O3.2.9 - Transnational O3.2.9 - Transnational strategy for „Airport City‟ strategy for „Airport City‟ development development Giuseppe Luppino - ITL

O3.2.9 - Transnational strategy for „Airport City‟ development Giuseppe Luppino - ITL

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Page 1: O3.2.9 - Transnational strategy for „Airport City‟ development Giuseppe Luppino - ITL

O3.2.9 - Transnational strategy for O3.2.9 - Transnational strategy for „Airport City‟ development„Airport City‟ developmentGiuseppe Luppino - ITL

Page 2: O3.2.9 - Transnational strategy for „Airport City‟ development Giuseppe Luppino - ITL

Application form

• Work Package 3– Elaborating the strategic framework for integrated polycentric

development in Central European airport catchment areas• Output

– Core output 3.2.9 Transnational strategy for „Airport City‟ development, including final criteria

– Based on Living Lab process and Master Class, the initial criteria will be finalised and PPs develop a transnational output for „Airport City‟ concept including environmental factors. Includes EU recommendations. To be used to finalise regional development plans.

• Timeplan– Start: April 2013– End: September 2014

• Responsible partners– Elaboration: ITL– Contribution: all partners, ASG, RDCB managers / members

Page 3: O3.2.9 - Transnational strategy for „Airport City‟ development Giuseppe Luppino - ITL

Links with other outptuts

The output collects the information provided in other outputs of the project. in particular the main sources for the development of these data are:•O3.1.6: Initial set of joint criteria for airport cities in CE Area + O3.1.5 EU state of the art

– They contribute for the definition of the final set of joint criteria– The final set is approved by the ASG and RDCB members during the project implementation

•O3.2.5: Common template for the integrated regional polycentric development plans & O3.2.11: Regional integrated polycentric development plans elaborated

– During the implementation they contribute on the definitions, expectations and visions of partners in the creation of an airport city

•O4.1.7 - Methodology for the Open Living Lab process (ITL)– The OLL Methodology influences the creation of the airport city concept thanks to the meetings at local

and transnational level•O3.2.7: Masterclass (From January 2014): Joint thematic workshop to present the transnational toolkit for Airport City development. It provides opportunity for policy discussions at EU/CE level

•Tool 2 - Pilot actions are carried out to test the policy-making case (modelling tool and Imagineering simulation) and business case (One-Stop Shop) of the transnational toolkit for Airport City development, which is developed after synthesising OLL outcomes at Master Class.

Page 4: O3.2.9 - Transnational strategy for „Airport City‟ development Giuseppe Luppino - ITL

airLED Project

WP3Elaborating the

strategic framework for

integrated polycentric

development in Central

European airport

catchment areas


Jul 2012M1

Aug 2012M2

Jun 2013M12

May 2013M11

Apr 2013M10

Mar 2013M9

Feb 2013M8

Jan 2013M7

Dec 2012M6

Nov 2012M5

Oct 2012M4

Sep 2012M3

Aug 2014M26

Jul 2014M25

Jun 2014M24

May 2014M23

Apr 2014M22

Mar 2014M21

Feb 2014M20

Jan 2014M19

Dec 2013M18

Nov 2013 M17

Oct 2013M16

Sep 2013M15

Aug 2013M14

Jul 2013M13

Dec 2014M30

Nov 2014M29

Oct 2014M28

Sep 2014M27

3.1State of the art at

EU & regional level (KTI)

1st transnational thematic

workshop (3.1.1)

Status quo for airport catchment area (3.1.2)

Data sets for status quo analyses (3.1.4)

Status Quo IT (3.1.7-10, 3.1.8)

EU State of the art (3.1.5)

Regional integrated polycentric development plans elaborated (ITL 3.2.11)

Transnational strategy for ‘Airport City’ development, including final criteria (ITL 3.2.9)

Masterclass (ITL 3.2.7)

Initial set of joint criteria for airport cities in CE Area (3.1.6)

2nd transnational thematic

workshop (3.2.8)

3rd transnational thematic workshop (3.2.14)


transnational and regional strategies

for spatial and economic planning of airport catchment

areas (ITL)

Regional roadmap for endorsement for IT region (3.3.13)

Interim and final reports by RDCB on project results and endorsement


7 RDCB meetings with recommendations (3.3.8,9,10,11)

Regional development coordination body (RDCB) set up (3.3.3,4,5,6)

Training programme for RDCB managers (3.3.1-2)

Common template for the integrated regional polycentric development plans

(3.2.5 Mazovia)

Handbook on “How to attract investors to airport regions” (3.2.6 IRM)

