrance to the Civic Centre with a staircase, lift and ramp provisions all in place.

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d) Each office/meeting room provides a combination of restored and improved character features and modern upgrades. The room all provide ducted reverse cycle air-conditioning, carpet flooring, data cabling, suspended lighting and generally present to a good standard. Key card/swipe access is provided to the offices (each separately lockable).

e) Two rooms are oriented towards Murray Street (LG.2 and LG.3). These offices are below street level however, are still afforded a good level of natural light from windows to Murray Street. The two meeting rooms to the rear (LG.1 and LG.4) have less natural light.

f) Shared/common areas to the lower ground floor include a disabled accessible unisex bathroom and a kitchenette. The common areas throughout the Civic Centre are also provided, including multiple bathrooms areas and a café.

g) For the purpose of this assessment, we have assumed the following notional lease terms and conditions (or materially similar);

i. Term: One year rolling basis

ii. Reviews: By agreement or reviewed to market annually

iii. Annual Outgoings: Gross Lease. Lessor responsible for outgoings

iv. Permitted Use: Office or similar

h) The tenancies are likely to be attractive to smaller businesses and/or ‘start-ups’, potentially businesses which have grown from the Business Innovation Hub provided on the first floor of the Civic Centre and requiring a more permanent space.

i) In this instance, we would suggest that applying a weekly gross rental to the subject offices best rationalises the market for assets of this nature, rather than a per square metre analysis, which is typical of larger, standalone office tenancies.

j) It is our view that the front two offices, more particularly LG.2 and LG.3 are more attractive spaces, benefiting from the natural light provided from Murray Street. The rear, or ‘internal’ offices, being LG.1 and LG.4 are less desirable in our view.

k) In our opinion, the following weekly rentals (and corresponding six monthly and annual effective rentals) are supported for the subject tenancies:

Meeting Room Gross Weekly Rent

(GST excl.) Gross 6-monthly Rent (GST excl.)

Gross Annual Rent (GST excl.)

LG.1 $160 - $170 $4,150 - $4,400 $8,300 - $8,800

LG.2 $170 - $180 $4,400 - $4,700 $8,800 – $9,400

LG.3 $170 - $180 $4,400 - $4,700 $8,800 – $9,400

LG.4 $160 - $170 $4,150 - $4,400 $8,300 - $8,800

All Town Hall Meeting Rooms can continue to be booked and used on a casual basis, when available, by both Community Groups and Corporate/Business entities. In accordance with the Policy, exclusive use or storage of equipment/assets is not permitted, unless a contract is in place. Council Staff are aware of the need to comply with the principles of competitive neutrality when considering offering the Lower Ground Floor Meeting Rooms as short-term tenancies. The intent of competitive neutrality is to ensure that where a Council (or by way of its contractors) conducts business activities that provide goods and services that it does not have an unfair advantage over a private sector business by virtue of being in the Local Government sector. Any such business activities should be subject to the same conditions as private business.

The most appropriate way of ensuring competitive neutrality for the short-term tenancies is to apply cost reflective pricing principles to this operation. As outlined above, Council Staff engaged McGees Property to assess the market rent applicable to the Lower Ground Floor Meeting Rooms within the Gawler Civic Centre. Charging market rent for the short-term tenancies as outlined in the table above ensures that Council is compliant with the National Competition Policy and principles of competitive neutrality.

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The duration of the short-term tenancies being proposed is intended to be extremely flexible ensuring that businesses can have the flexibility that they need to move to other premises. Council Staff are proposing that these tenancies be offered for periods of 3 to 12 months at any time. Council would provide the room, access to ethernet and power within the room, security access to the Gawler Civic Centre and access to shared meeting room spaces in the same manner as existing Business Innovation Hub Members. The tenanted Lower Ground Floor Meeting Rooms would essentially be an extension of the Business Innovation Hub.

Council would not provide fit-out (desks, chairs, filing cabinets, computers, etc…) of the tenanted spaces. This would need to be provided by the business intending to occupy the space and would all need to be temporary in nature. Council would not be giving permission for tenants to affix items to the walls and/or floors or alter the fabric of the rooms in any way, as preservation of these rooms that sit within a State Heritage Listed building is paramount.

Council Staff are recommending that Council supports the provision of short-term tenancy of the Lower Ground Floor Meeting Rooms, subject to the appropriate contract being established and rental being paid as per the commercial valuation provided above.

The Policy has been updated to accommodate the above thinking and recommendation as well as reflect the current rooms available within the Centre (now that Council has designated G.1 as a permanent Cultural Heritage Storage Room – Resolution 2021:05:COU188). There have also been some minor terminology changes to the Policy. A tracked changes version of the Policy is provided as Attachment 1. Council Staff are recommending that the Policy is adopted by Council as presented.


Chief Executive Officer Manager Business Enterprises and Communications Team Leader Property and Facilities Team Leader Library & Customer Service


McGees Property Venue Hire Enquiries – Business / Corporate groups Business Innovation Hub Members


Hire of Gawler Civic Centre Venues Policy National Competition Policy


Current risks are focused on providing appropriate levels of in-person meeting and event opportunities at the Gawler Civic Centre, to help achieve social connection, lifelong learning and entertainment (programming) goals, whilst adhering with COVID-Safe requirements.


Identify Mitigation

Corporate hire of the Meeting Rooms does not improve or decline.

GCC Venue hire, and use includes competitive casual rates along with short-term tenancy options for regional Business/Corporate groups and individuals.

Commercial operations within the Civic Centre plateau.

Promote actions being undertaken to provide a safe place to conduct business, provide support to operators with connections to specialist business advisory services via Regional Development Australia Barossa Gawler Light Adelaide Plains

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and Gawler Business Development Group, and activate event spaces in accordance with COVID-Safe plans.


Identify Maximising the Opportunity

Increase service delivery options and pivot during the short-medium term COVID-19 recovery phase.

Support the Business / Corporate community (including Home-Based Businesses), with another option to progress their business operations


Retail and Commercial Leases Act 1995


Facilitating venue hire at the Gawler Civic Centre is funded from Council’s Annual Budget related to Gawler Civic Centre Operations. Offering short-term tenancy of the Lower Ground Floor Town Hall Meeting Rooms is an extension of the current venue hire conditions being offered by Council and can be accommodated within the existing budget for Civic Centre Operations. If Council is successful in achieving short-term tenancies, it will increase revenue from the Centre’s Operations.

The valuation report conducted by McGees Property cost $2,750 (excluding GST) and was funded from Council’s 2021/22 Adopted Budget related to Civic Centre Operations.


2.1 Physical and social infrastructure to service our growing population and economy

2.4 Local economic activity to create local job opportunities and generate increased local wealth

5.3 Continue to deliver effective services and refine management processes

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Record Number: CC21/46;IC21/822

Author(s): Paul Cleghorn, Team Leader Town Services

Previous Motions: Nil

Attachments: Nil


That Council:

1. Notes the Strategic Workforce Plan – Town Services report.

2. Notes that the Strategic Workforce Plan is critical to planning for the effective management of maintenance associated with urban growth and changes to maintenance through town improvements

3. Supports the necessary additional funding of $44,000 (Ex GST) above the current 2021/2022 operational budget allocation of $54,500 (Ex GST) to meet the required scope of works which include a full departmental service level review, workforce strategy and workforce plan as detailed in this report. The total budget required for this review as currently scoped is $98,500 (incl contingency).

4. Notes that $31,000 of this additional funding required will be reallocated through existing budget allocations held for consultancy reviews and the balance of $13,000 to be allocated in the 2021/22 Annual Budget.

5. These adjustments to the 2021/2022 financial year Budget will be presented to the Council for noting as part of a future quarterly Budget Review.


The development of a Strategic Workforce Plan for Town Services is a high priority with a focus on the Town Services Operations. The objective is to identify future workforce planning requirements for human resources which will enable continued maintenance service level provision to manage infrastructure from urban growth and Council generated town improvements. The scope of the review is to set the foundation for a workforce plan that will span the next 10 years.

Currently in the 2021-2022 Annual Budget an allocation of $54,500 for the plan’s development is included. Following finalisation of the scope of works required and an open market call, additional budget funding of $44,000 is required to allow the project to proceed at a total cost of $98,500.

Council’s annual salary costs relating to its depot operations is in the order of $4,267,574. Over the coming 10-year period this will equate to a total of approximately $42,657,740 (excluding CPI increases). The recommended increase in funding to allow for the scope of review considered necessary is a small investment, in relative terms, taking into account the outcomes and return on investment that are expected to be realised.


The development of a Strategic Workforce Plan on the Town Services functions is required to assist with future planning requirements for projected urban growth and resourcing the business unit to enable continued maintenance level of services to the community and meet Council’s expectations.

Staff have recently released to an open market Tender through the SA Tenders platform in June 2021. While acknowledging that the market for this service is limited, the panel did receive submissions for this work.

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As such additional funding of $44,000 is sought for this project to allow a contract to be finalised and commencement of the Strategic Workforce Plan for Town Services. This Plan will ensure Council is planning for the human resourcing required for infrastructure growth to maintain the expected level of service and inform annual planned maintenance programs over the coming 10 years.

The scope of work for the development of the plan originally submitted in the budget bid process, did not factor at this time a full-service level review of the four (4) operational departments within depot operations. This was then re-considered in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer while internally consulting and working to finalise the tender documents prior to their market release.

The scope of work will cover the four (4) operational units within the Town Services operations, namely Civil, Horticulture, Town Maintenance and Fleet. The Plan will be developed in stages to ensure acceptance of critical inputs in its development, namely;

Service Level Review

Workforce Strategy

Workforce Plan

The purpose of this report is to advise the Council of the scope of works for this project, the process which will be followed (including Council Member interfaces) and additional funding required to allow it to commence.


This report seeks support for additional funding to commence a Strategic Workforce Plan for the four (4) operational units within the Town Services business. If supported the review will be able to commence with the preferred consultants.

The Strategic Workforce Plan for Town Services is broken up in three (3) parts:

Part 1 Service Level Operations Review

Part 2 Workforce Strategy

Part 3 10 Year Workforce Plan

At each three (3) stages of this project, updates will be presented to the Council members for discussion and input at future scheduled Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee/Council meetings.

The proposed approach to deliver the Strategic Work Force Plan for Town Services is detailed below.


Part A: Scoping, Alignment and Background Review

Part B: Service Level Review Workshops, Interviews and Documentation

Present service level findings to the IES Committee/Council


Part D: Review and Consultation

Part E: Benchmarking and Gap Analysis

Part F: Workforce Strategy Development

Presentation of workforce strategy to IES Committee/Council


Part H: 10 Year Workforce Plan Development

Part K: Final Report Development and Presentation

Presentation of final report to IES Committee/Council

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Further information on each of these stages is provided below for context.

Stage 1 Service Level Review

a) Collation and documentation of Town Services current maintenance service levels and costs within the Civil, Maintenance, Fleet and Horticulture Teams

b) Undertake review of the current maintenance service levels with staff. This will also involve sector benchmarking with similar growth Council’s.

c) Present Maintenance service levels to Council for review and support

It is planned as part of this service level review that Members will be invited to participate in a tour of the Township where the diversity of field work undertaken by staff will be presented and discussed. Insights from members relative to your observations and suggestions will form a key part of our collective deliberations in this regard. A workshop will also be held in this regard and that is planned to be held at the Depot so all Members can further appreciate the services and scope of assets and facilities available to staff in conducting their business.

This stage of the review will require significant input from Council staff to document existing service levels across Town Services functional area. The finalisation of service levels is a key aspect of the project which will underpin the further stages of this review and its outcomes. It should be noted that the inclusion of this service level review was considered after the project budget was adopted and has inflated the overall project cost by approx. 30%, as well as required a greater level of staff resources required to inform this stage.

Stage 2 Workforce Strategy

a) Review of current workforce within Town Services including FTE and demographics;

b) Review of workforce trends over previous 5 years;

c) Review of strategic objectives - Community Plan, Asset Management Plans, Business Plans etc;

d) Research Council's within the region & beyond to compare resource numbers, structures and workforce strategies (ensuring comparisons are made against comparable size, population etc. i.e. Mt Barker, Victor Harbour, Murray Bridge);

e) Review of outcomes implemented following the completed Depot review;

f) Survey workforce to identify skill gaps and future expectations;

g) Identification of relevant projects to be delivered internally and externally ( e.g. Maintenance, Capital Works, Open Space);

h) Identification and review of relevant Council program plans (i.e. Arboriculture Review, Irrigation Management Plan, Biodiversity Management Plan, Beautification Plan)

i) Analysis of unplanned work e.g. event management support, emergency response, internal requests from other departments, Customer Requests Management System (CRM's);

j) Consideration of population growth trends/future growth with a particular focus on new assets to which Council will be responsible to maintain, roads, foot paths, open space, water bodies, buildings etc. ;

k) River corridor realisation as a consequence of the Development Plan, now Code policies, seek to create a river corridor with enhanced public open space areas. As land adjoining the rivers) are subdivided up to 30m of land is required (on either side) to be provided to Council. Over the past (10) years (34.71) hectares of land have been transferred to Council in this manner. This has consequential impacts on resources and budgets to maintain and establish these lands for their intended purpose.

l) Consideration of Council's detailed urban growth forecasts for open space and civil assets including timing and quantum to trigger resourcing requirements.

m) Identification of services currently contracted for maintenance of new growth areas;

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n) Identification of services currently contracted and cost, consideration of insourcing vs outsourcing service provision (70/30% model or otherwise); and

o) In collaboration with staff, present Workforce Strategy to Council for review and support

Stage 3 10-year Workforce Plan

a) Identification of Town Services Organisational Structure to support growth - considering timing of handover of future growth.

b) Identification of capacity for Human (Operational staff, administrative staff, procurement, contract management) - align against timing of development handover and with Council's capital works and maintenance program to support the long term Workforce Plan.

c) Development of Workforce Plan for Human (Operational staff) staffing requirements and transitional management structure.

d) Development of Preliminary report to present to Council Executives

e) Final report outlining findings to be presented to the IES committee/Council.

