October 2014 Issue 130 A Newsletter for the Friends & Supporters of African Enterprise IN THIS ISSUE: Community Transformation- Demonstrating Christs Love Highlights of Abidjan A letter from AE International Team Leader ........... ........... ........... Tevi Lawson: A Story Out of Africa ........... Through your generosity we have been able to respond and exemplify Christ’s Love in practical ways to the felt needs and challenges facing the communities in Africa. Through your support we have provided quality health care services in poor and vulnerable communities, improved sanitation in informal settlements, provided access to clean water to poor neighbourhoods and empowered hundreds of vulnerable women and young people across Africa. This has restored and transformed many lives, Thankyou! 5000 Households in Kenya protected from Malaria. Malaria is listed as one of the top killers in Kenya. Out of the 35 million people in Kenya, 25 million are at risk of contracting malaria. It accounts for 20% of all deaths in children under the age of five and 20% of all admissions to health facilities. Your support has enabled an entire region of Kenya to be equipped and trained to stop malaria in its tracks. In addition to our weeklong evangelistic mission in Isiolo, a two-day course was held in Isiolo for 29 local community health workers. The workers were drawn from 14 different health units around Isiolo county and were trained in prevention, identification, and treatment. The numbers of malaria cases reported are particularly high in Isiolo. Local health centres are understaffed and under- equipped and, in some cases, untrained. Because of your support 12 microscopes and glucometers were donated to Isiolo county during the Isiolo Mission and more are on the way. They will be distributed to the community health centres county-wide, which will affect more than 5,000 households! Peter, a trainee, said, “Health facilities are few and far between in Isiolo. Because of this training, I know how to test for and treat malaria, which will greatly help people in my village.” One local woman in Isiolo was encouraged to hear about our training. She shared, “You have honestly been sent here by God to save lives. Malaria is running rampant here. Last year my 8 year-old daughter died because her malaria was detected too late. If only there had been someone in my community that could have tested her, she may still be alive today. Praise God for the training you have given. I know it will save lives.” Visit our website to read more stories of lives transformed and partner with us as we continue to transform Africa through the love of Christ. Community Transformation demonstrating Christs Love AE donates 14 microscopes to Isiolo County for early detection of Malaria Talking about Jesus without also demonstrating Christs love rings hollow in a very needy environment.

October Newsletter

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October 2014Issue 130A Newsletter for the Friends & Supporters of African Enterprise


Community Transformation- Demonstrating Christs Love

Highlights of Abidjan

A letter from AE International Team Leader




Tevi Lawson:A Story Out

of Africa


Through your generosity we have been able to respond and exemplify Christ’s Love in practical ways to the felt needs and challenges facing the communities in Africa. Through your support we have provided quality health care services in poor and vulnerable communities, improved sanitation in informal settlements, provided access to clean water to poor neighbourhoods and empowered hundreds of vulnerable women and young people across Africa.

This has restored and transformed many lives, Thankyou!

5000 Households in Kenya protected from Malaria. Malaria is listed as one of the top killers in Kenya. Out of the 35 million people in Kenya, 25 million are at risk of contracting malaria. It accounts for 20% of all deaths in children under the age of five and 20% of all admissions to health facilities. Your support has enabled an entire region of Kenya to be equipped and trained to stop malaria in its tracks. In addition to our weeklong evangelistic mission in Isiolo, a two-day course was held in Isiolo for 29 local community health workers.

The workers were drawn from 14 different health units around Isiolo county and were trained in prevention, identification, and treatment. The numbers of malaria cases reported are particularly high in Isiolo. Local health centres are understaffed and under-equipped and, in some cases, untrained. Because of your support 12 microscopes and glucometers were donated

to Isiolo county during the Isiolo Mission and more are on the way. They will be distributed to the community health centres county-wide, which will affect more than 5,000 households!

Peter, a trainee, said, “Health facilities are few and far between in Isiolo. Because of this training, I know how to test for and treat malaria, which will greatly help people in my village.”

One local woman in Isiolo was encouraged to hear about our training. She shared, “You have honestly been sent here by God to save lives. Malaria is running rampant here. Last year my 8 year-old daughter died because her malaria was detected too late. If only there had been someone in my community that could have tested her, she may still be alive today. Praise God for the training you have given. I know it will save lives.”

Visit our website to read more stories of lives transformed and partner with us as we continue to transform Africa through the love of Christ.

