Nutritional and prebiotic efficacy of the microalga Arthrospira platensis (spirulina) in honey bees Vincent A. RICIGLIANO, Michael SIMONE-FINSTROM USDA ARS, Honey Bee Breeding, Genetics and Physiology Research, Baton Rouge, LA 70820, USA Received 16 August 2019 Revised 17 January 2020 Accepted 7 April 2020 Abstract We evaluated the microalga Arthrospira platensis (commonly called spirulina), as a pollen substitute for honey bees. Nutritional analyses indicated that spirulina is rich in essential amino acids and a wide variety of functional lipids (i.e., phospholipids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and sterols) common in pollen. Feeding bioassays were used to compare dry and fresh laboratory-grown spirulina with bee-collected pollen and a commercial pollen substitute using sucrose syrup as a control. Diets were fed ad libitum as a paste to newly emerged bees in cages (1013 cage replicates) and bees were sampled at days 5 and 10 for physiological and molecular measurements. Spirulina diets produced biomarker profiles (thorax weight, head protein content, and beneficial gut bacteria abundance) that were indicative of elevated nutritional states, meeting or exceeding the other diets in some metrics despite reduced consumption. Furthermore, spirulina diets led to significantly increased fat body lipid content and mRNA levels of the central storage lipoprotein vitellogenin. We conclude that spirulina has significant potential as a pollen substitute or prebiotic diet additive to improve honey bee health. Apis mellifera / nutrition / microbiota / microalgae / pollen substitute 1. INTRODUCTION To compensate for periods of forage scarcity or to bolster colony size prior to pollination services, beekeepers routinely feed pollen substitute (PS) diets to honey bees (Nabors 2000; Mattila and Otis 2006). PSs are generally considered a safe way to deliver protein to colonies since feeding bee-collected pollen is cost-prohibitive and diffi- cult to standardize, can transmit disease, and can be contaminated by pesticides (Brodschneider and Crailsheim 2010). These artificial diets consist of a base protein derived from soy, yeast, egg, wheat, or lentils. Early attempts at formulating PS diets failed to match the nutritional efficacy of pollen and had low palatability (Standifer et al. 1973). Soy products are common ingredients in PSs de- spite reports of potential anti-nutritional factors such as toxic sugars (Barker 1977) and protease inhibitors (Liener 1994; Sagili et al. 2005). Some more recently developed commercial PSs appear to match the nutritional value of pollen (DeGrandi-Hoffman et al. 2010; De Jong et al. 2009); however, these diets have not been robust- ly tested and their proprietary formulas confound efforts to investigate the effects of individual com- ponents. Feeding PSs has become a common management practice as landscape compositions shift to agriculturally intensive monocultures that may not meet the nutritional requirements of bees (Naug 2009). PSs are increasingly used by US beekeepers in the fall and winter months leading up to pollination of early crops such as almonds. Therefore, improving the effectiveness and Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (https://doi.org/10.1007/s13592-020-00770-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Corresponding author: V. Ricigliano, [email protected] Manuscript editor: David Tarpy * The Author(s), 2020 DOI: 10.1007/s13592-020-00770-5 Apidologie (2020) 51:898910 Original article

Nutritional and prebiotic efficacy of the microalga

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Page 1: Nutritional and prebiotic efficacy of the microalga

Nutritional and prebiotic efficacy of the microalgaArthrospira platensis (spirulina) in honey bees


USDA ARS, Honey Bee Breeding, Genetics and Physiology Research, Baton Rouge, LA 70820, USA

