october 2011 resources for inner peace, health and healing healing with light healing with light

October 2011 Essential Wellness

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Healing with light and color, crystals and stones

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october 2011 resources for inner peace, health and healing

healing with lighthealing with light

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essential wellness digital magazineTwin Cities Wellnessaka Essential Wellness

4270 Honey Tree PassDanbury, WI 54830

PublIsHErsDee & lynn laFroth

ADVErTIsINGDee [email protected]

WrITING GuIDElINEswww.esswellness.com/writers.aspx

EDITOrlynn [email protected]

ArT DIrECTOrsunshine sevigny

rECEIVE EssENTIAl WEllNEss bY EMAIl!send your email to [email protected] to receive bi-monthly Celebrate Wellness e-news and Monthly digital Essential Wellness

6-7 Medicine of light revolutionizes world of healingBY KARLIE COLE

10-13 Develop a personal relationship with stones and crystals BY JENNIFER SALNESS

14-16 Light: The Pathway to health and healingBY SCHAON BLODGETT

18-19 Pranic Healing uses crystals as energy conductorsBY JASON CALVA

20-21 Chow Medical Qigong works with the energy of light to healBY EFFIE CHOW


inside october 2011

healing with light

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IGHT HAS always been used

as a multifaceted metaphor for

the spiritual aspects of our exis-

tence. And did you know that

many ancient cultures used

light and color for healing including the

Egyptians, Indians, Chinese, Taoists, and


Healing with light has been brought

into the new age by Esogetic Colorpunc-

ture which combines the current insights of

light and quantum physics with the ancient

knowledge of meridian points emphasized

in acupuncture. It uses light and the bio-

physics of cellular communication.


Dr. Fritz Albert Popp, a renowned

biophysicist and the father of modern bio-

photon theory, has documented evidence

from years of experiments to show that

living cells pass on biological information

through photons (light). Each color of the

spectrum has a different vibration and

wavelength that passes on different infor-

mation which has specific effects on all our

life functions.


By focusing frequencies of colored

light, brainwaves, and crystals on acupunc-

ture and other points/zones on the skin,

Esogetic Colorpuncture energizes power-

ful healing impulses in our physical and

energy bodies. Particular therapies help

balance the nervous system, detoxify the

body, relieve pain, release trauma, tonify,

and strengthen specific organs and much

more. The non-invasive techniques clear

blockages and restore healthy energy flow

in the meridians.

Clients find Esogetic Colorpuncture

to be gentle and relaxing. Many report

not only changes in their bodies, but an

improved emotional outlook and a clearer

sense of direction in their lives.


Based on various assessment tests

including Energy Emission Analysis

Photography and the client’s intake

information, an individualized treatment

plan is designed. Gentle pressure and col-

ored light, brainwaves and/or crystals will

be applied to various points/zones on the

client’s skin. Light is applied using a hand-

held light tool with interchangeable glass

rods which emit different colors of light

through a focused crystal tip. As the light

is absorbed by the skin and transmitted,

information is communicated to the body’s

meridians, cells and organs.


Peter Mandel, a doctor of naturo-

path in Germany, developed both Esogetic

Colorpuncture and this profound system

of energetic evaluation based on cataloging

over two million energy emission analysis

photos of clients in his clinic over 30 years

of research. Using a high frequency appara-

tus to photograph the energy or light emit-

ting from a person’s fingers and toes, pro-

vides precise information about the “causal

chain of events” that has led to the client’s

energetic imbalance and symptoms. The

photos can even show the pre-symptom-

atic stages of an energy imbalance and can

then point the way to preventative therapy.

Photos are taken before and after

therapy and give feedback on how effective

the therapies chosen have been in restor-

ing the energetic balance in support of the

healing process.


Many Esogetic Colorpuncture thera-

pies have also been developed that can

powerfully clear trauma at the emotional,

mental, and spiritual levels, for example

therapies for pre-natal trauma, father/

mother imprints, and conflict resolution.

These therapies can cause the gentle release

of emotional and psychic unconscious

Medicine of light revolutionizes world of healing



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material which may be at the root of ener-

getic imbalances and ill health supporting

healing and movement in new directions.


