W- cr < + h i t t OCALA EVENING STAR MONDAY JANUARY 6 1908 t t A Bold Step To oYwrcoDM the well gr- r ottfded find reasonable objections of the more Intel- ligent ¬ it to the user of secret medicinal com ¬ r pounds Dr BV Pierce of Buffalo N YM some time ago decided to make a bold departure from the usual course pursued- by the makers of putup medicines for do- mestic ¬ use aruLso has published broad castand oflCIuy to the whole world a full t and comp list of all too Ingredient entering he co position of his widely 1 celebrated t es Thus he has taken his nume us iUtrons and patients Into i f 1 his full unf once Thus too he has re it mov Is edicinett from among secret host of doubtful merits and made tlwnxdtcmedics of Known Corn posttiun- t 1 ba hold M Dr Pierce ns show rrnu a of fVirn po e i r to UJ ect t em t of only oes the wrapper of every bottle of Dr Pierces Golden Me lcal Discovery the fumouH medicine for wcftk Ito1ab pid liver orblliouK ess and all catarrhal UlMjascs wherever located have printed upon it in A tfUHn Engltoh a full and complete ilt of all the ingredients compo > rin It but a small f r book ha been complledroD numerous standard medical wor s of Ul the Uiifcrent- whools I of practice contatnlnifTery numer- ous ¬ extract from o leading < practitioners of medicine t endorsing in tILe r tnlQt pomtbU terms ach and every Ingre- dient contained In Dr Plercos medicines One of these little books will be mailed free to any One ending addrem on postal card or by letter to Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y and reqneHtlnr the aame From this Hula i book it will be learned that Dr Pierces med- icine ¬ f contain BO alcokol aarcptics mineral r agents or otber polsonoun or injurious agents and that titer are made frost native medici- nal ¬ roots of treat that some of the most raluable ingredients contained in Dr FIerce Favorite Prescription for weak nervous orerworked rundown nervous j and women were employed long yean ago by tbe Indiana for atibet their squaws In tact one of the i most valuable medicinal plants entering into the composition of Dr Pierces Favorite Pre- scription ¬ wa known to tho Indiana u tkiuawWeedl Our knowledge of the uses of not a few of our most valuable naUTe me- t ¬ dicinal plants was gained from the Indians AK made by proved and exact pr- ocess ¬ the Favorite Prescription Is a most efficient remedy for regulating all the wom- anly ¬ functions correcting displacements a- prolapsus P anteverskm and retorverelou L overcoming painful periods toning up the nerves and bringing about a perfect state of health Sold by all dealers In jn dicln L It iJ OCALA HOUSE t x WINE ROOMS r 1 CAFE I I We have again opened our Cafe in connection with our business and will always have on hand everything us ually kept in a firstclass place such r as R OYSTERS IN ALL STYLES WESTERN STEAKS ay HAM AND EGGS FISH AND GAME IN SEASON CHICKEN TO ORDER 1 s Give us a call and we guarantee you good service reasonable prices and prompt attention i W A e KALLENBERGER Manager r C J PHILLIPS j Contractor and Builder r Plans and Specifications Furnished Upon Request j J29 So nth Tfrird Sieet f H OC- FUNERAL F1a Phone 30 S- McIVER rJ MACKAY > DIRECTORS t Undertakers and Embalmers- D E McIVER ALFtED E OWEN Undertakers l Fine Caskets and Burial Robes- All Work Done by Licensed Em balmere and Fully Guaranteed T oo r > 4 A Big Load for- J 1 7 f crLPhoSEYMO- UR B H ne J- I a5 LALEXAl t DEli Practical Y36 CARPENTER AND lUILDER- Caretutt estimates made on all contract r work < rlvec more and better work fox i r nry than yinY other contractor 3- tr 4 w- p t t HADDEN GOT HISN Tennessee Desperado Resisted a Sher- iffs ¬ Posse and was Shot to Death Chattanooga Tinn Jan 6Garr- ett Haddcn a desperado and moon Hliinfr was shot to death Saturday by- a sheriffs tuss Six years ago Had den coininitted murder but no efforts had been made to capture him as he was considered desperate Lately he became very defiant making renitent trips to Benton and defying1 arrest Sheriff Biggs organized a posse Sat- urday ¬ and started out with the inten ¬ tion of tilting him dead or alive Had den was located in a cabin half way between Benton and McCays When called upon to surrender he replied with a shot from his