Received 16 August 2019 – Revised 17 January 2020 – Accepted 7 April 2020

Abstract – We evaluated the microalga Arthrospira platensis (commonly called spirulina), as a pollen substitutefor honey bees. Nutritional analyses indicated that spirulina is rich in essential amino acids and a wide variety offunctional lipids (i.e., phospholipids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and sterols) common in pollen. Feeding bioassayswere used to compare dry and fresh laboratory-grown spirulina with bee-collected pollen and a commercial pollensubstitute using sucrose syrup as a control. Diets were fed ad libitum as a paste to newly emerged bees in cages (10–13 cage replicates) and bees were sampled at days 5 and 10 for physiological and molecular measurements. Spirulinadiets produced biomarker profiles (thorax weight, head protein content, and beneficial gut bacteria abundance) thatwere indicative of elevated nutritional states, meeting or exceeding the other diets in some metrics despite reducedconsumption. Furthermore, spirulina diets led to significantly increased fat body lipid content and mRNA levels ofthe central storage lipoprotein vitellogenin. We conclude that spirulina has significant potential as a pollen substituteor prebiotic diet additive to improve honey bee health.

Apismellifera / nutrition /microbiota / microalgae / pollen substitute


To compensate for periods of forage scarcity orto bolster colony size prior to pollination services,beekeepers routinely feed pollen substitute (PS)diets to honey bees (Nabors 2000; Mattila andOtis 2006). PSs are generally considered a safeway to deliver protein to colonies since feedingbee-collected pollen is cost-prohibitive and diffi-cult to standardize, can transmit disease, and canbe contaminated by pesticides (Brodschneider andCrailsheim 2010). These artificial diets consist ofa base protein derived from soy, yeast, egg, wheat,

or lentils. Early attempts at formulating PS dietsfailed to match the nutritional efficacy of pollenand had low palatability (Standifer et al. 1973).Soy products are common ingredients in PSs de-spite reports of potential anti-nutritional factorssuch as toxic sugars (Barker 1977) and proteaseinhibitors (Liener 1994; Sagili et al. 2005). Somemore recently developed commercial PSs appearto match the nutritional value of pollen(DeGrandi-Hoffman et al. 2010; De Jong et al.2009); however, these diets have not been robust-ly tested and their proprietary formulas confoundefforts to investigate the effects of individual com-ponents. Feeding PSs has become a commonmanagement practice as landscape compositionsshift to agriculturally intensive monocultures thatmay not meet the nutritional requirements of bees(Naug 2009). PSs are increasingly used by USbeekeepers in the fall and winter months leadingup to pollination of early crops such as almonds.Therefore, improving the effectiveness and

Electronic supplementary material The online version ofthis article (https://doi.org/10.1007/s13592-020-00770-5)contains supplementary material, which is available toauthorized users.

Corresponding author: V. Ricigliano,[email protected] editor: David Tarpy

* The Author(s), 2020DOI: 10.1007/s13592-020-00770-5

Apidologie (2020) 51:898–910 Original article

Page 2: Nutritional and prebiotic efficacy of the microalga

sustainability of PS diets can be considered im-portant to modern beekeeping.

While the nutritional value of pollen is largelyattributed to its protein content and amino acidcomposition (Crailsheim 1990; Brodschneiderand Crailsheim 2010), there has been compara-tively less focus on lipids as they relate to supple-mental nutrition for bees. Pollen contains a widevariety of lipids and is particularly rich inmembrane-constituting phospholipids, fatty acids,and sterols (reviewed in Ischebeck 2016). Pollenconsumption leads to global changes in honey beetissue phospholipid composition. This pollen-influenced phospholipid spectra and the preva-lence of esterified polyunsaturated fatty acid(PUFA) residues are strongly linked to abdominalvitellogenin (vg ) expression (Wegener et al.2018). Vg is the major lipoprotein produced byabdominal fat body cells and is central to broodproduction, life span regulation, oxidative stressresponse, and overwintering (Amdam et al. 2003;Amdam et al. 2005). Vg expression levels are alsocorrelated with diet and landscape quality, makingit a useful biomarker of individual (Alaux et al.2011; Frias et al. 2015) and colony-level(Ricigliano et al. 2018; Ricigliano et al. 2019)nutritional status.

