7 t y k- o Jo OCALA EVENING STAR TUESDAY OCTOBER 27 1908 THREk Z i rr The Marion Shoe Co Will close out their Entire Stock- of V Mens Ladies and Chil ¬ drens Shoes Over Shoes Laces etc AT COST f x Come in early and be fitted end get bargains Marion Shoe Company JJ NOTICE- Of Change of Meeting of Board of County Commissioners Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners will notmeet on Tuesday the 3rd day of November same being their regular meeting on account of that day being election day but they will meet on Wednesday November 4th A D 1908 same being the day after election- By order of the Board- S T Sistrunk Secretary Nunnallys After Dinner Mints 25 cents the box at the Postolfice Drug- store ¬ 4 M M 4 t + + + H + + H Not It 1ifi f j How 1it le t tiJdt- but II how good is the qicpion 1 that every one bliuuld u > k m buying f- t candy S r The old fnyng that II a roan is r judged by tie cuuly lie jives It J- tiolds good tiAiy time as al vfcys + Buy the beydont take the II just as good It lJiid JL Nothing quite equals c famous BonBons and Chocolates They lore in a distinctively exclu- sive class to themselves Orders receive prompt and care ¬ t attention J list Iivsus the name and address auJ Uicle Sam docs the rest T W TROXLER 24 MAIN ST r Charles D Hulbert M D r Homeopathic Physician If and Surgeon J Office Second Floor The Munroe and Chambliss Bank Building Ocala Florida Telephones Office 154 Residence 45 Office Hours 912 a m 24 pm 730830 p m FALL AND WINTE- RTAILORING I HAVEi v FALL AND WINTER STOCk OF PIECE GOODS- An 1 elegant exclusive line and will be pleaicd to show you the goods and make your fall or winter suit or trous ¬ ers You dont have to wait Pick out your goods and the suit is made and fitted at once and guaranteed as to workmanship fit and quality of good- sI I also have an elegant line of sam ¬ ples so that you are sure of finding p what you want Respectfully I Jerry Burnett The Exclusive Tailor Burnett Building- Fort King Avenue OCALA PRESSING CLUB vS l FORT Proprietor f Rat reasonableAll goods < Pressed ancTCleaned on Short No- tice ¬ + amfDclivercd Promptly All 1 1 transient work not called for in 30 days wit be sold for charges r 1 McIYER MAcKAY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Undertakers and Embalmers- D E MciVER ALFRED E OWEN Undertakers Fine Caskets and Burial Robes- All Work Done by Licensed Em idlers and Fully Guaranteed C J PHILLIPS Contractor and Builder Plans and Specifications Furnished Upon Request 129 South rHrd St Ocala Fla Phone 30 1 r 3q r i > LIST OF QUALIFIED VOTERS Following is the list of qualified voters in precinct No1 whose names begin with K omitted from the list published a few days since Kaytfill E W Killum Samuel Kline Jacob Knight L J Knight W A Kirkland C U KeaJ W Kunzle F W Keating R L Kopman Win WRIT WAS REFUSED- In the case of the state of Florida- vs James Swain colored for the murder of Henry Long at Levon in I December 190 and recently appre ¬ hended the mans attorneys had his case before Judge W S Bullock in the circuit court for the purpose of secur ¬ ing bond The application ror bail was refused and the man was sent back to jail Swain was committed to jail to await the action of the grand jury by Judge Joseph Bell without bail at the preliminary hearing DECLARED INSANE John Coon a son of William Coon the well known colored yard man who lives near Montague was declared In ¬ sane a few days ago by a commission appointed by Judge Joseph Bell An attendant was wired for from Chat tnhoochee and he was sent to Ute asy ¬ lum for safekeeping L I jj 7- I PUTTING IT OFF TAKING YOUR TIME- In the matter of eye trouble is dan- gerous ¬ indeed WHY DELAY- In So Important a Matter hildren whose eyes are not exactly ight should be sent to me at once Dont wait The little fellows are de ending upon YOU They dont know liege things themselves- DR D M BONEY Eyesight Specialist Ocala Fla office Hours S to 12 am and 130 to 4d0 p m Optical office and laboratry rooms 2 and 4 Gary block Dr J C Boozer assistant manager- of the Commercial Bank has a fine speciment of Tampa marble which he will have polished to show the grain What do you think of a guaranteed- razor and strop for 1 Well the KnightMartin Hardware Co will have a window full of them in a few days If the razors are not just as represented you can get your dollar back Hon H W Long commander of the second brigade of Flolira Confed- erate ¬ Veterans has appointed Capt W L Ditto as adjutant a splendid appointment Foleys Hoiipy nnd Tar cures coughs quickly strengthens the lungs and ex- pels ¬ colds Getthe genuine in a yel- low ¬ packageXSoid by all dealers Dr S H Blitch left last night for Lake City to see his son Landis who- is ill with fever The doctor will bring the young man home if he is able to travel- A fresh shipment of Guths famous delicious candies chocolates and bon- bons just received at the Corner Drug Store Mr Jake Klein will return home from New York in a few days where he has been for the past three months visiting relatives and buying goods for the store of Klein Hoffman MEN Our illustrated catalogue ex- plains ¬ how we teach barber trade in few weeks mailed free Moler Barber College Atlanta Ga- S A Petteway the Dunnellon tur ¬ pentine man was in town tooay and said the democrats of his precinct held a meeting last night and not a vote will be cast for the republican candidate for the legislature- Mr Hugh Dwight a bookbinder by trade who is visiting friends nt Bel ¬ leview was in town today and made- us a pleasant call Mr W A Irvine who was a citizen- of Ocala eight or ten years ago was in town today Mr Irvine is traveling for the Bowen Grocery Co of Jack- sonville ¬ Dont be deceived by imitations of DeWitts Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve When you ask for DeWitts be sure to get it Tie name As stamped- on every box There is just one orig- inal ¬ It is espe lalh = good