The Messenger The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Olney, Maryland November 2012 Blessed Saints On November 1 Christians around the world join in celebrating All Saints Day. Among the saints in heaven are our loved ones and friends who have died in the faith and now share in the joys of heaven. The recommended Lesson for All Saints Day comes from Revelation 7 and includes these words: “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white by the blood of the Lamb. Therefore, they are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple. Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” Sunday, November 4 we will honor those who have gone before us in Good Shepherd’s Candles in the Sand observance. This beautiful picture in Revelation 7 of the saints before the throne of grace brings us comfort as we recall those who have passed before us and strengthens our hope in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. On Thursday, November 22, we also celebrate Thanksgiving Day which provides us with the opportunity to pause and thank our God for his mercy which endures forever and his providing of so many spiritual and physical blessings day after day. How fitting it is to remember the example, instruction and encouragement of those saints who have been special blessings to us. Many of us learned about the grace of God in Jesus at the knees of our parents. Many of us also learned from others what it is like to live as God’s children who receive his gifts with thanksgiving. We thank God for those who have been teachers and good models. It is true that only the Holy Spirit can change us from selfish, self- centered sinners into faithful followers of Jesus Christ. One day we shall join the saints in heaven but until then God empowers us to be teachers and good models for our children and other people who are special to us. One of our common table prayers contains these words: “Come, Lord Jesus, be our Guest and may these gifts to us be blessed.” Additional words to this prayer also include: “And may there be a goodly share on every table everywhere and may we help to put it there”. May God bless us so that our management of all our life and resources (money, time, talents, and relationships) honors Christ, blesses our neighbors and serves as an example and encouragement to those around us. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

November 2012 - OlneyGoodShepherdolneygoodshepherd.org/pdfs/2012_11_The_Messenger.pdf · Youth Groups will sell Brunch/Lunch items. Do your Christmas shopping for family and friends

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Page 1: November 2012 - OlneyGoodShepherdolneygoodshepherd.org/pdfs/2012_11_The_Messenger.pdf · Youth Groups will sell Brunch/Lunch items. Do your Christmas shopping for family and friends

The Messenger The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd

Olney, Maryland November 2012

Blessed Saints

On November 1 Christians around the world join in celebrating All Saints Day. Among the saints in heaven are our loved ones and friends who have died in the faith and now share in the joys of heaven. The recommended Lesson for All Saints Day comes from Revelation 7 and includes these words: “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white by the blood of the Lamb. Therefore, they are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple. Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”

Sunday, November 4 we will honor those who have gone before us in Good Shepherd’s Candles in the Sand observance. This beautiful picture in Revelation 7 of the saints before the throne of grace brings us comfort as we recall those who have passed before

us and strengthens our hope in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. On Thursday, November 22, we also celebrate Thanksgiving Day which provides us with the opportunity to pause and thank our God for his mercy which endures forever and his providing of so many spiritual and physical blessings day after day. How fitting it is to remember the example, instruction and encouragement of those saints who have been special blessings to us. Many of us learned about the grace of God in Jesus at the knees of our parents. Many of us also learned from others what it is like to live as God’s children who receive his gifts with thanksgiving. We thank God for those who have been teachers and good models. It is true that only the Holy Spirit can change us from selfish, self-centered sinners into faithful followers of Jesus Christ. One day we shall join the saints in heaven but until then God empowers us to be teachers and good models for our children and other people who are special to us. One of our common table prayers contains these words: “Come, Lord Jesus, be our Guest and may these gifts to us be blessed.” Additional words to this prayer also include: “And may there be a goodly share on every table everywhere and may we help to put it there”. May God bless us so that our management of all our life and resources (money, time, talents, and relationships) honors Christ, blesses our neighbors and serves as an example and encouragement to those around us.


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About People . . .

We continue to pray for:

. . . God’s care for our Good Shepherd family: Janet Hyler (Montgomery General Hospital).

