Today we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. It is a celebration of the Holy Spirit. Jesus promises the disciples that he will not leave them alone, and that they should wait for the Spirit. He then ascends into heaven and the disciples wonder. But today another of Jesus’ promise is fulfilled. How do we know that? The Good News has been proclaimed for over 2000 years, that is the proof! Every generation has raised up men and women whose lives have shown the light of Christ to the world. Today we are his witnesses. We are each called to bring the Good News into our world; whether it is our homes, workplaces, schools or neighborhoods. The question and mandate is will people know Jesus because of our lives? Come Holy Spirit come and fill us with the energy to share the Good News! Today, Sunday June 9 th we celebrate the St. Agnes Parish Picnic at Veterans Memorial Park, Skyline Pool. The picnic begins at noon and goes until 7:00PM. There will be lots of food and drink available. Mid- Life Crisis will be providing the music for the afternoon. There will be train rides for the children and anyone who would like can also use the pool for $5.00. At 6 o’clock we will (Continued on page 3) Fr. John’s Column On the feast of Pentecost, we are given two images of the bestowal of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples. In the first reading, from the Acts of the Apostles, when the Spirit descends on those gathered in the upper room, it comes in the heady mix of “driving wind” and “tongues as of fire.” John’s Gospel gives a more intimate portrayal: Jesus himself, newly risen from the dead, stands in the midst of his closest friends, the same ones who had scattered and fled during his passion and crucifixion. He speaks words of peace before breathing on them and saying, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” In some ways, the giving of the Holy Spirit in the glory and majesty of wind and flame in contrast to the gentleness of a breath might call to mind the two accounts of creation from the first chapters of Genesis. In the first story of creation, God begins to create from chaotic darkness while “a mighty wind sweeps over the waters” (Genesis 1:1-2:3). In the second account, God creates a human being first from “the dust of the ground” and then “blew into his nostrils the breath of life” (2:7). When we read sacred Scripture, there can be a temptation to ask, “Which is true?” As if the wonder of the infinite could be reduced to an either/or question. In faith, we are stretched to move from the mindset of “either/or” to the broader expanse of “both/and.” When we pause to reflect on the Spirit’s movement in our own lives, we might find examples of the Spirit working as wind and flame, purifying, winnowing and transforming with awesome strength and power. Indeed, our lives, our communities and our church need this action of the Spirit at times to shake us out of indifference and apathy and to bring order to chaos and light to darkness. At other times, the Spirit’s action contains the tenderness of a parent caring for a sick child. It is the same tenderness of Jesus who passes through the tightly locked doors of the frightened disciples to bring them his peace and the breath of (Continued on page 3) TODAY IS THE DAY! Parish Picnic & Sky’s the Limit Raffle @ Skyline Pool & Pavilions Noon—7 pm All are invited! On the Inside... O God, Send Out Your Spirit Katy Beedle Rice Sunday, June 9, 2019—Pentecost Sunday Calendar ....................Page 2 Fr. Tom’s Thoughts ..Page 3 Kind Thoughts ..........Page 4 Liturgy ……………...Page 5 School …………….....Page 6 Special Collection......Page 7 Picnic & Raffle……...Page 8/9

O God, Send Out Your Spirit Katy Beedle Rice

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untitledToday we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. It is a celebration of the Holy Spirit. Jesus promises the disciples that he will not leave them alone, and that they should wait for the Spirit. He then ascends into heaven and the disciples wonder. But today
