Enteftanment and MedE Ltd N ovember 23,2017 The Secretary Department of Corporate Services BSE Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, 1s! Irloor, DalalStreet, Fort, Mumbai - 400001 Scrip Code: 540084 Subt Submission ofAnnual Report for the FY 2016-17 Dear Sir/Madam Pursuant to reglllation 34 of the SEBI Il,isting 0bligations and l]isclosLrre l{cquirerncntsJ Regulations, 2015, please find enclosed herewith the Annual llepoft oi M/s Spicy Eniertainment and Media Limited for the Financial Ycar 2016 17 lor your reco|ds rnd teference. 'Ihis is for your information and record Thanking you Yours faithfully For Spicy Entertainment and Media Limited Spiiy Enl|;ri., r ii:,ii !,.C ii:{di3 l-iii;ied SPICY EIITERTAI METT AilD I.IEDIA UI.IITED cllt u221l9wB20l2Pt(18831? 68, [.]( thatterjee load ([arba), Rarh B.hai ftnneclor 3fd floor, tolkata-?oo 042, Wr( B.ngal Ttl: +91 88105 00005,88204 00004 t.mail lD.: [email protected] Web!it.: Y {w.sPiqy.in Director DrN - 07083079

ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

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Page 1: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

Enteftanmentand MedE Ltd

N ovember 23,2017

The SecretaryDepartment of Corporate ServicesBSE LimitedPhiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, 1s! Irloor,DalalStreet, Fort,Mumbai - 400001

Scrip Code: 540084

Subt Submission ofAnnual Report for the FY 2016-17

Dear Sir/Madam

Pursuant to reglllation 34 of the SEBI Il,isting 0bligations and l]isclosLrre l{cquirerncntsJ

Regulations, 2015, please find enclosed herewith the Annual llepoft oi M/s Spicy

Eniertainment and Media Limited for the Financial Ycar 2016 17 lor your reco|ds rnd


'Ihis is for your information and record

Thanking you

Yours faithfully

For Spicy Entertainment and Media Limited

Spiiy Enl|;ri., r ii:,ii !,.C ii:{di3 l-iii;ied


68, [.]( thatterjee load ([arba), Rarh B.hai ftnneclor

3fd floor, tolkata-?oo 042, Wr( B.ngal

Ttl: +91 88105 00005,88204 00004

t.mail lD.: [email protected]

Web!it.: Y {w.sPiqy.in

DirectorDrN - 07083079

Page 2: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &




For the year ended 37sr Morch, 2o77

From:BANDYOPADHYAY & DUT|Chdftered Accountdnts30/7/7 Basudevpur Rosd, 7d Floor

Kolkota - 70$)67

Page 3: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

soARD Or nlnscrons

colrpeNv sEcnsreRv






olRgcroRs' ngpoRt


tN-' - --NlsPENoENTAUolroRS'REPoRT


casg rlow stntrl'te Nr

NOrgs ro rHg eccouurs


Mr. Anindya Bikas Datta

Mr. Abhishek Das

Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma

Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha

Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale

Ms. DipraniThakur--t

M/s. BandYoPadhYaY & Dutt

Chartered Accountants30/1/1, BasudevPur Road, 1'! !'loor

Kolkata-700061, West Bengal

bB, R.K. Chdlreriee RoJLI lKJsbal I{rsh It"narr

Connector,3rd Floor Kulkdtd - 700042 Wrsl

1.)Axis Bank2) HDFC Bank


West BengalPh -033 -22 48 22 48 1 22 43 5 0 29

Fa* 033'224847 84

Email :mdPldc@Yahoo com

tutTt tutit1".n*rfl Dat.rmatics Pvt Ltd

6 Mangoe Ldne 2nd Floor Kulk'rta -70000I

M"t d")t 18" S"pt"tber,2017 at 4 00 l'l\4

oB R.K. Chatterjee Rtr.rolKd'l)-ll{ r h lt|r"rr:

iinn".toi,,ra i',o., Kor(atr Tu0rr4l Wesr rr' rrt l

la -.. -.. --on

aav t t' septe.be r, 2 0 l 7 ro \y' o n o a v l tr r

Seplember, 20 1 7 l Both days 'nclusr\ el









Page 4: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &



i"tcv rNrs*'ottlMENT AND MEDIA LlMlrED

your Directors are pleased to present the Fifth (5thJ Annual Report together with the Audited Accounts

-of your Company for the Financial y"" "nO"a

March 31' 2077 The Financial performance oI yolrr

Company during the Financial Year e'n'Jea uarch :f' 2017' as compared to the previoLrs financiill yeaf

are summarised below: (Rs. in Lakhs)

Total ExPenditureirofit Before Ta\ation

Su '-tptu..3q414qqqq1qqqP91

Frofit for the PeriodBrought forward from

Year ended March3L,2017

1593.06 --1C6q q6

, 27 .10

| 72.22I 14.88


Ear ended March31,2016

_ ?.4t8!.214.4\t-i rrl -

| "" L'I 10.58

L 1.854.9126.B341.7 A


The Company's Total lncome duringtheyeatis Rs 1593 06 Lakhs"as compared to Rs 24684 l'al<hsrn

the previous year. Tt "

co'npun/' ptoii't'O"iot" t""tt Rs 27 10 Lakhs during the year' as compared to

Rs. 32.43 Lakhs in th" p."u,ou, y""r.-rt Jio.p"nv ""*"a a net profit of Rs. 14.88 Lakhs, as against a

net profit of Rs. 21.85 Lakhs in the prevrous year'


ln order to maintain a healthy capital adequacy ratio to slppor:^l:lg, term urowth of (lompany'

0i.".,*. n"s "0,

."tommended any Dividend for the Financi alYeat 2016-17


The Company has not transferred any amount out of the

;;;."t review. The entire profit earned during the

under Profit & Loss Accounl

profit earned to rcscrve account dLrrlng thc

year undef review is belng carried ibr$'ard


oiiuE nn,lr.lcr,lr YEAR AND DATE oF REPoRT

There have been no material changes and commitments, affecting the financial position ofthe company

which have occurred between the "lr;;;;" financial year of the Companv to which the financial year

relate and the date ofthis report'


There were no significant matenar .rders passed by the Regulators or corrrts or'l'rjbunals inlpactlng

ii" *"t"* ."**t*tatus of the Company and its operatjons in future



Page 5: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &


The Company came out with the Initial Public Offer [lssueJ to meet the business needs of the Company

The Issue ofthe Company was closeo on September 7, 2016 which received an overwhelming response

liom retail as well as non-Ietail investors. The lssue was duiy subscribed and the allotment was

finalized in consultation with the Bombay stock Exchange Limited, The company allotted fully paid up

48,20,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- per share The Equity Shares of the Company were listed and

admined to deaLings on the Small and Medium Enterprise Platform of Bombay Stock Ilxchange l'imited

with effect ftom September 15, 2016.


subsequentto the aforesaid the Authorised shale capital ofyour company stands at Rs 17'00'00'000/-

divided into 1,70,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs 10/- each At present the Issued' Subscribed and Paid tJp

Share Capital ofyourCompanyis Rs 1-6,57,72,500/- divided into 7'65'I\'250 Equity Shares of Rs 10/-

each, fully paid-up.


The proceeds from the Issue of the company

purpose for which they were raised and there

have been utilized / are in process of utilization for the

is no deviation in the utilization of proceeds

nature, size and comPlcxity ol its

proper accounting recoro and


The Company's Internal Control Systems are commensurate with the

business and ensure proper safeguarding of assets, maintaining

providing reliable financial information

The Directors have laid down internal financial controls to be followed by the Company and sucn

policies and procedures have been adopted by the Company for ensuring the orderly and efflcient

conduct of its business, including adherence to Company's policies' the safeguarding of its assets' the

prevention and detection of frauds and errors, the accuracy and completeness of rhe accounhng record

and the timely preparation of reliable financial information

An external independent firm carries out the internal audit of the company operations and reports rts

findings to the Audit Committee on a reguiar basis lnternal Risk and Control function also evaluates

organisational risk along with controls iequired for mitigating those risks lnternal Audjt provides

assurance on functioning and quality of internal controls along with adequacy and effectivcness

through periodic rePorting.

The Company has a Code of Business Conduct for all employees and a clearly articulalccl and

internaliz;d delegation of financial authority. These authority levels are periodically reviewed by

management and modifications, if any, are submitted to the Audit Committee and Board for approval

The Company also takes prompr action on any violations of the Code of Business Conduct by its


The Audit Commlttee reviews the effectiveness of the internal control system dnd also invites scnior

management personnel to provide updates on operating effectjveness and controls from time to tlme n

clo/iro ceriificate signed by the Managing Director of the company 'onfirms the existence and

effectiveness of internal controts and reiterates their responsibilities to report deficiencies to the n udit



Page 6: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

;.-"-tt" ^-- t"*tt* also reviews the Risk management framework perrodically and

Du nq the year under review' the Internal Financial Control Audit was carried out by the Statutory

ilffi.,,jt,:,;;, of which is formins part of this Annual Report


Durinstheyearundel,""lll:llllLTJJil"['#nTil::,il:,l;H;:1,'ljnil::;;??:"""'""73 ofthe ComPanies Act,2013 read \

ensures it is updated and relevant'



M/s Bandyopadhyay & Dutt' Chartered Accountants' [Firm Registration No.325116E)' Statubfy

Auditors ofthe company, who "'t -i "iit"

t"tiitrt" tonau'ion of the Annual General Mceting of

;:';ffi ;i; -;;

::1t y :::1,.1:-';: lt**; $;,:,"'.-;:j:,:T ;";:: T:il"l: i:J'"' il:confirmed their eligibility to the ell

;:il'il ;;;;t ffieriue ect ana trrat trev are not disquaiified for re-appointmenL

The statutory Auditors of the company have not reported any ftaud_as.specified under the second

oroviso of Section 14: tfZl of tne comf'ani"' ett' ZOf: (including any statutory modificationlsl or re-

enactment(s) for the time being in Force)'

The Notes on financial statement referred to in the Auditors Report are sell explanatory and do not

call for any further cott"nt' rn" eitaiio" R"po't do"t not contain any qLralification reservation or

adverse remark.


ln terms of Section 204 of the Companies Act' 2013' t"jd *l* t::,t-:toanies (Appointment and

Remuneration ofManug"tiut p"ttonn'"ij Ruies' 2014 the comp^any had- appointed Ms Monaljsa Datta'

Practicing Company S"tt"tuty lc"tttfiiute of practice no f:SB0J' as the SecretarialAuditor'

The Secretarial Audit Report for the financial year ended March 31' 2017 is annexed herewith as

lAnnexure-A] to this report


The Company does not have any subsidiary/joint ventures/associate companies


;;;;,0"."."0u,,"."n,u"1I""l'l'l:,:l:'",'*"l'JJiii"I';liiiiXiliiilI';ll'lff :lfl :""fi:'ih:':ff",H'T:$y::{dj:::""'lii"; *TJ"l'illl J".iilT;ili"IlJ'i ;reeistered office of the companv was-sntlre(;:;::;;6;-;;J

lrasua; nastr Behari connector, 3"r

40"8, Koltr,u - 700001, west Bengal . , ". . c-^- r,r^-"r. 1( 7o17

;i"l.)ffi:l" ;ffi, *"'iu""t"r *nl "rrect

rrom March 15' 2017









Page 7: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &


TheextractofAn[ualReturnispreparedinFormMGT-9aspertheprovisionsofrheCompaniesAct,2013 and Rule 12 ofthe Companies (Management and Administrationl Rules' 2014 and thc sanle rs

annexed herewith as lAnnexure-B] to this Report



a) Particulars ofconservation of Energy' Technology Absorption

The Provisions of Section 134(mJ of the Act relating to conservation of energy anLl technology

absorption do not apply to this company as the Company has not carried out any manufactLlring


b) Foreign Exchange Earnings and Outgo

During the year under review there was no foreign exchange outgo nor was any foreign exchange



in compliance with the requirementsYour Company has a duly constituted Board of Directors which is in compllance wrtn rne I eq urr u"'c,Lr

^^L^r',r^. iLdrar^ ,'rt nrles framed there under and also in terms of theof the Companies Act, 2013, schedules thereto and rules framed

(Lrsl.ing ubllgarrons anu u (LU\u 'paotoi"*'"f the Securities and Exchange Board of lndia (Listing Obllgatlons ano u

"n1q "..i nr.wicions ofthe Articles ofAssociation ofthe CompanyRequirements) Regulations, 2015 and provisions ofthe Articles

a) Declaration by lndependent Directors

All the lndependent Directors have given a declaration that

laid down under Section 149t6) of the Companies Ac! 2013

as per Secu ties and Exchange Board of Indiallisting

Regulations, 2015 In the opinion ofthe Board' they fulfil the

the Act and the rules made there under'

b) FamiliarisationProgramme

they meet the criteria of Independence as

read with the rules made there under and

Obligations & Disrlusure Requlr'mt'nls)

conditions oflnclependence as specified in

The Independent Directors are familiarised with the Company' their roles' rlghts' responslbillfies in the

Company, nature of the industry in which the company operates' business model of the Company' etc

On appointment, the Independent Director is issued a Letter of Appointment setting out In detail' thc

terms of appointment, dutles, responsibilities and expected time commitments The Director is also

explained in detail the va ous compliances required from him/her as a Djrector under the varlous

provisions of the Compuni". Att, zorl, iecurities and Exchange Board of India IListing obligations and

Disclosure Requirements.) Regulatlons, 2015 The details of familiarisatjon programme are availabic on

the website oflhe Company viz www spicyy in'

c) Non-lndePendentDirector

In accordance with the provisions of Companies Act' 2013' Mr' Abhjshek Das IDlN:070ti3079)' I)ircctor

ofthe Company, is liable to retire by rotation and being eiiSible' offers himseli fol rc'appoiDlrllcnL 'L hc

Board recommends his appolntment with a view to avail his valuable adviccs and wisc counscl'




Page 8: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

A b ef profile of the above Director seeking appointment/re-appointment required as per Securjties

and Exchange Board of lndia [Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations' 2015 wi]l

be provided in the Notice ofAnnual General Meeting ofthe Company

'llone of the Directors of the Company are disqualified for being appointed as Directors' as specified in

section 164 {21 of the companies Act, 2013 and rule 14[1] of the companies lAppointment and

Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014

d) Changes in Directorship/Key Managerial Personnel during the year

During the year under review Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale (DlN: 07762409) was appointed as Additional

Director of the Company by the Board at their meeting held on M arch 15' 2017

Ms. Diprani Thakur was appolnteo as Whole Time Secretary and Compliance Officer of the Company by

the Board at their meeting held on June 01,2016

Ms. Debosmita Ghosh Dastidar (DlN: 070275471 resigned from the directorship ol the compJny wilh

effect from March 15, 2017.

Ms. Neha Barnwal, Whole Time Secretary and Compliance Officer of the Company resigned wjth effect

from May 31,2016.

