z fVJoJ ti rf 1 0 THE OCALA EVENING STAR THURSDAY FEIlRUAIlV 13 1O1 h tv h c C E FOY ti 1 ESTATE AGENT Office JB Gary Building Over Martin and Cams Seed Store ilElTS COLLECTED TAXES PAID y 1Atent In Ocala and Marion County- for the 4 Jacksonville Development CoI ar i Following are a few of my specials for this month 1 FOR SALE The residence No 50- r4 Main Mreet 2350 halt cash bal jmce GaP Jear now rented for 20 jIer raoith FOR SALE Splendid orange grove between Leesburg and Eustis 20 acres Imbder fence 17 acres in solid orange r jarove bearing and in fine shape no Buildings price 6500 Numerous othe properties for sale r farm residence grove and turpentin- eCtact8LIst t your property with me if r ou want to sell it or call on me if ou Want to buy I will give careful 0 z attention to the collection of rents and- crying of taxes for any nonresident ictperty owners C E FOY Plumbing and nffiberi Supplies q i R 13 Yonge Son the original and reliable plumbers having gone entire 1 4 ut of the bicycle business are now ti otlng all of their time with a com- e tent force of men to the plumbing t and tinning business and are better 5 prepared than ever to do firstclass j work in quick time and at livIngI- 11rices The company has just receiv J fJ Ma big shipment of the Standard Kffoods in enameled bath tubs one piece ptiltikJ9 lavatories toilet sets etc and IVe also a big line of medium priced- I as well as a cheaper line in tin t galvanized iron for customers wh- oIlire them The company has a stock of fittings faucets and- bture8 of all kinds and will be pleas tel to show the stock to you and give fjyou an estimate on the cost of your iJWork An experience of a quarter of I iti century gives this company many tjUhrantages See R E Yonge Son if- you need their services R E YONGE SON Ij- fMYER Plumbers Ocala Fla I L r 0 MAcKAY I FUNERAL DIRECTORS 4 Y t Undertakers and Embalmers D E MclVER ALFRED E OWEN r Undertaker Ins J f lIe Caskets and Burial Robes All Work Don by Licensed Em- 1nrs and Fully Guaranted r ice Ice IceB- PLiTYRIGHF I N t- a DELIVERY RIGHT < PRICE RIGHT v Y PACKING ICE CO Jpl- If > i S BENJAMIN IN CHARGEr- S tVV 00 J I I x ati A Big Load for J Y ft S EL r B B H SEYMOURP- hone 1- 8Practical 5 t IL ALEX AST I > EK t 1 I CAIPttTER r- I AND BUILDER CarefulbWtimatea made on all contract KlciveEmore and better work foi i air than vy other contractor L J s4 t l1fti Mr f1 1 i e EI + T1U J Lllrt r V J 3s Ii SCORPIONS OF THE SEA Will Practice Exercising Their Stings in St Joseph Bay Washington D C Feb 13Anoth ¬ er torpedo boat flotilla is to make a journey south but it will go only a- far as St Josephs Bay Fla It will be made up of the Porter Tingey Blakoly I > Long and Thornton Those vessels are at Hampton Roads and will leave there net week returning I north about May 1 While at St Josephs Bay the crews will indulge- in tactical drills exercises and target and torpedo practice ANTHONY 1 Last Sunday the sad news reached here of the death of Mr Cooper Bas wttp a son of Mr J D Bas ette who formerly lived at Anthony but had moved his family to Largo Young- Mr Bassette died at Holder Fla Ills body was brought here Monday for interment He leaves a wife and a threemonthsold babe A large pro ¬ cession met at the cemetery to pay their last tribute of respect to the young man and former neighbor Rev M M Lord and Rev N B Plummer conducted the funeral services Monday morning death claimed one of our old and respected citizens Mr- J E Boyd He was one of our mer ¬ chants and had been in business here for fourteen years He had always been a quiet good neighbor and a worthy man He leaves a wife and two children a son and daughter Prof Earl Boyd the principal of our I school and Mrs Elms Morrison The funeral services took place at the Methodist church Tuesday afternoon- A large congregation gathered Rev M M Lord conducted the services as ¬ sisted by Rev N B Plummer BLITCHTON- Rev A L Prisoc met wth his regu ¬ lar appointment Sunday morning and was accompanied by his bride Bro Prisoc delivered a fine and instructive sermon Saturday evening and Sunday morning to an attentive congregation- Those who attended church Sunday from afar were Mr and Mrs R W House of Morriston Mr Martin and wife of Standard Mr L T Hendrix- and lovely daughter Miss Belle from Morriston- Mr B R Blitchs