another of Jesus’ promise is fulfilled. How do we know that? The Good News has been proclaimed for over 2000 years, that is the proof! Every generation has raised up men and women whose lives have shown the light of Christ to the world. Today we are his witnesses. We are each called to bring the Good News into our world; whether it is our homes, workplaces, schools or neighborhoods. The question and mandate is will people know Jesus because of our lives? Come Holy Spirit come and fill us with the energy to share the Good News! Today, Sunday June 9th we celebrate the St. Agnes Parish Picnic at Veterans Memorial Park, Skyline Pool. The picnic begins at noon and goes until 7:00PM. There will be lots of food and drink available. Mid- Life Crisis will be providing the music for the afternoon. There will be train rides for the children and anyone who would like can also use the pool for $5.00. At 6 o’clock we will
(Continued on page 3)
Fr. John’s Column
On the feast of Pentecost, we are given two images of the bestowal of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples. In the first reading, from the Acts of the Apostles, when the Spirit descends on those gathered in the upper room, it comes in the heady mix of “driving wind” and “tongues as of fire.” John’s Gospel gives a more intimate portrayal: Jesus himself, newly risen from the dead, stands in the midst of his closest friends, the same ones who had scattered and fled during his passion and crucifixion. He speaks words of peace before breathing on them and saying, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” In some ways, the giving of the Holy Spirit in the glory and
majesty of wind and flame in contrast to the gentleness of a breath might call to mind the two accounts of creation from the first chapters of Genesis. In the first story of creation, God begins to create from chaotic darkness while “a mighty wind sweeps over the waters” (Genesis 1:1-2:3). In the second account, God creates a human being first from “the dust of the ground” and then “blew into his nostrils the breath of life” (2:7). When we read sacred Scripture, there can be a temptation to ask, “Which is true?” As if the wonder of the infinite could be reduced to an either/or question. In faith, we are stretched to move from the mindset of “either/or” to the broader expanse of “both/and.” When we pause to reflect on the Spirit’s movement in our own lives, we might find examples of the Spirit working as wind and flame, purifying, winnowing and transforming with awesome strength and power. Indeed, our lives, our communities and our church need this action of the Spirit at times to shake us out of indifference and apathy and to bring order to chaos and light to darkness. At other times, the Spirit’s action contains the tenderness of a parent caring for a sick child. It is the same tenderness of Jesus who passes through the tightly locked doors of the frightened disciples to bring them his peace and the breath of
(Continued on page 3)
TODAY IS THE DAY! Parish Picnic & Sky’s the Limit Raffle @ Skyline Pool & Pavilions
Noon—7 pm All are invited!
On the Inside...
Sunday, June 9, 2019—Pentecost Sunday
Calendar .................... Page 2 Fr. Tom’s Thoughts .. Page 3 Kind Thoughts .......... Page 4 Liturgy ……………...Page 5 School …………….....Page 6 Special Collection ...... Page 7 Picnic & Raffle……...Page 8/9
This Week at St. Agnes Masses for the Week
Saint Agnes Parish and Catholic School Mission...to welcome, nurture, and serve the people and children of God— generation to generation, guiding souls and growing minds.
St. Agnes Parish Information
SATURDAY, JUNE 15 5:00 PM Fathers of St. Agnes Parish SUNDAY, JUNE 16 7:30 AM Fathers of St. Agnes Parish 9:00 AM Fathers of St. Agnes Parish 11:00 AM Fathers of St. Agnes Parish
MONDAY, JUNE 10 Nothing Scheduled TUESDAY, JUNE 11 7:00 PM EM & Minister of Care Workshop @ St. Kieran WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 Nothing Scheduled THURSDAY, JUNE 13 Nothing Scheduled FRIDAY, JUNE 14 Nothing Scheduled SATURDAY, JUNE 15 Nothing Scheduled SUNDAY, JUNE 16 Happy Father’s Day!
BAPTISMS: 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month. Please call the Parish Office at least one month before the date of the Baptism to make arrangements. Must register to attend class which is held the first Wednesday of the month. MARRIAGES: Engaged couples should make arrangements with the pastor at least six months before the wedding date. No arrangements should be made before the desired date has been confirmed after an initial interview has taken place. ADORATION CHAPEL: The Adoration Chapel is opened seven days a week from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Please call Cecelia Leal-Camacho 254- 3755 or Juan Rangel (Spanish) 362-4161 to sign up or for info.
