Weather Forecast VUr tonltht sad 8im««r. rtlgblljr wwmer tanlcbt. Blfli yeatcrdAy ' 81, low 46. Low UUa morning 41* ' I 8 ii Irri^ted Conntlesln Idaho TODAY'S NEWS TODAY VOL. XX. NO. .70—5 CENTS. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO, SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1937 OFFICIAL COUNTX NEWSPAPKA UN T H E DAY’S PARADE Gets Chair tester UrcckcUuirst, ronner ArlL3 ttsas Sunday school l«ach- rr todjiy waa sentenced lo die in the electric chair for the murder of a wealthy planlcr. HIs.swmI* lifart on thi;lr "tour of crime," llcrnice Felton, Kockfortl, HI., slinivn at his right, was acquil- eil by a Jury last night. 3rd Category! FATE OF VAN VLACK CAUSES BATTLE , IM 18 H C IP I A N FDR SHIP PA M Fascist and Mazi Officials Don't Want British and French Intervention NOJfiOOP WITHDRAWALS Hitler Holds Neutrality Idea Broke Down Because It Was Inefficient RO M E. J u n e 20 CU.IO—I t a l y Germany,, cooperating closely, made It known today that they would re- ject any effort by Great Britain ahd France to operate between them the Spanish neutrality patrol from which the Paaclst and Nazi govemmenU had withdraw. It was made equally a.'s plain that neither Italy por Germany, with the Spanish nnifonalLsUs driving vlcloriousJy toward Santander, would agree to any plan for withdrawal of foreign volunteers from the Civil “Protect Sbipptaf" Italy Intends to maintain warships off the apanlsh loyallst.5 coasts to ‘protect shipping." The view was taken here that for Britain and France to attempt to exert full control of the neulraUty patrol, intended to keep munitions and volunteers • from Spain, would bo Illegal ond that as Germany and Italy remain members of the Inter- national non-intervention commit- tee any proposal to alter the pntrol plan must be submitted tlirough It. The government hold.% that the neutrality control plan broke down bccausc It was hicfUclent; and that Britain and France' were responsible for the breakdown because they did not support Germany and Italy in the Leipzig tacidfnt. Pickford, Rogers Will Marry Today Film Stars’ Fans Flock to Bel Air for Glimpse of Famous Couple By JAMES F. WICKIZER HOLLYWOOD, June 26 (UP)—Film Hlar fans awurmcd toward Bel Air. today hoping for a glimpse of the private wedding of Mary Pickford, who has been queen of the movie colony since the days of silent pictures, to Charles (Buddy) Roger.*?, actor and dance orchestra maestro from Olathe, Kan. Policemen who had taken their stations during the night tried to keep motorists and pedestrians moving. The ceremony -------------- ..as to be In garden, under s>'camore tree, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lighten at 3 p. A reception Beverly Dodce, fljinf Unlver- ilty of Hawaii eo-ed, flew over Honolulu for 1 hour 33 minute*, rrarhed an altitude of 16,800 frrl, and thu.i Ml a.,nrw world allltude record for “third CAte- cory" plnnea—light m ultl-uai- em nith two or more pauenirn. Former rccortf was 15,232 fee(. Young Savant MEETING CALLED LONDON. J u n t . 2 6 (U.PJ — G r e a t Britain and France colled a meet- log of the int«mational non-lnler- veatlon sub-commtttee today for 11 a, IP- Tuesday’In what Is called a final effort to cffect a neutrality Cten, la .th e Sp-.nlnh CUII war. The commUtae vrtlhbe afcked to coHMnt to Joint Brltiah-I»rcncl) con- trol of the coaata of loynlbt Spain, from which Germany and Italy withdrew their /shlp.s as the rc.sull of an alleged loyalist submarine at- tock on the German cnilscr Leip- zig. ' If Germany and Italy n-Jwt llilii propoBal, and they tlircatcn to do BO. It is understood Uiat Britain will ask them for Biiggestions, planned later nt picif.fttir*.- thL brldc-s “ dream '- ca.stlc" in Beverly: hills, where she spent 13 years, happily married to Douglas Fair- banks. Imme- diat«ly after the reccptlon and dln- r party for the bridal group, the ..jwlyweds were to boawi the S. r Lurllne for Honolulu and n month' honeymoon. 10 at Weddlns Only 10 relatives and close friend.s were atlendlnc the wedding, but 300 were invited to the reception. Rog- ers had a sentlmentnl aversion to a wedding at Plckfnlr, where Ml.w Pickford reigned uinil a fcw_ years ago o.s mlstrcs': in HoilfwoodV ‘'ideal household." Miss Pickford selected Mrs. Llgh ton. a friend of many years, for her only attendant and Rogers' broth- er was best man. The groom's par- ents, Judge and Mrs. Bert Henry (Contlnar^ »n CoJumn J> OPEKOF SEIAIG. SCiBLS’ Advertising: Will Start Soon For.Work on Washington 4-Room Addition Buddy’s Sweetheart Now! r-f .............. .......................... ' Al>n Krrms, 11, w»s youiifeil iradimtc ■! lIiilvrniKy uf WmU* Ihlt year, And lifi'II Iw l«rJi Ha llin *oun(r«( facully inriiil>er lin t lall—m a Irtfrii- iMi ffllour III rljfrtinlfy. ('ouUvr Succt’Hmr to Itv ('hoHcn I^vxl Week 1101: 11 :. Idulio. June -in (UR>- UiKi- rcuKir tci Hnbrtt ('oiilirr, ren1 |;iir(l hriiil til lln’ »t«tP ll(|Uor control lonimlf.'.liin. will Iwi iiamocl «i-*t wrrk, uii\niit>i'A ollli'o atluchca snUI liHlay. EM PLWS M AID BOLE French Paper Olaims U. B. Qorman Ambasandor DisBiindod Maein PAUIfi. .luuR, (URI - • n , Miurrr.i <'otillniiP<l to lu.%i.it i<i drtipllf) nil drnliiLi, thiit the lhill'-<l flliitc.i hnd ]Uiiy<-<l lui iiniHirtiuil. In dlnnintilliiK. fnini tiikliiK forceful nclloii niirr mi alli-Ki<l tiiwiiliih loyiiUnt Mibiuiirlnr uttiK'k oji the cruljipr 1<-1 i> 7 .1 k, Mmo, Orhrvlevr T uI khiL i . jHilltlnil rx|K!rt of tho iinw«pu|)or Ornvi whlrh I ji Ihn nrgun of l»r<'mtrr Cif inillR Chniitemin' rii<ll<'ul Hm'liilbl imrty, ruvnrrtnt tliiit Wllllntn K. I)(hI(I, Amoiiniii itniljaviiKUir iit IIitIIii, vl.Mt<-it niiroi) (.'oiihtiintlii von Nrii- riktli, (lurmun fori'liiii inliilnlci, uiid pul in a word for i>fnrr. "AcrnrillnK to nrwn from llrrlln," rciKirlnl Mmr. TulKiiiln, "tiiR rolr lihiyrd liy Ainrilcn, <ir nuirc cxiictly l>y AmhiiMiidor 1>< hI(1, wh. i roii’ililri- alilr. I)o<l(t on hl.t own Inltliill without imlprn from Wnnhlngli vblletl Nruralh tho nntnfl day ttie British and I'rrnrli wnrnrd nKRln.it liimty ftctlim,'' l)o<ld. Mmr. 'I'lilMml.H nM rrlrd, iii- tliiintod lo Nriinitli llm l (li'i United iUnlrA Kovrrnniriit nllKht itpi'ly thi rt'slrlclUinn niilluirlr.i'd midrr «ln now noiitrullty uct if (lerinitny to<il any tffllliavMi lu tloii, i^onoh coniiiinitnturn, whtlo lak- hig thn vlflw lliitl t<*nii1i>ii u n n 4 'l>,^<'l| for tlin moinrnt, toiilluiiccl to filiinv aiulrty over tlin pirnpiiro iir 11 IiIk Clrriuan flrpt In MiiuuIaIi wntrrn . thfl llm l OiTiiiniiy linn Imit In Ihn Mcdllrrniiieiin diner tlir World wiir, Cool Air, ShnwvrN lii'enk Heat Wave In Middle WchI KANflAH C iry , M o. Jinm -jO - A Kliitll of roiij nir arronipanlrd by acatUred ahow«ra awept <iiii of tho CaiiAdlnii llorkira today to Ijrnak a tl-day lirul wavr whli'li KrllH)rd dm wpnUirn tw ».||ilrdn nf thn (tnltrd Htatea and .elnlnied iil Irani fl3 Hvrn. Drownltign l"d thn fimt mnnniri' liriit l<ill with M rejHitird. Tliirty- itUM died of heal pimtraUuit. IIHILGE aEmcniB Arkansas Ex-Sunddy School Teacher Convicted; Girl la Acquitted LONOKE. Ark,. June 20 (U.R) — I-f,'iter Urockrlhurst and hi? nwect- hriirt, who nccompnnlrd lilm on n tlirrc-inonlh 'Trlinp tour" of. tli? I'fiuntry. piirtcd today with only hlt- ,trrnrs.i rvnd scorn for cnch other. The 23-yenr-old former Biirtduy school tpncher, who murdered Vic- tor Ontrs, wralthy Mtljc Rock, Ark.. pliitiler and two other men. hulked in Ihe ArkaiiKiut death hoiise where he will lK> rtpctrocuted Aug. '21. ni.'i Ifl-yeur-old Hwrcthcart, Bcr icn Felton of .Rockford, 111,, who /.nld shn soon wo\ild hrcomp the niottirr of hln Child, retiimrd to hrr hotnr, I'^jich tesllflcd nKitlnnt other. Ml.-uH Kelton waH nctiiillteil hint nl|{lit by II Jury of II fHriiiPiii ni nierelmnt. A few nilniilp* rarllrr Mrockel- liiirAt hurl fainted for u nmind tlnin whrn CIrrult J iuIko W. J, Wii«Kon- e- i.enli'iireil him to ille tn the clre- trlc rtinlr. He hiul fainted ttic iliiy I'rforr when Ihe Jury convlrtrd ' Bond houses from the east and west will compete for the >350,000 Twin Fails school bond-lssuo Aug. 3 when competitive bids are opened by the district board of trustees. Tlie board today hnd Buthorlred the start-of advertising calling for the bids and setting the first Mon- day in Augast as the .deadline. The call will be advertLied four consecu- tive weeks beginning n 6xt week. Money By Sept. 1 Money from the bonds will be on hand Sept. 1, about the time cn.sh outlay will be nccessary on U»e Washington school addition—first of the projects under the *350,000 ex- pansion program. Theodore H. Weg- ener, Boise, advised the board that delivery of the money could be held off that long and that tho bonds dated Sept. 1 in order to save c-proxlmately $5,000 per month In - terest between now and. ttia time 'funds are needed. Sudler, W M ner and company Is .handling all tM ls'flf tlje bond tesuance, calls bids and printing of bonds. • Start of work on->the, first con'* strucMoo pha.-se moved .. »)ep nearer Ibday after' Mor.sr, Lash ‘and Mc- Quaker, tho arcliltccts, Informrd trustees that the drtnlled fiprclfica- tions for the Wu.'ihlngton school nil- ditlon would be rvndy- '•within 10 days or pcrhnps wHitier." Uinlon E. Mome and Holmus Ijish'presented fikctchcs of (lie addition, nhowln)( three cIa.ssrooimi iind a physical edu- (Contlniird. nn r*c< 2. Column CKIIVIH! WAUUKNTON, Dee., Jiiim 2(1 (i)i')-.lr>lm i.nnd, ftpftninii, held Ilie rrrord tocti\y of hiwlng com- liiltlrd (iiip of thn l110. 1t tuiusunl rrlmr.i In thr tifnfp.' He wiin <'IiiiiKrd wllli tirrnking Into jull. l.iiiid, nccciidlnK lo [Killi'p, hud iKi pliK'd In iiirep unit lirokr Into 111 *' Wtilieiilciwil Jiill, nelrrted « rrll ljuiik ntui w m t In nlrp|i. ll« wii;> cliiirKetl wltti iK'cupy- Init i« liiitlilliiK wlilrh wns not « rrmiliir (Iwrllliitf. FLOOD O M G ES EOm PECK OWI Destruction of Hugo Earth- FiUed Stnrcturo Averted After Blind Slips FOlt'l' I’KCiC, Miint.. Jiinp 20 ilJ.Pt —Thc nil«li^ Missouri rlvrr wi oiirc mori! under control toduy « I/, H. nrniy niKliverr!! uvcrl,<“d thn jHiMlIjtn dentMietloii of ni'itrly ftv« ynini' work on tlip Iuikp iniiltl- inllllon dolliir Fort 1‘erk diini when hll|i|>lng RHiid nt '(lie lHitl<iin of tlie "lIlK Miuldy" thrm trncd t<i de.itrny Ilir eonrrrln en«t )iler of the ;i|rel Millriiiid lirUlMe. A rlnii In tiKi rlvrr of morn 1 rj feel, euunrd liy (orreiitliil mln- X«l» re»|})led Vi llin ihlilluiHf of Mtiid tn tlin fill iiloiiK thn 1 ’rtie Aiind eoiillniird to rlldn lownrd tlir (i|M'u rlviT eliitnuel >>ei'(lim 1 the liililKr, It threw 11 tremendom loud'ii|[itlnnt the (ilrr, ojU'tilni! 11 li riiirk wlilcli eiiilitnKeird the luulu lirJdKr fliiiin unil rullroud line, tnllv lieieiu.ury (or duni|iliiK fill i t4 >ilnl iind tinnfiiMirtliiK niijiiillrn. Mary Pickford, “America's' Sweetheart" of yctleryeara, today waa schedolcd to-btcome the wife of Bnddy.Eocera. actor and orcheitra leader in a cercmoay In Califomta. Tbe marrlafe Is Roren' first. Miss Pitkford’s third. The bride U 44 yean- old, (he croom 32. Governor’s Standi Brings Protests To J. W. Tayloj attorney general HITS AT STATEMENT OF GOMMUTATK By DAVm N. JOHNSON (Copyrlcht, 199T, United PrcM) BOISE, Ida., June 26 (UP)—Douglas Van Vlack, c_ victcd killer awaiting probable execution on July 27, u t l his death’cell across frotn a gallows-site in the prison today, the unwitting factor in a dispute between the stau three highest officials. FARM INCOME H SINCE iOF-1329 $10,000,000,000 Expected . To Be Beached for First Time in 8 Y^ars Taylor Lashes Street Clain^s Park CommiB^ioiuir Says Hamer Adaros is “Slapping” Former Officials Anhoimced curlnltinent of a broad street oiling program In Twin Falls In order that repairs mlKhl be made to oiling Jobs done lost stimmer, thbi afternoon brought a Dharp re- ply from W. E. Tnylor, street com- mlssloner ot Hint time and now commlKiloner of city pnrks. Curtailment of this summer’s an- nounced program waa revealed yes- terday by J/iiJHcr Adams, strret su- perintendent, who said the move WHS necessary l>eciiiL',o "we have dln- covcrcd that tlic work last year was not romplctcd as it should have been.'' He said that "It will now be neeessary for iis lo go over prac- tlcnlly every foot of htreet included In Inst year's iirogrum aiul seal-coat 11 in ordrr Ihut watxr from the surfiico will iinl neeit Into the mix- ture iitui hreiik it U|i." This iiftrrnoon Mi. 'I'nylor said that hn wns "k»Iiik to make a stalc- nient In JuslKlratton of llin work dciun last yeur m> t h a t p<-oi>lfl ii)ay know thn rxlsllnk stulun of Ihr oll- iiiK proursm." Clalmi "KUp'' ' It seems to inn tlmi Mr. Adams hud two things In niind wlirn he made hin statrincnt about llift oll- hiK |ir«>Krnm as esrriecl oti lust year iMid llin progruiii as eonteinplaled •'lie i,eriu» to Iw Inking u '«Isp' nt fitrmrr of/lcJnM In sMttiig (hnl fhn nlterln weir not properly roiiRtriict- eil, nnd In makliiit nxcuses for not eiiriylng nut hln proponed OIIIOH priiliinin tlih yrur. "It hreiiii ntraimn that It I.1 mil |H>.vitliln lo oil nlreets llils year when ('|>n^lderal>ln iiKirr uioiipy was hu<1- geie.d for tliln work Ihnn wan avull- (('<>nlliiur >1 nn m* I, Celumn l> By FBED O. BAILEY WASHINGTON, June 3S tUi’,) - Parm Income'this year will exceed 110, 000,000,000 for the first time since 1639, department of agricul- ture estimates forecast today, Unless a European war outs off American markets, farm prices now at a lO-year high probably will be "well maintained" despite prospects of a bumper crop, department offi- cials said. The gro'ivlng sesion near- ed the half-way mark with no se- rious drouth threaienlnf produc* Uon. 21 Per Cent Ahead Total Ibcome to July l..«hen farm marketing Is at itoJDwen point. vUl approximate Inconu to JU09 1 waa at^V?«at.«}ie»4t,of the same peri^ of las»>9ear U thU rate Is maintained total farm ln> come nay approximate |U ,000^ .- 090. Last year farm income totaled 000, 000, 000. The 1B33 deprtsslon-Iow waa ♦5,333,000,000, The Increase has Men at the rate of nearly «1, 000,- 000,000 a year since 1033, •. The first of the 1037 wheat crop esUmntcd to yield SM),000,000 bush- els Is now moving to market at the ptlce tn several years. Farm MICE WILLOUOHBY, O., June 29 ru.R)—Mm, Norma Dalkwlll, re- turning from a vacation trip, found a family of mice lodged in Uio ditsh fompartment of her sedan whkfi had stood Idle for several months. In the proce.w of improving their home, thn rodents had destroyed a bill of sale, reglstrutlon card, drlvrr's l>ennlt and iiuiurance pn|)erA. ^ FENCE PARIfl. Jiino 20 tu.m—To avoid the ex[)cnAe of extradition pro- ocodlngs,. Ernest Uarnlche, CD- year-dld Belgian, waa tried Rcrotui A fence that marks thn l^nnco-Uelglan frontier at Kok- bisart. Ilanilche was aeciinrd of fnrgltig Belgian bahknoten In l^anre. CLKANlir KEiUWliajS, Tex, Jiinr 2(1 -aiierif f A, F. Moore of Kn r eounty niadn a siirlng clrimup that paid a "ciuih reliirn." In clennliiK his desk at the eniirt- iunine, hn (omul U1 nirkeln. lie lerallrd ruther nhoeplxhly tliiit u Piornctfh cleaolnK hiid not Ix'eii iiiiide ftlnco 1038, WORK nEHIIM^n /IKLIIY. C al, Juno ;J(i (iJI'i Work was resumed In tlie lielljy I'li'i'' "I tlin Anierlean HinellliiK uiid Kefln- tng company today, marking end of a altdowii nliike whU'h (Init- ed June 111 , income from wheat nrpbably will BpproxlntSteitl?»p^.OOO .. ••Very Lovely" Bccretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace described prospects for a btimpor com crop as ‘•very lovely," If fAvorable weather continues a 3,600,000,000 - bushel crop appears prohnWc. Last year's production 1,(00, 000,000 bushels. Income from livestock'and live- stock products, which make up about half the total farm revenue, may be "slightly larger" than last year de- Isplto decreased marketings, tlie de- partm ent said. Prices probably will continue to advance. His desperate fight to avoid execution has plunged state officials into a battle which rages around the pardon board as an intelligent means of settling criminals* fate, capital punishment aa a crime .deterrent, and a governor's theory that it “would do no good-to-hang-Van-Vlackt^ Astonished by the flat daclamtloa of Oovemor.BarsUla Clark ttat.b* . _ did not favor the death peaal^ for Van Vlock, Attomey-Oeneral J. W. Taylor, known for hia ''ooL' votei ' at pardm.board meetings, nld the govelriior’s theorritnlole.«lLthe rooti criminal Uw and ptocea«Elu Mastera BI4m On another front. of BUt« Ire Masters bl4e<t hla time, . ._ waiting for the pardon board meet- ing July 7 before he commenU. In- formed sources indicated, hovenr, that Masters would fallow Taylor's lead In a vote on Van Vlack, per- haps puttl^ off his 'final decMen for 34 hours or more. The governor, after he bis first fUtement regarding execution of Van Vlaok. feU into lUenoe on tbe matter, perhaps reaUstng .that be had made a tactical blunder be- ing so outspoken. t ^ t ha had erre^ In a poUtkal sense was eTldmeed-toda]r . by tele- grtms and lettet.'irttteb fonMd a .. Vlack. fewer Hit In another itatebouse offlot, i man In admlnlstratlT* capaettgr wbo did not want to bt quotad toM united Press that the pardon bdiM should not be vested with antbocttj, to set aside Judicial decision* it coiuts and Juries. He felt the pardon board was a mistake as far as criminal proce- dure went. •These three men, far twm #rl- dence, the scene of trial, and per? ’lisps more than, a year remored great i iheir-abeul" Work lo Start On Jiinilm Mine WlNNliMUCCA, Nev., June 29 Hj>ce<ly lievelopnicnt of tlio fabulous Jumbo gold mine north' wrfii,of here waa planned todsy fol* I<iwlng (llsnilMal l>y Federal Jiictgo I.. 0 . Hawkins of an injunction (0 hull o|HTnll(in« at the $10, 000,000 mine. ■J'jio /fiJiiiiftJon had been sought hy Walter K. 'Itent, l-o« Angolrs mining innn, who. wllh others, had Involved tho projwrly In IlllKallon. 'llin tiilnn wan dnvfloi>e(l iVwn a rinim IioukIiI for »WK) by (lenrne AUntln, Juiigo, Nev., nloreker|>rr, nnd hln iwn m.nn. Me fiold 11 to H, I,, lluiil and J, K, Wadley, Texas oil men, for »I0 , 000, 000, Was There a Massacre— Or Did"3 Twin Falls Men Start the Myth on Auto Trip in , 1913? iVihiii'" tliele wftB nn Indian lnI•^^n<:'le' a l Ihe' famed Mai- Bucrn KN-kn iinir Anieriran Fftlls riii'l (x'jliujw llieio wiuiD’l, but llii> liii'l irmulii>i Itiat Ihren 'I'wlii l''all'i men viewed llial K'liloi) Iron) II I'Vanklfn alr- (cxiii'd aiitoinohlln in Aiigiuil, und V n Ilf llin II n b e e n thul It would ha n |>lav« .for • n Id have liii|i|/eticd. Ill lu< t lliry were «i sure that It ttiin 11 HotHl pluee they decided lo imuilhin a dale when II r.hiiiilil huve «K'curred. 'iliey |.l.l,nl MI'I’J Ju.t lM-1'ilIir.n I lia l "Mar ll*vr" HlarlirO II ■nir lliiiT wrrr l>r, I". I". Mi - Alei-. Ailln'a I,. Ilwliii nnd tlir Mie «' I' I'hi'iiliin Ihtn n! IrniiHiii Imih Mr Hwliii ami in Mi'Alii' K'lhlrd lo uii Mvenliiil 'i'Inieri ii'|Hiili'i ilie tale ot lliul lip whir huve" iiMi iH'niliiK a lilntciiir U all I thiee wnr tello to ri'|i Chumt>er I 'HieiHtori > ntoilrn eon- I'l toduy Inkni ar> hr mull)’, r ahiiill i\n the iiii-'vliiii lo ri.n i- lit the 'i'wln I'alh ( 'iiiimi'ii'e lietiiie M l .’'HIM' tiC ttir flifll niniilM 1 . Ilf I hlgliwiiy ...........I I'lii esUibtlslied at llml ' Idi Here amoiiK Ihn fir.t to make Ihe lrl|i III nil aiKoinnlilln and 1)1. MrAlfn kept an anmrale loK, KlvliiK nilimie direclliinn ain wrU nn ejcnct illn(niirrn from line III I'orutrllo and rntiirn. Al IIJ iiilirn out of Twin I'alls a mitatiiiii In ihe log nnyn; "(llurli*r llorkn, and aiiiplil- Ihrnier vnlley. Indian Mannaere, AiiK liin^." Ilrrs's Hliiry 'I'luil U all the log says roii- I'eiiiliiK llm l )iail 1 iiular k|I(A of ilir Journey bill HiU afl<;in<>oii Dr, MrAle<i told llin Ulory l>e- hlnd llie willliig nl that pui- tliuliir M'rilim nt lliti log. "Wo srrlvod at what u iu>w railed MaMaere rocks," Dr. Mi - Ateo said, "and I said lliat tliln wuutd tiurc 1 m 3 a umnl jilaie lor awngoii train to cninp; (lien Mr. 'f'/imnnn fJriike In wICli 'yrn, otxl a K»o<l plaen fur a niantmin too. You niiltd lilite a whole army <if Ii,idlans In thone nx-ka.'", . And so (lio Uireo then iie- leelrd Augunt cif IBOJ an an lilenl ’ tlmn for a masMcre U> huvs haptmied. Never Heard of One ' Mayl>o there was a inanfltiern tlierti but l ean Iri.tlifnily sny llml ss wo.selooted that d^le for 11 to hapiKin, we had never heard of llirifi l>elng one Our (tfcrenr^ In Ute ion U> Ulo mas- nacie was mad" Jii*t In fun, ■ITin log was jiiitiUiilird, a lltlln ' luu-r, lo alil inotorlnls to'find their Wuy from I’tK-alello to Twill And in Uiftl pnb- llnilloii W4 n p;ilnt«d that no- latlon ulioiil an Indian mas- nai-rn In AiigunI, 1M3," Tlie trip tiy llienn three pio- neers iH Twill I'alls was Inslru- niniitul In llin riinatruvlloii of a graded highway fnim here to IStratello. 'I'lio present highway, w[th very fiiw excepUjmn, fol- lows Ihe rutile taken by thn I'tanktln alr-eooled aiiloinoblln In lDi:i •I'oday, of rourse, an ulteriiitte (inite h alno on Ihe noilh side. (CsnUnutd r«s* >■ ( I •) ders when thex attaopt to deolda the future of a criminal who applies for paroltf,” he said. This official said the certalntjr of punlsliment waa one of the great- est deterrenU of crime. Coart Declsleti Jnsi •'DecUlons of the courts, where known to be abeoluUty Just, should . carried out 'quickly,’' be said. Betting aside the death penalty, ho thought, would lead others to perform criminal acta In the hope Uiey might not be punished. Politically, the dlsputa gathered significance. The att}tuda of the governor’s office toward headquar- ters of Uio attomey.general hu been one of strained relations. Ho one Is prepared to say whst Uie political aspirations of Attor- ney-Oeneral Taylor are. but sUte- house rallbirds today thought his -* reaction to the governor's comment was more than a defeiiso of legal procediue. AGENrSMRS Two New York Qnnmen to Be Sentenoed for Killing Of 0-Han •^OFBKA, Kan.. June U W i—Tmo fie'n York gunmen will be sentenced to hang ’Tuesday for killing a de- IMvrlment of Jusllco agent who tried lo arrest Uicm in the ’Topeka poel- tirrir« last April 18. The two chdso to ahoot It out rallier tlian face charges of robbing a lisnk. wlmlwriy Wayne Baker. *7. whom they slew, waa on his lint IniiHirtant assignment as a Q-man. lAsl night, after deliberating three hours, a Jury In federal eourt held thn Iwo-Hobtrt J. auhay. tall *4- yekr-old youth, and Qlen J. Apple- gate, 9D, a graying ex-oonvict^l^ty of first degree murdef with n,0 rrcommendatloii of mercy. VOLUNTB MADaiD, June 'M I ..... Amerloan volunteera in tba fit- mous international brigade bav* been railed from leave and told ta stind by for further orders, 1| WM isariicd today.


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Weather ForecastVUr tonltht sad 8im««r. rtlgblljr

wwmer tanlcbt. Blfli yeatcrdAy ' 81, low 46. Low UUa m orning 41* ' I

8 ii Irri^ted Conntlesln Idaho





Gets Chair

te s te r U rcckcU uirst, ro n n er ArlL3 ttsas S u nday school l«ach- r r todjiy waa se n ten c ed lo die in th e e lec tric c h a ir fo r th e m u rd er of a w ealthy p la n lc r . H Is.swm I* l if a r t on th i;lr " to u r o f crim e," llc rn ice Fe lton , K ockfortl, HI., slinivn a t h is rig h t, w as acquil- eil by a Jury la s t n igh t.

3 rd Category!



F asc is t an d Mazi O fficials D on 't W a n t B ritish an d

F rench In terven tion


H itler Holds N e u tra lity Id e a Broke Down B ecau se It

W as In e ffic ien t

ROME. Ju n e 20 CU.IO—Ita ly G erm any,, cooperating closely, m ade It known today th a t they w ould re ­je c t any e ffo rt by G re a t B r ita in ahd F rance to ope ra te betw een th e m the S panish neu tra lity pa tro l from w hich th e P aaclst a n d Nazi govem m enU had w ithdraw .

I t w as m ade equally a.'s p la in th a t n e ith e r I ta ly p o r G erm any , w ith th e S panish nnifonalLsUs d riv ing vlcloriousJy tow ard S a n ta n d e r , would agree to any p la n for w ith d raw a l of foreign volun teers fro m th e Civil

“P ro te c t S b ip p ta f"Italy In tends to m a in ta in w arsh ips

off th e a p a n lsh loyallst.5 coasts to ‘p ro tec t shipping."

T he view w as ta k en he re t h a t for B rita in a n d F rance to a tte m p t to exert fu ll con tro l o f th e neu lraU ty patro l, in tended to keep m un itions a n d vo lun teers • from S pa in , would bo Illegal ond th a t a s G erm any and I ta ly rem a in m em bers o f th e In te r­na tional non -in te rv e n tio n com m it­te e any proposal to a lte r th e pntrol plan m u st be subm itted tliro u g h It.

The governm ent hold.% th a t th e neu tra lity contro l p la n broke down bccausc It was h icfU clen t; a n d th a t B rita in and F rance ' w ere responsible for th e breakdow n because th e y d id n o t suppo rt G erm any and I ta ly in th e Leipzig ta c id fn t.

Pickford, Rogers Will Marry Today

Film Stars’ Fans F lock to Bel A ir fo r Glimpse of Fam ous Couple


HOLLYWOOD, Ju n e 26 (U P )— Film Hlar fans aw urm cd tow ard Bel A ir. today hoping fo r a glimpse of th e p riv a te wedding o f M ary P ickford, who has been queen of th e movie colony since th e days of silen t pictures, to C harles (Buddy) Roger.*?, ac to r and dance orchestra m aestro from O lathe, K an.

Policemen who had taken th e ir stations during th e n ig h t tried to keep m oto rists and pedestrians moving.

T h e cerem ony --------------..a s to be In g a rden , u n der s>'camore tree , a t th e hom e of Mr. a n d M rs. Louis L ig h te n a t 3 p.

A recep tion

Beverly D odce, f l j i n f U nlver- il ty o f H aw aii eo-ed, flew over H onolulu fo r 1 h o u r 33 m inute*, r ra rh e d a n a ltitu d e of 16,800 f r r l , a n d th u .i M l a .,n rw world a llltu d e reco rd for “th ird CAte- cory" plnnea— lig h t m u l t l - u a i - em n i th two o r m ore p a u e n i r n . Form er rccortf w as 15,232 fee(.

Young Savant

MEETING CALLED LONDON. J u n t .2 6 (U.PJ — G re a t

B rita in and F ra n ce colled a m e e t- log of th e in t« m atio n a l n o n - ln le r- veatlon sub-com m tttee today fo r 11 a , IP- T u e s d a y ’In w h a t Is called a f ina l e ffo rt to c ffec t a n e u tra lity

Cten, l a . t h e Sp-.nlnh CUIIw ar.

T he com m U tae v r tlh b e afcked to coHMnt to Jo in t B rltiah-I»rcncl) con ­trol o f th e coaata o f lo y n lb t Spain , from w hich G erm any a n d I ta ly w ithdrew th e ir /shlp.s a s th e rc.sull o f an alleged loyalist su b m arin e a t- tock on th e G erm an c n ilsc r Leip­zig. • '

If G erm any and I ta ly n -Jw t llilii propoBal, and they tli rc a tc n to do BO. I t is understood U ia t B r ita in will ask them for Biiggestions,

p lanned la te r nt p i c i f . f t t i r * . - t h L brldc-s “ d r e a m '- ca.stlc" in Beverly: h ills, w here she s p e n t 13 years, happ ily m arried to D ouglas F a ir ­b a n k s . Im m e- d ia t« ly a fte r th e reccptlon a n d d ln -

r p a rty fo r th e bridal group, th e ..jw lyw eds w ere to boawi th e S . r L u rllne fo r H onolulu and n m onth ' honeym oon.

