Covaris, Inc. | 14 Gill Street, Unit H | Woburn, Massachuses 01801 USA Tel: +1 781.932.3959 | Fax: +1 781.932.8705 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.covaris.com Covaris Stay Connected! Introducon: Covaris Adapve Focused Acouscs ® (AFA ® ) Technology • Advanced acousc technology enabling non-contact mechanical processing of samples • Controlled bursts of focused high-frequency acousc energy for efficient, reproducible, and isothermal sample processing ( Figure 1) • Enables the acousc energy to be focused into a discrete focal zone within a sample vessel • Minimal energy input, avoiding the adverse effects heat and sample over- processing typical of ordinary sonicators Fundamentals of AFA: Cavitaon Process • Acousc waves pass through a soluon cause localized pressure fluctuaons • Fluctuaons cause dissolved gases to form microscopic bubbles • Bubbles grow, oscillate, and collapse • These processes generate shear forces • AFA-energecs enables precise control of the generated shear forces - Cumulave effect of hundreds of thousands of cavitaon bubbles Covaris truXTRAC FFPE total Nucleic Acid Kit • Designed for efficient and simultaneous extracon of total nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) from FFPE ssue samples using Covaris AFA technology plaorm ( Figure 3) • Enables the acve, organic solvent-free removal of paraffin from FFPE ssue samples in an aqueous buffer • Acve ssue rehydraon • Reversal of formaldehyde crosslinks to improve extracon/purificaon of longer transcripts (increased DV 200 scores) RNA and DNA Yield & Quality As it has been well documented, FFPE sample storage and difficulty in processing can lead to nucleic acid degradaon, oſten resulng in fragmented RNA transcripts. The assessment of RNA quality has tradionally been performed using the RNA Integrity Number (RIN) from Agilent, but recent studies have shown that mean RNA fragment size is a beer and more reliable quality determinant for RNA quality. The DV 200 metric (percentage of RNA fragments >200 nt in size) was developed by Illumina ® to more accurately and reproducibly assess the quality of RNA extracted from FFPE ssue. These studies have also indicated a posive direct correlaon (R2 = 0.99) between the DV 200 metric and downstream sequencing results. Illumina notes that RNA samples with a DV 200 score of <30% are not recommended for further downstream processing and subsequent sequencing (Evaluang RNA Quality from FFPE Samples, Illumina Tech Note, 2016). In this study, RNA and DNA were extracted from three 10 μm thick scrolls each per specimen following the truXTRAC FFPE total NA Plus (magnec bead) kit protocol and the Competor Q FFPE kit in parallel ( Figures 4 through 6). Nucleic acid concentraons were quanfied fluorimetrically (Qubit™, Invitrogen™ by Thermo Fisher Scienfic) and RNA and DNA fragment size distribuons were verified via capillary electrophoresis (Fragment Analyzer Automated CE System, Advanced Analycal, a part of Agilent). truXTRAC FFPE total NA Kit Manual vs. Automated Clinical Workflow Comparison Through a collaboraon with OmniSeq ® , the LE220R-plus Focused-ultrasonicator was integrated with liquid handling automaon for scalability and throughput, sample tracking and workflow robustness, and reproducibility. As an added benefit, OmniSeq did not observe lower DNA and RNA extracon yields when comparing the manual and automated workflow. As a result, similar cDNA and DNA library preparaon yields were obtained using the truXTRAC FFPE total NA kit. Furthermore, comparable downstream sequencing results were obtained ( Tables 1 through 3). Conclusion In this poster, we have demonstrated the use of Covaris AFA technology for de- paraffinizaon and ssue rehydraon in combinaon with the Covaris truXTRAC FFPE kits for DNA and RNA co-extracon from FFPE ssue samples. Both the manual and automated methods are amenable to clinical workflows where the most challenging FFPE sample types are being examined. The truXTRAC FFPE total NA kit provides co-extracon of high-quality DNA and RNA yields similar or beer than alternave methods. More specifically for RNA extracon, the DV 200 scores for Covaris truXTRAC processed samples are higher for the majority of the FFPE sample types studied and above the recommended threshold level for high-quality downstream sequencing, as compared to Competor Q. The integraon of the Covaris LE220R-plus instrument with liquid-handling automaon in concert with a unique co-extracon process based on the truXTRAC FFPE kits enables the standardizaon of a clinical FFPE extracon workflow that provides downstream result confidence (higher yields and corresponding higher DV 200 scores), increased efficiency, and decreased sample variability; thus, allowing beer clinical analysis and more robust outcomes. Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge the following people and instuon for their efforts in the generaon of the data and subsequent analysis, as well as their advice and guidance. Shawn Levy, Ph.D., Nripesh Prasad, Ph.D., and Taana Shvetsova HudsonAlpha Instute for Biotechnology, Genomic Services Laboratory 601 Genome Way NW, Huntsville, AL 35806 Novel, Automated Co-extracon of High-quality DNA and RNA from a Single FFPE Sample Abstract Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) ssue preservaon is the preferred method to archive clinical ssue biopsy samples for histopathological diagnosis. As advances in clinical molecular pathology connue to grow, the importance of reliable methods of extracon from FFPE ssue specimens become vital to ensure that paents receive mely and accurate reports. However, nucleic acid extracon from FFPE samples can be challenging and labor intensive, oſten resulng in degraded and fragmented DNA and RNA. Given the precious and limited availability of these clinical samples, the ability to differenally co-extract high-yield and high quality DNA and RNA from a single sample input provides a tremendous advantage. Coupling the Covaris LE220R-plus Focused-ultrasonicator with liquid handling automaon and the truXTRAC ® FFPE kits for high-yield co-extracon, in this poster we demonstrates a standardized clinical FFPE extracon workflow providing downstream result confidence (higher yields and corresponding higher DV200 scores), increased efficiency, decreased sample variability, and reducon of manual “touch points” throughout the process. Furthermore, it is shown that the automated DNA and RNA workflows yield similar results as compared to manual methods using our truXTRAC FFPE kits. Figure 1: AFA-energecs ® reproducibly processes samples in a temperature-controlled and non-contact environment. The concave nature of the transducer enables the precise control of the acouscs waves to the focal zone. Figure 3: (Pictured) Workflow diagram of the truXTRAC FFPE total NA Kit, LE220R-plus Focused-ultrasoncator, and truXTRAC FFPE total NA Kit. The technology enables the sequenal de-paraffinizaon, ssue rehydraon, and co- extracon of DNA and RNA from the same sample material; thus, preserving the limited source material. Table 1: OmniSeq Immune Report Card assay sequencing performance results for manual and automated DNA and RNA extracon of the Covaris truXTRAC FFPE kits. This assay provides clinicians with a comprehensive immune profile of their paent, greatly improving their ability to select a personalized immunotherapy treatment based on their paent’s unique gene expression (OmniSeq website, hps://www.omniseq.com/irc/). OmniSeq Immune Report Card SM Assay Sequencing Performance Results DNA QC Metrics DNA QC Metrics Sample (DNA) Manual vs. Automaon Mapped Reads Valid Reads (%) Posively Expressed HK Genes Mapped Reads On Target % Mean Depth Uniformity % Exonic Bases ≥ 20x A1 Manual 2,735,879 92% 10 5,635,030 96% 347 96% 1,149,009 A1 Automaon 2,787,396 89% 10 3,993,898 96% 242 95% 1,142,259 B1 Manual 4,547,629 93% 10 5,876,299 97% 374 97% 1,150,403 B1 Automaon 5,263,349 91% 10 5,298,795 96% 334 97% 1,150,570 C1 Manual 4,925,479 92% 10 4,953,057 97% 318 96% 1,146,896 C1 Automaon 5,874,845 92% 10 4,234,211 96% 272 97% 1,150,150 D1 Manual 3,636,183 89% 10 5,590,907 95% 346 95% 1,145,758 D1 Automaon 4,354,899 89% 10 5,371,301 96% 334 96% 1,147,159 Threshold Values (RNA and DNA-seq) ≥ 200,000 ≥ 67 ≥ 6 N/A > 94% N/A > 92.6% ≥ 850,000 Table 2: OmniSeq Comprehensive Assay sequencing performance results for manual and automated DNA and RNA extracon of the Covaris truXTRAC FFPE kits. This assay is a next generaon assay that tests tumor DNA and RNA to idenfy somac mutaons (SNVs, CNVs and fusions) in 144 genes for solid tumors to help guide targeted therapeuc management for paents with cancer (OmniSeq website, hps://www.omniseq.com/comprehensive/). OmniSeq Comprehensive ® Assay Sequencing Performance Results DNA QC Metrics DNA QC Metrics Sample Manual vs. Automaon Reference Gene Count On Target % Mean Depth