condition is deem- ed ¬ somewhat improving Mrs R W House of Morriston is spending a few days here with her mother Mrs Joe Aiken Dr Blitch still continues indisposed- We are in high hopes that the Doc ¬ tor will improve and bo himself again soon School is progressing very nicely HEIDTvlLLE- The farmers are all busy getting their lands ready for planting Some- of them have already planted some corn but I think it is almost useless- for I am qute sure that Jack Frost will appear as much as once more any- way Mr L W Brooks of the Gaiter section was a pleasant visitor in our burg last Sunday the guest of Mr G W Dorr Your scribe had quite a time last Saturday evening with some fire which got out in a rough that had not been burned off for some few years and if it had not been for the assist ¬ ance of Mr Gregory he would have I gotten some fence burned Mr Adam Bock has taken his de- parture for his home in Walpole Mass Mr Bock has been spending- the winter here in Florida with his brother Valentine Bock Mr H W Brooks one of Gaiters popular young men was in our little burg Sunday night- It was reported that the measles- was In our secton but I am glad to report that it is a mistake Our school is still moving along nicely Seven more weeks will close this term then the children will have about four months vacation- Mr J M Monroe had the misfor ¬ tune to lose fifty panels of fence last Saturday by fire Mud Dobber SHADY- We are sorry that so many of our frends were dsappointed in the re ¬ turns of the late election especially the way it went at Shady but it must be remembered the colored votes out ¬ number the whites and it does not I take much influence to carry their vote wet 1 Mr Merritt Morrison of Calvary- had the misfortune to run into a wire I fence near here and is wearing some scars as the result We hope they will not prove serious Mr and Mrs John Smith enter ¬ tained their young friends again last Thursday night with a dance Mrs J C Perkins who has been- on the sick list is better we are glad- to report Mr J H Thomas and Mr Simpson- of York attended the dance here last Thursday night Mr Jas Freeman is improving- after a very serious illness An old colored woman well known- as Aunt Peggie Wise had the mis ¬ fortune to have her house destroyed- by tire a few days ago She with the aid of her grandsons saved some of the furniture I Mr Carl Buhl was a business visitor- to Tuesday- Mr Ocala I Freeman was calling on some of his neighbors Sunday to have them interpret some letters he had received- of some foreign writing Charles- LA GRIPPE AND PNEUMONIA Foleys Honey and Tar cures la grippe coughs and prevents pneumo- nia ¬ Refuse any but the genuine in the yellow package Sold by all dealers ST JOSEPHS ACADEMYLORE- TTO j Near Mandarin FLORIDA t Boarding School for Boys Conducted by the Sisters of St Joseph Young Boys from 8 to 14 years Received Carefully Trained along Physical Intellectual Moral and Social Lines Healthy Location Magnificent wimming Pool Complete Equipment in Schoolrooms Dormitories Dining Hall and j Recreation Rooms Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUPERIOR- ST JOSEPHS ACADEMY LORETTO FLA GRAHAMVILLE- The saw mill at this place has started up again and there is no one idle who can work- A card from Mrs Howard B Hall Arcadia states that she is much bet ¬ ter from her recent illness Her many friends here are very filad to hear the good news Mr E O Cordrey our king orange grower says he will have six hundred boxes He is now engaged in shipping- the same The Rust of the Wilson Cypress Company passed up the river Friday The passenger traffic is increasing- each week on the Hiawatha Master J W Randall who goes to the Ocala High School spent Sunday- at home with his parents Masters Davis Long and Eric Mills- are nursing swollen faces on account- of trying to find out what was on the inside of a yellow jackets nest Mr and Mrs Alonzo Long and chil ¬ dren spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs P L Durisoe at St Petersburg- Mr S A Stewart of Plymouth after a few weeks visit with relatives in our village has returned home Dr Percy Lisk has returned from- a few days hunting on Harpers Is ¬ landMrs j Ruth Tucker Hilliard and chil- dren ¬ of Birmingham Ala are in Gra hamville visiting friends and rela ¬ tives The wet and dry