. . . God’s care for our relatives and friends: Diane Sterling (High School classmate of Lidia Cullen) breast and colon cancer; George Allison (Cindy Miezis’ father) rehab care for brain hemorrhaging; Ellen Erwin stage 4 cancer recovery (friend of Christine Rogers); Lou Cofield (Becky Plitt’s aunt) hip replacement after a fall; Ann Mindler (Ann Sprague’s sister-in-law) cancer surgery; John Fossum (Randall’s father) losing weight and has fallen several times; Les Wagner as he receives physical therapy in Fredericksburg. . . . those rejoicing and giving thanks: Kim and Justin Golart recently received their adopted baby, Lydia Joy (Colette Carter request); Mary Hillhouse (Mike’s mother) recovering from Shingles; Melissa Gregory (healing from surgery); birth of Samuel Finnigan Randall born October 22 (new grandson of Wally and Kathy Randall. . . . moms-to-be: Julie Dawkins, due in December (Pastor Pat and Elise request); Janelle Murphy (Glenn Murphy’s granddaughter-in-law) due in December; Grace Kajdos (Pastor Pat and Elise request), due March 2013; Maria Strachan Colby (Connie and Jim’s daughter) due in March 2013. . . . military serving our country: Erica Bauch former member in Afghanistan; John Berle stationed in Afghanistan – (Ruth Blackburn’s grandson); Christopher Boggs, USMC deployed to Afghanistan, his first deployment (friend of John and Marianne Seguin); Stephen Buhl (deployed to Afghanistan); Frankie Corn III stationed at the Marine Corp Base in Buford, South Carolina; (Frank and Barbara Corn’s grandson); Mark Goldey Fort Knox, KY (Lois Kubu’s step grandson); Patrick Gore redeployed to Afghanistan, 3rd tour, (Orv Cullen’s son-in-law); James Kleager home from Afghanistan, now at Fort Wainwright in Alaska (Kathy Randall’s nephew); Matt Kruspe deployed to Afghanistan (Pastor Pat and Elise request);

Richard Daniel Kubu deployed to Afghanistan as a helicopter pilot; Mark and David serving in the Armed Forces; Cory Metz in Afghanistan (son of former members, Charlie and Audrey Metz); Jacob Seguin stationed at New River Air Station, Jacksonville, NC (John’s nephew); Staci Seguin - Marine stationed at USMC Camp LeJeune, Jacksonville, NC (wife of Jacob Seguin); Robert Sheckels redeployed to Afghanistan (Mike and Anna Eastwood’s son-in-law; Daniel Stankus (deployed to South Korea’s DMZ (friend of Marianne & John Seguin); Trevor White commencing boot camp November 5, 2012 (Brianna Hoffman request).

. . . those who mourn: family of Hazel Ziarnik (mother of Jon Teske) who died on October 2; family of Roger Widmark who died on October 18 (friend of Kathy Randall); family of Ed Hughes (classmate of Martin Predoehl; family of Arnold Wayne Crump (father of Connie Strachan) who died on October 25.

Lauren Anne Praske


Jonathan Lehman Rothermel

were married at

The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd

on October 20, 2012

Daylight Savings Time Ends on

November 4, 2012

Remember to turn BACK your clock one hour on Sunday, November 4. Otherwise, you

might be EARLY for church if you forget.

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SATURDAY, November 3, 2012

8:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.

Hand-crafted/Hand-painted items Country Kitchen (jams, jellies, pickles, etc.)

Antique Corner Unique Jewelry Homemade Candy and Snacks

New-To-You (includes used costume jewelry) & many more items too numerous to mention!

Youth Groups will sell Brunch/Lunch items.

Do your Christmas shopping for family and friends. Don’t forget the teacher gifts and “Thank You” gifts. Invite your neighbors and friends – start your shopping early

SEE YOU AT THE BAZAAR!! Remaining items will be available for sale after services on November 4 & 11 in the all-purpose room. Stop by and do some more Christmas shopping.

All Saints’ Observance

On Sunday, November 4, our Good Shepherd family will observe All Saints’ Day. Within the liturgical church year, those saints who have gone before us to eternity with Christ will be reverently remembered.


Bazaar Saturday, November 3rd

All FINK and OGSLY kids are needed to help at the: Bazaar concession stand and Bake Sale. Any amount of time you could give between 7 a.m. and 2 p.m. would be greatly


Operation Christmas Child (shopping) Wednesday, November 7th Field trip to Five Below to shop for your Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. We will leave from church at 6 p.m., and don't forget the shoeboxes are due Sunday, November 11th.

Turkey Bowl Sunday November 18th

Kids versus Adults. Bring non-perishable food items for the food pantry in order to play. We'll meet at the field next to the Olney post office.

Journey Through Bethlehem

Friday November 30th set-up. Come after 6 p.m. and stay as long as you can to help turn Good Shepherd into Bethlehem.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

KIC (Grades 3-6)

We are planning on A Family Advent craft workshop for Sunday, November 25th, 12:30 to 2 pm which includes the advent wreath making.