10 a t W eddlns O nly 10 rela tives and close friend.s

w ere a tle n d ln c th e w edding, b u t 300 w ere inv ited to th e reception. R o g ­e rs h a d a se n tlm en tn l aversion to a w edding a t P lckfnlr, w here Ml.w P ickford reigned u in il a fcw_ years ago o.s m lstrcs ': in HoilfwoodV ‘'idea l household."

M iss Pickford selected M rs. L lgh ton . a friend of m any years, fo r h e r only a tte n d a n t a n d Rogers' b r o th ­e r w as best m an . T he groom 's p a r ­en ts , Judge a n d M rs. B e r t H en ry

(Contlnar^ »n CoJumn J>


SC iBLS’A dvertising: Will S ta r t Soon

For.W ork on W ash ing ton 4-Room Addition

B uddy’s Sweetheart Now!r - f .............. .......................... '

Al>n K rrm s , 11, w»s y o u iife il irad im tc ■! lIiilv rn iK y uf WmU*

Ih l t year, And lifi'II Iw l«rJi Ha llin *oun (r« ( facully inriiil>er l i n t la l l—m a Irtfrii- iMi ffllour III rljfrtinlfy.

('ouUvr Succt’Hmr to • Itv ('hoHcn I^vxl Week

1101:11:. Idulio. J u n e -in (UR>- UiKi- rcuKir tci H n b rt t ( 'o ii lir r , ren1|;iir(l hriiil til lln’ »t«tP ll(|Uor control lonimlf.'.liin. will Iwi iiamocl «i-*t w rrk, uii\niit>i'A o llli'o a tluchca snUI liHlay.


F rench P a p e r Olaim s U. B. Qorman A m basandor

DisBiindod Maein

PAUIfi. .luuR, (URI - • n , Miurrr.i <'otillniiP<l to lu.%i.it i<i drtipllf) nil drnliiLi, th iit th e lhill'-<l flliitc.i hnd ]Uiiy<-<l lui iiniHirtiuil.In dlnnintilliiK. fn in i tiikliiKforceful nclloii n i i r r mi alli-Ki<l tiiwiiliih loyiiUnt M ibiuiirlnr uttiK'k oji the cruljipr 1<-1i>7.1k,

Mmo, O rh rv lev r T uIkhiLi . jHilltlnil rx|K!rt o f tho iinw«pu|)or O rnvi w hlrh Iji Ihn nrgun of l»r<'mtrr Cif inillR C hn iitem in ' rii<ll<'ul H m 'liilbl imrty, ruvnrrtnt tliiit W llllntn K. I)(hI(I, A m oiiniii itniljaviiKUir iit IIit IIii, vl.Mt<-it niiroi) (.'oiihtiintlii von Nrii- riktli, (lu rm un fori'liiii in liilnlci, uiid pu l in a word for i>fnrr.

"AcrnrillnK to nrw n from llr r lln ," rciKirlnl M m r. TulKiiiln, "tiiR rolr lihiyrd liy A inrilcn, <ir nuirc cxiictly l>y AmhiiMiidor 1><hI(1, wh.i ro ii’ili lr i- alilr. I)o<l(t on hl.t own Inltliill w ithout imlprn from W nnhlngli vblletl N ru ra lh th o nntnfl day ttie British and I 'r rn r li w n rn rd nKRln.it liimty ftctlim,''

l)o<ld. M m r. 'I'lilMml.H nM rrlrd , iii- tliiintod lo N riin itli llm l (li'i U nited iUnlrA K ovrrnniriit nllK ht itpi'ly thi rt'slrlclUinn niilluirlr.i'd m id rr «ln now noiitru llty uct if (le rin itny to<il any tffllliavMi lu tloii,

i^onoh coniiiin itn turn , whtlo la k -hig thn vlflw lliitl t<*nii1i>ii unn 4'l>, <'l|for tlin m o in rn t, toiillu iicc l to filiinv a iu lr ty over tlin pirnp iiro iir 11 IiIk C lrriuan flrp t In MiiuuIaIi w ntrrn . thfl llm l OiTiiiniiy linn ImitIn Ihn M cd llrrn iiie iin diner tlir W orld wiir,

Cool Air, ShnwvrN lii'enk H eat W ave

In Middle WchIKANflAH C i r y , M o . Jinm -jO

- A Kliitll of roiij n ir a rro n ip a n lrd by acatU red ahow«ra aw ept <iiii of tho CaiiAdlnii llo rk ira to d a y to Ijrnak a tl-day l iru l w avr whli'li KrllH)rd dm wpnUirn tw » .||i lrd n nf thn ( tn ltrd H tatea a n d .elnlnied iil Irani fl3 Hvrn.

Drownltign l"d th n fim t m nnniri' liriit l<ill w ith M rejH itird . T liirty -

itUM died of h e a l p im traU u it.

I IH I L G EaEmcniB

A rkansas E x-S unddy School T each er C onvicted; Girl

la A cquitted

LONOKE. Ark,. Ju n e 20 (U.R) — I-f,'iter U rock rlhu rs t a n d h i? nw ect- h r iir t, who nccom pnnlrd lilm on n tli rrc - in o n lh 'T rlinp tou r" o f. t l i? I'fiuntry. piirtcd today w ith only h lt- ,trrn rs .i rvnd scorn fo r cnch o ther.

T h e 23-yenr-old fo rm er Biirtduy school tpncher, w ho m urdered V ic ­to r O ntrs, w ra lthy M tljc Rock, A rk.. p liitiler a n d two o th e r m e n . hulked in Ihe ArkaiiKiut d e a th hoiise w here he will lK> rtpc trocu ted Aug. '21.

ni.'i Ifl-yeur-old H w rcthcart, B cr icn Fe lton of .Rockford, 111,, w ho

/.nld shn soon w o\ild h rcom p th e n io tt ir r o f hln Child, r e ti im rd to h r r ho tn r, I'^jich tesllflcd nKitlnnt o the r. Ml.-uH Kelton waH nctiiillteil hint nl|{lit by II Jury of II fHriiiPiii ni nierelm nt.

A few nilniilp* r a r l l r r Mrockel- liiirAt hurl fa in ted for u n m in d tlnin w h rn C Irru lt J iuIko W. J , Wii«Kon- e- i.enli'iireil h im to ille tn th e c lre - tr lc rtinlr. He h iul fa in ted ttic iliiy I 'r fo rr when Ihe Ju ry c o n v lrtrd '

Bond houses from th e e a s t a n d w es t will com pete fo r th e >350,000 T w in F a ils school bond-lssuo A ug. 3 w hen com petitive bids a re opened by th e d is tric t board o f tru s te es .

T lie boa rd today hnd B u thorlred th e s ta r t -o f advertising ca lling for th e b ids a n d se ttin g th e f i r s t M o n ­day in A ugast a s the .dead line . T h e ca ll will b e advertLied fo u r consecu­tiv e weeks beginning n 6x t week.

Money By Sept. 1 M oney from th e bonds will b e on

h a n d S ep t. 1, abou t th e tim e cn.sh ou tla y will be nccessary on U»e W ash in g to n school a dd ition—f ir s t of th e p ro jec ts u n der th e *350,000 ex ­pansion program . T heodore H . W eg­en e r, Boise, advised th e bo a rd th a t de livery of th e money could be h e ld o ff th a t long a n d t h a t th o bonds da ted Sept. 1 in o rder to save c-p ro x lm a te ly $5,000 p e r m o n th In ­te re s t betw een now a n d . tt ia tim e

'fu n d s a re needed. Sudler, W M n e r a n d com pany I s .handling a ll tM ls 'f lf tl je bond te suance, ca lls b id s a n d p rin tin g of bonds.• S t a r t o f work on->the, f i r s t con'* strucM oo pha.-se moved .. »)ep n e a re r Ib d ay a f te r ' Mor.sr, L ash ‘a n d Mc- Q u ak er, tho a rc liltcc ts, In fo rm rd tru s te es th a t th e drtn lled fiprclfica- tio n s fo r th e Wu.'ihlngton school nil- d itlo n would be rvndy- '•w ith in 10 days o r pcrhnps wHitier." U in lo n E. M om e a n d Holmus I j is h 'p re s e n te d fikctchcs o f (lie addition , nhowln)( th re e cIa.ssrooimi iind a physical edu -

(Contlniird. nn r*c< 2. Column


(i)i')-.lr>lm i.nnd, ftpftninii, he ld Ilie r rro rd tocti\y of h iw lng com - lii ltlrd (iiip of th n l110.1t tu iusunl rrlm r.i In th r tifnfp.' He wiin <'IiiiiKrd w llli tirrnk ing Into jull.

l.iiiid, nccciidlnK lo [Killi'p, hud iKi pliK'd In iiirep unit lirokr Into 111*' Wtilieiilciwil Jiill, n e lrrted « r r l l ljuiik ntui w m t In nlrp|i.

ll« wii;> cliiirKetl w ltti iK'cupy- Init i« liiitlilliiK w lilrh wns n o t « rrm iliir (Iwrllliitf.


D estruction of Hugo E a r th - FiUed S tn rc tu ro A verted

A fter Blind Slips

FO lt 'l ' I’KCiC, Miint.. Jiinp 20 ilJ.Pt —T hc n il« l i^ M issouri r lv r r wi oiirc mori! under control toduy « I/, H. nrniy niKliverr!! uvcrl,<“d thn jHiMlIjtn dentMietloii of ni'itrly ftv« yn in i' work on tlip Iuikp in iiltl- inllllon dolliir F o r t 1‘e rk diini when hll|i|>lng RHiid n t '(lie lHitl<iin o f tlie "lIlK M iuldy" th r m tr n c d t<i de.itrny I lir eo n rrrln en«t )iler o f th e ;i|rel Millriiiid lirUlMe.

A rlnii In tiKi rlv rr of m orn 1 r j feel, euunrd liy (orreiitliil m ln - X«l» re»|})led Vi llin ihlilluiHfo f Mtiid tn tlin fill iiloiiK thn 1 ’r tie Aiind eoiillniird to rlldn low nrd tli r (i|M'u rlviT eliitnuel >>ei'(lim 1 th e liililKr, It threw 11 trem endom loud'ii|[itlnnt the (ilrr, ojU'tilni! 11 li r ii irk wlilcli eiiilitnKeird th e luulu lirJdKr fliiiin unil rullroud line, tnllv lieieiu.ury (o r duni|iliiK fill i t4>ilnl iind tinnfiiMirtliiK niijiiillrn.

Mary Pickford, “America's' Sweetheart" of yctleryeara, today waa schedolcd to-btcom e the w ife of Bnddy.Eocera. actor and orcheitra leader in a cercmoay In Califom ta. Tbe m arrlafe Is R oren ' first. Miss Pitkford’s third. The bride U 44 yean- old, (he croom 32.

Governor’s Standi Brings Protests To J. W. Tayloj

a t t o r n e y g e n e r a l H ITS AT STATEMENT OF GOMMUTATK

By D A Vm N. JOHNSON (Copyrlcht, 199T, U nited PrcM)

BOISE, Ida., Ju n e 26 (U P )— D ouglas V an Vlack, c _ victcd k ille r aw aiting probable execution on Ju ly 27, u t l his d e a th ’cell across fro tn a gallow s-site in th e prison today, th e unw itting facto r in a d isp u te betw een th e s ta u

th ree h ig h es t officials.


iOF-1329$ 1 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Expected . To Be B eached fo r F irs t

T im e in 8 Y ^ars

Taylor Lashes Street Clain s

P a rk CommiB^ioiuir Says H am er Adaros is “Slapping” Form er Officials

A nhoim ced cu rln ltinen t of a broad s tr e e t oiling program In T w in Falls In o rd e r th a t repairs mlKhl be made to o iling Jobs done lo st stim m er, thbi afte rnoon brought a Dharp re ­ply from W. E. Tnylor, s tre e t com- m lssloner o t Hint tim e a n d now commlKiloner of c ity pnrks.

C u rta ilm en t of th is sum m er’s a n ­nounced program waa revealed yes­te rday by J/iiJHcr A dam s, s t r r e t s u ­pe rin tenden t, who sa id th e move WHS necessary l>eciiiL',o "we have dln- covcrcd th a t tlic w ork la st y e a r was n o t rom plc tcd as i t should have been.'' He said th a t " It will now be neeessary fo r iis lo go over prac- tlcnlly every foot of htreet included In Inst year's iirogrum aiul seal-coat 11 in o rd rr Ihut w atxr from the surfiico will iinl neeit Into th e m ix­tu re iitui hreiik it U|i."

T h is iiftrrnoon M i. 'I 'nylor said th a t hn wns "k»Iiik to m ake a s ta lc - n ien t In JuslK lratton of llin work dciun la s t yeur m> th a t p<-oi>lfl ii)ay know thn rx lsllnk stulun of Ih r oll- iiiK proursm ."

C lalm i "KUp''

' It seems to inn tlm i Mr. Adams hud tw o th ings In niind w lirn he m ade hin s ta tr in c n t abou t llift oll- hiK |ir«>Krnm a s esrriecl oti lu st year iMid llin progruiii as eonteinp laled

•'lie i,eriu» to Iw Inking u '«Isp' nt fitrm rr of/lcJnM In sM ttiig (h n l fhn nlte rln w eir n o t properly roiiR triict- eil, nnd In m akliiit nxcuses fo r not eiiriy ln g nut hln proponed OIIIOH priiliinin tl i h yrur.

" It hreiiii ntraimn th a t I t I.1 mil |H>.vitliln lo oil nlreets lli ls y e a r w hen ('|>n^lderal>ln iiKirr uioiipy w as hu<1- geie.d fo r tliln work Ihnn wan avull-

(('<>nlliiur>1 nn m* I, Celumn l>

By FBED O. BAILEYW A SH IN G TO N , Ju n e 3S tUi’, ) -

P a rm In c o m e 'th is y e a r will exceed 110,000,000,000 fo r th e f irs t tim e since 1639, d e p a r tm e n t o f agricul­tu re e stim a te s fo recast today,

U nless a E uropean w ar outs off A m erican m ark e ts , farm prices now a t a lO -year high probably will be "well m a in ta in ed " despite prospects o f a b um per crop, departm en t o ffi­c ials said. T h e gro'ivlng se s io n n e a r­ed th e h a lf-w a y m a rk w ith no se­rio u s d ro u th th re a ie n ln f produc* Uon.

21 P er Cent Ahead T otal Ibcome to July l..« h en farm

m arketing Is a t itoJD w en point. vU l approximate Inconu toJU09 1 w aa a t ^ V ? « a t .« } ie » 4 t ,o f the sam e p e r i^ o f las»>9ear U thU rate Is m aintained total farm ln> come n a y approximate |U ,0 0 0 ^ . -090.

L as t y e a r fa rm income tota led 000,000 ,000 . T h e 1B33 deprtsslon-Iow waa ♦5,333,000,000, T h e Increase has M e n a t th e r a te of nearly «1,000,- 000,000 a y e ar since 1033,•. T h e f ir s t o f th e 1037 w heat crop esU m ntcd to y ield SM),000,000 bu sh ­els Is now m oving to m arke t a t th e

p tlc e tn several years. F a rm

M IC EW ILLO UO H BY , O., Ju n e 29

ru.R)—Mm, N orm a Dalkwlll, re ­tu rn in g fro m a vaca tion trip , found a fam ily of mice lodged in Uio d itsh fo m p a r tm e n t o f her sedan w h k fi h a d stood Idle for several m on ths . I n th e proce.w of im proving th e ir home, thn rodents h a d destroyed a bill of sale, reg ls tru tlon card , d rlv rr's l>ennlt a n d iiuiu rance pn|)erA.

^ FENCEPA RIfl. Jiino 20 tu.m—T o avoid

the ex[)cnAe of e x tra d itio n pro- ocodlngs,. E rn est U arnlche, CD- year-dld B elgian, waa tried Rcrotui A fence t h a t m arks thn l^nnco -U elg lan fro n tie r a t K ok- bisart. I lan i lch e w as aeciinrd of fnrgltig Belg ian bahknoten In l^ a n re .

C LKANlirK E iU W lia jS , T e x , J iin r 2(1

- a iie r if f A, F . Moore of K n r eounty niadn a siirlng clrim up th a t pa id a "ciuih reliirn ." In clennliiK h is desk a t th e eniirt- iunine, hn (om ul U1 nirkeln. lie le ra llrd ru th e r nhoeplxhly tliiit u Piornctfh c leaolnK h iid no t Ix'eii iiiiide ftlnco 1038,

W ORK nEHIIM ^n/IKLIIY. C a l , Ju n o ;J(i (iJI'i Work

was resum ed In tlie lielljy I 'li 'i'' "I tlin A nierlean HinellliiK uiid Kefln- tng com pany today , marking end of a altdow ii nliike whU'h (In it- ed Ju n e 111,

incom e fro m w hea t nrpbably willBpproxlntSteitl?»p.OOO..••Very Lovely"

B ccretary of A griculture H enry A. W allace described prospects fo r a b tim por c o m c ro p as ‘•very lovely," I f fAvorable w ea th e r continues a 3,600,000,000 - bushel crop appears prohnWc. L a s t y ear 's production 1,(00 ,000,000 bushels.

Incom e from liv e s to c k 'a n d live­stock products , w hich m ake up about h a lf th e to ta l fa rm revenue, may be "sligh tly la r g e r " th a n la st year de-

Isplto decreased m arketings, tlie d e ­p a rtm e n t sa id . Prices probably will co n tinue to advance.

His despera te f ig h t to avoid execution h as plunged s ta te officials in to a b a ttle w hich rages around th e pardon board as an in te lligen t m eans of s e ttlin g criminals* fa te , capital pun ishm en t aa a crim e .deterren t, and a governor's theory t h a t i t “ would do no g o o d -to -h a n g -V a n -V lac k t^ —

Astonished by the f la t daclam tloa of O ovem or.BarsU la Clark t ta t .b * . _ did not favor th e death p e a a l^ for Van Vlock, A ttom ey-O eneral J . W. Taylor, know n for hia ''ooL' v o te i ' at pardm .b oard m eetings, n l d the govelriior’s theorritnlole.«lL the rooti

crim inal U w and p to c ea « E lu M astera BI4m

On another front. o fBU t« Ire M asters bl4e<t hla tim e, . . _ w aiting for the pardon board m eet­in g July 7 before he comm enU. In­formed sources indicated, h o v e n r , th a t M asters w ould fallow Taylor's lead In a vote on V an Vlack, per­haps p u t t l^ off h is 'fin a l decMen for 34 hours or more.

T h e governor, a fter h e bis first fU tem en t regarding execution of Van Vlaok. feU in to lUenoe on tbe m atter, perhaps reaUstng .th a t be had m ade a tactica l blunder be­ing so outspoken.

t ^ t h a h ad erre^ In a poUtkal sense w as eTldmeed-toda]r . by tele - grtm s a n d le tte t.'ir t tte b fon M d a ..

Vlack.fe w e r H it

In another ita teb ouse offlo t, i m an In admlnlstratlT* capaettgr wbo did not w ant to b t quotad toM u n ited P ress th a t the pardon bdiM should n o t be vested w ith antb octtj, to set aside Judicial decision* i t coiuts and Juries.

He fe lt the pardon board w as a m istake as far a s crim inal proce­dure w ent.

•T h ese three m en , far tw m #rl- dence, th e scene of trial, and per?

’lisp s more than , a year remored

g rea t i ih eir -a b e u l"

W ork lo S tartOn Jiinilm Mine

W lN NliM U CCA , Nev., June 29 Hj>ce<ly lievelopnicnt of tlio

fabulous Ju m b o gold m ine n o r th ' w rfii,of h e re waa p lanned todsy fol* I<iwlng (llsnilM al l>y Federa l Jiictgo I.. 0 . H aw kins of an injunction (0 h u ll o|HTnll(in« a t th e $10,000,000 mine.

■J'jio /fiJiiiiftJon h a d been sought hy W alte r K. 'I te n t , l-o« Angolrs m ining innn , who. w llh o thers, had Involved th o pro jw rly In IlllKallon.

'l lin tiilnn wan dnvfloi>e(l iVwn a rin im IioukIiI for »WK) by (lenrne AUntln, Ju iigo , Nev., nloreker|>rr, nnd hln iw n m.nn. Me fiold 11 to H, I,, l lu i il a n d J , K , W adley, Texas oil men, fo r » I0 ,000,000,

Was There a Massacre— Or D id"3 Twin Falls M en Start the M yth on A uto Trip in , 1913?

iV ihiii'" tliele wftB n n In d ian lnI•^^n<:'le' a l Ih e ' fam ed M a i- Bucrn KN-kn iin i r A n ieriran Fftlls riii'l (x'jliujw llie io wiuiD’l, b u t llii> liii'l irmulii>i I tia t Ihren 'I'wlii l''all'i m en viewed llia l K'liloi) Iron) II I'Vanklfn a lr - (cxiii'd a iitoinohlln in Aiigiuil,

und V n Ilf llin IIn beenth u l It w ould h a

n |>lav« .fo r • nId have liii|i|/eticd.

Ill lu< t lliry w ere « i sure th a t It ttiin 11 HotHl pluee they decided lo imuilhin a da le w hen II r.hiiiilil huve «K'curred. 'i lie y |.l .l ,n l MI'I’J Ju .t lM-1'ilIir.n I lia l

"M ar ll*v r" HlarlirO II■nir lliiiT w rrr l>r, I". I". Mi -

Alei-. Ailln'a I,. Ilwliii nnd tlir Mie «' I ' I'hi'iiliin Ihtn n! IrniiHiii Imih Mr Hwliii am i in M i'A lii' K'lhlrd lo uii Mvenliiil 'i'Inieri ii'|Hiili'i ilie tale o t lliul

lip whirhuve" iiMi iH'niliiK a lilntciiir

U a ll I th ie e w n r te llo to ri'|i Chumt>er I 'HieiHtori

> ntoilrn e on- I'l toduy I n k n i ar>

h r m ull)’, r ahiiill i\n th e iiii-'vliiii lo r i .n i- lit th e 'i'wln I 'a lh

( 'iiiim i'ii'e lietiiieM l . ’'HIM' tiC ttir

flifll niniilM 1 . Ilf Ihlgliwiiy ...........I I'liiesUibtlslied a t llml '


Here amoiiK Ihn f i r . t to make Ihe lr l|i III nil aiKoinnlilln and 1)1. M rA lfn kept an a n m ra le loK, KlvliiK nilimie direclliinn ain wrU nn ejcnct illn(niirrn from l in e III I 'o ru trllo and rn tiirn .

Al IIJ iiilirn ou t of T w in I 'a lls a mitatiiiii In ihe log nnyn;

"(llurli*r llorkn, and a iiiplil- Ih rn ie r vnlley. Ind ian Mannaere, AiiK liin^."

Ilrrs's Hliiry 'I'luil U a ll the log says roii-

I'eiiiliiK llm l ) ia il1iiular k|I(A of i lir Journey bill HiU afl<;in<>oii Dr, MrAle<i told llin Ulory l>e- h lnd llie willliig n l th a t p u i- tliu liir M 'rilim nt lliti log.

"Wo srrlvod a t what u iu>w

railed M aM aere rocks," Dr. Mi - Ateo said, "an d I said llia t tliln wuutd tiurc 1m3 a umnl jila ie lor aw ngoii tr a in to cn inp ; (lien Mr. 'f '/imnnn fJriike In wICli 'yrn, otxl a K»o<l plaen fu r a nian tm in too. You n iiltd lilite a whole arm y <if Ii,idlans In thone nx-ka.'" ,

. A nd so (lio Uireo th e n iie- leelrd A ugunt cif IBOJ an an lilenl

’ tlm n for a m asM cre U> huvs hap tm ied .

N ever H eard of One ' Mayl>o th e re w as a inanfltiern

tlierti but l e an Iri.tlifn ily sny llm l s s w o .se lo o ted th a t d^le for 11 to hapiKin, we h a d never heard of llirifi l>elng one O ur ( tfc ren r^ In Ute ion U> Ulo m as-

nacie w as m ad" Jii*t In fun, ■ITin log w as jiiitiUiilird, a lltlln

' luu-r, lo alil inotorlnls to 'f i n d the ir Wuy from I’tK-alello to Twill And in Uiftl pnb-lln illo ii W4 n p;ilnt«d th a t no- la tlo n ulioiil a n In d ian mas- nai-rn In AiigunI, 1M3,"

Tlie tr ip tiy llienn th ree pio­neers iH T w ill I 'a lls was Inslru- n iniitul In llin riinatruvlloii of a g raded highw ay fn im here to IStratello . 'I 'lio p rese n t highway, w[th very fiiw excepUjmn, fol­lows Ihe rutile ta k en by thn I 'ta n k tln alr-eoo led aiiloinoblln In lDi:i •I'oday, o f rourse, an ulteriiitte (inite h alno on Ihe n o ilh side.(CsnUnutd r«s* >■ ( I •)

d e rs w hen thex a t ta o p t to deolda the future of a crim inal w ho applies for paroltf,” h e said.

T his o ffic ia l said th e certalntjr of punlslim ent waa one of the great­est deterrenU o f crime.

C oart D eclsleti Jnsi •'DecUlons of the courts, where

known to be abeoluUty Just, should . b« carried out 'quickly,’' be said.

Betting aside th e death penalty, ho thought, would lead others to perform crim inal acta In the hope Uiey m ight n o t be punished.

Politically, the dlsputa gathered significance. T h e att}tuda of the governor’s o ffice toward headquar­ters o f Uio attom ey.general h u been one of strained relations.

Ho one Is prepared to say w hst Uie political aspirations of Attor- ney-O eneral Taylor are. but sU te- house rallbirds today thought his

-* reaction to thegovernor's com m ent w as more than a defeiiso of legal procediue.

A G E N r S M R STwo N e w York Q n n m e n to Be

Sen tenoed fo r Killing Of 0 -H a n

•^OFBKA, Kan.. June U W i—Tmo fie'n York gunm en w ill be sentenced to han g ’Tuesday for killing a de- IMvrlment of Jusllco agent who tried lo a r re s t Uicm in the ’Topeka poel- tirrir« la s t April 18.

T he tw o chdso to ahoot It out rallier tlian face charges of robbing a lisnk. w lm lw riy W ayne Baker. *7. whom they slew, waa on h is l in t IniiHirtant assignm ent as a Q-m an.

lA sl n ight, a fter deliberating three hours, a Jury In federal eourt held thn Iw o -H o b tr t J . auh ay. ta ll *4- yekr-old youth, and Qlen J. Apple­gate, 9D, a graying e x -o o n v ic t^ l^ ty of first degree m urdef w ith n,0 rrcomm endatloii of mercy.


..... Amerloan volunteera in tba fit- mous international brigade bav* been railed from leave and told ta st in d by for further orders, 1 | WM isariicd today.


I D A T T O T ! V E N T t T C T I M E S , T W I N F A T X S . T T 1 A H 0 lhfiSri!iy,.JiiH Z«, 198T

Indignation Mounts Here in Van Vlack C^se; Petitions Rap BoardH E I t S S E C IE

P B O e PAPERSD oonm onta, B eing S igned in

E laberly-H anB eQ , to Be > P laced H ere Today

f itsp o k en assertions th a t ‘ Doug- V an V lack h a d n ’t b e tte r be

B h t back to T w in PallB for any 1 cou rt proceedlnBs" se t th e un -

j i n g th e m e In th is a re a taday l in d l s n a t io n ‘ m ou n te d h lsh e r

l i t th e rep o rte d sU n d by Oov, ■ C lark Jn /a v o r 0/ com- : V an V lack '8 hang ing sen*

i a ssertions , m ade by several m ts o r th is a n d th e K im berly , re fu sin g to p e rm it use of

-■ nam es, -am o a s hund reds of l i tu re s w ere p laced on four pe tl- 1 r ep r im a n d in g th e Id ah o pTJson

1 a n d w arn in g It agalna l any y fo r th e convlctcd kUltr,

F o u r A lready O u t j of th e pe titions. werO' being 1 in K im berly e sub llshm en ts .

T tw o o th e rs w ere on counters of hualnesa places. Backers

I t t o t ••there a re p len ty o t slgn- m e n a n d women.'.' O ther

n ip p o r te n decla red "every c l t i a n In tb « county w ould-be glad to sign.

• A dditional copies o f th e pe titions w ere to b e d is trib u ted In T w in P a lls lat« th is afte rn o o n , sponsors de*


Au^Uary W ill M eet Ju n io r aux ilia ry of th e A m erican

LeEion will m eet a t H;15 p. m. M on­day a t th e Legion hnll.

Ruhblih B lase B urning rubb ish In a shed a t 420

T lilrd avenue eas t was extinguished by tlie fire d e p a r tm e n t yesterday artem oon. T h e residence Is owned by G ladys Caudle.

R tlu rn i from CoUege Miss P e rn K elly h a s returned

from H un ting ton . Ind.. where she a ttended college du rin g the p itit year.

Visit F a ren ls M rs. T hom as C hadw ick and baby

HJD, Boise, a re guests a t Ujf home of M rs. C h a d w ick s parenB , and M rs. W. O . Tliom pson.

V ltltlng H ereRev; Jo h n K arlson o t Lodi, Calif,

re tu rned to Tw in P a lls today to visit m em bers of h is fam ll- residing In th is city.

B e tum from K an taa M r. a n d M rs. P . A. Cargill and

daughter, B etty J a n e , have re tu rn ­ed from N orton , K an ., w here they visited M r. CarglH 'a m o the r c two weeks vaca tion tr ip .

M arriage L iceoieaJo h n L. T hom pson and Bessie

A rllne W elch, b o th of T w in Falls, had securcd a m arriag e license to* day a t th e office of th e county re­corder.

a n t d isapproval of " g ra n tin g any r e ­prieve, commuA tA tlon or pa rdon" fo r V an v u c l t . a s i t now a p p e a n ■ i * b t conceivably develop If one olher. mem ber ot Uie bo«t<! ihtiulil (w h c b to O oT em or O Iu k ’B stand.

Bm srd T oo U b era l T h e peUUOTi « a y i-fu r th e r ;“•We . . . fee l t h e bo a rd in the

pM t h a i b e en to o ^ llb e ra l in pa rdon- ta g a n d com m unatlon of sentences of h a rd e n e d erim lnal#.

••W* le e l th e necessity of a change In peU cr In th a t rega rd , a n d a re m rtieo lu lr oppoM d to th e g ran ting

- o f - a n y w p tle v e . p a rd o n o r oom m u- ta tto n tro m th e d e a th sen tence Im - BOaed o n ZMuglaa V an Vlack, as n c o n m e n d e d by th e Jury and im - poaed W th e c o u r t”

Feeling U Blnm g U n d ercu rren t se n tim e n t in some

s a r U o f th e c oun ty w as considerably r tro n g er th a n tU te officia ls a t BoIm w e n incU ned to believe. I t U n o t m ob fee ling, u one observor p o in t­ed o u t, b u t U a dem and t h a t justice be e a tr ta d o u t a s decided by bo th lu iy a n d th e c o u rts ..

B lgn lflcan t fac to r in th e dem and t h a t ttia p a n lo n bo ard “keep h ands off" a n d t h a t n o com m utation be

. g ra n te d w as po in ted o u t h e re today b y 'm ip h B . Leigh ton , fo rm er T w in

^ e f o f police a n d a special l a m t t g a t t e fo r th e prooecuUon In th » V an V lack tr ia l.

U r . L eigh ton sa id th a t th e case o f J o h n 0 . U cC lurg , E m m ett slay­e r w hsee ease a lm o s t exactly p a ra l- leU th a t of V an Vlack, portend* w h a t m ay h a p p en In th e V an V lack m a tte r . M cOlurg, servlntt a life sen- tenoe a f te r th e - b o a r d com m uted

< h l i d e a th decree, w as In th e lim e­l i g h t again to d a r a f te r announcing h a >wut m ake h la th ird applica tion fo r

B e ln n u 1« U om e , M iss Peggy D ickerson, who has been visiting h e r sister. Mrs. A. O. Erickson, fo r Uie p a s t th ree weeks, haa re tu rn e d to h e r hom e In W alla w a lla , W ash .

In ja re d a t M ine M iles W elch, b ro th e r of R obert

W elch, T w in 'P a l ls , h a s been serl- ously In ju red in a m ine accident a t M ou n ta in C ity . Nev., according to m eager In fo rm a tion received by hla b ro th e r today.