Identificazione dei Team locali

con esperti esterni per

elaborazione Regional

Development Plan (3.2.1-4)


governance in the making and initiation of

endorsement (Gorenjska)



WP4Open Living Lab process

and supporting strategy building


4.1Open Living Lab

process to support strategy building


4.2.17 - Tool 2: Evaluation and transferability report (Kranj, ITL)

4.2.8 - Tool 1: Evaluation and transferability report

Tool 24.2.10-17 (ITL, Gorenjska)

Airport City development simulation

Tool 14.2.1-9 (LP)

policy-making modelling tool for transnational use

4.1.20 - Collection of regional good practices based on Open Living Lab results

4.1.16-19 - ASG expert support for participating region at final milestone

4.1.12-15 - ASG expert support for participating region at mid-term


4.1.8-11 – 4 Peer review workshops with report to assess the regional development plan

4.1.7 - Methodology for the Open Living Lab process (ITL)

4.1.3-6 - ASG expert support for participating region at initial milestone

4.1.2 - ASG set up


4.2Supporting tools for the policy-making

case of the transnational

strategy (LP, Gorenjska,


4.3Supporting tool for the business case of the transnational

strategy(Cerklje, Kranj,

Mazovia) 4.3.10 - Tool 3: Evaluation and transferability report

Tool 34.3.1-9 (Cerklje/Gorenjska, Mazovia)

one-stop shop

Remote support

Remote support

Remote support

Remote support

Page 5: O3.2.9 - Transnational strategy for „Airport City‟ development Giuseppe Luppino - ITL

Airport city drivers

1. Create new non-aeronautical revenue sources, to compete and to better serve the traditional aviation functions.

2. Pursuit of affordable, accessible land for commercial sector.

3. Airports raise the passengers and cargo traffic in the area.

a) Airports serving as a catalyst and magnet for landside business development.

b) Business around the airport generate more traffic for the airport

Page 6: O3.2.9 - Transnational strategy for „Airport City‟ development Giuseppe Luppino - ITL

Table of Contents: Main points - intro

List of points to be discussed in order to create the final table of contents.The activity is planned to be finished in September 2014, some changes may occurred during the project life time

•Introduction– RDCB list at EU level, including PA, Business, Research/University, Education,

Citizens •Final criteria for airport cities in Central Europe

– Input from 3.2.6 final version•Status quo analysis & Bottlenecks

– At regional level (for each Region)– Description of the regions– Restrictions on development of the area– Potential evaluation– SWOT Analysis

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Table of Contents: Main points - intro/2

• Infrastructural, organizational and financial needs– For each pillar:

• Transport and Logistics• Spatial Development, environment and architecture• Business and investment development

– Regional and National Institutions for creating jointly an airport city

• Planning needs– Airport planning, urban planning and business site planning– Definition of the measures to be adopted (from master

class?)– Priorities to be defined after master class– Roles for each Institution

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Table of contents: Actions to promote the airport city

• Incentives– RDCB inputs– For transport activities (accessibility and supply chain)– Incentives for the development of the area– Incentives for training courses

• Implementation– Definition of a leader– RDCB inputs– Implementation of Public Private Partnership (PPP) schemes– Planning needs Vs Status quo– Criteria to be used as part of the spatial planning procedures– Actions for the logistics improvements– Communication and Marketing activities

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Table of contents - Expected results

• Harmonization– RDCB inputs– Harmonization of measures at Regional, National and EU


• EU recommendations– Matrix on the results of the previous chapters– Expectations at EU Level

• Suggestions– Public funds?

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Focus on planning

• Planning is playing a crucial role as it is the only tool to make the airport city sustainable

• Airport city and aerotropolis require bringing together:– airport planning– Urban planning– Business site planning

To be done in a synergic mannerTo be done in a synergic mannerTo be done in a synergic mannerTo be done in a synergic manner

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Planning… on what?

• Infrastructural planning– Transport

• for the accessibility not only of the airport but also of the area• Multimodal ground transit

– Advanced Technology available in the area (ICT networks) to make the area more worthwhile for high tech companies

– Regional marketing

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Roles of the stakeholders

• AirportsAirports serving as a catalyst and magnet for landside business development.

• Local InstitutionsInstitutions as responsible for planning the investments and making the area more desiderable

• Users and companiescompanies for creating a network• All together for Public Private Partnerships

Through Open Living LabThrough Open Living LabThrough Open Living LabThrough Open Living Lab

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Ways to complete this activity

• Questionnaire to partners?• Discussion with ASG tomorrow• Second stage questionnaire to partners• Master class results…

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