U.S. Depa rtme nt of Tra n sportatio n 11 117/2014 Office of The Secre tary of Transpo rtation FO IA R EQUESTS SEARCH RES ULTS Co ntrol l'\o Requestor Last Na me Req ues ti ng Firm Date Logged Subj ect 20 13-0001 Cage 10/05/20 12 A copy of the followi ng: EEO cases fonn al and informall y filed in all of DOT agencies for each year sin ce 2008: fil ed in FHWA f or each year since 2008: the basis of each EEO compla int: and t he resolution of each complain t. (See Request) 20 13-0002 Garcia. J.D. Judicial Watch 10/05/20 12 Three pages forward from US Treasury Department. 2013-0003 Eames 10/05/20 12 The following information perta ini ng to the Deputy Secretary of Transportation and hi s/her members hip on the President's Man agement Co un ci l: I) date s on which he/she auended any meetings of th e PMC: and 2) locations where he/she auended the meetings of the PMC: and 3) a record of hi s/her voting as a member of the PMC. 201 3-0 004 Patterson Pub l ic Citi zen Liti gation 10/05/ 2012 All co ntracts between DOT and thi rd- party Group ve ndors that prov id e security for all DOT computer netwo rks including bu t not limited to any net work s th at are acce ss ibl e onl y to DOT empl oyees and staff and any netwo rk s access ibl e to members of the publ ic . (See Request) 20 13-0005 Bennett Open Th e Government.org 10/05/20 12 Copies of the report submiued by the Department of Transport at ion to th e Archivist and th e Director of the Office of Ma nagement and Budge t pursuant to the ovember 28. 20 II Pres idential Memorandum on Manag ing Gove rnment Records. 2013-0006 Ptacek W- USA-TV/ Ga nneu I0/12/2012 Co pies of the data that the Department of Transportat ion reports to GSA for the 20 II Premium Class Tra ve l Reports. 20 13-0007 Peppler Escambi a Co unty I0/ 12/20 12 All documents pertaining to the l awsuit Attorne y's Orfi ce fi led. all eg ing da mages from some flo odi ng incidents in 2005. (See Requ est) 20 13-0008 Uffo rd Redmond & azar. L. L.P. I0/ 12/20 12 Copies of all esc row agreemen ts be tween Ryan I nternat ional Airlines. In c. and Intrust Bank. .A. that are on fi le and have been approved by the DOT as required by 1-t CFR 3 12.8 for Aircraft Chart er Agreement. Page I of .t6 FO R OFFIC IAL USE ONLY USE OF fNFORMATIO I TH IS DOCU ME T IS RESTR ICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency pol icies and proced ures arc to be fo llowed r egarding secured storage. ret ri evability. access co nt rols. retention. and di s po sa l of th e reco rd s. This materi al is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Ac t of 1974. U C 552a. as amended.

Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

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Page 1: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Depa rtment of Transportation 11117/2014

O ffice of The Secretary of Transportation


Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject

2013-0001 Cage 10/05/2012 A copy of the following: EEO cases fonnal and informally filed in all of DOT agencies for each year since 2008: filed in FHWA for each year since 2008: the basis of each EEO complaint: and the resolution of each complaint. (See Request)

2013-0002 Garcia. J.D. Judicial Watch 10/05/2012 Three pages forward from US Treasury Department.

2013-0003 Eames 10/05/2012 The following information pertaining to the Deputy Secretary ofTransportation and his/her membership on the President's Management Council: I) dates on which he/she auended any meetings of the PMC: and 2) locations where he/she auended the meetings of the PMC: and 3) a record of his/her voting as a member of the PMC.

201 3-0004 Patterson Public Citizen Litigation 10/05/2012 All contracts between DOT and third-party Group vendors that provide security for all DOT

computer networks including but not limited to any networks that are accessible only to DOT employees and staff and any networks accessible to members of the public. (See Request)

2013-0005 Bennett Open The Government.org 10/05/20 12 Copies of the report submiued by the Department of Transportation to the Archivist and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget pursuant to the

ovember 28. 20 II Presidential Memorandum on Managing Government Records.

2013-0006 Ptacek W-USA-TV/ Ganneu I 0/12/2012 Copies of the data that the Department of Transportation reports to GSA for the 20 II Premium Class Trave l Reports.

20 13-0007 Peppler Escambia County I 0/12/2012 All documents pertaining to the lawsuit Attorney's Orfice fi led. alleging damages from some flooding

incidents in 2005. (See Request)

20 13-0008 Ufford Redmond & azar. L.L.P. I 0/12/2012 Copies of all escrow agreements between Ryan International Airlines. Inc. and Intrust Bank. .A. that are on fi le and have been approved by the DOT as required by 1-t CFR 312.8 for Aircraft Charter Agreement.

Page I of .t6

FO R OFFIC IAL USE ONLY USE OF fNFORMATIO I TH IS DOCUME T IS RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency pol icies and procedures arc to be fo llowed regarding secured storage. retrievability. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. U C 552a. as amended.

Page 2: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Depa r tmen t of Transportation ll/17/2014

Office of T he Secretary of T ransportation . FOIA REQUESTS SEARC H RESULTS

Control No Requestor Last !'iame Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject

2013·0009 Moten I 011212012 All records for the period January I. 2008 through to the present. that restrict the access and movement ofF AA employees to and through the fac ilities located at 800 Independence Avenue. SW and 950 L'Enfant Plaza. S.W., DC.

2013-0010 Ezell Podhurst Orseck, P.A. I 0/1212012 Copies of all documents associated with the investigation of and subsequent legal actions taken against Allegiant Airlines in regard to their repeated violatoins which occurred from January I, 2009 to the present. (See Request)

2013-00 11 Carroll The Louisville Courier- 10/17/2012 Copies of 30 S 1 O's control leners. Journal - Washington Bureau

2013-0012 Jozefiak I 0/18/2012 A copy of all communications between the Department ofTransportation and United Continental Holdings including any of its subisidiarics such as United Airlines in regards to award tickets issued to and from HKG by United Airlines on and around July 15th. 20 12 which were issued at a cost of 4 miles and associated taxes and fees. (See Request)

20 13-0013 Wicinski Leib & Katt. LLC I 0/18/2012 A copy of all documents pertaining to an incident that occurred on November I. 20 11 during a Southwest Airlines Co. flight 683 from ATL to ICT wherein a passenger was allegedly served a Dasani water bottle that contained a liquid other than water. (See Request)

2013-00 14 Brown 10123/2012 Copies of the org<mizational charts for the Chief lnfonnation Officer that includes the names and titles. departments of the people who report to the Chief lnfonnation Officer of the Department of Transportation. (See Request)

20 13-0015 Lesnik orris McxLaughlin & 10123/2012 All investigative files Marcus. PA from 1/ II 20 l l through 7/31/20 II regarding

Red Gold Logistics LLC and/or Moving Direct Van Lines. (See Request)

2013-0016 Groen Cause of Action 10/25/2012 lnfonnation regarding CT A and its reporting of bus-vehicle revenue miles. or investigation for the period of January I. 20 I I through the present.

Page2 of46

FOR OFFIC IAL USE ONLY USE OF I FORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED. Fedcr-dl. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be followed regarding secured storage. retrievability. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 3: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Transportation 11117/ 20 14

Office of T h e Secretary of Transportation


C ontrol No Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject

2013-0017 Boucher Kotz Sangster Wysocki P.C. 11/02/20 12 Copies of any supplemental information

provided to you by the Michigan Unilied

Certiticat ion Program. the Michigan

Department ofTransportation. or any other

source regarding GM & Sons. Inc.'s appeal

of the MUCP's revocation of its DBE


20 13-0018 ewcomb ewcomb Consulting 11 /02120 12 A copy of the tota l package DOT has on

Mallory Sun dba ServPro of Downers

Grove & Oak Brook from the City of

Chicago as allow by the Freedom of

Information Act.

2013-00 19 Combs 11/0212012 Copies of any and all records of

communication between the OITice of the

.:H:; I..t\0 1<1~ and omKat Ranch.

Farallon Capital Management LLC

(Farallon) or representatives of Farallon.

20 13-0020 Sanders Poli tiFact Florida and the 11/02/2012 Copies of any communicat ion to Secreta!)'

Tampa Bay Times LaHood from Florida Rep. Connie Mack IV in which he addresses the subject of

stimulus fund s.

2013-002 1 Morris Department of Energy 11 /05/2012 Request from --re:

HG-20 10-01899-F.

2013-0022 Heath USA Today 11/07/2012 Copies of the wrinen job descriptions and

rcsponsibi lit ies for all public information

officers. public affairs specialists.

communications specialists. social media

specialis ts. and any other spokesmen fo r the Department of Transportation. (See


20 13-0023 Wilson The Hill ewspaper 11/07/2012 A copy of any and all log(s) or

correspondence that include leners from

members of Congress from October I. 20 12

through the present day to the Department of Transportat ion.

201 3-0024 - 11/09/2012 All records pertaining to oneself and your

assoc iation with Flate Rate Movers. LLC

from January I. 2008 through the date of

receipt of th is correspondence.

2013-0025 Heide 11 / 15/201 2 The record that affirmatively de legated the

Secretary's responsibi lities outined in 49

U.S.C. Section 47 11 4 to the FAA


Page 3 of 46

FOR OFFIC IAL USE ONLY USE OF INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUtviENT IS RESTRICTED. Federa l. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures arc to be

followed regarding secured storage. retrievabili ty. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is su~jcct to the

safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 4: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Transporta tion 11/ 17/20 14

Office of The Secr etary of T r a nspo rta tion


Control No Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject

2013-0026 Miller Morrison, Moll & 11 115/20 12 Any and all documents relating to the

Sherwood. PLLP investigation in Case umber

EV20 II l 00009. as concluded by our ofnce

on January 3. 2012.

2013-0027 Musgrave MuckRock News l l/15/20 12 Documents relating to grants issued to the

Massachusetts Execut ive Office of Public

Safety and Security for Automated License

Plate Recognition (ALPR) technology and


2013-0028 Luciani Roman & Associations 11 / 15/2012 All documents pertaining to the incident

that occurred on 9119/ 20 12 at 4:20am on

Highway 58 in Boron. CA. involving --report no. 20 12-09-0052.

2013-0029 Kauffman Robinson & McElwee 11 / 15/2012 Copies of any and all correspondence and

communications received from

of Buffalo, West Virginia as well as

correspondence and communications sent

to by or on behalf of the

U.S. Department of Transportation.

2013-0030 Eakes Calfo Harrigan Lehy & 11/28/20 12 All documents related to the Lande!

Eakes. LLP Corporation. Inc. inc luding but not limited

to Lande! Corporation's original

ccrt i lication as a Disadvantaged Business

Enterprise. any re-certifications.

decertification and any subsequent appeal of their de-certification. (See Request)

2013-003 1 Chung 11/30/2012 All information pertaining to 0 11 L Corp.

appl icat ion for an air freigh t fowarder license submitted to the Civil Aeronaut ics

Board on or around II April 1972 and

Loomis Courier Service Inc. object ion to this application. (See Request)

2013-0032 Bell Stanley H. Jakala Anomey 11/30/2012 Copies of records of a tratlic acc ident

at Law investigat ion in Poplar Grove. lL on May 3 1.2011 involving a 2008 Peterbilt truck

carrying U.S. mail on Illinois Route 76.

2013-0033 - 11 /30/20 12 A copy of my investigation Iiles and the

Secrui ty Clearance determination.

2013-0034 Flatten Washington Examiner 11/30/20 12 A database of all agency employees who

have used official time under any category

in 5 USC 7 13 1 or re lated s tatutes since

January I. 2009. (See Request)

Page 4 of 46

FOR OFFIC IAL USE O N LY USE OF INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be

followed regarding secured storage, retrievability. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the

safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 5: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Transportation 11/ 17/2014

Office of T h e Secretary of Transp or tation


Control No Requestor Last l'iame Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject

2013-0035 Morgan Sull ivan. Morgan & 11/30/2012 Documents pertaining to an accident

Chronic. LLC involving the driver of the Lansing

Building Products. Inc. truck. located at

850 1 Sanford Drive. Richmond. VA 23228

under US DOT #7846 19 and the person that

died in the accident on

Monday. August 27. 2012.

2013-0036 Levin 11/30/20 12 Copies of all documents relating to

consumer complaints regarding United

Airl ines Mileage Plus error fare tickets to

and from Hong Kong.

20 13-0037 Madison Madison & Associates 11/30/ 2012 All records pertaining to-

2013-0038 Kraft Asset Management 11 /30/2012 A copy of any financial spreadsheet. ledger

Consultants or other record of the active cash and

cash-convertible sureties and escrow accounts maintained by DOT for linancial

instruments posted or deposited with them

to ensure completion of construction


20 13-0039 Fe it Mardirossian & Associates. 11 /30/2012 Copies of all documents regarding an

Inc. incident involving passengers

~ I American Airlines night 117 from JFK to

LAX on August 24. 20 12.

2013-0040 MacFarlane Cox Media Group 12/04/2012 All agency documentation regarding

Washington Bureau disposing of unneeded real estate in US in

20 11 and 20 12.