Pollen and nectar modulate bacterial commu-nities (microbiota) in the honey bee gut that influ-ence metabolism, immunity, and overall fitness(Engel et al. 2016; Kwong et al. 2017; Bonilla-Rosso and Engel 2018). Probiotic additives areused in some PS diets; however, there is littleevidence to support their effectiveness or estab-lishment when delivered as diet supplements(Stephan et al. 2019). An alternative approachtakes into consideration the pre biotic (Samal andBehura 2015) efficacy of a diet to stimulategrowth and metabolism of endogenous microbio-ta that promote bee health (e.g., Lactobacillus ,Bifidobacterium , and Snodgrasella ). Since bee-associated bacterial symbionts co-evolved with anatural pollen diet (Kešnerová et al. 2017), micro-biota abundance could be an informative metric toevaluate extra-nutritive effects of artificial diets onbee physiology (Ricigliano et al. 2017; Zhenget al. 2018; Li et al. 2019).

Development of PSs for honey bees should aimto recapitulate the phytochemical profile,

palatability, and functional properties of pollenin a sustainable formulation. Microalgae, whichare mostly photosynthetic, unicellular, or simplemulticellular organisms, have recently gainedtraction as a feed source for aquaculture and ter-restrial livestock (Roy and Pal 2014; Odjadjaree t a l . 2017 ; Lamminen e t a l . 2019 ) ,including honey bees (Jehlík et al. 2019;Ricigliano 2020). Extensive nutritional and toxi-cological evaluations have demonstrated the suit-ability of microalgal biomass as a feed additive orsubstitute for conventional protein sources(García et al. 2017; Caporgno and Mathys2018). The rapid growth rates and biomass pro-duction of microalgae can enable them to outyieldconventional protein feed resources on an areabasis using non-arable land, mitigating some en-vironmental burdens of intensive agriculture(Forján et al. 2014; Tallentire et al. 2018). Theblue-green microalga Arthrospira platensis isgrown on an industrial scale as a nutrition supple-ment for humans and livestock (Soni et al. 2017).This microalga, commonly called spirulina, isconsidered a complete nutrition source and is richin essential amino acids, functional lipids, com-plex carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals(Ciferri 1983). While the nutritional efficacy ofspirulina has been well documented in other ani-mals, their efficacy as a nutrition source for honeybees is largely unkown. The objective of thisstudy was to assess the potential of spirulina as anutrition supplement for honey bees during pe-riods of pollen scarcity.


2.1. Honey bees (Apis mellifera L. ) andexperimental design

Experiments were conducted in April–May2019 at the USDA ARS honey bee lab in BatonRouge, LA, USA. Newly emerged workers (<24 h old) were obtained by incubating sealedbrood combs sourced from multiple healthy colo-nies at 35 °C and 50% RH. Bees were collectedinto a single container, mixed thoroughly, thenrandomly assigned to diet treatment cages. Pre-liminary trials were conducted to optimize deliv-ery and consumption of spirulina diets (Online

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resource 1, Figure S1). Using the optimized con-ditions, two feeding tests were conducted usingcage as the unit of replication (50 bees/cage) tocompare the effects of different diets. Test 1 eval-uated sucrose only, pollen, a commercial PS, anddry spirulina, while the objective of test 2 was toassess the nutritional value of fresh, laboratory-grown spirulina in parallel with the treatmentgroups from test 1. In test 1, 51 cages in total wereestablished for the 4 diet treatments (12–13 cagesper treatment). In test 2, 52 cages in total wereestablished for the 5 diet treatments (10–12 cagesper treatment). Physiological and molecular mea-sures were made using pools of 10 bees collectedseparately from each cage at day 5 and day 10.Dead bees were counted and removed from thecages daily.

