f ii v- Votane F c pf r 1 f r > t- tlfIItr ITEN ING Stii- I i2i < 15 No 33 OCALA FLORIDA WEDNESDAY JULY 7 1909 FIlly Ceals a ftioatb 5 m Year BiLIous 4- I 4 I FOR SPEEDY RELIEF 4 Ill t f 1 = OOPY1t J = I1 t THEY FIT THE LIPS LIKE KISSES and taste as sweet Thats why Schl s- Ingors r and Lowney Candles in ha b- and I pound boxes are so popular Pure eonfectlons these flavor delicious OW- t confectionery Is free from adultera- tion ¬ L It la wholesome and healthful Every kind of confectionery here Fruits Cold DInks Cigars and News- paper ¬ AT BALLARDS I k I I- iIf COPY V COMMERCIAL STATIONERY 4 of high grade and quality for office and store receives a great deal of our time and attention as our stock and facilities for supplying large and small orders will amply attest Whether you want a lead pencil or a huge led ¬ ger a note book or a letter press Its I worth your while to como In look 4 around and compare prices t I OCALA NEWS COMPANY C J PHILLIPS t Contractor and Builder 7 Plana and Specifications Furnished 1 Upon Request I f 129 South Third St Phone J30 OCALA FLA I Montezuma Barbershop IB Connection With the Hotel Office n I Skilled worxmen and courteous at- tention ¬ j to nil Special attention to children ELECTRIC MASSAGE- HOT AND COLD WATER R A DETTEHICil Pronrietor a Did You Ever- It It need to bo JIG axrf id task to mnko cream Eid you oycitryi- tTd joncannot do 2 qiins enythngcaer thn make cost ice creaia if you r J- OJELLO i ivlnl- 2disbes fcavc ICE CREAM usually CftSt Powder I Stir one pnriro u lf> a qart of milk int freeze It u bul tei uot Jiinp- clxc to ilinztil CI I UTO twuTqmit i of 4 Unions vu cruAiii t a cost c- alyoc wio cent a dk- br k f e sytrCS czzls cl erasers I iiu >tratol rerijic rook Free Tie Ccresce Pare Food Co le Key M Y TH- ECOMMERCIAL PRESSING CLU- BJ C IA1DIN Proprietor y Ne f Ft King Ave East Phone 144 W rk Called for and Delivered Prompt- ly AllWork Guaranteed White Trade Only I- j I J 4y 1- l itII r 1 CRUSHED ALL COMPETITION The Harvester Trust to Which All the Farmers in the Country Pay an Immense Tribute Washington D C July 7The United States senate has again heard the story of the harvester trust the friend and ally of the republlan party To deaf ears on the majority side of the senate Senator Stone of Missouri narrated step by step the organiza- tion ¬ of one of the most Infamous In ¬ dustrial combinations in the world The harvester > trust has done to the agricultural implement business what the Standard Oil Company has done- to the oil business Only it has per- formed ¬ more work in the dark than Standard Oil The Rockefeller of the harvester trust is J Plerporit Morgan although 90 per cent of the farmers are not aware of It The firm of J P Mor ¬ gan Co through George W Per ¬ kins organized the International Har- I ¬ vester company of New Jersey in 1902 This merger swallowed all the properties of the McCormick Harvest- Ing Machine company the Deering Harvesting Machine company the Champion the Piano and the Mil- waukee ¬ Harvesting Machine company representing 80 per cent of the busi- ness ¬ of the country Other smaller concerns have since been forced to sell Then came the organization of the International Harvester company of America under the laws of Wiscon- sin ¬ Cyrus H McCormick is president- and Morgans man Perkins Isdlrector of both companies The New Jersey corporation is the manufacturing con ¬ cern and the America is Its selling agent The new corporation continues- to manufacture the machines of the various former companies preserving- their separate makes and Identities- and sells them at a uniform price I There is now no competition as to the prices on these machines which are advanced regularly and systematically When a small concern attempts to un ¬ dersell the trust It Is swallowed Arkansas has banished the harvest- er ¬ trust from Its state A commis- sioner ¬ appointed by the supreme court- of Kansas has Investigated the Inter ¬ national Harvester company of Amer ¬ ica and In his report finds the con ¬ cern Is a trust and a monopoly doing business violation of the laws of the state An ouster suit is being vig- orously ¬ pressed against the harvester trust In Missouri by Attorney General Elliot W Major The legal department of the federal government refuses steadfastly to become interested in the wealth of damaging evidence that has been tak ¬ en against the harvester trust The harvester trust assists in keeping the republican party in power and In re ¬ turn payment recolves excessive pro ¬ tection immunity from prosecution- and the privilege of extorting most any price it wishes from the American farmer The trust now controls 85 per cent of the implement business It was shown In the senate that the trust was extorting unreasonable high prices An amendment placing agricultural Implements on the free list was sub- mitted ¬ and defeated by the Aldrichites The wickedness of the harvester trust Is a long ions story Although- in 1907 it cleared 8000000 in profits at the beginning of1908 it advanced prices to the wholesaler 5 per cent I For example a sixfoot binder was boosted from 95 to 910750 Based on the sales of 46000000 in 1907 the 5 per cent increase would aggregate ap- proximately ¬ two and onehalf million lollars But to secure a good idea of Mr Morgans creation read part of a speech made In the senate on January 22 1908 by Senator Hansborough