13 th European Week of Regions and Cities Brussels 12 - 15 October 2015 OPEN DAYS University Master Class

OD Master Class Programme

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13th European Week of Regions and CitiesBrussels12 - 15 October 2015

OPEN DAYS UniversityMaster Class

Page 2: OD Master Class Programme


Welcome to the Master Class 2015 of the OPEN DAYS University! For the third time, the OPEN DAYS University will be accompanied by a Master Class aiming to improve the understanding of EU Cohesion Policy and its research potential. The 2015 Master Class will:

present recent research on European regional and urban development and EU Cohesion Policy;

enable PhD students and early-career researchers to exchange views with EU politicians, officials and senior academics;

facilitate networking among participants from different countries and with the wider EU policy and academic communities; and

raise awareness and understanding of the research potential in the field of EU Cohesion Policy.

Based on a call for paper proposals, 24 participants from universities in 15 EU Member States and three non-EU countries will attend the Master Class between 12 and 15 October 2015 to discuss in particular three themes:

EU Cohesion Policy and the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth;

Institutional relations, governance and EU Cohesion Policy;

Places and spaces: the contribution of EU Cohesion Policy to integrated urban, rural and territorial development.

The Master Class will be organised by the European Commission's DG for Regional and Urban Policy, the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) and the Regional Studies Association (RSA), together with the European Regional Science Association (ERSA) and the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP). It will involve a total of about 30 speakers and moderators from these institutions. Mostly restricted to the selected participants, the modules of the Master Class will be held on CoR premises and include:

the attendance of the OPEN DAYS Opening Session in the European Commission;

lectures, exercises and networking sessions;

a ‘World Café’ session;

participation in OPEN DAYS social events.

The organisers would like to wish all participants and speakers inspiring and fruitful experiences and debates!

Brussels, 7 October 2015

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Table of Contents

Sunday, 11 October .................................................................................................................... 3

19:00–21:00, Informal get-together, Brussels’ market place (Grand Place) .......................... 3

Monday, 12 October ................................................................................................................... 3

9:00-11:10 Guided tour from the city centre to the CoR ......................................................... 3

15:00-17:00 Europe's regions and cities: Partners for investment, innovation and growth 4

Tuesday 13 October ................................................................................................................... 4

9:00-11:30 EU Cohesion Policy 2014-2020: the state of play ................................................. 4

11:45-12:30 EU Cohesion Policy: challenges for research ..................................................... 4

12:30-14:00 Lunch break ........................................................................................................... 4

14:00-16:00 Presentation of research projects and thematic discussions (2) ...................... 5

16:15-18:00 Current and future research on EU Cohesion Policy ......................................... 5

19:00 – 22:00 OPEN DAYS official reception including RegioStars 2015 Awards ................ 6

Wednesday 14 October .............................................................................................................. 6

15:00-17:00 What is so ‘smart’ about smart (city) governance? ............................................ 6

18:00-21:00 An Audience with…............................................................................................... 6

Thursday 15 October.................................................................................................................. 7

9:00-12:45 World Café session ................................................................................................. 7

9:00-9.20 Welcome and introduction ....................................................................................... 7

12:45-13:30 Feed-back .............................................................................................................. 8

List of Master Class 2015 participants ..................................................................................... 9

List of Master Class 2015 speakers, moderators and organisers ........................................ 15

Practical information ............................................................................................................... 18

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Sunday, 11 October 19:00–21:00, Informal get-together, Brussels’ market place (Grand Place) For participants arriving on 11 October in Brussels, there will be an informal get-together with Wolfgang Petzold in the centre of Brussels. Meeting point: In front of the hotel "Citadines". Monday, 12 October

9:00-11:10 Guided tour from the city centre to the CoR

City walk with Stefan De Corte, Academic Coordinator of the Master’s Programme on "Urban and Spatial Planning" and Associate Director of Cosmopolis, Centre for Urban Research, Free University of Brussels (VUB), and Dr Nicola Dotti, Cosmopolis/VUB, starting at hotel "Citadines" and ending at the CoR. 11:30-11:50 Coffee and Welcome by the organisers, CoR, Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 99, first floor Welcome by Anthony Lockett, DG REGIO, Wolfgang Petzold, CoR, John Bachtler, RSA, Jouke van Dijk, President ERSA, Richard Kelly, ERSA, and Izabela Mironowicz, AESOP. 12:00-14:15 Lunch and presentation of research projects and thematic discussions (1) Five of the papers submitted by the participants will be selected for presentation to the group and the discussants. This session is expected to have three presentations before a 40 minute sandwich lunch at 13.00 and two afterwards. Theme 1: EU Cohesion Policy and the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

