Ir. Ety Sri Setiyanti MM (Nutritionist) NUTRISI ENTERAL

NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements

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Page 1: NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements

Ir. Ety Sri Setiyanti MM (Nutritionist)


Page 2: NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements

© 2006 Nestlé Nutrition HealthCare, Switzerland 2

Absorpsi Makanan

Page 3: NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements

Absorption of Nutrients Krause: Food, Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 11th Ed., 2004

Page 4: NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements

Jalur pemberian makanan


Tube Feeding : NGT, NJ, ND, PEG


Page 5: NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements

Formula Polimerik

Membutuhkan kerja saluran cerna

yang baik Intact Nutrition Formula standard, Fully functional

GI tract, Normal digestion, Normal absorption

Macronutrients are intact and require digestion

Formula standard


Formula Mono/ Oligomerik

Nutrisinya lebih kecil molekulnya Absorpsi lebih mudah Peptida, Mono/Disaccharides,

Glucose polymers, Medium chain triglycerides (MCTs)

Elemental, semi-elemental, hydrolyzed, or chemically defined formula

Formula: Khusus (FSMP)

Formula Pilihan ?

Page 6: NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements


Types of Protein

Page 7: NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements

Whey is an excellent quality protein


Type of Protein Biological value* NPU*

Whey 100 92%

Casein 80 76%

Soy protein concentrate 75 61%

*Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements for essential and non–essential amino acids

*Net Protein Utilization: amount of nitrogen absorbed and retained by the body

Protein Quality Evaluation. Report of the Joint FAO/WHO Consultation, 1990. Protein Quality Evaluation. Report of the Joint FAO/WHO Consultation, 1991.

Page 8: NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements

8 Ety Ginanjar

Apa yang ada dalam SUSU SAPI

Kasein membentuk gumpalan, bersifat PADAT saat protein di asamkan saat dicerna dalam lambung

Whey tetap berbentuk cair sehingga lebih mudah dicerna, mengandung semua asam amino esensial

(Tolia V et al, 1992)

Susu Sapi Di dalam Lambung



Whey lebih mudah dicerna dibandingkan Casein


Page 9: NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements

Whey Protein – Casein Protein

Casein adalah protein utama dalam susu sapi (80%) dan dibuat keju.

Whey protein: terdiri atas beta-lactoglobulin (~65%), alpha-lactalbumin (~25%), & serum albumin (~8%)

Kaya asam amino essensial CYSTEIN Sebagai Sumber Antioksidan yang baik

Page 10: NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements
Page 11: NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements

Amino acid carriers decrease

During times of stress

Peptide carriers remain intact

Decreased amino acid absorption

Amino acid diets associated with

gut atrophy

Peptide absorption is preserved Primary mechanism for protein absorption

(Grimble 2000; Zaloga 1993; Vazquez 1985)

Brush border

Amino acid carrier

Peptide carrier

Page 12: NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements
Page 13: NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements

Lemak • Lemak Jenuh bentuknya padat

Contoh: Hewani: Daging, mentega, susu murni Nabati: Minyak kelapa, minyak sawit

• Lemak Tak Jenuh bentuknya cair pada suhu ruangan, namun dapat berubah menjadi padat jika disimpan di kulkas

Contoh; minyak sayur dari zaitun, biji bunga matahari, wijen,kedelai, kacang-kacangan dan juga alpukat, Hewani: ikan-ikan yang berada di laut dalam

• Lemak Trans berasal dari lemak tidak jenuh yang mengalami

proses pemadatan dengan tehnik hidrogenisasi parsial yang menyebabkan perubahan konfigurasi ikatan kimia lemak sehingga berubah sifatnya menjadi jenuh

Page 14: NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements

Berdasarkan jumlah karbon Lemak diklasifikasikan menjadi

Short Chain Trigliserida (SCT) - mengandung kurang dari 10 karbon

Medium Chain Trigliserida (MCT) – mengandung 10 – 12 atom karbon

Long Chain Trigliserida (LCT) - mengandung 12 – 18 atom karbon

Asam lemak rantai ekstra panjang ( lebih dari 20 atom karbon )

Page 15: NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements


Gastric emptying

Pancreatic enzymes


Micelle formation

Absorptive route





Directly to

the liver




→ Blood →




Comparison of MCT & LCT

Page 16: NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements

LCT digestion & absorption Overview

© 2006 Nestlé Nutrition HealthCare, Switzerland

Page 17: NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements

MCT Absorption

© 2006 Nestlé Nutrition HealthCare, Switzerland

Page 19: NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements

Karbohidrat Komplex, Rendah Glikemik Indeks

Page 20: NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements

Glikemik Indeks GI

adalah angka yang menunjukkan potensi peningkatan gula darah dari karbohidrat yang tersedia pada suatu pangan atau secara sederhana

Faktor yang mempengaruhi GI

1. Jenis makanan

2. Proses Pengolahan

3. Ukuran Partikel

Page 21: NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements

Tingginya Kadar Kolesterol Dalam Darah Resiko Utama Meningkatnya Penyakit Jantung Tingginya asupan serat larut sebagai bagian dari terapi perubahan gaya hidup, dapat membantu menurunkan kadar kolesterol

Page 22: NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements

• Serat tidak larut membantu menjaga fungsi saluran cerna • Serat larut dapat membantu menurunkan kadar kolesterol.

Page 23: NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements

Serat dapat membantu mempercepat penyembuhan

Page 24: NUTRISI ENTERAL - persagi.org ASTON 27 AGUSTUS 2016.pdf · Whey 100 92% Casein 80 76% Soy protein concentrate 75 61% *Biological value: amino acids profile meets or exceeds requirements