NR12 Machinery and Work Equipment Safety (As amended on April 29th, 2016) General Principles 12.1 This Regulatory Standard (NR12) and its annexes provides technical references, basic principles and protective measures to ensure the health and physical integrity of workers and establishes minimum requirements for the prevention of occupational diseases and accidents in the design stages and use of machinery and equipment of all kinds, and also to its manufacture, importation, trading, exhibition and cession in any way, in all economic activities, without prejudice to the provisions of all other NRs approved by Governmental Decree No. 3214 on June 8th, 1978, in the technical standards and, in the absence or omission thereof, in applicable international standards. 12.1.1 The use phase includes transporting, assembling, installing, setting, operating, cleaning, maintaining, inspecting, decommissioning and dismantling of the machinery and equipment. (Amended by Ordinance no. 857, on June 25th, 2015) 12.2 The provisions of this standard refer to new and used machinery and equipment, except for the items wherein there is specific mention about its applicability. 12.2A Machinery and equipments proven to be exported are exempted from compliance with the technical safety requirements specified in this standard. (Inserted by Ordinance no. 857, on June 25th, 2015) 12.2B This standard does not apply to machinery and equipments: (Item and paragraphs inserted by Ordinance no. 857, on June 25th, 2015) a) moved or propelled by human or animal power; b) exhibited in museums, fairs and events for historical purposes or those which are considered antiques and no longer used for productive purposes, provided that measures are taken to ensure the preservation of the physical integrity of visitors and exhibitors; c) classified as appliances. 12.2C The safe movement of machinery and equipments outside the physical facilities of the company is allowed for repairs, adjustments, technological modernization, decommissioning, dismantling and disposal. (Inserted by Ordinance no. 857, on June 25th, 2015). 12.3 The employer shall take protective measures for working on machinery and equipment, capable to ensure the health and physical integrity of workers and appropriate measures whenever there are disabled persons directly or indirectly involved in the work. 12.4 Protective measure to be adopted shall be implemented in the following order of priority:

NR12 Machinery and Work Equipment Safety General PrinciplesGeneral Principles 12.1 This Regulatory Standard (NR12) and its annexes provides technical references, ... 12.6 The circulation

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Page 1: NR12 Machinery and Work Equipment Safety General PrinciplesGeneral Principles 12.1 This Regulatory Standard (NR12) and its annexes provides technical references, ... 12.6 The circulation

NR12 – Machinery and Work Equipment Safety

(As amended on April 29th, 2016)

General Principles

12.1 This Regulatory Standard (NR12) and its annexes provides technical references,

basic principles and protective measures to ensure the health and physical integrity of

workers and establishes minimum requirements for the prevention of occupational

diseases and accidents in the design stages and use of machinery and equipment of all

kinds, and also to its manufacture, importation, trading, exhibition and cession in any

way, in all economic activities, without prejudice to the provisions of all other NRs

approved by Governmental Decree No. 3214 on June 8th, 1978, in the technical

standards and, in the absence or omission thereof, in applicable international standards.

12.1.1 The use phase includes transporting, assembling, installing, setting, operating,

cleaning, maintaining, inspecting, decommissioning and dismantling of the machinery

and equipment. (Amended by Ordinance no. 857, on June 25th, 2015)

12.2 The provisions of this standard refer to new and used machinery and equipment,

except for the items wherein there is specific mention about its applicability.

12.2A Machinery and equipments proven to be exported are exempted from compliance

with the technical safety requirements specified in this standard. (Inserted by Ordinance

no. 857, on June 25th, 2015)

12.2B This standard does not apply to machinery and equipments: (Item and paragraphs

inserted by Ordinance no. 857, on June 25th, 2015)

a) moved or propelled by human or animal power;

b) exhibited in museums, fairs and events for historical purposes or those which are

considered antiques and no longer used for productive purposes, provided that measures

are taken to ensure the preservation of the physical integrity of visitors and exhibitors;

c) classified as appliances.

12.2C The safe movement of machinery and equipments outside the physical facilities

of the company is allowed for repairs, adjustments, technological modernization,

decommissioning, dismantling and disposal. (Inserted by Ordinance no. 857, on June

25th, 2015).

12.3 The employer shall take protective measures for working on machinery and

equipment, capable to ensure the health and physical integrity of workers and

appropriate measures whenever there are disabled persons directly or indirectly

involved in the work.

12.4 Protective measure to be adopted shall be implemented in the following order of


Page 2: NR12 Machinery and Work Equipment Safety General PrinciplesGeneral Principles 12.1 This Regulatory Standard (NR12) and its annexes provides technical references, ... 12.6 The circulation

a) collective protective measures;

b) administrative measures or organization of work; and

c) personal protective measure.

12.5 The characteristics of the machines and equipments, of process, risk assessment,

and the state of art shall be considered while implementing this standard and its


12.5A It is up to the workers: (Item and paragraphs inserted by Ordinance no. 857, on

June 25th, 2015)

a) to comply with all the guidelines related to safety procedures for operating, feeding,

supplying, cleaning, maintaining, inspecting, transporting, decommissioning,

dismantling and disposal of machines and equipments;

b) not to perform any type of alteration on mechanical safeguards or safety devices that

may comprise the physical integrity and health of theirs and others;

c) to inform their superiors immediately if a safety guard or device is removed,

damaged or not working;

d) to participate in trainings provided by the employer to meet the requirements of this


e) to collaborate with the employer to implement the provisions in this standard.

Physical layout and facilities

12.6 The circulation areas in the installation sites of machinery and work equipment

shall be properly marked and be in accordance with the official technical standards.

12.6.1 The main circulation routes in the workplaces and those that leading to exits shall

have at least a width of 1.20 m (one meter and twenty centimetres).

12.6.2 The circulation areas shall be kept permanently unobstructed

12.7 The materials used in the production process shall be stored in specific areas, duly

marked with colored strips indicated by the official technical standards or signalized for

outside areas.

12.8 The spaces around the machinery and equipment shall be suitable to their type and

to the type of operation in order to prevent accidents and diseases related to work.

12.8.1 The minimum distance between machinery, in accordance with their

characteristics and applications, shall ensure the safety of the workers during operation,

maintenance, adjustment, cleaning and inspection, and to permit the movement of body

segments, given the nature of the task.

12.8.2 The material storage and circulation areas and the spaces around the machinery

shall be designed, sized and maintained so that the workers and material transporters,

mechanized and manual, can move safely.

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12.9 The floors of circulation areas and the workplaces where machineries and work

equipments are installed shall:

a) be kept clean and free of objects, tools and any materials that may pose a risk of


b) have characteristics to prevent risks arising from grease, oils and other substances

and materials that make them slippery; and

c) be levelled and resistant to the loads they are subjected.

12.10 The tools used in production process shall be organized, stored or arranged in

specific locations for this purpose.

12.11 The stationary machines shall have preventive measures regarding to their

stability, so that the machines do not swing and move unexpectedly due to vibration,

shock, predictable external forces, internal dynamic forces or any other accidental


12.11.1 The installation of stationary machines shall comply with the requirements

provided by the manufacturers or, in their absence, the project prepared by a legally

qualified professional, especially regarding to foundation, mounting, damping,

levelling, ventilation, electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic power, grounding and cooling


12.12 The mobile machines with casters shall have locks on at least two of them.

12.13 The machines, circulation areas, work sites and other locations in where there

might be workers shall be positioned so that no material will be transported or moved

over the workers.

Electrical devices and installations

12.14 The electrical installation of machinery and equipment shall be designed and

maintained in order to prevent, by safe means, the risks of electrical shock, fire,

explosion and other accidents, as prescribed in NR10.