Community Transformation demonstrating Christs Love

AE donates 14 microscopes to Isiolo County for early detection of Malaria

Talking about Jesus without also demonstrating Christs love rings hollow in a very needy environment.

My name is Tevi N’bueke Lawson. I was born in Port Bouet (Cote D’Ivoire); 25 April 1980 and grew up in Togo (West Africa). I now live in Hong Kong with my wife Curry Lee. She is the youth and sports minister in the China Free Evangelical Church.

I came to faith at fifteen following the death of my father. I experienced all manner of extreme suffering in trying to make a living and obtain an education.. One afternoon in 2005, I was feeling desperate and had planned to commit suicide in the sea. As I walked to the beach I kept hearing the voice of my Mom telling me (she always used to share stories with us in the family home) “Jesus already died for us so if anyone takes their own life they will not make it to heaven”. These words saved me that day; I know that on that day they came from God.

From that moment I realized that God is real and that Jesus died for me. I knew at that point that I was not alone; I had the assurance that God loved me through the challenges and trials of my life. I made a personal decision to know more about Christ. In 2006 I met a man whose parents were missionaries with Youth in Mission in Togo. He discipled me in my faith and we both found we loved soccer! We started a ministry (Soccer in Christ) to bring the Hope of Jesus to the youth in Togo. In 2007, through the soccer ministry, God opened a door for me to minister to many kids in drug rehabilitation centres and schools in Hong Kong. God used this mission trip to reveal Himself and His heart to these suffering kids.

I have served as sports minister for the past 7 years and have also participated in the mission field in 4 different African countries (Benin, Ghana, Cameroon and Central African Republic) and in Hong Kong and China. My calling is to serve the Lord as I minister to many hundreds of Africans in prisons in Hong Kong and in particularly, to the families of asylum seekers in Hong Kong. I am also involved in street evangelism to Africans and Chinese in Hong Kong.

Shalom Tevi

Peter Cheel and Stephen Mbogo met Tevi at a service for African asylum seekers at The Vine Church in Wan Chai, Hong Kong, July 2014. Tevi has since become an AE Ambassador and is in the process of initiating an AE Prayer Team in Hong Kong (comprised of Africans living in Hong Kong and local Chinese citizens). Tevi expects the team of 5 to hold their first prayer meeting in September. 2014 We praise God for men of faith like Tevi!



“During the second Ivorian Civil War in 2011 the military imposed strict curfews on us. We were confined to our homes from noon until 6am the next day,” Pastor George told us candidly. “Many of my congregation came to stay at our house looking for reassurance that I didn’t even have for myself. You took your life in your hands if you stepped outside your door. On Sundays, my family and I walked 45 minutes to get to church with our hands held in the air like hostages. You dared not lower your hands for fear of being thought a rebel and being shot. We couldn’t drive our car because it would have been taken from us. It was the only way. War or no war, I’m still a pastor. People were depending on me.”

Seeing Abidjan now you’d hardly believe that the city was ravaged by war for the better part of 10 years. But as one Ivorian so eloquently put it, “They may have lowered their guns but the weapons of their hearts are still loaded and ready.”

The divisions in government and leadership have further split an already-fractured society.

Abidjan Leadership Mission: IVORY COAST“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.

We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:4

“I was invited by a friend to attend an event. I didn’t know what it was going to be about. Right now I know how to make my choice, the choice of my life. I’m not Christian, but after this conference I wonder if I made a good choice, because I am a Muslim.

If I have to follow my parents’ faith, of course I’ll become a Muslim.

But If I have a choice to make, I know that I want to become a Christian.”




It seems as though there is no neutrality - only “us and them”. Fear has led to suspicion, which has affected every portion of society, even the church. In many minds, every day that passes is one step closer towards the cliff of a civil war that no one wants.

As we began our week-long mission on the first day of September 2014 with more than a year and a half of preparations, all that was left to do was pray. We are certain that without the prayers of our partners worldwide the mission would not have been the success that it was. The power of God was tangible as we began the week with many people coming to the knowledge of Christ during our meetings. Opportunities to meet with government and opposition leaders had remained a distant hope, but as the mission began and the world was behind us in prayer, doors began to fly open. The AE Team met with the Secretary General of the current administration as well as the Opposition leaders to discuss the possibility of sitting down together to see how to proceed peacefully into the next elections. We were encouraged to find that both parties were eager for AE’s help and interested in starting a discussion about peace and reconciliation with the opposite party prior to the next elections.