Mr. Nitesh Agarwal, Chief Financial Officer [CFO) of the Company resigned with effect from November


The Board places on record their appreciation and gratitude for them for the as\LsLanLe anLi gLrrJanee

provided by them during their association with the Company


Pursuant to the provisions of Section 178 of the Companies Act' 2013 and the Securities and Exchange

Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure RequirementsJ Regulations 2015' evaluation of all

Board members is clone on an annual basis. The evaluation is done by the Board' Nomination and

Remuneration Committee and lndependent Dilectors with specific focus on the performance and

effective functioning ofthe Board and lndividual Directors such performance evaluation process lvas

formulated in consultation wjth the Nomination and Remuneration Commrttee and allproved by the

Board. The performance evaluation, thus, included the iollowing:



Criteria for evaluation ofBoard ofDirectors as a Whole

The frequencY of meetingsi

The length ofmeetings;

The number ofcommittees and their rolesi

The flow ofinformation to board members and between board members;

The quality and qua ntity oI informdtioni

The disclosure of information to the stakeholders'

Criteria for evaluation ofthe Individual Directors

Ability to contribute and monitor corporate governance practices;

Ability to contribute by introducing best practices to address top management issues;

Participation in long term strategic planning;

Page 9: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &


. Guiding strategy;

. Monitoring management performance and development;

. Statutory compliance & Corporate Governancej

. Attendance and contribution at Board/Committee meetings;

. Time spent by each of the member; and

. Core competencies.

The Directors expressed their satisfaction over the evaluation process and results thereol


a) Composition and category of Directors

The Board is broad-based and consrsts of eminent individuals from Industriai' Managerial' Financial

and Marketing background The Company is managed by the Board of Directors in co-ordindtion with

the Senior Management Team The composition and strength of the Board is revjewed fiom tlme to

time for ensuring that it remains aligned with statutory as weli as business requlrements

The Company has a judicious combination of Executive and Non-Executive Directors As on March 31'

2017, the Board comprised of Five {5) Directors out of which Two (21 are Executive Director' Three [3 ]

are Non-Executive Directors. The Chairman ofthe Board is Executive Director'

The details of each member of the Board along with the number of Directorsh'p/Commjttee

Membership are given below:

No. of tsoardCommittees in whichChairman/lUember,Chairman Member

Name Category of Director Directorship inother PublicLimitedCompanies

Mr. AnindYa Bikas Datt3 Managing Director

Mr. Abhishek Das Executive Director

Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan KumarSharma

Independent Djrector

Mr. Konthoujam SumeetSingha

lndependent Djrector

Ms. SheetalSuresh Kale Additional Director

Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale [DIN: 07762409) was appointed as Additiona] Director of the Company

with effect from March 15, 2017 by the Board of Directors'

tlr. n"Uor.it, Ghosh Dastidar (DlN: 07027547J resigned from the dircctorship of thc company

with effect ftom March 75,2017.3. Directorships exclude Private Limited Companies, Foreign Companies and Section B Companies'

a. if,uii.un.},ip/f'a"mbership of Committee only includes Audit Committee and Stakeholder

Relationship Committee in other Public Limited Company Members of the Board of the Company

do not have membership ot more than ten Board-level Committees or Chairman of more than five

such Committees.

None of the Directors are inter-se related with each other'


Page 10: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &


The Board meets at regular intervals to discuss and decide on business strategies/policies and review

the financial performance of the Company The notice and detailed agenda along with the relevant

notes and other material information are sent in advance separately to each Director and in exccptional

cases tabled at the Meeting with the approval of the Board This ensures timely and jnformed decisions

by the Board. The Board reviews the performance ofthe Company vis')-vis the budgets/targets'

The necessary quorum was present for all the meetings

lntheFinancialYeat20:16-20:r',theBoaldmetTen[10Jtimes'ThedetailsofBoardMeetjngsheldduring the year are listed below. The interyal between two Meetings was well within the maximum

p".ioi rn"niion"d under Section 173 of the Companies Act' 2013 and as per Regulation 17[2] of the

Securities and Exchange Board of lndia [Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations'


sl. No Date ofBoard Meeting T6trl strensth ofthe Board No. of directors Present5 5

1. Iune 0L,20165

42. luly 18,2016 5

3. Iulv 19, 2016 5

5 44. Ausust 16,2016

55. SeDtember 12,2016 q

5 56. November 14,2016

+7. November 15,2016 5

5 5B, lanuary 6, 2017

.J9. February 14,2017 9

410. March 15,2017

Attendance at aforesaid Board Meetings,

March 31, 2017 is given below:

at last Annual General Meeting of each of thc Directors as on

1. Ms. Debosmita Ghosh Dastidar (DlN:07027547) resigneci from the djrectorship ofthc company

with effect from March 15' 2077

2. Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale (DINr 07762409J was

with effect from March 75,2017 '


appointed as Additional Director of thc Company

Name of the Director Category of DirectorshiPAttendance at theBoard Meeting(4

Attendanceat last AGM

Held Attended10 Yes

Mr. Anindva Bikas Datta Mrnasinp Director10 ,Yiq

YesMr. Abhishek Das Executive Directorlndependent Director 10 10Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet

Singha5nr. Anil K,rmrr S:iian Kumal lndependent Directol 10

hdPncndent Director 10 9Ms. DebosmitaGhoshDastidar

10 NAMs. Sheetal Suresh Kale Additional Director(Non-


During the year under review, the lndependent Directors met on February 14' 2017' inter alra' to:



Page 11: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

Evaluate performance of Non-lndependent Directors and the Board of I)irectors as a wnole;

Evaluate performance of the Chairman of the Company' takjng into account the views of the

Executive and Non-Executive Directors;

Evaluation of the quality, content and timeliness of flow of information between the Management

and the Board that is necessary for the Board to effectively and reasonably pelform its dutres

All the lndependent Directors were present at this Meeting'


The Company has constituted/re-constituted various Board level committees in accordance with the

."qui."m"nts of CoInpanies Act, 2013 Details of all the above Committees along with the composrtron

and meetings held during the year under review are provided below



Audit committee of the Board of Directors ["the Audit Committee"J is entrusted with the responsjbility

to supervise the Company's internal controls and financial reporting process The composrtron'

quorum, powers, role and scope are ln accordance with Section 177 of the Companies Act' 2013 and the

i.ouirion, of Regulation 18 of Securities and Exchange Board of lndia llisting ob|gatrons and

Disclosure Requirements.) Regulatlons, 2015 All members of the Audit Committee are hnanclally

literate and bring in expertise in the fields of Finance' Taxation' Accounts' et' lt functions rn accoroancc

with its terms of reference that defines its authority, responsibility and reporting function

Meetings and Attendance

The Audit Committee met five times durjng the Financial Year 201-6-17 The maxtmum gap befween

two Meetings was not more than 120 dajs The Committee met on April 18' 2016' July 18' 2016'

November 14,2016,lar ary 06, 2017 and March 6' 2017 The requisite quorum was present at all the

meetings. The Chairman of the Audit Committee was present at the Annual Ceneral Meeting of the


The Table below provides the attenddnce ot the Audit Committee members'

Designation Meeting[s.)Held AttendcalName CategorY

Independent Director

il."..,1"rt Dircctor

Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan Kumar



--M -"mller 5 (Ms. Debosmita Chosh Dastidar

M'n:oino Director Member 5 5Mr. Anindya Bikas Datta Member I 5 N.A,Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Additional DirectortNon



1. Ms. Debosmita Chosh Dastidar [DlN: 07027547] resigned from

with effect ftom March 75,2017 '

the directorshiP of the ComPany

of the ComPanY2. Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale [DIN: 07762409J was appointed as Additional Director

with effect from March 75,2077

Page 12: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

The Audit Committee is empowered, pursuant to its terms of reference inter ana'

1. To investigate any activity within its terms ofreference

2. To seek information ftom any employee

3. To obtain outside legal or other professional advice

4. To secure attendance of outsiders with relevant expertise' ifit considers necessary'

5. Oversight of the Company's tinancial reporting process and.the disclosure of its information to

ensure that the Financial Statements are iorrect' sufficient and credible;

6. Recommending to the Board, the appointment' reappointment and' if required' the replacement or

removal ofthe statutory auditors, fixing ofaudit fees

7. Approval of payment to statutory auditors for any other services rendered by the statutory


B. Reviewing, with the management' the Annual Financial Statements before submission to the Board

for approval, with particular reference to:

Matters required to be included in the Directors' Responsibility Statement to be rncluded rn the

Uoura', *"io., "t

O"r Section 134(3)(cJ ofthe Companies Act' 2013;

Changes, ifany, in the accounting policies and practices and the reasons for the same

Major accounting entries lnvolvlng estimates based on the exercise of judgment by


i,r.,ti."n, ,Ol"rt-"nts made in the Financial Statements arising out of audjt findings;

Compliance with the Listing Regulations and other legal requircmcnts relating to I;inancral

Statements;. Disclosure ofany related party transactions; and

. Qualifications in the draft audit report' ifany

9. Reviewing, with the management' the financial statements before submission to the board for


l0.Reviewing,withthemanagement,thestatementofuses/applicationoffundsraisedthlougnanissue [public issue, rights rssue, preferential issue' etc ]' the statementof funds utilized for purposes

other than those statea in tne one"r docu.".Vprorp"attt/totice and the report submitted by the

monitoring agency monitoring tlt" "tili'"itrr'Jf ptoceeds of a public or rights issue' and making

"pp."p.i"i" i".".-endations to t}re Board to take up steps in this matter'

11. Reviewing, with the management' performance of statutory and internal auditors' and adcquacy

ofthe internal control systems

12. Reviewing the adequacy of internal audit function' if any' including the structure ol the Inturnal

'" ;;t;;;;il;";;, siatring, and seniority of the official heading the department' reporting structure

coverage and frequency ofinternal audit'


14. Reviewing the findings of any rnternal investigatio^: bI th" ]i:-Til auditors Intu mrtte'\ where

there is suspected fruua o' rrt"guittitf or a faiiure of iniernal control systems of a material nature

and reporting thematter to the board





Page 13: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &







23. Review the use/application of funds raised through an issue (publjc issues rrghr issues'

preferential it.ues Lic.) on a half yearly basis as a part of the half yearly declaration of financial

iesults. Further, review on annual basis statements prepared by the Company for funds utilized for

-t15. Discussion with statutory auditors before the audit commences, about the naturc and scopc ol

auditas well as post-audit discussion to ascertaln any area ol concern'

16. To look into the reasons for substantial defaults in the payment to the depositors' debenture

holdem, shareholders [in case ofnon-payment ofdeclared dividends) and creditors

To reviewthe functjoning ofthe Whistle Blower mechanism, in case if the same is existing'

Approval of appointment of CF0 (i e, the whole-time Finance Director or any other person neaorng

the fitrance function or discharging that functionl after assessing the qualifications, expe ence &

background, etc. ofthe candidate

Carrying out any other function as mentioned in the terms ofreference ofthe Audit Committee

Mandatorily reviews the following information:

Management discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations;

Statement of significant related parry transactions (as defined by thc audit committcc)' subm itted

bymanagement;. Management letters / letters of internal control weaknesses issued by the statutory auditors;

. Internal dudit reports relating to internal control weaknesses; and

. The apDointmen! removal and terms of remuneration oi the Chief internal auditor shall be

subject toreview by the Audit Committee.

Review the Financial Statements of its Subsidiary Company, ifany'

Review the composition of the Board of Directors of its Subs'diary Company, if any

purposes other than those stated in the offer document

24. In addition, to cally out such other functions/powers as may be delegated by the lloard to lhe

Committee from time to time



The role of the Nomination and Remuneration committee is governed by its chartel and its

composition is in compliance with the provisions of Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013 and

Regulation 19 of Securities and Exchange Board of India IListing obligations and Di5c]osure

Requirementsl Regulations, 2015

Meeting and Attendance

The Committee met three times during the financial year 2076-17 on May 31, 2016' and l\4arch 06'

2077. The requisite quorum was present at the Meeting The Chairman t)f rhe NomlnJti')n JnLj

Remuneration Committee was present at the last Annual General Meeting of the Company lhe table

below provides the attendance ofthe Nomination & Remuneration Committee



Page 14: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &


Chairmanndent DirectorMs. Debosmita Ghosh Dastidqllndependent Director N4emberMr. Anil Kumar Sajjan Kumar

lndependent DirectorMr. Konthouiam Sumeet SiAdditional DirectorINon-Ms. SheetalSuresh Kale

MeeH eld

M embcrChairman

1. Ms. Debosmita Ghosh Dastidar IDIN: 07027547) resigned from the directorship of the Company

with effect from March 75,20L7

2. Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale (DIN: 07762409) was appointed as Additional

with effect from March 15,2017.

3. Due to resignation of Ms. Debosmita Chosh Dastidar IDIN: 07027547]

their meeting held on March 15, 2017 reconstituted the Nomination and

and the Board appointed Ms sheetal Suresh Kale (DIN: 07762409J


Committee is empowered with the following terms ol reference and

the provisions oflaw and the Nominatjon and Remuneration Policy:

> The committee lecommends to the board the compensation terms ofthe executive directors'

> The committee to carry out evolution of every director's performance and recommtnd to lhc board

his/her appointment and removal based on the performance'

> The committee to identii/ persons who may be appointed in senior management ln d'cordJnce

The Nomination and Remuneration

responsibilities in accordance with

compensatlon payrnent

> Considering approving and recommending to

salary ofthe executive directors

The success of the organjzation in achievjng good

on its ability to attract and retain individual with

non-executive directors. The Nomination and

herewith as lAnnexure- C] to this Report.

> Ensuring the remuneration policy is good enough to attract, retain

> Bringing about objectivity in deeming the remuneration package

the interest ofthe Company and the shareho)ders'

Remuneration Policy

Director of the ComPanY

the Board of Directors in

Remuneration Committee

as the Chairman oi the

the Board the changes in designatjon and rncrease rn

and motivate directors

while striking a balance between

performance and good governing practjces depends

requisite knowledge and excellencc as executive and

Remuneration Policy of the Company is annexed

with the c te a laid down

> Framing and implementing on behalf of the Board and on behalf of the shareholders' a credible and

transparent policy on remuneration of executive directors including ESOP' Pension Rights and any

Page 15: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

Details ofRemuneration to all Directors

The details of remuneration paid to the Directors for the year ended March 31, 2017 are as under:

Name Designation Salary Perquisites SittingFees


Mr. Anindya Bikas Datta ManagingDirector

1,80,0 00 1,U0,0 0 c

Mr. Abhishek Das ExecutiveDirector

6 5,00 0 65,0 00

Ms. Debosmita Ghosh Dastidar IndependentDirector

Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan KumarSharma


Mr. Konthoujam SumeetSinsha


Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale AdditionalDirector [Non-Executivel


1. Ms. Debosmita Ghosh Dastidar (DIN 07027547) resigned from the directorship ofthe Companywith effe ct from M ar ch 15 , 2017 .

2. Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale (DIN:07762409) was appointed as Additional Director of thc Companywith e ffe ct from M ar ch 15, 2017 .

Disclosure pursuant to Part-ll, Section-ll, 3rd Provision, Point No-lV of Schedule-V under Section196 and 197 ofall the Directors

> All elements of remuneration package such as salary, benefits, bonuses, stock options, pensjon etcofall the Directors- As stated above

> Details offixed component and performance linked incentives along with performance criteria- Nil> Service Contracts, notice period, severance fees- Not Applicable> Stock options details, if any and whether the same has been issued at a discount as well as the

period over which accrued and over which exercisable- Not Applicable

Performance Evaluation of Board, its Committees and Directors

Pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and Securities and Exchange Board ol lndia

IListing 0bligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the tsoard ol Difectors has

carried out an annual evaluation of its own performance and that of its Committees and lndividualDirectors.The performance ofthe Board and Individual Directors was evaluated by the Board seeking inputs fromall the Directors. The performance of the Committees was evaluated by the Board seeking inputs fromthe Committee members. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee reviewed the perfbrmance ofthe Individual Directors.A separate meeting of Independent Directors was also held to review the performance of thc Board,

Non-lndependent Directors and Chairman of the Company taking into account the views of ExecutiveDireclors and Non-Executive Directors.