Investigation of the regional innovation paradox Niall Crosbie, Waterford Institute of Technology, Department of Management and

Organisation, Ireland

Smart specialisation strategies in Poland Marta Dobrzycka, Warsaw School of Economics, Collegium of Socio Economics, Poland

Smart specialisation and the public sector: the challenge of institutional learning in Puglia and Sicily

Giulia Lazzeri, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Institute of Law, Politics and Development (DIRPOLI Institute), Italy

Theme 2: Institutional relations, governance and EU Cohesion Policy

The dynamics of the regional development agencies in post accession Romania Alina Dragos, West University of Timisoara, Department of Political Science, Romania

Institutional relations in the governance of Cohesion Policy: a principal-agent analysis of the implementation of financial instruments Claudia Gloazzo, University of Strathclyde, School of Government and Public Policy, European Policies Research Centre, United Kingdom

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Moderator: Prof John Bachtler, European Policies Research Centre, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom Discussants:

Peter Berkowitz, European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy

Daniel Mouque, European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy

Thomas Wobben, European Committee of the Regions Following the session participants will walk to the Charlemagne Building. Remember to leave time to go through security for a 15.00 prompt start. 15:00-17:00 Europe's regions and cities: Partners for investment, innovation and growth

European Commission, Charlemagne building The session opens the 13th European Week of Regions and Cities-OPEN DAYS and will be addressed – among others – by Regional Policy Commissioner Corina Creţu, CoR President Markku Markkula, the Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas, and Prof Roberta Capello, University of Milan, Prof Philip McCann, University of Groningen, and Prof Slavo Radošević, University College London. The scope of the session will be built around local aspects of investment, innovation and implementation of the EU Structural and Investment Funds. 650 local leaders – including about 200 members of the European Committee of the Regions - and regional policy experts will attend the session. 17.30-19.00 Cocktail reception, European Commission, Charlemagne building Tuesday 13 October 9:00-11:30 EU Cohesion Policy 2014-2020: the state of play Presentations by and discussion with colleagues of DG REGIO and DG EMPL CoR, Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 93, REM building Speakers:

Eric von Breska, European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy, and

Manuela Geleng, European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Presentations will focus on the results of the programming of EU Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 including aspects of its implementation, monitoring and evaluation. 11:45-12:30 EU Cohesion Policy: challenges for research Debate with Walter Deffaa, European Commission, Director-General for Regional and Urban Policy CoR, Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 93, REM building 15 minutes speech by the Director-General, followed by a Q+A session with the Master Class students. 12:30-14:00 Lunch break Participants may use the CoR’s self-service restaurant

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14:00-16:00 Presentation of research projects and thematic discussions (2) CoR, Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 93, REM building Six of the papers submitted by the participants will be selected for presentation to the group and the discussants. Theme 2: Institutional relations, governance and EU Cohesion Policy

Changing modes of EU governance. Implications for Cohesion Policy Telle, Stefan, Slovak University of Technology, Institute of Management, Slovakia

Mapping of interest groups mobilization in cross-border cooperation programmes Marsida Bandilli, University of Antwerp, Antwerp Centre for Institutions and Multilevel Politics (ACIM), Department of Political Science, Belgium

Theme 3: Places and spaces: the contribution of EU Cohesion Policy to integrated urban, rural and territorial development

Spatialities of labour policies in Hungary Márton Czirfusz, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary

Investing in lagging regions is efficient: a local multipliers analysis of European regions Jasper J. Van Dijk, Oxford University, New College, United Kingdom

Measuring demographic impact of the regional and cohesion policy actions: example of Latvia Aleksandrs Dahs, University of Latvia, Centre for European and Transition Studies, Latvia

