r Sa rt q f I vCp THE OCALA EVENING STAR SATURDAY MARCH 2b 1906 OCALA OCCURRENCES r Additional local on eighth page- K I of P meet Monday night Elks meet Tuesday evening Odd Fellows meet Tuesday night Col H W Long of Martel was in i town today I Oysters in all styles served on three minutes notice at the Elks Cafe Mr G A Sanders of Hernumlo is a truest of the Ocala House Mr M Fishel is in New York buy ¬ ing spring goods Mr A S Bradford of Alabama is a guest of the Ocala House This office will appreciate the loan of a February Strand Magazine- John T Burt and son of Philadel ¬ phia are at the Ocala House FOR RENT Two story house fur- nished 28 North First street near ex press office Mrs F M Strunk- A M Terrance of Gainesville is at the Ocala House Come to the Ocala News Co and see the latest novelty Ocala in a sea- shell P H Staples and wife of Lexington- are guests of the Ocala House The Hiawatha Lake Dairy will fur- nish ¬ you ice cold buttermilk every morning- H A McArthur of Gainesville is a guest of the Ocala House Ra C Davis Co of Jacksonville handle silk typewriter ribbons 75c eh 750 per dozen There were thirtyseven arrivals at the Ocala House yesterday f The H B Masters Company is out ¬ doing itself this year in spring dress goods See advertisement on second page Mr S S Duval and son of Sum merfield were guests of the Ocala douse last night- If you take health and accident in ¬ surance with M D Wilson your ben- eficiary ¬ will be insured on same policy Alex Moorhead county surveyor re ¬ turned last week from Fairfield where- he put in a week surveying for the Fairfield Naval Stores Co J Read the Variety Stores big adver ¬ tisement on the third page and figure out what sort of a shirtwaist you want When you want something good to at and want it immediately there is nobetter place to go than Heatings Cafe See advertisement on first page The editor of the Star will go to Oxford tomorrow afternoon to speak- at the unveiling of a Woodmans mon ¬ ument Do you know that the United States I Health and Accident Insurance Co was the first to write health insur- ance ¬ See M D Wilson for the most liberal contract in the country > The State Sunday School Conven ¬ tion will meet in Ocala April 7 8 and 9 Tell your friends There will be a splendid program Mrs Moore and children went down lo the lake yesterday followed today by Mr M who will spend Sunday with them Dr A L Izlar of this city was elected third vice president of the Jtate AntiSaloon League at its recent convention in Gainesville Messrs N Lopez Co cigar man- ufacturers ¬ I received a very flattering an order for their Katie Lee brand from extensive jober in Texas the other day BERLIN ELECTRICAL THEATER ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM EVERY DY Program for this Evening FOUL PLAY The Story of a False Friend- A JEALOUS WOMAN Open Promptly at 3130 P M Admission 10 Cents Children 5 Cents I U Ml WOOD PROP rallace Building Opposite Methodist Church N + i v i4 1 JUST RECEIVED Nenfcbatel Pineapple Sweitzer I Brick Limburger Brie and i Camembert Cheese in tin Shredded Codfish Boneless Her- ring ¬ Shrimp Clams and I Deviled Crabs I Three pound cans Tomato Soup 10 cents a can Salt Mackerel No 1s and 2s I These are a few specialties- and remember we have a full line of Groceries to select from and you will find prices and quality right TEAPOT GROCERY I A NEW TURPtNTINE COMPANY Messrs S W Petteway of Dunnel lon Georpre S and Frank T Pette ¬ way of Leroy and Thos C Gilbert of Umatilla are applying for articles of incorporation for the Petteway Turpentine Co whose principal place I I of business will be Umatilla Lake county Fla The company is capi ¬ I talized at 20000- Yesterday Mr and Mrs Allen W Bridges and Mrs Feaster arrived at the residence of Mrs Frank J Ha goodllrs Hagood is a sister of Mrs Feaster and the aunt of Mrs Bridges- Mrs Brilges was Miss Maddie Ford- of Lynchburg Va and she and Mr Bridges are here on their wedding I trip and will go to their home in I Ocala tomorrow Jacksonville Me ¬ tropolis 20th I Mr and Mrs Bridges arrived on the Seaboard train today and Allens right- arm is sore from the handshakings- it has undergone since he again step ¬ ped on Ocaal soil Mrs Bridges is a most charming young lady and will be I a welcome addition to Ocala society- Mr and Mrs Bridges will be at the I home of Mrs T M Moore for the next I few days after which they will go to live with Mr Bridges brother and I sister Mr and Mrs T E Bridges- The Berlin Theater had good crowds all last evening The scenes from Hamlet were very fine and the antics of the baby elephant were funny I enough to make a wooden Indian laugh Miss Smoaks singing was much admired She was to have sung again tonight but her mothers severe illness will prevent Mr Wood re ¬ ceived two reels of excellent pictures today and they will be thrown on the screen with fine effect this evening- See