The Twin Cities is fortunate to have

a number of trained Esogetic Colorpunc-

ture practitioners that have been certified

by the Mandel Institute to assist clients

in their healing process. Classes are also

offered for anyone interested in learning to

use this modality for themselves for com-

mon health issues. Clients can also receive

and learn Cosmetic Colorpuncture—an

exciting therapeutic system that assists in

clearing wrinkles and signs of aging in

the face while also balancing the internal


Karlie Cole is a Certified Esogetic Colorpunc-

ture Practitioner in the Twin Cities. She has

worked closely with the Mandel Institute to

offer online tools to practitioners internation-

ally. She also mentors students studying for

certification in Esogetic Colorpuncture in the

Twin Cities and offers classes to the public.

You may contact her at [email protected]

to find out about current class offerings

and to find a Certified Practitioner in your

area. Visit the international website for Es-

ogetic Colorpuncture at www.esogetics.com.

Medicine of light revolutionizes world of healing

bY kArlIE COlE

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Your Abundance Mindset: Cultivating a Richer LifePresented by Carole Hyder and Cyndi Dale Normandale Community College, Bloomington, MN. October 29, 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM.

Change your money blueprint inside and out, from your beliefs to your physical space. Make a

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Steps Through Time: An Exploration of 4 Chinese TraditionsPresented by Carole and Tom Hyder

A 4-Part Series helping you tap into ancient wisdom to find today’s answers. Chinese Astrology, Nov 9 (Teleseminar); I Ching, Nov 11 (In-person class);

Tao Te Ching, Nov 16 (Teleseminar); Feng Shui in your Past Life, Nov 18 (In-person class). Register at

[email protected] or call 612.823.4479.

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october 2011 9

If you are a heart-centered entrepreneur that transforms people’s lives with your gift, but struggle to get more clients and make more money

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This call is for you, if any of these feel true . . .

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have been used through-

out human history for

ornament, jewelry, and

science. In the New Testa-

ment, it’s stated that Jerusalem was built

upon jasper, gold, and adorned with pre-

cious stones. Egyptian pharaohs used lapis

and malachite on their headpieces as a sign

of stature and wealth.

Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine

healing systems have used gemstones for

thousands of years and Mayan priests use

crystals to diagnose illness. In current

times we use them in addition to energy

healing and other alternative health prac-

tices, or as a stand alone practice of crystal



As the earth goes through immense

shifts these days, we do as well. Physical,

emotional, spiritual, and mental changes

are happening daily, and if we are more

conscious of the shifts, it is easier to deal

with them. The crystal kingdom is really

stepping up to help us through these

changes, offering their guidance and sup-

port, bringing us new crystals and new

ways to work with them. The earth has

amazing gifts throughout nature. If we can

tap into what’s already naturally available,

it just boosts our energy all the more.

Crystals are energy tools that are

alive, vibrant beings, no different than

anything else in nature. They all have their

own personalities and energies, just as each

person or tree or mountain range—majes-

tic, soft, energizing, peaceful, accepting,

sharp. They alone will not “heal” us, as

nothing external can, we can only do it

ourselves. The crystal kingdom offers a

reminder to our energetic bodies of their

specific personalities so that we may learn

to embody these same qualities within our-

selves. The more we work with a specific

crystal, the more our bodies keep this new

state of balance and wholeness. Think of

crystals and stones as a reflection of what

is already within us. Just as other people

come into our lives for a reason and are

mirrors back to us, crystals offer the same



Your intent is key; do you want to

open to a new state and have the crystal

assist you? Welcome a stone into your life

Develop a personal relationship with stones and crystals




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Develop a personal relationship with stones and crystals

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just as you would a new healing practitio-

ner; invite it to work with you. Create a

space for it in your home, place it on your

nightstand to connect with you as you

sleep, carry it in your pocket, and sit with

it in meditation. Anything you intuitively

feel works for you, use it, as there is no

right or wrong way.

Feeling overwhelmed by changes in

jobs, relationships, living arrangements?

Grab a soothing Blue Lace Agate or Man-

gano Calcite to calm your nerves. Both

act as a comforting embrace. If you want

to create a new business, ask Carnelian or

Garnet to work with the creation and pas-

sion, enlivening life force and energy. Rose

Quartz, a stone I personally believe every-

one on the planet should have, can open

your heart to new possibilities in all ways,

including new relationships, learning to

love yourself with acceptance and peace,

and seeing the beauty in all things. The

natural formations of Shiva Lingams from

India invite us to balance our feminine

and masculine aspects and be more peace-

ful with the world. As the world around

us experiences natural disasters, govern-

mental upheaval, dire poverty, and unkind

acts, Shiva Lingams feel supportive of find-

ing our own inner strength to get through

HEAlING WITH lIGHT AND COlOr Stone and Crystals continued...