2013-0041 MacFarLane Cox Media Group 12/04/2012 Copies of all electronic mail from 201 1 to 2012 from employees of the DOT Public

Affairs Office or DOT Legislative Affairs

Office that includes the key words: Atlanta.

Charlotte. Dayton. San Francisco.

Pittsburgh. John Mica. Darrclllssa or COX


2013-0042 Tam Roman & Associates 12/06/20 12 Documents pertaining to the following: us DOT No. 2279745, Ballas of 1 ew York. Inc ..

located at 196 Alps Road Street. Suite 2.

Athens. GA 30606. (See Request)

2013-0043 Buechner American Road and 12114/20 12 Information pertaining to FY2010-FY20 12

Transportation Builders T iger Grants. (See Request)


Page 5 of 46

FOR OFFIC IAL USE O N L Y USE OF INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS RESTRJCTED. Federal. DepartmentaL and Agency policies and procedures are to be

followed regarding secured storage. retrievabi lity. access controls. retention. and disposa l of the records. This material is subject to the

safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 6: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Transportation 11/ 17/20 14

Office o f T he Secretary of T r a nsportation


Control No Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject

2013-0044 MacFarlane Cox Media Group 12/ 14/20 12 Detailed summary of all laptop computers

that have been reponed stolen, lost, or

missing since 2007.

2013-0045 Kannan Homes & Wiseley, P.C. 12/ 14/2012 A complete copy of a ll audit reviews and or supporting documentat ion upon wh ich

such determinations were made for

DBA Quali ty

Express. US DOT number 996223.

20 13-0046 Israel ThinkProgress Center for 12/ 18/2012 Copies of all correspondence received from

American Progress Action Representative Timothy Scott from January

Fund 20. 2009 to present.

2013-0047 Blakely Polsinell i Shughart. PC 12/3 1/20 12 All request received by the Office of the

Secretara of the U.S. Depanment of

Transponation from carriers of Over the

Road Buses for extension of the October

29.2012 fleet accessibility deadl ine set

fonh in 49 C.F.R. Section 37.185(b) made

pursuant to 49 C.F.R. Section 37.185(c) (the 20 II Requests). (See Request)

2013-0048 Troutman Dewey Publications. Inc. 12/31/2012 The names and email address fo nhe persons in the following positions in your

agency: Human Relations Directors. Civil

Rights Directions. Equal Employment

Opponuni ty Directors. Labor Relations

Directors. Works' Compensation Directors.

and Training Directors. (Sec Request for

More Titles)

20 13-0049 Calandra Esq. Bachus & Schanker. LLC 12/31/20 12 A copy of any and all investigat ions into

the safety of vehicles used by E.D.S.

Waste Solutions. 410 Orchard Street.

Golden. Colorado 8040 I for the years 20 I I

and 20 12 and the Inspector General's

finding regading the same by provided to


2013-0050 Fernandez-Wells. Esq. Zia arural Gas Company 12/31/20 12 Copies of the Site-Specific Field Inspection

records for an on-site inspection of Raton

Gas Transmission Company facilities which occurred commencing June I I. 2012.

2013-0051 MacFarlane COX TV 12/31/20 12 Copies of a ll performance evaluations and

performance reviews of employees (not the

Director of Public Affa irs) in the agency's

department of Legislative Affairs and

PublicAfTairs tor20 11 and2012.

2013-0052 McPherson Baltimore and Ohio Rai lroad 12/31/2012 Information about recipients of the medals

Museum dt:scribt:d in 49 USC Section 80504.

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FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USE OF INFORMATION I Tf-!IS DOCUMENT IS RESTRlCTED. FederaL Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be

followed regarding secured storage. rctrievability. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the

safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 7: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Transportation - 11/17/2014

Office of The Secretary of Transportation


Control No Requestor Las t Name Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject

2013-0053 Jacobi 12/3 1/2012 A copy of all documents relating to this third round of RGN mistake fares. especially as they relate to LX. (See Request)

2013-0054 Larson 01/09/2013 The names. email address. and phone number for the person/persons wi th in the U.S. Department of Transportation with the title of Competition Advocate as referreced in FAR Subpart 6.5. (See Request)

2013-0055 Newman 01/09/2013 Copies of the Official records in your possession. under your control, that display the dry land known as Florida. is included in. and/or is defined as. one of the States of the United States as referenced in USC Title 49 Sections displayed above. (See Request)

2013-0056 Johnson Jet Linx Aviation 01/09/2013 A copy of the NPTRS Report retrived from the FAA's Safety Performance Analysis System (SPAS) for Avantair.

20 13-0057 Silversmith Zuckert, Scoutt & 01/11/2013 Copy of a I 1/06/20 12 letter from Samuel Rasenberger. LLP Podberesky of DOT to counsel for Qantas

Airways Limited (docketed as DOT -OST -2008-0272-0097). (See Request)

20 13-0058 Silversmith Zuckert. Scoutt & 0 1/ 11/2013 All documents in the possession of the Rasenberger. LLP DOT Offi ce of the Secretary prohibiting

U.S. pilots from !lying past their 60th birthday. (See Request)

2013-0059 - 0 111 1/2013 A copy of the rating sheet selecting factors. the individual selected resume. all supporting documents, and any information on my ratings for the Financial Policy Advisor - GS-0301-14115 BP. GS-030 1-15 vacany number FHWA.HIN-20 12-0005 posi tion.

2013-0060 Kirk K&L Gates 0 1/11/2013 All information pertaining to the Atlanta Restaurant Partners. U .C certilic;lt ion as an Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise. (See Request)

2013-006 1 Ravnitz.ky 0 1/1 1/2013 A copy of the Department of Transportation Human Resources position description for Government Information Series 0306.

2013-0062 - Clinton Correctional Facility 0 1/11 /2013 All information pertaining to the above Annex { I mentioned.

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FOR OFFIC IAL USE ONLY USE OF I FORMATION IN TH IS DOCUMENT IS R£STRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be fo llowed regarding secured storage. retrievabil ity. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a as amended.

Page 8: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Transportation 11117/20 14

Office of The Secr etary of Transportation


Cont rol No Requestor Last Name Request ing Firm Date Logged Subject

2013-0063 - Clinton Correctional Facility 01111/20 13 All information pertain ing to the mentioned


20 13-0064 Payton American Bridge 2 1st 0111 1/20 13 Copies of correspondence between

Century now-fomrer Senator Scott Brown and the

Secretary of Transportation from 20 I 0 to

the present. (See Request)

20 13-0065 Payton American Bridge 2 1st 0 1/ 11/20 13 Copies of correspondence between

Century Kenneth Thomas Ken Cuccinelli II and the

Secretary o f Transportation from 20 10 to

the present.

2013-0066 Shahaden Enterprise - WcCar & 0 1/ 11/20 13 A copy of a Return of Excess Federal

Rideshare Division Transit Funds Summary of refunded credits

to OtvlB or DOT for the years 20 I 0. 20 I I.

and 20 12.

2013-0067 Leonard Crawford Laboratories 0 1/ 17/20 13 Information relating to the Century

Container Corporation of Ohio (533 1 State

Route 7. New Waterford. OH 4.t445).

20 13-0068 Gilligan 0 1/ 17/ 20 13 Copies of material from May 200 I to the

present related interactions between your

agency and the Noranda Aluminum

Corporation. headquarters in Franklin. TN

and their manufacturing faci I ities in

Franklin. TN. Huntingdon. TN, New

Madrid. MO. Gramercy. LA. Salisbury. NC

and Newport. AR.

20 13-0069 Goldstein. Esq. Letter Publications. Inc. 0 1/ 17/20 13 Copies of the letters from each of the 22

companies referenced in the DOT

statement pertaining to the over-the-road

bus provisions of the DOT's Americans With Disabil ities Act regulation and the

replies from DOT to each of the 22 companies' requests. (See Request)

2013-0070 Gilligan 0 1/ 17/20 13 Copies of material from May 200 I to the

present related interactions between your

agency and Lemon's Sanitary Landfill and Reynolds Metals-Gum Springs. (Sec


20 13-0071 Kramer ational Priorities Project 0 1/ 17/20 13 A copy of the documents prepared by your

agency to suppon the creation of the

White House Office of Management and

Budget's Analytical Perspectives charter

Appendix -- Homeland Security Mission

Funding by Agency and Budget Account. (See Request)

Page 8 of46

FO R OFFIC lAL USE ONLY USE OF INFORMATION I THIS DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be

fo llowed regarding secured s torage. retricvability. access controls. retent ion. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the

safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 9: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Transportation 11/ 17/2014

Office of The Secretary of Transportation


Control No Requestor Last Name Requesting Fi rm Date Logged Subject

20 13-0072 Rois. P. E. KMMA. LLC 0111712013 All correspondence that your office received from Metro St. Louis regarding the KMMA. LLC Appeal.

20 13-0073 Jozetiak 01/17/2013 A copy of all communication between DOT and Vayama. CheapoAir. Travelocity. Expedia. Swiss Airl ines. British Airways. Singapore Airlines. Iberia. Korean Airlines and any other airline or Online Travel Agencies regard ing cancelation and later restitution of airfa re puchased on or around April 30th to May 4th. 2012 from RG and communication regarding whether these tickets would be covered under OST regulations including Section 399.88(a). (See Request)

20 13-0074 Ravnitzky 01/ 17/20 13 A copy of any and all records mentioning or discussing or referencing steps being taken by the Department of Transportation to address the very large number of ta.,x delinquencies among agency employees.

20 13-0075 Blake 01/23/20 13 Copies of any complaints involving the Office of Hearings (OST) since January I. 2000.

20 13-0076 Ravnitzky 01/23/20 13 A copy of the sequestration plan in the Office of the Secretary at the Department of Transportation.

2013-0077 ash Bloomberg ews 01/23/20 13 A copy of leiters. email messages and logs of telephone calls and meetings between officials of the U.S. Department of Transportation and representatives of California Governor Jerry Brown's office. including the governor himself. regarding the California High-Speed Rail project. from Jan. I. 20 12 to present.

20 13-0078 Dresnick 01/25/20 13 Any and all documents. data. and other evidence that the DOT has in its possession involving the IP Address.

20 13-0079 Valentin Cul len and Dykman. LLP 01/25/2013 Copies of al l records. electronic or otherwise. relating to the Plaintifrs attendance and income. throughout his employment as a bus operator with the MT A from September 2008 to present.

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FOR OFFIC IAL US E ONLY USE OF TNFORMATIO TN THI S DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency pol icies and procedures are to be fo llowed regarding secured storage. retrievability. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

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Control No


20 13-008 1

20 13-0082


20 13-0084

20 13-0085A

20 13-0086

U.S. Department of Transportation

Office of The Secretary ofTransportation


Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged

Dione Edge Point 01 /3 1/2013

Wilson The Hill 01/3 1/20 13

Takahama Bus and Motorcoach ews 01/31/2013

Hanlon 01/31/20 13

Wilson The Hill 02/04/20 13

Read 02/04/20 13

Weismann CREW 02/04/2013

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11/17/20 14


An accounting of all uncashed checks and warrants (checks that have been issued by DOT and remain outstanding for six months or more as of the date of this letter. Only include items that can still be claimed by the payee and have not been escheated to the state. (See Request)

A copy of the following letters SI0-1 2 11 05-004. S I0-1 2 11 05-007. S I 0-12 1016-006. S I 0-1 2103 1-002. S I 0-1 21 I 01-031. and S I 0-12 1009-0 17.

A current list of the large motorcoach companies that provide fixed-route services as well as the companies that submitted requests for extensions. (See Request)

All information pertaining to any charges. complaints and or correspondence regarding services to disabled passengers involving the fo llowing: American Airlines. Air Jamaica. Air France. Frontier Airlines. US Airways. British Airways. Lufthansa Air France. United. Continental. Southwest. Air Tran. Air Canada. Delta and Virgin America at Phi ladelphia International Airport in Philadelphia. PA for the past two years.

A copy of any and all logs of correspondence that include letters from members of Congress from January I. 2013 through the present day to the Department ofT ransportation.


Any and all records of or renecting communications from January I. 20 II . to the present to. from. and/or between officials at U.S. Department of Transportation. through the Main Secretary's Office. and Representative John Mica. or any member of his congressional staff acting on behalf of Rep. Mica. (See Request)

USE OF I FORMATIO IN TI-ll S DOCUME T IS RESTRJCTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be followed regarding secured storage. retrievabil ity. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 11: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

Control No


20 13-0088


20 13-0090



20 13-0093

20 13-0094

U.S. Department of Transportation

Office of The Secretary of Transportation


Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged

Bailey Judicial Watch








Law Offices Corboy & Demetrio


Democratic Senato ri al

Campaign Committee

Democratic Senatorial Cam paign Committee

Democratic Senatorial

Campaign Committee

Zuckcrt. Scoutt & Rasenberger

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02/05/20 13







02/08/20 13




Any and all records concerning or re lating

to Secretary of Transportation Ray

LaHood's participation in gun policy

discussions in the wake of the ewton. CT

school shooting: and all records

concerning any policy proposals made by

Secretary LaJ lood following the ewton,

CT school shooting.