12.15 The installations, casings, housings, shielding or conductive parts of machinery

and equipment that are not part of electrical circuits, but may be under voltage, shall be

grounded according to current official technical standards.

12.16 The electrical installation of machinery and equipment that are or may be in direct

or indirect contact with water or corrosive agents shall be designed with means and

measures to assure their shielding, tightness, insulation and grounding in order to

prevent accidents.

12.17 The power lead of machinery and equipment shall meet the following minimum

safety requirements:

a) provide mechanical strength compatible with its use;

Page 4: NR12 Machinery and Work Equipment Safety General PrinciplesGeneral Principles 12.1 This Regulatory Standard (NR12) and its annexes provides technical references, ... 12.6 The circulation

b) have protection against the possibility of mechanical failure, abrasive contacts and

contact with lubricants, combustibles and heat;

c) located in a way that no segment is in contact with moveable parts or sharp edges;

d) facilitate and not prevent the movement of persons and materials or the operation of


e) not pose any other types of risks; and

f) be made of materials that do not propagate the fire, i.e., self-extinguishing. (Amended

by Ordinance no.211, on December 9th, 2015)

12.18 The power enclosures of machinery and equipment shall meet the following

minimum safety requirements:

a) have an access door, kept permanently closed;

b) have signs about the danger of electrical shock and restricting access of unauthorized


c) be maintained in good condition, clean and free of objects and tools;

d) have protection and identification of circuits; and

e) meet the appropriate degree of protection depending on the environment of use.

12.19 The connections and drifts of the power leads of the machinery and equipments

shall be made with appropriate devices and according to current official technical

standards, in order to ensure mechanical strength and adequate electrical contact, with

characteristics equivalent to the power leads itself and protection against risks.

12.20 The electrical installations of machinery and equipments that use electrical energy

supplied by an external source shall have an over-current protection which is sized

according to the consumption demand of the circuit.

12.20.1 The machinery and equipments shall have a protective device against over-

voltage when an increase in voltage can cause risk of accident.

12.20.2 When the power supply allows the inversion of phases which may lead to

accidents, there shall be a monitored device for phase sequence detection or other

measures of protection with the same effectiveness.

12.21 Followings are prohibited in the machinery and equipments:

a) the use of disconnect switch as a start or stop device;

b) the use of switches, such as a knife-type, on electrical circuits; and

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c) the existence of energized parts exposed to the circuits that use electricity.

12.22 The batteries shall meet the following minimum safety requirements:

a) located so that their maintenance and replacement can be performed easily from the

ground or from a support platform;

b) setting up and fixing so that there will be no accidental displacement; and

c) positive terminal protection in order to prevent accidental contact and short circuit.

12.23 The services and replacement of batteries shall be performed in accordance with

the operating manual.

Starting, actuation and stopping devices

12.24 The starting, actuation and stop devices of machinery shall be designed, selected

and installed so that they:

a) are not localized in their hazardous areas;

b) can be activated or turn off in case of emergency by a person other than the operator;

c) prevent inadvertent actuation or shut down by the operator or any other accidental


d) do not provide additional risks; and

e) cannot be bypassed.

12.25 The starting or actuation commands of the machinery shall have devices to

prevent their automatic operation when energized.

12.26 When actuation devices with two-handed control are used in order to keep the

operator’s hands off the danger zone, they shall meet the following minimum


a) have synchronous actuation, i.e. an output signal shall be generated only when the

two actuation control devices – buttons – are actuated with a time delay less than or

equal to 0.5 s (half-second);

b) be under automatic monitoring by safety interface;

c) have a relationship between input and output signal, so that the input signals applied

to each of the two actuation control devices shall together start and maintain the output

signal of the two-handed control device only during the application of the two signals;

d) the output signal shall end when any of the actuation control devices are deactivated;

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e) have control devices that require a deliberate action to minimize the likelihood of

accidental command;

f) have distance and barriers between the actuation control devices to hamper the bypass

of the protective effect of the two-handed control device ; and

g) making possible the restart of the output signal only after the actuation control

devices are deactivated.

12.27 On machinery operated by two or more two-handed control devices, the

synchronous actuation is required only for each of the two-handed control devices and

not between different devices that must maintain simultaneity between each other.

12.28 The two-handed control devices shall be placed at a safe distance from the danger

zone, taking into account:

a) the shape, disposition and response time of the two-handed control device;

b) the maximum time required for stopping the machine or removing the hazard, after

the termination of the output signal of the two-handed control device; and

c) the projected utilization for the machine.

12.29 The movable two-handed controls installed on pedestals shall:

a) remain stable in their working position;

b) have a height compatible with the work site to stay close to the operator in the

working position.

12.30 In machinery and equipment whose operation requires the participation of more

than one person, the number of simultaneous actuation devices shall match the number

of operators exposed to the hazards arising from actuation, so that the level of protection

will be same for each worker.

12.30.1 There shall be a selector for the number of actuation devices in use with a lock

that prevents its selection by unauthorized persons.

12.30.2 The actuation circuit shall be designed to prevent the operation of controls

enabled by the selector while all other non-enabled controls are not disconnected.

12.30.3 The simultaneous actuation devices, when used two or more, shall have a

luminous signs to indicate the operation.

12.31 The machinery or equipment designed and manufactured to allow the use of

various modes of control or operation that shows different safety levels shall have a

selector that meets the following requirements:

a) lock at each position, preventing intervention by unauthorized persons;

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b) correspondence of each position in a single command or operation mode;

c) control mode selected with priority over all other control systems, with the exception

of emergency stop; and

d) the selection shall be visible, clear and easily identifiable.

12.32 The machinery and equipment, whose actuation by unauthorized persons may

pose a risk to health or physical integrity of any person shall have a system that allows

the blocking of actuation devices.

12.33 The simultaneous actuation and shut down by a single control from a set of

machinery and equipment or very large machinery and equipment shall be preceded by

an audible signal.

12.34 Additional warning measures, such as visual signs and telecommunication

devices, shall be taken, when necessary, considering the characteristics of the

productive process and of the workers.

12.35 The machinery and equipment operated by radio frequency shall be protected

against accidental electromagnetic interference.

12.36 The starting, stopping and actuation components and other controls that constitute

the operation interface of the machinery and equipments manufactured after March

24th, 2012 shall: (Item and paragraphs amended by Ordinance no. 857, on June 25th,


a) permit the installation and operation of emergency stop system, where applicable,

according to items and sub-items of the chapter on emergency stop devices in this

standard; and

b) operate in extra low voltage up to 25V in alternating current or up to 60V in direct

current, or adopt other protective measures against electrical shock according to existing

official technical standards.

12.36.1 The starting, stopping and actuation components and other controls that

constitute the operation interface of the machinery and equipments manufactured before

March 24th, 2012 shall:

a) permit the installation and operation of emergency stop system, where applicable,

according to items and sub-items of the chapter on emergency stop devices in this

standard; and

b) operate in extra low voltage up to 25V in alternating current or up to 60V in direct

current, or adopt other protective measures against electrical shock according to existing

official technical standards, when the risk assessment indicates a need for protection

against electric shock.

12.37 If so indicated by the risk analysis, depending on the required safety category, the

electrical control circuit for starting and stopping the electrical motor on machines and

equipments, including in emergencies, shall be redundant and meet one of the following

concepts, or comply with the requirements of national technical regulations in force and,

failing that, of international technical standards:

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a) have at least two contactors connected in series with mechanically linked contacts or

mirror contacts, monitored by safety interface;

b) use a contactor with mechanically linked contacts or mirror contacts, connected in

series to inverters or frequency converters or soft-starters that has an enable input and

provides a fault signal, monitored by safety interface;

c) use two contactors with mechanically linked contacts or mirror contacts, monitored

by safety interface, connected in series to inverters or frequency converters or soft-

starters that does not have an enable input and does not provide a fault signal;

d) use inverters and frequency converters or soft-starters that have safety input and

meets the requirements of the required safety category.

