October 2018 1 Fifteenth Infantry Regiment “The Old China Hands” http://www.warfoto.com/15thInfRegt.html Dear Fellow Old China Hands, As I write this message, I am in Seoul, Korea. While here, I have had the opportunity to meet and interview another of our Korean War KATUSAs, SSG Kim, Si Han. He joined the Regiment in Japan in September 1950 and remained with the Regiment until February 1954! He served in the Regimental Headquarters with the I and R Platoon and Security Platoon. He has fond memories of his service with the Regiment and holds his American comrades-in-arms in high regard. He is 87 years old now, a retired teacher. We had a very nice meeting. You will find in this issue an updated Constitution and Bylaws for your review and comment. John Campbell put a great deal of effort into updating our key governing documents to adjust to our Association’s current circumstances. Please take the time to review and make any comments you see fit. We are very happy to announce Rich Heller as our new Association webmaster. Rich is an old friend to many of us, as he served a long time as the webmaster for the Society of the 3 rd Infantry Division. We are very fortunate to have lured him out of retirement he has always been responsive and is very supportive of our great Regiment. Thank you, Rich, for joining the team. I have contributed an article on one of our more interesting Regimental Commanders, COL William M. Morrow, who commanded in China 1919 to 1921. He was also the starting quarterback at Michigan in 1886! I hope you enjoy it. Please take note of LTC McGrue’s message to the Association. All of us Cold War and GWOT veterans can remember how rigorous our training was. 3-15 IN is returning to the Mechanized world, completing its transition from light Infantry to the Bradley/Abrams configuration. With that transition come the many exercises, gunneries, and the inevitable National Training Center rotations. The training calendar drives everything, and as you can see, the windows for our traditional Regimental Dinner and Organization Day are tight. I am confident China 6 will find opportunities for us to gather with our active duty Soldiers over the coming year and will provide us notice in time to disseminate that information for all of us to react, book rooms, and make travel arrangements for those events. On 27 September, Tad Davis and I were proud to represent the Association at the funeral and interment of MG James G. Boatner, our former Regimental Honorary Colonel. As always, the Old Guard did a great job. One of MG Boatner’s sons served with Monika and me on 3ID staff in Wuerzburg in the mid-90s. Along with filling many of our Association positions, which have been empty for quite a while, we need a young, tech-savvy volunteer to take over our Facebook and Linked-In pages from Mike Horn. These are important for reaching out to our younger generations of Can Do Soldiers and veterans. Please step up and keep your Association running! Can Do! Tim

October 2018 Fifteenth Infantry Regiment “The Old China Hands” 2018 DRAGON.pdf · Nicholas J. Kreighbaum-Gift Membership Midway, GA -Adam W. Farmer-Gift Membership Richmond Hill,

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Page 1: October 2018 Fifteenth Infantry Regiment “The Old China Hands” 2018 DRAGON.pdf · Nicholas J. Kreighbaum-Gift Membership Midway, GA -Adam W. Farmer-Gift Membership Richmond Hill,

October 2018


Fifteenth Infantry Regiment

“The Old China Hands” http://www.warfoto.com/15thInfRegt.html

Dear Fellow Old China Hands, As I write this message, I am in Seoul, Korea. While here, I have had the opportunity to meet and interview another of our Korean War KATUSAs, SSG Kim, Si Han. He joined the Regiment in Japan in September 1950 and remained with the Regiment until February 1954! He served in the Regimental Headquarters with the I and R Platoon and Security Platoon. He has fond memories of his service with the Regiment and holds his American comrades-in-arms in high regard. He is 87 years old now, a retired teacher. We had a very nice meeting. You will find in this issue an updated Constitution and Bylaws for your review and comment. John Campbell put a great deal of effort into updating our key governing documents to adjust to our Association’s current circumstances. Please take the time to review and make any comments you see fit. We are very happy to announce Rich Heller as our new Association webmaster. Rich is an old friend to many of us, as he served a long time as the webmaster for the Society of the 3rd Infantry Division. We are very fortunate to have lured him out of retirement – he has always been responsive and is very supportive of our great Regiment. Thank you, Rich, for joining the team. I have contributed an article on one of our more interesting Regimental Commanders, COL William M. Morrow, who commanded in China 1919 to 1921. He was also the starting quarterback at Michigan in 1886! I hope you enjoy it. Please take note of LTC McGrue’s message to the Association. All of us Cold War and GWOT veterans can remember how rigorous our training was. 3-15 IN is returning to the Mechanized world, completing its transition from light Infantry to the Bradley/Abrams configuration. With that transition come the many exercises, gunneries, and the inevitable National Training Center rotations. The training calendar drives everything, and as you can see, the windows for our traditional Regimental Dinner and Organization Day are tight. I am confident China 6 will find opportunities for us to gather with our active duty Soldiers over the coming year and will provide us notice in time to disseminate that information for all of us to react, book rooms, and make travel arrangements for those events. On 27 September, Tad Davis and I were proud to represent the Association at the funeral and interment of MG James G. Boatner, our former Regimental Honorary Colonel. As always, the Old Guard did a great job. One of MG Boatner’s sons served with Monika and me on 3ID staff in Wuerzburg in the mid-90s. Along with filling many of our Association positions, which have been empty for quite a while, we need a young, tech-savvy volunteer to take over our Facebook and Linked-In pages from Mike Horn. These are important for reaching out to our younger generations of Can Do Soldiers and veterans. Please step up and keep your Association running! Can Do! Tim