It should be noted that the identification of fleet/equipment and Depot facilities required to support the finalised Strategic Workforce Plan will be considered as a supplementary project in future years.


Chief Executive Officer Manager Infrastructure and Engineering Services Manager Finance and Corporate Services Team Leader Town Services Horticulture Coordinator Civil Coordinator Town Maintenance Coordinator




Procurement Policy



Identify Mitigation

Additional funding not adopted to increase the budget to undertake the Strategic Workforce Plan

Allocate additional funding required to support the Plan’s development.

Maintaining service levels with growth Workforce plan is critical to resource the future assets from growth and town improvement

Reputation impacts based on maintaining current service levels with future growth

If Town Services is not resourced accordingly there will be a drop in level of services to the community commensurate with staffing levels available.

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Identify Maximising the Opportunity

Document and review current levels of service provided to the community by Town Services

Identify any changes.




The Council’s current Annual Budget allocation in 2021/22 for the Strategic Workforce Plan – Town

Services is $54,500 (Ex GST).

The operating financial impact to deliver the proposed scope of works will be the provision of an

additional $44,000 (Ex GST). This is budget and scope is recommended by staff (incl contingency)

and will set the scope for further departmental reviews within the Town of Gawler Council on

workforce planning.

The additional operating funds if approved will be partially funded via existing consultancy funding

held by the Chief Executive’s Office of $31,000, with the balance of $13,000 to be added to the

existing 2021/22 Annual Budget. These updates will be noted in a future quarterly budget update

report presented to the Council.


2.1 Physical and social infrastructure to service our growing population and economy

3.2 Provide sporting and recreational facilities to meet local and regional community needs

4.2 Create and maintain a riverine environment that reflects the social, cultural and landscape values of the river corridor

4.3 Protection of environmentally significant areas of native vegetation for present and future generations

4.5 Support the provision of useable public realm that preserves and enhances the environment and biodiversity

5.1 Be recognised as a best practice organisation delivering effective services and collaborating regionally

5.3 Continue to deliver effective services and refine management processes

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Record Number: CC21/46;IC21/704

Author(s): Kate Symes, Governance Coordinator

Previous Motions: Nil

Attachments: Nil


1. Approves the opening and closing times for each of the Council sites during the 2021/2022 Christmas and New Year’s period as detailed:

Town of Gawler Administration Centre (43 High Street, Gawler East) a. Closed from 12noon, Thursday 23 December 2021 for staff Christmas function b. Closed from 5pm, Friday 24 December 2021. c. Re-opens 9am, Tuesday 4 January 2022.

Commonwealth Home Support Programme (43 High Street, Gawler East) a. Closed from 12 noon, Thursday 23 December 2021 for staff Christmas function. b. Re-opens 9am, Monday 10 January 2022.

Elderly Centre a. Facility utilised as per bookings

Gawler Sport and Community Centre (Nixon Terrace, Gawler) a. Closed from 12.30pm, Friday 17 December 2021. b. Re-opens 9am, Monday 10 January 2022.

(Limited existing facility bookings, if required will occur during this time)

Library (Evanston Gardens Community Centre, 65 Angle Vale Road, Evanston Gardens) a. Closed from 12noon, Friday 17 December 2021 b. Re-opens 2pm, Tuesday 4 January 2022 (normal hours resume)

Library (Civic Centre, 89-91 Murray Street, Gawler) a. Closed from 12noon, Thursday 23 December (for staff Christmas function) b. Open Friday 24 December 2021 c. Closed Saturday 25 December 2021 d. Closed Sunday 26 December 2021 e. Closed Monday 27 December – Christmas Day public holiday f. Closed Tuesday 28 December – Proclamation Day public holiday g. Open 9am – 5pm, Wednesday 29 December 2021 h. Open 10am – 6pm, Thursday 30 December 2021 i. Open 9am – 5pm, Friday 30 December 2021 j. Closed Saturday 1 January 2022 k. Closed Sunday 2 January 2022 l. Closed Monday 3 January, 2022 – New Year’s Day public holiday m. Open 9am – 5pm, Tuesday 4 January 2022 (normal hours resume)

Works Depot (Paxton Street, Willaston) a. Thursday 23 December – Open 7.00am to 12noon (for staff Christmas function) b. Friday 24 December – Open 7:00am to 4pm (reduced operations) c. Monday 27 December - Closed (Christmas Day Holiday) d. Tuesday 28 December - Closed (Proclamation Day Holiday) e. Wednesday 29 December – Open 7:00am to 4pm (reduced operations) f. Thursday 30 December – Open 7:00am to 4pm (reduced operations) g. Friday 31 December – Open 7:00am to 3:30pm (reduced operations)

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h. Monday 3 January - Closed (New Year’s Day Holiday)

Note Emergency after hours call out is available 24/7

Visitor Information Centre (2 Lyndoch Road, Gawler)

a. Friday 24 December – Open 9.30am to 1pm b. Saturday 25 December – Closed (Christmas Day) c. Sunday 26 December – Open 9.30 to 1pm (normal hours) d. Monday 27 December – Open 9.30am to 1pm (normal hours) e. Tuesday 28 December Open 9.30am to 1pm (normal hours) f. Wednesday 29 December – Open 9.30am to 4.30pm (normal hours) g. Thursday 30 December – Open 9.30am to 4.30pm (normal hours) h. Friday 31 December – Open 9.30am to 1pm i. Saturday 1 January – Open 9.30am to 1pm (New Year’s Day) (normal hours) j. Sunday 2 January – Open 9.30am to 1pm (normal hours) k. Monday 3 January 2021 – Open 9.30am to 1pm (normal hours)

Gawler Aquatic Centre (Victoria Terrace, Gawler) a. Friday 24 December – open 6am – 3pm b. Saturday 25 December – Christmas Day - Closed c. Sunday 26 December – Open 12pm – 4pm d. Monday 27 December – Christmas Day Holiday – 12pm – 4pm e. Tuesday 28 December – Proclamation Day Holiday – 12pm to 4pm f. Wednesday 29 December - Open 6am to 7.30pm (normal hours) g. Thursday 30 December - Open 6am to 7.30pm (normal hours) h. Friday 31 December - New Year’s Eve - 6:00am – 3:00pm i. Saturday 1 January (2022) - New Year’s Day - 12pm – 4pm j. Sunday 2 January (2022) – Open 12pm – 4pm k. Monday 3 January (2022) – New Year’s Day Holiday – 12pm to 4pm

2. Bring forward the meeting scheduled for 28 December 2021 Council Meeting by one (1) week to 21 December 2021.

3. Notes that the Corporate and Community Services Committee ordinary meeting in January will be cancelled, with the first ordinary meeting being 8 March 2022.


It is usual practice for Council offices to close for the Christmas/New Year period on all non-public holidays, excluding the Civic Centre Library and the Visitor Information Centre which have normal operating hours. The Gawler Aquatic Centre is closed on Christmas Day. The Depot during this period usually operates with reduced staff to cater for priority depot functions.

As per previous years, Council’s After Hours Call Service is operational throughout the entire Christmas and New Year’s Eve period of closure to assist with any urgent enquiries. Key functional areas are covered by staff who are ‘on call’ and available when required.

In addition as a result of the Christmas/New Year period is to propose a change of date for the 2021 December Council Meeting to the third Tuesday being 21 December 2020 due to the regular 4th Tuesday of the Month falling on the week after Christmas on 28 December 2021.

Members are also asked to note the cancellation of the January Corporate and Community Services Committee meeting.


Council Operating Hours

SA Government has declared the following public holidays during the festive season:

Christmas Day public holiday falls on a Monday, 27 December 2021

Proclamation Day public holiday falls on a Tuesday, 28 December 2021

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New Year’s Day public holiday falls on Monday, 3 January 2022

Members are advised that all offices, excluding the Visitor Information Centre and Gawler Aquatic Centre, will close at 12 noon on 23 December 2021 for staff and Council Members to attend a Christmas luncheon.

Town of Gawler Administration Centre (43 High Street, Gawler East)

The Town of Gawler Administration Centre will be closed from 5.00pm Friday 24 December 2020 and will reopen on Tuesday 4 January 2022.

Home Assist Programme (43 High Street, Gawler East)

Home Assist Programme will be closed from 12.00pm Thursday 23 December 2021 and will reopen on Monday 10 January 2022.

Elderly Centre

The Elderly Centre is closed from 12.30pm Friday 17 December 2021 and will reopen on Monday 10 January 2022. The Centre will open for pre-arranged bookings during this period.

Gawler Sport and Community Centre (Nixon Terrace, Gawler)

The Gawler Sport and Community Centre will be closed from 12.30pm Friday 17 December 2021 and will reopen on Monday 10 January 2022. The Centre will open for pre-arranged bookings during this period.

Library (Evanston Gardens Community Centre, 65 Angle Vale Road, Evanston Gardens)

The Evanston Gardens Library will close at its usual closing time, 12 noon, on Friday 17 December 2021 and will reopen on Tuesday 4 January 2022.

Civic Centre Library

The Civic Centre Library will continue to operate normal hours during this time with the exception of Thursday 23 December 2021 when the Library will close at 12 noon for the staff Christmas Luncheon, Saturday 25 (Christmas Day) and Saturday 1 December (New Year’s Day) when the library will be closed. The Library will be closed on public holidays and will reopen on Tuesday 4 January 2021.

Works Depot (Paxton Street, Willaston)

The Works Depot will be operational with reduced staff on from Thursday 24 December through to Thursday 31 December 2021 and closed on the public holidays. Staff levels will provide a base level for emergency response, however should an event occur, this will be reviewed by senior management staff based on the severity of any incident in this period. Normal after hours’ response protocols apply for staff on call over the public holidays and also after hours in this period.

Visitor Information Centre (2 Lyndoch Road, Gawler)

The Visitor Information Centre will continue to operate normal hours during this time. The Centre will be closed on Christmas Day.

Gawler Aquatic Centre (Victoria Terrace, Gawler)

The Gawler Aquatic Centre will be closed on Christmas Day and the below operation hours will apply:

Friday 24 December – open 6am – 3pm

Saturday 25 December – Christmas Day - Closed

Sunday 26 December – Open 12pm – 4pm

Monday 27 December – Christmas Day Holiday – 12pm – 4pm

Tuesday 28 December – Proclamation Day Holiday – 12pm to 4pm

Wednesday 29 December - Open 6am to 7.30pm (normal hours)

Thursday 30 December - Open 6am to 7.30pm (normal hours)

Friday 31 December - New Year’s Eve - 6:00am – 3:00pm

Saturday 1 January (2022) - New Year’s Day - 12pm – 4pm

Sunday 2 January (2022) – Open 12pm – 4pm

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Monday 3 January (2022) – New Year’s Day Holiday – 12pm to 4pm *It should be noted that the Centre will not extend these amended hours for hot weather.

Please be advised that the normal operating hours for the Gawler Aquatic Centre are the following:

Weekdays - 6:00am to 7:30pm

Weekends - 7:00am to 5:00pm (Open until 7:30pm if forecast 35c at 4pm on the Friday prior to the weekend)

Proposed Meeting Changes

The December meeting would fall on Tuesday 28 December 2021. It is suggested to bring the 2021 December Council Meeting forward one (1) week to the 21 December instead of 28 December 2021.

There are no proposed reports for the January Corporate and Community Services Committee meeting, and as such the January meeting will be cancelled with the first Committee meeting of the New Year to be held on 8 March 2021.

A notice will be advertised on the Council website via the Council diary and on social media.


Leadership Group


Comprehensive advertising will occur prior to the Christmas period to advise the community of Council’s operating hours during the holidays.




Local Government Act 1999





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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda 26 October 2021

Item 9.6 Page 46 of 93


Record Number: CC21/46;IC21/808

Author(s): Kate Leighton, Team Leader Governance

Previous Motions: Nil

Attachments: 1. Local Government Act 1999 - Local Government (Financial Management) (Review) Variation Regulations 2021 CR21/79980

2. Local Government Act 1999 - Local Government (General)

(Annual Reports) Variation Regulations 2021 CR21/79981 3. Marked up Local Government Financial-Management Regulations

2011 CR21/79989 4. Marked up Local Government Transitional Provisions

Regulations 2021 CR21/79990 5. Marked up Schedule 4 of the Local Government Act 1999

CR21/79996 6. Marked up relevant sections of the Local Government General

Regulations 2013 CR21/79994 7. Local Government Reform Discussion Paper Round 2

Regulations CR21/79976 8. Proposed Community Engagement Charter (CEC) CR21/74052 9. Model Community Engagement Policy - Consultation Version

CR21/74051 10. Informal Gatherings Policy adopted 07-04-2020 CR20/22948 11. Presentation - Statute Amendment (Local Government Reform)

Act 2021 - Norman Waterhouse CR21/81191


That Council:-

1. Notes the Statute Amendment (Local Government Review) Act 2021 Update report.

2. Authorises the Mayor to advise the Local Government Association of Council’s support for the draft Community Engagement Charter and Model Policy.

3. Notes the Round 2 Regulations out for consultation.

4. Revokes the Informal Gatherings Policy.

5. Notes the workshop held in regards to the current round of legislative change as held on Tuesday 19 October, the discussions and information shared has been considered relative to preparation of this report.


The Statute Amendment (Local Government Review) Act 2021, was assented to on 17 June 2021, amendments to the Local Government Act 1999 (the Act) are being now introduced on a staged basis. The first of these amendments were gazetted on 20 September 2021.


The amendments to the Act, gazetted in September, will impact a number of Council’s Policies including the Informal Gatherings Policy and Community Engagement Policy.

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As a result of the incoming changes an information session was held for Members on 19 October 2021 to discuss the impacts to Council on the legislative reform. This session was facilitated by Norman Waterhouse, copy of the presentation attached (Attachment 11). It is anticipated that more sessions will occur as more changes come into effect.