Advortiaing WiU S ta r t Soon For W ork on W ashington

4-Room A ddition

FUet for D ivorce •A lleg ing deaerllon a n d ijoji-sup-

p o r t,-M rs . Ooldfi L eO arre ta filed su it fo r d ivorce In d is tric t court today a g a in s t S a n Francisco L eO ar- reU . T h e p a ir w ed Ju ly 18, 1933 a t Vale, O re . O. O . H all Is 'a tto rn e y for th e pe titioner.

CoDllaotd froos Past 0n»)cation-room . T h e si e tches were proved a n d Uie p la n s adopted.

W ill P re p a re Notice R. P. Pa rry , th e boa rd 's legal ad ­

visor. w as a u lh o ri te d to prepa re a notice advertis ing for bids on the W ashington school Jobs.

T h e W osh ing t/'n add ition will ta in th e f irs t reg u la tio n lunchroom and k itchen fac ilit ies in th e school system . S im ila r fac ilit ies are p la n ­ned In a lt bu ild ings w hen the en tire p rogram Is com pleted . ,

Two a lte ra tio n m oves ^ th e high school tu lld in g w ill follow th e W ash­ing ton school p la n s, accord ing to au tho riza tion w h ich h a d been given th e arch itec ts by th e > oard today. T licse will be in s ta lla tio n of addi­tiona l lavato rie s a n d construction o t m ezzanine space /o r lockers above th e p rese n t m a n u a l a rts room .' T h e two m oves were recom m ended by Supt, H om er M . D avis, new head of th e school system , w ho attended h is f irs t Ixjard m eeting la s t n igh t o f te r a w eek 's In tensive work fa- tnlllarizlng h im aelf w ith the pro­gram .

O lhe r h igh school changes will be deferred u n ti l n e x t spring be­cause these w ould ta k e classroom spaco a n d w ould Interfere with school sessions.

BickeJ Third T h ird p rd jec t o n w hich the a rch i­

tec ts w ere In s tru c te d to d raw up BpecUlcations is the new 31,-room Blckel bu ild ing . A 'te r th a t plans will be m apped o u t fo r th e U -room new u n it a t L incoln. W ork h a s a l­ready s ta r te d o n bo th these speci­fica tions, th e a rch icects said.

I t ViCs estim a ted th a t the W ash­ing ton add itio n can be in use by O ct. 16 or Nov. 1 ; the tw o h igh school changes by th e tim e school opens th e f irs t week in S eptem ber, a n d con­struction of, th e Blckel and L incoln building* com pleted by nex t sum ­m er.

G enera l refu rb ish in g o t th e high school bu ild ing u n der crews headed

F a th e r patien tly wheeling baby buggy w herein two Id en ti­cally dressed tw ins bawled lus­tily. . . M an a n d 'w o n an in big P a c k ard w ith C alifornia license, Rtopplng to u sk pedestrian the., rood to Reno. - . Two youths r id ­ing sam e Tiicycle, a n d both bob­bing u p and down as they pedal Blmultaneouiily. . . Local m in ­is ter . explaining to cop taggng h la c a r for double park ing a t post office, ih a t he 'll "do be tter" in fu tu re . •. . Black and w hite k itten curled up In m e at shop w indow ' sleeping peacefully am ong cans of dog food. . . R e­porter, sclrcd by sudden Idea, using side of building for "desk" as h e w rites down h is notes. . . And child, le f t alone In parked car. weeping loudly, then con ­so ling h im self by lean ing on th e h o rn bu tton .


P a r t F rom E nd of Bock Greek B ridge C osts N ear $1 6 ,0 0 0

To M odem ite

V U U og H ere R obert a n d R c uban B artell ot

M cL aughin . S. D ., a re vU ltlng In T w in F a lls a t th e hom e of M r. and M rs. Sche rb ln ske, fo rm er neighbors o t th e B a rte lls In M cLaughlin. The vlAltors a re en ro u te to California on a v aca tion to u r .

T itle Q vle ted D ecree qu ie ting title to a vacant,

lo t in T w in F a lU w as gran ted In d is tric t c o u rt today by Judge T. Bailey Lee. T h e su it was brought by C. W . W ursto r ag a in s t th e heirs a n d devlseea of O . W hite and o thers. W alters, P a rry a n d p»om aii a tto rneys for M r. W urster.

>r p an lon w ith in le v en years.”H e wUl keep o n apply ing un til

•om e p a rd o n bo a rd gran ta U," said th a fo rm er police chief.

M urdered W ife U eO lurg was convicted o f n

.d e rtn g h is wife a f te r asserted})’ j n f h e r fo r w hite slave purpoaes. Testim ony b rodgh t o u t a t Van V lack 's tr ia l, Leigh ton aald, tndloaU d th a t th e T acom an h a d a lso p la n ­n e d such degradation fo r Mildred

■ H ook If h e h a d go tte n h e r to Mexico, M oClurg took h is wife on an auto r id e to F re e te o u t liIK near Em ­m e tt, s tru c k h e r on th e head w ith a w rench, se t th e care afire , and pushed I t off th e grade. T he girl

. w aa th ro w n from th e flam es as tha c a r iven t over.

Autopay la le r allowed U » t th e girl, w as a n e x p ec tan t tno ther,

M cClurg was convicted of m urder a n d th e Jury fixed th e de a th pen ­a lty , M r. L eigh ton recalled. T he m an w aa sen tenced to h a ng.

"B u t O ovem or R o s $ o r ^ the pa r­d o n boa rd com m uted tl»Di sentence to life im prisonm ent, w ith th e re ­s u l t th a t M cOlurg Is now applying

T liaV s w hy people d o n 't w an t to see h la sen tence commuted."

R ap s C lark C lalm iMr. L eigh ton rapped G overnor

C lark 's claim s U ia t hanging Van Vlack w ould do i )0 aqqii. "After Jo h n Ju rk o was hanged In 1S30,” hfl sa id , **we had no m urders hern for nearly fou r years. Refore th a t w< lia d one every year. T he den th a lty Is In tended to stop nt|»or crimen; I t U n o t p rim arily pun ishm en t for th e killer."

H e . d*cl(ire<l..^h«e '" th e pardoti iM ard hbiloiy f li Id ah o is a s te ' th r o u g lu u t th e n a t lo a " «n<r c th e k ld n a t^ W illiam M ahan an eaam p le o t Id ah o oonvlcU who freed a n d Im m ediately com m it ad ­d itional Crimea.

C ar D am agedLocal police today were searching

for a g roup of y ou th s who w ere re­ported T h u rsd ay n ig h t to have dam ­aged a n au tom obile pa rked in fron t of Oil. M a in avenue e ast, th e p rop­e rty o f q . R .told o ffice rs la te yesterday a fte r ­noon th e c a r c arry ing th e youths le ft th e scene of th e m ishap w ith­o u t s topping .

a to ta l coat of approxim ately » 10,OOO, M nstruc tlon o f the road ex­tend ing sou th from Rock creek bridge a t th e end of Blue lakes boulevard a d is tance of tw o a n d th ree -q u a r te r m iles w ill be com pleted ne> week. I t waa announced today by J . D, B lnem a, Tw in P a lls hlghvc^y d is tric t eng ineer.

T h e construction a n d re-bu ild ing of th e road. Includes Increasing the w id th from IS to 20 feet a n d re ­su rfac ing . S lnem a said.

B u ilt 17 y e a n ago. th e road, when c om pleted, will be m odem In every d e ta il , h e said.

by G . O . T ay lo r, supe rin tenden t of buildings, was ailthorlzed by th e board fo r th is sum m er. Floor and celling repa irs , pa in ting , vam lsb ' Ing. calsom lnlng, sanding a n d sim ­ila r w ork Is inc luded .. P urchase of a new tl4 6 h a n d - u n d e r to sm ooth desk topr~w as approved:

P rlnc lpa la W on 't T eacbCliange in policy concern ing class

teach ing by p rin cip als p a s voted a t recom m endation of S upt. Davis, and In fu tu re th e th ree p rincipals a t th a grade schools w ill devote full tim e to th e ir o fllce a n d supervis­ory du ties, d ropping a ll teach ing work. T hose a ffec ted a re M rs. E thel G ray , B lckel; M iss B eulah W ay, L in­coln. a n d M rs. N ora P rltch e r. W osh- Ington. Tw o tcachera will be h ired to fill in th e Instruction periods th u s th row n open.

H and ling of tex t books for th e com ing year, i t was decided, will be done u n d e r direc tion of th e board w ith Supt. D avla acting as th e board 's ag en t In n am ing tciichers a t th e g r a d e ^ h o o l s ' to hondle th e book


l a s t T hroe D ays Will 7 ind igd iilS^on Duty Until

9 P. M. Nightly

D river's license headquarte rs in th e lOA-er corridor of th e c ou rt house will be open u n til 0 p . m . M onday. T uesday and W ednesday to accommodatc la st-m inu te app ll- cant.-:. S ta te T raffic OUlcec F. M. K ingsbury annoim ced UiLi a f te r ­noon

A pproximately 11,000 licenses have been sold In th e county since Ju n e I. he said. T he average here Is "con­siderably,.above" th a t In o lh e r sec­tions of th e s ta te inc lud ing Ada county. K ingsbury was in fo n n ed by Jo h n L. Balderston. sU te com m is­sioner of law enforcemlsnt.

Deadline lo r use of c u rre n t pe r­m its Is the n ig h t of Ju n e 30. W ed- ne.sday of n e x t week.

A fter th a t tim e, one a g en t handle th e w riting of th e licenses. Ho Is W, B. Tomlinson, specia l s ta te o fficer, who will be s ta tioned a ll day each M onday a t th e riuh l c ity ha ll and a ll o the r days of th e week in Tw in Falla.

The license counters he re today ere th ronged w ith app lican ts.


I News of RecordI B i r t b i

• -------------------'---------------------------T o U r. and Mrs.- C. L. Coates.

PUer. a son today a t th e hosplt*! m a te rn ity home.

Funerals I

S M IT H -S e rv lccs for R a lph G. Sm ith , who died M onday a t H o- qulam . W ash., will be held M onday a t 3:30 p. m . a t th e W hite m ortuary chapel. T he body w as received here today.

' THAM ERT—R ites for M rs. E m m a OttUIIe T h am ert have been te n ta ­tively se t fo r M onday a t th e L u th ­e ran church . In te rm en t will be In Tw in Palls cem etery under th e d i ­rection of th e Tw in Palls m ortuary .

T e m p e r a ta r e a ]

(By H otted Press)Min. M ax. :

P ark Chief B a p s ^ d a m s on Claims T hat L as t Y ear's . W ork Not E ight

A partm ent C ase . Rehearing Denied

P e tit io n fo r rehearing i n \ ^ su it involving ow nership of th e l Reed a p artm en ts . Tw in Falls , hasVbeen den ied by th e Id ah o suprem e to u r t to W arren Sw endsen. form er B m lssloncr of reclam ation, accod to w ord w hich h a d been received here- today by H arry Benoit, local a tto rn ey w ho was associated w ith J o h n W . G rah am a s coutuel for Ad­dison T . Sm ith , form er congress­m an.

T h e court refused to h ear again th e action In w hich It previously he ld th a t M r. Sm ith , under term s of a m ortgage-deed m ade out to M r Sw endson, has th e rig h t to deem th e ap artm en ts. "

cated th a t a book storekeeper will probably be selected for th e high and ]unIo r h igh building. I n the past, th e book sa les were handled as an individual pro jec t of .W . D. Smith, form er su p erin tenden t, who assum -

..... - ...........—_ ed th e task a t request of a form erdU trlbu tlon th e re . D iscussion Indl- board.

(Contlnutd rrom Pitt o'nt)e

said." I would like to ask M r. Adam s

If he feels th a t he Is com peten t to s it as a judge on s tre e t oUlng con ­struction w hen la s t y e a r we h a d the advice o f the m ost c om peten t oU construction engineers available to Eupciytse th e w ork done a t th a t time.

E xplains ProcessT hose who a re fam ilia r w ith road

and s tre e t oiling construction know th a t i t rea lly takes th ree years to finish an oJllng program . T lje w ork is com pleted a n d rock chipped th e first year. I t n a tu ra lly 'bleeds’ th e Mcond year du ring w arm w ea the r and m u st be coated again w ith rock chips. T he th ird year I t should be seal-coated a n d again coated w ith rock chips, w hich will com plete th e work.

"We had p lanned on h av ing to expend betw een t700 a n d 1600 a year fo r m a in tenance a n d re-rock chipping. I th ink If you will a sk th e property ow ners w ho- live on th e stree ts th a t were com pleted la st year you will find th e m sa tisfied w ith th e work done," T ayJor m ented.

Boise 82 .00C a lg a ry '---------- .60 70 .00C hicago _ K 92 .00D enver ______ sa 68 MOH avre _ 48 76 ,00H elena 46 74 .00K allspell 46 70 .00K anaas c ity 78 100 .00Los A ngeles _ ___ 60 82 .00Miles C ity ........ M 80 ,'00New Y ork ........ A4 84 .00O m ah a .... . _...... 60 96 .30PocaUUo ____ ___ 44 80 .00Portland ...... 60 80 .00St, L ouis ......... 76 98 .00S a lt U k e ........ .......57 84 .00S a n Francisco ....... 58 82 .00S e a ttle ............. .......56 76 .00T W IN FALLB ......40 61 .00W llllston 48



P i m t M G E B S 10

Film S ta r Fans Plook to B el Air to Get Olim psc of - Fom oas OoDplc

(Contlou*d rrem Pu* Oat) R oeera of OlaUie, a n d th e b ride 's niece. G wen Plckford, w ere am ong th e guests.

Judge Rogers Is know n as "m arry ing judge" o l O la th e b u t Jjc lacks au thority In C alifo rn ia.

M iss Plckford selected a clel-b leu crepe afternoon gown w ith tu b u la r fron t, high ' waist, sh o r t sleeves, a n d an em plre-leng th Jacket in sh ir r in g to m a tch th e sk irt. H er h a t w as of em pire felt, lie de v in (dregs of wine) color, and th e gloves m a tched th e h a t.

I t was th e th ird w edding for M iss P lckford. She was d ivorced f ro m 'th e ac to r Owen Moore in 1620, w hen she was 17. She Is now 44. a n d h a s been on th e stage a n d sc reen since was she was five years old. T h a t wn. slx year* before th e b lrtJi of R og crs, who b 33 and h as never been m arried before.

Popeye Attempts To A rrange Slate

For Ju ly .S VisitW hethe r o r n o t the young­

ste rs a t T w in Palls , coim ty I n ­dependence day celebration

At The HospitalP a tie n ts adm itted to th e hosp ita l

w ere J . L. B utler. E den . C. T . Sm ith , F ile r; Eric Newman, H ansen ; Crandall. K im berly; M r s .- M . G alley, Twin Falls ; ■ M rs. M, Pow nall. Twin F alls ; M rs. Jew ell M clntj-re. Filer. T hose dism issed were C. H. Everton, M rs. H . L. M c- M artJn. M rs. BUI Carey, T w in P a lls ; M rs. L. L. Malone, CasU cford; M rs. J . T . Morris. B uhl; Sam D onaldson. H agerm an. ^


RO X YSun.. Mon.. Tues.—“W e H ave P u r

M om ents." Ja m e s D u n n a n d Sally Ellers.

Wed., T hu rs . — "C rim ina l Law - ye r." Lee T racy.

Prl., S a t. — " L eft H an d e d Law," B uck Jones.

IDA H OSun.. Mon., T ues. — "T he 13th

C hair." M adge E vans.Wed., T hu rs . — 'T r a d e r H orn,"

H arry Carey.Frt.. S a t. — "G irl F ro m Scot­

la n d Y ard," K aren M orley.O BPHEU M

Sun,, M on., T u es . — “Parnell,'• C lark G able a n d A lym a Loy.

Wed., T hu rs . — "P ick a S tar," P a tsy Kelly, L aure l a n d H ardy.

F ri.. S a t. — "S lim ," P a t O 'B rien a n d H enry Fonda.

Youtli Esca Bike-Auto

i p e s

M i,IS m


W heel D am aged in OoUision Oq S hoshone W est

H arold Scan tlon . -T w in Falla y outh , escaped In ju ry th is room ing a t 9:10 a. m . w heR th e bicycle he w as riding, collided w ith a m achine being driven by P . D . A rnold, also o l Tw in Falls , a p o lic e ,re p o rt shows.

Arnold, th e re p o r t state.i, was backing frdm th e cu rb o n Shoshone w est a t th e tim e of th e m ishap, U)D only dam age being to th e bi­cycle ridden by S can tlo n . Arnold agreed to pay da m ag e s ' sustained, th e repo rt shows.

rangemof S alt L ake C ity. -Popeye" him self, w as m aking w ith th e N am pa rodeo a n d Ju ly 4 th fete.

’ F ro st is signed appear a t th e N am pa ev en t a n a was n o t sure today th a t h e wouJd be free Ju ly 5th, th e d a te on w hich th e T w in F a lls county com m ittee desires h is presence a t th e F i le r fa irgrounds. H e inform ed com ­m itteem en. however, th a t h e m ay be ab le to arrange a p p ea r- , ance u t Filer.

"Popeye" scored a "big h i t a t th e Id ah o M arches O n ce leb ra ­tion a t Boise, w here he sh a red th e spo tligh t w i th ' W allace Beery, film actor, a s f a r as "kids" were concerned. H e has given h is I m p e r s o n a t i o n th roughou t th e In term oun ta in west.

Dr. Henrlcka G I v c h

Kimberly AddresHKIUOBR1.Y, Juno 3S (Sem^UD-

A large congregation heard Ur. A. O . Henrlcka present a dlscusnlun of C hrist and lUa relation to Uie s in ­ner at the Natarene revival lu t night.

Adj. X th il Kills, Who headed dslegatlon o f Balvatlonlits from Tw in F tlU , and lU v . Mark Crdnoii- berier, OhrUtlan ohuroh pastor, Tw in ra ils, led In prarar.

Dr. Henrlcka will speak this evsf nine and ihraa tlmae eu n d iy and . .a ll aegt vraek a t 10 a . m . and B p, m.

. >Ma wUl B itM a t Uia closing soulim X L ^ ">Ua aohool Sunday a l 1

BMOMmi (tu I p. m. N au

A t Uie p rese n t tUne a.l21 vacan­c ies e x is t In U. 8 , a rm y forces In tlie NlnU> corps a re a of w hich Twin Falls a n d th is srctlnn of Idaho are

pa rt, C orp. J . F , H ousloii. rec ru it­ing o fficer w ith lipadfjunrtera In th e c ity hnll here, sa id tins a lte r - ' noon.• H ouston iw ln ted o u t tlis l viicun- cies w ere oi*en In tlin a ir corps, coast a rlllle ry , cavalry. Held artlU lery. In fan try a n d medical depart- m e n t fo r service in O allfornla In add itio n to th e engineers, qusrie r- m aste r corps a n d ordnance depart- m en t In Haw aii.

A pplican ts m u st be betwepn the agns o f Ifl and 3S yeurn n iid munt bo ab le to pans a pliyslcal exam i­n a tion . Corp. llouAton In n t th e city ha ll eac h week dny from 8;30 a. ni to 4:30 p. m,

Bicycle LicciiHCH Arc Due .Sept. 1

7 30 PiirohHHfl TagM fo r i0 3 7 , R ocorda Rovonl Today

W ith bicycle llcenneii (or lO.ta due S ep t. I. reco rds a t tlic nffkoa n( C ity O lork W. M. KldrlilKc tlils a f ­ternoon show Tin bicycles have Iweii llnennrd liy tlin rliy Inr th e yrnr >037.

Ulcycle llceiiflcs a ie rcfiulrrd by Oily law an il a iit 'it cen ts b assessed In each rase ..

Dog llrrusen, Kidrldgn Aald, were due Inst May I and have breii Is­sued In th e numl>c[ of aiip rox lina te. ly^aSO. H e rA Im htes 40(> dngs In th e c ity come u m lrr th e llceiuwi lAw.

In th e ca*e br ilog*. fem ale do« licenses . cost IS w hile those for liialea a n d spayed fem ales nost |a .

RIV B R NAVKIATION. HTtlDiKUn u E N o s A in w j mm — a com.

m ittae heailed liy a retired Argen- Unfl* naval offlcrr Is studying the IKMwlbljlty ot rstalillsh ln g a aleam -


Palace Sand, 6* Gravel Co.

I ’ h o n c 8 0 1

G ^ yyijz i 'y 7 v . 'T e.e -t/w n e . - ( L f -

5UPER0UTY m m m iWITH THE M E T E R - M I 5 E R

DETWEILER BROS., Inc‘■V/e C on d fH ort Y out Food. A ir a n d W a te r"

Iron .Firem an — ('r ig lda lre — O E Appliances — A ttlc-W ool — AltCO lle a tln g -riu in b ln g — A ir C ondition ing — P e rm n tlt W ate r C ondlllonen

i * i • V * M l ONR DAY ONLY A

T w i n F a l l s m o n . 2 8

Blue l.dkes Blvd. Kntiih of Kim berly Hoad (iHKKTINc; THK W EST WITH ASTONISHING

-------------------- PRICES-------------—A FOR CH ILD REN - f FOR AIHILTS

(U nder 12 Y ears) 3 V C (P lu a Tax)


Enormomly Enlarged and Enriched GLITTERINGLY GREATER


S I X j. t l A J p t


FRANK MILLER'S COHMK tnio • w iiiii iw iia im i l JACOIt TMAJHID IIAat « Oih«r Ati-K AfrUI

■ mI lhamlilm . . .

» HIIHM M niriL Hltn.


Streamlined to Trends of 'loday 2 P. M ..--TW O^RroRY^SS pAILY-.-0 P. M.



Saturday, June 26, 1937 IDAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO P a g t T B ^ '


5 in Last 6 GamesYesterday’s C ircuit Clout Aids New York to

D efeat T igers; Cardinals Stop Giants

Box ScoresYesterday

NATIONAL LEAGUE Brooklyn a. CWcm| 0 If. PW U delphU 10, P i lU b u fjh 5. Boston 2. C lnclnn»ll 6 .New Y ork 4, S t L ouis 9.


N EW YORK, Ju n e 26 (U P)—William N . Dickey, husky ca tcher of th e N ew Y ork Yankees, goes to b a t ag a in st the D e tro it T igers to d ay w ith a chance to equal a 13-ycar-old m ajo r league hom e ru n record.

I f Bill can h it a hom er today it will be h is seventh in Bix consecutive gam es, an d will m atch a m urk s e t by George

. Kelly of th e New Y ork Gianta in 1924. W hen Bill h i t his s ix th hom er in five games yesterday h e approached an o th e r ’record. T h a t record is the m ark of seven .hom ers in five consecutive gam es se t by Babe R u th in 1921, and equal­led by J im B ottom ley in 1929.

Two wceka ago th e Y ankee receiv­er w as b itt in g less th a n 530. In the lost 14 gam es h e h a s banged th e ball n l a .401 clip to IncreaBc h is season average m ore th a n 60 po in ts to .293,

F o r thu p a s t f lvc-gam e period of his homo ru n .streak. In 24 orilclal tim es a t b a t, h e h a s connected 13 tim es—six hom e nin ;: a n d seven sin ­gles w hich d rove In 17 ru n s while Dill scored e ig h t m ore himself.

A • hom er a n d a sing le yesterday accounted fo r th re e In th e Yon- kces' 8-1 t r iu m p h o v e r th e D etroit T igers. Red R u ffin g lim ited the Bengals to s ix h its to w in h is scv e n th gam e a n d lncrca.v: New York' lead In th e A m erican league to lour names.

T he de feat d ropped D etro it Into a second place tic w ith ih e Chlcnco W hite Sox w ho w on th e ir fourth s tra ig h t gam e. ove r th e W ash­ington Sena to rs . T h e Boston Red Sox contUiucU th e ir r iunpagc In the only o th e r gam e played , winning th e ir 10th In 11 s ta r ts , 4-2, over the St- Louis Brow ns b eh ind Buck New­som 's fo u r-h it f ling ing .

T lic C levc land -P h lladc lph ia game wa.s postponed to a In te r da te.

In th e h o t N a t^ 'n a l league race th e le ad in g ,C h ic ag o Cubs bounced th e Brooklyn D odgers, 11-2; and the


arteU, m “ cf J Ih'tli'cl, 21) 5 1 ll Brown. 2b 3 IMoore, If S 0 J, radgelt. rt * 2Ipplc, cf 3 0 1 UedwlcH, If 4 1, r r f * 0 1 Mltc. It) 4 0fC 'th r. Ih 4 I I'G TdRe, 3b 4 0

C'tlcmin, p Smith, p

Davto' X ITDUM . M 4 l!;Tatttl» . 33 9 M X—haiwd for Smltli in «UthNew York ........ 001 012 000—4ai. I.OUln........... 232 020 00»-0

Errors, nonr. Two ba*o lilu. Man- itu-.c., Wnrnckp. Whltfhcad. J- Moore. Barlell 2. Mcdwlclc, UcCftrthy. Davli, Ott.- au»eria«e. Homo ru t« . Pidgell. Mfdwlck,. Sacrlllcp- Brown.. Doubl# Plnyp. Burton w Wt\ltrUtBcl to Uc-Cnfiliy; Whll«hcB<l ( " .........................Csrtlir. L<»lng . CjwjJcman,

Freighters and Laundry Team to Enter NationalFour Golf Stars in

Championship FlightMcGinnis, Critchcll, H arper, Howells

In Semi-Finals of State A m ateur

2b 3M»;iiuh, rJ 3 DrscS, rf ! I>hplp!i, c * afi>, IbSt) 3 V^liuelt, If * KiiKlliti. M - MftVoAky. M 1

p 1airkfto/er. p 1ToiRiii ■..... 3:nrooklyn .....Chlcafiu .......

ftthleli?. bntU ed 17 holes all S t. Louis Cardinal.-;, only n game i bu t H carne annexed the 18lh to a n d 2. behind, trounced th e New Y ork Q l- win. ‘ Aan ts , 9-4. T ex C arleton d e a lt ou t! C ulbertson nosed ou t Dr. D w ight I out bu t five h its I n w inn ing for Chicago, Lenzl o f Id a h o Falls. I up bu t' Lon W arneke coasted to h is wholes.

0 001- : <1 U x - l i e lilln. Her.

, phelp«, UMan 2. Cl ;ii bMM, 0 »l»n. Hac etoii 2. LosIhb pitrh

Whltiify. 3b * Alvi-ooU. c 3 tWl»relii,M 3

......34 10 MlTot»:,-bKilMl for iiowmin 1 ;::-b«ltP<l for JUiipn lr>

for Weaver -b titlprt for Hriibalte

Hlolen t)a»e«. irrlllrca. I). Yoiiim : iiK pitrher, U m u le

WanllBr, a< 40 1 Jorrtaii. .10 I (kHxl'n. I1 aw'traub.l



’('o . p 0

a ol-mt*!- aabler In aavnnM'.

UodUin ................. 000 000 joo-atJliiclimatl ......... 401 100 oo»-«

Erron, W anller, Cuoclnello. T»ro l>un lilU, Jolinion, Ouocloello, UooOman, WalnUaut), llafey, lU in . XampoiiiTliraa t>a«» lilla, nofxlman. ............KumjMiirla. Dnulila iilaya,

• KiiiUnh, CMrclnelln M

In, M yrn lo Jordan: la In Jor<1aii. Wliinlm

IxwliiB pllrtmr, {.an-

II a I

. DatU.


iiln r

AMERICAN I.KA O IIF IH tro l t 1, New Y ork B.Ht. Ixw lt t . Iloalnn 4. <;hlrm |e 7, W aa h ln flo n I. (Only fam e* •oh«dBl«4).


W n ll. m 21.

«(i r h 4 0 1 4 0 0

1.r ffn .r , •4 1 1

> 3 0 1IIIM-glo. n:

3 0 0

> 3 0 1 31

S 0 0iti .rr in i, t

33 ' l ’« ‘n>i«u

k«r, (lalirlnipr 'Pwci tii T(. I‘i)«r»ll. tla ((n sr, llcii . (teliilngar. niiilaii liiu rio*. Inwall. p|(«

W IIITK hO X 7, HKNATOnrt ««, Aii.M a a

1, f - ^ 1. d «3 K«liai, lt>

; 1 ! r (I 1

S| MIU*hiv“ a'■ i i iI* 3 0 P

"1I l ’n . u u

mil :in(i ^“olD ‘l

B uuw a ..J,

IDAHO FALLS, June 26 (U P )—F o u r of th e sUir Rolfers of Idaho today were battling fo r th e am a te u r Kolf crown of the s ta te following victorie.s in th e q u a r te r final.s yestel-day\

Sam McGlnni-s, -Boise, elim inated h is fellow tow nsm an; Jules Droz, 4 and 3.

Steve Howells, Idaho Fulls, was onp up on Dick H eam e, Pocatello, to place the la tte r ou t of th e running .

Ray Critchcll, Pocatello,-won 0 and 5 from L. L. Culbertson, R upert, a n d Ed Harper. ]r..Pocatello, elim inated Pete Ot- tcsen of E m m ett. 5 and 3.

In th e president's flight. Dr.J . A. Kno.x. BoLw elim inated R. C.C hapin. Id ah o Falls, 3 and 2; Bon P eterson, Pocatello , oasted Dr.D w ight Lenzi. Idaho Falls, 7 and 6 , and W alt S m ith , Boise, removed T.S. Flood, Pocatello 3 and 2 ,

L a te -a fte m o o n f irs t flluh t re- suUa:

Robert- A. Davis, o f Nam pa, e li­m inated S co tt T aggart, Idoho Falls.7 ond 6 ; Joh n sto n , Id ah o Falls, was

J up to ellm lnntc O uy Wicks, Poca- WJo; A rt S h u ltz . Pocatello , removed Jim Rawley. Id ah o Falls, 5 and 4:Jack Roper. R upert, was 1 up to e lim inate M ax Raw lins, Boise,

W inners will en ter the scm l-flnal round play S a tu rd ay , and cham - plonslilp m a tch es will be played Sunday.

Cleve Sw anson, Idaho Falls, .^cor- ed Ihe only eag le of the tournam ent on th e f irs t round of th e th ird n ig h t, on th e th ird hole for a three score today.'

Earlier, In th e clminplon.shlp b racket, M cGJnjiJs fovinl R upert Wllllam.son a stubborn foc.

D roz ha n d ed Dr. J . A. Kjiox of Boise a 6 a n d 5 drubbing.

Howells e lim inated a home- tow ner, R o lph Chnpln, 4 and 2 H eam e a n d G lenn Jacoby, of Idaho Palls, fo rm er U niversity of Idaho

F irs t F l lc h t R«9u lU .R obert A. Davl.i, Jr.. N am pa, de-

e a t« l Don Lindsey; NaOTpa. 4 a n d

F orde Jo hnson , Id ah o Falls, lost to S co tt T ag g a r t, Id ah o Falls . 3 a n d 2 .

C. B. Jo h n so n of Id ah o F a lls trim m ed P re ss Lews, R upert, 4 a n d 2 .

G uy Wlck-t, Pocatello , walloped T«^d M arM iall, BoLse, 5 ond 4,

A rt Scholtz. Pocatello , defeated T- R. Scott, N am pa, 5 a n d 4,

J im Row ley. Id ah o Falls , troim ced Dr, R . N. P a ckard . Id ah o Fall.s, 6 a n d 4.

M ax . Rawiln-s, Boise, elim inated Charle.s C arrico , Pocatello . 4 and 2.

W . L eonard . Pocatello , nosed o u t J a c k R oper, R upert. I up.

Second n i c h lH arry Colwell. R u jiert. defeated

Al N orton, Idaho . Palls . 3 and 2.K. P rice, BoLse. de feated Ja ck

MOS.S, B ulil, 3 a n d 2 ,Ja ck T lngey, Buhl, won frojn

C he t H ansen . Id ah o Fall.s, 3 and 2.H erb BrandwlR, P o cau llo . won

over G ene H arring ton . Id ah o Falls. 6, a n d 4.

C. Collln.s. R u p e rt, won from Don F lilic r . Id ah o Fall.'!. 3 a n d 2.

D r. H . D . Spencer. Id ah o Falls, took W . H . G ibson, Burley. In to cam p. 3 a n d 2.

R obert S t . C lair. Id ah o Falls, dc- fcoted G . E, S outh of Burley,

n in th C ard v ic to rj', g iving up 1. hits, of w hich e ig h t were doub le i Medwlck a n d P a d g e tt hom ered for St. Louis.