election at the Grahamville school the other day was for dry by a large majority In the voting Miss Holly the teacher gave the girls the same privilege to vote as she did the boys Mr Thos Randall is hauling his oranges to Silver Springs and ship ¬ ping them north from that point Mrs Charles Gibson and Miss So ¬ phia Howard the daughter of the late Capt Hatton Howard and her small brother and sister have moved I to Palatka where they will in the fu ¬ ture reside We regret very much to part with these estimable folks We hasten to congratulate Palatka on her gain Late shoppers from this section to Ocala were Mr and Mrs Frank Smith Rev B I Hull and Mr Rube Long The writer is laid up with the grip Old winter is letting spring out and the tiny tender sprouts and buds are apeeping out to get a view of the sweet young thingSpring Old Sol the sun is so anxious to see these tender sprouts and buds here in the Grahamville and Connor country especially along the winding stream that he gets up earlier every morning- to view them The fact of Old Sol in sending Spring so soon to this Elysian land is he wants it to be a great gar ¬ den of the gods Alberta NEGLECTED COLDS I THREATEN LIFE From the Chicago Tribune Dont trifle with a cole is good dvice for prudent men and women- It may be vital in the case of a child Proper food good ventilation and dry warm clothing are the proper safe ¬ guards against colds If they are maintained through the changeable weather of autumn winter and spring the chances of a surprise from ordinary colds will be slight But the ordinary light cold will become severe- if neglected and a well established- ripe cold is to the germs of diphtheria- what honey is to the bee The great ¬ est menace to child life at this season- of the year is the neglected cold Whether it is a child or adult the cold slight or severe the very best treat- ment ¬ that can be adopted Is to give Chamberlains Cough Remedy It IP safe and sure The great popularity- and immense sale of this preparation- has been attained by its remarkable cures of this ailment A cold never I results in pneumonia when it is given For sale by all druggists FLORIDA STATE FAIR Special Rates Via the Atlantic Coast- Line The Atlantic Coast Line will sell tickets to Tampa on account of the state fair at rate of one fare plus 75 I cents for the round trip including ad ¬ mission ticket to the fair grounds Tickets will be on sale Feb 3 4 6 7 10 11 13 14 17 18 20 11 for all trains schedules to arrive in Tampa before noon of Feb 2 d All tickets are limit ¬ ed to return Feb 24th For further information call on ticket agent or write J G Kirkland Division Passen- ger ¬ Agent Tampa Large assortment ofr CUT GLASS and CHINA at Postofflce Drugstore t IE C SMITH C V ROBERTS I FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND LICENSED EMBALMERS- We I are equipped to do the very best work and utelonly the latest and best methods Telegraph orders receive im- mediate ¬ J attention Chapel and undertaking parlors corner Main street and Oklawaha avenue OCALA FURNITURE COMPANYD- ay Phone No 10 Night Phone No 197 I THOMASVILLE Business College 1 ThomasviJle Georgia- This school secures the best positions for its graduates Open all the year ENTERNOW 1 I ANSON W BALL PresidentJA- MES R MOORHEAD B J PO TTER DAVID S WOODROW President General Manager Secretary Wooclnar Sand and Stone Companv BUILDERS OF CEMENT SIDEWALKS Dealers In f Lake Weir Sand Manufacturers of Concrete Blocks Paving Material Fence Potts etc Es- timates and Plans Furnis hcd rnd Contract Taken SEABOARD AIRLINE RY SAVANNAH COLUMBIA CAMDEN SOUTHERN PINES RICHMOND RALEIGH WASHINGTON BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK I Three Elegant Trains Daily SEABOARD FLORIDA LIMITED SEABOARD EXPRESS SEABOARD MAIL I I Modern Pullman Equipment- The Seaboard Limited Solid Pullman Vestibuled train St Au ¬ gustine and Jacksonville to New York via Richmond and Washing- ton ¬ Dining Car a la carte service Double Drawing Room Sleeping cars Stateroom and Observation car Leave St Augustine 150 a m and Jacksonville 1255 P In daily including Sundays- For full information and sleeping car reservations call on any agent Seaboard or write- S C BOYLSTON Jr Asst Gen Pass Agent JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA k + by I S Y4 j v al 6 i P

Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-02-13 [p TWO].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00770/0296.pdf · reliable plumbers having gone entire 1 4ut of the bicycle business

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-02-13 [p TWO].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00770/0296.pdf · reliable plumbers having gone entire 1 4ut of the bicycle business

z fVJoJ ti rf1


htv h

c C E FOYti


Office JB Gary BuildingOver Martin and Cams Seed Store


1Atent In Ocala and Marion County-

for the

4 Jacksonville Development CoIar

i Following are a few of my specialsfor this month

1 FOR SALE The residence No 50-

r4 Main Mreet 2350 halt cash baljmce GaP Jear now rented for 20

jIer raoithFOR SALE Splendid orange grove

between Leesburg and Eustis 20 acresImbder fence 17 acres in solid orange

r jarove bearing and in fine shape noBuildings price 6500

Numerous othe properties for saler

farm residence grove and turpentin-eCtact8LIst

tyour property with me if


ou want to sell it or call on me ifou Want to buy I will give careful


z attention to the collection of rents and-crying of taxes for any nonresidentictperty owners

C E FOYPlumbing and

nffiberi Suppliesq

i R 13 Yonge Son the original andreliable plumbers having gone entire

1 4ut of the bicycle business are nowti

otlng all of their time with a com-e tent force of men to the plumbingtand tinning business and are better

5 prepared than ever to do firstclassj work in quick time and at livIngI-

11rices The company has just receivJ

fJ Ma big shipment of the StandardKffoods in enameled bath tubs one pieceptiltikJ9 lavatories toilet sets etc and

IVe also a big line of medium priced-I as well as a cheaper line in tin

t galvanized iron for customers wh-oIlire them The company has a

stock of fittings faucets and-

bture8 of all kinds and will be pleastel to show the stock to you and givefjyou an estimate on the cost of your

iJWork An experience of a quarter ofI

iti century gives this company manytjUhrantages See R E Yonge Son if-

you need their services



Plumbers Ocala Fla I






t Undertakers and Embalmers


r UndertakerIns

Jf lIe Caskets and Burial Robes

All Work Don by Licensed Em-

1nrs and Fully Guaranted


ice Ice IceB-










tVV 00 JI

I x

ati A Big Load for JY

ft S ELr

B B H SEYMOURP-hone 1-






CarefulbWtimatea made on all contractKlciveEmore and better work foi

i air than vy other contractorL Js4t l1fti Mrf1 1i eEI+ T1U

J Lllrt rV J 3s Ii


Will Practice Exercising Their Stingsin St Joseph Bay

Washington D C Feb 13Anoth ¬

er torpedo boat flotilla is to make ajourney south but it will go only a-

far as St Josephs Bay Fla It willbe made up of the Porter TingeyBlakoly I> Long and Thornton Thosevessels are at Hampton Roads andwill leave there net week returning I

north about May 1 While at StJosephs Bay the crews will indulge-in tactical drills exercises and targetand torpedo practice


Last Sunday the sad news reachedhere of the death of Mr Cooper Baswttp a son of Mr J D Basette whoformerly lived at Anthony but hadmoved his family to Largo Young-Mr Bassette died at Holder Fla Illsbody was brought here Monday forinterment He leaves a wife and athreemonthsold babe A large pro ¬

cession met at the cemetery to paytheir last tribute of respect to theyoung man and former neighbor RevM M Lord and Rev N B Plummerconducted the funeral services

Monday morning death claimed oneof our old and respected citizens Mr-

J E Boyd He was one of our mer¬

chants and had been in business herefor fourteen years He had alwaysbeen a quiet good neighbor and aworthy man He leaves a wife andtwo children a son and daughterProf Earl Boyd the principal of our


school and Mrs Elms Morrison Thefuneral services took place at theMethodist church Tuesday afternoon-A large congregation gathered RevM M Lord conducted the services as¬

sisted by Rev N B Plummer


Rev A L Prisoc met wth his regu ¬

lar appointment Sunday morning andwas accompanied by his bride BroPrisoc delivered a fine and instructivesermon Saturday evening and Sundaymorning to an attentive congregation-