Round 2 Regulations

The Office of Local Government (OLG) is seeking feedback on the second round of draft regulations which will support the implementation of the Statutes Amendment (Local Government Review) Act 2021 (the Review Act). Comment on the draft regulations is due by 24 November 2021 and a subsequent report will be presented to the November Council meeting to consider Council’s position on the draft regulations (refer to Attachments 1-7).

Local Government (Financial Management) (Review) Variation Regulations 2021

Local Government (General) (Annual Reports) Variation Regulations 2021

Local Government (Transitional Provisions) (Stage 2) Variation Regulations 2021

To further assist the sector in understanding the regulations, the OLG has provided marked-up versions of the following:

Marked-up version: Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 2011

Marked-up version: Local Government (Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Marked-up version: Schedule 4 of the Local Government Act 1999

Marked-up version: relevant sections of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2013

The Local Governmnet Association has reviewed the proposed Round 2 Regulations and has prepared a discussion paper to assist councils to understand the purpose of the Regulations and provide feedback. A copy of the disucssion paper can be found attahced to this report along with copies of the draft regulations (refer to Attachment 8).

Council Administration have created a dedicated page on the Council Member Hub where the above information has been provided and will allow a one stop shop for members as more information related to the reform is released.

Informal Gatherings Policy

As a result of the amendments to the Act section 90(8), which dealt with informal gathering and discussions has been repealed and replaced with section 90A Information and Briefing Sessions.

Section 90(8a) (repealed) dealt specifically with a mandated policy for Informal Gatherings:

(8a) In addition, an informal gathering or discussion under subsection (8) may only be held if— (a) the council has adopted a policy on the holding of informal gatherings or discussions;

and (b) the informal gathering or discussion complies with the policy.

The new clause section 90A as listed in the Amendment Act is as follows:

90A—Information or briefing sessions

(1) A council, or the chief executive officer of a council, may hold or arrange for the holding of a session (not being a formal meeting of a council or council committee required to be held under this Chapter) to which more than 1 member of the council or a council committee is invited to attend or be involved in for the purposes of providing information or a briefing to attendees (an information or briefing session).

(2) A matter must not be dealt with at a council information or briefing session in such a way as to obtain, or effectively obtain, a decision on the matter outside a formal meeting of the council or a council committee.

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(3) A council information or briefing session must be conducted in a place open to the public during any period in which a matter that is, or is intended to be, on the agenda for a formal meeting of the council or a council committee is discussed at the session.

(4) However, the council or chief executive officer may order that an information or briefing session be closed to the public to the extent (and only to the extent) that the council or chief executive officer (as the case requires) considers it to be necessary and appropriate for a matter of a kind referred to in subsection (3) to be discussed in a session closed to the public in order to receive, discuss or consider in confidence any information or matter listed in section 90(3) (after taking into account any relevant consideration under that subsection).

(5) If an order is made under subsection (4), the council or chief executive officer (as the case requires) must, as soon as reasonably practicable after the making of the order, make a record of—

(a) the grounds on which the order was made; and (b) the basis on which the information or matter to which the order relates falls within the

ambit of each ground on which the order was made; and (c) if relevant, the reasons that receipt, consideration or discussion of the information or

matter publicly at the information or briefing session would be contrary to the public interest.

(6) If an information or briefing session is organised or held by a council or chief executive officer of a council, the following provisions apply:

(a) sections 90(5), (6) and (7a) apply to the information or briefing session as if it were a meeting of the council or council committee;

(b) a prescribed matter cannot be dealt with at an information or briefing session; (c) a reference to a meeting or meetings in sections 94 and 95 includes a reference to

an information or briefing session or sessions. (7) A council or the chief executive officer of a council must comply with any requirements of the

regulations relating to the following: (a) the publication of prescribed information as soon as practicable after resolving or

determining to hold an information or briefing session; (b) the publication of prescribed information as soon as practicable after the holding of

an information or briefing session.

In response to the above change a dedicated webpage on Councils website has been created to notify of all Information and Briefing sessions. It is also proposed that Council revoke the current Informal Gatherings Policy (Attachment 10).

Community Engagement Policy

As a result of the amendments to the Act a large number of prescriptive statutory provisions, relating to public consultation will be deleted.

The changes mean that matters relating to public notice and community engagement will be regulated by:

1. A Community Engagement Charter (CEC), published by the Minister (in the form of a Notice in the Gazette), which will apply state-wide.

2. A mandatory Community Engagement Policy adopted by each council, which must not be inconsistent with the CEC.

A proposed Community Engagement Charter and a Model Community Engagement Policy have been developed and the Local Government Association of SA is seeking feedback from member councils no later than Thursday 28 October 2021.

A copy of the proposed Community Engagement Charter and Model Community Engagement Policy were presented to Members at the Council meeting held on 28 September 2021,(copies of which are provided at Attachment 9 to this report) requesting feedback be submitted for consideration at the October Council meeting, Resolution 2021:09:COU358, as below.

RESOLUTION 2021:09:COU358 Moved: Cr P Koch Seconded: Cr K Goldstone

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That Council notes:

1. The Statutes Amendment (Local Government Review) Act 2021 update report.

2. The proclamation of the Statutes Amendment (Local Government) Act 2021.

3. Consultation has commenced on the Community Engagement Charter and model Policy and that a further report will be presented to the October Council meeting, as such Members are asked to submit any comments by 15 October 2021, for inclusion in the report.

4. That a workshop is to be held with members over the coming weeks to allow for further discussion on the scope of changes which have both taken effect and are proposed to be phased in over the coming months, including:

a) The new Behavioural standards for Council members b) The Behaviour Panel, and how it operates c) Elected Members and the new Conflict of Interest laws d) Any other related matters.

5. The updated timeframe for submitted Motions and Questions on Notice

No Submissions have been received from Counil Members to date and the amdmistration have no concerns with the proposed drafts which are consistance with Council’s exsisting framework.


Chief Executive Officer Governance Officers Council Members


Local Government Association of SA


It is recommended that Council’s Informal Gathering Policy be revoked as this has been removed from legislation and Members note the requirements of section 90A Information or Briefing Sessions of the Act have been implemented, being:

(7) A council or the chief executive officer of a council must comply with any requirements of the regulations relating to the following: (a) the publication of prescribed information as soon as practicable after resolving or

determining to hold an information or briefing session; (b) the publication of prescribed information as soon as practicable after the holding of an

information or briefing session.

The Information or Briefing Sessions publication can be found on Councils website at: https://www.gawler.sa.gov.au/your-council/council/council-briefings-and-information-sessions

It is noted that the CEO has held such an Informal Gathering, since the commencement of the new legislative provisions. The relevant post meeting notice is provided on Council’s web site.



Identify Mitigation

Not meeting legislated requirements and/or service standards adopted by Council.

Review regularly to ensure codes and policies reflect current expectations and practices of Council and clearly guide decision making processes that reflect community needs.

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Identify Maximising the Opportunity

Community awareness Codes and policies that are legislated or have been introduced at Council's discretion, will assist in community understanding of the services standards of Council.


Local Government Act 1999


Implementation and application of the Policies and Codes of Practice will to varying degrees have financial consequences on the Council.


5.1 Be recognised as a best practice organisation delivering effective services and collaborating regionally

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda 26 October 2021

Item 9.7 Page 51 of 93


Record Number: CC21/46;IC21/834

Author(s): Kate Leighton, Team Leader Governance

Previous Motions: Nil

Attachments: 1. Final Investigation Report - Mellor Olsson CR21/79870


That Council:-

1. Notes the final report prepared by Mellor Olsson regarding the Code of Conduct complaint received on 24 June 2021 from Mayor Redman against the then Cr Ian Tooley.

3. Acknowledges the finding of a breach of the Code of Conduct for Council Members by the then Cr Ian Tooley.

4. Resolves that no further action be taken due to the resignation of Mr Ian Tooley on 27 July 2021.


On 23 March 2021 in accordance with Council’s Complaints Handling – Under Council Members’ Code of Conduct procedure (‘the procedure’), correspondence was received from Mayor Karen Redman alleging a breach of the Code of Conduct for Council Members by the then Cr Ian Tooley.

The Final report investigating the complaint has now been received and is attached to this report


Clause 4.8.2 of the procedure allows a Code of Conduct complaint to be referred to an independent investigator for review.

4.8.2 refer the complaint to a mediator or conciliator, the Local Government Governance Panel, an independent investigator or other option provided by Council. Council will from time to time determine which of these options are available.

Following the receipt of three independent quotes, Mellor Olsson Lawyers were engaged to undertake the independent review of the complaint. A copy of the Final Report has been included as Attachment 1.


In accordance with Council’s procedure relative to dealing with a complaint regarding Part 2 of the Code of Conducts for Council Members, Mellor Olsson lawyers were engaged to investigate the Code of Conduct complaint.

The Final report has now been received and the investigator have found a breach of the Code of Conduct for Council Members.

As per Council procedure, Council is required under 7.1 of the Procedure to table the report at a Council Meeting.

7.1 If, following investigation by the independent investigator, a breach of the Part 2 of the Code is found, the breach must be the subject of a report to the Council (clause 2.24 of the Code). The report of the investigator will be tabled at the Council meeting. The outcome of the item will be minuted.

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Chief Executive Officer Governance Team


Mellor Olsson Lawyers


Complaints Handling Under Council Members Code of Conduct Procedure


Local Government Act 1999


Mellor Olsson Lawyers were engaged under a quote which advised a range $3,000 to $7,500 to undertake the investigation into the allegation of a breach of part 2 of the Code of Conduct for Council Members associated with this complaint. However due to the increase work that has been associated with the investigation the cost of the investigation to date is $10,051.36 however final invoices are yet to be received.


5.1 Be recognised as a best practice organisation delivering effective services and collaborating regionally

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Item 10.1 Page 53 of 93



Record Number: CC21/46;IC21/804

Author(s): Sam Dilena, Manager Infrastructure and Engineering Services

Previous Motions: Nil

Attachments: 1. Gawler River Floodplain Management Authority - Annual Report 2020 - 2021 CR21/74757

Mr Ian Baldwin, Chairperson of the Gawler River Floodplain Management Authority will be present at the Council Meeting to provide a brief overview of the Board’s activities during 2020 – 2021.


That Council notes the Gawler River Floodplain Management Authority - Annual Report 2020 - 2021.


The Gawler River Floodplain Management Authority (GRFMA) has produced its Annual Report for 2020 - 2021 which is now presented to the Council. This report provides a summary of the Authority’s achievements over the last financial year, its history and composition and its audited financial statements.

The Annual Report is presented to Council for noting.


The Gawler River Floodplain Management Authority (GRFMA) was formed as a Regional Subsidiary under Section 43 and Schedule 2 of the Local Government Act 1999 on 22 August 2002. The Constituent Councils are the Adelaide Hills Council, The Barossa Council, The Town of Gawler, Light Regional Council, District Council of Mallala and the City of Playford.

As a Section 43 Subsidiary of Council, in accordance with the Local Government Act 1999 and their Charter, the Gawler River Floodplain Management Authority is required to produce an Annual Report each year.

At its meeting held 15 June 2021, Council considered the GRFMA’s Draft Annual Budget and the Draft Annual Business Plan for 2021- 2022 and resolved as follows:

RESOLUTION 2021:06:COU210 Moved: Cr P Koch Seconded: Cr J Vallelonga

That Council:

1. Notes the Gawler River Floodplain Management Authority - 2021 - 2022 Draft Annual Business Plan and Draft Annual Budget Report.

2. Endorses the Gawler River Floodplain Management Authority Draft Annual Business Plan 2021 - 2022.

3. Endorses the Gawler River Floodplain Management Authority Draft Annual Budget 2021 – 2022.

4. Advises the Gawler River Floodplain Management Authority of its decision.

The purpose of this report is to present the GRFMA Annual Report for 2020 - 2021 to Council.

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The Annual Report provides an update on the GRFMA business functions, achievements, performance review and financial statements for 2020 - 2021. A copy of the Annual Report for 2020 – 2021 is contained in Attachment 1.

Notable achievements of the GRFMA over 2020 - 2021 are as follows;

Charter and Governance – Two Stage Review Implementation

As reported in 2019, a periodic review of the Charter and associated governance (First Stage) was completed with adoption by the GRFMA’s Board on the 28 January 2020. A more comprehensive review ‘Charter Review 2’ commenced in April 2020 with Jeff Tate Consulting being engaged to undertake the required work. This review was to explore further governance and operational processes including options for alternative management (i.e., other than the Authority) for the Gawler River and supporting financial arrangements.

A further report completed in September 2020 included a number of recommendations for consideration by the Board:

1. The Authority’s legal structure continue as a Regional Subsidiary under s43 of the Local Government Act 1999.

2. At this stage the GRFMA continue to have a representative Board of an Elected Member and a staff member from each Council (and an Independent Chair).

3. Consideration be given to an arrangement between the Chief Executive Officers of the constituent councils to ensure that the combined staff appointments to the Board include all relevant skills.

4. Consideration be given to amending clause 4.3.2 of the GRFMA Charter so that Deputy Members attending Board meetings in their own right and not in place of the Member may be permitted to speak with approval of the meeting, rather than having the same right to speak as Members.

5. The GRFMA proactively build relationships with relevant South Australian Government Departments and agencies, separately and together, to build understanding of the issues relating to the Gawler River and to assist with strategies, plans, and advice including about external funding.

6. The GRFMA and constituent councils consider the four funding model options set out in the report, starting from a consideration of funding principles and then potential scenarios for modelling (possibly through Finance and Engineering staff of the constituent councils).

7. The GRFMA develop and implement a clear, resourced strategy for achieving external funding, including consideration of a ‘broker’ to identify and pursue funding opportunities.

The GRFMA Board is currently progressing recommendation 6 and directing the Charter Review 2 Working Group to engage resources to compile and evaluate required data to further understand possible funding principles and formula to be applied in considering any proposed funding model change to the existing arrangements. Noting any final consideration would be subject to support or otherwise of the GRFMA and constituent councils. The GRFMA Board will be considering all recommendations and is looking to finalise the review early in the 2021/2022 financial year

Strategic Plan

As a requirement of Charter Review 1 the GRFMA is now working to establish a Strategic Plan. The plan will consist of a 5 year Strategic Plan (2026) and have regard to any longer term strategic issues (2026-2036) that might be identified during preparation of the plan.