12.37.1 To meet the requirements of item 12.37, paragraph “b”, “c” and “d”, controlled

stop of the motor is allowed, provided that there is no risk arising from their non-

instantaneous stop.

Safety systems

12.38 Danger zones of machinery and equipment shall have safety systems,

characterized by fixed protections, movable protections and interconnected safety

devices to ensure protection for health and physical integrity of workers.

12.38.1 The adoption of safety systems, particularly in the areas of operation that

present hazard, shall consider the technical characteristics of the machine, the work

process and the existing technical alternatives and measures in order to achieve the

necessary safety level provided in this Standard.

12.39 The safety systems shall be selected and installed so as to meet the following


a) have a safety category in accordance with the preliminary risk analysis provided in

the existing official technical standards;

b) be under the technical responsibility of legally qualified professional;

c) have technical compliance with the control system to which they are integrated;

d) installation so that cannot be neutralized or bypassed;

e) remain under automatic surveillance, i.e. monitoring, according to the required safety

category, except for exclusively mechanical safety devices; and

f) stopping dangerous movements and all other risks when failures or abnormal working

conditions occur.

12.40 The safety systems, if indicated by the risk analysis, shall require manual reset.

12.40.1 After a stop command has been initiated by safety system, the stop condition

shall be maintained until there is a safe condition for resetting.

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12.41 For the purposes of applying this standard, any element used specifically to

provide safety through a physical barrier is considered as a protection, which can be:

a) fixed protection, which shall be maintained in position permanently or by means of

fasteners that only allow removal or opening with the use of tools;

b) movable protection, which can be opened without the use of tools, usually by

mechanical elements connected to the machine structure or a near fixed component, and

shall be associated with the interlocking devices.

12.42 For the purposes of applying this Standard, the components, alone or connected

or associated with the protections, that reduce risks of accident and other health

problems are considered as safety devices, being classified in:

a) electrical controls and safety interfaces: devices responsible to perform the

monitoring, which verify the connection, position and operation of other system devices

and prevent the occurrence of a failure that causes the loss of safety function, such as

safety relays, configurable safety controllers and programmable logic controller (PLC);

b) interlocking devices: optoelectronic, encoded electronic and magnetic,

electromechanical safety switches, safety inductive sensors and other safety devices that

have the purpose of preventing the operation of machine components under specific

conditions; (Amended by Ordinance n.211, on December 9th,2015)

c) safety sensors: mechanical and non-mechanical presence detector devices, that act

when a person or part of the body enters the detection zone, sending a signal to stop or

prevent the onset of dangerous functions; such as light curtains, optoelectronic presence

detectors, multi-beam laser, optical barriers, area monitors or scanners, backstops, mats

and position sensors; (Amended by Ordinance n.211, on December 9th, 2015)

d) valves and safety blocks or pneumatic and hydraulic systems with the same


e) mechanical devices, such as: restraint devices, limiters, separators, pushers,

inhibitors, baffles and retractables; and

f) validation devices: additional hand-operated control devices, which enable the

actuation device when applied permanently, such as lockable switches and lockable


12.43 The components related to safety systems and stopping and actuation controls of

the machines, including the emergency, shall ensure the safe condition of the machinery

or equipment when there are fluctuations in energy level beyond the limits considered in

the design, including the power outage and reestablishing of energy supply.

12.44 The protection shall be movable when the access to a danger zone is required one

or more times per shift, considering that:

a) the protection must be associated with an interlocking device, when opened, which

does not allow access to the danger zone before the elimination of risk; and

Page 10: NR12 Machinery and Work Equipment Safety General PrinciplesGeneral Principles 12.1 This Regulatory Standard (NR12) and its annexes provides technical references, ... 12.6 The circulation

b) the protection must be associated with an interlocking device with lock, when

opened, which allow access to the danger zone before the elimination of risk.

12.45 The machinery and equipment with movable protections associated with

interlocking devices shall:

a) operate only when the protections are closed;

b) stop their hazardous functions when the protections are opened during operation; and

c) ensure that the closing of the protections alone cannot initiate the dangerous


12.46 The interlocking devices with locks associated to the movable protections of

machinery and equipment shall:

a) allow operation only while the protection is closed and locked;

b) keep the protection closed and locked until the injury risk arising from hazardous

functions of the machinery or equipment has been eliminated;

c) ensure that the closing and locking of protection alone cannot initiate the hazardous

functions of the machinery or equipment.

12.47 The power transmissions and the movable components connected to them,

accessible or exposed, shall have fixed or movable protections with interlocking devices

that prevent access from all sides.

12.47.1 When movable protections are used to confine the inactive power

transmissions, interlocking devices with lock shall be used.

12.47.2 The drive shaft shall have adequate protection in perfect condition throughout

its full length, fixed in power outlet of the machine from the cross head to the coupling

of the attachment or equipment.

12.48 The machinery and equipment parts that pose a risk of rupture, projection of

materials, particles or substances, shall have protections to ensure health and safety of


12.49 The protections shall be designed and constructed so as to meet the following

safety requirements:

a) fulfill their duties appropriately during the lifetime of the machine or allow the

replacement of damaged or deteriorated parts;

b) be made of resistant and suitable materials to restrain the projection of parts,

materials and particles;

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c) firm fixation and ensuring stability and mechanical strength compatible with the

required effort;

d) not create gripping or pinch points with machine parts or other protections;

e) cannot have extremities and sharp edges or other dangerous projections;

f) withstand the environmental conditions of the location where they are installed;

g) prevent from being circumvented;

h) provide conditions of hygiene and cleaning;

i) prevent access to the danger zone;

j) have their interlocking devices properly protected from dirt, dust and corrosion, if


k) have positive action, i.e. acting in a positive mode; and

l) not create additional risks.

12.50 When the protection is made of a discontinued material, the safety distance shall

be observed to prevent access to danger zones, as provided in Annex I, item A.

12.51 During the use of protections away from machine or equipment with possibility

of someone getting into the danger zone, additional collective protective measures shall

be adopted to prevent starting the machine while there are persons in the area.

12.52. The protections also used as a mean of access by the exigency of the machinery

or equipment characteristics shall meet the safety and strength requirements appropriate

for both purposes.

12.53 There shall be protection on the ladder steps, i.e., on the risers, whenever a

protruding part of the foot or hand can contact a hazardous area.

12.54 The protections, safety devices and systems shall integrate the machinery and

equipment, and cannot be considered as optional items for any purpose.

12.55 Depending on the risk, the design, diagram or schematic representation of the

safety systems may be required, with respective technical specifications in Portuguese.

12.55.1 When the machine does not have the required technical documentation, the

owner shall constitute it, under the responsibility of a legally qualified professional and

with the respective Technical Liability Notation of the Regional Council of Engineering

and Architecture (ART/CREA).

Emergency stop devices

Page 12: NR12 Machinery and Work Equipment Safety General PrinciplesGeneral Principles 12.1 This Regulatory Standard (NR12) and its annexes provides technical references, ... 12.6 The circulation

12.56 The machinery shall be equipped with one or more emergency stop devices,

whereby latent and existent hazardous conditions can be avoided.

