OF THE WHOLE ROAST - Scotch Beef & Lamb...Roast Scotch Beef Ingredients 1.5kg lean Scotch Beef roasting joint (topside, silverside, rump/popeseye, tbsp olive oil and season with salt

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Page 1: OF THE WHOLE ROAST - Scotch Beef & Lamb...Roast Scotch Beef Ingredients 1.5kg lean Scotch Beef roasting joint (topside, silverside, rump/popeseye, tbsp olive oil and season with salt

ROASTMake the most





Page 2: OF THE WHOLE ROAST - Scotch Beef & Lamb...Roast Scotch Beef Ingredients 1.5kg lean Scotch Beef roasting joint (topside, silverside, rump/popeseye, tbsp olive oil and season with salt

ROASTMake the most


Roasting is one of the simplest ways to cook a large cut of meat, whether it’s Scotch Beef, Scotch Lamb or Specially Selected Pork. Once the meat is in the oven, time is on your side.

There are three great roasting recipes enclosed, plus six leftover recipe ideas, homemade Yorkshire puddings and an easy step by step gravy recipe.

MAKE MORE WITH LEFTOVERSWhen calculating how much meat to buy, always add a little extra – a larger piece of meat will cook better and leftover roasts make great money and time saving mid-week meals, soups or snacks for another day. With a little bit of forward planning, you can make your weekend roast go a whole lot further.

•Letthemeatcometoroomtemperature.•Weighthemeattocalculatethecookingtime (see timings opposite). If you are stuffing the joint, weigh it after stuffing.•Ensurethemeatiscompletelydry before cooking.•Preheattheoventotherequired temperature.•Youcanbrownthemeateitherina hot pan with a little oil, or in a very hot oven (220°C) for 15 minutes (part of overall calculated cooking time).

•Oncethemeatisbrowned,putiton a wire rack in a shallow roasting tin ensuring any fat is at the top.•Continuetocookat180°Cuntilitis cooked to your liking (see timings opposite).•Restthemeat,coveredwithfoil, for 10-15 minutes before carving.


Rare Medium Well Done

Coolthenstoreleftoversinthefridgeasquicklyaspossible.Coverwellandeatwithin2days.If freezing, cool thoroughly first. Defrost leftovers completely before use, ideally in the fridge overnight, and eat within 24 hours of defrosting. Do not refreeze.Ensureleftoversarecookeduntilcompletelyhotthroughout.Onlyreheatonce.For further advice on using leftovers, check www.eatwellscotland.org

TIP:To check how cooked your meat is, insert a skewer into the middle of the joint and press out some of the juices. The red (rare), pink (medium) or clear (well done) colour will indicate the stage to which the meat has been cooked.

Page 3: OF THE WHOLE ROAST - Scotch Beef & Lamb...Roast Scotch Beef Ingredients 1.5kg lean Scotch Beef roasting joint (topside, silverside, rump/popeseye, tbsp olive oil and season with salt



Cut of meat Cooking Temperature Timing

Rib-eye,Sirloin, Rump/Popeseye, Fore-rib/Rib-roast, Topside, Silverside

Roast 180°C 350°F Gas mark 4-5

Rare15-20minsper450gplus20mins Medium 21-25 mins per 450g plus 20 mins Well done 26-30 mins per 450g plus 20 mins

Brisket,Shin/Hough, Chuck, Featherblade

Potroastor Slowroast

180°C 350°F Gas mark 4-5

30-40 mins per 450g plus 30-40 mins


Cut of meat Cooking Temperature Timing

Leg/Gigot(wholeor mini joints), Shoulder, BestEnd/Rack,Chump,Loin

Roast 180°C 350°F Gas mark 4-5

Pink/Medium30minsper450gplus30mins Well done 35 mins per 450g plus 30 mins

PorkCut of meat Cooking Temperature Timing

Shoulder, Leg/Gigot, Loin,Chump,Belly

Roast 180°C 350°F Gas mark 4-5

Pink/Medium30minsper450gplus30mins Well done 35 mins per 450g plus 35 mins


For a FREE step by step guide to roasting any cut of meat, download our free “Perfect Steaks and Roasts” app for iPhone, iPod Touch and Android.


