November 2016 | Volume 23 | Issue 11 Gloria Dei Lutheran Church and Academy | Davie, Florida Principal’s Corner Announcements Seminarian Spotlight American Heritage Girls Stewardship Calendar Birthdays and Anniversaries Bible Studies LWML TABLE OF CONTENTS 03 07 08 12 16 11 10 09 17 PROCLAMATION OF THANKSGIVING This is the proclamation which set the precedent for America's national day of Thanksgiving. During his administration, President Lincoln issued many orders similar to this. For example, on November 28, 1861, he ordered government departments closed for a local day of thanksgiving. Sarah Josepha Hale, a 74-year- old magazine editor, wrote a letter to Lincoln on September 28, 1863, urging him to have the "day of our annual Thanksgiving made a National and fixed Union Festival." She explained, "You may have observed that, for some years past, there has been an increasing interest felt in our land to have the Thanksgiving held on the same day, in all the States; it now needs National recognition and authoritive fixation, only, to become permanently, an American custom and institution." Prior to this, each state scheduled its own Thanksgiving holiday at different times, mainly in New England and other Northern states. President Lincoln responded to Mrs. Hale's request immediately, unlike several of his predecessors, who ignored her petitions altogether. In her letter to Lincoln she mentioned that she had been advocating a national thanksgiving date for 15 years as the editor of Godey's Lady's Book. George Washington was the first president to proclaim a day of thanksgiving, issuing his request on October 3, 1789, exactly 74 years before Lincoln's. Continued on next page

OF Gloria Dei Lutheran Church and Academy | Davie, Florida ...storage.cloversites.com/gloriadeilutheranchurch2/... · national day of Thanksgiving. During his administration, President

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November 2016 | Volume 23 | Issue 11

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church and Academy | Davie, Florida

Principal’s Corner


Seminarian Spotlight

American Heritage Girls



Birthdays and Anniversaries

Bible Studies













This is the proclamation which set the precedent for America's national day of Thanksgiving. During his administration, President Lincoln issued many orders similar to this. For example, on November 28, 1861, he ordered government departments closed for a local day of thanksgiving.

Sarah Josepha Hale, a 74-year-old magazine editor, wrote a letter to Lincoln on September 28, 1863, urging him to have the

"day of our annual Thanksgiving made a National and fixed Union Festival." She explained, "You may have observed that, for some years past, there has been an increasing interest felt in our land to have the Thanksgiving held on the same day, in all the States; it now needs National recognition and authoritive fixation, only, to become permanently, an American custom and institution."

Prior to this, each state scheduled its own Thanksgiving holiday at different times, mainly in New England and other Northern states. President Lincoln responded to Mrs. Hale's request immediately, unlike several of his predecessors, who ignored her petitions altogether. In her letter to Lincoln she mentioned that she had been advocating a national thanksgiving date for 15 years as the editor of Godey's Lady's Book. George Washington was the first president to proclaim a day of thanksgiving, issuing his request on October 3, 1789, exactly 74 years before Lincoln's.

Continued on next page

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The document below sets apart the last Thursday of November "as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise." According to an April 1, 1864, letter from John Nicolay, one of President Lincoln's secretaries, this document was written by Secretary of State William Seward, and the original was in his handwriting. On October 3, 1863, fellow Cabinet member Gideon Welles recorded in his diary how he complimented Seward on his work. A year later the manuscript was sold to benefit Union troops.

Washington, D.C. October 3, 1863

By the President of the United States of America.

A Proclamation.

The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God. In the midst of a civil war of unequalled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign States to invite and to provoke their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere except in the theatre of military conflict; while that theatre has been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the Union. Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of peaceful industry to the national defence, have not arrested the plough, the shuttle or the ship; the axe has enlarged the borders of our settlements, and the mines, as well of iron and coal as of the precious metals, have yielded even more abundantly than heretofore. Population has steadily increased, notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege and the battle-field; and the country, rejoicing in the consciousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years with large increase of freedom. No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.

Continued from previous page

Continued on next page

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Continued from previous page

And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquillity and Union.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the City of Washington, this Third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the Independence of the United States the Eighty-eighth.

By the President: Abraham Lincoln

William H. Seward, Secretary of State

Source: Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, edited by Roy P. Basler et al.

PRINCIPAL’S CORNER Second and third grades have learned that Deo gratias is Latin for “Thanks be to God.” Especially this month we are aware of many reasons for which to give thanks to God.

