SACRED HEART PARISH 221 S. Jackson Avenue • Eagle Grove, Iowa 50533 ST. JOHN PARISH 608 Second Avenue N.E. • Clarion, Iowa 50525 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER PARISH 1207 Third Street N.E. • Belmond, Iowa 50421 Address: 608 2nd Avenue NE, Clarion, Iowa 50525 Phone: 515-532-3586 Toll free: 855-658-7837 Office Hours: Mondays -Thursdays 8 am to 1 pm Office of Hispanic Ministry/Oficina del Ministerio Hispano Phone: 515-293-0009 Visit our website at www.holyfamilycluster.org HOLY FAMILY CLUSTER OF- NOVEMBER 14, 2021 ● 33RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 4 pm St. Francis Xavier 8 pm Mass in Spanish St. John Sunday: 8:00 am Sacred Heart 10:30 am St. John ————————————————————— CLUSTER OFFICE STAFF Phone: (515)532-3586 (follow the prompts) Pastor: Rev. Jerry Blake Email: .......................... [email protected] Pastoral Associate: Karen Newman Email: ......................... [email protected] Pastoral Minister: Nancy Strub Email: ......................... [email protected] RE Coordinator: Gloria Kisor Email: ......................... [email protected] Hispanic Ministry: Beatriz Garcia Email: ....................... [email protected] Business Office Manager: Ann Shriver Email: ....................... [email protected] Secretary: Candy Sheehan Email: ..................... [email protected] ————————————————————— SACRAMENTS Reconciliation: Following weekday Masses at all locations and by appointment. Please see pg. 5 Baptism: Participation in the Baptismal Program required. Contact the Cluster Office. Wedding: Contact the Pastor before setting the wedding date at 515-532-3586 —————————————————— BULLETIN DEADLINE Submissions are due Mondays before 10 am. Please watch the bulletin for any early deadlines. ________________________________________________________ WELCOME NEWCOMERS! Thank you for visiting our Cluster. If you would like to become a member of one of the parishes, please contact the Cluster office.


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SACRED HEART PARISH 221 S. Jackson Avenue • Eagle Grove, Iowa 50533 ST. JOHN PARISH 608 Second Avenue N.E. • Clarion, Iowa 50525 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER PARISH 1207 Third Street N.E. • Belmond, Iowa 50421

gl e,

Address: 608 2nd Avenue NE, Clarion, Iowa 50525 Phone: 515-532-3586 Toll free: 855-658-7837

Office Hours: Mondays-Thursdays 8 am to 1 pm

Office of Hispanic Ministry/Oficina del Ministerio Hispano Phone: 515-293-0009

Visit our website at www.holyfamilycluster.org



WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 4 pm St. Francis Xavier

8 pm Mass in Spanish St. John Sunday: 8:00 am Sacred Heart

10:30 am St. John


CLUSTER OFFICE STAFF Phone: (515)532-3586 (follow the prompts)

Pastor: Rev. Jerry Blake Email: .......................... [email protected] Pastoral Associate: Karen Newman Email: ......................... [email protected] Pastoral Minister: Nancy Strub Email: ......................... [email protected] RE Coordinator: Gloria Kisor Email: ......................... [email protected] Hispanic Ministry: Beatriz Garcia Email: ....................... [email protected] Business Office Manager: Ann Shriver Email: ....................... [email protected] Secretary: Candy Sheehan Email: ..................... [email protected]


SACRAMENTS Reconciliation: Following weekday Masses at all locations and by appointment. Please see pg. 5 Baptism: Participation in the Baptismal Program required. Contact the Cluster Office. Wedding: Contact the Pastor before setting the wedding date at 515-532-3586


BULLETIN DEADLINE Submissions are due Mondays before 10 am.

Please watch the bulletin for any early deadlines.


WELCOME NEWCOMERS! Thank you for visiting our Cluster. If you would like

to become a member of one of the parishes, please contact the Cluster office.


Page 2 | Sacred Heart Parish St. John Parish St. Francis Xavier Parish



Yo tengo designios de paz, no de aflicción, dice el Se-ñor. Ustedes me invocarán y yo los escucharé, y los li-braré de la esclavitud dondequiera que se encuentren.

PLATICA PRE BAUTISMAL: Para papás y padrinos. Lunes 8 de noviembre a las 7.30p.m. en el Centro Parro-quial (San Juan, Clarion).