Page 16: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

The crite a for performance evaluation of the Board include aspects like Board composition and

structure, effectiveness of Board processes, information and functioning, etc. 'l'he criteria forpedormance evaluation of committees of the Board include aspects like composition of committees,

effectiveness of committee meetings, etc. The criteria for performance evaluation of the IndividualDirectors include aspects like contrjbutjon to the Board and Committee Meetings, professional conduct,

roles and functions, etc. In addition, the performance of Chairman is also evaluated on the key aspects

ofhis roles and responsibilities.



The composition of the Stakeholder Relationship Committee is in compljance with the provjsions ofSection 178 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Regulation 20 of Securities and Exchan8e Board ol lndia(Listing obligations and Disclosure RequirementsJ Regulations, 2015.

Meeting & Attendance

The Committee met three {3J times during the financial year 2016-2017 on 0ctober 21, 2016, October,

2Bd, 2016, and January 17,2077. The constitution ofthe Stakeholders Relationship Committee oftheBoard of Directors of your Company along with the details of the meetings held and attended by thcmembers ofthe Committee during the financial year 2016-17 is detailed below:

Name Category Designation MeetineIs)Held Attended

Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan KumarSharma

Independent Djrector Chairman -l J

Ms. Debosmita Ghosh Dastidar lndependent Director Member 3 3

Mr. Konthoujam SumeetSinsha

Independent Director Mem ber 33

Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Additional DirectorINon-Executive)

Member J

1. Ms. Debosmita Ghosh Dastidar (DIN:07027547) resigned from the directorship of the Company

with effect from M ar ch 15, 2017 .

2. Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale {DIN 07762409) was appointed as Additional Director of the Company

with effect from March 15,2077.

The Board has clearly defined the terms ofreference for this committee- The Committee looks into thematters of Shareholders/lnvestors grievances along with other matters or any other duties that maybe delegated to the Committee by the Board ofDirectors ftom time to time.

The Secretarial Department of the Company and the Registrar and Share Transfer Agenl, N4/s

Maheshwari Datamatics Private Limited attend to all grievances of the shareholders rcccived drrectlyor via any other authority. The Minutes of the Stakeholders Relationship Committee Meclings arecirculated to the Board and noted by the Board of Directors at the Board Meetings.

Continuous efforts are made to ensure that grievances are more expeditiously redressed to thecomplete satisfaction ofthe lnvestors. Shareholders are requested to furnish their updated telephonenumbers and e-mail addresses to facjlitate prompt action.

Details pertaining to the number of complaints received and responded and the status thereof duringthe financialyear 2016-2017 are given below:


Page 17: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

No. of Complaints pending at the end ofthe year

No. ofCom aints received dur the

No. of Com laints resolved duri the


The Board has adopted a Whistle Blower Policy to maintain highest standards of professionalism'

honesty, integrity, ethical behaviour and to provide a vigil mechanism for Directors/Employees to voice

concerninaresponsibleandeffectivemannerregardingunethicalmattersinvo]Vjngseriousmalpractice, abuse or wrongdoing within the organisation. The Company affirms that during the year

no personnel have been denied access to the Audit Committee.

The Whistle Blower Policy is available on the website of the Company viz w\ 'av spic)''v in


The Company as an organization is committed to provide a healthy environment ro all employces and

thus does not tolerate any discrimination and/or harassment in any form l he r'(rmpJrly h'rs rn plate I

Prevention of Sexual Harassment Policy in line with the requirements of the Se\ual H-'rlssnrunt of

Women at work place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013'

No complaints were received during the financiai year 2016-2017'


The Company has not given any Loans, Guarantees or Investments or provjded security in terms ot

Section 186 ofthe Companies Act, 2013 during the year under review'


A Related Party Policy has been devised by the Board of Directors for determining thc materiality of

transactions with related parties and dealings with them. The said Poiicy may bt reter'cd lo dt the

websile ofthe Company viz www sprcYv n.

There are no contracts or arrangements entered into by the Company durjng the year under revlew

with Related Parties referred to in Section 188[1J ofthe Companies Act,2013 There are no materlally

significant related party transactions made by the Company with pfomote15, direcLors' kcy mJndBerial

personnel or other designated person which may have a potential conflict wilh the interest of the

Company at Iarge.

Necessary disclosures required under the Accounting Standards (AS'18) have been made in the Notes

to Financial Statements.


A statement containing the details of the Remuneration of |Jirectors, Key Managerial I,ersonncl (KMl'J

and Empioyees as required under Section 197(12) of the Companies Act, 2013 rcad with Rule 5 of the

Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 is annexed

herewith as [Annexure-D]to this Report

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The Company have no employee drawing a remuneration of Rs 60,00,000/- {Rupees Sixty Lakhs) per

annum or part thereof in terms of the provisions of Section 197(12) of the Companies Act' 2013 read

with Rules 5(2) and 5[3] of the Companies [Appointment and Remuneration of Manageria] Personnel)



The Company being listed on the Small and Medium Enterprise platform is exempted from p'ovisions

of corporate governance as per Regulationls of Securities and Exchange Board of lndia (Ljsting

Obligations and Disclosure Requirements] Regulations, 2015 Hence no corporate governance report is

disclosed in this Annual Report. It is peltinent to mention that the Company follows majority oi the

provisions of the corporate governance volunlarily'


The Management Discussion and Analysis Report on the operations of the Co m pa ny as req u ired u n d e r

Securities and Exchange Board of lndia {Listing ObliSations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations'

2015 is annexed herewith as [Annexure-El to this Report'


The Company has identified various rjsks faced by the Company from drfferenf dreas ApprupriJte

structuresarepresentsothatrisksareinherentlymonitoredandcontrolledinteraliathroughst|ictqualrty assurance measures.

The Company has adequate internal control system and procedures to combat risks Tht rrsk

management procedure is reviewed by the Audit Committee and Board of Directors on regular basis as

and when required.


Pursuant to Section 134(5) of the Companies Act, 2013 [including any statutory modificationIs) or

enactment(s) for the time being in forceJ, the Directors of your Company confirm that:

> in the preparation of the Annual Accounts for the financial year ended March :11' 2017'

applicable Accounting Standards and schedule Ill of the companies Act' 2013 [inc]uding

statutory modification(s) or re-enactment[s] for the time being in forceJ' have been followed

there are no material departures from the same;


> the Directors have selected such account'ng policies and applied them consistently ancl made

judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent, so as to give a true and fair view ot tlte

state of affairs of the Company as at March 31, 2017 and of the profit & loss of the Company for the

FinancialYear March 31, 2017;

> the Directors have taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequale JccoLrnting

records in accordance with the pfovisions of the companies Act, 2013 (including any statutory

modification[s] or re-enactment[s) for the time being in force) for saleguardrng the asqels of thc

Company and for preventjng and detecting fraud and other irregularities;




> the annual accounts have been prepared on a'going concern'basis;


Page 19: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

> propef internal iinancial contlols laid down by the Directors were followed by your company and

ihai such internal financial controls are adequate and operating effectively; and

> proper systems to ensure compllance with the provisions of all applicable laws were in place and

that such systems were adequate and operating effectively


The Directors wish to convey thelr gratitude and place on record their appreciatjon for all the

emolovees at all levels fol their hald wolk, solidarity, co-operation and dedicatron during lhc yeJr'

The Directors sincerely convey tnelr appreciation to customers' shareholders' vendors' banKers'

business associates, regulatory and government authoritjes for their continued support

For and on behalfof the Board

Spiry Entertainment and fi'ledia Limited Spicy Entertainment and Media Limtl

[,'J1.l_'u uf-'fiil;;; Bi#3 fr;iifo

Managing DirectorDIN - 07274171

Abhishek DasDirector

DrN - 07083079

Place: KolkataDate: May 30,2017

Page 20: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

0$MONALISA DATTA, e. com. rHons.). r.c.s.P/,.iising Conpany secrclary

StrEe Krshna Ct nbers78, Benqnck Straet, Block Btst Floot, Room No. 1AKol!<ata-7oo O01


@ 90623535€5 1 9748,{61285033 22360679

email : pcsmonalisal4@gmail com

[Pursuant to section 204(1) ofCompanies (Appointment and20r4l

the Companies Ac! 2013 and Rule No' 9 of the

nem.,neiation of Managerial Personnel) Rules'

To,The Members,\4/s Spicy Entertainment and Media Limired

68, R.K. Chatterjee Road IKasbaj '

Rash Behari Connector, 3rd Floor

Kolkata 700042, West Bengal

I have conducted the Secretarlal Audit of the compliance of applicable statutory

provisions and the adherence to good corporate practices by M/s Spicy Entertainment

and Media Limited, CIN U2221IWB2O1'2P1C188312 ["the Company"J Secretarial Audit

was conducted in a manner that provided me a reasonable basis for evaluating the

corporate conducts/statutory compliances and expressing my opinio11 thereon

Based on my verification of the Company's books' papers' minute books' forms and

returns filed and other recoros malntained by the Company and also the information

prouidea by the Company, its officers, agents and authorised representatives during the

conductofsecretarialaudit,ltrerebyrepoftthatinmyopinion,thecompanyhas,during the audit period toueting th" financial year ended on March 31' 2017'

substantially complied with the statutory provisions listed hereunder and also that the

Company has proper Board-processes and compliance mechanism in place to the

exten! in the manner and subject to the reporting made hereinatter:

I have examined the books, papers, minute books' forms and returns filed and other

records maintained by the Company for the financial year ended on March 31' 2017'

according to the Provisions of:

i. The Companies Act,2013 [the ActJ and the ru]es made thereunder;


iii. The Depositories Act, 1996 and the ReBulations and Byelaws fiamed


iv. Foreign Exchange Management Act' 1999 and the rules and regulations made



during the audit Period;

Page 21: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

v. The following Regulations and Guidelines prescribed under the Securities and

Exchange Board of India Act, L992 {'SEBI Act'):-

a. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and

Takeoversl Regulations, 2011;

b. The Securities and Exchange Board of lndia (Prohibition of Insider Tradingl

Regulations, 1992 and Securities and Exchange Board of lndia (Prohibition of

lnsider Trdd.nB) Regulations, 20 15;

c. The Securities and Exchange Board of India {lssue of Capital and Disclosure

Requirements) Regulations, 2009;

d. The Securjties and Exchange Board of lndia (Employee Stock option Scheme and

Employee Stock Purchase Schemel Guidelines, 1999 and the Securities and

Exchange Board of India [Share Based Employee Benefits] Regulations, 2014' not

opplicable to the company during the audit period;

e. The Securities and Exchange Board of lndia [lssue and Listing of Debt Securities)

Regulations, 2008- n ot appticqble to the compony during the audit period:

i The Securities and Exchange Board of lndja (Registrars to an Issue and Share

Transfer AgentsJ Regulations, 1993 regarding the Companies Act and dealing with

client;g. The Securitjes and Exchange Board of India (Delisting of Equity SharesJ Regulations,

2009- not applicabte to the company during the qudit period; and

h. The Securities and Exchange Board of India lBuyback of SecuritiesJ Regulations,

7998- not opplicable to the company during the audit period;

I further report that, having regard to the compliance system prevailing in the

Company and on examination of the relevant documents and lecords in pursuance

thereof, on test-check basis, the Company has substantially complied with the general

laws applicable to the Company Based on the information, explanations and

management representation, the Company has substantially complied with the Tax laws

applicable to the Company.

I have aiso examined compliance with the applicable clauses ofthe following:

i. Secretarial Standard on Meetings of the Board of Directors (SS-1) and General

Meetings [5S-2) issued by The lnstitute of Company Secretaries of India (lCSl)'

ii. Securities and Exchange Board of India IListing Ob]igations and Disclosure

Requirementsl Regulations, 2015.

During the period under review, the Company has substantially complied with the

provisions ofthe Act, Rules, Regulations, Guidelines, Standards, etc mentioned above

I fufiher report that

1. The Board of Directors of the Company is duly consrituted with proper balance of

Executive Director, Non-executive Directors, Woman Director and lndependent

Directors. The changes in the composition of the Board of Directors that took place

Page 22: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

during the period under review were carried out in compliance with the provisions

of the Act.

2. Adequate notice is given to all Directors to scheduie the Board Meetings' agenda an0

detailed notes on agenda were sent at least seven days in advance and a system

exists for seeking and obtaining further information and clarifications on the agenda

itemsbeforethemeetingandformeaningfulparticipationatthemeeting'Majoritydecision is carried through and are captured and recorded in the minutes'

3. There are adequate systems and processes in the Company commensurate with the

size and operations of the Company to monitor and ensure compliance with

applicable laws, rules, regulations and guidelines

I further report that during the audit period:

1. The erstwhile Auditors M/s A K Meharia & Associates' Chartered Accountants'

Kolkata had resigned fuom Company wel December 30' 2016 and M/s

Bandyopadhyay & Dutt, Chartered Accountants, Kolkata were appointed as the

itutuioiy euaitort of the Company by the shareholde-rs in the Exta-ordilary

general meetinB held on February 02, 2017 fbr a term ot one year',

Z. ine equiq' Sha-res of the Company were listed and admrrted, to dealings on the

Small and Medium Enterprise Plarform of Bombay Stock Exchange Limited with

effect from SePtember 15,20163. The Company came out with the lnitial Public Offer (lssuel to meet the business

needs of the Company The lssue of the Company was closed on September 7'

2016 which received an overwhelming response from retail as well as non-retail

inve.to.s fne Company allotted fully paid up 48'20'000 Equity Shares of Rs'

10/- per share+. ifr'e iegistered Office of the Company was changed within th-e local limits of city'

and the same Roc and state to 68, RK' Chatterjee Road [Kasba)' Rash

BehariConnector,3rdFloor,Kolkata'700042,WestBengalfrom4'FairliePlace'HMP House 4th Fioor, Room No-408, Kolkata - 700001' West Bengal' with the

aoproval of Board dated March 15, 2017'

tr!-.-^-ur-0^ ^Motralisa Datta

Practising ComPanY SecretarYMembership No: 30368

CP No: 13580

Place: KolkataDate: 30th MaY, 2017

This report is to be read with my letter of even date which

forms integralpqrt of this reportis qnnexed as Annexure A and

Page 23: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

Annexure A'

To,The Members,M/s Spicy Entertainment and Media Limited68, R.K. Chatterjee Road [Kasba],Rash Behari Connector, 3rd FloorKolkata 700042, West Bengal

My report ofeven date is to be read alongwith this letter:

1. Maintenance ofsecretarial record is the responsibility ofthe managementofthecompany. My responsibility is to express an opinion on these secretarial records

based on my audit.

2. I have followed the audit practices and processes as were appropriate toobtain reasonable assurance about the correctness of the contents of the

Secretarial records. The verification was done on test basis to ensure thatcorrect facts are reflected in secretarial records. I believe that the processes and

practices, I followed provide a reasonable basis for my opinion.

3. Ihave not vedfied the correctness and appropriateness of financial records and

Books ofAccounts ofthe company.

4. Where ever required, I have obtained the Management representation aboutthe compliance oflaws, rules and regulations and happening ofevents etc

5. The compliance of the provisions of Corporate and other applicable laws, rules,

regulations, standards is the responsibility of management My examination was

limited to the verification of procedures on test basis.

6. The Secretarial Audit report is nejther an assurance as to the future viability ofthe company nor ofthe efficacy or effectiveness with which the management has

conducted the affairs of the company.

