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Directions: You're allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled “Nothing

Succeeds Without a Strong Will” by commenting on the humorous saying

"Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I have done it hundreds of

time."You'd write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. "


Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled

“The Way to Success” by commenting on Abraham Lincoln„s famous remark,

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening

the axe.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


Directions: The Dragon Boat Festival (端午节) is one of the important national

festivals in China.Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200

words on the

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following topic:The Dragon Boat Festival

First, you should tell what you know about the festival.

Second, you should describe how you or other people usually observe the festival.







三、 翻硕写作框架结构:




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1)Background information 背景交代:1句

2)General talk of the topic 引出主题:1句

3)Thesis: state specifically what your opinion is



1)General description 总体描述:1句,人物/动物/事物+动作+环境(图画)或主题+


2)Details 1,2,3 细节描述:1-2句,挖掘细节词、串连成句

3)(Caption 文字说明/Symbolic meanings 象征寓意)


1、Topic sentence:主题句,1句


1) Classification 分类论证:

2)Cause and Effect:因果论证


(1)Numerous examples can be given, but this/these will suffice.

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(2)I can think of no better illustration than the following one(s).

(3)This/These case(s) effectively clarify that…

4)Compare and Contrast:正反论证

5)Definition and Explanation:定义呾解释

6)Statistics and Facts:统计呾事实

According to the recent survey/data/statistics by Chinese Academy of Social

Sciences, about/approximately 30% students take National Entrance Test for

M.A/M.S. Candidates.



1、Concluding sentence:结论句,1句

2、Suggestions 1、2:两点建议或两句评论


1)倒装句:Only in this way can we solve this problem.

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2)强调句:It is persistent work that is conducive to your grasping a considerable



It is high time that we improved the present situation.



The Relationship Between Theory and Practice in the Studying of Translation


Writing (30’)

Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic.

The Relationship Between Translation Theory and Practice

第一段:Translation theory expressed in books or spoken lectures can provide an

important foundation for its practice. Similarly, practical experience with an issue or

activity will complement and extend(扩充)the knowledge gained from studying the

relevant theory. I believe that a translator’s success will be influenced not only by

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the depth and quality of theoretical knowledge they have mastered, but also by

their successes in applying that knowledge in a practical way.

第二段:For me, actually practicing a particular translation myself and experiencing

the process, leaves a much deeper and lasting impression than what I get from

simply reading theory or listening to a lecture. If I read about how to translate or

listened to someone talk about translation, I still wouldn’t feel that I knew how to

translate an essay until I practice one for myself. It is the case, however, (当然)that

translating an essay would be based on the methods I learned intellectually. The

same can be said for other skills. A translator can know all the theories of

translation, associated skills and strategies(相关技巡方法), but until that person

apply them in practice, the theory remains flat, useless(呆板无用).

第三段:In many MIT programs, job co-op(实习)or internship opportunities have

been set up for translation students as part of their formal studies, and are often

viewed as the most valuable part of the curriculum. This can only be true because

translation theory passed on visually or orally does not become a concrete skill

until the translator has actually done it for themselves. A student of translation

cannot become successful solely by reading all the latest articles about how to be

an outstanding translator. They must accumulate their own experience and learn

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from their own mistakes before attaining the highest level of mastery(攀登事业的


第四段: Although some students move on to pursue doctoral studies, most MIT

students enter the job market at the end of their degree. In general, MIT students

attend college in order to acquire the translation skills they need in their career.

With intense domestic and global competition in the job market, students must

learn skills that will enable them to fill a need in society once they have finished

their post-secondary studies(高等教育). Translation practice, which enables

students to solve real-world problems, is superior to mere theory in preparing

students for the job market and should thus form a vital part in the studying of


第五段: Perhaps some people claim to be able to develop their skills solely through

reading, but I personally like to learn by doing, putting theoretical knowledge in

translation to practical use to test my skills in the real world. (431 words)



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Part III Writing (30 points)

Directions:Please write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic:

Professional Translation in the 21st Century


英语作文 400字

On Becoming a Professional Translator ( Interpreter) 30分

第一段:With the deepening globalization in the 21st Century,there are a lot more

content we could add to what“professional translation”means, and how it should

be done.In fact,many hold that anybody with a basic knowledge of two languages

can translate from one language to another,which is far from the truth.The

growing E-business also results in a boom of translation companies, and some of

these deliver translation of rather poor quality.

第二段:Professional translation requires abilities and skills at many levels,both

technical and personal.In order to become qualified to this standard, translators

have to work very hard for many years.It is vital for translators to have full

competence in both the target language, or the language they are translating into,

and the source language, or the one they are translating from.Though grammars

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and idioms are essential, translators should also understand different cultural

backgrounds and know how to use the language in every social situation, and how

to interpret social signals.

第三段:Furthermore,the expanding business world has a greater demand to have

their documents translated for communication between business partners

speaking different languages.Therefore,professional translation should be highly

specialized.That means, translators should have specialized competence in a

particular area.For instance,clients may require translations of technical

instructions or specifications(说明书),articles for scientific or medical journals,

or legal judgments(法律判决).If you do not have the corresponding terminology

(术语)in mind,it is still no easy task to translate,for instance,a German medical

term correctly into your own language,even if you know what it means.

