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姓 名 別號 性別 出 生 年 月 日 國 籍楊 永 斌 男 民國 43 年 8 月 22

日 中華民國通訊處:10617 台北市羅斯福路四段一號台大工學院電話:(公)(02) 2363 2104 (宅)(02) 2393 5550傳真: (02) 2363 7585電子郵件信箱: [email protected]


服 務 機 關 名 稱 專兼任 職 稱 ( 職 級 ) 到 職 年 月 日國 立 臺 灣 大 學 專任 教授兼工學院院長 教授(1988/8 起)

院長(1999/8 起)大學以上學歷

學 校 名 稱 院 系 所 學位名稱 授 予 學 位 年 月美 國 康 乃 爾 大 學 土木工程學院 博士 1984 年 5 月

國 立 臺 灣 大 學 土木系結構組 碩士 1980 年 6 月國 立 臺 灣 大 學 土木工程學系 學士 1976 年 6 月

服 務 機 關 名 稱 專兼任 職 稱 ( 職 級 ) 任 職 起 迄 年 月 本校、教育部、及國科會服務國科會土木學門 兼 召集人 2002-迄今教育部科學指導委員會 兼 諮詢委員 2001-迄今教育部營建工程小組 兼 委員 1998-2000本校哲學系事件特別聘任評審委員會 兼 委員 1996-2002

臺灣大學附設幼稚園 兼 “園長”、家長會長 1996-1997

國立臺灣大學土木系 兼 主任 1995-1998國家地震工程研究中心新建工程工務小組 兼 召集人 1992-1995

國家地震工程研究中心地震模擬實驗組 兼 組長 1990-1995

國立臺灣大學土木系 專 副教授 1984-1988


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國際學術期刊及組織Int. J. of Multiscale & Interactive Mechanics 兼 Editor-in-Chief 2004(籌備中)Journal of the IASS 兼 Editorial Board 2004-迄今IASS Technical Activities Committee 兼 Chairman 2003-迄今IASS Executive Council 兼 Member 2002-迄今Finite Elements in Analysis & Design 兼 Editorial Board 2002-迄今Chinese J. of Computational Mechanics 兼 Editorial Board 2002-迄今Int. J. Structural Stability & Dynamics 兼 Editor-in-Chief 2001-迄今Mechanics of Advanced Materials & Structures 兼 Editorial Board 2001-迄今Spatial Structures (Zhejiang Univ.) 兼 Editorial Board 2001-迄今Asian Institute of Intelligent Buildings 兼 Honorary Advisor 2001-迄今Computational Structural Engineering, an Int. J. 兼 Editorial Board 2000-迄今Engineering Mechanics (CSTAM) 兼 Editorial Board 1999-迄今Advances in Structural Engineering 兼 Editorial Board 1998-迄今IASS Working Group 13 兼 Chairman 1998-2004

Engineering Structures 兼 Editorial Board 1995-迄今Int. J. Structural Engineering & Mechanics 兼 Editorial Board 1993-迄今ASCE Stability Committee 兼 Member 1992-2000

國內學術期刊及組織中華工程教育學會 兼 秘書長 2003-迄今中國工程師學會 兼 理事 2001-迄今土木技術雜誌 兼 總編輯 1998-2001

中國土木水利學刊 兼 總編輯 1998-2000

中華民國結構工程學會 兼 理事長 1998-2000


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中華民國力學學會 兼 理事 1997-迄今中國土木水利工程學會 兼 理事、常務理事 1996-迄今台大「工程學刊」 兼 主編 1991-1995

中央政府服務公共工程委員會金質獎 兼 評選委員 2004

考試院 93 年公務人員高考 兼 典試委員 2004內政部建築研究所建築物防火實驗研究諮詢委員會 兼 委員 2003-2004

考選部 92 年專門職技人員檢覈考試 兼 召集人 2003

公共工程委員會技術委員會 兼 委員 2001-2003

經濟部標準局第二屆全國標準化獎評審委員會 兼 委員 2001

公共工程委員會採購申訴審議委員會 兼 委員 2000-2001

考試院 89 年專門職技人員高考 兼 典試委員 2000

交通部公路橋樑設計規範修訂草案 兼 審查委員 2000

考試院 88 年中央暨地方機關公務人員升等考試 兼 典試委員 1999

地方政府服務金門縣政府 兼 縣政顧問 2003-迄今台北市政府採購申訴審議委員會 兼 委員 2001-2004

台北市政府納莉颱風災後重建推動委員會 兼 委員 2001

台北市政府 兼 市政顧問 1999-2002

台北市捷運中和、新店線 兼 履勘委員 1998

相關財團法人服務國家實驗研究院指導委員會 兼 專業委員(地震、防災) 2004-2006

國家實驗研究院 兼 諮詢委員 2003-2005


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地震工程研究中心財團法人宗倬章先生教育基金會 兼 董事 2002-迄今財團法人台慶科技教育發展基金會 兼 董事長(依慣例由

工學院院長兼任) 1999-迄今財團法人聯合船舶設計發展中心 兼 董事(校指派) 1999-2004

財團法人臺灣營建研究院 兼 常務董事(校推薦) 1999-2004

財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 兼 監察人、監事、董事 1999-2004

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A. Books and Chapters

1. Yang, Y. B., and Kuo, S. R., Theory and Analysis of Nonlinear Framed Structures, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1994, 612 pages.

2. Yau, J. D., and Yang, Y. B., Theory of Vehicle-Bridge Interaction for High Speed Railways, D&E Drawing and Editing Services, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Feb. 2000 (in Chinese).

3. Yang, Y. B., Chang, K. C., and Yau, J. D., Base Isolation, chapter in Handbook of Earthquake Engineering, eds.: Chen, W. F., and Scawthorn, C., CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 2002, Chapter 17, 30 pages.

4. Yang, Y. B., Yau, J. D., and Wu, Y. S., Vehicle-Bridge Interaction Dynamics—with Applications to High-Speed Railways, World Scientific, Singapore, 2004, 530 pages.

5. Yang, Y. B., Structural Mechanics, article in Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2004 (in print).

6. Yang, Y. B., Yau, J. D., and Lu, L. Y., Structural and Equipment Isolation, chapter in Shock and Vibration Handbook, ed.: de Silva, C. W., CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 2004 (in print).

B. Proceedings Edited or Co-edited by Y. B. Yang

1. Yang, Y. B. (Ed), Proceedings of 2nd KU-KAIST-NTU Joint Seminar/Workshop on Civil Engineering, Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Nov. 16-18, 1992, 222 pages.

2. Yang, Y. B. (Ed), Proceedings of 5th KU-KAIST-NTU Joint Seminar/Workshop on Civil Engineering, Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Nov. 26-29, 1995, 322 pages.

3. Yang, Y. B. (Ed), Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures, Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Nov. 5-7, 1997, 489 pages.

4. Yang, Y. B., and Leu, L. J. (Eds), Structural Engineering and Construction: Tradition, Present and Future, Vol. 1-3, Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Jan. 14-16, 1998, 2346 pages.

5. Yang, Y. B. (Ed), Proceedings of Recent Advances in Computational Mechanics Workshop, Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Feb. 5, 2000, 113 pages.

6. Yang, Y. B., Leu, L. J., and Hsieh, S. H. (Eds), Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Structural Stability and Dynamics, Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Dec. 7-9, 2000, 886 pages.

7. Yang, Y. B. (Ed.), Proceedings of Symposium on High Speed Railways and Bridge Dynamics, Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Oct. 16-17, 2002, 510 pages (in Chinese).

8. Yang, Y. B., Leu, L. J., Chen, C. S., Hsieh, S. H., and Lee, Y. S. (Eds), Proceedings of IASS-APCS 2003: International Symposium on New Perspectives for Shell and Spatial Structures, Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Oct. 22-25, 2003 (CD ROM).

9. Yang, Y. B., and Chu, S. J. (Eds), Proceedings of the 3rd Cross-Strait Conference on Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Oct. 23-24, 2003, 670 pages (in Chinese).

C. Referred Journal Papers

1. Yang, Y. B., and McGuire, W., “A Procedure for Analysing Space Frames with Partial Warping Restraint,” Int. J. for Numer. Meth. in Eng., 20, 1984, 1377-1398.

2. Yang, Y. B., and McGuire, W., “Stiffness Matrix for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis,” J. Struct. Eng., ASCE, 112(4), Apr. 1986, 853-877.


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3. Yang, Y. B., and McGuire, W., “Joint Rotation and Geometric Nonlinear Analysis,” J. Struct. Eng., ASCE, 112(4), Apr. 1986, 879-905.

4. Yang, Y. B., and Kuo, S. R., “Static Stability of Curved Thin-Walled Beams,” J. Eng. Mech., ASCE, 112(8), Aug. 1986, 821-841.

5. Yang, Y. B., and Kuo, S. R., “Effect of Curvature on Stability of Curved Beams,” J. Struct. Eng., ASCE, 113(6), June 1987, 1185-1202.

6. Yang, Y. B., and McGuire, W., Closure to “Stiffness Matrix for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis,” J. Struct. Eng., ASCE, 113(7), July 1987, 1635-1637.

7. Yang, Y. B., and Yau, J. D., ‘Stability of Beams with Tapered I-Sections,” J. Eng. Mech., ASCE, 113(9), Sep. 1987, 1337-1357.

8. Yang, Y. B., and Chiou, H. T., “Rigid Body Motion Test for Nonlinear Analysis with Beam Elements,” J. Eng. Mech., ASCE, 113(9), Sep. 1987, 1404-1419.

9. Yang, Y. B., and Fan, H. T., “Yield Surface Modeling of I-Sections with Nonuniform Torsion,” J. Eng. Mech., ASCE, 114(6), June 1988, 953-972.

10. Yang, Y. B., “Rationality of Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis,” Struct. Eng., 3(2), Apr. 1988, 13-20 (in Chinese).

11. Yang, Y. B., Shue, C. C., and Lin, J. C., “Stability Theory of Frames Conservative Systems,” Bull. of College of Eng., Nat. Taiwan Univ., 43, June 1988, 113-131 (in Chinese).

12. Yang, Y. B., and Fan, H. T., “Inelastic Tangent Stiffness of Three-Dimensional I-Beams,” The Chinese J. of Mech., 4(2), Dec. 1988, 89-97.

13. Yang, Y. B., and Liu, W., “Internal and External Stiffness Matrices,” Struct. Eng., 4(1), Mar. 1989, 15-22 (in Chinese).

14. Yang, Y. B., and Yau, J. D., “Stability of Pretwisted Bars with Various End Torques,” J. Eng. Mech., ASCE, 115(4), Apr. 1989, 671-688.

15. Yang, Y. B., Kuo, S. R., and Cherng, Y. D., “Curved Beam Elements for Nonlinear Analysis,” J. Eng. Mech., ASCE, 115(4), Apr. 1989, 840-855.

16. Invited Paper : Yang, Y. B., and Shue, C. C., “Theory of Stability for Framed Structures-Nonconservative Systems,” Proc. Nat. Sci. Council Part A: Phys. Sci. & Eng., 13(4), July 1989, 202-210.

17. Leu, L. J., and Yang, Y. B., “Viscoelastic Stability of Columns on Continuous Support,” J. Eng. Mech., ASCE, 115(7), July 1989, 1488-1499.

18. Chern, S. M., and Yang, Y. B., “Yield Surfaces for I-Beams in Parametric Form,” J. Chinese Inst. of Civil & Hydraulic Eng., 1(2), Sep. 1989, 153-162 (in Chinese).

19. Yang, Y. B., and Chiou, H. T., Closure to “Rigid Body Motion Test for Nonlinear Analysis with Beam Elements,” J. Eng. Mech., ASCE, 115(10), Oct. 1989, 2343-2344.

20. Yang, Y. B., Chern, S. M., and Fan, H. T., “Yield Surfaces for I-Sections with Bimoments,” J. Struct. Eng., ASCE, 115(12), Dec. 1989, 3044-3058.

21. Yang, Y. B., and Kuo, S. R., “Stability of Spatially Curved Beams,” Int. J. of Eng., 1(1a), Spring 1990, 73-90.

22. Yang, Y. B., and Leu, L. J., ‘Postbuckling Analysis of Trusses with Various Lagrangian Formulations,” AIAA J., 28(5), May 1990, 946-948.

23. Invited Paper : Yang, Y. B., “Nonlinear Solution Methods for Systems with Instabilities,” Nat. Sci. Council Monthly, 18(6), June 1990, 699-708 (in Chinese).

24. Yang, Y. B., Lee, T. Y., and Tsai, I. C., “Response of Multi Degree of Freedom Structures with Sliding Supports,” Earthquake Eng. & Struct. Dyn., 19(5), July 1990, 739-752.

25. Leu, L. J., and Yang, Y. B., “Effects of Rigid Body and Stretching on Nonlinear Analysis of Trusses,” J. Struct. Eng., ASCE, 116(10), Oct. 1990, 2582-2598.

26. Yang, Y. B., and Shieh, M. S., ‘Solution Method for Nonlinear Problems with Multiple Critical Points,” AIAA J., 28(12), Dec. 1990, 2110-2116.