12.56.1 The emergency stop devices shall not be used as a starting or actuation device.

12.56.2 The manual machines, self-propelled machineries and those in which the

emergency stop device does not allow risk reduction are excepted from the requirement

of item 12.56. (Amended by Ordinance no.211, on December 9th, 2015)

12.57 The emergency stop devices shall be positioned within easy access and viewing

by the operators in their worksites and by other persons, and kept permanently


12.58 The emergency stop devices shall:

a) be selected, assembled and interconnected in order to withstand the prescribed

operating conditions as well as the environmental influences;

b) be used as auxiliary measure, and cannot be an alternative to proper protection

measures or automatic safety systems;

c) have triggers designed to be easily activated by the operator or others who may need

to use them;

d) prevail over all other commands;

e) cause stopping of operation or dangerous process in a period of time as short as

technically possible, without creating additional hazards;

f) be monitored through safety systems; and

g) be maintained in perfect operating condition.

12.59 The emergency stop function shall not:

a) impair the efficiency of safety systems or devices with functions related to safety;

b) impair any means designed to rescue accident victims; and

c) create additional risk.

12.60 Pressing the emergency stop device shall also result in the retention of the

actuator, in such a way that when the actuator action is discontinued, it remains retained

until it is deactivated.

12.60.1 The deactivation shall only be possible as a result of an intentional manual

action on the actuator, through appropriate maneuver;

12.61 When used cable-type actuators:

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a) use emergency stop switches that work tensioned so as to automatically stop the

hazardous machinery functions in case of rupture or loosening of the cables;

b) consider the displacement and the force applied to the actuators as necessary for the

actuation of the emergency stop switches; and

c) conform to the maximum distance between the emergency stop switches

recommended by the manufacturer.

12.62 The emergency stop switches shall be located in a way that all the actuator cable

is visible from the deactivation position.

12.62.1 If it is not possible to comply with the requirement in item 12.62, the machinery

or equipment shall be inspected throughout the length of the cable, after the actuation

and before the deactivation.

12.63 The emergency stop shall require reset or manual reset which to be performed

only after the correction of the event that caused the emergency stop.

12.63.1 The location of the reset actuators shall be completely viewed from the area

protected by the cable.

Permanent means of access

12.64 The machinery and equipment shall have permanently fixed and secured access to

all points of operation, supply, raw material insertion and product removal, preparation,

maintenance and constant intervention.

12.64.1 Lifts, ramps, walkways, platforms and stairs are considered as means of access.

12.64.2 When it is technically impossible to adopt the means provided in sub-item

12.64.1, a ship type ladder can be used.

12.64.3 The permanent means of access shall be located and installed so as to prevent

accidents and facilitate the access and use by the workers.

12.65 The use of the means of access shall consider the pitch angle as shown in Figure 1

of Annex III.

12.66 There shall be stable and secure work platforms where the workers must access to

the locations or work sites above ground level to operate or any other usual

interventions in the machinery and equipment, such as operation, supply, maintenance,

preparation and inspection.

12.66.1 When it is technically impossible to apply the provisions in item 12.66, mobile

or elevating working platforms can be used.

12.67 The mobile platforms shall be stable so as to prevent movement or tipping during

the work.

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12.68 The walkways, platforms, ramps and stairs shall provide safe working conditions,

circulation, movement and handling of materials and:

a) be designed, constructed and fixed in a safe and sturdy way in order to withstand the

applied efforts and safe movement of workers;

b) have floors and steps made of slip-resistant materials or coatings;

c) be kept clear of obstacles; and

d) be located and installed so as to prevent risk of falling, slipping, tripping and

excessive physical efforts by workers who use them.

12.69 The ramps with a slope of 10 (ten) to 20 (twenty) degrees relative to horizontal

plane shall have horizontal cross pieces securely fixed to prevent slipping, separated

from each other by 0.40 m (forty centimeters) throughout the length when the floor is

not slip-resistant.

12.69.1 It is prohibited to build ramps with slopes greater than 20 (twenty) degrees

relative to the floor.

12.70 The means of access, except for elevators and ship type ladders, shall have fall

protection system with the following characteristics:

a) be designed, constructed and fixed in a safe and sturdy way in order to withstand the

applied efforts;

b) be made of weatherproof material resistant to corrosion;

c) have top rails between 1.10 m (one meter and ten centimeters) to 1.20 m (one meter

and twenty centimeters) above the walking/working level along the entire length on

both sides;

d) top rails shall not have a flat surface, in order to prevent the placement of objects; and

e) have toeboards at least 0.20 m (twenty centimeters) in height and intermediate rails

0.70 m (seventy centimeters) in height above the walking/working level, located

between the toeboard and the upper rail.

12.71 If there is a risk of falling objects and materials, there shall be a fixed and sturdy

protection between toeboard and the top rail.

12.71.1 The protection mentioned in item 12.71 can be comprised of sturdy screen,

provided that the mesh does not allow the passage of any object or material which may

lead to injuries.

12.72 The adoption of the dimensions in Figure 5 of Annex III is allowed for the fall

protection system on the platforms used in supply operations or where accumulate


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12.73 The walkways, platforms and ramps shall have the following characteristics:

a) minimum width of 0.60 m (sixty centimeters);

b) means of drainage, if necessary; and

c) no toeboard on the access clearance.

12.74 The stairs without riser shall have:

a) width of 0.60 m (sixty centimeters) to 0.80 m (eighty centimeters);

b) treads with a minimum depth of 0.15 m (fifteen centimeters);

c) uniform treads and flights, leveled and without protrusions;

d) maximum 0.25 m (twenty-five centimeters) height between treads;

e) rest platforms with 0.60 m (sixty centimeters) to 0.80 m (eighty centimeters) in width

and length at intervals of no more than 3.00 m (three meters) in height;

f) minimum projection of at least 0.01 m (ten millimeters) between each tread; and

g) treads with a depth that meets the formula: 600 ≤ g +2 h ≤ 660 (dimensions in

millimeters) as shown in Figure 2 of Annex III.

12.75. The stairs with riser shall have:

a) width of 0.60 m (sixty centimeters) to 0.80 m (eighty centimeters);

b) tread with a minimum depth of 0.20 m (twenty centimeters);

c) uniform treads and flights, leveled and without protrusions;

d) treads between 0.20 m (twenty centimeters) and 0.25 m (twenty-five centimeters) in


e) rest platforms with 0.60 m (sixty centimeters) to 0.80 m (eighty centimeters) in width

and length at intervals of no more than 3.00 m (three meters) in height.

12.76 The fixed ship type ladders shall:

a) be designed, constructed and fixed in a safe and sturdy way in order to withstand the

applied efforts;

b) be made of waterproof materials or coatings resistant to corrosion, if they are

exposed to an external or corrosive environment;

c) have protection cages, if they have a height more than 3.50 m (three meters and fifty

centimeters), installed 2.0 m (two meters) above the floor, extended the resting

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platform or roof-top at least 1.10 m (one meter and ten centimeters) to 1.20 m (one

meter and twenty centimeters);

d) have handrails or be continuous extending 1.10 m (one meter and ten centimeters) to

1.20 m (one meter and twenty centimeters) above the resting platform or the roof-top;

e) have a width of 0.40 m (forty centimeters) to 0.60 m (sixty centimeters), as shown in

Figure 3 of Annex III;

f) have a maximum height of 10.00 meters (ten meters), if it is a single flight;

g) have a maximum height of 6.00 meters (six meters) between two resting platforms, if

it has multiple flights, constructed parallelly as consecutive flights aparting from each

other at least 0.70 m (seventy centimeters), as shown in Figure 3 of Annex III;

h) have 0.25 m (twenty-five centimeters) to 0.30 m (thirty centimeters) distance

between horizontal rails, as shown in Figure 3 of Annex III;

i) have a distance between the floor of the machine or the building and the first bar no

more than 0.55 m (fifty-five centimeters), as shown in Figure 3 of Annex III;

j) have a distance of at least 0.15 m (fifteen centimeters) from the structure to which it is

fixed, as shown in Figure 4C of Annex III;

k) have horizontal bars of 0.025 m (twenty-five millimeters) to 0.038 m (thirty-eight

millimeters) in diameter or thickness; and

l) have horizontal bars with surfaces, shapes or grooves to prevent slipping.