Consultation on the Plan with constituent councils and other stakeholders commenced in May 2021 and was to be completed by the end of September 2021. However, during consultation with Constituent Councils it became apparent that both the Adelaide Plains Council and The Barossa Council had divergent views as to the role of the Authority compared with the draft Strategic Plan.

They hold views the role of the Authority should to manage its existing assets (ie Bruce Eastick Flood Mitigation Dam) and be an advocate for further investment on flood mitigation on the Gawler River

by others (presumably State Government and private property owners). Fundamentally those

Councils are opposed to any further flood mitigation works occurring on the river in a coordinated

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manner in partnership through the GRFMA (thus partially funded from Local Government), nor other functions and roles as defined in both the Charter and draft Strategic Plan. Noting the fundamental role of the GRFMA, as it was established, was to seek to improve the level of flood protection and resilience along the Gawler River. This matter was previously reported to the Council at the time that the draft Strategic Plan was presented for its consideration at its meeting held on 27 July 2021.

Given the significance of this matter a meeting of all constituent Council Mayors and Chief Executive Officers is being conveyed to seek to find a way forward and avoid formal dispute proceedings by a Council being initiated. This meeting is scheduled for 29 October 2021 with the outcomes to be reported back to the Council in due course.

Gawler River UNHaRMED Management Tool (GRUMP)

In 2019 the GRFMA entered into partnership with the Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre and the University of Adelaide to develop a decision support tool (UNHaRMED) to explore how to manage flood risk into the future. The model tool has now been completed (total cost approximately $155k) and will be made available to other local government authorities and floodplain managers responsible for flood-associated social, environmental and economic risk modelling and subsequent management.

Key project outcomes are:

Provide a platform for GRFMA constituent councils to compare flood mitigation options over time in an integrated and transparent manner, as the basis for preparing a master plan incorporating existing mitigation structures and on-going maintenance and operation for constituent councils and the community.

Enable this platform to be used to engage the community in decision making, improve risk awareness and resilience and willingness to pay for risk reduction depending on risk appetite.

Integrate social, economic, and environmental risk factors for a broad understanding of the Gawler River Catchment to inform long-term strategic planning.

Highlight the role of research and science in local government decision-making and provide an example for similar councils and catchment management authorities across Australia.

Develop a repeatable process to enable continued use of the project outputs and analysis frameworks for Local Government decision making across South Australia

Gawler River Stormwater Management Plan

The GRFMA in partnership with the Stormwater Management Authority of South Australia, the Green Adelaide Board, the Northern and Yorke Landscape Boards and the Department for Environment and Water have commenced a project to develop a Stormwater Management Plan (SMP) for the Gawler River.

The Plan will provide background and strategic direction for managing stormwater in the Gawler River. The SMP catchment is defined as the ‘Gawler River proper’, being the main channel below the confluence of the North Para and South Para Rivers, down through Buckland Lake to the coastal outlet.

In consideration of the strategic nature of any SMP recommendations that may result, the current flood mitigation considerations including increasing the height of the Bruce Eastick North Para Flood Mitigation Dam and the construction of the Northern Floodway Proposal have been placed on hold.

Assistance from the City of Playford in providing in-kind support of a Project Manager to manage the SMP process needs to be recognised.

Bruce Eastick North Para Flood Mitigation Dam – Operation & Safety Plan

The Bruce Eastick North Para Flood Mitigation Dam (BENPFMD) Operation and Safety Plan has now been completed. The Plan was facilitated by the GRFMA in partnership with the Local Government Association of South Australia Council Ready Program.

The completed plan provides direction in two parts. For the operational response to a critical flood event and secondly, where signs of imminent dam failure are observed.

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Periodic maintenance has also been undertaken at the Dam replacing security screens on the high level outlet pipes and repairing welds to the crest handrails.

Tenders where also sought for repair works to the lower level outlet pipes and reinstatement of dislodged baffle blocks in the stilling basin which are currently under consideration. It is envisaged the agreed services for works will be undertaken in the summer of 2021/22.

Gawler River Flood Mitigation

The 2020-21 State Government Budget allocated $9 Million for Gawler River flood mitigation works. This initiative provides works to be completed over the three years 2021-23 for a range of Gawler River projects aimed at reducing flood risks across the Northern Adelaide Plains.

Budgeted works include:

1. Removal of trees and debris following the Hillier bushfire ($350 -$370K). 2. Construction of a drainage system on Carmelo and Park Road, Virginia ($3.8M). 3. Installation of new flood warning infrastructure and improvement of flood forecasting and warning

service ($1M). 4. River survey, silt and weed removal, revegetation and levee repair ($3.8M).

The GRFMA has engaged with the South Australian Department of Environment and Water to assist delivery of the four projects and further development of the longer term solutions for flood mitigation in the Gawler River.

A brief update on current status of each project is provided below;

1. Removal of trees and debris following the Hillier bushfire

Woody weed removal commenced.

Drone Survey completed

Engagement with landowners & Kaurna representatives commenced.

Permits/Authorisations commenced.

Major site works scope to be finalised following stability assessment of remaining trees

2. Construction of a drainage system on Carmelo and Park Road, Virginia

Design development in progress

3. Installation of new flood warning infrastructure and improvement of flood forecasting and warning service

Flood monitoring network optimisation commenced.

Stakeholder engagement commenced.

4. River survey, silt and weed removal, revegetation and levee repair

River survey collection methodology being finalised.

Kaurna engagement commenced.

Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) Bridge

The ARTC commenced work in September 2020 to replace the existing rail bridge across the Gawler River. The GRFMA engaged with ARTC during the Bridge design and construction phase to ensure that the resultant bridge structure and embankment did not compromise water flows in the Gawler River channel.

Outgoing and New GRFMA Board Members

Acknowledgement is made of long-serving Board Member Mr Mark Salver (Adelaide Hills Council) who retired from representation during the report period and is outstanding long service to the Authority. Mr Ashley Curtis was welcomed as his successor.

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Board meetings are held bimonthly, across all Constituent Council’s and are attended by the Council’s nominated Board representatives.

Council is represented on the Board of the Authority by Mr Sam Dilena (Staff representative) and Cr Koch (Council Member representative).


Consultation in respect to the details provided in this report has occurred with the GRFMA Board Members through formal Board Meetings as representatives of their Councils.


The GRFMA has been established for the following purposes:

1. To co-ordinate the construction, operation and maintenance of flood mitigation infrastructure in the Gawler River area (the Floodplain);

2. To raise finance for the purpose of developing, managing and operating and maintaining flood mitigation works within the Floodplain;

3. To provide a forum for the discussion and consideration of topics relating to the Constituent Council’s obligations and responsibilities in relation to management of flood mitigation within the Floodplain;

4. To enter into agreements with Constituent Councils for the purpose of managing and developing the Floodplain.


Local Government Act 1999


As a regional subsidiary of Council, (jointly shared with five other Councils) the financial performance/position of the GRFMA needs to be consolidated into the financial accounts of the Town of Gawler.

Council’s percentage equity share of the GRFMA’s operations is 17.24%.

Within the Annual Report the audited 2020-2021 financial statements have been provided. On this basis, the Council’s share of the operating deficit recorded by the GRFMA (deficit of $281,354 as a result of not funding depreciation of the Bruce Eastick Dam) is $48,505 and has subsequently been consolidated into Council’s own Statement of Comprehensive Income.

Whilst the operating deficit equity share does impact Council’s recurrent operating result, there is no impact from a cash position due to this being as a result of the GRFMA’s position that it does not fund depreciation.

The Council’s cash contribution to the GRFMA allocated for in the 2021/22 Annual Budget is $44,116 to fund our Council’s share of the cost of its budgeted activities.


Objective 2.3: The local environment to be respected

Objective 4.1: Create and maintain a riverine environment that reflects the social, cultural and landscape values of the river corridor

Objective 4.3: Protect environmentally significant areas of native vegetation for present and future generations

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Record Number: CC21/46;IC21/833

Author(s): Lokesh Anand, Team Leader Finance

Previous Motions: Ordinary Council Meeting - 2021:08:COU332

Attachments: 1. Participatory Budgeting Draft Nomination Form 2022-23 CR21/79891

2. Proposed Participatory Budgeting Project Selection Criteria 2022-23 CR21/79889

3. Participatory Budgeting Draft Voting Sheet 2022-23 CR21/79893

4. Participatory Budgeting Example Project 2022-23 CR21/79896


That Council notes the participatory budgeting program for community projects information as detailed in this report with its key elements comprising as follows:

1. The program is to commence at the time that Council starts its 2022/2023 draft budget public consultation process.

2. The program will comprise a two phase approach to community participation. The first seeking ‘open feedback’ from community of their ideas. The second phase will seek the community to vote on a short list of Council endorsed preferred projects.

3. Council will establish (at a later time) a working group who will short list the phase one community feedback to create a preferred projects list based on criteria that will be prepared and presented to Council for endorsement.

4. Council will allocate an agreed amount ($40,000 or such other to be determined) within the draft 2022/23 budget that will be released for public consultation thus demonstrating its commitment to the initiative.

5. Finalisation of the preferred projects to be implemented will be determined by Council either at the time of endorsing the 2022/23 budget or shortly thereafter.

6. Actioning of community projects will then commence and implemented accordingly.

7. The initiative will be supported by a detailed community engagement strategy that will

seek to maximum exposure and engagement.


This report provides a response to a resolution of Council at the August Council Meeting regarding participatory budgeting. It presents a suggested methodology and overviews the costs associated with the implementation of this proposed new initiative.


In the August council meeting, a draft version for the preparation and implementation of participatory budgeting program was requested as per below resolution. This report highlights the processes and timeline for this program.

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RESOLUTION 2021:08:COU332 Moved: Cr C Davies Seconded: Cr D Fraser

That the Council prepares a draft version of a $40,000 participatory budgeting program for community projects, based on Burnside Council's "Your Neighbourhood Budget 2021" program, to be presented in time for the start of Council's 2022/23 budget discussions.


What is Participatory Budgeting?

Participatory budgeting is a different way to manage public money and to engage community and provide an opportunity for individuals or groups to vote on how Council should allocate public funds as part of its annual budgeting process.

Every year the community contributes to the creation of Council’s business plan and budget via the public consultation and submissions process (in May).

Participatory budgeting or ‘Your Neighbourhood Budget’ is another opportunity for the community to have a say in how some of their rates are spent.

It is noted that Council had as part of its budget preparation processes for the 2019/20 Budget introduced as a new initiative a two stage approach to the then budget preparations. It involved an early engagement process where community were asked to consider categories of community activity or interest to which Council funding should be allocated. An engagement friendly technique was applied where displays and posters were created and presented at various council facilities such that community members, using ‘red stickers’, interacted with the display placing the stickers on what categories of community outcomes (roads, footpaths, ovals and parks, community facilities, programs, environment and other) they considered should be prioritised and thus funding allocated.

This same approach or a variation to it was not then implemented in the subsequent budget due to the COVID impact and the consequences relative to amongst other matters the delay in Councils budget preparation processes and the need for Council to consider the consequences of the pandemic on the community and Council business relative to that year’s budget preparation.

Consequently, the motion as passed to date seeking Council to adopt a Participatory budgeting methodology to its budget preparations and considerations is very much endorsed by the administration and is seen as an extension of previous attempts to seek improved community awareness and participation into Council annual budget deliberations.

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The proposed draft framework for this program is presented below for consideration :

Processes as per above:

1. Community will be asked to nominate projects by filling a nomination form of a survey. A draft of which is provided below Attachment 1 and same will be available online. This form/survey will be available to public at the same time when the Annual Business Plan is published for public consultation. Form will contain simple questions like:

(a) Tells us about your suggestions? You can sketch your idea as well;

(b) How much will it cost? Please indicate estimated cost of purchase and installation(if applicable) ;

(c) Where will it be installed? Please include map if this will assist;

(d) Who will use it or benefit from it? The target group.

2. The nomination form/survey will be released and submissions to be lodged within 3 weeks.

3. The nomination form/survey are then assessed by the Council’s nominated Member Working Group based on the eligibility criteria set by the Council. Draft criteria provided at Attachment 2

4. An information report will then be presented to of the shortlisted projects for consideration and endorsement

Participatory Budgeting

1. Commence phase one community

consultation. April 2022. 3

week consultation


2. Community feedback received.

Comments received early

May 2022.

3. Council Member Working Group

formed to review and shortlist community

feedback base on endorsed criteria.

4. Council endorses

shortlisted projects May

Council meeting 2022

5. Second Phase of community consultation

commences with voting on preferred

projects. 3 week consultation


6. Council resolves on projects to be actioned. If not at time of endorsing

budget then shortly thereafter.

7. Action of community projects during the course of

the 22/23 year.

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5. Voting for the selected eligible projects open to the public via voting sheet. Draft provided at Attachment 3.

6. Voting sheets/ online voting will need to be completed and submitted back to the council within 3 weeks.

7. Report submitted to the council recommending successful project and highlighting the voting results.

Some examples of the successful projects over last round for Burnside City Council Attachment 4:

1. Drinking fountain, Kensington Gardens Reserve - $12,000

2. Shelter, Langman Recreation Reserve - $18,000

3. Handrail, Michael Perry Reserve - $1,500

4. Little library, Bell Yett Reserve - $800

City of Burnside have been using this engagement strategy over past 4 years. They started with $20,000 budget initially and eventually increased this amount every year. Currently they allow $40,000 in their budget. The budget is adopted in June but the projects are updated around June - July against that budget allocation.


Council Members Chief Executive Officer Executive Team


Burnside Council

The modes of communication that will be used to promote this engagement strategy will be:

Active and passive use of Council’s website and social media;

Your Voice Gawler, Council’s online community engagement platform;

Media releases to appropriate media outlets and community groups;

Advertising in media outlets as deemed appropriate;

Fixed displays, e.g. community notice boards.

Hard copy version of documentation to ensure all members of the community can participate.