Uniformity % A2 Manual 5 98% 658 95% A2 Automaon 5 97% 594 97% B2 Manual 5 97% 596 94% B2 Automaon 5 97% 564 97% C2 Manual 5 97% 575 96% C2 Automaon 5 97% 450 96% D2 Manual 5 97% 648 97% D2 Automaon 5 97% 490 95% Threshold Values (RNA and DNA-seq) >3 genes >89% >450 >82% Table 3: OmniSeq Comprehensive Assay somac variant detecon reporng accuracy for manual and automated DNA and RNA extracon of the Covaris truXTRAC FFPE total NA kit. For both workflow methods, similar copy number of somac variants were detected. Gene Fusions (RNA-seq) Read Count Sample Gene fusion Manual Automaon A2 EML4-ALK 165,477 728,245 A4 MET-MET.M13M15 3,442 2,500 Copy Number Variaons (CNV) Mean Copy Number Sample Gene Manual Automaon A2 BAP1 1.3 1.5 A2 TET2 1.3 1.2 A2 FBXW7 1.2 1.3 A2 CDKN2A 1.2 1.2 A2 BRCA2 1.2 1.2 A4 BRCA1 1.3 1.3 SNV/Indels Variant Allele Frequency (VAF) Sample Gene Manual Automaon A2 ATM 0.500 0.541 A3 CDKN2A 0.331 0.350 A3 PTEN 0.672 0.705 A3 TP53 0.525 0.539 A4 EGFR 0.499 0.426 A4 CDKN2A 0.266 0.204 Authors: Hamid Khoja 2 , Sean T. Glenn 1 , Marna Werner 2 , Patrick McCarthy 2 , Jon Andreas 1 , Jeffrey Conroy 1 , and Jim Laugharn 2 Affiliaons: 1 - OmniSeq, Inc., Buffalo, NY and 2 - Covaris, Inc., Woburn, Massachuses OmniSeq, OmniSeq Comprehensive, Immune Report Card, Illumina, Qubit, Invitrogen, and Agilent are registered trademarks of their respecve owners. Figure 4: Representave electropherogram illustrang the fragment size distribuon of FFPE extracted RNA from RNA extracted from FFPE breast ssue with using the Covaris truXTRAC FFPE total NA Kit with – column purificaon and Competor Q kit. It was observed that Competor Q extracts lower molecular weight RNA, while the Covaris truXTRAC FFPE total NA Kit recovers a higher molecular weight distribuon with the mean of >200 nt. The extracted RNA was analyzed on a Fragment Analyzer Automated CE System (Advanced Analycal, a part of Agilent). FFPE Breast RNA Competor Q FFPE kit Covaris truXTRAC FFPE total NA kit Figure 2: Cavitaon Process. The acouscs waves induce localized fluctuaons in pressure as the energy passes through the aqueous medium forming microscopic cavitaon bubbles (from dissolved gases) in the regions of relave low pressure. The cavitaon bubbles grow and oscillate to a crical size and then collapse. The oscillaon and collapse of the bubbles generates acousc microstreaming which creates hydrodynamic shear stress in the sample. Covaris AFA technology and instrumentaon enables the precise control of these generated shear forces. Stroboscopic image of single collapsing 2 mm bubble @ 60Hz Chemical Society Reviews, Vol. 42, No. 7, 22.08.2013, p. 2555-2567. Figure 5: RNA extracon yield; DV and Competor Q FFPE kit. While the total RNA yields obtained from Competor Q FFPE kit were higher in 10 of the 12 samples as compared to the Covaris truXTRAC FFPE total NA kit, the DV 200 scores for the truXTRAC FFPE total NA kit significantly outperformed Competor Q across the sample types. Data is provided courtesy of Shawn Levy, Director of the Genomic Services Lab at HudsonAlpha Instute for Biotechnology, Huntsville, AL., USA. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Ovarian Lung Breast Prostate Colon Testicular Skin Appendix Benign Skin Benign Breast Benign Kidney Benign ng total RNA Covaris truXTRAC FFPE total NA Kit Competitor Q RNA Total Extracted Concentraon FFPE Tissue DV 200 Metric Scores *ND = no data truXTRAC ND* 32 59 22 31 43 44 19 37 27 31 37 Competor Q 8 34 43 10 20 45 35 21 11 12 14 25 Figure 6: Comparison of yields from DNA extracon using the Covaris truXTRAC FFPE total NA kit and Competor Q FFPE kit. In 6 of the 12 FFPE sample types tested, the DNA yields obtained with the truXTRAC FFPE total NA kit were significantly higher (up to 100% greater) as compared to those obtained with Competor Q FFPE kit. The remainder of the samples showed similar yields between the kit methods. Data is provided courtesy of Shawn Levy, Director of the Genomic Services Lab at HudsonAlpha Instute for Biotechnology, Huntsville, AL., USA. DNA Total Yield Post Extracon FFPE Tissue 4700 564 959 99 2195 5640 1043 2355 260 399 179 4606 2557 1020 1100 200 1424 3205 1297 1824 157 178 199 2463 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Ovarian Lung Breast Prostate Colon Testicular Skin Appendix Benign Skin Benign Breast Benign Kidney Benign ng total DNA Covaris truXTRAC FFPE total NA Kit Competitor Q Streamlined and Standardized Workflow