27. Yang, Y. B., and Kuo, S. R., ‘Out-of-Plane Buckling of Angled Frames,” Int. J. Mech. Sci., 33(1), Jan. 1991, 55-67.

28. Yang, Y. B., and Kuo, S. R., Discussion of “Equations of Curved Beams,” Proc. No. 23487, J. Eng. Mech., ASCE, 117(3), Mar. 1991, 717-718.

29. Yang, Y. B., and Kuo, S. R., “Consistent Frame Buckling Analysis by Finite Element Method,” J. Struct. Eng., ASCE, 117(4), Apr. 1991, 1053-1069.


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30. Yang, Y. B., and Yang, M. C., “Beating as a Pre-Flutter Condition for Nonconservative Systems,” Bull. of College of Eng., Nat. Taiwan Univ., 52, June 1991, 81-94.

31. Yang, Y. B., Kuo, S. R., and Yau, J. D., “Use of Straight-Beam Approach to Study Buckling of Curved Beams,” J. Struct. Eng., ASCE, 117(7), July 1991, 1963-1978.

32. Yang, Y. B., and Kuo, S. R., ‘Buckling of Frames under Various Torsional Loadings,’ J. Eng. Mech., ASCE, 117(8), Aug. 1991, 1681-1697.

33. Kuo, S. R., and Yang, Y. B., ‘New Theory on Buckling of Curved Beams,” J. Eng. Mech., ASCE, 117(8), Aug. 1991, 1698-1717.

34. Yang, Y. B., and Leu, L. J., “Constitutive Laws and Force Recovery Procedures in Nonlinear Analysis of Trusses,” Comp. Meth. in Appl. Mech. & Eng., 92, Nov. 1991, 121-131.

35. Yang, Y. B., and Leu, L. J., “Force Recovery Procedures in Nonlinear Analysis,” Comp. & Struct., 41(6), 1991, 1255-1261.

36. Leu, L. J., and Yang, Y. B., Discussion of “Post-Buckling Analysis of Steel Space Trusses,” Proc. No. 23407, J. Struct. Eng., ASCE, 117(12), Dec. 1991, 3826-3828.

37. Yau, J. D., Yang, Y. B., and Kuo, S. R., “Stability of Tapered Bars of Circular Cross Sections under Semi- and Quasi-Tangential Torques,” Int. J. Mech. Sci., 34(1), Jan. 1992, 31-40.

38. Yang, Y. B., and Kuo, S. R., “Frame Buckling Analysis with Full Consideration of Joint Compatibilities,” J. Eng. Mech., ASCE, 118(5), May 1992, 871-889.

39. Yang, Y. B., Chou, J. H., and Leu, L. J., “Rigid Body Considerations for Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis,” Int. J. for Numer. Meth. in Eng., 33(8), June 1992, 1597-1610.

40. Yang, Y. B., “Computational Aspects of Nonlinear Analysis for Space Structures,” The Chinese J. of Mech., 8(2), June 1992, 93-101.

41. Kuo, S. R., Yang, Y. B., and Chou, J. H., “Nonlinear Analysis of Space Frames with Finite Rotations,” J. Struct. Eng., ASCE, 119(1), Jan. 1993, 1-15.

42. Yang, Y. B., and Huang, W. H., “Seismic Response of Light Equipment in Torsional Buildings,” Earthquake Eng. & Struct. Dyn., 22(2), Feb. 1993, 113-128.

43. Lin, T. W., Yang, Y. B., and Shiau, H. T., “A Work Weighted State Vector Control Method for Geometrically Nonlinear analysis,” Comp. & Struct., 46(4), 1993, 689-694.

44. Invited Paper : Yang, Y. B., “Recent Researches on Buckling of Framed Structures and Curved Beams,” J. Constructional Steel Res., 26(2,3), 1993, 193-210.

45. Lin, T. W., Yang, Y. B., and Shiau, H. T., “Beam-Column Joint Element in Nonlinear Frame Analysis,” J. Chinese Inst. of Civil & Hydraulic Eng., 5(2), 1993, 143-155 (in Chinese).

46. Yang, Y. B., and Kuo, S. R., Discussion of “Finite Element Analysis of Thin-Walled Curved Beams Made of Composites,” Proc. No. 00603, J. Struct. Eng., ASCE, 120(2), Feb. 1994, 671-673.

47. Yang, Y. B., and Chen, J. H., “Application of Rayleigh-Ritz Method to Analysis of Cable-Stayed Bridges,’ Struct. Eng., 9(2), 1994, 3-13 (in Chinese).

48. Yang, S. C., Yang, Y. B., and Kao, C. C., “Loading Test and Theoretical Analysis of a Prestressed Concrete Bridge with Precast Wing Girders,” Bull. of College of Eng., Nat. Taiwan Univ., 60, Feb. 1994, 35-52 (in Chinese).

49. Yang, Y. B., and Leu, L. J., “Non-linear Stiffnesses in Analysis of Planar Frames,” Comp. Meth. in Appl. Mech. & Eng., 117, 1994, 233-247.

50. Kuo, S. R., and Yang, Y. B., “Critical Load Analysis of Undamped Nonconservative Systems Using Bieigenvalue Curves,” AIAA J., 32(12), Dec. 1994, 2462-2468.

51. Yang, Y. B., and Chen, J. H., ‘A Review of the Theoretical Development of Cable Supported Bridges: I. from the 17th Century to 1880s,” Struct. Eng., 10(2), 1995, 53-63 (in Chinese).

52. Yang, Y. B., and Chen, J. H., “A Review of the Theoretical Development of Cable Supported Bridges: II. from the 1880s to 1940s,” Struct. Eng., 10(3), 1995, 45-62 (in Chinese).

53. Yang, Y. B., and Lin, B. H., “Vehicle-Bridge Interaction Analysis by Dynamic Condensation Method,” J. Struct. Eng., ASCE, 121(11), Nov. 1995, 1636-1643.

54. Yang, Y. B., Liao, S. S., and Lin, B. H., “Impact Formulas for Vehicles Moving over Simple


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and Continuous Beams,” J. Struct. Eng., ASCE, 121(11), Nov. 1995, 1644-1650.55. Kuo, S. R., and Yang, Y. B., “Tracing Postbuckling Paths of Structures Containing Multi

Loops,” Int. J. for Numer. Meth. in Eng., 38(23), Dec. 1995, 4053-4075.56. Yang, Y. B., and Chen, J. H., “A Review of the Theoretical Development of Cable

Supported Bridges: III. from the 1940s to 1980s,” Struct. Eng., 10(4), 1995, 65-88 (in Chinese).

57. Yang, Y. B., Kao, C. C., Leu, L. J., et al., “A Study on the Collapse Precaution System of Formwork Measurement and Analysis of the Natural Frequencies of Small Scale Models of Formwork Supporting Frames,” J. Occupational Safety & Health, 3(4), Dec. 1995, 93-104 (in Chinese).

58. Yang, Y. B., and Kuo, S. R., Discussion of “Thin-Walled Curved Beams. I: Formulation of Nonlinear Equations,” Proc. No. 5682, J. Eng. Mech., ASCE, 122(5), May 1996, 482-483.

59. Yang, Y. B., and Kuo, S. R., Discussion of “Thin-Walled Curved Beams. II: Analytical Solutions for Buckling of Arches,’ Proc. No. 5683, J. Eng. Mech., ASCE, 122(5), May 1996, 484-485.

60. Yang, Y. B., Kuo, S. R., and Liang, M. T., “A Simplified Procedure for Formulation of Soil-Structure Interaction Problems,” Comp. & Struct., 60(4), 1996, 513-520.

61. Yang, Y. B., Kuo, S. R., and Hung, H. H., “Frequency-Independent Infinite Elements for Analyzing Semi-Infinite Problems,” Int. J. for Numer. Meth. in Eng., 39, Oct. 1996, 3553-3569.

62. Lu, L. Y., and Yang, Y. B., ‘Dynamic Response of Equipment in Structures with Sliding Support,” Earthquake Eng. & Struct. Dyn., 26(1), Jan. 1997, 61-77.

63. Yang, Y. B., Yang, C. T., Chang, T. P., and Chang, P. K., “Effects of Member Buckling and Yielding on Ultimate Strength of Space Trusses,” Eng. Struct., 19(2), Feb. 1997, 179-191.

64. Yang, Y. B., and Wu, Y. S., “Chaotic Behaviours of a Two-Member Truss,” J. Vibr. & Control, 3, 1997, 103-118.

65. Yang, Y. B., and Lin, B. H., Closure to “Vehicle-Bridge Interaction Analysis by Dynamic Condensation Method,” J. Struct. Eng., ASCE, 123(4), Apr. 1997, p. 533.

66. Yang, Y. B., Liao, S. S., and Lin, B. H., Closure to “Impact Formulas for Vehicles Moving over Simple and Continuous Beams,” J. Struct. Eng., ASCE, 123(4), Apr. 1997, 533-534.

67. Yang, Y. B., Yang, S. C., and Yau, J. D., “Simplified Procedure for Derivation of Geometric Stiffness Matrix for Planar Frame Element,” J. Chinese Inst. of Civil & Hydraulic Eng., 9(2), 1997, 249-261 (in Chinese).

68. Yang, Y. B., Kuo, S. R., and Yau, J. D., “Instability of Lightly Damped Nonconservative Systems,” AIAA J., 35(5), May 1997, 901-908.

69. Invited Paper : Yang, Y. B., Yau, J. D., and Kuo, S. R., “Theory of Stability for Straight Solid Beams That Passes the Rigid Body Test,” Bull. of College of Eng., Nat. Taiwan Univ., 70, June 1997, 1-23.

70. Leu, L. J., Kao, C. C., Yang, Y. B., et al., “A Study on the Capacity and Frequency Measurement of Steel Scaffolds,” J. Occupational Safety & Health, 5(2), June 1997, 1-13 (in Chinese).

71. Yang, Y. B., Yau, J. D., and Hsu, L. C., “Vibration of Simple Beams Due to Trains Moving at High Speeds,” Eng. Struct., 19(11), 1997, 936-944.

72. Yang, Y. B., and Yau, J. D., “Vehicle-Bridge Interaction Element for Dynamic Analysis,” J. Struct. Eng., ASCE, 123(11), Nov. 1997, 1512-1518. (Errata: 124(4), p. 479)

73. Yang, Y. B., and Hung, H. H., “A Parametric Study of Wave Barriers for Reduction of Train-Induced Vibrations,” Int. J. for Numer. Meth. in Eng., 40, 1997, 3729-3747.

74. Chen, C. H., Lu, L. Y., and Yang, Y. B., “On-Site Dynamic Tests of Highway Bridges,” Struct. Eng., 12(3), Sep. 1997, 3-22 (in Chinese).

75. Invited Review Paper : Yang, Y. B., and Yau, J. D., “Vehicle-Bridge Interactions and Applications to High Speed Rail Bridges,” Proc. Nat. Sci. Council Part A: Phys. Sci. & Eng., 22(2), 1998, 214-224.

76. Yang, Y. B., and Huang, W. H., “Equipment-Structure Interaction Considering the Effect of Torsion and Base Isolation,” Earthquake Eng. & Struct. Dyn., 27, 1998, 155-171.

77. Yang, Y. B., and Chang, J. T., “Derivation of a Geometric Nonlinear Triangular Plate


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Element by Rigid Body Concept,” J. Int. Asso. for Shell & Spatial Struct., 39(2), 1998, 77-84.

78. Yau, J. D., and Yang, Y. B., “Vehicle-Bridge Interaction for Continuous Bridges Subjected to High Speed Trains,” Struct. Eng., 13(2), 1998, 3-17 (in Chinese).

79. Yang, Y. B., and Chen, C. H., “Three-Dimensional Aeroelastic Stability Analysis of Cable-Stayed Bridges,” J. Chinese Inst. of Civil & Hydraulic Eng., 10(3), 1998, 525-535 (in Chinese).

80. Yau, J. D., Lin, B. H., and Yang, Y. B., “Impact Response for the Centrifugal Force of Simply Supported Beams Subjected to Moving Vehicle Loads,” Struct. Eng., 14(1), 1999, 3-14 (in Chinese).

81. Yang, Y. B., and Chen, Y. C., “Design of Sliding-Type Base Isolators by the Concept of Equivalent Damping,” Struct. Eng. & Mech., an Int. J., 8(2), 1999, 299-310.

82. Yau, J. D., Yang, Y. B., and Kuo, S. R., “Impact Response of High Speed Rail Bridges and Riding Comfort of Rail Cars,” Eng. Struct., 21(9), 1999, 836-844.

83. Yang, Y. B., Chang, J. T., and Yau, J. D., “A Simple Nonlinear Triangular Plate Element and Strategies of Computation for Nonlinear Analysis,” Comp. Meth. in Appl. Mech. & Eng., 178, 1999, 307-321.

84. Huang, C. S., Yang, Y. B., Lu, L. Y., and Chen, C. H., “Dynamic Testing and System Identification of a Multi-Span Highway Bridge,” Earthquake Eng. & Struct. Dyn., 28, 1999, 857-878.

85. Yang, Y. B., Chang, C. H., and Yau, J. D., “An Element for Analysing Vehicle-Bridge Systems Considering Vehicle's Pitching Effect,” Int. J. for Numer. Meth. in Eng., 46, 1999, 1031-1047.