Those who attended church Sundayfrom afar were Mr and Mrs R WHouse of Morriston Mr Martin andwife of Standard Mr L T Hendrix-and lovely daughter Miss Belle fromMorriston-

Mr B R Blitchs condition is deem-ed


somewhat improvingMrs R W House of Morriston is

spending a few days here with hermother Mrs Joe Aiken

Dr Blitch still continues indisposed-We are in high hopes that the Doc ¬

tor will improve and bo himself againsoon

School is progressing very nicely

HEIDTvlLLE-The farmers are all busy getting

their lands ready for planting Some-of them have already planted somecorn but I think it is almost useless-for I am qute sure that Jack Frostwill appear as much as once more any-way

Mr L W Brooks of the Gaitersection was a pleasant visitor in ourburg last Sunday the guest of MrG W Dorr

Your scribe had quite a time lastSaturday evening with some firewhich got out in a rough that had notbeen burned off for some few yearsand if it had not been for the assist ¬

ance of Mr Gregory he would haveI gotten some fence burned

Mr Adam Bock has taken his de-parture for his home in WalpoleMass Mr Bock has been spending-the winter here in Florida with hisbrother Valentine Bock

Mr H W Brooks one of Gaiterspopular young men was in our littleburg Sunday night-

It was reported that the measles-was In our secton but I am glad toreport that it is a mistake

Our school is still moving alongnicely Seven more weeks will closethis term then the children will haveabout four months vacation-

Mr J M Monroe had the misfor ¬

tune to lose fifty panels of fence lastSaturday by fire Mud Dobber

SHADY-We are sorry that so many of our

frends were dsappointed in the re¬

turns of the late election especiallythe way it went at Shady but it mustbe remembered the colored votes out¬

number the whites and it does notI take much influence to carry theirvote wet

1 Mr Merritt Morrison of Calvary-had the misfortune to run into a wireI

fence near here and is wearing somescars as the result We hope theywill not prove serious

Mr and Mrs John Smith enter ¬

tained their young friends again lastThursday night with a dance

Mrs J C Perkins who has been-on the sick list is better we are glad-to report

Mr J H Thomas and Mr Simpson-of York attended the dance here lastThursday night

Mr Jas Freeman is improving-after a very serious illness

An old colored woman well known-as Aunt Peggie Wise had the mis ¬

fortune to have her house destroyed-by tire a few days ago She with theaid of her grandsons saved some ofthe furniture

I Mr Carl Buhl was a business visitor-to Tuesday-


I Freeman was calling on some ofhis neighbors Sunday to have theminterpret some letters he had received-of some foreign writing Charles-

LA GRIPPE AND PNEUMONIAFoleys Honey and Tar cures la

grippe coughs and prevents pneumo-nia


Refuse any but the genuine in theyellow package Sold by all dealers



jNear Mandarin FLORIDA

tBoarding School for Boys Conducted by the Sisters of St Joseph

Young Boys from 8 to 14 years Received Carefully Trained along PhysicalIntellectual Moral and Social Lines Healthy Location Magnificent wimmingPool Complete Equipment in Schoolrooms Dormitories Dining Hall and jRecreation Rooms

Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUPERIOR-



The saw mill at this place hasstarted up again and there is no oneidle who can work-

A card from Mrs Howard B HallArcadia states that she is much bet¬

ter from her recent illness Her manyfriends here are very filad to hear thegood news

Mr E O Cordrey our king orangegrower says he will have six hundredboxes He is now engaged in shipping-the same

The Rust of the Wilson CypressCompany passed up the river Friday

The passenger traffic is increasing-each week on the Hiawatha

Master J W Randall who goes tothe Ocala High School spent Sunday-at home with his parents

Masters Davis Long and Eric Mills-are nursing swollen faces on account-of trying to find out what was on theinside of a yellow jackets nest