12.76.1 The protective cages shall have a diameter of 0.65 m (sixty-five centimeters) to

0.80 m (eighty centimeters), as shown in Figure 4C of Annex III; and

a) have vertical bars with a maximum spacing of 0.30 meters (thirty centimeters)

between each other and a maximum distance of 1.50 (one meter and fifty centimeters)

between arcs, as shown in Figure 4A and 4B of Annex III, and

b) no more than 0.30 meters (thirty centimeters) clearance between arches, as shown in

Figure 3 of Annex III, endowed with vertical bars to sustain the arches.

Pressurized components

12.77 Additional protective measures shall be adopted for hoses, pipes and other

pressurized components that are subject to possible mechanical impacts and other

aggressive agents, when there is risk.

12.78 Hoses, pipes and other pressurized components shall be located or protected so as

not to cause accidents in case of ruptures and fluid leaks.

12.79 The hoses used in pressurized systems shall have an indication of the maximum

admissible working pressure specified by the manufacturer.

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12.80 The pressurized systems of the machines shall have means or devices intended to

ensure that:

a) the maximum admissible working pressure cannot be exceeded; and

b) progressive or sudden drops in pressure and vacuum loss cannot generate danger.

12.81 When energy sources are isolated from the machines, the residual pressure in

reservoirs and similar containers, such as hydropneumatic accumulators, cannot create a

risk of accident.

12.82 The containers containing compressed gases used in the machinery and

equipment shall remain in perfect condition and operation and be stored in well-

ventilated storages, protected against falls, heat and accidental impacts.

12.83 The following conditions shall be met during the activities of assembly and

disassembly of the wheel tires of the non-stationary machines and equipments which

create risk of accident:

a) the tires shall be completely depressurized, the calibration valve shall be removed

before the dismantling and any intervention that may cause accidents; and

b) the tires can only be inflated inside an enclosed device or safety cage large enough,

until a sufficient pressure is achieved to force the tire bead onto the rim and create an

airtight seal with the tire and bead.

12.84 In pneumatic and hydraulic systems that use two or more stages with different

pressures as a protective measure, the force exerted on the path or safety circuit –

approximation – cannot be enough to cause damage to the physical integrity of workers.

12.84.1 To meet the provisions of item 12.84, the force exerted on the path or safety

circuit shall be limited to 150 N (one hundred and fifty Newtons) and the contact

pressure limited to 50 N/cm² (fifty Newtons per square centimeter) except for the cases

where there are other values in current official technical standards.

Material conveyors

12.85 The hazardous movements of the continuous material conveyors shall be

protected, especially at the pinch points, gripping and trapping points formed by the

treadmills, belts, rollers, couplings, brakes, pulleys, samplers, flywheel, drums, gears,

racks, chains, guides, aligners, stretching region and counterweight, and other moving

parts accessible during normal operation.

12.85.1 The continuous conveyor belts whose height from the edge of the belt that

carries the load is greater than 2.70 m (two meters and seventy centimeters) from the

floor are exempted from the provisions of item 12.85, provided that no circulation or

presence of persons in hazardous areas.

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12.85.2 The continuous conveyor belts on which there is distant fixed protections,

associated with interlocked movable protection that restricts access to only specialized

personnel to perform inspections, maintenance and other necessary interventions, are

exempted from the provisions of item 12.85, provided that the provisions under item

12.51 are met.

12.86 The continuous conveyor belts, whose height from the edge of the belt that carries

the load is greater than 2.70 m (two meters and seventy centimeters) from the floor,

shall have walkways on both sides throughout their length, if the requirements of item

12.66 are met.

12.86.1 The conveyors whose belt has a width of up to 762 mm (seven hundred sixty-

two millimeters) or 30 (thirty) inches can have walkways on only one side, adopting the

use of mobile or aerial platforms for interventions and inspections.

12.86.2 The articulated mobile conveyors in which there is a possibility to perform any

intervention and inspection from ground level are exempted from the requirement in

item 12.86.

12.87 The material conveyors shall only be used for the type and load capacity for

which they were designed.

12.88 The wire ropes, chains, slings, hooks and other suspension or traction elements

and their connections shall be appropriate to the type of material and designed to

withstand the applied efforts.

12.89 In the continuous material conveyors that need to stop during the process,

reversing the movement for this purpose is prohibited.

12.90 The circulation and presence of persons on moving parts, or parts that can move,

of the material conveyors, when not designed for these purposes.

12.90.1 When it is technically impossible to comply with the provisions of item 12.90,

measures shall be taken to ensure the stop and blockage of the hazardous movements, as

provided in item 12.113 and sub-item 12.113.1.

12.90.2 The presence and circulation of persons on the continuous conveyors shall be

performed by means of walkways with fall protection system, according to item 12.70.

12.90.3 The presence and circulation of persons under the continuous conveyors are

only allowed in protected locations that have adequate size and strength against fall of


12.91 The continuous conveyors accessible to the workers shall have emergency stop

devices throughout the line, so that they can be actuated in all working positions.

12.91.1 The continuous conveyors accessible to workers are exempted from the

requirement of item 12.91, if the risk analysis indicates so.

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12.92 The continuous conveyor belts shall have devices to ensure safety in case of

failure during normal operation and stop the operation when the safety limits are

reached as specified in the design, and shall cover at least the following conditions:

a) abnormal belt misalignment; and

b) material overload.

12.93 During the transportation of suspended materials, safety measures shall be taken

to ensure that there is nobody under the load.

12.93.1 The safety measures provided on item 12.93 shall prioritize the existence of

exclusive areas for the circulation of suspended loads properly demarcated and signed.

Ergonomic aspects

12.94 The machinery and equipment shall be designed, constructed and maintained to

comply with the following aspects:

a) the variability of anthropometric characteristics of the operators;

b) postural and cognitive requirements, physical efforts and movement demanded by the


c) the components, such as display screens, signals and controls, shall enable clear and

precise interaction with the operator to reduce possibilities for misinterpretation or

feedback errors;

d) the controls and indicators shall represent the direction of movement and all other

corresponding effects, whenever possible;

e) the interactive systems, such as icons, symbols and instructions shall be consistent in

appearance and function;

f) promoting the performance and reliability of operations, reducing the probability of

failures in the operation;

g) reducing the requirement for force, pressure, gripping, bending, extending or twisting

of the body segments;

h) Lighting shall be appropriate and be available in emergency situations when required

to enter interior parts.

12.95 The machinery and equipment controls shall be designed, constructed and

maintained in compliance with the following aspects:

a) location and distance so as to allow easy and safe managing;

b) installation of the most used commands in the most accessible positions to the


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c) visibility, identification and marking so as to enable them to be distinguished from

each other;

d) installation of the manual or pedal actuation elements so as to facilitate the maneuver

considering the biomechanical and anthropometric characteristics of the operators; and

e) ensuring the safe and quick maneuvers and protection so as to prevent involuntary


12.96 The machinery and equipment shall be designed, constructed and operated by

considering the need for adaptation of working conditions to the psycho-physiological

characteristics of the workers and the nature of the works to be performed, offering

conditions of comfort and safety in compliance with NR17.

12.97 The seats used in the machinery operation shall have paddings and be adjustable

regarding to the nature of work to be performed, beyond what is provided in sub-item

17.3.3 of NR17.