program elsewhere I Mr B Goldman of the Globe and I Guarantee Clothing store has return- ed ¬ from his New York purchasing- trip Mr Goldman bought a fine stock of spring and summer goods for the I Globe and also a stock of goods for the Guarantee Clothing store Mrs G E Campbell who has taken charge of the Spellman House is keeping the place up to its high rep ¬ utation pleasing all the old guests and winning new ones This is a most excellent and homelike house and the Star is glad to see it prosper- A CHALLENGE J hereby challenge Jack McIntosh to a wrestling match for a 2f side bet II as I am not satisfied with the result of the last match Frank Miller I rf B Malloy the progressive An- thony ¬ farmer and trucker was among the county folks attending the circus I yesterday I P I J E Stevens of Crystal River and manager of the Gulf Fish and Oyster t Co is a candidate for county clerk of Citrus county He has a hard man to buck against the present inoum ben Mr Varnoek That Mr Stevens s is qualified for the work there can be no question and naturally his Marion I county friends wish him success- D K Thus of th Lynne section was in town today Louis Lang had the misfortune to be flimflammed out of 10 at the show yesterday lie put down a 20 bill and in the hurry of making change didnt notice the amount returned to I him but when he had occasion to look at his money found he was short ten dollars having received 9 in re ¬ turn for his 20 instead of X19- A severe cold that may develop Into pneumonia over night can be cured quickly by taking Foleys Honey and Tar It will cure the most obstinate racking cough and strengthen your angs The genuine is in a yellow package Sold by all dealers Ben Condon has a line of new coast- er ¬ I bicycles for rent r M 1 i ED CARMICHAEL- FOR COMMISSIONER Elsewhere in this issue will be found the announcement of Mr Ed Carmi ehael for County Commissioner from this the first commissioners district of I Marion county Mr Carmichael is- gall equipped mentally and physically I for the discharge of the duties of this office He is one of the heaviest prop erty owners of the county with in 1 trests both in the city of Ocala and I in th ountry districts of the couny thus his interests would be diversified He has made a signal success of his own business starting in young man- hood ¬ with nothing and accumulating a goodly portion of this worlds goods thus signifying that he can conduct I his own business with success awl should be equally as well equipped to discharge the business of the people with credit using the same skill and business sagacity for the county that he has for himself Mr Carmichael is thoroughly familiar with all parts of the county knows every man in the county and no one is better posted on the needs of the people than he is That he is public spirited enterpris- ing ¬ and progressive no one can deny He stands for improvement and ad- vancement ¬ push and progress and will be willing and ready at all times to conserve the best interests of the people of his county Mr Carmichael- will make a vigorous campaign and has hundreds of warm friends who will do all they can to elect him If elected we feel no hesitancy in saying- he will discharge the duties of the of ¬ fice with all of his ability in a fear- less ¬ and upright manner r GAS STOVE DEMONSTRATION Mr Chas W Hunter reports a good attendance yesterday afternoon of the ladies of the city at the demonstra- tion ¬ of gas stoves and cooking with same in the Central National Bank building The ladies who came out were in earnest They wanted a bet ¬ ter and easier method of cooking spe ¬ cially for the hot weather and were more than pleased with the gas stoves and ranges exhibited by Mr Hunter The gas company is going to have a range for cooking with gas in every home in Ocala within reach of their means or know the reason why They will make a thorough canvass of the city and make it their business to convince the ladies that the gas mode- is the best for hot weather cooking or cooking at any time The quality of the gas since Mr Hunter took charge of the plant has been brought- up to firstclass and the mains are being extended and will continue to be extended until all parts of the city are reached- Mr Marcus Frank proprietor of the Variety Store returned last night from New York where he has been spending the past three weeks buying- his spring and summer stock Mr Frank bought a great many pretty goods and secured many exceptionally fine bargains for his patrons Mr B Goldman received a telegram- this morning from his wife who is in Savannah stating that their baby was out of danger The little one has been- in the hospital with pneumonia for the past week and we are glad to say is will be well enough in a few days to be brought home by his mother I CAN LIVE ON CANDY 1 I I I Chocolate Creams and Peanuts iI Would Keep You Alive says I Prof Olsen Prof John