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life with a little more balance.

Do you have physical restrictions and

pain? Amethyst’s gifts can help us clear

physical and emotional toxins from our

body (since all physical ailments begin in

our emotions), bringing us to a deeper state

of relaxation and calm.

Crystals will work individually with

you; not every quality you read about in

a book (or above) is exactly how they will

present themselves to you. Allow yourself

to feel intuitively what they might offer

your life. Their gifts and uses are unlimited

and a true gift from nature.

Jennifer Salness is a Reiki Master Teacher

and Crystal Intuitive. She has studied many

energy healing modalities since 1997. Her

intent is to assist your spiritual growth and

life during transformations with tools of

light for your daily living. She is owner of

Crystalline Light, an online boutique offer-

ing crystals and stones, intuitively-crafted

energetic mists, and other intent-filled gifts,

and offers services such as Multi-Dimensional

Healing, Crystal Intuitive Readings, the Am-

ethyst BioMat, as well as business services to

healing practitioners. More information is

on her website at www.crystallinelight.com

or contact her at 651-705-6760.

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Light: The Pathway to health and healing


THE USE of color, light, and

crystals in healing is not a

new idea. Ancient Egyp-

tians, Greeks, Babylonians

(probably even the ancient

Sumerians) and other ancient civilizations

had great temples dedicated specifically for

this type of healing. Almost every major

religion and spiritual practice today talks

about the light within, the light above,

being connected to the light, and instills

that the path to true health and life is via


Today this form of healing has been

revitalized due to our ability to control and

reproduce specifically the direction, inten-

sity, and frequency (color) of the light, and

then combine that with it being more por-

table than ever before. Over the last 40+

years, there have also been new scientific

breakthroughs and understanding via bio-

physics and through the work of Prof. Dr.

Fritz-Albert Popp and others. We are seeing

through modern sciences that the body’s

primary form of communication may be

with light (biophotons), and are seeing that

cells are storing, transmitting, understand-

ing, and responding to light! This does not

come as a surprise in the holistic health

fields or deep spiritual communities as

we have been taught, everything is vibra-

tion/frequency = information, and hence

vibration/frequency is within light, sound,

color, and well, everything!


One of the most well rounded ver-

sions of color light therapy today, in my

belief, is Esogetics (Colorpuncture), devel-

oped by Peter Mandel over 40 years ago.

It compounds upon the early works of

Augustus Pleasanton and Edwin Babbitt

and combines it with many of the natu-

ropathic and hermetic philosophies and

principles found around the globe as well

as modern scientific advancements. The

name Esogetics comes from a combination

of the two words: Esoteric and Energetic.

Esoteric means old world knowledge and

energetic means the new, scientific knowl-

edge of our age and in Esogetics, you can

find traces of over 200 different holistic

healing modalities.


Within Esogetics there are two pri-

mary paths of healing therapies: Esogetics

Light Therapies (Colorpuncture, Trans-

mitter Relays, I Ging, Ophthalmotropic

Genetic Therapy-OGT, Infrared Pain

Therapies, and others) and Esogetics Crys-

tal Therapies (Tree of Life, Bardo, Karma,

Crystal Vision, Dream & Love Disc thera-

pies, and many more).

With the light therapies, we uti-

lize specific colors (frequency) of light on

precise points of the body (acupuncture/

pressure points, reflexology zones and

other energetically sensitive points) and

the contained microsystems (skull somato-

topy, auricular, Putkammer segments,

facial physiognomy and others) to help

balance the yin/yang energy flows as well

as to provide new, correcting information

that causes a cascading reaction within the

mind, body, and soul which then allows

for the core conflict to resolve. In the light

therapies, we have a total of 16 different

colors (Infrared, red, orange, yellow, green,

dark turquoise, blue, violet, ultraviolet,

crimson, light green, light turquoise, rose,

as well as three grey colors) that we utilize

in literally thousands of specified therapy


In the crystal therapies, we use a

combination of specifically cut and col-

ored Swarovski crystals inlaid with sacred

geometry. We have seen through the crys-

tal therapies, with the help of Popp that

these crystals interact with the biopho-

tonic communication of the being and are



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Light: The Pathway to health and healing

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believed to create a reorganization of the

information contained within, allowing

for clearer, more pure communication.