12.98 The work sites shall be designed to allow the alternation of posture and adequate

movement of body segments, ensuring sufficient space for operation of the controls

installed in them.

12.99 The surfaces of the work sites shall not have sharp corners, rough surfaces and

edges at sharp angles or burrs on the points of contact with the operator’s body

segments, and the fixing elements such as nails, rivets and screws, shall be maintained

in a way not to add risk to the operation.

12.100 The machinery and equipment work sites shall allow the full support for the

soles on the floor.

12.100.1 Footrest shall be provided, when the operator’s feet do not reach the floor even

after the seat adjustment.

12.101 The dimensions of the machinery and equipment work sites shall:

a) meet the biomechanical and anthropometric characteristics of the operator, with

respect to the reaches of the body segments and vision;

b) ensure the proper posture so as to assure comfortable position for the body segments

in the working position; and

c) avoid bending and twisting of torso in order to observe the natural angles and

trajectories of the body movements during the tasks.

12.102 The designated places for the material handling in processes on machinery and

equipment shall have a height and be positioned so as to ensure good posture, view,

movement and operation.

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12.103 The machinery and equipment work sites shall have a permanent lighting

system, which allow good visibility on the work details, to avoid shadow or penumbra

areas and stroboscopic effect.

12.103.1 The lighting of the inner parts of machinery and equipment that requires

adjustment, inspection, maintenance and other periodic interventions shall be

appropriate and be available in emergency situations, when the entry of persons is

required, observing the specific requirements for hazardous areas.

12.104 The pace of work and the speed of machinery and equipment shall be

compatible with the physical ability of the operators in order to prevent health


12.105 The filler neck of fuel tank and other materials shall be located no more than

1.50 m (one meter and fifty centimeters) above the floor or support platform for the


Additional risks

12.106 For the purposes of this Standard, the following additional risks shall be


a) any hazardous substances, whether chemical or biological agents in solid, liquid or

gaseous state, which pose a risk to health or physical integrity of the workers through

inhalation, ingestion or contact with skin, eyes or mucous membranes;

b) ionizing radiations generated by machinery and equipment or from radioactive

substances used, processed or produced by them;

c) non-ionizing radiations with the potential to cause damage to health or physical

integrity of workers;

d) vibration;

e) noise;

f) heat;

g) combustibles, flammables, explosives and substances that react dangerously; and

h) accessible hot surfaces that pose a risk of burn caused by contact with skin.

12.107 Measures to control the additional risks from the emission or release of

chemical, physical and biological agents by machinery and equipment shall be adopted

with order of priority given to elimination, reduction of emission or release and

reduction of workers’ exposure.

12.108 The machinery and equipments that use, process or produce combustibles,

flammables, explosives or substances that react dangerously shall provide protective

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measures against their emission, release, combustion, explosion and accidental

reactions, as well as the incidence of fire.

12.109 Protective measures against burns caused by skin contact with hot surfaces of

machinery and equipment shall be adopted for a certain period of contact; such as the

reduction of surface temperature, isolation with suitable materials, and barriers

whenever the surface temperature is greater than the burning threshold of the material.

12.110 Safety procedures and work permits shall be developed and implemented to

ensure the safe use of machinery and equipments for works in confined spaces.

Maintenance, inspection, preparation, adjustments and repairs

12.111 The machinery and equipments shall be subjected to preventive and corrective

maintenance in the manner and frequency determined by the manufacturer according to

current official national technical standards and, in their absence, international technical


12.111.1 The preventive maintenances with the potential to cause accidents shall be

subject to planning and management performed by a legally habilitated professional.

12.112 The preventive and corrective maintenance shall be recorded in a log book,

index card or information system, with the following data:

a) maintenance schedule;

b) interventions performed;

c) date of each intervention;

d) service performed;

e) parts repaired or replaced;

f) safety conditions of the equipment;

g) conclusive indication as to safety conditions of the machine; and

h) name of the person responsible for performing interventions.

12.112.1 The maintenance record shall be available to the workers involved in

operation, maintenance and repairs, as well as the Internal Commission on Accident

Prevention (CIPA), the Occupational Health and Safety Services (SESMT) and the

supervision of the Ministry of Labor and Employment.

12.113 The maintenance, inspection, repairs, cleaning, adjustments and other

interventions that are necessary shall be performed by trained, qualified or legally

qualified professionals, which are formally authorized by the employer, after stopping

the machinery and equipment and adopting the following procedures:

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a) isolation and discharge of all energy sources of the machinery and equipments, in a

visible or easily identifiable manner by means of the control devices;

b) electrically and mechanically locking all energy cutting devices in the “off” or

“closed” position in order to prevent re-energizing, and marking with a card or tag

containing the time and date of locking, the reason for the maintenance and the name of

the responsible person;

c) measures to ensure that there is no possibility of generating risks of accidents

following the energy cutoff points;

d) additional safety measures, when maintenance, inspection and repairs of equipment

or machinery supported only by hydraulic and pneumatic systems is performed; and

e) retaining systems with a mechanical lock to prevent accidental rebound movement of

tilted or hinged parts of the machinery and equipments.

12.113.1 For special situations of setting, adjustment, cleaning, troubleshooting and

non-conformities, where it is not possible to comply with the conditions established in

item 12.113, and in other situations that imply the reduction of the safety level of

machinery and equipment and in where there is a need to access the dangerous areas it

shall be possible to select a mode of operation that:

a) the automatic control mode becomes inoperative;

b) allows the completion of services with the use of actuation device of continued action

associated with speed reduction, or control devices by limited movement;

c) prevents the change by unauthorized workers;

d) the selection corresponds to a single command or operation mode;

e) when selected, prevails over all other control systems, except for the emergency stop;


f) makes the selection visible, clear and easily identifiable.

12.114 The maintenance of machinery and equipment will include, as indicated by the

manufacturer, among other items, conducting non-destructive testing (NDT), in the

structures and components subject to forces and whose breakage or wear can cause


12.114.1 The non-destructive testing (NDT,) when performed, shall meet the current

official national technical standards and, in their absence, international technical


12.115 In maintenance of machinery and equipment, whenever a defect is detected in

the part or component that compromises the safety, repair or immediate replacement

with another original part or component or equivalent shall be arranged to ensure the

same characteristics and safe conditions of use.

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12.116 The machinery and equipment, as well as the facilities where they are, shall have

safety signs to warn the workers and others about the risks they are exposed to, the

operation and maintenance instructions and other informations necessary to ensure the

physical integrity and health of the workers.

12.116.1 The safety signs include the use of colors, symbols, markings, inscriptions or

audible and illuminated signals, among other forms of communication with same


12.116.2 The signs, including colors, on the machinery and equipments used in the

food, medical and pharmacy industries shall obey the current sanitation law, without

prejudice to the safety and health of workers or third parties.

12.116.3 The safety signs shall be adopted at all phases of use and service life of the

machinery and equipments.

12.117 The safety signs shall:

a) be highlighted on the machine or equipment;

b) be in a clearly visible location; and

c) be easy to understand.

12.118 The symbols, inscriptions and luminous or audible signals shall follow the

standards established by the current national technical standards and, in their absence,

by international technical standards.

12.119 The inscriptions on the machinery and equipments shall:

a) be written in Brazilian Portuguese;

b) be legible.

12.119.1 The inscriptions shall clearly indicate the risk and the part of the machinery or

equipment to which they relate, and shall not be used only the inscription of “danger”.

12.120 The inscriptions and symbols shall be used on the machinery and equipments to

indicate their specifications and technical limitations.

