NSTX NSTX NSTX Team Meeting –Masa Ono Feb. 11, 2014 NSTX-U Team Meeting February 11, 2014 Culham Sci Ctr U St. Andrews York U Chubu U Fukui U Hiroshima U Hyogo U Kyoto U Kyushu U Kyushu Tokai U NIFS Niigata U U Tokyo JAEA Hebrew U Ioffe Inst RRC Kurchatov Inst TRINITI NFRI KAIST POSTECH Seoul National U ASIPP ENEA, Frascati CEA, Cadarache IPP, Jülich IPP, Garching ASCR, Czech Rep Columbia U CompX General Atomics FIU INL Johns Hopkins U LANL LLNL Lodestar MIT Nova Photonics New York U ORNL PPPL Princeton U Purdue U SNL Think Tank, Inc. UC Davis UC Irvine UCLA UCSD U Colorado U Illinois U Maryland U Rochester U Washington U Wisconsin NSTX-U NSTX-U Supported by

NSTX NSTX Team Meeting –Masa Ono Feb. 11, 2014 NSTX-U Team Meeting February 11, 2014 Culham Sci Ctr U St. Andrews York U Chubu U Fukui U Hiroshima U Hyogo

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NSTXNSTX NSTX Team Meeting –Masa Ono Feb. 11, 2014

NSTX-U Team Meeting

February 11, 2014

Culham Sci CtrU St. Andrews

York UChubu UFukui U

Hiroshima UHyogo UKyoto U

Kyushu UKyushu Tokai U

NIFSNiigata UU Tokyo

JAEAHebrew UIoffe Inst

RRC Kurchatov InstTRINITI


POSTECHSeoul National U


CEA, CadaracheIPP, Jülich

IPP, GarchingASCR, Czech Rep

Columbia UCompXGeneral AtomicsFIUINLJohns Hopkins ULANLLLNLLodestarMITNova PhotonicsNew York UORNLPPPLPrinceton UPurdue USNLThink Tank, Inc.UC DavisUC IrvineUCLAUCSDU ColoradoU IllinoisU MarylandU RochesterU WashingtonU Wisconsin

NSTX-UNSTX-U Supported by

NSTXNSTX NSTX Team Meeting –Masa Ono Feb. 11, 2014

Time: 1:30 ~ 3:00, February 11 (Tuesday), 2014

Place: LSB 318, PPPL

• General Items (15 minutes)

• Program Item (25 minutes)

• Upgrade Project (25 minutes)

• Facility / Operations (25 minutes)

NSTX Team Meeting Agenda


NSTXNSTX NSTX Team Meeting –Masa Ono Feb. 11, 2014

• ES&H Issues (J. Levine)

• NSTX-U operational preparation activity (e.g., diagnostic installation) is commencing and we need to be extra cautious regarding safety!

• Winter weather has been quite severe!

- Proper protective clothing / equipment for outdoor work, keep warm

- Slippery road and walk-way conditions

- Proper exercise

Safely, Safely, Safely


NSTXNSTX NSTX Team Meeting –Masa Ono Feb. 11, 2014

NSTX-U Research Team Has Been Scientifically ProductiveVery Active in Scientific Conferences, Publications, and Collaborations

• Strong APS meeting (7 invited talks, 52 additional presentations) participation in the fall 2013. Three NSTX APS-DPP press releases available on the web.

• Significant collaboration research contributions are being made in diverse science areas by the NSTX-U research team. A summary is available on the web: http://nstx.pppl.gov/DragNDrop/Collaboration/

• On-going active research collaboration particularly with DIII-D and EAST. Some activities resulted in IAEA synopses.

• All of the FY 2013 milestones completed on schedule.

• A good set of IAEA synopses (~30) being readied.

• 61 refereed publications for CY 2013 with 4 PRLs.

• NSTX-U FY 2014 Q1 Review held on Feb. 6, 2014.

• NSTX FWP 2016 PPPL Research Council meeting held on Feb. 7, 2014.