)4^--t"'f*Monalisa Datta

Practising Company SecretaryMembership No:30368

CP No: 13580

Place: KolkataDate: 30th May, 2017

Page 24: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &


as on the financialyear ended 31.03.2017[Pursuantto section 92(3) ofthe Companies Act,201:.i and rute 12 [1J ofrhe Companies It\4anagement and

Administration) Rules, 20141


iiJ Registration Date l5tr Nov€nber,2012

iiil Name ofthe Company Spicy Entcrtainment and Mcdia Limifed

ivl Category / Sub-Category oithe Company Listed LompanyI Company Ljnitcd bv Sheres

vl Addres5 of rh" Regi.(ered ulrL e r rd , ont.rcrdetails

68 R.K Chatterjee Road [](aslra], RashBetrari Connecmf,3,i Floor, Kolka!a -700042,lvest BengalMobile No. - 8820400004

vrl Whether listed companv [Yes / NoJvii.) Namc, Address and Contact.letails of Rcgistrar

and Transfel Agcnt, iianyMah.shwrfi Dii.lmatir s Pri\,.rfe Linrired

5 Mangoe Lanc, ?rl(r Flo{)r, Kolketr700 0 01

Ph. N0. ' 0:13-22482248




Name and Descriptionofmain products / services

NIC Code of lheProduct/ service

% to total turnover of the

1 Stage Production andrelatedActivities

9 0001 99.98


s1. Name andAddress oftheCompany

CIN/ GLN Holding/Subsidiary

o/o of

h eld

ApJ)lica bleSe.ti.rl


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z FF


Page 28: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

iiil Chanse in Promoters' Shareholdins IDl€asc specifv, if ftere is no changelshareholdingatthc


[01/Apr/16]/end oftheyear 137 lMar / 171

cu rulative sharcboldifl gduring thc year

101 / Apr / 16 ro

31/Mar /17lSl No Name No. of Vo oftotal

sharcs oftheNo. ol o/o oftotal PAN




al/44/2016 ,r245000 36.3092

37 /03 /2017 42,r5000 25.i A9l 42,15000 251497


a|/44/2416 5 000 0.01,28

07l10/2016 - Transter 5 000 0.0303 50 00 0 0303

31/0s12017 0 0.0000 0 0 00 0i1

Page 29: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

iv) Sharelq!1ins PatElqof topten Shareholders

Otherthan Directors, Promoters and Holders ofCumulative Shareholding

during thc year

101/Apt/76 to31/Mar/t7|

Sharcholding at thebeginning

[01/Apr/161/€nd ortheyear 131/Mar/17t

Yo oftotalYo oftotal


No. of


a751r12 500012 500031/03/2077


0 731112500C31/O3 /2077


I 514107/04/2O16

1.5 14130/09/2016- transter1 57110.060631l12l2016 Tfansf-"r

210000 | 27190 302I31/03/2017 - Transfcr

AAllrio2B34r.OM SARVAV]DYA CONSULTANTS Ll,P'a|/44/2416

,163 50030/09/2016 - Translcr 46350047 3 50031/03/2017 Transfer

A,\tHl9775r"rAIPRAKASH GOYAL "a7/44/2016

:t r 000030/09/2016 Transter 310 00018775 :11000031/O3 /2077 310000


I1177:ir8775 31000030/09/2016 Transter 310000I tJ77 i3100003100 00 1877537/A3 /2477

A]\HCP ] 96OAPINK LADY MERCHANDISE PRIVATI LIMITEI]4245000 36 3 0.1201/o4/2016

.1245000 25 709;25 749731/43 /2417 ,t245000


a 737112 500012 50003r/D3l2Ar7


o1/04/2016r 21t320 00001 2 11330/09/2016 Transter1211112r)331/0312417

PIVI2{J45 LMOHANDAS MOH]NAN] #1069212500001/o4/2016

0 7571L 2:00 0a 75713\/!J3/2417

AA KP (;.12 4 I IlStI]V KUMAR GOEL *

0 000001/o1120161.45:tO2400001.45 illr30/09/2016- franslcr1.4536240 0001.453631/43/2417 240000

,\AKfG8ar7ANJANA GOYAL'01/0412076

No.0f PAN

10694.7 51

146912500 a.751

0 0002 5000c 25 000N

100 0 260000- 5000

0.0002.807 2 UO7

10001 0 060 2.?,67

0 000i1877 \87;

0 000

1069a.7 51

0 000

2 00002000 0 20000

12 500



0 000

Page 30: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

jllshareholqing P1ft ern of top ten Sharehold€rs

fother than Directors, Promot€rs and Holders ofGDRs and ADRs):Shareholding at th e


[01/Apr/161/end oftheyeat 131/Mar/171

cumulative shareholdingduring thc year


Sl No No. of 7o oftotal No. of %o oftotal PAN

3r/03/2417 2 +00 00 1 1536 244 0| 0 r 4::lrr


01/04/2016 150 00 0 12830

3t/o3 /2017 150000 0.9085 15 0000 0 (r085

L4 r\vantika Advisofy Serviccs LLP AASFA3815f

a1/a4/2016 2500 0.0214

30/06/2016 Transfer 191000 1 6337 19 3 500

30/09/2016 - Transfef - 191000 1l:68 2500 0 0151

31/03/2017 Transfer 20000 0.12I I 22500 0136:J


a1/44/2016 12 i000 r 0 692

3't/03/2077 125000 0 7571 12 5 000 0 7571


0r/M/24r6 25 00 00 2.1384

37/43/2017 25 0000 1.5111 2 50000 1:14l


07/04/2016 12 5 000 1.0692

31/03 /20\7 12 5000 a.7 571 12:000 a 7371

18 SHOBHA JAIN * ACCPj62:J.1li

a7/04/2016 0 0 0000

30/09/2016 Transter 200000 I 2113 200000 12it:l31/03/2017 2 00000 12113 200000 i 2113


al/44/2416 12 5000 10692

31/43/2017 12 5000 o757r t25000 0 7571

20 KAPILAGARWAL # ,\li1{Pr\ilUbll

0r /t4/2a16 250000 2. t 184

30/09/2016 Transler 2 5 0000 1 :r.11 U 0.0000

31/03 /2017 U 0 0000 0 0 000

27 VINAY BABU DR. # AIiPI10 076C

01104/2416 1500 00 1.28:10

31/43 /2417 15 0000 0 9085 150000 0 90B 5

22 SUNNY JAIN ' r\NIiPl2880l.

011o412016 0 0000

30/09/2016 - Transier 2 00000 1 2113 200000 I21t331/03 /2rr7 2 00000 7.211:l 200000 I 2113

Not in the list ofTop 10 shale oldersason01/04/2016'lhesanlchasbeenfcflcrkdabovcsrncothc shareholderwas one of lhe Top 10 shareholdcfs as on 31/03/20 L7

Cea\cd tu be in the list oiTop 10 shrrcholdcrs .rs on 31/0:l/2017. 'fle sanrc rs rcllccLed abov!

sincelhcshareholder wrsoneof lheToP l0shareholde'rason01/04/2()16


Page 31: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

v) Shareho!!!4gofDirectors and K€y Managerial Personnel

Shareholding at thebcginning

[01/Apr/16]/end oftheyeat 131/Mar/171

Cumulativesharcholding during the

yeat lol/Apt/76 to3rlMar/ 171


1 Anird!'a Bikas Datta AJNlJD7l75ll0t/04/2076 5000 u.042u31/43/2077 5000 11.0428 5000 0.Lr4ztJ

Page 32: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

V INDEBTEDN 8SSIndebtedness ofthe Com accruedbLrtnotdu€f0r


lndebtedness at the beginning of lhefinancial year [01.04.2016]i) Principal Amountiil Interest due but not Paidiiil Interest accrued but not dueTotal Ii+ii+iiiChangeinlndeb!ednessduringrhefinancialyear 2015'16

. Addition

. Reduction

lndebtedness at lhe end of the iinancialyear [31.03.2017Ji) Principal Amounli) Intefestduebulnotpaldiii) lnterestaccrued bulnotdueTotalfi+ii +ii

Page 33: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

tion to Manaqing Direc!ql:!

Name of MD/WTD/Manager

-Tnindya Bikas ] oon,.n"u on:;Datta I

l otal



Particulars of Remuneration

cross salary

::Hin?'X'$l,ji";?ii:' i 180ooo

the Income-tax Act,

1.e61 i

[bJ Value ol Perquisites u/\l7r2 ) lncomc-ux A'r I'161

(c),ProFir' in I'eL, of 'alarV Iunoer

6s,000 2,'15,000

2. Siock 0ption

Sweat EquitYJ.

Commissionas 7o ofProfitothers, sPecllV .

0thers, please sPeciiY

1,80,000 6S,000 2,.15,0U0Total (A) Ceiling as Per the Act




Remuneration to otberdirectors:Name oillirfcturs

Particulars of Remunerati0n

1. lndependent Directors. Feeiorattendingboard/commjttee meetings. Commlsslon

Toral [1]

-ther Non_Executive Directors

. Feeforattendingboard/committee meetings. Commission. 0theas, Dleases


Page 34: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

Total IB)=[1+2)

Tolal Managerial Renuneration

Overall Ceiling as Per the Act

I otherThan MD / [lanaser / WTD:

Key Managerial Personnelsl.No.

Particulars of





'I0ta IcF0


Gross salary(a) SalaryasperProvisionscontained in section 17 [1)ofthelncome-taxAct, 1961

(b) Value ofPerquisit€s Lrls17[2) lncome'taxAcl, 1961(c) Profits in lieu ot s3laryundersection 17[3] Incomr-

1,7 3,,12 0 r,11,532 284,95)

Stock 0ption

3 Sweat EquitYCommission- as o/o oFprofit

5 0thers, please sPecltY1,11,5 3 2 2,A1,952

Total 1,13,124

- lI

Page 35: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

Section ofthe



Details ofPenalty /

Punishment/Compoundingfees imposed

Autho tyIRD / NCLT

/ couRrl








Forand on behalfofrhe Board ofDirecforsSpicy

Place : KolkataDate: May 30, 2017

Directoi /Aulhor;s9d Siqnatory

Anindya Bikas DattaManaging DirectorDINt 0727 4L7 7

:p ct Efleilarnrerll,nd i'iea : L rr ild--l

'I --*'' -\ hsD(\-I.--P\P."..

Comoar\ Se$.r:NDiprani ThakurCompany Secretary

terlainnent and lledia Limited

MmlJ^A^.Direclor / Authorised Signatory


l.i.l iiii:(edb-J- Spicy En

Page 36: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &



The Board of Direct ors of "Spicy Entertainment and Media Limited" ("the Company"l had constituted a

Nomination and Remuneration CoIrrtiii"" consisting of three [3) Directors' of which three Directors

are lndePendent Directors'

2. OBlEcrlvE

The Nomination and Remuneratron Committee and this Policy shall be in compliance with Section 178

of the Companies Act, 2013 read "lorlt

*ttn the applicable rules thereto The key objectives of the

Committee would be:

a) To guide the Board in relatlon to appointment and removal of Directors' Key Manage al Pcrsonr)el


ilt"t"""1$y,ilt:J::lt"nt" of ttt" members or the Board and provide necessarv report to the

Board for further evaluation ofthe Board

To recommend to the Board on n"r,inJ."tion puyude to the Directors, Key Manageriar personnel

and Senior Management

To provide to Key Managerial Personnel and Senior Management reward linked directly to tnelr

"O"li, O"rar--*, aedication and achievement relating to the Company's operations

To retain, motivate and promore talent and to ensure long term sustainability of tarented

managerial persons and creale competitive advantaBe'

0 ro devise a 0"":l::,::'i1::"" #Board and to regurarJv review the ptan

gl To develop a succession plan ror t


a] "Act" means the Companies Act' 2013 and Rules framed there under' as amendcd from time to



time."Board" means Board of Directors ofthe Company'

"Directors" mean Directors ofthe Company

"Key Managerial Personnel" means

i Cftl"f ei".otlu" officer or the Managing Director or the Manager;

ii. Whole-time director;

iii. Chief Financial officer;

iv. ComPany Secretary; and

v. Such other officer as may be prescribed

"senior Manageme,,t "t"u"' p"t'onn"l of the company who are members of jts core management

team excludingthe Board ofDirectors including Functional Heads

"lndependent Director":- ot o-"ti"j-""i"t section 149[6J of thc companies Act' 201-3

.lndependent Directol, shall .",,' . non.""".u.ive director, other than a managing directol oI a

whole-time director or a nominee director ofthe Company:

i. who, in the opinion of the Board, ls a person of integrity and possesses felevant expertisc and

expe ence;





Page 37: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

b) who is not related to promorers or directors in the company' its holding' subsidiary or

associate companyj

iii.whohasorhadnopecuniaryrelationshipwiththecompany,itsholding,sLlbsidlaryorassociJtccompany, or their p;omoters, or director;, during the two immediately preceding financial years

or during the cunent financial year;

iv.noneofwhosere]ativeshasolhadpecunialyre]ationshipoltransactionwiththecompany'itsholding subsidiary or associate company' or their promoters' or directors' amounting to two per

cent. or more ol its gross turnover or total income or fifty lakh rupees or such higher amount as

may be prescribed, whichever is lower, during the two immediately preceding financial years or

during the current financial Year; -

v. who, neither himself nor any of his relatives-

al holds orhas held the position ofa key managerial personnel or is or has been employee of the

company or its holding, subsidiary or associate company in any oF the three flnancial years

immediately preceding the financialyear in which he is proposed to-be appointed;

b) is or has been an employee or proprietor or a partner' in any of the three financial years

immediately preceding the linan;ial tear in which he is proposed to be appointed' of -

. a firm of auditors or company secretaries in practice or cost auditors of the company or its

holding, subsidiary or associate company; or

. any legal or a consulting firm that has or had any transaction with the company' its holding'

subsidiary or associate company amounting to ten per cent or more of the gross turnover

of such firm;

c) holds together with his relatives two per cent or more of the total voting power of the

company; or

d) is a Chief Executive or dlrector, by whatever name called' of any non'profit organisation that

receivestwenty-iivepercent.ormoleofitsfeceiptsfromthecompany'anyofitspromoters'directors or its holding, subsldiary or associate company or that holds two per cent or more

ofthe total voting power ofthe company; or

el who possesses such other qualifications as may be prescribed'

ii. a) who is or was not a promoter of the company or its holding' subsidiary or assoclate company;


a) Matters to be dealt with, perused and recommended to

Remuneration Committee

The Committee shall:

i. Formulate the criteria for determining qualifications' positive attributes and independcnce of a

the Board bY the Nomination and


ii. Identify Persons

Managerial and


ii i. Recommend to


who are qualified to become Directol and persons who may be appointed in Key

Senior Management positions in accordance with the criteria laid down in this

the Board, appointment and removal of Dircctor' KMP and Scnior i\'1rr'rgemcnt




Page 38: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &



Policy for appointment and removal ofDirector' KMP and Senior Management

Appointment criteria and qualifications

> The committee shall identity and ascertain the integrity, qualification, expertise and expellence

of the person for appolntmenl as Director' KMP or at Senior Management level and recommend

to the Board his / her aPPointment

> A person should possess adequate qualification' expertise and experlerce

she is considered for appointment The Committee has discretion

quufifi."rlon, expertise and experience possessed by a person is sufficient

concerned Position.> The Company shall not appoint or continue the employment of any person as Whole time