Novel, Automated Co-extraction of High-quality DNA and RNA ... · score of

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Covaris, Inc. | 14 Gill Street, Unit H | Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 USATel: +1 781.932.3959 | Fax: +1 781.932.8705 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.covaris.com


Stay Connected!

Introduction: Covaris Adaptive Focused Acoustics® (AFA®) Technology • Advanced acoustic technology enabling non-contact mechanical processing of samples • Controlled bursts of focused high-frequency acoustic energy for efficient, reproducible, and isothermal sample processing (Figure 1) • Enables the acoustic energy to be focused into a discrete focal zone within a sample vessel • Minimal energy input, avoiding the adverse effects heat and sample over- processing typical of ordinary sonicators

Fundamentals of AFA: Cavitation Process • Acoustic waves pass through a solution cause localized pressure fluctuations • Fluctuations cause dissolved gases to form microscopic bubbles • Bubbles grow, oscillate, and collapse • These processes generate shear forces • AFA-energetics enables precise control of the generated shear forces - Cumulative effect of hundreds of thousands of cavitation bubbles

Covaris truXTRAC FFPE total Nucleic Acid Kit • Designed for efficient and simultaneous extraction of total nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) from FFPE tissue samples using Covaris AFA technology platform (Figure 3) • Enables the active, organic solvent-free removal of paraffin from FFPE tissue samples in an aqueous buffer • Active tissue rehydration • Reversal of formaldehyde crosslinks to improve extraction/purification of longer transcripts (increased DV200 scores)

RNA and DNA Yield & QualityAs it has been well documented, FFPE sample storage and difficulty in processing can lead to nucleic acid degradation, often resulting in fragmented RNA transcripts. The assessment of RNA quality has traditionally been performed using the RNA Integrity Number (RIN) from Agilent, but recent studies have shown that mean RNA fragment size is a better and more reliable quality determinant for RNA quality. The DV200 metric

(percentage of RNA fragments >200 nt in size) was developed by Illumina® to more accurately and reproducibly assess the quality of RNA extracted from FFPE tissue. These studies have also indicated a positive direct correlation (R2 = 0.99) between the DV200 metric and downstream sequencing results. Illumina notes that RNA samples with a DV200 score of <30% are not recommended for further downstream processing and subsequent sequencing (Evaluating RNA Quality from FFPE Samples, Illumina Tech Note, 2016).