Page 2: October 2018 Fifteenth Infantry Regiment “The Old China Hands” 2018 DRAGON.pdf · Nicholas J. Kreighbaum-Gift Membership Midway, GA -Adam W. Farmer-Gift Membership Richmond Hill,

October 2018


Association Officers and Staff

President Timothy R. Stoy 6531 Milva Lane Springfield, VA 22150 (703) 912-4218 [email protected]

Commander, 3rd Battalion LTC Arthur L. McGrue III 594 Vanguard Road Ste 3071 Ft. Stewart, GA 31314 (912) 435-7697 [email protected]

Editor, The Dragon Andrew G. Lerch 15302 Iris Lane Montclair, VA 22025 (706) 325-3705 [email protected]

Vice President Addison D. (Tad) Davis IV 2104 27th St S Arlington, VA 22206 (703) 772-4558 [email protected]

CSM, 3rd Battalion CSM Jerry J. Higley 594 Vanguard Road Ste 3071 Ft. Stewart, GA 31314 (912) 435-7698 [email protected]

Trustee Leonard L. Lassor 690 Salman Fall Road Rochester, NH 03868 (603) 335-3554 [email protected]

Secretary Sam Aarons 3966 Thompson Lake Buford, GA 30519 (678) 687-9189 [email protected]

Chaplain Charles C. Trout 10191 Birchwood Drive Huntington Beach, CA 92646 (714) 836-4981 [email protected]

Trustee Warren E. Sessler 4591 Bigford Street Las Vegas, NV 89122 (702) 617-7022 [email protected]

Treasurer (Acting) Tom R. Heitzer 231 Normandie Drive Bonne Terre, MO 63628 (314) 650-4692 [email protected]

China Room Custodian CPT Dennis K. Helms 1110 E Victory Drive Apt 2 Savannah, GA 31404 (706) 559-5535 [email protected]

Trustee Vacant

Membership Chairman John C. Campbell 760 Flatwood Drive Clarksville, IN 47129 (812) 949-2549 [email protected]

Webmaster Rich Heller 1515 Ramblewood Dr Hanover Park, IL 60133 (630) 937-8871 [email protected]

Trustee Vacant

HSGMOR Mark T. Baker 5415 Roaring Branch Road Columbus, GA 31904 (706) 566-5165 [email protected]

Historian Timothy R. Stoy 6531 Milva Lane Springfield, VA 22150 (703) 912-4218 [email protected]

Database Administrator Tom R. Heitzer 231 Normandie Drive Bonne Terre, MO 63628 (314) 650-4692 [email protected]

HCOR Jerry Bates 3017 Margaret Jones Lane Williamsburg VA 23185 (757) 645-4765 [email protected]

Public Relations Chairman John C. Campbell 760 Flatwood Drive Clarksville, IN 47129 (812) 949-2549 [email protected]

C & BL Chairman John C. Campbell 760 Flatwood Drive Clarksville, IN 47129 (812) 949-2549 [email protected]

The Dragon is the quarterly publication of the 15th Infantry Regiment Association. It is published in January, April, July, and October. Neither its editorial nor article content carries official endorsement of the Association. Input for the Dragon is due the 15th of each month prior to publishing to [email protected].