of North Da- kota ¬ I At the time this monopoly was created the average price of a self binder to a farmer In my part of the country was from 495 to 105 Today the same machine costs 145 That is not all The trust has ob- tained ¬ a control over binding twine and over several manufacturing estab ¬ lishments devoted to the making of gasolene engines cream separators- and manure spreaders They have also secured a monopoly of the harness business as well as other necessary articles that the farmers of the coun ¬ try must buy UAt this very hour Mr President this monopoly in farming Implements- Is taking a hand in the politics of the state of North Dakota It Is laying its wires at this moment through its trusted politiacl agents to capture and control the delegates who will ¬ sent that state In the net republican national convention Not alone this but theedict has gone forth from this monopoly that I am to be defeated for the United States senate because I had the temer- ity ¬ to offer a resolution of Investiga- tion ¬ Senator Hansborough revealed the harvester trust In congress and now his seat in the senate Is occupied by another PRESIDENT HELPS ORPHANS Hundreds of orphans have been helped by the president of the Indus trial and Orphans Home at Macon Ga who writes We have used Electric Bitters in this Institution for nine years It has proved a most ex- cellent ¬ medicine for stomach liver and kidney troubles We regard It as one or the best family medicines on earth It Invigorates the vital or ¬ gans purifies the blood aids diges- tion ¬ creates appetite To strengthen- and build up thin pale weak children- or rundown people it has no equal Best for female complaints Only SOc I at all druggists FATE OFTHE PEACEMAKER Grayson Ga July 7Much excite- ment ¬ prevails in this community over the fatal injury of Rev E L Lang- ley who was shot while trying to separate his son Bose Langley and J E Webb who were engaged In a fight Webb and young Langley fought a desperate duel with pistols Each received two wounds of a serious na ¬ ture The minister in attempting to act peacemaker came with the range of the flying bullets and fell at his J sons feet mortally wounded 8 < f < AJ PRINTERS INK SPELLS- We 1 Make It SPELL For YOU at Prices So Low They Will Astonish You Couia and Get Those Letter Heads You Have Been Needln So Long THE STAR JOB OFFICE MERRIAM VCAS MISUNDERSTOOD- Hoister the British Flag in Honor of July 4th and Ultra Patriotic Americans Asked Him to Haul it Down i Stamford Conn July iCapt C B Merriam of the schooner King Josiah angered some patriotic Americans by flying the British flag from the main- mast ¬ of his vessel Sunday Chief of j Police Brennan had a talk with Capt Merriam after getting half a dozen complaints by telephone and the cap- tain hauled down the flag It is ridiculous he said to find fault with the display of my flag I ran It up as a mark of respect to the United States I have done the same thing many times In Boston New York and other American ports and no com ¬ plaint was made If I were in a port of Spain or Italy and didnt display my British flag on a holiday the captain of the port would order me to do so I was trying to do the nice thing that was all Capt Merriam Is a Nova Scotian TWO MILLION BOTTLES Of Perry Davis Painkiller sold every year Think of It And every bottle is lessening suffering and helping some human being to health and happiness- This wonderful household remedy stops the pain of sprains burns or bruises It relieves rheumatism or neuralgia It cures colds cramps colic diarrhoea There ought to bo a bottle on your shelves Just now ready for the first sign of trouble The new size bollle Is 35 cents and there Is also the 50 cent size Be sure your druggist gives you Perry Davis 2 KILLED HIS WIFE TRIED TO KILL HIMSELF Richmond Vaf July Declaring that she should never leave him again unless they went together Mordpcil Harvey Taylor a barber living at 1211 North Twontysocond street yester- day ¬ shot and killed his wife before two of their smallest children and then rushed into an adjoining room and turned the same revolver on himself inflicting a wound In the left breast which may prove fatal The murder and attempted suicide was the result of a quarrel which started over the whipping of one of the children by Taylor Mrs Taylor left him Saturday going to the home of her sister Returning some time yesterday the quarrel was renewed and Mrs Taylor threatened to leave a third time Well If youre going to leave me again we might as well go together replied the angry husband and began shooting F YOU KNEW the merits of the Texas Wonder you would never suffer from kidney blad- der ¬ of rheumatic trouble J1 bottle two months treatment Sold by druggists or by mall Send for testimonials Dr E W Hall 2926 Olive Street St Louis Mo SHE WILL DIE OF SENILITY- San Francisco July 7The record for futile attempts at selfdostnietlon is evidently held by Katherine Pow- ers ¬ who has attempted suicide forty two times in the last three years Thirtyfive times she has tried chloro- form ¬ she has tried the ocean four times only to be washed up again and three times she has tried to hang her- self ¬ She is in the emergency hos- pital ¬ here after her fortysecond at ¬ tempt yesterday- A HORRIBLE HOLDUP About ten years ago my brother was heldup in his work health and happiness by what was believed to