for piles We sell and recoittfnend it Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore Mr Jester the noted hunter of the Camp Izzard section was a visitor to the city today He probably has kill- ed ¬ more tTand bear In Marion county than any other man I OCALA OCCURRENCESS- prinkle the streets Elks meet this evening l 1 Odd Fellows meet tonight i I Eagles meet tomorrow night I Two secondhand wagons for sale cheap Apply to F W Ditto I Mr Joseph Gross of Belleview was In town today r New Florida syrup now on sale at Martin Cams Get your school supplies at the I Ocala News Co Mr Daniels is back from his trip- to South Florida I Tents for rent or sale The Ocala Furniture Company- Mrs Hatchell left today for a few days visit at Worthington Springs FOR RENT A splendidly furnish- ed ¬ room Inquire at 7S Vatula street Furnished rooms for rent Apply at No 31 Oklawaha avenue- A new line of renting wheels 15c per hour B F Condon Flower seeds all kinds for fall plant ¬ ing at Tydings Co Use Planks Chill Tonic Guaran- teed ¬ Price 25c Sold by all druggists Souvenirs of Ocala for 15c at the Ocala News Co I FOR SALESecond hand furniture- for sale cheap Apply to F W Ditto Mr A E Gerig expects Mr Gerig- to return tomorrow from her visit to Palatka One pound of paper and two packs- of envelopes very best grade for 50 cents at Tydings Co Miss Virginia Mayo is home from a visit to her silster Mrs J M Neely- at Lake Weir Have you seen the new visible Fay Sholes typewriter R C Davis o general agents Mr and Mrs Cobb of Holder are visiting their son Mr Arthur Cobb and family for a few days Nunnallys After Dinner Mints 25 cents the box at thePostoffice Drug- store ¬ I I I Mr S A Pawls of Jacksonville is in the city today a guest of the Ocala House R C Davis Co of Jacksonville handle silk typewriter ribbons 75c I each 750 per dozen I Neal Thomas bookkeeper for Keat ¬ ing Company and W R Garner left today for Gainesville to locate Really fine stationery in fancy boxes at greatly reduced rates at the Cor ¬ ner Drugstore Col C P Lovoll Florida freight agent for the Clyde Line was in town today Send us your prescription business- We are thoroughly prepared to handle- it Tydings Co The W C T U will meet tomorrow 1 afternoon at 3 p in at the Methodist church A full attendance is desired We lead the city on stationery tab ¬ lets and school supplies of all kinds The AntiMonopoly Drugstore j Mr Real of Reddick went down to Crystal River today to take in the big barbecue and fish fry there Saturday Now is the time to plant your gar ¬ den We have all kinds of garden seed for fall planting Tydings Co Mrs C E Herrick and sister Miss Eunice Williams came up today and left this afternoon for Tampa SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL BOOKS either new or secondhand at the Ocala News Company Miss Lula Barnett has gone to Red lick to assist Miss Emma Tucker In her Bible readings at that place Call in and see the pretty line of fancy imported China that we are displaying The AntiMonopoly Drug- Store Mrs Heuben Smith of Oxford is visiting her daughters Mrs Ben Bor- den and Mrs A P Gilmore in this city We have a most exquisite line of fancy imported china in many dif ¬ ferent pieces The AntiMonopoly Drugstore- J W Sanders of Standard expects I to begin the erection of two cottages OP South Third street in about ten I days We carry the best line of toilet ar- ticles ¬ soaps perfumes etc in the city Come in and be convinced Ty ¬ dings Co Mr W H Clark has returned from his visit to Alabama He does not think much of the cotton they grow in that state Messrs Mclver MacKay supplied- a casket yesterday for the infant child- of Dr Cunningham of Anthony and the body of the little one was sent to Atlanta for interment The child was eight months old and died of penu monia Nunnallys After Dinner Mints a cents the box at the Postoffice Drug ¬ store TO fRUIT CONSUMERS When you wish fruit and vegetables delivered at your door look out for the delivery wagon and stop it or phone our store No 277 If you wish small quantities of fruit same can be supplied from our store in the Montezuma block or the Magnolia street store If you wish large quan ¬ tities call at the Magnolia street store near Baptist church S A MOSES BRO c I Cranberries Egg Noodles Prunes Peaches Honey in Comb I Shredded Codfish and 2 Ib boxes Boneless Codfish Cracker Meal 0 1 lb pkgs Pop Corn 5 lb can Fruit Cake at TEAPOT GROCERY NO CONCERT THIS WEEK Owing to the absence of several members the band will not give a concert next Friday night Mr and Mr John H Strunk and pretty little daughter after a visit of several weeks in the city with Mr i and Mrs Leonard Dozier and Capt and Mrs Geo A Nash returned this I afternoon to Miami their home where I Mr Strunk is agent fur the Florida East Coast Railway I I The bright little Berlin was crowd- ed ¬ Saturday night and last night and the program calls for good crowds this evening There is Tunneling the English Channel an idea sufficient to ijiake the most listless sit up and take notice and Who Needed the Dough and Troubles of a Flirt rib loosen ers from far back After Midnight- is a most interesting sketch The White Squaw last night and the scene of the battle between French troops and Arabs in Algeria were very thrilling subjects FOR SALE ICO acres good land 30 of which is cleared and been cultivat- ed ¬ has good sixroom house barn stables work shop cistern balance 1PO acres pine timber been cut over but has good crosstie timber and plenty good wood and heart post tim- ber ¬ Price 500 half cash Apply to F W Ditto Mrs Henry Chase accompanied by Miss Hattye Hodge arrived on the early morning train for a few days visit with their parents on North Main street Mr Chase came as far as Jacksonville and will probably visit here before returning to Miami- A stenographer rapid accurate and with considerable experience wants a situation Address Box ISO Ocala