OF 7UJ Churcl1 rv'lai\er.s. 7 t.; c. .::: le. ... hs h f:#U 193/

OF 7 f:#U 193/ - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · R.e: AaU tor 11atsrat1on rteas tea117 ot Rab b i Israel Lelb Halpern. 11>1 4ev ur . 111cruu ... ovet•heard tallcln 1 and they

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OF 7UJ Churcl1 rv'lai\er.s. 7 t.; c. .:::le .... hs h

f:#U 193/

U. A. J.elfent!J Pan AT" .e. SICHftAR't


Le"-r 4aw4 l/f.0/7R tl"Ca Chal"lee W.lgrta. 1825 R1Ten14e

Drift• Row Tort, N. ·T.

R.e: AaU tor 11atsrat1on rteas tor tea117 ot Rabbi Israel

Lelb Halpern.

11>1 4ev ur. 1111cruu

I ba'IO r-lft4 JOUI' 1-~•r or 1a»ulSI.7

-.rt\la\h ftlaUft to O~taill1QS lwtll'a\!OD Vl .. e

Cbarle11 H1lsr1a, !t.q., 18~ !UnN14e Dr1w, Re" York , n. Y.

STATl : :

lJ. " · lAlla4 l•RIV liT!': "!C~ ~ 1\R'l




Joe 21, 19:59

t he ~closed ol1pptnr, , bee been recetft<l. I

ehal l brinr it t o tbe a ttention of tbe Preei-


Ver.y eineerely yours,

+-K. Billy BsaburR, Eeq., Vegetratee, Ino., '1216 Beftrly Boal.enrd0

Loa 1\.ngelee. California.

W. H. IMII'I'i'fRX

Aeet.tut seoreter.y to tbe Pree14ent





Ho~oroblc Franklin 'l'h~ :.hi te Houoe .. aahl:-ar:ton , u. c .

Delano Roosevelt

t y ueur U · . Pres1deot :

. I ' ., ' ,.


• Juno 15 , 1937

t ' / .;/ 'rhe w;•lter of thin letter 113 junt nn orr\lnory trove:Hnp

nt.lot.rnon , htlving spent. tho l.lette!' ) ort or 30 •. ,eora trovetllng thr01 . .1 .. hout the Ln1 tad !Jta teo virtu.o ll:Y f r om Cons.t to Coo at , call~n~ on t.he deportment, chnin ond drut trade .

It. in v~ry hnrd ror Mo to w-rito thls letter , becrn1se I don ' t ~nor1 ju~t how to put it . ::.o pleoso beHl' with me , and tl'y to understand t.he me::so.:-e thot I will do my utmost to eonvey to ~tou in all its serlounnoas .

, ,o~.;ody knows: better thnn r.~yself the thousund trloln and tt~lbulotion6 thnt contrc:tnt u tnf.ln in ,Y'Our r.os1t1on every dtay . I hove vutehed with keen 1ntereRt your two r.administr.ot!O~lS , ond I connot help but reel proud or your ouccesa , hecause in my anull way I dld everything posaihle prior to bo th e loct1 ono to moko every­o~ly that I Cdme in contoct with see ho~ necessary it wau to ~kc you our vrcsldent und leader, ond the results that y ou hCPIC ob­ta1nod l.o dato nust ba g.rot1fy1ne to everyone of' your rollowers .

I om herewl th enclos1nro o clippi n • tho L I tortl t'l•om o Denver fJopor of t·econt dote , while uitt1n1. 1n tho lobhy o-r tho wlllrley­!:.ovoy Hotel or that ci t-y, back to buck wi th several rnen , whom I ovet•heard tallcln 1 and they ere d1scuas1nll this art i c l e , and both A(p •ood t htl t ::orr.eth ne f.lhoul d be dono to atop U.S ter1•iblu ,fews from ~x plo1t1nrt our non- Ju"lsh bxoother s . 'l'hoy felt thot they ':lere reol Jurtericons , and thot n.mericn WO$ tJ place only "or lt.~"1er~ cons , and I judned i rom their convarsation ttult they , and many othcn··s like thenmelves , felt thnt we Jews hnd no ploce 1n tht! ncherrJG of t h1n,:.!s , ss tor as America wo:1 concerned-- this in spl te or o t"ecot-d dUl' in.g the .. ur , ond in oll civic undortok1ngc that any Je..., could be lll'Oud or.

~urcly I don ' t need to say one th ~ ng in the de "en~e or the .\merlc~;~n .Jr!\'1 to you . tlo one 10 better quol1f1od thon your Uonot"able Sdlf to knOfl uhtlt W(l Jt-WS atand for 1n n.meriCl.l . :JO fair lllindod pet·son coul U ponail.Jly quoa tlon oUJ' love or ccuntr ;v, ond our potr1ot-1om.