be hopeless consumption writes W R LJscomb of Washington N C He took all kinds of remedies and treat ¬ ment from several doctors but found- no help till he used Dr Kings New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles He is a well man today Its quick to relieve and the surest cure for weak or sore lungs hemorr- hages ¬ coughs and colds bronchitis la grippe asthma and all bronchial af- fections ¬ 50c and 51 Trial bottle free Guaranteed by all druggists HONEYMOON CONTINUED- IN THE HEREAFTER- South Bend Ind July iThe wed- ding ¬ trip of a Chicago couple had a tragic ending here yesterday- H Lindman and wife a newly mar- ried ¬ couple from Chicago went out for a boat ride on the river It ended- In their being carried over the dam and drowned It is generally believed that the couple deliberately ended their lives- Djsentery Is a dangerous disease but can be cured Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has been successfully used in nine epi ¬ demics of dysentery It has never been known to fall It Is equally val uablo for children and adults and when reduced with water and sweet ¬ ened it is pleasant to take- REXALL I < A NEW ANESTHETIC- Will Allow the Person Operated on the Please of Seeing Him or Herself Carved Washington D C July IA new anesthetic which it is said will prove- a great boon to the medical profession- is reported by the American consul at Bucharest Roumania to have been discovered there by an eminent physi- cian ¬ It is composed of strychnine and sto reine and Is said to have practically- the same effect as cocaine except that it can be used in major operations and not applied locally The drug is infused Into the system- by injection and causes the patient to lose all sensation but does not rob him of consciousness For operations I below the waist the anesthetic is in ¬ jected at the base of the spine and for operations above the waist it is In ¬ fused into the backbone between tho shoulders The consul reports to the department- that the drug has proven successful In many cases in Roumania and that Its discoverer is on his way to London- to have it tested there by the medical authorities WHAT EVERY MAn KNOWS- That every womaa knows th- atCANDIES t47 7 Are the Best la tb Worli Her first cholceher last choiccand her choice- at all times MY FAVORITES mrnm otocouin No i make an exceptional package I For Sale b- yTWTROXLER I W C BLANCHARD CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER- PLANS FURNISHED- ON APPLICATION P O Box 10 OCALA FLA THE COMMERCIAL BARBERSHOP Opens Into the Lobb cf the Ocala House Offers the very best service of skilled workmen with modern ap ¬ pliances Strictly sanitary Electric fans electric massages Hot Running atcr at All Times VINCENT C DETTERiCH Manager GEORGE FIX PRACTICAL BRICK MASON Red and Fire Brick Work Special attention to repairing fur ¬ naces boiler setting and Dutch ovens brick kilns and bakers ovens If your boiler doesnt steam- as It should send for me I am the doctor All Work Guaranteed No distance too tate ana no hour too late to respond At the Carlton House OCALA FLORIDA I HcIYER MACKAY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Undertakers and Embalmer- sI E Mclver Alfred E Owen Undertakers Fine Caskets and Burial Robes All work done by licensed embalm- ers and fully puarante- edCHICHESTER PILLS BRAND IaJlr J As1yurDrjf- Chtbetra 1 Dlmnd It nil in RrtI and Uald oictaSicN t oics idled with Bloc Rio TaLe no lkrr BaT ut ltrflllCIUUrTE 8 UIAMOXB HIM Ml VILLA for S3 I S yew known u Best Sifet Alwtp RcflaU SOlD BYORU6iISTSEbERrmtERE DROPPED TO HIS DEATH Fourth of July Fusillade Caused an Aeronaut to Leave His Balloon Too Soon Portland Me July Mistaking the promiscuous firing of revolvers as a signal for the climax of his aerial act James Corcoran aeronaut 28 years old of Lowell Mass cut loose with his parachute when but a few hundred yards from the earth here yesterday and was dashed to the ground meeting almost instant death- at the feet of 5000 horrified specta ¬ torsThree parachutes were attached to the balloon for a triple Jump It was arranged that Corcoran should drop with his parachutes when he heard a certain number of revolver shots after the ballon had reached a height of ap- proximately ¬ 5000 feet Corcoran had barely left the ground before promis ¬ cuous firing began but the man to give the signal called out to him to Steep on up Above a few hundred feet It Is hard for an aeronaut to guess correctly his correct height and so when Corcoran heard a second fusil- lade ¬ it is believed he was certain that the signal had come He was seen to drop although he was barely 500 feet In the air The distance was too short for the parachute to open properly and the man dropped like a plummet striking the gound about 1000 feet from where the ascension was made He sustained a fracture of the skull and Bother Injuries and he soon died- A GOLDEN WEDDING- means that man and wife have lived- to a good old age and consequently- have kept healthy The best way to keep healthy Is to see that your liver does its duty 365 days out of 3GS The only way to do this Is to keep Bal lards Herbinc In the house and take It whenever your liver gets Inactive 50 cents per bottle Sold by all drug ¬ gists GAVE THEM HIS BLESSING- Also Gave Them a Check to be Happy OnKindly Deed of a Pacified Parent Now York July 7George C Mon teville and