Not long ago regular church icon Will Gifford died. We talked in class about how we often saw Will sitting in the purple chairs or walking through the Fellowship Hall during lunch. One of the second graders asked, “If someone we know has died, why aren’t people more sad?” The response was, “We know he is in heaven, and he has no pain or sickness or sadness. That is a good thing.”

Today fifth grader Isabelle Rodriguez was baptized during chapel. We celebrated with cake and juice the fact that she is now an official child of God. We give thanks to God that this special day finally arrived.

We are thankful that the elections have passed and we know who the next president of our country will be. We continue to pray for God’s guidance as we go through the transitions in a change of government.

We are thankful for good health. Terrible colds have been making the way through the classes with varying side effects. Hopefully we are coming to the close of this time.

We are thankful for early morning sunshine due to the time change.

We are thankful for the veterans who have been there for us.

Most of all, we are thankful for the gift of God’s Son, Jesus. We are thankful He loved us so much He was willing for suffer, die, and rise so that we may be with God for eternity. Deo gratias.

Sharon Vonada Interim Principal, Academy

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The most enduring symbol of the Lutheran Reformation is the seal that Luther himself designed to represent his theology. By the early 1520s, this seal begins to appear on the title page of Luther’s works.

Here is how Luther himself explained its meaning:

First, there is a black cross in a heart that remains its natural color. This is to remind me that it is faith in the Crucified One that saves us. Anyone who believes from the heart will be justified (Romans 10:10). It is a black cross, which mortifies and causes pain, but it leaves the heart its natural color. It doesn’t destroy nature, that is to say, it does not kill us but keeps us alive, for the just shall live by faith in the Crucified One (Romans 1:17). The heart should stand in the middle of a white rose. This is to show that faith gives joy, comfort, and peace—it puts the believer into a white, joyous rose. Faith does not give peace and joy like the world gives (John 14:27). This is why the rose must be white, not red. White is the color of the spirits and angels (cf. Matthew 28:3; John 20:12). This rose should stand in a sky-blue field, symbolizing that a joyful spirit and faith is a beginning of heavenly, future joy, which begins now, but is grasped in hope, not yet fully revealed. Around the field of blue is a golden ring to symbolize that blessedness in heaven lasts forever and has no end. Heavenly blessedness is exquisite, beyond all joy and better than any possessions, just as gold is the most valuable and precious metal.

(From: Letter from Martin Luther to Lazarus Spengler, July 8, 1530 [WA Br 5:445]; tr. P. T. McCain)

Following are various versions of the seal as it has appeared over time since the Reformation.


The first version was used in Luther’s writings in the 1520s for the first time, and was in black and white, with Luther’s initials.

A colorized rendition of the seal began appearing as printers began to include color images in Luther’s works. Each one was laboriously painted by hand.

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The Prayer Shawl Ministry of Gloria Dei began in 2004. As of October 2016 we have given/mailed 900 shawls!

For most of the ladies who are knitting or crocheting the beautiful shawls, the work is done at home. On the FIRST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH, the prayer shawl group meets at Gloria Dei in room 32 at 2:00 p.m. All interested are welcome to attend. Our last meeting for 2016 will be on December 6. If you want to learn to knit so you can created prayer shawls we welcome you to come on December 6.

The last "Blessings of the Prayer Shawls" took place on October 30th at the 10:45 a.m. Divine Service. The first 2017 "Blessing of the Prayer Shawls" will be January 27.

If you would like to help support this ministry, we always accept donations for the purchase of supplies and postage for the shawls we mail. The yarn we use for the shawls is Lionbrand homespun 3 skiens of the the same color. This yarn is always available at JoAnne's, Michael's and Walmart.

Those currently involved with the Prayer Shawl ministry are: Karin Schmidt, Diana Paynter, Marian Fowler, Jeanne Smith, Cheryl Smith, Darla Schulte, Zella Serian, Kristie Singley, Adele Diehl, Trudy Jackson, Aletha Scirrotto, Kathy Woodrum, Barbara Reitsma and Joan Lee.

We regularly update our list of people for whom we are praying. If you have someone you would like to add to our prayer list, we will gladly add them to the list of those being prayed for as we knit or crochet. Please send your request to Barbara Reitsma at [email protected]


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Help Us Get A Head Start On The Holidays! It’s that time of year again when we start collecting for

families in need! There are several ways the family of Gloria Dei can help:

Donate non-perishable food to put in the Holiday baskets.

Donate money for gift cards so the families can purchase a turkey or ham and per-ishable goods to complete their holiday dinner.

Some of the items we need for the baskets are: Canned fruit, canned pumpkin, canned vegetables, canned yams, instant potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, canned milk, corn muffin mix, boxed/bagged stuffing, cake mix and icing, brownie mix, cereal, pasta sauce and pasta.