Be sure to Make SOMETHING for the Bake Sale – cookies,

cakes, pies, candy

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Our 2012 FALL


Each Sunday in Room 104 BEHIND THE SANCTUARY

For four previous Sundays we were blessed while accompanying four speakers, Good Shepherd members, as they took us along on their personal faith journeys relating to us the ups and downs as Jesus walked with them to their current peaceful place. In November we are going to listen to THREE more Good Shepherd members pull us along on their FAITH JOURNEYS as well.

9:30 a.m. is the time! Sometimes we see ourselves in the trips others take...We see the same potholes; slippery ice; and sometimes calm waters. COME AND REFLECT COME AND BE REFRESHED COME AND BE RENEWED! orv cullen

The deadline for the December newsletter is Thursday, November 15. Please put them in the newsletter mailbox or email them to [email protected]. Thanks! Nancy

Sunday School News

Sunday, November 11th will be the Operation Christmas Child Packing Party. If you have items for shoeboxes, but do not want to pack a shoebox, please bring them to church by

Sunday, November 11th. We will practice for the Christmas Program first (about 10:15) and then begin packing during the remainder of the Sunday School time. We will finish after the late service.


Sunday, November 11th. See article on pages 5 & 6 of this newsletter.

KIC (Kids In Christ) is having an Advent Craft party on Sunday, November 25th from 12:30 to 2 p.m. All 3rd-6th grade children are invited.

The Sunday School is planning to have a Christmas Program on Sunday morning, December 16th, during the regular Sunday School time, 9:30 to 10:45. Please mark your calendars and join us.

Meet the Author Series 2012 The Village at Rockville

(The National Lutheran Home) 9701 Veirs Road, Rockville, MD, 20850

Friday, November 30 3:00 – 4:30 p.m.

The Village at Rockville will host author Allison Leotta, Friday, November 30th at 2:30 p.m., to discuss her second book Discretion. The book opens with the death of a high paid escort plummeting from the balcony of the US Capitol, which summons Assistant US Attorney Anna Curtis to the scene. The investigation leads the attorney into DC’s red-light underworld and secret social clubs where Washington’s most powerful men escape from public view. If not careful, Curtis could end her career as this high profile case unravels. This book is a gripping exploration of power and secrets. This event is free to the public. For more information, call 301-354-8447.

Page 5: November 2012 - OlneyGoodShepherdolneygoodshepherd.org/pdfs/2012_11_The_Messenger.pdf · Youth Groups will sell Brunch/Lunch items. Do your Christmas shopping for family and friends

Operation Christmas Child and the Shoebox Project need your help!

What a Shoebox Full of Love, Prayers and Treats can do!

God uses Operation Christmas Child to touch the lives of Philippine children living in dire conditions. It smells so strongly of trash and cow dung at the big garbage dump outside of Manila that most people hold handkerchiefs to their noses to block some of the smell. No one wants to visit this area. Muck swallows shoes, leaving people barefoot in the smelly mess. And yet there are people who live and work here. These people are lower-class Filipinos. They collect bottles and other pieces of trash to sell. Their houses sit right on the edge of the dump site and are made of trash. While most people crinkle their noses and want to leave, the dump people smile and laugh while the brown concoction on the ground squishes deeper in between their toes.

The children in this area are quiet but happy. Boys run shirtless through small patches of grass with a soccer ball. Girls watch and giggle in their crisp, white school blouses and plaid skirts. They’ve just finished a day of school and walked home under the hot and sticky June sun.

Today, the smiles are a little wider. On the walk home, the children cradle Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes underneath their elbows. This was a special day at school, a day of surprises. Although the teachers had tried to keep it a secret, the children had found out that they would receive gifts, and they were excited. Before she received her shoe box, 8-year-old Joy listed the things she wanted. “School supplies … slippers … a pencil case … a pencil … anything that can be used for writing … and shoes.”

She paused between each item as if she was afraid to say that she wanted more than one thing. Only after being prompted did she continue her list. Nine-year-old Ralph slowly listed what he wanted, too. “School supplies, school bag, a T-shirt, shoes and socks.” All of these are simple things that most American children take for granted. But in impoverished areas like this one, school supplies and basic clothing make a huge difference.

“Education is the only way out,” said Marlin, pastor of the church that arranged the shoe box distribution at the school. “OCC will make a difference for them.”

With new school supplies, the children will have more opportunities in class. But the shoe boxes don’t just offer physical items to make life better for children. The gifts also present an opportunity to learn about the Gospel. That’s exactly what Ralph did. When he accepted his gift, he also accepted Christ. As he kicks a soccer ball to a friend, his smile isn’t just because of his new toys. Now he has found God’s love.

