Observations and modeling the ocean Fe cycle: Role in the carbon cycle and state of understanding Ed Boyle Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge MA 02139

Observations and modeling the ocean Fe cycle: Role in the carbon cycle and state of understanding Ed Boyle Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Massachusetts

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Page 1: Observations and modeling the ocean Fe cycle: Role in the carbon cycle and state of understanding Ed Boyle Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Massachusetts

Observations and modeling the ocean Fe cycle:

Role in the carbon cycle and state of understanding

Ed BoyleEarth, Atmospheric and Planetary

SciencesMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Cambridge MA 02139

Page 2: Observations and modeling the ocean Fe cycle: Role in the carbon cycle and state of understanding Ed Boyle Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Massachusetts

Basic premise:

We don’t understand the processes that control the oceanic Fe distribution well enough to design a realistic simulation of iron in the ocean. The task at present is to take simple representations of what we know and see how far these get us - and what they tell us about what observations, experiments, and modeling are needed.

Page 3: Observations and modeling the ocean Fe cycle: Role in the carbon cycle and state of understanding Ed Boyle Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Massachusetts

Recent Fe modeling references• Aumont O. and Bopp L. (2006a) Globalizing results from ocean in situ iron fertilization studies Glob.

Biogeochem. Cycles 20, GB2017, doi:10.1029/2005GB002591.• Aumont O. and Bopp L. (2006b) Globalizing results from ocean in situ iron fertilization studies, Glob.

Biogeochem. Cyc. 20, GB2017, doi:10.1029/2005GB002591.• Christiana J. R., Verschellb M. A., Murtuguddec R., Busalacchib A. J., and McClaina C. R. (2002)

Biogeochemical modelling of the tropical Pacific Ocean. II: Iron biogeochemistry, Deep-Sea Res. II 49, 545-565.

• Moore J. K., Doney S. C., and Lindsay K. (2004) Upper ocean ecosystem dynamics and iron cycling in a global three-dimensional model Glob. Biogeochem. Cyc. 18, GB4028, doi:10.1029/2004GB002220.

• Moore J. K., Doney S. C., Lindsay K., Mahowald N., and Michaels A. F. (2006) Nitrogen fixation amplifies the ocean biogeochemical response to decadal timescale variations in mineral dust deposition Tellus B 58, 560–572

• Moore J. K. and S.Doney. (2007) Iron availability limits the ocean nitrogen inventory stabilizing feedbacks between marine denitrification and nitrogen fixation Glob. Biogeochem. Cyc. 21, GB2001, doi:10.1029/2006GB002762.

• Patra P. K., Moore J. K., Mahowald N., Uematsu M., Doney S. C., and Nakazawa T. (2007) Exploring the sensitivity of interannual basin-scale air-sea CO2 fluxes to variability in atmospheric dust deposition using ocean carbon cycle models and atmospheric CO2 inversions J. Geophys. Res. 112, G02012, doi:10.1029/2006JG000236.

• Tagliabue A. and Arrigo K. R. (2006) Processes governing the supply of iron to phytoplankton in stratified seas J. Geophys. Res. 111, C06019, doi:10.1029/2005JC003363.

• Tagliabue A., Bopp L., and Aumont O. (2007) Ocean biogeochemistry exhibits contrasting responses to a large scale reduction in dust deposition Biogeosciences Discuss. 4(1-33).

• Weber L., Volker C., Oschlies A., and Burchard H. (2007) Iron profiles and speciation of the upper water column at the Bermuda Atlantic time-series Study site: a model based sensitivity study Biogeosciences Discuss. 4(823-869).

• Weber L., Volker C., Schartau M., and Wolf-Gladrow D. A. (2005) Modeling the speciation and biogeochemistry of iron at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study site Glob. Biogeochem. Cyc. 19, GB1019, doi:10.1029/2004GB002340.

Page 4: Observations and modeling the ocean Fe cycle: Role in the carbon cycle and state of understanding Ed Boyle Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Massachusetts

Some simple Fe model representations

• We know the dust flux into the ocean• We know how much iron is released from that dust

• Fe dissolution from dust only occurs in the mixed layer

• Fe from dust is the only significant sourceof Fe to the ocean

• The Fe:C ratio of phytoplankton is constant and known

• Fe ligand concentrations and binding constants are constant throughout the deep ocean

• Fe scavenging is simply proportional to free [Fe+++]

Page 5: Observations and modeling the ocean Fe cycle: Role in the carbon cycle and state of understanding Ed Boyle Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Massachusetts

Ten top-to-bottom open-ocean iron profiles

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Average of data between2800 and 4000m:0.43 +/- 0.04 (1s.d.) nmol/kg

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Page 8: Observations and modeling the ocean Fe cycle: Role in the carbon cycle and state of understanding Ed Boyle Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Massachusetts

Simple representations 1 and 2:• we know the dust flux into the ocean • we know how much iron is released from that dust.

• The dust flux has been estimated from atmospheric dust concentration data at only a few points in the world. Everywhere else, we are extrapolating from intuition, satellite-based column loading estimates, and atmospheric dust models.

• There is a large range of estimates for the percentage of Fe released from dust under very different experimental conditions. It is likely that the dust release percentage varies from one place to the other, and under different conditions at the same place.