We will be collecting these items until Sunday, November 13th

Plan now to join your Gloria Dei family for Divine Service

Thanksgiving Eve - Wednesday, November 23rd, at 7:00 PM

Thanksgiving Day - Thursday, November 24th, at 10:00 AM

Hanging of the Greens Saturday, November 26th 4:00 p.m.

Join the fun as we transform our Sanctuary and Narthexin preparation for the seasons of Advent and Christmas. Cookies and Drinks will be provided

Friday, November 25th we are in need of help to set up the trees and garland before the hanging

of the greens on Saturday. If you would like to help please come by the

church any time after 9 a.m. Thank you!

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Wil Gifford

August 19, 1935 - October 25, 2016

A memorial service for our member Wil Gifford was conducted at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church on Sunday,

October 30, 2016. Please continue to pray for his family.

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism was celebrated on November 9, 2016 for Isabelle Marie


The Sacrament of Holy Baptism was celebrated on October 9, 2016 for Riley Ann Coxe, born on

April 23, 2015 in Pembroke Pines, Florida.

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Hi Gloria Dei Family,

So much has happened since the last time that I wrote. I have been at King of Kings officially for 3 months today! I have been preaching on a weekly basis at the Saturday night service. (You can find past sermons here: http://goo.gl/TSWuLN ) In addition, I just started a new Bible study on Saturday afternoons called, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth. This week we will be examining Law & Gospel!

Ben is in preschool. He is growing up so fast. Both he and Charlotte are potty trained and there is life after diapers. Leah and I are both attending a Bible study together on Wednesday nights and it is so nice to be participants together.

There are a lot of joys that I have from my first 3 months of vicarage. Here is my top 10 list:

10. King of Kings has welcomed me with open arms: They gave us a zoo membership and we have spent a ton of time at the zoo. (There is an indoor jungle and one time we went and had a flock of bats attack us. We ran away, frightened, and ironically, Ben was in full Batman regalia.)

9. Fall is here: We love the change in seasons (except winter) and as the weather has cooled off we are having a blast outside.

8. People have stepped up to provide the kids with winter clothes: I sent out a staff email asking if anyone had hand-me-downs and they really helped out. Ben and Charlotte won’t turn into popsicles after 3 weeks of single digit weather.

7. I get to see team ministry up close and personal: King of Kings has 5 pastors and there are positives and negatives that come with working in such a large group.

6. We live on the top floor: A neighbor came up last month to say that our kids are too loud. I have since tried to keep my preschoolers from jumping up and down on the floor. But I am thankful that we have to try and be quiet rather than having preschoolers above us.

5. I get to preach every week: Preaching on a weekly basis really tests you time-management skills and has also given me a taste of what it is like in sole-pastor position.

4. My supervisor values family time: It is so important to lay a good foundation and making sure that I am not sacrificing my family on the altar of ministry is so vital. I try and maintain a good work/life balance.

3. Support from friends and family: Your financial support has been such a blessing. The other day I was wondering how I was going to pay a bill (which happens every month) and then I opened up a check from Gloria Dei in the amount that I needed. Our Father is using you to provide our daily bread. Things are really tight and every single dollar helps us a ton.

2. Leah is so supportive: I could not do vicarage, or the entire seminary process, without Leah sacrificing so much. In St. Louis she went to work for the family and now in Omaha she is a full-time mom. I love her dearly and could not do this without her.

1. Jesus is our one foundation: It’s not about me, my ministry, over even about what King of Kings is doing. It is all about Jesus Christ and Him crucified as He comes to us with love and mercy every week through Word and Sacrament.

Your son and brother in Christ, Sam Sessa

Please keep our seminarian families in your prayers:

Sam, Leah, Ben and Charlotte Sessa, 10970 Roxbury Plaza, Apt 322, Omaha, NE 68137

Devin, Melissa, Penny and Devin, Jr. Murphy 909 13th St. N, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250

Alex and Annie Blanken, 5609 Old Dover Blvd., Apt 6, Ft Wayne, IN 46835

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Another exci ng month in American Heritage Girls has come

to an end. Our First Thursday mee ng was cancelled due to

Hurricane Ma hew. At our October 20th mee ng, we packed

the bags for Blessings in a Backpack and then broke off into

our different levels, enjoying each other’s company and

learning new things.