NSTXNSTX NSTX Team Meeting –Masa Ono Feb. 11, 2014

• Upgrading the Plasma Control System (PCS) for NSTX-U.

• Upgrading HHFW antenna feedthroughs for higher disruption forces.

• Boundary Physics Operations– Improving the PFC geometry at the CHI gap to protect the vessel and coils.– Upgrading gas injection system including the massive gas injection disruption

mitigation system.– Preparing lithium systems (LITERs, granule injector for ELM trigger, upward LITER).

A lithium chemist hired for lithium safety and technology development.

• Diagnostic Enhancements– MPTS laser and optics re-alignment and laser dump relocation.– Fabricating new port covers to support high-priority diagnostics. The last large port

cover for Bay I port being fabricated. – Installing additional, redundant magnetic sensors.– Upgrading diagnostics: Bolometry (PPPL), ssNPAs, spectroscopy (collaborators)

• Physics & Engineering Operations– Firing generators for 68 Transrex rectifiers replaced. Testing starting.– Repair of the Motor Generator radial arm weld cracks to complete in April.– Upgrading the poloidal field coil supplies to support up-down symmetric snowflake

divertors on-going.

Engineering / Research Operations PreparationRamping up for the NSTX-U Operations in Nov. 2014


NSTXNSTX NSTX Team Meeting –Masa Ono Feb. 11, 2014

F(14-1) Complete installation and testing of refurbished D-Site Rectifier Firing Generators.


Transrex AC/DC Convertors The D-site rectifiers (74 identical Transrex AC/DC Convertors of the NSTX Field Coil Power conversion System (FCPC) ) provide a pulsed power capability of 1800 MVA for 6 seconds every 300 seconds.

The new 34 Firing Generator (FG) delivers firing pulses to 68 convertors with far greater resolution, precision, and repeatability for NSTX-U. Becomes particularly critical for the new 8-parallel, 130kA TF system configuration.

FY 2014 Q1 Accomplishments

All 34 Firing Generators were installed in 68 rectifiers.

Controls power testing is in progress.

Individual rectifier power testing is starting.

NSTXNSTX NSTX Team Meeting –Masa Ono Feb. 11, 2014

• In 2004, Magnetic Particle Inspections identified cracking in the weld fillet of multiple joints between the radial arms of MG#1. Cracks were in primary load paths, taking that set out of service. MG#2 is in limited operations (run and monitor at reduced parameters) with cracks in “stiffener” welds intended to limit elastic deformation (not in primary load paths).

– Over 250” of welds in 19 rotor spider joints will be ground out and replaced to restore MG#1 to its original design configuration.

– A jacking system has been engineered to relieve all loads on the rotor assembly during the repair.

– PPPL and GE engineering collaborated on the detailed repair procedure (D/NSTX-RP-MG-07).

Repair of the Motor Generator (MG#1)

Status: Target completion date is Apr. 2014 A Statement of Work to perform the scope described in the repair procedure has been signed. Fixed-price proposals for the weld repairs have been received. A WAF capturing all project costs (PPPL and Sub-contractor) generated. A draft Project Management Plan has been developed. 


NSTXNSTX NSTX Team Meeting –Masa Ono Feb. 11, 2014

New Compliant HHFW Antenna Feeds Will allow antenna feedthroughs to tolerate 2 MA disruptions

Prototype compliant feeds tested successfully to 46 kV in the RF test-stand. Importance of proper back plate grounding discovered.

Improving back plate ground being considered.Full compliant parts ordered.


Inside of RF Test Stand with one antenna assembly.