C Olsen Ph D United States Food and Drug In ¬ spection Chemist in his lecture on Pure Foods and their Prepara- tion ¬ I among other things said r I twas shown that twothirds of I a pound of peanuts and twothirds I of a pound of chocolate creams contain sufficient nourishment to I feed an adult 24 hours A diet of this kind would not he expensive compared with the cost of other foods WE HAVE IT I Eat I I I t Peanut ChocolateF- or Health Strength FOR SALE BY T11 W TROXLER s 6 r6 t White Goods and Embroidery Beautiful white materials of every weave and qualify suitable for making spring and samer wearables are shtwi in almost endless variety here Our prices are impossible to duplicate PERSIAN LAWNS at per yard 15c to 5k FRENCH LA WNS 48 inch per yard 35c to 125 LINEN LAWN 36 inch per yard 35e to 5125 SPECIAL Dimities Check Lawns and Madras worth up to 25c on sale at per yard 15c a ST GALL SWISSES All our new imported Swisses in a great variety ot patterns at reduced prices EDGING AND INSERTION worth up to 20c yardlie EDGING AND INSERTION up to 9 inches wide and Corset Cover Embroidery values up to 35c yardtk LAWN AND SWISS WAISTS New styleStOO to 751 LACE WAISTS Ecru Cream and White 0 251 to 45- 0RHEINAUER COMPANYy AT THE CHURCHES TOMORROW Presbyterian Services 11 a m and 730 p in Sabbath school 930 a m A cordial invitation extended to all W H Dodge D D Pastor Baptist Sunday school945 a m Morning service 1 a m Sermon by Dr Wm Lunsford of Asheville N C I B Y P U630 p in Evening service 730 p m I Sermon by the pastor Every one cordially invited to be I present C C Carroll Pastor I I Grace Episcopal- Rev Geo Hendree Harrison Rector 730 a mHoly communion 10 a mSunday school 11 a mMorning prayer and ser ¬ mon 730 p mEvening prayer and ser- I ¬ I mon Tuesday Thursday and Saturday evening prayer at 430 p m On Wednesday Feast of the An ¬ nunciation Holy communion at 10 a m Evening prayer at 730 p m- On I Friday litany at 10 a m Ev- ening I prayer at 730 p m- I Come and worship with us II Junior Epworth League Meets at 3 p m Sunday Leader Ruth Lester Subject Ways to Help Song Rescue the Perishing Scripture reading John 211517 Prayer t Song The Morning Day is Breaking t I Recitation by Mable Akin Calls for reading I Song T how Out the Life Line Recitation by Blanche Whaley Roll call- Announcements Benediction A CAR OF LADIES HATS Messrs Klein Hoffman received a carload of ladies hats yesterday They range from the modest violet to the glorious hollyhock all styles condi ¬ tions and prices When that car of hats is put on display you will see a flower gat den of delight- EVERYBODYS BUSINESS- If a girl is in love thats her busi- ness ¬ If a man is in love thats his busi- ness ¬ If they get married thats their business- If you want your house painted thats my business J A Morris Jr- I Decorating thats my business DEANS BOND FILED I Homer II Dean filed his appearance bond yesterday in Judge Bells court I in the SUn of 1000 for his appear- ance ¬ I before the grand jury at the I spring term of the circuit court The sureties on the bond are Messrs G I A rarmiehnel and C A Priest The I sheriff bond was approved by Henry Gordon Mr and Mrs Potter arrived this I morning from St Petersburg and rented Mr A Y Strunks residence- No I 2S North First street and will re- side ¬ in this city Mr Potter has been- in Cuba for some tinge on work for- th government and now has a trav- eling ¬ position I The Methods of the Liquor ten in I Prohibition Elections was the sub- ject ¬ of tn address by Rev C C Car ¬ roll of Ocala Mr Carroll is a humor- ous ¬ speaker and kept his audience smiling while he revealed the manner- in which the liquor element defeate- dI I prohibitionists in old Marion I Gainsville Sun Mr C O Tignor formerly of this city and with the H B Masters Co stopped over in town today in the in- terest ¬ 1 of his shoe house Mr Tignor- is now living in Atlanta J < < F S tMJI a FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER- I hereby announce myself a candi- date for the office of Commissioner- for the First Commissioners District- of Marion County subject to the pri ¬ mary of May 19th and ask the sup ¬ port of the Democratic voters of Dis ¬ trict No1 If elected I will use my = i best efforts in thin discharge of the duties of the office Respectfully C Ed Carm- ichaelFISHELS I t 5 and 10 cent s r- eSALE i OF 1 BOOKSi MONDAY tOe each I K Values up to 5Qc each in- cluding ¬ g standard authors T 1 FOR SALE AT ONCE 6 SHOW CASES > 1 LARGE COFFEE MILL j 1 OIL TANK I 2 PAIR SCALES 2 LARGE STORE LAMPS And a number of other bargains MARTINOTS BAKE- RYATTENTION I- FOR SALE GOOD PEBBLE PHOSPHATE- LAND CITY PROPERTY- IN OCALA FLORIDA PERFECT TITLE Write to Owner I W OGLE I No 208 North Magnolia Street J OCALA FLA frf- Ar r- q a+ Ice Ice Ice ti QUALITY RIGHT DELIVERY RIGHT 1 PRICE RIGHT 1 FLORIDA PACKING ICE CO J S BENJAMIN IN CHARGE a 1i 1 tJ- ow c

Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-03-21 [p FIVE].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84027621/1908-03-21/ed-1/seq-5.… · r Sa rt q f I vCp THE OCALA EVENING STAR SATURDAY

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-03-21 [p FIVE].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84027621/1908-03-21/ed-1/seq-5.… · r Sa rt q f I vCp THE OCALA EVENING STAR SATURDAY

r Sa rt q f I vCp



r Additional local on eighth page-



of P meet Monday night

Elks meet Tuesday evening

Odd Fellows meet Tuesday night

Col H W Long of Martel was in i

town today I

Oysters in all styles served on threeminutes notice at the Elks Cafe

Mr G A Sanders of Hernumlo is atruest of the Ocala House

Mr M Fishel is in New York buy ¬

ing spring goods

Mr A S Bradford of Alabama is aguest of the Ocala House

This office will appreciate the loanof a February Strand Magazine-

John T Burt and son of Philadel ¬

phia are at the Ocala House

FOR RENT Two story house fur-nished 28 North First street near express office Mrs F M Strunk-

A M Terrance of Gainesville is atthe Ocala House

Come to the Ocala News Co and seethe latest novelty Ocala in a sea-shell

P H Staples and wife of Lexington-are guests of the Ocala House

The Hiawatha Lake Dairy will fur-nish


you ice cold buttermilk everymorning-

H A McArthur of Gainesville isa guest of the Ocala House

Ra C Davis Co of Jacksonvillehandle silk typewriter ribbons 75c

eh 750 per dozen

There were thirtyseven arrivals atthe Ocala House yesterday

f The H B Masters Company is out¬

doing itself this year in spring dressgoods See advertisement on secondpage

Mr S S Duval and son of Summerfield were guests of the Ocaladouse last night-

If you take health and accident in ¬

surance with M D Wilson your ben-eficiary


will be insured on same policy

Alex Moorhead county surveyor re ¬

turned last week from Fairfield where-he put in a week surveying for theFairfield Naval Stores Co