Honorable Franklin Del ano Roosevelt 1'8'"'8 2 .

After ovet•heorlng this conversntion , I tnlked to many non­

Jews and I won surprised to "ind thnt the ~reo t mo.1or1ty o" them

do not eonsidor us ~Mericona .

I.Jon 't you thinlt, tr. Preai.lent , that you could devote one of

your Fire side Tnlks to the subject ot "Toleronce"ond explain to

the thousands that need explaining to Vlhet Americanism stoncln for?

!'hat the country 1oea not belen~ to l'ro testnnt , Jew or Catholic,

l>uL doe a belonp to all t~roericttn clti~ens who keep faith ,-i th it.

Don ' t you think tho t it is time tho t you did someth: '11'

definlte on this subject? ~urely you must know of the insidious

;.ropoganda thot is boin~ spr uud thrOU!;hout •lmarico , ond thnt

the Jew is IJ, in used for a foot- ball and n taruet for those that

would exploit him for either ombi t1on o r money , to aey nothing

of tho p,reat efforts that ore beinB 111ade by the Hitler ,;overn­

ment to convet•t thousands to their cause of hate?

.. 'ho is better qualified to l ead the t~r.er1can people into

the r1cht channels or thoucht and furthorinl' the cnuso of tolerance

better thnn yourself- -don • t brush this osido 11r;htly. It io e

vitnl foe tor in our life today , because you hove o lar~e element of

our people who feel so insecure .

"<n' t you f lease do SOll'Othing defi •l ite Ol)out it?

I sin: •~ysolf ono of :fO\Jr devoted follol?ers ,

I:J.lii : ec

P. S . llay I hove u reply secretnries?

E. 8 . l!omburrs


ONJ ... _A __ ,_.

Jews On otfuhlic L if

Jo, Ellt~aded C a h ,u,.a l, Soda I EcooooUcaJ Aetivitie.•

- w waw awaa

SI POVICH, Rep. W1111aa I. 1-1(1-37

sent to the Pres ident a atter dated :TSl. l2, 1V3'1 tbet be hae bed tl'CIIl Dr.

Stephen s . Wlee, preddent, AJierloaD 1o111eb CoDge .. , New York Cl ty wbo wrote 1JI

bohalt of 3\Jotlce f or the'"' of Polail&, "3,600,000 of a om an to4a:r t'eoed wnb

annihllaUon." consre .. man a lrortoh aalte4 \he Pree14ent to expr .. • a op1n1oa •• to

What he t binlce ebould be doDe ln tble -tter - he would like to precent lt to or. Whee

•• an .-preellon tr<a one of t he greate11t ~ni terlana. ---- Dr. WiN'• let tar ••

returned t o concr-e-.n Slrortoh bJ' Ml'· uoiAt)'l'e•e no te of JaL 26, 193'1 a~•••Ung thct

hi talk wUh the aeoretar:r of s t a te about thle _tt_..

\ '

! l


-.aD """' 10 o-n> R ,_.. ,.........,. ,. ~ U.IWO't

SD'flt. !bo looro\&I'J' of hao a, ltlf

Mr ...... ,, rotorrot \o ~. tor 4rat\ of lo,tor tor tho Proottoat•• tl~D&\.re,

1t -o te 4onot a4'rtoolllo, loUor to \ho P1'od4oa' luo J, 1117 fi'OII Jn,_ta

luhr, Proot4A\, rourat~o• ot Poll* Jm la Aaon-. In Toft, J, T., unUac

\ho Pnlll'-t h au..a \he 21th n!!lllll .-aoana\toa ot 'ho Je4oraUoa. to llo hoU

ta In Toft, lf, T., .ruo lJ 'o 13, lta?, .lake aoeoap, tt ualllo to a Uea4. .At­

\ache4 h antolo oaUUot •:r .. h A.\ol&' tho Pr.U.t Pll&tlt of tho Jon lA Polaa4•.

Mr. lle.N loll\)lp,o, Clllot of Pll toool, J)olp&naat ot 1\ato, Wl"''o Mr. JlaJ'lT

oa ~o 10 otaUac Uaa\ .. otatlar rotU•h h&To 'lloa ooaot•'•'lT ror.oe4. ho , .. ,

ao rouoa 1lbJ' aa oxoopUoa tholllt \o aa4o of thlo ouo. Draft of ngootot npl7 no ao\ uot. -- oa Jao lOUl, KJ', Jlarl7 Wl"'h lb'. llahr \lla' wb.tlt tho Pnoltat

to ~~pProol&Un ot thto h'rt\aUoa aa4 h lahno'ot la UT wel'\hT 01'pal•Ua whla

llao aa lh ,_.,o tho \oUua•t ot \lao ooa41Ua ot tale Jntu raoo, tt wa14 \o

ooatfti'J' to hlo loaa-oota\Uao4 JI'Mtloo 'o pi'Op&h ...- a aooooc- aa u Nt••tot.