86. Hung, H. H., Yau, J. D., and Yang, Y. B., “Ground Vibrations Induced by High Speed Trains,” Struct. Eng., 14(2), 1999, 3-20 (in Chinese).

87. Yang, Y. B., Hung, H. H., and He, M. J., “Sliding and Rocking Response of Rigid Blocks Due to Horizontal Excitations,” Struct. Eng. & Mech., an Int. J., 9(1), 2000, 1-16.

88. Lin, B. H., Yau, J. D., and Yang, Y. B., “Impact Factors for Simple Beams Subjected to Moving Loads,” Struct. Eng., 15(2), 2000, 3-20 (in Chinese).

89. Invited Review Paper : Hung, H. H., and Yang, Y. B., “A Review of Researches on Ground-Borne Vibrations with Emphasis on Those Induced by Trains,” Proc. Nat. Sci. Council Part A: Phys. Sci. & Eng., 25(1), 2001, 1-16.

90. Yang, Y. B., and Wu, Y. S., “A Versatile Element for Analysing Vehicle-Bridge Interaction Response,” Eng. Struct., 23, 2001, 452-469.

91. Hung, H. H., and Yang, Y. B., “Elastic Waves in Visco-Elastic Half-Space Generated by Various Vehicle Loads,” Soil Dyn. & Earthquake Eng., 21, 2001, 1-17.

92. Hung, H. H., Kuo, J., and Yang, Y. B., “Reduction of Train-Induced Vibrations on Adjacent Buildings,” Struct. Eng. & Mech., an Int. J., 11(5), 2001, 503-518.

93. Yang, Y. B., Wu, C. M., and Yau, J. D., “Dynamic Response of a Horizontally Curved Beam Subjected to Vertical and Horizontal Moving Loads,” J. Sound & Vibr., 242(3), 2001, 519-537.

94. Yang, Y. B., and Hung, H. H., “A 2.5D Finite/Infinite Element Approach for Modelling Visco-Elastic Bodies Subjected to Moving Loads,” Int. J. for Numer. Meth. in Eng., 51, 2001, 1317-1336.

95. Yang, Y. B., Mac, S. V., and Chen, C. H., “Multi-Mode Coupled Buffeting Analysis of Cable-Stayed Bridges,” Int. J. Struct. Stability & Dyn., 1(3), 2001, 429-453.

96. Wu, Y. S., Yang, Y. B., and Yau, J. D., “Three-Dimensional Analysis of Train-Rail-Bridge Interaction Problems,” Vehicle System Dyn. (Int. J. Vehicle Mech. & Mobility), 36(1), 2001, 1-35.

97. Yau, J. D., Wu, Y. S., and Yang, Y. B., “Impact Response of Bridges with Elastic Bearings to Moving Loads,” J. Sound & Vibr., 248(1), 2001, 9-30.

98. Yang, Y. B., Mac, S. V., and Chen, C. H., “Coupled Buffeting Response of Cable-Supported Bridges,” J. Chinese Inst. of Civil & Hydraulic Eng., 14(1), 2002, 31-41 (in Chinese).

99. Yang, Y. B., Kuo, S. R., and Wu, Y. S., “Incrementally Small-Deformation Theory for Nonlinear Analysis of Structural Frames,” Eng. Struct., 24(6), 2002, 783-798.


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100.Hsiao, C. C., and Yang, Y. B., “Effect of Cable Vibration Modes on the Resonance of Cable-Stayed Bridges Traveled by Trains,” Bull. of College of Eng., Nat. Taiwan Univ., 85, 2002, 87-96 (in Chinese).

101.Hsiao, C. C., and Yang, Y. B., “Dynamic Response of Cable-Stayed Bridges under Moving Trains,” Struct. Eng., 17(2), 2002, 53-62 (in Chinese).

102.Yang, Y. B., and Wu, Y. S., “Dynamic Stability of Trains Moving over Bridges Shaken by Earthquakes,” J. Sound & Vibr., 258(1), 2002, 65-94.

103.Wu, Y. S., and Yang, Y. B., “Steady-State Response and Riding Comfort of Trains Moving over a Series of Simply Supported Bridges,” Eng. Struct., 25(2), 2003, 251-265.

104.Yang, Y. B., Hung, H. H., and Chang, D. W., “Train-Induced Wave Propagation in Layered Soils Using Finite/Infinite Element Simulation,” Soil Dyn. & Earthquake Eng., 23(4), 2003, 263-278.

105.Yang, Y. B., Yau, J. D., and Leu, L. J., “Recent Developments on Geometrically Nonlinear and Postbuckling Analysis of Framed Structures,” Appl. Mech. Reviews, 56(4), 2003, 431-449.

106.Chen, C. H., Huang, C. S., and Yang, Y. B., “Microvibration Measurement and Analysis for Expressway Elevated Bridges” Struct. Eng., 18(2), 2003, 30-48 (in Chinese).

107.Yau, J. D., Chu, S. J., and Yang, Y. B., “Introduction to Rails Mechanics I: Theory for Beams with Elastic Foundations under Moving loads,” Struct. Eng., 18(2), 2003, 107-119 (in Chinese).

108.Yau, J. D., Yang, Y. B., Yun, S. S., and Chu, S. J., “Introduction to Rails Mechanics II: Dynamic Theory for Infinite Beams with Elastic Foundations,” Struct. Eng., 18(3), 2003, 104-116 (in Chinese).

109.Levy, R., Lin, C. W., Gal, E., and Yang, Y. B., “Geometric Stiffness of Space Frames Using Symbolic Algebra,” Int. J. Struct. Stability & Dyn., 3(3), 2003, 335-353.

110.Yang, Y. B., “Crises and Opportunities in Civil Engineering Education,” Civil & Hydraulic Engineering, 30(6), Dec. 2003, 20-23.

111.Yau, J. D., Chu, S. J., and Yang, Y. B., “Introduction to Rails Mechanics III: Wheel-Rail Interaction for Slab-Type Tracks under Moving Trains,” Struct. Eng., 18(4), 2003, 89-103 (in Chinese).

112.Yang, Y. B., Lin, C. L., Yau, J. D., and Chang, D. W., “Mechanism of Resonance and Cancellation for Train-Induced Vibrations on Bridges with Elastic Bearings,” J. Sound & Vibr., 269(1-2), 2004, 345-360.

113.Yau, J. D., and Yang, Y. B., “Vibration Reduction for Cable-Stayed Bridges Traveled by High Speed Trains,” Fin. Elem. Analysis & Design, 40, 2004, 341-359.

114.Chen, C. H., and Yang, Y. B., “Aeroelastic Parameters for Cable-Stayed Bridges,” accepted by J. Chinese Inst. of Civil & Hydraulic Eng., 16(1), 2004, 11-21 (in Chinese).

115.Wu, Y. S., Chen, J. L., and Yang, Y. B., “Steady-State Response, Riding Comfort and Impact Response of Elevated Bridges under High-Speed Trains,” J. Chinese Inst. of Civil & Hydraulic Eng., 16(1), 2004, 93-104 (in Chinese).

116.Yang, Y. B., Lin, C. W., and Yau, J. D., “Extracting the Bridge Frequencies from the Dynamic Response of a Passing Vehicle,” J. Sound & Vibr., 272(3-5), 2004, 471-493.

117.Levy, R., Chen, C. S., Lin, C. W., and Yang, Y. B., “Geometric Stiffness of Membranes Using Symbolic Algebra,” Eng. Struct., 26(6), 2004, 759-767.

118.Yau, J. D., and Yang, “A Wideband MTMD System for Reducing the Dynamic Response of Continuous Truss Bridges to Moving Train Loads,” Eng. Struct., 26(12), 2004, 1795-1807.

119.Wu, Y. S., and Yang, Y. B., “A Semi-Analytical Approach for Analyzing Ground Vibrations Caused by Trains Moving over Elevated Bridges,” Soil Dyn. & Earthquake Eng., 24(12), 2004, 949-962.

120.Hung, H. H., Yang, Y. B., and Chang, D. W., “Wave Barriers for Reduction of Train-Induced Vibrations in Soils,” accepted by J. of Geotech. & Geoenvironment. Eng., ASCE, Dec. 3, 2003.

121.Yang, Y. B., and Wu, Y. S., “Transmission of Vibrations from High Speed Trains Through Viaducts and Foundations to the Ground,” accepted by J. Chinese Inst. Engrs. for publication, May, 2004.


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122.Yang, Y. B., and Lin, C. W., “Vehicle-Bridge Interaction Dynamics and Potential Applications,” accepted by J. Sound & Vibr. for publication, June 23, 2004.

123.Yang, Y. B., Yang, Y. T., and Su, H. H., “Behavior of the Tree Branches, Trunk, and Root Anchorage by Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis,” accepted by Advances in Struct. Eng. for publication, August 3, 2004.

124.Wu, Y. S., and Yang, Y. B., “Train-Induced Ground and Building Vibrations Considering Bridge-Foundation-Soil Interactions,” accepted for publication in J. Chinese Inst. of Civil & Hydraulic Eng., Aug. 9, 2004.

125.Lin, C. W., and Yang, Y. B., “Measuring the Bridge Frequencies from the Dynamic Response of a Passing Vehicle,” accepted by Struct. Eng., Oct. 6, 2004 (in Chinese).

D. Conference Papers

10. Yang, Y. B., and McGuire, W., “Interactive Specification of Partial Warping Restraint,” Recent Adv. in Eng. Mech. & Their Impact on Civil Eng. Practice, ASCE, Eds: Chen, W. F., and Lewis, A. D. M., May 1983, 118-121.

11. Yang, Y. B., and McGuire, W., “Effects of Joint Moments and Warping on Stability,” ASCE 5th EMD Specialty Conf., Laramie, Wyoming, Aug. 1984.

12. Yang, Y. B., and McGuire, W., “A Work Control Method for Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis,” NUMETA 85 1985 Int. Conf. Num. Meth. in Eng.: Theory & Appl. , Eds: Middleton, J., and Pande, G. N., Univ. College Swansea, Wales, Jan. 1985, 913-921.

13. Yang, Y. B., and McGuire, W., “Nonlinear Analysis of Space Frames with Nonuniform Torsion,” 1985 Annual Technical Session and Meeting, Struct. Stability Res. Council, Cleveland, Ohio, Apr. 1985.

14. Yang, Y. B., “Large-Displacement Analysis of Structures Made of Thin-Walled Beams,” Proc. 8th Conf. Comp. Appl. to Struct. Eng., Nat. Chung-Hsing Univ., Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C., Sep. 27, 1985.

15. Yang, Y. B., “Interactive Computer Graphics in Analysis of Framed Structures,” Proc. Conf. Chinese Inst. of Civil & Hydraulic Eng., Dec. 1, 1985, 585-597 (in Chinese).

16. Yang, Y. B., “Effect of Warping Restraint in Design of Steel Structures,” Proc. Conf. Chinese Inst. of Civil & Hydraulic Eng., Dec. 1, 1985, 651-670 (in Chinese).

17. Yang, Y. B., “Applications of Computer Graphics to Structural Analysis,” Proc. Conf. Computer-Aided Design, Chinese Society of Engrs., Dec. 1986, 17-31.

18. Yang, Y. B., “Stability of Thin-Walled Beams a General Theory,” Shell & Spatial Struct.: Comput. Aspects, Eds: De Roeck, G., et al., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1987, 280-289.

19. Yang, Y. B., and Kuo, S. R., “Lateral Buckling of Curved Thin-Walled Beams,” Proc. Int. Conf. Struct. Failure, Singapore Concrete Inst., Eds: Lau, Y. S., et al., Singapore, Mar. 1987, J52-J64.

20. Yang, Y. B., “Computer-Aided Design and Analysis of Steel Structures,” Proc. 1st Conf. Steel Struct. Construction, Taiwan Construction Tech. Res. Center, Aug. 1987 (in Chinese).

21. Yang, Y. B., “Rationality of Nonlinear Analysis,” Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Civil & Struct. Eng. Computing, Ed: Topping, B. H. V., Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, U.K., Sep. 1987, 169-175.

22. Yang, Y. B., and Lin, J. C., “Instability of Frames with Nonconservative Loads,” Proc. 11th Nat. Conf. Theoretical & Appl. Mech., Chungli, Taiwan, R.O.C., Dec. 1987, 495-504.

23. Yang, Y. B., and Fan, H. T., “Parametric Yield Surfaces for I-Beams,” Proc. 11th Nat. Conf. Theoretical & Appl. Mech., Chungli, Taiwan, R.O.C., Dec. 1987, 923-933.

24. Yang, Y. B., and Yau, J. D., “Stability of Pretwisted Bars with Various End Torques,” XVIIth Int. Cong. Theoretical & Appl. Mech., IUTAM, Grenoble, France, Aug. 21-27, 1988.

25. Yang, Y. B., and Chern, S. M., “Effect of Bimoments on Yielding of I-Sections,” Proc. Plasticity '89, 2nd Int. Symp. Plasticity & Its Current Appl., Eds: Khan, A. S., and Tokuda, M., Tsu, Japan, July 31-Aug. 4, 1989, 187-190.