Read the Variety Stores big adver ¬

tisement on the third page and figureout what sort of a shirtwaist youwant

When you want something good toat and want it immediately there

is nobetter place to go than HeatingsCafe See advertisement on firstpage

The editor of the Star will go toOxford tomorrow afternoon to speak-at the unveiling of a Woodmans mon ¬


Do you know that the United States I

Health and Accident Insurance Cowas the first to write health insur-ance


See M D Wilson for the mostliberal contract in the country

> The State Sunday School Conven ¬

tion will meet in Ocala April 7 8 and9 Tell your friends There will be asplendid program

Mrs Moore and children went downlo the lake yesterday followed todayby Mr M who will spend Sunday withthem

Dr A L Izlar of this city waselected third vice president of theJtate AntiSaloon League at its recent

convention in Gainesville

Messrs N Lopez Co cigar man-ufacturers

¬ I

received a very flattering

anorder for their Katie Lee brand from

extensive jober in Texas the otherday





Program for this EveningFOUL PLAY

The Story of a False Friend-


Open Promptly at 3130 P MAdmission 10 Cents

Children 5 Cents


U Ml WOOD PROPrallace Building Opposite Methodist



i v

i4 1


Nenfcbatel Pineapple Sweitzer I

Brick Limburger Brie and i

Camembert Cheese in tin

Shredded Codfish Boneless Her-


Shrimp Clams and I

Deviled CrabsI

Three pound cans Tomato Soup10 cents a can

Salt Mackerel No 1s and 2s I

These are a few specialties-and remember we have afull line of Groceries toselect from and you willfind prices and quality right




Messrs S W Petteway of Dunnellon Georpre S and Frank T Pette ¬

way of Leroy and Thos C Gilbertof Umatilla are applying for articlesof incorporation for the PettewayTurpentine Co whose principal place I

I of business will be Umatilla Lakecounty Fla The company is capi ¬ I

talized at 20000-

Yesterday Mr and Mrs Allen WBridges and Mrs Feaster arrived atthe residence of Mrs Frank J Hagoodllrs Hagood is a sister of MrsFeaster and the aunt of Mrs Bridges-Mrs Brilges was Miss Maddie Ford-of Lynchburg Va and she and MrBridges are here on their wedding

I trip and will go to their home inI Ocala tomorrow Jacksonville Me ¬

tropolis 20thI

Mr and Mrs Bridges arrived on theSeaboard train today and Allens right-arm is sore from the handshakings-it has undergone since he again step ¬

ped on Ocaal soil Mrs Bridges is amost charming young lady and will be

I a welcome addition to Ocala society-Mr and Mrs Bridges will be at the I

home of Mrs T M Moore for the next I

few days after which they will go tolive with Mr Bridges brother and


sister Mr and Mrs T E Bridges-

The Berlin Theater had good crowdsall last evening The scenes fromHamlet were very fine and the anticsof the baby elephant were funny

I enough to make a wooden Indianlaugh Miss Smoaks singing wasmuch admired She was to have sungagain tonight but her mothers severeillness will prevent Mr Wood re ¬

ceived two reels of excellent picturestoday and they will be thrown on thescreen with fine effect this evening-See program elsewhere


Mr B Goldman of the Globe and I

Guarantee Clothing store has return-ed


from his New York purchasing-trip Mr Goldman bought a fine stockof spring and summer goods for the I

Globe and also a stock of goods for theGuarantee Clothing store

Mrs G E Campbell who has takencharge of the Spellman House iskeeping the place up to its high rep ¬

utation pleasing all the old guestsand winning new ones This is amost excellent and homelike house andthe Star is glad to see it prosper-