Abidjan Leadership Mission: IVORY COAST“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.

We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:4

“I was invited by a friend to attend an event. I didn’t know what it was going to be about. Right now I know how to make my choice, the choice of my life. I’m not Christian, but after this conference I wonder if I made a good choice, because I am a Muslim.

If I have to follow my parents’ faith, of course I’ll become a Muslim.

But If I have a choice to make, I know that I want to become a Christian.”

“ They may have lowered their guns but the weapons of their hearts are still loaded and ready.



“I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to African Enterprise and those who are praying for

this initiative. It was a successful and powerful event. The message was from Heaven to the

Ivorian pastors. Pray again for us so that we will implement this message and be reconciled

back to God and back to one another and win this city for Christ.

Thank you!

God Bless you!”

Pastor George

In all that week, we held ten meetings with the theme of “Nation Building: Essentials of leadership in times of change” Having personally invited top leaders from every industry including pastors, civil servants, military leaders, doctors, lawyers, teachers, students and more, we were impressed with the attendance at each event.

The week ended on a high note as military leaders from every branch accompanied by a military band gathered to hear the gospel. The night concluded with the top generals and colonels dancing to a military band version of ‘When the Saints Go Marching In’ and bowing their heads in prayer to a God who

cares more about the Ivory Coast then they could have ever imagined.

In all 194 of the top leaders of the country accepted Christ as their personal saviour during the week and as many wanted to know more about how to become a Christian.

We Christians don’t wage the same kind of war as the world; the weapons of our warfare are capable of tearing down strongholds in places like Ivory Coast. We are thankful to you for being a part of this battle with us.

Read a day-by-day breakdown of the mission events and testimonies on the AE website, www.africanenterprise.com and click on ‘News’.


Chairman: Jeffrey CollettExecutive Director: Peter CheelTelephone: (02) 9889 1799 Fax: (02) 9889 1733 Suite 2G/5 Byfield Street Macquarie Park NSW 2113 AustraliaIncorporated in AustraliaEmail: [email protected]: www.africanenterprise.com.au


Chairman: Dr Tony HanneTelephone: (09) 579 1287PO Box 912023Auckland Mail Centre Auckland 1142New ZealandEmail: [email protected]: www.africanenterprise.co.nz

African Enterprise OUT OF AFRICA is published six times a year for distribution to friends and supporters of the African Enterprise ministry.

Addressees have the right to have their name and address removed from the mailing list and to request that the source from which the name and address was obtained be identified, and to ask that their name not be given to any other organisation.



Dear Friend, The Psalmist’s words come to mind as I reflect on the last couple of months where we have witnessed a bumper harvest of men, women and children making commitments to follow Jesus: “Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. They that go weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, bringing in the harvest” (Ps. 126. 5-6).

While we have missions running throughout the year in our various national offices, our recent missions in Kenya, Uganda, South Africa and Ivory Coast have made these last couple months a high point of the year.

The missions were diverse; the first two being city wide missions, Pretoria focusing on university students and Abidjan reaching out to the leaders of a country that has been ravaged by war. This points to the strategic nature of these missions with each seeking to relevantly, appropriately and creatively present the gospel. Having just returned from Abidjan yesterday, I am still on cloud nine, reminiscing over the experiences of how the Lord opened the hearts of political, military, business and judiciary leaders of Cote d’Ivoire to the Good News.

it was a real success and we return rejoicing and praising the Lord of the African harvest as we bring in the sheaves!!!

A letter fromStephen Mbogo to you

Finally, I wish to thank all of you for prayers and your continued financial support for African Enterprise. Without you we would be seriously limited in our efforts to reach the widely flung cities of Africa with the Good News – from Pretoria in South Africa to Cote d’Ivoire in West Africa and the other missions not mentioned. Pray with our teams in Congo, Rwanda and Ghana as they begin various missions to close out the year. Pray that they may finish well being supplied by the Lord with all the necessary financial and human resources so that these missions and all our 2014 goals may be achieved across the continent.

May you enjoy reading about all God is doing across Africa in this edition of “Out of Africa”

Yours for the extension of Gods Kingdom

Stephen Mbogo, ITL


MEET AFRICA’S NEED ...do so many wonderful works through AE and we are thankful for friends like you who help make this happen. But there are still many needs facing so many throughout the continent today.

...now more than ever, help meet Africa’s needs. So please consider giving any amount you can to our upcoming Christmas Appeal. Thank you for your continued prayers and support of our ministry!