In this study, RNA and DNA were extracted from three 10 μm thick scrolls each per specimen following the truXTRAC FFPE total NA Plus (magnetic bead) kit protocol and the Competitor Q FFPE kit in parallel (Figures 4 through 6). Nucleic acid concentrations were quantified fluorimetrically (Qubit™, Invitrogen™ by Thermo Fisher Scientific) and RNA and DNA fragment size distributions were verified via capillary electrophoresis (Fragment Analyzer Automated CE System, Advanced Analytical, a part of Agilent).

truXTRAC FFPE total NA Kit Manual vs. Automated Clinical Workflow ComparisonThrough a collaboration with OmniSeq®, the LE220R-plus Focused-ultrasonicator was integrated with liquid handling automation for scalability and throughput, sample tracking and workflow robustness, and reproducibility. As an added benefit, OmniSeq did not observe lower DNA and RNA extraction yields when comparing the manual and automated workflow. As a result, similar cDNA and DNA library preparation yields were obtained using the truXTRAC FFPE total NA kit. Furthermore, comparable downstream sequencing results were obtained (Tables 1 through 3).

Conclusion In this poster, we have demonstrated the use of Covaris AFA technology for de-paraffinization and tissue rehydration in combination with the Covaris truXTRAC FFPE kits for DNA and RNA co-extraction from FFPE tissue samples. Both the manual and automated methods are amenable to clinical workflows where the most challenging FFPE sample types are being examined. The truXTRAC FFPE total NA kit provides co-extraction of high-quality DNA and RNA yields similar or better than alternative methods. More specifically for RNA extraction, the DV200 scores for Covaris truXTRAC processed samples are higher for the majority of the FFPE sample types studied and above the recommended threshold level for high-quality downstream sequencing, as compared to Competitor Q. The integration of the Covaris LE220R-plus instrument with liquid-handling automation in concert with a unique co-extraction process based on the truXTRAC FFPE kits enables the standardization of a clinical FFPE extraction workflow that provides downstream result confidence (higher yields and corresponding higher DV200 scores), increased efficiency, and decreased sample variability; thus, allowing better clinical analysis and more robust outcomes.

Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge the following people and institution for their efforts in the generation of the data and subsequent analysis, as well as their advice and guidance.

Shawn Levy, Ph.D., Nripesh Prasad, Ph.D., and Tatiana Shvetsova HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, Genomic Services Laboratory 601 Genome Way NW, Huntsville, AL 35806

Novel, Automated Co-extraction of High-quality DNA and RNA from a Single FFPE Sample

AbstractFormalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue preservation is the preferred method to archive clinical tissue biopsy samples for histopathological diagnosis. As advances in clinical molecular pathology continue to grow, the importance of reliable methods of extraction from FFPE tissue specimens become vital to ensure that patients receive timely and accurate reports. However, nucleic acid extraction from FFPE samples can be challenging and labor intensive, often resulting in degraded and fragmented DNA and RNA. Given the precious and limited availability of these clinical samples, the ability to differentially co-extract high-yield and high quality DNA and RNA from a single sample input provides a tremendous advantage. Coupling the Covaris LE220R-plus Focused-ultrasonicator with liquid handling automation and the truXTRAC® FFPE kits for high-yield co-extraction, in this poster we demonstrates a standardized clinical FFPE extraction workflow providing downstream result confidence (higher yields and corresponding higher DV200 scores), increased efficiency, decreased sample variability, and reduction of manual “touch points” throughout the process. Furthermore, it is shown that the automated DNA and RNA workflows yield similar results as compared to manual methods using our truXTRAC FFPE kits.