Page 4: OF THE WHOLE ROAST - Scotch Beef & Lamb...Roast Scotch Beef Ingredients 1.5kg lean Scotch Beef roasting joint (topside, silverside, rump/popeseye, tbsp olive oil and season with salt

Roast Scotch Beef Ingredients1.5kg lean Scotch Beef roasting joint (topside, silverside, rump/popeseye, boneless rib). You can ask your butcher to coat the joint with extra fat to keep the meat moist during roasting.3 red onions, peeled and quartered6 medium carrots, peeled and cut into chunks1 butternut squash, peeled and cut into chunks1 garlic bulb, peeled and cloves separated2-3 tbsp olive oilSalt & pepperA few sprigs of thyme

Method1. Preheat the oven to 220°C. Rub the beef with 1 tbsp olive oil and season with salt and pepper, rub all over. Put the beef in a roasting tin in the hot oven for 15 minutes to brown.

2. Place all the vegetables and thyme in the roasting tray around the meat and drizzle them with 1 tbsp olive oil. Put the roasting tray back in the oven. Turn down the heat to 180°C and cook for about an hour and 30 minutes for medium (see timings for guidance). Baste the meat halfway through cooking. If the vegetables look dry add a little water.

3. If you want to make roast potatoes or other vegetables remember to do these while the beef is cooking.

4. When the beef is cooked to your liking, remove the tray from the oven and transfer to a board, cover with tinfoil to rest for 15 mins while you make gravy (see page overleaf) or finish any accompanying vegetables. Slice the beef and serve with a selection of the roasted vegetables and other vegetables of your choice.


Nutrition, per serving: 561 kcals, protein 77.4g, fat 15.5g, carbohydrates 30.4g, sugar 19g, salt 1.2g



15 minutesCOOkInGTIME:

1 hour 45 minutes (approx)

Remember to increase the weight so that you can enjoy the leftovers!

Page 5: OF THE WHOLE ROAST - Scotch Beef & Lamb...Roast Scotch Beef Ingredients 1.5kg lean Scotch Beef roasting joint (topside, silverside, rump/popeseye, tbsp olive oil and season with salt



Method 1. Heat the oil and butter in a large pan and cook the onions and thyme for 15 minutes until dark golden.2. Add the pearl barley, beef and stock, bring to the boil and simmer for 20 minutes or until the barley is tender.

3. Add the cabbage and cook for a further 3-4 minutes.4. Ladle the soup into bowls.

Beef and black bean chilli

Beef & barley soup

Ingredients300g cooked Scotch Beef, shredded1-2 tbsp olive oil1 onion, chopped2 red chillies, chopped1 tbsp smoked paprika1 tsp ground cumin400g can chopped tomatoes400g can black beans, drained and rinsed1 tbsp wine vinegar2 tsp brown sugar4 tbsp chopped corianderTortilla chips, soured cream, grated cheese, to serve

Ingredients300g cooked Scotch Beef, shredded2 tbsp olive oilKnob of butter3 onions, thinly sliced4 thyme sprigs75g pearl barley1 litre beef stock½ a Savoy cabbage, shredded

SERvES: 4 PREPaRaTIOnTIME: 10 minutes COOkInGTIME:30 minutes

SERvES: 4 PREPaRaTIOnTIME: 5 minutes COOkInGTIME:40 minutes

Method 1. Heat the oil in a large pan and cook the onion and chilli for 5 minutes until softened. Add the paprika and cumin and cook for a minute more. Stir in the beef and tomatoes, cover and cook for15 minutes. Check the seasoning.

2. Stir in the beans, vinegar, sugar and a splash of water and cook for a further 10 minutes. Divide between bowls and scatter over the coriander.

Serve with tortilla chips, soured cream and grated cheese.

Nutrition, per serving: 339 kcals, protein 34.8g, fat 10.4g, carbohydrates 28.6g, sugar 8.7g, salt 0.2g


15 minutesCOOkInGTIME:

1 hour 45 minutes

Nutrition, per serving: 327 kcals, protein 29g, fat 12.6g, carbohydrates 27.4g, sugar 8.9g, salt 1.5g

Page 6: OF THE WHOLE ROAST - Scotch Beef & Lamb...Roast Scotch Beef Ingredients 1.5kg lean Scotch Beef roasting joint (topside, silverside, rump/popeseye, tbsp olive oil and season with salt

& Yorkshire puddingsBeef gravy





This is a simple but tasty gravy recipe. It can be varied by adding a splash of red wine, balsamic vinegar or a spoonful of red currant jelly, to suit your taste.