Fla John T Lewis came in last night from his inspection of convict camps a K far sou tilat Manatee This morn- ing lie visited the Marion Farms Hos ¬ pital He said there were now sixty convicts in the hospital among them three cattle thieves from OFceQla county BERLIN ELECTRICAL THEATER North Magnolia Street Opposite Mclver MacKays II M WOOD Proprietor CHANGE OF PROGRAM WILY Program for this Evening WHO NEEDED THE DOUGH I TROUBLES OF A FLIRT AFTER MIDNIGHT TUNNELING THE ENGLISH CHANNEL I Open Promptly at 330 P M Admission 10 Cents Children 5 Cents FOR RENT Warehouse formerly I occupied by Knight Martin locat- ed ¬ on Magnolia street Apply to M J Roess r M> m 20 Holder building Buy a highgrade standard wheel 10 down and 2 per week B F Con don Mrs C D Webster returned home today from Gainesville where she has been visiting her mother Mrs J H Brown Nunnallys After Dinner Mints 25 t cents the box at the Postoffice Drug- store I WANTED Bookkeeper and clerk Young lady thoroughly capable to write up set of books and act as sales- lady ¬ at other times S R F care Star You dont have to take your pre cription to the druggist whose name- s printed on the blank Take it to any rugstorethe best drugstore Bring- t direct to us The Corner Drugstore I WANTED teacher to teach three children at night Must understand Chesterfield Apply to Dr D M Bon- y 2 and 4 Gary building When you want stationery go to a stationery store The Ocala News Company has the best and most up todate line in Ocala Messrs N Barco of Crystal River and Lee Thompson of the Chessa howitzka were in town today to salt down a game preserve It promises a big thing if the title can be perfected SLIGHTLY COLDER WITH SNOW When you see that kind of a weather forecast you ktxrtVllfa rheumatism weather is atliand Get ready for it now b the of Ballards Snow LiniroontC5inest thing made for rheumatism jrnilblaios frost bite sore and stiffJOnrts nd muscles all aches and pains Sold by AntiMo monopoly Drugstore 25c 50c and 100 a bottle- EPISCOPAL CHURCH BAZAAR- The ladies of the Episcopal church will hold their annual bazaar of fancy work and supper at the Central Na- tional ¬ Bank building on Wednesday- the 2nd of December 1 MARY WAS A SKIRT FIEND j Mary Young the big colored woman wife of humble little Parson Young- was arraigned in Judge Bells court j this morning on the charge or grand k larceny and pleaded guilty Mary yes- terday I stole two voile skirts from C j Rheinau Cos store but she was I detected in the act by Mr M M Little and the goods recovered before she got away After Mary had been locked up last evening in the city jail a search was I made of her house and in her trunk were found six other skirts which Mr G A Nash identified as his goods One or two of thtm he kn w had been stolen and though he had tried to re- cover ¬ I them he had been unsuccessful The skirts stolen from Mr Nash ag ¬ gregated SG3 in value an1 all except- one or two of them had been worn Mr Nash was so close after the thief when she stole the most expensive skirt that lu followed her into the car of a Seaboard train bound for TamI pa Mary having the skirt on There- is no tilling how many she has dis- posed of- Mary denied all knowledge of them except that another woman asked her to keep those that were found in her trunk Among the other things In the trunk was a pretty blue silk dress the goods for which were realty bought from Mr Nash and the dress was made by Mrs Layne One piece of fancy work a table cover of some ¬ thing of the kind she said Mrs Mc Iver nave her As to the two skirts taken off her person by Mr M M Little in the store of Rheinauer it Co she swore site did not know how they got there The trial was almost too much for the dig- nity of the court and attaches Marion Little is going to take a much ne dccl vacation if the toys dont stop teasing him about his ad- venture ¬ with the woman and ncces as a detective They think Captain Nash should at least give him a com- mission ¬ of ten per cent on his recoV- ered goods and the city hive him a I small salary as city detective It is time the merchants did something to stop this kind of shoplifting It must cost them in the aggregate not less than several hundred dollars every year VAUDEVILLE AT THE BERLIN- Mr Harry Wood has decided to put- on vaudeville performances at his handsome little theater for the winter and is having the necessary stage and settings put in Mr Wood who has excellent taste in such matters will obtain only the best and will give our people none but highly amusing and up to date performances j CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Tuesday December 15th at the res- idence ¬ of Mr J D Robertson a ba- zaar ¬ will be held by the Baptist Sew ¬ ing Circle On account of the largo membership this year this sale will bo more extensive and comprise a larger variety of articles than heretofore The display will include handker- chiefs ¬ j embroidered shirtwaist fronts baby pillows embroidered baby shoes sofa pillows underwear and useful ar- ticles ¬ in fancy work A new feature in the work this year is raffia baskets- in all colors and sizes Patronize a worthy cause and satisfy your needs at the same time- BAPTIST SEWING CIRCLE- The nigular meeting of the ThlIfist Sewing Circle was held at Mrs Will Coins Monday afternoon All the members having returned from their I summers outing the attendance has again reached its normal number which averages eighteen to twenty Dainty refresments were passed dur ¬ ing the working hours which added- to the pleasure of the guests Mrs W A Knight will entertain the circle next week HANDSOMESTOCK OF BRUSHES I I Manager Fred Lovell of the Corner Drugstore was busily engaged today- in I opening and marking up a very handsome new line of combs brushes military brushes tooth brushes shav- ing brushes etc of hightgra goods and new patterns BOUGHT A FINE HORSE Dr Reeves of Inverness was in town