-- Mr, lta,oro• lo,,or \o \ho Proet4A\ •• oleo •tcaot \1 J, !7101, lzo"'''•• D1POO\o1' of \bo :ro4onuoa.

SD • 4ai-.A

s.,. 1 ••

... H. llill1II"'RR , .......... .,....,&17 - .... PNef.t8at er/

Wireo to Prea1411Dt h'oal Workero J'eUOifallip of U• Soo1•'7 t01: hbioal Clll.ture 1a t!le C1t7

of lfew York, Wew York, •.T. 1/ l• Vrce t•paraq aa.u .. toll. of 1;118 Buq111 nfllpe ob1Ure11..

~lcworn1.U. Co-U tor IAhr~~.aUolial P.aoo, GlonroYlllA, II.T.I/1• Aoll:o Preo. 4oolaro Ual7 aD4 ~-r beU1proll.t 11.114 1nToll:o -~1t7 J.oclolaUoll. S..41atalr.

A. Pioku, Cl0Talall4, Oh1o.6/l• - lJr&• ontor-llt ot •utralU7 acata o.-r aDl :nalr.

PhUl1p 81-ita, Jl41tor, Detroit Zewloh Cllroaiolo and Cbalr.a Dotl'Olt Obaptor Alurloaa 1ewlllhO~neo, 1~ h11.0Heot Blq., Doti'01t, 111oh.6/U Vrp Preo. loll4 tl'1ell417 eonlooo to the ._ ot thl Z8WU!L li&Uoul bOIII la Paloet1111 Ul4 to 1M1at 011. Uhorell .. 0t Amor11G~IU11h PalteUIII Col:IY•Uoll \7 Qreat


i '

~ OIJCX!I ~ .o...oe.a.s R Tl41 nv.MCL»~ a. " ()()SCV!U ua"-""' C 0 P T ~. 1?, 1817.


!BB S IOU! ART or 1!.&!1


P. D. R.

Bote to I• le lol' m ta• Be c. 'li.ADICI, liM le Waio AT••• ChioiC•• 1/•/1'• .-1. z ca. recarcU.ac mt1-J!!1th •UNIIt1oza 1D FolUI4J boU.eToe •• oou14 bo uoomp111be4 by 1Dtar d wl'll fl• the Pre••

---J unl' U , 13118 .

' I I J \___......

·v dear 'Ar . !fi n tor t

Ttl" Pr l'oi dont 'la::~ oel;ed IDS to thank you !'or ; o 1r lcind lett" r o f Ju·te th i r d, i nvltbp: hh to a t t end t 'le Tll i rtleCl An oW~l 'U.tional Conventio ·, or tile Fe:~era-t i on or ?olioh J e•• 1~ Amer ic- , • nic , •lll be neld in ( Lo :~p; t>r nc1: , 1le1t .Je rsey , on Ju:~e ei g;t ~oenth end nine- "-. tcent~ , or i n th£ event ~e i a unable to acct~t the i n­v i tati on , re(ju,cti~t: thnt ho llmd e messagt• to t.'1e Conv.-;.ution.

I ao ve."J sor:-; t !lat t.1e ? r - s 1de:tt1s co=ni t.­nt.n te '\lake it b .>Oani bl e for hi M t~ a t t e nd t.1e Con­vention . Also 1 dua to t ho t e r rific pr eesur '! of wot•k 1nc1c'enl to t !1o ad j ourai nc •>f Congress , t he ?residen t "1&8 t-oea :)bli!:ed 1!1'81! tly to curta!.l t.'le aoncii:~g of s;>ccial ne::~aca3 . I !'eel !lir e , u 10n 1'\Jrt 'ler coos i dera­tion, ;~1.1 rill a;»rec ta t e h! n pr esent si tua t l.o!'l and t~iU ll"lrll r:J t <i.nd wiv I lllUS t oak ;rou to excus e h i n f ro11

s und i og a a esn .. ec t o t:u1 T•1 i rt1e t h Annual ~utional Co t ven~io 1 of t l.e Fe<ior uti on of Polish J eu l.n A.ur:r ica.

Ve::y ::! :ce r el ·: ··ours ,

S'! ,, iE~l !AP~'f

Sccr et.ar.- to t.1e ?re~tiJent

lr . flenJ a .onin l'lintrr, >< !'rnsi dent , Fe d'!:·ali ('"J of P·•l 1G ; JGJU ,..

l !l Aller~co;-22f fteat S4t~ Street, ·~ow Yor~' ' '~ . Y. dj


, . ' •'




June 13, 1938

My dea Kr. Winter:

e President has asked me to thank you kind letter of J une ird inviting

him to ttend the Thirtieth nual National

Convent on of the Federation of Polish Jews

in Amer ca, which will be h d in Long Branch,

New Jere y on June 18 and , or in t.he event

he is un l e to accept the invitation, request­

ing that e send a mesaag to the Convention.