Ralph and his friends were offered “The Greatest Gift of All” booklet with their gifts, which explains the story of Christ and salvation through Him. Ralph said he is excited to learn more about Jesus. He is blessed because his mother is also a Christian, and she taught him about Christ even before he believed.

Joy also received the booklet, but she didn’t look at it as soon as she received it. She said she wanted to look at it later. When she reads “The Greatest Gift of All,” there is hope that she too will find Christ’s love.

At the end of the day, the smiling faces at the dump pick up their last bottles and throw them into bags. Then they walk the short distance to their houses. Children have finished playing soccer and are helping to prepare the evening meal. Over dinner, they will talk about their day at school. Parents will see every gift in the shoe boxes, and they, too, will hear about how Jesus loves them.

Boxes Due – Packing Party on November 11, 2012 after late service

We need your help to spread the message of Christ's love across the world! There are various ways that you can help.

1. Pray for the Shoeboxes and the message they deliver.

2. Adopt a Shoebox by sending a donation to Samaritan's Purse. The donation will pay for

the shipping of the shoebox. Often people or groups pack shoeboxes but don't have the $7.00 needed to pay for the shipping overseas. Samaritan's Purse gratefully accepts donations to cover these unsponsored shoeboxes. If you make your contribution online and put the attached packing slip in an unsponsored box from our Sunday School and Church packing party on Nov 11th, you will get an email notifying you of your shoeboxes final destination. You can also pay for any shoeboxes that you pack and bring already done, to our church for the collection ending on November 11. Don’t forget to

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add your packing slip from online and see where your love your love, prayer and treats find a home! ending on Nov 11th. Don't forget to add your packing slip from online and see where your love, prayer and treats find a home!

3. We need bulk donations for our annual packing party. Instead of packing a shoebox at home (or in addition to packing a shoebox

at home), please donate any items to our packing party November 11 after late service. For example, at the dollar store there are packages of combs. You get about 20 combs for $1. We then open the packages and separate the combs into 20 different shoeboxes. So if you see crayons on sale, consider buying a dozen boxes or so and at the packing party they will be put into separate boxes. This is a fun yet easy way to donate without having to worry about filling a whole box yourself. Look around your house and see if you have any new but extra kids meal toys or party favors or things you have stocked up on while on sale such as school supplies. Please give the donations to Angela Hoffman, Pat Colacicco or the Church office.

4. Come to our Packing Party! November 11th after the late service. Sunday School children will pack boxes during the last 1/2 hour of Sunday School. Remember we need sponsors

for those boxes too.

5. Pack a box at home and bring it to the Packing Party or the church office no later than November 11th at 1 p.m. Angela Hoffman and some Girl Scouts will be volunteering at the collection center and will deliver

them for LCGS.

FYI - The least packed boxes are usually for boys, 10-14.

Things we usually run out of are toothbrushes, crayons, pencils AND PENCIL SHARPENERS, Pens, Combs, Brushes, Socks, Hats, Bars of Soap, Scissors, Gloves/Mittens, Pads of paper, Solar Calculators (available at the dollar store and 5 Below), Markers, Books and Word Puzzle type books for older kids.

Also we love to pack unwanted Halloween candy or other candy. The candy cannot be chocolate, taffy, or tootsie rolls. It should be in a zip loc bag when packed in the box. But all those lollipops and hard candy from Halloween would be a wonderful donation. Any candy that won't melt basically is a treat.

For more information, there are brochures on the front table of the narthex and the website is samaritanspurse.org/occ

I would like to challenge every family to donate at least 1 shoebox to this mission outreach and to help us out in 1 other way such as donations or attending the packing party November 11th after the late service.

This outreach is one way that we can fulfill our mission statement!

Questions? Contact Angela Hoffman at [email protected] or 301-916-4371.

Join us for the 27th Annual Gifts of Light hosted by the Women’s Board, in support of MedStar Montgomery Medical Center. The ceremony will be held on Sunday, December 2 at 5 p.m. in the hospital’s lobby. Giving a gift of light is a wonderful way to honor or memorialize a loved one during the holiday season. It’s a thought way to commemorate a special occasion or upcoming event. Contributions benefit the annual Women’s board Scholarship Program for students of nursing and other health related fields. It also helps purchase state-of-the art equipment, such as the da Vinci robotic Surgical System. Visit medstarmontgomery.org/womensboard for more information and to purchase a Gift of Light.