26. Yang, Y. B., and Kuo, C. C., “Automatic Design System for Steel Frames,” Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Civil & Struct. Eng. Computing, Vol. 1, Ed: Topping, B. H. V., Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, U.K., Sep. 19-21, 1989, 177-181.

27. Yang, Y. B., and Leu, L. J., “Force Recovery Procedures in Nonlinear Analysis,” Proc. 4th


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Int. Conf. Civil & Struct. Eng. Computing, Vol. 1, Ed: Topping, B. H. V., Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, U.K., Sep. 19-21, 1989, 275-280.

28. Liu, W., and Yang, Y. B., “General Eigenvalue Test for Nonlinear Analysis,” Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Civil & Struct. Eng. Computing, Vol. 1, Ed: Topping, B. H. V., Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, U.K., Sep. 19-21, 1989, 345-350.

29. Yang, Y. B., and Shieh, M. S., “An Effective Method for Postbuckling Analysis of Spatial Structures,” Proc. 3rd Summer Coll. Shell & Spatial Struct., Taegu, Korea, Aug. 7-10, 1990, 169-179.

30. Invited Lecture: Yang, Y. B., and Leu, L. J., “Constitutive Law and Force Recovery for Large Strain Problems,” Creep in Struct., Ed: Zyczkowski, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1991, 209-216.

31. Yang, Y. B., “Stability and Nonlinear Analysis of Space Structures,” Proc. 1st KAIST-NTU-KU Joint Seminar/Workshop on Civil Eng., Kyoto Univ., Japan, Nov. 18-20, 1991, 9-12.

32. Panel Lecture: Yang, Y. B., “Computational Aspects of Nonlinear Analysis for Space Structures,” Proc. 15th Nat. Conf. Theoretical & Appl. Mech., Nat. Cheng-Kung Univ., Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C., Dec. 13-14, 1991.

33. Yang, Y. B., “Rigid Body Criteria in Nonlinear Element Formulation,” Comput. Mech. in Struct. Eng., Eds: Cheng, F. Y., and Fu, Z., Elsevier Applied Science, London, 1992, 101-113.

34. Lee, C. C., and Yang, Y. B., “Stability Considerations of Two-Degree-of-Freedom Systems,” Proc. 1st Nat. Conf. Struct. Eng., Shitou, Nantou, Taiwan, R.O.C., Nov. 6-8, 1992, Vol. 2, 383-392.

35. Yang, Y. B., Lee, I. S., Lee, C. C., and Yeh, H. M., “Dynamic Response of an Isolation Mass for Shaking Tables,” Proc. 1st Nat. Conf. Struct. Eng., Shitou, Nantou, Taiwan, R.O.C., Nov. 6-8, 1992, Vol. 1, 533-542.

36. Lin, T. W., Yang, Y. B., and Shiau, H. T., “Study on Beam-column Joint Element for Nonlinear Frame Analysis,” Proc. 1st Nat. Conf. Struct. Eng., Shitou, Nantou, Taiwan, R.O.C., Nov. 6-8, 1992, Vol. 1, 35-44.

37. Yang, Y. B., “Major Considerations on Postbuckling Analysis of Space Structures,” Developments in Struct. Eng. Computing, Ed: Topping, B. H. V., Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, U.K., 1993, 307-312.

38. Yang, Y. B., and Chiou, S. J., “Impact Factors for Bridges Subjected to Moving Vehicle Loads,” Proc. Seminar on Techniques of Bridge Eng., Ed: Tan, R. Y., Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Aug. 30-Sep. 1, 1993.

39. Yang, Y. B., and Lin, B. H., “Simulation of Vehicle-Bridge Interaction Systems,” Proc. 3rd NTU-KU-KAIST Joint Seminar/Workshop on Civil Eng., KAIST, Taejon, Korea, Sep. 17-18, 1993, 3-8.

40. Yang, Y. B., and Huang, W. H., “Behaviors of Light Equipment in Torsional Buildings with Base Isolation,” Proc. 4th East Asia-Pacific Conf. Struct. Eng. & Construction, Eds: Shin, Y. K., et al., Seoul, Korea, Sep. 20-22, 1993, 1487-1492.

41. Lin, B. H., and Yang, Y. B., “A Computer Program for Analyzing the Bridge Impact Factors,” Proc. 1993 Conf. Comp. Appl. in Civil & Hydraulic Eng., Nat. Cheng-Kung Univ., Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C., Oct. 15-16, 1993, 247-255 (in Chinese).

42. Invited Lecture: Yang, Y. B., and Kuo, S. R., “Instability of Undamped Nonconservative Systems,” Proc. SEIKEN-IASS Symp. Nonl. Analysis & Design for Shell & Spatial Struct., Eds: Hangai, Y., et al., Tokyo Univ., Japan, Oct. 20-22, 1993, 507-514.

43. Yang, Y. B., and Lu, L. Y., “Monitoring and Analysis of the Dynamic and Static Characteristics of Yuan-Shan Bridge System,” Proc. Int. Workshop Civil Infrastructural Systems Appl. of Intelligent Systems & Adv. Materials on Bridge Systems , Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Jan. 10-12, 1994, 377-384.

44. Yang, Y. B., “Dynamic Interaction of Vehicle-Bridge Systems,”Proc. Nat. Sci. Council Seminar on Bridge Eng. Res., Nat. Central Univ., Chungli, Taiwan, R.O.C., Apr. 20, 1994, 101-114.

45. Yang, Y. B., and Kao, C. C., “Loading Test and Seismic Monitoring of Bridges,” Proc. 4th ROC-USA Workshop on Natural Disaster Reduction, Nat. Cheng-Kung Univ., Tainan,


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Taiwan, R.O.C., May 19-23, 1994, 120-133.46. Yang, Y. B., and Lee, C. C., “Sliding of Structures Involving Translations and Rotations,”

Proc. 1st R.O.C.-New Zealand Workshop on Earthquake Eng., NCREE, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., May 24-26, 1994, 107-118.

47. Yang, Y. B., and Lin, B. H., “Dynamic Condensation Method for Analysis of Vehicle-Bridge Systems,” Adv. in Simulation & Interaction Techniques, Eds: Papadrakakis, M., and Topping, B. H. V., Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, U.K., 1994, 207-213.

48. Yang, Y. B., and Kuo, S. R., “A Simplified Procedure for Analysis of Soil-Structure Interaction Systems,” Proc. Int. Conf. Struct. & Foundations in Civil Eng., Hang-Zhou, China, Oct. 25-28, 1994, 94-99.

49. Yang, Y. B., and Lu, L. Y., “Dynamic Characteristics of Equipment in Sliding or Torsional Structures,” Proc. 2nd Nat. Conf. Struct. Eng., Vol. 2, Sun-Moon Lake, Nantou, Taiwan, R.O.C., Nov. 4-6, 1994 (in Chinese).

50. Yau, J. D., and Yang, Y. B., “Impact of Moving Loads on Simple Beams,” Proc. 2nd Nat. Conf. Struct. Eng., Vol. 1, Sun-Moon Lake, Nantou, Taiwan, R.O.C., Nov. 4-6, 1994, 335-344 (in Chinese).

51. Yang, Y. B., and He, M. J., “Rocking Response of Sliding Structures Subjected to Horizontal Excitations,” Proc. 4th KAIST-NTU-KU Joint Seminar/Workshop on Civil Eng., Kyoto Univ., Japan, Nov. 21-24, 1994, 9-14.

52. Yau, J. D., and Yang, Y. B., “Impact Factors of Elastically Supported Beams Subjected to Moving Loads,” Proc. 18th Nat. Conf. Theoretical & Appl. Mech., Vol. 3, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C., Dec. 9-10, 1994, 381-386 (in Chinese).

53. Cheng, C. P., Chung, L. L., Yang, Y. B. and Lee, I. S., “Triaxial Seismic Simulator System,” Proc. 2nd Cross-Strait Earthquake Seminar, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Feb. 22-23, 1995, 380-388 (in Chinese).

54. Keynote Lecture: Yang, Y. B., “Perspectives of Nonlinear Structural Analysis: From Theory to Computation,” Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. Microstructures & Mechanical Properties of New Eng. Materials, Tsinghua Univ., Eds: Xu, B., et al., International Academic Publishers, Beijing, China, May 12-15, 1995, 623-629.

55. Yang, Y. B., Lu, L. Y., and Yau, J. D., “A Stability Point of View on the Collapses of Structures during the 1995 Kobe Earthquake,” Proc. Workshop on Visiting Report to Seismic Destructive Area of Kobe, NCREE, May 18, 1995, 97-109 (in Chinese).

56. Yang, Y. B., and G. S. Huang, “Seismic Monitoring Research of Bridge Systems,” Proc. Conf. Freeway Eng. & Management, Taiwan-Area Nat. Freeway Bureau, May 30-31, 1995, 551-561 (in Chinese).

57. Lu, L. Y., and Yang, Y. B., “Dynamic Characteristics of Equipment in Sliding Structures,” Proc. 7th Canadian Conf. Earthquake Eng., Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 5-7, 1995, 237-244.

58. Yang, Y. B., and Wu, Y. S., “Chaotic Behaviors of a Two-Member Truss,” Proc. Int. Conf. Mech. of Solids & Materials Eng., Singapore, June 5-7, 1995, 480-485.

59. Yang, Y. B., Lin, B. H., and Yau, J. D., “Impact Factor Formulas for Bridges Subjected to Moving Vehicular Loads,” Proc. 5th East Asia-Pacific Conf. Struct. Eng. & Construction Building for the 21st Century, Vol. 1, Ed: Loo, Y. C., Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, July 25-27, 1995, 333-338.

60. Invited Lecture: Yang, Y. B., Hung, H. H., and Kuo, S. R., “Vibration of Foundations and Soils due to the Passage of High Speed Trains,” Proc. Int. Symp. Public Infrastructure Systems Res., Seoul, Korea, Sep. 25-28, 1995, 171-180.

61. Yang, Y. B., and Yau, J. D., “Application of Rigid Body Rule to Derivation of Geometric Stiffness Matrix,” Proc. 1995 Conf. Comp. Appl. in Civil and Hydraulic Eng., Chungli, Taiwan, R.O.C., Oct. 6-7, 1995, 235-246 (in Chinese).

62. Yang, Y. B., and Yau, J. D., “Torsional Buckling of Variably Tapered I-Columns,” Struct. Steel, Vol. 1: Steel Structures, Eds: Shanmugan, N. E., and Choo, Y. S., Pergamon, Singapore, 1995, 205-212.

63. Yang, Y. B., Yau, J. D., and Kuo, S. R., “An Incremental-Iterative Scheme for Solving Structures with Highly Nonlinear Postbuckling Responses,” Struct. Stability and Design,


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Eds: Kitipornchai, S., et al., Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1995, 23-28.64. Yang, Y. B., Yau, J. D., and Hsu, L. C., “Dynamic Analysis of Simple Beams Subjected to

High Speed Trains,” Proc. 5th KU-KAIST-NTU Joint Seminar/Workshop on Civil Eng., Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 27-29, 1995, 13-18.

65. Yang, Y. B., Kuo, S. R., and Yau, J. D., “Instability of Lightly Damped Nonconservative Systems,” 19th Int. Cong. Theoretical & Appl. Mech., Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 25-31, 1996.

66. Yau, J. D., and Yang, Y. B., “Computer Simulation of Train-Bridge Interaction Problems,” Proc. 3rd Nat. Conf. Struct. Eng., Kenting, Taiwan, R.O.C., Sep. 1-3, 1996, 1531-1540.

67. Lin, S. C., Wang, H. W., Yang, M. C., and Yang, Y. B., “Response of Bridge Frames under the Excitation of Three-Dimensional Earthquakes,” Proc. 3rd Nat. Conf. Struct. Eng., Kenting, Taiwan, R.O.C., Sep. 1-3, 1996, 2103-2111.

68. Yau, J. D., and Yang, Y. B., “Effects of Resonance and Cancellation on High Speed Railway Bridges,” Proc. 6th NTU-KU-KAIST Joint Seminar/Workshop on Civil Eng., KAIST, Taejon, Korea, Sep. 13-14, 1996, 15-20.

69. Invited Lecture: Yang, Y. B., and Yang, C. T., “Postbuckling Response of Space Trusses Considering the Effects of Member Buckling and Yielding,” Proc. 3rd Asian-Pacific Conf. Comput. Mech., Vol. 1, Eds: Choi, C. K., et al., Techno Press, Seoul, Korea, Sep. 16-18, 1996, 467-472.

70. Yang, Y. B., Lin, C. W., and Hsu, T. P., “Impact Responses for Bridges Subject to Random Traffic Flows,” Proc. 1996 Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting, Vol. 4, Eds: Chou, C. P., and Chang, S. K., Taipei, R.O.C., Nov. 17-22, 1996, 43-49.

71. Invited Lecture: Yang, Y. B., and Hung, H. H., “Isolation of Train-Induced Vibrations by Foundations and Trenches,” Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. Civil Infrastructure Systems: Res. on Composite & Hybrid Struct., Eds: Chang, T. Y. P., et al., Hong Kong, Dec. 9-12, 1996, 80-85.

