Cannon Creek Numerology 18/02/2014 Page 1 Numerology Report Norma Jeane Mortenson 1/06/1926

Numerology Report...Cannon Creek Numerology 18/02/2014 Page 1 Numerology Report Norma Jeane Mortenson 1/06/1926 . Cannon Creek Numerology 18/02/2014 Page 2 Soul Purpose Your Path in

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Cannon Creek Numerology


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Numerology Report

Norma Jeane Mortenson


Cannon Creek Numerology


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Soul Purpose Your Path in Life

Birth Date: 1/06/1926

Soul Purpose

Soul Purpose number: 7

Tarot Major Arcana: Chariot

Theme Description

Willpower, inspired, philosophical, experiential learning and application, receptive to divine influence and will, physical, sensory universal, architect,


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Kabbalah Your Path on the Tree of Life

7 -Chariot -VII

Outer (Downward) Journey - development of the Ego

Opposing Journey - 13 - Death - XIII


Absolute Limitless Light


Binah Chokhmah



Hod Yesod

I Magician

0 Fool

II High Priestess

III Empress

IV Emperor

VIII Justice

V Hierophant

VI Lovers

VII Chariot

IX Hermit

X Wheel of Fortune


Chesed Chesed


XX Judgement



XVI Tower

XII Hanged Man

XV Devil

XIV Temperance

XIII Death

XI Strength

XXI World



Ain Soph Aur


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Kabbalah Your Path on the Tree of Life

Netzach to Hod - Victory to Splendour

"The Chariot shows a handsome prince resplendent with stars - a beautiful being

- who manages to control the opposing forces of the sphinxes that draw the chariot purely by the use of his mind - will power. Out of control will is not beautiful. There is an art to imposing your will in a way that is for the good of

others and the world. The Chariot prince not only controls emotions and minds but also physical thing but he must learn to do it with understanding."

The Chariot comes from victory and is seeking splendour and control through

the power of the mind. He controls the opposing forces of life solely through the use of will. The Chariot is an aggressive, forceful character. He has an understanding of instinct and trusts his impulses. Unlike the Star he is not

trying to control or manipulate the Cosmos, only the earthly physical things but he can only use his mind. Is he a fair ruler and master?

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Gifts & Talents Modes of Expression & Planes of Activity

00 Spiritual 2

- - 9 Universal 1

- - 66 Social 2

2 11 - Individual 3

Intuition Emotion Action Reason

3 1 2 3

Lines of Energy

There are no specific lines of energy in this birth date.

Meaning of the Numbers

0 - Spirituality

1 - Identity, independence,


2 - Balance, caring,

sensitive, emotions, accepting

3 - Nature, creative

mind, nurturing

4 - Practical,

physical application, doing

5 - Compassion, principles, values,

traditions, teaching, discipline vs freedom

6 - Love, home, family, groups, social


7 - Willpower, practical control of the

mind, planning,


8 - Advocate, Carer, Justice, fairness 9 - Humanity, ethics,

intellectual mind, universal thinking,


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Personality Profile

Personality types are determined on the basis of paired opposites. Extroversion & Introversion

Sensing & iNtuition Thinking & Feeling

Judging & Perceiving

If the scores for these behaviours ar equal then a profile type will include a B for Balanced. Many people can switch comfortably from one form of behavour to another and are quite comfotable in either mode. Usually the balance will be

tipped in one direction by the energy of your name or another determining factor. Check out the keywords for all forms of the Profile Type and your

personal introspection will usually determine which is the more comfortable or dominant behaviour.

Your Personality Profile type is:


Introversion Intuition Thinking Perceiving


INTP - Thinker, Architect, Designer, Theoriser

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Extroversion & Introversion

Extroversion suggests that energy is derived from exposure to the outer world as opposed to Introversion that is energised by quiet times in the inner world. An extroverted person will be drained of energy if forced to spend too much time in an introverted setting and likewise an introverted person will quickly drain if exposed too long to an extroverted setting. Some people will require a balanced mix of both.