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From 6:00-9:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 1 and from 3:00- 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 2, Good Shepherd will once again present Journey through Bethlehem, an

interactive production portraying Bethlehem at the time of our Savior’s birth. Last year 123 members and friends of Good Shepherd dedicated over 1,415 hours of their talent to present this outreach activity to the community. If you haven’t been a part of it before, come to Bethlehem and see. The Family Life Wing and Sanctuary are unbelievably transformed. It is a thrilling witness and Good Shepherd’s Advent gift to the community! We need your help! If you haven’t signed up yet – don’t miss this great opportunity to use your talents! Journey Through Bethlehem has an opening just perfect for you. Can you build, act, lift, sing, sew or cook? Pick any or all. It’s a great production that the community around us looks forward to. Also needed are “old

things” for props - cloth, crates, baskets, copper, brass or pottery pieces - any items for a market scene we can use or set up in Bethlehem.

We’re hoping each family will sign up to help in some way. ASK Kathy Randall about Set-up and Acting, Darlene Maxfield about Publicity; Lisa Carpenter about Hospitality; or Eric Maxfield about the Music.

There are other ways to help, also: • Pray that the message of Christ born at

Christmas will reach new hearts through Journey Through Bethlehem;

• Invite friends, neighbors and co-workers to attend;

• Come to Journey Through Bethlehem yourself, bringing family and friends;

• Inform others of Journey Through Bethlehem and our Sunday worship times.

Journey Through Bethlehem Behind the Scenes

Show Props – Please bring old baskets, crates, cloth and/or pottery to church by Friday, November 30th. It will become part of the scenery. If it is something you want back, make sure you are here to pick it up Sunday, December 2nd (after 6:00 p.m.) Or designate a responsible person to get it for you. If you are donating it, our prop collection will grow. Thank you either way! Please help Set-Up & Take-Down November 29th, Thursday 3:00 PM the preschool is broken down, 6:00 PM the PVC pipe and “star” lights are hung and the scrim goes up!

November 30th, Friday 3:00 PM – the large stage sets are pulled out of the shed and placed in the family life wing. Help is needed! Then starting at 6:00 PM the scenery will be set up. Bring your own tools and lots of willingness to help.

December 2nd, Sunday night, 6:30 PM the scenery is taken down and put away, the floor swept and mopped. Large preschool items such as cabinets will be moved from the stage to the Family Life Wing floor.

December 3rd, Monday, the preschool teachers set up for Tuesday classes.

Journey to Bethlehem

and see!

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Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd’s

Third Annual Beard Growing Contest

Who: Any man who has a role in JOURNEY to BETHLEHEM

What: The LCGS Beard Growing Contest When: Starting Now! Where: LCGS, Olney, Maryland Why: To avoid the fake beards! Just think – no more glue! PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED AFTER THE CAST PICTURE


Contact Colette Carter

301-774-7962 [email protected]

Happy Beard Growing!

Shepherd’s Care Children’s Center

Julie Eaton, Director 301-570-7566

Hello! It is hard to believe we will be talking about Thanksgiving and all we are thankful for already this month of November! October was a busy month filled with a trip to Sharp’s Farm, fall photos, a visit from a 7th degree black belt, and lastly classroom parties for our Harvest festival. We will be closed November 1st and 2nd so the very talented “craft ladies” can prepare for their bazaar. We will also be closed for the Thanksgiving break as well as November 30th to December 3rd for Journey through Bethlehem. I will be sure to advertise all these wonderful events to our wonderful preschool parents. I hope and pray that you all have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

All my Love, Julie Eaton

Christmas Poinsettias

Poinsettias may be purchased to beautify our sanctuary during the Christmas celebrations. A sign-up sheet will be available beginning Sunday, November 18 in the narthex for placing orders. Please be sure to indicate your name, the number and color of plant(s) you wish to purchase and in whose honor or memory you would like them to be. The cost will be on the signup sheet. Place your payment in the offering plate, indicating that it is for poinsettias. Please place your order by Sunday, December 9.

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50th Anniversary Committee Report