How does the net impact of the EU Regional Policy differ across countries? Riccardo Crescenzi, London School of Economics, Department of Geography and Environment, United Kingdom and Mara Giua, Roma Tre University, Department of Economics, Italy

Moderator: Phillipe Monfort, European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy Discussants:

Peter Berkowitz, European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy

Daniel Mouque, European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy

Thomas Wobben, European Committee of the Regions 16:15-18:00 Current and future research on EU Cohesion Policy Roundtable discussion with senior researchers CoR, Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 93, REM building Moderator: Prof Anna Geppert, University Paris IV Sorbonne, France, Editorial Boards of “Territoires en Mouvement” and “European Spatial Research and Policy”

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Prof Kevin Morgan, Cardiff University, United Kingdom, Governance and Development, School of Planning,

Prof Lisa De Propris, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

Prof Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, Visiting Professor at the College of Europe, Professor of Economic Geography

Referring to the three themes of the Master Class, panellists will present their views on current research trends and comment on recent regional and urban policy developments at EU level. 19:00 – 22:00 OPEN DAYS official reception including RegioStars 2015 Awards Bozar, Centre of Fine Arts, Rue Ravenstein/Ravensteinstraat 23 Wednesday 14 October On Wednesday morning, participants are free to either attend other OPEN DAYS seminars and/or to organise meetings, which they wish to plan themselves. 15:00-17:00 What is so ‘smart’ about smart (city) governance? Open event with Dr Tassilo Herrschel, University Westminster - London & VUB, organised by the Free University of Brussels/VUB and Cosmopolis, Centre for Urban Research Atelier Vlaams Bouwmeester, Ravensteingalerij 54-59 Discussants:

Tassilo Herrschel, University of Westminster & VUB

Dirk Van De Putte, ADT/ATO

Shenja Van Der Graff, iMinds, Vrije Universiteit Brussel 18:00-21:00 An Audience with… Buffet dinner followed by an informal discussion with politicians and officials of the EU institutions involved in the negotiations of the EU Cohesion Policy regulations 2014-2020 Brussels University Club, Rue d'Egmont/Egmontstraat 11

Eric von Breska, European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy

Krzysztof Kasprzyk, Ministry of Regional Development, Poland

Marc Lemaitre, European Commission, Office of Administration and Individual Entitlements

Nicholas Martyn, European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy

Lynsey Moore, European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy

Jan Olbrycht, Member of European Parliament

Chair: Prof John Bachtler, European Policies Research Centre, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom

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Thursday 15 October 9:00-12:45 World Café session CoR, Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 99, 6th floor, Atrium This session will take the form of managed discussions in six small groups (two per theme). Each group will be allocated a table manager and a facilitator, possibly European Commission and CoR officials according to their areas of expertise. Participants will change tables two or three times and will finally return to the table of their initial field of interest in order to have an exchange on lessons learned. The exercise will be closed with short presentations by each table and a final wrap-up by the coordinator. Themes (1) EU Cohesion Policy and the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive

growth; (2) Institutional relations, governance and EU Cohesion Policy; (3) Places and spaces: the contribution of EU Cohesion Policy to integrated urban, rural and

territorial development. Agenda 9:00-9.20 Welcome and introduction

Jiří Buriánek, Secretary-General of the European Committee of the Regions

Prof John Bachtler, European Policies Research Centre, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom

9:20-9:50 First table-based debates (initial table) 9:50-10:20 Second debate (at a different table) 10:20-10:50 Third debate (at a different table) 10:50-11:30 Fourth debate (back at the initial table) 11:30-12:30 Reporting back from the tables and discussion 12:40-12:45 Closure by John Bachtler

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Facilitators and moderators

Peter Berkowitz, European Commission, DG for Regional and Urban Policy

Pascal Boijmans, European Commission, DG for Regional and Urban Policy

Amélie Cousin, European Committee of the Regions

Manuela Geleng, European Commission, DG for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

Florian Hauser, European Commission, DG for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

Bert Kuby, European Committee of the Regions

Christiaan Van Lierop, European Parliament Research Service

Pauliina Mäkäräinen, European Committee of the Regions

Gordon Modro, European Committee of the Regions

Milica Neacsu, European Committee of the Regions

Agnieszka Widuto, European Parliament Research Service

Prof Lisa De Propris, Department of Business and Labour Economics, University of Birmingham