第四段: In addition,improvement of translators’ computer skills is also required,

as most assignments today are received and delivered online.There are also a

number of newly developed translation soft wares to help increase working

efficiency.The voice translation software,for instance,can recognize the sentences

that translators utter(表达)and transform the verbal message directly into written

one, thus free translators from typing all the time.

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第五段: Professional translation in the 21st Century is about sharing of

investments,technology,resources,cultures and personal views.As we all know,

enabling better communication is always the overarching task(首要)for all

translators,whose job may be tough and demanding but also highly enjoyable and

satisfying.(373 words)



Part 3: Writing. (30 POINTS)

Plagiarism in graduation thesis is becoming an indisputable fact(无可争论的

事实).What do you think about it? Write an essay of about 400 words to state your

view on the following topic:

In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument,

and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate

details.In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural

conclusion or make a summary.

Marks will be awarded on the basis of your organization, diction, grammar

and appropriateness.

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III. Writing (30%)

Plagiarism is defined in dictionaries as “the wrongful appropriation, close

imitation, or purloining and publication, of another author’s language, thoughts,

ideas, or expressions, and the representation of them as one's own original work.”

It does great harm to our academic research and academic integrity. However,

people do try to bypass it, because the gain could be immediate. How do you think

of the phenomenon?

Write a piece of argumentation in about 500 words. In the first part you should

state your position clearly; in the second, you should supply relevant evidence to

support your position and refute the opposing side’s view; and finally you should

bring your essay to a logical conclusion.

Marks will be awarded on the basis of your organization, diction, grammar

and appropriateness. The Problem with Plagiarism and cheating.

第一段:Plagiarizing the work of others and cheating on exams are two unfair tactics

used by students in an attempt to attain higher grades. Such actions may be

propelled by laziness, lack of self-confidence, academic pressure, or a combination

of these factors. Plagiarism and cheating are wrong because they adversely affect

other students, the university, and even the perpetrators(犯错者)themselves.

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第二段:Students who plagiarize on essays or cheat on exams have an unfair

advantage over other students. For instance, an honest student with average

writing ability might spend many hours or even days writing a term paper and

receive a grade of say, 75 percent. A dishonest student might spend only five

minutes downloading an essay from the Internet and, unless he or she is caught,

receive a grade of 80 percent or higher. Likewise, it would be extremely unjust for a

student who cheats on an exam to obtain a perfect score of 100, while a bright and

hard-working student studies for a week to receive a score of 95.

第三段:Plagiarism and cheating on tests are not only unfair to students who do

their own work, but are also detrimental(丌利的)to a university’s reputation and

the worth of its diploma. If such dishonest practices become prevalent at an

institution of higher learning, this information will eventually reach the news media

and the community at large(整个社会). The university’s credibility(信誉)would

become diminished(降低), and repairing this credibility would be a slow process.

In addition, alumni(毕业生)of a university where cheating and plagiarism are

prevalent would see the value of their degree weakened in the job marketplace.

第四段: Finally, students who plagiarize others’ work or cheat on exams end up

hurting themselves. Even if their actions are not detected, they will fail to achieve

the learning that honest students do. As they seek employment upon their

graduation, a potential employer might discover through the interview process that

they lack required skills or knowledge and, instead, award the job to an honest

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student able to demonstrate the requisite abilities(所需能力). Furthermore,

deceitful academic practices may form habitual dishonesty that affects students

long after they leave the university, and could have adverse effects in every facet(各

个方面)of their life.

第五段:In short, plagiarism and cheating on exams are wrong for multiple reasons.

These actions have an unfair impact on other students, the educational institute,

and the perpetrators themselves. As students are considered adults by the time

they enter university, those who engage in fraudulent(欺骗的)academic behavior

should be held accountable for their actions(为自己的行为负责).(418 words)




的是General education(通识教育) ,而中国则是提倡major-oriented education.

General Education and Major-oriented Education

第一段:After graduating from high school, most students look forward to being

able to choose what they study in college. Many students have no desire to study

anything outside of their major. However, it is critical that all students study a

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variety of subjects in order to prepare for the challenges they will face in their

careers and personal lives.

第二段:A good many students choose a major hoping to prepare themselves for a

specific job. They believe that if they simply study English, or computers, or

biomedical engineering(生物医学工程), having one highly developed skill will be

enough for them to find a job and succeed in their careers. In today’s job market,

however, employers are interested in people with a variety of skills. In addition, a

large number of people find that having a diversified(多学科的)educational

background makes it easier for them to do their jobs well. For example, a young

teacher attempting to teach unable to help his students to the same extent.

Chinese to American doctors living in China would be able to teach more effectively

if he or she knew something about American culture and medical science. Such

knowledge would help him to connect with his students and teach them how to

discuss medicine in Chinese. In contrast, if he knew only how to explain the

language’s grammar and basic vocabulary.