Director who has attained tne age ;f seventy years Provided that the term of the person h old ing

this position may be extended beyond the age of seventy years with the approvai of

shareholders by pasrtng "

tp"tt"t '"'ilution based on the explanatory statement annexed to tne


ii. Term / Tenure! Managing Director/Whole-time Director: The Company shall appoint

as its"Executive Chairman, Managing Director or Whole Time Director

five years at a time. No re-appointment shall be made earlier than one

shall hold office for

and will be eligible for

and disclosure of such

and Senior

followed for

term.> lndependent Director: An lndependent Director

consecutive years on the Board of the Company

passing of a special resolution by the Company

for the position he /to decide whether

/ satisfactory for the

or re-aPPoint anY Person

for a term not exceedlng

year before the expiry of

a tcrm uP to iive

re appointment on

appointment in the

Board's report '.^-- fh.n ru/^ .onsecutive terms, but such

No lndependent Director shall hold office for more than two consecu

inlup"na"nt oir".tor shall be eligible for appointment after expiry of three years of ceasing to

become an Independent Director' Provided that an Independent Director shall not' during the

said period of three years, be appointed in or be associated with the Company in any other

capacity, either directly or indirectly'

At the time of appointment of lndependent Director it should be ensured that number of Boards

on which such Independent Director serves is restricted to seven listed companies as an

Independent Director and three listed companies as an Independent Director in case such

person is serving as a Whole-tlme Director of a listed company or such other number as may be

prescribed under the Act and Listing Agreement' fuom time to time

lu. EvaluationTheCommitteeshallcarryoutevaluationofperformanceofeveryDirectol'KMPuunug"-"n.Pelsonnelatregulalinterval[yearly)'Thefollowingcriteriaaretobereviewing the director's performance:

a. Accomplishment of the organization's mission' objectives and strategjc results for which the

Executive Director is responsible'

b. Ensuring that the Board is well informed on issues affecting the continuing relevance of the

mission and the performance and reputation ofthe Companywlrn

DCrngffi;,.ffi;#;;;;;;;; ;""';"' business perrorman::' ::::i:"::::.::'1:::,i";:Hil;"""*^.t "i-u""ta

knowledge' ud"quucv of business strategv' Board

informed, evaluation process for executives and Director'



Page 39: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

d. Appropriateness of balance and mix of skills' size of Board' contribution of individual Board

members, adequacy of p"'to'-""t" f""dback. to Board members' adequacy of procedures

i"lit.*i* ""o"otate

pe'formance by a Board member'

e. Board,s effectiveness in use of time:;i'"it,". sou.a utro*"d sufficient opportunity to adequatety

assess management Performance'

i Working relationship between chairman i{ tn*t "l*i-:l:^officer' sesregation of duties

betweenBoardandmanagement,abilityofDirectolstoexlressviewstoeachotherandtomanagement in a constructive -"llt"t' *Ot"tU of Board disctlssions and management of

divergent views.

The evaluation will take annually as per the requirement "f.

l"-l,"::^ tt"t* Agreement' The

performance evaluation will typically address activities' events and accomplishments that took

place during the most recently completed fiscal year'

Removal;;;-;.;;"r"", for any disqualification mentioned in the Act or under

.t"r" ""Jl"tt"a"s there under' the committee may recommend' to

,".".j"J rn .tn-t, removal of a Director' KMP or senior Management

prouirion, "na.o-pliance

ofthe said Act' rules and regulatlons'

- ff:l:H;:, _rp and senior Manasement personnel sha retire as per the applicable provisions

of the Act and the pr"u""'n, Ooutu o?tn" fotpuny rft" no"a will i-ave the discretion to retain the

Director, KMP, Senior Management Personnel in the same position/ remuneration or otherwlse

even after attaining the rerrement age' for the benefit of the Company'

c) Policy relating to the Remuneration for the Director' KMP and senior Management

Personneli. General:

> The remuneration / compensation / commission etc.to-the Wfioie{ime Directot' KMP and

Senior Management '""onn"il i-'" a"t"'-i""d by the committee and recommcnded to the

Board for approval *" *tt""'"tt"" i totp"n'ution 7 to-mission etc' shail be subiect to the

prior/post approval of tn" 'n""'"ftofJ"'"

of'h" Co*puny and Central Government' wherever

any othcr applicable Act'

the Board with reasons

Personnei subject to lhe

, i"nTti""i""".",,"n and commission to be paid to the whole-time Director' KMP and senior

Management Personnel 'h"ll b" i; ;;;;le witn the percentage / slabs / conditjons laid

down in theArticles ofAssociation ofthe Company and as per the provisions oithe Act'

> lncrements to the existing remuneration/ compensation str"t::]-:^TY:" **tmended by the

Committee to the Board which slrould be within the slabs approved by tho Shareholders in the

a"r" oiWftof"ait" lirector' KMP and Senior Management Personnel

) Where any insurance is o*"n "'' tn"-iornpany

"on behalf of its whole'time l)rrcctor' chici

Executive officer, chief Financral H;;;;;'";o"ty secretary and anv other emplovees for

indemnifying them against any iiability' the premium paid on such rnsurance shlll ""i 0" t_Y":

as part of the remuneration puyutt" io any such personnel Prorr'ided that if such person ls

proved to be guilty, the ot"rn'tt';;;;; 'uln 'n'u'unt" shall be treated as part of the


ii. Remuneration to Director' KMP and Senior Management Personnel:


Page 40: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

" il:t 1l[",, KMP and senior r'ranae]enl -t":::T::i:"1: :,:,,13;if" ::;l ,ll"Ti:remuneration as may be approved bv the Board on the recommendatlc

breakup of the pay scale and *"ittlrt'it t"tt"ttii* l*r'alrrg' emPlover's contribution to P Ir'

p".,io",.n".", ,""ai*r "*p*'"'lltli*::***ni::ff*t'J;il::*tff""Tlithe Person authorized bY the Boa'

,i" rn"t"n"ll"* *o Central Government' wherever required'

> Minimum Remuneration: ^" ftc nrofits are inadequate, the Company' ii,'t. "tu'it"*t"l

year' the company has no profits ortt:ltou* uf:'

shall pay remunerat'"" '" n' u't"tt'"t'

"up and S"nlot Management Personnel in accordance

with the provisions ot Stl"aul" V"oiitt" ect and if it is not able to compiy with such provrsrons'

*i,n in" ot"ulout uoproval ofthe central Government

" i:ffi:.::,'ll iffi :'.T[lTJi,::[ement personnerdray:::':::*"' directrv or indirect]v

uy,"v or remuneration 1":':*;;*ffi;ili:J'J;:,.:::l': ::i"T1",i,:T":'1":;

Ii|l:::'H"':ffi::::'llo"'"'Li';;; o 'l*a"a':"11,'i::'::"" ror the companv 'the

company shall not w"tt" t"t"t"t' "it"tn sum refundable to it Lrnless permitted by the Central


iii. Remuneration to Non- Executive / lndependent Director:

Remuneration / commission: ^'^rl be fixed as pef the slabs and conditions mentioned in the

The remuneration / commission shal

ertiif"l ofe.to.lu'ion ofthe company and the Act

" il:1t"::T;"."tive / rndependent Director mav j:::l::,':::l;:"j::,:i,I:lJ"j::'.;:;way of fees forSitting Fees:

> Commission:Commission may be Paid within the

Iimit not exceeding 1yo of the profits

of the Act

" :ffIJffi::, "irector

shall not be entitled to anv stock option or the companv


rhe committee shall consist of a minimum t ot':tl::::l]::]:t:::::Tib;::l::;ffX":::ffi'::Hi:""",'fl':"fi""::il':;';;:;;"'irea' r"a"p*aent Director' shal constitute

l[.i:J; ;fi:;;1'""'i"- i""n*".::"':11 :,'"-:'i::*1::::lT::;:attending meetings of Board or uo ntttttt'-".::'- :: ^ -, ^" .^mmfttee oi sLlch amount as may bc

r"i "-a"lo

*0"* one Lac per meeting of the Board or Committee oi sul

o."r..to"J W in" t"ntral Government fiom time to time'

monetary iimit aPPfoved bY

of the ComPany comPuted as

shareholders, subject to the

per the aPPiicable Piovisions



ouorum for the Committee meeting'

ir:;;;;;;; * tommittee shall be disclosed in the Annual Report

Term of the Committee shall be continued unless terminated by the Board of Dircctors







Page 41: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

a) chairyerson of th" t^"-Tlti::iY'i:""il"ii,""T:liTffil'll,,n" .or-n,"" but sha, not be a

bl ChairPerson of the ComPanY may

Chairman of the Committee

cl ln rhe absence of the Chairperson'

choose one amongst them to act as

dl Chairman of the Nomination and

Annual General Meeting or may


the members of the Committee present at


Remuneration Committee meeting coLllo

nominate some other member to answer

Committee meetings shall be decided by

any such decision shall for all purposes be

the meeting shall

be prcsent at thc

the sharehoLders

a majority of votes

deemed a decision

The meeting ofthe Committee shall be held at such regular intervals as may be required'


il;;mittee is,not entitred ::::i"'."i:l;J,f :.:l'":;:* "*.' remuneration is

iffH::::ffi;;:;;;"; ;;.;; ;". o*""1"::t:,::::'::::::::,,,ff:T:"#l?JTTi:l'l"^:H'""-'"::i'i.',;'1;;;';';;;s"appropriate'

to be present at the

meetings of the Committee


The Company Secretary ofthe company shall act as Secretary ofthe Committee

10. voTlNG

a) Matters arising for determination at

of Members Present and voting and

ofthe Committee'



The duties ofthe Committee in relation to nomination matters incluoe:

al Ensurjng that the'" ''

un "ootoo''"tl '"o"lii"Ir

t" ot"tt for new Direcl ors and members ol Sentor

, y;n:f ;:::i ff"#ffi ::i"i:"il:"Joi"f i, ^ "n'u"".",,":

o':::::' rece ive a ro r m ar r ette r o r

"' i"""t"iir"", tt "ccordance

wlth the Guidelines provided u1O* *-",1:t'

.riiJ,''#;;;;;;;;g:xl^;*jrkl;:n'.ffi ,*:"m:';::;"j'*-"*""'.:.."dl Determining the appropnate srzc' uN!'"oi*

", r"*"rt new Directors for appointment to the

e) Setting a formal and transparenr pruLYuu'( 'vi u' "'' - e


fl Developing a succession plan lor the Board and Senjor Management and regularly reviewlng me

Dlan; .-r c^-i^. n,4in,oement in the context ofthe'Ei"i'",i"e ,t'" p".formance of the t"*u T"'n::"'1s^::j::":I#tt"t"'plan;

g) Evaluating tne perror rrrdrrLr "l '.r*r. ,n,1 aotptidnce perspcctivei

Company's periormance lrom rlus .nv mitrers r,Company's performance trollr uurr.cJJ q^'* -"-__r --:. '."-,-". rFlArins to thc continuation

;"Ji;'i;;;;";;ution' to th"'"i'd,':l::'ll'":::"T::':':,':i'J':ation or serv,ce or

lrAIhJ Making recommendations ::.:"'"#ilt;il;',i""rrro*rt". or termination of servtce of

office of anY Director at any un


Page 42: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

Executive Director as an employee of the Company subject to the provision ot the law and lherr

service contract.

i) Delegating any of its powers to one or more of its members or the Secretary of the Committee;

j) Recommend any necessary changes to the Board; and

kl Considering any other matters, as may be requested by the Board


The duties ofthe Committee in relalion Io remuneration maners include:

a) To consider and determine the Remuneration Policy' based on the performance and also bearing

in mind that the remuneration is reasonable and sufficient to attract retaln and motrvate

members ofthe Board and such other factors as the Committee shall deem appropriate'

b) To approve the remuneration of the Senior Management including key managerial pe'sonnel ol-

,h" iornprny maintaining a balance between fixed and incentive pay reflecting short and long




term performance objectives appropriate to the working ofthe Company

To delegate any of its powers to one or more of its members or the Secretary of the Committee

To consider any other matters as may be requested by the Board'

Professional indemnity and liability insurance for Directors and senior managemen!

Proceedings of all meetings must be minuted and signed by

subsequent meeting Minutes of the Committee meetings will

Committee meeting.


The Nomination and Remuneration Committee will review and may amend/modily this policy lrom

time to time.

the Chairman of the Committce at the

be tablecl at the subsequent Uoard and


Page 43: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &


statementofparticularsasperRule5(1)ofcompanies(AppointmentandRemunerationofManagerial Personnel) Rules, 2014

(i) The ratio ofthe remuneration ofeach Director to the median remuneration ofthe employees ofthe

Company for the financial Year:

Raji-Jffin to the median

remuneration of the employees1.114



Name of the Director

Mr. Anindya Bikas Datta

fManaeins Directorl1.

2. Mr. Abhishek Das

flExecutive Director)3. Ms. Debosmita Ghosh Dastidar

0ndependent Directorl


Nil4. il.. Anil Ku-ar sul;an Kumar Sharma



5. Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha

0ndependent Directorl


Nil6. Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale

Additional Director (Non-Executive)

Notes:1. Ms. Debosmita Ghosh Dastidar (DlN: 07027547) resiSned from the directorship

with effect from M ar ch 75 , 20L7 '

2. Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale [DIN: 07762409) was appointed as Additional Director

with effect from March 15,2077

(ii) The percentage increase in remuneration of each Director' Chief Financial Officer'

Officer, Company Secretary or Manager in the financial year:

of the ComPanY

of the ComPanY

Chief lixecutlve

Name of the Director perc"ntage inc."ase i! Iglqln"tation l

,--- - - 0"



Sl. No.1. Mr. Anindya Bikas Datta

fManaging Directorl2. Mr. Abhishek Das

0Executive Directg43. Ms. Debosmita Ghosh Dastidar

flndependent Directorl4. Mrlnil Kumar Sa;1an Kumar Sharma

f lndeoendent Directorl--5. Mr: Konthoulam Sumeet Singha

0ndependent Director]6. Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale

Additional Director [Non-Executive )





7. Ms. Neha Barnwal(Company SecretaIX)

B. Mr. Nitesh Agarwal

IChief Financia] Offi cerl

9. Ms. DipraniThakurfComoany SecretarYJ

Page 44: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &


1'Ms.DebosmitaGhoshDastidar[DlN:07027547]resignedflomthedirectorshipo|theCompanywith effect from March 75' 2077

2. Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale [DIN: 07762409) was appointed as Additional Director of the Company

with effect from March 73'2077 '

3.Mr.NiteshAgarwal,chief|inancialofficel[cFo]ofthecompanyresignedwithefFectfromNovember 15,2016

4. Ms. Diprani Thakur was appolnted as Whole Time Secretary and Compliance Officer of the

Company with effect from June 01, 2016'

5'Ms.NehaBalnwal,whole'l'imeSecretaryandComplianceofficerofthecompanyresignedwitheffect from MaY 31$, 2016

(iii) The percentage increase in the median remuneration of employees in the financial year:

This clause will not be applicable as the remuneration of Median employees was not increased rn the

financial Year2016- 17

(iv) The number ofpermanent employees on the rolls ofthe Companyr

There are 6 permanent employees on the rolls ofthe company

[v) The explanation on the relationship between average increase in remuneration and

Company Performance:


[vi) Comparison of the remuneratron of the Key Managerial Personnel against the performance

of the ComPanY:

As the Company is in its nascent stage' the Key Managerial Personnel's are drawing a very nomrnal

remuneration as token fbr tnerr woik The remuneration drawn is modest as compared wilh thc

performance of the comPanY'

(vii) Variations in the market capitalisation of the company'.price earnings ratio as at the

closing rlate of the current financial year and previous financial year'


As at March 31,2016 VariationParticular As at March 31,?!12

N,A- \.A1N.A-Market CaPitalization R< 1 4B 601.250

N,A*Price eamings Ratio 100.00


market capitalization and price earnings ratio is not appllcaDle

Percentage increase over decrease in the market quotations of the shares ol tne

compa ;n to the rate at which the company came out with the last public offer -

lncr"ase/ De.re*e in cornputison to 1

company in



Page 45: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

(viii) Average percentile increase already made in the salaries of employees other than themanagerial personnel in the last financial year and its comparison with the percentileincrease in the managerial remuneration and justification thereof and point out ifthereare any exceptional circumstances for increase in the managerial remuneration:

Average salary increase of managerial employees is 25.30% in the financial year 2076-2017.The comparison will not be applicable as the remuneration of non managerial employees hasnot increased in the financial year 2016-17.

