NY Times 4.27.2000 Indian Tribe Offers Landowners a Conditional Deal

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  • 8/9/2019 NY Times 4.27.2000 Indian Tribe Offers Landowners a Conditional Deal


  • 8/9/2019 NY Times 4.27.2000 Indian Tribe Offers Landowners a Conditional Deal


    their concern that separating the defendants would deprive the counties of involvement

    in the legal process.

    ''Our first reaction is that we are very disappointed,'' said Ralph J. Eannace Jr., the

    Oneida County Executive, and Rocco J. DiVeronica, chairman of the Madison County

    Board of Supervisors, in a statement. ''To provide true relief, the claims against

    individual landowners have to be removed permanently.''

    State officials, meanwhile, had a mixed reaction. Michael McKeon, a spokesman for

    Gov. George E. Pataki, repeated Mr. Pataki's calls that the federal government withdraw

    from the lawsuit altogether.

    At the same time, though, Mr. McKeon said that ''if the rhetoric of the press release is

    matched by reality, then we will give it serious consideration.''

    Leon Koziol, a Utica lawyer who has become a de facto legal representative for many of

    the affected landowners, said that although he was wary of the Oneidas and the state,

    the offer did contain a sliver of hope. ''It is a step in the right direction,'' he said, ''but

    ultimately the landowners want to see that the clouds be removed altogether.''

    The federal government continues to oppose the eviction of the landowners while

    maintaining the hope that a fair settlement can still be reached, said James F. Simon, a

    deputy assistant attorney general.

    The Oneidas' offer came one day before all the parties were expected to tell Judge

    McCurn whether they felt the case should go to trial or whether there should be one last

    attempt at settlement talks.

    Most participants believe that a trial is all but inevitable; only last month, a court-

    appointed mediator, Ronald J. Riccio, announced that a year's worth of settlement talks

    had broken down because of differences over money, gambling on the tribal land and

    other issues.

    So yesterday, officials who have been tracking the dispute expressed cautious, almost

    desperate, optimism that something good could come from the Oneidas' latest


    ''Depending on the details, this could be a very positive step forward,'' said SenatorCharles E. Schumer, who has been among the most vocal officials supporting the

    landowners. ''The grossest unfairness has been putting these innocent small

    homeowners and shopkeepers in the middle, making them the pawns in this dispute.''

    Map of New York highlighting Syracuse: The Oneida Indians claim 270,000 acres of

    land in central New York.

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    n Tribe Offers Landowners a Conditional Deal - NYTimes.com http://www.nytimes.com/2000/04/27/nyregion/indian-tribe-offers-


  • 8/9/2019 NY Times 4.27.2000 Indian Tribe Offers Landowners a Conditional Deal



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    n Tribe Offers Landowners a Conditional Deal - NYTimes.com http://www.nytimes.com/2000/04/27/nyregion/indian-tribe-offers-