PARISH: 1501Chicago Road Chicago Heights, IL 60411 Rev. John Siemianowski, Pastor Rev. Tom Kasputis, Associate Pastor Rev. William T. O’Mara, Resident Assistant PARISH OFFICE: Kay Ashby ……………...708-709-2694 Web Site……...www.saintagnes.us Email…………[email protected] DEACON: Dave & Carol Brothers….708-755-7252 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC & LITURGY: Carl R. Opat……………..708-709-2696 DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT: Karen Zerante…………... 708-709-2092
RCIA/MARRIAGE PREP: Carol Brothers ..................... 708-709-2699 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Teri Klopp…………………708-754-0713 MINISTRY OF CARE COORDINATOR: Call Parish Office ................ 708-709-2694 SCHOOL OFFICE: Matthew Lungaro, Principal Karen Hamilton ................... 708-756-2333 SCHEDULE OF MASSES: Sundays:………...7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Saturdays ...................................5:00 p.m. Holy Days………As scheduled CONFESSIONS: Saturday ............................ 4:00-4:30 p.m.
Page 2 Pentecost Sunday June 9, 2019
Fr. John’s Column Continued Continued
hold our Sky’s-the Limit Raffle drawing. There are five large pavilions in the park, so rain or shine we will all be there. Please join us and support the parish. Go Wildcats. Speaking of Wildcats, last weekend the Junior Varsity soccer team won their championship against St. Gerard at St. Laurence High School. Soccer is a relatively new sport to St. Agnes. We have had teams for about three years. I never grew up with soccer, so it has been a learning curve for me. But our children have taken to it like fish to water. Congratulations to the championship team and great job to all of our student athletes in boys and girls basketball, cheer leading, volleyball and soccer who all had a great school year. Thanks also to all of the parents and friends who have stepped up to be coaches. We appreciate all of your help. Go Wildcats! Today we also ask you to support our second collection for the Priest Retirement Fund of the Archdiocese. Now that I have a new position on the Placement Board I told Fr. Tom and Fr. O’Mara that retirement is not an option anymore (LOL). But in eleven years when I reach retirement age, we will need your help. All joking aside, we appreciate your support when we are active and also when we enter into retirement. Please be as generous as you can in our second collection today. Finally, this Tuesday, June 11th we will be having an evening of reflection for Eucharistic Ministers and Ministers of Care. It will be held at St. Kieran and begins at 7:00 PM. Once again we invite our present ministers, but also ask anyone interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister or Minister of Care to join us as well. There will be prayer, discussion and fellowship. Please join us. Thanks also to Carl Opat, Meaghan Hummel, Jim Keith, Linda Jaworowski, and Dave Fagan for their help with the Lector Evening of Reflection this past week. It was a worthwhile evening for all who attended from St. Agnes and St. Kieran. I know the Holy Spirit was with us.
(Continued from page 1)
resurrected life. Though our reflection on the actions of the Spirit might begin with our own experience, it cannot end there. For in all three of today’s readings, we find that the Holy Spirit is not given to individuals, but to a community. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians reminds us that the gifts of the Spirit granted to individuals are for the benefit of all. In the Gospel, the disciples are commissioned as a group and sent forth to bear reconciliation to the ends of the earth. Perhaps it is in the first reading, however, that we see the action of the Spirit most clearly. The reading begins, “When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together.” A few verses earlier in Acts 1:13-26, we are told that not only are the 12 apostles part of this group (with the newly chosen Matthias succeeding Judas Iscariot) but also “some women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.” As they wait for the promised Holy Spirit, this earliest community of Christians “devoted themselves with one accord to prayer.” Once those gathered are filled with the Spirit, however, they move forth from their tightly knit group to proclaim the glory of God to all who are staying in Jerusalem. The Spirit is not given just for the enjoyment and benefit of an individual. And the Spirit is also not just for the enjoyment and benefit of a single group. Instead, the Spirit’s movement is outward in an ever expanding circle of grace. Like the earliest disciples, we too gather in community to pray with one accord that God might send out his Spirit once more “and renew the face of the earth.” We offer this prayer not for our own benefit or for the benefit of the church, but in the sure hope that all of creation and all of humankind might be filled with the Spirit of God and rejoice in the fullness of life.
