bles de repn:1senter techniquement et democratiquement la position de I'ICSTA et la Iigne de pensee de la majorite de ses membres. Le vaste domaine de I'agro-alimentaire et ses nombreuses specialites posent un deti de taille. Nous devons donc attirer dans nos rangs tous les intervenants du monde alimentaire et utiliser encore plus efficacement nos ressources actuelles. Pour ce faire, nous devrons nous donner une structure operation- nelle lege re afin d' etre capables d'inter- venir rapidement a I'interieur d'un cadre detini. Dans le passe, l'lnstitut s'est peu ERRATA In the paper entitled "Surveillance of Raw-Fermented (Dry-Cured) Sausages for the Presence of Listeria spp.", which appeared in Volume 21, Number 4, pp. 430-434, the authorship should have read: J.M. Farber, D.W. Warbur- ton, L. Gour and F. Tittiger. The paper by Marangoni et al., which appeared on pages 52-55 in Volume 22, Number 1, should have been pub- lished in the Research Note section of that issue. implique dans des dossiers a caractere public mais s'apprete prochainement a publier sa position concernant I'irradia- tion des aliments. Plus nous serons en mesure d'intervenir dans des situations semblables, plus nous gagnerons le respect des autres scientifiques et du public en general. A I'ere des communications nos objectifs d'echanges et de promotion sont donc des sujets de I'heure. Nous nous devons d'emboiter le pas et deve- nir le chef de file des regroupements de professionnels du domaine alimentaire, a I'image des entreprises de ce domaine et des individus qui en sont FROM THE SCIENTIFIC EDITOR I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Alan McCurdy for his con- tributions to the CIFST Journal. Dr. McCurdy has been an Associate Scien- tific Editor for the past two years and the time and effort he has devoted to the handling of submissions to the Journal is very much appreciated. As Dr. McCurdy has stepped down from his position of Associate Editor, he has stepped up to the position of Techni- cal Chairman of the CIFST Conference to be held in Saskatoon in 1990. In membres. Notre congres national, qui se tien- dra a Quebec du 4 au 7 juin 1989 et dont le theme est "1'Exportation" sera une occasion toute designee pour com- muniquer et echanger. Nous vous invi- tons a y participer en tres grand nombre. Henriot M. Sabourin, President/President addition, I wish to thank the Depart- ment of Applied Microbiology and Food Science, University of Saskatchewan, for the support provided Dr. McCurdy in his role as Associate Editor. I am pleased to announce that Or. Thomas H.J. Beveridge has joined the rank of Associate Scientific Editors. Dr. Beveridge is no stranger to this job, having acted in this position previously with the Journal. Or. Beveridge received his Ph.D. in Food Science from the University of British Columbia in 1973. Following graduation, he taught food chemistry, food analysis and statistical quality control at Macdonald College of NOTICE OF THE CIFST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING In accordance with the By-Laws of the Institute, notice is hereby given that the 1989 Annual General Meeting of the Institute will be held at 11 :30 a.m., Wednesday, June 7,1989 at the Quebec Municipal Convention Centre in Quebec City, Quebec. AVIS DE L'ASSEMBLEE GENERALE ANNUELLE DE L'ICSTA En accord avec les reglements de l'lnstitut, no us vous avisons que I'assemblee generale annuelle de l'lnstitut aura lieu le mercredi, 7 juin 1989, El 11 h30 au Centre municipal des congres de Quebec, Quebec, QC. 88/ lA J. Inst. Can. Sci. Technal. Aliment. Vo!. 22, No. 2, 1989

Notice of the CIFST Annual General Meeting

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bles de repn:1senter techniquement etdemocratiquement la position deI'ICSTA et la Iigne de pensee de lamajorite de ses membres. Le vastedomaine de I'agro-alimentaire et sesnombreuses specialites posent un detide taille. Nous devons donc attirer dansnos rangs tous les intervenants dumonde alimentaire et utiliser encoreplus efficacement nos ressourcesactuelles. Pour ce faire, nous devronsnous donner une structure operation­nelle legere afin d'etre capables d'inter­venir rapidement a I'interieur d'uncadre detini.

Dans le passe, l'lnstitut s'est peu


In the paper entitled "Surveillance ofRaw-Fermented (Dry-Cured) Sausagesfor the Presence of Listeria spp.",which appeared in Volume 21, Number4, pp. 430-434, the authorship shouldhave read: J.M. Farber, D.W. Warbur­ton, L. Gour and F. Tittiger.

The paper by Marangoni et al., whichappeared on pages 52-55 in Volume22, Number 1, should have been pub­lished in the Research Note section ofthat issue.

implique dans des dossiers acaracterepublic mais s'apprete prochainement apublier sa position concernant I'irradia­tion des aliments. Plus nous serons enmesure d'intervenir dans des situationssemblables, plus nous gagnerons lerespect des autres scientifiques et dupublic en general.

A I'ere des communications nosobjectifs d'echanges et de promotionsont donc des sujets de I'heure. Nousnous devons d'emboiter le pas et deve­nir le chef de file des regroupements deprofessionnels du domaine alimentaire,a I'image des entreprises de cedomaine et des individus qui en sont


I would like to take this opportunityto thank Dr. Alan McCurdy for his con­tributions to the CIFST Journal. Dr.McCurdy has been an Associate Scien­tific Editor for the past two years andthe time and effort he has devoted tothe handling of submissions to theJournal is very much appreciated. AsDr. McCurdy has stepped down fromhis position of Associate Editor, he hasstepped up to the position of Techni­cal Chairman of the CIFST Conferenceto be held in Saskatoon in 1990. In

membres.Notre congres national, qui se tien­

dra a Quebec du 4 au 7 juin 1989 etdont le theme est "1'Exportation" seraune occasion toute designee pour com­muniquer et echanger. Nous vous invi­tons a y participer en tres grandnombre.

d~~Henriot M. Sabourin,


addition, I wish to thank the Depart­ment of Applied Microbiology and FoodScience, University of Saskatchewan,for the support provided Dr. McCurdyin his role as Associate Editor.

I am pleased to announce that Or.Thomas H.J. Beveridge has joined therank of Associate Scientific Editors. Dr.Beveridge is no stranger to this job,having acted in this position previouslywith the Journal. Or. Beveridge receivedhis Ph.D. in Food Science from theUniversity of British Columbia in 1973.Following graduation, he taught foodchemistry, food analysis and statisticalquality control at Macdonald College of


In accordance with the By-Laws of the Institute, notice is hereby given thatthe 1989 Annual General Meeting of the Institute will be held at 11 :30 a.m.,Wednesday, June 7,1989 at the Quebec Municipal Convention Centre in

Quebec City, Quebec.


En accord avec les reglements de l'lnstitut, nous vous avisons queI'assemblee generale annuelle de l'lnstitut aura lieu le mercredi,

7 juin 1989, El 11 h30 au Centre municipal des congres de Quebec,Quebec, QC.

88/ lA J. Inst. Can. Sci. Technal. Aliment. Vo!. 22, No. 2, 1989