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October 2018



Melvin L. Leydecker-LM-OPH Napa, CA MSG, F CO, 2 BN, KW, 1952-53 DOD 07/12/2018 Reported by wife, Dian Leydecker

New Members

Richard W. Heller-Upgrade to Assoc LM Hanover Park, IL Father served with REGT in WWII

William K. Keup-Upgrade to LM Hudson, MA MSG, MORT BTRY, REGT, CW, 1957-59

Nicholas J. Kreighbaum-Gift Membership Midway, GA 1SG, B CO, 3 BN, GWOT, 2018-

Adam W. Farmer-Gift Membership Richmond Hill, GA 1SG, HHC, 3 BN, GWOT, 2018-

Membership Report












Annonucements MIA NOTICE: Does anyone know the whereabouts of Warren G. Langley? His January, April, & July DRAGON was returned and his phone number is no longer in service. He was living in Colorado Springs, CO. If you know where he is, please contact Tom Heitzer with his information so I can send him future issues of the DRAGON. NEW WEB PAGE: We have a new web page at http://www.warfoto.com/15thInfRegt.html!! Our new webmaster, Rich Heller, built us a fabulous new site so check it out as we have a lot of things to look at. You can pay your dues on our web page by just picking the amount your paying from the drop down box and clicking on Pay Pal Button. A box will open and you click on “Pay by Credit Card or Debit Card” this will open the form that you enter your credit card information and then click submit. Those wanting to join can fill out an Application for Membership.

Page 4: October 2018 Fifteenth Infantry Regiment “The Old China Hands” 2018 DRAGON.pdf · Nicholas J. Kreighbaum-Gift Membership Midway, GA -Adam W. Farmer-Gift Membership Richmond Hill,

October 2018




Annual Members,

The annual membership fee for 2019 is due starting in the month of October. Check your mailing label and if you have 2018 after your name your dues need to be paid for 2019. Send your check or money order and the form below to Tom Heitzer at 231 Normandie Drive, Bonne Terre, MO 63628 or go online to http://www.warfoto.com/15thInfRegt.html and find the “Click Here to Pay Dues” button.

Regular annual membership dues are $10.00 (current Active Duty dues are $5.00). Multiple year payments are welcomed. Life membership rates are: Below 60–$150, age 60 to 69–$120; age 70 to 79–$100; age 80 and above–$50. If you are on active duty and deployed at this time contact us and we will extend your membership until you return, but you need to let us know of your deployment status. Email Tom Heitzer at [email protected] to let him know of your deployment and we will extend your membership.

Several members have recently sponsored memberships for active duty soldiers of the active battalion. This is an opportunity for all members to express their appreciation for the service to the nation of today’s Dragon Soldiers. The form below provides a space (Sponsor Active Duty) for sponsoring these memberships. A two-year membership is only $10.00.

Contributions to the Awards and Monument (A&M) Fund or General Fund are also always appreciated and may be included with your payment. Please complete and detach the form below and submit with your dues. For those with email capability, please provide the address to update the Association database.



E-M ail Address: (to update Association database)

Dues Amounts: Payment: Regular Annual $10.00 Dues $---------------------------

Associate Annual $10.00 Sponsor Active Duty $---------------------------

Active Duty Annual $ 5.00 A&M Fund $---------------------------

Life See above General Fund $---------------------------

Total Payment $---------------------------

Make check or money order payable to the Treasurer, 15th Infantry Regiment Association and mail to Tom Heitzer at 231 Normandie Drive, Bonne Terre, MO 63628

Page 5: October 2018 Fifteenth Infantry Regiment “The Old China Hands” 2018 DRAGON.pdf · Nicholas J. Kreighbaum-Gift Membership Midway, GA -Adam W. Farmer-Gift Membership Richmond Hill,