Sensing & Intuiting Sensing and Intuition both relate to external sources of information and data gathering. Sensing refers to the use of the five senses and our interaction with the manifest, material world - this is physical. Intuition is influenced by patterns and subtle flows of information that may be termed “inspiration”. We tend to display dominant behaviour either one way or the other. If our scores are equal then we are seen to be reasonably balanced. Again no one uses one way all the time - it is more about using both at different times but we will tend to be dominant in one way. It is important to repeat here that both qualities are deriving information from an external source. One is in the physical world and the other is in the non-physical world.


Thinking & Feeling

Thinking and Feeling both relate to energy that is deployed internally within ourselves. Thinking may be seen as more objective than Feeling whereas Feeling is more subjective. We tend to be dominant in one way or the other but we all feel and we all think. Some of us will have scores that suggest we are balanced. It is important to repeat here that both qualities are using internal energies. One is objective and the other is subjective.


Judging & Perceiving Judging and Perceiving relate to what we do with the data that we have gathered from our external and internal sources. Other words for this opposing pair are Structured or Flexible. Those who lean more dominantly towards Judging are more likely to be decisive and structured. Perceiving people are more accepting of difference and flexible. Again we use both forms but tend to be more like one than the other. Another set of terms for this pair is divergent and convergent. Our schooling system tends to train us in convergent thinking - that is - here is a sum - what is the single correct answer? Divergent thinking teaches us to consider a single issue and come up with a dozen different possible outcomes. A Judging personality will tend to be dominantly convergent in their thinking and will like to narrow it down to one answer. A Perceiving personality will tend to be more divergent in their thinking and will like to consider all of the possibilities.

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Personality Profile Tarot Court Cards

Page Swords

Swords relate to Air, Mental processes, Thinking & Reason. Pages relate to young, new energy that is at the concept stage.

They are bright and fresh but not ready to put things into action.

Key to Tarot Court Cards


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Personality Profile Table of Personality Types


Type Keywords Tarot

Court Card

Court Card associations

ENFJ Giver , Teacher, Envisioner, Mentor

King Wands

Wands relate to Fire, Spirit, Passion & Intuition. Kings relate to mature,

dependable, masculine energy - action, discipline and strong decision making.

ENFP Inspirer, Enthusiast, Champion, Discoverer,


Knight Wands

Wands relate to Fire, Spirit, Passion & Intuition. Knights relate to young, vibrant

energy - keenly wanting to get things started and happening but having to apply

the mind to think things through.

ENTJ Executive, Field Marshall, Commander, Strategist,


King Swords

Swords relate to Air, Mental processes, Thinking & Reason. Kings relate to mature,

dependable, masculine energy - action, discipline and strong decision making.

ENTP Visionary, Inventor, Explorer

Knight Swords

Swords relate to Air, Mental processes, Thinking & Reason. Knights relate to

young, vibrant energy - keenly wanting to get things started and happening but having

to apply the mind to think things through

ESFJ Caregiver, Provider, Facilitator, Caretaker

King Cups

Cups relate to Water, Emotional processes, Feeling. Kings relate to mature, dependable,

masculine energy - action, discipline and strong decision making.

ESFP Performer, Motivator, Presenter

Knight Cups

Cups relate to Water, Emotional processes, Feeling. Knights relate to young, vibrant

energy - keenly wanting to get things started and happening but having to apply

the mind to think things through.

ESTJ Guardian, Supervisor, Implementer

King Pentacles

Pentacles relate to Earth, Physical senses, Action, Doing & Material matters. Kings relate to mature, dependable, masculine energy - action, discipline and strong

decision making.

ESTP Doer, Entrepreneur, Dynamo, Promotor,


Knight Pentacles

Pentacles relate to Earth, Physical senses, Action, Doing & Material matters. Knights

relate to young, vibrant energy - keenly wanting to get things started and happening but having to apply the mind to think things


INFJ Prophet, Counsellor, Foreseer, Developer

Queen Wands

Wands relate to Fire, Spirit, Passion & Intuition. Queens relate to mature, feminine

energy that is nurturing & accepting.