LA ORACION, LA MEJOR ARMA DEL CRISTIANO No temas porque Dios está contigo y cada día, cuando tu corazón sienta, especialmente, la soledad de la vida, REZA. La oración es la mejor arma que tenemos; es la llave del Corazón de Jesús. Ora, espera y no te preocu-pes. Preocuparse es inútil. Dios es misericordioso y es-cuchará tus oraciones. (San Padre Pío)

SACRAMENTOS: Confesión: 30 minutos antes y después de cada Misa del fin de semana. También los días sábados, en la Iglesia de San Juan (Clarion), de 12:30 a 1:30 pm. Si deseas una cita en otro horario contacta al padre Blake a través de la oficina de las Parroquias Agrupadas. Bautismo en español: segundos y cuartos sábados de cada mes a las 2p.m. en la Iglesia San Juan de Clarion. Los niños desde los 7 años reciben una preparación especial para bautizarse. Requi-sito: Plática Pre Bautismal para papás y padrinos. Matrimonio: contactar con el padre Blake, 6 meses antes de la fecha programada.

UN MENSAJE PARA TI HAY 3 COSAS EN LA VIDA…. Que una vez que pasan nunca regresan: El Tiempo, Las Palabras, Las Oportunidades Que pueden destruir a una persona: El Odio, El Enojo, El Orgullo. Que nunca debes perder: La Fe, La Esperanza, El Amor. De mayor valor: La Amistad, La Humildad, La Sinceridad. Que forman a una persona: El Respeto, Los Valores, El Compromiso. Y PEDIMOS A DIOS 3 COSAS PARA TI: Que te Bendiga, Que te Guíe y te Proteja.


La liturgia de este domingo destaca un nuevo amanecer para toda la humanidad. Dentro de va-rias semanas se va concluyendo el Año Litúrgico y las lecturas nos llevan a la hora en que el Hijo del Hombre vendrá a transformar el mundo para gloria de Dios. El tema aparece como una promesa en el libro del profe-ta Daniel en la primera lectura, Jesús, en el Evangelio, utiliza el cambio de las estaciones en la “higuera” para explicar a sus discípulos que nada de lo que existe tiene más valor que su Palabra. Dios ven-drá a recogernos para llevarnos al Reino. Sabemos que a través de las décadas, muchas sectas reli-giosas han anunciado el final de los tiempos y han fraca-sado porque lo han hecho bajo falsos testimonios. El tex-to del Evangelio nos dice que nadie sabe , ni el día ni la hora, ni siquiera el Hijo, sólo el Padre. Por ello, el anuncio que encontramos en el Evangelio, no es un anuncio inminente, como pensaba la primera co-munidad cristiana, es un anuncio lleno de esperanza que nos indica que debemos estar preparados en el presente, llenos de amor y dispuestos al servicio en nombre de Aquel que se sacrificio por nosotros, y que se entregó pa-ra vencer a la muerte y el mal. Este último mensaje lo encontramos en la Carta a los Hebreos en la segunda lectura. Cristo nos ha santifi-cado con una sola ofrenda y nosotros vivimos agradeci-dos por este sacrificio, ofreciéndonos con Cristo en el al-tar de la Eucaristía “hasta que vuelva.” La vida presente es un anticipo de una vida eterna a la que hemos sido llamados. Frente a tanta negatividad, violencia, hambre, agresión, desamor etc., que el mundo nos presenta debemos tener una actitud positiva, llena de esperanza. Para lograrlo nos preguntaremos, Qué puedo hacer? Es-ta pregunta puede ser el comienzo de una reflexión en la que pediremos la asistencia del Espíritu Santo.

CAMINAR CON EL PAPA FRANCISCO ‘Muchos de nosotros cuando rezamos, no creemos que el Señor pueda hacer el milagro… Tenemos esta valentía en la oración? Pidamos todo a Aquel que puede darnos todo… Y que nuestra Señora, Virgen orante, nos ensene a dirigir-nos a Dios con todo el corazón, Con la confianza de que El escucha atentamente toda ora-cion.”

MINISTERIO HISPANO DE LA ARQUIDIOCESIS DE DUBUQUE PROGRAMAS: SEMILLITAS DE FE: se transmite todos los lunes de 7pm. a 8pm. en vivo, por la página de Face-book: www.facebook.com/mhdubuque. También, MO-MENTO DE ORACION: 15 minutos de oración por el Mi-nisterio Hispano de Dubuque. En vivo, Domingos a las 8.15pm.


VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE NOVENA DE ROSARIOS: Desde el jueves 02 al vier-nes 10 a las 7p.m. en las tres comunidades. La fami-lia que desee ofrecer un Rosario a la Virgen lo puede realizar en su casa o la Iglesia. Por favor, comuní-quense, con tiempo, indicando la fecha para el Rosa-rio al cell, 515 293 0009 CELEBRACIÓN CEN-TRAL: MISA SOLEMNE, Sábado 11 de Diciembre, 8pm (Clarion).


Sacred Heart Parish St. John Parish St. Francis Xavier Parish | Page 3



Adult Budget: $7,785.00 Offertory: $351.00 Total Adult Budget & Offertory: $8,136.00

(3% to Social Justice: $244.08) Candles $30.00 General Parish Repair $245 Haiti Fund $2928.00 (Cluster-Wide) Mass Intention Fund $45.00 YFF Registrations $1,375.00 Youth Budget $70.00

Total Contributions $12,775.00

Needed Monthly: $15,167.00 Adult Budget: $7,220.00 Offertory: $242.00 Total Adult Budget & Offertory: $7,462.00

(3% to Social Justice: $223.86) Candles $74.25 Elevator $50.00 Food Pantry $40 General Parish Repair $265.00 Haiti Fund $275.00 Holy Day $25.00 Mass in Spanish Offertory $591.00 Mass Intentions $5.00 Stole Fee $40.00 YFF Registrations $585.00

Total Contributions $9,412.25

Needed Monthly: $11,484.00 Adult Budget: $7,292.00 Offertory: $5.00 Total Adult Budget & Offertory: $7,297.00

(3% to Social Justice: $218.91) Capital Campaign $935.00 Rent $1,150.00 General Parish Repair $45.00 Haiti Fund $108.00 Holy Day $40.00 Memorials $50 Mission Sunday $10.00 YFF Registrations $431.00

Total Contributions $7,297.00

CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER Electronic Fund Transfers and Online Giving are included in the totals. Please note, that only those contributions that stay in

the parishes are reported here. Contributions to the other funds that are outside of the parish will appear on a separate report inserted regularly. You may also contact the Cluster office for a more detailed list of fund contribution totals.

September CLUSTER HAITI CONTRIBUTIONS: Haiti Fund: $3.636.00

St. Francis Xavier Capital Campaign

God’s House of Glory and Holiness

Thank you for the donations that continue to come in. We are so grateful! If you can help

with the remaining amount of $145,952 needed, please do so by putting your donation payable to the “St. Francis Capital Cam-paign” in an envelope and drop it in the collection basket at mass. A donation of any size is appreciated. Please continue to pray for its successful completion. Thank you.

Do you desire the company of holy women?

Then invite your friends to the 2022 Virtual Archdiocesan Women’s Conference, Beauty in

Christ: Holy Women of the Visitation, Saturday, January 29, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Whether you join from the comfort of your own home or gather with other women from your parish, you’ll experience all the great features of our annual women’s conference: Archbishop Jackels, two national speakers, music, prayer, and worship! Speakers Emily Jaminet and Liz Kelly will focus on the beauty of the Visitation between Mary, Our Blessed Mother, and Elizabeth, as well as our visitation as sisters in Christ! Invite your daughters, sisters, and friends to this extraordinary conference!! To read more about our speakers and to register (group discounts available): https://www.archwomensconference.org/

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Worldwide Marriage Encounter is a Catholic faith based marriage enrichment program and has been providing couples with better communication skills and tools for over 50 years. Find out what you've been missing by attending one of these upcoming experiences. February 11 - 13th in Ankeny; April 23 - 24th in Epworth. For more information or to register go to iowa-wwme.org or call 563-608-3305.

Eagle Grove United Methodist Church God’s Portion Meal Sunday, November 14, 11am-1pm Take out only $10 per meal,

Homemade Creamed Chicken on Biscuits, Candied Carrots and a Bar. Proceeds will go towards local missions and ministry.

Joanne Duncalf If you would like to have a special intention listed in the prayer corner, you or a family member must call in your request. Requests will be listed in the bulletin for one month.

Prayer Intention Corner

Eagle Grove Community Thanksgiving Dinner. November 25, 11am-1pm Sacred Heart Parish Center

Optional free-will donation, reservations are required (Eagle Grove Pharmacy: 515-448-3814). Dine in, carry out and delivery are available. Anyone who would like to donate salads, pies or bars please contact Missie Niederhauser at 515-851-1228. Workers are also need-ed and appreciated!

Sacred Heart Christmas Bazaar is Saturday, December 4. Guild members are asked to bring three goodies or crafts.