T he P h ilade lph ia Ph illies had an easy tim e w ith th e P ittsbu rgh PI- ratc.1, w inn ing 10-.5, w ith a 14-hlt a ttac k off fou r p it;h e rs , T lie Boston Bees were ha n d ed th e ir 12th defeat In 12 game.% C-2 , by th e Cincin­n a ti Reds.

CrltcheJl w on n.s h e plea.wd from Ben Pctenson of Pocatello, 9 and 7.

H arper ralilod to down W alt Sm ith o f Boise, 2 and 1.

O ttesen found T.' S. Flood of Pocatello a n easy m ark , winning 7 and 6 .

M. S m ith , Id ah o Palls , nosed W. F in layson , Id ah o Falls , 119 ho les, ' __

T h ird F l ls h l R esu lts Ineluded G rsd lo E vans. Id ah o F aJb , d e ­

fau lted to Bob W arner, Id ah o Palls .R obert D avis o f N am pa, p re ild en t

of th e Id ah o S ta te A m ateu r G olf a.*KSOcialion. announced th e a n n u a l McCall a m a te u r to u rn am en t had been se t fo r A ugust 14, 15 and 16.

mm misSIOBIC M

Letter Reveals Hagen H asn’t Done Any D rinking for O ver 4 M onths

Users of W ash in g to n S troke W in b v o r Yalo in Annual

G rew E v en t

ny ( iE o n r .R k ik k h k y

NEW LONDON. Conn.. June 20 lU.PJ—T lje pay o ff in row ing tiil.i year

n th e W ash ln s to n stroke, Tlic HiidklM flwri)t th e Hurt.ifin w ith It

iMloy a n d llitrvu rd , u/ilng Uin le ,itrokp. outinw i;d Vnle In a

recorrt-hreBkiiis vnrnlly racc on thn R iv e r . 'n m in es yesterday

T lie W aAhlnKton ntroke, which Iji sJiort. rhyU>mlo moiloii pJarliig a

prem ium on leg a n d a rm drive, WHS Luudlit th o H arv ard oarnnirn by Turn liolie,H, w ho i-nnie to rtmeli Uic Crlmnon thl« y e a r a l te r nlnn years a s U n ive rrlly of Wa.nlilimton frrflhm itn nirnU>r. llnforo U iat ho rowed In Uifl fiamo W nahlngton crew w ith Al Ull’rlckAon, llunky roKcli.

TJin C rim son fKirnmen learned tho pw (ilrt)ko f a s t aii<l well. 'I liey were ) good a t i t on Uio placid blue w a­

te rs o f thn I tiv e r l li a m e a yester­day U iot they b eat Yftln by a lengtii a n d lwi> ynnU oT oj>ejj v/airr In 21) niliiuten, J f>ecnnd«, it n rw re<'nr(1 for thn fcmr-inlln ra re iii»trcnni. Yale wan Mined In 2n mliuiteii 0 J-.’i rccindn. .I t wnn Y nle’n only defeat if Uin year.

I'erhniui th e laruen t crowd an es- tlnialD l 80,ft00~In tiin history of Aiurrli-a’n o I d e fi t Itilrrro llrB U lr' ii|>nitliig e v en t aaw the Criiiin(m

n 11.1 nrc-ond AlrnlKtit trliuniih In viirnUy ra re , T liln luigft thronu

put^ked two obse rva tion tru ins, lined thn liiinkn of tho r lv r r a n d jteered ftl Ow nitfrinriei Irnin Dm derka til srverixl nilllloti do lla rs w tirih of yai'lilfl, rriilsc in ciiiff plr«nurti.^rrolt IlnlUK 111" rouiAfl a ll Ih r wny fitiin • ho old c ftn illrver ra ilroad brlilKc to Iln ttle lt 'n rove.

. li'aV:;a. Wn.i.M.g i.llrl.rr, (J.ln. i.

ItKJ) NOX i. im oW tIH 2 HT, u h l i a I iioni-oN

Ut IMYla, U»U.» plU bw .

' \I. I>oulrf

n y HENRY McLCMORENEW Y O RK , Ju n e 23

P u ttin g th e sports sh o t here and th e re :

W aller H agen ho-in’t h a d . a d rink of a n y th in g stronger than m ilk, fo r fou r m on ths , he con- Jlded In a recen t le tte r to a friend, and offered to b e t $100 a t even m oney th a t he would n o t look th e winked grape or g rain In th e eye for a iio ther 12 monthn. , . T om m y A rm our,, the old Hllver Scot, th in k s Ralph ( lu ldnhl 1.1 a s f lu e a golfer as th is ro u n try ever t)roducec| and would n o fl)!) a t a ll nurprlseri to see him Bet np n new record for winning!! in th o n e x t few years.

O ne m ore Bolf Item : Clene Rnrar.en wnni.i to m ake n tr ip to J a p a n a n d aIiow tho orientala how to rea lly p lay th e gam e, . . H e h u filed a n e n try In the Japanese open w hich he could w in w ith « driver, a maahle, and a p u t t e r . . .

D l i i r T*. Ilubb rllA re you going o u t to Bt

o n Sunday (or Uia r io t? , , ,i guesa the r« 'il ba » riot, being as Dirzy a n d H ubbell a re uched. u lrd (0 w ork a g a t iu t one a n ­o the r. . .

W hat a d ifference a few yenrn nm kc: 'IV o year# ago w hen J im ­my Jo h n sto n h a d J im m y D rad- do<'k for M adison S quare O nr- deii, th e likeable J a m e i spen t 1(11 l ih w aking lioum praising th e then heavyw eight c h am ­pion. . . Now he innlAta Jim In s tr in iy II tiiun, never could fight a liek, a n d th a t Hob PnsU>r would h u teher h im In a round ftr two. , ,

W ill flome iwyrhlatrlA t reader pIrHAc w rlle In a n d expliiln to nin why th e New Y ork I>oxlnx ronunlsnlon refuses to allow a n in leh lietweeti W ellerw rlgh t CJmmiiliin H arney ]t(ws and J*ednt Monlatiei!?. . . A fig h t for (hn title b r lw rrn Dirsn two Imyn would fiinilAh t h r t)p«t (ittrao- tlon Ih.xIiiK hn» o ftp r right now, hu t th n roinmltuilon will n o t eountenanc« 11. . ,

New r i f h l Nam eMv RUPM In IhM thn tim e Is

no t fin- cilf when Joe I/iu la will 1x1 niioMKl)' eliidleiiKed l>y R alph O 'D rll, n Tpxiis youngsUir who ■In -ow ur<f liyt a"*ViuHcaU) of w rallliy ejKiilflinni, and who ts fteliiK hniiiRht a long by Mike Ciiiilwrll, th n vet<-ran Who tra in - pd Miixle lla tr , . . O IV H . who A|H-nl u y n ir h t lU nnford’n elols- Icrrd imlln, i» fnnt, ruKged. aiiia rt itiiil run lenlly h it, . . Canlwell

h r Is Irnn th a n in tlir top , .

II a year a p y

Mike Jftrot»« nevnr...... H OHir for a fight untilI iinn n liidlril a fitnnerN' alma- „• i>iul seen w h at U lian lo say . xiiil Ihe W eather,

T rullhiK liorae W hm th n H iunblrlon lan

I In ri:h< N Y , in

O n Aug. 11, th e K entucky derby o f .th e h a rn e ss hor.so world will be ru n before a crowd of 50.000. . . T h e tro ttin g horse. I believe, la hero to stay . , A flliy n am ed T w iligh t Bong, ow n­ed i>y P h i l S tra n g , ifl. tlie hum ­m er book fav o r ite .- . .

S am Francl.s, th e ail-A m erlcon N ebraska back. Is ab o u t ready to cas t hU lo t w ith th e pro foot- Uallers. . . A fter th a t S am would like lo ta k e up sjxirtfiwrltlng, . . I know o f no b e tte r w ay to p re ­pa re fo r the a rduous ta.ik of w riting fijxirls th a n p la y in t pro football. . . •i'wo e ars of Imcking up a line and one ip Ju s t a tw u t so ft eiiouKh in th n hend to h tu rt w riting d eath le ss prose. , . I go t o ff <in th e r ig h t foot by fulling from (hn to |i b rn n th nf a Redwood tree a t tlio age of e ight,(Cop7r l r i i l , leST, U nll«d Tress)

E M AciASHEssyiiiy

I M I E R S WINN atio n a l Team M oves In to

F inal Tic For A m erican Loop Championship

A,'! h as long been expcct«d, lUTMBtlonal Boxing F ed era tio n liM

finally go tten a round to dcclare ; Sclim eling th e hea% 7weight inplon of tlH! world. liL- reason for th e decision,

. , rsc, was th e ru u -o u t by J im Bniddoc?, a fte r a co n tra c t h a d been

_ ’(1. Probably W per ccn t. o f th e fight fan.s of th e U nited S ta te s , and more th a n th a t in tiic r e s t of the world, w iir agree U iat th e Fed-

-atlon 1.H correct in ItA a ttitu d e .But there ts 'o n e th in g th a t »

rro u p of ru a rd la n s e a n 'l do fo r any b o x e r-^ n d th a t la m ake Mm a cham pion w ithou t en ter? In j the ring lo lif t th e crow n from somebody's h ead . T hey mlRht e rea tc a d ivis ional c h a m ­pion. b u t they Just c an ’t say "H ere Is a erown. T h e p rese n t w earer h as b roken b c o n tra c t. Thn erown is rorfclted.'*As Schm clhig h im self sa id : "T itle s

re won In tlie ring, no t on p ap er. And th a t Ls Ju st about th e genera l a ttitu d e th e world over os foi figh ting Is concerncd.

No m a tte r w h at the In te rn a tio n a l Boxing F edera tion says, wo believe Schm ellng will ba ttle L ouis th e f in opim rlunlty h e gct«—and he w ill be billed n.s the challenger, n o t the clm mpfon. '•

T he de fea t of Rraddock w as no t hucli a shock u U usually th r rose w hen th e eltam plon U dethroned . We believe Jen*ey J im is m ore popu:ar a t th e p resent tim e, a fte r h is lleklng, th a n he h a s ever been. Mr. A v­erage F a n will be pu lling fo r h im m ore th a n ever, now th a t he has been knocked off th e h igh perch, a n d eontem platea getting in some real figh ts.I f there Ls any th ing th a t m akes

a m an uniw pular. it is to g rab cham pionship, tlien s it a round and refuse to defend ,lt . B raddock p u t up a really cred itab le show ing In h l 5 Loui.'i ba ttle , and th e probab ili­ties are th a t If he h a d h a d a few m ore fights u nder his be lt du ring th e la s t two years th a t h e h a s been idle, tlvc ending of the ba ttle w ould have been a d ifferen t sto rj’.

W ork Is progressing on the $50,000. m em orial gridiron sitadium a t Uie Unlvcr.stty of Id aho , and dedica tion Is se t for Sep t. 25 w iien th e V andaU will tang le w ith Uie O regon S ta te Beavers,

A sideligh t a t the gam e, w tiich will p robably d raw s.t ittuch o t the a tten d a n ce as tlip lootbali ba ttle , will be th o presence of W allace Beery, th e actor, who apparen tly h as adopted the University of Id ah o team .

H aving Beery an a "hi>on.wr' th e V andals Im.i been a t>lg boost to c o a c h T ed Bank, and n lthough Beery In a ll probabilities w o n 't be o f m uch ii.\.',Ktanre f i "coaching" aniile, iila m oral hiipport m ay t>o th e d ifference Iwlween a w inning and a lo^lnK club th is fall.

A* long a s Iteery h a s ad op ted Idaho , i t m ich t be a fine b it o f pub llrlly for Ihe hlgli-aliuutlng K rtin lirr eluli to add hin nam e to th e lUt. T he s r to r 's nam e enuid n o t only be alided, b u t th e re Is a U rge p o n lb li ltr th a t he would a llen d a t leant niir of th e m re lh ix r T h a t would be r liirh lo bring a r rro rd b rea k - .ing a tte n d a n ir . ( i r n r Van O u l- d e r a n d I-^o lUeaniUian pleaae notel

n o y o u R i i i i K M n E R ?Ago Vndajr

'I 'hren nofthall gam es will h r "on tn]i" fo r fa n s a t L lnclon field here Hiinday a rte rnoon .

U tah Chlrfn . llrn t h a lf winll^r^In (hn NftthinnI dlvl^l(lll, i>lny In t«D of llin Kami-s. m id CunrinUiliil-d, Wi F rr lg h t o f thn A nicrlrnn division ]>erlonns In tlie o d ir r (lit.

Utionhnno ran ij) C, C. (!.. boiiBtlnc a llneii]) o f J ilttrrs, e lnshrn w ith (h r Chiefs n t 3 p in., a d o r w lil.li liln li- dm d o n of Illirlry m rrln the M'lii- Irl -f ln d T w in Fulls rrew n l :i,:i(l p

Cnnsolldoted plays a re tu rn game

O ne T earIVacoi'k, null' fn lird t<) qiinlity In th da.'iti aiKi briiiid Jitmii tlnalA of O lympia triiili bridge. Mass,

KUe Y eafs A |o I'mlayN uinil hioke tlic u>iinithi>n hy I uniting th<i 30 m lli'i n ya rd s In 2 hours 22 m inuter uniln In im ia iu t .

Ten Year* A |o Triduy T(

Kiilare H in ju ry , 10t)-yard

in nomt a t C am

0 Two Clubs to Move Up After Refusal of Idaho Power Ten *

i'^inal Standings' a m e u i c a n l e a g u e

. >5 L . P e t.Id ah o Pow er __ _________ ?*■ l .857T roy L aundry ----- -----------6 1 .857Con. F re ig h t ................. 5C h r lit . T rI-S U te . Je rom e Co-Op, , r d rd -T ra f it .-u o m t. N ational G uard . G lesier 'i ........

...5 t .714

. .0 C ,000


U U h C h ie f s .........................10 .833B rtm iw iek .......................... 9 3 .750WUey D rug . ........... ........... S 7 .417G la tf a n d F a i n t .................0 12 .000

F irs t h a l t of the T w in Falls S o f t­b a ll association was com pleted la s t n ig h t a s two A m erican league clubs moved In to new posltloi\s in the f in a l gathes.

N ational Laundry, leader o t th e loop from tiie first o f th e season up to th is week, wiien the toji spo t ta k en over by the Iriuiio Pow er club, m oved back In to a tie fo r tiie posi­tio n by d rubbing Uie Ford T ran sfe r

'1 3 In a gam e w hich saw the T ra n s fe r p layers com m it 11 e rrors . F o u r hom e runs fea tu red the gome, th ree by L aundry players, C. Lov­ing, Feiion a n d a teverw , a n d one by n T ran sfe r m an , R lcherson,

In th e o th e r t i l t C h ris ten sen Trl- S ta te moved in to a th ird p lace tic w ith Uie Consolidated F re ig h t team by com ing o u t on to p In a n o th e r 6lugfe.<it, 14-10, Rile a n d S . S k in n er h i t hom ers for th e losera.

T h e lineups and score by inn lnga: C hrlstcnaen T rU S ta te : CrcM.

2b: P rice. If: B.’ Peck, U : D e n ­nis. p ; B radford, m ; G . Peek, lb : Perxonette, sf :-S b a w , c fj M oon, ef M ilti. r f ; D nno, c ; E ad i, 3b; D enny. 3b.

G lo le r ’s : W . GlbMin. 2b, p ; D. G ibson, e; H . Bm ltb, U : S . S k in ­ner, p , 2b: 3. Thom ac, u ; K le in, r f ; Dawson, r f ; U r U n i , 3b; RHe, Jb. • •

R . H . E .T r l s t n t e ...................026 240— 14 10 6O eislcr's .................. 400 02 4 -:i0 14 7

F ord T ransfer: W aner. p . b ; Jenk in s, lb ; B ym an, 2b; R lche r­son. e ; D ahl. If, sa; W enxel, r f ; O rchid, e fr Day, e f; A. t« v ln r ,■( Ford,. 3b. p : Root. If; Coohb*.

N ational U o n d i? : BabaU , If; H ale, as; Craig. 3b; S teveni, lb ; Pa rkhu rsl, p ; W «Uh, c i Young,

■ C. Loylag. 2 b; M Jr fngi; cf Fcliens, rf.

" R . II. E.F o rd T ran sfe r .. 330 0403—13 15 11 N iiUonal L aundry 257 031 x—16 12 3

C onsolidntcT^V eight and T roy L aundry softball tea m s will move into tho u jiper b ra ck e t of th e Twin F alls S o fl^ tU asRociation, i t was decided h e re th is m orning, followinj meetintr la.st n ig h t w hich resu lted in long a rg u m e n t i th e refuflfl! o f the Idaho P o w er team , co-leader o f th e j

ican loop, to move "up .”


K im berly Engfages A ll-S ta r Olub Trom P ocatc llo in

Day’s H ighlights P

Tw o of th e best ba.<iebaU gam es of tiie season are in p ro spec t fo r souUi c en tral Idaiio tom orrow a s th e undefeated Gooding te am jo u r ­neys to Burley a n d K im berly en- tc rtf tlm a n o th e r Pocatcllo team .

T lie s . C, I . league-leadlnE O ood- ing te am Is a p t to f in d Its h a n d s fu ll o t th e BurJcy dfamoncl a s th« hom e club th e re h as show ed renew ­ed stren g th following a v ic to ry ovei thQ ba rnstonn ing N egro Z u lu s la s t Sunday . T ha G ooding te a m a lso ho ld s a victory, a 6-1 decision, over th e colored boys, scored th e follow ­ing M onday.

. T lie K im berly c lasli will p robably fin d th e h a rd h itt in g C om m ercials up again st th e ir s tlffe s t opposition of th e season w hen they U ko on tho Pocatcllo A ll-Stars, a com b lna- tltJn o f the best ball p layers In th e Pocatello rflstrlct.

A t a m eeting ea rlie r In f y ea r it had been decided t ' th e two top team s in th e I

. would move in to j s tronger classification, i would balance th e tw o Icj _ a t six team s each, b u t : n ig h t th e Idaho P ow er 1 took a determ ined s ta n d [ to move.

"W e're n o t going to ta k e a b o f 13-year-old youngsters u p < to batU e ag a in s t m en w ho 1 been p la y ln s th e ffaoie f o r f l l six yearn," sa id P a u l T " resenU ng th e team .

T h e re su l t was t h a t th e L a j tnt, a n d th a C

ed Fre igh t, tie d fo r th ird p th e C hristensen T H -S ta t« < na lly agreed to e n te r th e N a tio n a l play , to keep ha rm ony In th e g im ip .

A nother m eeting h a d be en sch ed ­uled to bo held ton ig h t, b u t t h l i h as been cancelled, w ith th e accep ­ta n ce o f th e F re igh te rs In tlie f a « t-

: com pany.T h e new schedule will s ta r t on

M onday.

Pacific Coast L eague

Cameron and S u tter To Play, in F inals

HAVERFORD, P a „ Ju n o 30 <U,R)— O crln C am eron of T u lsa un iv e rs­ity m e t E rnest S u t te r of T ulano un iversity today In th o finals o f th e N ational InlA rcoIleglale T rn n ts rham p lnnslilp s a t th o M erlon C rick ­e t club In an c ffo rt.to w in th e south- r rn e r 's crown.

C am eron reacht<} th e finals by drfeaUiiK Ju liu s H irldm an, na tio n a l jTinUir cham pion from th e U n ive rs­ity of I,OR AnRrlfs, 7-5, a-0. fi-4. 7-5. U rfrndlnK Chiiiiiplon H u tle r f lln i- iiiiitrd ItlL'liiird B e n n ett. U nlvcrnlty o f C alifornia, 4-0, 7-5. 7-5. O -II, 7-5.

E n illsh Hprlnger Pnpplcri fo r sale. A K C K«gl«iered P a p e n F u m lsh rd . Two • n ^aflfo f U U era. C ham pion lllood I.lnr* a n d (« im rra v e n l lu n t - fiii a n d R ftrivers. 3-B K enn rls , 425 Ho, Dlh Avr., Pocatcllo , Idaho . ICIIirl Kmlth.—A dr.

r U nited PreM lR , H . E.

........000 100 000—1 4 1...Ml 000 0 0 x - « 10 0

PorU and

oncrief, C arson anclK*t7rooln C raghead and S tarr .

(N igh t gam es):R . H . E

M issions .... ..... 000 103 000—3 P :S acram ento ....001 200 02x—5 11 1

H errm ann and O u ten ; f ich n ild t a n d Pranks.

R . H . E . Los Angeles ..600 000 111— 8 11O ak land .........401 001 13x—10 1» .

P rim , O verm an a n d Collins; P le- ch o ta , Laroccft and Raim ondi,

R , H . E.SeaU le ..............000 300 0 0 0 -3 10 38 a n Francisco . 030 003 OOx—4 . .

B a r re tt a n d F e rn an des; B h e ^ i n a n d M onio.


Bill Dickey of th e New Y ork Y ankees, who a fte r snap p ing ou t o f a ba tting slum p, poled hlj!. sixth, hom e run In five gam es.


M onday, June 38— (A) Je rom e Co­op vs. Idaho P ow ers (N> Consoli­d a te d F rc i* h t vs. W iley D rug . .

T uesdsy . June 39 — (N) U ta h Chiefs n . Tw in F a lls G la ss a n d P o in t; (A) O elsler’c v i. F o rd T ra n s ­fer-H om e L um ber,...................................

W ednesday, Ju n e 3 0 - (A ) N a t io n a l , G uard vs. C h ristensen T r l S U te ; <N) N a t iw s l , L aund ry va. B ru n s­wick.

T hursday . Ju ly 1 — (N ) ConsoU- d a ted F re ig h t vs. U ta n C h iefs; (A) Je rom e Coop vs. O eisler’s.

F riday . Ju ly 3 - ( A ) Id a h o F o v e r vs. Fo rd T r ttu fe r-H o m e L um ber; (N) w u ey D rug ts. T w in FaU s O la u a n d P a in t.

B a e r t o R e t u r nLONDON. Ju n e 38 (Ui»>-Buddy

B aer, A m erican p iifU ll{r'V aM 4biiftr t h a v - iu in ten ded to sa (( fo r h o n e ' a t once because h l i n to tb e r h a d cabled U u t h is f a th e r w u de«pcp* a tely Ul. ’ ---------

W hite Swim SuitsLORAIN, O. S uper­

in te n d en t G e o r g e C rahore haa w arned w omen th a t they m u tt w ear sw im m ing suits th a t a re In one piece ,-or w ith th e upper a n d low er lialves Joined In th e m iddle. M en will be allowed to w ear tn m k s , b u t ne lth en sex may w ea r w h ite fu lta o t a n y kinds. •

YOUR IGNITION SYSTEMnpodn ^wrioillc iiiHpcction, O ur pricoa aro rcn- «()nal)lc . . . o u r work Ih BatiHfuctory.

Kyle M. WaiteP ltom ; N ext to P . 0 .


Nrw Vi.ihriKroliC hirsnollodn i,n rvrU .M lWk>IiI»j|I<>iiH(.r iilU ilrlp liU

W. I., .»*rt.

f r c d «t..ln i A l l )» lf f l-'rfd for n»>rr milk, (tinbc H rrd A t 'r r d Adv.

NATIONAI. I.K.Afilll-:

( h|ra|<>HI, I .........Nrw y ..rk n iU b u r f hilroohlyii <lMrliinifll t 'lilU ilrlp h U B osU ll ...

W. I„ IVi.

F L Y WITHM aynard C ra is

▼I 'a s ir i i f r r

T rips «T

t.li rn n rd I'ltuts

O vrr T w ill Kait*

K rrry MMnday

H I* i:C IA l. ilATIOS SlglUMPt-liiK O v er

T w in I 'hIIh }2.(l(>

V -M ln iilo IdtlrH •’


A i iu : i iA r r i i k a i .Ail - H iad riil T rs ln ln r

l-linne lir>


WA.S NOW’•■11 G IU H A M Spcl.'m ;.............!P27.';.()0 $ 1 3 7 . 5 0

M O i'ONT!A(,: Si'ilaii .■.............$ 9 7 . 5 0'21 W llIlM 'liri' Scilan ...............f 95.00 i 4 7 - 5 0': io no iK Ji': S c d im ........................i:!i4r).oo 8 1 7 1 . 5 0

';iO (iRA IlA M Sedan ..............$2fi0.00 $ 1 3 0 . 0 0 ,■ ’:n NA,SH Si'daii ....................fltOO.OO $ 1 5 0 . 0 0

’2» P L Y M O irrH Hdd.'iii ......... $145.00 $ 7 2 < 5 0'211 nO D CK T ruck ■..................IflOO.OO $ 9 5 . 0 0 -

. ’21) Modol A. Koi'd T ruck ....... $225,00 S 1 1 2 . 5 0 v..’2(t m iiC K S ed an . ................. IflfiO.OO, $ ' 8 0 . 0 0

A N I> A r a w I .A T K M O D IC I. C K I I T I I 'I I ' ; ] ) i t s K I ) CAIU9 KXCKI.I.UNT CONDi riON. I'K IC Iil) TO HKI.I.

Twin Falls Motor ^S t u ( ) c b a k e r - T w i n F a l l s , I d a h o


y»g»y iiiif IDAHO EVENTNO TIMES. TW IN FALM . IDAHO8»tonI*y. Ion* M, 1887


F^n NBA IW tnr* awTte*

I 130 8im» Wwt Twin ruu.*vmr tfim ftjn /V^UVAWY

SUBSCRIPTION u n a By Okrnv PftTBbl* U> Adnoe*

Bt IWL ■nd Bko Oouoir- T»ar.« li UodUu . $l.M; TlifM U ontbv 1100: Dr _Ui_» UonUi. ‘



The Gentleman in the Third Row

8j Mali. OUUM* l(UbO, I Tt»r. i

em nqu irtd b? Ik« or b r of oourt ol ooDp«tasl lurta<UcUoo lo )d **a iF . wtll b* publUhed tn Ui« Tl»ur»<lt7 Utue of OiU p tp jt p 0 BMUoa H -IM U D. A. i m M tdHMl U lu tio bj Chapter IS l I

BMloa Lan of Uaba

A Study of O ur Yesterdays[ I f the litera ry signposts are worth anything, we

1 to be moving in the direction of a sane and help- bl reappraisal of our national past. _I For a number of years our novelists hardly seemed I know th a t we had a past. When they did know it, le y seemed to look on i t as a dreary and confining Ir io d from which, by grace of the passage of tim e,!

f had luckily m anaged to make an escape. In the | i20'e especially, the big idea of the novei was to pre- | i t a "slice of life,” and the life tha t was thus sliced 1 to be contemporary.

B ut things are d iffe ren t now. The two most fabu­lous fiction successes o f recent years have been “An­thony Adverse’ and “ Gone W ith the W ind,” which go back to themes our novelists had been ignoring almost unanimously. Sandwiched in between these fantastic best-sellers have been less spectacular books dealing w ith , the past— novels of the. Civil w ar, of the Revolution, o f the clipper ship era, of the winning

' of the west, of the reconstruction period and of heaven alone knows w hat else. p

Now the poin t is th a t very few of these books have been w ritten uncritically. Most of them have sought to show either th a t some fabled and glamorous era was really less rom antic than distance makes it seem, o r tha t in the process of coming of age we have some­how pu t aside w ays o f living tha t were o f gepuine

. value. They have called our attention to our past, both in order to poin t out its faults and to remind UB th a t change is not necessarily change fo r the better.

* * *

I t is a good th ing th a t th is has happened; fo r the simple tru th of the m a tte r is th a t as a nation we have mown up a little too rapidly. Social developments 8 ia t took centuries in other lands have occupied dec­ades in America. O ur history has been telescoped. We are like a m an who stepped from childhood to

. manhood in a month. ■ ,All (if th is has made fo r a good deal of confusion.

We nqed a breath ing spell, so th a t we can examine this past of our^ dispassionately and see ju s t how we became w hat we a re today. The adjustments tha t should have.been made along the w ay were not made because there w as not tim e ; we need to make some of

’“ them now, and we can’t do i t unless we study our history and see ju s t w hat happened ami ,how it hap­pened. .

This doesn’t mean th a t every novelist m ust im­mediately get o u t h is reference books and fall to on a histgrical romance. We need light on the present as well as on the past. B ut it does mean tha t th is fic­tional preoccupation w ith 'bygone days is a healthful thing. The more we know about our own yesterdnyS, the better shall we be able to prepare for our to-

AST OK CHABACTEB* tal. CRANnALL, hare Fiilor m K ltna Coll*K». kin AHM«TltONO, -•■Irr pro<raaor ---"na A1.1.KN. C«ral'« a«roritr r r ' i i A n a u i j . O om r. • • • -

tad C*ral’a

T h e b ig a u d ito r iu m boom ed w ith opp lau so o s th o th ree m en rose s o m e w h a t d lfllden tly to th e ir l e c t C o ra l, h e r h a n d s c laspcd to ge ther, h e r eyes a lig h t w ith p r id e and e x ­c item en t, co u ld n o t ap p lau d . H er p r id e n n d hap p in ess w ere too g re a t fo r th a t. S h e d id n o t w o n ­d e r n o w w h y D av id h a d n o t to ld h e r. b u t th o u g h t on ly of h is a ch ie v em e n t, o f how w onderfu l it w as th a t h e shou ld i ta n d th e re , y o u n g a n d con fiden t, th e p ro fe s ­s io n a l c a u o l o f these m en , h is e ld ­e rs in y e a r s a n d e x perience . D avid . . . h e r D nv ld . . . \vns a g rea t m a n . A nd h e w ou ld bo g rea te r s lill. T h is w as on ly th e beg in ­n ing . H e w o u ld go on from th istn g r e a te r d iscoverie s , . to .

G en t In Row T h ird :H ere 's one for F o t Bhota:Two lit tle boys about se ren

jJtMn old (bo th K clchuin ltes), c s u c h t a ^ u t U f ish in (be ^ n d form ed by th e new dam near Uun V alley lodge.

T he youngste rs were c a u |h t fi.ihtng (here , b u ( tbcy fo ( to lake tb e f ish hom e. Keal p rdl- tr e e d fish, too , specially retervcd for th e easte r-. dudes.

- P o lly


P o t Sho ts:T itle fo r M p ic tu re????"P o t 8hoU Pondera Priee Prob-

iem s.”— U. Ue« iiidum

P o t S h o t C olum n:H ere U m y C aption In th U yerc

con test. ’And because I t show s m y | dad In Jail, w hy th e head ing should be: "W e'ro In th o Ja il H ouse Now, b u t 8 h u c lu , I fo rgo t M y W hUky."

- J a i l B ird I

I F EVERY HEAD of every fam - [ lly 111 T w in F a lls w ere .Isld end to end a fte r th is sum m er's vacation tr ip s , ou r P o t 'S hoU s ta ff artLnt says h e doubts w hether even the ta x collector would be in te rested in th e loose change th a t r o ju o u t of th e ir pockets ., -

Let the B uyer BewarePoatnuiater Generul F.'irloy is uRalnst one

of the mcaneat of all rucketa—the promotion of fake mutual benefit life protection orpfanizntionH which .hgs cost the A merican public thounanda of dollars annually.

Tho shytjlerB who ru n these rackotu pretend to noil Ineurancc, although they are careful not to uhc th a t word. They hoII th e ir policies to anyone, w ithout re- (luiring medical examinntiona, welcominj? prospectH up to tho age of 85. Since few people bother to road their insuranco certificates carefully, the jokor in those policieH—which makes paym ent of death bene­fits subjijjt to a post-mortem inveatipation— is erally overlooked. Aa a result, benontfl are Rcldoin paid to the benoficiarios.

“Before you Invest, investigate," 1b an excellent rule for .the buyer of insurance. While the postal au- thorltieH are driving these crooks out of himinpHn, tlie rule is commended to your attention.

ALWAYS!P o t ShoU :

U nfortunate ly , th e re a re alw ays some people a round m e In a movie th e a te r who. keep ask ing th e ir com - p a n lo a every lo m inu tes: " W h a t d id h e < a y ? I m issed U."

A nd »o th e com panion proceedsto n a rra te w h a t h e M id .----- '

Fooey.— Msdagascar


P o t s h o ts :I h av e a mcasage I 'd like to dollver

to th e guys who were ehooUng off R om an candles In f ro n t of th e Id a ­ho th e a te r itie o th e r day, w ith some of th e b lam ed th ings n o t <|olng off so very s tra igh t.

T h e m e s u f e Is (h is;I ?XYZ 11IBLANKETY BLANK?