yesterday and paid Dr C R Tydings 500 for the handsome mare the doc- tor ¬ has owned for some time Dr I Reeves has had the mare at his place driving her for several weeks and be- came ¬ so attached to her that he had to become her owner STOCK IS GOING RAPIDLY- The Marion Shoe Cos stock of shoes is going rapidly and if you want a pair of their excellent goods at cost I you ought to hurry in anl have Mr I Jeffcoat tit your feet The meeting last night at the Bos- ton Store evoked great interest in the formation of a football team for Ocala The boys will meet tonight at the ar- mory ¬ at 745 for practice on the lot adoining the armory All interested are requested to attend It is the pur ¬ pose of the Ocala football enthusiasts- to arrange for a game with Rollins College also the Jacksonville Grays- It is desired to have a game in this city Thanksgiving Day also a game during the holding of the county fair and which will prove a great attrac ¬ tion to those who are not familiar with the game Sj rinkle the streets I ON THE CORNfR Visit our new store It is modern and uptodate and some say as pretty as can be Some of our new goods are in DRIED APPLES 15 DRIED APRICOTS 15 DRIED PEACHES 15c two for 25 DRIED PRUNES 15c two for 25 NEW MACKEREL 10 FRESH ASSORTMENT CAKES AND CRACKERS- Try our famous Hudnuts Pearl Grits and Mealwhite as snow CRANBERRIES Two QUARTS 25c O K Grocery Clark Bros ProprietorsP- HONE 175 l o T1 Why Do You L It 7 R e ad This i T- r > Because the Ad Writer made it attractive to your eye It is just so with Fred Kau- ffmannTAILORING Ji l The cutting the fit and the style make them attractive to the eye You need not dress loud The beauty of Fred Kauffmann Tailoringc- reates attention and improves every mans appearance We show almost 500 Fall Patterns priced from 1250 the Suit up to 5000 The Most Perfect Tailoring under the sun A FRANK at the BOSTON STORE HANDSOMEof Fall Stock Jewelry F I am getting in one of the handsomest and most i < complete stocks of Jewelry for the trade this fall and winter that I have ever carried Many of the goods have already arrived There are many t > PRETTY THINGS in Watches Chains Jewelry of all kinds Diamonds Cut Glass and Silverware Fine China Novelties etc and many others arriving each week I am agent for and carry a very j- f i large stock of Edisons Phonographs + and Records Nearly i 2000 DIFFERENT RECORDS to select from We will be pleased W to have you call and see the goods t I w Respectfully co A a Eoau nett I- OCALA J + EjEWELER FLORIDA p WINDMILL FOR SALE Aermotor 12foot wheel also 10 foot steel tower all in good shape cheap Palmetto Park Farm From Wednesdays Daily I EXCELLENT HEALTH AOVICE Mrs M M Davison of No 37D Gif ford Ave San Jose Cal says The worth of Electric Bitters as a general family remedy for headache bilious- ness ¬ and torpor of the liver and bowels is so pronounced that I am prompted to say a word in its favor for the I benefit of those seeking relief from such afflictions There is more health for the digestive organs in a bottle of Eectric Bitters than in any other rem ¬ edy I know of Sold under guarantee at all drugstores 50c WEATHER FORECAST Washington Oct 2iFair tonight and Wednesday- SHE LIKES GOOD THINGS Mrs Chas E Smith of West Frank- lin ¬ Maine says l Iko good things and have adopted D Kings New Life Pills as our family laxative medicine because they are gQ o V and do their work without making a fuss about it These painless purifiers sold at all drugstores 25c- FEED FOR SALE We have a big stock of first class Western oats and hay also seed oats for sale at the lowest market price Call at the barns West Exposition- street A B Dement Co HEALTH AND VITALITY Motts Nerverine Pills The great nerve and brain restora ¬ tive for men and women produces strength and vitality builds up the system and renews the normal vigor For sale by druggists or by mail 1 per box 6 boxes for 5 Sold by the AntiMonopoly Drugstore R C Davis Co of Jacksonville I will sell any make of secondhand I typewriter upon easy terms if desired WOMAN INTERRUPTS POLITICAL SPEAKER A well dressed woman interrupted- a speaker recently by con- tinually ¬ coughing If she had taken Foleys Hone and Tar it would have cured her cough and expelled the cold fronvjjfiroystom The genu- ine ¬ Foleys Honey and Tar contains t no opiates and is in a yellow package Refuse substitutes Sold by all dealers- If you want a pretty reading lamp to tcnnect with your electric light cur I irnt in the library or hall of your home see Walter Tucker the elec ¬ trician about it A BANQUET Spread before you would do you no good if you couldnt eat What good can food do JKtfliHd when as soon as it enters S stomach it is eaten b > worms Thats he reason your baby- is ailing cross xj ty faced and thin Give it 1Chtttis Cram Vermifuge It will expel the worms and act as a tonic for the child Sold by anti- Monopoly Drugstore Sprinkle the streets I OYSTERS > a- J- Oysters are good and rive are serv 1i ° them in alt styles We keep a first2zir class cafe and short order house and t i serve all of the delicacies of the soar 9f son as well as all plain staple at moderate prices Good coffee and something good to eat at any hour up to 10 oclock at night Bar in con nection where you can get anything to drink or smoke that you may wish I HSGANS CAFES- hort t Order and Oyster House West Side Public Square f 3 i FRESH BREADFR- EE 1f DELIVERY 1 We have put on a wagon for our bakery and will deliver you 4- f Fresh Bread Pies and Cakes to any part of the city upon short notice T We bake every morning arid only the best and have had many years experience in the business t We will appreciate a share of your trade I WOLF HEINTZ BAKERS North Magnolia St- rcetI1cE H Best Quality t Prompt Service yr Lowest Price < i Buy from the BLUE WAGONSOC- ALA ICE AND PACKING CO q MEFFERT TAYLOR Phone 34 w OOD- A Big Load for J- CAS II > B H SEYMOURP- hone y 8 185 rJ n l

Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-10-27 [p THREE].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00984/0430.pdf · OCALA EVENING STAR TUESDAY OCTOBER 27 1908 THREk Z rr i ... famous

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-10-27 [p THREE].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00984/0430.pdf · OCALA EVENING STAR TUESDAY OCTOBER 27 1908 THREk Z rr i ... famous

7 t y k-




rr The Marion Shoe CoWill close out their

Entire Stock-ofV Mens Ladies and Chil¬

drens Shoes Over ShoesLaces etc


x Come in early and be fittedend get bargains

Marion Shoe CompanyJJ


Of Change of Meeting of Board ofCounty Commissioners

Notice is hereby given that theBoard of County Commissioners willnotmeet on Tuesday the 3rd day ofNovember same being their regularmeeting on account of that day beingelection day but they will meet onWednesday November 4th A D 1908same being the day after election-

By order of the Board-S T Sistrunk Secretary

Nunnallys After Dinner Mints 25

cents the box at the Postolfice Drug-store



M M 4 t + ++H ++H Not

It1ifi f

jHow 1it

le t tiJdt-but II how good is the qicpion 1

that every one bliuuld u >k m buying f-

t candy Sr The old fnyng that II a roan isr judged by tie cuuly lie jives It J-

tiolds good tiAiy time as al vfcys +

Buy the beydont take the II justas good It lJiid JL

Nothing quite equals


famous BonBons and ChocolatesThey lore in a distinctively exclu-sive class to themselves

Orders receive prompt and care ¬ tattention J list Iivsus the name

and address auJ Uicle Sam docsthe rest



Charles D Hulbert M D

r Homeopathic Physician

If and SurgeonJ Office Second Floor The Munroe and

Chambliss Bank Building OcalaFlorida

Telephones Office 154 Residence 45

Office Hours912 a m 24 pm 730830 p m





elegant exclusive line and will bepleaicd to show you the goods andmake your fall or winter suit or trous ¬

ers You dont have to wait Pick outyour goods and the suit is made andfitted at once and guaranteed as toworkmanship fit and quality of good-

sII also have an elegant line of sam ¬

ples so that you are sure of findingp what you want Respectfully

I Jerry BurnettThe Exclusive Tailor Burnett Building-

Fort King Avenue


l FORT Proprietorf

Rat reasonableAll goods<

Pressed ancTCleaned on Short No-



+ amfDclivercd Promptly All1 1

transient work not called for in 30

days wit be sold for charges


FUNERAL DIRECTORSUndertakers and Embalmers-


Fine Caskets and Burial Robes-

All Work Done by Licensed Emidlers and Fully Guaranteed

C J PHILLIPSContractor and Builder

Plans and Specifications FurnishedUpon Request

129 South rHrd StOcala Fla Phone 30 1


3q ri >


Following is the list of qualifiedvoters in precinct No1 whose namesbegin with K omitted from the listpublished a few days sinceKaytfill E W Killum SamuelKline Jacob Knight L JKnight W A Kirkland C UKeaJ W Kunzle F WKeating R L Kopman Win


In the case of the state of Florida-vs James Swain colored for themurder of Henry Long at Levon in


December 190 and recently appre ¬

hended the mans attorneys had hiscase before Judge W S Bullock in thecircuit court for the purpose of secur ¬

ing bond The application ror bailwas refused and the man was sentback to jail Swain was committed tojail to await the action of the grandjury by Judge Joseph Bell withoutbail at the preliminary hearing


John Coon a son of William Coonthe well known colored yard man wholives near Montague was declared In ¬

sane a few days ago by a commissionappointed by Judge Joseph Bell Anattendant was wired for from Chattnhoochee and he was sent to Ute asy ¬

lum for safekeeping






In the matter of eye trouble is dan-gerous


indeedWHY DELAY-

In So Important a Matterhildren whose eyes are not exactlyight should be sent to me at once

Dont wait The little fellows are deending upon YOU They dont knowliege things themselves-

DR D M BONEYEyesight Specialist

Ocala Flaoffice Hours S to 12 am and

130 to 4d0 p m Optical office andlaboratry rooms 2 and 4 Gary block

Dr J C Boozer assistant manager-of the Commercial Bank has a finespeciment of Tampa marble which hewill have polished to show the grain

What do you think of a guaranteed-razor and strop for 1 Well theKnightMartin Hardware Co willhave a window full of them in a fewdays If the razors are not just asrepresented you can get your dollarback

Hon H W Long commander ofthe second brigade of Flolira Confed-erate


Veterans has appointed CaptW L Ditto as adjutant a splendidappointment

Foleys Hoiipy nnd Tar cures coughsquickly strengthens the lungs and ex-


colds Getthe genuine in a yel-


packageXSoid by all dealers

Dr S H Blitch left last night forLake City to see his son Landis who-is ill with fever The doctor willbring the young man home if he isable to travel-

A fresh shipment of Guths famousdelicious candies chocolates and bon-bons just received at the CornerDrug Store

Mr Jake Klein will return homefrom New York in a few days wherehe has been for the past three monthsvisiting relatives and buying goodsfor the store of Klein Hoffman

MEN Our illustrated catalogue ex-plains


how we teach barber trade infew weeks mailed free Moler BarberCollege Atlanta Ga-