2.2. Diet preparation and consumption

Bees were fed ad libitum diets of pollen, com-mercial PS that lacks pollen, or spirulina (com-mercially sourced dry or fresh laboratory-grown).Diets were mixed into a paste with 50% sucrose(w/v) syrup containing 5% glycerol (v/v; to im-prove pliability) and loaded into small troughsthen stored at − 20 °C before use. Control cagesreceived sucrose syrup only. For the polyfloralpollen diet, mixed corbicular pollen pellets werecollected using entrance-mounted pollen traps in aUSDA ARS apiary in Baton Rouge and immedi-ately frozen upon until ready for use (Mogrenet al. 2018). For the PS diet, a commercial plant-based protein supplement was used. The dry spi-rulina diet consisted of commercially sourced dryspirulina powder. The fresh spirulina diet used intest 2 consisted of fresh harvested A. platensisUTEX LB 2340 biomass that was grown in ourlaboratory under standard conditions in Zarroukmedium (Vonshak et al. 1983), rinsed in dH2Oover a 30 μm filter, pressed to removed excesswater, and mixed with syrup as above. Theamount of diet consumed by each cage was re-corded then the diet was refreshed with 3 smalltroughs (~ 700 mg) of diet paste daily. The weightloss by diet samples maintained in a cage withoutbees was measured to determine the daily evapo-ration rate for each diet. Diet consumption in eachcage was adjusted for daily moisture loss and

recalculated for the total diet consumed over24 h per bee. Drip feeders of 50% (w/v) sucrosesolution were provided to all cages.

2.3. Nutritional analysis

2.3.1. Amino acid content

Free amino acids in samples of pollen, PS, dryspirulina, and fresh spirulina were quantified byNew England Peptide (Boston, MA, USA). Brief-ly, samples were subjected to vapor-phase acidhydrolysis, derivatization, and high-performanceliquid chromatographic (HPLC) determination of15 amino acids based on chromatographic peakidentification and peak area quantification. Thishydrolysis method destroys cysteine, methionine,and tryptophan residues and, therefore, these com-pounds are not included in the analysis.

2.3.2. Lipidomic analysis

Lipid analysis of dry spirulina was performedby Avanti Polar Lipids (Alabaster, AL, USA).Modified Bligh and Dyer extractions (Bligh andDyer 1959) were performed with EquiSPLASH™Lipidomix™, and Lipidyzer™ standards (AvantiPolar Lipids), and different chain lengths ofphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylserine, andphosphatidylinositol (Avanti Polar Lipids) wereadded as internal standards (IS). Total lipids weredried then resolvated in 1 mL of 1:1 methylenechloride:methanol. Samples were injected in trip-licate without dilution for LC-MS analysis. Themethodology usedwas hydrophophilic interactionliquid chromatography (HILIC), which separateslipids into classes and subclasses that span a nar-row retention time window (Hines et al. 2017). Astandard of 18:1 cholesterol ester was used as anIS for stigmasterols and brassicasterols. Data arepresented as ng/mg of sample. Values were calcu-lated using a point calibration determined by mul-tiplying area ratio averages for the analyte to ISand multiplying by the concentration of IS.

2.4. Nutritional assimilation measures

Bees were dissected into head, thorax (includ-ing legs and wings) and abdomen, and parts were

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pooled into groups of 10. Average thorax weightper cage (test 2) was determined by drying to aconstant weight (60 °C for ~ 48 h) and recordingto the nearest 0.1 mg. Average head protein con-tent per cage (test 2) was determined using spec-trophotometric protein quantification (Sagili et al.2005). Average fat body mass per cage (test 1)was determined using abdomens with guts re-moved and the ether extraction method describedin (Wilson-Rich et al. 2008).

2.5. Vitellogenin (vg ) expression and gutbacteria abundance

For gene expression and bacterial abundancemeasures (test 1), pools of 10 abdomens per cagewith whole guts intact were homogenized in 2 mLlysis buffer (1.2 M guanidine thiocyanate, 0.6 Mammonium thiocyanate). Samples were centri-fuged and total RNAwas extracted from 300 μLof supernatant using a GeneJet RNA PurificationKit (Thermo Fisher Scientific). cDNA was syn-thesized from 1 μg of DNaseI-treated RNA usinga RevertAid First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit(Thermo Fisher Scientific). Quantitative PCR(qPCR), carried out in triplicate with previouslypublished primer pairs and cycling conditions,was used to determine the relative expressionlevels of honey bee genes (vg , vg-like-A , vg-like-B ) (Salmela et al. 2016) and species-specificbacterial 16S rRNA genes (Lactobacillus Firm 5 ,Bifidobacterium , Snodgrassella ) (Kešnerováet al. 2017) across treatments using honey beeactin for normalization (Alaux et al. 2011).