Copy of all records re lated to your

invest igation concerning

Pontare ll i Group Charters. Inc. or All About

Charters. in 20 I I.

Any ru les. memos. guidance or other materials tha tinfomr how your agency

appl ies the ADRA. (See Request)

Records indicating the following

information regarding all political

appointees (non-career SES. Schedule C.

presidential appointees) a t DOT who began

work on or after Jan. 20. 2009. (See


Any correspondence to the Department of

Transportation from or on behalf of U.S.

Senator Mark Udall (D-CO) between

January 3. 2009 and January 29. 20 13: U.S.

Congressman Mark Uda ll (0-CO) between

1999 and 2009: and Colorado State Assemblynman Mark Udall between 1996

and 1998.

Any correspondence. including electronic. to the Department of Transportation or on

behalf of U.S. Senator Mark Begich (O-AK)

between 1988 - January 29. 20 13. (See


Copies of any correspondence. including

electronic. 10 your agency from or on behalf of U.S. Senator AI Franken (D-tviN)

between July 7. 2009 and January 29.2013.

A copy of the June 12. 2000. from then

Secretary ofTransportation Rodney Slater

to then Chairman of the Senate Judiciary

Committee Orrin Hatch. re: FAA rules

which would have forced foreign airlines to

adopt Lhe same security regulations as US

Airlines. and DOT moving to ha lt those

ru les.

USE OF INFORMATION IN T HI S DOCUME T IS RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be

followed regarding secured storage. retrievability. access controls. retent ion. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the

safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a as amended.

Page 12: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Depa rtment of Transportation 11/17/20 14

Office of T he Secretary of T ra nsportation


Control No Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject

2013-0095A Ezell Podhurst Orseck Trial & 02/ 11/2013 Appealing FY2012-285. Appellate Lawyers

201 3-0096 Hird University of 02/11/2013 All of the Of'fi ce of the Secretary's Massacl1usctts-Amherst Regulatol)' Impact Analyses completed for

final regulations between 198 1 and 2012.

2013-0097 Redding 02/13/2013 Copies of any and all documentation the DOT has granted Delta Airlines an exception io sell seats held for disabled travelers before the 24 hour deadl ine. (See incoming request)

2013-0098 Silversmith Zucken. Scoutt & 02/13/2013 Copies of any and all documents which Rasenberger. LLP address why animal deaths were omitted

from the appropriate monthly February 2013 Air Travel Consumer Repons. as well as. documents regarding the corrections to reports or other records that occur in response to th is FOIA request. (See incoming request).

20 13-0099 Schell Democratic Senatorial 02/ 13/2013 Copies of any correspondence. including Campaign Committee e lectronic. to DOT from or on behalf of

South Dakota Governor Marion Michael (Mike) Rounds between January 7. 2003 and January 8. 20 II. as well as. correspondence to DOT from or on behalf of South Dakota Senator Marion Michael (Mike) Rounds between January 3. 1991 and January 3, 200 I. (See incoming request)

20 13-0 100 Schell Democratic Senatorial 02/ 13/20 13 Copies of any correspondence. including Campaign Commiuee electronic. to DOT from or on behalf of

former Montana State Senator Corey Stapleton from 2000 to 2008.

2013-0 101 Di Caro Transportation Reporter- 02/14/2013 Copy of a lener sent to Secretary LaHood WAMU 88.5 FM from Maryland Representative Donna

Edwards concerning testimony given at a House subcommittee hearing by leaders at the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority last November.

2013-0102 Williams 1- 02/ 15/2013 A copy of a subject matter listing of the exact types of records that the department maintains.

Page 12of46

FOR OFFIC IAL US E O NLY USE OF I FOR!VIATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be followed regarding secured storage. retrievability. access controls. retemion. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 13: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

Control No

2013-0 103

2013-0 I 04

2013-0 105


20 13-0 107

2013-0 108

U.S. Department of Transportation

Office of The Secretary of Tra nsportation


Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

Campbell Democrat ic Senatorial Campaign Committee






Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Democratic Senatorial Campgian Committee

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Thompson Publishing Group

Page 13 of 46

Date Logged


02/15/20 13

02/15/20 13

02/15/20 13




11/17120 14


Any correspondence to the department from or on behalf of U.S. Senator Mark Udall between January 3. 2009 and February 7. 2013: to the department from or on behalf of U.S. Congressman Mark Udall between 1999 and 2009: and to the department from or on behalf of Colorado State Assemblyman Mark Udall between 1996 and 1998.

Copies of any correspondence to the Department from or on behalf of U.S. Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) between January 3. 1996 and February 8. 20 13.

Copies of any correspondence to the Department from or on behalf of U.S. Congressman Paul Broun (R-GA) between January I . 2007 and February 7. 2013.

Any correspondence to the Department from or on behalf of Lt. Governor Mead Treadwell (R-AK) between December 6. 20 I 0 and February 8. 2013: and correspondence to the Deparmtent on or behalf of U.S. Arctic Research Commissioner Mead Treadwell between January I. 200 I and January I. 20 I I : and the Department from or on behalf of Deputy Commissioner of Alaska's Department of Envi ronmental Conservation Mead Treadwell between January I. 1990 and January I, 1995.

Proposal dated June 18. 20 I 0 from J.P. Morgan Chase Bank. .A.. regarding the Electronic Fare Media Card Program and delivered to the Office of Transportation Services (TRA Serve). Office of the Assistance Secretary for Adm inistration for the U.S. Department of Transportation: and any fo llow-up documents or addenda filed by J.P. Morgan related to the original June 18. 20 I 0 document described above.

The 2013 Secretary of Transportation's report to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate. on recommended spending on Federal Aid for Highways.

USE OF INFORMATIO I THIS DOCUME T IS RESTRICTED. Federa l. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be followed regarding secured storage. retrievabil ity. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the sa feguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 14: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Transportation 11/ 17/2014

Office of The Secr eta ry of T ransportation


Control No Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject

2013-0109 Massucci Kelly Law Oflk es 02/20/2013 Copies of any and all records pertaining to

Somerset. Inc. and the DOT an<Vor Indiana

DOT from January I. 2008 to present:

DOT-008 1 0080 from January I. 2008 to the

present: and ICC/MC-360396 from January

I. 2008 to present. (See Request)

2013-0 110 Greene Law Offices ofGalcsc & 02/20/20 13 Copies of all document from 2009 through

Ingram. P.C. the present date. within the control of the

Department relating to I ~ast Trac r Hauling Corp .. Employer I d. No.

27-3380223. Employer ld. No. 45-336202 1.

USDOT No. 2 175858. MC No. MC762683.

MC No. MC762684: and Vin 0 .

IFTXW43R28EA39 153.

2013-0111 Evans The 1 ational Security 02/26/20 13 Re fe rral from DOD. Archive

20 13-0 112 Helland Boutique Air 02/26/20 13 A copy of the Pacific Wings Essential Air

Service billings for calendar years 20 II and

20 12.

20 13-0113 Vail Center for Eth ics and Public 02/26/20 13 Copies of the funding to the Miami-Dade

Service- University o f Miam Metropolitan Planning Organizat ion (in the

School of Law state of Florida) for the Municipal Grant Program, toward the Coral Gables Trolley

Master Plan. (See Request)

20 13-0 114 Keams Roman 02/26/2013 All documents pertaining to the February 9.

20 13 accident involving truck driver

.. and pedestrian

crossing 1-60 and Dover Road.

2013-0 11 5 Davis Capita l Report ing Company 02/26/20 13 A copy of the awarded bid and the winning

price for Court Reporting by-

O ffice of Hearings. in St. Croix. Virgin

Islands from January 28-31. 2013.

201 3-0 11 6 Burr The Salt Lake Tribune 02/26/2013 Copies of any logs or indices of letters sent

or received by the offices of Sen. Orri n Hatch. Sen. Mike Lee. Rep. Rob Bishop,

Rep. Jason Chaffetz. Rep. Chris Steward

and Rep. Jim Mattheson from Jan. I. 2011

to Feb. 20. 2013. to the Office of the

Secremry or through the Office of

Congressional and Intergovernmental

Affai rs or a similarly related office for

congressional re lations.

Page 14 of46

FOR OFFIC l A L US E ONLY USE OF lNFORMATION IN T HI S DOCUME T IS RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be

followed regarding secured storage. retricvabil ity. access comrols. retention. and disposa l of the records. This material is subject 10 the

safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a as amended.

Page 15: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Transportation 11/17/2014

Office of The Secretary of Transportation


Control No Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject

2013-0117 Cantcrgiani Scripps Howard News 02/26/2013 Copies of any informatoin about missing Service and/or stolen government owned items or

property within your agency during the period from 2007 through 2012.

2013-0118 Mikusko UNITE HERE 02/28/2013 Copy of Midfield Concession Enterprises appeal to the US DOT of the Ind iana Department of Transportation rejection of the company ACDBE status (reference no. 09-0063 ). including any and all material and documents submined along with or in support of MCE appeal. (See Request)

2013-0119 Gillum Associated Press 02/28120 13 All email accounts. email addresses and aliases associated with Depanmem of Tmnsportat ion poli tical appointees which covers both active and inactive email accounts. addresses and aliases created from Jan. 20. 2009 to the present. (See Request)

2013-0120 Plungis Bloomberg News 02/28/2013 Copies of any and all agency records relating to the Transportation Departmem January 9. 2013 compliance review of Scapadas Magica~ LLC. US DOT 0.

601750 conducted by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

2013-0121 Menard Kenny & Sams. P.C. 02/28/2013 All records from 2003 lO present. including but not llimited to Invest igation Summary Sheets. correspondence. and find ings. regarding passengers complaints and investigation against Southwest Ai rl ines regarding instances in which Southwest Airlines was alleged to have fai led to provide a wheelchair or wheelchair assistant to a passenger who had previously requested such whedchai r or assistance. (See Request)

2013-0 122 Massucci Kelly Law Offices 02/28/2013 Complete copies of any and all records pertaining to Black Diamond Logistics LLC. and the DOT and/or Indiana DOT. DOT-00810080. and ICC/MC-360396. from January I. 2008 to the present.

2013-0 123 Eckard The Law Office of Robert 02/28/2013 All documents concerning the United Eckard & Associates. PA States Transportation Department. Agency

or Central Contractor Registration and/or I (employee of CCR) between 20 I 0 and present. (See Request)

Page 15 of46

FO R OFFICIAL USE ONLY USE OF INFORMATION I Ti llS DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED. FederaL DepartmentaL and Agency policies and procedures arc to be followed regarding secured storage. retrievability. access controls. retent ion. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a as amended.

Page 16: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

Control No



20 13-0126

201 3-0 127


2013-0 129

U.S. Department of Transportation

Office of The Secretary of Transportation


Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged

Butschek Cause of Action






FOIA Group

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Page 16 of46

03/01/201 3

03/05/20 13

03/05/20 13

03/05/20 13


03/05/20 13




Communications between certain DOT political appointees and listed members of Congress pertaining to a li sting of terms (e.g. WH. EOP. OMB. election. D C) as they relate to grants.

All Enterprise Roadmaps including all Appendix submissions covering the Business and technology Architecture: IT Asset Inventory: Commodity IT Consolidation Plan: and the Line of Business Service Plan.

Any correspondence to your agency from or on behalf of Manchester. H Alderman Frank C. Gunita from 01/2002 to 12/2006:

.H. State Representative Frank C. Guinta from 12/2000 to 12/2004: Manchester. H Mayor Frank C. Guinta from 01 /2006 to 01 /2010: and U.S. Rep. Frank C. Guinta from 01 /201 I to 0 1/2013.

Any correspondence to your agency from or on behalf of Rep. John E. Sununu between 01 / 1997-2003: Sen. John E. Sununu between 01/2003 - 01 /2009: and John E. Sununu regarding the fo llowing entities (0 1/2009 - present): Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP: The Boston Scientific Corp.: B Y ConvergEx Group. LLC: PricewaterhouseCoopers: PRA TM (also known as Piniglio Rabin Todd & McGrath): and Time Warner Cable Inc ..

Any correspondence to your agency from or on behalf of U.S. Sen. John Cornyn between 01/03/2003 - 02/23/20 13: Texas Attorney Gen. John Cornyn between 1999 -2002: Texas Supreme Court Member John Cornyn between 1991- and 1997: and Texas 37th District Court Judge John Cornyn between 1985 - 199 1.

Any correspondence to your agency from or on behalf of Representative Joseph E. Bradley between 0 1/2003 - 01/2007: and State Senator Joseph E. Bradley between April 2009 and the present.

USE OF INFORMATION IN TH I DOCUME TIS RESTRICTED. FederaL DepartmentaL and Agency policies and procedures are to be fo llowed regarding secured storage. retrievabil ity. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Pri vacy Act of 1974. U C 552a. as amended.

Page 17: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Tra nsportation 11 / 17/20 14

Office of The Secretary of Transportation


Control No Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject

2013-0130 \Nilson The Hill 03/07/20 13 A copy of any and all logs of

correspondence that include letters from

members of Congress from February I. 2013

through the present day to the Department

of Transportation which should detail the

control number. the date it was received.

who sem it. what office or organization

they were representing. and the subject of

the request.