Winchester and then appeared in the doorway He was shot dead but other members of his party kept up a constant tire which wan returned by the sheriff This resulted in the death of Haddens young sori Several of Haddens brothers also figured in the criminal undertaking CUTTING OFF THE GRAFTS Dead Beats in Georgia Will Soon be Like Noahs Dov Atlanta Jan 6The Georgia rail ¬ road commission has prohibited the use of telephone franks within the state except to charitable institutions- It also is understood that some action will be taken relative to the use of telegraph franks probably similar to that of the telephones The action probably follows the decision by the commission declaring telephone and telegraph companies common carriers ROOMS FOR RENT The third floor of the Star or Wit- ness ¬ building is for rent High dry and airy aumirahly adapted for housekeeping Apply to the Star or Mrs E Van Hood FROM THE ANTILLES Chamberlains Cough Remedy Benefits- a City Councilman at Kings- ton ¬ Jamaica Mr W OReilly Fogarty who is a member of the City Council at Kings- ton ¬ Jamaica West Indies writes- as follows One bottle of Chamber ¬ lains Cough Remedy had good effect- on a cough that was giving me trou- ble ¬ and I think I should have been more quickly relieved if I had contin- ued ¬ the remedy That it was beneficial- and quick in relieving me there is no doubt and it is my intention to obtain another bottle For sale by all drug- gists ¬ PROPER PRIDE Displayed by Frank Chisolm Bivouac- of Confederate Veterans Nashville Tenn Jan GAt its meeting last week the Frank Chisolm Bivouac of Confederate Veterans adopted a resolution requesting South- ern ¬ representatives in Congress to do all in their power to defeat the pro- posed ¬ pensioning of Confederate sol- diers ¬ f by the government The reso ¬ lution says in part We do not need the paternity of the government We consider the duty- of the respective states formerly com ¬ posing the Confederate States of America to care for worthy needy Confederate soldiers out of their treas- ury ¬ as many of them are now doing with great liberality HOW IS YOUR DIGESTION Mrs Mary Dowling of No 228 Eighth venue San Francisco recommends a remedy for stomach trouble She says Gratitude for the wonderful effect of Electric Bitters in a case of acute in ¬ digestion prompts this testimonial I am fully convinced that for stomach and liver troubles Electric Bitters is the best remedy on the market today This great tonic and alterative medi ¬ cine invigorates the system purifies- the blood and is especially helpful in all forms of female weakness Fifty cents at Tydings Cos drugstore STOKES WILL COMMAND- THE HOSPITAL SHIP Washington Jan 6Acting under orders of the president Secretary Met calf has signed the orders assigning surgeon Charles F Stokes to the com ¬ mand of the hospital ship Relief to be fitted out at Mare Island Cal with- a full hospital equipment for special duty with the battleship fleet The secretary said accommodations will be afforded on the vessel for about 250 sick persons HOW TO AVOID PNEUMONIA- You can avoid pneumonia and other serious results from a cold by taking Foleys Honey and Tar It stops the cough and expels the cold from the system as it is mildly laxative Re ¬ fuse any but the genuine in the yellow package Sold by all dealers e v CLOSE MESH AMERICAN FEN See How Close These Meshes Are They Will Turn Little Pigs Heavy it ire Close Mesh Pig Tight Top and Bottom Pars Xo 10 6 xr galvanized wire Intermediate burs b No I galvanized wire Stays No 5 12 galzanizecl wire 12 inches 4 s apart t i t EJ It < w Wr rJ F j j rAhi We are Also Exclusive Agents for ELLWOOD Fence i- ffii 5f LARGE STOCK QUICK SHIPMENTS t1 E k j j J r if fA j The largest stock of heavy and light hardware sash doorsr 1 i t i blinds farm mill and miners supplies paints oils etc etc t iJrO I in Central Florida f K l i 4- f K > f BOYDS PORTABLE FIREPLACE f tf ti i t L f < is especially adapted for turpentine men sawmill mentor Y BJ If i U where a temporary fireplace is needed The cut herewltMjg tii front view of this invention and shows how same can be f- I F i any frame building either where fireplace would Debuilt > 6rl Mf J set in window St m r j qf It is made of the best galvanized steel is light