Budget Management Policy



Identify Mitigation

Budget cost over runs of projects that have not been fully scoped or costed

Staff may need to provide more detail on the scope of cost of each proposed project, which will require staff time and resources.

Community and stakeholder expectations that all proposed projects will be delivered in the immediate term.

Ongoing communication with key stakeholders to manage expectations.

There will need to be strong communications that reinforce that Council seeking community projects project does not represent a commitment of funding by Council

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Existing Council Staff have limited capacity to deliver additional capital projects.

Ensure projects have funding allocated for additional project management resourcing (either external or internal).

Council does not appropriately consider the impact of new net operating costs emanating from the purchase and/or construction of major new / upgraded assets, which will impact future operating budgets.

Determine new asset life cycle costs to ascertain future indicative impact on Council’s operating result.


Identify Maximising the Opportunity

Greater Community engagement in the budgeting process

Better outcomes for the community


Local Government Act 1999


$40,500 will need to be allocated to the 2022-23 Annual Budget. $40,000 for funding and $500 for advertising.

Staff time will need be allocated to 2021-22 and 2022-23 budgets for marketing, administration of the forms, selection of the projects and report writing. Based on time spent on community grants, there will be 76 hrs for 2021-22 financial year and about 38 hrs for 2022-23 year.

Additional cost will be involved on design and delivery of the projects based on nature of project. These costs will vary based on projects.


1.2 Foster a vibrant and active local community that is proud of Gawler

2.1 Physical and social infrastructure to service our growing population and economy

2.3 Manage growth through the real connection of people and places

3.2 Provide sporting and recreational facilities to meet local and regional community needs

5.1 Be recognised as a best practice organisation delivering effective services and collaborating regionally

5.2 Foster and encourage community teamwork

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Item 10.3 Page 63 of 93


Record Number: CC21/46;IC21/14

Author(s): Zak Valiff, Traffic Engineer

Previous Motions: Council 23/7/2019, 2019:07:COU300

Attachments: 1. Adelaide Road Post Box - Updated Proposed Parking Control Changes CR21/7966

2. Adelaide Road Proposed Parking Control Changes Consultation

Feedback CR21/80639


That Council notes:

1. The investigations as resolved by Council at the meeting held on 23 July 2019 regarding existing timed parking controls adjacent the post box at 31 Adelaide Road, Gawler South, have been completed.

2. The consultation undertaken to inform the proposed changes to parking controls adjacent the post box at 31 Adelaide Road, Gawler South as detailed in this report.

3. The proposed changes to car parking at the front and adjacent to shops located at 31 Adelaide Road, Gawler South from the current provisions ‘No Stopping – Australia Post Excepted’ to proposed ‘30 minute’ (1/2P) parking Monday to Friday between 9am - 5pm and Saturdays between 9am – 12 Noon, which have been informed by consultation outcomes.

4. Further requests by local business owners to Council staff that are currently being investigated for proposed changes to parking controls at other locations along Murray Street in the Town Centre and Main North Road, Willaston. Such changes if found to be warranted will then be implemented, as and where possible, prior to the 2021 Christmas period to further assist businesses during this period.

5. The ongoing reference and review of carparking times within the Township will be further considered in the context of Council’s current review of the Town Centre Carparking Strategy which has recently proceded trough a possible consultation process and reported to a recent Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee.


Council staff have completed an investigation into proposed changes to timed parking on a particular section of Adelaide Road including consultation with local businesses. This investigation commenced following a request from local business to investigate parking controls adjacent the existing post box at 31 Adelaide Road. This investigation was in response to a Council motion seeking that this occur (RESOLUTION 2019:07:COU300).

Separately, staff have also received requests for changes to timed parking on Main North Road, Willaston and in the town centre on Murray Street, Gawler and these are currently being investigated.

31 Adelaide Road, Gawler South – Timed Parking Control Changes

Council staff have investigated the existing timed parking controls on Adelaide Road adjacent the group of shops at 31 Adelaide Road, Gawler South and proposed some parking controls to facilitate additional on-street parking at this location to support local businesses.

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The existing signage indicates ‘No Stopping – Australia Post Excepted’ adjacent the existing post-box on Adelaide Road near the newsagent and local business has sought changes to facilitate parking.

It is proposed to change existing parking controls to allow for an additional 30-minute parking space in lieu of the ‘No Stopping’ zone. Community consultation was undertaken with businesses adjacent the ‘No Stopping’ zone and with Australia Post. Based on the feedback received it was found there was no requirement for a ‘Mail’ zone or ‘No Stopping’ zone adjacent the post-box on Adelaide Road. The changes to parking controls will now be implemented to facilitate parking at this location.

Main North Road, Willaston – Timed Parking Control Changes Update

Following a recent Gawler Business Development Group meeting, the Mayor was advised of concerns with parking on Main North Road, Willaston. A request was made for Council Staff to investigate three-hour (3P) parking adjacent local businesses on Main North Road between the Redbanks Road roundabout and the North Para River Bridge. Requests were also received independently by Council from the businesses and residents along Main North Road, Willaston to facilitate changes to on-street parking controls.

Council staff are currently undertaking an investigation into existing parking controls at this location and will meet with local businesses in the near future to discuss their suggestions. If there are any proposed changes to parking controls at this location, staff will develop a concept plan and further consult local businesses and property owners between Paxton Street and the North Para River Bridge to seek feedback on the proposal.

Any feedback received from future consultation may ultimately inform an updated scope of parking control changes that will then be considered for implementation along Main North Road in the future.

Murray Street, Gawler – Proposed Parking Control Changes Update

In response to requests from local businesses, Council staff are currently consulting with these businesses and property owners on proposed changes to parking controls at several locations along Murray Street and within the town centre. The locations in question are as follows:

High Street Carpark – Addition of a ‘Loading Zone’

Murray Street – ‘Loading Zone’ requested by Boost Juice business.

Murray Street – 15-minute park adjacent Gawler Bakery.

Murray Street – 15-minute park adjacent MP Tony Piccolo’s Office.

Murray Street – Timed changes to the existing ’Loading zone’ adjacent the ‘Slice Pizza’ business

Bus Stop 142 – Changes to existing signage to reflect the current operational times of buses

Bus Stop 143 – Changes to the locations of the southbound bus stop signage posts to align with the broken yellow linemarking only

Council staff are seeking feedback on loading zones to assist with pick-up and delivery of items, and shorter timed parking spaces to facilitate a higher turnover of customers at specific locations.

Following consultation, feedback received will be considered and may inform an update on the proposed changes to parking controls. Council staff will seek to implement these changes (should they be found to be warranted) to existing parking controls shortly after notification letters are sent out to those previously consulted, outlining the results of the consultation. If it is deemed that no changes are to be undertaken, then adjoining business owners will be notified accordingly.

It is also noted that Council has recently completed consultation on the Car Parking Strategy more broadly in the Town Centre Precinct. This is a separate consultation to the small scale consultations outlined in this report with specific local businesses requesting changes to parking controls directly adjacent their individual businesses.

The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the parking matters that have been investigated on Adelaide Road and other timed parking investigations currently being undertaken on Main North Road and in the Town Centre. It is expected that following consultation, any changes to parking controls will be implemented prior to Christmas to assist with supporting local business during the holiday season.

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31 Adelaide Road, Gawler South – Timed Parking Control Changes

Adelaide Road is under the care, control and maintenance of the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT). The road is an arterial road with one lane in each direction with a traffic volume of approximately 23,400 vehicles per day (DIT, 2020). The road geometry includes bike lanes in each direction, a 3.0 metre wide linemarked centre median and dedicated parking bays for on-street parking. Notwithstanding, parking matters are the responsibility of the Town of Gawler.

At the Council meeting held on 23 July 2019, Council resolved the following:

RESOLUTION 2019:07:COU300 Moved: Cr J Vallelonga Seconded: Cr P Little

1. That the time limits be investigated for the car park adjacent to the existing post box on Adelaide Road near the newsagent.

2. A report be presented to a future council meeting on this matter.

The majority of the existing on-street parking on Adelaide Road is timed parking and generally consists of one hour (1P) timed parking between Fifth and Sixth Street. However, the timed parking adjacent the group of shops is ‘30-Minute’ timed parking to allow for a high turnover of vehicles and customers visiting the shops in the vicinity.

There is a post-box located adjacent the group of shops at 31 Adelaide Road, Gawler South. The one car park that is directly adjacent the post box has signage ‘No Stopping - Australia Post Excepted’. This signage is to allow drivers of Australia Post vehicles to park and collect out-going mail from the post-box. Due to the existing parking controls, there is currently no parking facilitated in front of the post box for motorists at any time or day of the week.

Australia Post has advised that the mail pick-up service generally occurs between 12pm and 1pm on weekdays and that mail pick-ups are now undertaken with a motorcycle stopping on the footpath at the post-box.

Main North Road, Willaston – Timed Parking Control Changes Update

In May 2021, a request was received from the Gawler Business Development Group (GBDG) to investigate timed parking controls to the Council carparks on Main North Road, Willaston.

Council staff are now investigating existing parking controls and the proposed changes to timed parking raised with the Mayor in a previous GBDG meeting, which is to facilitate a three hour (3P) timed parking along Main North Road, Willaston, between the North Para River Bridge to Redbanks Road roundabout.

Town Centre – Proposed Parking Control Changes Update

Council staff have received requests in the past by businesses along Murray Street and with some of these same businesses having also met with Tony Piccolo (MP) regarding some of these parking matters.

Following a meeting with Tony Piccolo it was determined that Council Staff would undertake investigations to establish if changes to the parking controls are warranted. Council staff are currently undertaking this investigation.

The GBDG have also raised suggestions about short term parking or a ‘Loading Zone’ on Murray Street for the business Delicia located at 151 Murray Street, Gawler. Delicia has identified that the business is finding it difficult for drivers of their delivery drop offs and Uber pick-ups to find a suitably convenient car parking space nearby.

Given that the parking on Murray Street operates under a two-hour (2P) parking area, it was determined that an investigation into the High Street carpark be undertaken for provision of a ‘Loading Zone’. The High Street carpark is located directly opposite the Gawler Administration Centre (GAC).

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Council staff have liaised with the owners of Delicia and they have indicated that they would be pleased if Council could facilitate a ‘Loading Zone’ in the High Street carpark. Consultation with adjacent businesses will be undertaken soon to seek feedback on the proposed ‘Loading Zone’.


31 Adelaide Road, Gawler South – Timed Parking Control Changes

Council staff have investigated existing parking controls on Adelaide Road in front of the group of shops at 31 Adelaide Road, Gawler South and can confirm that changes to the existing parking controls can be made to facilitate parking for customers during the day and after hours.

Council staff have recently undertaken a three week consultation with nearby property owners and businesses seeking feedback on the proposed changes to parking control. Public consultation is now complete and feedback has also received by Council.

Consultation was undertaken with nearby businesses for the removal of the ‘No Stopping Zone – Australia Post Excepted’ signage and the reinstatement of a ‘Mail Zone’ Monday – Friday between 4pm and 8pm after liaison with Australia Post.

Based on the feedback from the public consultation and further liaison with the Delivery Manager of the Gawler Post Office the mail pick up times are undertaken between 12pm and 1pm Monday to Friday along the footpath with a motorbike and there is no requirement for a dedicated ‘Mail Zone’ in front of 31 Adelaide Road, Gawler South. Therefore, Council staff propose to remove the existing signage and reinstate them with additional signage on the existing posts directly adjacent the group of shops at 31 Adelaide Road, Gawler South, as per the design in Attachment 1.

The changes to the timed parking proposal includes removing the ‘No Stopping – Australia Post Excepted’ signs and reinstating with ‘30-minute’ (1/2P) parking between 9am and 4pm, Monday – Friday and 9am – 12pm (noon) on Saturday to allow for an additional car parking space for customers to utilise when visiting the group of shops. The proposed changes will match the existing timed ‘30-minute’ parking zone. However, the existing wording of the ‘30-minute’ parking signs in the vicinity will also be changed to (1/2P) to comply with the current Australian Standards.

The results from the community consultation are shown in Table A below and indicate community support for Council to remove the existing ‘No Stopping Zone – Australia Post Excepted’ and to reinstate it with an additional car parking space that aligns with the current 30-minute parking controls.

Table A: Results of the Public Consultation Timed Parking Adelaide Road

Proposed Parking Control

Changes Feedback

In Support

Do Not Support

Feedback Received




Remove the ‘No Stopping’ signs and reinstate the carpark as 30-minute parking. Postie collects mail on

the footpath via a motorbike.




Please remove the existing ‘No Stopping’ zone. Waste of a carpark space. It would allow for another car space

for customers to access our shops.

3 Yes - Australia Post confirms the mail zone/no stopping zone can be removed.

The above indicates that the recipients of the consultation letter are generally in support of the proposal. Detailed feedback or submissions received is also provided as Attachment 2.

Council staff will seek to implement the changes to the parking controls prior to the Christmas holiday season noting the feedback received is supportive of the proposal.

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Main North Road, Willaston – Timed Parking Control Changes

Council staff will meet with the local business owners and property owners to discuss their individual requests for three hour (3P) parking, develop a concept plan (if required), consult on the proposed changes to parking and seek feedback on the proposal over a 21 day period with the businesses and residents between Paxton Street and the North Para River Bridge. It is expected the consultation will inform the updated scope of the parking control changes in the future.

Murray Street, Gawler – Proposed Parking Control Changes Update

Council staff have received several requests from local businesses for proposed changes to parking controls on Murray Street in recent months. Staff have met with business owners and investigated potential proposed changes to parking controls at these locations and consultation has either been completed or is currently underway.