2013-0131 Korte USA Today 03/07/20 13 All contingency plans. guidance.

instructions. requests for information.

advisories. or other correspondence with

the Office of Managemem and Budget

regarding agency plans for sequestrat ion

as a result of the Balanced Budget and

Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 and

the Budget Control Act of 20 II .

20 13-0132 Wi lson 03/07/20 13 A copy of the inspection report from the

Department of Transportation inspection

involving BRACCO and the Sr821Rb82 generator usage in a mobile trailer that

occurred in the past 45 days.

2013-0 133 Beckett Passman & Kaplan. 03/07/2013 Copy of the Not ice of Proposed Removal

Attorney at Law P.C. for an OST employee. (See Request)

2013-0 134 Christian TRANSITions Commute 03/07/2013 A list of names. contact numbers. locations

Solut ions and c-mails for al l current Transportation

corrdinators managing the Employee Mass

Transi t Commuter Program for the

fol lowing agencies: Dept. of Veteran's Affai rs. Defense (specifically Army. Navy

and Coast Guard). Transportation Security Admin .. Dept. of Energy. Dept. of Labor.

Dept. of Transportation. at. Aeronautics

and Space Admin .. Oak Ridge Nat'l

Laboratory. Ol'fice of Personnel Mgt.. Small

Business Admin .. and Social Security

Admin. (Sec Request)

2013-0 135 - BridgehouseLaw 03/0712013 All documents penaining you youself.

Page 17 of 46

FOR OFFIC IA L USE ONLY USE OF INFORMATION I TH IS DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency pol icies and procedures are to be

followed regarding secured storage. retrievabi li ty. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the

safeguards of the Privacy Act of 197-t. USC 552a as amended.

Page 18: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

Control No

20 13-0 136


20 13·0138

20 13-0139

20 13-0140

20 13-014 1

U.S. Department of Transportation

Office of The Secretary of Transportation


Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged

Schell Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Bennett OpenTheGovernment.Org

Wilson The Hill

Nucci Thompson Coburn. LLP

Muirragui SEIU 32BJ

Graf Bradley University

Page 18 of46

03/ 14/2013

03/ 14/2013


03/ 14/2013

03/ 14/20 13

03/ 14/20 13


11117/20 14


Any correspondence. including electronic. or or on behalf of Gabriel E. Gomex. as a private citizen. or on behalf of or as a representati ve of the following organizations: Advent ln't from 01/01/2004 to present: Summit Partners from 0 I /0 I /200 I - 06101/200 I: Bowles. Hollowell Connor & Co. from 05/0 I I 1997 o 06101/200 I: First Union Corp. 1998 - 200 I: Keystone Automotive Operatiions from 0 1/01/2003 - 12/3 1/20 11 : and Synventive Molding Solutions 01/01/2005 - 12/31/20 II.

Copies of documents that reflect what the agency has done to implement the recently-created FOIA·related job series. Government ln forn1ation Series. 0306.

A copy of the following letters: S I 0-1 30 13 1-0 15. sent 111 8113 and SI0-1 30 11 4-00 1. sent 111 1/ 13.

Documents for FY2008 thru 2013. all intra-agency or interagency agreements, and amendments thereto. executed by or on behalf of the Enterprise Services Center to provide financial management and consulting services to Department of Transportation components and to other non-DOT Federal agencies.

Any and all information pertain ing to any charges regarding services to disabled passengers involving the fo llowing carriers at Fort Lauderdale - Hollywood lnt'l Airport fo r the past two years: Air Canada. Air Transat. AirTran. Allegiant. American A vianca. Bahamasair. Can jet, Caribbean Ai rlines. Air Jamaica. Condor. Delta Front ier. Jazz. JetBiue. Silver Airways. Gulfstream. United Express. Southwest. Spirit. Sunwing. United. Continental. US Airways. Virgin America. Vision Air. and WestJet.

A listing that would show the financial compensation of all types gi ven to the top 25 highest compensated employees of the Department ofTransportation when that compensation was received within the 12 month time period between 1/20 12 and 12/1 2.

USE OF INFORMATION l THIS DOCUME T IS RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be followed regarding secured storage. retrievability. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. Th is material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a as amended.

Page 19: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

Control No

20 13-0142


2013-0 144


20 13-0 146

20 13-0147

U.S. Department of Transportation

Office of The Secretary of Transportation


Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged

Favole Dow Jones ewswires and The Wall Street Journal






MuckRock 1 ews

Bloomberg Government

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Page 19 of 46

03119/20 13

03119/20 13

03/ 19/20 13

03/20/20 13

03/22/20 13



11 /17/2014


All congressional correspondence from Congress to the Office of the Secretary. and the response sent from the Office of the Secretary to Congress. covering the period from September 7. 2012 to March 7. 2013.

To view all records of abandoned (land. accounts. uncashed checks. etc.) properties that the US Department of Transportation has in their possession. that doesn't belong to the agency but rather belong to corporations. individuals. countries. etc.

Copies of contracts with Booz A lien Hami lton over the past 5 years. and any final reports generated and delivered by Booz Allen Hamilton to the agency over the past 5 years. (See Request)

Copy of a list of every program. project and activity in the budget of the Department of Transportation. and the amounts requi red to be sequestered from each PPA in fiscal year 20 13. consistent with OMB Report to Congress on the Joint Committee Sequestration for Fiscal Year 20 13. released March I. 20 13 (hereinafter the Records).

Any correspondence on or on behalf of Daniel B. Winslow. as a private citizen. or on behalf of or as a representative of MA State Representative from 20 I 0 to present: Chief Legal Counsel for Gov. Mitt Romney from I 1/1/2002 - 12/31/2004: Managing Civil Justice for District Courts in Southeastern Massachusens. Cape & Islands from 1998 -2002: and Presiding Judge for Wrentham Distr ict Court from 1995 - 2002.

Any correspondence on or on behalf of Michael J. Sullivan. as a private citizen. or on behalf of or as a representative of Acting Director of the Bureau of Alcohol. Tobacco and Fireanns from 2006 - 01/2009: US Attorney for the District of Massachusetts from 200 I - 2009: Distr ict Attorney of Plymouth County. MA from 1995 - 200 I: and MA State Representative from 199 1- 1995.

USE OF INFORMATIO I TH IS DOCUMENT IS RESTRJCTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be followed regarding secured storage. retrievability . access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 20: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Transportation 11117/20 14

Office o f Th e Secreta ry of Tra nsportation


Contr ol No Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject

2013-0 148 Swan 1- 03/22/2013 Information about lost laptop computers.

(See Request)

2013-0 149 Jain Democratic Senatorial 03/22/2013 All informat ion perta ining to or o n behalf of Campaign Committee U.S. Representative Thomas (Tom) B.

Cotton: and McKinsey & Company from

January I. 20 I 0 - present: Cooper & Kirk.

from 0 1/0 1/2004 - 01/0 1/2005: and Gibson

Dunn & Crutcher from 0 1/0 1/2003 -


20 13-0 150 Jackson TRA SIT ions Commute 03/22/2013 The name. contact number. location and Solutions. LLC email tor the current Transportat ion

Coordinator managing the National

Employee Mass Transit Commuter Program

for the agency and each location representative which manages the local

Employee Mass Transit Commuter Program

for a ll locations within the organ ization both inside and outside the ational

Capitol Region.

20 13-0 151 03/22/2013 What aflidavit(s) or recorded testimony

establish probabie cause to search and

seize our residence.

20 13-0152 Payton American Bridge 21 st 03/22/2013 Copies of all incoming and outgoing Century correspondence between Representative

Michele Marie Bachmann and the Secretary

of Transporta tion and the Deputy Secretary of Transportation from January 3.

2007 - present.

2013-0 153 Fitch The Fi tch Law Firm 03/22/20 13 All information pertaining to Inte rstate

Commerce Commission Permit No.

MC-27 1 173. USDOT Permit No. MC-525342-P.

20 13-0 154 McClain Democratic Sentorial 03/29/2013 Copies of any investigat ions involving Cmnpaign Committee complaints regarding. and log of

correspondence with Congressman J.

Timothy Griffin.

20 13-0 155 McDonald Democratic Semorial 03/29/2013 Copies of any investigat ions involving.

Campaign Committee complaints regarding. and log of

correspondence with Congresswoman

Jamie llerrera Beutler.

Page 20 of 46

FOR O FFIC IAL US E ONLY USE OF INFORi\IIATIOr I TH IS DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmenta l. and Agency policies and procedures are to be

fo llowed regarding secured storage. retrievabiiity. access controls. retention. and disposa l of the records. This materia l is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 21: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

Control No Requestor Last l'iame


20 13-0 157 Cantor

2013-0 158 Crook. Jr.

2013-0159 Cherkis

2013-0 160 Williams

20 13-0161 Baker

20 13·0162 Mikusko

2013-0163 Cooper

2013-0164 McLaughlin


U.S. Department of Transportation

Office of The Secretary of Transportation


Requesting Firm

American Bridge 2 1st Century

Wayne Wright Lawyers LLP

Huffington Post

The Law Finn of Prince Glover & Hayes

Jake's Fi reworks. Inc.


Cooper & Kirk

Yorys. Sater. Seymour and Pease. LLP

Page 21 of

Date Logged





04/ 17/20 13

04/ 17/20 13

04/ 17/20 13



11117/201 4


Copies of any correspondence between Congressman Ed Markey. his official staff. his staff at the Natural Resources Committee or the Committee on Energy & Commerce and the Department of Transportation.

Copies of all incoming and outgoing official correspondence between U.S. Representative Micahel Harold Coffman and the Secretary and the Deputy Secretary from 2009 to the present.

All correspondence exchanged with A W Trucking Incorporated. Jet Maintenance.

All correspondence between DOT and any senator or representative between Jan. I. 20 13 and the present concerning budget cuts. and/or sequestration.

All documents pertaining to the accident that occurred on September 5. 2012.

as the driver

Review of documents to be released.

Any and a ll Iiies or information maintained by the U.S. Depanment of Transportation on Lavan Enterprises. Inc. regarding the company's DBE or ACDBE certification.

Documents related to the closing of air traffic control towers. in general. and the Battle Creek W.K. Kellogg Airport in particular.

A complete copy of any and all documents re lated to the complaint sent by­

to the USDOT Inspector General concering Contract Disclosure involving The Whitestone Group. Inc. on or about February 20. 2012.

USE OF INFORMATION IN THI S DOCUME TIS RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be fol lowed regarding secured storage. retrievabil ity. access controls. retent ion. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 197-1. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 22: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Transportation 11/17/2014

Office of The Secretary of Transportation


Control No Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject

20 13-0165 Neumann Curtiss Condor Restoration 04/18/2013 Documents of official Curtiss Wright Group T 32 Airplane Company Curtiss Condor II

aircraft OEM manufacturer drawings tiled in 1933 - 1934 at US Dept of Commerce as app lications for Aircraft Type certificates. (see Request)

20 13-0 166 Jain Democratic Senatorial 04/18/2013 Any correspondence on or on behalf of Campaign Committee U.S. Representati ve William M. Cassidy. a

member of the United States House of Representatives representing Louisiana 6th Congressional District since January 2009: Louisiana State Senator Will iam M. Cassidy. a member of Louisiana State Senate representing the 16th District from December 20. 2006 to January 2009: and Will iam M. Cassidy. as a private citizen. or on behalf of or as a representative of the following organizations: Greater Baton Rouge Community Clinic Jan. I. 1998 -present: Louisiana State University. Jan. I. 1983 - present: and Earl K. Long Medicial Center. Jan. I. 1983 - present.

2013-0167 Campbell Democratic Senatorial 04/18/2013 Documents highlighted in 2013-09 1. Campaign Committee

2013-0 168 Wilson The Hill ewspaper 04/18/2013 All logs of correspondence that include letters from members of Congress from March I. 20 13 through the present day to the Department of Transportation.

20 13-0169 Santos The FOIA Group 04/18/20 13 A copy of contract DTOS59-1 2-F-1 00 16. SOW. CO name. end user. modifications 0-1 . and COTR.

20 13-0170 Campbell Democratic Senatorial 04/18/20 13 Any correspondence to the Department Campaign Comminee from or on behalf of U.S. Congressman

Steve King between June I. 20 11 and Apri l 11. 20 13.

20 13-017 1 Ravnitzky 04/19/2013 A digital/electronic copy in a nat file such as Excel format of the DOT database of passenger complaints about airlines. (See Request)

20 13-0 172 Helland Boutique Air 04/ 19/20 13 A request for Seaport Airl ines Essential Ai r Service billings for calendar year 20 12. as well as any submitted during the current year.

Page 22 of 46 FOR OFFIC IAL USE ONLY USE OF I FORMATIO TN TH IS DOCUME1 T IS RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be followed regarding secured storage. retrievability. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

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2013-0 174

20 13-0175

20 13-0176



U.S. Department of Transportation

Office of The Secretary of Transportation


Requestor Last !\arne Requesting Firm Date Logged

Miller Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee



Brown. Jr.



Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Podhurst Orseck. P.A.

Albert T. Brown. Jr. Attorney at Law

Phacil. Inc.

Kravit. Hovel & Krawczky. S.C.

Page 23 of -t6


04/25/20 13



04/25/201 3



11117/201 4


Any correspondence. including electronic. to the Department from or on behalf of Jack Kingston. as a private citizen. or as a member of the U.S. I louse of Representatives. from 1993 to present: and Georgia State House of Representatives from 1985 to 1993.

Any correspondence. including electronic. to your agency from or on behalf of Phil Gingrey. as a private citizen. or as a member of the US I louse of Representatives. from 2003 to present: Georgia State Senate from 1999 to 2003: and Marietta Ciry School Board President from 1993 to 1997.

All consumer complaints against Spirit Airlines fi led with the Department from January I. 2007 through December 31. 2009. related to pirit's Passenger Usage Fee.

atural Occurrence Interruption Fee. and International crvice Recover Fee. (See Request)

Copies of my clients itinerary for Delta Flight 2937 leaving from ew York to Cincinnati on Friday August I 0. 20 12 and other documents. (Sec Request)

Copy of DTO 590-6-F- 1 0005 task order and modifications. (Sec Request)

Copies of the following categories of documents as they relate to the following business entities located in the tate of Utah: C.R. England. Inc.: Opportunity Leasing. Inc. dba llorizon Truck Sales and Leasing. LLC: llorizon Truck Sales and Leasing. LLC: Eagle At lantic Financial Services. Inc.: Opportunity Financial Services. Inc.: Equinox Owner-Operator

olutions. Inc.: and Equinox Owner-Operator olutions. LLC. for the periods between May 27. 2005 and the present. (Sec Request)

USE OF INFORMATIO I THI S DOCUME T I RE TRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures arc to be fo llowed regarding secured storage. retrievability. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 197-t. U C 552a. as amended.

Page 24: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Transportation 11/17/20 14

Office of The Secretary of Transporta tion


Control No Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject

20 13-0 179 Shesgreen Gannett Washington 04/25/2013 Copies of all correspondence - and the Bureau departmt:nt response including letters.

transcripts or summaries of telephone calls. as well as any e-mai Is or other electronic communications from Reps. Steve Chabot, Brad Wcnstrup. John Boehner.and Thomas Massie. and Scns. Rob Portman. Sherrod Brown. Mitch McConnell. and Rand Paul. and or their staff. from northern Kentucky and southeastern Ohio to the U.S. Department of Transportation and its subdivisions regarding congressional support for specific transportation projects covering the time period from January 2. 2012 through April 15. 20 13.

2013-0 180 Shes green Gannett Washington 04/25/2013 All documents pertaining to Reps. Billy Bureau Long. Vicky Hartzler. and Sens. Clair

McCaski ll and Roy Blunt for the time period from January I. 20 I I through April 15. 20 13.

2013-0 18 1 Brady The Cochran Firm 04/25/20 13 All documents perta ining to the March 25. 2013 accident on highway 76. in Sumter County. South Carolina. involving Mack Trucking. DOT# 2208945 and

I I 20 13-0182 Wood Guy E. Burnette. Jr. P.A. 04/26/20 13 All documents pertaining to Florex

Explosives. Inc. located at 67 10 Millers Run

I iiiiiiiilillll 201 3-0 183 Nicholas Wall Street Journal. 04/26/20 13 All letters from members of Congress to the

Washington Bureau DOT Secretary and executive staff for the time period of November 2012 - present.

2013-0184 Morisy MuckRock News 04/26/20 13 Any national ists of ferti lizer plants maintained at Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.

2013-0185 Morisy Ravnitzky 04/26/20 13 a copy of the memo(s) and documcnt(s) describing the impact of federal budget sequestrat ion upon the U.S. Department of Transportation operations and functions. (See Request)

2013-0186 Fournier. Esq. Kensington Rsearch & 04/30/20 13 A copy of the FOLA request dated July 8. Recovery 201 1 submitted to DOT by Dilks & Knapik.

together wi th copies of al l documents provided in response to the request.

Page 24 of 46

FOR OFFICIAL US E ONLY USE OF fNFORMATION IN TH IS DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be fol lowed regarding secured storage. retrievabili ty. access controls. reten tion. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 25: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Depar tment of Transportation 11/17/2014 Office of T he Secretary of Transportation


Cont rol No Requestor Last !\arne Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject

2013-0 187 Palmer Thomson Reuters 0~/30/20 1 3 All documents and communications referring or relating to the implementation of sequestration at FAA. including but not limited to all instructions and guidance given to FAA ofricials regarding how to apply budget adjustments under sequestration.

2013-0 188 Wholey Federal Bid Sourcer 04/30/20 13 Copies of all documentation for DOT conLract #DTOS59-12-F-1 0016 with Forrester Research. including the award. proposal. SOW. CO name. end user. and COTR. Modifications 0-1.

2013-0 189 Campbell Blais & Associates. Inc. 04130/20 13 A copy of the following Transportation Investment Generat ing Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant applications awarded in February 2010: Meadowlands Adaptive Signal System - ew Jersey Meadowlands Commission: Project Cost- $ 12.5 10.070: TIGER fund ing- $ 10.008.056.

20 13-0190 Padgett 04/30/20 13 A copy of correspondence between the Secretarys Office and Admiral Helis. superintendent of the U MMA. which references or pertains to the USMMA Alumni association for the time period between 1/1 /2012 and 5/ 1/2013.

201 3-0 191 Leech 05/02/2013 A copy of the FOIA log from January 2. I 03 -present.

2013-0192 Palmer Thomson Reuters 05/02/2013 Copies of written communication between the Department of Transportation and Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx. and the Foxx administration.

2013-0 193 Shah aden Enterprise 05/02/2013 A summary of refunded credits to OMB or DOT for the time frame of January I. 20 13 -date.

20 13-0 194 Jeffrey Reily & Jeffery 05/02/201 3 A complete copy of the fi le related to Case No. 20 11080107. (Sec Request)

2013-0195 Miller ABC ews 05/02/20 13 A copy of the electricity bills from December 2012 to April 2013 of the headquarter office of DOT located at 1200 New Jersey A venue. SE.

2013-0196 Fell Cox Media 05/02/2013 A copy all infom1ation on Boeing 787. Dreamliner li thium battery. between the dates of January 9. 2013 to January 17. 20 13.

Page 25 of 46

FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USE OF I FORMATIO !NTH! DOCUME T l RE TRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency po licies and procedures are to be followed regarding secured storage. retrievabi lity. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Pri vacy Act of 1974. USC 552a as amended.

Page 26: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Transportation 11 /17/20 14

O ffice o f The Secr etary of T ranspor tation


Contro1l'io Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject

2013-0 197 Papin Cogan & Power, P.C. 05/07/20 13 A complete copy of the MCS-90 for K&B

Transportation, Inc. , 4700 Dakota Avenue,

South Sioux City. NE 68776.

2013-0 198 Morisy MuckRock News 05/07/20 13 A copy of all responses sent to

Congressional committees between Jan. I. 2008 and the date that this request is


2013-0 199 Chung 05/07/ 20 13 The origina l application which was ti led on

or around April I I. 1972 and all

correspondence up to the issuance of the

two authorizations (616 Domestic) and 703

(1nt'l) issued to DHL Corporation. (See


2013-0200 Berg Airlines for America 05/07/2013 Copies of all records re lating to the

decision to furlough ai r trafli c control

personnel: how they are se l<:cted to r

furlough: whether all air traffic control personnel are being furloughed for equal

amounts of time: why they are being

furloughed for equal amounts of t ime: the

conclusion that furloughs of air trafTic

control personnel arc mandated bylaw, and

the basis tor any such conclusion: and

records relating to analys is of the effects of

the furloughs of the furloughs o f ai r traffic

control personnel. (See Request)

20 13-0201 Ghormley 1- 05/ 15/2013 Information pertaining to the accident that

occurred on ovember 18. 200 I in Lenior

City. TN. on Magee Boulevard.

20 13-0202 Valenti 05115/2013 All information pertaining to case number

AT20212007 1 regarding Uni ted Airlines.

(See Request)

20 13-0203 McKinley Shore. McKinley. Conger & 05115/2013 All documents San Joaquin Regional

Scott Transit District submitted to the T IGER

Grant Program in April 20 13.

20 13-020<1 Bai ley Judicial Watch 05/ 15/2013 Any and all records relming 10 a federal

grant to the city of Char lone. NC for a 1.5

segment of its streetcar system and light

rail system. (See Request)

20 13-0205 Ravnitzky 05/16/2013 A copy of the dataset of airline service

complaints (e ither FY2012 or calendar year

2012 only) from the public that is compiled

by the DOT Aviation Consumer Protection

Division in the Office of Aviation Enforcement and Proceedings.

Page 26 of 46

FOR OFFIC IAL S EONLY USE OF I FORMATION lN THIS DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency pol icies and procedures are to be

followed regarding secured stOrage. retrievability. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the

safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 27: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Transportation 11 /17/2014

Office of The Secretary of Transportation


Control No Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject

20 13-0206 Morisy MuckRock.com 05/16/20 13 A copy of the dataset of airlines serv ice complaints from the public for FY 20 12 or calendar year 2012 that is maintained and compiled by the DOT Aviation Consumer Protection Division in the Office of Aviation Enforcement and Proceedings.

20 13-0207 Robinson 05/16/2013 A copy of a log of correspondence between the U.S. Department of Transportation and Congressman Lee R. Terry or his staff or office between 2009 and 20 13. (See Request)

201 3-0208 Campbell Democratic Senatorial 05/16/2013 Any correspondence to the Department of Campaign Committee Transportat ion from or on behalf of North

Carolina State Representative Thomas (Thorn) Tillis from January I. 2007 to Mary 8. 201 3.

201 3-0209 Edwards The Law Offices of Bartina 05/17/2013 Any correspondence between Con-way Edwards Freight. its agents. employees or

contractors and the Office of Drug & Alcohol Policy & Compliance Office of the Department of Transportation: and the Freedom of Information Act log maintai ned by the DOT for request made for information relating to Con-way Freight. Inc. from September 29. 2007 up until the date of this request.

20 13-02 10 Hansen 05/17/20 13 A spreadsheet of all Florida Interstate and Intrastate Motor Carriers by county. grouped by zip codes. with their USDOT

umber. company name. associated dba's. addresses. company representative contact names. number power units. number of drivers. neet size. and type of motor carrier registration information. (See Request)

20 13-02 11 Glaun Blank Slate Media 05/17/2013 Copies ofal emails between Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood and U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Supertintendent James A. Helis containing the word alumni or the text string AAF in the emails subject or text between January I. 20 12 and May 15. 20 13. (See Request)

20 13-02 12 Brown 05/17/2013 Copies of organizational charts for the Chief In formation Officer of the Department of Transportation. (See Request)

Page 27 of 46

FOR OFFIC IAL USE ONLY USE OF I FORJ'viATION I THI DOCUME T IS RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be fo llowed regarding secured storage. retrievability. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguard of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 28: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Transportation I 1/17/2014

Office of The Secretary of Tra nsportation


Control No Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject

20 13·0213 Garcia Judicial Watch 05/ 17/2013 All records relating to the 9:30a.m. meeting on May 17.20 13 of thc President's Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trallicking in Persons held in the Eisenhower Executive Oflice Bldg.

2013·02 14 McDonald Democratic Congresstional 05/2 I/2013 A log of correspondence between DOT Campaign Committee and Congressman Erik Paulsen or his staff

or office from 2009 to present.

2013-02 15 I I 05/21/2013 A copy of your background investigation.

2013-02 16 Bey The Moorish Science 05/24/2013 A copy of the Oath of Office of each of the Temple of America stated Federal Ofticial in their respecti ve


2013-0217 Ritchie University of Illinois. 05/24/2013 A copy of the log of correspondence Urbana-Champaign between all members of the U.S. Congress

and the Under Secretaries and Administrators within the Depanment of' Transportation during the time period from February I 6. 2012 until January 3. 20 13. (See Request)

20 13-0218 Chung 05/24/20 13 Documents filed by DHL relat ing to a I 986 DOT Docket Number 44 112 (US-Japan Freight Route proceedings. docket no. 44016).

2013-02 19 Stranix Democratic Senatorial 05/28/20 13 Any correspondence to the Department of Campaign Committee Transportation from or on behalf of U.S.

Senator Mark Pryor (D-AR) between January 3. 2003 and May 22. 20 13.

2013-0220 Berg Airlines of America 05/28/20 13 Copies of all records relating to the decision to furlough air traffic control personnel: how they are selected for fu rlough: whether all air traffic control personnel are being fu rloughed for equal amounts of time: why they arc being turloughed for equal amounts of time: the conclusion that furloughs of ai r traffic control personnel arc mandated bylaw. and the basis for any such conclusion: and records relat ing to analysis of the effects of the furloughs of the furloughs of air traffic control personnel. (See Request)

Page 28 of 46

FOR OFFIC IAL USE ONLY USE OF I FOIUviATION IN Ti ll S DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures arc to be followed regarding secured storage. retrievability. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Pri vacy Act of 1974. USC 552a, as amended.