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Personality Type

Keywords Tarot Court Card

Court Card associations

INFP Idealist, Monk, Healer, Harmoniser, Clarifier

Page Wands

Wands relate to Fire, Spirit, Passion & Intuition. Pages relate to young, new energy that is at the concept stage. They are bright and fresh but not ready to put things into


INTJ Scientist, Mastermind, Conceptualiser, Director

Queen Swords

Swords relate to Air, Mental processes, Thinking & Reason. Queens relate to

mature, feminine energy that is nurturing & accepting.

INTP Thinker, Architect, Designer, Theoriser

Page Swords

Swords relate to Air, Mental processes, Thinking & Reason. Pages relate to young,

new energy that is at the concept stage. They are bright and fresh but not ready to

put things into action.

ISFJ Nurturer, Conservator, Protector, Supporter

Queen Cups

Cups relate to Water, Emotional processes, Feeling. Queens relate to mature, feminine

energy that is nurturing & accepting.

ISFP Artist, Composer, Producer

Page Cups

Cups relate to Water, Emotional processes, Feeling. Pages relate to young, new energy that is at the concept stage. They are bright and fresh but not ready to put things into


ISTJ Duty Fulfiller, Investigator, Inspector,


Queen Pentacles

Pentacles relate to Earth, Physical senses, Action, Doing & Material matters. Queens relate to mature, feminine energy that is

nurturing & accepting.

ISTP Mechanic, Craftsman, Analyser, Operator

Page Pentacles

Pentacles relate to Earth, Physical senses, Action, Doing & Material matters. Pages relate to young, new energy that is at the

concept stage. They are bright and fresh but not ready to put things into action.

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Personal & Universal Day, Month,Year

Personal Day (Tuesday 18/02/2014)

7 Chariot Human Will, Will power, control, design, planning

Personal Month (February 2014)

7 Chariot Human Will, Will power, control, design, planning

Personal Year (2014)

5 Hierophant Moderation – Internal (Self-application) of rules, Everything in moderation,

finding a balance - a blend, temperance

Universal Day (Tuesday 18/02/2014)

19 Sun Individuated Self, Individuation, self-actualisation, fun, brilliance, nothing to

hide, free spirit

Universal Month (February 2014)

19 Sun Individuated Self, Individuation, self-actualisation, fun, brilliance, nothing to

hide, free spirit

Universal Year (2014)

17 Star Universal Will, Hope, renewed energy, healing, high standards

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Personal & Universal Day, Month,Year

Resonance with Soul Purpose



19 7











Soul Purpose



Personal Day

Universal Day


Month Universal






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Daath Daath

Life Cycle Analysis

Cycle 1

Year - - - - - - 1926 1927 1928

Age - - - - - - 0 1 2

Soul Purpose 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Ego Purpose - - - - - - 13 14 15

Cycle 2

Year 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937

Age 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Soul Purpose 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Ego Purpose 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5

Cycle 3

Year 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946

Age 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Soul Purpose 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Ego Purpose 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15

Cycle 4

Year 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955

Age 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Soul Purpose 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Ego Purpose 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5

Cycles of Development

Reasoning Influence - Creative

Spiritual Influence - Emanation

Action Influence - Manifestation

Emotional Influence - Formative

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Life Cycle Analysis

1st Peak

Year 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964

Age 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

Soul Purpose 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Ego Purpose 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15

2nd Peak

Year 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973

Age 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

Soul Purpose 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Ego Purpose 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5

3rd Peak

Year 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982

Age 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

Soul Purpose 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Ego Purpose 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15

4th peak

Year 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991

Age 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

Soul Purpose 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Ego Purpose 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5

Peaks of Maturity

Intuition Reason on the Individual plane.

Emotion on the Universal plane.

7 Chariot

17 Star

Action Influence - Materiality

Emotional Influence - Introspective

Reasoning Influence - Aggressive

Spiritual Influence - Passion

Years of Fulfilment From Age 66 - Commencing 1992 Influence 7 Chariot

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Life Cycle Analysis

Developmental Cycle Years of Maturity

Age of Maturity




19 19













65 47


38 20



Years of Fulfillment

age 66 onward.