Stewardship of Treasure
Fr. Tom’s Thoughts
Fr. Tom thought it might be important for us to be aware of our Bishop’s and sometimes, other’s statements regarding some of our nation’s current issues. Look to this space in upcoming bulletins. The Church has the right, indeed the duty, to proclaim justice on the social, national and international level, and to denounce instances of injustice, when the fun- damental rights of man and his very salvation demand it. Justice in the World, Statement of the World Synod of Catholic Bishops, 1971
Week of June 2, 2019
Budget: $10,000.00 Actual: 5,833.77 - 4,166.23
TODAY, 6/9 12 NOON—7 PM
Skyline Pool & Pavilions RAIN OR SHINE!!
In one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. — 1 Corinthians 12:13a
Page 4 Pentecost Sunday June 9, 2019
Readings for the Week
TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Filled with the Holy Spirit, the apostles begin to speak in tongues (Acts 2:1-11). Psalm — Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth (Psalm 104). Second Reading — In one Spirit we are baptized into one body (1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13) or Romans 8:8-17. Gospel — Jesus Christ appears to the disciples and sends them on their mission (John 20:19-23) or John 14:15-16, 23b-26. The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Gn 3:9-15, 20 or Acts 1:12-14; Ps 87:1-3, 5-7; Jn 19:25-34 Tuesday: Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Ps 119:129-133, 135; Mt 5:13-16 Wednesday: 2 Cor 3:4-11; Ps 99:5-9; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: 2 Cor 3:15 — 4:1, 3-6; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 5:20-26 Friday: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 116:10-11, 15-18; Mt 5:27-32 Saturday: 2 Cor 5:14-21; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12; Mt 5:33-37 Sunday: Prv 8:22-31; Ps 8:4-9; Rom 5:1-5; Jn 16:12-15
With thanks for the little acts of kindness that make the days fly by….to our Shawl Ministry, such sweet baby afghans for our Baptism families...to Emily Martello for her years as the Smart Shopper coordinator (we miss you already!!)...to Dave Fagan for his helpful web page updates... to our Home & School and all volunteers for hosting the end of the year School Fun Day...to all who participated in the Lectors Workshop...to Fr. Tom & his men’s Bible Study...to the Parish Picnic/Sky’s the Limit volunteers and supporters—you’re the best!...and the list continues...
With Kind Thoughts
Are you homebound because of illness, disability, or age? Are you residing in a nursing home? We would like to keep you connected to the parish family by visiting you and bringing you the Eucharist. We are the Ministers of Care of St. Agnes parish, prepared and commissioned through an Archdioce- san program to serve you in these situations, be they temporary or long -term. But we cannot respond to your need unless you make us aware of it. Hospitals and nursing homes do not notify us about your admis- sion or discharge. Privacy laws restrict them from doing so. So please let us know of your need, or the need of a family member, by calling the parish office.
Sick or Homebound?
Priests Retirement Assn Collection Priests play a significant role in our personal and spiritual lives, providing counsel and guidance as we deal with life’s trials and tribulations. o These men, who have dedicated their lives to ministry, serve our needs as Catholics from the moment we are baptized until we receive last rites before entering eternal life. o Your generosity impacts our 500 active and 225 retired Archdiocesan priests. Our priests’ ages range from 26 to 98 years old. o Even after retirement, many priests continue to work throughout the Archdiocese, presiding over masses and assisting with sacrament preparation, as so well we know...thank you Father O’Mara! o As we have come to rely on the help of our priests, we now can assist them with their needs. o Please contribute to this second collection for the Priests’ Retirement and Mutual Aid Association which provides healthcare, housing, and retirement benefits for active and retired priests of the Archdiocese of Chicago. o With healthcare and retirement costs rising, there is an urgent need for increased funding. Your generosity will not only ensure the health and well-being of our priests, but also support their ability to continue meaningful work in our parish and in the community.