On Saturday, October 29th, we met in Hollywood and helped

with Opera on Christmas Child by wrapping shoeboxes,

sor ng through toys to make sure they were appropriate,

making cards and bracelets, and mel ng crayons into fun

shapes to put in the boxes. A er the service project, we went to T.Y. Park for a picnic and had a very

nice a ernoon, despite the slight drizzle. It was a great opportunity for the girls to get to know each

other be er and for the adults to learn about each other, too!

We have a fund‐raiser coming up in a couple of

weeks, right before the Thanksgiving Eve service. The

girls, with help from adults, will be preparing and serving

a spaghe dinner. There will be a free‐will offering that

will help support our troop. Please join us and meet some

of the girls!

Camping! Next month is our very first camping

trip and we are all very excited! We will be camping at

Tree Tops Park on December 9th – 10th, where we will

learn about fire‐star ng and cooking over a fire. We also

plan to take advantage of the trails and boardwalk

available at the park.

Take a look at our bulle n board in the hallway just before you reach the women’s bathroom.

You will find informa on about American Heritage Girls as well as informa on specific to our troop.

You are invited to take the bookmarks and informa on slips to share with families who have daughters

you think might be interested in the program.

Please spread the word about your troop. If anyone is interested in more informa on, they can contact Jim or Debbie MacGregor at 785‐207‐3796 or send an email to [email protected] or email Darla Schulte at [email protected].

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“O give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever” (Psalm 136:1). The love of the Lord does endure forever because the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, is risen from the dead, lives and reigns for all eternity. He was crucified for our transgressions, but He is raised and lives forever for our justification. We are acceptable to God in Christ Jesus.

This is indeed something for which we give thanks. We give thanks in our prayers. We give thanks in the hymns we sing in church. We give thanks by talking about it with our friends and neighbors and teaching it to our children and grandchildren. And we give thanks by giving to the church a generous, first-fruits portion of the income He provides us.

Giving is giving thanks. It is one of the concrete ways in which we thank God for all He has done for us. This includes not just what He has done for us here in time, but what He does for us for all eternity. He provides for all that we need in both body and soul. He is more ready to give than we are able either to receive or even ask. That is who He is. That is His character. He is good and His love endures forever.

Let us then give thanks in all these ways, not in one way or the other. But rather in all things, everything that we do and say, whether it be in word or deed, in prayer and praise, in teaching and giving, let us give thanks to God for He is good.

LCMS Stewardship Ministry http://www.lcms.org/stewardship



Who doesn’t love picking out their own gifts? By giving a scrip gift card to someone you love this holiday, they can do just that while you earn rebates for your organization! Of course, if you have the perfect gift in mind for someone, or you have a list of presents to check off for your kids, just purchase gifts with scrip and save.


Barnes & Noble

Bass Pro Shops

Bath & Body Works

Best Buy


The Home Depot



Outback Steakhouse

Panera Bread






Contact Barry Vonada in the Church office to place your orders. [email protected] 954-475-0683 x117

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November 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2pm-Prayer Shawal

2 9:30am-Joyful Hearts—Women’s Bible Study 10:30am-4pm Thrift Shop Open 7pm Divine Service 8pm-Christianity 102

3 5pm-American Heritage Girls


5 8am-Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study 9am LWML Breakfast & Bible Study 9:30am-1:30pm Thrift Shop Open

6 8am-Divine Service 9:30am-Sunday School 10:45am-Divine Service

7 9:30am-1:30pm Thrift Shop Open 7pm-”A Longer Look at the Lessons” Bible Study


9 9:30am-Joyful Hearts—Women’s Bible Study 10:30am-4pm Thrift Shop Open 7pm Divine Service 8pm-Christianity 102



12 8am-Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study 9:30am-1:30pm Thrift Shop Open

13 8am-Divine Service 9:30am-Sunday School 10:45am-Divine Service

14 9:30am-1:30pm Thrift Shop Open 6:30pm-School Board Meeting 7pm-”A Longer Look at the Lessons” Bible Study

15 6:30pm-Church Council

16 9:30am-Joyful Hearts—Women’s Bible Study 10:30am-4pm Thrift Shop Open 7pm Divine Service 8pm-Christianity 102

17 5pm-American Heritage Girls


19 8am-Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study 9am LWML Breakfast & Bible Study 9:30am-1:30pm Thrift Shop Open

20 8am-Divine Service 9:30am-Sunday School 10:45am-Divine Service

21 9:30am-1:30pm Thrift Shop Open 7pm-”A Longer Look at the Lessons” Bible Study


23 No School 9:30am-Joyful Hearts—Women’s Bible Study 10:30am-4pm Thrift Shop Open 5:30pm-Spaghetti Dinner 7pm Divine Service