Next year as many of you know The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd will be celebrating 50 years of presence in the Olney community. A group of people has been meeting since July to plan the services and activities that will happen during 2013. From now on notices will appear in each month’s newsletter in order to keep the congregation posted on the latest plans. Thus far the committee has chosen some important dates that you should put on your calendar. We have picked a Bible verse, are still deciding on a wall banner, as well as made decisions about those being invited to participate. March 3, 1963 was the date the first service was actually held at Sherwood Elementary School (the old school, not the present one). As it turns out now 50 years later, March 3, 2013 will also be on a Sunday. However, the committee felt that since that date falls in Lent (which is not a celebratory season), and that is also a time of the year when the weather can turn bad, we decided to wait until spring to have our first big celebration. We will indeed recognize the March 3 date and will have a 10:00 a.m. commemorative service with a large birthday cake at a reception following the service. Then the committee chose Sunday, April 21, to have a large celebratory service at 4:00 p.m. which will allow invited church leaders and others to attend their own morning services. We too will have our regular services that Sunday morning. A light supper will be served following the 4:00 p.m. service. We felt that date was especially appropriate since “Good Shepherd Sunday” in the liturgical year falls on April 21 in 2013. You have probably seen the Bible verse “John 10:16” in the bulletin. We hope you have wondered why that takes up a page in our Sunday morning service bulletin. It is a tease for you to be curious enough to look it up. The

key words we chose from it are “Many Sheep, One Shepherd.” The committee has thought of many great ideas which will be shared as they become definite. We will also be asking for your help with funding and in the months to come will let you know how you can help us. Many ideas are already coming to fruition, such as the beautiful gold ornaments for your Christmas trees ordered by the ladies of the Bazaar. Others are the banners that will hang on the outside of the church or in the Olney intersection. You can help by looking through your old pictures to find activities from past events then loaning them to us to scan. Hopefully members received the email requesting those within the past week. We have already started to digitize slides and pictures and hope to make a commemorative booklet. The music people will be contributing their many talents, and we hope to have a summer concert. Supplies for a special wall banner and people to help make it will be needed and much more. We are excited about all of it. If you have an idea you would like to share, please contact any of us on the committee. They are Darlene Maxfield (chair), Pastor Pat, Sharon Adamo, Sherrie Dean, Debbie Harman, Phil Nicholson, Lu Otto, Jackie Schulten, Kim Wald and Nancy Wald.

Thanksgiving Eve

Worship Wednesday, November 21

7:30 p.m. Please be sure to invite your friends as we worship and give thanks to our good and gracious God in Jesus Christ.

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C.A.R.E. (Caring and Respecting Everyone)


(Saturday Morning LCGS Men’s Group)

• The Men’s Group regular meeting on Saturday morning, November 3 at 7:30 a.m. Need Volunteers to bring Juice and Carbs. Mike H. will lead the effort to plan out the Servant Event at this meeting.

• November 10 – Servant Event for LMS in Baltimore. Volunteers Needed! Please let me know if you can attend and what hours you are available.

Day Trippers

Upcoming Events (see below)

• On December 5th we plan to see “Christmas at Mount Vernon.” Leave church at 9:30 a.m.

• See the Christmas Display in the Frederick, MD churches. This is a once a year tour of the various churches in downtown Frederick.

Please contact Bob Wolters (301-774-6169) or [email protected] or Dorothy Hughes (301-437-8906).

(Archeology Recovery Klub)


Contacts: Phil Nicholson at 301-641-1964 or by email at [email protected] or

Steve Gordon at 301-774-7651 or [email protected]

The Lunch Bunch will meet next on Tuesday, November 13

12:00 noon

The Good Shepherd Book Club will meet on

Sunday, November 11, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd

Family Life Wing

Come with or without food as there is always plenty for everyone.

"The Bluest Eye" by Toni Morrison

The Bluest Eye is Toni Morrison's first novel, a book heralded for its richness of language and boldness of vision. Set in the author's girlhood hometown of Lorain, Ohio, it tells the story of black, eleven-year-old Pecola Breedlove. Pecola

prays for her eyes to turn blue so that she will be as beautiful and as beloved as all the blond, blue-eyed children in America. In the autumn of 1941, the year the marigold, in the Breedloves' garden do not bloom, Pecola's life does change—in painful,

devastating ways. With its vivid evocation of the feat and loneliness at the heart of a child's yearning, and the tragedy of its fulfillment, The Bluest Eye remains one of Toni Morrison's most powerful, unforgettable novels and a significant work of American fiction. We hope you will join us in the family life wing for an evening of munching and discussing this riveting manuscript. All are welcome.

Both young and old are welcome.

Game Night

Friday, November 16 - 7:15 p.m. Lynn and Mary Kay Dean’s


The Game Night CARE Groups meets monthly on the third Friday. We gather for fellowship, food and fun – and play a couple of games each time. Newcomers are always welcome! If you are interested in joining us, call Andy Carpenter (301-774-8298).

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Food Pantry Once again the pantry needs more food. In the past several weeks quite a few people have come into the office

for food so the need increases. But there is always an ongoing need. Below is the list of everything we put into the bags so please help where you can.