A CHALLENGEJ hereby challenge Jack McIntosh to

a wrestling match for a 2f side bet II

as I am not satisfied with the resultof the last match Frank Miller I

rf B Malloy the progressive An-thony


farmer and trucker was amongthe county folks attending the circus

IyesterdayI PI

J E Stevens of Crystal River andmanager of the Gulf Fish and Oyster t

Co is a candidate for county clerkof Citrus county He has a hard manto buck against the present inoumben Mr Varnoek That Mr Stevens s

is qualified for the work there can beno question and naturally his Marion

I county friends wish him success-

D K Thus of th Lynne section wasin town today

Louis Lang had the misfortune tobe flimflammed out of 10 at theshow yesterday lie put down a 20bill and in the hurry of making changedidnt notice the amount returned to

I him but when he had occasion tolook at his money found he was shortten dollars having received 9 in re ¬

turn for his 20 instead of X19-

A severe cold that may develop Intopneumonia over night can be curedquickly by taking Foleys Honey andTar It will cure the most obstinateracking cough and strengthen yourangs The genuine is in a yellow

package Sold by all dealers

Ben Condon has a line of new coast-er


I bicycles for rentr




Elsewhere in this issue will be foundthe announcement of Mr Ed Carmiehael for County Commissioner fromthis the first commissioners district of I

Marion county Mr Carmichael is-

gall equipped mentally and physically I

for the discharge of the duties of thisoffice He is one of the heaviest property owners of the county with in 1

trests both in the city of Ocala and I

in th ountry districts of the counythus his interests would be diversifiedHe has made a signal success of hisown business starting in young man-hood


with nothing and accumulatinga goodly portion of this worlds goodsthus signifying that he can conduct


his own business with success awlshould be equally as well equipped todischarge the business of the peoplewith credit using the same skill andbusiness sagacity for the county thathe has for himself Mr Carmichael isthoroughly familiar with all parts ofthe county knows every man in thecounty and no one is better posted onthe needs of the people than he isThat he is public spirited enterpris-ing


and progressive no one can denyHe stands for improvement and ad-vancement


push and progress andwill be willing and ready at all timesto conserve the best interests of thepeople of his county Mr Carmichael-will make a vigorous campaign andhas hundreds of warm friends whowill do all they can to elect him Ifelected we feel no hesitancy in saying-he will discharge the duties of the of¬

fice with all of his ability in a fear-less


and upright manner rGAS STOVE DEMONSTRATION

Mr Chas W Hunter reports a goodattendance yesterday afternoon of theladies of the city at the demonstra-tion


of gas stoves and cooking withsame in the Central National Bankbuilding The ladies who came outwere in earnest They wanted a bet ¬

ter and easier method of cooking spe ¬

cially for the hot weather and weremore than pleased with the gas stovesand ranges exhibited by Mr HunterThe gas company is going to have arange for cooking with gas in everyhome in Ocala within reach of theirmeans or know the reason why Theywill make a thorough canvass of thecity and make it their business toconvince the ladies that the gas mode-is the best for hot weather cookingor cooking at any time The qualityof the gas since Mr Hunter tookcharge of the plant has been brought-up to firstclass and the mains arebeing extended and will continue tobe extended until all parts of the cityare reached-

Mr Marcus Frank proprietor of theVariety Store returned last nightfrom New York where he has beenspending the past three weeks buying-his spring and summer stock MrFrank bought a great many prettygoods and secured many exceptionallyfine bargains for his patrons

Mr B Goldman received a telegram-this morning from his wife who is inSavannah stating that their baby wasout of danger The little one has been-in the hospital with pneumonia for thepast week and we are glad to say iswill be well enough in a few days tobe brought home by his mother






Chocolate Creams and PeanutsiI

Would Keep You Alive saysI

Prof Olsen

Prof John C Olsen Ph DUnited States Food and Drug In ¬

spection Chemist in his lecture onPure Foods and their Prepara-



among other things said r

I twas shown that twothirds of I

a pound of peanuts and twothirds I

of a pound of chocolate creamscontain sufficient nourishment to I

feed an adult 24 hours A diet ofthis kind would not he expensivecompared with the cost of otherfoods








or Health StrengthFOR SALE BY


s 6 r6t

White Goods and EmbroideryBeautiful white materials of every weave and qualify

suitable for making spring and samer wearables are shtwiin almost endless variety here Our prices are impossibleto duplicate