72. Yang, Y. B., Yau, J. D., and Yin, S. H., “Theory of Buckling for Tapered Beams,” Proc. Int. Conf. Adv. in Steel Struct., Ed: Chan, S. L., Hong Kong, Dec. 11-14, 1996, 91-96.

73. Panel Lecture: Yang, Y. B., and Yau, J. D., “A Review of Researches on Vehicle-Bridge Interactions with Emphasis on High Speed Rail Bridges,” Proc. 20th Nat. Conf. Theoretical & Appl. Mech., Vol. 1, Nat. Taiwan Inst. of Tech., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Dec. 14-15, 1996, xvi-xxv.

74. Yang, C. C., Yau, J. D., and Yang, Y. B., “Simple Method of Derivation for Geometric Stiffness Matrix of Space Frames,” Proc. 20th Nat. Conf. Theoretical & Appl. Mech., Vol. 3, Nat. Taiwan Inst. of Tech., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Dec. 14-15, 1996, 295-302 (in Chinese).

75. Yau, J. D., Hung, H. H., Yang, Y. B., and Kuo, S. R., “Geometric Nonlinear Analysis of Space Frames,” Proc. 20th Nat. Conf. Theoretical & Appl. Mech., Vol. 3, Nat. Taiwan Inst. of Tech., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Dec. 14-15, 1996, 287-294 (in Chinese).

76. Keynote Lecture: Yang, Y. B., and Yau, J. D., “Vehicle-Bridge Interaction Element and Its Application to High Speed Rails,” Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. Struct. & Foundations in Civil Eng., Eds: Shen, C. K., et al., Hong Kong, Jan. 7-10, 1997, 45-52.

77. Yang, Y. B., Yang, S. C., and Yau, J. D., “An Engineer's Approach for Buckling and Nonlinear Analysis,” Proc. Cross-Strait & Hong Kong Seminar on Civil & Struct. Eng., Tongji Univ., Shanghai, July 21-24, 1997, 25-34.

78. Invited Lecture: Yang, Y. B., and Chen, Y. C., “Equivalent Damping for Designing Base Isolators with Sliding Mechanism,” Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Comput. in Civil & Building Eng., Vol. 2, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 19-21, 1997, 1291-1296.

79. Yang, Y. B., and Chen, C. H., “Aeroelastic Stability of Cabled-Stayed Bridges,” Proc. 1997 Conf. Appl. of Comp. to Civil & Hydraulic Eng., Chiao-Tung Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C., Oct. 16-17, 1997.

80. Yang, Y. B., and Chang, J. T., “Derivation of a Geometric Nonlinear Triangular Plate Element by Rigid Body Concept,” Proc. IASS Int. Colloq. Comput. of Shell & Spatial Struct., Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Nov. 5-7, 1997, 277-282.

81. Hung, H. H., Kuo, S. R., Yau, J. D., and Yang, Y. B., “Tracing the Postbuckling Response of Space Trusses Using a Numerically Stable Method,” Proc. IASS Int. Colloq. Comp. of Shell & Spatial Struct., Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Nov. 5-7, 1997, 391-


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396.82. Chen, C. H., and Yang, Y. B., “Flutter Instability Analysis of Cabled-Stayed Bridges under

Wind Loads,” Proc. 7th KAIST-NTU-KU Joint Seminar/Workshop on Civil Eng., Kyoto Univ., Japan, Dec. 1-2, 1997, 137-142.

83. Yau, J. D., and Yang, Y. B., “Effect of Axle Interactions on the Dynamic Response of the Simple Beam and Vehicles Moving over It”, Proc. 6th East Asia-Pacific Conf. Struct. Eng. & Construction, Vol. 2, Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Jan. 14-16, 1998, 1437-1442.

84. Huang, C. S., Lu, L. Y., Chen, C. H., and Yang, Y. B., “Ambient Vibration Study of a Highway Bridge,” Proc. 6th East Asia-Pacific Conf. Struct. Eng. & Construction, Vol. 1, Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Jan. 14-16, 1998, 387-392.

85. Yang, Y. B., Chen, C. H., Huang, C. S., and Lu, L. Y., “Dynamic Tests of a Highway Bridge in Taipei,” Asia-Pacific Workshop on Seismic Design & Retrofit of Struct., Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Aug. 10-12, 1998, 146-161.

86. Hsu, L. C., Chang, D. W., and Yang, Y. B., “Dynamic Response of Simple Beams Subjected to High Speed Trains,” Proc. 4th Nat. Conf. Struct. Eng., Nat. Taiwan Univ. of Sci. & Tech., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Sep. 9-11, 1998, 785-792.

87. Yau, J. D., Chang, C. H., Wu, C. M., and Yang, Y. B. (1998). “Impact Response of Horizontally Curved Beams Subjected to High Speed Trains,” Proc. 4th Nat. Conf. Struct. Eng., Nat. Taiwan Univ. of Sci. & Tech., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Sep. 9-11, 1998, 801-808.

88. Chen, J. H., and Yang, Y. B., “Analysis of Cable-Stayed Bridges under Static Wind Loads,” Proc. 4th Nat. Conf. Struct. Eng., Nat. Taiwan Univ. of Sci. & Tech., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Sep. 9-11, 1998, 1575-1582.

89. Yang, Y. B., Wu, Y. S., and Kuo, S. R., “An Effective Strategy for Postbuckling Analysis of Structures,” Lightweight Struct. in Arch., Eng. & Construction, Eds: Hough, R., and Melchers, R., Vol. 1, Sydney, Australia, Oct. 5-9, 1998, 384-392.

90. Yau, J. D., and Yang, Y. B., “Impact Response of Curved Beams under Vehicular Loads,” Proc. 8th KKNN Seminar in Civil Eng., Nat. Univ. of Singapore, Nov. 30 - Dec. 1, 1998, 71-78.

91. Yang, Y. B, and Kuo, S. R., and Yang, S. C., “A Simple Nonlinear Frame Element and Its Application to Postbuckling Analysis,” Thin-Walled Structures: Res. & Development, Eds: Shanmugam, N. E., et al., Elsevier, Singapore, 1998, 553-560.

92. Invited Lecture : Yang, Y. B., Yau, J. D., and Wu, Y. S., “Vehicle-Bridge Interaction Essential to Design of High Speed Rail Bridges,” Proc. Int. Workshop Mitigation of Seismic Effects on Transportation Struct., NCREE, Taipei, Jul. 12-14, 1999, 107-117.

93. Yang, Y. B., Yau, J. D., Juang, Y. W., and Huang, H. J., “Measurement of Dynamic Response of Railway Bridges under Moving Vehicle Loads,” Proc. 12th KKNN Seminar in Civil Eng., KAIST, Korea, Jul. 20-22, 1999, 45-50.

94. Keynote Lecture: Yang, Y. B., and Hung, H. H., “Reduction of Train-Induced Vibrations on Grounds and Nearby Buildings,” Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Adv. in Struct. Eng. & Mech., 1, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 23-25, 1999, 55-64.

95. Chen, C. H., Mac, S. W., and Yang, Y. B., “Coupled Buffeting Response of Long Span Bridges,” Proc. 7th East Asia-Pacific Conf. Struct. Eng. & Construction, 1, Kochi, Japan, Aug. 27-29, 1999, 55-64.

96. Invited Lecture: Yang, Y. B., and Yau, J. D., “Dynamic Response of High Speed Rail Bridges and Traveling Vehicles,” Proc. 7th East Asia-Pacific Conf. Struct. Eng. & Construction, 1, Kochi, Japan, Aug. 27-29, 1999, 687-692.

97. Keynote Lecture: Yang, Y. B., and Kuo, S. R., “A Direct Approach for Formulation of the Three-Dimensional Frame Element and Strategy of Computation for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis,” Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Struct. Eng., Kunming, China, Oct. 18-20, 1999, 112-119.

98. Invited Lecture: Yang, Y. B., and Kuo, S. R., “Strategy of Computation for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis of Structures,” Proc. 4th Asia-Pacific Conf. Comput. Mech., Singapore, Dec. 15-17, 1999, 367-374.

99. Wu, Y. S., and Yang, Y. B., “Application of Dynamic Condensation to Train-Bridge Interaction Problems and Parametric Analysis,” Proc. 2000 Conf. Appl. of Comp. to Civil &


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Hydraulic Eng., Chung-Hsing Univ., Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C., Feb. 17-18, 2000, 37-44 (in Chinese).

100.Chen, C. H., Mac, S. V., and Yang, Y. B., “Yaw Angle Dependent Buffeting Analysis of Long Span Bridges,” Proc. 2000 Conf. Appl. of Comp. to Civil & Hydraulic Eng., Chung-Hsing Univ., Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C., Feb. 17-18, 2000, 207-214 (in Chinese).

101.Hung, H. H., and Yang, Y. B., “A Finite Element Analysis Procedure for Train-Induced Vibrations on Soils,” Proc. 2000 Conf. Appl. of Comp. to Civil & Hydraulic Eng., Chung-Hsing Univ., Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C., Feb. 17-18, 2000, 393-400 (in Chinese).

102.Yang, Y. B., “Role of Rigid Body Motions in Nonlinear and Postbuckling Analysis of Structures,” Proc. IASS Symp: Bridging Large Spans from Antique to the Present, Istanbul, Turkey, May 29 - June 2, 2000, 373-382.

103.Keynote Lecture : Yang, Y. B., and Kuo, S. R., “Postbuckling Analysis of Structures Involving Multi Loops,” Proc. IASS-TACM 2000: 4th Int. Colloq. Comp. of Shells & Spatial Struct., Chania-Crete, Greece, June 4-7, 2000, 252-253.

104.Yau, J. D., Yang, Y. B., Lin, J. L., “Vibration Reduction of Steel-Truss Bridges due to High Speed Trains,” Proc. Int. Conf. on Advanced Problems in Vibration Theory & Appl., Xi'an, China, June 19-22, 2000, 119-124.

105.Yau, J. D., Yang, Y. B., et al., “Dynamic Response of Base-Isolated Bridges to High Speed Trains,” Proc. 5th Nat. Conf. Struct. Eng., Nat. Chung-Hsing Univ., Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C., Aug. 28-30, 2000, 87-94.

106.Wu, Y. S., and Yang, Y. B., “Interactions Between High-speed Trains and Bridges under Earthquakes,” Proc. 5th Nat. Conf. Struct. Eng., Nat. Chung-Hsing Univ., Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C., Aug. 28-30, 2000, 95-102.

107.Wang, D. L., Wu, Y. S., and Yang, Y. B., “Investigation on the Dynamic Interactions of Airplane-Runway System,” Proc. 5th Nat. Conf. Struct. Eng., Nat. Chung-Hsing Univ., Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C., Aug. 28-30, 2000, 279-286.

108.L. C. Hsu, Yang, Y. B., et al., “Applications of Vehicle-Bridge Dynamic Analysis to Railway Bridge Engineering,” Proc. 5th Nat. Conf. Struct. Eng., Nat. Chung-Hsing Univ., Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C., Aug. 28-30, 2000, 1337-1344.

109.Invited Lecture : Yang, Y. B., “New Trends of Civil Engineering in Taiwan,” Proc. Int. Conf. Eng. & Tech. Sic. 2000, ed., Song, J., and Zhou, G., Science Press, Beijing, China, Oct. 11-13, 2000, 168-174.

110.Invited Lecture : Yang, Y. B., and Chang, K. W., “Major Considerations for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis of Structures,” Proc. 6th Asian Pacific Conf. Shell & Spatial Struct., 1, Ed., Kwun, T. J., and Lee, D. G., Hakmun Publishing, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 16-18, 2000, 371-378.

111.Yang, Y. B., “New Directions of Engineering Education in the 21st Century,” Proc. Workshop Cross-Strait Education Innovation Toward the 21st Century, Wuhan, China, Oct. 22-24, 2000, 47-50 (in Chinese).

112.Lin, B. H., Yau, J. D., and Yang, Y. B., “Dynamic Stability of a Helical Spring under Harmonic Earthquake Excitations,” Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Struct. Stability & Dyn., Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, R.O.C., Dec. 7-9, 2000, 351-156.

113.Wu, Y. S., and Yang, Y. B., “Train-Induced Vibrations of Tracked Bridges with Elastomeric Bearings under Normal and Seismic Conditions,” Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Struct. Stability & Dyn., Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, R.O.C., Dec. 7-9, 2000, 495-500.

114.Hung, H. H., and Yang, Y. B., “Reducing Ground Vibration Caused by Passing Trains Using In-filled Trenches,” Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Struct. Stability & Dyn., Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, R.O.C., Dec. 7-9, 2000, 501-506.

115.Yau, J. D., and Yang, Y. B., “Impact Response Analysis of Continuous Bridges Subjected to High-Speed Trains,” Proc. 13th KKNN Seminar in Civil Eng., Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, R.O.C., Dec. 7-9, 2000, 17-22.

116.Wu, Y. S., and Yang, Y. B., “Safety Assessment of High Speed Trains Running over Tracked Bridges,” Proc. 13th KKNN Seminar in Civil Eng., Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, R.O.C., Dec. 7-9, 2000, 23-28.