Peanut butter, cereal, spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, soup, macaroni & cheese, and rice. Also on the regular list of things that go into the bags are canned meat, canned beans, canned vegetables, canned fruit, tuna, jelly, & Jell-O. Thank You for your generosity! Pete and Janet Stadler


Donations: If you are donating clothes, please leave them in the designated area in the Family Life Wing. PLEASE, PLEASE make sure the clothes are placed in BAGS or BOXES that are STRONG ENOUGH to withstand movement from place to place and are not too heavy for senior volunteers to lift. Thank you for your donations.

There is a need for volunteers to transport the clothes to the IWCC for the first six months of 2013. The sign-up sheet for January through June 2013 will be on the Social Ministry bulletin board in the hallway across from the administrative offices.

The IWCC is located at the former Broome Middle School, 751 Twinbrook Parkway in Rockville. Clothing should be picked up at the church during the second and third weeks of the month. The days and hours of donation drop-off are Tuesday through Friday from 9:00-4:30 p.m., and Saturday 9:00-2:00 p.m.

IWCC is open year round, except for Federal holidays. Snow policy follows that of the Federal Government.

If there are any questions, please email Bill Plitt at [email protected] or call him at 301-774-9502. Thank you, volunteers, for transporting clothes to the IWCC.


3 - Samantha Ranaudo 5 - Brendan Fossum 7 - Bob Wolters 8 - Arthur Maryott 10 - Brenden Fout, Eric Wald, (Martin Luther) 12 - Charlie Carter, Karen Ricagno 13 - Paula Hardcastle, Dominic Hoffman, William Seggel 15 - Joey Eastwood 16 - Karen Howard 17 - Melissa Gregory 19 - Jimi Taylor 20 - Joshua Fowler 23 - Lily Carlson, Ron Miezis 24 - SeDell Harman 26 - David Elizondo 29 - Alex Kovin 30 - Patrick Gregory, Glenn Murphy, Martin Predoehl

IN NOVEMBER 2 - Matt & Gina Quinn 3 - Howard & Debrah Harman 5 - Charles & Mary Loehr 8 - Mark & Judi Seggel 23 - Lynn & Mary Kay Dean 26 - Jim & Christine Rogers


Page 12: November 2012 - OlneyGoodShepherdolneygoodshepherd.org/pdfs/2012_11_The_Messenger.pdf · Youth Groups will sell Brunch/Lunch items. Do your Christmas shopping for family and friends

November 2012 Schedule of Church Helpers



Communion Assist.



Greeters/Sellers Acolytes


November 4 8:15 a.m. Worship/Eucharist

11:00 a.m. Worship/Eucharist

Carol Brunetto

Andy Carpenter Patrick Gregory

Matt Quinn Colette Carter

Gaetan Brunetto Tom Wilk__ Doug Dye Anthony Hoffman

Pat Colacicco Kathy Ehrlich

Linda Dye John Maisel

G/Joan Baxter Elise Carlson

(S/Jackie Schulten) Linda Dye

Debbie Harman


Samantha Ranaudo

Jackie Schulten

November 11 8:15 a.m.


11:00 a.m. Worship/Eucharist

Matt Quinn

Janet Mullen Ryan King

Paul Fowler Steve Gordon

Bob Buran Mike Hillhouse__

Andy Carpenter Paul Fowler Earl Hyler

Mary Kay Dean Karin Wuertz-Schaefer

Paul Fowler

Sandy Langer

G/Marion Ivkovich

Glenn Murphy (S/Kathie Taylor) Dorothy Hughes

Lois Kubu


Brian Muleri

Jane Stillwell

November 18 8:15 a.m. Worship Service

11:00 a.m. Praise Worship Service

Sam Kai-Banya

Colette Corbin Chris Brunetto Marc Gregory Sandy Langer

Matt Quinn __Carl Schulten _ Gail Hinds Charlie Loehr Christine Rogers

Dave Krueger

Kathy Nicholson

Praise Team

G/Kim Wald Nancy Wald

(S/Mark Hardcastle) Bill Plitt

Becky Plitt


Joey Eastwood

Cheryl Barnard

Wed. November 21 7:30 p.m.