October 2018


Proposed Changes to the Constitution & Bylaws

Here are the proposed changes in the Constitution & By Laws. Please take a moment to read over and then cast a ballot either in favor of the changes are against the changes. Any additions to the Constitution will be in CAPITALIZED WORDS and any deletion will be also CAPITALIZED and in BRACKETS. You can use the ballot at the end of these changes and mail to John Campbell, 760 Flatwood Drive, Clarksville, IN 47129. You can also e-mail your vote to John at [email protected] or call him on the phone to vote at (812) 949-2549. Your vote needs to be received by November 30, 2018. ARTICLE II – OBJECTIVES The objectives of the Association are to promote morale and high esprit de corps among members of the regiment, provide opportunities and facilities uniting past and present members of the regiment in a program dedicated to the preservation of traditions and history of the 15th Infantry Regiment AND TO HONOR THE 15TH INFANTRY WAR DEAD. 4.5.1 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS HAVE VOTING RIGHTS. 4.5.2 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS MAY NOT SERVE AS ELECTED OFFICERS. 4.7 No person because of race, color, creed, sex, age, disability or national origin, SEXUAL ORIENTATION OR POLITICAL AFFILIATION shall be unlawfully denied membership, excluded from participation, or subjected to unlawful discrimination by the Association. ARTICLE V – DUES 5.1 Annual membership dues are payable each year BETWEEN October 1st & DECEMBER 31ST, in amounts set forth in the By-Laws. 6. GOVERNMENT: The membership is the governing body of the Association. It meets at least once a year at which time officers and trustees are elected to carry out the day-to-day operations of the Association. Each regular member AND ASSOCIATE MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING has one vote in these elections, expressed in person or absentee ballot PUBLISHED IN THE DRAGON OR PROVIDED BY ELECTION CHAIRMAN IN THE EVENT THE DRAGON BALLOT IS LOST OR DESTROYED. (Amended 22 Sep 1999) 6.1.2 APPOINTED OFFICERS: Appointed Officers are Chaplain, Editor of THE DRAGON, Nominations and Elections Chairman, Historian, (ASSISTANT SECRETARY) &Treasurer nominated by each active battalion, representative nominated by each active battalion on the Advisory Board, Constitution and By-Laws Chairman, Membership Chairman, Publicity Chairman, and Auditor. They must be members in good standing at time of appointment. These appointments are made by the President and approved by the Board of Trustees. (Amended 22 Sep 1999) (Eliminate Assistant Secretary Position.) 6.3 TERM OF OFFICE: The term of office for elected officers shall be two years. THE PRESIDENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO ONE TERM. The Vice President & TRUSTEE'S are limited to two terms. There is no term limit for the (SECRETARY OR) Treasurer. A term begins as installed at the Regimental Dinner during the Society of the 3rd Infantry Division Reunion. As an exception, the Treasurer’s term of office shall begin on 1 January. ELECTED OFFICERS SHALL REMAIN IN SUCH OFFICE UNTIL REPLACEMENT CAN BE ELECTED TO THAT POSITION. (Amended 19 June 1996 and 22 Sep 1999) 6.6.3 Officers filling vacancies will hold office for the remaining term of that office OR A REPLACEMENT HAS BEEN ELECTED TO THAT OFFICE.

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October 2018


ARTICLE VII – ACTIVITIES The activities of the Association will be determined by the Board of Trustees, in consultation with the Advisory Board and shall be professional and social in nature. IF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OR ADVISORY BOARD DOES NOT MEET TO PREFORM THESE DUTIES, THEN THE PRESIDNT & VICE PRESIDENT MAY PROVIDE ACTIVITES FOR THE ASSOCIATION THAT ARE PROFESSIONAL AND SOCIAL IN NATURE. 8.1 ITEMS TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE DRAGON SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE EDITOR NO LATER THN THE END OF THE MONTH ORIOR TO THE MONTH OF ISSUE, UNLESS EDITOR SPECIFIES ANOTHER DUE DATE. 8.2 THE DRAGON WILL BE FURNISHED WITHOUT CHARGE TO MEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENTS AND HONORARY MEMBERS OF THE REGIMENT. X.1 THE CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAYS COMMITTEE WILL ORGANIZE AND PREPARE THE DOCUMENTS WITHOUT MODIFYING THE DECISIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOR THE MEMBERSHIP VOTE. 1.2 BUSINESS MEETINGS: On or more business meetings held in conjunction with the Can Do Rendezvous form the base for the Association. A notice of time, place and agenda will be published in THE DRAGON. In case of time constraints, notices will be disseminated by U.S. Mail AND E-MAIL. (Amended 12 Sep 2002.) 1.3 QUORUM: Shall consist of the regular members in good standing present at a regular business meeting. (Amended 22 Sep 1999.) A MEETING HAVING A QUORUM PRESENT MAY BE ADJOURNED, PRO-TEM, BY MAJORITY VOTE.