(ix) Comparison of the each remuneration of the Key Managerial Personnel against theperformance of the Company

As the Company is in its nascent stage, the Key Managerial Personnel's are drawing a verynominal remuneration as token for their work. The remuneration drawn is modest as

compared with the performance ofthe company.

(") The key parameters for any variatrle component of remuneration availed by thedirectors:

There is no variable component ofremuneration availed by the Directors.

(xi) The ratio of the remuneration of the highest paid Director to that of the employees whoare not Directors but receive remuneratio[ in excess ofthe highest paid director duringthe yeart

Du ng the financial year 2016-77, no employees received remuneration in excess of thehighest paid Director.

(xii) Affirmation that the remuneration is as per the remuneration policy of the Company:

Remuneration paid during the year ended March 31, 2017 is as per the Remuneration Policy ofthe ComDanv

Page 46: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &


To,The Board ofDirectorsM/s. Spicy Entertainment and Media Limited

1) I have reviewed financial statements and the cash flow statement of M/s Spicy Entertainment andMedia Limited for the year ended March 31, 2017 and to the best oF my knowledge and belief:

a. these statements do not contain any materially untrue statement or omit any material facl orcontain statements that might be misleading;

b. these statements together present a true and fair view of the Company's affairs and are incompliance with existing accounting standards, applicable laws and regulations.

2] There are, to the best of my knowledge and beliel no transactions entered into by the Companyduring the year which are fraudulent, illegal or violative of the Company's Code of Conduct.

3) I accept responsibility for establishing and maintaining internal controls for financial reportingand that I have evaluated the effectiveness of Company's intemal control systems pertaining lofinancial reporting and I have disclosed to the auditors and Audit Committee, deficiencies in thedesign or operation of such internal control, if any, of which I am aware and the steps have beentaken or propose to rectiS.' these deficiencies.

4l I have indicated to the Auditors and the Audit Committee:

a. that there are no significant changes in internal control over financial reportjng dunnB thcyeaf:

b. that there are no significant changes in accounting policies during the year;

c. that there are no instances of sisnificant fraud ofwhich I have become aware.

For and on BehalfofBoard ofDirectorsPlace: KolkataDate: May 30,2017

Direclor / Autho.ised Signatory

Anindya Bikas DattaManaging Director

(DlN - 072741711

Spicy Eolcrldrn ircnl i,nd l,4tdi3 Lirnited


Page 47: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &


> Integrated Business Model> Strong managerial capabilitY



The Indian Media and Entertainment (M&E)industry is a sunrjse sector for the economy and is makjng

high growth strides. Proving its resilience io the world, the lndian M&E industry is on the cusp of a

stion! phase ofgrowth, backed byrising consumer demand and improving advertising revenues

The industry has been largely d ven by increasing digitisation and higher internet usage over the last

decade. Inte;net has almost become a mainstream media for entertainment for most ofthe people


The lndian media & entertainment sector is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate

[CeCnl of 14.3 per cent to touch Rs 2.26 trillion (US$ 339 billionJ by 2020' while revenues trom

advertising is expected to grow at 15 9 per cent to Rs 99,400 crore [US$ 14 91 bi]lion)

Over FY 2015-20, radio will likely grow at a CAGR of 16 9 per cent, while digital advertising will grow at

33.5 per cent. The largest segmenl India's television industry, is expected to grow at a CACR of 15 per

cent, while print media is expected to grow at a CAGR of B 6 per cent

India is one of the highest spending and fastest growing advertising market globally The countrys

expenditure on advertising ii estimated at 15 sper cent in 2016, and is expected to grow by 11 2 per

.unt in 2012, based on various media events like T20 Cricket Worid Cup' the Indian Premier League

0PL) and State elections. Television segment, which continues to^hold highest share of spending' was

"*p".t"a,o grow by 12.3 percent in t016 and 11 per cent in 2017' led by increased spending by

packaged consumer goods brands and e_commerce companies


The Government of India has supported Medja and Entertainment industry's growth by taking varroLls

initiatives such as digitising the cable distribution sector to attract greater instltulion al lunding'

increasing FDI limit from 74 per cent to100 per cent in cable and DTH satellitc platforms' and grantlng

industry status to the film industry for easy access to institutional finance

The Union Cabinet has approved the model Shops and Establishment Act' aimed dt gunerating

"-ptop"n, ptotp"cts by iliowing cinema halls, restaurants, shops' banks and other such workplaces

to remain open round the clock

The Ministry of Information and Broad casting [l&B) is working towards promoting uase of doing

business, w-hich will ensure less regulation and facilitate India to become the hub of media and

entertainment industry.

The Govemment is planning to set up a National Centre of Excellence for media' which will providc

training to the industry professionals, and has also decided to fund movies' including uollywood and

regional films, for participating in foreign film festivals


1. Strengths


Page 48: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

> Cordial relations across entertainment industry

) Sound structured national network facilitates and the boom of M&E industry

> io-"r."rpont" time with efficient and effective selvice

> ODerational excellence) Expertise in mass-appeal movies and music

> Pool of contents

2. Weakness

Revenue and profitability is directly linked to the exploitation and growth ofour content

Rapid r€chnological thllg:t-..,.^-^^ ,.r,e about the success of films/ TV shows etc

No orediction or forecast ol auolence

3. Opportunities

> Rapid urbanization> Regional Media on rise

F Digitization and New Media-.New Avenues

> Growjng awareness among vrewers/customers about new technologies

) New ohise of low budget movies/TV Shows etc

) lncrease in no. of channels and Multiplexes


rhe Indian economv has shown robust growth Film l"d':Tv.^'::"^::Ti[:r:il:':"tt"iit:nT."-T.*in*. e U"*". economy is aiways a better breeding ground lor more cr

continues to have a bright future "t;;;t;il;; lf"lou"'ntenft t"ttnt rural-friendlv Budget and

;";;;i;.*l'-u" "-io.t"tt" rinuiry rit"iv to r't"tp p"urtitntions in tier II and tier I Il markets'


4. Threats

> Government & regulatorY norms

> Fleeting Consumer expectations

> Decreasing Cycle timeF Increasing cost ofrights for movies and songs

F There are no entry barriers in ourinJustti' t"trich puts us to the threat of competition trom new

" iXtJllltnr" o. ,n,ft offocus ofGovernment policies may adversely impact our financials

The Company has regular internal audit system covering all key processes lnd has tn plrct' ldt-qultt

internal control


Your Company considers Human Resources to be one of the key elements to susrain compelltrve

advantase in the Media S".,ot M"t'i" "otg"tit"ti"rrt lt" human drlven; its growth deeends Yo-::1:

ollitat ii"i.ttt,ti" muJe ty tlte p"optE in tl't".otg"nization.Therefore' vour company recognrzes

human resources as a key compo;rit for facllitating organizational growth .Your,compa-ny,


;;ffi;;il-;;;J to .,"ut" und nu"ute a" o'gani'ation that is highlv motivated' result oriented and

adaDtable to the changing t'uslness *to""^""tlfft" Company has its own Human Resource Policy to

euiie, encourage and sdfeguard the employees'


The Company has reported profits during the year

Company is on the growth pdth Thc Financral &


under review. The operational periormance ot thc

operational detailsare mentioned in lhe iinancial


Page 49: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &


statements in the Management Discussion and Analysis and the annuai report describing the

company's objectives, projections, estimates, expectations may be "forward-looking statements" within

the meaning of applicable secudties laws and regulations in lndia and other countries. Actual results

could defer materially from those expressed or implied. Important factols that could make a difference

to the company's operations include economic conditions affecting the domestic market, in which the

Company operates, changes in the Government regulations, tax laws and other statute santl olher

incidental factors and unforeseen circumstances.

Page 50: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

@ H*1":p-l*,y*YAY & Durr

O 2406543s, (M) : 98310 35625E-mail : banerjee [email protected]

30/1/1, Basudevpur Road. lst FloorKotkata - 700 061



Report on the Financial Stateme[ts

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of SPICY ENTERTAINMEN I AND

MEDI,A LIMITED. C'tfre company"), which comprises the Balance Sheet as at 31" March

2017, the Statement of Profit, and Loss and Cash Flow Statoment for the year ended 31"

l4arch, ZOtl, and a summary of signihcant accountjng policies and other explanatory


Managcment's Responsibiliry for the Financial Statemelrts

The Company's Board ofDirectors is responsible for the matters stated in section 134(5) ofthe

Companiis Act,2013 with respect to the preparation ofthese financial stalements that give a

true ind fair vjew of the finaniial position, frnancial performance including cash flows ofthe

company in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in.lndia' including

the icctunting Standards specified Lrndcr Section 133 of the Act' read with Rule 7 of thc

Companies (Aicounts) Rules, 2014. This responsibility also includes the maintenance ofadequate accounting records in accordance with the provision of the Act lor safegLrarding of

the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting the fiauds and other inegularities;

selection and application of appropriate accounting policies; making judgments and estimates

that are reasonaile and prudent; and design. implementatjon and maintenance of adequatc

intemal financial control, that were operating effectively lbr ensuring the accuracy and

completeness of the accounting records, relevant to the prcparation and presentation of the

financial statements that give a true and fair viet and are free from material misstatement'

$'hether due to fraud or error.

Auditor's Responsibiliry

Our responsibility is to cxpress an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit Wc

I'rave taien into account tie provisions of the Act. the accounling and auditing standards and

matiers which are required to be included in the audit report under the provisiom of the Act

and the Rules made therc under.

we conducted oLII audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing specified under seclion

1,13(10) ofthe Act. Those Standards require that \lc compl,v with ethical requilenents .md plan

ard perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are

f'ree ftom material misstatement.


Branch offlce: C.1, Premshila Apartments, Bank colony, Masterpara. Hirapur' Dhanbad - 826 0o1

Page 51: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about thc amounts anddisclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor'siudgment, including the assessment of the risks of mateial misstatement of the linancialstatements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditorconsiders internal financial control relevant to the Company's preparation of the financialstatements that give true and fair view, in order to design audit procedures that are aplroprirtein tle circumstances, but not for the purpose ofexpressing an opinion on whethcr the Companyhas in place an adequate internal financial controls system over financial reportjng such andoperating effectiveness of contols. An audit also includcs evaluating the appropriateness olaccounting policies used and the reasonableness of the accorurting estimates made byCompany's Directors, as well as evaluating the overall presentation ofthe financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate lo provide a

basis for our audit opinion on the financial statements.


In our opinion and to the best of oul infomation and according to the explanations given to us,the aforesaid financial statements give the infomation required by thc Act in the manner so

required and give a fue and fair view in conformity with the accoLulting principles generallyaccepted in India.

(a) ln the case of Balance Sheet, of the state of affaim of thc Company as at I1" March2017,

(b) ln the case of the statement of profit and loss of the Profit for the year ended on thatdate and its cash llows for the year ended on that date.

Emphasis of Matter

Confirmation of Debtors. Creditors and Loans & Advances has not been fulh obtained. Ouropinion is not qualified in this matter.

Report on other Legal and Regulatory Requirements

l. As required by the Companies (Auditor's Report) Order,2016 ("the Order") issued bythe Central Govemment of India in terms of sub-section (1 I ) of section 143 of tbe Act,we give in "Annexure A" a statement on the mattes specified in paragraph 3 and 4 ofthe order.

2. As required by section 143(3) ofthe Act, we report that:

a) We have sought and obtained all the infonnation and explanations which to the best olour knowledge and belief were necessary for the puryoses ofour audit.

b) hr our opinion proper books of account as required by law have been kept by theCompany so far as it appears from our examination ofthose books.

Page 52: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

c) The Balance Sheet, the Statement of profit and Loss and the statement of Cash flo$,sdealt with by this Report are in agreement with the books ofaccount.

d) In our opinion, the aforesaid financial statements comply with the AccountingStandards specified under Section 133 of the ,qct, reaa *itn flile ilf"ii" co.puni.,(Accounts) Rules. 2014.

:)-._On.ft" basis of written representations received from the directors as on 3l March,2017, taken on.ecord by the Board of Direcrors, none ofthe direcrors is Jsq*fited as on3 I March, 2017, ftom being appointed as a dir""to, in t"*. oii""i.. iO+i:'f

"r,rr" ect.

I With respect to the adequacv of the intemal financial controls over financrat reportingand the operating effectiveness ofs'ch controls refer to our rcpod in ..Annexure ts". and

g) In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanationsgrven ro us, we rcpoft as under with respect to other matters to be inci;ded in the Auditor,sReport in accordance wirh Rule l1 ofthe Companies (Auait u"jluaitoijnrf

"., zOt+,

t- .,. The Company does not have any pending litigations which would impact its financialposttron,

provision, as.equired under the applicable law orforeseeable losses, if any, on long r".m conracts

iii. There were no amounts which required to be transferred by the Company to theInvestor Education and protection Fund.

rv . The company has provided requisite discrosurcs in the rinanciar statemenrs as regards

,,::.:'3;T :.ldj.,"l,lgs,in,specified bank noles as defined in the notification s.o. :aor6;y:,1:.j^. ):1. ru.ro ot the Minisrry ofFinance, during the period liom 8,h No, 2016 to 30,6yl" iu,o.

rJased on audrt procedures performed and the representations provided to us bvme management we report that the disclosures are in accordance with the-books oI accountmaintained by the Company and produced to us ty tt "

lrruno!._";;. ' -- "

For Bandyopadhyay & DuttCharteted Accouktdnts

ii. The Company has madeaccountlng standards, for materialincluding derivative contracts.

Place: KolkataDatet 30105/20)j

Page 53: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

AI\]NEXUllE 'B', TO THE INDIiPF:NI}[NT r\ti3r'l'{}i{',S R!tprli:11'{Refetredto in paragraph 2 (f)under'Report on Other Legaland Regulatory Reqoire ments' sect on ofoLr reportofeven

Report on the Internal Financial controls Over Fina[cial reporting under Clause (i) of Sub-

scction 3 ofSection 143 ofth€ companies Act,2013('the Act')

We have audited the intenral financial controls oler financial repofiing ol SPICY

ENTERTAINMENT AND MEDIA LIMITED. ('the company') as of March 31, 2017 incoqiunction with our audit of the financial statements ofthe company for the year ended and as on that


Management's Responsibility for Int€rnal Financial Controls

The company's management responsible for establishing and maintaining internal financial controlsbased on the htemal control over financial reporting criteria established by the company considedng

the essential components of intemal control stated in the Guidance Note on the Audit of lnternalFinancial Controls Over Financial Reporting issued by the lnstitute of Chartered Accountants of lndia('the Guidance Note'). These rcsponsibilities includc thc dcsign, implementation and maintenance ofad€quate intemal finarcial controls that were operating ellectively for ensuring the orderly and ellicientconduct of its business, including adherence to Company's policies, the safeguards of its assets. the

prevention and detection of fmuds and errors, the accuracy and completeness ofthe accounting records.

and the tiinely preparation of reliable financial information, as required under the Act 201L

Auditors' Responsibility

Our responsibility is to exprcss an opinion on the company's ioternal financial controls over finanoial

reporting based on our audit. We have conducted our audit in accordance with thc Standards on

Audifing prescribed un der Section I 43( I 0) of the Act and the C uidance Note, to the extent app licab Ie to

an audit of intemal financial controls. Those Standards and the Guidance Note require that wlr comply

with the ethical rcquirements and plan and perlbrm the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about

whether adequate interna) financial controls over financial repofting was established and ii such

controls operated effectiveiy in all matcrial respects.

Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidences about the adequacy ofthe intemal

financial coltrols system over financial reporting and their operating effectiveness. Our audit ofinternaifinancial controls ove. financial reporting ;ncluded obtaining an understanding of int€rnal financial

conffols over financial reporting, assessing the risk fhat a material weakness exists, and testing and

evaluating the desig a d operatiDg effectiveness of intemal control bascd on th€ assessed risk. The

procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including assessment of the risk of material

rnisstatement ofthe financial statements. whether due to fraud or error.


Page 54: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

We believe that the audit evidences, we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basisfor our audit opinion on the Company,s intemal finarcial coDtrols system o,rol"*"ra, ."ood"n.Meaning oflnternal FiDancial Controls over Financial Reporting

A Company's intemal financial controlprovide.reasonabre u,,u.un". ."gu.aingilv'jilJ;#il"",ilJi:il1:J;il:jT"i"".;ff:: :?financial statements for extemal purposes in accordance with generally u.""ffili_"ountrrg, pr;n.ipt"r.A Company's internal financial co trols system over financial reporti g includes those pollcies andprocedures that (r) peftain to the maintenance ofrecords that, in reasonaire detair, accuratety and fairrythe transactions and dispositions ofthe assets ofthe company; (2) provide reasonable assurance thattransactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of finauciar statements in accordance withauthorizations of management alrd directors of the company; and (3) provide reasonable assuranceregardrng prevention or tirnely detection of unauthorized acqujsition, use, or drsposition of thecompany's assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.

lnherent Limitations oflnternal Finatrcial Controls over Financial Reporting

Because ofthe inherent Iimitations ofintemar financiar contrors over financiar reporting, incrudinS thepossibility of collusion or improper management override of controls, material missrarements due toenor or fratd may occur and not be detected_ AIso projections ofany evaluation ofthe rnternal financialcontrols over financial reporting to future perods are subject to the risk thnt the Inaernal financiarcontrols over financial repo.ting may become inadequate because of changes in ;orrrons. or that thedegree ofcompliance with the policies or procedures may deterioratc.


ln our opinion, to the best of our information and according to the explanations grven ro us, theCompany has, in all nraterial respects, an adequate internal fi"-"i"f *jrJ'ry.,.m over iinancialrepoftng and such internal financial contnMarch 31, 20i7. based on rbe ,";;

""":,:J,"::fH:i::j":#:"H";li:lij,::,:1r,",#,ril;i,:jcompany considering the essential compolents of intemal contror statedln the Guidance Note issuedby the lnstitute ofChartered Accountants oflndia_

FoT BANDYOPADIryAY & DUTTChartercd Accountan(s

ion No.325l l6f,l

KolkataDated: l0/05/2017

IMembership no.055658]

Page 55: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

ANNEXUR'.A TO THE INDEPENDENl' AUDITOR'S R[PORT(Referred to in parag.aph I under 'Report on other Legal and Regulatory Requirement' sections of our

repon ol-even dale)

a) The Company has maintained proper records showing full particulars.

including quantitative details and situation ofpropert-v, plant and equipment.

Fixed assets have been physically ve fied by the Management at reasonable

intervals. According to the infomation and explanation giv€n to us, no material

discrepancies were noticed on such verification. In our opinion, this periodicif)

ofphysical verification is reasonable having regard to the size of the Company

and the nafure of its assets,

According to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of

our examination of the records of the Compan), the company does not hold

any immovable properties.




ii) As explained to us , lnventories have been physically veritied by the ManageDrenl at

reasonable inteffals during the year, and no discrepancies have noticed by the


As per the inlbrmation and explanation given to us, the company has not graDted an)

loans, secured or unsecured to Companies, firms, Linited Liabilif Partnership or other

parties, covered in the register maintained under section 189 of the Companies Ac1.

2013. Therefore, sub-clause (a), (b) and (c) of clause (iii) of Paragraph 3 of the order

are not applicable to the Company.

ln our opinion and according to the infomation and explanations given to us, the

Company has complied with the provisions of section 185 and 186 of the Act, with

respect to the loans and investments made.

The Company has not accepted any deposit from the public as stipulated under the

provisions of section 73 to 76 or any other relevant provisions of the Conpanies Ac..

2013 and the Rules framed there under and the directives issued by the Reserve Banl


The Central Government has not prescribed the maintenance ot cost records under

section I 48( I ) of the Act, for any of the business/services rendered by the Com pany.


Page 56: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

viD a) According to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of

our examination ofthe rccords ofthe Company, amounts deducted/ accrued in

the books of account in respect of undisputed statutory dues including

provident fund, incometax, salos tax, value added tax, duty ofcustoms. servicc

tax, c€ss and other material statutory dues have been regularly deposited during

the year by the Company with the appropriate authorities.

According to the information and explanations given to us, no undisputed

amounts payable in respect of provident fund, income tax, sales tax, value

added tax, dury ofcustoms, service ti:l-\, cess and other naterial statutory ducs

were in arrears as at 3 I March 201 7 for a period of more than six months ftom

th€ date they became payable.

According to the information and explanations given to us, there are no

material statutory dues of income tax or sales tax or service tax or dut) of

customs or dury of excise ot value added tax which have not been deposited

with the appropdate authorities on account ofany dispute.

viii) The Company does not have any loans or bonowings fron any financial institutior-

banks, govemment or debenture holdcrs during the year. Accord;ngly, paragraph 3(viii)

ofthe Order is not applicable.

ix) The Company did not raise any money by way of further public ofler (including debt

instruments) and term loans during the year. The money raised by way of initial public

offer werc applied for the puryoses for which those are |aised.

x) According to the infomation and explanations given to us, no material fraud by the

Conpany or on the Company by its office$ or employees has been noticed or repo(ed

during the course of our audit.

According to the informatioD and explanations gjve to us and based on our examlnatron

of the records of the Company, the Company has paid/provided lbr managerial

rcmunemtion in accordance with the requisite approvals mandated by the provisions of

section 197 r€ad with Schedule V to the Acr



Page 57: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &

xiD ln our opinion and accord;ng to the infomation and explanations given to us,

Company is not a nidhi company. Accordingly, paragraph 3(xii) of the order is


xii0 According to the information and explanations given to us and based on our

examination ofthe records ofthe Company, transactions with the relaled padies are in

compliance with sections 177 and 188 ofthe Act where applicable and details ofsuch

transactions have been disclosed in the financial statemenls as rcquircd by the

applicable accounting standards.

xiv) According to the information and explanations g;ve to us and based on our examination

ofthe recofds of the Company, the Company has not made any preferential allotmenL

or p vate placement ofshares or fully or partly convertible debentures during the year.

According to the information and explanations given to us and based on our

examination of the records ofthe Company. the Company has not cntered into non-

cash transactions with dircctors or persons connected with him. Accordingly, paragrapr

J(xv) ofthe Order is not applicable.

The Company is not required to be registeted under section 45-lA ofthe Reserve Bani'.

oflndia Act 1934.



FoT BANDYOPADIryAY & DUTTChartered Accountants

rm Registralion No.325 I 16El



KolkataDated: 30/05/2017 IN]enbenhip no.0556581

Page 58: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &


End of31st March,20l7

Amount(t)31st Mar€h,201


1. shareholder's Funds(a) Share Capita(b) Reserves & Surplus

2. Current Liabilities(a) Other Current Liabi ities(b) Short Term Provisions


1. Non Current Assets(a) F xed Assets

(i) Tang ble Asseis(b) Non Currenl lnvestments(c) Deferred Tax Assets(d) other Non-Current Asseis

2. Current Assets(a) Inventor es(b) Trade Rece vab es(c) Cash and Cash Equiva ents(d) Short Term Loans & Advances(e) Other Curfent Assets



169242995 119595147

46260291604t 74

















.r 1lt 1!9ItE566630 L 2


The Accompanylng Notes form an integral pa(ofthe Financia Statements

As per our Report of even date.

69001904o 124885607

706145031 125425390


Spicy Enledainrnent and Medis Llmfuicy Entertainment and Me.;a Lt

Spicy Enlerla nnre:rlAnd l'4edia Limiled

7=\!rol-$o!at{DIPRANCfi|ltAttrt Rcrels^(company S€cretary)

, A*F\-r-t E-:-aNrNova erxrs oaii'i"(Managing Director)DtN I 0727417r

l n

o,ffiHf#,,k,"ABHISHEK DAS(Directo.)DIN: O7O43079Membership No. O55658

Place : KolkataDate: 3oth lilay, 2017

For Bandyopadhyay & DuttChartered AccountantsFirF R€gn No:325116

P K Bandyopadhyay(Partner)





Page 59: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &


End of31st March,2017

End of31st March,2016


Revenue From OperationsOther Income

Total Revenue

Membership No. Oss6s

Place : KolkataDate: 3oth May, 2017

For Bandyopadhyay & DuttChartered Accountants

P K Bandyopadhyay(Partner)

ABTiISHEK DAS(oirector)DIN: O7Oa3079






r 31,197061618:106642497

Changes in Inventorles of Finished Goods, Stock inEmployee Benefits ExpenseDepreciatlon and Amortisation ExpensesOther Expenses

Total Expenses

Profit/(Loss) Before raxTax Expenses:Current TaxDeferred TaxProfit/(Loss) for the yearEarnings per equity share of face value of < 10 eacBasic and DilutedBalance Carried to Balance Sheet




1565958 7A 2L440507










The Accompanying Noles form an integral part of the Financial Statements

As per our Report of even date.

14a7aOa 2145531



spicy Entertairmenl and Media Llmfoicy Entertainment and Mer;a Li

I --Itu _ J_1- L_lo^il'i3ft'1ft'^"s

sisrflo(Mana9in9 Director)DIN I O7274L7L

Spicy Eniertai.'r'eilAri ir'l.'ia Lii: icd


-{f,o}u{/' I

conrnan) \' r 3'D]PRANI THAKUR(company Secretary)

Page 60: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &




3lst March,2017Amount(a)

Particulars 31st March,2016Amount(a)

Profit Before Taxation

Deprec ation and Amortisation Expenses

Cash flow before worklng capital changesAdjustments for working capital changes:Increase/(Decrease) r1 Other Current Liabilities

lncrease/(oecrease) in short rerm Prov s!ons

(Increase)/Decrease in Inventories(lncrease)/Decrease in rrade Recervables

(lncrease)/Decrease in Short Terf. Loans & Advances

(lncrease)/Decrease in Other current assets

cash flow from operations

cash flow from operatinE activities


Purchase of Non Current Investmentsoayrent 'or PrF,'r.r1ery & Pre-Ooeraiive trpensesCash ftow from Investing activities

za97 L66






( 15750000 )

r24 rr-b II

1618310 |


486 r 68t1I





-- 18466141rr4ni6ari


(7886: r )

(198287 )(11a6a94)





48200000lcasx rLows rnou rruttctttc rctrvrreslProceeds trom lss!e of 5hares

lcash tlow from Financing activities

Net in€rease in cash and cash equivalentscash and cash equivalents at beginning of petiodcash and cash eq!ivalents at end of Perlod




As per our Report of even date

for Bandyopadhyay & DuttChartered accountants


If ie(i,nr,.:ci]i and l,,i.l,,a j-jrFlSU Enierisitf'ttni irn! t:c!,.j


*:*g,\!.il'tdKu1- o'"

"fiqfltffi 'l0ii''"'



D rrrc[K I &bvarbfdAtsaiPra(Manasing Director)DIN I O7274L71

ErleriJl ii,rl1...: 't: ia - ,.i

(Company secretarY)

DIri6HtSAEltShSd si'r(Director)DrN:07043079

(Partner)Membership No.055654

Place : KolkataDat€: 30th May,2017


P K Bandyopadhyay

Page 61: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &





Figures as atEnd of

31st March,2017Amount(t)

Flgurcs as atEnd of

31st March,2016Amount(<)

AuthorisedI7000000 (.17000000) EouiLv Shares oI r 10 eac^ ,___tz9!!aaa.L


11691250 (11691250) Equitv Shares of < 10 each, fullv paid up4820000 (-) Equity Shares of { 10 each, turllv pald up


r 169 r2500

_____158!!2E! o 1169125


ParticularsAs at 31st March,2017 As at 31st March,2o16

No. of Shares Amount (t) No. of Share Amount (<)

Strares outstanainq at the beginninq of the vearAddiShares issued durinq the YearLessrShares bought back during the vearshares outstandino at the end of the vear



11691250 116912500

16511250 16s112500 11691250 115912500

ParticularsAs at 31st March,2017 As at 3lst March,2016

No. of Shares of Holdinq No. of Shares of Holdinq

Eouitv Shares of { 10 eachPink Lady [4efchandise LLP* 4245 000 25.71 424SAO0 36.3r

* previouslv known as Pink ladv lvlerchandise Pvt Ltd

Page 62: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &



2. RESERVES & SURPLUSFigures as at

End of31st ilarch,2017

Fiqures as atEnd

Particulars 31st March,2015Amount(()

Surplus in Statement of Profit & LossBalance as at the beginning ofthe year

Addi Net Profit /(Net Loss) for the current year

Balance as at the €nd of the Year



497 75t2185530

4L7049s 26a2647

4L70495 2642647



Figures as atEnd of

3lst March,2017Amount(t)

Figures as atEnd of

31st March,2016Amount(t)




(a)Statutorv DuesProfessional Tax PaYable

Service Tax OutputSwachh Bharat CessKrishi Kalyan Cess

TDS Payabie (2015-16)TDS Payable (2016-17)

(b)Olhslay3-b!-csAudit Fees PayableDlrectors Remuneration PaYafJle

Professional Fees payable

nt payable

alary Payable



390005 31135763

2657045 250301r


5145 0

37 5 500

753637 0000


106104 5

5317 55 251 212301a



End ofFigures as at


31st March,2016Amount(<)

2490704 1644r74

2490700 1604!74

Page 63: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &


Yco dl \t:\o



:e n eE4<q




Ri q6b;


!Nxs 3 ::ro



ANxs 3 ::(o


.x-u-l Pdlo xer= i;,c i







lnlgIHtf,t, flIH FI

l1 flHlqqH


o(Jt/i 5

Page 64: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &






Figures as atEnd of

3lst March'2017Amount(t)

Figures as atEnd of

31st March,2015Amount({)

Investment in Equity Instruments (Face Value of a10 each)

175000 Shares of AHV Investments Ltd


Aggregate value of unqLtoted Equity instuments


157 50000

157 50000

D TAXFigures as at gures as at

End ofEnd of31st l'larch,2017

Amount({)31st March,2O16



8.gures as at

End of31st March,2017


End of31st March,2O16



Preliminary Expenses as per last year accountAdd: Additjon during the year

Less: Adjusted during the year



Figures as at igures as at

ParticularsEnd of

31st March,2017Amount({)