Christmas Blessings to Care Center Residents This Christmas season the Black Dahlia is hoping to bless every resident at both the Belmond and Clarion care centers with a poinsettia plant wrapped with a beautiful Christmas bow! A donation of $8 will sponsor one resident. Contact the Black Dahlia in Clarion at 515 532 2823 if you would like to sponsor a resident.


Cluster and Parish News

Page 4 | Sacred Heart Parish St. John Parish St. Francis Xavier Parish

Protocols remain in place as COVID numbers again rise. Hand sanitizer, social distancing, as much as we can, and masks are still recommended at Mass, especially as more people return and we fill in more pews. Be respectful when choosing your pew as there are still many who want to social distance.

2021 Share Christmas with a Family You are invited to participated in the Family Christmas Program in Eagle Grove. In 2020, this program served 120 families in the Eagle Grove area. Canned goods, non-perishable grocery items may be delivered to the Service Center, 510 S. Jackson between 1 and 3pm Monday, Wednesday or Friday. The most important gift you could give is money. We need approximately $10,000 in cash contributions to purchase gift certificates for food. Contact Mary Moffitt if you need more information. 515-448-4274. May the spirit of the first Christmas be with you during this holy season.

Additional Names to be Remembered for All Souls Gene & Dorothy Griffin Tim Griffin Donna Griffin Living & Deceased family members of Gene and Dorothy Griffin Ron Harms Caitano Chilel Niz Boigida Gomez Martin Angelina Chilel Gomez Paulina Chilel Gomez Federico Chilel Gomez Evelin Robbero Samayoa

Reverse Advent CalendarThe YFF Students are encouraged to participate in a Reverse Advent Calendar. Each day of Advent, November 27 through December 22 they are to bring an item to put in a box. Suggested items include boxes of cereal, oatmeal, peanut butter, Canned goods of all kinds, rice, and pasta. Class times at each location are:

SFX 6-7pm for K-5; SFX 7:30-8:30pm for grades 6-12; SJ & SH 6:30-7:30pm all ages

FORMED.ORG Free for all parishioners St. Giuseppe Mosca!: Doctor to the Poor h"ps://watch.formed.org/st-giuseppe-mosca!-doctor-to-the-poor/videos/st-giuseppe-mosca!-doctor-to-the-poor The in-spiring true story of the holy Franciscan priest and theologian who won a famous debate against the Dominicans in the thirteenth century, in which he defended Our Lady's great privilege of her Immaculate Concep!on. Filmed in beau!ful ancient monastery loca!ons in Europe, Scotus is revealed as a humble and courageous apostle of the Faith against the oppressive an!-Catholic government in power.

What exactly are SCRIP Cards? When you purchase a SCRIP card, you spend the exact amount of money, but SCRIP gives our Youth Faith For-mation Program a percentage of that card. Sound like you are just exchanging your money? Well, you are, and you get the same benefit, but we also reap sometimes over 5% of that money. So when you buy a $100 Fareway card from us (SCRIP) you spend the $100 at Fareway. But $3.00 of that is given to the church! A Casey’s card in the amount of $50 will bring $1.50 to our youth program. Con-tact Gloria to order your cards. With gift cards from over 750 top brands to choose from, you can do all of your gift giving while raising funds

se from,dsds for our Youth Faith Formation pro-

gram! TOTAL SALES January—September 2021 reaped us $1,200 to YFF. We averaged this out and received 3%. Some cards we earn 5%! You can also order online by visiting ww.shopwithscrip.com and using the code 8356BD6L651.

St. Francis Xavier KC’s Omelet Breakfast November 21 from 9am to 12:30pm at SFX. All pro-ceeds towards the Santa House. Both dine-in and carry-out are available.

St. Elizabeth of Hungary | Feast Day November 17 Although her life was short, St. Elizabeth of Hungary (1207 – 1231) is recognized for her love of the poor and suf-fering, and as patroness of Catholic charities and the Secular Franciscan Order. The daughter of the King of Hungary, she chose a life of penance instead of leisure, which made an im-pact on the “commoners” she served. St. Elizabeth married Louis of Thuringia when she was 14. Deeply in love, they had three children. Despite their wealth, she led a life of prayer, sacrifice, and service to the poor and sick under the spiritual direction of a Franciscan friar. After six years of marriage, her husband died in the Crusades, and St. Elizabeth was grief-stricken. Her husband’s family did not look kindly upon her and mistreated her before finally throwing her out of the palace. However, the return of her husband’s allies from the Crusades resulted in her being reinstated, since her son was legal heir to the throne. St. Elizabeth joined the Secular Franciscan Order in 1228 where she cared for the poor in a hospital she founded in honor of St. Francis of Assisi. She died in 1231, but her great popularity resulted in her being named a saint only four years later.