Installation on feed-thru

HHFW antenna tests conducted in RFTF

NSTXNSTX NSTX Team Meeting –Masa Ono Feb. 11, 2014

Existing LITERS


Granule Reservoir

t = 800 μs

Struck Granule HorizontallyRedirected at 70 m/s

New Upward Evaporating LITER

NSTX-U Lithium Capability During Initial Two Years

Lithium Evaporators and Granular Injector

NSTX-U lithium granular injector

for ELM pacing• High frequency ELM pacing with a relatively simple tool.• ELM pacing successfully demonstrated on EAST (D. Mansfield, IAEA 2012)

• Upward Evaporating LITER to increase Li coverage for increased plasma performance


NSTXNSTX NSTX Team Meeting –Masa Ono Feb. 11, 2014

NSTX-U diagnostics to be installed during first 2 yearsHalf of NSTX-U Diagnostics Are Led by Collaborators

MHD/Magnetics/ReconstructionMagnetics for equilibrium reconstructionHalo current detectorsHigh-n and high-frequency Mirnov arraysLocked-mode detectorsRWM sensors

Profile DiagnosticsMPTS (42 ch, 60 Hz) T-CHERS: Ti(R), V(r), nC(R), nLi(R), (51 ch)P-CHERS: V(r) (71 ch)MSE-CIF (18 ch)MSE-LIF (20 ch)ME-SXR (40 ch)Midplane tangential bolometer array (16


Turbulence/Modes DiagnosticsPoloidal Microwave high-k scattering Beam Emission Spectroscopy (48 ch)Microwave Reflectometer, Microwave PolarimeterUltra-soft x-ray arrays – multi-color

Energetic Particle DiagnosticsFast Ion D profile measurement (perp +

tang)Solid-State neutral particle analyzerFast lost-ion probe (energy/pitch angle

resolving)Neutron measurements

Edge Divertor PhysicsGas-puff Imaging (500kHz)Langmuir probe array Edge Rotation Diagnostics (Ti, V, Vpol)1-D CCD H cameras (divertor, midplane)2-D divertor fast visible cameraMetal foil divertor bolometer AXUV-based Divertor BolometerIR cameras (30Hz) (3)Fast IR camera (two color)Tile temperature thermocouple arrayDivertor fast eroding thermocoupleDust detectorEdge Deposition MonitorsScrape-off layer reflectometerEdge neutral pressure gaugesMaterial Analysis and Particle ProbeDivertor VUV Spectrometer

Plasma MonitoringFIReTIP interferometer Fast visible camerasVisible bremsstrahlung radiometerVisible and UV survey spectrometersVUV transmission grating spectrometerVisible filterscopes (hydrogen & impurity

lines)Wall coupon analysisNew capability, Enhanced capability


NSTXNSTX NSTX Team Meeting –Masa Ono Feb. 11, 2014

D(14-1) Complete the Multi-Pulse Thomson Scattering (MPTS) diagnostic modifications

• Modification of the MPTS system is needed to accommodate the larger diameter NSTX-U Center Stack - Re-aim the laser beam, re-align the light collection optics, redesign the beam dump, and calibration probe to be ready for the first plasma.

• Ahmed Diallo recently received an Early Career Research Program award - will install a fast rep rate (10-15 kHz) burst mode (5 ms) third laser for studies of ELMs and other fast phenomena in FY15.

MPTS Midplane Cross Section

FY 14 Q1 Accomplishments:

Design of the reconfigured MPTS system to meet these requirements was completed in FY2013 and three final design reviews were held to validate the design of the ex-vessel components.

The new laser exit port and the new laser input port were installed on the vacuum vessel in FY2013.

Fabrication and procurement of many of the needed ex-vessel components is underway and fabrication drawings for the remaining ex-vessel components are being prepared.

The reconfigured MPTS diagnostic will be installed in FY2014 prior to NSTX-U first plasma and commissioned in early experimental operation following first plasma.