24 No School Thanksgiving Day 10am-Divine Service

25 No School 9am-Tree and Garland Setup

26 8am-Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study 9:30am-1:30pm Thrift Shop Open 4pm-Hanging of the Greens

27 8am-Divine Service 9:30am-Sunday School 10:45am-Divine Service

28 9:30am-1:30pm Thrift Shop Open 7pm-”A Longer Look at the Lessons” Bible Study

29 30 9:30am-Joyful Hearts—Women’s Bible Study 10:30am-4pm Thrift Shop Open 7pm Divine Service 8pm-Christianity 102

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BIRTHDAYS November / December 2016

*Hannah Lehman 11/1

Christina Schulte 11/1

Cindy Conner 11/3

Patricia Godwin 11/4

*Hans Preus 11/6

Vera Babzien 11/7

Maxine Dietz 11/8

Joseph Tye 11/8

Lea Hoyt 11/9

Joe Meighen 11/10

Thomas Poulos 11/10

Gavyn Nelson 11/11

Cherri Blair 11/15

Daniel Poulos 11/15

Justin Rubin 11/15

Lauren Wallice 11/16

Kayley Watkins 11/17

Jan Adams 11/19

Glen Walters 11/19

Karen Stenzel-Nowicki 11/22

Walter Blanken 11/23

Daryl Reese 11/24

Kimberly Diehl 11/25

Dale Carpenter 11/27

Marina Clotfelter 11/27

Matthew Gomulka 11/30

Colleen Gilchrist 12/1

John Geromanos 12/1

Harry Pope 12/2

Kelsey Walters 12/3

Charlotte Devier 12/4

Diane Grosso 12/4

Matthew Wallice 12/6

Jonathan Cameron 12/9

Kelly Kern 12/9

Robert Cabral 12/10

Connie Shelton 12/12

James Heller 12/13

Michael Biscoglio 12/14

Paul Grana 12/14

Matthew Biscoglio 12/15

David Malone 12/15

*Missionary Family

ANNIVERSARIES November / December 2016

Willis and Dale Devier 11/3

Vincent and Diane Grosso 11/6

Erik and Angela Dunham 11/6

Ethan and Colleen Timmins 11/7

Joseph and Chris Saitta 11/17

Benjamin and Kristie Singley 11/18

Jason and Darla Schulte 11/22

Michael and Joann Schweiger 11/23

Michael and Rosemarie Geisler 11/25

George and Bonnie McMichael 11/26

Jason and Claudia Schmaus 11/27

Don and Carolyn Coxe 11/28

Quinn and Susan Stumpf 12/02

William and Margaret Janzer 12/04

*Missionary Family

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1. that God would soften hearts that are hard to the suffering of others. Ask Him to give all people compassion and a willingness to help and serve their neighbor.

2. with thanksgiving for women around the world who heed the call to serve God’s Church as deaconesses. Pray that His kingdom would be served through their acts of mercy with the compassion and love of Jesus.

3. for safe travels for Deaconess Grace Rao, director of LCMS Deaconess Ministry, as she visits deaconess students around the world to provide training and encouragement.

4. that deaconesses would not grow weary or become indifferent to the suffering around them. Instead, ask that God would refresh them each day to love and serve others.

5. for all those who work in prison ministry, that they might find joy in bringing God’s Word of hope and healing to those behind bars.

6. for the unborn, the elderly and all those whom our sinful world considers “burdens.” Ask God to help us see the way He sees — with eyes of life.

7. that the Jan. 27 March for Life in Washington, D.C., and the Jan. 21 Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco would be an encouragement to those who attend and a positive witness to those they encounter.

8. with thanksgiving for the dedicated volunteers who join the Synod’s Mercy Medical Teams. In July, a team provided much-needed medical care to more than 2,000 people in Madagascar in just one week!

9. for safety for Mercy Medical Teams that will travel to Madagascar and Kenya later this year. Ask that their efforts would be a blessing to the people they serve.

10. for God to provide even more skilled volunteers for Mercy Medical Teams. Doctors, nurses, pharma-cists and other types of medical professionals, as well as pastors and hard-working laity, are needed.

11. with thanksgiving for the Synod’s 1,000-plus parish nurses, who use their many skills to care for the health and well-being of LCMS members.

12. that God would call even more Lutheran registered nurses to serve their churches and communities as parish nurses.

13. for the Synod’s domestic disaster- response ministry. Pray that the Lord would continue to use His people to reassure the suffering that He is pres-ent with them in their time of need.

14. for the Synod’s international disaster-response ministry. Thank the Lord that He uses all things for good. Through disaster response, the LCMS and her partners have been able to share the Gospel with people around the world.