Fiona Wieland, European Commission, DG for Regional and Urban Policy World Café tables EU Cohesion Policy and the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth Table 1: Peter Berkowitz (input); Pauliina Mäkäräinen (moderator) Table 2: Manuela Geleng (input); Amélie Cousin (moderator) Institutional relations, governance and EU Cohesion Policy; Table 3: Pascal Boijmans/Agnieszka Widuto (input); Milica Neacsu (moderator) Table 4: Florian Hauser (input); Bert Kuby (moderator)

Places and spaces: the contribution of EU Cohesion Policy to integrated urban, rural and territorial development

Table 5: Fiona Wieland (input); Marc Kiwitt (moderator) Table 6: Christiaan Van Lierop (input); Gordon Modro (moderator) 12:45-13:30 Feed-back Final exchange on the Master Class between organisers and participants Anthony Lockett, European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy, Wolfgang Petzold, European Committee of the Regions, John Bachtler, RSA, Izabela Mironowicz, AESOP, and Richard Kelly, ESRA.

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List of Master Class 2015 participants

(in alphabetical order)

1- Marsida Bandilli Paper: Mapping of interest groups mobilization in cross-border cooperation programmes PhD Student University of Antwerp Department of Political Science Research Group ACIM (Antwerp Centre for Institutions and Multilevel Politics) Sint-Jacobstraat 2, 2000 Antwerpen, België

[email protected] Ph +32 32655730, mobile: +32 487711569

2- Niall Crosbie Paper: Investigation of the regional innovation paradox PhD Student Waterford Institute of Technology Centre for Enterprise Development and Regional Economy, Department of Management and Organisation, School of Business Arclabs Research and Innovation Centre, WIT West Campus, Carriganore, Waterford, Ireland [email protected] Ph. mobile: +353 868587280

3- Dr Márton Czirfusz Paper: Spatialities of labour policies in Hungary Research Fellow Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute for Regional Studies Budaörsi út 45., 1112 Budapest, Hungary [email protected] Ph. +36 13092684, mobile: +36 205759337

4 - Jasper Jacob van Dijk Paper: Investing in lagging regions is efficient: a local multipliers analysis of European regions PhD Student University of Oxford, New College 80 Empress Court, Woodin’s Way, Oxford, OX1 1HG, United Kingdom [email protected] Ph. mobile: +44 7450281727

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5 - Marta Dobrzycka Paper: Smart specialisation strategies in Poland PhD Student Warsaw School of Economics, Collegium of Socio Economics Ul. Wiśniowa 41, 02-520 Warsaw, Poland [email protected] Ph. +48 22 8492786, mobile: +48 668048333

6- Alina Dragos Paper: The dynamics of the Regional Development Agencies in post-accession Romania PhD Student West University of Timisoara, Department of Political Science Blvd. V. Parvan 4, Timisoara 3002243, Timis, Romania [email protected] Ph. mobile +4(0) 745862120

7 - Claudia Gloazzo Paper: Institutional relations in the governance of Cohesion Policy: a principal-agent analysis of the implementation of financial instruments PhD Student University of Strathclyde, European Policies Research Centre, School of Government and Public Policy 2/3, 34 Thornwood avenue, G117QY Glasgow, United Kingdom [email protected] Ph. +44 (0)141 5483910, mobile: +44 (0) 7448611051

8- Milán Husar Paper: Respond on fuzzy responsibilities in the cross-border management of Alps-Carpathian eco-biocorridor PhD Student Slovak University of Technology, Institute of Management Semenárska 15, 85110 Bratislava, Slovakia [email protected] Ph. mobile +421 907 321 242

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9 - Maria Karanika Paper: Places and spaces: urban and rural development; urban-rural integration PhD Student University of Thessaly Department of Planning and Regional Development Viopolis, 41500 Larissa, Greece [email protected] Ph. +30 2410685727, mobile: +30 6932752760

10 - Mandy Lalrindiki Paper: The influence of regional level institutional frameworks in the evolution of an inter-regional innovation system: a conceptual paper PhD Student Waterford Institute of Technology Department of Management and Organisation Arclabs Research and Innovation Centre, WIT West Campus, Carriganore, Waterford, Ireland [email protected] Ph. mobile: +353 857304634

