Numerologist Your 3 Love Numbers

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  • 8/13/2019 Numerologist Your 3 Love Numbers


    Numbers. Patterns. Purpose.

    Copyright 2013. All Rights Reser

    ...And How They Are Quietly Carving OutYour Romantic Destiny


  • 8/13/2019 Numerologist Your 3 Love Numbers


    Your 3 Love Numbers

    Would you like to know how to determine whether you are compatible with a love interest? How

    about some tips for adding more intimacy to your current relationship? Want to smooth a few

    rough patches in a partnership or make smarter choices when it comes to love?

    Well, believe it or not, Numerology can help! In fact, when you know where to look, Numerology

    provides fascinating ways to understand - and heighten - your passion, communication, and love


    Your Love Numbers Reveal It All

    Numerology can tell you a LOT about your relationships, especially your most intimate ones. In

    this revealing report, youll find all the information you need to create the love thats right for you.

    And the wonderful thing is, all of it can be found by reading the signals hidden within your 3 Love


    Your 3 Love Numbers are:

    1) Life Path

    2) Expression

    3) Soul Urge

    In fact, as long as you know how to calculate these numbers for you and your lover, you can easily

    discover things like:

    How your birth date reveals complementary and competing Universal patterns in both of you

    that can make or break a partnership! Why a union of souls truly IS possible and how you can create an unshakeable bond in your

    current, new, or next romantic relationship.

    Where to nd the passion that will take your love life to an entirely new level!

    Not only do your Love Numbers reveal these intimate details of your relationship, but this report

    also includes fun and easy tricks for comparing you and your lovers charts.

    The Pitfalls of Blind Attraction

    Without understanding why you feel attraction or desire toward someone, youre at risk ofmaking some very hurtful mistakes. This is because youre in a state of Blind Attraction. And while

    sometimes this can work out incredibly well, more often than not, sadly, you end up falling into

    headache and heartache a few months down the road.


    Numbers. Patterns. Purpose.

    Copyright 2013. All Rights Reser

  • 8/13/2019 Numerologist Your 3 Love Numbers


    Your 3 Love Numbers

    Heres a great example: lets say youve recently met someone at a party. The connection is instant

    and you feel what can only be described as Magnetic Attraction. One thing leads to another, and

    before you know it, the two of you are in a full-blown relationship or maybe even marriage. Allgoes well for awhile, until they start going horribly wrong!

    It could be that you start fighting like cats and dogs. It could be that your sex life suddenly dries

    up, or family conflicts arise, or maybe you find it harder and harder to make time for one another

    between your extremely busy schedules. Resentment brews, anger rises, feelings are hurt. Sound


    Whatever it is, suddenly, that special person you thought for sure was your Soul Mateends up

    feeling like the lover from Hell!

    Why is this??


    Numbers. Patterns. Purpose.

    Copyright 2013. All Rights Reser

  • 8/13/2019 Numerologist Your 3 Love Numbers


    Your 3 Love Numbers

    Heaven-to-Hell Heartbreaks

    The main reasons for these kind of Heaven-to-Hell Heartbreaks has to do with Number

    Compatibility. You see sometimes, theres one aspect in another persons Numerology Chart that

    is extremely magnetic to you. The problem is, its only one aspect. If there are other aspects of

    your charts that clash strongly, youve got a recipe for disaster!

    This can easily find you in a moth to a flame situation: you are passionately attracted to someone

    whose very energy is destructive to your own!

    Stop The Heartache BEFORE It Begins!

    The thing to keep in mind here is that when you are attracted to someone based on a superficial

    chart element, but with whom you have nothing more in common, neither of you will ever findlasting love.

    Numerology can help you make sense of this painful phenomenon. And once you understand it,

    your chances of getting drawn into a toxic drama in your current or next relationship can easily

    drop to zero - yay!

    And the role Numerology can play, once you learn how to use it, doesnt stop there! If youre still

    searching for love, Numerology actually makes it easier to find the right person a person you

    may have otherwise overlooked!

    The best news is that working with Numerology to discover true compatibility - and love! - is

    really easy. So if youve been seeking a more fulfilling relationship, or wanting to rekindle one that

    has become a little less exciting, heres what you need to do ...

    Calculating Your Big 3

    There are three core elements in every Numerology chart. These three make up the big picture

    of your life, and most everything else in Numerology is derived from them.

    As I mentioned above, these Big 3 are the Life Path, the Expression and the Soul Urge. Lets have

    a look at how each of these can be calculated to reveal the truth about your love life!


    Numbers. Patterns. Purpose.

