Searching for Deconfined Quark- Matter in HI collisions at the CERN LHC with CMS/CASTOR NuPECC Annual Meeting Athens, 8 October, 2010 Apostolos D. Panagiotou CMS/Athens – CASTOR group

NuPECC Annual Meeting Athens, 8 October, 2010 Apostolos D. Panagiotou CMS/Athens – CASTOR group

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Searching for Deconfined Quark-Matter in HI collisions at the CERN LHC with CMS/CASTOR. NuPECC Annual Meeting Athens, 8 October, 2010 Apostolos D. Panagiotou CMS/Athens – CASTOR group. Heavy Ion Physics at the LHC with CMS. Central region. Forward region. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: NuPECC Annual Meeting  Athens, 8 October, 2010 Apostolos D. Panagiotou CMS/Athens – CASTOR group

Searching for Deconfined Quark-Matter in HI collisions at the CERN LHC with CMS/CASTOR

NuPECC Annual Meeting Athens, 8 October, 2010

Apostolos D. PanagiotouCMS/Athens – CASTOR group

Page 2: NuPECC Annual Meeting  Athens, 8 October, 2010 Apostolos D. Panagiotou CMS/Athens – CASTOR group
Page 3: NuPECC Annual Meeting  Athens, 8 October, 2010 Apostolos D. Panagiotou CMS/Athens – CASTOR group
Page 4: NuPECC Annual Meeting  Athens, 8 October, 2010 Apostolos D. Panagiotou CMS/Athens – CASTOR group

Heavy Ion Physics at the LHC with CMS

Central region

Forward region

Page 5: NuPECC Annual Meeting  Athens, 8 October, 2010 Apostolos D. Panagiotou CMS/Athens – CASTOR group


5.5 TeV

Energy & Particle Pseudorapidity Distributions

Net Baryon Number Pb+Pb @ 2.8 TeV

All of Net Baryon Number in forward region High Baryochemical Potential Lower temperature

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Page 7: NuPECC Annual Meeting  Athens, 8 October, 2010 Apostolos D. Panagiotou CMS/Athens – CASTOR group

(Strangelet ?)

3.6 λI

3.2 λI

3.6 λI

1.5 λI Hadron limit

Hadron limit

Page 8: NuPECC Annual Meeting  Athens, 8 October, 2010 Apostolos D. Panagiotou CMS/Athens – CASTOR group
Page 9: NuPECC Annual Meeting  Athens, 8 October, 2010 Apostolos D. Panagiotou CMS/Athens – CASTOR group

What is a “Strangelet” ?

Page 10: NuPECC Annual Meeting  Athens, 8 October, 2010 Apostolos D. Panagiotou CMS/Athens – CASTOR group


“Stable” Strangelet interaction in CASTORMC-algorithm

Strangelet is considered with radius:

Mean interaction path:

Strangelets passing through the detector collide with W nuclei: Spectator part is continuing its passage. Wounded part produces particles in a standard way.

Particles produced in successive interactions initiate electromagnetic-nuclear cascades. Process ends when strangelet is destroyed.E. Farhi, R. Jaffe, Phys.Rev.D30(1984)2379; M. Berger, R. Jaffe, Phys.Rev.C 35(1987)213, G.Wilky, Z.Wlodarczyk, J.Phys.G22(1996)L105; E. Gładysz, Z. Włodarczyk, J.Phys.G23(1997)2057










nstrstr NAA'

The rescaled r0 is determined by the number density of the strange matter: n = A/V = (1/3)(nu+nd+ns)where ni=- ∂Ωi/∂μi; Ω(mi,μi,αs), taking into account the QCD corrections O(αs) to the properties of SQM.

ss s

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Scaled Radius & Mean Free Path of Strangelets vr μq

Collapsed nucleus

λWπ ~ 7 cm

quark quark

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MC simulation of Strangelets in CASTOR

Page 13: NuPECC Annual Meeting  Athens, 8 October, 2010 Apostolos D. Panagiotou CMS/Athens – CASTOR group


1. Sector with much higher energy than the average: Strong azimuthal asymmetry in energy deposition

2. Strong penetration of the longitudinal cascade in a sector:Strong fluctuations in longitudinal transition curves

3. Much smaller EEM / EHAD compared to HIJING

4. Appearing in a very low multiplicity event compared to HIJING

Characteristics of a “LFC” Event

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CMS/CASTOR Calorimeter

Front View

Side View

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LFC Signatures

Azimuthal asymmetryin energy deposition

Fluctuations longitudinaltransition curves




Event-by-event analysis in 3 steps:

average distribution energy distribution per RU

Large magnitude of energyfluctuations in RUs manifestin abnormal transition curves

L. F. C. Identification Analysis

(i = 1 – 16 sectors)<E> = mean energy in sectors


σsd = standard deviation of the distribution of the energies Ei

Examine Ratio EEM / EHAD of events




Page 16: NuPECC Annual Meeting  Athens, 8 October, 2010 Apostolos D. Panagiotou CMS/Athens – CASTOR group

Analysis (Ι)“LFC signature” Azimouthal Energy


Cascade Energy distribution

- Event-by-event- Sector-by-sector(Central Pb+Pb collisions, b=0)

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Analysis (Ι)“Strangelet

signature”Azimouthal Energy


Cascade Energy distribution

- Event-by-event- Sector-by-sector(central Pb+Pb collisions, b=0)

Select φ-sector containing LFC

Page 18: NuPECC Annual Meeting  Athens, 8 October, 2010 Apostolos D. Panagiotou CMS/Athens – CASTOR group

Fluctuations on the (fa,fl) plane

Statistical fluctuations of HIJING events with similar characteristics Strangelets with higher energies are separated from conventional HIJING

events Distinction of conventional events with similar fluctuations


HIJING(2k events)

StrangeletsE=6-15 TeV

Analysis (ΙI)

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Analysis (ΙII)

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Analysis (ΙII)

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• Probability for a hadron-rich ‘Centauro-type’ event is about 3%, estimated from statistics of Chacaltaya and Pamir experiments for cosmic ray families with visible energy greater than 100 TeV.• In about 10% of hadron-rich events, strongly penetrating cascades, clusters, or “halo” were observed. Assume total probability for “Long Flying Component” (LFC) production in central nucleus-nucleus collisions to be approximately: 0.03 x 0.1 ~ O(10−3).• At LHC kinematics, the percent of LFCs in CASTOR phase space is at least ~ 1% of total number of LFCs produced in central Pb-Pb collisions, depending on their mass and energy (CENGEN). • An order of magnitude estimation of the total probability for LFC detection in CASTOR is:

PCASTORLFC ≈ 10−3 × 0.01 ≈ O(10−5)

Cross Section Estimation for LFC

ΝLFC ~ 1-10 in 4 wks Pb+Pb (5M central events in 2010)

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