Mr .

I am

I Benjamin Preside



inter, t, Federati of Polish Jews America,

225 West Th ty- fourth Street , Bew York New York.


- ... ..--.--.. ,... MC...,.,.. .. or.-r• rr .,._ ... """" ..



I n reply refer to PR 811.001 Roosevelt , F.D./5934

J'une 11 . 1938

Wy dear Wr . Early:

Reference is made t o Wr. Hasse t t ' s memorandum ot

June 6, 1938, enclosing a letter from Mr. Benjamin

Winter, invitiP~ the President to attend the Thirtieth

Annual !1atione.l Convention of the Federation of Polish

J ews in Ame r ica, to be held in Long Branch, New Jersey,

June 18 and 19, or in the event he ie unable to be

present, raquesting a message to be ree.d on the occasion.

Similar invitations and requests from ~. Winter

have been consi stently r efused , and I see no reason why

an exception should be made at this time.

I am accor dingly enclosing a draft of a suggested

reply for your signature, should the President approve.

l!r. 'linter ' s letter is also enclosed.

Sincerely yours,

:!:nclosures: Original letter from

Wr . Winter to the President, June 3 , 1938;

Draft reply.

The Honorable Stephen Early,

Secretary to the President, The 'ofh 1 te House.

.Tuu 6, l93P

• '

~cco~~11n~ ~~i£ ~or~~ io a 1~ttor

aLJDOd b;.o .llenJ=1r· lt.Ls.t.c-, ?r~:l!...:cut, ..,,a .. ou.a T)'t.d ,

ixecuti..., Director of t he 1,·ci• r .. Uou ;;,( r o.uafi Jn•

ill 4aoric>· , =-~~~ullO st.illu ,. a ulst!u...;ot !':"0111 lhe i'r .. lliic out

iD C')ll.!'h.:Ctic:l t J •t. ~!"h.~ ~~!:tl.· t!. ~tltt.-..a. ··• b.GJWl

ConY~t.:.cr. to b.! :.· ' '-' c•. tL. ::~ "t\. ! --:. o:L~:-o, ..-· .. ·::J.t.

br:.nch, Now J~rct:· !:ll .r~mc. L ' .. a<J lJ. I.t, io J·,ur

09inJ tt~. •h~ Q!"" ~L eat t:!·.t:.u! L !.IJ~ ~:a!6 !i-"~:. . o,6'! ._. A!.:.._l.

'J'OU p l e&till liUb!llt c:-1 rt :1it;1 •.:.~~ r .. t .:.:: ... r ~ . ..! .. J..:l.tur,

or, if t'J~ 0 :-() f\l''"'t <h·J~·· t. ; t t ...:ld - a ... J~.-c;t. w.1.o.J. J- .•u.

au.tait 6raft or !:'Prly f o:· 11r. -•rl~· 1 :.; .. t.;;:J .. ~r.t.

~i!l~ D. UL3 >ett. nll lll:St.ullt to r.IR. f..',RI,Y

Let. to Prea., 6/3/38 fro~

Benjamin Winter & Zel ig Tygal , Fed, of Polish Jews in Americu,

225 hat 34th :.t., Hew York, N, Y,

InVite the Prea. to &adres& their convtont.ion • ..m •actr ..:Lb f:o11 Pr c.s .

wou.ld be of tre~ndou.s tdd to th" 3, SI)J , OJJ J'ewo of Polalld,

\ .. R~cr.l1 .J!tbtratton nf 1fults~ Jtws tn ~nurtcu

E" VEO 0 MITMF.IIT Or ST,\T< 22!5 WEST 34TH STREET /II t ~~ - , ~·;.{

NKW YOIU(, N. Y. • 1 I ..... ..., .. ~ eo.JA-• JN fVOflf"•e;.! •• PM I :?9

....U•,~ T .... JOMO.e .... 'IAMT •• ., ••• •


A•AAHAM I , ~01:~,~ "''• 1 , J\.me ~. 1988

~= ..... u:~~:.·~M:tJ ···VI. t :JHS ••••""" w••=-li£CORDS

MQff-11'1' 'IIC.C•"""I.IHNf•

•~ eou Oft, HYMAN D44.NOMO .JACOe ~...-1('1'




l • « c.VTT'tC COMIIttTTU


OUTO/fTOWH Vtee:· hniOUtT•

...,... , "· J. ou•• CA,..AIM

JUOGC oec.Aa e . CA"-AH .IUOO& .,...UU.. Ha..&..U

• ....,_,. W'O ff


I:DWMO JALMJ" PHI'-L.lr .. Lvut

f'MW1C COolt.t"l'