12.121 Active warning or alert signs, such as intermittent luminous and audible signals

that indicate the imminence of a hazardous event, such as starting or overspeed of a

machine, shall be adopted, where necessary, so that they:

a) are issued before the hazardous event occurs;

b) are not ambiguous;

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c) are clearly understood and distinguished from all other signals used; and

d) can be positively recognized by the workers.

12.122 The following safety colors shall be adopted for machines and equipments,

except when defined in other Regulatory Standards: (Amended by Ordinance no.211, on

December 9th, 2015)

a) preferably yellow: fixed and moveable protections – except when the dangerous

movements are confined in their own fairings or structures of the machinery or

equipments, or when the protection is made of transparent or translucent material;

(Amended by Ordinance no.211, on December 9th, 2015)

b) yellow: mechanical retention components, ladder cages and fall protection systems;

(Amended by Ordinance no.211, on December 9th, 2015)

c) blue: communication of safety stoppage and locking for maintenance. (Amended by

Ordinance no.211, on December 9th, 2015)

12.123 The machinery and equipments produced as from the effective date of this

Standard shall have indelible information in a visible place, containing at least:

a) company name, corporate identity number (CNPJ) and address of the manufacturer or

the importer;

b) information on type, model and capacity;

c) identification or serial number and year of manufacture;

d) registration number of the manufacturer or the importer in the CREA; and

e) weight of the machinery or equipment.

12.124 Indicator devices for qualitative and quantitative reading or safety control shall

be installed to warn workers about possible hazards, if necessary.

12.124.1 The indicators shall be easy to read and distinguishable from each other.


12.125 The machinery and equipments shall have instruction manuals provided by the

manufacturer or the importer with safety information in all phases of use.

12.126 The manual of the machinery or equipments that pose risks, when missing or

lost, shall be reconstituted by the employer or person designated by him/her, under the

responsibility of a qualified or legally qualified professional. (Amended by Ordinance

no.211, on December 9th, 2015)

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12.126.1 Micro and small businesses having no instruction manuals for the machinery

and equipments manufactured before 6/24/2012 shall prepare an information sheet

containing following items: (Item and paragraphs inserted by Ordinance no. 857, on

June 25th, 2015)

a) type, model and capacity;

b) description of the intended use of the machine or equipment;

c) indication of existing safety measures;

d) instructions for safe use of machinery or equipment;

e) frequency and instructions regarding the inspection and maintenance;

f) procedures to be adopted in emergency situations, when applicable. The information sheet indicated in item 12.126.1 can be prepared by the

employer or a person designated for this purpose. (Inserted by Ordinance no. 857, on

June 25th, 2015)

12.127 The manuals shall:

a) be written in Brazilian Portuguese, with legible type and size of characters,

accompanied by explanatory illustrations;

b) be objective, clear, unambiguous and easy to understand language;

c) have signs or warnings regarding to safety; and

d) be available to all users in the workplaces.

12.128 The manuals of the machinery and equipments manufactured or imported as

from the date of this Standard shall contain the following informations at least:

a) company name, corporate identity number (CNPJ) and address of the manufacturer or

the importer;

b) type, model and capacity;

c) serial or identification number and year of manufacture;

d) observed standards for design and construction of the machinery or equipment;

e) detailed description of the machinery or equipment and their accessories;

f) diagrams, including electrical circuits, especially the schematic representation of the

safety functions;

g) definition of the use expected from the machinery or equipment;

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h) risks, to which the users are exposed, with the respective quantitative assessments of

emissions generated by the machinery or equipment at their maximum utilization


i) definition of existing safety measures and those to be adopted by the users;

j) technical specifications and limitations for the safe use;

k) risks that may result from tampering or removal of safety guards and devices;

l) risks that may result from uses other than those prescribed in the design;

m) technical information to support the elaboration of work and safety procedures at all

stages of use; (Amended by Ordinance no.211, on December 9th, 2015)

n) procedures and schedule for inspections and maintenance;

o) procedures to be followed in emergency situations;

p) indication of the service life of the machinery or equipment and/or the components

related to safety.

12.129 In case of reconstituted manuals, these manuals shall contain the information set

out in paragraphs “b”, “e”, “g”, “i”, “j”, “k”, “m”, “n” and “o” of item 12.128, as well as

safety system diagrams and single and three line electrical system diagrams, as

appropriate. (Amended by Ordinance no. 211, on December 9th, 2015)

12.129.1 In the case of machines and equipments whose manufacturers are no longer

active, the paragraph “j” of item 12.128 can be replaced by the procedure set out in item

12.130, considering the machine limits. (Included by Ordinance no. 211, on December

9th, 2015)

Work and safety procedures

12.130 Specific, standardized work and safety procedures shall be developed with

detailed description of each task, step by step, from the risk analysis.

12.130.1 Work and safety procedures cannot be the only protective measures adopted to

prevent accidents and shall be considered complementary and not substitutes for

collective protective measures necessary to assure the safety and health of the workers.

12.131 At the beginning of each shift or after a new preparation of the machinery or

equipment, the operator shall perform a routine inspection of operational and safety

conditions and; if abnormalities that affect the safety are detected, the activities shall be

stopped and communicated to the superior.

12.132 The services in machinery and equipment that involve risk of accidents, except

the operation, shall be planned and performed in accordance with the work and safety

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procedures, under the supervision and express consent of a qualified or skilled

professional, if authorized.

12.132.1 The services that involve risk of accidents in machinery and equipment, except

the operation, shall be preceded by specific work orders, containing at least:

a) description of the service;

b) the date and place of work to be performed;

c) the name and function of the workers; and

d) the persons responsible for the service and for issuing the work order, according to

work and safety procedures.

12.132.2 The companies that do no have their own maintenance services are exempted

from preparing work and safety procedures for this purpose.

Design, manufacture, importation, sale, lease, auction, cession under any title and


12.133 The design shall take into account the safety of machinery or equipment during

the phases of construction, transportation, assembly, installation, adjustment, operation,

cleaning, maintenance, inspection, decommissioning, disassemble and scraping through

the technical references listed in this Standard, being observed to ensure the health and

physical integrity of the workers.

12.133.1 The design of the machinery or equipment shall not allow errors in assembly

or reassembly of certain parts or elements that may create risks during the operation,

especially regarding the direction of rotation or displacement.

12.133.2 The design of the machinery or equipment manufactured or imported after the

effective date of this Standard shall provide adequate means for lifting, loading,

installation, removal and transportation.

12.133.3 Safe means shall be provided for the activities of installation, removal,

disassembly or transportation, even in parts of machinery and equipment manufactured

or imported before the effective date of this Standard.

12.134 It is prohibited to manufacture, import, sale, auction, lease, cession under any

title, exhibit of machinery and equipment that do not meet the provisions of this

Standard. (Amended by Ordinance no. 857, on June 25th, 2015)

Technical trainings

12.135 The operation, maintenance, inspection and all other interventions in machinery

and equipment shall be performed by skilled, qualified, trained or authorized workers

for this purpose.

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12.136 The workers involved in the operation, maintenance, inspection and all other

interventions in machinery and equipment shall receive technical trainings, which are

provided by the employer and compatible with their duties, that address the risks to

which they are exposed and the existing and necessary protective measures for the

prevention of accidents and diseases, in terms of this Standard.

12.138 The technical training shall:

a) be conducted before the worker assumes his/her role;

b) be carried out without any cost to the worker;

c) have minimum hours dedicated to ensure that the workers perform their activities

safely, being distributed in a maximum of eight hours a day during normal working


d) have a syllabus as established in Annex II of this Standard; and

e) be given by qualified professionals or workers for this purpose, supervised by legally

qualified professional who will be responsible for the adequacy of the content, form,

course load, instructor qualification and assessment of trained personnel.