S A Petteway the Dunnellon tur ¬

pentine man was in town tooay andsaid the democrats of his precinctheld a meeting last night and not avote will be cast for the republicancandidate for the legislature-

Mr Hugh Dwight a bookbinder bytrade who is visiting friends nt Bel ¬

leview was in town today and made-us a pleasant call

Mr W A Irvine who was a citizen-of Ocala eight or ten years ago wasin town today Mr Irvine is travelingfor the Bowen Grocery Co of Jack-sonville


Dont be deceived by imitations ofDeWitts Carbolized Witch HazelSalve When you ask for DeWitts besure to get it Tie name As stamped-on every box There is just one orig-inal


It is espe lalh= good for pilesWe sell and recoittfnend it Sold byAntiMonopoly Drugstore

Mr Jester the noted hunter of theCamp Izzard section was a visitor tothe city today He probably has kill-


more tTand bear In Marioncounty than any other man



prinkle the streets

Elks meet this eveningl1

Odd Fellows meet tonight i


Eagles meet tomorrow night I

Two secondhand wagons for salecheap Apply to F W Ditto

IMr Joseph Gross of Belleview wasIn town today

r New Florida syrup now on sale atMartin Cams

Get your school supplies at theI

Ocala News Co

Mr Daniels is back from his trip-to South Florida I

Tents for rent or sale The OcalaFurniture Company-

Mrs Hatchell left today for a fewdays visit at Worthington Springs

FOR RENT A splendidly furnish-ed


room Inquire at 7S Vatula street

Furnished rooms for rent Apply atNo 31 Oklawaha avenue-

A new line of renting wheels 15cper hour B F Condon

Flower seeds all kinds for fall plant ¬

ing at Tydings Co

Use Planks Chill Tonic Guaran-teed


Price 25c Sold by all druggists

Souvenirs of Ocala for 15c at theOcala News Co


FOR SALESecond hand furniture-for sale cheap Apply to F W Ditto

Mr A E Gerig expects Mr Gerig-to return tomorrow from her visit toPalatka

One pound of paper and two packs-of envelopes very best grade for 50cents at Tydings Co

Miss Virginia Mayo is home from avisit to her silster Mrs J M Neely-at Lake Weir

Have you seen the new visible FaySholes typewriter R C Davis ogeneral agents

Mr and Mrs Cobb of Holder arevisiting their son Mr Arthur Cobband family for a few days

Nunnallys After Dinner Mints 25

cents the box at thePostoffice Drug-store




Mr S A Pawls of Jacksonville isin the city today a guest of the OcalaHouse

R C Davis Co of Jacksonvillehandle silk typewriter ribbons 75c I

each 750 per dozenI

Neal Thomas bookkeeper for Keat ¬

ing Company and W R Garner lefttoday for Gainesville to locate

Really fine stationery in fancy boxesat greatly reduced rates at the Cor ¬

ner Drugstore

Col C P Lovoll Florida freightagent for the Clyde Line was in towntoday

Send us your prescription business-We are thoroughly prepared to handle-it Tydings Co

The W C T U will meet tomorrow1 afternoon at 3 p in at the Methodistchurch A full attendance is desired

We lead the city on stationery tab ¬

lets and school supplies of all kindsThe AntiMonopoly Drugstore

j Mr Real of Reddick went down toCrystal River today to take in the bigbarbecue and fish fry there Saturday

Now is the time to plant your gar ¬

den We have all kinds of gardenseed for fall planting Tydings Co

Mrs C E Herrick and sister MissEunice Williams came up today andleft this afternoon for Tampa

SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL BOOKSeither new or secondhand at theOcala News Company

Miss Lula Barnett has gone to Redlick to assist Miss Emma Tucker Inher Bible readings at that place

Call in and see the pretty line offancy imported China that we aredisplaying The AntiMonopoly Drug-Store

Mrs Heuben Smith of Oxford isvisiting her daughters Mrs Ben Bor-den and Mrs A P Gilmore in thiscity

We have a most exquisite line offancy imported china in many dif ¬

ferent pieces The AntiMonopolyDrugstore-

J W Sanders of Standard expectsI to begin the erection of two cottages

OP South Third street in about tenI days

We carry the best line of toilet ar-


soaps perfumes etc in thecity Come in and be convinced Ty ¬

dings Co

Mr W H Clark has returned fromhis visit to Alabama He does notthink much of the cotton they growin that state

Messrs Mclver MacKay supplied-a casket yesterday for the infant child-of Dr Cunningham of Anthony andthe body of the little one was sent toAtlanta for interment The child waseight months old and died of penumonia

Nunnallys After Dinner Mints acents the box at the Postoffice Drug ¬



When you wish fruit and vegetablesdelivered at your door look out forthe delivery wagon and stop it orphone our store No 277 If youwish small quantities of fruit samecan be supplied from our store in theMontezuma block or the Magnoliastreet store If you wish large quan ¬

tities call at the Magnolia streetstore near Baptist church




Cranberries Egg Noodles



Honey in Comb I

Shredded Codfish and

2 Ib boxes Boneless Codfish

Cracker Meal 0

1 lb pkgs Pop Corn

5 lb can Fruit Cake




Owing to the absence of severalmembers the band will not give aconcert next Friday night

Mr and Mr John H Strunk andpretty little daughter after a visit ofseveral weeks in the city with Mr

iand Mrs Leonard Dozier and Captand Mrs Geo A Nash returned this I

afternoon to Miami their home where I

Mr Strunk is agent fur the FloridaEast Coast Railway I


The bright little Berlin was crowd-ed


Saturday night and last night andthe program calls for good crowds thisevening There is Tunneling theEnglish Channel an idea sufficient toijiake the most listless sit up and takenotice and Who Needed the Doughand Troubles of a Flirt rib looseners from far back After Midnight-is a most interesting sketch TheWhite Squaw last night and thescene of the battle between Frenchtroops and Arabs in Algeria were verythrilling subjects