IngredientsBeef roasting tray (just after joint removed)2 tbsp plain flour1 tsp of English/Dijon mustard or mustard powder750ml hot beef or vegetable stock2-3 sprigs of fresh herbs (bay leaf, thyme or rosemary), optional


Continue to stir until the gravy is smooth and thickened. Season to taste. Add more stock or water if too thick or continue to simmer to thicken. Pour the gravy through a sieve if you want it smooth. Serve in a warm jug.

Spoon off and discard excess fat from the tray, leaving just enough to absorb the flour.

Set the tray on the stove and add the flour and mustard.

Stir to make a smooth paste. Cook for a minute before gradually adding the stock (don’t worry if it’s lumpy).

Beef gravy - step by stepCOOkInGTIME:10 minutes

Page 7: OF THE WHOLE ROAST - Scotch Beef & Lamb...Roast Scotch Beef Ingredients 1.5kg lean Scotch Beef roasting joint (topside, silverside, rump/popeseye, tbsp olive oil and season with salt

Yorkshire puddings

Freshly made Yorkshire puddings are easy to make and delicious with your roast. Here’s a simple recipe.

Ingredients225g plain flourPinch salt2 medium eggs300ml milk mixed with 200ml waterSunflower oil 12 hole muffin tin for the puds

Method1. In a large bowl mix the flour and salt. Make a well in the centre and break in the eggs. Whisk in half the liquid, gradually incorporating the flour as you whisk until you have a smooth thick batter with no lumps. Stir in the remaining liquid and leave to stand.

2. Put ½ a teaspoon of sunflower oil into each of the muffin cups and place the muffin tin in the oven until very hot.

3. Stir the batter well, then 2/3 fill each muffin cup and return to the oven for about 20 minutes until well risen and golden brown. They should feel firm and in no danger of collapsing. Leave them in a little longer if necessary.

You can also make Yorkshire puds to use with any left overs - for example mini toad-in-the-holes, recipe can be found on www.scotchbeefandlamb.com

COOkInGTIME:20 minutes

Page 8: OF THE WHOLE ROAST - Scotch Beef & Lamb...Roast Scotch Beef Ingredients 1.5kg lean Scotch Beef roasting joint (topside, silverside, rump/popeseye, tbsp olive oil and season with salt

Slow roast belly pork IngredientsFor the pork 2kg piece Specially Selected Pork belly, the rind deeply scored (ask your butcher to score the pork for you).2 tsp salt

For the paste 2 cloves garlic, peeled1 tsp salt ½ tsp freshly ground black pepper2 tsp fennel seeds (or dried rosemary)

Method1. Preheattheovento220°C.

2. Crush all the ingredients for the paste together in a mortar and pestle if you have one, or with the end of a rolling-pin.

3. Placetheporkskinsidedownonaboardandslashthefleshquitelightlyinacriss-crosspatternwithasharpknife.Rubthegarlicpastewellintothe cuts and all over the meat’s surface.

4. Turn the belly pork skin side up again on the board and rub the salt well into the skin, making sure it comes into contact with the fat layer to ensure good crisp crackling.

5. Placetheporkonawirerackwithinalargeroasting tin to allow the fat to run away from the meatduringtheslowcookingprocess.Roastinthe hot oven for 30 minutes to get the crackling going and then reduce the oven temperature to 160°C for a further 2 ½-3 hours when much of the fat will have drained away, leaving a lovely crisp-topped juicy piece of meat.

Delicious hot or cold.



10 minutesCOOkInGTIME:

3-3 ½ hours

Nutrition, per serving: 733 kcals, protein 62.9g, fat 53.5g, carbohydrates 6.1g, sugar 0g, salt 2.4 g

Page 9: OF THE WHOLE ROAST - Scotch Beef & Lamb...Roast Scotch Beef Ingredients 1.5kg lean Scotch Beef roasting joint (topside, silverside, rump/popeseye, tbsp olive oil and season with salt

Tomorrow Later

Method 1. Heat a tablespoon of oil in a large pan and lightly brown the apple pieces then remove and set aside. Add a little more oil to the pan and cook the leeks and sage for 3-4 minutes until softened.