•% * £ t/lMISMd


I D ear Shooter:1 plve you iia.my rap llo n for your

Pic tu re of th e 'g u y In ja il;' W hy dirt I lalk back to th a t

tn f f ln cop?"—H enderi

H ry . M iller Nliols:Boy, I Ju«t ih o u ih l of a honey

fo r your picture rap llo n contest.You’g rnlliuise, ro la le . I 'm

w arn ing y ^H ere It li. to |u abov i lha

d raw ln f o f Iho guy s ilting m eursifully In ja i l :—

"Thoy r a n 't do th is to me."—Half, rinl

flO T A c a p t i o n :

Veal»rlarl «»Ha I)a»l4haa Ho7« ""dna*(d Karea krr 0/fr m «marr«I..CH A PT E R V

(" ’O RA L he ard b u t . lit tle of th e f irs t 20 m inu tes o f th e w eek ly

a ssem b ly p rog ram . H er eyes w ere focused on D avid, s ittin g b e tw een P ro fesso r BendorfT a n d P ro fesso r M axw ell, on th e p la tfo rm . F o u r d a y s-h a d passed since th e ir q u a r ­re l a n d h e h a d n o t reeo g n iied he r.

. ou tside o f m onosy llab ic w ords In I th e c la ss ro o m ,. In a ll th a t tim e, j Shi* tr ie d in v a in to ca tch Ws eye.

c hunccd . H e d id no t « c h e r, - f .Pif h e d id , Igni ’

••Why h a s t h i a ^ n d to h a p p en ? ’C ora l th o u g h t. J ^ y d id w e q u a r ­r e l w h en w e h iv e be en so h appy?"

H e r re v e r i# w a s in te r ru p te d th e n , a n d s h tf s to o d up a u to m ati­ca lly w ith tM 'p c o p le a ro u n d he r. a s th e p r e s i j n t of th e u n iv e rs ity ta m e o u t o ^ t h e p la tfo rm . W hen she sa t dovm she w as m ore and m o re curious . T hero w as som e­th in g ex citin g to be rev e a le d th is m o rn in g . T h e re m u st be. P re s i­d e n t N o rto n a p p ea re d Qt th e s tu ­d e n t assem b lies b u t seldom . W hat w a s it? Sho w a ited eage rly for h im to speak.-

T h e deop, re so n a n t voico of P r e s id e n t N orton b roke th e s i- Icncc in tho au d ito riu m th e n .*'I h av e an a nnouncem en t \ii m a k e ," h e sa ldi “O ne w hich w ill be o f de ep in te re s t n o t on ly to us

1 h e re a t E lton , b u t to ti^e c oun try o t la rg e . . . Indeed to th e w hole

'w o r ld . T h ro u g h th C ^ r l l l ia n t and u n tir in g w o rk o f .th ree of o u r fac ­u l ty m em bers, m en In th e d e p a r t­m e n t o t c h em is try , a com m ercially fea s ib le p rocess fo r tho e x trac tion o f go ld fro m sea w aler. h a s been d isc o v er id .

" I t h a s been m a n y years slncc ■ d isco v ery of such slgnHlcance h a s be en m a d e h e re a t E lton , n o t in f a c t s ince th e e lec tro ty sts e x ­p e rim e n ts o f P ro fesso r Sanderson in th e e a r ly y e a r s o f th is cen­tu r y . I a m p ro u d , indeed , to p re ­s e n t tb 'y o u th e th re e m en w ho th ro u g h th e ir gen iu s a n d Industry h a v e b ro u g h t fam e to them selves a n d th u s to E lto n , a n d w ho have g iv e n th e w o rld a g ift o f g rea te r kno w led g e; P ro fe s s o r. A r t h u r M w w c lJ , P ro fesso r A nflr# "B en - d o rff a n d P ro fesso r D avid A rm ­stro n g ."

C o n c j i i c ^ g D igeiiN c

Although medical Bcfenco’ itlll hiia niuny kiKitty problems to sxilvo, i t hua a t louat frewi ua from agmo of tho perils which beset former gcncriitionB. An illuatratlon is provided in figures on tho denth rnto from typhoid fever, us comnileii curri'ntly liy the .loum alof tho Americiin Medical iiasoclution.

In 78 American cities last year, tho denlh rate from typhoid M e r w as .94 nor 100,0(10 of popiiiiition. This compares w ith a deatli rato o t 20.64 pi.r 100,000 ot pomlatlon In 1910.

Hwe, In other words, wo have tho record' of one areadoa.pUMIlM which has been conijuernrt. Doctors taow w hat causes typhoid fever and theytaow ixMHvTigw to prevent it. A malady th a t took Uiousands of lives yenrly, a quarter of a century ago, 1» now reduced to comparative Insignificance.

The figures a re a striking Uistinionial to the ad- yiU)ce of m$d|cal science.

h ig h e r, singie prominence in Ojo p rcc ise w o rld of sc ience h e loved

w e ll. '

b rieO y, th o n ltin g them fo r th e ir np p lau se , e x p la in in g In g rea te r d e ­ta il th e w o rk th e new process w ou ld e x p e d ite . T hen Pro fesso r D chdorfr spoke in his po lite, a c ­c e n te d E ng lish . Cora l h e a rd n e ith e r o f them , fo r h e r eyes and h e r th o u g h ts w ere r iv e ted upon D av id . N o w tha t^ the firs t flu rry o f c x cK cm cn t w as ' ove r, she w as \v o n d e rln g w hy h e h a d n o t to ld h e r o f th e d iscovery be fo re th e p u b lic an n o u n ce m en t, a s h e had p ro m ise d to do. H dd th e ir q u a r ­re l gone so deep ly In to h im th a t h e fe lt s h e w o u ld b e rfo longe r in te re s te d in h is w ork?

H e r m in d s topped th e re as D av id ro so to a d d a few r ^ a r k s to those a lre a d y m ade by h is c o - w o rk e rs . S h e stud ied h is face In ­te n tly , t r y in g to find th e re som e tr a c e o f a n em otion as h e looked to w a rd h e r unsceing ly . " I f h e w o u ld o n ly show som eth ing ," she th o u g h t d e sp e ra te ly . ''H I cou ld t e e Jove o r h a le o r oven con le jnp l in , h is f a c e I w ou ld kn o w w hero I ^ n d . B u t th a t s tony look te lls m e noU ilnc . W hen h e looks In m y d irec tio n h is f ac e goes d ead , loses ev en th e sig n o f recognition . H e a c ts as i f I w e re th e one pe rso n a t E llon to w hom h e w as a s tr a n ­g e r."

S h e s ta r te d fro m h e r rev e rie a s th e o re h e s trn began to p la y th e A lm a M a te r . T ho s tu d e n ts stood to g e th e r s ing ing , a n d Coral sang , too . T h e song , d e a r to h e r and fu l l o f h a p p y m em ories com bined w ith th e th o u g h ts o f a m om en t ago , a n d h e r ey es filled w ith tears . A a th e m u s ic e nded a n d slie le ft th e a u d ito r iu m w ith th e r e s t ehe w ip e d h e r eyes. " I ’m a sen tim en ta l id io t," s h e th o u g h t 'to he rse lf . “E v e ry th in g w ill com e o u t a ll r ig h t. } l;n o w i t w ill.” B u t even th e se w o rd i co u ld no t ban ish th o

e h ll l 'fn h ftr h e ir;^a V 4 ^ t d w alked down tlie -sleps p a s t h e r w ithou t sp e ak in g o r even tu n il i 'g his he ad in h e r d irec tio n .

• • •A S she w a lk ed along the g rave l

p a th w h ic h le d from th e ns- s e m b ly h a l l to the bu ild ing in w h ic h h e r n e x t c lass m et. D onn.i Jo in ed h e r . " I suppose you 're fee l­in g p r e t ty se t up abou t your boy­f r ie n d , 'C o ra l ," sh e aald-

C o ra l looked a t h e r. a little s u r ­p rise d . fo r h e r to n e wa.s friend lie r th a n i t h a d be en since she h.nd d isc o v ere d th e m arrlaK c liccnsc. S h e h a d en jo y ed lordinR it ove r C aro l, m a k in g h e r do lessons for h e r a n d co v er u p h e r m isdcm c.in- o rs , b u t n o w h e r tone a n d ‘her look show ed h e r e ag e r to .be tricncily. to m a k e u p th e ir differences. Cora l sm iled . “O f cou rse I am ,” she said. "W ho w o u ld n 't b e proud."

D onna spoke curiously. “W ell, e v e n a t th a t, you d o n 't sound over e n th u s ia s tic . H ave you two had a figh t o r som eth ing? 1 -h n v en 't se en y o u a ro u n d toRcthcr m uch s in c e you cam e back from vaca - Uon.”

" D a v id 's been aw fully busy, you kn o w , w o rk in g on ihi.i.” Cor^l pu t h e r off.

" O f c o u rse ." D onna said. T h e n , "G iv e m e a ftll-In on th is d is ­c o v e ry , C o ra l. Y ou know how f=tu- p ld I a m . I don’t seem to u n d e r­s ta n d ju s t w h a t it 's ali about."

•D avid d id n ’t te ll m e the proc-__ . D onna.” Coral could haveb it te n h e r tongue ou t. Now D onna w o u ld k n o w th e y had qunrre led , w o u ld m ock h e r.

B u t D onnn w as th ink inc of on ly ie th in g . H er voice was w liccd-

lln g .••Oh, C o ra l, h e d id . too. D on 't

t r y to fool lit tle , old Donna. Com e on , pa ls ic , d o n 't be ,'0 m ean. L et m e in on tho secret. I w an t to u n d e rs ta n d a ll a b o u t this business. I 'm tire d of seeminR w stupid lo ev e ry o n e .”

"D onna , tru ly ." I tiavcn 't th e d im m est no tion about th a t p ro c ­ess. A nd If I d id i could;i't te ll you u n til th e perm ission lo do so w as g iven m e. In a th ink like th is one m u s t b e aw fu lly careful to av oid th e th e f t o f tlie proccss."

D o n n a ’s gen tleness fo 'l from he r lik e a c lo ak . "C oral, I w an t fo k n o w th a t p rocess. You tell m e, o r y o u 'l l w ish you had!"

"I sw ea r I don 't know it, D onnai"

"Y o u 're a lia r ,” Donna .spat ou t, ‘'a n d so.me day . m aybe you 'll w ish y o u ’d tolK’T ne." She ran ang rily a h ea d in to th o .building, leav ing C ora l s ta r in g concem edl;^ a^fler h e r. \V hy w as D ^nna so anx ious to know .' th a t process?

(T o B e Conllnued)

r B E H l N D " T H r S C E N l ^

IN WASHINGTONBy R o d n ty D u to h T _____________ _

E ten tog Times W asW ngtonCorrespondent

WASHINOTON, June 36 - The natlonUl capital h as 5 sllghUy closer con tac t tt1th Oie labor movement U ian derlves.from the fac t th a t Bin O reen. Jo h n Lewis. Francos Perkins. M M cOrady. Bob L aFollette and W arren M adden live here . B u t no t much.

Local Industry m eans little more th a n th e few brewerlM. Ice cream p lants, roacfi jw a’de r a n d p a te n t medicine factories needed to Ulifl

ot the city. A lthough s trikes a m iijor co n w rsa tlo n a l topic,

there liasn 't been one of consequence hero since anyone can rem em ber.

B u t now. the fac t th a t Uie C. I. O. b going to take governm ental em ­ployes in to Its ranks Is causing a c ertain am ount of excltementr—not lo say conccm . The specter o f an arm y of federaJ- empJoj-es owing a llesianco to o r-tak in g orders from - Jolui L. Lowb is calculated to give the V.1U1CS to anyone who norm ally .■ipentls m uch Ume worrying abou t John L. Lewis.

There arc two unions of federal cm ployb already lurm cd. N either

I bears close ri'spnibluncc to a labor I union and both bar s trikes and : picketing fu wcapon-s, n lthough one ; -jJie'A fnerJfflJJ P f'drratJon of Gov- cnim eiii Employes—Is ftfllllated w ith tlic A. R of L.

I /\Gi<r\sr KCOMO.VI’I Prc.sUlont William G reen has o th e r

annoyancM wlilch m ake th e p ro s­pect of II C. I. O. ra id on th e A. F. a . E. .seem a relatively Insign ifi­can t problem. Yet, if th e office girls and sccreturlcs In th e executive bninch a rc going to iign up w ith Lewis, th e day mt»'y com e w hen G reen w on't be able to call on a cablnci mem ber w ith a n y a s .w a n c e th a t he w on't bo m ade to cool his

rlly .Porhap.s tiio m ost In terc itln g po in t

o f ilie iiroposal of some governm ent employes to get Into th e C. I . 0-. however. Is th s lact, th a t th is g roup h as been conspicuous In a com - paJjii agiiln.u gorcrnmenl economy. The A. F . G . E. suspended seven of Its lodges bcc'ausc th e y s taged ' a inasi': m eeting agrvlosi, w b at tliey called "fooll:h false econom y." O f-' ficiiils of the lodges have osked Lew­is to he lp them In th e ir cam paign.

Lewis A cts 'Lewis, apparen tly a f te r consider­

able cogitation, acted . H e se lec ted Jacob B aker, form er a s s is ta n t a d ­m in is tra to r of WPA a n d chairm an o t Q group se n t to inquire into E uropean co-opcra tlre Inudstrlcs . to organize g o v e m m th t w orkers In to a ircw b ranch of th e c . I . O . I t will be called th e U nited Fede ra l W orkers o f Amcrlca.

T h is brought fresh worries

m any v lew ere-w llh-aiarm w ho can easily conjure u p vision* of a mili­ta n t labor m ovem ent dem andlM more pay. a c lo se d 'sh o p a n d no dism issals on behalf o f its mem­bers In governm ent service.

•The anti-econom y drive , w hich Is In tho form of & plea th a t govern­m ent savlngs-not be ta k e n o u t o f thn hides of employes, a rises from the n o t unna tu ra l desire o f governm ent clerk* to han g o n to th e ir jobs. Most outsiders agree th a t th e ro a re mora federal employes he re th a n th e gov­e rnm ent needs.

THE H TBTERICA L D B tV EA le tte r c ircu la ted a m ong Mem­

bers of tho suspended lodges says in p a rt;

''Foolish False Econom y In 1933 f ired effic ient gov ernm en t employe*; *■' •*va money, a n d th e n wasted

) th a n h a d been saved by em- •ploylng q the r u n tra in e d w orkers to replace d ischarged , e ffic ien t workers. F o o l i s h -F aU e Econ­omy reduced sa larie s, elim inated leaves, enacted Sec tion 213 a n d yet n f te r th e hysterica l d rive w as over, th e goverrunent w as sp e n d in g more money th a n w hen th e dxlve w as In­itiated , AU th a t survives of th e Fool- lah False Econom y a c t of 1032 Is SccUon ai3. All th a t F oo lish ra is e Economy achieved w as th e reduc­tion of the Incom es of th e low est pa id families In W o s h ln f ^ n to p o in t below the ex istence Jlne ."

"Section J13" Is th e so -ca lled m a r­ried persons c lausc w hich in e ffec t b a rs husbands a n d wives fro m bo th holding governm ent Jobs. •

T he le tter, w ritte n before Lewis s ta r te d th e o rgan liaU on drive, says th e nntl-econom y com m ittee has asked C. L O . su p p o r t a n d adds:

"As you know, Jo h n L . Lewis and th e Com mittee fo r In d u s tr ia l O rgan­ization supported th e P re s ld e h t In th e la st election. Y ou a lso know th a t th e C. I . O. h a s Im p o rtan t ywwerful ad\'Ocatcs In Congress a n d th e W hito House. W ith th o su p p o r t o f th e c . I . O. th e C om m ittee A g a in st False E conom y, will d e fe a t F oo lish False Economy. W ith th e B upport of th e C. I . o. I t will organU e a ll govern­m e n t workers In to one s tro n g union th a t will be ab le to w ork effectively In th e In terests o t th e governm en t worker and fo r g overnm en t e ffi­ciency."

(Copyright, 1957, NEA S errlo e , lnc.>


OttEQON M VTVAL P IB B INBCBANCB COM PANY U tm ost IB P ro te c tio n a t

M inim um R a te*LOU HELLER. L o e il A gent

PtaoDe S3 o r 506

H I S T O R Y of Twin Falls City & County

The FamilyDoctor

T h a p a l o f (o ld (toU i tbIuc o rn ls) aw alt« thn bvsl rkpilciii Ih la r f fo r t by our Tot rihnta aU ff • r t l i l , an g e l buay.


f o r fo u r rn n U tl. m y bo;,I o ffr r •I l> m l( ji t b* M ine b c llr r H ul c<<rlitlnl7 iiu l wo^nr.

»'or a g u r III • Jail T bere 'a oi«n ra |il lo ii Miin TIiaCa m aail, liiin ilo ry :" I rou ld ii't piljr th a fliir!"

—nU rarle Mloh

A < ir .N 'l!

I \ ) t flhiilM Old Jo h n NnnoiMUrnpp ivire prwi-

lilen l, rcmrnibeiiT) rs frin to hlnuxilf aa th e govrrnniriit|A ai)«rn tire , bu t ih n way lia clpmmliln fKuiiitl monoy liid tca tra Unirr'ft iiii In fintloit 'In T H A T t(r«

—ro illl ro


rilK (iKMI.KMAN IN 'lllElUIKn ROW.

IS YEAH,S AGO3UNB 29, 1522

T h e la v firm of W allers, Hodgln a n d Baliey vIH dissolve Ju ly 1, ac ­cord ing to th e announ rrm en ts made today , a n d ,S h a d L . Ho<lH|n will opei\ a law offlco In th o Bank and TriiW build ing on th a t da te. The reason for th e dlM olullon, which Is entirely om lcable. tn th a t Law rence H odgln of Id ah o Falls , w ho U an attornny, wjll com e hero shortly lo jo in hi# f a th e r Ih th e p rac tice of law.

O, A. Bailey a n d R . P. P a rry will rem a in a s p a rtn e rs of Jurigfi E. A. W alte rs a t th e presen t «lantl.

T h e firm .of W nlter/i, lIoilRln and D ailey h a s b u ilt up a large Inw b tu l- n e u llirnughou t Aoutliein Mnlio ntul 'ts well know n In a ll p a rts of (lie s la te .


T lie e ig h th a n n u a l upmIoii of Ida-' >'s O ra n d O liap ter of the Eanterii

S t a r w as a m ust successful onr. Elkn' h a ll, th e m eeting place, wan ■ay w ltli th e B tar flowers a n d cut ftnw rrn w hen the degplntes f irs t m rl on M onday evening to enjoy a n In ­fo rm al recep tion in tlielr honor. A de lig h tfu l iniM lral i^roirnni va.i rn id n re d by M rndam n fimock uini K rliiiu ller and tho M lsw s’ H»ll, T r iu d a le a n d Jlaker.

A t Uie mrclluK of the M ato D en ­ta l norlrlv lirltl In Jlolse llil.i week. D r. (). r , llak er of tiiU rlly was eler.led prfa lden t. Dr. linker was BiTom panled to Uolso by his hu«l- iirM p a r tn r r . D r. F . S . Pnook, wi»o took th e den ta l esam lnatlnn tiofnre il>n Id ah o S ta te U oard of D en tal r \am ln e r« D r, Hnook pasffrt tho ex- iiiiiliiatlon w ith iilgh honois,

Mr, a n d M n i. 'c . R. niitiwo Iinvn r r l i i rn rd fnm i it wrd’iling Irip lit t]in r n s t a n d will MHin l>e a t homo u> th e jr frjendn h rrr .

T raffic , Talij.8by

i io w A iu ) •M U J irrK , c itiR r o r roi.i(T.

i'lillco and fire vehlcira, wlmn (iiwiintrct on official buAlnras and wiien th e d rlv eri thereof nounil Aiutltilr » l |i ia l by t>cli, n l^ n nr rx lm unt whlitj^fl. have the rig h t o f way.

I n th e lOaa IndUnaiw U s i|>e«d- vay rlaw lc , neven ol tlin f irs t 10 a r \ III Ihn finish were fi>ur-r)^ln-

By D R. MORRIB n S i lB E lN E d ito r. J o u n u l o t th e American

M edical A ssociation, and of H j- g rla , th e H ea lth Magaslne

I n th o condition called obcsliy, which* Is a dlseoaCj^iJiB am oun t of f a t s to re d In th e body Is excessive, T here Is m uch -a rgum en t a s to whe­th e r obesity a n d overw eight are tw o d is t in c t conditions. In over­w eight, fo r exam ple, one merely con­sum es f a r m ore th a n h e expends In th e w ay of energy.

T lie fu n d am e n ta l cause of obe.'t- ly Is, of course, llio dlsproiw rtlon betw een th n om oun t of fu rl ta k n i In a n d tliT>-amount burned up. Mo.n people, a t le a s t up tQ m iddle age, prc.%ervo a c o n s taa t weight In sptte of va rla llo n s In tho am o u n t of th r ir cxercho . Moreover. Liiey seldom pay too m uch a tten tio n 10 tlie am ount of food th a t they take in.

T ho itpiM-llte seems to be useful In th e regu la tion of th e a m oun t of food th a t In taken . M any people, how ever, fo rm a hab it o t eating m ore fo o d 'th a n they c»<i consume by o u tp u t o f energy and Uiey gi^n (ceiilarJy,

Ih e fam otia au tho rlly , to n N oor- (> n , r i i tm a te d th a t ihn tak ing o( '.lU) i':ili)rlirB morn eucJi day th a n ts i -,l,e i;il.'it In tlin way o t pnrrgy pro- j iiu ' iin a w eight ga in of pounds , u year. !

'i h r r e ts a certain perr.cntngo of iM 'in of overw eight w hich aro d u e l to dL itiirbanien of tlw glonda o t tn - 1 iv iu o l fl«:reilon. In Iheso cases, cer-1I.iln ifloiula o f Uio iKKly. such a s tho ih y ro ld o r tl»e p ttu llary g land, cease j lo fu lu a lo n norm ally a iu l as a re-1 ^u lt th c io lo a fail In tho ra te of oxi- ; da l ton In th o bo<ly.

Kowcvor. tlioMs ixu istltute only tiie in ia llc s t perconU ge of casee of Ob' r.'^ay. th e largo m a jo rity being slm - pli< cases o t o v r tra tln g In proiw r- lio n to th o a m oun t o f energy ex- jKindod by th e body.

In a tiy even t. I t Is alw ays beet, be- fnro u n d r rla h ln g a p la n of dletfug lo rcilucn ovorwplglit, to have a l>a»ul moUbolLMU tost. StKh a trn l m easu res tiM ra to o t expenditure Ilf e n em y i'y th e body or tho rain u l w hti'li ch rm leal changen gu on fc nd ludloattw w hether tho UiyroUl n la n d a n d lh a o th e r glanda a re tu n c tlo n ln g as Uiey shou ld In tills ronnen tlon .

I 'h e re la a com m on no tion tlia t Mime {leoptci {c{rd Ui g a in .H'riglit w hile o lh e ra w ho e a t jiLit aa m uch a n d do iio l i xerclso aa m uch do no t g a in w eight. Moat aulhorlU es a re tn - . d in e d to brllnvn th a t til ls i* slm iily ' cv m a tte r of physlologta bookkeep-

*^*The Im p o rtan t fac tor la tho rela- lio n betw een th e to ta l am m uit nf ra lo rle a ta k en Ip a n d th e to ta l a m o u n t o t calorlea used u», M umu- M r w oik a n d th e U k lng of food 1n- creaso Uie m etabollsm j enu iiioim l' illatu rbanoea a lso Uiciease tlie m e t - , abtjlism .

A ll o f tlw se fao lo rt m u st bo kupi tn m ind , l*eople wfio a re phlegm..-II.'. w orry less, sleep longer and iv- Inx m ore compleWly th a n do ^)th^r^ iilnci te n d to ga in wetglil moro m» -


A new post in the-form of a noxiotia weed known U8 "white top" or “an te ­lope wfipd" has taken root in Ihirt a r« n ..

A ttend the Big 2 Day


Jarbidge, Nevada Ju ly 4th and 5th

RODEO _ J - _ _ — RA C ESFun Galore. — Come One . . . Come AIll

AB.SOLUTEProtection— A t Low Coat


V eltex H tailon tO t tn i t Hnwth

Com plete c a r service—washliiB, greaslnK. flat tiree fixed. fAinch c o u n te r—llam bergers tio - - buy them by th e aack. We wtll gtvi one free park ing a t any Itecap ped T trra P a rk ing l/ ) ta w itli each ft Rallona of gas purchased.


HeatingA im O T T PUJM lUNfJ

.CO.£01 4(h Ave, W.

rh o n o M KealdoHoe IIM-W





TWO-WAY PROTECTION when you buy (me of our R & G used cars. A w ritten Giiaranicc of 100% satisfaction o r 100% refund.Our lonK time rcpututlon for rtqunre dealinK- A siitlnficd hiiycr in tho l>cnt advcrtiiiinR: our huainesn will ever Kct, No ntiittfr whnt itinkc or model you Iniy, you'll Kot A ImrKuin.

riyniouth Doltixo Cnach. trunk ............................ $395;ui V-H DoUixo Kordor Touring, rn d io .................... _ ,.,j595

Cluwi-olet Hrdun ...........................................................$275'M Hiidsnn 8 Conpn ............... ............. $1B0516 V-H Ford (Joupc, low m ilea ge ...................................$526

V-H l)ix l'’ordor Touring .........................................$465III Clicvrolct Concli ........................................................ $285fl7 ( ’ouno, liciitvr, rndlo .............. $B60:») OliryHli'i' H \)\it S«Mlnn. oono tnl’icn'!......:..................$025:tr» V-8 Ttidoi- Srtlftn, Jtiml)ft tlrcfi ............ ............$4B0;{() (Jlioviolcl Scdiin ....... .................................. .............. $145no Chovrolot Cniipo ...................................................... ,,$146Jil I''ord Tiidor .Siiilnn .......................................... ..........'..$185I'l ri.viHoiitl) Coiino .............. ...... ...... ...... ....... $fi26:ir. V-K I'Ickup ............. ........................... $425;i« I' nrd I ’ lddip ........................... .....................................$460

11 IlHcd Triicltn. nil makcH, modclH. Kvcry on« a bargain. U pnyn lo «re your I'ord Dealer flr« l f«r Economical trnnNp6rlH(lon.

UNION MOTOR CO.Y o u r F O R D i D e a l « r

Tha Home o f Safe Dariralna and Honeat ValuM


Saturday, June 26, 1987 IDAHO EVENTNG TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO F i g t F M

» S c r c l e i ^Presidents Honored

At Meeting of ClubTw enty-four guests w ere en te rta ined yesterday a f te r­

noon by m em bers of th e Em anon clulj a t a si>eci«l m eeting honoring presidents of th e o ther clubs affilia ted w ith the R ural F ederation. The session was held a t th e home of Mrs. Ray A rm strong and Mra. Carrol Holloway and M rs. K. U W atson were ass is tan t Jioatesscs. _

A program of music and


dance num bers as well as oth cr selections was presented

■ and a t th e .close of th e a f fa ir refrenhm ents w ere sei*ved by the hostesECs. Each ^u es t was presented a corsagc and on each m em ber’s tray was a rose.

N umbers on th e i-rogram were U»' club song, tw o vcwal w los. 'J u s t A'

W«ar>-ln' fo r Y ou" end - I Ivove You TruJy,” *ung by Mia- U. N. T erry, accom panied by M rs. P ra n k Black: two piano se lections by Ml»3 M ary Ellen G rieve; tw o novelty sonff and danco n um bers by M aurlne Borcj). Rccomtiftnled by Q lcn Boren; n re ­view th e life of R obert F ro st by M rs. Jo h n D , N oland, who read scv- e ra l c f poems, and th e coJJectlon of club w om en's Ideals read by MrS. Charlea K evan.

T he guests were Mrs. S tu a r t Be- vem s, dlstrfc't p residen t o f th e Rurn l Fede rta lon ; M rs. Ray T readw ell.

• local R u ra l F edera tion p residen t; Mrs. J . R . W alker, of Country W om ­en 's club; M rs. J . L. B erry. G em Sto te S tudy club; Mr*. W . C. H ulbert, L cnd-A -H und d u b ; Mrs. M. T , An- lauf. M. S , a n d 3, tlub ; M rs. Roy Black, M oun ta in Vlow club; Mrs. H. H . Crow, M en to r club; M rs. Ray Shepherd, Sem per Fldelis c lub; Mrs. W alter S tiver, U nity c lub; Mrs, Lewis N orris, W ayside c lub: M rs. J, C. D avidson. M om lngslde c lub; a n d JiJra.- P ra n k K reuger of th e Sunshine CtrcJe club. O th e r guests fo r the aftem cw n were M rs, W esley Boren, Mrs. H allle H aw kins. M rs. J . T . A n- d e rso n „ J r .; M1.1S Hazel Holloway, Ml.« ^ r j o r l e H olm an. Miss F a ith Cecjerburg. M rs. Terr>'. M rs. Black, Mlj3 Grlcrv'e, Miss Boren and G len Boren.


S tuden ts o f Mrs- E u la Conner, a ffilia ted te ac h e r o ! ilio Shenvood M usic school, presen ted p iano rec it­a ls yesterday a fternoon a n d evening a t th e C h ris tian church to npprc ' d a tiv e audiences. In th e altemoon specia l'w ork In memory tra in in g was presen ted a n d In' th e evening two advanced s tuden ts . Connie Je an C ochran a n d H arold C onner played due t a n d solo selections.

A ap tela l f ea tu re was a tr io com* poeed by Jo h n K inder, violin; H a r ­old C onner, ‘cello, a n d Mrs; C onner, piano, w ho played several n u m ­bers, V erda D ecker a n d P& trlcla O raT ti a n d W ilm a P a rk e r played K piano tr io a n d eac h p resen ted solos,

p layed by P a tr ic ia O ra '

KTFI PROGRAM 'At the Churches8&TVB0AT,. JUNE !

JMS* CraSford. ------

5:30 »venln» Tlmw report • ;4S Jotin McConmck, vocaiui 7<00 V*f*bowU Ml»«lonj

I wi b11 rtmemb*r


T lilrte en m tm bers a n d six guests o f th e Wonicn'B Friendsh ip clar.i of th o M ethodist church were e n tcr- tfllnciJ yc-slcriJfly aftcn ioo ii a t lu n c h ­eon a l th e home of Mrs. C arrie Jones Mrs. Sue Lcecc wbr nxslstant host- e-w fo r ,th e event.

A short business aessJon was con ­ducted by Mrs. F. E. H aynes and was followed by a socle! hour, whlcli

•ked th e Inst social m eeting of th e g roup tmtlJ October.

O ucsU Included Mrs. Oeorgi G eorge C lark, M rs. O. A. Fuller. Mrs. L. M. B entcn . Mrs. F rrd Oeei sm all da u g h ter and Afts.i E lcaiiaf Sm llh.


F e a tu re o f ye.slerrtay'6 m eeting of 10 L cnd -A -H and c ' iisslon of •■safety fo r C h ild ren '' by

M rs. E liza A nderson. T h e session wilB held a t th e hom e of M rs. C arrie C lark a n d m em bers gave fac ts on as- ilened yearly topics In answ er to roll ;all. M rs. a . B. H opkins, p resident, conductcd th e session a n d a repo rt

th e R ura l F ed era tio n w as p re- Rcnfcd. M rs. Genevieve T ucker was

new m e m b er .. . 'D uring th e social h o u r rcfre sh -

nen ts were served by M rs. C lark isslslcd by M rs. F . H. D arling and

M rs. W alte r Bcckley. G uesta were :n , Hollywood; Mrs.

T ucker, M rs. F lorence Hew a n d Mrs. I’nu l R . Rou’an.

T h e n e x t m eeting of the g roup is to be held Ju ly 9 a t th e hom e of M rs. G race Collins.


'Tw elve m em bera .M rs. W. E. Carrie, D e& xy'ven cn- tc rta in e d yesterday a fternoon by M rs. D . n . C hurch ill a t th e June m eeting of th e Amigos club.

A prog ram was prw en tcd by Mrs. J . D. B a rn h a r t on "M erit E x am in a­tions." A fterw ards a social h o u r w as held a n d refreshm ents were sensed b}' th e hoitcss.

T h e n e x t m eeting Ls to be in Ihe ' - picnic, It was announced.