HAIIUitY WIUte&ltG •KM~GUt n.c.tt

...... M. HCAMJIIT I"YtfC

-·~ .. ~ 1JIItUI.IJII:It

···~ M, KAT&


CHAft~ J . •nHSTCH4




M . • • I(A.M..AH H.AIIt.llt.Y O , IGAI H


I.IOM *CHI:HKtR lOtte~ KHOTTI.ANO A.ltAHAM ... CHtC .,. .... . . TYl(~



HCJUtAtll KOCHIG$MIIt0 ·--IMC*IIIt• .J • ..OTKIUt •KC•CK4-NIM4Iil ..... ,.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt lihUe Bouse 'llaebingtoD, D. C.

~ dear Mr. PreaideDtl

Oo June 18th ADd 18th, the Federat.1011 of Polish J.n in beriea

will bold i ta Tb1rt1etb Annual NatiOD&l Convention, at tba Hotel

Scarboro, Long Branch, N. J . Tbe Federation, as rou lmow, la tho

otricial apolceaan far 1, 500,000 Jews of Pol.Ub extraction in the

IJnited States ani Can.da, ODd tba - intia t.e linlt batuen the

Polish Jewo on th1n aida ODd their s,soo,ooo kina.,.n 11bo are near

starvation in Poland. Five hundred alActad delegatee, represent­

ins Poli.ah-Jawieb arpn.baticma troa eoaat-to-coa.st, will attend

the cormon tion,

Poli..sh Jewrr, wlloee trq1o pl!«ht 1.1 lll<al,y to be over looted in

these do;ya of ceneral atreaa throughout Central ODd rutarn ~~.

l""ks forward to our 'lbirtieth .Annuel National Convent ion rltb the

hope tho. t f ro10 1t Dl4ht result a greater underatandil\a in thill

countJ7 or what the Poliah Jftl have been auffari:ng for the last

decade. Ira are ••'7 anxious to ba ... 7011 ~sa the convention.

!Ia lmo• of your deep q~~p&thJ tor all oppreaaad llinorit;y groupe

here aa wall aa abroad. An addrou br you 011 IIUCb an auspicious

occuion as our 'lbirtiath Annual Con•antion, would, without a

doubt, belp ree.l!Joe the bope of our bl~ hr..ti!Nn in Pc>la.lld

that the apotl:lgbt of American public opinion ~· be focuaed power­

~ upon their condition.

lie not onq inrlta )'0\l cordi4111 to address our con ... ntion, but \

also urge rou in tbe na110 or huanit.er1aniaa to accept our 1nv1t•­

t1on. lie cannot emphaa.ba too atrongl,y that an addrea e fro• rou

at our oon•ention would ba of tra .. ndous &1d to tba S,SOO, OOO

Jews ot Poland - alld WOUld be .... t dee~ appreciated u sucb by hundreds of thousands of Ameri can oitbena wbo are Jews of

Pol.isb ctractioo.

Meey noted Americans baYe shown appreo1at.1on or our work on behalf'

ot Polish JeWJ7 . Among thoee from who11 •• have received extre11el,y

•aluable cooperetlon Jn the laat 7en are Senatore Borah ODI

'l!agner, Govemor Lebun, Congreee•n C.U.er ODd SirOYJ.c:h, the Ron.

Ja1111ts 'II. Gerard, Protesaor Joseph P. Challborlain and the Hon.Jues

G. llcDonald. Upon U.. occasion of our Thirtieth Anniver8&1')" Kational

Convention, "" dare b.opa that the .,..,.. of tho President o! the Onit.ad

President Franklin D. Roouvelt ~- June s, 19:58

States might be placed at the head of this dist.inguiabed 11st, as a

cl1•x to thirtq 7eara 1 aernce in huunitariaDi.la.

With the 1farl11Bst thanlca Of all of ua for your trul,y great leadership

and your histori c contribution to statesllllllship and huan understanding,

We are, ever sincere:Q' yours,

~L~ f7.4J/ Zel:lg T,ygel, :::u! ve Director.

enJamin Winter, President.

P. S. We are anre, of course, t hat affairs af State might lllllke it impossible

for you to accept our invitation. We bope that, in that event, you

lllight favor and bonor our 500 delegates with a message to be read

at the convention.

Nh<OC'ICGI noQW ,,..,..~lm nuMCUI CI.I\ OOSCYt!J IAIWI"t

nu;a ..

1 t1a1t n ..._ rau apr.

to .. tea ... 11. lSIU.

'eftwt a I• ,._ GOI"rw•r _. ttWla rt ~ .-su .. ~bNCa _. .... - . .., ••• , ~- .ul ... lftil"• , .... tor t _, DMtoN _. • Dut N ... let 11 .- dee crat1 ot 1_.