2. Add the flour and cook for a couple of minutes then add half the cider, stirring until smooth before adding the remainder. Bubble for 2 minutes then add the stock, pork and apple pieces. Cover and simmer gently for 10-15 mins.

3. Meanwhile, heat the oven to 220°C. Roll out the pastry to the thickness of a pound coin and cut out four circles big enough to cover 4 small pie dishes. Divide the pork mixture between the dishes and brush the rims with milk.

4. Lift the pastry on to the pies, trimming off any excess. Press down and crimp the edges with a fork. Cut a couple of slits in the top of each to let the steam out. Brush with milk and bake for 15-20 minutes, until the pastry is risen and golden brown.

Method 1. Drain the can of pineapple and measure 100ml of the juice into a jug. Mix together the cornflour, sweet chilli sauce, soy sauce and vinegar and once blended, stir into the pineapple juice.

2. Heat the oil in a wok or large frying pan and stir fry the onion and peppers for 3-4 minutes. Add the ginger, pork and pineapple and stir fry for a further few minutes until both are heated through.

3. Pour in the sauce and bubble together for a minute or two until thickened. Serve with the noodles and scatter with shredded spring onions to garnish.

Pork and apple puff pies

Sweet and sour pork

Ingredients350g cooked Specially Selected Pork, cubed2 tbsp olive oil2 apples, peeled, cored and cubed1 large leek, thinly sliced1 tbsp chopped sage2 tbsp plain flour, plus extra for dusting150ml dry cider250ml hot chicken stock500g pack all butter puff pastryMilk for brushing

Ingredients400g cooked Specially Selected Pork, cut into chunks400g can pineapple pieces in natural juice1 tbsp cornflour2 tbsp sweet chilli sauce1 tbsp light soy sauce1 tbsp wine vinegar1 tbsp sunflower oil1 red onion, thickly sliced2 orange or red peppers, thickly sliced2 cm piece root ginger, finely chopped2 spring onions, shreddedEgg noodles, cooked, to serve

SERvES: 4 PREPaRaTIOnTIME: 20 minutesCOOkInGTIME:40 minutes

SERvES: 4-6 PREPaRaTIOnTIME: 15 minutesCOOkInGTIME:10 minutes

Nutrition, per serving: 392 kcals, protein 34.6g, fat 9.3g, carbohydrates 45.1g, sugar 21.7g, salt 1.0g


10 minutesCOOkInGTIME:

3-3 ½ hours

Nutrition, per serving: 740 kcals, protein 35.5g, fat 40.3g, carbohydrates 60.1g, sugar 7.3g, salt 1.7g

Page 10: OF THE WHOLE ROAST - Scotch Beef & Lamb...Roast Scotch Beef Ingredients 1.5kg lean Scotch Beef roasting joint (topside, silverside, rump/popeseye, tbsp olive oil and season with salt

Method1. Preheat the oven to 200°C.

2. Place the lamb joint into a roasting tin large enough to accommodate it and all the veg in a single layer. Rub the lamb with a little oil and season. Put in the oven for 10-15 minutes to brown while preparing the vegetables.

3. Boil the vegetables for 4 minutes, then drain well. Transfer to a bowl and tumble the vegetables with the oil, rosemary, salt and pepper.

4. Scatter the vegetables into the tin around the lamb and return to the oven. Reduce the temperature to 180°C and continue to cook for about 35 minutes, turning the vegetable cubes, from time to time, until the meat is a rich golden brown and the cubes are crisp. If the meat is ready before the vegetables, transfer the meat to a warm serving dish, cover and allow to rest, and cook the veg for 10 minutes more with the oven temperature boosted again.

Servewithadditionalgreenvegetables, e.g. French beans or broccoli if you like.