12.138.1 The employees of small and micro businesses can be trained by the company’s

own employee who has been trained by an official entity of professional education. The employer is responsible for the training carried out in accordance with

item 12.138.1. Training of the employees of the micro and small businesses, which is laid

down in item 12.138.1, shall include the provisions of item 12.138, except the

paragraph “e”.

12.138.2 The employee of micro and small business who presents a declaration or

certification issued by an official entity of professional education is considered

qualified, provided that the training meets the provisions of item 12.138.

12.139 The written or audiovisual educational material, which is used in the training

and provided to the participants, shall be produced in a language suitable to the workers

and be kept available for the inspection, as well as the attendance list of participants or

certification, the resume of the lecturers and assessment of trained personnel.

12.140 A qualified worker or professional is considered as one who proves completion

of a specific course in the area, recognized by the official educational system,

compatible with the course being taught.

12.141 A legally qualified professional to supervise the technical training is considered

as one who proves completion of specific course in the area, compatible with the course

being taught, with registration in competent professional council.

12.142 The technical training is only valid for the employer who conducted it and under

the conditions established by the legally qualified professional responsible for

supervising the training, except for the workers trained under item 12.138.2. (Amended

by Ordinance no. 857, on June 25th, 2015)

Page 30: NR12 Machinery and Work Equipment Safety General PrinciplesGeneral Principles 12.1 This Regulatory Standard (NR12) and its annexes provides technical references, ... 12.6 The circulation

12.142.1 The requirement in item 12.142 is exempted for the injection machine

operators with the training course as provided in item 12.147 and its sub-items.

12.143 Qualified, trained workers or legally qualified professionals with an

authorization given through a formal document by the employer are considered


12.143.1 Until the effective date of this Standard, the worker who proves capability

through Work and Social Security Card (CTPS) or employee record of at least two

years of experience in the activity and who receives refresher trainings as provided in

item 12.144 of this Standard.

12.144 Refresher trainings shall be conducted whenever significant changes occur in the

facilities and in operation of machinery or changes in methods, processes and

organization of work.

12.144.1 The syllabus of refresher training shall meet the needs of the situation that

motivated, with minimum hours dedicated to ensure that the workers perform their

activities safely, being distributed in a maximum of eight hours a day during normal

working hours.

12.145 The role of the worker who operates and performs interventions on machinery

shall be noted in the employee record, recorded in a logbook, index card or electronic

system and in worker’s Work and Social Security Card (CTPS).

12.146 The self-propelled machinery operators shall carry an identification card with

name, role and photo clearly visible at all times, that shall be renewed with a maximum

frequency of one year upon a medical examination, according to provisions of the NR7

and NR11.

12.147 The training course for injection machine operators shall have a minimum

course load of eight hours by machine type mentioned in Annex IX of this Standard.

12.147.1 The training course shall be specific to the machine type where the operators

will perform their functions and meet the following syllabus:

a) history of safety regulation on the specified machinery;

b) description and operation;

c) risks in the operation;

d) main danger areas;

e) measures and safety devices to prevent accidents;

f) protections – doors, and safety distances;

g) minimum safety requirements provided in this Standard and in NR10;

Page 31: NR12 Machinery and Work Equipment Safety General PrinciplesGeneral Principles 12.1 This Regulatory Standard (NR12) and its annexes provides technical references, ... 12.6 The circulation

h) safety measures for manually controlled electrical and hydraulic injection machinery;

i) practical demonstration of the hazards and safety devices.

12.147.2 The training instructors for injection operators shall have at least:

a) technical training at secondary level;

b) technical knowledge of machinery used in the processing of plastic material;

c) knowledge of technical standardization related to safety;

d) specific technical training.

Other specific safety requirements

12.148 The tools and materials used for interventions in machinery and equipment shall

be appropriate to the operations performed.

12.149 The accessories and tools used by the machinery and equipment shall be

appropriate to the operations performed.

12.150 It is prohibited to carry hand tools in pockets or places not appropriate for that


12.151 The traction machines and equipments shall have standardized coupling systems

for towing by the traction system so as to ensure the easy and safe coupling and

decoupling, as well as to prevent the accidental decoupling during use.

12.151.1 The indication for use of standardized coupling systems mentioned in item

12.151 shall be in easily visible place and fixed in the immediate vicinity of the


12.151.2 The traction equipment, if the weight of the tow bar requires so, shall have a

support device that enables the reduction of effort and the safe connection to the traction


12.151.3 The coupling operation shall be performed in an appropriate place and on the

tractioned equipment immobilized in a safe manner with chock or the like.

12.152 For the purpose of this standard, the Annexes are complementary obligations

with special provisions or exceptions that apply to a particular type of machine or

equipment, on a priority basis to the other requirements of this Standard, without

prejudice to the provisions in specific Regulatory Standard.

12.152.1 In situations where the items of the Annexes conflict with the items of the

general section of this Standard, the requirements of the Annexes shall override.

Final provisions

Page 32: NR12 Machinery and Work Equipment Safety General PrinciplesGeneral Principles 12.1 This Regulatory Standard (NR12) and its annexes provides technical references, ... 12.6 The circulation

12.153 The employer shall maintain an updated inventory of machinery and equipment

with identification by type, capacity, safety systems and location on floor plan, which is

prepared by a qualified or legally qualified professional.

12.153.1 The inventory information shall subsidize the management actions for

application of this Standard.

12.153.2 Item 12.153 is not applied to: (Item and paragraphs inserted by Ordinance no.

857, on June 25th, 2015)

a) micro and small businesses, which are exempted from drawing up inventory of

machines and equipments;

b) self-propelled, automotive machines, and stationary machines and equipments used

in work fronts.

12.154 All documentation referred in this standard, including the inventory referred in

item 12.153, shall be available for the SESMT, CIPA or Internal Commission on

Accident Prevention in Mining (CIPAMIN), union representatives of the professional

category and supervision of the Ministry of Labor and Employment.

12.155 The self-propelled agricultural, forestry and construction machinery in

agroforestry applications and respective implements shall meet the provisions of Annex

XI of this Standard.

12.156 The self-propelled machinery not covered on item 12.155 shall meet the

requirements of items and sub-items 12.1, 12.1.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.22, 12.23,

12.38, 12.38.1, 12.47, 12.47.2, 12.48, 12.49, 12.52, 12.53, 12.54, 12.64, 12.64.3, 12.66,

12.77, 12.78, 12.94, 12.95, 12.96, 12.101, 12.105, 12.107, 12.108, 12.111, 12.112,

12.115, 12.116, 12.116.3, 12.117, 12.118, 12.121, 12.130, 12.130.1, 12.131, 12.132,

12.132.1, 12133, 12.133.1, 12.133.2, 12.133.3, 12.134, 12.135, 12.136, 12.137, 12.138,

12.139, 12.140, 12.141, 12.142, 12.143, 12.144, 12.144.1, 12.145, 12.146, 12.151,

12.151.1, 12.151.2, 12.151.3, and items and sub-items 14, 14.1 and 14.2 of Annex XI of

this Standard.

Annex I – Safety Distances and Requirements for Use of Optoelectronic Presence


Annex II – Content of Training Program

Annex III – Permanent Means of Access

Annex IV – Glossary

Annex V – Chainsaws

Annex VI – Bakery and Confectionery Machines

Annex VII – Butcher and Grocery Machines

Annex VIII – Presses and Similar Equipments

Annex IX – Plastic Injection Machines

Annex X – Shoe Making Machines

Annex XI – Machinery and Implements for Agricultural and Forestry Use

Annex XII – Hosting Equipments for Lifting People and Working at Height