M ~ 1Wltc•at&e ... , .. ., • I -' eDGftl-. C..

•n 1

\.. . .......__ ____ _

' I

)(. /... LeHand .. : l 'ltiVAn: llBClmtA 1ft'

\ '

ZILI.B. Pwter. Orlay utoa 2fo. BudapMt XI. Hungary. no date. Soboolbo)'

ulca tor •- U.S.IItallpe

PDIBRO. Onaldo0 Vidal 16'16• l'ux.,. AlrM.~. 1/lz. fM 11th

o~ s.pt. D«<tt u the 60th 11111\herii&J')' ot thfl death ot s.ndeuto.

A ohio o~ttee tor ~· to Sand.cto hae ~ organiaed all4

the Preaidtat 1e ubd to jo1D.

COITRB REVOLtrrltlf• ,Z '**• 117 rue de ~. Paria VIi-• ~. 7/16.

!b:tli ~aga&!De Ma pr1Dted 1111 ap~ for the e.tabl1ebMat ot aa

-...L. IMtitute tor the Stud;J ot tbe .Jewieh Que.t1on. It U bel1ned

that by a ao1ent1t1o approach to the probl• all n obuoe 01111 be

&'901d.cl. Ata:f CIOOUI'W.g.-t tn. the Predd-t .,uld be a ~;reat


tRIUVIY • 'l'se SHH\&1"7 of \be .JulJ i, lll3?

'!be Prae14ent, l17 •..o, Nfal'l'e4 \o ht.a letter cla\e4 .Jil17 ? tr- lbal'1•• ..._.lbal'4. Jaw To rk, 1. T., ftC*rdliiC •oDI\&I'J -polloillo tbl Pl'llldell\ &UM \ba\ SIOI'ftaJ7 Morpn\bau read \hh haaalf and ao\1 wba\ \hh flra\ poaraUoa GeNU eqe allou\ \he .J•••· - wr. Moln\11'1 aa4e aoknowl .. e~a\ \o Mr. JJacelhal'4, .rulJ 10, a\aUnc \ha\ \he PP .. tdell\ Wal &lad \o ba'U hh orl ... Mel appnola\e4 hll \houcb\fUlUII lnw wr1\1a& a1 h1 414. -- A\\aohacl 11 \be Pralidan\'1 •e.o lna\ruotlnc Mr. Moln\JI'I \o .aka aoknowl•diB••' aa4 111t\ l1\\er \o aeore\ai'J Morcentba\l.

Sll - PPJ 13'7&

--·--- . --_ ...... ~



1'be auaobe4 le\ter r~m Ben 0014, Pre ...

14a\ ot \be J"ewllll Peoplee eo.lUM tar UllUe4 ~

AoUOD qalnet J'ua1• IID4 ADU-8-.tU-. 1e .. lt-

aplaaa \01')'.

I will awreolate U 1f J'O'Il w111 -

1Da tba\ 1\ waa rer.r"d to 70'11 'bJ thh otf1oe.

M. B. lfoDliRI S.aHtuT to the Pree14ent RB/mwd

Letter or 7- 9- 37 to the Pres . f rom Ben~ (t itle above) , 100 Fifth Ave . , N.Y.C. , koom 1010, re mist reaiment of Jewish peopl e in Poland, re~uesting t hat a delegation have an opportunity to di~ the situation wi th the Pres . July 26th.



S+•+fl, Bon. Ao J. Bou•• ot Repreeeo\a\1Yel Oo\olltr 6, li37

tro\1 Mr. J .. ll RooteYeU, aclo11nc oop;r ot leUer twh1cil ht 1a ludiJIC to \he Pree-14en\ Oo\o'ber 6, I\ICCIIUDC \ha\ ln \ht Prll14tn\1 1 lpeeoh 1n OOIIAIOUon ri\h \he Polhh otltbraUon October ll, be call aUtnUon \o \be tad. pl1Jb\ ot \bt ~1n Poland. - Or1c1nal 11\hr, adclreued to \he Prll14ent, 11 aUaohecl to t1'le.l:lto Rep. Sabath'• letter of Oo\o'ber 60 \o Mr. Moin\;rre, With oop;r ot a'boYe let\er. --Mr. Juu loOIIYelt wroh Rep. Saba\h on Ootobar 8, aaeunnc b1• that he rill be clad to brine tbh •aUer \o \ha P1'el14a\' 1 a\tenUon.