The areas where Council staff are consulting on proposing changes to existing parking controls include:

1. High Street Carpark – Addition of a ‘Loading Zone’ via changes to the existing linemarking arrangement in the Council owned carpark opposite the Gawler Administration Centre (GAC) (currently in consultation)

2. Murray Street – ‘Loading Zone’ requested by Boost Juice business. Following a site meeting, it was made apparent to the business owner that there are two ‘Loading Zones’ in the vicinity (no further action required)

3. Murray Street – 15-minute park adjacent Gawler Bakery. Changes to a single carpark from a two hour (2P) carpark to a 15-minute carpark space (currently in consultation )

4. Murray Street – 15-minute park adjacent MP Tony Piccolo’s Office. Changes to a single carpark from a two hour (2P) carpark to a 15-minute carpark space (under consideration following consultation)

5. Murray Street – Timed changes to the existing loading zone 8am - 5:30pm, Monday – Friday and 8am – 1pm Saturdays to the proposed 8am – 10pm everyday adjacent the ‘Slice Pizza’ business (under consideration following consultation)

6. Bus Stop 142 – Changes to existing signage to reflect the current operational times of buses from existing ‘Bus Zone’ Monday to Friday between 5am – 9pm to proposed ‘Bus Zone’ Monday to Saturday 6am – 10pm and Sunday 9am – 3pm (no consultation required)

7. Bus Stop 143 – Changes to the locations of the southbound bus stop signage posts to align with the broken yellow linemarking only (no consultation required)

Once all the consultations have been completed, Council staff will consider the feedback received and then if supported, seek to implement the updated proposed parking controls for the benefit of local businesses within the Town Centre.

It is noted that the proposed changes to parking controls align with Council’s Car Parking Strategy by facilitating a mix of short-term parking options in the Town Centre Precinct with longer term parking options remaining available.

It is also noted that the ‘Gawler Town Centre 2017-2020 Car Parking Strategy’ is currently under review. The administration is hopeful that a new strategy will be completed and adopted in the first half of 2022. It is expected this strategy will also provide commentary and guidance relative to car parking management e.g., timed parking in the Town Centre for future consideration.


Manager Infrastructure and Engineering Services Team Leader Asset Planning Traffic Engineer Senior Strategic Planner

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A twenty one (21) day public consultation period will be undertaken with local businesses and property owners who are directly impacted by the proposed parking control changes if consultation has not already occurred on any proposed changes to parking controls.


Council Public Consultation Policy



Identify Mitigation

Failure to implement the proposed changes to timed parking controls prior to Christmas

Implement proposed changes to parking controls prior to Christmas where warranted


Identify Maximising the Opportunity

An increase to on-street parking (where possible)

Investigations will review opportunities to maximise the provision of parking spaces


Instrument of General Approval and Delegation to Council Road Traffic Act 1961 Local Government Act 1999


There is no financial impact associated with the proposed timed parking control changes to the on-street parking. The associated minor infrastructure changes involved with the proposed changes can be implemented within Council’s existing annual budget.


1.2 Foster a vibrant and active local community that is proud of Gawler

2.1 Physical and social infrastructure to service our growing population and economy

5.1 Be recognised as a best practice organisation delivering effective services and collaborating regionally

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Item 10.4 Page 69 of 93


Record Number: CC21/46;IC21/812

Author(s): Erin McGarry, Financial Accountant

Previous Motions: Nil

Attachments: 1. Monthly Finance Report - September 2021 CR21/80704


That the Monthly Finance Report as at 30 September 2021, detailing a favourable operating budget variance of $423K as at that date, be noted.


Council is reporting a favourable Year to Date (YTD) Operating Result variance of $423K as at the reporting date.


The purpose of this report is to present the Monthly Finance Report in accordance with Clause of Council’s Budget Management Policy. The Monthly Finance Report is provided as Attachment 1.


Council is reporting a favourable YTD Operating Result variance of $423K as at the reporting date.

The key variances that are detailed within Attachment 1 are summarised below:

Description YTD Variance

Town Planning Fees Collected $43K

Building Rule Fees Collected $30K

Study Reimbursements received for depot staff $7K

Wage reimbursements received from the Federal Government as a COVID-19 Financial Support Package aimed at workplaces that support apprentices


Savings on Direct Labour Expenses (Including salaries, wages and any agency staff used to cover vacant positions. noting that agency staff at the depot are not included in the adopted budget. The savings from vacant positions will offset this cost


Other employee cost savings as a result of vacant positions $78K

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Leadership Team Team Leader Finance




Budget Management Policy



Identify Mitigation

Council is not appropriately informed of the Council’s financial performance and/or emerging financial trends in between the periodic Quarterly Budget Reviews presented.

Preparation of Monthly Finance Reports tabled to Council which appropriately report the Council’s financial performance on a monthly basis.

Council’s Budget Management Policy prescribes the format/content of the Monthly Finance Reports presented.




The cost of preparing the Monthly Finance Report is accommodated within the annual employment cost budget for the Financial Services Team.

The preparation of the Monthly Finance Report promotes financial accountability and transparency of Council’s financial operations.


5.1 Be recognised as a best practice organisation delivering effective services and collaborating regionally

Parking Expiations Issued YTD $15K

Various budget savings from contractors over a range of services provided by Council predominantly due to timing of works


Overdraft invoice on Councils Cash Advance Debenture loans is less YTD than forecasted $24K

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Record Number: CC21/46;IC21/687

Author(s): David Barrett, Manager Business Enterprises and Communications

Previous Motions: Nil

Attachments: 1. Institute Event Spaces Session Bookings - July-September 2021 CR21/78297

2. Town Hall Meeting Rooms Hourly Bookings - July-September

2021 CR21/78298


That Council notes the Gawler Civic Centre July to September 2021 Quarter Update report.


This report provides Council with an update regarding activities at the Gawler Civic Centre from 1 July to 30 September 2021.


The primary purpose of the Gawler Civic Centre (GCC) is to revitalise and redevelop existing community (main-street) buildings that will drive economic growth, create new jobs and strengthen the social and cultural base of Gawler and the broader region. Social connection, community celebration and lifelong learning are key outcomes for this unique, regional facility.

The GCC contains six business functions that intend to collectively deliver significant community and economic development in the region, namely:

1. Gawler Public Library 2. Cultural Heritage Centre 3. Business Innovation Hub 4. Youth Space 5. Civic Centre Café 6. Function Venues and Meeting Rooms

The Goals of the GCC are to:

1. Facilitate Lifelong Learning

To develop a diverse offering of contemporary education, training and research opportunities that will assist in driving a sustainable local and regional economy.

2. Celebrate History Showcase Gawler’s iconic and remarkable cultural heritage.

3. Grow the Economy Provide an innovative precinct and supporting program to assist new and entrepreneurial business to develop and grow.

4. Engage through Community Interaction Welcome, connect and partner with local, regional and tourist communities to celebrate the past, present and future in unique and integrated facilities.

5. Inspire through Innovation, Arts and Culture Establish a regional centre with an innovative calendar of community events, educational programs and quality performances to inspire all generations.

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The Gawler Civic Centre has a wide range of products and services to offer, delivered both separately and collectively via the six functional areas. Collaboratively these offerings enable the Gawler Civic Centre to once again be the service centre for the broader Gawler region.

Key outcomes of the Gawler Civic Centre are to create an iconic, functional hub that will bring people, business and new employment opportunities to the Gawler CBD and establish a sense of belonging, well-being and support for the region through increased business activity, community events and interaction.

Outcomes of the Gawler Civic Centre are grounded in a strong desire by Council to build a stronger, more diversified and economically sustainable local and regional community and economy through:

a. Assisting businesses and attracting new businesses to ensure that future economic prosperity of the Region is maintained and grown;

b. Showcasing the region’s Aboriginal, cultural and historical background to exhibit the region’s diversity and attract not only locals but other visitors;

c. Providing a venue for the arts that will attract locals, visitors and tourists and will provide spinoffs for other business ventures;

d. Creating a cultural centre that will inspire innovation;

e. Developing unique integrated spaces to reinforce Gawler’s sense of identity;

f. Providing a Centre to promote Gawler and the Greater Gawler region;

g. Making available another contact point for Council administration;

h. Ensuring the local and broader community has access to a contemporary library with a digital base and a centre for learning and research.

Each functional area within the Gawler Civic Centre provides a range of different outcomes however, many will also be shared across the entire facility. Shared outcomes include:

education and lifelong learning,

economic activity and employment outcomes,

social interaction and

safe community spaces.

These shared outcomes deliver positive benefits to the wider Gawler community. A collaborative planning approach from Council Staff regarding events, programs, activities and other opportunities across the facility optimise the activation of the unique spaces within the Gawler Civic Centre, drive efficiency and ensure delivery of community-led services.

This report outlines what has been achieved within the Gawler Civic Centre for the first quarter of the 21/22 financial year, namely 1 July to 30 September 2021.


This reporting period saw both peaks and troughs of activity throughout the Civic Centre.

Visitor numbers captured via the door counters were generally high during the quarter overall, with 22,855 visits recorded compared with 25,614 for the quarter prior which had been the highest on record for a year.

Unfortunately, during August 2021 the Murray and High Street door counters stopped functioning. These door counters record visitor numbers to the Centre. Replacements are being sourced so that this important record of activity can be maintained in the future. Since the counters malfunctioned, visitor numbers have been captured from the Library RFID counters at the Murray Street entrance and base of the stairs that lead up to the Youth Space. Using these counters provides a reasonable indication of visitors accessing the building as it only misses people who access the building from High Street and then either enter the Youth Space or the take the lift to the first floor and exit the same way.

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Community confidence in business and social activity at the Centre remained strong as has been proven during this quarter with:

Well attended shows, events, and exhibitions

Maximum capacity in the Business Innovation Hub

Increased Library borrowings

Strong participation in Youth programs and events, including many sold out term/holiday events.

COVID-19 Operation

The Civic Centre operations were affected by a COVID-19 closure and subsequent capacity restrictions during July and August.

With an outbreak of multiple positive cases in the northern suburbs of Adelaide and affecting Gawler residents directly, the centre closed for seven days from 21 – 27 July inclusive. Once re-opened, the Civic Centre was subject to tighter capacity restrictions, gradually easing throughout August. Confidence in attending the Civic Centre bounced back reasonably quickly as evidenced by a still busy quarter and users of the Civic Centre spaces were keen to resume their participation in business and community activities within the confines of the safety measures imposed.

Future Outlook

Events for 2021 are now all confirmed and the 2022 event calendar program is also nearing completion. The remaining events and activities scheduled for 2021 are detailed later in this report.

Council Staff are working behind the scenes on the 2022 Fringe program in particular, which will again feature the Civic Centre as a centre-point of activities throughout the event season. Council Staff are also developing the annual program of performances and events including monthly evening shows, regular art exhibitions, school holiday performances and daytime matinees.

As mentioned, Council Staff have found a strong community appetite for attending events continued as demonstrated by strong participation in centre-wide programs throughout the quarter and future event bookings.

The financial outcome of future programs at the Civic Centre is still not guaranteed. Council Staff can be certain of the fixed costs of these programs (e.g. performance fees, staffing costs and advertising) but the revenue generated from these programs is still difficult to predict with certainty.

Programs and events are scheduled with the intention to seek a break-even result over an annual calendar – some will achieve a positive financial outcome, some will not. All programs and events strive to deliver a positive outcome for the wider Gawler community, particularly opportunities are more limited for social connection than they once were.

Although the community appetite for indoor events in the current environment has returned to some degree, Council is once again reminded that pre-COVID participation levels are unable to be fully accommodated due to social distancing requirements and this will impact the financial outcome of performances. In general terms the COVID requirements (as they existed for this reporting period) has forced a reduced capacity of some 25-50%.

Gawler Public Library

Library programs and events were cancelled for the 21 – 27 July 2021 COVID lockdown, and slowly resumed in August as restrictions eased, however attendee numbers remained lower than normal.

The Library’s ‘Tiny Tales’ Storytime program resumed at the end of August, and the Library newsletter, Shelf Talk, was released monthly, to help keep borrowers up to date with the latest library news, information and new titles.

Prior to the lockdown, the Library held a successful school holiday program in July, with an environmentally friendly theme, to complement ‘Plastic Free July’, a global movement that helps people reduce their single-use plastic waste. Sessions included a Plastic Free Morning Tea and Produce Bag workshop (8 July – 53 attendees), Build Your Own Birdfeeder workshops (7 July – 17 attendees; & 13 July – 18 attendees), and two Seed Bomb workshops (15 July – 40 attendees). A

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‘Book vs Movie’ event was also co-hosted with the Youth Space (6 July – 43 attendees), as well as a Library Lego session (14 July – 12 attendees).

Active borrower numbers continued to rise again slightly, with 5,202 borrowers (up from 5,172 at the end of the previous reporting quarter). Loans also increased in this quarter, from 17,449 to 21,186. There were 6,074 loans in July, 8,128 in August and 6,984 in September. The increase is likely due to a combination of winter weather and post-lockdown Covid restrictions meaning there were fewer recreational activities available, and more book borrowing as a result.

Gawler Cultural Heritage Centre (CHC)

The focus for the CHC this quarter has been the installation and promotion of the touring exhibition Recovering the Past. The exhibition is jointly hosted by the CHC and Civic Centre.

This exhibition is the first international touring exhibition to be hosted at the Civic Centre and Gawler is the first leg of its South Australian tour. It has previously been exhibited at the Palais de National in Geneva, the Flanders Museum in Ypres and in Queensland. The exhibition opened on 2 September 2021 and during the first month over 750 people accessed the Institute Hall and James Martin Room and had the opportunity to view the exhibition. Written visitor feedback included:

“Not only does it show the soldiers in their original settings but brings to the surface the emotions of what they and their families suffered”; and

‘What an amazing exhibition! I am a high school history teacher with a particular interest in WW1, and as such, have seen many exhibitions on the Great War, but none so unique as this”.

To support the Gawler Show in its move to a new date, CHC Staff working with representatives of the Gawler Agricultural, Horticultural and Floricultural Society have introduced some new Gawler Show themed activities and objects to the Golden Land Exhibition and created a competition with Gawler Show ticket as prizes. The history of the Gawler Show was an existing element of the exhibition however it is hoped that by introducing additional children’s activities we will draw repeat visits from families to the Heritage Gallery.