This then allows for a profound

transformation on all levels of the

being. Currently, we have several

different specific crystals. These

are the polarity crystals (Sun/

Gold and Moon/Silver), the

elemental soul crystals (Earth,

Air, Fire, Water or Light

Green, Light Turquoise, Crim-

son and Rose respectively), the

Crystal Activator, the newly

developed grey crystals as well

as the Love/Energy and Dream/

Information disks (the Body/Matter

disk is still being developed and tested).

We see more and more everyday

through mainstream media, news and sci-

entists that light does have the potential to


The University of

Wisconsin-Madison has used infra-

red light to help cancer patients,

the use of red LED lights for

anti-aging, or infants with

jaundice, or the infrared

pain study on chronic pain

at the Evaluation Hospital

in Herne, Germany. In all,

Esogetics has come a very

long way in combining the

knowledge and wisdom of

the ages and working on cre-

ating reproducible and sustain-

able results in our scientific age.


B l o d g e t t ,

CCP, is one of the

owners of Psinergy Natural

Health and Holistic Wellness. He is a holistic

health practitioner in the state of Minnesota

and is a Certified Colorpuncturist. SchaOn

has also studied Kirlian Energy Emission

Analysis in-depth. SchaOn stays very active

within the holistic health community of the

Twin Cities as he is the organizer for the Twin

Cities Energy and Holistic Workers group (over

700 members combined) as well the event

coordinator for Magus Books & Herbs as well

as his own business. To find out more about

Esogetics or SchaOn, or to find a Colorpuncturist

in your area, visit http://heal.psinergy.info

or call 612-217-HEAL/612-217-4325.

HEAlING WITH lIGHT AND COlOr Light: The Pathway continued...

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Pranic Healing uses crystals as energy conductors



HEN I first

came into the

world of Pranic

Healing, using

crystals was

not my forte. As a child, I was always

intrigued by crystals but using them

for healing seemed foreign and a bit

unpractical. This was largely due to my

lack of experience, as well as a misun-

derstanding on how they work. Master

Choa Kok Sui describes crystals as subtle

energy condensers that we use for heal-

ing because they can absorb, store, and

project pranic energy. This is the entire

basis behind Pranic Crystal Healing, the

fourth level of healing in our lineage.

According to our teacher, we

have three main sources of energy.

The sun, the air, and the earth are the

main sources of chi or prana that we

gather from our surroundings. Crystals

contain condensed earth prana that

can be easily absorbed and digested by

our energy body. Most people, espe-

cially when they are sick, vibrate at a

level that is closer to the earth than

the more refined energies such as solar

prana or divine energy. This makes the

use of crystals when doing energy work

highly effective.


The first time I saw a crystal used

in Pranic Healing, I began to look at

them in a whole new light. For start, I

had never seen a crystal that was carved

and polished to be used as a tool to proj-

ect energy. In my previous encounters

with stones and crystals, they were typ-

ically raw, natural rock but never had

I seen one carved with such precision

and detail. A laser crystal, as referred

to by Pranic Healers, is eighteen sided,

completely clear with little or no inclu-

sions, sharply pointed at one end and

concave at the other, sometimes with a

gold rod at the end to further condense

energy—truly a thing of beauty.

The shape, size, and color of the

crystals is a science and how they are

used is the art. As amazed as I was at

the appearance of a laser crystal, I was

dually amazed at the way a practitioner

utilized the healing tool. The instru-

ment can be used like a chisel to vig-

orously chop up stagnant, congested

energy or gently paint a person’s aura

with soothing, healing energy. It is

beneficial when cutting cords, draw-

ing out negative or unwanted energy,

and protecting one’s environment from

outside energy contaminants.


The color of a crystal determines

the effect it will have on the energy

body because the stone emanates

energy based on its hue. If you need

help decongesting the lungs with green

prana, then lay a green stone between

your shoulder blades. The green aura

from the crystal will be partially

absorbed into your body to be used for


Crystals also have the innate abil-

ity to absorb all energy from the sur-

roundings, good or bad. Therefore,

cleaning your crystals, stones, and

gems after purchasing and in between

each healing is extremely important to

ensure proper transference of energy.

You can do this by leaving it in salt-

water overnight, placing it in front of a

speaker while playing the mantra OM,

or even by laying them next to incense

while it is burning. This can also be

done with jewelry. These simple tech-

niques minimize the chances of con-

taminating yourself and your future

clients from unwanted energy.