St. John Parish is looking for someone to do the mow-ing at the Parish and Parish Center in 2022. Please contact the Cluster Office for more information.


Sacred Heart Parish St. John Parish St. Francis Xavier Parish | Page 5



SH: Sacred Heart, SJ: St. John, SFX: St. Francis Xavier MIS: Mass In Spanish

Saturday November 13 St. Francis Xavier Cabrini, Virgin 3:30 pm Rosary (SH) 4:00 pm Mass (SH & Online:) † MaryAnn Chapman 7:15 pm Rosary (SJ) 8:00 pm Mass (MIS): All Parishioners

Sunday, November 14, 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30am Rosary (SJ) 8:00 am Mass (SJ): † Amanda Sheehan and Faye Denger 10:00 am Rosary (SFX) 10:30 am Mass (SFX): † Charlotte Smith

Monday, November 15 St. Albert the Great, Bishop & Doctor of the Church 8:15am Rosary (SFX)

Tuesday, November 16 St. Margaret of Scotland; St. Gertrude, Virgin

Wednesday, November 17 St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious 7:40 am Rosary (SFX) 8:00 am Mass (SFX) † Michael Robson

Thursday, November 18 The Dedication of the Basilicas of Sts. Peter & Paul, Apostles; St. Rose Philippine, Duchesne, Virgin No Weekday Mass as Father attends NCYC

Friday, November 19 Weekday No Weekday Mass as Father attends NCYC

Saturday November 20 3:30 pm Rosary (SH) 4:00 pm Mass (SH & Online:) †Tom Cooper 7:15 pm Rosary (SJ) 8:00 pm Mass (MIS):

Sunday, November 21, Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 7:30am Rosary (SJ) 8:00 am Mass (SJ): † Bruce Kreitlow 10:00 am Rosary (SFX) 10:30 am Mass (SFX): † All Parishioners

RECONCILIATION SCHEDULE Father Blake is currently hearing Confessions by appointment and during the following times:

· Weekdays after Masses · Saturdays before & after the 4pm Mass at Sacred Heart · Saturdays at St. John, from 12:30-1:30pm & 7:15-7:45pm · Sundays following the 8am Mass at St. John and

following the 10:30am Mass at St. Francis Xavier. · Father Blake is always available by appointment.


This Week Monday, November 15, 6:30pm KC’s-SFX 7:00pm RCIA-SJ Wednesday, November 17, 9:00am Guild-SH No weekday masses as Father attends NCYC Thursday, November 18, 9:00am November 28 Bulletin Deadline Sunday, November 21, Haiti 2nd Collection 9am-12:30pm KC’s Omelet Breakfast-SFX: Dine-in and Carry-out are available.

Looking Ahead Tuesday, November 23, 10:00am Staff Meeting-offices closed Thursday, November 25, 9:00am Thanksgiving Mass-SJ 11am-1pm EG Community Dinner-SH 11am-12:30pm Clarion Community Dinner-1st Lutheran Church Saturday, December 4, 8:30am Christmas Bazaar-SH


St. Francis Xavier Parish Wednesday, November 17, Rosary: 7:40 am: Carol Bailey Mass: 8:00am: Lector: Mary Ann Lohse Sunday, November 21, Rosary: 10:00 am: Mary Ann Lohse Mass: 10:30am: Usher: Bobbi McVey Lector: Brad Robson Eucharistic Minister: Connie Eckhoff Music: Donna VerHelst & Sonya Trager

Sacred Heart Parish Thursday, November 18, Rosary: 11:40am: Volunteer Mass: 12:00pm: Lector: Volunteer Saturday, November 20, Rosary 3:30pm: Cheryl Weber Mass: 4:00pm: Usher: Scott Thul Lector: Denis Zigrang Eucharistic Minister: Bonnie Govern Music: Ann Shriver

St. John Parish Friday, November 19, Rosary: 7:40am Volunteer Mass: 8:00am: Lector: Volunteer Sunday, November 21, Rosary: 7:30am: Craig Martin Mass: 8:00am: Usher: Dave Johnson Lector: Pat Staudt Eucharistic Minister: Carla Kem

Congratulations to Nicole Osterman who is celebrating the Rite of Acceptance at Saint John this Sunday November 14. Nicole started the RCIA process this fall and will be brought into the church at the Easter Vigil, April 16, 2022. Please keep Nicole and her husband Brett, her sponsor, in your prayers as they continue this process together.


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