Miss Mabel Wagner two very young people who arrived here from Jacksonville Fla were just ask ¬ ing the clerk at the Hotel Gotham yesterday to direct them to a minister who would marry them when the girls father arrived on the scene He had followed the young couple to pre- vent ¬ the marriage as the young lady Is under age Mutual explanations followed the girl asked her father not to be angry and the angry parent relented Ho went with them to a mlnlstqr the marriage ceremony was performed- with parental blessings and then Mr Wagner lid the graceful act by financ- Ing the honeymoon BRAVE FIRE LADDIES often receive severe burns putting out fires then use Bucklcns Arnica Salvo and forget them It soon drives out pain For burns scalds wounds cuts and bruises its earths greatest healer Quickly cures skin eruptions old sores bolls ulcers felons best pile cure made Relief is Instant 25c at all druggists TAKING TOM TAGGARTS NAME IN VAIN Chlago July IThe name of Tom Taggart of French Lick Springs Ind former chairman of the democratic national committee was brought into the trial yesterday of Ella Gingles the young Irish girl who Is charged with having stolen a quantity of fine laces The girl testified that Miss Barrett who made the sharge against her did so with the aid and connivance of an ¬ other woman And asked by the states attorney if there was any men men ¬ tioned she replied that Miss Barrett had1 said If Taggart were only here Previously the girl testified she was told she could have plenty of good clothes and no work to do if she would- go to French Lick- If you have pains In the back weak back or any other Indications of a weakened or disordered condition of the kidneys or bladder you should get DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills right away when you experience the least sign of kidney or bladder com- plaint ¬ but be sure that you get De wltts Kidney and Bladder Pills We know what they will do for you and- If you will send your name to E C DeWitt Co Chicago you will re- ceive ¬ a free trial box of these kidney and bladder pills They are sold here by all druggists COLOR LINE IN DELAWARE- The color line is so rigidly drawn in New Castle Del that a white dentist who relieved a negro of toothache is being boycotted The morning after he had pulled the jumping andthrob ¬ bing tooth for the negro the dentist found his sidewalk painted in brilliant and permanent colors and bearing the I legend Negroes and whites treated alike and with a hand pointing to his door The paint couldnt be scrubbed oft eo the whole sidewalk had to be torn up Negrophobia seems to be really more deep seated in Delaware than any other part of the country- If people with symptoms of kidney- or bladder trouble could realize their danger they would without loss of time commence taking Foleys Kidney Pills This great remedy stops the pain and the irregularities strength- ens ¬ and builds up these organs and there is no danger of Brights disease- or other serious disorder Do not dis ¬ regard the early symptoms Sold by all druggists SKILLED PAINTING- I am prepared to take any job of painting no matter how large or how small or how fine the work desired may be I have the material brushes and knowledge to paint and do It right Houses painted Inside and out Graining gilding hard oil finishing varnishing and lettering and sign painting Taste and skill guaranteed Address P 0 Box 135or leave word at the Star office K W Flllyaw Ocala Fla tf > WHAT A BANK DOLST- here N < > x i J it are many ways in which it serves the 4 public but the one now most valuable per- haps ¬ y J is to help with loans We will meet the 7 needs of conservative borrowers of s iJ The Munroe Chambliss Bank < t f- t 30- Cashier f INCORPORATED T T Munroe Prcs ZC Cbambliss V Pros E Gerig r = kf i ARE YGiJ- AaNJMM1 < if E < S I rk- I Y < f > i cS iu I < q- oW 5- I A zTfnv 1 eiPtFt i t- i y 4 1 r j I 7 tLJ Q 1 I 4 J ffJIi I I- gG A 4- t fr If you are I can help you to throw off the chains of slayery and become a free man a home owner I have many homes city and country smal medium priced anil large that I can sell you cheap for cash or nearly- as cheap on most liberal terms a small payment down and justa little more each month than you would pay In rent with the addition of 8 Interest FW DITTOR- eal Estate and Fire InsuranccOcaIafIorjdiSC- RAPMETAL AND JUNK- I will buy all kinds of JunkIron Steel Brass Copper Zinc Tin Lead Rubber Bagging barrels Leather Etc old Engines Hollers Rails Etc whether as secondhand or scrap and pay the highest price in cash for same Write or call on me and let me know what you have and wnere It Is located E T DECEI- 1L CITRA FLOR- IIAFORT I I i I I k KING I HUE III 1113 ott1edInBofld- One I Quart 100 I Four Qriart8S8O- Delivered F DODILEDiNDOND 11 075 M I This is a1 choice High Grade r 1 j Private Stock lye Whiskey and we Ftiy Ciarttfet it to a STUNOST be as good as any bottled in I bond whiskey on the market that is sold for 150 a quart a THE CARMICHAEL SOS GO OCALA FLORIDA I 13 H Ii BaBardfc Snow Liniment Positively Cures Rheumatism Neuralgia Lm Back Old Sores Sprains Bruises etc r ti4 Give it a Trial ande CODY Dcect Ir Three Sizes Price 25 50c and 100 4 i t1 BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO JAHES F MUMS Proprietor i ST LOUIS MlSSOUfM f Sold and ReommAnd ALL DrVJGGlCTI I I- b t vi E lv jl i 4 4- q f 1

Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-07-07 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03212/00162.pdf · Every kind of confectionery here Fruits Cold DInks Cigars and News-paper

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-07-07 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03212/00162.pdf · Every kind of confectionery here Fruits Cold DInks Cigars and News-paper





cpfr 1

f r >t-

tlfIItr ITENING Stii-I


15 No 33 OCALA FLORIDA WEDNESDAY JULY 7 1909 FIlly Ceals a ftioatb 5 m Year








1 =




t THEY FIT THE LIPS LIKE KISSESand taste as sweet Thats why Schl s-

Ingorsr and Lowney Candles in ha b-

andI pound boxes are so popular Pureeonfectlons these flavor delicious OW-

t confectionery Is free from adultera-tion


L It la wholesome and healthfulEvery kind of confectionery hereFruits Cold DInks Cigars and News-paper




kI I-




of high grade and quality for officeand store receives a great deal of ourtime and attention as our stock andfacilities for supplying large and smallorders will amply attest Whetheryou want a lead pencil or a huge led ¬

ger a note book or a letter press ItsI worth your while to como In look

4 around and compare prices


C J PHILLIPSt Contractor and Builder

7Plana and Specifications Furnished

1 Upon RequestI

f 129 South Third StPhone J30 OCALA FLA


Montezuma Barbershop

IB Connection With the Hotel OfficenI

Skilled worxmen and courteous at-tention


j to nil Special attention tochildren


R A DETTEHICil Pronrietor

a Did You Ever-It

It need to bo JIG axrfid task to mnkocream Eid you oycitryi-

tTd joncannot do2 qiins enythngcaer thn makecost ice creaia if you r J-

OJELLOi ivlnl-

2disbesfcavc ICE CREAMusuallyCftSt Powder


Stir one pnriro ulf> a qart ofmilk int freeze It u bul tei uot Jiinp-

clxc to ilinztil CI I UTO twuTqmit i

of 4 Unions vu cruAiii t a cost c-

alyoc wio cent a dk-brk f e sytrCS czzls cl erasers

I iiu >tratol rerijic rook Free

Tie Ccresce Pare Food Co le Key M Y



BJ C IA1DIN Proprietory

Ne f Ft King Ave East Phone 144

W rk Called for and Delivered Prompt-ly AllWork Guaranteed White

Trade OnlyI-


J 4y


l itII r1


The Harvester Trust to Which All theFarmers in the Country Pay an

Immense Tribute

Washington D C July 7TheUnited States senate has again heardthe story of the harvester trust thefriend and ally of the republlan party

To deaf ears on the majority side ofthe senate Senator Stone of Missourinarrated step by step the organiza-tion


of one of the most Infamous In ¬

dustrial combinations in the worldThe harvester > trust has done to the

agricultural implement business whatthe Standard Oil Company has done-to the oil business Only it has per-formed


more work in the dark thanStandard Oil

The Rockefeller of the harvestertrust is J Plerporit Morgan although90 per cent of the farmers are notaware of It The firm of J P Mor ¬

gan Co through George W Per¬

kins organized the International Har-I


vester company of New Jersey in1902 This merger swallowed all theproperties of the McCormick Harvest-Ing Machine company the DeeringHarvesting Machine company theChampion the Piano and the Mil-waukee


Harvesting Machine companyrepresenting 80 per cent of the busi-ness


of the country Other smallerconcerns have since been forced tosell Then came the organization ofthe International Harvester companyof America under the laws of Wiscon-sin


Cyrus H McCormick is president-and Morgans man Perkins Isdlrectorof both companies The New Jerseycorporation is the manufacturing con ¬

cern and the America is Its sellingagent The new corporation continues-to manufacture the machines of thevarious former companies preserving-their separate makes and Identities-and sells them at a uniform price

I There is now no competition as to theprices on these machines which areadvanced regularly and systematicallyWhen a small concern attempts to un ¬

dersell the trust It Is swallowedArkansas has banished the harvest-


trust from Its state A commis-sioner


appointed by the supreme court-of Kansas has Investigated the Inter¬

national Harvester company of Amer¬

ica and In his report finds the con ¬

cern Is a trust and a monopoly doingbusiness violation of the laws ofthe state An ouster suit is being vig-orously


pressed against the harvestertrust In Missouri by Attorney GeneralElliot W Major

The legal department of the federalgovernment refuses steadfastly tobecome interested in the wealth ofdamaging evidence that has been tak¬

en against the harvester trust Theharvester trust assists in keeping therepublican party in power and In re¬

turn payment recolves excessive pro ¬

tection immunity from prosecution-and the privilege of extorting mostany price it wishes from the Americanfarmer The trust now controls 85 percent of the implement business It wasshown In the senate that the trust wasextorting unreasonable high pricesAn amendment placing agriculturalImplements on the free list was sub-mitted


and defeated by the AldrichitesThe wickedness of the harvester

trust Is a long ions story Although-in 1907 it cleared 8000000 in profitsat the beginning of1908 it advancedprices to the wholesaler 5 per cent

