Office 365 Directory Synchronization Update: Deploying Password Sync

Office 365 Directory Synchronization Update: Deploying Password Sync

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Office 365 Directory Synchronization Update: Deploying Password Sync

Directory Sync Update: Deploying Password SyncLucas CostaSenior Service [email protected]

Agenda What is password

sync? How does it work? Deploying DirSync

with password sync Password sync


Update on Windows Azure

DirSync Tool

About Password Sync


Password Sync: What it is Feature of DirSync – synchronizes user password hashes from on-premises AD to Windows Azure AD

Enables users to log to Windows Azure AD services using the same username/password as on-prem AD

Part of DirSyncNo additional softwareNo changes to domain controllers, no reboots


Password Sync: What it is Easier, less-expensive alternative to AD FS Single Sign-On, but not the same thingNo redirection to on-prem authenticationNo token exchange between the on-premises environment and the

cloudAuthentication takes place in the cloud

Only for single-forest scenario


Password Sync: How it works Security considerations

Synchronizes hashes from on-premises AD to Azure ADNever see or store plaintext passwords

Password Policy considerationsDefer to on-premises password policiesOn-premises complexity policies override cloud policies for

synchronized usersPasswords of synchronized users “never expire” in the cloud

Password Sync: How it works Checks for password updates every 2 minutes DirSync of other attributes still runs every 3 hours

Only sync passwords for users scoped for DirSyncWon’t sync password hash if “user must change Password at next


Retries failed password syncsRetries every hour for up to 1 day

Full Password SyncAvailable via PowerShell (Set-FullPasswordSync)


Deploying DirSync

Deploying Directory Synchronization Step 1: Prepare for DirSync Step 2: Activate DirSync Step 3: Set up DirSync Step 4: Synchronize directories Step 5: Activate synced users Step 6: Manage DirSynchttp://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh967642.aspx


Enable password sync

Initial sync

Password during activation

Force a full syncMonitor events

Deploying Directory Synchronization

Manage DirSync

Activate Users

Sync Directori


Setup DirSync

Activate DirSync

Prepare for


Prepare: Decide on Identity Scenario


Cloud Identity

no integration to on-premises directories

Directory & Password Synchronization

Integration without federation

Federated Identity

Single federated identity and credentials


Prepare: Decide on Identity Scenario


Feature Password Sync

SSO with AD FS

Use same username + password Control password policy on-premises Support for two-factor authentication * No password re-entry if on-premises Client access filtering Authentication occurs on-premises (no credentials on cloud) Change password available from the web Support for multi-forest configurations (FIM)

* Azure AD offers basic 2FA features with Azure Active Authentication AD FS can support a larger set of 2FA/Strong Authentication options


Prepare: Review Requirements Requirements for the DirSync computer

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or higher

Requirements for Domain Controllers Requirements for Admin Permissions Understand Performance Considerations Review UPN requirements New object quota – 300K with verified domains



Prepare: Leverage Tools OnRamp

Guidance tool that includes readiness checks for DirSyncHelps identify issues to be fixed that will minimize DirSync errorshttp://onramp.office365.com

IdFixAD remediation tool that includes statistics on top DirSync errors

requiring remediationhttp://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=36832

Deploying Directory Synchronization

Manage DirSync

Activate Users

Sync Directori


Setup DirSync

Activate DirSync

Prepare for


Activate DirSync: Via MOP


Activate DirSync: Via MOP


Activate DirSync: Via MOP


Activate DirSync: Via MOP


Activate DirSync: Via MOP



Activate DirSync: Via PowerShell

Set-MsolDirSyncEnabled –EnableDirSync $true.

Deploying Directory Synchronization

Manage DirSync

Activate Users

Sync Directori


Setup DirSync

Activate DirSync

Prepare for


Setup: Version Requirement Use the current version of DirSync

Version 6382.0000 or greater required to enable the Password Sync feature

Download the current version hereCheck information about version updates here


Setup: Install No difference as far as password sync

Current version installs SQL Express 2012 SP1


Setup: Configure Config wizard adds option to enable password sync


Deploying Directory Synchronization

Manage DirSync

Activate Users

Sync Directori


Setup DirSync

Activate DirSync

Prepare for


Synchronize: Initial Password Sync After config wizard, DirSync does the initial password sync (full password sync)

Only passwords for users in the DirSync scope

Passwords for federated users are not synchronized

Deploying Directory Synchronization

Manage DirSync

Activate Users

Sync Directori


Setup DirSync

Activate DirSync

Prepare for


Activate Users: Password Handling When activating users, those with synchronized passwords won’t have their passwords overwritten.

Deploying Directory Synchronization

Manage DirSync

Activate Users

Sync Directori


Setup DirSync

Activate DirSync

Prepare for


Manage: Operational Tasks Password sync can be disabled by running the Configuration Wizard and unchecking “Enable Password Sync”

Lookout for updated versions of DirSyncCheck information about version updates here

Monitor App Event Logs to troubleshoot and detect password sync errorshttp://support.microsoft.com/kb/2855271

Manage: Monitor App Log Events


Application Log, Event Source = Directory Synchronization

Password synchronization starts retrieving updated

passwords from the on-premises AD DS

Event ID 650Finished retrieving

updated passwords from on-premises AD DS

Event ID 651


Failed to retrieve updated passwords from

on-premises AD DS

Event ID 652


Manage: Monitor App Log Events


Application Log, Event Source = Directory Synchronization

Password synchronization starts informing Windows Azure AD that there are

no passwords to be synced

Event ID 653Finishes informing

Windows Azure AD that there are no passwords to

be synced

Event ID 654


Failed to inform Windows Azure AD that there are

no passwords to be synced

Event ID 655

error** This occurs every 30 minutes if no passwords have been updated on-premises

Manage: Monitor App Log Events


Application Log, Event Source = Directory Synchronization

Password synchronization detects password

changes and tries to sync it to Windows Azure AD

Event ID 656 User(s) whose password was successfully synced

Result : Success

Event ID 657


User(s) whose password was not syncedResult : Failed


** Lists at least 1 user, at most 50 users

Password Sync Scenarios


Password Sync and SSO Together Configuration of password sync and SSO is based on a given domain/namespace

DirSync skips sync of passwords for users that are configured for SSO (i.e. federated domains)

DirSync syncs passwords for all users not configured for SSO (i.e. users in managed domains).Users within the same namespace cannot be configured for both

password sync and SSOA specific user cannot be configured for both password sync and SSO

Convert from SSO to Password Sync 2 approaches

Convert individual users from federated managed by changing the user’s identity domain (user’s UPN suffix)

Convert a domain (and all associated users) from a federated domain to a managed domain

Must sync password after conversion http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/article




Override a Synchronized Password? It is possible to use PowerShell to reset a user’s passwordIn this case, the new password manually set via PowerShell overrides

the user’s synchronized passwordPassword policies defined in the cloud apply to the new password

If user changes on-premises password, this new password gets synchronized to the cloud and overwrites the manually updated password


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