117.Hung, H. H., and Yang, Y. B., “Reducing Ground Vibration Caused by Passing Trains


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Using Open Trenches,” Proc. 13th KKNN Seminar in Civil Eng., Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, R.O.C., Dec. 7-9, 2000, 55-60.

118.Chen, C. H., Mac, S. W., Yang, Y. B., “Aerodynamic Analysis of Cable-Stayed Bridges Considering Turbulence Forces,” Proc. 24th Nat. Conf. Theoretical & Appl. Mech., Chung-Yuan Univ., Chung-Li, Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C., Dec. 9-10, 2000 ATM 24/B-1:8 (in Chinese).

119.Wu, Y. S., and Yang, Y. B., “Impact of Railway Bridges Caused by Moving Trains,” Proc. 24th Nat. Conf. Theoretical & Appl. Mech., Chung-Yuan Univ., Chung-Li, Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C., Dec. 9-10, 2000, ATM 24/D-29:36 (in Chinese).

120.Chen, C. H., Huang, C. S., Yang, Y. B., “Field Test and Dynamic Parameter Identification of Prestressed Concrete Bridge,” Proc. 24th Nat. Conf. Theoretical & Appl. Mech., Chung-Yuan Univ., Chung-Li, Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C., Dec. 9-10, 2000 ATM 24/H17:24 (in Chinese).

121.Yau, J. D., and Yang, Y. B., “Dynamic Response of Bridges with Elastic Bearings Due to High Speed Trains,” WAVE 2000, eds.: N. Chouw and G. Schmid, Balkema, Rotterdam, 2000, 149-158.

122.Keynote Lecture : Yang, Y. B., and Wu, Y. S., “Dynamic Stability of Trains Moving over Bridges Shaken by Earthquakes,” 8th Int. Conf. Enhancement & Promotion of Comput. Meth. Eng. Sci., Ed.: Lin, S. P., Shanghai, China, July 25-28, 2001, 40-52.

123.Yau, J. D., and Yang, Y. B., “Resonance of Rail Bridge Due to Hign Speed Trains,” 8th Int. Conf. Enhancement & Promotion of Comput. Meth. Eng. Sci., Ed.: Lin, S. P., Shanghai, China, July 25-28, 2001, 431-432.

124.Yau, J. D., and Yang, Y. B., “Impact Envelope Formula of Simple Beams due to High Speed Trains,” Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Civil & Struct. Eng. Computing, Ed.: Topping, B. H. V., Civil-Comp Press, 2001, Paper 22, 87-88.

125.Invited Lecture : Yang, Y. B., “On Problems Related to Semitangential and Quasitangential Moments,” Proc. IASS Symp. Theory, Design & Realization of Shells & Spatial Struct., Ed., Kunieda, Nagoya, Japan, Oct. 9-13, 2001, Paper TP078, 160-161.

126.Invited Lecture : Yang, Y. B., “Curved Beam Theories and Related Computational Aspects,” 1st Asia-Pacific Cong. on Comput. Mech., Sydney, Australia, Nov. 20-23, 2001.

127.Keynote Lecture : Yang, Y. B., Yau, J. D., and Hung, H. H., “Major Considerations for Analyzing Soil Vibrations Induced by High Speed Trains,” Proc. Workshop on Vibration Mitigation for Southern Science Park, Nat. Cheng-Kung Univ., Tainan, Taiwan, Nov. 27, 2001, 1-31 (in Chinese).

128.Wu, Y. S., and Yang, Y. B., “An Efficient Approach for Dealing with Vehicle-Bridge Interaction Problems,” Proc. 8th East Asia-Pacific Conf. On Struct. Eng. and Construction, Singapore, Dec. 5-7, 2001, Paper no. 1184.

129.Yau, J. D., and Yang, Y. B., “Dynamic Interaction of Cable-Stayed Bridges with Moving High Speed Trains,” Proc. 8th East Asia-Pacific Conf. On Struct. Eng. and Construction, Singapore, Dec. 5-7, 2001, Paper no. 1359.

130.Keynote Lecture : Yang, Y. B., Lin, C. L., and Yau, J. D., “Resonance of High Speed Railway Bridges with Elastic Bearings Due to Traveling Vehicles,” Comput. Mech. in Eng. and Sci., Peking Univ. Press, 2001, 23-32 (in Chinese).

131.Yau, J. D., Jang, W. Y., and Yang, Y. B., “Interaction Equations of Axial Force and Bending for Steel I-Section under Fire,” Comput. Mech. in Eng. and Sci., Peking Univ. Press, 2001, 756-761 (in Chinese).

132.Jan, W. Y., and Yang, Y. B., “Large-deformation Analysis of I Shapes Steel Columns under Fire Conditions,” Comput. Mech. in Eng. and Sci., Peking Univ. Press, 2001, 750-755 (in Chinese).

133.Lin, C. W., and Yang, Y. B., “Impact Response of Cable-Stayed Bridges Subjected to Moving Vehicular Loads,” Comput. Mech. in Eng. and Sci., Peking Univ. Press, 2001, 719-726 (in Chinese).

134.Keynote Lecture : Yang, Y. B., “New Directions of Education for Civil Engineering in Taiwan,” Int. Workshop on Structuring Construction Eng. Curricula for Professional Development, Chao-Yang Univ., Wu-Fong, Taichung, Dec. 18, 2001.


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135.Chen, C. H., Yang, Y. B., and Chou, C. Y., “System Identification for Aerodynamic Flutter Derivatives,” Proc. 25th Nat. Conf. Theoretical & Appl. Mech., Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C., Dec. 15-16, 2001, 77 (in Chinese).

136.Wu, Y. S., Chen, C. L., and Yang, Y. B., “Steady-State Behavior and Riding Comfort of Trains Traveling over Multi-Span Elevated Bridges,” Proc. 25th Nat. Conf. Theoretical & Appl. Mech., Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C., Dec. 15-16, 2001, 161 (in Chinese).

137.Yau, J. D., Chu, S. J., and Yang, Y. B., “Dynamic Interactions between Trains and Tracks of Slab Type,” Proc. 25th Nat. Conf. Theoretical & Appl. Mech., Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C., Dec. 15-16, 2001, 337 (in Chinese).

138.Wu, Y. S., and Yang, Y. B., “Seismic Behaviors of Light Rail Cars Moving on Tracked Bridges Equipped with Lead-Rubber Bearings,” Metro’s Impact on Urban Living (Proc. 2002 World Metro Symp.), ed.: Ou, C. D., Taipei City Government, Taipei, R.O.C., 203-207.

139.Wu, Y. S., Hsu, L. C., and Yang, Y. B., “Ground Vibrations Induced by Trains Moving over a Series of Elevated Bridges,” Proc. 10th Conf. Of Chinese Society of Sound & Vibr., May, 2002, 1-7.

140.Keynote Lecture : Yang, Y. B., and Yau, J. D., “Recent Development on Geometric Nonlinear Analysis of Space Frames,” Proc. Int. Symp. On Lightweight Struct. In Civil Eng., Ed.: Obrebski, J., Warsaw, Poland, Jun. 24-28, 2002, 301-308.

141.Yau, J. D. and Yang, Y. B., “Performance of MTMD for Vibration Suppression of Continuous Bridges under High Speed Trains,” Proc. Int. Symp. On Lightweight Struct. In Civil Eng., Ed.: Obrebski, J., Warsaw, Poland, Jun. 24-28, 2002, 605-609.

142.Invited Lecture : Yang, Y. B., Lin, C. L., Yau, J. D., and Chang, D. W., “Phenomena of Resonance and Cancellation for Bridges with Elastic Bearings Traveled by High Speed Trains,” Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Adv. in Struct. Eng. & Mech., Eds.: Choi, C. K., and Schnobrich, W., Seoul, Korea, Aug. 19-22, 2002.

143.Yang, Y. B., and Wu, Y. S., “Behavior of Moving Trains over Bridges Shaken by Earthquakes,” Struct. Dyn. - EURODYN 2002, 1, Eds.: Grundmann, H., and Schuller, G. I., Balkema, Sep. 2-5, 2002, 509-514.

144.Yau, J. D., Fryba, L., Chu, S. J., and Yang, Y. B., “Resonance of Ballastless Railway Systems Caused by Vehicle-Track Interaction,” Struct. Dyn. - EURODYN 2002, Supplement, Eds.: Grundmann, H., and Schuller, G. I., Balkema, Sep. 2-5, 2002.

145.Invited Lecture : Yang, Y. B., Wu, Y. S., and Yau, J. D., “Structural and Ground Vibrations Induced by Trains Moving over Multi-Unit Elevated Railway Bridges,” Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop on Wave Propagation, Moving Load and Vibration Reduction, Okayama Univ., Japan, Sep. 18-20, 2002, 103-106.

146.Invited Lecture : Yang, Y. B., Lin, C. W., and Yau, J. D., “Extracting Bridge Frequencies from the Dynamic Response of a Passing Vehicle,” Proc. 2nd Conf. on Struct. Stability and Dyn., Eds.: Wang, C. M., Liu, R. G., and Ang, K. K., World Scientific, Dec. 16-18, 2002, 172-180.

147.Yang, Y. B., Su, H. H., and Yang, Y. T., “Characteristics and Analysis of Trees and Branches by Nonlinear Finite Element Method” Proc. KKCNN Conf., Eds.: Quek, S. T., and Ho, D. W. S., Nat. Univ. of Singapore, Dec. 19-20, 2002, S127-S132.

148.Yau, J. D., Hung, H. H., and Yang, Y. B., “Investigation on Soil-Viaduct-Pile Vibrations Induced by Passing Trains,” in Wave 2002 - Wave Propagation, Moving Load and Vibration Reduction, Eds.: Chouw, N., and Schmid, G., Balkema, 2003, 85-90.

149.Wu, Y. S., Tseng, C. Y., and Yang, Y. B., “Simulation of Alongside Ground and Building Vibrations Caused by Trains Moving over Viaducts with Pile Foundations,” Proc. 2003 Conf. Appl. of Comp. to Civil & Hydraulic Eng., Nat. Taiwan Univ. of Sci. & Tech., July 11-12, 2003.

150.Yang, Y. B., Ou, S. H., and Wang, C. T., “Global Trend of Engineering Education in Taiwan – Lessons Learned from a Recent Engineering Education Conference,” Proc. Int. Conf. Eng. Education, July 22-25, 2003.

151.Keynote Lecture : Yang, Y. B., Tseng, C. Y., and Wu, Y. S., “Ground Vibration Induced by High-Speed Trains Moving over Viaducts,” Proc. Int. Seminar on Environ. Vibr.: Prediction, Monitoring & Evaluation, Zhejiang Univ., Hangzhou, China, Oct. 16-18, 2003,


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147-157.152.Chen, C. H., and Yang, Y. B., “Field Measurement and System Identification of the Arch

Pylon of a Cable-Stayed Bridge,” Proc. Int. Seminar on Environ. Vibr.: Prediction, Monitoring & Evaluation, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, Oct. 16-18, 2003, 411-419.

153.Yau, J. D., and Yang, Y. B., “Large Deflection Analysis of a Guyed Column Pulled by a Cable”, Proc. IASS-APCS Int. Symp. on New Perspectives for Shell & Spatial Struct., Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 22-26, 2003, 72-73.

154.Wu, Y. S., Yang, C. F., Yang, Y. B., and Su, H. H., “Shear Lag and Impact Effects of Box-Girder Bridges under Moving Loads by Finite Strip Method,” Proc. IASS-APCS Int. Symp. on New Perspectives for Shell & Spatial Struct., Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 22-26, 2003, 126-127.

155.Invited Lecture : Levy, R., Lin, C. W., Gal, E., and Yang, Y. B., “Symbolic Algebra in Large Rotation Analysis,” Proc. IASS-APCS Int. Symp. on New Perspectives for Shell & Spatial Struct., Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 22-26, 2003, 66-67.

156.Yang, Y. B., and Lin, C. W., “Vibration of Cables in Cable-Stayed Bridges Subjected to Moving Vehicles,” Proc. 3rd Cross-Strait Conf. on Struct. & Geotechnical Eng., Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 23-24, 2003, 3-10.

157.Chen, C. H., and Yang, Y. B., “Structural system identification using a neural network algorithm,” Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Struct. Health Monitoring & Intelligent Infrastructure, JSCE, Japan, Nov. 13-15, 2003.

158.Keynote Lecture : Yang, Y. B., Hung, H. H., and Chang, D. W., “Wave Barriers for Reduction of Train-Induced Vibrations”, Proc. 9th Int. Conf. On Enhancement & Promotion of Comput. Meth. in Eng. & Sci. (EPMESC IX), Eds.: Iu, V. P., et al., University of Macau, Nov. 25-28, 2003, 151-162.

159.Yau, J. D., and Yang, Y. B., “Vibration Suppression of Truss Bridges Subjected to High Speed Trains,” Proc. 16th KKCNN Symp. on Civil Eng., Korea, Dec. 8-9, 2003, 235-242.

160.Yang, Y. B., “Civil Engineering Education in Taiwan,” presented at Nishino Symposium, Dec. 15, 2003.