2.1 PRESIDENT: Presides at all meetings of the Board of Trustees, Executive Committee and general membership meetings. HE may Call special meetings. Special meetings of the Executive Committee and Board of Trustees may be held as a group, in person, by phone, by mail, by SKYPE OR EMAIL. PRESIDENT SELECTS AND APPOINTS AN ACTING SECRETARY FROM THOSE PRESENT AT ANNUAL MEETINGS, REGIMENTAL DINNERS OR RENDEZVOUS TO RECORD THE MINUTES.

2.2 VICE PRESIDENT: Performs the duties of the President in the absence of the President. 2.2.1 (SERVES AS A SIGNATORY ON ASSOCIATION BANKING ACCOUNTS. ELIMINATE THE







2.12 MEMBERSHIP: Maintains the official membership data base and rosters, contacts prospective members offering membership and issues permanent membership cards based on class, types of

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October 2018


membership, issues membership certificates and prepares membership reports for the Board of Trustees and WEB PAGE. MAINTAINS RECORD OF MEMBERS WITHOUT ADDRESSES. THE PRESIDENT OR VICE PRESIDENT MAY AUTHORIZE A C0-CHAIRMAN TO ASSIST IN ALL THE DUTIES OF THE MEMBERSHIP CHAIR. 2.15 CUSTODIAN OF MEMORABILIA: Maintains a separate listing of items on loan. LISTING MUST INCLUDE NAME OF PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR SECURITY OF LOANED ITEM AT RECEIVING ORGANIZATION. 3.1 GOVERNING AUTHORITY: Between annual meetings governing authority for the association is vested in the Board of Trustees. Its decisions have immediate effect and remain in force until ratified, modified or repealed at the next membership meeting. In the event the Board of Trustees cannot meet, the Executive Committee may meet on their behalf OR THE PRESIDENT & VICE PRESIDENT MAY GOVERN IF NEITHER THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OR EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CANNOT MEET. 4.1.5 CHAIRMAN OF THE NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS COMMITTEE, WITH THE TREASURER, SHALL DESTROY ABSENTEE BALLOTS NINETY (90) DAYS FOLLOWING THE REPORT OF AN ELECTION RESULTS TO THE PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHING THE RESULTS IN THE DRAGON. 4.1.6 THE TERM O ALL STANDING COMMITTEES ENDS ON THE CLOSING DATE OF THE ANNUAL ASSOCIATION REGIMENTAL DINNER. 5.1 ANNUAL DUES: Regular and Associate annual membership dues of ten dollars ($10.00) are payable BETWEEN October 1st & DECEMBER 31ST each year. As an exception Regular membership dues of five dollars ($5.00) for active duty soldiers are payable BETWEEN October 1st & DECEMBER 31ST each year. IF AN ACTIVE DUTY SOLDIER IS DEPLOYED DURING THIS TIME PERIOD, UPON REQUEST BY DEPLOYED MEMBER MAY RECEIVE AN EXTENSION OF MEMBERSHIP UNTIL RETURNING FROM DEPLOYMENT The amount of annual dues is to be determined by budget needs as recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by the members. New Annual members who pay dues between JULY 1st and September 30th will be in good standing until October of the following year. The Treasurer will remove members not paying dues by APRIL 1st from the Association's roster. (Amended 19 June 1996.)

I, __________________________ vote: ARTICLE II-Last sentence in first paragraph: Yes____ No____ 4.5.1: Yes____ No____ 1.3: Yes____ No____ 4.5.2: Yes____ No____ 2.1: Yes____ No____ 4.7: Yes____ No____ 2.2.1: Yes____ No____ 5.1: Yes____ No____ 2.3.1: Yes____ No____ 6: Yes____ No____ 2.4.1: Yes____ No____ 6.1.2: Yes____ No____ 2.4.5: Yes____ No____ 6.3: Yes____ No____ 2.12: Yes____ No____ 6.3.3: Yes____ No____ 2.15: Yes____ No____ ARTICLE VII-Last sentence in first paragraph: Yes____ No____ 8.1: Yes____ No____ 3.1: Yes____ No____ 8.2: Yes____ No____ 4.1.5: Yes____ No____ X.1: Yes____ No____ 4.1.6: Yes____ No____ 1.2: Yes____ No____ 5.1: Yes____ No____ Cut above and mail to John Campbell. 760 Flatwood Drive, Clarksville, IN 47129 or you can e-mail your vote to John at [email protected] or call him at 812-949-2549 with your vote.