FOR SALE ICO acres good land 30of which is cleared and been cultivat-ed


has good sixroom house barnstables work shop cistern balance1PO acres pine timber been cut overbut has good crosstie timber andplenty good wood and heart post tim-ber


Price 500 half cash Apply toF W Ditto

Mrs Henry Chase accompanied byMiss Hattye Hodge arrived on theearly morning train for a few daysvisit with their parents on NorthMain street Mr Chase came as faras Jacksonville and will probablyvisit here before returning to Miami-

A stenographer rapid accurate andwith considerable experience wants asituation Address Box ISO OcalaFla

John T Lewis came in last nightfrom his inspection of convict campsa K far sou tilat Manatee This morn-ing lie visited the Marion Farms Hos ¬

pital He said there were now sixtyconvicts in the hospital among themthree cattle thieves from OFceQlacounty


THEATERNorth Magnolia Street Opposite

Mclver MacKaysII M WOOD Proprietor


Program for this Evening





I Open Promptly at 330 P MAdmission 10 Cents

Children 5 Cents

FOR RENT Warehouse formerlyI occupied by Knight Martin locat-ed


on Magnolia street Apply to M JRoess r M > m 20 Holder building

Buy a highgrade standard wheel10 down and 2 per week B F Con


Mrs C D Webster returned hometoday from Gainesville where she hasbeen visiting her mother Mrs J HBrown

Nunnallys After Dinner Mints 25t cents the box at the Postoffice Drug-


WANTED Bookkeeper and clerkYoung lady thoroughly capable towrite up set of books and act as sales-lady


at other times S R F careStar

You dont have to take your precription to the druggist whose name-s printed on the blank Take it to anyrugstorethe best drugstore Bring-t direct to us The Corner Drugstore

I WANTED teacher to teach threechildren at night Must understandChesterfield Apply to Dr D M Bon-y 2 and 4 Gary building

When you want stationery go to astationery store The Ocala NewsCompany has the best and most uptodate line in Ocala

Messrs N Barco of Crystal Riverand Lee Thompson of the Chessahowitzka were in town today to saltdown a game preserve It promises abig thing if the title can be perfected


When you see that kind of a weatherforecast you ktxrtVllfa rheumatismweather is atliand Get ready for itnow b the of BallardsSnow LiniroontC5inest thing madefor rheumatism jrnilblaios frost bitesoreand stiffJOnrts nd muscles allaches and pains Sold by AntiMomonopoly Drugstore 25c 50c and100 a bottle-


The ladies of the Episcopal churchwill hold their annual bazaar of fancywork and supper at the Central Na-tional


Bank building on Wednesday-the 2nd of December



Mary Young the big colored womanwife of humble little Parson Young-was arraigned in Judge Bells court j

this morning on the charge or grand k

larceny and pleaded guilty Mary yes-terday


stole two voile skirts from C j

Rheinau Cos store but she wasI

detected in the act by Mr M M Littleand the goods recovered before shegot away

After Mary had been locked up lastevening in the city jail a search was


made of her house and in her trunkwere found six other skirts which MrG A Nash identified as his goodsOne or two of thtm he kn w had beenstolen and though he had tried to re-cover

¬ I

them he had been unsuccessfulThe skirts stolen from Mr Nash ag ¬

gregated SG3 in value an1 all except-one or two of them had been wornMr Nash was so close after the thiefwhen she stole the most expensiveskirt that lu followed her into the carof a Seaboard train bound for TamIpa Mary having the skirt on There-is no tilling how many she has dis-posed of-

Mary denied all knowledge of themexcept that another woman asked herto keep those that were found in hertrunk Among the other things In thetrunk was a pretty blue silk dressthe goods for which were realty boughtfrom Mr Nash and the dress wasmade by Mrs Layne One piece offancy work a table cover of some ¬

thing of the kind she said Mrs McIver nave her

As to the two skirts taken off herperson by Mr M M Little in the storeof Rheinauer it Co she swore site didnot know how they got there Thetrial was almost too much for the dig-nity of the court and attaches

Marion Little is going to take amuch ne dccl vacation if the toysdont stop teasing him about his ad-


with the woman and nccesas a detective They think CaptainNash should at least give him a com-mission


of ten per cent on his recoV-ered goods and the city hive him a I

small salary as city detective It istime the merchants did something tostop this kind of shoplifting It mustcost them in the aggregate not lessthan several hundred dollars everyyear


Mr Harry Wood has decided to put-on vaudeville performances at hishandsome little theater for the winterand is having the necessary stage andsettings put in Mr Wood who hasexcellent taste in such matters willobtain only the best and will give ourpeople none but highly amusing andup to date performances


Tuesday December 15th at the res-idence


of Mr J D Robertson a ba-zaar


will be held by the Baptist Sew ¬

ing Circle On account of the largomembership this year this sale will bomore extensive and comprise a largervariety of articles than heretoforeThe display will include handker-chiefs


j embroidered shirtwaist frontsbaby pillows embroidered baby shoessofa pillows underwear and useful ar-ticles


in fancy work A new featurein the work this year is raffia baskets-in all colors and sizes Patronize aworthy cause and satisfy your needsat the same time-


The nigular meeting of the ThlIfistSewing Circle was held at Mrs WillCoins Monday afternoon All themembers having returned from their I

summers outing the attendance hasagain reached its normal numberwhich averages eighteen to twentyDainty refresments were passed dur ¬

ing the working hours which added-to the pleasure of the guests MrsW A Knight will entertain the circlenext week