161.Lin, C. W., and Yang, Y. B., “Extraction of the Bridge Frequencies from the Response of a Passing Vehicle-a Numeral Study,” Proc. 9th East Asia-Pacific Conf. on Struct. Eng. & Construction, Bali, Indonesia, Dec 16-18, 2003.

162.Yang, Y. B., Tseng, C. Y., and Wu, Y. S., “Soil Vibrations Caused by Trains Moving over Elevated Bridges,” Proc. 9th East Asia-Pacific Conf. On Struct. Eng. & Construction, Bali, Indonesia, Dec 16-18, 2003.

163.Chang, S. H., Fan, K. C., and Yang, Y. B., “Nanotechnology for Engineering Education: a Frontier in Taiwan,” Proc. Int. Conf. On Eng. Education & Research, Technical University of Ostrava, Bouzov Castle, Czech, June 27-30, 2004.

164.Chang, P. F., et al., and Yang, Y. B., “The Integrated Strategies and Implementing Processes of the Accreditation Criteria in Taiwan,” Proc. Int. Conf. On Eng. Education & Research, Technical University of Ostrava, Bouzov Castle, Czech, June 27-30, 2004.

165.Keynote Lecture : Yang, Y. B., “Progress on Accreditation of Engineering Education Programs in Taiwan,” 2nd Australia-Taiwan Conf. On Higher Education, July 7-8, 2004.

166.Keynote Lecture : Yang, Y. B., and Lin, C. W., “A New Method for Measuring Bridges’ Frequencies of Vibration,” Proc. 7th Nat. Conf. on Struct. Eng., Chung-Yuan Univ., Aug. 23, 2004, 1-2.

167.Chen, L. J., Lin, C. W., and Yang, Y. B., “Vehicle-Induced Cable Vibrations on Cable-Stayed Bridges,” Proc. 7th Nat. Conf. on Struct. Eng., Chung-Yuan Univ., Aug. 23, 2004, 72-73.

168.Keynote Lecture : Yang, Y. B., “On the Treatment of Three-Dimensional Joint Rotations in Buckling Analyses of Space Frames and Curved Beams,” to be presented at 4th Int. Conf. On Advances in Steel Structures, Tongji Univ., Shanghai, China, Jun 13-15, 2005.

E. Research Reports and Others


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1. Yang, Y. B., “Linear and Nonlinear Analysis of Space Frames with Nonuniform Torsion Using Interactive Computer Graphics,” Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y., May 1984.

2. Yang, Y. B., “Influence of Computer Graphics on Structural Engineering,” Autotech Magazine, Vol. 24, Jan. 1986, 63-68 (in Chinese).

3. Yang, Y. B., “Dynamic Analysis of Thin-Walled Structures Using Interactive Computer Graphics (I),” NSC Proj. Report, No. NSC74-0414-P002-21, Mar. 1986.

4. Chern, J. C., Chang, S. C., and Yang, Y. B., “Structural Analysis of Bloom C. C. Turn Table of China Steel Corporation,” Proj. Report, Taiwan Construction Tech. Res. Center, May 1986 (in Chinese).

5. Tsai, I. C., Chern, C. C., Chiou, C. C., Tan, R. Y., Yang, Y. B., et al., “The Analysis of Wind Induced Hazard Curves and Fragility Curves of Nuclear Power Plant No. 3,” CEER Report, Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., July 1986.

6. Chern, J. C., Yang, Y. B., and Chang, S. C., “Structural Analysis of Bloom C. C. Ladle Turn Table and Finite Element Analysis Training Program of China Steel Corporation,” Proj. Report, Taiwan Construction Tech. Res. Center, Sep. 1986 (in Chinese).

7. Yang, Y. B., “Workshop on Earthquake Resistance of Structures and Equipment,” World Tech. Consultant, Inc., Jan. 19-21, 1987.

8. Yang, Y. B., “Dynamic Analysis of Thin-Walled Structures Using Interactive Computer Graphics (II),” NSC Proj. Report, No. NSC75-0414-P002-21, Mar. 1987 (in Chinese).

9. Chern, C. C., Kao, C. C., Yang, Y. B., et al., “Strength Test for the U-Shaped Bridge,” Proj. Report, Taiwan Construction Tech. Res. Center, Sep. 1987 (in Chinese).

10. Yang, Y. B., et al., “Computer-Aided Nonlinear Earthquake Analysis,” NSC Proj. Report, No. NSC-76-0414-P002-08B, Oct. 1987 (in Chinese).

11. Tsai, I. C., Chiou, C. P., Yang, Y. B., et al., “Suggested Aseismic Design Rules for Bridges of Taipei Rapid Transit System,” CEER Report, Nat. Taiwan Univ., Oct. 1988 (in Chinese).

12. Yang, Y. B., “Earthquake-Resistant Analysis of Steel Structures,” NSC Proj. Report, No. NSC-76-0414-P002-018, May 1988.

13. Yang, Y. B., “Dynamic Analysis of Isolation System,” Seminar on Earthquake Isolation of Struct. & Its Appl., CEER, Nat. Taiwan Univ., June 13-15, 1988.

14. Tang, J. P., Yang, Y. B., et al., “Study Report on Pseudodynamic On-Line Test Methods,” Report to Nat. Sci. Council, Aug. 1988.

15. Yang, Y. B., “Stability of Curved Girders,” NSC Proj. Report, No. NSC77-0410-E002-02, Sep. 1988.

16. Chang, S. C., and Yang, Y. B., “Computer-Aided Analysis and Design of Structures,” Proj. Report, Sun Yat-Sen Sci. Inst., Nov. 1988 (in Chinese).

17. Chiou, C. P., Tsai, I. C., Yang, Y. B., and Tan, R. Y., “The Analysis of Wind Induced Hazard Curves and Fragility Curves of Nuclear Power Plant No. 1,” CEER Report, Nat. Taiwan Univ., July 1989.

18. Yang, Y. B., et al., “Spatial Frames with Curved Girders Theory and Applications,” Res. Proj. Report, CECI, Sep. 1989 (in Chinese).

19. Tseng, C. C., Yang, Y. B., et al., “Analysis Program for Spatial Frames with Curved Girders,” CECI Tech., Vol. 4, Nov. 1989, 29-41 (in Chinese).

20. Yang, Y. B., Tsai, I. C., and Kao, C. C., “Research on Lead-Rubber Bearings for Earthquake Isolation of Structures,” NSC Proj. Report, No. NSC78-0410-E002-41, Nov. 1989 (partly in Chinese).

21. Yang, Y. B., “Nonlinear and Stability Analysis of Frames,” NSC Proj. Report, No. NSC78- 0410-E002-30, Feb. 1990 (in Chinese).

22. Yang, Y. B., “Workshop on Earthquake Resistant and Isolation Design,” World Tech. Consultant, Inc., Mar. 22-24, 1990.

23. Yang, Y. B., “Bifurcation and Secondary Paths of Spatial Structures,” NSC Proj. Report, No. NSC79-0410-E002-07, Aug. 1990 (in Chinese).

24. Yeh, C. S., Yang, Y. B., et al., “Visiting Report and Proposal for Earthquake Simulation Laboratory,” NCREE Report 90-1, Nat. Sci. Council, Oct. 1990.

25. Yang, Y. B., “On the Rationalization of Finite Element Nonlinear analysis,” NSC Proj.


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Report, No. NSC79-0410-E002-56, Jan. 1991. 26. Yang, Y. B., et al., “Dynamic Analysis of Spatial Frames with Curved Bridge Girders,”

Proj. Report, CECI, Apr. 1991 (in Chinese).27. Yang, Y. B., and Lin, T. W., “Stress Analysis of Disk-Type Antennas,” Proj. Report,

Industrial Tech. Res. Inst., June 1991.28. Chern, C. C., Yang, Y. B., Hong, H. K., et al., “Safety Evaluation of the Structure and

Facilities of Chung-Shan-Tang Building of Taipei City,” Proj. Report, Taiwan Construction Tech. Res. Center, July 1991 (in Chinese).

29. Yang, Y. B., “Stability Theory of Space Frames,” NSC Proj. Report, No. NSC80-0410-E002-18, Aug. 1991.

30. Hong, J. M., Chang, D. W., Yang, Y. B., and Tseng, C. C., “Dynamic Analysis Program for Space Frames with Curved Girders (I),” CECI Tech., Vol. 12, Oct. 1991, 27-36 (in Chinese).

31. Hong, J. M., Chang, D. W., Yang, Y. B., and Tseng, C. C., “Dynamic Analysis Program for Space Frames with Curved Girders (II),” CECI Tech., Vol. 13, Jan. 1992, 25-33 (in Chinese).

32. Yang, Y. B., “Further Look at the Stability Theories of Curved Beams,” NSC Proj. Report, No. NSC80-0410-E002-59, Feb. 1992.

33. Yang, Y. B., and Chou, T. K., “A Brief View of the Earthquake Simulation Laboratory of the NCREE,” Construction News Record, Taiwan Construction Tech. Res. Center, Vol. 117, June 1992 (in Chinese).

34. Yang, M. C., Yang, Y. B., et al., “Computer-Aided Analysis of Framed Furniture Structures,” Proj. Report, Industry Bureau, Ministry of Economy, No. RD04-02, June 1992 (in Chinese).

35. Yang, C. C., Yang, Y. B., Kao, C. C., et al., “Loading Test and Related Studies on Riverside South Road Highway Bridges,” Proj. Report, Ret-Ser Eng. Agency, July 1992 (in Chinese).

36. Chang, D. W., Yang, Y. B., Kuo, S. R., et al., “Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis Program for Bridge-Structure Combination Systems,” Proj. Report, CECI, Aug. 1992 (in Chinese).

37. Yang, Y. B., “Postbuckling Behaviors of Space Frames,” NSC Proj. Report, No. NSC81-0410-E002-05, Aug. 1992.

38. Yang, Y. B., and Lu, L. Y., “Dynamic Characteristics of Equipment in Sliding or Torsional Structures,” NSC Proj. Report, No. NSC82-0410-E002-103, Sep. 1993 (partly in Chinese).

39. Yang, Y. B., “Dynamic Interaction of Vehicle-Bridge Systems,” NSC Proj. Report, No. NSC82-0410-E002-350, Mar. 1994.

40. Chang, D. W., Yang, Y. B., Kuo, S. R., et al., “Dynamic Analysis Program for Bridges Considering Soil-Structure Interactions,” Proj. Report, CECI, June 1994 (in Chinese).

41. Yang, Y. B., Tsai, I. C., Loh, C. H., Chang, K. C., Chen, C. H., et al., “Monitoring and Analysis of the Dynamic and Static Characteristics of the Yuan-Shan Bridge System,” 1st Midterm Report, Taiwan Area Nat. Freeway Bureau, Aug. 1994 (partly in Chinese).

42. Yang, Y. B., Tsai, I. C., Kao, C. C., et al., “Monitoring and Analysis of the Dynamic and Static Characteristics of the Shi-Zhan Bridge,” 1st Midterm Report, Taiwan Housing & Urban Development Bureau, Dec. 1994 (in Chinese).

43. Yang, Y. B., Tsai, I. C., Loh, C. H., Chang, K. C., Chen, C. H., et al., “Monitoring and Analysis of the Dynamic and Static Characteristics of the Yuan-Shan Bridge System,” 2nd Midterm Report, Taiwan Area Nat. Freeway Bureau, Mar. 1995 (in Chinese).

44. Yang, Y. B., et al., “Factory Buildings Subjected to Ambient Vehicle Vibrations,” Proj. Report, Sinotech Eng. Consultants, Inc., Apr. 1995 (in Chinese).

45. Yang, Y. B., and Kao, C. C., “Technologies for Prediction of the Collapse of Formwork Systems During the Construction Stage,” Proj. Report, Inst. of Occupational Safety & Health, Council of Labor Affairs, June 1995 (in Chinese).

46. Yang, Y. B., “Nonlinear and Dynamic Analysis of Large-Scale Space Structures,” NSC Proj. Report, Nos. NSC83-0410-E002-024 and NSC84-2211-E002-012, Sep. 1995.

47. Yang, Y. B., et al., “Vibration of Foundations and Soils Caused by the Passage of High-Speed Trains,” Proj. Report, Sinotech Eng. Consultants, Inc., Dec. 1995 (in Chinese).

48. Yang, Y. B., Loh, C. H., Tsai, K. C., and Tan, R. Y., “Structural Control Research (I-II),”


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NSC Proj. Report, Nos. NSC83-0416-E002-142 and NSC84-0416-E002-013, Jan. 1996. 49. Leu, L. J., Yang, Y. B., and Kao, C. C., “Verification of Safety Indicator for Predicting the

Collapse of Scaffold Systems During Construction” Proj. Report, Inst. of Occupational Safety & Health, Council of Labor Affairs, June 1996 (in Chinese).

50. Yang, Y. B., et al., “User's Manual for Computer Program for Analyzing High Speed Rail Bridges Considering the Elastic Effect of Suspension Systems,” Proj. Report, CECI, July 1996 (in Chinese).

51. Yang, Y. B., Tsai, I. C., Kao, C. C., et al., “Monitoring and Analysis of the Dynamic and Static Characteristics of the Shi-Zhan Bridge,” 2nd Midterm Report, Taiwan Housing & Urban Development Bureau, Oct. 1996 (in Chinese).