Figure 1: AFA-energetics® reproducibly processes samples in a temperature-controlled and non-contact environment. The concave nature of the transducer enables the precise control of the acoustics waves to the focal zone.

Figure 3: (Pictured) Workflow diagram of the truXTRAC FFPE total NA Kit, LE220R-plus Focused-ultrasoncator, and truXTRAC FFPE total NA Kit. The technology enables the sequential de-paraffinization, tissue rehydration, and co-extraction of DNA and RNA from the same sample material; thus, preserving the limited source material.

Table 1: OmniSeq Immune Report Card assay sequencing performance results for manual and automated DNA and RNA extraction of the Covaris truXTRAC FFPE kits. This assay provides clinicians with a comprehensive immune profile of their patient, greatly improving their ability to select a personalized immunotherapy treatment based on their patient’s unique gene expression (OmniSeq website, https://www.omniseq.com/irc/).

OmniSeq Immune Report CardSM Assay Sequencing Performance Results

DNA QC Metrics DNA QC Metrics

Sample (DNA) Manual vs. Automation Mapped Reads Valid Reads (%)

Positively Expressed HK

GenesMapped Reads On Target % Mean Depth Uniformity % Exonic Bases ≥


A1 Manual 2,735,879 92% 10 5,635,030 96% 347 96% 1,149,009

A1 Automation 2,787,396 89% 10 3,993,898 96% 242 95% 1,142,259

B1 Manual 4,547,629 93% 10 5,876,299 97% 374 97% 1,150,403

B1 Automation 5,263,349 91% 10 5,298,795 96% 334 97% 1,150,570

C1 Manual 4,925,479 92% 10 4,953,057 97% 318 96% 1,146,896

C1 Automation 5,874,845 92% 10 4,234,211 96% 272 97% 1,150,150

D1 Manual 3,636,183 89% 10 5,590,907 95% 346 95% 1,145,758

D1 Automation 4,354,899 89% 10 5,371,301 96% 334 96% 1,147,159

Threshold Values(RNA and DNA-seq) ≥ 200,000 ≥ 67 ≥ 6 N/A > 94% N/A > 92.6% ≥ 850,000

Table 2: OmniSeq Comprehensive Assay sequencing performance results for manual and automated DNA and RNA extraction of the Covaris truXTRAC FFPE kits. This assay is a next generation assay that tests tumor DNA and RNA to identify somatic mutations (SNVs, CNVs and fusions) in 144 genes for solid tumors to help guide targeted therapeutic management for patients with cancer (OmniSeq website, https://www.omniseq.com/comprehensive/).

OmniSeq Comprehensive® Assay Sequencing Performance Results

DNA QC Metrics DNA QC Metrics

Sample Manual vs. Automation Reference Gene Count On Target % Mean Depth Uniformity %

A2 Manual 5 98% 658 95%

A2 Automation 5 97% 594 97%

B2 Manual 5 97% 596 94%

B2 Automation 5 97% 564 97%

C2 Manual 5 97% 575 96%

C2 Automation 5 97% 450 96%

D2 Manual 5 97% 648 97%

D2 Automation 5 97% 490 95%

Threshold Values(RNA and DNA-seq) >3 genes >89% >450 >82%

Table 3: OmniSeq Comprehensive Assay somatic variant detection reporting accuracy for manual and automated DNA and RNA extraction of the Covaris truXTRAC FFPE total NA kit. For both workflow methods, similar copy number of somatic variants were detected.