Visitor numbers to the Research Centre continue to grow with 84 visitors for the quarter up from 72 in the April-June quarter. In addition to local researchers, visitors came from Wallaroo, Clare, Strathalbyn, Modbury, Prospect, Henley Beach & Semaphore. There were also three researchers from Tasmania, one of whom attended the Centre four times and spent a week at the Gawler Caravan Park. Council Staff have forged a connection with the Tasmanian Family History Society Inc to increase awareness of the resources of the Gawler Heritage Collection.

The hard working and capable volunteers of the CHC have spent a little less time on the e-hive catalogue this quarter as they have been diligently amassing research for new exhibitions and supporting Staff in the physical care of objects in the Gawler Heritage Collection. The program of upskilling volunteers with online learning and group discussions continues and is popular with the volunteer team who are always keen to understand more about the Collection and to support Council Staff as we care for and share the Gawler Heritage collection.

Business Innovation Hub (Hub)

This quarter saw the conclusion of the contracted management of the Hub by Mr Andrew Morris. A final quarterly report was received by Mr Morris stating that desk and facility use remained a focus of the Hub and was operating between 90% and 110% occupancy with an increase in casual visits. A direct marketing database campaign took place in July as well as digital content communication.

Throughout this reporting quarter, Council Staff have been busy in operational handover preparations including putting into place arrangements for permission transfers from 1 October enabling Staff to gain access to the GigCity connection portal, business name, domain name and social media transfers, visibility to membership fees etc.

A morning tea was held on Thursday 23 September 2021 and was attended by Mr Henry Inat, Mr David Barrett and other key Council Staff with an invitation sent to all current Hub members. The purpose of the morning tea was to provide an overview of the transition arrangements and allow opportunity for members to ask any initial questions on future operations.

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Looking ahead, in the early days of Council taking on operational responsibility for the Hub, Council Staff will be undertaking a number of activities including meeting with Members to discuss their individual business needs with respect to the Hub, reviewing membership options and associated fees, confirming Hub occupancy and seat availability, conducting inductions for all existing and new casual and permanent Hub Members, auditing access cards, instigating invoicing direct from Council, implementing procedures for casual members, and drafting membership agreements for all permanent Hub Members, to name just a few.

Complimentary part-time memberships have historically been provided to Regional Development Australia Barossa, Gawler, Light, Adelaide Plains (1) and Gawler Business Development Group (1). Council Staff will also extend an invitation to meet with these two groups to establish their needs moving forward.

As detailed later in this report, Brace Education, through the Business Innovation Hub, commenced yet another 4-week NEIS Start-up Business Program course, held in the first-floor meeting rooms.

Council Staff will be presenting various reports for Council’s consideration over the coming months with respect to the Hub’s future operations, particularly with respect to future Hub programming.

Youth Space

From July to September 2021 the Civic Centre Youth Space provided programs both after school as well as during the July School Holidays. An online drawing program, ‘Character Design with Luke Halford” was launched for those wanting to access an online program from home. The program consists of 5 episodes by Luke Halford, a local artist and was very popular with 821 views across the episodes available.

Youth Memberships as of 30 September 2021 numbered 84.

July School Holiday Programs

A total of 94 Young people attended the July School Holiday Programs.

A Book vs Movie event was held in partnership with the Gawler Public Library and three of the programs offered during the school holidays were fully sold out which included Barista, Provide First Aid and Games Day. The ‘Get Job Ready’ program was attended by 17 young people and was a joint program with local employment agency, Maxima.

Two programs were cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions with one program cancelled due to the instructor being in quarantine.

Date 06-Jul 07-Jul 08-Jan 09-Jul 12-Jul 14-Jul 15-Jul 15-Jul

Activity or Development Opportunity

Alice in Wonderland

Book vs Movie event

Barista Cooking

class Get job ready

First aid

Games Day

Prepare to Drive

Complete TAX return

Attendees 43 7 0 17 11 12 0 4

Cancelled - COVID-19

Cancelled - Due to


Total Attended 94

Life/ 39

Employability Skill

After School Term programs

After school term programs commenced on 26 July 2021. Week 1 of Term 3, 2021 programs were cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions and lower numbers of attendance were experienced throughout the term.

The program on Thursdays, Music Hangouts with Crafty were impacted by the restrictions in place with no singing and masks required during the program.

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A total of 97 young people attended the after school programs.

Term 3 Program attendance

Games & More Pokémon Music

Hangouts Online program –

Character Creation

Attendees 38 36 23 821 views

Civic Centre Café

It was exciting to announce in July 2021 that Metropolitan Canteens SA was engaged to manage the Café. The Café, aptly named The Metro Café, was initially scheduled to be open for business from Monday 2 August 2021, however this was delayed for one week due to the July COVID closure, with the Café opening for trade on Monday 9 August 2021. The Café’s standard opening hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm and Saturday 9am to 1pm.

Since opening, the Café is gradually establishing itself in Gawler as a valuable location for guests of the Civic Centre to dine for fresh home-style food as well as a source of catering for various functions and events.

In addition to general café operations, Metropolitan Canteens SA will deliver a community benefits program from the café including hospitality training and/or work experience, food donations to local charities and organisations that support disadvantaged members of the local community, and involvement in cultural and community events.

Monthly meetings have been established for Council Staff to speak with Metropolitan Canteens SA’s General Manager. These meetings provide the opportunity for two-way feedback on how the Café is settling into initial operations, review upcoming events within the Civic Centre, discuss marketing and promotional opportunities, review customer satisfaction and reporting mechanisms, be provided with an update on the delivery of community benefits programs, request and receive overall reporting information.

In addition to Café counter service, the Café provided its first two catering services for dinner/show events throughout the quarter. Meals were provided for eight patrons during the ticketed ‘Friday Night Live with Gawler Town Band’ on 27 August. The ticketed ‘Daniel Koek’s West End Sessions’ sold-out show on Friday 24 September offered dinner services at two seating times in the Café Seating Area. The Metro Café provided 56 individual dinner servings as well as bar service for 140 guests.

It is understandable that there will be some initial hurdles for any new operator and its staff as they establish themselves in the new space. Council Staff are working closely with the Café to identify any such issues and work through solutions that provide customers with a positive experience.

Whilst some small-scale catering was booked for meetings and events throughout the Civic Centre in August and September, an increase in the number of enquiries and bookings for catering from October onwards is encouraging to see.

As noted previously, Council will support the marketing and promotion of the Café within the local community where appropriate to do so and in the context of the Café being part of the Gawler Civic Centre’s overall community offering. Council Staff are following up with Metropolitan Canteens SA on the progress of their development and implementation of its promised Marketing Plan for the Cafe Services and Council looks forward to assisting with the implementation of this Plan where appropriate.

Event Spaces and Meeting Rooms

Our recent quarter’s momentum with venue hire enquiries, subsequent bookings and overall attendance at the Gawler Civic Centre was severely impacted by the Modbury COVID-19 cluster and subsequent South Australian 7-day lockdown in July. Nevertheless, throughout this quarter we had many successes including a sold-out evening ticketed show (Daniel Koek’s West End Sessions), strong Ground Floor and First Floor Meeting Room usage and many exhibitions across the Civic Centre, with almost capacity of spaces.

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Our wider Gawler community understandably continue to display reservations about entering the Civic Centre – no doubt, at least in part, due to the compulsory face mask rule across SA – and booking tickets to our shows, and if they do book, they left it very late to do so. Our feeling is that community members are very selective as to if and when they attend a show, event or exhibition.

Shows, Events and Exhibitions

Ticketed shows and events and their attendance throughout the quarter included :-

Show / Event Date/Time Attendance Capacity %

Best of The Beggars show Thursday 8 July, 11am 25 15%

Let’s Go To Tokyo: The Olympic Games show

Wednesday 14 July, 10am

55 34%

Here Comes The Sun: Beatles Tribute by Rachael Leahcar show

Friday 23 July, 8pm POSTPONED due to


Friday Night Live with Gawler Town Band show

Friday 27 August, 8pm 88 81%

Daniel Koek’s West End Sessions show Friday 24 September, 8pm

140 100%

80’s Baby: A Kids Disco show Saturday 25 September, 11am

58 22%

All performances were conducted in a COVID-Safe environment, with reserved, allocated seating, social distancing measures in place between groups who book together and a number of other COVID-Safe initiatives, which changed frequently and were updated accordingly.

Upcoming events and exhibitions for the remainder of 2021 include:

A Night of BIG LAUGHS – Friday 22 October, 8pm

2021 Mayor’s Christmas Card Competition Exhibition – November & December

Our Christmas Favourites – Friday 26 November, 8pm

Xmas In Gawler Shows/Events – Saturday 11 December (TBC)

Santa’s Workshops – 16-19 December

Attachment 1 shows that from April to June, the Institute Event spaces achieved an overall usage capacity of 19.4%, which is only slightly down from last quarter’s best result, but on par with the same quarter last year. This is pleasing due to the COVID-19 lockdown impact. The majority of this use continues to be Council coordinated meetings, events, programs and exhibitions however, we did host a number of Corporate and Community hirers including Rotary Club of Gawler Light, the Australian Chicken Growers Council, Private hirers, Real Estate Institute of SA and the Gawler Business Development Group.

Attachment 2 outlines our Town Hall Meeting Room use (9 rooms). Along with our many regular (weekly, fortnightly and monthly) community hirers of the Town Hall Meeting Rooms, it was great to see that during August and September particularly, our usage and capacities increased significantly. We secured a regular, twice-weekly booking from Max Employment/Solutions. Brace Education – through the Business Innovation Hub – conducted another 4-week NEIS Start-up Business Program course, out of Meeting Room 1.1 (First Floor, Room 1. The First Floor Meeting Rooms continue to be well utilised by Business Innovation Hub members, which reflects their busyness. Three out of the 9 rooms have a good usage capacity for the quarter:

- Town Hall Meeting Room 1.1 - 28.75%

- Town Hall Meeting Room G.2 - 20.43%

- Town Hall Meeting Room G.3 – 18.99%

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Overall, Town Hall Meeting Room usage capacity was 11.26% for the quarter, a decrease from previous quarters. Council Staff have reviewed the current Hire of Gawler Civic Centre Venues Policy and believe that there is an opportunity to use the Lower Ground Floor Meeting Rooms more effectively by drawing a stronger relationship with businesses seeking to transition from Membership of the Business Innovation Hub to leasing commercial tenancies within Gawler. A separate report is included in this agenda regarding this matter.

Exhibitions throughout the Gawler Civic Centre, all FREE – including our Heritage Gallery, James Martin Room, Hall, Cultural Heritage Centre, Café and Digital spaces – continue to thrive, even during COVID restrictions, with close to 100% capacity across the site. Notably, we hosted and continue to host the ‘Recovering The Past’ touring photographic exhibition - A unique photographic exhibition of 25 thought provoking images and accompanying text; inspired by World War One photography and the one hundred year operation to clear artillery from the Belgian fields. We also hosted two fantastic SALA Exhibitions during August – ‘SA Inspired’, Photography Exhibition (Hall) and ‘Pushing Up Daisies’, Eco-Coffin Project Mixed Media Exhibition (Café).

Our Volunteer Tour Guiding program remained suspended throughout the quarter, due to the heavy COVID-19 restrictions. Council Staff are reviewing the Tour Guiding program with a hope to reinstate it during the upcoming quarter, subject to complying with specific Covid-Safe practices at any given time.


Chief Executive Officer Manager Library and Community Services Team Leader Library and Customer Service Gawler Civic Centre Coordinator Cultural Heritage Centre Coordinator Heritage Research and Collections Officer Youth Development Officer


Mark Walters, General Manager Metropolitan Canteens SA Andrew Morris


Hire of Gawler Civic Centre Venues Policy National Competition Policy


Current risks are focused on providing appropriate levels of social connection/programming whilst adhering with COVID-Safe requirements.


Identify Mitigation

Community use of the Centre and program attendances decline due to fear of virus transmission.

Hand sanitiser stations available at entrances and within event spaces, Council Staff performing regular wipe-downs of high touch areas, social distancing obligations reinforced with signage and floor indicators.

Commercial operations within Centre unable to return.

Promote actions being undertaken to provide a safe place to conduct business, provide support to operators with connections to specialist business advisory services via Regional Development Australia and Gawler Business Development Group, and activate event spaces in accordance

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with COVID-Safe plans.


Identify Maximising the Opportunity

Service Delivery during the short-medium term COVID-19 recovery phase.

Online services maintained where possible, future programs deliver on community expectations with respect to COVID-Safety, Council acknowledges the need to invest in programs that provide social connection.




The six business functions within the Gawler Civic Centre are funded from a range of sources within Council’s Annual Budget but predominantly from Council’s Business Enterprises and Communications and Library and Community Services Divisional Budgets, respectively.


1.1 Foster a vibrant and active local community that is proud of Gawler

1.2 Protect and promote Gawler’s unique history

2.1 Physical and social infrastructure to service our growing population and economy

2.2 Manage growth through the real connection of people and places

2.3 Local economic activity to create local job opportunities and generate increased local wealth

3.1 Gawler to be an inclusive community with quality health and social wellbeing services to meet the needs of our growing community

3.2 Recognise, respect, support and advocate on behalf of volunteers

3.3 Encourage the development of the Arts and creative sector

5.1 Be recognised as a best practice organisation delivering effective services and collaborating regionally

5.2 Foster and encourage community teamwork

5.3 Continue to deliver effective services and refine management processes

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Record Number: CC21/46;IC21/832

Author(s): Chris Haynes, Governance Support Officer

Previous Motions: Nil

Attachments: Nil

Item 11.1 CEO KPI Workshop Outcomes


That Council adopts the recommendation from the CEO Performance Management Panel made at item 11.1 of the meeting of that Panel meeting held on 19 August 2021, being:

That the CEO Performance Management Panel recommends to Council that:

1. The outcomes from the workshop held to discuss the CEO KPIs as presented in this report be noted.

2. Variations to the KPIs be endorsed as detailed in the report prepared by Mr Matt Hobby.

3. The CEO be required to update the KPI reporting template as detailed in point 2 and that such reporting occur for the period ending September 2021 and presented to the Committee in October.