Page 29: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

Control No

20 13-0221


20 13-0223




20 13-0227

U.S. Department of Transportation

Office of The Secretary of Transportation


Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged

Miller Democratic Senatorial Campaign Comminee





Stuart. Jr.


Strawinski & Stout. P.C.

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Golden Eye Claims

Berry Quackenbush &

Stuart. P.A.

The Hill Newspaper

Page 29 of46



05/31/20 13


06/06/20 13


06/1 4/20 13


11/ 17/2014


Correspondence between the department from or on behalf of Karen Handel. as a private citizen. or a a member of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. January 20 I !-February 20 12: Candidate for Georgia Governor. January 20 I 0-August 20 I 0: Georgia Secretary of State. January 2007-January 20 I 0: Chairman of Ful ton County (GA) Board of Commissioners. 2003-2007: Deputy Chief of Staff of Georgia Governor Perdue. 2002: and President of Fulton Counry (GA). Chamber of Commerce. October 2000-January 2002.

A copy of the entire file including but not limited to driving history reports. suspensions. tickets. violations or any other documents concerning client file number 29-1 25 7.

Documents to be re lease.

Copies of correspondence requested by and provided to DOT and Michael McFadden or Mike McFadden from January 2006 to present: between DOT and Lazard Middle Market LLC or Lazard Ltd from January 2007 to present: and DOT and Goldsmith Agio Helms or Goldsmith Agio Helms & Lynner from January 2006 to January 2008.

Copy of all permits inspections. capital projects. road constructionand repairs. etc. fo r the location: NJ Turnpike South Mile post 111.5. se Roadway. for the period of 20 I 0 - present.

Information pertaiing to mental processing time. perception "time. or passenge of time before a driver can respond to highway traffic signals and signs or danger in the path of moving vehile. (See Request)

Copies of the fo llowing correspondence: S I 0-1 30418-005. S I 0-130227-002. S I 0-1 30325-0 16. S I 0-1 30322-002. S I 0-1 3040 1-0 II. S I 0-130207-007. S I 0-1 30408-003. and S I 0-130404-004. (See Request)

USE OF I FORMATIO I TH IS DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be followed regarding secured storage. retrievability. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 30: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

Control No


20 13-0229

20 13-0230

20 13-023 1

U.S. Department of Transportation

Office of The Secretary ofTra nsportation


Requestor Last Name Request ing Firm Date Logged

Drapcho Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee


Mi ller


Democrat ic Senatorial Campaign Comm ittee

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

J.D. Candidate 20 14

Page 30 of46

06/ 14/2013

06/ 14/2013

06/ 14/2013

06/ 14/2013


11/17/20 14


A copy of the fo llowing correspondence to the agency from or on behalf of: David Young. Chief of Staff to U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley. between 1/1 /2006 - 5/31/20 13: David Young. Chiefof Staffto U.S. Senator Jim Brun ning. between 1/ 1/2005 and 12/31/2006: David Young. Legislative Director to U.S. Senator Jim Brunning. between 1/ 1/2001- 12/31/2004. David Young. Legislative Assistant to U.S. Senator Jim Brunning between 1/ 1/ 1999-1 2/3 1/2000: and David Young. Legislative Assistance to U.S. Senator Hank Brown. between Ill/ 1994 - 2/31/1996.

Copy of correspondence to the Department from or on behalf of U.S. Attorney Matthew Whitaker between 1/ 1/2004 and 12/3 1/2009: Matthew Whitaker. Managing Partner of Whitaker Hagenow GBMB. between 111/2009 - 6/3/2013: and Matthew Whitaker. Principal of Whitaker StrategyGroup. between 1/ 1/2012 0 6/3/ 20 12.

Correspondence between DOT and Terri Lynn Land. as a private citizen between 1/2000-present: DOT and the Office of Michigan Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land. including Secretary Terri Lynn Land or a representative. between 1/2003-12/20 I 0: DOT and Terri Lynn Land as Republican ational Committee Member from Michigan from 1/2012-present: DOT and Terri Lynn Land as a candidate for Lieutenant Governor between 06/2009-08/20 I 0: and DOT and Gerald R. Ford lnt'l Airport Board Commissioner Terri Lynn Land from 01/20 I t-present. (See Request)

A copy of enforcement orders entered into between commercial airl ines and the Office of the Secretary between 0 1/01/2006 and 06110/2013: also copies of consent orders in which the Office of Aviation Enforement and Proceedings found violations of 49 U.S. C. 40 127(a) and/or49 U.S. C. 4 1310.

USE OF rNFORt'viATIOt It THIS DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be followed regarding secured storage. retrievability. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 31: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Tra nsportation 11/ 17/2014

Office ofTbe Secretary of Transportation


Control ~o Requestor Last Name Reques ting Firm Date Logged Subject

2013-0232 Dillon I I 06/ 14/2013 A fu ll and complete copy of the index. entry records listing of vessel. entity. corporation. person. individual. Elemosynary church state trust. (See


2013-0233 Anderson University of Michigan 06/1-l/2013 Copies of applications for the Department of Transportation TIGER Grant program. as well as copies of lln) ex parte communication on behalf of the applications. (See Request)

2013-0234 James Banker Lopez Gassier. P.A. 06/14/2013 All documents relating to Case 0 .

112012060126. including but not limited to. correspondence b..:tween nd the Department ofTransportation.

201J-0235A Edwards The Law Oflices of Bart ina 06/ 1 ~12013 FY2013-0209. Con-way FrieghL Inc. Ed,,ards

20 13-0236 Baker carinci Hollenbeck 06/1~/2013 Copi..:s of F.:dcral Motor Carrier afet} Anomc) s at La'' Administration documents relating to any

shipmentS of hal:a rdous materials transported by a federally licensed motor carrier on bchal r of the materials owner. Des Champs Laboratories made between 06/ 1990 and 09/1990.

2013-0237 Forde Hill. Bems & Nash. LLP 06/1412013 R..:cords r..: lat.:d to USMMA.

2013-0238 [ I \ a mer Creek Correctional 06/19/2013 Documents. facility

2013-0239 Randall 06/19/2013 A cop) of opinions issued b} the General Counsel's Office concerning ai r ambulances and Federal Preemption under the Airline Dcrcgulutoin Act and/or the aviation safety provisions of tir le 49 US Code. (Sec Request)

2013-0240 Stachcwicl FOIA Group. Inc. 0612~/20 1 3 A cop) of the SMARTPA Y Credit Curd list for the period Jul) I. 2012 to present. ( ec Request)

2013-0241 Traficant. Jr. 06/27/2013 All r.:cords concerning resource support of an) nature'' hat soc' cr. including financ ial. personnel. logistical. in-kind or otherwise provided by DOT 10 any Bilderberg Confcn.:ncc. American Friends of Motion Pictu res. Inc .. American Friends of Bilderbcrg. and or James A. Johnson Co .. Pcrcsus. LLC conducted in any of the calendar~ cars 2008 through 2013.

Page 31 of~6

fOR OFFIC IAL SE O='iLY USE OF !1 FORM/\T10 r TI-ll DOC ME'\fT I RE TRICTED. Federal. Dcpanmental. and A gene) policies nnd procedures are to be followed regarding secured storage. retrievabi lity. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject 10 the sntcguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 32: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

Control No Requestor Last l'iame

2013-02-t2 San icolas

201 3-0243 Kaleskas

20 13-0244 Grove

2013-0245 Payton

20 13-0246 Rouder

20 13-0247 Harris


U.S. Department of Transportation

Office of The Secretary of Transportation


Requesting Firm

Teamsters Local Union 1 o. 79

Fox 19 WXIX

American Bridge 2 1st Century

Law Offices of l lanan M. Isaacs. P.C.

chwed Adams Sobel lcGinley Anorneys at Law

Page 32 of 46

Date Logged




07/02120 13





Any and all documents produced since the inccpetion of the Federal A vi at ion Administration Airport and Airway Trust Fund. established in accordance wi th the Airport and Airway Revenue Act of 1970. pertaining to any revenues derived. collected and or paid. in the form of excise taxes or otherwise. by inbound and outbound passengers from Guam. and fl ights originating from Guam.' hich were directed into the AATF.

Copies of any/all overweight tickets issued to UPS Freight in the states of Florida and Georgia between January I. 201 1 thru July I. 2013: and a report showing the total amount of fines incurred because of the overweight violations for the time frame listed above.

Copies of any correspondence between Cincinnati and the U.S. Department of Transportat ion regarding the city's Streetcar project between January I. 20 13 and June 21. 20 13 from the following oftlces and departments: Office of Mayor Mark Mallory and representatives. and Office of City Manager lilton Dohoney and represemat i ves.

Copies of all correspondence with the Secretary of Transportation and Louis Mead Treadwell II from 2007 to the present: and Representatives of Ell icon Dredges LLC from 2007 to the present.

A copy of all affim1ativc action plans for the Department of Transportation dated FY 20 I 0 - FY 20 12. (Sec Request)

A complete copy of the investigation fi les/reports for the work zone traffic control plan prepared by the Mississippi Department of Transportation and/or any local authorities in regards to the construction/repairs made on U.S. Highway 78 in Marshall County. Mississippi near mile marker 26.

U E OF INFORMATIO I TI-ll DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED. Federal, Departmental. and Agency pol icies and procedures arc to be fo llowed regarding secured storage. retrievability. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 197-t. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 33: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Depa rtment of Transportation l t/17/20 14

Office of T h e Secretary o f Transpor ta t ion


Control No Requestor Last Name Reques ting Firm Date Logged Subject

2013-0248 Miller Democratic Senatorial 07/03/2013 Any correspondence to the department

Campaign Committee from or on behalf of Minnesota State

Representative James aka Jim Abeler as as

a private c itizen. from January I. 1999 to


2013-0249 Kaleskas Teamsters Local Union No. 07/03/2013 Copies of any/all ovenveight tickets issued

79 to UPS Freights in the s tates of Florida and

Georgia for the time pt:riod of January I,

20 II thru July I. 20 13: and a report

showing the total amount of fines incurred

because of the overweight violations for

the same time frame.

2013-0250 Brooks Center for Auto Safety 07/03/20 13 All records re lating to and of any phone

calls. meetings or emails between

Transportation Secretary LaHood and

Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne from June

I through June 19, 20 13. (Sec Request)

20 13-025 1 Sciara Institute ofTnmsportation 07/05/20 13 The complete datasets that were used to

Studies quantify nexible funding transfe rs from 2007 to 201 1 in this study. (See Request)

2013-0252 Bennert Smith and Fawer. LLC 07/05/20 13 Copies of all records pertaining in way to

St. Bernard Port, Harbor and Terminal District's TIGER Grant Applications

prepared since 2005.

2013-0253 Phinney 1- 07/05/20 13 Copy of information on the Freedom of Information Act and how to make a request

for State Agencies regarding Police

Reports and State Courts.

2013-0254 Immanuel 07/08/20 13 All abandoned properties lhat are being held by the Department of Transportation.

20 13-0255 Forde Hill Betts & Nash LLP 07/08/20 13 All documents related to the removal o f

Rear Admiral Phillip Green from the

Superintendant position at the Academy

and correspondence to/ from/amongst

individuals at the White House. MARA D.

DOT. USlvlMA. Rear Admiral Greene and others. (Sec Request)

2013-0256 Forde Hill berts & ash. LLP 07/ 10/20 13 All emails and correspondence

to/ from/amongst individua ls at the White


Brodie Remington.

Page 33 of 46

fOR OFFIC IA L USE O NLY USE OF I FORMATIO I THIS DOCUMENT IS RESTRJCTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be

fo llowed regarding secured storage. rc trievabil ity. access controls. retention. and d isposal of the records. This material is subject to the

safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 34: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

Control No





20 13-0261

U.S. Department of Transportation

Office of The Secretary of Transportation


Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged

Forde Hill Betts & Nash. LLP





Hill Betts & Nash LLP

Hill Betts & Na.~h

Council on Foreign


USA Today

Page 34 of 46


07/ 10/2013



07/ 11 /2013


111 17/20 14


All emails and correspondence

to/ from/amongst individuals at the White

House. MARAD. DOT. USMMA and

Ronald Campana. Gary Hicks. Albert

Herverger. Sean Connaughton W ill iam

Schubert. Roy Rogers. Ken Fidyk. Dan

Turissini . Steven Blust and Dennis Lee Forsgren from 2008 to present.

All documents. emails and other relating

correspondence in the possession of

MARA D. the Department and the

USMMA in connection with raising private

funds for use by the USMMA. including

the use of the USMMA web-site for that

purpose and advice on the solicitation of

donat ions by govcrment employees.