2.6. Statistical analyses

The effects of diet treatments and bee age onfood consumption, thorax weight, fat body mass,head protein, and vg expression were evaluatedusing two-way ANOVA. Kaplan-Meier survivalestimates were used to determine the effect of dieton life span. The effects of diet treatments on gutbacteria abundance were evaluated using one-wayANOVA. Variables with deviations from normal-ity were re-evaluated after log transformation. TheTukey HSD post hoc test was used to comparedifferent treatment groups. Analyses were con-ducted in JMP v11 and Prism v7.


3.1. Nutritional analyses

We measured the abundance of 15 amino acids(AAs), including 8 essential AAs. The content ofeach essential AA detected in spirulina met orexceeded that of pollen with the exception ofhistidine and lysine (Figure 1), which were twiceas high in pollen. Pollen substitute (PS) had thelowest essential AA content with the exception ofhistidine, which was the same as spirulina. TheAA profiles of dry and fresh spirulina were highlysimilar.

Lipidomic analysis of spirulina identified andquantified 13 subclasses of phospholipids (309species), 3 subclasses of neutral lipids (447 spe-cies), and two subclasses of sterols (37 species).The lipid categories were obtained by summingthe levels of individual molecular species withineach type (Table I). The levels of each species arelisted in detail in (Online resource 2).Phosphatidylglycerol, sphingomyelin, andlysophosphatidylglycerol were the major phos-pholipid subclasses, accounting for 62.4% of thetotal lipids. The sterol content (sigmasterol +brasssicasterol) was 9.4%. The fatty acids 16:0,18:2, 18:1, 18:0, 18:3, 20:0, 20:1, 20:3, 20:5,22:2, 24:0, and 22:6 were predominant in the totalesterified fatty acids (Online resource 2).

3.2. Diet consumption

Food consumption (corrected for evaporativeloss) in test 1 was influenced by diet (F 2, 72 =241.9, P < 0.001) and age (F 1, 72 = 236.8, P <0.001), but not their interaction (P = 0.69). Cu-mulative consumption was highest for the pollendiet (65.37 mg/bee) and lowest for the dry spiru-lina diet (40.04 mg/bee) (Figure 2a). Test 2 con-sumption was influenced by diet (F 3, 76 = 36.92,P < 0.001), age (F 1, 76 = 210. 20,P < 0.001), andtheir interaction (F 3, 76 = 9.88, P < 0.001). Cu-mulative consumption was highest for the pollendiet (39.03 mg/bee) and lowest for the dry spiru-lina diet (28.41 mg/bee) (Figure 2b). Mortalitywas less than 3% overall for test 1 and less than5% overall in test 2, so mortality was negligiblefor all treatments in the course of the study.

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However, for the sucrose group, mortality washigher than the rest of the treatments in test 2and no differences were noted in Trial 1 (Onlineresource 1, Figure S2). These results were consis-tent with preliminary tests to assess spirulina tox-icity to bees, which revealed no significant differ-ence in mortality compared with sucrose-fed con-trol (Online resource 1, Figure S3).

3.3. Nutrient assimilation measures

Thorax weight was influenced by diet (F 4,

94 = 31.51, P < 0.001) and age (F 1, 94 = 341.5,P < 0.001), but not their interaction (P = 0.200).Thorax weight was highest in bees fed dry spiru-lina (Figure 3a). Similarly, preliminary feedingtests with a broader range of consumption valuesrevealed a strong positive correlation betweenspirulina diet consumption and dried thoraxweight (F 1, 58 = 69.7, P < 0.001; r 2 = 0.546)(see Online resource 1 Figure S1c).