Mr and Mrs Alonzo Long and chil ¬

dren spent Sunday with Mr and MrsP L Durisoe at St Petersburg-

Mr S A Stewart of Plymouthafter a few weeks visit with relativesin our village has returned home

Dr Percy Lisk has returned from-a few days hunting on Harpers Is ¬


Ruth Tucker Hilliard and chil-dren


of Birmingham Ala are in Grahamville visiting friends and rela ¬

tivesThe wet and dry election at the

Grahamville school the other daywas for dry by a large majority Inthe voting Miss Holly the teachergave the girls the same privilege tovote as she did the boys

Mr Thos Randall is hauling hisoranges to Silver Springs and ship ¬

ping them north from that pointMrs Charles Gibson and Miss So ¬

phia Howard the daughter of thelate Capt Hatton Howard and hersmall brother and sister have moved I

to Palatka where they will in the fu ¬

ture reside We regret very much topart with these estimable folks Wehasten to congratulate Palatka on hergain

Late shoppers from this section toOcala were Mr and Mrs Frank SmithRev B I Hull and Mr Rube Long

The writer is laid up with the gripOld winter is letting spring out and

the tiny tender sprouts and buds areapeeping out to get a view of thesweet young thingSpring Old

Sol the sun is so anxious to see thesetender sprouts and buds here in theGrahamville and Connor countryespecially along the winding streamthat he gets up earlier every morning-to view them The fact of Old Sol insending Spring so soon to this Elysianland is he wants it to be a great gar¬

den of the gods Alberta



From the Chicago TribuneDont trifle with a cole is good

dvice for prudent men and women-It may be vital in the case of a childProper food good ventilation and drywarm clothing are the proper safe ¬

guards against colds If they aremaintained through the changeableweather of autumn winter andspring the chances of a surprise fromordinary colds will be slight But theordinary light cold will become severe-if neglected and a well established-ripe cold is to the germs of diphtheria-what honey is to the bee The great ¬

est menace to child life at this season-of the year is the neglected coldWhether it is a child or adult the coldslight or severe the very best treat-ment


that can be adopted Is to giveChamberlains Cough Remedy It IP

safe and sure The great popularity-and immense sale of this preparation-has been attained by its remarkablecures of this ailment A cold never


results in pneumonia when it is givenFor sale by all druggists


Special Rates Via the Atlantic Coast-


The Atlantic Coast Line will selltickets to Tampa on account of thestate fair at rate of one fare plus 75

I cents for the round trip including ad ¬

mission ticket to the fair groundsTickets will be on sale Feb 3 4 6 7

10 11 13 14 17 18 20 11 for all trainsschedules to arrive in Tampa beforenoon of Feb 2 d All tickets are limit¬

ed to return Feb 24th For furtherinformation call on ticket agent orwrite J G Kirkland Division Passen-ger


Agent Tampa

Large assortment ofr CUT GLASSand CHINA at Postofflce Drugstore







are equipped to do the very best work and utelonlythe latest and best methods Telegraph orders receive im-mediate


attention Chapel and undertaking parlors cornerMain street and Oklawaha avenue

OCALA FURNITURE COMPANYD-ay Phone No 10 Night Phone No 197



Business College 1

ThomasviJle Georgia-

This school secures the best positions forits graduates Open all the year




MES R MOORHEAD B J PO TTER DAVID S WOODROWPresident General Manager Secretary

Wooclnar Sand and Stone CompanvBUILDERS OF CEMENT SIDEWALKS

Dealers Inf

Lake Weir SandManufacturers of Concrete Blocks Paving Material Fence Potts etc Es-

timates and Plans Furnis hcd rnd Contract Taken





Three Elegant Trains Daily




Modern Pullman Equipment-

The Seaboard Limited Solid Pullman Vestibuled train St Au¬

gustine and Jacksonville to New York via Richmond and Washing-ton


Dining Car a la carte service Double Drawing RoomSleeping cars Stateroom and Observation car Leave St Augustine150 a m and Jacksonville 1255 P In daily including Sundays-

For full information and sleeping car reservations call on anyagent Seaboard or write-

S C BOYLSTON Jr Asst Gen Pass Agent


k + by I S Y4 j v al 6 i P