I For example a sixfoot binder wasboosted from 95 to 910750 Based onthe sales of 46000000 in 1907 the 5per cent increase would aggregate ap-proximately


two and onehalf millionlollars

But to secure a good idea of MrMorgans creation read part of a speechmade In the senate on January 22 1908by Senator Hansborough of North Da-



At the time this monopoly wascreated the average price of a selfbinder to a farmer In my part of thecountry was from 495 to 105 Todaythe same machine costs 145

That is not all The trust has ob-


a control over binding twineand over several manufacturing estab ¬

lishments devoted to the making ofgasolene engines cream separators-and manure spreaders They havealso secured a monopoly of the harnessbusiness as well as other necessaryarticles that the farmers of the coun ¬

try must buyUAt this very hour Mr President

this monopoly in farming Implements-Is taking a hand in the politics of thestate of North Dakota It Is laying itswires at this moment through itstrusted politiacl agents to capture andcontrol the delegates who will ¬sent that state In the net republicannational convention

Not alone this but theedict hasgone forth from this monopoly that Iam to be defeated for the UnitedStates senate because I had the temer-ity


to offer a resolution of Investiga-tion


Senator Hansborough revealed theharvester trust In congress and nowhis seat in the senate Is occupied byanother


Hundreds of orphans have beenhelped by the president of the Industrial and Orphans Home at MaconGa who writes We have usedElectric Bitters in this Institution fornine years It has proved a most ex-cellent


medicine for stomach liver andkidney troubles We regard It as oneor the best family medicines onearth It Invigorates the vital or¬

gans purifies the blood aids diges-tion


creates appetite To strengthen-and build up thin pale weak children-or rundown people it has no equalBest for female complaints Only SOc

Iat all druggists


Grayson Ga July 7Much excite-ment


prevails in this community overthe fatal injury of Rev E L Lang-ley who was shot while trying toseparate his son Bose Langley andJ E Webb who were engaged In afight Webb and young Langley foughta desperate duel with pistols Eachreceived two wounds of a serious na¬ture The minister in attempting toact peacemaker came with the rangeof the flying bullets and fell at his

J sons feet mortally wounded



f < AJ




Make It SPELL For YOU at PricesSo Low They Will Astonish You

Couia and Get Those Letter Heads You Have Been Needln So Long



Hoister the British Flag in Honor ofJuly 4th and Ultra Patriotic

Americans Asked Him toHaul it Down i

Stamford Conn July iCapt C BMerriam of the schooner King Josiahangered some patriotic Americans byflying the British flag from the main-mast


of his vessel Sunday Chief of j

Police Brennan had a talk with CaptMerriam after getting half a dozencomplaints by telephone and the cap-tain hauled down the flag

It is ridiculous he said to findfault with the display of my flag Iran It up as a mark of respect to theUnited States I have done the samething many times In Boston New Yorkand other American ports and no com ¬

plaint was made If I were in a port ofSpain or Italy and didnt display myBritish flag on a holiday the captain ofthe port would order me to do so Iwas trying to do the nice thing thatwas all Capt Merriam Is a NovaScotian

TWO MILLION BOTTLESOf Perry Davis Painkiller sold everyyear Think of It And every bottle islessening suffering and helping somehuman being to health and happiness-This wonderful household remedystops the pain of sprains burns orbruises It relieves rheumatism orneuralgia It cures colds crampscolic diarrhoea There ought to bo abottle on your shelves Just now readyfor the first sign of trouble The newsize bollle Is 35 cents and there Isalso the 50 cent size Be sure yourdruggist gives you Perry Davis 2


Richmond Vaf July Declaringthat she should never leave him againunless they went together MordpcilHarvey Taylor a barber living at 1211North Twontysocond street yester-day


shot and killed his wife before twoof their smallest children and thenrushed into an adjoining room andturned the same revolver on himselfinflicting a wound In the left breastwhich may prove fatal

The murder and attempted suicidewas the result of a quarrel whichstarted over the whipping of one ofthe children by Taylor Mrs Taylorleft him Saturday going to the homeof her sister Returning some timeyesterday the quarrel was renewedand Mrs Taylor threatened to leave athird time

Well If youre going to leave meagain we might as well go togetherreplied the angry husband and beganshooting

F YOU KNEWthe merits of the Texas Wonder youwould never suffer from kidney blad-der


of rheumatic trouble J1 bottle twomonths treatment Sold by druggistsor by mall Send for testimonials DrE W Hall 2926 Olive Street StLouis Mo


