Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations d’urgence Integrated Public Safety Sécurité publique intégrée Emergency Management Program Jim Montgomery, Program Manager

Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Integrated Public Safety

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Page 1: Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Integrated Public Safety

Office of Emergency


Gestion des situations d’urgence

Office of Emergency


Gestion des situations d’urgence

Integrated Public Safety

Sécurité publique intégrée Emergency

Management Program

Jim Montgomery,

Program Manager

Page 2: Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Integrated Public Safety

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgence

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgenceIntegrated Public Safety

Sécurité publique intégrée

Thank-you for the invitation.

On 22nd January 2009,Pavle Kalinic,Head of Zagreb Emergency Management Office and

John Ash, Head of the City of Ottawa Office of Emergency Management, signed a Declaration and protocol on cooperation and friendship.

Page 3: Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Integrated Public Safety

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgence

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgenceIntegrated Public Safety

Sécurité publique intégrée

Page 4: Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Integrated Public Safety

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgence

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgenceIntegrated Public Safety

Sécurité publique intégrée

Ottawa is……. Ottawa, is the capital city of

Canada; a municipality with a

population of 992,129 citizens,

an area of 2,778.64 km2, surrounding areas are

designated as the National Capital Region.

Ottawa is the; 2nd highest quality of living

of any city in the Americas and the14th highest in the world, and

3rd cleanest city in the world.

Page 5: Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Integrated Public Safety

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgence

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgenceIntegrated Public Safety

Sécurité publique intégrée

Ottawa’s Organizational Structure

A u d ito r G en e ra l

C o m m u n ity an d S oc ia l S e rv ices P u b lic W o rks

In fo rm a tion T ech no lo gy P a rks , R e c rea tio n &C u ltu ra l S e rv ices

H u m an R e so u rces C o rp ora te C o m m u n ica tio ns

E m e rge n cy &P ro te ctive S e rv ices

O rg an iz a tio n a l D e ve lo pm e nt& P erfo rm a n ce

C ity O pe ra tio nsD e p u ty C ity M a n a g er

S te ve K an e lla kos

C o m m u n ity S u s ta in a b ility E n v iron m e nta l S erv ices

In fra stru c tu re S erv ices P la nn in g & G ro w thM a na ge m e nt

R a il Im p lem e nta tion T ra n s it S e rv ic es

In fra s tru c tu re S e rv ice s &C o m m u n ity S u s ta in a b ility

D e p u ty C ity M a n a g erN a n cy S che p e rs

C ity M an a g erK e n t K irkp a trick

M a yo r L a rry O 'B rienC ity C o u n c il

Page 6: Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Integrated Public Safety

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgence

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgenceIntegrated Public Safety

Sécurité publique intégrée

Page 7: Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Integrated Public Safety

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgence

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgenceIntegrated Public Safety

Sécurité publique intégrée

Office of Emergency ManagementOffice of Em ergency M anagem ent

Em ergency M anagem en tAdm in C lerk

E lizabeth S m alldridg eext. 2146 6

Response & Developm en tCoord inato r

Nancy Sam son-Boothext. 23752, ce l ph 850-069 1

Com m unity Em erg M gm tCoord inato r

Nathalie R ochefor text. 28078, ce l ph 858-140 1

Speciality T ask F orce sCoord inato r

Harris io n M oo next.12278, cel p h

ISCSShawna Kerw in

ext.1247 8cel ph 3 16-306 6

PW SG lenn R obertso n

ext. 1264 9cel ph 2 66-814 9

ESSPaola P arent i

ext. 2942 8cel ph 8 58-009 6

Shared Service s(new hire )

ext.cel p h

F ire & By-LawK im Ayotteext. 2942 2

cel ph 9 13-796 6

Param edics & Corp Se cAshley M urfin

ext. 2248 9cel p h

Public HealthSarah Hunte r

ext. 2368 7cel ph 2 96-070 3

Polic eCharle s Bordelea u236-1222 , ext 211 0

cel ph 7 91-409 4

Em erg M gm t & Business Continuity P la nCoord inators

Em ergency Inform ation SystemSpecialis t(Vacant )