Religious Ed Registration Registration for 2019-2020 Religious Education classes is open. Registration forms were sent home with current R.E. students, and are also available in the R.E. Office at St. Agnes and on both parish websites. Please complete the form and return it to the St. Agnes/St. Kieran Religious Education Office as soon as possible. More than half of our current
students have already registered. Please ensure your child’s/ children’s place in our program (grades 1 thru 8) by registering them now...you have nothing to lose, since we don’t ask for any payment with registration. All current tuition and fees must be paid in full before your registration
for 2019/2020 will be accepted. Call 754-0713 for more info.
In September St. Agnes will begin another RCIA program for adults who are considering becoming Catholic. This program is also for adults wanting to complete their Sacraments. Come and celebrate Mass with us at any time or please give me a call with questions or for more information. Carol Brothers 709-2699
Liturgy Corner & More
Attn: EM’s and Ministers of Care EVENING OF REFLECTION
At...St. Kieran TUESDAY, JUNE 11
7 PM
Please join us if you are already a part of these wonderful ministries or interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister of Minister of Care. It will be a time of
reflection and information. Please see Carl for more info!
COME TO US, SPIRIT OF HOLINESS   Holy Spirit, you banish fear from our hearts; you bear witness in us that we are children of God; we pray to you:   Remove from our hearts the spirit of slaves; place in us the spirit of adopted children to make us cry out, “Abba, Father!”   —From Come, Lord Jesus by Lucien Deiss, CSSp, copyright © 1976, 1981, Lucien Deiss. Published by World Library Publications. p. 184
Page 6 Pentecost Sunday June 9, 2019
Congratulations to Lupita Marquez, the winner of the Ryan Brothers Scholarship, pictured with Carol
& Deacon Dave Brothers and Father John.
SUMMER SOCCER CAMP: Mondays & Wednesdays from 5:30-7 PM, pre-school thru 7th grade. Interested AND TO
FIND OUT START DATE...call Mr . Rivera 708-203-0095 [email protected]
SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS: Dur ing June the office will opened Tues, Wed and Thurs from 8 AM to noon.
In July the office will be opened on Tues only from 8 AM to noon. MESSAGES WILL BE CHECKED
June 9, 2019 Pentecost Sunday Page 7
Sunday, June 9 Skyline Pool & Veteran’s Memorial Park
$5,000 First Prize $1,000 Second Prize
$500 Third Prize
Tickets are $50 each or 2 for $90. The big winners will be pulled at 6 PM at the Picnic. Tickets are available at the picnic until
the time drawing….so stop by to say hello, have a bite to eat and purchase your raffle ticket...you have to be in it to win it!
Sky’s the Limit
June 9, 2019 Pentecost Sunday Page 9
Let’s kick off the summer with a picnic at Skyline Pool & Pavilions in Glenwood! TODAY IS THE DAY... Sunday, June 9th from noon to 7 PM for a fun and relaxing afternoon with your family, friends and
(of course) your St. Agnes Family.
SKY’S THE LIMIT RAFFLE Mid-Life Crisis...for your listening and dancing pleasure!
Pool & Waterslide (fee) TRAIN RIDES FOR THE KIDDOS!
Beer Pavilion Beverage & ICE CREAM Pavilion Food Pavilions:
Tacos, Tamales, Corn-in-a-Cup is back… Sausage, Burgers, Dogs & More to Purchase
Our Sky’s the Limit Raffle will take place at 6 o’clock as our picnic winds down...This picnic and raffle is our big fundraiser of the year and we’re counting on you to support it in any ol’ way you can...by stopping by or by
buying a raffle ticket. Please note that tickets are $50 each or 2 for $90 with
...SO STOP BY SKYLINE POOL TO SAY HELLO AND PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS. You have to be in it to win it! Thank you for your support.
RAIN... ...OR SHINE !!!
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