strong V> j i < W < t2 1 ble This portable fireplace can b moved from place to pjji 4rl taken down or set up in a very few niinutes thereby saying I t J r pense which would incur in mak ing a chimney of sticks andfl cr brick r 11- r Y 4rr t- Ju c Marion llardwart rr7- t < 1- w + HARRY B CLARKSON General Mauler J KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS I Conventions held every Mon- day evening In Cas tie Hall over Pey- rs store A cordial welcome to vis ting knights R E Yonge C C Chas K Sage K of R and S 100 F Tulula Lodge No 22 r O O F meets every Tuesday even ng in Yonges Hall Visiting brothers lways welcome W E Bryant N G- Ill M little Secretary- F A le- iMarionDunn Lod- gezz7S0 19 meets in the on the first and third Thursday evenings of each month Visiting brothers cordially invited W D Graham W M Jake Brown Secretary B P 0 E Notice oF Sessions of Ocala Lodge No 851 Benevolent and Pro ¬ tective Order of Elks Regular sessions on the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month Visiting brothers cordially nvited S A Rawls Exalted Ruler Joseph Bell Acting Secretary FORT G- wow CAMP s No 14 Next regular monthly meeting will be held Friday evening Jan 10 at 730 clock in Yonges Hall Visiting sov reigns are alwrys welcome P V Leavengood C C a Chas K Sage Clerk CONCORDIA LODGE F U OF A Concordia Lodge No 181 Fraternal Union of America meets fourth Wed ¬ nesday of every month 730 p m at Yonges Hall R E Yonge F M Chas K Sage Secretary LIVERY BUSINESS FOR SALE One of the best livery and transfer businesses in one of Floridas tourist towns with splendid all the year busi- ness ¬ practically a monopoly of the business of the town is offered for sale with or without real estate In ¬ quire at the Star office- A CARD This is to certify that all druggists- are authorized to refund your money- if Foleys Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold It stops the I cough heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold Cures la grippe coughs and prevents pneu ¬ monia and consumption Contains- no opiates The genuine is in a yellow package Refuse substitutes For sale by all dealers Large assortment oi CUT GLASS and CHHTA at poster ce Drugstore W f r Iii Direct from- ounDisfiller v tat tt Its tit + i I ttt t- S ijr S Finest 0d WhiskiesG- OOD i- I WHISKEY that is one distilled from the com Inat IY selected grain and pure water is invaluable as and an excellent invigorating beverage it f Sj < For many years we have been distillersageds- sn tx whiskies in our own warehouses and insisted tb t j reach the customer in Original Packages acct by our unqualified guarantee c 1i V Both the medicinal and food values of the coijr- Rye is concentrated in our Whiskies They aref Cutely pure smooth find mellow with age j ud L always given genuine satisfaction Thousands of customers can attest to this fact t i i t EXPRESS PREPAID l Four full quarts iii glass Si- fiS t J LAPEL 1 ATTIC BLUE I 1 Finest Kentucky Bourbon 400 Pure Old Corn t t 1 I WILLOW DALE RYE ALLAN SlNCLARti4- r Old and Fragrant 285 Georgia Corn < The Swift Creek Distilling Co 4i I Incorporated rrv A CS- p LoUIsvILLE KY J- lf t swrr aitta a1- I We Distill ItIts Right trJt 4- an HOTEL WINO fJ 11719 East Forsyfb Street JackstivUk I e Ne- wMODEL and FirstClass Appointments American Plan 2 ands = per day t European Plan OOI A f person 75M cents per d- I up Special weeklyr i n h Center of City Netts- K Lines Open all tilt y 1 Rooms with Bath De 1 rr C B SMITH P xt- Setisible B b SUSPENW- c Useful Gifts fr th HoifcUyA1T- K1CTIVELV ACED IN HANDSOME SINGLE PiiR BOXtS They ccxnUn mor and brier rubber than any other mk hare tfU giltnoo wtm = metal ptU 4dtruD a + nl n t aI ur4 i ant through The nrw bark 1rr ftclioa permits cai tuJ comfort iu > matter what poiitioa the body auy iraiue They ovtwear tLres rdUi ry klads v falrh sea lire tles flt servto of v at < i SO ct t mottu I Ta Let Comt rt4b1 fiepeaaer tads for Ian Youth oe Soy z I InLerbtHaybrlutnteaywteistrsrNuErtnCed kiat eiUsegaanyoithorbtiywiil lUdlyj i- ftk t0 Dept e7tncoKltt NOM10- 1tsigelal >+ as e hwrwaa CasaLaa tkiffoNe- Iootkl 4 eyrlf wtvWMlGdndfJ it tKri + s sliet- tHEWES yOlRtE ti ST aatsoei 4 + Yt + K M y Le v S jR A It y- h Y 4 irr t + J r ttn r K1 r F y i +

Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-01-06 [p PAGE ...ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00738/0040.pdf · ng in Yonges Hall Visiting brothers lways welcome W E Bryant N

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-01-06 [p PAGE ...ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00738/0040.pdf · ng in Yonges Hall Visiting brothers lways welcome W E Bryant N


cr < + h i t



A Bold StepTo oYwrcoDM the well gr-

rottfded find

reasonable objections of the more Intel-ligent


it to the user of secret medicinal com¬

r pounds Dr B V Pierce of Buffalo NYM some time ago decided to make a bolddeparture from the usual course pursued-by the makers of putup medicines for do-mestic


use aruLso has published broadcastand oflCIuy to the whole world a fullt and comp list of all too Ingrediententering he co position of his widely

1 celebrated t es Thus he has takenhis nume us iUtrons and patients Into

if 1 his full unf once Thus too he has reit mov Is edicinett from among secret

host of doubtful merits and madetlwnxdtcmedics of Known Corn posttiun-

t1 ba hold M Dr Pierce ns showrrnu a of fVirn po e

i r to UJ ect t em t

of only oes the wrapper of every bottleof Dr Pierces Golden Me lcal Discovery thefumouH medicine for wcftk Ito1ab pidliver orblliouK ess and all catarrhal UlMjascswherever located have printed upon it in

A tfUHn Engltoh a full and complete ilt of allthe ingredients compo >rin It but a small

f r book ha been complledroD numerousstandard medical wor s of Ul the Uiifcrent-whoolsI of practice contatnlnifTery numer-ous


extract from o leading< practitioners of medicine t endorsing in tILer tnlQt pomtbU terms ach and every Ingre-

dient contained In Dr Plercos medicinesOne of these little books will be mailed freeto any One ending addrem on postal card orby letter to Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Yand reqneHtlnr the aame From this Hula

i book it will be learned that Dr Pierces med-icine


f contain BO alcokol aarcptics mineralr agents or otber polsonoun or injurious agents

and that titer are made frost native medici-nal


roots of treat that some ofthe most raluable ingredients contained inDr FIerce Favorite Prescription for weaknervous orerworked rundown nervousj and women were employed longyean ago by tbe Indiana foratibet their squaws In tact one of the

i most valuable medicinal plants entering intothe composition of Dr Pierces Favorite Pre-scription


wa known to tho Indiana utkiuawWeedl Our knowledge of the uses

of not a few of our most valuable naUTe me-t

¬dicinal plants was gained from the Indians

AK made by proved and exact pr-ocess


the Favorite Prescription Is a mostefficient remedy for regulating all the wom-anly


functions correcting displacements a-


anteverskm and retorverelouL overcoming painful periods toning up the

nerves and bringing about a perfect state ofhealth Sold by all dealers In jn dicln L







We have again opened our Cafe in

connection with our business and willalways have on hand everything usually kept in a firstclass place such

r asR



Give us a call and we guarantee yougood service reasonable prices andprompt attention


W Ae


C J PHILLIPSj Contractor and Builder


Plans and Specifications FurnishedUpon Request

j J29 Sonth Tfrird Sieet f



F1a Phone 30 S-


DIRECTORSt Undertakers and Embalmers-



Fine Caskets and Burial Robes-

All Work Done by Licensed Embalmere and Fully Guaranteed

T oo r>


A Big Load for-






ne J-



LALEXAl t DEliPractical


Caretutt estimates made on all contractr work <rlvec more and better work fox

i r nry than yinY other contractor3-

tr 4 w-p tt


Tennessee Desperado Resisted a Sher-



Posse and was Shot toDeath

Chattanooga Tinn Jan 6Garr-ett Haddcn a desperado and moonHliinfr was shot to death Saturday by-

a sheriffs tuss Six years ago Hadden coininitted murder but no effortshad been made to capture him as hewas considered desperate Lately hebecame very defiant making renitenttrips to Benton and defying1 arrest