Soluble head protein content was influenced bydiet (F 4, 94 = 111.2, P < 0.001) and age (F 1, 94 =21.14, P < 0.001) but not their interaction (P =0.356). Protein levels were highest in bees fed PSand lowest in bees fed only sucrose. There wereno differences in head protein content amongpollen and spirulina diets (Figure 3b).

Fat bodymass was influenced by diet (F 3, 90 =57.0, P < 0.001), age (F 1, 90 = 41.98, P < 0.001),and their interaction (F 3, 90 = 9.03, P < 0.001).Fat body mass at day 10 was highest in bees fedpollen and dry spirulina (Figure 4).

3.4. Vitellogenin (vg ) and vg-like expression

Vitellogenin (vg ) expression was influencedby diet (F 3, 92 = 321.6, P < 0.001) and age (F 1,

92 = 10.88, P = 0.001) but not their interaction(P = 0.950). Vg expression was highest in beesfed PS and lowest in bees fed sucrose only. Therewas no difference between bees fed pollen or

Figure 1. Amino acid content of different protein sources: bee-collected pollen, pollen substitute (PS), dry spirulina,and fresh spirulina. Essential amino acids are emphasized.

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spirulina (Figure 5a). Vg-like-A expression wasinfluenced by diet (F 3, 92 = 166.0, P < 0.001),age (F 1, 92 = 66.36, P < 0.001), and their inter-action (F 3, 92 = 3.96, P = 0.010). Vg-like-A ex-pression was highest in bees fed PS at day 10 andlowest in bees fed sucrose only (Figure 5b). Vg-like-B expression was influenced by diet (F 3,

92 = 32.98, P < 0.001), age (F 1, 92 = 39.49, P <0.001), and their interaction (F 3, 92 = 11.74, P <0.001). Vg-like-B expression was highest in beesfed spirulina at day 10 (Figure 5c).

3.5. Gut bacteria abundance

Lactobacillus Firm 5 abundance was highestin bees fed spirulina and lowest in bees fed pollensubstitute or sucrose (F 3, 46 = 31.89, P < 0.001;Figure 6a). Bifidobacterium abundance washighest in bees fed pollen and spirulina and lowestin bees fed pollen substitute and sucrose (F 3, 46 =

25.48, P < 0.001; Figure 6b). Snodgrasella abun-dance was highest in bees fed spirulina and lowestin bees fed pollen substitute (F 3, 46 = 5.09, P <0.001; Figure 6c).


This study assessed the nutritional value andfunctional properties of spirulina in honey bees.We chose to evaluate spirulina due to its well-documented nutritional and non-toxic effects in avariety of animals including humans (Soni et al.2017). The choice of microalgae species likelyimpacts animal health based on its chemical com-position, including amino acid content, lipid con-tent, and cell wall structure (Caporgno andMathys 2018). Our results indicate that spirulinahas significant potential as a feed additive or pol-len replacement based on its nutritional contentand effects on nurse-aged worker bee physiology.

Table I. Lipidomic analysis of spirulina. See Online resource 2 for fatty acid compositions of the molecular speciesin each lipid subclass

Concentration (ng/mg) Percent composition


Phosphatidylglycerol 946.16 43.03

Lysophosphatidylglycerol 222.83 10.14

Sphingomyelin 203.59 9.26

Phosphatidylcholine 133.95 6.09

Phosphatidylethanolamine 119.32 5.43

Phosphatidylinisitol 37.66 1.71

Lysophosphatidylcholine 12.51 0.57

Phsophatidylserine 4.91 0.22

Lysophosphatidylinisitol 2.01 0.09

Lysophosphatidylethanolamine 1.81 0.08

Ceramide 0.79 0.04

Dihydroceramide 0.62 0.03

Hexosylceramide 0.53 0.02

Neutral lipids

Triacylglycerol 152.30 6.93

Diacylglycerol 124.95 5.68

Cholesterol ester 27.92 1.27


Stigmasterol 138.39 6.29

Brasssicasterol 68.39 3.11

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While this assessment is based on experimentswith laboratory-reared bees and as such providesa snapshot into effects on workers, the findingswarrant further study on the impact of spirulina-based diets at the colony level.

