Read More : http://industry-trade.blogspot.com/2011/08/notice-of-imported-goods-definitions.html  http://industry-trade.blogspot.com/2011/08/notice-of-imported-goods-definitions.html  Notice of Imported Goods Definitions  According to the import procedures issued by the Directorate General of Customs and Excise, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, the definition of Goods Import Notification (PIB) is the notification by the notification of goods to be imported under the Customs according to the supplementary documents of self-assessment and principles. Hint Customs and Excise Importing a lot must follow the instructions from government regulation to the costs when going to take these imported goods from the port. Making procedures are dealing with several parties, including customs and excise, taxation, and EMKL (Cargo Ship Sea Expedition) which will send the goods imported to the addressee. Import duties of a product depends on the type and the type of goods. The customs and excise duty has issued a guide to complete ckup about it. I was so full, the book is an advanced petujuk very thick, about 10cm by 25cm length and width of 20 cm. For example, there is a glass that is used in a factory. To find out customs entry, to look for t he glass into the category of what the item. Having traced in such a thick ledger nan, then later be known how much the price paid for imported glass. Data Import Goods There are several documents that will be received by the importer of goods. - Packing list. - In voice (the total bill of goods to t he buyer beings). - VAT to be paid. - Import Duties (BM). The document will be given to the company EMKL. EMKL parties, in turn, will issue and send the goods to the buyer. Before the goods are out, the customs will examine the similarities between the packing list with the items stored in containers. If the goods and packing list does not match, the goods are entered into the red lane. For example, in the packing list stated that the imported goods are food, but in fact the items in the container is a luxury car. Thus, the item will be confiscated. If the goods from the red line could be out as well, meaning t here is kongkalingkong between customs and excise officers with any importer of goods. Conversely, if what is listed on the packing list in accordance with the items to be issued, the goods into the green belt or safety path alias is not problematic. These checks are done randomly. If the goods are c hecked-shaped units, the customs officer will ask

Notice of Imported Goods Definitions

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8/4/2019 Notice of Imported Goods Definitions

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Notice of Imported Goods Definitions 

According to the import procedures issued by the Directorate General of Customs and Excise,

Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, the definition of Goods Import Notification (PIB) is

the notification by the notification of goods to be imported under the Customs according to thesupplementary documents of self-assessment and principles.

Hint Customs and Excise 

Importing a lot must follow the instructions from government regulation to the costs when going to

take these imported goods from the port. Making procedures are dealing with several parties,

including customs and excise, taxation, and EMKL (Cargo Ship Sea Expedition) which will send the

goods imported to the addressee.

Import duties of a product depends on the type and the type of goods. The customs and excise duty

has issued a guide to complete ckup about it. I was so full, the book is an advanced petujuk very thick,about 10cm by 25cm length and width of 20 cm.

For example, there is a glass that is used in a factory. To find out customs entry, to look for the glass

into the category of what the item. Having traced in such a thick ledger nan, then later be known how

much the price paid for imported glass.

Data Import Goods 

There are several documents that will be received by the importer of goods.

- Packing list.

- In voice (the total bill of goods to the buyer beings).

- VAT to be paid.

- Import Duties (BM).

The document will be given to the company EMKL. EMKL parties, in turn, will issue and send the

goods to the buyer. Before the goods are out, the customs will examine the similarities between the

packing list with the items stored in containers. If the goods and packing list does not match, the

goods are entered into the red lane.

For example, in the packing list stated that the imported goods are food, but in fact the items in the

container is a luxury car. Thus, the item will be confiscated. If the goods from the red line could be

out as well, meaning there is kongkalingkong between customs and excise officers with any importer

of goods. Conversely, if what is listed on the packing list in accordance with the items to be issued,

the goods into the green belt or safety path alias is not problematic.

These checks are done randomly. If the goods are checked-shaped units, the customs officer will ask

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for an original certificate of good beings. When the data is complete, the goods go green belt.

Determination of Price of Goods Imports 

Determining the price of imported goods based on the cost of total expenditures, among others, as


- The purchase price.

- 10% VAT.

- Import duty of 20%.

- Handling costs (cost of goods by the Naval Expeditionary Payload).