Sheriff Biggs organized a posse Sat-urday


and started out with the inten ¬

tion of tilting him dead or alive Hadden was located in a cabin half waybetween Benton and McCays Whencalled upon to surrender he repliedwith a shot from his Winchester andthen appeared in the doorway Hewas shot dead but other members ofhis party kept up a constant tirewhich wan returned by the sheriffThis resulted in the death of Haddensyoung sori Several of Haddensbrothers also figured in the criminalundertaking


Dead Beats in Georgia Will Soon be

Like Noahs DovAtlanta Jan 6The Georgia rail ¬

road commission has prohibited theuse of telephone franks within thestate except to charitable institutions-It also is understood that some actionwill be taken relative to the use oftelegraph franks probably similar tothat of the telephones The actionprobably follows the decision by thecommission declaring telephone andtelegraph companies common carriers


The third floor of the Star or Wit-ness


building is for rent High dryand airy aumirahly adapted forhousekeeping Apply to the Star orMrs E Van Hood


Chamberlains Cough Remedy Benefits-

a City Councilman at Kings-



JamaicaMr W OReilly Fogarty who is a

member of the City Council at Kings-ton


Jamaica West Indies writes-as follows One bottle of Chamber ¬

lains Cough Remedy had good effect-on a cough that was giving me trou-ble


and I think I should have beenmore quickly relieved if I had contin-ued


the remedy That it was beneficial-and quick in relieving me there is nodoubt and it is my intention to obtainanother bottle For sale by all drug-gists



Displayed by Frank Chisolm Bivouac-of Confederate Veterans

Nashville Tenn Jan GAt itsmeeting last week the Frank ChisolmBivouac of Confederate Veteransadopted a resolution requesting South-ern


representatives in Congress to doall in their power to defeat the pro-


pensioning of Confederate sol-



by the government The reso ¬

lution says in partWe do not need the paternity of

the government We consider the duty-of the respective states formerly com ¬

posing the Confederate States ofAmerica to care for worthy needyConfederate soldiers out of their treas-ury


as many of them are now doingwith great liberality


Mrs Mary Dowling of No 228 Eighthvenue San Francisco recommends aremedy for stomach trouble She saysGratitude for the wonderful effect of

Electric Bitters in a case of acute in¬

digestion prompts this testimonial Iam fully convinced that for stomachand liver troubles Electric Bitters isthe best remedy on the market todayThis great tonic and alterative medi ¬

cine invigorates the system purifies-the blood and is especially helpful inall forms of female weakness Fiftycents at Tydings Cos drugstore



Washington Jan 6Acting underorders of the president Secretary Metcalf has signed the orders assigningsurgeon Charles F Stokes to the com ¬

mand of the hospital ship Relief tobe fitted out at Mare Island Cal with-a full hospital equipment for specialduty with the battleship fleet Thesecretary said accommodations will beafforded on the vessel for about 250

sick persons


You can avoid pneumonia and otherserious results from a cold by takingFoleys Honey and Tar It stops thecough and expels the cold from thesystem as it is mildly laxative Re ¬

fuse any but the genuine in the yellowpackage Sold by all dealers




Are They Will Turn Little PigsHeavy it ire Close Mesh Pig

TightTop and Bottom Pars Xo 10 6 xr

galvanized wire Intermediate burs bNo I galvanized wire Stays No 5

12 galzanizecl wire 12 inches 4sapart

t i t EJ It< w

Wr rJ F j j

rAhi We are Also Exclusive Agents for ELLWOOD Fencei-


k j j J r if

fA j The largest stock of heavy and light hardware sash doorsr1 i t i blinds farm mill and miners supplies paints oils etc etct iJrO I in Central Florida

f K l i4-


f tf tiitL f < is especially adapted for turpentine men sawmill mentor YBJ

If i U where a temporary fireplace is needed The cut herewltMjg

tii front view of this invention and shows how same can be f-

IF i any frame building either where fireplace would Debuilt > 6rlMf J set in window St

m r jqf It is made of the best galvanized steel is light strongV >j

i< W

< t21

ble This portable fireplace can b moved from place to pjji

4rl taken down or set up in a very few niinutes thereby sayingI t J

r pense which would incur in mak ing a chimney of sticks andflcr brick r 11-

rY 4rr t-

Ju c

Marion llardwartrr7-






KNIGHTS OF PYTHIASI Conventions held every Mon-day evening In Cas tie Hall over Pey-

rs store A cordial welcome to visting knights R E Yonge C C

Chas K Sage K of R and S

100 F

Tulula Lodge No 22r O O F meets every Tuesday evenng in Yonges Hall Visiting brotherslways welcome W E Bryant N G-