) : « JUn M lllir M d Ch»rlM RfftdlDI lb* eomtia

),30 lUchATd Croolu, votali*t5:tJ Jlmml* o u n n «nO hU c l;00 Progrmt to be.»nnovinc« l ;)5 Hiw»U»ni1:30 BslecUoDi by Vallre li« l Mormon T«bern»clo cbo

J.uo'WelMtn* L«*U, l>opm»r M 5 AithUr Ptyor'i U*na 2J 0 L»»rtnc8 Tlbbeu. vocii

ST . EDW ARD'S CA TH O LICRev. H. E, H cltm an ,

Rev. R aym ond S . Se ibe rt, aasis t- aiU.

Sunday masses a t 7 a n d 0 n. m. Week day msAses s t 8 s . ui. Com m union Sundnys;F irs t Sunday of Uie m o n th for

men.Second Sunday fo r wojaen.Tlilrd Sunday fo r young people. F o u r th Sunday for chU drcn.

ASCENSION E PISC O PA L Rev. J t« . S. B u tler , v icar

The fU th Sunday a f te r T rin ity .B a. m . Holy com m union.11 a . m. M orning p ray e r a rjd ecr-

1:30 g u «of I e Oold I W nt

I negtri.2:00 Palrt^k RouborouKh.2;is Eeany Rubit> and

populir »oc»ItiU 2:30 Belliel Timple on th» Ur 3:00 SUMtime Oo«pe1 hoiir 4:00 Mill Brown* MiulcU Drownle* 4:15 Ambrtwe »nd hl» orctiMtra 4 .3U K>t« Bmlth. old (<vorlca.i 4 4r> Advmturca o( Juiifi« Jim 5:00 KTTI Dr»m»tlfi Oulld

■ J i c k H y lw o i ........................i:4 J flim-KU-Weat h»8:00 SOM Of. the Flon «:1S {Uotisrd Hllnbcr

nubuB:DO K«tcbum vtrletlea- S:li Kttchum r tr lrtlc i S:30 DUl B0yd> Runbler«0:4J Btwton "Pops ' symphony

o rch u u a 9:00 A m biutdori from RydloUnd

}l':00 Signing O ff


I hour;lm«

! guest,

________ and Home «la*h»D:45 General ai»rltel quotailonj l:00"Pione«r StorlM u told bjr tb»

Old Timer"7:1S World-Wide tr«nsr»dlo newi

llM lin 7:30 V»gibon<U »«lectlon»T;«5 Opening mw kei quouiion*8:00 PUtiaWt SfrentOert «:1S eelpctloM from "Thre*

Muiketeon''1:30 JRCk Mklsr tn d Jack UUltr.

|X)t)uUr Tocaiitt

........illn* ZTi


fo rm c

Two f f a r r ia g e s a t Je ro m e P erfo rm ed

JERO M E, Ju n e 28 (Special) — Tw o bride.i from Missouri wero m a r­ried ln.st week n t Jerom e to local roslden ta. •

M iss P o a r l Rose, daughter of Mr. a n d M rs. C harles Rose of H nrtvlllc,

.......... ............................ .................................Mo„ becom e th e bride of Eryiiia n d Oleo B ust«r a n d by Verdft 1 Y ea je r, son of Mr. a n d Mrs, O scarDecker and Wilma Pajker. Harmony class work was Illustrated by Bev­erly Oreenwell, Cleo fiuster and Maxlna Beath, who played a trio and solos. Trto and aolo numbers were also presented by Stanley, Bev­erly and Richard Oreenwell and' Gay Dolores Conwell sang two niim-

' bers.¥ V


The second of a serlr.H of bridge limeheon* was arranged this after­noon by Mra. Thomaa M. Robert.win' and Mrs. George P. Sprague nt the n«bert.v)n home »n NJnih aveniin north. Twenty guesUi were feuteri at five Amali tables which were centered with roses In 'silver vases.

Contract brMgn occ«i)led the af­ternoon. Out-of-iown gurbta were Mrs, R. 0. Beach, I^wlslon. here vlRltliig her non and <laughter-ln- Inw, Mr, antf Mrs. Kettticth 2Jeuch, and Mrs. Donald MrClaln, l.on An­geles, a (onnrr rrJadrnt of this rlly.

At. yt»atrr<lay’s party prlrra wpn- received hy Mra. K. J, Ostrander and Mrs. E. M. Swcflry


Miss Wlmilfl Fred Hayden, who Is (0 be married early next month, waH guent of honor nt a Kitchen tihower iirranged Thursday evrnlmH r O landoi TIiq < m mS|>eiit a t hrldnn vdtli (hr<-a tables a t )itay. I’rUrn were recrlv rd l>y Mlsa Normik B tay n rr and Miss Mivyden,

For th e n rin lr plarn cardn iin<l o the r a ppo in tm en ts were In Hreplng will) tho l>rldal them e. I le trrsh n irn ta were nerved following -thn rarrt gamea. Room decoratUins w rre bmi- nueta of iwonles.' Oiienta were Mlwi Hayileii, Mm > cnart-nna Nye. Mrs. H enry Maya. Mra, Wayiift n a ch tn a n , M rs, ciiiy r i r l e r . Mra. Jack H olland, Mrn. Hnw-

• aprt >ri)r>rep,-.-Ml«J» H la> w r, MIm n « tte Mflgel, Mlsa P ra n re s W IImu) iinrt Mina Iren* Kohles.


Mra. 1). n , Jolinsyii wna ho,irsM lanl evening to meinlMra of tlm (len i nt*U> ttMly c lub a t her hom e, 1/tir- iii l th e brief Imnlnrn.’i ncMlott nmiii- l« - rv p la n n e d to can f ru l l Jor Uio M rtnusky M emorial h e a lth cam p

annotHi.-ert tf ta l <1url(igIhn

. vrill ba held r a th e r tha i trrangnd

C'arda w ere a t jifay durttig Uio re- m a lnder of th« evenlnH and th e a ll­cu t p riio was rereived hy M ra. Jun r K irkm an,


MliA Vorna A nderaon. Itocktord 111 , waa p.oinpUmen(«d yesterday ul n nwlmmljig p a rty and, p lrn ln d innei a iian g rd hy he r cousin, M lu Viv-

A nderiw i, whom aha la v iiltlim yenr^w aa hald a t H anhuiy 'r

oiUli<iuetiis w ert Mls>i A iii|rii«n . Mlsa

.leanne I.Vnea, Miss Hellv l.vne«, MIm Ihirls U rrii nnd Ml«:i V aU 'ln U ohbUu.

Y eager of Jerom e. T hey rled by Judge F b lkm an a t th e J e r ­om e county cou rt house. Joe Jo h n ­son. cousin of th e groom , a n d Miss Ruby Salad ine wli'ncsaed th e cere­mony,.

T h e young couple will re jlde near th e W . C. K ennedy form , of Jcronu ', w here Mr, YenKer Is em - jitoycd.

M iss B aladlne. da u g h ter o f Mr. a n d M rs. Bin Blkladlnn of H nrtville Mo., becam e.U iu bride of Joo It. ./ohnson, o f Jerom e, a t th e homo of

;ttie groom'fl parent.^. Mr. a n d Mrs. A>ft« Johnson , la te r th e m uic day.

TBfl nlngle r ing Ber>’lce w as used, liev, AJf»rrt B. Rfnrtin, pruitor of th e M ethodist rhurt^h. iifflclatlnir, T ho couple wa.T a ttended by V ern K. .lohn.son. b ro th er of Uie Krotim, and hl.i K-lfe, O nly th e im m ediate fam ily of th e groom was p res rn t for th e cerem ony,

M r. a n d Mrs. Johnson will make UieJr Jkhiki on £fte KeiiftefH farm , aouth of Jeronip, w herr Mr. Joh iw on In employed.

Couple U nited by ■ U. F. W ills, Jerom e

.H aiO M t;. Ju n e : II iHi>eclal) W ilbur HunUir, K ing Mill, and Miss Jner. Itcwi, 1‘ora trllo , obtAlned It m itnlnKi' llcruN^ a t th e rct^<irder'n

6:15 Organ ’ flJO Evening •■111'-' nc-o

. £»;« W*Jte varleile*10:00 Mnrkel program 10:15 l-'tank Luther (rlo and LoulHar

Boys10:30 '•«»" Perklna 10:45 Bong Ulta or Vesterdty l i :00 Remlnljclnc wivh tbo Conboj 11:15 Twin rails mnrketa 11:30 Dane* varlellw 11:45 J u n e u e MncDonald and Nelson

Eddy, popular vowlLsts

iz iM P leiro’a AecordlanUii 12:li ntchard Crook*, vocall.t 13:30 CiosliiR mining ttock quotailoa

from fipokane e^ch&ugo 12 3S Hal Kemp and his orchestra 12:10 UoslnB new York market

qiioUUon*1J;« World-wlda tranirudlo nem

ilaahee l.OOLatoat dance releases 1:15 Monrvo Brolhert w ith Dradlej

Kincaid 1:30 Newi Adventurers 1:45 Wingy Maunoiie and iilj orcbret

Arthur 1’oung and Rogliialrf Torsylhe, planlau -

3.1} Cule Porter, popular vocallai

CO N G REG ATIO N AL .C om er o l F ifth avcjiuc e a s t and

T h ird s tre e t K . K . M aler. pasto r

. . _. -.1. Sunday school. Fred Ju n k e rt, su p e rin tenden t.

M orn ing w orship. Schubert, Y ankton , S . D , will preach.

D r. S c h u b e rt bring m c aa g c .

M ETH O D IST E PISC O PA L R aym ond 8 . R ees, m in is te r I a . m . T ho c h u rc h a t school. ;. L. P . Jones, su p e rin ten d e n t, i a . m . T he c h u rc h a t w orship.

Serm on subject, " W h a t D o Y ou Do W hen Trouble Com es?" M rs. C S tin son m in is te rs a t th e organ . G uM l soloist.

7 p . m . Y oung people 's hour..Ing for Uireo age groups, jun io r h igh, high school, a n d seniors.

F IR S T F E E S b Vt EBIA NG. U C lark , p a s to r

a. m . C hu rch sciiool fo r a ll agi groups.

11 a. m . M orning w orship. O rgot num bers, -I 'e s tlv a l Song": "S unse t M sdltatlon"; "Postlude in F " ; M rs J . A. Dyg^rt, o rgan is t. A n them . "BC' n e a th tho Cross o f Je su s" : solo, ••The Old Rugged C ross" by R alph Blake- Miss E unice Ew er, direc tor. U ymn^, ‘'C ome T h o u A lm ighty K ing"; •‘Jesus L over o f 'M y Soul": •'Come T hou F o u n t of E very Blew-

Bertaon. "C hris t, O u r P resen t- Day G uide" by th e paJto r.

SALVATION ARMY215 Shoshone s tr e e t sou th

Sunday 10 a. m . Sunday school.U a, m . H oliness m eeting .'0:30 p. m . Y oung People 's m eeting. 7:30 p. m . S t re e t m eeting , g p. m . Sa lva tion m eeting.

T uesday 7:30 p. m . S tre e t m eeting .8 p. m . Public n u e tin g .

W ednesday 6 p. m . Ja il m eeting.7:18 p . m . Corps c a d e t class.

T hu rsday 2 p. m . L adles' Aid m eeting.7:30 p. m . S tre e t m eeting.7:30 p. m . Bible m eeting.8 p. m . Bible c la u .

Sa tu rday 7:^0 R. m . S tre e t m eeting.^ p . rru Public m eeting .

elrrtrd thia V Bk'HtlUJL rrl ln g Of lit

t-Tdi tho O nlropath io an- noda llnn and Inctiutn Dr. H. B llf^e, Hurley, p rrsU lm t; Dr, E. .J . J411Ur, 'I 'w ln F niii, vlro p rrs ld rn t ; a n d Dr. Irla A, d o ff. Twin ra ils , n erretary- tr r a s

llir srnninn Or. HllllnH will r iilla , dlm'usM'd lli r t>ilM Thnliiiin o f Dr. m ills, 'l lin irelliiM will l)« held t^'}il. 12 ( in niim m rr vacot|(ni periiid.

fJO<HHN(» W t n sJtUl'JCU'i'. J lin r 311 //Ipn'.lal) —

I,owl« Mckpy and rin rencn Itan - dnlph . I)»lh n f ()<M>illiig wriA m a r­ried T liu i id ay a ftc innon a t t|in M ethodlat jiarBonagr, w llh Uev. Clriirne ll(« rl)crfy offlclalliiM, W lt- iiMBBB w ria Mra, A tlh u r IlmlUi and Mrn, Itonelwrry, both of Uiipflrl, •llifl ym .n« foiiple le ft fo r a wert- • ling tr ip i(, ( lalt U k o City, a fla r w hich lliry w lll.m ak a th e ir hom e

4:30 Ketcluuit tarl 5:00 Cleorse OUen S 15 band concert 5:30 Wurld-wld» tt

flflO Hoy rox aiitl hla ofch fl:lj liilQ llawaiians

Kvfnlns nm tt rtport S.45 Uonaldaon q iu ra t and TO Vkior aalon orcheaira V:15Ma8ln UUnd 7,30 Woil<i-wld» tranarafllo

Huh'"■ ■ lodlas .

1.30 Jern Utar. y Dorney ftI oiT

lU Varmen' Brtakraat cJub 3 UornlMi OavotloiiaU 10 l^ im IlaabtM

lilt lita orchralia

il‘'a iid uiannetifsix ram lly liobln»mik TMiardai), vncallit

C H R IS TIA N SC IE N C E •3E0 N in th av en u e e a s t

10 a- m. S u n d a y school.11 a. m. M orn ing service. ••Ou-lsllan Scienec'^ is th e subject

)/ Uic Le.%%on-Scnnon w hich will be ead in C hu rches o f C h ris t, B cltn -

tLst- ■G olden T e x t la: " T h e e a r th shall

bp fill] oj ih o know ledge of th e Lord, a s th e w a te rs cover th e sea," lii. 11 !)).


W as There a MeBsacrc—Or Did Twin' Falla Mon

S ta n Story?

U,NITED B R E T H R E NL. J . F ix , p a s to r

,, in .. S u n d a y school. V urva W ahl, su p e rin ten d e n t..

U 8- m . Morziing service. C onduc t­ed by Rev. C . E . L tch ty . presiding elder.

C h rb itian E ndeavor.. E vangeJlsllo servJcf, in Rev. 0 . E. L ich ty . W ednesday . P ra y e r m eet-

7 p. n fl p.

:hargc (

Ing.T hu rsday . W om en’s Mia

leetlna a t th e ho m e of Mrs J . A. Croni. lOl Ja c ltso n stree t.

F IR S T B A P T IS T CU U BC B •. Roy E . B a rn e tt, p a s to r

9 ; « a. m. C h u rc h schopl. D Ulard Refimi, su [)crln tcndent,

. W orship. S e rm on subject. Irom P h illpp lans." m. B. Y . P . U. •. W orsh ip . D eceptive h a lf- , A lls Fair Ui Love and


tniJJis W ar.'

W ednesday, 8 p. m . Mid-wesJt se r­vice.

Fi-iday. 8 p. m . Commencement program of Uie v a ca tio n church schoiil. iN bte : O w ing to conditions genuially o b ta in ing o n a doiiblo h o l­iday. ifils p rog ram Jia.s been c h an g ­ed 10 the nbovc d a te r a th e r th ^ n on jJunday a s o rig inally plam iod);

Suburban Churches J

n B S T , C T im sT IA N Six th a n d Shoshone

M ark C. C ronenberger. m in iste r0 : « a. m . Bible school, p . W.

Slack, general Bui>erlntendenl'. 378 In a tten d an ce la s t Sunday .

10 ; « a. m . U evotlonal service. "T he C hris t of D l? lne ^G race," la th e them e for th e th ird of the m orning serm ons of th e "C h rh t Centered C rusade." Tw elve ' have been added to th e c h u rc h in the tw o weeks of-the c rusade. T ho choir alngs "O h. fo r a T h o u sa n d Tongues," MI.SS Dorothy C a rp en te r b rm gs a message in song.

7 p. m, ChrbtiaT ; E ndeavo r groupw m eet.

8 p , m. K vangelistlc service. C on­gregational .song service led by the young people's cho ir. " W h a t Jesus T eaches A bout H im self," will be UiB subject fo r th e th ird of the evening henirons of tho c rusade. .

•T hursday, 2:30 p. m . T lie W om­en 's M issionary society m eets w ith Mrn. R aym ond D unahee.

T hu rsday n p. ni. C hoir rehearsal in the church.


nCTH K L TEM PI.KB. M. D avid, p a s to r

inday nchool, ages, fo r ihn nt D .' K . A lldrltt.

• X T ..>l:lSTwln Falla msrkaU lltM^.rmimftl I’Kililama (7llii n .lS jonu M'<>oniiark.

MAKKH ACKqOIA VIHITA O B qillA . Ju n o 2fl (Hperlal) -

MIm Allvla Verlmck. San K ranrlsro , l"^ni)fiicling lior vacation w ith h n ' inn-lfl am i a u n t, Mr. and Mr*, I), i. Yciung, /itin •tte n d e rt Are<|ulii M'hixiln l.eforn m oving to O allforiila

Hr. I ln r n i i r r . I mit Bpr, u l u i . '<>».hM K MxiMtM, rjfe,

40 County School Leaders AttendinK

Course in MoscowMOSCOW, Ju n e 20 < e p eo ta li_

nnttlng a new a tta n d a n c e record, 40 ou t o t a |>osalbla U county au- I>eiintriic1rnta of publio Inatn iction aifl atlc'Ddlng th e tw o w M ks' a liort rcmrsfl fnr Aii|Mirlnt«ndrnta.

'llio iiiiNjUfl te a lu re of th e iinlver- aUy'n Mnnmer sesalon is Uie seT cnth’ /,11,'h ( ra lu ie since these began In ID31,

Min l>oil8 Mtriidley, iupe riiit«nd- r u t lu Twin I'^ lla county , b among tiuiiut a ttending.

I 'rlm liial nu lijrot for dUcuaslon In the im provenirn i o f Instructional innii'tliil. a n iu en V ediica tlona] top- li: iKitUT kiiiiwii aa ^urrlc jilum re-. vi'lDn iir ooiidtniotlon,

VIsllUiK c d iu a to ra aay th a t proh- fttily no o the r e ta te h a a h it upon It IxrUcr way of c oo rd ina ting lu iiira l M'hool ayatem U ian haa Idaho w llh lU aho rt course for county nii|>erlnlendenu.

rlaaaes for r o f th e BIbli perln tendent.

11:80 a. m. M orning w orship; a devotional service of w orship and praise. S e rm on by thn jiantor, "'niB W ord of Clod,"

3:30 p. m . R adio gospel nerviro over K T PI.

fl p . m . ■young People’s menlliig; a friendly devo tional nervlre fnr all yoimK peopln of thn roinniim l- ly, w ith a liody .o l C h r is tian younK

■ p e o p le ,. . . . -7;M p, ni. E vangelintlo srrv i.c ,

w ith prayer fo r th e s trk . fliilrnilid rongregatinnal sing ing w ith tlie or- rh estra . S e rm on by th e pasto r, w ith opportunity for bap tism . iJrrnm n Mibjeet, "T he G ospel of O ur Halvn- lion."

'i 'uesday a n d T h u rsd ay A p. m lleihel Tem|>el lllb ln m IiooI, n|>ni lo itin mibll

tJatiirday r-hurrh, III i S trand ,

All oilier arrvlces anii the pulpit.

'Jlionr desiring copies Olid lesson In th e rerir

Ihn l)ll>le

I (6|)eci»n_ O raiigo will m eet M on- IK n t th n hom e of ^ rert I l.ukrn iMii.levurd. 'i v in

of Mrs

un red fro

w illa r»i lllB free.

n i i i R r i i o r t h k n a / ahk n I., O. O inltli, pa-iloi'. ■

tria a. m. flunday i.<'tu.<il. I f^llia CihilsUan. iu(>erli>ifi.d<'i>i .'haige

II n. m. M o rn ln i w ouuiji srnm m . /lu tiject. ''illew nnlnlilii Hum Tr.'^t of C h a rac te r ." I T lll tl Duel hy Mina -N e \n itrM mill O ladahM le ill lh .

MVRTAVGll f^OMMVNlTY , E dgar L. W hile , m in iste r

10 a. m . M orn ing w orship w ith a serm on by th e pastor-

11 a. m . C liu rch school w ith Supt. W illiam L in d a u In charge.

e p m . E pw orth L eague devotion­al v^vlce.

T lic G enera l Afd w cle ty Is p re- sciUlng th ree plays. "H ave You H ad Your O peration?" "T h e M other T lia t W en t A way," a n d •'All D ou­bled Up" a t th e h ig h school a u d i­to rium W ednesday evening, Ju n e 30th. T ickets m ay be purehased from m em bers of th e aid.

HANSEN COMMUNITY E dgar L. W hite , m in ister

10;16 a . nr. C hu rch school wlUi S tew art S c o tt a c tin g supe rin tenden t In chnree.

11:30 a. m . M orning w orship wllh serm on by Uie pastor.8 p. m . E pw ortii league devotion­

a l scrvlce.

Bible School P lans P rogram , Exhibit

JEatOM E, Ju n o 2D (Spcclal) - C om m unity Bible school w hich has ■ een in ^e-=.sion fo r th o p ast two

'cekfl will close th is week w ith two events: a p icnic F rid ay In tlie city p a rk fo r th o ch ild ren and th e ir pa ren ts , a n d s

:30 p. m :hlirch.

T h e prog) o nstra tlon school, such II study, ningins, w ork-done by be on exhibit.

Follow ing th e .p rogram Bible lichool, M rs. A. U . l>i I’aycU c. n m lv lo n ary froi


m w ill Include a dem - if v,’ork donn In tho IS m em oo ' work, Bible

in d m iu lc, Tlii' h and - h e ch ild ren will also

s .th o mbly.

T r i lu i le (o A oe< |u ia K a i i rh c r

ACEQUIA, Ju n e :;0 (Special) - P iinera l services for W illiam H. Deno. Who died Suiu lay , were held T hu isd iiy » i Fho Acf()uia, L D. fl. churi-h w ith nishoi* I. J. Larsen In charu^^. T h e tm iprnl luldrr.s.s wan de­livered by itrv . I). W. N etting, of the R u p e r t Clirl.-^tlan church.

P a llbeare rs wern Tlionian and H arry W liltilc. M, .i. Maciimond, T, K, Cullry , Jo h n Kilc kMm a n d Koy C uiinliiidium . V'iower girls M lldrrd und M ary .to Ciilley, LyleBavage, I re n e ar .Irrxll M.:AIIIM-'r May H ansen . '

il offeriiiK.

lull and

Mr, D nn<i I

in P.. Kunt, IB7(I, a n d ( <loka in o je c t I

i)d John

llv.. in II.-.(if th is s

lopm.in n itv , Il :amn to tho Mini 10(17.

by hin wlilnw; tlirei red <uid r r u n k nl ltu ];ert >r WiinhlnKtdii, I). two

slnirr;., M rs, Itose La l''tiitunn of M niitreal, C a n ad a , a n d Mrs. Coja lli>ln n t Dosloii. Mann,; two sons. W illiam, jr., <if ltiii>rrt, nnd ICugenn nf Pocat>-ll». a n d five daiighlers, Mrs. 0 . H, I/iw ry of Idaho Palls, Mrs. H urr.rtirl tm ilny of Castleford, Mm, O n ir r N u ll and Mrs. Mildred H addock of (iriinu '-vllle, a n d Mrs. Ilex Y atrn of U iipert.

Fii'Nt IIiiN baud o f D iu -Ih ‘Hh IVlai'i'ieH

U )H a n '0 e i , 1':h. .iiiii<‘ in'J'hn duchinA of Wliutacir's Hr band , C d in inander ICari n . N., will equal h is former iiia rlla l record he re J u ly D when li n ia rrie i Mi

r-olrt ■:i'V„

a lth y I,<ia Angfllea

' lipeticer m a rrie d W allU W arfield I w hrn she was a U altlniore dol.ii

Itinte, 'J 'hey w rrn divorced l>nr. ii

rn. .Tohi|son Is (tin wldoi H tiiil(«vaiit Jnhnnaii,

lU faotiirer,

l1io |.i room.

0 p.

Mi.n r iM l Mills In 0hniK<'

:>f N o rth v M •N n .n iri .r . ,•< a n l a vnimit In.llr-.' ,

i n . know n V M rlm lli.ii i

<;a m i‘ n r tK ( i i h i j *A nw lm m er fnllow rd liy a n oul

door su p p e r a t llanlniry 'n natato i Itirii w aa he ld Thur/alay by Ui W shtooheyn O ainp Pirn group, 'Hie g irli w ere a fron ipa iilod by M Klciyd (;ain|>lx^ll. Huardlnn. T hn in iiiPrlliiK will Im- lielil n t th e iioi ul M a ig a ia t V etw iller.


M ajor P rogram s OIV THE RADIO

..SUNOAT, J tW * n (fiasra tas . lubjvct to e h a n n by i t

ttun i without prerloui notlec-)N nc-w sA r (nedi k b t w o r k

MOUNTAIN-koa kdjl lM c r« C -k f l Icfw fcomo khq kp« kg'

n r i |» One*. . . trip , Mr. Swim

.laid th a t particu la r m odel of car •sported the rir,'(t self s ta rter brought n to t h b county. O n th a t tr ip we :oliowed the Old O regon T rail as ic a r as po.silhie In order to get co­opera tion In palMng a road through .

“Too DifflctUt'’"Y ou m ls h l no t belle\-e It. bu t

here wero ooine people th e n who said iich a road wftn Im practical and kould find m tk iij«. T hey said the

tc rrlto rj' beyond R aft river and iround A m erican falls waa too d if ­ficu lt to t r a v e l" .

T o d ay tlie route they traveled Is ibeled U. S. 30 and Li used by th o u -

sand-s of motnrUt.s dally. I t Is paved or ollcd tlic .entire distance.

"W iien we m ade the tr ip it took us m w t of th e d a y and we h a d to c a rry o u r ow n rr-’; w ith us. T here

flillnff .■itfltloii.s th en ,'' Mr. Sw im said. " In fac t there were no t

ly g raded roads. Beyond B u r­ley wo w oiUdn't have found th e road if i t h a d n 't been for a ra in w hich m ade the tracks of a uagon w hich h o d gone th a t way visible."

R e gard ing the dntn of the m tus- :re a t th e rocks, hU too ' boolca s t lo public lib rary differ. WiUi a

lib ra ria n a s guide an E \enln |[ T im es rep o rte r found th a t the m a.«acrc is Kupposed to have taken place c ither In I860, 1881 or 1862 w ith tho In tter d a te favored. All list August aa the •nonth.

N ot M entionedAll th e books nKreo, iiowevcr, th a t

ibout th a t tim e the re was n ma-isacre it RafC riv e r in th e vicinity of tlio

C ity of Rocks bu t a cIo;.c check show ed tw o of th e more au then tic h isto rie s o f Id ah o do n o t even m cn- •loa th e m assacre which U supposed to have happened a t Massacre Rocts, w hich th e th ree local men first called O lnclor rocks.

Tlic su b je c t Is n o t touched In the book •'Six D ecades Back" w hich waa

r ittc n by Charle.s Shirley W alga- m o tt of T w in Falls , deceased. I t was copyrigh ted in 1930. A nother, the "H istory of Idaho ," in th ree voiumea b y P rc n ch , a recognlied h is to rian , a l­so fails to m en tion the,M oss«cre rocl: 1014 p rin ted in

Nine KilledW ith a ll coiuicftted w ith the mosa-

a cre now dead . K will probably ncvei be 'k now n de fin itely w hether "n tn s m en were killed and six w ounded" In the akirm ish or w hether i t all s ta r te d on an early day au to t r ip tos Pocatello.

R egardless of these tw o foctji, a m onum en t m arks th e spo t today. A nd Dr.' McAteo a n d 'M r. Sw ito ara- n o t certa in w hether th e ir little Joke o n P ocatrilo businessm en s ta r te d a h isto ric sto ry , o r w hether the m aw - itcre rra lly happened and they , by fa te . hapjHined to th ink of th e righ t d a te a lthough they had never h e a r i nf th e m assacre.

11:30 Thatcher Oolt'a myitertef

12 ooTapaator of weiodle*12:30 •n^e WIdaw'a 8oni. aerial

1.00 nomance Melodle*. orchestra I 30 world U.Youra, dratnatie •3 00 Marios tong

■3:30 A Tala of Today4.-00 Jack Benny and hU cast«:30 B«o)Ul Tfom »h» PIr**)d»

a w " 0*6:00 Bert U h r's abow 0 30 Album of Mualc7.00 Tl»o Sunday Night PartyBOO Sddia Vftr»o« ofcli«atra-*4st; Jin-

■la proiram —w n t r«p«ai 8:30 ^CM-IUdlQ cewB parlod 6 :jj Jimmie Lune^fojd orctiaatra fi:00 Deacon Moora's orchattra 8:30 r . H»ntlenon'i crctieatra

CDS-WADO tfrrWORK MOUNT^kTor kla koh kal k|TO Wbb £QA8T—k u i koln kol k tpr kv| kafo koy

12.00 »v»rybod7'« Muilo orcbtatra 1:00 Dr, Hs(«u'a spallloi b««2.-00 Our Amrrlcan N rlihbon 2.10 Qu^ Lombardo 2:4J Organ concert 5:(» Jo8 Penntra iJuar...3:30 Rubliioff andjilQlIn i:CO OoUun. W orH ^> -O ram a

'4:30 PhU Dakar and hla ataft SM TO ba announced 5:30 Eddl* fllanlejr. etc.8:00 Chandler's rhythm 7:00 Tho Bummar HoUl

fi.OQ rroai-nadlo cetat period 8:03 Oua Arnhaim'a orehMtra S:30Jay Ptetm an'i orebaatra 0:00 Al Traca and orchutra 0:30 Dick Jurgen'a orcheatra .

10:00 Organ and daticaNBC-WJS (Bluel NlTWOIUt

MOUNTAIN-klo kvod k ih f PA CinCi-kgo kfad k » kga keca k |r

l i :00 M arl0 K*7 of RjuJlo


Poacc Oampaigi. Sponaored In Juno by L. D. fi.


Harr>- H enolt, ■ Id ah o natlnnal :om iiilttccm an fo r* thn Amerlcai:

L egion; M rs, E m m a Cloiichek, Ida ­ho R rpub lican na tio n al committee w'oinnu rind form er s ta te rep resen t­a tive from T w in P e lls county, and J . E. 'A llred, sccond counselor in 'I 'w ln P a lla s ta k e presidency, will bi p rincipal speakers Sunday a t th< closing p roardm on •'Peace." spon aored by w om en of tlie L. D. S Cluircti f irs t w ard, as a sjieclal proj ect for th e m on tti o f June

M r. B enoit will discuss "I'eiici I'l-oni tho Viewpoint, of the Ameri c an Legion" Sunday a t II a . m. ti boys a n d m en In the nuditorlum r tho sinko I'hoiwl building, u psu irn . n i a t will be Im m ediately followhig Huiulay achool w hich opens a t 10 ii m . A t. th o sam e tim e, Mfs, clou , rh ek will sneak lo. women and gliii of hiKh nrfior.t ago on some phase of^ "I'cntro" In tho R ellrf H-w-lMy

Mi.m Jewel Tyler will glvn n rend li‘K at that ineeting on"-Min Yrllc.« lliitterfly." which concerns Ihn Un­known Holdler burled ul AilinHtoii natlunal cemetery. Them will alnr be muslo or oUier enlertolnmitnl features at thU and other meriinK"

- Mr. Allred's Ulk will Ik»«kI' tlm f ’ --giilar am KlimlnK a t 7:30 p. m. wlim " W hat Uie C iiu rrh Can Do th e r th e Caiine nf l -n ic e " N, w . A rring ton of llm fli will prenldo n t th a t sen.ilcu a ud ito rium upstuira.

'n u . nub je rt of p rarn h ta k en np a t a ll mnetlngn firs t w ard du ring Ju n r . ns tl e ii sniiRht to nnphanlrd Ihf Innco o f m ak ing al) po.islhli to nrh lnvr p rnc" . Romo mat th is linn brrti received finiii

•II for I-

liiK bi' I. tell,

otiic m trnlliiW idespirnd "IVn

am pulgns.I'o h r ip dlacnuragn iinr nf r

oils, Kims a n d o the r nilllt« iy t



P riva te In struction In p lant a n d p iano accordlan. Tor ap- im ln tm en t call . , .