Since honey bees cannot synthesize arginine,histidine, lysine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, me-thionine, threonine, leucine, isoleucine, and va-line, it is critical that these AAs are present inthe diet (De Groot 1953). AAs are obtained frompollen and supplemented by feeding PS diets. Theessential AAs detected in spirulina met orexceeded the other diets tested, with the exceptionof histidine and lysine, which were twice as highin pollen. PS had the lowest essential AA contentbut produced higher head protein levels than pol-len or spirulina diets. The discrepancy betweenPS- and spirulina-fed bees could be attributed tohigher consumption of PS. However, consump-tion of the pollen diet was higher than PS. The PS

contained a proprietary blend of plant-based pro-teins, which may have conferred increased bio-availability relative to the polyfloral pollen diettested. The AA content of commercially sourcedand lab-grown spirulina were highly similar, indi-cating that biomass grown under different condi-tions can reproducibly support the AA require-ments of honey bees. This was confirmed byelevated thorax weights and head proteinlevels in spirulina-fed bees relative to sucrosecontrol. Head protein levels are considered abiomarker of nutritional status as pollen con-sumption by workers leads to increased proteinsynthesis in head hypopharengeal glands thatfeed the colony via proteinaceous secretions(Crailsheim 1990; DeGrandi-Hoffman et al.2010). Taken together, the results suggest thatspirulina could be incorporated as a sole pro-tein source in future PS diets to support broodproduction in colonies.

Figure 2. Diet consumption (milligrams per bee) by caged honey bees after 5 and 10 days. a Test 1, n = 12–13cages. b Test 2, n = 10–12 cages. Each point represents an independent cage. Black horizontal lines indicate themean. Different letters indicate Tukey HSD P < 0.05.

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Phospholipids are the major lipid componentsdetected in honey bee tissues and pollen. Dietaryphospholipids contain esterified fatty acid (FA) res-idues, which are hydrolyzed during digestion thenreincorporated into cellular macromolecules such as

membrane lipids and lipoproteins. FAs are classifiedbased on their degree of saturation (double versussingle bonds), which influence the biochemicalfunctions of lipids they comprise. Linoleic acid(LA, 18:2) and alpha-linoleic acid (ALA, 18:3) are

Figure 3. Protein assimilation in bees fed different diets after 5 and 10 days (n = 10–12 cages). a Thorax weight as aproxy for flight muscle development. b Soluble head protein as a proxy for hypopharyngeal gland development.Each point represents an independent cage. Black horizontal lines indicate the mean. Different letters indicate TukeyHSD P < 0.05.

Figure 4. Fat body mass of bees fed different diets at 5 and 10 days (n = 12–13 cages). Each point represents anindependent cage. Black horizontal lines indicate the mean. Different letters indicate Tukey HSD P < 0.05.

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two major polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) thatare considered essential for higher animals (Hulbertet al. 1999), including bees (Avni et al. 2014; Arienet al. 2015). Spirulina has a broad diversity of phos-pholipid molecular species incorporating LA, ALA,and longer chain PUFAs such as eicosapentaenoicacid (EPA, 20:5) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA,22:6) (Online resource 2). Pollen consumption leadsto global reconstruction of honey bee tissue phos-pholipid molecular species, and the abundance ofesterified PUFAs is positively correlated with fatbody expression of vg (Wegener et al. 2018). Vgis a highly abundant lipoprotein produced in fatbody cells with central storage and regulatory func-tions (Amdam et al. 2003; Amdam et al. 2005). Vgitself is regulated at the mRNA and protein level by

