Definition: A phrase is a small group of words that adds meaning to a word. 1

Noun Phrase t9

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Definition: A phrase is a small group of words

that adds meaning to a word.


Definition: A noun phrase is a group of words that does the work of noun.

A noun phrase is either a pronoun or any group of words that can be replaced by a pronoun.


they, bicycles, student, teachers, and the bicycles are noun phrase, but bicylce is just a noun, as you can see in these sentences ( in which the noun phrases are all in italics).


Q: Do you like bicycles? A: Yes, I like them. Q: Do you like the bicyles over there? A: Yes, they are nice. Q: Do you like the bicycles I bought last

week? A: Yes, I like it.( it refers to the bicyle).


Noun pre-modifiers: Modifiers before the noun are called pre-

modifier. (modify means to limit, restrict, characterise, or otherwise focus meaning).

All of the pre-modifier that are present and the noun together form a noun phrase.


Noun post-modifier: Modifiers coming after a noun are called post-modifiers.

1) NOUN PHRASE: Premodifier+ noun. EXAMPLE: White house: here white is a

premodifier and a house is a noun. The three old democratic legislator: here

the three old democratic is premodifier and legislator is a noun.


2) NOUN PHRASE: Noun + post-modifier ( the most common post-modifier is prepositional phrases)

Example: The glass on the table: here on the table

is post-modifier. The boy in the store: here in the store is



3) NOUN PHRASE: Premodifier + noun+ post-modifier. Example: The boys on top of the house are……….. Here the is premodifier, boys is the

noun, on top of the house is post-modifier.


Noun Pronoun Personal person( name) Determiner + noun Determiner + adjective + noun Determiner + adj+present part+ noun. Determiner + noun + prepositional

phrase. Determiner + adj + noun+ pre.phrase. Determiner + adj+ present part+n



Noun or Noun phrase: It is a hundred and fifty pound job….. -Ing participle the coming weeks -ed participle wasted natural resources


- Genitive noun phrase the old soldier’s way - Numeral six essays -Adverb the then managing editor -Prepositional phrase -Clause


1) Subject My old laptop is not working now. 2) Directive object ……sign your name there. 3) Indirect object I always tell people I am not a teacher.


4) Subjective predicate Uh faith has been a gift for me. 5) Objective predicate I called this little talk a survey of global

economic crisis. 6) Complement of preposition Uhm but why isn’t it in French.


7) Premodifier of a noun or noun phrase

Simon’s on this revision course…….. 8) Vocative You are a snob, Dad. 9) Adverbial The flag goes up far side.


10) Premodifier of adjective The plane was 4 hourrs late.

11) Premodifier of preposition He revealed Washington had informed the

Kremlin an hour before the start of the assault.


12) Premodifier of adverb Now Mercedes have always been good at

insulting their car but they are gone a stage further with this.

13) Post-modifier of noun Women may suffer from lack of acceptable

because too many of the men their age are dead.


14) Post-modifier of adjective

We are short fifteen dollars.

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