    Copyright 2013. All Rights Reser

  • 8/13/2019 Numerologist Your 3 Love Numbers


    Your 3 Love Numbers

    The Life Path

    Your Life Path number has been called your Numerological DNA. Its the main indicator of your life

    circumstances, and how you respond to them. Its also the Numerologists yardstick for

    forecasting in all aspects of life. You have the ultimate freedom to play with your Life Path

    characteristics, and can do as you please. It all depends on what you want and how you manage

    yourself. But, its important to remember that while your Life Path Number can be manipulated, it

    is a clear representation of the most likely path you will take - and its a priceless tool for

    anticipating all the opportunities, challenges, and lessons youll learn in your relationships (and

    life as a whole).

    Did you know?

    Mainstream science is only beginning to understand the impact a persons DNA has on theirrelationships. A 2011 study by Texas A&M scientists, for instance, found that certain genes in fruit

    flies - and by extension humans, too - were only activated when they began interacting with

    members of the opposite sex. The question is, how is your relationship DNA affecting your love


    Your Life Path in Love

    In relationships, your Life Path acts as a guide to your life. But it also reveals the circumstances in

    which your intimate relationship can thrive. Plus, your Life Path will show you your dominant

    relationship patterns especially your romantic ones.

    Its really important to understand thatsome Life Paths get along much better with others.This

    has to do with a similarity of their way of being.

    But Life Path matching doesnt even scratch the surface of what Numerology can reveal about

    your intimate relationships, and heres why...

    While compatible Life Paths are helpful, what youll find is that youll often be attracted to people

    whose Life Path is a good fit for your Expression, (and vice-versa).

    Knowing about the Life Path of another will surely give you a key to understanding their habitsand moods, and some insight into how they will behave under stressful circumstances. But it only

    goes part way to indicating how compatible you are.


    Numbers. Patterns. Purpose.

    Copyright 2013. All Rights Reser

  • 8/13/2019 Numerologist Your 3 Love Numbers


    Your 3 Love Numbers

    Still, getting the Life Path Number of you and your lover is well worth the effort, so let me show

    you how to calculate that, and then well move on to look at the Expressionin more detail ...

    The Life Path Number is found by adding your day and month of birth to your birth year. For

    example, lets say you were born on November 10th, 1990.

    1. First: you add the month and day, and since November is the 11th month, you get:

    11+10 = 21

    2. Then you add this number, which is also called the achievement number, to the year, like this:

    21+1990 = 2011

    3. Now you add up those digits:

    2+0+1+1 = 4

    4. Finally, you can cross-check as follows: if you reduce the three numbers first, you get the same


    10 = 1+0 =1; 11=1+1 = 2; 1990 = 1+9 = 10+9 = 19+0 = 19: 1+9 = 10 = 1; 1+2+1 = 4

    So for someone born on November 10th, 1990, their Life Path Number is the Number 4.

    The Expression

    The Expression relates to your name. Its the sum of all the numeric values of the letters that make

    up your full name. The Expression number shows how you present yourself to the world, and also

    how you see yourself. It also gives you fascinating insight into the talents, abilities andshortcomings that were with you when you entered your human body. And if you believe in

    reincarnation, you can see it as the totality of your personal evolution, experiences and wisdom

    over many lifetimes.


    Numbers. Patterns. Purpose.

    Copyright 2013. All Rights Reser

  • 8/13/2019 Numerologist Your 3 Love Numbers


    Your 3 Love Numbers

    Did you know?

    Many relationship counselors devise elaborate (and expensive) training processes to encourage

    their clients to first define their personal goals and aspirations. Theyre then asked to share these

    with their partners, so they can support each other in achieving them. Numerology gives you a

    much easier and economical way to get the same or even better results!

    Your Expression in Love

    Your Expression Number is all about your physical and mental constitution... and the orientation

    or goal of your love life. Some Numerologists refer to it as the Destiny, because it represents your

    lifelong target - like having a family with 3 kids, or to simply be in a committed long-term


    The Expression is the sum of your Soul Urge and your Personality Number. Because of this, it is the

    vehicle through which you mold your personality. Its also your personal Love Boat so to speak

    because it shows the way you connect with others on a very deep level.

    The Expression is found by converting the letters of your name to their numerical equivalents,

    using the following scheme:

    All you have to do is write out the name, and write the values of the vowels on top, and the

    consonants on the bottom. Lets use a Hollywood heartthrob as an example, shall we?

    Heres how to determine George Clooneys Expression Number:


    Numbers. Patterns. Purpose.