Page 8: October 2018 Fifteenth Infantry Regiment “The Old China Hands” 2018 DRAGON.pdf · Nicholas J. Kreighbaum-Gift Membership Midway, GA -Adam W. Farmer-Gift Membership Richmond Hill,

October 2018


Active Battalion Update

From the Desk of China 6 (September 17, 2018)

Greetings China Family!

These past few months since taking command of this legendary battalion have been an adventure and I’m excited for the coming months. Since taking command, the Soldiers of this battalion have accomplished much and continue to do great things daily. From Private Kozielski, HHC, who was recently recognized for his ability to quickly and fully comprehend course content in the Threat Mitigation Home Station course and then train his peers so that they too could be successful; to PFC Lowder, C Co, who demonstrated initiative and a strong work ethic during collective gunnery; to SGT Degraw, I Co, who continues to be creative and adaptive in maintaining our fleet to ensure that the battalion can remain in the fight. These are just a few examples of the hard work that is displayed daily to help this battalion to continue to do great things. In the coming months, training will not slow down especially since B Co is now complete with training on their newly assigned Bradley Fighting Vehicles. So, as we enter the new fiscal year, we will synchronize all training across the battalion so that we can be ready when called upon to defend our country. The battalion will begin heading to the field more, which will enable us to enhance our fundamentals of being a lethal, fighting force. We will execute gunneries at the crew, squad, and platoon level. We will also execute situational training exercises at the platoon and company level. When we have completed training, we will be better prepared for our upcoming rotation at the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, California. For our Regimental Association and our family members, please know that we have you all in mind as well. As we continue to plan out our calendar, we are also looking at when we can conduct family oriented events, as well as events that include the Association. Recently, we hosted a Family Battalion Run and the Spouse Dragon Ride. The next event will be the Trunk or Treat, which will take place during the latter part of October, close to Halloween. I hope to see all of the families there. In addition, we are looking at hosting a family gunnery. Essentially what that is, is we will reserve time and space during a gunnery, where we can bring the families to a safe location so that they can observe our vehicular platforms in action. It should be a great event, but we are still in the initial stages of putting that plan together. We are also looking at holding a ball in June 2019 after our return from the National Training Center. To add, we are discussing when we can host an organizational day, where we can receive Can Do Soldiers from the past and escort them around our battalion footprint to enable them to mingle with the Can Do Soldiers of today. This too is in the initial stages of planning. Well, that is all for now. Thank you for your time. For those of you that have access to Facebook, please visit the page. For those of you not aware of the page, you can locate it at: https://www.facebook.com/315IN/. Take care and God bless! Can Do! Arthur L. McGrue III Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry China 6

#CanDo #3rdBn15thIN #SendMe #RockoftheMarne

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October 2018


Apache A Co conducted squad and section live fire exercises from 7-10 August. Gunnery exercises are now more important than ever as the companies endeavor to meet Army standards for qualified crews. A Co is making sure that its Soldiers get well-acquainted with their new equipment and that they are ready to engage and destroy any enemy that we are called to fight! JRTC Rail Loadout

On 13 August, Soldiers from A, C, and I Co loaded Bradleys, Abrams, and Support vehicles on to rail cars in preparation to support a JRTC Rotation in Fort Polk, LA. The margin of error when moving an armored vehicle onto a railcar is relatively small which increases the risk of catastrophic events such as a Tank tipping over. TF China Soldiers methodically maintained safety standards and professionally loaded the equipment in a short time without incident. Unfortunately, the JRTC rotation was cancelled due to Hurricane Florence.

Charlie Rock Charlie Company endeavored to maximize its time training to become a more lethal force. Platoon leaders conducted Troop Leading Procedures prior to simulation exercises in order to become more proficient in mission planning. Tank crews and leaders were tested in their tactical proficiency in simulations designed to test a

crew’s ability to operate the M1A1 Abrams and to develop sound tactical decision-making processes. Charlie continues to diligently strive to become a more lethal unit in preparation for future fights! I Co Sustains the Fight

I Co has been busy the last quarter. While the line Companies have been

intensively training, I Co has supported every exercise with mechanics, food,

fuel, water, ammunition, and personnel. One of the most taxing operations I

Co did was to set up an ammunition supply point on 7 July. Despite the heat

and heavy loads the I Co Soldiers showed the “Can Do” spirit and established

the ASP in order to enable all of the line companies’ training exercises. The

Battalion could not function without the amazing efforts of the Forward Support


Battalion 5K Family Run

China 6 has made families one of his main priorities. Along that line of effort, he invited Soldiers to bring their families to a Battalion 5 km fun run. Despite the early start time, motivated Soldiers brought their children, strollers, bikes, and furry friends. Spirits were high as the Battalion ran in formation, trailing those who brought loved ones. After a quick few miles the formation ended in the motorpool where refreshments were served and vehicles were opened for curious children to touch and climb on.