10-15 minutesCOOkInGTIME:

45 minutes

Ingredients350-400g piece of Scotch Lamb leg, boned and rolled A little olive oilSalt and pepper

For the vegetables 2 medium sized floury potatoes (Maris Piper or King Edward) peeled and cut into 2cm cubes2 large carrots, peeled and cut into 2cm cubes200g celeriac, peeled and cut into 2cm cubes1 tbsp olive oil2 sprigs rosemary, leaves separated and roughly chopped Salt and pepper

Nutrition, per serving: 372 kcals, protein 37.5g, fat 16.4g, carbohydrates 19.8g, sugar 6.1g, salt 0.5g


Mini lamb leg roast & root vegetables

The cooking times for this recipe differ from those providedinthe‘TimeItRight’tableduetothesizeofthe joint of meat. If increasing the size of the joint, use the timings in the table provided.

Page 11: OF THE WHOLE ROAST - Scotch Beef & Lamb...Roast Scotch Beef Ingredients 1.5kg lean Scotch Beef roasting joint (topside, silverside, rump/popeseye, tbsp olive oil and season with salt



Method 1. Preheat the oven to 180°C and butter a shallow ovenproof dish. Mix together the garlic and cheese.

2. Layer the potatoes, lamb and parsnips alternately into the dish sprinkling with the garlic-cheese as you go. Finish with a layer of potatoes and sprinkle of cheese.

3. Beat together the milk and cream with a pinch of salt and pour evenly over the potatoes. Grind over some black pepper and bake for 1 hour (cover with foil if the top is getting too dark) until tender and nicely browned.Nutrition, per serving: 732 kcals, protein 38.7g, fat 46g, carbohydrates 42g, sugar 12g, salt 1.4g

Method 1. Heat the oil in a large pan and cook the garlic, ginger, chillies and cumin seeds for 3 minutes. Add the lamb and tomatoes and cook for a further 5 minutes until the tomatoes begin to soften.

2. Stir in the stock and curry paste. Bring to the boil then cover and simmer for 15 minutes, check the seasoning and add a little salt if necessary. Stir in the spinach and mango chutney and cook for a further few minutes until the spinach has wilted.

3. Divide between shallow bowls and serve with steamed basmati rice or poppadoms.

Gratin of lamb, parsnips and potatoes

Lamb and tomato curry

Ingredients300g cooked Scotch Lamb, shreddedSmall knob of butter2 garlic cloves, crushed150g crumbly cheese, grated500g large potatoes, peeled and very thinly sliced 500g parsnips, peeled and very thinly sliced300ml whole milk150ml carton double creamPinch of salt

Ingredients500g cooked Scotch Lamb, cubed1 tbsp sunflower oil2 garlic cloves, chopped4cm piece root ginger, peeled and chopped2 green chillies, seeded and chopped1 tsp cumin seeds6 ripe tomatoes, quartered150ml lamb stock2 tbsp hot curry paste200g young leaf spinach2 tbsp mango chutney

Steamed basmati rice or poppadoms, to serve

SERvES: 4 PREPaRaTIOnTIME: 20 minutes COOkInGTIME:1 hour

SERvES: 4-6 PREPaRaTIOnTIME: 15 minutes COOkInGTIME:25 minutes

Nutrition, per serving: 421 kcals, protein 36.7g, fat 28.2g, carbohydrates 6.1g, sugar 5.1g, salt 1.3g


10-15 minutesCOOkInGTIME:

45 minutes

Page 12: OF THE WHOLE ROAST - Scotch Beef & Lamb...Roast Scotch Beef Ingredients 1.5kg lean Scotch Beef roasting joint (topside, silverside, rump/popeseye, tbsp olive oil and season with salt

The labels you can trust

Labelling is your guarantee of the provenance, production methods and quality of the product you’re buying (from farm to plate).Whenever you see the ScotchBeef,ScotchLamb and SpeciallySelectedPork labels, they guarantee that these products have been reared to very high standards of animal husbandry and welfare only in Scotland.

Make sure you look for the labels you can trust.

For more delicious recipe ideas visit: www.scotchbeefandlamb.com www.speciallyselectedpork.co.uk or visit us on facebook at: www.facebook.com/enjoyqualitymeat

Quality Meat Scotland The Rural Centre, Ingliston, Newbridge, EH28 8NZ T:0131 472 4040 E: [email protected] www.qmscotland.co.uk