pollen consumption, supporting its use as a biomark-er of diet quality and nutritional status (Alaux et al.2011; López-Uribe et al. 2020). Our results showthat fat body mass and Vg mRNA levels inspirulina-fed bees matched that of pollen-fed bees.Pollen and spirulina diets led to higher fat bodymasses than PS, which produced the highest VgmRNA levels. The PS diet also led to higher expres-sion levels of vg-like-A , which likely plays similarroles to vg (Salmela et al. 2016). However, vg andvg-like-A proteins contain a large lipid-binding do-main (Salmela et al. 2016) and it remains to bedetermined if dietary lipid composition impacts theirfunction. Intriguingly, mRNA levels of vg-like-Bwere highest in 10-day-old spirulina-fed bees. Func-tional understanding of this vg homolog is limited

Figure 5. Relative mRNA expression levels of vitellogenin (vg ) and vg-like gene homologs in bees fed differentdiets at day 5 and day 10 (n = 12–13 cages). Each point represents an independent cage. Black horizontal linesindicate the mean. Different letters indicate Tukey HSD P < 0.05.

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but it has been associated with the life span–regulating properties of vg (Salmela et al. 2016)

Bacterial abundance of core gut microbiota wassignificantly increased by a spirulina diet, whichmatched or exceeded the prebiotic effects of pollenand PS, respectively. These results are consistentwith the prebiotic potential of microalgae as anutrition supplement in other systems (de JesusRaposo et al. 2016). Lactobacillus spp andBifidobacterium spp are ubiquitous fermentativeconstituents of animal microbiota, including bees.The bee-specific gut symbiont Snodgrassella alviis non-fermentative but participates in syntropic(nutrient-sharing) interactions with fermentativecommunity members (Kešnerová et al. 2017).

Gut bacteria fermentation products act as signalingmolecules, influencing central physiological pro-cesses in honey bees (Zheng et al. 2017). Spirulinabiomass stimulates the growth of Lactobacillusand other lactic acid bacteria (Parada et al. 1998),which can competitively exclude pathogenic bac-teria via pH reduction (Douglas 2015). These re-sults suggest that incorporating spirulina into PSdiets as a prebiotic additive could promote beehealth by stimulating the abundance and metabo-lism of beneficial gut bacteria.

Overall, the major findings that spirulina dietsresulted in nutritional physiologymeasures thatwerenearly equal to a pollen-based diet show promise forthe development of this microalga, and potentially

Figure 6. Relative core gut bacteria abundance in bees fed different diets at day 10 (n = 12–13 cages). Each pointrepresents an independent cage. Black horizontal lines indicate the mean. Different letters indicate Tukey HSD P < 0.05.

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other microalgal species, as a nutrition supplementfor honey bees. Spirulina consumption was less thanthat of pollen or PS but resulted in bees with equiv-alent fat body mass and increased thorax weight,respectively. This indicates that the nutritional valueof spirulina is certainly at least sufficient for honeybees and its incorporation into future PS diets maybe a sustainable solution to improve various aspectsof honey bee health.


We thank the members of the USDA ARS HoneyBee Breeding, Genetics, and Physiology lab for theirtechnical support and stimulating discussions. We fur-ther thank the reviewers for helpful comments andsuggestions that improved the manuscript. Mention oftrade names or commercial products in this publicationis solely for the purpose of providing specific informa-tion and does not imply recommendation or endorse-ment by the US Department of Agriculture. USDA is anequal opportunity provider and employer.


VAR conceived this research and designed theexperiments. VAR andMSF performed the exper-iments and analyzed the data. VAR and MSFwrote the paper. Both authors read and approvedthe final manuscript.


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Efficacité nutritionnelle et prébiotique de la microalgueArthrospira platensis (spiruline) chez l’abeille

Apis mellifera / nutrition / microbiote / microalgue /substitut de pollen

Ernährungsphysiologische und präbiotische Effekteder Mikroalge Arthrospira platensis (spirulina) beiHonigbienen

Apis mellifera / Ernährung/ Mikrobiota/ Mikroalge/Pollenersatz


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