Ill M little Secretary-

F A le-

iMarionDunn Lod-gezz7S0 19 meets in the

on the firstand third Thursday evenings of eachmonth Visiting brothers cordiallyinvited W D Graham W M

Jake Brown Secretary

B P 0 E

Notice oF Sessions ofOcala Lodge No 851Benevolent and Pro ¬

tective Order of Elks

Regular sessions on the second andfourth Tuesday evenings of eachmonth Visiting brothers cordiallynvited S A Rawls Exalted Ruler

Joseph Bell Acting Secretary



sNo 14

Next regular monthly meeting willbe held Friday evening Jan 10 at 730clock in Yonges Hall Visiting sovreigns are alwrys welcome

P V Leavengood C Ca

Chas K Sage Clerk


Concordia Lodge No 181 FraternalUnion of America meets fourth Wed ¬

nesday of every month 730 p m atYonges Hall R E Yonge F M

Chas K Sage Secretary


One of the best livery and transferbusinesses in one of Floridas touristtowns with splendid all the year busi-


practically a monopoly of thebusiness of the town is offered forsale with or without real estate In ¬

quire at the Star office-


This is to certify that all druggists-are authorized to refund your money-

if Foleys Honey and Tar fails to cureyour cough or cold It stops the

I cough heals the lungs and preventsserious results from a cold Cures lagrippe coughs and prevents pneu ¬

monia and consumption Contains-no opiates The genuine is in a yellowpackage Refuse substitutes For saleby all dealers

Large assortment oi CUT GLASSand CHHTA at poster ce Drugstore

Wfr Iii

Direct from-ounDisfiller v

tattt Itstit +

iI ttt t-



Finest 0d WhiskiesG-




WHISKEY that is one distilled from the com Inat IYselected grain and pure water is invaluable as

and an excellent invigorating beverage itfSj

< For many years we have been distillersageds-sn

txwhiskies in our own warehouses and insisted tb t jreach the customer in Original Packages acctby our unqualified guarantee c

1i V

Both the medicinal and food values of the coijr-Rye is concentrated in our Whiskies They arefCutely pure smooth find mellow with age j ud Lalways given genuine satisfaction Thousands ofcustomers can attest to this fact t


Four full quarts iii glassSi-



Finest Kentucky Bourbon 400 Pure Old Corn tt

1 I WILLOW DALE RYE ALLAN SlNCLARti4-rOld and Fragrant 285 Georgia Corn <

The Swift Creek Distilling Co 4iI Incorporated rrv



lft swrr aitta a1-

IWe Distill ItIts Right trJt




11719 East Forsyfb Street JackstivUkI

e Ne-


and FirstClassAppointments

American Plan 2 ands= per day

t European Plan OOI

Af person 75M cents per d-

I up Special weeklyri

n h Center of City Netts-K

Lines Open all tilty

1Rooms with BathDe1







They ccxnUn mor and brier rubber than any other mk hare tfUgiltnoo wtm = metal ptU 4dtruD a + nl n t aI ur4 i antthrough The nrw bark 1rr ftclioa permits cai tuJ comfort iu>

matter what poiitioa the body auy iraiueThey ovtwear tLres rdUi ry klads vfalrh sealire tles flt servto of v at<i SO ct t mottu

I Ta Let Comt rt4b1 fiepeaaer tads for Ian Youth oe Soy zI InLerbtHaybrlutnteaywteistrsrNuErtnCed

kiat eiUsegaanyoithorbtiywiil lUdlyj i-

ftk t0 Dept e7tncoKltt NOM10-1tsigelal >+as e hwrwaa CasaLaa tkiffoNe-Iootkl 4 eyrlf wtvWMlGdndfJ it tKri +s sliet-

tHEWES yOlRtE ti ST aatsoei4 + Yt + K M y Le v S jR A It y-

hY 4 irr t + J r ttn r K1 r F y i +