End of31st March,2016


I\4ovie RightsCD

TOTAL 5500000



Page 65: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &



RECFigures as at

End of31st March,20l7

Amount(t)3lst March,2016


Ovef SixOthers




EQUIVFigures as at

End of31st 11arch,2017


Figures as a

ParticLrlarsEnd of

31st March,2O16Amount(<)

In Current AccountCash on hand

5 3 089913 21 13


12. sH SA


Figures as atEnd of

31st March,2017Amount(t)

Figuaes as atEnd of

31st March,2016Amount(t)

Advances for f4oviesAdvances Recoverable in Cash or inrecetved

kind or value to be28587 53 5 6





I078t 9





Receivables (FY 15- 16)Receivables (FY 16-17)

Self Assessment Tax (FY 13-14)Self Assessment Tax (FY 15-16)




HER CURRFigures as at

End of31st ilarch.2017


Figures as atEnd of

31st March,2O16Amount(<)



48 2000

ffi E

Page 66: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &


Figures as at Figures as at

ParticularsEnd of

31st March,2017Amount({)

31st March,2016Amount(l)

15764944 10 0000


Other Operating IncomeSponsorshiP, f4arketing andEvent lvlanagement

159 575030317


I5. OTHER INCOME gures as agutes as a

ParticularsEnd of

31st March,20l7Amount(<)

End of31st March,2016


Interest IncomeOther Income




30399 6882690

Figures as atEnd of

-igures as atEnd of

Particulars 31st March/2017Amount(t)

31st March,2o16Amount(<)

5500000s s00000



Inventories (at Commencement)





Page 67: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &



EM PL NSEFigures as at

End of31st March,2017


Figures as at

Particulars 31st March,2016Amount(a)

Director's RemunerationSalaries,Wages & BonusStaff WelfareTrainee and Casual Employees


2450001147 2_42

15000 02Q86140

233010106799 56


End of31st March,20 16


End of31st March,2017

Amount(t)Depreciatlon 187098 192623

1425681Preliminary Expenses written off

TOTAL 187094 161431

Page 68: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &




Figures as atEnd of

31st March,2O17Amount(<)

Figures as atEnd of

31st March,2O16Amount({)

vertisement Expenses 151 3 3 2



199 00603 21310749414375417 7283169734


2497 A




5960043325394432l \2f








Bank ChargesConnectivity ChargesE ectricity Expenses

Fil ng Fees

Interest on TDSListing Fees

ce ExpensesPrinting & StationeryProfessional Fees

Professional TaxRates and TaxesRegistar ExpensesRentRepairs and 14aintainance

Telephone & Internet ExpensesTrademark Registration ExPTravelling Expenses

Audit FeesPayments to the auditor as

Statutory Audit Feesax Audit Fees


5035928 6 5 98141


32900114 50

4600 0 44350

5081924 6642


Figures as atEnd of

31st March,2017Amount({)

Figures as at

31st March,20 16Amount({)

Basis for calculation of BasProfit after tax (t)Weighted Average NumberBasic Earning Per Share

c and Dlluted EPS

of Equity Shares (Nos)1487808

16 5112 5 00.09

218s5311 16912 5 0

0. 19

Page 69: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &


Notes lo Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, Z0l ?


1 Basis ofpreparation ofFinancial Statements

The financial statements ofthe Company have been prepared in accordance with the genetatty

accepted accounting principles in India (lndian CAAPJ. The Company has prepared these financial

statements to comply in all material aspects with the accounting standards notified under Section

133 ofthe Companies Act, 2013 read together with paragraph 7 ofthe Companies lAccounts) Rules

2014 and Companies (Accounting Standards) Amendment rules,2O16. Tbe !inancial Statements

are prepared under the historical cost convention on an accrual basis. The accounting policies

adopted in the preparation offinancial statements are consistent with those ofprevious vear.

1.1 Summary of Signifi cant Accounting Policies:

i) Use ofEstimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting

principles requires the management to make judgments, estimates and assumpdons that affect

the reported amounts ofrevenuet expenset assets and liabilities and disclosure ofcontingent

liabilities at t.}te date offinancial statements and the results ofoperations during the reporting

year end. Although these estimates aae based upon the managemenfs best knowledge ofcurrent events and actiont uncertainty about these assumptions and estimates could result in

the outcomes requiring a material adjustment to the carrying amount ofassets and liabilities in

future pe ods-

ii) RevenueRecognition

Income and expenditure are recognized and accounted on accrual basis as and when they are

earned or inflilred. R€venue from sales ofmovie right transaciions are recognized as andwhen

the significant risk and reward attached to ownership in goods is transfened to the buyer.

iii) Fixed Assets

Fixed Assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses, if any.

Cost comp ses the purchase price and any att butable cost of bringing the assets to itsworking condition for its intended use and initial estimate of decommissioning, restoring and

similar liabilities, if any. Any trade discouDt and rebates are deducted in arriving at the

Purchase pdce.

Gains or losses arising from de-recogniuon of Fixed Assets are measured as the difference

between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount ofthe ass

the Statement ofProfit and Loss when the assets is de-recognised.

are recognized in

Page 70: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &


Notes to Financial Slat€nenis as al and fot tlte yeal en'led Match 3l '


lntangible assets acquired separately are measured

initial recognition, intangible assets are caried at

impairment losset if anY'

on initial recogflition at cost Following

cost less accumulated amortization and



Depreciation on FixedAssets and Amortizabon on Intangible assets'

Depreciation on Fixed Assets is calculate'l on awritten down value (WDVI basis using the mtes

arriveal at baseal on the useful lives esdmated by the management which is as per the mtes

specified in schedule ll to the Companies Act' 2013

lmpairment of Fixed Assets

The carrying amounts of assets are reviewe'l al each balance sheet date for any indication ol


estimated recoverable amounr, provrsron fot impairment is made to adjust the carrying value

to the recoverable amount The recoverable amount is the greater ofthe assets estimated net

realizable value and value in use ln assessing value in use' the estimated future cash flows are


date there is an indication that a previously assessed impailment loss no longel exists' the

recoverable amount is reassessed and the asset is reflected at the recoverable amount subiect

to maximum ofdepreciable historical cost-

vi) Borrowing Costs

Borrowing cost includes interest and amortization of ancillary costs incurred in connection

with the arrangement ofbonowings.

Borowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of assets

that necessarily takes a substantial pedod of time to get ready for its intended use or sale are

capitatized as part ofthe cost ofthe respective asset. All other borrowing costs are expensed in

the periodthey occur.

viil lnvestments

Investments that are readily realizable and intended to be held for not more than a year fromthe date on which investments are made are classified as Current Investments. All otherInvestnents are classified as Long term Investments. Cunent Investments are stated at lowerofcost and fair value determined on an individual invesunent basis. Long term lnves.rents areconsidered "at cost'' on individual investment basi, unless there is a decline other tian

6*R8l r<"unl )iGJ'

Page 71: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &


Noles to financial Slalements as at and for lhe yea! ended March 3l' 20lZ

temporary in the value, in which case adequate provision is made against such diminution in

the value of invcstments

On disposal of an investment, the difference between its carrying amount and net disposal

proceeds is charged or creditealto the statement ofprofit &Ioss'

viii) Inventories

invefltories are valued at cost or net realizable value' whichever is lower'


A provision is recognizeal when the company has a present obligation as a result of past eveni

it is probable that an outflow of resouices embodying economic benefits will be required to

settte the obligation and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation'

Provisions are not discounted to their present value and are determined based on the best

estimate required to settle the obliSation at the reporting date' These estimates are revie\ted at

each reporting date and adjusted to reflect the currentbest estimates'

Contingent Liabililies and Contingent Assets

A contingent liability is a possible obli8ation that arises from past events whose existence lvill

be confirmed by the occurrence ol non-occurrence of one ol more uncertain filture events

beyond the control of the company or a present obligation that is not recognized because it is

not probable that an outflow ofresources will be required to settle the obligation A contingent

liability also arises in extremely rare cases where there is a liability that cannot be recognized

because it cannot be measllred reliably. The company does not lecognize a contingent liability

but discloses its existence inthe financial statements

Contingent Assets are not recognized in the financial statements'

xi) Taxation

Tax expense comp ses of current and deferre'l tax Current income tax is measured at the

amount expectedto be paid to the tax authorities in accordance with the Income TaxAct' 1961'

Deferred lncome tax reflects the impact of current year timing differences between taxable

income and accounting income for theyear and reversal of timing differences ofearlieryears'

Thedeferredtaxfortimingdifferencesbetweent}ebookandtaxprofitfoltheyearisaccounted for using the ta( mtes and laws that have been substantively enacted as of thc

Balance Sheet date. Irefereal tax asset is recognized only to tlle extent that there is reasonable

certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available against which sg\leferred tax



Page 72: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &


Noles lo Financial Slaiernenls as al and for {he year ended March 31, 2017

asset can be realized. In situations where the company has unabsorbed depreciation or carry

forward tax losses, ali deferred tax assets are recognized only if there is virtuai ceftainty

supported by convincing eviderce that they can be realized against future taxable profits. The

carylng amount ofdeferred tax assetis reviewed at each Balance Sheet date

Minimum Altemate Tax [MAT) credit is recognized as an asset only when and to the extent

there is convincing evidence that the company will pay normal income tax du.ing the specified

pedod. In the year in which the MAT credit become eliSible to be recogniTed as an asset in

accordance rvith the recommendations contained in the Suidance note issued bythe Institute of

Chartered Accountants of India, the said asset is created by way ofa credit to the statement of

profit and loss and shown as MAT Credit Entitlement. The Company reviews the same at each

balance sheet date and writes down the carr,'lng amount of MAT Credit Entitlement to the

extent there is no longer convincing evidence to the effect that the Company will pay normal

Income Tax during the specified period.

rii) Segment Reporting

The generatly accepted accounting pdnciples used in the preparaiion of the financial

statements are applied to record revenue and expenditure in individual segments.

Segment ievenue and segment results include transfers betlveen business segments. Such

transfers are accounted for atthe agreed transaction value and such transfers are eliminated in

the consolidation ofthe segments.

Expenses that are directly identifiable to segments aae considered for determiningthe segment

resull Expenses, which relate to the company as a whole and are not allocable to segments, are

includedunderunallocated corporate expenses.

Segment assets and liabilities include those directly identifiable with the respective segments.

Unallocated corporate assets and liabilities represent the assets and liabilities that relate to the

company as awhole and not allocable to anysegment.

xiii) EmployeeBenefits

Short term benefits and post employmentbenefits are accounted in the period during which

the services have been rendered,

xiv) Earning Per Share

The basic earnings per share are computed by dividing the net profit ble to t}le equity

shareholders for the year by the weighted average number ofequity during

Page 73: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &


Notes to financial Slatements as al and tot the yeat ended March 3l ' 20lz

the repofting period Diluted EPS is computed by dividing the net profit attributable to the

€quity sharehoiders tor the year by the weighted average number of equity and dilutive equity

equivalent shares outstanding duringthe year' exceptwhere the results would be anti-dilutive'

xv) Cash Flow Statement

cash comp ses cash on hand anil demand deposits with banks Cash equivalems are sholt-

term balances [with an original matu ty ofthree months or less from the date ofacquisition)'

highly liquid investments that are readily convertible into known amounls of cash and which

are subiectto insignifrcant risk ofchanges in value'

cashflowsalereporiedusinStheindiiectmethod,wherebyprofit/(loss]beforeextraoralinary items and tax is adiusted for the effects oftransactions of non-cash naiure and

any deferrals or accruals of past or future cash receipts or pa]rments The cash flows from

operating, investing and financing activities of the Company are segregated based on the

available information.

)*{i)h? l?


Page 74: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &


Notes to Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 3 I , Z0 I z

22. Related Party Tnnsactions

Name ofrelated parties in Transactions with company and description ofrelationship

upto May31,2016

w.e.l lune 1,2016

Upto November 15,2016

23. Tmnsactionwith Related parties during the year

(Amount in Rs.)Name Nature ofTransactiotr Year ending

March 37, 2017

Year ending

March 31,


Mr. Anindya Bikas Datta Remuneration Paid Rs.1,80,000 Rs.1,00,000

Mr. Nitesh Agarwal Remuneration Paid Rs.1,11,532 Rs.1,32,500

Ms Neha Barnwal Remuneration Paid Rs.30,000 Rs.75,000

Ms Diprani Thakur Remunemtion Paid Rs, 1.,7 3,420

24. In terms ofAccounting Standard 17 - "Segment Reporting,, notified by Companies Act, 2013,the Company has only one reporlable business segment and have only one reportablegeographic segment in lndia.

25. Contingent Liabilities: Nil (previous year - Nil)

26. Certain Balances ofparties under sundry debtors, creditors,loans and advances are subjectto confi rmations/reconciliation.

27. There was no expenditure/earning in Foreign Currency du ng the year.

28. As informed there are no dues to Micro Small and Medium Enterprises as on March 31,2017.

29. During the year, the Company had specified bank notes or other denomination note asdefined in the MCA notification no. c.S.R 3OB(E) dated March 31, ZOLT on the details of

Key M onogeri al Personnel :

MrAnindya Bikas Datta

Ms Neha Barnwal

Ms Diprani Thakur

Mr Nitesh Agarwal

- Managing Director

- Company Secretary

- CompanySecretary

- Chief Financial officer

Page 75: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &


Notes to Financial Statements as at and for the year ended Malch 3I. 20I7

Specified Bank Notes (SBNI held and transacted during the period November 8,2016 to

December 30, 2016, the denomination wise SBNS and other notes as per the notification is

given below:

[Amount in RsJ

Particulars SBNs* Other




Closing cash inhand as on November B, 2016 k.12,782 k.72,782

[+J Permitted receipts

(-J Permitted Payments

[-] Amount deposited in banks

Closing cash in hand as on December 30, 2016 Rs.72,782 Rs.12,782


*For the purpose ofthis clause, the term 'Specified Bank Notes' shall have the same meaning

provided in the notification of the Covernment of India, in the Ministry of Finance,

Deparlmenl ofEconomic Affaifs no S.O.3407(EJ, dated November 08, 2016.

Deferred Tax

(Amount in Rs)

Particulars Year Ending

March 37,2017

Year Ending

March 31,2016

Fixed Asset as per Income Tax Act Rs.4,35,877 Rs.5,68,043

Fixed Asset as per Companies Act Rs.4,08,890 Rs.5,95,988

Defeffed Tax Assets Rs. &061 Rs.3,43,795

Page 76: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &


Notes to Financia.l Statements as at and for the year ended March 3 I , 20 I 7

31, The Previous yea/s figures have been regrouped, reclassified or rearranged wherever


FoT BANDYOPADHYAY& DUTTChartered AccountantsFirm Regn No.325116E

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

3p;,) L'r:err!r,in),n: ac.i [:-..,1 L:iiicrl Sp'cy Ertenc rrr:;.' z,:.t t:. . , .. a - "_. -,,,, rjc!,d Ltrnlig6

/ ^-oi.rftr )dt *Etr $'in-"totAnlnoya btKas uaftaManaging DirectorDIN 072741.7L


Membership No.055658

Place I KolkataDate: May 30, 2017

Spicy Entedalnmenl AnC [.4ed a Lim]lod

i\*.\HI..",.,".Diprani ThakurCompany Secretary

Abhishek Das


Page 77: ofAnnual - BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange)...Mr. Anil Kumar Sajjan kumar Sharma Mr. Konthoujam Sumeet Singha Ms. Sheetal Suresh Kale Ms. DipraniThakur--t M/s. BandYoPadhYaY &