11 - Giulia Lazzeri Paper: Smart specialisation and the public sector: the challenge of institutional learning in Puglia and Sicily PhD Student Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Institute of Law, Politics and Development (DIRPOLIS Institute) Via Santa Cecilia, n. 3, 56127 Pisa, Italy [email protected] Ph. mobile: +39 3382855385

12 - Laura Lopez-Gomez Paper: Do institutions of the euro area converge? PhD Student University of Murcia, Department of Quantitative Methods Faculty of Economics and Business, Campus of Espinardo, 30100 Murcia, Spain [email protected] Ph. +34 868889412, mobile: +34 625435472

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13 - Ana Isabel Matias Louro Martins Paper: An integrated approach of territorial development in EU Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 – new instruments for old challenges PhD Student/Research Fellow University of Lisbon (CEG-UL), Centre for Geographical Studies, Research Group of Modelling, Urban and Regional Planning (MOPT) Edifício da Faculdade de Letras, Alameda da Universidade, 1600-214 Lisboa, Portugal [email protected] Ph. + 351 217940218 / 217965469, mobile: + 351 963737335

14 - Dr Jorge Tiago Mira Canhoto Duraes Martins Paper: Relational capabilities to leverage new knowledge – an empirical analysis of firms embedded in UK and Portugal old industrial regions Lecturer The University of Sheffield, Information School Regent Court, 211 Portobello Street, S1 4DP Sheffield, United Kingdom [email protected] Ph. +44 1142222667, mobile: +44 7595939844

15 - Gergő Medve-Bálint Paper: Economic and political bias in the distribution of EU funds in East Central Europe PhD Student/Junior Research Fellow Center for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Department of Government and Public Policy Országház utca 30., 1014 Budapest, Hungary [email protected] Ph. +36 1 2246700/230, mobile: +36 203959756

16 - Javier Gomez Prieto Paper: European Territorial Cooperation effects on the promotion and use of solar energy in the Mediterranean area PhD Student/Project monitoring and evaluation officer Joint Technical Secretariat, European Territorial Cooperation Programme for the Mediterranean: MED Programme 39 Rue Jean Martin, 13005 Marseille, France [email protected] Ph. mobile: +33 0787954430

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17 - Eva Purkarthofer Paper: When ‘soft planning’ and ‘hard planning’ meet: the encounter of European and national spatial planning PhD Student Aalto University, YTK Land Use and Urban Studies Group, Department for Real Estate, Planning and Geoinformatics Rakentajanaukio 2C, 02150 Espoo, Finland [email protected] Ph. mobile: +358 504319196

18 - Alys Solly Paper: Place-based innovation in EU Cohesion Policy PhD Student Politecnico di Torino, DIST – Dipartimento Interateneo di Scienze, Progetto e Politiche del Territorio Viale Pier Andrea Mattioli 39, 10126 Torino, Italy [email protected] Ph. mobile: +39 3408600554

19 - Stefan Telle Paper: Changing modes of EU governance. Implications for Cohesion Policy PhD Student Slovak University of Technology, Institute of Management Vazovova 5, 81243 Bratislava, Slovakia [email protected] Ph. mobile: +421 918 669 051

20 - Sebastian Schulz Paper: Examining the link between innovation as a key concept in EU Cohesion Policy and socio-spatial polarisation in CEE regions PhD Student/Junior Research Fellow University of Tartu Faculty of Economic and Business Administration Riia 19-6, 51010 Tartu, Estonia [email protected] Ph mobile: +372 59049180

21 - Dr Tamara Edyta West Paper: Cultural heritage, digital innovation and SmartCulture Regional Clusters: addressing the distinctiveness of the spaces and places of EU Cohesion Policy Research Fellow The University of Birmingham, Birmingham Business School and Digital Humanities Hub Edgbaston Birmingham, B15 2TT, United Kingdom [email protected] Ph. mobile: +44 (0)7432056792

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“Best paper“ winners In the context of the conference “Challenges for the New Cohesion Policy in 2014-2020: An Academic and Policy Debate“, held by DG REGIO, the RSA and the Latvian EU Presidency on 4-6 February 2015 in Riga, three researchers won a best paper award, which includes participation in the OPEN DAYS 2015 Master Class.