    Copyright 2013. All Rights Reser

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    A B C D E F G H I

    J K L M N O P Q R

    S T U V W X Y Z

  • 8/13/2019 Numerologist Your 3 Love Numbers


    Your 3 Love Numbers

    As you can see, when you use this simple method, not only do you get Georges Expression

    number, his Soul Urge and Personality Number are also revealed all at one time! Nifty, huh?

    Now, as far as relationships are concerned, the Life Path and the Expression are closely related.

    Thats why its always important to consider your lovers Life Path Number in relation to your

    Expression (and vice-versa). Because when these two vibrations are in synch, very little can go


    Heres some more good news if these numbers arent in synch, its one of the easiest vibrations

    to fix, because the Expression, (your Full Name), can be changed! Sometimes committed

    relationships change them by default through marriage, and very often, people are happier and

    more successful after the change of name has been made. This doesnt even have to be a legal

    change, per se. But by simply identifying with a new name, or even a shorter or longer version of

    your name (i.e. Sam vs. Samuel or Samantha), you can change the vibration of your Expression.

    The Soul Urge, or Hearts Desire

    Your Soul Urge is, by far, the most important element in your Love chart. Its also known as the

    Heart's Desire for a very good reason... Your Hearts Desire is the inner you. It gives you an

    invaluable x-ray vision into the underlying urges and intentions behind many of your actions in

    your relationships - so you can understand and adjust how you react to different situations. The

    Heart's Desire also describes your style of relating to others. Tuning-in to your Soul Urge will

    help you in every aspect of your relationship, because it raises the vibrations of your entire chart

    to its highest expression. Raw ambition, a desire for comfort or security, the drive to make adifference in other peoples lives... all these are examples of elements youll find in you and your

    partners Hearts Desire.


    Numbers. Patterns. Purpose.

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    5 6 5 9 6 7 6 6 5 7

    G E O R G E T I M O T H Y C L O O N E Y

    7 9 7 2 4 2 8 3 3 5




    Soul Urge



  • 8/13/2019 Numerologist Your 3 Love Numbers


    Your 3 Love Numbers

    Did you know?

    The ancients believed that every human soul has a mission or a wish for their human life. So if you

    follow the promptings of your soul, you can live a creative, intuitive and happy life, attracting the

    love and support you desire. But, if you dont pay heed to this soul wish, your life will be filled with

    drudgery and misery.

    Your Soul Urge In Love

    Whenever you meet someone who has a major chart element that is the same as your Soul Urge

    Number, you have a potential soulmate situation. We tend to be attracted instantly to those

    whose Personality Number, Life Path or Expression match our Soul Urge numbers.

    When two people meet with the same Soul Urge,

    it is often a case of love at first sight, but seldom a case

    of fatal attraction. Even if the numbers harmonize

    and arent the same, a good Soul Urge

    connection has the ability to overcome minor

    flaws between two people, as long as the

    Soul Urge is being lived to its fullest.

    The Soul Urge is found by summing the vowels

    of your full name, as in the above table.

    Once you have found it and learn more about it,

    youll know right away if you are living it fully.

    If you think you arent, you may want to begin

    with some form of heart or compassion based

    meditation, or you can practice expressing it

    like an actor learning a role. Its the role that will

    bring to you the destiny you desire.


    Numbers. Patterns. Purpose.

    Copyright 2013. All Rights Reser

  • 8/13/2019 Numerologist Your 3 Love Numbers


    Your 3 Love Numbers

    Understand this number, and you and your partner will be able to

    connect with each other on an infinitely deeper level, and help

    nurture dormant talents, achieve unspoken aspirations and solve

    hidden problems.

    Now the choice is yours... Youve seen a key to how Numerology

    can help your love life, so if you want to get closer to your

    lover or find the right one be sure to get started

    calculating your Love Numbers right away!

    With the tools of Numerology, you can see

    yourself and your lover for who you

    each truly are. With this knowledge

    youll find it far easier to manifest the loverelationship of your dreams!

    Your Love Alert

    Please keep in mind that this report is just the tip of the iceberg.

    When it comes to love and your numbers, theres a whole lot

    more. And thats why Im officially putting you on Love Alert :)

    My team and I are cooking up something wonderful for you! Im

    bursting at the seams to tell you, but I promised them to keep my

    lips sealed. All Ill say is this: keep your eyes on your inbox, because

    youre about to receive a very special Valentines Day gift from us

    here at Why? Because we love ya!!

    Its a reading designed especially for you, and all I can say is that

    itll be a real eye-opener.

    Until soon many blessings,

    Dawn & the Team


    Numbers. Patterns. Purpose.

    Copyright 2013 Numerologist com All Rights Reser