The names of each individual that completed an application for the position of

Superintendent. US Merchant Marine

Academy (USMMA) for the term

beginning in 20 12: copy ofapplieation

package submitted by each applicant for

the position: and the selection cri teria used

to determine eligibility of the applican t for

the posi tion. USMMA for 2010 and 2012. (See Request)

Correspondence between Transportation

Secretary Rodney Slater and -- former Federal Aviation

Administra tion

including a leuer sent through

the FAA chain of command to Secretary

Slater in August 1998. to which Slater offered a response. advising FAA

Adminisrrator Jane Garvey to look into

allegmions made by- part icularly the mismanagement of civil aviation

security. (See Request)

A list that identifies all plans and reports

the agency produces for Congress. in

accordance with starutory requirements or

as directed in congressional repons. as

identified in section 11 25(a)( l ). (Sec


USE OF INFORMATION IN THI S DOCUME T IS RESTRICTED. Federal, Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be

fo llowed regarding secured storage, retr icvabil ity. access contro ls, retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to Lhc

safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 35: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

Con trol No



20 13-026·1

20 13-0265


20 13-0267

U.S. Department of Transportation

Office of The Secretary of Transportation


Requestor Lastl\'amc Requesting Firm Date Logged

Bcnnclt Smi th & Fawer. LLC

Davidson The Sail Lake Tribune






Democratic Senatorial Campaign Comminee

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

Mowrey Shoemaker & Beardsley. PL

Page 35 of -16

07/ 11/2013

07/ 11/2013


07/11120 13

07/11120 13





Copies of all documents relating to S1. Bcmard Port . II arbor and Terminal District's TIGER Grant Applications prepared since 2005. (Sec Request)

All correspondence to and from airlines and the depanment (and its agencies) about the following individual and/or his business: ''ith ChilhO\\Ce Ps) chological Services.

All infonnation pertaining to \Val-Mart Stores. Inc. and - (Scc R~qucst)

Any correspondence to the department from or on behalf of Mark Jacobs. founder of Reaching l lighcr Iowa. between 01101/2013 and 06/27/2013: as President and COO of GcnOn Energy. between 0-1/ 13/20 I 0 and 09/30/20 II: President and CEO of RRI Energy. between 05/28/2009 and 04/12120 I 0: President and CEO of Reliant Energy. between 02/24/2007-05/27/2009: CFO of Reliant Energy between 08/0112002- 02123/2007: and Managing Director at Goldman. Sachs. & Co. between 01/0 II 1989- 07/31/2002. (Sec Request)

Copil:s of all records relevant to contmcts bcl\\een the Office of the Secretary of the U .. Department of Transportation and The Perlonnance Institutes. Lnc.

Copies of any and all documents accumulated during the investigation of the motor vehicle accident that occurred on February 7. 2003 in S1. Johns County. FL. involving a freight carrier owned by Services Unlimited Transportation and driven b) ~: ee Request)

USE OF II FORMATIO IN TH IS DOCUME'll I RE TRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agenc) policies and procedures arc to be follo\\ed r~gard ing secured storage. rct ri.:vabili ty. access conrrols. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 36: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Transportation 11/17/20 14

Office of T he Secretary of T ransportation


Control l'io Requestor Last Name Requesting f irm Date Logged Subject

2013-0268 Wills Rajkowski Hansmeier 07/18/2013 Copies of all materials created as a result of the Department of Transportation investigation of th accident that occurred on November 8. 2012 in Heron Lake Township. Jackson County. M involving

David Reed Trucking. lnc.J ~ Buresch Farms. Crystal Valley Coop. and Western Coop Transport Association. (See Request)

20 13-0269 Edwards Wyoming Building & 07/1812013 Copies of certified payroll records for Ralph Construction Trades Wadsworth Construction. working on

highway and bridge at Purple Sage Rd and 191 in Rock Springs. WY 8290 I.

2013-0270 Barker Directors of Investigative 07/ 18/2013 All records related to the longest-standing Reporters and Edi tors. Inc. unfulfilled FOIA request made tO the

Department ofTransponation and their members of subsidiaries. (See Request).

2013-027 1 - -07/ 18/2013 Information pertaining to benefits and

programs that are set up through your organization for exfelonies and minorities. to help them regain their lives back.

2013-0272 Cherkis Huffi ngton Post 07/18/2013 All correspondence between DOT and Rep. Louis Buller aka Louie Gohmert. Jr. from Jan. 3. 2005 to the present.

2013-0273 Payton American Bridge 21st 07/ 18/2013 All correspondence between U.S. Senator Century Mitch McConnell and the Secretary of

Transportation. the Deputy Secretary of Transportation. and the Assistant Inspector General for Legal. Legislative. and External Affairs from 1985 to the present.

2013-0274 West Robinson Calcagnie 07/ 18/2013 All information exchanged by and between Robinson Shapiro Davis Honda Motor Corporation. Honda Inc. American Honda Motor Co .. Inc.: Honda

orth America. Inc.: Honda Motor Co .. Ltd.: Honda R & D Co .. Ltd.: Honda R & D Americas. Inc.: and or anyone on Honda behalf and NHTSA involving the requirements for FMVSS to::sting and certification regarding the occupant restraint systems of the 1986-1991 Honda 4 door Civic. (See Request)

Page 36 of 46

FOR OFFIC IAL USE ONLY USE OF INFORJVIATION IN THIS DOCUtvlE T IS RESTRJCTED. federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be followed regarding secured storage. retrievability. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 37: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Transportation 11/17/2014

Office of The Secretary of Transportation


Contr ol No Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject

2013-0275 Jones 07/24/20 13 A copy of correspondence (legislation or

regulations) from U.S. Senator Mark Pryor

both from his personal Senate Office or

from any committees or subcommittees-

and the response to the correspondence.

(See Request)

2013-0276 Day Pro Publica 07/24/20 13 Any and all emails and written

correspondence to and from any and all

employees of DOT. from February I. 2008

up to present day (July 18. 20 13) relating to

a rear visibili ty standard for vehicles. (See


20 13-0277 Brayton George Washington 07/24/20 13 A copy of the annual performance data for

Univesity ·Trachtenberg the different program line item accounts

School of Public Policy and the agency level performance

measures. (See Request)

20 13-0278 Whitlock Schuda & Associates. pile 07/24/20 13 Copy of any information available related

to an automobile accident that occurred in Fayene County. WV A on or about April

I I. 20 12. inc lud ing but not limi ted to driver

r I 2013-0279 Russell 07/26/2013 Request a copy of all documents pertaining

to an investigation re: AA ticket charge on

credi t card- BBB Complaint Case

#90 125584

2013-0280 - 07/26/2013 Copy of any investigation on self.

2013-0281 Maher 07/3112013 Information within the application that the

NY DOT submitted for a federal TIGER

GRANT in June 2013 for funding of the Brooklyn Bridge Gateway project. (See


20 13-0282 Campbell Democratic Senatorial 07/3112013 Any correspondence. including electronic.

Campaign Commincc to your agency from or on behalf of

Colordao State Senator Randy

Baumgardner between January 15. 2013 and

Ju ly 15. 2013.

20 13-0283 Drapcho Democratic Senatorial 07/3112013 Any correspondence. including. electronic.

Campaign Comminee to your agency from or on behalf of lowa

State Senator Joni Emst between 1111 20 II and 7115/2013. (See Request)

Page 37 of 46

FOR OFFIC IAL USE O NLY USE OF I FORJVIATIO IN THIS DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be

followed regarding secured storage. retrievability. access controls. retention. and d isposal of the records. This material is subject to the

safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 38: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Transportation 11/ 17/2014

Office of The Secretary of Transportation


Control No Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged Subj ect

2013-0284 Campbell Democratic Senatorial 0713 1/2013 Any correspondence. including electronic. Campaign Committee to your agency from or on behalf of

Colorado State Senator Owen Hill between January I. 20 13 and July 15.2013. (See Request)

2013-0285 West Robinson Calcagnie 07/3112013 All information related to accidents. ci tizen Robinson Shapiro Davis, complaints. contracts for roadway work Inc. and description of roadway work being

performed in the State of California. County of Monterey. on the US Highway I 0 I at the intersection of Pesru11e Road and within a distance of one mile north and one mile south ofthat location from March 16.20 12 through July 16. 20 12.

20 13-0286 Osiecki American Trucking 08/0 1/2013 All documents belonging to the Secretary's Associat ion, Inc.- Senior Office relating to the 20 13 contract between Vice President COM Smith and FH\VA to assist OST.

FHW A and FMCSA in carrying out the MAP-21-dirccted Comprehensive Truck Size and Weight Study: contract and the safety analysis portion of the MA P-2 1 required Comprehensive Truck Size and Weight study.

2013-0287 McKinley Shore McKinley Conger & 08/0112013 All documents San Joaquin Regional Scott LLP Transit District submitted to FTA in regard

to the 0 1 E VOICE program. the State of Good Repair program. the TIGER Grant program, and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act program. in Apri l 20 13.

2013-0288 Sullivan Democratic Senatorial 08/02/2013 Any correspondence. including e lectronic. Campaign Committee to your agency from or on behalf of U.S.

Representative David Dave Camp (R-MI) between January I, I 991 and present. (See Request)

2013-0289 Lewis. Jr. 1- 08/02/2013 A brief and detailed description regarding the particular function and services provided by the Department of Transportation to the general public and/or government agencies with a master index of records avai lable for public review.

20 13-0290 Flores 08115/2013 Copy of an environmental analysis and gram application for the Galveston downtown transit terminal/parking facility dated 9/4/2012.

Page 38 of 46 FOR OFFIC IAL USE ONLY USE OF I FORMATION l1 TH IS DOCUME T IS RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures arc to be to ll owed regarding secured storage. retrievability. access controls. retent ion. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a as amended.

Page 39: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

Control No Requestor Last Name

2013-0291 Hansen

2013-0292 Hansen

2013-0293 -20 13-0294 Waterhouse

20 13..0295 Kostas

2013-0296 Read

2013-0297 Tucker


U.S. Department of Tra nsportation

Office of The Secretary of Transportation


Requesting Firm

Edge Point

The La\\ Offices of William D. Tucker, P.A.

Page 39 of -16

Date Logged




OR/ 15/2013

08/ 15/2013


08/ 1512013

11/ 17/2014


Copy of a spreadsheet of all Motor Carriers located in Clnrk County. evada. and information including: company names and DBAs. addresses with zip code. company represent:nivc contact names. number of power units. numlxr of drivers. fleet silc. and t) p.: of motor carrier registration. (See incoming request)

Cop) of a spreadsheet of all Motor Carriers located in an Diego County. Califomia. and information including: company names and DBAs. addresses. company representative contact names. number of power units. number of drivers. llect size. and I) pc of motor carrier registration.

Copy of all the infonnation that the govemmcm obtained on me as a tra' el..:r for Ute foliO\\ ing trip on Aug. 4. 2013 returning on Aug. 8. 2013. from Dallas/Fonh Wonh. Texas to San Diego. CA. (Sec incoming request)

Copy or an accounting of all uncashcd ehccks/wnrmnts for 6 months or more as of the date of th is lener: and. an accounting of any unclaimed funds which have not been esc heated to the state. (See incoming request)

Cop~ of all records relating to communication between DOT and the U. Dept. of State regarding the operations of the following N-number aircraft: 368CE. N742Y A. N767V A. N608US. N731 Y A. and N34315 .... (Scc incoming request)

Copy of the number of EEO complaints (infonnnl or lormal). if a ROl was conducted. if a FAD was issued and \\hat the conclusion of that FAD. if the EEO FA D wa$ appealed. the results o f the FA I) appcal...(scc incoming request)

Copy or all granted. awarded. and/or approved applications submitted by or on behalf of any of the Pucno Rico based entities as recipients and/or sub recipients. for lederaltransponation funds for Transit projccts ... (scc incoming request)

U E OF I FOR:VIATION fN TI-ll DOCUML:l T I RESTRICTED. Federal. Dcpanmentnl. and Agenc~ policies and procedures are to be follo11 cd regarding secured storage. retrievabi I it). access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the sateguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 40: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Depa rtmen t o f Transpor tation 11/17/2014

Office of The Secretary ofTranspor·tation


Control No Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject

20 13-0298 - 08/ 15/2013 Copy of the review report of the property acquisition done by the Massachusetts

Department ofTra~ property located at Fall River, Massachusetts. (See incoming request)

20 13-0299 - 08/ 15/2013 Copy of a list of all EEO complaints submitted by self(see incoming request)

2013-0300A Moten 08/ 19/2013 Appealing FY20 13-0009.

2013-030 1 - 08/21/2013 All information pertaining my release.

2013-0302 Ravnitzky 08/2212013 A digita l/electronic copy of the fina l report(s) produced for the Department of Transportation- Immediate Omce of the Secretary by Beacon Associates Incorporated. Bel Air. Maryland. The contract number/vehicle DTOS59-07-D-00457 may be ~nnli,.~hJ,,

2013-0303 Whitson Reinhardt & Associates. 08/22/2013 All documems pertaining to the July 17. PLC 2009 accident located at Interstate 75 in

Lexington. Kentucky. which involved C & J Recovery (VJN I XKDDB9X94J846459: Registration #9HB980). and the other was Ferguson Trucking (VIN I X P5DB9X 17NG95347: Registration #62 1357).