Dr Riccardo Crescenzi Paper: How does the net impact of EU regional policy differ across countries? (together with Mara Giua) Associate Professor of Economic Geography London School of Economics & Harvard University (Visiting Scholar) Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE, United Kingdom

[email protected] Ph. +44 (0)20 7955 6720

Dr Mara Giua

Paper: How does the net impact of EU regional policy differ across countries? (together with Ríccardo Crescenzi) Post-doc researcher Roma Tre University, Department Economics Via S. D'Amico, 00145 Rome, Italy [email protected] Ph. mobile: +39 3291471575

Aleksandrs Dahs Paper: Measuring demographic impact of the regional and cohesion policy actions: example of Latvia" PhD Student University of Latvia, Demography Doctoral Study Programme Maskavas Str. 243-90, LV-1019 Riga, Latvia [email protected] Ph. +371 67034374, mobile: +371 26488725

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List of Master Class 2015 speakers, moderators and organisers

(in alphabetical order) Giulia Amaducci European Commission DG Regional and Urban Policy Avenue de Beaulieu 29/Beaulieulaan 29 1160 Brussels [email protected] John Bachtler Director, European Policies Research Centre 16 Richmond Street Glasgow G1 1XQ. Scotland United Kingdom [email protected] Peter Berkowitz Head of Unit European Commission Avenue de Beaulieu 29/Beaulieulaan 29 1160 Brussels B-1049 Brussels [email protected] Pascal Boijmans Head of Unit European Commission DG Regional and Urban Policy Avenue de Beaulieu 29/Beaulieulaan 29 1160 Brussels [email protected] Eric von Breska Head of Unit European Commission DG Regional and Urban Policy Avenue de Beaulieu 29/Beaulieulaan 29 1160 Brussels [email protected] Jiří Buriánek Secretary-General Committee of the Regions rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 99-101 B-1040 Brussels [email protected]

Daniela Carl Regional Studies Association 25 Clinton Place, Seaford East Sussex BN25 1NP United Kingdom [email protected] Stefan De Corte Academic Coordinator of the Master’s Programme on "Urban and Spatial Planning" Associate Director of Cosmopolis, Centre for Urban Research Vrije Universiteit Brussel - DGGF Pleinlaan 2 Bld de la Plaine B-1050 Brussels [email protected] Amélie Cousin Committee of the Regions rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 99-101 B-1040 Brussels [email protected] Lisa De Propris University of Birmingham University House Birmingham B15 2TT United Kingdom [email protected] Walter Deffaa Director-General European Commission DG for Regional and Urban Policy Avenue de Beaulieu 29/Beaulieulaan 29 1160 Brussels [email protected] Nicola Francesco Dotti Cosmopolis – Centre for Urban Research Vrije Universiteit Brussel - DGGF Pleinlaan 2 Bld de la Plaine B-1050 Brussels [email protected]

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Manuela Geleng Head of Unit European Commission Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion DG Avenue de Beaulieu 29/Beaulieulaan 29 1160 Brussels [email protected] Monika Gerykova Regional Studies Association 25 Clinton Place, Seaford East Sussex BN25 1NP United Kingdom [email protected] Sally Hardy Chief Executive Regional Studies Association 25 Clinton Place, Seaford East Sussex BN25 1NP United Kingdom [email protected] Florian Hauser European Commission Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion DG Avenue de Beaulieu 29/Beaulieulaan 29 1160 Brussels [email protected] Tassilo Herrschel University Westminster, London & VUB 309 Regent Street, London W1B 2HW United Kingdom [email protected] Krzysztof Kasprzyk Counsellor Head of Regional and Cohesion Policy Unit Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU Rue Stevin 139 1000 Brussels Belgium [email protected]