San Francisco July 7The recordfor futile attempts at selfdostnietlonis evidently held by Katherine Pow-ers


who has attempted suicide fortytwo times in the last three yearsThirtyfive times she has tried chloro-form


she has tried the ocean fourtimes only to be washed up again andthree times she has tried to hang her-self


She is in the emergency hos-pital


here after her fortysecond at¬

tempt yesterday-

A HORRIBLE HOLDUPAbout ten years ago my brother

was heldup in his work health andhappiness by what was believed to behopeless consumption writes W RLJscomb of Washington N C Hetook all kinds of remedies and treat ¬

ment from several doctors but found-no help till he used Dr Kings NewDiscovery and was wholly cured bysix bottles He is a well man todayIts quick to relieve and the surestcure for weak or sore lungs hemorr-hages


coughs and colds bronchitis lagrippe asthma and all bronchial af-


50c and 51 Trial bottle freeGuaranteed by all druggists


South Bend Ind July iThe wed-ding


trip of a Chicago couple had atragic ending here yesterday-

H Lindman and wife a newly mar-ried


couple from Chicago went outfor a boat ride on the river It ended-In their being carried over the damand drowned It is generally believedthat the couple deliberately endedtheir lives-

Djsentery Is a dangerous diseasebut can be cured Chamberlains ColicCholera and Diarrhoea Remedy hasbeen successfully used in nine epi ¬

demics of dysentery It has neverbeen known to fall It Is equally valuablo for children and adults andwhen reduced with water and sweet¬

ened it is pleasant to take-




Will Allow the Person Operated on thePlease of Seeing Him or Herself


Washington D C July IA newanesthetic which it is said will prove-a great boon to the medical profession-is reported by the American consul atBucharest Roumania to have beendiscovered there by an eminent physi-cian


It is composed of strychnine and storeine and Is said to have practically-the same effect as cocaine except thatit can be used in major operations andnot applied locally

The drug is infused Into the system-by injection and causes the patient tolose all sensation but does not robhim of consciousness For operations

I below the waist the anesthetic is in ¬

jected at the base of the spine andfor operations above the waist it is In ¬

fused into the backbone between thoshoulders

The consul reports to the department-that the drug has proven successfulIn many cases in Roumania and thatIts discoverer is on his way to London-to have it tested there by the medicalauthorities


That every womaa knows th-atCANDIESt47

7 Are the Best la tb WorliHer first cholceher last

choiccand her choice-at all times

MY FAVORITESmrnm otocouin Noi

make an exceptional package


For Sale b-







BARBERSHOPOpens Into the Lobb cf the Ocala

HouseOffers the very best service of

skilled workmen with modern ap¬

pliances Strictly sanitary Electricfans electric massagesHot Running atcr at All Times



Red and Fire Brick WorkSpecial attention to repairing fur¬

naces boiler setting and Dutchovens brick kilns and bakersovens If your boiler doesnt steam-as It should send for me I am thedoctor

All Work GuaranteedNo distance too tate ana no hour

too late to respond At the CarltonHouse



FUNERAL DIRECTORSUndertakers and Embalmer-

sI E Mclver Alfred E OwenUndertakers

Fine Caskets and Burial RobesAll work done by licensed embalm-

ers and fully puarante-

edCHICHESTER PILLSBRANDIaJlr J As1yurDrjf-Chtbetra1 Dlmnd It

nil in RrtI and Uald oictaSicNtoics idled with Bloc RioTaLe no lkrr BaT ut


IS yew known u Best Sifet Alwtp RcflaU



Fourth of July Fusillade Caused anAeronaut to Leave His Balloon

Too Soon

Portland Me July Mistakingthe promiscuous firing of revolvers asa signal for the climax of his aerialact James Corcoran aeronaut 28years old of Lowell Mass cut loosewith his parachute when but a fewhundred yards from the earth hereyesterday and was dashed to theground meeting almost instant death-at the feet of 5000 horrified specta ¬

torsThree parachutes were attached tothe balloon for a triple Jump It wasarranged that Corcoran should dropwith his parachutes when he heard acertain number of revolver shots afterthe ballon had reached a height of ap-proximately


5000 feet Corcoran hadbarely left the ground before promis ¬

cuous firing began but the man togive the signal called out to him toSteep on up Above a few hundredfeet It Is hard for an aeronaut to guesscorrectly his correct height and sowhen Corcoran heard a second fusil-lade


it is believed he was certain thatthe signal had come He was seen todrop although he was barely 500 feetIn the air The distance was too shortfor the parachute to open properly andthe man dropped like a plummetstriking the gound about 1000 feetfrom where the ascension was madeHe sustained a fracture of the skulland Bother Injuries and he soon died-

A GOLDEN WEDDING-means that man and wife have lived-to a good old age and consequently-have kept healthy The best way tokeep healthy Is to see that your liverdoes its duty 365 days out of 3GS Theonly way to do this Is to keep Ballards Herbinc In the house and takeIt whenever your liver gets Inactive50 cents per bottle Sold by all drug ¬