O ffice o f E m erg e ncy M a n ag e m e n t U n itP ro gra m M a na g erJ im M o ntg o m e ry

e x t. 2 14 99 , ce l p h 2 97 -87 36

Page 8: Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Integrated Public Safety

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgence

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgenceIntegrated Public Safety

Sécurité publique intégrée

Mandated by the province under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, the Office of Emergency Management is responsible for managing the:

Emergency Management Program (EMP) Addresses legislative requirements, With the goal of enhancing collaboration between all

emergency partners, Prior to, during and after an emergency.

Page 9: Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Integrated Public Safety

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgence

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgenceIntegrated Public Safety

Sécurité publique intégrée

Page 10: Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Integrated Public Safety

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgence

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgenceIntegrated Public Safety

Sécurité publique intégrée

Mandated by the province under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, the Office of Emergency Management is responsible for managing the:

City of Ottawa Emergency Plan Reviewed on an annual basis, Governs the provision of essential services, and Defines the processes and procedures.

Page 11: Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Integrated Public Safety

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgence

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgenceIntegrated Public Safety

Sécurité publique intégrée

Biological• Human• Animal• PlantMeteorological/ Elemental• Drought• Flood/Storm

Surge/Tsunami• Ice/Snow• Fire• Wind - Tornado/HurricaneGeological• Earthquake• Landslide• AvalancheResulting from:• Acts of God

Non-intentional• Energy• Finance• Information/

Communication• Agriculture• Health• Environment• Transport• Public safety/ security• Government

operationsResulting from:• Human Error• System Failure

Intentional• Energy• Finance• Information/

Communication• Agriculture• Health• Environment• Transport• Public safety/ security• Government

operationsResulting from:• Civil unrest• Terrorism• International Tension• Criminal Acts• War

II. Human Induced Emergencies I. Natural Emergencies

Page 12: Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Integrated Public Safety

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgence

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgenceIntegrated Public Safety

Sécurité publique intégrée

Top Ten Vulnerabilities

Influenza Pandemic An earthquake A radiation-related

emergency Water contamination A lifeline failure

A weather event An act of terrorism An explosion A demonstration or

riot A hazardous material


Page 13: Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Integrated Public Safety

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgence

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgenceIntegrated Public Safety

Sécurité publique intégrée

Mandated by the province under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, the Office of Emergency Management is responsible for managing the:

Are You Ready Program: Emergency Preparedness Public Education and Awareness Program Aims to educate employees, community and

businesses on the importance of emergency planning. The better-prepared people are for an emergency, the

better the City is able to respond to the emergency.

Page 14: Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Integrated Public Safety

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgence

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgenceIntegrated Public Safety

Sécurité publique intégrée

The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) ensures the safety of all residents and visitors:

Page 15: Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Office of Emergency Management Gestion des situations durgence Integrated Public Safety

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgence

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgenceIntegrated Public Safety

Sécurité publique intégrée

Mandated by the province under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, the Office of Emergency Management is responsible for managing the:

Emergency Management Training and Exercise Program Multi-agency training and exercise program For staff and partners that manage, support,

command and respond to events, Test the effectiveness at the multi-departmental level, Allows for continuous improvement of the City’s

emergency response capacity.

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Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgence

Office of Emergency Management

Gestion des situations d’urgenceIntegrated Public Safety

Sécurité publique intégrée

Training & Exercise Program

Principles; Multi-agency Inter-agency Inclusive

City Partners Public Private


Courses Emergency

Management Introduction Basic Advanced

Incident Command Awareness Basic Intermediate Advanced

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Office of Emergency


Gestion des situations d’urgence

Office of Emergency


Gestion des situations d’urgence

Integrated Public Safety

Sécurité publique intégrée