Page 10: October 2018 Fifteenth Infantry Regiment “The Old China Hands” 2018 DRAGON.pdf · Nicholas J. Kreighbaum-Gift Membership Midway, GA -Adam W. Farmer-Gift Membership Richmond Hill,

October 2018


BN Spouse Dragon Ride

Spouses from across the Battalion met up early on the morning of 30 August to

compete in the Dragon Spouse ride.

Spouses received instruction on the

Battalion’s history and were privileged to

to see the many artifacts guarded in the

China Room. Immediately following

they competed in physical competitions

including runs with kit, litter drags and

rows. The event showed that the strength of the “Can Do” Battalion

truly originates at home!

NCO Induction Ceremony

25 Non-commissioned Officers in TF China were inducted in the NCO Corps on 7 September. TF China met at

Club Stewart to recognize the hard work and camaraderie of 25 NCOs from across the formation. The Battalion

could not function without its highly professional NCOs. Every mission

accomplished in the Battalion is directly contributable to an NCO

leading, mentoring, and training his/her Soldiers. We continue to expect

great things from our junior leaders as we work towards NTC!

TF China Strong Bonds Marriage Enrichment Retreat

TF China families met at Sawgrass Marriott Resort and Beach

Club in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida from 7-9 September. Over

the course of a weekend, the China families received tools; such

as communication techniques, instruction on love-languages,

personality types, trust-building and overall connection in order

to enhance intimacy within their marriages and families.

Decision Point Tactics Class On July 27, CPTs Ian Murdoch (China 9) and Tom Zabriskie (China 2) led the Battalion leadership in a Leader’s Development Program class on decision point tactics (DPT). DPT involves creating thorough plans to allow for flexibility to adapt to battlefield conditions. Key to executing DPTs are well-trained Platoons, thorough reconnaissance, and a deep understanding of the Commander’s intent. The hour long class involved a short presentation on the theory of DPT, a practical exercise, and in-depth discussion. TF China leaders used their new

knowledge during planning for Division Command Post Exercises I, II, and III.

2 ABCT Signal Validation Exercise

On 27 Sept the 2 ABCT signal Soldiers met to compete in a CPN validation

exercise. Nine teams from across the BCT competed to emplace, assemble

and operate the new Command Post Nodes. TF China’s signal shop placed

first among the nine teams again proving that TF China is full of high-quality


Page 11: October 2018 Fifteenth Infantry Regiment “The Old China Hands” 2018 DRAGON.pdf · Nicholas J. Kreighbaum-Gift Membership Midway, GA -Adam W. Farmer-Gift Membership Richmond Hill,

October 2018


Historian’s Corner

Brigadier General William M. Morrow Submitted by Tim Stoy

The 15th Infantry Regiment has had some very famous soldiers and commanders in its history. In my research in the Regimental newspaper from its time in China, the Sentinel, I learned about one of the Regiment’s commanders in China, Colonel William M. Morrow (September 6, 1866 – July 21, 1944). As I dug deeper into his background, I learned he had a very interesting military career!

Morrow was born in 1866 in Niles, Michigan. He played college football at the University of Michigan in 1885 and 1886 and was the starting quarterback for the undefeated 1886 Michigan Wolverines football team.

Morrow enlisted in the United States Army in 1888. He served as a private, corporal and sergeant in Company F, 17th Infantry, from December 1888 to August 1891. He became a second lieutenant in the 21st Infantry in 1891 and graduated from the Infantry and Cavalry School in 1897. He was promoted to first lieutenant in April 1898. He was promoted to the rank of captain in 1901. In 1906, Morrow gained acclaim while with the 21st Infantry for leading the attacks against rebel forces on the island of Samar in the Philippines. In October 1912, he was assigned to the Fifth Infantry Regiment and promoted to the rank of major in March 1913.