Richard Kelly ERSA Voie du Roman Pays 34, L1.03.01 B - 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve [email protected] Bert Kuby Head of Unit Committee of the Regions 99, rue Belliard/Belliardstraat B-1040 Brussels [email protected] Marc Lemaitre Director European Commission Office of Administration and Individual Entitlements Rue de la Science 27/Wetenschapsstraat 27 1049 Brussels [email protected] Anthony Lockett Acting Head of Unit European Commission DG for Regional and Urban Policy Avenue de Beaulieu 29/Beaulieulaan 29 1160 Brussels [email protected] Pauliina Mäkäräinen Committee of the Regions rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 99-101 B-1040 Brussels [email protected] Nicholas Martyn Deputy director general European Commission DG Regional and Urban Policy Avenue de Beaulieu 5/Beaulieulaan 5 1160 Brussels [email protected] Izabela Mironowicz AESOP 53/55 Boleslawa Prusa Street 50-370 Wroclaw Poland [email protected]

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Gordon Modro Committee of the Regions rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 99-101 B-1049 Brussels [email protected] Phillipe Monfort European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy Avenue de Beaulieu 29/Beaulieulaan 29 1160 Brussels [email protected] Lynsey Moore European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy Avenue de Beaulieu 29/Beaulieulaan 29 1160 Brussels [email protected] Kevin Morgan Professor Cardiff University, United Kingdom, Governance and Development, School of Planning Glamorgan Building King Edward VII Avenue Cardiff United Kingdom [email protected] Daniel Mouque European Commission DG Regional and Urban Policy Avenue de Beaulieu 29/Beaulieulaan 29 1160 Brussels [email protected] Milica Neacsu Committee of the Regions rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 99-101 B-1040 Brussels [email protected] Jan Olbrycht European Parliament Altiero Spinelli building 12E102 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60 B-1047 Brussels [email protected]

Wolfgang Petzold Head of Unit Committee of the Regions rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 99-101 B-1040 Brussels [email protected] Andrés Rodríguez-Pose Visiting Professor at the College of Europe, Professor of Economic Geography Dept of Geography & Environment LSE Houghton Street London WC2A 2AE United Kingdom [email protected]

Dirk Van De Putte Deputy Director ADT/ATO (Brussels regional development agency) BIP Rue Royale 2-4 B-1000 Brussels [email protected] Shenja Van Der Graaf Senior researcher iMinds, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Pleinlaan 9 1050 Brussels [email protected] Fiona Wieland European Commission DG Regional and Urban Policy Avenue de Beaulieu 29/Beaulieulaan 29 1160 Brussels [email protected]

Agnieszka Widuto European Parliament Research Service Rue Wiertz 60 B-1047 Brussels [email protected]

Thomas Wobben Director Committee of the Regions rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 99-101 B-1040 Brussels [email protected]

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Practical information

Travel and accommodation

Hotel Citadines Bruxelles Sainte Catherine

Quai au Bois à Brûler 51

1000 Bruxelles

From Brussels National Airport to Hotel Citadines

Take the train to Gare Centrale – 8,50 €/journey – 6 trains / hour From Gare centrale to your hotel, either walk (+/- 10 minutes) or take the metro to Sainte Catherine (line 5 or 1) or Place de Brouckère (line 3 or 4). How to reach the Committee of the Regions

more details

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From Brussels National Airport Take Bus 12 (direct) or 21 and get off at Luxembourg – 5 minute walk to the Committee of the Regions (rue Belliard, 101 – 1040 Brussels) Airport line one way ticket: 4,50 € (1 journey purchased outside vehicle) / 6,00 € (1 journey purchased inside vehicle)

From Hotel Citadines Take the metro from Sainte-Catherine to either Maelbeek or Schuman and walk for 5 to 10 minutes to the Committee of the Regions (rue Belliard, 101 – 1040 Brussels) Fares: Single ticket JUMP: 2,10€ (purchased outside vehicle) / 2,50 € (purchased inside vehicle) 1-day card JUMP : 7,50€ Take the train from Gare Centrale to Brussels - Luxembourg Station

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How to reach the Brussels University Fondation Club (14.10.2015)

The University Foundation (Egmontstraat 11, Brussels) is located just between two underground stations (Troon/Trône and Porte de Namur/Naamsepoort). From the Committee of the Regions, take the metro from Maalbeek - line 1 (direction Gare de l'ouest) or 5 (direction Erasme), to Art-Loi. In Art-Loi, take the line 2 or 6 (Simonis/Roi Baudouin), get off at Trône or Porte de Namur and walk for 5 minutes to the University Fondation. The University Foundation is also within walking distance of the Committee of the Regions (about 20 minutes).