Kbmi 8cnoui)i':u JACKLINPh , lOM-W

r. Kaltfnborn'i

3 :« Chuchu Martlnea. aonn 1:00 Dr. Beherer and vesper*1:30 Ptshf»« and r igpbo ttla3:00 Roy Shield encoro muslq2:33 Paul Martin and hU muale3:00 Canadian O nnadler band:::o o o ld e u Qate-band concert< :0 0 H«1eti Traubel w ith orcheatra4 313 uol) Rlplry progrsm5.03 To he annouilc«<1H:00 P ltld i‘ Rippling Khvthm 's!^o w a ltir Wlnchall column« :« Th« ehelr srmphonatte7:00 Oonoart from California8:00 JudT aod Buncb In aons8:10 Prea*.Radio niw s period8:IS Klnii'a Jeatara to d orcheatra—aaat;

W. W lncheil-repeat %o wMt «:30 Lou .Bring and orchMtra S:00 T«d I.ewU and erchaatr*.0:30 Reggie Childs and orehMtra

H ie D ouglas A irc ra ft com panx Was recen tly aw arded a c o n trK t by th e w a r dep artm e n t (o r 177 lwo-en> g lned bom bers a t a cost o( approx- Im aU ly 111,661,648.

H W H E A V YH l l t R P l A l i y

Filterbg Now B«ins: Done «t Thirty Per Oent Above

Aotnal OapaoltyFiltering at a 30 per cent o w r -

load. Twin Falls' v i i« r tT M tlaf plant two miles west o f . th e d t y to working well over capacity In e ' that loca i;clti«n s be (u w ith Water for domestle u h , l revealed this afternoon by Batterlce, superlnteudent.

"Even at the present t la e , ' really warm weather Bok b a v ln t y . •e t in permanently. Ui« p la n t i operating at a 30 per cant < load," Batterlee said. “Th is B™ that wc are having to rush _ water through In approxlm»t« three hours when It sh M ld take ■ hours in order tb assd te ita t* '- properly treated.

"ThB natural flow o f w ater 1 the filtration plant is Inadeqtu' m eet the demsnd and it la“r. saty to bring it In faster by t

booster pump," he said.T he water treated a t the i

comes through a 34 Inch t the low line canal apprt one-quarter m ile distant. I t ters tho plant as raw ' then mixed wipi fu ttr alum, fh&r chlorine Is added and '1 is run into a settling b W the chlorine Is given t la ii to d o l work, providing ths w ater do«t i . . havo (0 bd rushed Into (he

it the present tim e. A ltw thl» , ing process u is returned a n d U

filtered, then a small dose of ch lo ­rine Is' added as It reaches t h i otit^ le t toward Uie city.

"WliBt the plant should h aw ," Batterlee said, "U a 10,000;000 t * ! - Ion storage basin M th a t th e irater could be properly treated. W ith such a storage basin th e w ater would be better treated, better tMt> ing and cooler."

For the past six days, th e luper* lUndent pointed out, aver»c« t t i ^ onsumptlon of water In th e d ig

has been <,900,000 gallons. T h e peak Uils year was reached during th e hot spell parly this week w hich saw the temperature rlM to 103 d e g n e s above. On th a t day domeatlo uses of water in the c ity cam e t o th e new record of &.4U.000 gaU ens. which forced the plant to operate a t a 40 per cent overload.

'In other words," U r . Sattcr lee said, “ws Just had to take th e w ater and run It through as qu leU y a s possible. This was n eceiM iy even w ith the booster pum p going tu n force."

During the warm est day t b i i year the water was treated w ith TBO pounds of flltar alum: | 8 pounds o f chlorine; 38 pounds of activated car ­bon, the latter acting on the water's

Hot Weather Favorites . Are Our SPECIALTY

Sundwichcs. cold drinks and fooda th a t de ligh t ' your fniicy urc a epeclalty a t Sawyer’s. D rive o u t

nnd onjoy a dellcioiiB nnndwich and a cool refresh* iiiff drink. **

D pve Out and Drive InS A W Y E R ’S B A R - B - Q j

ONE OK t h e W E ST ’S


Fainrd fro m c o a a i : >

f o r Itfl o o n g o n U l

hoBplt&llty . • •


Honi NEWHOUSE- — nM.x f./iitr cnT, v t a h-----


H a n (o Hn>rDd Vonr Vacation In U U h Maho Thn No^vlioufWi


$2 la $4

400 Jioonis 400 BatJia

Mra. J. H. Watnm Prrnlclnnt,

H o tfl Y ou r V n o illo i} llpoae Einnlionl Moolii at lU ^ o n n lt lo P rioM


— CAFJEITEKIA —N o E itra CharKO'For

R o o m Horvtflo A t A a j T k M

O h auP M T W . . 1 M


I D A H O E V E N I N G T T M E 8 , T W r f T T A I X S , I D A H O S i T O r i a r . M M H , 1 M 1I

The W H O L t WORLD Consults the NEWSPAPER. Use the _



' S ix «Uy^ p e t llB« per d*y-------- tteThTM d47i. per lln« per day— . »c O na day, per line________

P or sa le: H ousehold >•’*elud ing fum Jtu re . rtiRs. k itchen sup­plies. etc. O w ner Icnvlng c ity . 1B2 W ashlnifton S t. No,

33 1-3% Diflcount F or Cash

C u U dlscouot allowed U adver- Waement b palo lor w llh ln Bcven d a y a - o t . t l n t In M rtlo a PH O N E 38 FO R AN ADTAKER

AUTOMOBILES^ WANTED T O BUV-lOQO a n to ■ w r e c t ?»nrier«‘ Auto Supply. Used

3 D e n t pnohe 33S-W.

■30 Cl)cv. Bcdan, 4 new tires, i; *29 Chcv. coach. »75.00; ’27 . coupc, $30: Ford A coupc. . Chev. roadster. »65.0Q;

FOR s a l e - m isc ella n eo u s

w e have on h a n d a nu inbcr ol 1030 used F o rd T ruclc Radiators, Also 34-33 Chcv. c a r rftdlators. Like new. Low prlcca. T O M FR ITZ RADIATOR W O R K S. 230 N, Mflll). Tw in Falls. . . uT . ,

t\>r sa le: 60 rolls in la id linoleum, prices range from $125 to tS .lS-per yard. 60 0x12 fe lt rugs, prices range from MH5 to P e l t baso floorcovering 45c to 60c p e r ya rd Phone j for estim ate . M pon's.

Electrlcpl’-supp lle* fo r hosia ot (omqietClal H iring. All m aterlaU 'approved by un d e rw rite rs . Lowesi Drlcc3. K rc n g e ls H ardw are.

MUSICAL i n s t r u m e n t s

w a n t e d — MiscellBneooB

W anted: L aw n m ow ers to ' grind. Coil fo r and de llv er^ P h . 220-R.

W an te d -U p h o ls te r ln g . repairing, fu rn itu re refln lsh lng , w indow shade Aork. Cress A B ruley F u rn itu re Co. Phono 653. 130 Second Bt. E ast.


C l a s s i f i e d

D i r e c t o r y

Responsible B usiness P lrm i and ProressionfU O ffices

of Tw in Falls

AUTO TOP & BODY WORKSAuto glass, p a in tin g , body and

render repair. Foss Body W orks.

Expert botfy a d d fender s tr a ig h t­ening. T h o m e ti T op <5i Body Work*

? h o u a tra iler . *140. OCONN-OB

-.Opposite P a rk H oicl


13 fe lt b a A ru g s . 1455; ena- ^__ ______ ________ ________Chev • ffici und trco to (g ra y ), p e r gal.. $3£p. ] ,jnita. A ddress R . P . B lcknel

I F o r sftlo o r lease: Saw tooth cafe I S tan ley . Equipped a n d -re a d y to pe ra te . MUat be opened before the

f irs t. Good spot. W rite or call, Agnes P rakes.

Moons P a in t a n d F u rn itu re Stores. I Idaho. » o r e No. 1. P h o n e 5 : S tore No. 2,Phone 316.

CH ICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAOO—H ogs: .4,000, Including

,&oa d irec t; m artcet nom inally steady a t 112.10 fo r top hogs; few fresli hogs on sale. ^

C a ttle : 1,600; calves ttOO; s teady; g ra in fed s teers a n d yearlings 60 to 75c h lc h c r; g rass s teers 23c low er on killer account; fiktrem c top heavy

Coflectlon E x p er ts ' Bleera I15.6S; lig h t yearling s teers T he S and S p rings ra n c h so u th -1 no collection, no c harge . R oom fl. i $14.60: lie lfer yearlings 26 to ,40c

west o f W endell is fo r salo a t b a r - ' nnugli Bldg. ovftr S ch ram Jo h n so n 's - ' hliiher, 11X30; average prloe a ll ualn prices In e ith e r one « sepnral-' • r iione 1810, T sfln P a lls . Id aho . I k illin g ,ite ers W2.60; h ig h e st In sev-

............... ~ ■” B o l i t ' ---------—— ——— ...................... ................ I en yeais.

B uild ing lo t on I l t h .Ave. No, I n ­quire 1026 Shoshono S t.. No.

COLLECTIONSIdaho Adjustm ent^ ^ r v lc e , Inc .

MARKETS ANDBy United Press



DENVER U V EB TO C KDENVER — C attle : recelpta 180;

■market s teady: beef s teers *9-$14; cows a n d he ifers *6->8.16; calves $0 to llO iO ; feeders a n d stockers *6- 110; bulls »6.»7.00.

H ogs: receip ts 100; m a rk e t nom ­inally steady, few sales 111.25: pa ck ­ing sows tSSO-$IOJO: plge -W.?!., 110.25; s lag s |0 i0-»10.50. ,

Sheep: receip ts 13,800; m arke t s teady; f a t lam bs *10-»11,16; ewes 12,00-84:25. '


A PA RTM EN TS FOB REN TS tu d y and alcove w flh tw in beds.

P b o n e 333.

1 n n . fum . ap t. Nice eleari: A dults only. 223-5th Avc. E.

3 room s imd private b a th , well fu rn ished . Elec. stove a n d refrlg . P h . 1713.

3-room fu m . ap t. C all a f te r 5:30 p . m ., except Sunday . Five P o in t A p t:

F O R '^ A L ff -A Carlow] of H ures- :o Id bulk. Buy w h a t you need, bring back w h a t you hav^'-left. W# loan you a b ru sh to p u t I t on free M cM urtry H o u 5 '. P a in t , ♦ •hour E n­amel, Floor a n d U n o le u m V anilah drys in tw o hours. W e also have ■ largo stock o t W all P a p e r and L in­oleum Rugs. W hy p a y w ar price? Phone 8. Moon's.

BOARD AND ROOMO ood board-room , b a th wk.

148 W ashington.

DOGS, PETS. ETC.G re a t D ane a n d B oston screw -

ta n pu rp les . lU 8 0 . on 9?. O . Q .


Single, tS.00 p e r mo., double 113X10 p e r m o. 349 4 th A re . No.

' R o o m en w a n ^ . *748 Blue Lakes. Ph o n e 1014.

T w o large un furn ished f ro n t room s a n d sleeping porch . .»6.00. 331 3rd Ave. East.


F o r ren t: Com pletely fu rn ish ed 5* room hom e. 145.00 p e r mo. Budlcr W efen e r Co.

•D O N T L S r T H A T PR O PE R T Y a ta n d Idle. Advertise In th e fo r- re n t section.

HELP W ANTEDW anted : Apple th lnne rs . Brow n's

O rchard , Eden. '

Young m an , h igh K hool gradua'te, . fo r em ploym ent In denU ) labo ra ­

to ry . Apply In person. J a ck m a n D enU l U b o ra to ry , 21 S m ith Rice B ldg. Qver Ind . M eat M kt. ,


A tten tion—F a rm ers , D alry - m enl D uplex A. C . E lectric Fence C hargers . G u a r a n t y safe, effec tive . Com plete p re ­paid, »3,C0. H a n se n Bfos,, Box 114, F iler, Id ah o .

TRAILER HOUSES fo r re n t

: A few “will -W ' avhilaWc ; again by Ju ly ,third.■ Make arran g e m en ts I now—


LIVESTOCH and POULTRVH ighest p rices p a id for your fa t

chickens and tu rk ey s . Independent M eat Co. ' '

I P YOXJR F R IE S A RE READY fo r m arket, m ay w e suggest th a t you

'111 find a ready m a rk e t in th e w ant ads.

SA TU RD A Y SALE Team grey h o r ie s , 0 and 7 years,

2660. T ills is a n e x tra well broke team . T eam b row n horses. S. M.


SE E D AND FEEDPew good sacks seed potatoes, BOc

hund red . Also e a t(p g potatoes. P h 0386-R2.. •

. F o r sale o r " re n t : by ow ner, small I Bxreptlim al beau ty w o rk - .a t acreage, sm a ll.c o tta g e In W a.iliiiin -, ,,ri(;e. B eauty A rts Academy, ton school d is tric t. G ard en . pasiurc..j^ jnij, ^ve. W<lltch w ater, e lec tricity , ond c ity w a - 1 --------------------------------------------------ter available. 340 No. E lm St. Ph.444-W.

New 4-room m odern 'hom e . Insula ted, a ll hardw ood-floors

stud io w indow . Im m edlale possession. >300 dow n, $30 per^. .month.

SA N O E R -jO N E S 123 M ain E as t ... Tel, 427


WANTED A good fou r or five-room

strlcUy m odem house In good condition, w ith a ttro c - tlvo oppearance In n o r th or eas t p a rt, fo r cash bu^-or.

SM IT H & M YERS m Shoshope So.

Phone 1064

PAINTING - DJECORATINGK alsom lnlng a n d genera l p s ln t-

mg. E. L S h a ffe r. Phone 1203-J.

For d e a n n e a t paperhang lng . tin ting , p a in tin g —Sec M axson oc W egener's T o u r is t P a rk , C abin No. 7, Sa tis fac tion alw ays.



P a in ting , ka lsom ln lng a n d paper hanging . C a rp en te r a n d cab ine t building. J . W. A dam son & Sons, 137 4 th No. P h o n e 1590-W.

H sb Olaimsr J flv estiy a tio n of E vaders HltB Only, a t

N ew D eal F oes

100 sacks o f, exceptionally good 1st year o u t R usset seed pQtstoes.nv.n.i» B« ' ’


AU kinds of fu rn itu re upho lster­ing . W ork guaran teed . T hom eta Top & Boay Works. Phone 73S>,

DOYoFDo’ ASiTwomTofa n y kind? Inform th e public. Peo­p le w an t to know abou t It. Use a want<«d.

• P a in ting , lupe rlm ng ln jc a n d knl- rom lnlng. K llllngcr As Boren, 200 PoUc BC.

lA w n m ow ers sha rpened . We call for and deliver, S c h a d e Key Shop,' 139 3nd St. So, ( lack I. D. store.

Bxpcrlenced s tenographer w ants position. A-1 recom - m endntlo iu f ii r i) 1 s h e d by governm ent oftUlnls. Phono


Ltoyd Bulky w ltl> ^ c k e r top , I.lkn new. OT7 Muln W. Phono l l l l r

Eleotrlo frnco control m ach lnea Publlo Marko(, a i3 B hoshone No.

W indow OIjs* - iJrlng in your a u h . T hom ets Tup llody Works,

Kegs and Im rrrls, fir, red elm. a n d onk, ft to M) gnln. T w in I 'a lls Vinegar Co,

Auto g to s s -p ls ln and f lh tite rlea a Paiiitlng. Export body a n d fender work. Floor sand rre fo r ren t, P o m ’s ,

Oem tra l irr noniM a n d oiutoiii m ade Uallers, KrrnHel's, T w in I'^ ils, Idaho,

Oat)vaa o t a ll kimts a n d dnacrlp- tions aod canvas repalrlx>g. T liom eU 'I 'op and Uody Works,

F o r sa le; 1 po ta tu ru ltlv u to r for M cConnlrk-iX -rrliiu trarU ir. a 2-row

, horse draw n imtnto ciilllvaKirn. Mt. HUta» Im p. Oo.

F o r sa le : Screen doora. avrcen w ire, berry cui>s a n d a rse n a te of lead for spray . M oon’s P n lm and Fu rn itu re atones. P hone fl.


O an also supply cab les and |m lleys a t a W e de-

o a l l 'a o i - j B uhl, Ida .

O x y -a c e ty lM e and^ electrlo are welding. All w ork guaran teed K rengel'a Ptione 465.^

Custom kilting , c u rin g and smok Ing mei^ta. P hone 36. Independent fuck ing P lan t.

Dee^Llne align m en t Ipr auto (ramea, axles, hard steering and tire wear. Wheels straightened. Foss'a.

■WASHINGTON, J u n e 25 lUPJ — Rep. H am ilton F ish .. R-. N. Y. charged today th a t th e Jo in t con' gresslonot investiga tion of ta x avoid' once Is ^ "InquLiltlon" to single o u t New D eal foes fo r "punish ' m ent."

He dem anded th a t Uie com m ittee exam ine th e ta x reco rds of P residen t Roosevelt, m em bers o f h U family, Secre tary of th e T rea su ry -Henry M orgentnau, ]r., P ostm a.ite r O enem l Jam eS jA . Farley a n d Je sse Jones, fh a lrm o n of th e reconstruction f i ­nance corporation.

I He asserted th a t h e h a d checked th e n a m u of p ro m in e n t person.? b rough t in to the ta x Inquiry th u s f a r a n d found th a t w ith few excrp* tlon.i “they nro those w ho con trib ­uted to th e «\m pi\lgn fu n d s aRfthnt th e re-elec tion of P re s ld e n i Roosp.

a rc "opponent.i o f th e nd. m in istration ."

T h e m ain excrptlons. h e nald, an tlw "o'^nerii n t th e Rcrlpiw-Hownrtl nha in of new.siu«i>crs, fo rn i r r n rd riit supporters of lltc P re M aiC b u t which

' now—perhnixi by ro ln rlilencc—i opixMlng . thn P rrs ld rn t 's plan pack th e suprrm o c o u rt a n d destroy th e Indepenilencfl o f th e judic iary."

R obert-P , Bcrlpp.i, h is fa th e r , the la le B, W, /?crniii).i, h o y W , Howard, W, W. ITnwkliii lu id ' T ho ions L Sldlo, all n ,«K ln lrd w ith ScrlpiM. How ard cn trrprlnrs, weru included am ong th e lint of p rom inen t p e r­sona mho were at>te to reduce th e ir federa l Inrnm r taxes th rough tab lU hm riit of |>ernona1 holding poratlons.

Are you going to b iilld? FH A long term loans on hom es. Hurtftr Weg.

di Co.

SP lllN Q PIL L E D M A m iE S a K a MADE FROM Y O U lt OLD ONES M attresses ren o v a ted and^reoover- ed. Wool card ing . T w in Falla M at-

Factory. P h o n o 51W.

O A RH UU ETO Iia - C arbure tor p a rts and scrvlce. P . Q , H, M otor Hcrvlce. 2au Ohonlion# S t. W est, Tw in F a lla

IJarlpy, i>ut4. w hen t, corn , a lfa lfa meal, txinn nxiU , charcoa l, cotton ' « « } menJ, JInnfvd in rftj, /M h m eat, sa lt, Hrit. fu l. 'l tr . tiyn lrr shell, dlnn oil, Blih h m ln rrn ls , (Uulw Seed


A tten tion fu m ie in -We spe- rlftllKi In a rc w rldlnu, h lack- nnilfhliiu. ii-pulr witrk, PHir Ntle. a ll lv|M' iritllpts, Nnw l.VI>fl ntowlntf initrlilnit, ml.

of. lh>fli>ll«),

A < rro iH ^ o u o L A « a - W IN IJrt in in .D AND

W INDOW (il^AfiS

No Charge for labor setting g ls u it ynu will l)rlni[ yoUr losh or drive your car In.

C I O H t A l L W O K R S’II/ IW

O hitnnoya S p o u t S m o k o r B to e l 'P la n ta R u o p o n in

S t r ik e Z one

- O inO M E T H lS T

I Sheep: 3,6oO; s teady; sp ring lam bs - ' strong to 25c h lg h rs ; yearlings a n d

sheep steady to s trong; week’s top native spring lam bs *12,50; la te bu l^ to packers *11.75 to *1255; w eek's

Moved from room 4 to 10 in sanlo 82^.^“ ? S .o “ S S e S

i025: slaugh te r owe? *250 to ,* 4 i0 .

OMAHA LIVESTOCK O M A H A -H ogs: 1,500; 1.300 d i­

rec t; a ll c |p sc 3 nom inally s teady ; scattered sales good to choice 180 to 260 lbs. *11 to *11,15; fo r th e week. 15 to 40c h igher.

C a ttle; 300; no calves; for th e week, fed s teers and yearlings m o st­ly 50 to. 75c h ighe r; p la in ^ o r t f e d s lit tle changed; good to cnolcfe fed he ifers 25 to 60c h ighe r; g rass h e i­fers w eak; good a n d cholco cows s teady; o the rs 25 to 50c low er; veal- e rs 60c low er; stockers a n d .le e d e rs steady to 26c low er; bulk fed s teers a n d yearlings j ! l to 113; 1618 lbs. 515,75; p r a c t lc a l \ o p vealers *8.60; ligh t fea riln g stodjtcrs- M.

S h e e p ; . l.BOO; for Uio w eek: slauRliter lambs. 25 to 60c lowi yearlings steady to 25c hlghi sheep weak to 25c lower; la te bi choice na tive " sp rin g lam bs * week’s to p *11,50; la le top Ida! *10.00; fed sh o rn yearlings slaugh te r ewes * 2 i0 to *3.75; crop feed ing lam bs *8^0 t<j^»^-

OGDEN LIVESTOCK OGDEN—H ogs: tu rcft'cek , 25 to

50c lilgher; bulk good a n d choice bu tchers *11.45 to *11,60; m U ed kinds *10 to *1125: few lots feeder pigs *9 down* bu lk sows *7,60 to *8.35, few lig h t kinds u p 't o *9 a n d above.

C a ttle: fo r week, rccclpts 986; cows lower; o th e r classes about steady ; b est s teers J9 J8 on 27 head from local feed lo t; average 960 lb.


W IM BLED O N , E ngU nd, June ‘ 6 (U,R>—B a to n U o ttf r ied von C ra m n . G erm a n y 's No. 1 player, today, e lim in a te d G ene M ako of Los A ngeles from th e AU-Eng- land t e n n i s chatop ionsb lps m en 's singles. Scores w ere 6-0, e-2, G-3.

T h e ,v ic to ry p o t v>n C ram m in to (he q n a rtc r fin a l b raeket w hich a lre ad y em braces D on Budge of O akU nd . Cat., Frankie P a rk er o f H prlng Lake. N. J , a n d D ryan G ra n t of A tlanta.


(By U n ited T r fH ) \A T IO N A I.

P h ilade lph ia ............... 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 -4PltUiburgh .................. 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 -5

W{>ltors a n d Atwwxl; B lanton and Todd.

lilcaRO ......................... 01000000— 1Hoyt, But<-her a n d I 'h d p s;

(iiicl H a rtn e tt.

lE M fU n iR E S

CHIOAQO, Ju n o 29 (U.fO—W heat fu tu res w ere u nder continual p res­su re from p ro fit-tak ing on th e Chi- cago board of trad e today a n d prlccs d ipped despite o ttc m p u by local longs to re in s ta te lines.

F u r th e r w eight h it th e m arke t w hen w eakness in M inneapolis s ta r te d stop-loss selling and some reo lliln g sa les here .

A t th e closo w heat was to c e n t lower, new com ’• cen t lower to V, c en t h igher, /old com H cent h ig h e r a n d oat« to cent h lgh - “ •

H edgttig operaUons were in -evl- dence from th e s ta r t when th e m a r­k e t was uneven and ran Into sell­ing.

C o m followed an im cven trend m o st of th e se&lon as tlic Decem­b er c o n trac t continued to be back­w ard. P ro f it- ta k in g sales oppeared n t th e opening b u t buying by local 'leaders Induced Uic reins ta tem en t of long lines.

NBW YO RK , Ju n e 36 (U ,» -T h e m a rk n closed lower.A laska Ju n e au ........... ....» ....N o salesAUled C hem lcar.’ ............... ... .... 217AlUfl C h a lm e r s _____________ 68A m erlcaii C an ____________ _ 92

A tchison. T opeka ic S a n ta Pe .A uburn M otors .......... .. ............... loB altim ore is Ohio — .... ...... 20B endlx A v ia tio n '..... ..

82 22 VI

L C ase Co..........................No salesChi-. MU., a t , Pau l i t Pacific _ 1?;C hrysler Corp. ----------------------W HCoca Cola

G RA IN T A B l^CHICAGO—O raJn ronge;

W hea t: O pen lU ch Low CloseJ i l y ____ 110 116'. 114?» 1151.3S ep t........ ..,„110>t 1 I 7 \ 1I5U lie 's ,Dec.............. IlOH nO\ 117S 118',i

C o m :'(o ld )Ju ly .......... O ' 123aCorn; (ne»^Ju ly ......... 123>4 123n 122 123»;S e p t . ------- lOOU 109'. 107S 103DCC. ------- B0\ 80-. 7 8 'i 70;,

O ats:Ju ly 41’i 42’. 41-'. 42>iS e p t. ------- 38Vi 38’. 3T.i 38

D e c . _____39H 39'.-> 3 8 ^ 39ViE ye:

J u l y _____89 B9 87V; 87SSept. 84'.-i 844 83 83’iD ec. ......... B5‘j B6 8 4 \ B5'5

*6,75; few lots m ed. and good feed­ers *7 to *7-35; m ed. and good he ifers *7.to*7.76; com. gra&sers *5 lo *6-50; very few good cows here ; few loU *6,75 ta i* 6 ; com. to m ed. M-SO-to *6.60; c u tte r grades *2.80 to *4-25; bulls *4,75 to *8; bcs i veal calve.i fS.50 to *0,50: com. (0 m ed . vealers *6 to *8,

S heep: fo r-w eek , receipts 47,758; mo.<)Uy Ida.': sp ring *9.00 to*10,76, w ith bulk a t *10,50 to *10,75; few so r tj o t *8.70; trucked In lamba *9.50 to *10.25; c a r 131 lb. Ida. ewes *3.60. sorted 62 head n t *2,J&; me<l, and g^od trucked In cKe.s *3 lo *3.50; cull and com. *1.60 to *2.60 .

CASH GRAI.V CH ICA G O —W hea t No. i hard

No. 3 m ixed $1.24',i; No, 2 *1.25 to *l,25 '3; No, 5 yellow ^ p l e grade *1,12 to *1.14;

'5 m ixed *1.15.s ts : No. 1 w hite 51’4c; No. 2

-hlto 50;^ to 60*ic; No. 3 white 49 fie ; sao ip le g rad e 45c.

Ry«; N o sales.B ariey : F eed 53 to 67c; m alting

75 to 87c,T im othy seed—unquoted.Clover seed—unquotecl. ‘


FVTVRE POTATO TRADES (Q B otatlons furnished by Sodler. W eteo er A Co.)

Novem ber dellverj-: 1 c ar, *1,65; closing b id a n d ask, *1.63 to *1.65.

Boston ,. ............................ o o o o - 0C lnclnnsU .............................. 1000— 1

H ush a n d Lopea; Orl.isoiu and V, Davis,

New Y o rk - Ut. I /iu ls—

M elton a n d M ancuso; Uylia And Ogrodowskl,


IJetrolt ,. . .New Y o r k .................

W ade a n d T eh b e th kosy, a n d D lrkey.

000 040 1-n 000 010 0-1 (lobcf, Ma'.

PORTLAND JUVE8TOCK PO R T L A N D -H oga: 'w eek 's totfll

4833. C om i«red week ago, markr!t m ostly 50c higher w ith advance afti-i; m ld-w cek; curly bulk 105-215 lb. d riv c -Ia i *10.75. o ftslng sales up to *11.35, carload loU. early *11, 220-2X0 lb, nnd 100 lb. down 60 lo 76c under prevailing top; ]w ckln»«ow s *7,50 lo *8; feeder pigs m o a tly l io lo *10,23,

CaU le: w.ctk'n toU l 2405. calvrs 605, Conyjfred one week ogo, entile g rading m ed, nnd g « ^ fully ;J5c higher despite Aome la le weiikiicss, few dry led s teers *9,60 lo *10, com. down to *7,79; bu lk grassers *d lo *8.60, c u tters down to *9; g rass he lf- ern *S.SO to *7.50. few to »«.60; fa t dulry lyi*f,cow s up U> *3.75, kwhI young COW.H *7,J3 lo *7,60; bulls *3,75 to *0J3, ICurly vealer lop *0, com . to med, *4 lo *7,

Shfcep: week's to U l 3200, Cotni>ar ed one week a g o .m ark e t strong to 240 h igher, bulk *<)o<l nprlng lomb.> *10. few to *1023. one carloiMl *10.33, rom . lo n ird , *7 to *1)50; yeurllngB *5 lo *0, few to *0 .60; med, to gocHl ew«a *2 U> *J-23, few to *3M , com. doffn to *1.

030 002 1- n 0(K) 000 0- f)

M arcum

HI. I/)iils Donton .

W nlkiip nri(> Ifuffinntr and D etiuutrln.

Cleveland ..........................0(K) 000 0-I 'h lln d rlp h la ............... 100 400 I - f l

l ln n le r a n d P y tlnk ; U om and Con

MOON’SPhofia •

YOUNOflTOWN, O,. Juno 35 niB —U nion lendcra sun u n o n rd nteel Workers to a " io ll< lu rlty rally to ­day as Rt«7r'nilll rh lin iicy s litack- eited th e sky i>l»iig A n irrlrn 's "IKlIn R u h r" fo r tlin riinl tlnie<lii a inontli o t labor coiUll<'l. /

Jo lm O w niB ,« , I, C M h a ln im n for Ohio, aiinounci'il i h t ^ th n w ar frnn t of sleet nlilWnn frin .iln r.I "nn- broken" droplti- t r tii rn n( niiuiiiniuls of m en lo tlir nillln o f Vcuuijjnlown Hlieet fit Tiil>f C l., nnd of lieimblli' Hleel ^ n > ,

tlh lfts chiinKi'il a t th e Vmnius- tiiwn mills im ilrr jiro irr lto n <if mllllln an<l wiiIkivh any Brrl<>ii.i ni- tenn il nl. In ln fn I'liro on tlin p m t o l m rng rr p irk r t lines. I 'd ir c nl "lop 14 of thn m ain H lierl At ’nil.p C:o,, rn tra tir ii u t (lampt>oll rsllm ali'd th a t t>rlwr(in :i.lli)0 a n d 4.000 nirii Miarclird Imik to work ntKiii a fte r ilttwn. Compnuv offlrla ln pnihnalnl Umt aniunil i;i,(mh) of ih r nminl 32, WK) w o|kein w eir Imrk n l llielp Join,

I 'U ns weto rom iilnlcd fn r gradual re-oi)fiilnK of o the r nillln. iticlndlng tlioMt Hi C anton and (Ileveland nnd for stepping up inieratlona of planU

Ira T aylor F iren Five

H ighw ay D intrlct H eads

IIOKIE, Id aho . J iiiie 2« (UR>—inva hiKtiwny dintrlots In IhA ntnln to<lay w rin W llhoiit nui>ervln()rh as a resu lt of an econom y move nn tlin j » r t of Ira Tiiylor, ill re rlo r o t jn ililld ’works,

'I'nylur (lls ih a rg ed m a in tenance nu|)eivlA<irn. a n d . a iu io u n re d ' t l i a t Ihelr dn tlrn w ould t>e tran s fe rred to residen t engineers.

T he or.lUin will nave al>out *2,000 ;>«‘r m niitli. 'I 'ay lor said,

Iln natd ho |Millllrn w ere Involved In tlin rlmiiKe. t l i a l I t wan m erely a move Uiwnrd r(-<moii)y.

CH ICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO. — W e a t h e r clo\idy,

tem p. 67; sh ipm en ts 1,231. arriva ls 99. tr*ck 294, supplies m odera te , d e ­m and slow, m nfkel: C alif, slock slightly w eaker. Boutiicm stock good quality and" condition ab o u t steady, stock show ing heated ond" decay weak. W ash . R usset B u rbanks com ­b ination grade 1 c a r * U 0 ; Calif. W h ite Ro.v> u nder Ice 3 c ars $1,70; 1 c a r *l.Q7’i ; 2 ctiVs *1.05. 3 cars *1.60, under v e n tila tion 1 c a r *1,63,

r *1.45; Mls-Murl Cobblers p a rt­ly g raded 2 cars *1.25; N. C aro lina Cobblers i c a r *1.40, 1 c a r show ing decay c a r m ixed No. one*1,45 a n d No. two W c; N. C ar., Bliss T rium ph l \ - l n c h ;n ln lm um 1 car *1,00, 1 c a r * U 3 . 1 c a r *1,60; Ark, Hlls.1 T rium ph 1 c a r *1,50, 1 tcar sliowlng healed some decay $1,30; Okla. DUm T rium ph 1% -lnch m in i­mum m ost offerings show ing heated some, decay 1 c a r *1,40. 1 c a r *l.a5, 4 enrs *1,30. 1 e a r *1,16, 1 c a r *1.10. r cur *1,00. la te F riday , showing decay, 1 car *M 0, 1 c a r $ iM ; OkI«. Cobblers 2 cars generally good con­dition *1,40, 1 c a r show ing decay *1,00; MI.U Mllaa T riu m p h early Bat. 1 car m U ed No. one 11.40 a n d No. two *1.00.