Thanksgiving Eve Eucharist

Sam Kai-Banya

Erik Krueger Debbie Harman

Don Nortrup

Martin Predoehl

Susan Otto Debbie Harman

O give thanks

Unto the Lord…

Andrew Gordon


November 25 8:15 a.m. Worship/Eucharist

11:00 a.m. Worship/Eucharist

Steve Gordon

Marc Gregory Jarrett Harman Kathy Nicholson

Karin Wuertz-Schaefer

Connie Strachan Jim Strachan__ Anthony Hoffman

Charlie Loehr

Ann Sprague

Connie Strachan

Orv Cullen Patrick Gregory

G/ Charles Falck

Dolores Falck (S/Nancy Wald)

Orv Cullen Lidia Cullen


Michael Rajnik

Marianne Seguin

If you cannot make it on your scheduled Sunday, please trade with someone or find a substitute (adults and teens alike) and notify the church office at 301-774-9125 of any changes.

Page 13: November 2012 - OlneyGoodShepherdolneygoodshepherd.org/pdfs/2012_11_The_Messenger.pdf · Youth Groups will sell Brunch/Lunch items. Do your Christmas shopping for family and friends

November 2012 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Bazaar Set Up 2 Bazaar Set Up 3 BAZAAR - Daylight Savings Time Ends tonight

9:30a Bazaar 9:30a MOMs 6:45p Shepherd’s Bells 8:00p Chancel Choir

9:00a Prayer Partners 4:00p GS Cadet Troop-104

8:30p A.A.

7:30a Men’s Group 6:30p Rios de Agua Viva Worship

4 All Saints Day Shoeboxes Due

5 No MCPS 6 No MCPS 7 8 9 10

8:15a Worship 9:30a FINK Class 9:30a Sunday School

11:00a Worship 12:30p OCC Packing Party 4:30p Rios de Agua Viva Worship

7:00p LifeLight 8:30p A.A.

9:20a SCCC Chapel

9:20a SCCC Chapel Time 5:00p SCCC Board Mtg. 5:30p Supper 7:00p Ministry Team Mtgs.

9:30a MOMs 6:45p Shepherd’s Bells 8:00p Chancel Choir

9:00a Prayer Partners 3:30p GS Junior Troop 8:30p A.A.

6:30p Rios de Agua Viva Worship

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 8:15a Worship 9:30a FINK Class 9:30a Sunday School

11:00a Worship-Small Wond. 4:30p Rios de Agua Viva Worship

6:00p Book Club

8:30p A.A.

9:20a SCCC Chapel 12:00p Sr. Lunch Bunch 6:00p BOT/Budget

9:20a SCCC Chapel Time 5:30p Supper 7:30p Bd. of Elders

9:30a MOMs 6:45p Shepherd’s Bells 8:00p Chancel Choir

Newsletter Deadline

9:00a Prayer Partners 4:00p GS Cadet Troop-104

7:15p Game Care Group (Deans) 8:30p AA

9:30 C6 Advocacy Team Mtg. 6:30p Rios de Agua Viva Worship

18 19 20 21 22 Thanksgiving 23 24 8:15a Worship 9:30a FINK Class 9:30a Sunday School

11:00a Praise Worship 12:45p Turkey Bowl 4:30p Rios de Agua Viva Worship

8:30p A.A. 9:20a SCCC Chapel 7:30p Community Interfaith Thanksgiving Worship –St. Peters

9:20a SCCC Chapel Time 7:30p Worship Service

9:00a Prayer Partners 8:30p A.A.

6:30p Rios de Agua Viva Worship

25 26 27 28 29 30 Preschool Closed 8:15a Worship 9:30a FINK Class 9:30a Sunday School

11:00a Worship-Small Wond. 12:30p KIC Advent Craft Party

12:30p Wreath Making 4:30p Rios de Agua Viva Worship

8:30p A.A. 9:20a SCCC Chapel

9:20a SCCC Chapel Time 5:30p Supper 7:00p Bd. of Trustees (Back up meeting)

9:30a MOMs 2:00p JTB Set Up 6:45p Shepherds Bells 8:00p Chancel Choir

9:00a Prayer Partners 12:00p JTB Set Up

3:30p GS Junior Troop-104 8:30p A.A.


Page 14: November 2012 - OlneyGoodShepherdolneygoodshepherd.org/pdfs/2012_11_The_Messenger.pdf · Youth Groups will sell Brunch/Lunch items. Do your Christmas shopping for family and friends

The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd 4200 Olney-Laytonsville Road

P.O. Box 280 Olney, Maryland 20830-0280

Return Service Requested

The Messenger Is published monthly by

The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Olney, Maryland 20830-0280

Telephone: 301-774-9125 FAX: 301-774-9649


Pastor: Patrick K. Carlson

Office Secretary: Evelyn Dunn Newsletter Editor: Nancy Wald

The deadline for the December issue is

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Sunday Worship Services 8:15 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

Sunday School All Ages – 9:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.

U.S. Postage