In reality:

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Global dust fluxes

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Fe in the surface

waters of the Western

North Atlantic

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Atlantic Surface Fe N-S Transect

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Fe release from Bermuda aerosols

Sedwick et al., in press

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Simple representation 3: Fe dissolution from dust only occurs in the mixed layer

In reality:

Although it is reasonable to presume that a large dissolution flux of Fe is “primed” when the dust falls into the ocean, it is difficult to prove that dissolution does not continue as the dust falls through the depths (or put another way, difficult to quantify how much Fe is released from dust as it falls through the deep ocean).

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Simple representation 4:Fe from dust is the only significant


of Fe to the ocean In reality:

Oceanic Fe may have significant sources from rivers, continental shelf sediments, continental margin sediments, and hydrothermal vents. These sources have never been properly quantified.

Page 15: Observations and modeling the ocean Fe cycle: Role in the carbon cycle and state of understanding Ed Boyle Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Massachusetts

Simple representation 5:The Fe:C ratio of phytoplankton is

constant and knownIn reality:

Although Fe is an essential micronutrient, it appears that different organisms have evolved different abilities to survive with different Fe supplies. Open-ocean Antarctic organisms probably survive with the minimum amount of Fe. Organisms under high-dust or coastal Fe inputs may take up more Fe than that, and release more Fe when they sink and regenerate.

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Tropical Tropical AtlanticAtlantic

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Measures/Landing Atlantic Fe section

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Tropical Atlantic Fe maximum occurs within the oxygen minimum

O2 (ml/l) @ 250 dbar, recontoured from Fukimori and Wunsch

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Fe vs. P

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Simple representation 6: Fe ligand concentrations and binding constants are constant throughout the

deep ocean.

• We have a very limited data base on Fe ligands (note that a titration of a single sample can take about a day)

In reality:

Page 21: Observations and modeling the ocean Fe cycle: Role in the carbon cycle and state of understanding Ed Boyle Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Massachusetts

Simple representation 7:Fe scavenging is simply

proportional to free [Fe+++]In reality:

Most of the variability of Fe in the deep ocean is seen in the colloidal fraction. It may be that the colloidal fraction is scavenged, and the soluble fraction is (relatively) inert.

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Subtropical AtlanticSubtropical Atlantic

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Western South AtlanticWestern South Atlantic

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Fe decreases as NADW moves from the North Atlantic into the South Atlantic:

Bridget’s Scavenging Residence Time Estimate: North Atlantic Fe: 0.67 0.09 (9)South Atlantic Fe: 0.47 0.02 (7)

Scavenging Residence Time:(based on Broecker C14 interpretation => 56 year transit time)

270 140 years

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<0.02 µm Fe is nearly constant in deep waters (0.2-0.4 nmol/kg).Most deep-sea Fe variability is due to changes in colloidal Fe.

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<0.4 µm (DFe) vs 0.02-0.4 µm (CFe)

Bergquist et al. (2007) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 71:2960

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Parting remarks

Temporal variability of Fe in the ocean is important but little understood.

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Recent Fe modeling references• Aumont O. and Bopp L. (2006a) Globalizing results from ocean in situ iron fertilization studies Glob. Biogeochem.

Cycles 20, GB2017, doi:10.1029/2005GB002591.• Aumont O. and Bopp L. (2006b) Globalizing results from ocean in situ iron fertilization studies, Glob.

Biogeochem. Cyc. 20, GB2017, doi:10.1029/2005GB002591.• Christiana J. R., Verschellb M. A., Murtuguddec R., Busalacchib A. J., and McClaina C. R. (2002) Biogeochemical

modelling of the tropical Pacific Ocean. II: Iron biogeochemistry, Deep-Sea Res. II 49, 545-565.• Moore J. K., Doney S. C., and Lindsay K. (2004) Upper ocean ecosystem dynamics and iron cycling in a global

three-dimensional model Glob. Biogeochem. Cyc. 18, GB4028, doi:10.1029/2004GB002220.• Moore J. K., Doney S. C., Lindsay K., Mahowald N., and Michaels A. F. (2006) Nitrogen fixation amplifies the

ocean biogeochemical response to decadal timescale variations in mineral dust deposition Tellus B 58, 560–572 • Moore J. K. and S.Doney. (2007) Iron availability limits the ocean nitrogen inventory stabilizing feedbacks between

marine denitrification and nitrogen fixation Glob. Biogeochem. Cyc. 21, GB2001, doi:10.1029/2006GB002762.• Patra P. K., Moore J. K., Mahowald N., Uematsu M., Doney S. C., and Nakazawa T. (2007) Exploring the

sensitivity of interannual basin-scale air-sea CO2 fluxes to variability in atmospheric dust deposition using ocean carbon cycle models and atmospheric CO2 inversions J. Geophys. Res. 112, G02012, doi:10.1029/2006JG000236.

• Tagliabue A. and Arrigo K. R. (2006) Processes governing the supply of iron to phytoplankton in stratified seas J. Geophys. Res. 111, C06019, doi:10.1029/2005JC003363.

• Tagliabue A., Bopp L., and Aumont O. (2007) Ocean biogeochemistry exhibits contrasting responses to a large scale reduction in dust deposition Biogeosciences Discuss. 4(1-33).

• Weber L., Volker C., Oschlies A., and Burchard H. (2007) Iron profiles and speciation of the upper water column at the Bermuda Atlantic time-series Study site: a model based sensitivity study Biogeosciences Discuss. 4(823-869).

• Weber L., Volker C., Schartau M., and Wolf-Gladrow D. A. (2005) Modeling the speciation and biogeochemistry of iron at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study site Glob. Biogeochem. Cyc. 19, GB1019, doi:10.1029/2004GB002340.