Also Gave Them a Check to be HappyOnKindly Deed of a Pacified

ParentNow York July 7George C Mon

teville and Miss Mabel Wagner twovery young people who arrived herefrom Jacksonville Fla were just ask ¬

ing the clerk at the Hotel Gothamyesterday to direct them to a ministerwho would marry them when thegirls father arrived on the scene Hehad followed the young couple to pre-vent


the marriage as the young ladyIs under age

Mutual explanations followed thegirl asked her father not to be angryand the angry parent relented Howent with them to a mlnlstqr themarriage ceremony was performed-with parental blessings and then MrWagner lid the graceful act by financ-Ing the honeymoon

BRAVE FIRE LADDIESoften receive severe burns putting outfires then use Bucklcns Arnica Salvoand forget them It soon drives outpain For burns scalds wounds cutsand bruises its earths greatest healerQuickly cures skin eruptions old soresbolls ulcers felons best pile curemade Relief is Instant 25c at alldruggists


Chlago July IThe name of TomTaggart of French Lick Springs Indformer chairman of the democraticnational committee was brought intothe trial yesterday of Ella Gingles theyoung Irish girl who Is charged withhaving stolen a quantity of fine laces

The girl testified that Miss Barrettwho made the sharge against her didso with the aid and connivance of an ¬

other woman And asked by the statesattorney if there was any men men ¬

tioned she replied that Miss Barretthad1 said If Taggart were only herePreviously the girl testified she wastold she could have plenty of goodclothes and no work to do if she would-go to French Lick-

If you have pains In the back weakback or any other Indications of aweakened or disordered condition ofthe kidneys or bladder you should getDeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pillsright away when you experience theleast sign of kidney or bladder com-plaint


but be sure that you get Dewltts Kidney and Bladder Pills Weknow what they will do for you and-If you will send your name to E C

DeWitt Co Chicago you will re-


a free trial box of these kidneyand bladder pills They are sold hereby all druggists


The color line is so rigidly drawn inNew Castle Del that a white dentistwho relieved a negro of toothache isbeing boycotted The morning afterhe had pulled the jumping andthrob ¬

bing tooth for the negro the dentistfound his sidewalk painted in brilliantand permanent colors and bearing the

I legend Negroes and whites treatedalike and with a hand pointing to hisdoor The paint couldnt be scrubbedoft eo the whole sidewalk had to betorn up Negrophobia seems to bereally more deep seated in Delawarethan any other part of the country-

If people with symptoms of kidney-or bladder trouble could realize theirdanger they would without loss oftime commence taking Foleys KidneyPills This great remedy stops thepain and the irregularities strength-ens


and builds up these organs andthere is no danger of Brights disease-or other serious disorder Do not dis ¬

regard the early symptoms Sold byall druggists


I am prepared to take any job ofpainting no matter how large or howsmall or how fine the work desiredmay be I have the material brushesand knowledge to paint and do Itright Houses painted Inside and outGraining gilding hard oil finishingvarnishing and lettering and signpainting Taste and skill guaranteedAddress P 0 Box 135or leave wordat the Star office K W FlllyawOcala Fla tf



N< >



J itare many ways in which it serves the 4

public but the one now most valuable per-haps

¬ yJ

is to help with loans We will meet the 7needs of conservative borrowers

of s iJThe Munroe Chambliss Bank < t f-



fINCORPORATEDT T Munroe Prcs ZC Cbambliss V Pros E Gerig












f > icS iu I <q-

oW 5-




eiPtFti t-

i y 4

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tLJ Q 1

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If you are I can help you to throwoff the chains of slayery

and become a free man a home owner I have many homes city and countrysmal medium priced anil large that I can sell you cheap for cash or nearly-as cheap on most liberal terms a small payment down and justa little moreeach month than you would pay In rent with the addition of 8 Interest

FW DITTOR-eal Estate and Fire InsuranccOcaIafIorjdiSC-

RAPMETAL AND JUNK-I will buy all kinds of JunkIron Steel Brass Copper Zinc

Tin Lead Rubber Bagging barrels Leather Etc old EnginesHollers Rails Etc whether as secondhand or scrap and pay thehighest price in cash for same Write or call on me and let me knowwhat you have and wnere It Is located









HUE III 1113




Quart 100

I Four Qriart8S8O-DeliveredF DODILEDiNDOND 11

075 M


This is a1 choice High Grade r1 j Private Stock lye Whiskey

and we Ftiy Ciarttfet it toa STUNOST be as good as any bottled in


bond whiskey on the marketthat is sold for 150 a quart






Ii BaBardfc

Snow LinimentPositively Cures

Rheumatism Neuralgia L mBack Old Sores

Sprains Bruises etcr ti4 Give it a Trial ande CODY DcectIr Three Sizes Price 25 50c and 100


i ST LOUIS MlSSOUfMfSold and ReommAnd




t vi E lv jli 4 4-

q f 1