20 13-0304 Friedman Law Omces of Joseph M. 08/22/2013 All ; ,.r"m?~.EOM!i!!f' so~;'"· Jagielski Inc. and/or and/or

II I <See~t)

2013-0305 Burton Government Sales 08/22/2013 A copy of all contact information on the Specialists CTO. CISO. CIOs, and Contact Call Center

Managers and Acquisition Directors in U.S. Department of Agriculture. (See Request)

2013-0306 - Pima County Jail 08/22/2013 All information pertaining to oneself.

20 13-0307 Bell Sidley Austin. LLP 08128/2013 Information pertaining to Interagency Working Group on Social Cost of Carbon. (See All 3 Requests)

Page 40 of46 fOR OFfiC IAL USE ONLY USE OF INFORI\IIATION IN TH IS DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to b<! tollowed regarding secured storage. retrievabil ity. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 41: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Transportation 11 / 17/2014

Office of The Secretary of Transportation


Control No Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject

20 13-0308 Miller Democratic Senatorial 08/28/2013 Any correspondence to your agency from Campaign Committee or on behalf of Minnesota State Senator

Julianne Ortman from January I. 2002 to present: as a representative of the Hennepin County, Minnesota Sheriff's Office from January 2007 to present: as a member of the Carver County. Minnesota Board of Commissioners from January 2000 - December 2002: and as a private citizen from January I. 2000 to present.

20 13-0309 Schell Democratic Senatorial 08/29/2013 Al l information requested by or provided to Campaign Committee the following: US Representative Steve

Daines, including as a pri vate citizen: RightNow Technologies ( 1997-present): Genesis Partners. LLC (May 1998-present): Clair W. Daines. Inc. (August 1974-present): Gallatin Development Corp. (January 200 1-Present): Daines Limited Partnership (October 1999-present): Joshua 24: 15. Inc. (October 1999-January 20 12): Sunrise Development. LLC (February 1997-January 20 13): Bridger Technologies (August 2003-present): and Kids Up. Inc. (June 2005-February 20 12).

2013-0310 Mosher 08/29/2013 A copy of the signed (April 299. 2009) document: Smoke Free Environment for the Department of Transportation which should be DOT DPM 792-4.

20 13-031 1 Gilligan 08/29/2013 Copies of any correspondence between Congressman Mark Schauer. his official staff. his committee staff from the House of Agriculture Comminee and House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

20 13-0312 Campbell ICE 08/29/20 13 Al l information pertaining to the accident that occurred on 3/21/2005 around Foothi lL Nacho off of Lohman off of S.25 in Las Cruces. N.M.

20 13-0313 Onaci 08/29/20 13 Files that fall under the heading Republic of New Africa/Afr ika.

2013-03 14 Simmons 09/06/20 13 All informat ion pertaining to Indiana Legislation. (See Request)

Page 41 of 46

FOR OFFIC IAL USE ONLY USE OF I FORMATION lN TH IS DOCUME T IS RESTRICTED. FederaL DepartmentaL and Agency policies and procedures are to be fol lowed regarding secured storage. retrievability. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a as amended.

Page 42: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Transportation l l/ 17/2014

Office of The Secretary of Transportation


Control No Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject

2013-03 15 Campbell D~u•v~ratic Senatorial 09/06/20 13 Any correspondence to the department Campaign Committee from or on behalf of Daniel S. Sullivan in

his positions as Alaska Commissioner of

the Department of Natural Resources. Dec.

20 10 - present Alaska Attorney General.

June 2009 - Dec. 20 10: and U.S. Assistant Secretary o f State for Economic. Energy

and Business AtTairs. May 2006 -Jan. 2009.

2013-0316 - 09/06/20 13 Any records submitted in my name by any

authori ty. Principal investigator.

consultant. or Federal and state agencies

that label me a threat to public

transportation and infrastructure. (Sec


201 3-03 17 Terpstra Cox Media Group 09/06/20 13 Copies ofTiger 20 13 Prelim inary

Application Data sheets for the following

states: Washington State. Oklahoma.

Cali fornia. Florida. Ohio. Pennsylvania.

Georgia. North Carolina and South


20 13-03 18 Jones 09/06/20 13 Copy of correspondence from United

States Senator Mitch McConnell both from

his personal Senate oflice or from any

leadership omccs and the response to the

correspondence. (See Request)

2013-03 19 Greer Greer Jackson Tisinger LLC 09/06/20 13 All ci tations and their locations received by

~-in August of2008.

2013-0320 Calderaro The Calderaro Tyrrell Law 09/ 10/20 13 All information pertaining to -Group 11 J

20 13-032 1 Khan Law Offices of Z. Zareefa 09/ 10/20 13 All ,r, pertaining to-Khan. P.A. l

2013-0322 Olano Olano Law 09/ 11/20 13 All information pertaining to-


2013-0323 Tentchoff MuckRock News 09/11/20 13 All internal emails from July 6-July 8. 2013

regarding the Lac-Megantic derailment/explosion in Canada.

2013-0324 MacFarlane NBC News- Washington 09/1 1/201 3 Copies of all documents from the following

three FOIA request: 20 I l- l 06. 20 13-44 and

20 13-40.

20 13-0325 MacFarlane NBC Washington - WRC 09/12/20 13 Copies of all PREMI UM CLASS T RAVEL -TV reports filed by the OST in FY 2008. 2009.

20 I 0. 20 I I and 20 12 (See Request)

Page 42 of 46

FOR OFFICIA L US E O N LY USE OF INFORMATION 11 THIS DOCUME T IS RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be

followed regarding secured storage. retrievabil iry. access controls. retention. and d isposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a as amended.

Page 43: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

Control r-;o


20 13-0327


20 13-0329

20 13-0330

U.S. Department of Transportation

Office of The Secreta ry of Transportation


Requestor Last r-;ame Reques ting Firm Date Logged

Walter US Department of tate





Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

lichigan Democratic Party

White & Case LLP

White & Case LLP

Page 43 of 46

09/ 1212013

09/ 12/201 3

09112120 13

09112120 13

09/12120 13



Review of documents for case # M-2009-05 184.

11/ 17/2014

Any correspondence to the department from or on behalf of State Senator James M. Rubens. between January 1994 and January 1999: correspondence between the department from or on behalf of Kaleidoscope -- A Gallery of Collectables. Kaleidoscope -- Beautiful and Useful Things. Kaleidoscope Design. and Kaleidoscope Fine Hardware between May 1983 and ovember 1993: and correspondence between the agency from or on behalf of Crotix. James & Susan Locke. and Hanover Park between Aug. 1993 and the present.

A copy of any records or documents contain ing communication between any official of the executive office of Michigan. Gov. Rick Snyder. including but not limited to Rich Baird and the U.S. Department of Transportation. Oflice of the Secretary. during the period beginning January I. 20 I I to present.

Documents regarding the 1995 Air Transport Agreement. Canada's expectation that the US would grant antitrust immunity to Canadian airlines fo llowing the execution of that agreement: promises or other indications on behalf of the US that DOT would grant antitrust immunity to Canadian airline :and any discussion of an titrust immunity between the US and Canada that occurred during treaty negotiations.

Copies of all documents pertaining to the 2007 Air Transport Agreement. Canada's expectation that the US would grant antitrust immunity to Canadian airlines following the execution of that agreement: that DOT would grant antitru t immunity to Canadian airl ines: and any discussion of antitrust immunity bct\\ een the US and Canada that occurred during treaty negotiations. (Sec Request)

U E OF I FORMATIO I THI DOCUME T IS RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures arc to be followed regardi ng secured storage. retricvability. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the afeguards of the Privacy Act of 1 97~. USC 552a as amended.

Page 44: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Transportation 11/ 17/20 14

Office of T he Secretary of T ransportation


Control No Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject

2013-033 1 McKinley Shore McKinley Conger & 09/ 12/20 13 The date of submissions of document from Scott. LLP FY20 13-203.

20 13-0332 Bell Baker Sterchi Cowden & 09/ 12/20 13 Any documents or blueprints or other Reice. LLC descriptions of the Ye llow Freight faci lity

located at 3500 Booth Ave .. Kansas City. MO pertaining to the years 1977-1992.

20 13-0333 Guess 09/17/20 13 All documents. emails. phone call transcripts and any other pertinent and related infom1ation in the Department of Transportation custody regarding my complaint against American Airlines.

20 13-0334 Chronic Maschka Riedy & Ries 09/17/2013 All information pertain ing to Spectrum Industrial Services. Inc. (See Request)

20 13-0335 Chronic Maschka. Reidy & Ries Law 09/ 19/20 13 Al l informat ion pertain ing to Home Base Fi rm Contractors. Inc .. U.S. DOT #2306990.

2013-0336 Winder Condon & Forsyth. LLP 09/ 19/2013 Records pertaining to complaints. responses to complaints. investigation reports. and witness statements of wheelchai r attendants employed at Los Angeles International Airport. (See Request)

20 13-0337 Bell Baker Sterchi Cowden & 09/ 19/20 13 Any documents or blueprints or other Rice. LLC descriptions of the Yellow Freight facility

located at 3500 Booth A venue. Kansas City. Missouri pertaining to the years 1977-1992.

20 13-0338 Hyman 09/ 19/2013 Certi fied copies of any and all dri ver license applications/non-driver license State Identification applications that I submitted to the State of Arizona as well as any cancellation documents I autographed in the past.

2013-0339 Pytynia 09/ 19/2013 The procedure to obtain property without running the obligation through a financial institution and to have the obligation discharged directly by U.S .. Inc.

2013-0340 Donohue Tran portation for America 09/ 19/2013 Electronic copies of all applications submitted to the Office of the Secretary of Transportation for ational lnfras tructure Investments for fiscal year 20 12 grant period. (See Request)

Page 44 of 46

FOR OFFIC IAL USE ONLY USE OF TNFORMATIO I THIS DOCUME TI S RESTRICTED. Federal. Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be followed regarding secured storage. retrievability. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 45: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

U.S. Department of Transportation 11/ 17/2014

Office ofTbe Secretary of Tran sport ation


Control No Requestor Last Name l~equesting Fir m Date Logged Subject

20 13-0341 Donohue Transportation for America 09/19/20 13 A listing of all applications, including

project sponsor. projec t cost. and grant

request. submitted to the Ot1ice of the

Secretary of Transportation for National

Infrastructure Investments for fiscal year

20 12 grant period. (See Request)

20 13-0342 Seaman Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 09123/2013 Copies of any contracts the U.S.

Department of Transportation has with

Acxiom Corp. and/or any company

partnering with Acxiom Corp. of Little Rock as of Jan. I. 200 I. (See Request)

20 13-0343 Haas I-ILH 09/23/2013 Any and all documents submitted by

entities under US DOT # I3 l882 1 from2005

to the present: any and all fil ings by CAN!

Mining. LLC from 2005 to present: Rhino

Trucking. LLC from 2005 to present: Rhino

Energy LLC from 2005 to present: and all

safety ratings or SAFER resul ts from Frank Lockhart Trucking fo r 200-2008.

20 13-0344 Tate McClatchy Newspapers 09/26/2013 A copy of the travel expense reports and

itineraries for the DOT Office of the

Secretary from dating back to February

2009. including domestic and overseas

travel paid for by the department for the

fo llowing officials and the ir staffs: Secretary Anthony Foxx: Ray LaHood.

John Pocari. Polly Trottenberg. Dana

Gresham. Susan Kurland. Victor Mendez.

Michael Huerta. Joseph Szabo. Peter

Rogoff. Anne Ferro. Cynthia Quarterman.

David Strickland. and Calvin Scovel.

20 13-0345 Cusack The I !ill 09/26/ 20 13 A copy of the Department of

Transportation FOIA log from Jan. I, 20 13

through the date of this request letter is


20 13-0346 Minott i Asset Recovery Consulting 09/26/20 13 A copy of any and all of the Department of

Transportation Outstanding/Stale-dated

check lists. which may also be known as Limited Payability Cancellation Report of

refunds and credits. (Undeliverable

checks) See Request

2013-0347 - liiiili 09/27/20 13 Documents from the following titles:


DOT/ FMCSA 003 and DOT/RITA 00 I.

Page 45 of 46

FOR O FFIC IA L USE O N LY USE OF INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUME TIS RESTRICTED. FederaL Departmental. and Agency policies and procedures are to be

followed regard ing secured storage. retrievabil ity. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privac) Act of 197_.. USC 552a. as amended.

Page 46: Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS ... · Office of The Secretary of Transportation FOIA REQUESTS SEARCH RESULTS Control l'\o Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm

Control No




U.S. Department of Transportation

Office of The Secretary of Transportation


Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged

Downs 58 November 09/30/2013


Guari. Esq.

Letter Publications. Inc.

Murry & Guari Trial Attomeys PL

Page 46 of46




11/ 17/2014


Documents sent or received to the Office of the Secretary (OST) pertaining to the hijacking of Oct. 4. 197 1 ashville. TN to Jacksonville. FL. (Sec Request)

Documents pertaining to employment discrimination complaint against FTA by the latel I All infonnation pertaining to Morejon Delivery. Inc. and its drivers. (See Request)

USE OF INFOR!v1A TION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED. Federal. DepartmentaL and Agency policies and procedures are to be foll owed regarding secured storage. retrievabil ity. access controls. retention. and disposal of the records. This material is subject to the safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974. SC 552a. as amended.