For participants arriving on Sunday, 11 October in Brussels, there will be an informal get-together in the Brussels centre. Details are provided in the programme. You are most welcome to use the CoR premises, the Meeting Place Café (Jacques Delors building, 5th floor) for informal gatherings. Social events after the opening session on Monday and the official reception on Tuesday will provide additional networking opportunities. You are also invited to join the facebook page for the OPEN DAYS (https://www.facebook.com/europeanweekofregionsandcities) and the “OPEN DAYS Master Class” group on the “Yammer” social media platform and. It will allow you to get in touch with each other before coming to Brussels and keep in contact afterwards. Master Class 2013 and 2014 alumni are also listed in that group. First time Yammer users have to register on the "Yammer" platform before.

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Registration desks set-up – JDE ground floor





31 2 cloakroom

1: CoR info point

2: speakers

3: on-site registration

Belliard street



Registration and Info Points

Committee of the Regions Jacques Delors building (JDE) Registration opens on 12 October 2015 at 9 am Rue Belliard 101 B-1040 Brussels Please pick up your OPEN DAYS badge at the CoR info point situated at the ground floor (see floorplan). Your badge will be valid for the entire programme. Colleagues at the CoR info point are available to answer your questions and provide support during your stay at the Committee of the Regions. Should you need information about Brussels, you may find it at the stand of VisitBrussels the communications agency for tourism in the Brussels-Capital Region, neighbouring the CoR info point.

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Please wear your OPEN DAYS badge during your stay in the CoR premises. You will also need the badge for access to the opening session in the Charlemagne building and other OPEN DAYS venues. If you store your luggage in the cloakrooms (ground floor, 5th and 6th floor of JDE building), please be aware that those are unattended. Do not leave any valuables in your suitcase. Interpretation

No interpretation is provided for Master Class sessions. Working language is English. Internet Access

WiFi is available throughout the CoR premises and no access code is needed. Official reception/RegioStars Award Ceremony

DG REGIO and the CoR have the pleasure to invite you to the OPEN DAYS official reception, at BOZAR Centre of Fine Arts (Rue Ravenstein 23, 1000 Bruxelles) on Tuesday, 13 October. Doors open at 18.30 for a cocktail, followed by the RegioStars Award Ceremony and a walking dinner, during which you are also offered the possibility to visit an exhibition. Dress code: business. Public transport: Metro station Gare Centrale. Please do not forget your invitation card, which you will find in your OPEN DAYS folder. World Café

The World Café on Thursday will involve small-group discussions taking place around a series of 6 tables, each with groups of 6 -7 people. The discussion will take place in two rounds, based on a set of questions, which will be communicated in advance. Participants will be pre-assigned to tables for the first round of discussions, after which they will be invited to go to different tables for the next round. There will be a table host and discussant at each table, both of whom stay at the same table throughout. At the outset, each table should also nominate a rapporteur who will also stay at the table for the two rounds of discussion and report back on the discussion at the end (3 minutes to highlight the main points/arguments). Attending OPEN DAYS workshops on Wednesday

Should you wish to attend regular OPEN DAYS workshops on Wednesday am, please register onsite for the available workshop. A novelty of this year's programme is the OPEN Urban DAY, taking place in the Canal Area. Different interactive workshops will be organised around the new financial urban instruments, European initiatives like Smart Cities and the Urban Innovative Actions, URBACT, green incubators, revitalisation of the canal area, circular economy etc.

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Useful contacts

Accommodation and travel: [email protected] Hotline: +32(0)2 502 06 15 (OPEN DAYS secretariat) Programme and organisation: [email protected] Your contacts during the event: Wolfgang Petzold will meet you on Sunday at Hotel Citadines (Mobile: +32 (0)475 972 645) Isabelle Birsan and Chantal Gennen at the CoR info point may provide assistance throughout the event (Mobile: +32 (0)479 515 830) Accompanying the group at the CoR and reachable on Mobile: Amélie Cousin – Monday 12, Tuesday 13, Thursday 15 October (Mobile: +32 (0) 479 827 711) Pauliina Makarainen – Wednesday, 14 October (Mobile: +32 (0) 479 827 716)

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