Spiritually, crystals are the

enlightened beings of the mineral


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kingdom. They have the ability to be

programmed due to their subtle level

of consciousness. It is always advisable

to invoke for the help, guidance, and

protection from God and all of your

spiritual teachers before programming

any of your stones for healing. Not only

will this make your consecration safer,

but exponentially more powerful as


Using crystals and other stones

for absorbing excess amounts of energy

and transferring them to your clients is

a wonderful way to increase your heal-

ing potential. Without draining the

physical body or contaminating the

practitioner and reducing the amount

of time needed to see lasting results,

crystals are an amazing tool for any

healer to introduce into their prac-

tice. For more information, visit www.


Jason Calva is the co-founder of Prana-

Path Center for Pranic Healing. He

has been studying prana and the energy

body for the past 10 years and conducts

weekly meditations and free healing clin-

ics throughout the Minneapolis area. FFI:

www.pranapath.org or 763-221-7400.

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OU ARE God. You are

the Universe. You are

the light of life, love, and

goodness. How and why is

that so?

You have learned at our religious insti-

tutions that “you are created in the image

of God,” so are you not then God? God

is light, love, and all goodness. Therefore

you must be light, love, and all goodness.

One of the Eastern philosophies, Taoism,

teaches that each organ and indeed each

cell is a microcosm within a macrocosm;

each cell contains all properties that exist

in the entire universe. So are you not then

the universe?


Life energy is light. Jesus was the

light in healing; many images showed the

aura and rays of light beaming on and

from him. Biofeedback and Kirlian pho-

tography of qigong masters, clients, and

students in a “healing state” have depicted

light energy emissions from parts or all of

the body, such as light beaming from the

hands. Chow Qigong teaches students to

work with this light energy.

Because we were designed by the

creator, we are more perfect than any-

thing that man could produce. However,

since the beginning of modern science, we

have continually weakened this marvelous

perfect human instrument and become

dependent upon man-made instruments

to validate or prove that what we see, feel,

or experience is valid, not trusting the fact

that indeed what we see, feel, or experience

is the truth.


The meridian system, from Tradi-

tional Chinese Medicine, is a qi-energy

highway upon which certain numbers of

energy points exist. A balanced and open

state of this qi highway gives health. An

imbalanced, slowed-down or completely

blocked state can cause harm to the body,

mind, and spirit. The whole system of

Chinese medicine—qigong, acupuncture,

moxa, cupping, acupressure, etc., and

other systems of natural medicine, is based

on the energy body; everything is energy.


There are many extraordinary phe-

nomena in qigong healing, both in per-

son and from a distance. For example, a

brain tumor went into remission with

Chow Qigong sending energy light from

Chow Medical Qigong works with the energy of light to heal



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Chow Medical Qigong works with the energy of light to heal

San Francisco to Neustrelitz,

Germany. At the eighth world

qigong conference in San Fran-

cisco, a 60-year-old man who

had had a stroke and was rel-

egated to a life-long painful exis-

tence in a wheelchair was able,

with 15 minutes, to stand, walk,

and dance! Within two minutes

severely painful “frozen shoul-

ders” can be healed, and fibro-

myalgia pains of 25-years-stand-

ing can be relieved. The marvels

are endless.

You are the most power-

ful light-life generator, hav-

ing evolved directly from God,

Buddha, the Divine or the

Source—whatever your frame of

reference is for the mastermind

of existence. According to Chi-

nese medicine, your mind/heart

(not your brain) is the control-

ler of your reality and your well

being. Science has taught us

that kinetic energy can never be

destroyed, and if everything is

kinetic energy, then there is no

death—simply a transition from

one life form to another. We are

immortals in soul, mind, and

spirit, having come from many

lifetimes and moving to many

future lifetimes.

At the Chow Medical

Qigong Conference being held

at the Minneapolis Marriott

Southwest from Nov. 4-6 (see

www.qigongconnection.com for

more information and to regis-

ter), we shall expound on, dem-

onstrate, and actually experience

the ancient modern concepts of

qigong and Traditional Chinese

Medicine. We will stimulate

your heart-brain cells and inspire

intense discussions (even debates!)

with the positive intention to

challenge you to think “outside

the box” and become aware of

what qigong can do for you.

Deepak Chopra, M.D., has

called Dr. Effie Chow “one of the

strongest energy-based healers and

acupuncturists I have met and I

have seen with my own eyes some

of the remarkable results of her

qigong work.” Dr. Chow is a psy-

chiatric and public health nurse,

acupuncturist, qigong grandmas-

ter, futurist, author, humanitar-

ian, and visionary based in San

Francisco. [email protected].

october 2011 21

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