15. with thanksgiving for the thousands of volunteers who have been trained to serve on Lutheran Early Response Teams (LERT). LCMS Disaster Response trains these LCMS members to respond to their com-munities with tangible acts of love and mercy following a disaster.

Pray For Us CalendarThese prayer requests were submitted by coworkers in the Lord’s mission. Congregations and individuals are invited to copy these pages for newsletters or other distribution. Download at lcms.org/prayforus or call 888-843-5267 to request a copy.

Remember God’s work through the Synod’s mercy ministries as you pray:

MERCY MINISTRIES — NOVEMBER 1–30 This month, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) celebrates the mercy work being carried out by LCMS members at home and abroad. Thanks to the abundant grace we have received through Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death and resurrection, we have been freed to love and serve our neighbors who are hurting and in need.

INVOLVEMENT IDEAS• Have you seen “Eyes of Life,” a newcampaign from the LCMS that provides a positive voice in the discussion of life issues? Visit eyesoflife.org to watch a music video and read about how others value life as a gift from God.

• Learn more about Christ’s Carefor Children: Kenya and how this program is helping children attend school and learn about their Savior, Jesus: engage.lcms.org/caring-for-children-in-kenya-fall-2016.

• Did you know that LCMS DisasterResponse offers a variety of free resources in both English and Spanish? Visit lcms.org/disaster to download Bible studies, essays and other resources.

Sharon Thomas (right), a nurse from Belvidere, Ill., and chairman of the board of Lutherans in Medical Missions, takes the blood pressure of a visitor during the first domestic Mercy Medical Team at Shepherd of the City Lutheran Church in Philadelphia.


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16. that the Lord would raise up even more volunteers who are will-ing to serve their communities through Lutheran Early Response Teams (LERT).

17. for those affected by the flood-ing in Louisiana in August. Pray that through LCMS districts, congrega-tions and members, communities would be restored and transformed through acts of mercy and a bold witness to the Gospel.

18. that no matter what comes our way — whether hurricane, tornado, fire or other tragedy — the Lord would comfort us with His promise to never leave us or forsake us.

19. for all those involved in ministry to the homeless, that they would not grow weary and that God would provide willing hands and feet to help in this work.

20. for the “Planting Gospel Seeds While Serving Human Needs” program, that it would help LCMS congrega-tions build closer relationships with their neighbors and make new disci-ples for Christ!

21. that LCMS congregations would be wise, passionate and creative as they look for tangible ways to serve their communities — whether that’s through a food pantry, an after-school program or another outreach program.

22. that LCMS members would take seriously God’s call to love their neigh-bors in word and deed. Ask the Holy Spirit to stir up zeal in their hearts to serve His Church with their time, talents and treasures.

23. with thanksgiving for the 560-plus ordained or commissioned min-isters of the Gospel who serve in LCMS Specialized Pastoral Ministry.

24. for LCMS pastoral counselors, clini-cal pastoral educators and chaplains who provide care in hospitals, prisons, police and fire agencies, and other institutions. Ask the Lord to give them strength as they serve people in the midst of some of life’s most difficult moments.

25. that military chaplains would continue to have the freedom to boldly share the Word of God with servicemen and women.

26. for the safety and well-being of the Synod’s military chaplains, who eat, sleep, train, work and exercise with their flock, both in combat and in garrison, bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to service members in time of peace, great stress and war.

27. for those who care for the spiri-tual and emotional needs of LCMS mis-sionaries. These people, based both on the international mission field and in the U.S., help missionaries deal with the ups and downs of life abroad.

28. for the deaconesses and deacon-ess students in the Dominican Republic, who go out into the community to love people and share the Word of God each week.

29. that God would bless Christ’s Care for Children: Kenya, which helps to provide a safe, Christ-centered environ-ment for Kenyan children who other-wise wouldn’t be able to attend school.

30. that God would bless the work of the Selbständige Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche (SELK), our part-ner church in Germany, as it serves migrants and refugees and proclaims the Gospel to them.





MISSIONARY & PERSONNEL BIRTHDAYSDownload the prayer cards of missionaries and other personnel from lcms.org/prayercards.