During World War I, he commanded the 7th Infantry, 3rd Division, in France. For his leadership at Claire Chêne Woods in October 1917, he received the Distinguished Service Cross. The citation recognized Morrow "for extraordinary heroism in action while serving as Commanding Officer, 7th Infantry Regiment, 3d Division, A.E.F., in the Claires-Chenes Woods, north of Montfaucon, France, October 20–21, 1918. On October 20, 1918, when the Claire Chenes had been taken by the troops of his command and a hostile counterattack had forced them back over the ground gained in the morning's fighting, Colonel Morrow at once took personal command of the battalion engaged in the operations, reorganized it, and with distinguished gallantry and inspiring example led his men to a victorious counterattack, drove the enemy from the woods, secured its possession, and consolidated it. On October 21 he again displayed the same qualities of leadership and personal gallantry in the successful assault on Hill No. 299."

He was also awarded the Army Distinguished Service Medal "for exceptionally meritorious and distinguished services to the Government of the United States, in a duty of great responsibility during World War I. Colonel Morrow served with conspicuous success as Commanding Officer of the 7th Infantry, 3d Division, succeeding in all of the difficult missions assigned to him. His sound judgment and untiring energy proved important factors in the successful operations of his division against the enemy." He also received the French Légion d´honneur by Presidential Decree on May 14, 1919, and French Croix de Guerre with palm in April 1919.

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October 2018


After the war, he commanded the 15th Infantry and US Army Troops in China from July 1919 until September 1921. Later assignments included command of the United States Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas and the Discharge and Replacement Depot at the Brooklyn Army Base prior to his retirement in 1930. He retired with the rank of colonel, but was promoted on the retired list by Act of Congress to the rank of Brigadier General.

Morrow died after a short illness in July 1944 in Quebec Canada, and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

Chaplain’s Corner

Thank God I’m a Veteran Submitted by Chaplain Chuck Trout

On November 11th, we will be celebrating Veteran's Day. It is a day where we recognize all members of our military who served, and are serving our nation today. All gave some and some gave all! I must admit that I can frustrated when I see football players kneeling on their knees during the playing of our National Anthem. I suggest that the managers allow those players who want to kneel, to not only kneel during the playing of the anthem, but also kneel during the whole game instead of allowing them to play. Below is a poem I wrote about my time in the Korean War. Enjoy!

When you look at my body, what do you see?

An old man, over the hill, or the real me. I realize that I am not as young as I used to be,

Don't get hung up on age, let me identify what you see. My many wrinkles reminding me of the trenches in Korea,

Where so many soldiers died serving their country. My gray hair reminds me of the minus 20 degrees and all the snow; Then an inexperienced teenager, at the time, so young-now so old.

I move slower now, similar to the way we walked in Korea, sometimes; especially while on patrol, walking where we expected land mines.

My failing eyesight reminds me of the Korean morning mist and fog; Straining to detect the enemy; Is that an enemy? No, only a log.

Then some evenings when there was no moon; no visibility at all; Is that an enemy soldier? No, just some trees standing tall. Then the sound of a tank, noisy engines roaring from afar; It's the enemy! No it's our own, identified by a white star.

The wart on my arm reminds me of the outpost where we were dwelling; Completely bare, no trees or vegetation due to motor and artillery shelling.

My hearing, slowly fading away, much poorer than when I was young; Is that due to aging or caused by the firing of my BAR or M-1?

If I stand after seated for awhile, I can hear the bones in my back; Similar to the sound an approaching enemy makes, causing a twig to crack.

These teeth are not mine, my real ones are somewhere over there; For sixty years I have been eating soft foods; a steak I wouldn't dare.

War can be ugly, but it is not the ugliest of things for one to see; Uglier is the man who feels he has nothing to fight for, leaving that for you and me.

You will see me stand tall when our anthem plays-our flag passes by; I will be thinking of those who served, who sacrificed, who died.

I can look back now and feel content for serving my country; I believe I did make a difference; yes, even aging, elderly me.

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October 2018


Photos from MG Boatner’s Funeral – 27 September 2018

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October 2018


Can Do Bumper Stickers

John Campbell came up with the below bumper sticker design. The price is $3.00 with checks made payable to the ‘15th Infantry Regiment Association.’ Send checks and recipient addresses to Andrew Lerch at 15302 Iris Ln, Montclair, VA 22025-1015 and he will send out all bumper stickers via the U.S Postal Service.

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October 2018


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October 2018


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