IManager Fred Lovell of the CornerDrugstore was busily engaged today-in


opening and marking up a veryhandsome new line of combs brushesmilitary brushes tooth brushes shav-ing brushes etc of hightgra goodsand new patterns

BOUGHT A FINE HORSEDr Reeves of Inverness was in town

yesterday and paid Dr C R Tydings500 for the handsome mare the doc-


has owned for some time DrI Reeves has had the mare at his placedriving her for several weeks and be-came


so attached to her that he hadto become her owner

STOCK IS GOING RAPIDLY-The Marion Shoe Cos stock of

shoes is going rapidly and if you wanta pair of their excellent goods at cost

I you ought to hurry in anl have MrI Jeffcoat tit your feet

The meeting last night at the Bos-ton Store evoked great interest in theformation of a football team for OcalaThe boys will meet tonight at the ar-mory


at 745 for practice on the lotadoining the armory All interestedare requested to attend It is the pur ¬

pose of the Ocala football enthusiasts-to arrange for a game with RollinsCollege also the Jacksonville Grays-It is desired to have a game in thiscity Thanksgiving Day also a gameduring the holding of the county fairand which will prove a great attrac ¬

tion to those who are not familiarwith the game

Sj rinkle the streets



Visit our new store It ismodern and uptodate andsome say as pretty as can be

Some of our new goods are inDRIED APPLES 15DRIED APRICOTS 15DRIED PEACHES 15c two for 25DRIED PRUNES 15c two for 25NEW MACKEREL 10


Try our famous Hudnuts PearlGrits and Mealwhite as snow


O K GroceryClark Bros ProprietorsP-

HONE 175


T1 Why Do You L


7 Read This iT-

r >

Because the Ad Writer made it attractive to your eye

It is just so with Fred Kau-ffmannTAILORING

Ji l

The cutting the fit and the style makethem attractive to the eyeYou need not dress loudThe beauty of Fred Kauffmann Tailoringc-reates attention and improves everymans appearance We show almost 500Fall Patterns priced from 1250 theSuit up to 5000 The Most PerfectTailoring under the sun


HANDSOMEofFall Stock Jewelry F

I am getting in one of the handsomest and most i<

complete stocks of Jewelry for the trade this fall andwinter that I have ever carried Many of the goodshave already arrived There are many


PRETTY THINGSin Watches Chains Jewelry of all kinds DiamondsCut Glass and Silverware Fine China Novelties etc

and many others arriving each week

I am agent for and carry a very j-


ilarge stock of Edisons Phonographs +

and Records Nearlyi


to select from We will be pleased W

to have you call and see the goods

tI w Respectfully


Aa Eoau nett I-




Aermotor 12foot wheel also 10foot steel tower all in good shapecheap Palmetto Park FarmFrom Wednesdays Daily



Mrs M M Davison of No 37D Gifford Ave San Jose Cal says Theworth of Electric Bitters as a generalfamily remedy for headache bilious-ness


and torpor of the liver and bowelsis so pronounced that I am promptedto say a word in its favor for the I

benefit of those seeking relief fromsuch afflictions There is more healthfor the digestive organs in a bottle ofEectric Bitters than in any other rem ¬

edy I know of Sold under guaranteeat all drugstores 50c


Washington Oct 2iFair tonightand Wednesday-

SHE LIKES GOOD THINGSMrs Chas E Smith of West Frank-


Maine says l Iko good thingsand have adopted D Kings New LifePills as our family laxative medicinebecause they are gQo V and do theirwork without making a fuss about itThese painless purifiers sold at alldrugstores 25c-

FEED FOR SALEWe have a big stock of first class

Western oats and hay also seed oatsfor sale at the lowest market priceCall at the barns West Exposition-street A B Dement Co


Motts Nerverine PillsThe great nerve and brain restora ¬

tive for men and women producesstrength and vitality builds up thesystem and renews the normal vigorFor sale by druggists or by mail 1

per box 6 boxes for 5 Sold by theAntiMonopoly Drugstore

R C Davis Co of JacksonvilleI

will sell any make of secondhandI typewriter upon easy terms if desired


A well dressed woman interrupted-a speaker recently by con-


coughing If she had takenFoleys Hone and Tar it would havecured her cough and expelledthe cold fronvjjfiroystom The genu-ine


Foleys Honey and Tar containst no opiates and is in a yellow packageRefuse substitutes Sold by all dealers-

If you want a pretty reading lamp totcnnect with your electric light cur


irnt in the library or hall of yourhome see Walter Tucker the elec ¬

trician about it

A BANQUETSpread before you would do you nogood if you couldnt eat What goodcan food do JKtfliHd when as soon asit enters S stomach it is eaten b>

worms Thats he reason your baby-is ailing cross xj ty faced and thinGive it 1Chtttis Cram Vermifuge Itwill expel the worms and act as atonic for the child Sold by anti-Monopoly Drugstore

Sprinkle the streets




Oysters are good and rive are serv 1i °

them in alt styles We keep a first2zirclass cafe and short order house and t iserve all of the delicacies of the soar 9fson as well as all plain stapleat moderate prices Good coffee andsomething good to eat at any hour upto 10 oclock at night Bar in connection where you can get anythingto drink or smoke that you maywish




Order and Oyster House WestSide Public Square

f3 i





We have put on a wagon forour bakery and will deliver you 4-

fFresh Bread Pies and Cakes toany part of the city upon shortnotice T

We bake every morning aridonly the best and have had manyyears experience in the business tWe will appreciate a share of yourtrade I


North Magnolia St-


Best Qualityt

Prompt Service yr

Lowest Price < i

Buy from the



Phone 34

wOOD-A Big Load for J-