Gene Fusions (RNA-seq) Read Count

Sample Gene fusion Manual Automation

A2 EML4-ALK 165,477 728,245

A4 MET-MET.M13M15 3,442 2,500

Copy Number Variations (CNV) Mean Copy Number

Sample Gene Manual Automation

A2 BAP1 1.3 1.5

A2 TET2 1.3 1.2

A2 FBXW7 1.2 1.3

A2 CDKN2A 1.2 1.2

A2 BRCA2 1.2 1.2

A4 BRCA1 1.3 1.3

SNV/Indels Variant Allele Frequency (VAF)

Sample Gene Manual Automation

A2 ATM 0.500 0.541

A3 CDKN2A 0.331 0.350

A3 PTEN 0.672 0.705

A3 TP53 0.525 0.539

A4 EGFR 0.499 0.426

A4 CDKN2A 0.266 0.204

Authors: Hamid Khoja2, Sean T. Glenn1, Martina Werner2, Patrick McCarthy2, Jon Andreas1, Jeffrey Conroy1, and Jim Laugharn2 Affiliations: 1 - OmniSeq, Inc., Buffalo, NY and 2 - Covaris, Inc., Woburn, Massachusetts

OmniSeq, OmniSeq Comprehensive, Immune Report Card, Illumina, Qubit, Invitrogen, and Agilent are registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Figure 4: Representative electropherogram illustrating the fragment size distribution of FFPE extracted RNA from RNA extracted from FFPE breast tissue with using the Covaris truXTRAC FFPE total NA Kit with – column purification and Competitor Q kit. It was observed that Competitor Q extracts lower molecular weight RNA, while the Covaris truXTRAC FFPE total NA Kit recovers a higher molecular weight distribution with the mean of >200 nt. The extracted RNA was analyzed on a Fragment Analyzer Automated CE System (Advanced Analytical, a part of Agilent).


Competitor Q FFPE kit Covaris truXTRAC FFPE total NA kit

Figure 2: Cavitation Process. The acoustics waves induce localized fluctuations in pressure as the energy passes through the aqueous medium forming microscopic cavitation bubbles (from dissolved gases) in the regions of relative low pressure. The cavitation bubbles grow and oscillate to a critical size and then collapse. The oscillation and collapse of the bubbles generates acoustic microstreaming which creates hydrodynamic shear stress in the sample. Covaris AFA technology and instrumentation enables the precise control of these generated shear forces.

Stroboscopic image ofsingle collapsing 2 mm

bubble @ 60Hz Chemical Society Reviews, Vol. 42, No. 7, 22.08.2013, p. 2555-2567.

Figure 5: RNA extraction yield; DV and Competitor Q FFPE kit. While the total RNA yields obtained from Competitor Q FFPE kit were higher in 10 of the 12 samples as compared to the Covaris truXTRAC FFPE total NA kit, the DV200 scores for the truXTRAC FFPE total NA kit significantly outperformed Competitor Q across the sample types. Data is provided courtesy of Shawn Levy, Director of the Genomic Services Lab at HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, Huntsville, AL., USA.










Ovarian Lung Breast Prostate Colon Testicular Skin Appendix BenignSkin




ng to

tal R


Covaris truXTRAC FFPE total NA KitCompetitor Q

RNA Total Extracted Concentration

FFPE Tissue

DV200 Metric Scores

*ND = no data

truXTRAC ND* 32 59 22 31 43 44 19 37 27 31 37

Competitor Q 8 34 43 10 20 45 35 21 11 12 14 25

Figure 6: Comparison of yields from DNA extraction using the Covaris truXTRAC FFPE total NA kit and Competitor Q FFPE kit. In 6 of the 12 FFPE sample types tested, the DNA yields obtained with the truXTRAC FFPE total NA kit were significantly higher (up to 100% greater) as compared to those obtained with Competitor Q FFPE kit. The remainder of the samples showed similar yields between the kit methods. Data is provided courtesy of Shawn Levy, Director of the Genomic Services Lab at HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, Huntsville, AL., USA.

DNA Total Yield Post Extraction

FFPE Tissue









260 399179



1020 1100






157 178 199









Ovarian Lung Breast Prostate Colon Testicular Skin Appendix BenignSkin




ng t



Covaris truXTRAC FFPE total NA Kit

Competitor Q

Streamlined and Standardized Workflow