第三段:All academic subjects are related. Sometimes this is obvious, as with history

and literature. It is difficult to study a literary work without first making an attempt

to understand its historical context. Likewise, literature is an important part of

history. Certain books, it can be argued(可以说), were instrumental in changing the

perspectives(观点)of those who first read them. For example, Charles Darwin’s On

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the Origin of Species (《物种起源》)caused new social and political issues to spring

up(带来论辩). Since this is a piece of scientific literature, someone who lacked an

adequate understanding of either biology or history would be unable to fully

understand the book’s impact. It follows that historical students should not study

only history, and biology students should not limit themselves to biology. There are

other academic disciplines that are related in slightly more subtle ways. Some

philosophers, for instance, use quantum mechanics(量子物理)to support the theory

that the universe is random(没有固定形式的). If a student had no background in

physics whatsoever, it would be impossible for him to understand this theory.

第四段:It is vital that college students have a general educational background. The

fact that a great many students would choose to study only one or two subjects

makes it all the more crucial(至关重要)that universities require students to study a

variety of subjects in order to prepare them for the challenges they will face in their

careers and personal lives. (461 words)



Which will You Select, MTI or MA in Translational Studies? (400 words)


Part 4: Writing. (40 POINTS, 60 minutes)

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According to Arthur Waley, “People who write very well when expressing

their own ideas tend, unless they have been to some extent schooled in translation,

to lose all power of normal expression when face with a foreign text.” How do you

understand this statement? Please develop the topic into a three-paragraph essay

on the ANSWER SHEET with at least 300 words in the given time.


丌少亍400字,What Can Translation Bring to You ?

4、辽宁师范大学(翻译)(20 points)

To what extent do you think translation important? Write a composition of about

400 words.


Write a composition of about 800 words on the following topic: “What Can We Do

to Improve Our Translation Abilities?”


Part III. Writing (20 points)

46. Please write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic. Write your

essay in your ANSWER SHEET.

What Translation Means to Me

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Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic.

Many people believe that the main aim for university education is to help

graduates to find better jobs, while some people believe that university education

has wider benefits for individuals and society. Discuss both views and give your









High School Students Abroad for Education


Writing: (20 points)

Write a composition on the following topic:

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As science and technology contributes most to the development of society, science

students should get more financial support from government than students in

other fields such as business and language. Do you agree with the statement.


Write an essay of about 350 words on the given topic, either agreeing or

disagreeing with the view.


Part IV Writing (30 points)

Directions: For this part, you are to write a composition on the topic Who Is to Take

Care of the Kid? You should write at least 400 words and you should base your

composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below.




Writing(30 points)

Directions: Based on the information given below, please write an essay of about

400 words on the Answer Sheet. You have 60 minutes to plan, write, and revise your


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Nowadays, college or university students are often required to work on group


On completion, all the students in the group receive the same grade. Do you agree

or disagree that group project is a good way to evaluate students? Use specific

reasons and examples to support your view.


400字,关亍college entrance examination。college entrance examination 作为一种

甄选学生的方式已经has a long history了,有人说应该取消它,让大家谈一下自己的看法。


1、对外经贸大学2011 (人类需求)

Part 3: Writing. (30 POINTS)

Write an English essay of 250-300 words describing Maslow’s hierarchy of

human needs and analyze this model with ONE example. Your writing will be


for language, format, structure and content.

Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs(非十大必背范文)

第一段:The famous humanistic psychologist Maslow developed the theory of the

Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs,which proposed that there are five levels of

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human needs that are arranged in a hierarchical order as shown above in the


第二段:Firstly,there are biological needs,which include needs for breathing,food,

water and money.All these needs are inseparable from one’s life,because if one

is deprived of any of these physiological needs,he cannot survive,let alone make

a happy living.

第三段:Next,there are psychological needs which can be satisfied from other

people or a group.People need love,affection both from and to their family and

friends.Besides,they also need to have a sense of belonging.In a team,people

can seek encouragement and motivation from each other and thus have the power

to go on until they achieve Success.

第四段:Last but not least,there are needs for self-esteem and

self-actualization.When the basic needs are realized,the requirements for high

reputation and respect from others become dominant.One expects to be

recognized and valued by the society in which he lives.That is why there are so

many people working hard so as to climb up to the top of the social ladder in our

daily life.The self-actualization is the most holy one,which means that a person

needs to do what he was born to.They do these kinds of things not to make a

living,but to realize his goal of life.Without doing work,their life would become

meaningless and colorless.

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第五段: To sum up,the theory of Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs tells us not

only what we human needs,but also that only the needs in the lower levels are

satisfied,will people have the desire for the satisfaction of needs in the higher

levels.Therefore,his theory serves as guidance for our daily life.(312 words)


作文:话题二选一 200字巠右。中国呾美国的价值观有差异,有人说,将来儒家思想会统






VI. Writing (30 points)Popular culture seems to appeal to more and more young

people; on the contrary classical culture seems declined. Write an essay of about

300 words to express your opinion. You should entitle your essay according to what

you will express.