PERSIAN LAWNS at per yard 15c to 5kFRENCH LA WNS 48 inch per yard 35c to 125

LINEN LAWN 36 inch per yard 35e to 5125

SPECIAL Dimities Check Lawns and Madras worth upto 25c on sale at per yard 15c


ST GALL SWISSES All our new imported Swisses in agreat variety ot patterns at reduced prices

EDGING AND INSERTION worth up to 20c yardlieEDGING AND INSERTION up to 9 inches wide and

Corset Cover Embroidery values up to 35c yardtkLAWN AND SWISS WAISTS New styleStOO to 751LACE WAISTS Ecru Cream and White 0 251 to 45-


PresbyterianServices 11 a m and 730 p inSabbath school 930 a mA cordial invitation extended to all

W H Dodge D D Pastor

BaptistSunday school945 a mMorning service 1 a mSermon by Dr Wm Lunsford of

Asheville N CI B Y P U630 p in

Evening service 730 p mI Sermon by the pastor

Every one cordially invited to beI present C C Carroll PastorI

I Grace Episcopal-

Rev Geo Hendree Harrison Rector730 a mHoly communion10 a mSunday school11 a mMorning prayer and ser ¬

mon730 p mEvening prayer and ser-


¬ I

monTuesday Thursday and Saturday

evening prayer at 430 p mOn Wednesday Feast of the An ¬

nunciation Holy communion at 10 am Evening prayer at 730 p m-

OnI Friday litany at 10 a m Ev-eningI prayer at 730 p m-

I Come and worship with us

II Junior Epworth LeagueMeets at 3 p m Sunday Leader

Ruth Lester Subject Ways to HelpSong Rescue the PerishingScripture reading John 211517Prayer

t Song The Morning Day is BreakingtI Recitation by Mable Akin

Calls for readingI

Song Thow Out the Life LineRecitation by Blanche WhaleyRoll call-AnnouncementsBenediction


Messrs Klein Hoffman received acarload of ladies hats yesterday Theyrange from the modest violet to theglorious hollyhock all styles condi ¬

tions and prices When that car ofhats is put on display you will see aflower gat den of delight-


If a girl is in love thats her busi-ness


If a man is in love thats his busi-ness


If they get married thats theirbusiness-

If you want your house paintedthats my business

J A Morris Jr-I Decorating thats my business

DEANS BOND FILEDI Homer II Dean filed his appearance

bond yesterday in Judge Bells courtI in the SUn of 1000 for his appear-ance


I before the grand jury at theI spring term of the circuit court Thesureties on the bond are Messrs G


A rarmiehnel and C A Priest TheI

sheriffbond was approved by Henry Gordon

Mr and Mrs Potter arrived thisI morning from St Petersburg and

rented Mr A Y Strunks residence-NoI 2S North First street and will re-


in this city Mr Potter has been-in Cuba for some tinge on work for-th government and now has a trav-eling



I The Methods of the Liquor ten inI Prohibition Elections was the sub-ject


of tn address by Rev C C Car ¬

roll of Ocala Mr Carroll is a humor-ous


speaker and kept his audiencesmiling while he revealed the manner-in which the liquor element defeate-dII prohibitionists in old Marion

I Gainsville Sun

Mr C O Tignor formerly of thiscity and with the H B Masters Costopped over in town today in the in-


1of his shoe house Mr Tignor-

is now living in Atlanta

J< < F S tMJI



I hereby announce myself a candi-date for the office of Commissioner-for the First Commissioners District-of Marion County subject to the pri ¬

mary of May 19th and ask the sup¬

port of the Democratic voters of Dis ¬

trict No1 If elected I will use my= ibest efforts in thin discharge of the

duties of the office RespectfullyC Ed Carm-




5 and 10 cent s r-




tOe eachI


Values up to 5Qc each in-

cluding¬ g

standard authors





2 PAIR SCALES2 LARGE STORE LAMPSAnd a number of other bargains







Write to OwnerI W OGLE

INo 208 North Magnolia Street J


Ar r-

qa +

Ice Ice Iceti







1 tJ-