Nov. 1 Rebecca Krey, Dominican Republic

Nov. 2 Paula Donofrio, Czech Republic

Nov. 6 James Neuendorf, Dominican Republic

Nov. 7 Christopher Ahlman, Germany

Nov. 11 Karin Semler, Asia

Nov. 20 Kristin Lange, Germany; Michael Paul, Taiwan

Nov. 22 Shelee Warner, Spain

Nov. 23 Charles Cortright, Eurasia; Edward Naumann, South Asia; Stefanie Rabe, Ethiopia

Nov. 24 Freeman Rohlfing, Czech Republic

Nov. 26 Daniel Jastram, Japan; Monica Naumann, South Asia

Nov. 29 Sean Harlow, Northern Asia

Nov. 30 Jana Inglehart, Dominican Republic

MILITARY CHAPLAINS WITH BIRTHDAYS IN NOVEMBER: Chaplain Mark Bowditch, Robins AFB, Ga.; Chaplain Mark Sedwick, Fort Sam Houston, Texas; Chaplain Christopher Sutton, Kingsville, Texas; Chaplain William Schneider, Lawton, Okla.; Chaplain Robert Kraft, Fort Sill, Okla.

Volunteer Penn Weldon of Thibodaux, La., helps muck-out a flood-damaged home in Baton Rouge, following the August 2016 floods.

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Linda Gage, LWML National Gift Planning Counselor

will be leading us. Linda helps individuals and couples

plan and direct their passion for giving to family and all

ministries of the church, like LWML. Come and hear

how planning for yourself, your family, and growing

God’s kingdom can be done to meet your specific

goals. These services are provided free through LWML.

You’re invited!

CHARITABLE PLANNING WORKSHOP Come and discover how you can

Share your faith

Minimize taxes

Bless your family

Make an impact on ministry

through your estate documents like a will or a trust.

Come to listen and ask questions, then leave inspired to

create or update your plan.

All are welcome—spouses, family, friends!

Date: Thursday, December 8, 2016

Time: 2:00 PM AND 7:00 PM

Place: Gloria Dei Lutheran Church

7601 SW 39th Street, Davie

RSVP is appreciated; Walk-ins are Welcome

Contact: JoAnn Schweiger at 954-600-9150

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Please join the women of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary


1st and 3rd Saturdays at 9 a.m.—11 a.m

for Breakfast/Bible study We will meet in the chapel.

All women are invited!

Joyful Hearts Women’s Bible Study Meets on Wednesday

9:30 a.m. in the chapel.

All women are welcome!


Sunday mornings, 9:30 a.m. "Bible Foundations!" Why we believe what we believe!

Wednesday Nights, 8:00 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. "Christianity 102:”

The Lutheran Difference

Monday Night Bible Study meets each Monday in the chapel at 7 p.m.

They are studying “A Longer Look at the Lessons”

Delve deeper into each week's three Scripture readings with “A Longer Look at the Lessons.” This Bible study is based on the lectionary in the Lutheran Service Book, and provides information about the readings and their contexts.

For more information please contact Elaine Carstens 954-587-8394

Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study Every Saturday 8 a.m.in the Fellowship Hall, Followed by Bible Study in Room 32 Hot Breakfast $4.00 For more info contact Bruce Caruso at 954-962-4186

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Lutheran Women’s Missionary League

It’s November and you know what that means! Yes Christmas is around the corner, but November is a time we give thanks. “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!” 1 Chronicles 16:34

I want to thank Gloria Dei for your donations to the First Care Women’s Clinic Baby Closet. Along with our items we were able to send over 20 boxes of baby items to the clinic. God is Good!

The theme of our convention was “Standing Firm in our Faith”. Over 280 women and men joined together to wor-ship, fellowship and conduct business at the PGA spa and resort in West Palm Beach. We heard from a past LWML president, Jan Wendorf, LWML gift planner Linda Gage, LWML treasurer Marilyn Schroder and many more

from our district to Lutheran Hour Ministry. We were entertained by the Chobee Steel-ers, an alternative to violence group that gives kids a safe place to go. One of the things that this organization offers is to learn how to play the steel drums. It was wonderful to see and hear what they have accomplished.

Conventions can be a little boring with all the busi-ness being done, but fellowshipping with other women of God, meeting new friends and seeing old ones make it all worthwhile. Our Florida Georgia district voted on 12 new Mission grants and we are so blessed to be able to collect our mites and fund these grants.

The best part of the conventions and retreats are the lasting memories and of course the love of our sisters in Christ.


December 3rd Christmas brunch, “Christmas around the World”.

December 18th Cookie Sale

Keep collecting those mites!

We have collected $769.00 as of Oct 30!

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All women of Gloria Dei

Please join us for our annual Christmas Brunch

Christmas Around the World

Saturday, December 3rd, 10:00 a.m.

Fellowship Hall

Please bring a pot luck dish to share, and if you want make it from your heritage!

If you would like to have a prayer partner for next year please bring a mug!