NSTXNSTX NSTX Team Meeting –Masa Ono Feb. 11, 2014

MAPP being prepared for installation on NSTX-UContributed to R13-2 Milestone

R. Kaita, M. Lucia J.P. Allain, F. Bedoya

• Materials Analysis Particle Probe (MAPP) enables prompt analysis of components exposed to tokamak plasmas

• Successfully demonstrated on Lithium Tokamak Experiment

• Plasma performance correlated with PFC conditions from in situ measurements

• Fitup in progress to check for interference with sides of slot in NSTX-U divertor


To NSTX-U Vacuum Vessel

NSTXNSTX NSTX Team Meeting –Masa Ono Feb. 11, 2014

Most Center Stack Diagnostics Mounted in Tiles• Most Mirnov coils, thermocouples, and

Langmuir probes inserted into center stack tiles– Final set of sensors to be installed

when outermost row of center stack divertor tiles becomes available

• Installation of ex-vessel sensors begun– Flux loops being mounted on PF1B


• Halo current Rogowski coils and shunt tiles to be mounted on center stack as part of tile installation procedure– Halo current Rogowski coils to be

inserted behind tiles

– Shunt tiles to be assembled on center stack

Side of tile facing center stack casing


Thermocouple Mirnov coil with copper electrostatic shield

NSTXNSTX NSTX Team Meeting –Masa Ono Feb. 11, 2014

NSTX-U facility/diagnostics port assignment Port flanges designed and being procured


NSTXNSTX NSTX Team Meeting –Masa Ono Feb. 11, 2014

Bay E SupportsUV Spectrometers (LoWEUS,

XEUS, MonaLisa) and MIG

Bay I Supports XCS, TGS, IR & Visible Cameras,

SSNPA, SGI, 1D CCD & EIES, Microwave Imaging, QMB, Bolometers

Bay J Supports IR and Visible Cameras, UT-K and Divertor Spectrometers, Upward LITER, UCLA Reflectometer and

Polarimeter, LBO, RF Probe.

Bay-L Cap (not shown) SupportsMPTS exit window, High-k exit, plasma TV+GPI view, SSNPA, spectroscopy & CHERS view, GDC feedthroughs, magnetics


New Port Covers Have Been Designed For Bays E, I, J, and LDetailed Design to Accommodate Enhanced NSTX-U Diagnostic Access Needs


NSTXNSTX NSTX Team Meeting –Masa Ono Feb. 11, 2014

Draft NSTX-U Facility/Diagnostic MilestonesCrucial to complete ECH/EBW and Cryo-pump Design in FY 2015


NSTXNSTX NSTX Team Meeting –Masa Ono Feb. 11, 2014

• CD-4 in October or November allows considerable flexibility in scheduling the research campaign up to 20 run weeks.

• The runs assumes three weeks operation and one maintenance weeks. Some extended run weeks for the latter part of operation.

• Strawman schedules involve more more time up front to bring systems online.• At moment, a 4 month period is allocated between CD-4 and the research plasma operation.

• If the CD-4 date is delayed to December 2014 and beyond, the 20 run weeks in FY 2015

becomes challenging. • NSTX-U will be looking for opportunities to bring as much research run preparation tasks

forward as possible.

A Range of Schedule Contingencies Under ConsiderationHow to get ready for a productive research operation is a key

15 Run Weeks

Oct. 2014 Nov. 2014 Dec. 2014 Jan. 2015 Feb. 2015 Mar. 2015 Apr. 2015 May 2015 Jun. 2015 Sep. 2015Jul. 2015 Aug 2015

Bakeout 5 Run Weeks

May 2015



Research Run Prep

A very preliminary run plan exercise for FY 2015


NSTXNSTX NSTX Team Meeting –Masa Ono Feb. 11, 2014

• NSTX-U management will meet with those who need in-vessel access to develop a plan to accommodate your request.

• Also those requiring work which is best done while machine is accessible, please let us know ASAP. We will try to accommodate you best we can.

• Even those who do not need in-vessel access, and the installation scope is relatively modest, please let us know your plan now so that we can accommodate you!

Important message for those requirement in-vessel accessPlease be ready to take advantage of any access opportunities

15 Run Weeks

Oct. 2014 Nov. 2014 Dec. 2014 Jan. 2015 Feb. 2015 Mar. 2015 Apr. 2015 May 2015 Jun. 2015 Sep. 2015Jul. 2015 Aug 2015

Bakeout 5 Run Weeks

May 2015



Research Run Prep

No in-vessel access planned after CD-4!