SD • 28~0

BOIDL BoD. lleiU'7 CJonraor of Illbola 8prlllcfl.U. Ill.

ooto\er '· lN7

Wrote Mr. MolD\JTe, otferlac ~etloaa for \be Preel4eat•e radio a44reee

whloa u wlll cln Oo\o\er 11 la oouooUoD wUll ••orlal .. moee a\ Arll~~Ctoa

for Jrlp4ler O.aenl lladtalr KJ'TUIIOnki. ftaeee naeeUoae refer to \he

\rea\aea\ of .rewa la Polaacl. - II!'. MOID\7J'e a4'flee4 CJonnaor Boner oD Oot.

11 \hat he oou.,-e4 theee ng .. uoaa to the PreelU.t u4 wae aelre4 to ezpreee

\he Preel4eDt'• appreolatloD of \he Oonnaor•• \bo~\tulAeee.

IBI • 3110


~vvLmbcr ~6, 1~~7

Tne attt:.cned meUiorandum, which I · recei ved from r epresent at i ves of the J ewish .Peoples Committee on t he Presidcnt 1 :J

ueh&lf , is self - explanatory.

I t will be appreci~tcd i f you will see t nat proper E:ICI{nowl edgment i s made . Thank you .


k . li . Wclll'fY.HE Secre tary t o the President


'-- )


11/20/37 . Jewish Peoples Committee, 100 Fifth Avenue ,

New York Ci ty, signed by ll'li lton-r. Susman, Chairman, and

others . ~

Submit this memo setting forth the plight of the Jews in

Poland , since the status of all national minoriti es in

Poland , including the Jews , i s r egulated oy an International

Agreement to which the U. S. is a party . President ' s penciled notation: 11 .Mac to ack & send to

St&te Dept . n


Roapect~y referred t~r

'}IP _. .

O.cambor 30, 1937 .

M.ll . WoDli'YRB Socrotuy t.o the Preald.oot .

IIRUCI:!m! , .. lt r. 1303 l'lltteroon St. !!DuotOtl, '!'exae 12/Ul/3? Cbars;oo the

Jocrot(lry ot the 'i'roeaury t an4 tho Gb'll.r1:"'en or the R. l'. C • ., Uh ntcUng v·

a.botHna o troat aonopoll"• -' Sont to TrotlSJry

""tJ::ICIJt, U. J'hitetleld, U. fll\opahire UMa or tl"ftlbr powr dqulpoont ror

knv enclo....S clnorinG -t to .WI Dl!Pl'.

ROBODI , 8tj;luol !Jeoretory 1o\rl oh PoQpla" ' CCXJ01t.too A,fra.inat Pnactem an4 Ant1

SoniUOI!l, ,.73._ u. Lii\lridtilo Ave., Ohionco, Ill. Re oolut.lont Proteettnc

tl(")l1nst the in.htn1n peraocutlon o!" t.hu PoU3h 1 U'WI .IIO:Dt t.o 'J:'AT! Df!PT.

SCitJ.IJ,,I.Cfl, Alexo.:Dder 'l'ret\GUNr or tbe 0Nf'J)h ~lab ':'eechora' A.aaoclation

m . An~l , Orocon. lt!/29/3? "'okhlf. recoenttton or su-pport ror Tesohor

Sent ·.o Intorior

ORAY, !:Uo I :no Tl:r.eton, JJ.to. . ~rt or dnM.t;ed bW atc.ached. t.o bet exoh&J'(.•

t dollar blll sent. t.o TN:aaury • .kak!D6 tor r.c.lpt

smE3, Cooreo 0 . M. Y.ll .C.A . J.nnox 10l'loet !35th St . II. Y.C. lJl/29/3? Aol

ror ro1.nstnt.CMnt on tho U.P .A. oa a toaoher t·.ne <11sm1ssod beoousa ho nne

n$~ o ci~i~on . Sont to L~bor Dopt,

.:oar, RaYoond Kart SC\lth, Dnkot.a enclosed. \ltlc~ ho t.binks t. a nlekle e...

to T-roal!llry Asking tor roeetpt

,mnuu~. !.!ra. Louh c . 3656 Shunnndooh Av-tt ., .Jt Louis , Mo . 0/27/37 /,ak~p·

t.b4t her aoo 'be! givctn o.n honoroblo diaoborgo i.ltlliw:l P . Sprin&e~d

a..tnl. t.o NaY7

FnHB'!, '-"hotns 221 £oat ·l6th :;t , !i, Y .C, )2./27/37 WlDtB position ecnt U . P .A

Y.EA'l'UiG, Anna . Hinda c/o "yeon Co . Ol.ud.etono 114 l~et 52ntl ~t . PA.rk Avo, 1

U.Y.C . U./27/37 oskinc tor o position tor her huabaDd ~1. 1, KOf\ting,

MOS. to \i.P,.\ .