Our gifts from the heart will be to our seminarians. We will be collecting gift cards, (gas, toys r us, target, Walmart ect..) You may purchase gift cards from Barry Vonada, which benefit our academy.

Please see the sign up on the purple bulletin board

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With the onset of Thanksgiving, Advent and then the Christmas Season, some of our families at Gloria Dei and in our communities are experiencing grief. Whether your loved one died recently or decades ago, Christmas brings forth powerful memories that will create or trigger your grief. It is imperative to understand and remember that grief is accumulative. We don’t experience a loss, move through predetermined emotional stages and then emerge on the other side all healed. We work through the stages, one day at a time, to a point in life where the pain of our loss is not as severe as it once was, nevertheless, it remains with us. We share some 12 ways to face the 12 Days of Christmas and other special days.

SET BOUNDARIES ON YOUR OWN EXPECTATIONS. Planning for the holidays and deciding on practical matters may be overwhelming. Set priorities and limits on what to do and don’t do. If it’s too much, ask others to help cook, decorate or shop for you.

CHANGE A TRADITION EVEN IF JUST FOR THIS YEAR. Have dinner somewhere else, make it a buffet. Change the location of the tree or leave it out completely. Go with the flow of your heart.

BE FLEXIBLE..NOTHING IN WRITTEN IN STONE. Grief can cause unpredictable mood swings.....so communicate your need for a open door policy.

HAVE FAMILY MEETING/CONFERENCE. Share feelings, needs and suggestions. Listen to each other and create an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding.

LISTEN TO THE CHILDREN. Include them in the planning and problem solving. Out of the mouths of babes often come wisdom that can help both adults and children.

REMEMBER GIFTS COME IN MANY SHAPES, SIZES AND MAY NOT ALWAYS BE WRAPPED. If you give gifts, share something that in some way connects the gift to your loved one, their hobby or favorite color. If shopping is too stressful, use catalogs, gift certificates or even special items that belonged to your loved one.

TAKE TIME FOR REST, CREATE A DAY OF SELFCARE. Grief, its stress combined with holiday madness can create undue anxiety and tension. Do something personal for you.

HONOR YOUR EMOTIONAL LIFE. To thine own self be true. Take time to talk about your feelings, thoughts to a friend or family member. Sometimes attempting to be strong just is not necessary. Make time for rituals and healing moments that permit access to your heart and spirit.


Continued on next page

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DON’T BE AFRAID TO MENTION THE NAME OF YOUR LOVED ONE AND SHARE MEMORIES. Honor your loved one, display photos, talk about favorite memories, light a candle of remembrance in their honor. Letting others know your comfort in talking about your loved one will help them open up as well.

DO SOMETHING TOTALLY DIFFERENT. If you need to get away to a new location or delete the holiday experience, do so and let go of any guilt. We know that we cannot run away from our grief, but sometimes we need a space and place far removed from the everyday reminders. Give yourself permission to do what you feel like doing.

It is our prayer that the foregoing information will help some of you. Past participants in GriefShare have shared that indeed most of the concepts mentioned have helped them lean into and grow through their grief journey.

We will have a special “Surviving the Holiday” event on Saturday, Dec. 10 starting at 1:00 pm in the Chapel. We invite our church members who have experienced the death of a family member or friend, etc. and who would like informational support for the holidays to join us. Each person who attends this event will receive a STH devotional so that you can take notes during the DVD and read the devotionals to assist you in your grief journey. So that we may order the required amount of devotionals needed, we ask that you RSVP to the Church Office at 954-475-0683 or call Marian Fowler at 954-961-4460. Deadline for the RSVP is Dec. 3. Please pray about joining us on December 1 0.

Our next cycle of GriefShare will begin in our Chapel on Saturday, February 10 at 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. It will end on Saturday, May 20 with a Closing Rememberance and an Appetizer Time. We have changed our schedule to accommodate many in our community who do not wish to drive at night. Check out www.griefshare.org for other churches sponsoring GriefShare in the evening. All you need is your zip code.

It is our prayer that each of you have a very Blessed Advent Season and a Christmas Season celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The GriefShare Team

Judy, Millicent, Linda, Rachel and Marian

Continued from previous page

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YOUR COMPREHENSIVE SOURCE FOR NEWS, INFORMATION & TRUTH...Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken and produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL. You can listen to what you want when you want at www.issuesetc.org and on the new Lutheran Public Radio mobile app.




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The owners of these businesses and professional services provide this monthly

newsletter at no cost to Gloria Dei families.

Please contact them and make use of their services or products.

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7601 SW 39th St. Davie, Florida 33328