4. A timeline of key actions including but not exclusive to Key Performance Targets review for the CEO PMP be developed.

Item 11.2 CEO Performance Update - June 2021


That Council adopts the recommendation from the CEO Performance Management Panel made at item 11.2 of the meeting of that Panel meeting held on 19 August 2021, being:

That the CEO Performance Management Panel recommends to Council that the CEOs report detailing his actions relative to the KPIs as at June 2021 be received and noted.

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Record Number: CC21/46;IC21/858

Author(s): Sara Preece, Personal Assistant Business Enterprises and Communications

Previous Motions: Nil

Attachments: Nil

11.2 Motions Made Under Delegated Authority for Noting


That Council notes the adopted Motions from the Gawler Heritage Collection Committee made under Delegated Authority at the meeting held on 14 October 2021, being: 11.2.1 Item 10.1 - Notice of Motion - Meeting Frequency IC21/790

That the Gawler Heritage Collection Committee agrees to alter its meeting frequency from monthly to bi-monthly and requests that its Terms of Reference are updated accordingly, with the frequency to be revisited on an annual basis.

11.2.2 Item 6.1 - Request for Permission to Publish - Gawler Institute Committee Photograph


That Council adopts the recommendation from the Gawler Heritage Collection Committee made at item 6.1 of the meeting of that Committee meeting held on 14 October 2021, being:

That the Gawler Heritage Collection Committee recommends to Council that it:

1. Does not grant permission for Ms Mary Trinh to publish a copy of the photograph titled Gawler Institute Committee 1865 to the website MyHeritage.

2. Requests Council Staff to:

a. provide Ms Trinh with an image of Mr August Frankel only, taken from the group photograph of the Gawler Institute Committee 1864, and

b. seek a copy of any family history pertaining to Mr August Frankel that Ms Trinh is compiling that includes the image that Council Staff will provide.

11.2.3 Item 6.2 - Conservation of Wendt Silver Teapot


That Council adopts the recommendation from the Gawler Heritage Collection Committee made at item 6.2 of the meeting of that Committee meeting held on 14 October 2021, being:

That the Gawler Heritage Collection Committee recommends to Council that the Wendt silver teapot (the Rippin Teapot) recently accepted into the Gawler Heritage Collection be sent to Artlab for the creation of conservation storage only as outlined in Option 2 within this report.

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Record Number: CC21/46;IC21/865

Author(s): Kate Leighton, Team Leader Governance

Previous Motions: Nil

Attachments: Nil

11.3 Motions Made Under Delegated Authority for Noting


That Council notes the adopted Motions from the Infrastructure & Environmental Services Committee made under Delegated Authority at the meeting held on 12 October 2021, being:

Item 7.2 - Gawler Mill Inn Bridge Balustrade - Design Update and Options

That the matter be deferred to a future Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee meeting with options for mesh treatment to the balustrade of the Gawler Mill Inn Bridge.

Item 7.6 Town of Gawler Strategic Land Use Planning Priorities Report

That the matter be deferred pending further discussion with the Dept of Planning and a further report be brought back to a future IES meeting.

Item 8.1 - Rural Areas Land Capability Assessment - Update IC21/529

That the Infrastructure & Environmental Services Committee notes the Rural Areas Land Capability Assessment Update Report.

Item 8.2 - Review of Gawler Town Centre Car Parking Strategy - Preliminary Community Consultation Period IC21/702

That the Infrastructure & Environmental Services Committee notes:

1. The Preliminary Community Consultation Period Report relative to the review of the Gawler Town Centre Car Parking Strategy.

2. The Administration’s intention to present a Key Findings Report shortly that will ultimately aid in the formulation of the revised strategy.

Item 8.3 - Heritage Walls IC21/748

That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee notes the Heritage Wall Report.

11.3.1 Item 7.1 - Duplicate Street Naming


That Council adopts the recommendation from the Infrastructure & Environmental Services Committee made at item 7.1 of the meeting of that Committee meeting held on 12 October 2021, being:

That the Infrastructure & Environmental Services Committee recommends that Council :

1. Notes the consultation with affected landowners regarding duplicate street naming that took place between 5 July 2021 and 2 August 2021.

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2. Notes, that at the conclusion of the consultation period, 22 individual submissions were received.

3. Notes a separate petition specifically opposing any change to Hillier Road (Evanston) name with 83 signatures was received.

4. The following street names remain unchanged following feedback received throughout public consultation:

(a) Little Paxton Court (b) May Court (c) McGonical Place (d) Musgrove Court (e) Quarton Court (f) Hillier Road, Evanston

5. Approves the following street names are to be changed with a street name from Council’s Street Name Register as follows:

(a) Miller Road be changed to Penna Road (b) McDonnell Court be changed to Potter Court

6. Undertake a partial renaming of Doudney Avenue, Evanston Gardens to Suter Court or Street, selected from Council’s Street Name Register.

7.Staff investigate clearer signage for roads

11.3.2 Item 7.3 - Barossa Tourist Train Proposal


That Council adopts the recommendation from the Infrastructure & Environmental Services Committee made at item 7.3 of the meeting of that Committee meeting held on 12 October 2021, being:

That the Infrastructure & Environmental Services Committee recommends to Council that it:

1. Continues to monitor the opportunity for the resumption of a tourism train to the Barossa, embarking and disembarking from Gawler.

2. Requests to be provided with a copy of the draft Barossa Tourism Train Project Brief for review and comment when available, the project brief being the document that would form the basis of an Independent Inquiry to be supported and funded by the State Government should the Labor Party win the next election.

3. Continues to participate in the Barossa Tourist Train Taskforce.

4. Considers providing letters of in-principle support to any submissions seeking funding to develop a full feasibility study and business case for the project.

5. Advocates for an Independent Inquiry by the State Government and for the protection of the critical rail infrastructure until such time as a feasibility study can be completed.

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11.3.3 Item 7.4 - Finniss Street Multi-Level Carpark Toilet


That Council adopts the recommendation from the Infrastructure & Environmental Services Committee made at item 7.4 of the meeting of that Committee meeting held on 12 October 2021, being:

That the Infrastructure & Environmental Services Committee recommends to Council that:

1. The Finniss Street Multi-Level Carpark Toilet report be received.

2. Staff continue to investigate options for the potential opening and/or other options utilising the space ie a lift within the Multi-Level Carpark at Finniss Street, Gawler.

11.3.4 Item 7.5 - 2021-22 Electric Vehicle Trial and Charge Stations


That Council adopts the recommendation from the Infrastructure & Environmental Services Committee made at item 7.5 of the meeting of that Committee meeting held on 12 October 2021, being:

That the Infrastructure & Environmental Services Committee recommends to Council that:

1. It notes the formation of an internal Electric Vehicle Working Group comprised of representatives from across multiple functional areas to investigate opportunities and challenges associated with transitioning to electric vehicles.

2. It purchase two electric vehicles (EVs), as outlined in this report and otherwise provided for in the 21/22 budget, to assist in informing Council about any future transition to electric vehicles.

3. As part of the next quarterly budget review allocate $13,000 to support the EVs by increasing the number of mid-speed 22 kW chargers at the Gawler Administration Centre from two outlets to four outlets by installing one additional twin outlet charge station for Council use only, within the Council’s security cage.

4. The EV Transition Working Group:

4.1. Continues to collaborate on ideas and opportunities to attract the best EV options and charge station opportunities, including to investigate third party funded solutions as appropriate.

4.2. Collaborates with LGA Procurement on group purchasing opportunities that would benefit the Town of Gawler.

4.3. Continue to engage with operational areas directly impacted by electric vehicles to discuss what this would involve and ensure that there are adequate plans in place for recharging in order to addresses any potential challenges.

4.4. Develops a forward plan for Council recharge infrastructure needs across the key work sites such as the GAC, Sports and Community Centre and the Depot.

4.5. Engages a specialist in the electric vehicle transition to present to council staff on lessons learnt from other councils and what the EV transition might mean for operations.

4.6. Reviews the procurement policies for fleet vehicles towards removing un-necessary barriers for purchasing EVs.

4.7. Reviews the decision to provide public recharging at no cost to consumers and describe alternative cost recovery or near cost recovery options for the IES Committee to consider.

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Record Number: CC21/46;IC21/864

Author(s): Meagan Jarmyn, Personal Assistant Development Environment and Regulatory Services

Previous Motions: Nil

Attachments: 1. 13-10-2021 - Minutes - CEAP - Climate Emergency Action Plan Working Group CR21/81373


That Council notes the minutes of the Climate Emergency Action Plan Working Group meeting held on 13 October 2021.

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Record Number: CC21/46;IC21/816

Attachments: Nil

Councillor David Hughes has given notice that he intends to move the following motion:-


That Council

1. Note that it has in consultation with the Gawler South Football club submitted applications to the State Government for grant funding seeking to establish new uni sex change rooms at the oval which if successful will materially assist all user groups at the facility relative to these and associated activities. If successful in receiving such grants (and or future opportunities) then the stated need by the Gawler South Football Club to remove the existing remaining two squash court is averted.

2. Commence negotiations with the Gawler South Football Club and the Gawler Squash Club to provide options for the lease if not to provide for the autonomy of the Gawler Squash Club then to make provision for the clear parameters of co-location both clubs to enjoy the respective facilities.

3. Seek that once the lease arrangements are in place that the Council administration assist the Gawler Squash Club to seek the appropriate advice to progress the formulation of a Business Plan and associated financial planning that will see the club mature into a long term sustainable community based entity.

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Record Number: CC21/46;IC21/862

Attachments: Nil

Councillor Fraser has given notice that he intends to move the following motion:-


That Council:

1. Rescind resolution 2021:08:COU306

2. Note that the community has accessed a total of $33,061 via the Town of Gawler Heritage Walls Grant Scheme since its inception to assist land owners with the repair and restoration of 13 walls of historic significance across the Council area.

3. Request that staff prepare a report to Council outlining options for improving the existing Historic Walls Grant Scheme in order to drive greater participation.

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Reason for Confidentiality

In accordance with Sections 83(5) and 84(6) of the Local Government Act, 1999 – the Chief Executive Officer considers that this item may be considered in confidence by the Council on the grounds set out below (and therefore will remain confidential until the Council resolves how this item is to be classified).

A further written report will be considered by Members at the Meeting after the following recommendation is carried.


19.1 Cleaning Contract Procurement Update


1. Pursuant to Section 90(3) (b)(i),(k) of the Local Government Act 1999 (the Act), the Meeting orders that the public be excluded from attendance at this part of the meeting relating to Item 19.1, excepting the following persons:

Chief Executive Officer

Manager Development, Environment & Regulatory Services

Manager Infrastructure & Engineering Services

Acting Manager Finance & Corporate Services

Manager Business Enterprises & Communications

Manager Library and Community Services

Minute Taker

to enable the Meeting to consider Item 19.1 in confidence on the basis that the Meeting considers it necessary and appropriate to act in a meeting closed to the public (excepting those persons listed above) in order to receive, discuss or consider in confidence the following information or matter relating to Item 19.1:

(b)(i) information the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting, or proposing to conduct, business, or to prejudice the commercial position of the council

(k) tenders for the supply of goods, the provision of services or the carrying out of works

Specifically, the matter relates to tendering for cleaning services.

2. Accordingly, on this basis, the principle that meetings of the Council should be conducted in a place open to the public has been outweighed by the need to keep the information or matter confidential.

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Reason for Confidentiality

In accordance with Sections 83(5) and 84(6) of the Local Government Act, 1999 – the Chief Executive Officer considers that this item may be considered in confidence by the Council on the grounds set out below (and therefore will remain confidential until the Council resolves how this item is to be classified).

A further written report will be considered by Members at the Meeting after the following recommendation is carried.


19.2 Tree Compliance Matter - 9 Jane Street, Willaston


1. Pursuant to Section 90(3) (h),(i) of the Local Government Act 1999 (the Act), the Meeting orders that the public be excluded from attendance at this part of the meeting relating to Item 19.2, excepting the following persons:

Chief Executive Officer

Manager Development, Environment & Regulatory Services

Manager Infrastructure & Engineering Services

Acting Manager Finance & Corporate Services

Manager Business Enterprises & Communications

Manager Library and Community Services

Minute Taker

to enable the Meeting to consider Item 19.2 in confidence on the basis that the Meeting considers it necessary and appropriate to act in a meeting closed to the public (excepting those persons listed above) in order to receive, discuss or consider in confidence the following information or matter relating to Item 19.2:

(h) legal advice

(i) information relating to actual litigation, or litigation that the Council or Council committee believes on reasonable grounds will take place, involving the council or an employee of the Council

Specifically, the matter relates to an ongoing compliance matter

2. Accordingly, on this basis, the principle that meetings of the Council should be conducted in a place open to the public has been outweighed by the need to keep the information or matter confidential.

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Reason for Confidentiality

In accordance with Sections 83(5) and 84(6) of the Local Government Act, 1999 – the Chief Executive Officer considers that this item may be considered in confidence by the Council on the grounds set out below (and therefore will remain confidential until the Council resolves how this item is to be classified).

A further written report will be considered by Members at the Meeting after the following recommendation is carried.

1. Pursuant to Section 90(3) (a) of the Local Government Act 1999 (the Act), the Meeting orders that the public be excluded from attendance at this part of the meeting relating to Item 9.3, excepting the following persons:

Chief Executive Officer

Minute Taker

to enable the Meeting to consider Item 9.3 in confidence on the basis that the Meeting considers it necessary and appropriate to act in a meeting closed to the public (excepting those persons listed above) in order to receive, discuss or consider in confidence the following information or matter relating to Item 9.3:

(a) information the disclosure of which would involve the unreasonable disclosure of information concerning the personal affairs of any person (living or dead)

Specifically, the matter relates to relates to the performance of the Chief Executive Officer

2. Accordingly, on this basis, the principle that meetings of the Council should be conducted in a place open to the public has been outweighed by the need to keep the information or matter confidential.

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Tuesday 23 November 2021 commencing at 7.00pm