KA'I\.IAII, Horrla Olen\40011 , Iow:o . outl1naan progrftm which \lhlch h• l'ad giv

duo coneidoru tion . " lnorOQsad 1adoro.l Tnx on One. l" to ~ 3ont to ACR

7~, J . B. 108 Uolun Jt , 116 S!'rlna, Z.xae U/Z'f37 SDelosud OOP7 or l e tt

I"''Qll"'lli!IS hie ro- 1D.sttthr1«1.t on t.ht ~xna & P,citlc sent to L,.bor


Ro-s>eottully retort'od bJ DIKI)raD:1z ro

, , I (. c. u.H.. •ronrrm.E ' crO\ftl'Y to t.t. Prueldent .

Lottora ont to ChUdr<'l '

Uo1L.Bltf , Ura . Ruth D. ~t. U., 201 !)o . OU'IO 3t. Loa .u:JgOl~o~a,Cel . 8/31/37

Appeals t.O tho .P:-uaido:lt ln bo~t ot bor ICC a YloUc ot lD.tcuaUo

Pt\r~t.lysis .

BOOI>RS, Jolm 417 J , 3t Loulo , ~. !AbODon , 111, 9/l/37 Victim

ot lntant.U. ;Ja.ro.l.Tots d1Q4 old 1D aoou.r~ now b.Mco.

m.a:lll, lllltti o 319 U, ~tb , ~!old , Jt7, 8/31/YI K,1- ·<L•URI>ter

0-IJor\lla L1.10 Koleoo ,bna tntnnt llo po.rnlyala o.ska hol,p.

n.nm, 1oo 1810 COnoy Ioll\n4 ,.YO., Pl"tbusb , U.Y. 8/31/3? Victio

or 1D:t:uatUo paralyata allt1J:6: oid 1.-:t aoo.t.ri.Ar, trontctnt .

COX, Urt . L. tt. Lopo1nt , Ut-ah . 8/'J0/3? e..,, o 4nuC1Jter 17 th~t h"'l

had Intantllo Pl:lrolyoia a."'l4 l n t1 ood or t rontcont , asklna osiiotanco.

Lottoro .act to Jt~t• O.P'rtccat

tl<TIO!L..L UUIO!I P0R THE liNIU'LOYl!D Dy Mtonio Ruu<lo.y {?) llnVOM , CuM .

8/31J/37 .oaks tor .o. contribution troo tho Pr-oo:14cm.t to tho Jbtlo:t!U.

Uni()D ."'r tbJ tb«~loyod ot 0\lba.. E:lclo~ neal pt. Which mk91 tho

Prou1!wt n protcot.!T~o~ aantNr. So~ •o :»to.to O.pt . •

IITKJ"Irlo, lkm.ry Tho- t!!.IDOl"'b 1'.ou.r:ml 63 !"1ft to .W•.11"1UO U. Y .C. 8/31/3?

RocnN-lnc tbo COT~m."'ll.nt. nCCiol'ptMCO or l.t'J fiazts' lnrttaUoo. to

nttvnd tholr Pt.rt)" Jn.nboruo nt. Nurcr.lborc tbla ~v. Jould UkO to know

i t ltblo oocupt.nnou 1o noceooo.ry? Ol·tW thh is en cttront to

• .aurle~s wbo lZ'O J'ow:~. 3ont to 9T;._'l': rna:T .

DICY.IIfJO!I , 1 .R, !'not !lox 23& ~~0 \loot :Otb 9t . 11. Y .C. no dn te

....r,o1n ~·trtt•'o :t~ Proaldnnt roCM"din:: on invention ho boo ond unn~• to

G1YO t.o tbo CU'fOYon:anwt. rroo Juet tar tbo u.co or n.n .\1"1:0' Drottcon

"l.Cd l.ll)r) or bluo prlnto, tho • .ru7 rot'UM bin ao bo eDCloa.S l.rtt.er to

tt..o PNO. tJOnt to ,I, ill D?J\Jt'l'J~11' .

PUJ'ZZ:!.:: , c. t . .;chc.n•oc..~ tl.Y . 8/22/3? n•rorrtn.r to ht.tor tor aid

wtv.fD be WftO 1l1 bolpl\::1..1 2 )'U:lriS ''()) , OlUtiOU.I tor \.be ProQdont to

Ylait hto t own and ho bn.vv nn tntorviow , cello or tint'U1o1ol l oo.10o

lnndO(l\bto po:1Sionj bil injury ; suel::o 1usUoo troa H.O. L.C.

Met \0 Haec Owrllllra :1.0M 00rpoM.t1on

J.~. 1osuph 1135 30-.'-<0fl.d ; .~t.or1o 1 L. I.I!.Y.

u .o .L .c . Uort~o, tho .ah.-rrit h"'' t ()lcl bin

Proaid.,)n\. wt:"lt ~• rlll d.) . w.;)rlca on :J.P ... .

:l..nt to HCI:lO Uwnura Lo~ Corp.

9/31/3? to y~,c~to .