52. Yang, Y. B., “Impact Formulas for Various Bridges Subjected to the Passage of Vehicles Moving at Normal and High Speeds (I),” NSC Proj. Report, No. NSC85-2211-E002-002, Jan. 1997.

53. Yang, Y. B., Loh, C. H., Tsai, K. C., and Tan, R. Y., “Structural Control Research (III),” NSC Proj. Report, No. NSC84-2211-E002-049, Jan. 1997.

54. Yang, Y. B., and Yau, J. D., “Bridge Design Program Development for HSR Project,” Proj. Report, Pacific Engrs. & Constructors, Ltd., Jan. 1997 (in Chinese).

55. Yang, Y. B., Hung, C. F., Chen, Y. H., and Sung, C. C., “Theoretical and Experimental Research on Dynamic Properties of Ballasted Foundation of High Speed Rails” Midterm Report, High Speed Rail Bureau, Ministry of Trans. & Comm., Mar. 1997 (in Chinese).

56. Hsu, L. C., Yang, Y. B., et al., “Impact Response of Simple Beams to High Speed Trains,” CECI Tech., Vol. 33, Jan. 1997, 13-26 (in Chinese).

57. Yang, Y. B., Tsai, I. C., Loh, C. H., Chang, K. C., Chen, C. H., et al., “Monitoring and Analysis of the Dynamic and Static Characteristics of the Yuan-Shan Bridge System,” Final Report, Taiwan Area Nat. Freeway Bureau, Apr. 1997 (in Chinese).

58. Yang, Y. B., “Impact Formulas for Various Bridges Subjected to the Passage of Vehicles Moving at Normal and High Speeds (II),” NSC Proj. Report, No. NSC86-2211-E002-074, Jan. 1998 (in Chinese).

59. Yang, Y. B., Hung, C. F., Chen, Y. H., and Sung, C. C., “Theoretical and Experimental Research on Dynamic Properties of Ballasted Foundation of High Speed Rails,” Final Report, High Speed Rail Bureau, Ministry of Trans. & Comm., June 1998 (in Chinese).

60. Chang, D. W., Yang, Y.B., et al., “Field Investigation and Discussion of Chia-I Ra-Li Earthquake Hazard,” Civil Tech., Vol. 1, No. 7, 1998, 35-54 (in Chinese).

61. Yau, J. D., and Yang, Y. B., “Railway and Bridges,” Civil Tech., Vol. 1, No. 8, 1998, 48-67 (in Chinese).

62. Yang, Y. B., “Derivation and Application of a Simple Geometrical Nonlinear Flat Element,” NSC Proj. Report, No. NSC87-2211-E002-031, Nov. 1998 (in Chinese).

63. Yang, Y. B., “Impact Formulas for Various Bridges Subjected to the Passage of Vehicles Moving at Normal and High Speeds (III),” NSC Proj. Report, No. NSC87-2211-E002-065, Nov. 1998 (in Chinese).

64. Yeh, S. H., Leu, L. J., and Yang, Y. B., “State-of-the-Art Research on the Beam-Column Connections in U.S.A. and Japan,” MOIS 882001, Proj. Report, Architecture & Building Res. Inst., Ministry of Interior, June 30, 1999.

65. Yau, J. D., Yang, Y. B., et al., “Minutes for the First Dynamic Testing for Taiwan Railway,” Civil Tech., Vol. 2, No. 7, 1999, 124-130 (in Chinese).

66. Yang, Y. B., “Study on Vibration Problems Related to High Speed Railroads (I),” NSC Proj. Report, No. NSC 88-2211-E-002-017, Aug. 1999 (in Chinese).

67. Yang, Y. B., Tsai, I. C., Kao, C. C., et al., “Monitoring and Analysis of the Dynamic and Static Characteristics of the Shi-Zhan Bridge,” Final Report, Taiwan Housing & Urban Development Bureau, Feb. 1, 2000 (in Chinese).

68. Leu, L. J., Yang, Y. B., Kao, C. C., “Dynamic Prediction Method for Ultimate Strength of Scaffold Supporting Systems,” Civil Tech., Vol. 3, No. 4, 2000, 127-139 (in Chinese).

69. Loh, C. H., Yang, Y. B., et al., “Extended Research on Monitoring of the Yuan-Shan Bridge System,” 2nd Midterm Report, Taiwan Area Nat. Freeway Bureau, July 2000 (in Chinese).

70. Chen, Y. H., Yang, Y. B., et al., “Study on Vibration Characteristics of High Speed


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Railways,” Midterm Report, High Speed Rail Bureau, Ministry of Trans. & Comm., July 2000 (in Chinese).

71. Yang, Y. B., “Study on Vibration Problems Related to High Speed Railroads (II),” NSC Proj. Report, No. NSC 89-2211-E-002-020, Aug. 2000 (in Chinese).

72. Yang, Y. B., “Vibration and Safety of High Speed Railways in New Century,” NTU Alumni Bimonthly, 11, Sep. 1, 2000 (in Chinese).

73. Yeh, S. H., Leu, L. J., and Yang, Y. B., “A Study on the Fundamental Period of Reinforced Buildings Using Ambient Vibration Measurement,” Res. Proj. Report, Architecture & Building Research Institute, Sep. 30, 2000 (in Chinese).

74. Chen, Y. H., Yang, Y. B., et al., “Study on Dynamic Response of High Speed Railways,” Final Report, High Speed Rail Bureau, Ministry of Trans. & Comm., March 2001 (in Chinese).

75. Yang, Y. B., et al., “Dynamics of Bridges and Soils Related to Highways and Railways,” Civil Tech., Vol. 4, No. 3, 2001, 73-81 (in Chinese).

76. Chen, Y. H., Yang, Y. B., et al., “Dynamic Characteristics of Track Structures for High Speed Rails,” Report, High Speed Rail Bureau, Ministry of Trans. & Comm., Mar. 2001 (in Chinese).

77. Yang, Y. B., et al., “Dynamic Monitoring and Analysis of Mao-Lou-Shi Cable-Stayed Bridge,” Midterm Report, Highway Bureau, Ministry of Trans. & Comm., Aug. 2001 (in Chinese).

78. Yeh, S. H., Leu, L. J, and Yang, Y. B., “A Study of the Fundamental Period and Damping Ratios of Steel Buildings Using Ambient Vibration Measurement,” Res. Proj. Report, Architecture & Building Research Institute, Dec. 2001 (in Chinese).

79. Yang, Y. B., “The Statics and Dynamics of Trees,” Science Development Monthly, Nat. Science Council, No. 355, July 2002, 64-69.

80. Yang, Y. B., and Leu, L. J., “Long-Span Bridge Monitoring System for Chou-Mei Expressway”, Report to CECI, Mar. 2003.

81. Yang, Y. B., et al., “Monitoring, Analysis and System Implementation for the Vibrations Induced by High-Speed Trains near the Hsin-Chu Science Park,” First Year Measurement Report to Hsin-Chu Science Park, May 2003.

82. Yang, Y. B., et al., “Dynamic Monitoring and Analysis of Mao-Lou-Shi Cable-Stayed Bridge,” Final Report, Highway Bureau, Ministry of Trans. & Comm., Jan. 2004 (in Chinese).

83. Yang, Y. B., and Ko, C. H., “The Way toward International Accreditation of Engineering Education,” Proc. Chinese Inst. Of Automation Engrs., 4(4), 2003, 40-46 (in Chinese).

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三、榮譽事蹟內 容 時 間

國科會「傑出研究獎」 1988-1990

國科會「傑出研究獎」 1990-1992

中華民國十大傑出青年(科技發展類) 1992

國科會「傑出研究獎」 1992-1994

中國工程師學會「傑出工程教授」 1994

教育部「教學特優教師獎」 1994

國科會「傑出研究獎」 1994-1996

國科會「傑出研究獎」 1996-1998

國科會「特約研究員」 1998-2001

傑出人才基金會「傑出人才講座」 1998-2003

台灣大學「傑出教學獎」 2000

美國土木工程師學會「會士」(Fellow, ASCE) 2000

香港大學 Structural Engineering Fellowship 2001

國科會「特約研究員」 2001-2004


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中華民國振動與噪音工程學會「最佳論文獎」 2002

中華民國結構工程學會「榮譽會員」 2002

中國土木水利工程學會「會士」(Fellow) 2003

Engineering Structures 期刊最佳論文獎(Munro Prize) 2003

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長以「貢獻這個大學於宇宙的精神」之理想,帶領全校師生走過艱辛的歲月,奠下今日台大的基礎。而今時空流轉,在歷經半世紀的經濟成長後,又面臨了另一個考驗的階段,此時台大究應如何因應時代的挑戰,方能有突破性的作為,以更快的腳步,邁向國際領先群,以下是個人幾點淺見。一、 堅持台大傳統的自主性

台大立校的傳統是「自主」和「自由」,這是台大之所以為台大,也是一流大學的基本條件。在學術自主的信念下,教授治校、學生自治的主張必須予以貫徹,讓台大真正成為學術的殿堂、學者的社區,享有充分的自治權。同時我們也不要忘記應盡的責任,鼓勵教師及學生積極服務、關懷社會,經由實際行動之參與,扭轉社會風氣於不墜。二、 強調人格教育的完整性

本校學生畢業後多半成為各界領導者,我們應以培養領袖的態度從事教育工作,了解到自己的行為模式,會影響到學生人格的養成;同時也要讓同學知道,一個人事業的成功,不是只看本科成績,還要看他是否具備完整的人格、均衡的身心、健康的兩性觀念、和良好的表達能力等,以及一顆愛國愛人之心。三、 維護領域發展的均衡性



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四、 強化校園環境的人文性 一個偉大的學府,首重「人的價值」,各項工作的推動,均不能脫離人性的尊嚴與關

懷。未來希望在校園內推動「人文工程」的理念,除了深耕藝文、整合人文研究、延攬國際級大師來校講學訪問外,並將加強各學術單位、學生社團與人文學者間的對話,務期能將人文理念多層次地融入校園活動及軟硬體建設上,全方位提昇本校的人文特質。五、 正視國際交流的迫切性 為邁向卓越之路,未來應增收外籍生,擴大英語教學,鼓勵僑外籍生來校就讀;加強

各系所與國外著名學府,進行師生交換和互訪;試行推動工程領域之學程認證,直接與國際接軌;擴大本校與國外大學的雙學位合作;並且鼓勵同仁出任國際學會理事、期刊編輯、會議主講人,主動爭取由本校主辦國際會議。六、 建構現代化的學習環境

學校的學習環境應與國外一流大學同步,因此應全面佈設無線網路,建立多功能視訊教室,以與國外連線;改善教室設備、教具及管理模式,力求現代化;改善工作環境,提升安全衛生品質。在教學方面,則應提供跨領域、跨校、跨國學程;營造國際合作機會,讓學生學習多元文化,為進入國際職場作準備;另亦鼓勵同仁撰寫教科書,將研究成果融入教材中。七、 重視年輕同仁的養成面

欲將台大推向卓越的顛峰,就須重視年輕同仁的養成面,讓他們得以全力貫注於教學研究。在此,首須協助其解決宿舍、幼兒學前教育、和論文出版的問題,這也是吸引校外或國外傑出學者前來任職的先決條件。另為配合國際化的推展,我們也鼓勵同仁,爭取赴國外名校進行短期研究訪問,以累積國際交流經驗,擴大國際視野,提升學校聲望。八、 強化行政效率、提升服務品質

一個有效能的行政體系,首須具備「與時俱進」的能力,也就是隨業務而成長的觀念。在賞罰公平的原則下,採用人性化的管理,重視基層的福利與權益,對於表現優良者,即須予以獎勵。此外,亦須以「企業管理」的精神,來檢討各單位的組織、規模和效能,期能滿足卓越大學的需要。對於退休員工,也可藉重職工聯誼會表達關懷。九、 連繫校友、凝聚力量 本校校友總人數達二十萬人之譜,若能激起校友愛校的意識,學校的發展必能與校友連為一體。本校昔日所培養的僑生,有不少於回到僑居地後,已經成為當地的僑領,擁有殊多可貴的資源。未來我相信若能主動關懷海內外校友,必定能贏得他們的回饋與支持。十、 關懷社會、爭取資源


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為解決未來財務緊縮的情況,首須讓政府認知「台大是國家的資產」,台大的榮譽是國家的榮譽,爭取政府給予政策性的支持。另外亦須主動關懷並協助產業轉型,鼓勵企業界捐款資助學校進行研究,藉此增進產學合作。其他有關校務基金籌措的作法,也可參酌國外頂尖大學的作法,擇其適用者加以嘗試。結 語本校建校數十年來,在歷任校長的卓越領導,和教職員工生及校友的共同努力下,可謂成就非凡。然而時代在變,環境也在變,我們應思如何在既有的基礎上,調整思維和作法,以期能呈現一更趨活潑、更具動能、更有速度感的面貌。畢竟這是一場接力賽,每一棒都面對不同的挑戰。 永斌任事,一向不問寒暑,不分風雨。倘有幸能擔任本校校長,將會傾聽同仁的聲音,以


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