A m erican R ad ia to r _, A m erican Sm elting A m erican T elephone A m erican Toboccn B .. A naconda Copper ..

19% - . 83 .-181H _ 77H .. 61H

. 13'JC om m onw caltli St S outhern .... 2>iC ont, O il of D e law are .......No salesC o m P i ^ u c t a ............ ................ 60UD u P o n f d e N em o u rs________ ,16IViE as tm an K odak -.....—,.T.______ 172UE lectric P o w r A L ight 17G enera l E lectric .......... ............ ^ 5 2G enera l Food* ............ .............. 37!»G en e ra l 'M otors — .... ............... . 60G oodyear TIry .................. ...........37^iIn le rn a tlo n a l H arvester ........ 107 UIn te rn a tio n a l Telephone ........... lOUJo h n s M anvlllo .................... N o salesK enneco tt Copper .................... .. 66WLoew's Inc . ................ ................. 95 VjM ontgom ery W ard — ..... ......... 63?.N ash K eW Inalor ................ ......... l7 ) iN ational D airy P ro d u c ts_____ 19‘iN tw Y ork C e n t r a l .......... ............ 36'!iP a c k a rd M otors .............. ............ 8 ’kP a ram o u n t P ictu res _ _ C _ „ 17?*J . C. P enney Co............. .............. C6PemiQ. R . R. J5TiP u re OU ....L7' iR adio Corp.- ......... .................. 8 ’nR adio K eith O rp h e u m ___ ..._ 7'.-iR eynolds Tobacco B _________ 49^iS ea rs R oebuck . B7’,-jS hell U nion O il ____________ 27%S im m ons Co. . 45‘iSocony Vacuum ....... ............... ,.. I 9 ‘,.jS o u th e rn Pacific .........................43'»S ta n d a rd B r a n d s ______L_____ l l ’ iS U n d a rd Oil of Calif. 40''*

T rans-A m erica ...^ .......................12!U nion Carbide & C arbon ..........08U nion Pac ific ........ .................... 124U n ited A ircraft _____________ 28TU. 'S . S tee l, com _____________ 07

W este rn U nion .W estlnghouse E le c t r ic ..... ......... 139P . W . W oolw orth Co__________44!>

N aU onal DlaUllera ____ ____________ ^ ........ .............. ......................N o rth A m erican A viation 1114 Colored hens. 4 lo 6 Ih*., L iquid C arbonic Corp. 'S a few ay S t o r e s .......

N. Y . CURB EXCHANGEA m erican Super Power .....No salesC ities Service, com _


Sodler. W egener * Company BU> B ld f .- r b o tw l i t


J« n « 3« (U.P)_1UU. ro a d sh a re s led th e stock m arkeb low er in doil trad fng today. . -

T h e ra llrood average sank Into n ew low g round for th e year. Losses ran g e d to 6 !i polnta to U nion p ^

,Y ." ‘oN o ^ e m Pacific 26%. o ff H i : C h ica g o % rea t W estern 8 \ o f f l * i ; P e nnsy lvania 35',i oft A llegheny corporation p referred w itlio u t w erranui 30, o ff t ; and Al- le g h e iv p r e f m e d w ith *40’ w arran ts 34. Off 3?*, a ll new lows.

O th e r ra ils were donm 1 to 3

C o ast Ilnc.,.,C hesapeahe i i oh Io G re a t N o rih em . Louisville as N ash- v ille . a n d SouU iern Pacific

S tee ls w eakened a fte r a brlef^re*. covery follow ing a n Irregular open­ing . S tee l com m on ranged betw een 08 i a n d 9 0 'i , th e l a t t * - o f f l ' ; po in ts . Sm aller losafc* were noted In Y oungstow n Shee t & Tube, B e th ­lehem a n d Republic.

U tilitie s a lso joined tlie decline C h ry sle r lost more th a n a po in t a n d ' G en e ra l M otors a fraction In I h a y ^ ' au tom obile division. R ailroad eou lPM m c n ta followed th e c arriers d o w ^ OUs w ere o ff fractions to m ore tlw n a p o in t c o p p ers eased. W esting- h o use E lectric was off m ore th a n 3 po to ta In I t j section. Chem icals d ip ­p e d ^ a l l a m oun ts ds did aviations

R u b b er shores m e t some suppd rt repo rU of an Im pending 15 p e r

c e n t Increase In tire p rices o ri­g in a l equipm ent. In te rn a tio n a l P a - p c r p referred m ade a sm all ga in c o n tra ry to th e general-trend .

N ew Iw s .w e re m ade by A m erican B a n k ITote. A m erican Locomotive Pres.scd Steel C ar f irs t p referred a n d se v e ra l other,s.'" —■ S to ck sa les approxim ated 290,000 sh a re s , agalnsv 220,000 la,st Katm-- day . C urb stock sa les tota led 74 OOO a g a in s t 62,000 a week ago.

D ow Jo n e s prelim inary closing a v - ' e ra g es ; In d u stria l 168,45, o ff l u - r ^ 61,06, o ff I J l ; utUlty 26,06. o ff

L o c a l M a r k e t s f— ------------------------------------ — t

Buying PricesGRAINS

S o ft w hea t .......... ...................... ... Jl.OO

BEAN&(M ark et tum lshed by R. E.

G a m a n d , U. & Bean' lospeelor). AU dealers ou t of m arket.

POULTRY A T RANCQ 2 8 9 i , ^ l o r e d hens, over 6 lbs.

L egho rn b ro ilen , I J j to 2 lbs.------H o \O ld cocks .S t a g s ____ , .............. .............

(Above p r le tf a n fo r A grade, Bm g rade , 1 cen t (ess. C grade, h a ic f p rice ).

PRODUCENo. I b n tte r fa t -------------No. Z b n t t e r f a t_________E g n . s p e c ia l----------------E x tra s ................. - J _____H tan dards .............. ...........W hite*, m edlam .........C om m ercials ........ .............P u lle ts .

INVK8T.MENT TRUHT8P u u d . In v ..................................... *23,07Ptind . T ru st, A'. .......... ................ * 6.05Con), T n in t .......... ...................... * 24)4Q unr. In e ............. ....................... *17.05

M INING UTOCKH IJuHkcr inn and aullh-ait No salesM tn . C ity Copper ....... *I0,25-*10.60P a rk C ity C o n so lid a ted ................22cSilver K ing Conlltlon ........ No sa lesS unsh ine M ines .............. .......... *17.60T ln tlo S tan d a rd ...........................*7.40


llt>«8; fur five «li»ys; fl,77S. Including' l,aso d irec t; com pared lost Friday, 23-460 up; week's bulk 100-230 lb. Im tchers |ll,4 0 -* ll.8 0 , abou t lOU lirad ligh t pigs early to o o ; odd lot 111) lb w eights *0,76; bulk packing sows *8.79'*U,25; today 100, steslfc' lop *11,03,

C atllo , for five days: 1,600, hi- nhidlng 360 direct; s teers steady to 26o h ig h e r; bulk 926-111)8 lb. g rass steers *7.70-*0,00, com m on dow n to 4.100, ioaif 02 lb. Im proved M exloaiu *7.26, good fed sleers quoted u p to an iund 118 60; g rass he ife rs *7 U> down; mc<llum-go(xl g rass cowa *4.00-16.70, comm on to gobd hulli)Hoo-ia.oo.

Calves: F or five days, 3M, In ­cluding 316 d irec t; com pared last F riday, nom inally steady ; few m rd. a n d good vealers 47 to |8 ; choice quoted W.RO,

fifieep; F u r f lf» days, 4.036, In- e ludlng 376 d irec t; coin;>ar«d lani Friday, steady lo »0q lower; hulk m ed. ond good 63 to T7 lb, woolm sp ring lainlui *u to giO; com . am i m ed, kinds f l to »8 ,4 0 ; cuH atul med. lig h t sh o rn lam bs |0 J 6 to *7.76; few good slu irn yearilngs n to *6; fdw good mod. p e lt slsuiili Ic r ewes *3; rom . nnd mod, *l(ii^

WOOLD o a r o N — Because o t Inability

to m ake Im m ediate dellveclea of wool from th « B oston m a rk e t on a cc o w it,o f the . s trike , m ill buyjiur for c u rren t needs w as s h u t off during UiQ p a s t week, th e U. H. agriculture dep artm en t reiw rled to- day. #

lliiyerB, however, continued to look a round for wools they may need Is le r b u t m ade few com m it­ments, IV splte lack of trading, the re woa a fairly confiden t under- lone reKnrdIng wool pricen anil (juoUtlonn were unchanged on sjk)1 wools. G raded com bing O hio fteeers were quoted nom inally a t 40-42 rei)ls h) the greoite for fine DeUlne. a t 42-43 cen ts fo r s tap le combing

bIoo<l, a t 43-44 oenU fo r blood and s t 43-43 cen ts for 'A blood.

Program to Close Vacation School

KIMUKHLY, Ju n o 30 (Bpecl.U A si>*elai program U to m ark clos- IhK exercises Qt th e com m unity dally Vacation Bible school 8 u n - •<>y S t 7 p. m . a t Uie MaU>o<llst ehurch. P arenU a n d frleftds will liKvn an opportunity to Insneet the handwork «if th e school a s tlin doors »|ien lit 0 p. m .

All departm en ts of tiie sc.hool will Jfi iJte |>rogram whM i

will Irirlude m usical num bers , d ra- niiitliAtUms, a play a n d a sliorl Ii.utrrns hy J>r. A. O , Henrlck^.

M f”'t>er* of ih e com m unity are lin lled to a tten d .

Markets At A Glance

Which Imve been e rlppled try p leket- Ihg.

At C an ton , tlhc iK I .loseph NInt i>|i|iDn1ed 4(1 Onv. M artin I., I>»vey f»i' more triKms In p irpA rntlon for ir-o|>eiilng of iwi> Bliuck phintA


I te lu m lo PM tU ndMr. and Mrs, 0 . L. MtiDiuilrj,

Po rtland, have returne*! to Uk'I i home a f te r vli(ltlng M r. M eUanirl'h liroUier, W . M .'M oD anlel. HoIII.i K'i T heir rou te to IW U sn d is by iiw, Valley, Bpokan* an d W lllngliam .

iitocks lower a n d du ll; ra ils weak. I'oihIs lower; govem m enta lower.

' Curb flloeks Irregularly low^r, I'orelgn exchange Irregular;

i ' l iu ih franclt itreiigU iens.Ciillou fu tu res sligh tly easy, o ia l i t tu iu res easy,“ liver lit N m don IBU i>ence a line

OllCUT, lip 1-18.

SPECIAL WIREC o u rt« y o t

S U n d a rd Beenrllles Co. r r r r ln e iln tcl ISldg. Pbone *27


Am erican Hllver ........(A.ikcd)

..................25Ariirlte Gold ...... ..................5(>Dayrock ................ .........:. . i.no(Inom e O o ld .............. ..................02%Orniidvlew ..... 17',4llfc la .................... ............. 17.50I.iicky Jim .................. ,03',4M rln llne M A: I.......................... 1,12M etallne M etals ........ ,11M ornlnir G lo r y ............ ,1K»l ‘>)larls .......................... .............. 0 2RI’rem ler O old .............. .............. 3,40Hllver Hum m it ............ ,7ftH unslilne .......... ........... ..............18.36H unshlne Cons, ...................OftW ellington .................04W hile W aler ............ .................13

MKTAIJINKW YORK - TiHlny's i;iu t0 in

su te lte rs prices for delivered .m etals (cen ts i>er ixmnd):

Copi>er:' eleclrolytln 14; export 1412,

T in : s])ol slralghlA A7U lx‘a d : New York 0OU-,on; K ast HI.

U m is 0.86,Zlno: New York 7,10; K sst HI,

Ix»iils fl.7B; 3urt quarte r n.Ofl.Alum inum , vlrnln; 20-21; s n t l -

inoney, American: I4 ti.I 'la lln u m , dollars |>er ounce: 40-

62.Quicksilver, dollars per flMk of

70 lbs,: f)a nomhisl,'I tingslen , powdered, dollars »>er

p ound; IJW-.M.W olfram ite, i.lilnese. do llars p e r

u n it •'! |i/u ntoUIllo con ten t ' d u ty pa id : 10-20,

Hchediiled domeitlo a irlines i .. r ied, du ring February, IBJ7, 68.00B

Eggs. Ungraded, fn t r a d e _______ I7ePu lle ts , In t r a d e ....... ......... ........ .,„ l3o

LIVESTOCK C hoice lig h t buiefaers,'iOO to

200 {w anders ..........................*10.50O v erw elih t butchers, 210 to ,

250 poundc;rs .................... S>..lO verw eight bu tchers, 250 to

300 poond rrs ...............................*0,75U nderw elfh t btftehers, 115 to

160 pounders ..............................Paekltig sow*. Iljtht------ : ______ »h,ooP a c k ln j sows, heavy........ ............*7.30

!,, *10.00

F a t c o w s _______________ iV ealers ......................... .F a t ip r ln g la m b t................V ea rlh if la tnbs ................1

M ILL FF.KI)&B ran . 100 p o u n d s.............D rah , 600 |

I BUTTER, EGGS J • -------------------------------•

le la 16^4c; Jobbing prices, fla ts 20-

LOH AN<lt:l,EH I'O U A N G E L E H .-nulter; E x ira

33a; p r im e 'f i r s ts S lH c ; stnndards 30(1; undergradA 28e.

-argn mun iiiirhaiiurd.W entern rheese: T rip le t ila l" lr i

17c; longhorns 17',ic; loiifs IBo.

CHICAOO O H iO A ao~ l£gga : M arke t f irm ;

reeelptfl ifl.fljx cases; fVesh graded flrsU I8 U 0 ; exV |i tlrnt^ aOc; cu r- r e n l recclpU lOn; d ir lirs 16c; rliecks 17c; niorsgn packed firsts 2 le ; s to i- sgn pneked extlfas 21Mn.

H iilter: M arket nteoily; recn lp is ' 10,207 tiib i; ex tra firsts 20 to 3 « '4 r; n x lra 30e; f lrsls r i to 2aU c; sec ­onds 2S to 35e; a lo iidards 20U c; spe- elaU 30',4 Ui 3lo; c en tralised aflVie,

Cheese; 'I'w int 16^ lo lOc; daisies 10% Id lO’in ; longhorns 10',4 10in‘l,c.

LONDON BAR HILVKk IX JN D O N -Ilsrj. silver was fUwi

a t IDU ]>enoe a u ounce todsy. ndvaiioo, o f l/IO penny, lls sed ou s t e r ^ U t 'a l *4.376, th e A uierkaii e qu ivalen t Was 44,30 s fu ts a finn ounce, com iw rcd w ith 44 08 c en ts , yen ten lsy . I'Htrward silver was q u o t­ed a t 10. 10,16 pence au-i^Oiica. up 1/lQjwnny,


Saturday, June 2 6 ,19S7' IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FAj^S, IDAHO fa g e Seven : ’ !


T n y m o E V K N m c m r e s , t w t o f a tx s . id a h o . 8»t0nl<j', J bm M, MW



•V - V

T exas O ongi^ssm an Says M ost o f T im e W as Spent

In Jok ing B a n te r .

[ nKUtor's not«: Tb* foUowlDC ito rr ‘- - 1 w rltlca to r .the United Preu by

--------- 'iiury MiTWlclt. D..____.,.ndw l the Democrstie

. . . j feut** wlUi President Roocevelt t JeTferton Uland. No resMrtan were ~B*ent bu t Uaverlck to ploch*i M « lovratllst, Be edmKfed' Ms —« ln t m lg h t.b e rtlghUy dUfet'ent

t St a. pra(esaton«l n e n a u n v i ^ l b e leader of K-moTement

_____ j great deal- of aerloi;s legu-jUv* dUctutloD with the Idle .biDter t get-^ t h e r . ) ^

S r M AU BT MAVEKICK | | r . s . B epnM ntoU fb tOth T e x u

' D k tiie t[ -A N N A P O U S tJ i* . Ju n e 2 6 - ( J u s t U ter 1 got 6V navy patrol boac,

I Jellcrson ialand)—T he Prcal- sa ile s , M d raiunbJu sonie*

P (w h ich-1 ahaU later relatei, r la d in g s , who is elao a gen> • fann er and ae a liu t tl<e

sid eot’A supremo court p)&n,! ~aboUt 'til4 cbJckens and his

jubeat; the aun ahlnea, cabinet o fll- ^ s are aU alfable, although Secre- . i u y H ull l8 very d lg n U le d - lt Aa a

. awell party, and n o one takes A ato a t Harry Hoplclns. In other words, loTB Is niprcme; Jt Js one big famUy.

b lea v e W ashington a t the rise o f the sun, w ith Congressman leao of CallfonUa, Coffee o f Washington,

- th e new Johnson from Texas, and Bigelow o f Ohio. On the somewhat narrow and winding road to An-

. napolls we fly along, ^ d the lun rises as prettily as you ever saw It.

N« A d^nn un en t Through the - naval academy

grounds we drive,' oti to th e dock. We embark on a patrol b oat.of the navy^ and d o v ^ th e Chesapeake we

Y es, We are steam ing down Ute O heapeake to - aee the President. Talking to olbera, i t M enu few con* grssBoen dow w ant to ' «di<nim.

-T h e n Beveral o f us agre« th a t we wlU t«U 46e PrasU ent.w hat we think ~WB w ant th e supreme court, the agricu lture' kod tenant, housing, m inim um w age and som e other bills, passed th is session.

About a m ile from the Island we can go no farther. M otor boats take us there. I t Is a ll quite beautiful, and w e see th e President sitting un­der a g n a t locust tree. We bUo off, and sHake hands w ith the Presi­dent.

Congressman D lcksleln regaled, h im se lf In th e aun; four others went swlmmlQf; beer was servedand Cotton Ed Sm ith told the Pres-

three Jokes. M artin Dies of TezM m ade w itticism s. 'secretaries Bu ll, Wallace, Cum m ings and Roper wero a ll pleasant, although they did n o t s p ^ of m atters concern­in g farelgQ affairs, agriculture, law (especially the court) and com­merce, respecUvBly. Dr. W. W. Al­exander, head of resettlement, sat on the ground, and did hot know he was sitting on a batch of mul­berries.

In the early afternoon Jim Parley arrived and . ^ v l n McInCyro ttwk

^ S ev e r a l o f us had oome to tell Oir stm y. B u t It didn’t seem Just right to ruin a good party by being serious. .Besides, we were told, our BtAtement liras in nix morning pa­pers, and the President hsd read them all. Bo wa did not preu our point.

Oitrleh Island , ,Finally someone said the boats

had arrived t* take us back. I elln- ped up 10 u ie President and mum- w ed our m essase. and hero Is wiiere 1 cannot violate good maKners I jann ot uay w hst Uio President sold, but it teemed to m e ho mumbled, in fact said, someUilng very couragbw.

^ t as wo steamed back to Anna- polls, T though wo m ight have

nam ed Uie place Ostrich islai all o f us kept our heads sand, when w«v were not U lklns about thb weather, or leUing K 8 tm . you never cnn tell. bfcnuM ail of tile private converMiiioiis were m osUy to^rjio Ibotf, arid tlicro w cm - ed a rather miiverBal opinion iim t wo should stay here until the Job is done.

Mississippi Appears iFliick to Southern Idaho Bojr Scoiits

- - • (E vening T im es Special - Com tponini)

N IA aA R A T A U iS . N. Y. (En route to W ash ing ton w ith the Jam boree T roop,) Ju n o 2»-^A fter stay ing In O m aha a b o u t 10 m inutes, we pulled out a n d w ere a ll anxious to see- the Missouri r iv e r we h a d read so milcH obout. B u t th e odds w r e against us—I t was to o da rk .

However, w e d id g e t a view of the -M liils s lpp t as w e crossed J t A l ­ly th e n e x t m orn ing . TJi^e m ain com­m ent rega rd ing th e "P p lh e r of W at­ers" w as t l i a t i t w as too thick to plow a n d to o th in to run . or th a t you coold w ade a c r ^ i t w ithout ge tting Vour fee t w e t - ju s t perhaps

lit t le m uddy.I n C hicago

A t 9 a. m . (T uesday; we pulled in ­to C hicago a n d XWe m et a t the N orthw estern s ta t lo i tb y . th e repre­sen ta tive o f a ru b b ec jie c lf bus com­pany. W « Ih e n drove a round to th e Lincoln p a rk lo o w here we stayed for h a lf a n J iou r. —

Dr. j . K. D a r ts a n d Ray. P o tter d id . n o t.sh o w up on tim e because they forgot th a t th e tim e was day ­ligh t savm g In ste ad o f ccn u a l, the re ­fore wo w ere h a lf a n hou r la te ge t­ting a w a y 'f ro m th e too . T hen came a rid e a long M ich igan boulevard, don'll p ast the -U nlvcrslly o fC hlcago and th e n to fiw U t's pack ing p lan t.

H ere we .h a d dlinie» and were show n th e p la n t. W e were a ll a llt- ' d loappolnted, howevec, because

d id n 't see a n y an im als get o laughU red. W e were a lltUe late agaln.~

A fter th e pack ing g ia n t We w ent to th e F ield M useum o f N atu ra l Hls- toiy. I t l5 su c h a big thing, th a t w& saw only a sm a ll p ^ f o f i t in the Ume wo h a d le ft. T h en t h f tiie Y.

1. C. A.M ost of u s w alked b u t D ale Burk-

ha itcr ., p o n H arder, Dick H arder, Bob Z eller, Dick Low rence, and a few m ore g o t In A t a ^ and rode. T hey-w alked m ore d ls tu o e th a n we did, h o w e u r , because th e tax i d riv ­e r took t o m to t h e w rcng .‘’Y,” As they wero w alk ing to th e r ig h t build­ing UtUo B ob Z eller disappeared. H? w as sa fe ,' how ever, a s I t was dis­covered h e w as m erely in a drug s to re buying film s.

. Now I Itr a ia b u t . _______ ..m orrow a s th e tr a in Jumps every

' th in k the . - . . . you, you

ou g h t to. rid e th is fas t tra in out of Chicago.

T a ll S to r ie f : '(N ext d a y )—W o h a d a dinner in

th e Y . M. C. A. l a s t n ig h t before we le ft C hicago a n d th e n h ad a swim. As we a rriv ed a t th e M l^ lg sU Cen­tr a l s ta tio n som e o f th e fellows en­gaged in ccm versatlon w ith a Negro p o rte r w ho cla im ed h e had been all over t h ^ o r l d because he had been a ll ovcp-Chicago.

Ptor every tru e s to ry we would tell About Id ah o h a would stre tch a pop7 in fav o r o L C h icag o ,-A we statT s tre tch in g o u r sto riea too.

Boyd T h le ten to ld about how th«

m osquitoes In Id ah o s ' t o ^ .

te lling bow th e m osquitoes carrie.d off one o f th e s ta tu te s in a park . A nd th e n Boyd to ld th e sto ry of how he woke u p one n lg h t a n d heard two m osquitoes ta lk in g . O ne of them so ld : "Shou ld we e a t h im h u e or take h im dow n to th e b o » ? ^ T h e o th e r one sa id , " I f we ta k e h im dow n to th e bog Che b ig ones w ill take h im aw ay fro m us." T h e N egro gave up a n d sa id h e w as th e loser.

W hen th e boys were a t d inner they w ere asked if they enjoyed-the trip . T h e only o n e answering "no" was Boyd because h e g o t "suckedi' In o n th e ta x i d e a l a n d because'he lo st 65 c en ts to R ay P o tte r tid ing to flip a spoon In to a ^ 'as s.

N o t T oo -FrleadlyM ost o f th e boys do n o t like the

big d u e s bccause th e people a re .s a un friend ly * n d ^ o n ’t even say ijjan k you w hen a p u rch ase la made> Nell C am pbell w as d isap p o in te d In C h i­cago because .he d id n o t see ru n n in g gun f ig h ts a s h e had heard th o t C hicago lA a a c ity of vlcc and co rrup tion w ith lo ts of gangsters. N one of u s Uko th e way these eostr e m ers d flve. T h ey a re o u t to klU som eone a il th e tim e. The-.ppeed lim it la>43 m iles a n h o u r and gas Is 13 c en ts a gallon .

Wo v isited th e Ford p lan t In De­tro it a s we stopped there awhile a n d now h e re we a re In N iagara, see­ing th e fam o u s falls.


CLEVELAND, Ju n e 26-<U.R>-. D etec tive LlenL S tephen T o n e r aafd ( o d a r t h a t a downtown ho­te l em ploye who disappeared «nd;]ettly la s t n igh t “nndonbt- e ^ly" w as R obert Irw In, soagh l by New Y o rp police In connec­tio n w itb th e E aster Bonday m urders o f .Veronica Qldeon, tte an tifa l ' a r ti s t 's modeL h e r m o th er, a n d • lodger in Ib e lr a p a r tm e n tT h e m airr wjio h a d w orked In th e

h o te l f ir s t a s a d ishw asher a n d th en as a b a rten d er fo r a m o n th under th e nam e of Ja m es M urray, d lsap - peaxM sh o rtly a fte r h e w as con­fro n ted w ith a p ic ture of th e 29- y ear-o ld Irw in In a detective story m agazine.

H e w le tU K aschlanskl. a k itchen em ploye a t th o hotel, sa id she had rea d o f th e tr ip le slaying in th e m agazine a n d la s t n ig h t h a d show n th e p h o t{ « ra p h to th e bartender, te lling h im h e bore a s tr ik in g re ­sem blance to It. She sa id M urray den ied th e re w as a n y PesemWance.

tilo b e A -1 U y tn g maata gets n U a . O leb e See< * Feed C a Adv.


RIGASEM anslaughter Charge FoUows

Inquest In to P au l M an’s Highway D eath

RU PERT. June 36 ,(fipec lal)—A prrlU nlnafy hearing I s ' to be held T uesday before P roba te Ju d g e H . A. Baldw in for M rs. F ra n k H . WUbur, V entura . Calif., who Is ch arg ed w ith Involuntary m anslnughter. a n d faces possibility of Im prU onm cnt o f from six m on ths to lO years.: .

T he charge KBS’ m ad e yesterday afte rnoon a fte r a co roner’s Jury com pleted a n Inqtiest In to th e -d e a th on W ednesday o f Louis H icks; Paul farm er, In a highw ay a cc id en t. The verdict wa.'! th a t Hicks ’‘cam e to h is d eatli a t the h a n d s of M rs. W ilbur w ith no c rim inal In ten t" a n d tfie charge w as «w om out.

T he C alifo rn ia w oman, d r iv er of th o car w hich struck H icks’ c u lti­va to r from th e r e a r a n d d rag g ed tlie m an fo r .70 fee t under Ite wheels, l^ bclpg he ld u nder 11,000 bond. She Is .reported to have tolci o ffice rs she. d id n o t see th e c u ltiva to r. O ne of H icks’ (earn o f horses w as a lso kill­ed.

M r. W llubr, who w as w ith h is wife a t th e tim e of th e acc iden t, a n d Mrs.- WJIbuc were un in ju red .

Wife K iller WUI Ask |o r Pardon

BOtBE, Id ah o . J u n e 30 (UJO—Jo h n McClurg. E m m ett, convicted wife killer ^ h o s e d e a th sen tence was com m uted to life Im pro lsonm ent by th e s ta te p a rd o n board , w ill seek release fron) th o p e n iten tia ry a t th e Ju ly 7 meetW g, I t-w a s sa id today. Six o th e r m e n iac cu s ed of m urder 'Will seek*, qlemency. A ltoge ther, US prisoners have g iven notice of ap ­peal fo r parole o r pardon .

. u.M O T O B IST FIN EDJEROM E, Ju n o 29 (Special) —

Arrested by S h e riff D avis upon ' coniplaln t of S ta te T ra ffic officer Earl W illiams. F red W alz o f Je r ­ome appeared ijefore Ju s tlcc o f the Peace, Jo h n L. O ould . T h u /id a y . June 24, a n d w as f ined glO and costs am o u n tin g to $17.^ H e was a rrested ..fo t d riv ing a m oto r ve­hicle w ithou t a license. He wasfi&lso

.liijtructcd to p ro cu re a license.

G O T O M EX ICO Miss SunsrilM W illiam s, da u g h ter

of Mr. and M rs. Reese W illiam s and Instructor In L indsay , C all/., and Miss Bernice ParlslJ, B uhl, h a v e 'le f t on an eight-w eeks to u r of O ld Mex­ico by motor.' M iss W illiam s will re­tu rn from her tr ip d irec tly to L ind­say.

IFESSESFiESM an H eld in S a lt L ake to

Ba Q aestloned B ogarding ^ . S acram en to Blazes

, SALT LA K E CITY . Ju n e 2C (UJ!)— CiUfford B ram ble, a lias C lifford B u m s, 43, so ld to be a fo rm er In-

.m at« o f a m e n ta l Institu tion ' In C a lifo rn ia w ho. according to police, confessed s to r tin g a scries of fires In ^ l i Loko City, w as being ques­tioned today In connection w ith fires w hich resu lted In a $3,000,000 loss in S acram en to . C alif.

e t^ t lv o S e r g e a n t Arthur mOs o f th e S acram cn to police

d e p a rtm e n t w as c n route to S a lt Lake C ity to question th e susjject. A fter r « ^ lv in g a des<h1ptlon of B um s, h e aatit “ th e re js no ques- tlon^ln m y m in d b u t th a t ho Is th e m a n '' responsible fo r the fires in Sacram ento ,"

fly 7.000.000 miles du ring 1037, a s com pared to th e 1.500,000 flown five y e a rs ago.

Texan H eld fo r Federal (J-Men

F edera l G -m en fro m th e B u tU regional hfeaflfluarters w ere to con­tact th o sheriff’s office h e re todaj^ a f te r sh e r i f f s o ffice rs th is m om lnc a rres ted Pau l G len D avis, 33, T if e s , a n d Jie ld him fo r th e governm en t.

He is lucused df a' v io la tion o f the D yer a c t, tho federa l law ag a in s t in te rs ta te tran s p o rta tio n o f stolen autom obiles. H e w as a rre s ted In ’Twin Falls .

PA R TY ANNOUNCEDB usiness a n d P ro fess ional W om­

e n 's club Is sponsoring a b enefit c a rd p a rty M onday a t 8 p . m . a t th e P a rk hotel. ’Those w ish ing to m ake rese rva tions a re ask ed to call M rs. M abel BeUerUIe. I316-J. The public is Invited, o ffice rs s ta te .

Ride a 'M otor-G lide Or a Bike For FUN!

F o r Sale o r F o r ,Rcnt

Gloystein CyclerySU H alD S o n lb .


Popeyc ‘Insullvcil' As S t r i k ^ ^ l i i w H

NEW V O llK . Ju n e 38 <U.P) -l*ot)- eye. tho pljw-wmikitiK wiiinr wiili R knoj-koiit innu-h In r i i l i - r fh l. took an awful lo t of ’'IhmiIUV' Ih. i n ig h t w ilhout w)ckln« a nlnnh rtilii,

— F i ^ mombcrft <if Utf cQim . n ' i.ii x r tttte , And dralgnrrri iu iIimi, m Btrlke a t U>e Max P le lw lu r Where tu e aiilnmt<-<l curlocin. ’ I'tiji- <iye.” U p u t touctiier, slaiK-cl ii il. m- o m U atlon a t thn Parainoun l ttiu-

TJiey s ta r te d Ixxilng and lilHxlnu th e m om ent "PuiKyc" m iiinurci tiud

■did n o t deslRt iiiuli llu; m ,,, rm ird. W t e Were niioiil!, iif " . 'ic i, ' when

' th e ram liiar coinlo M ilii .liiirncWT M W terK l on lo th o / c m

Tlio audienco ru iup to iiii' \;iiU)r'ii • reacue. A t Hin I'rinuliisli'ii i,i ; i i . (.in'-

, ^ n It broke Inti) loiiii MiiitMiBc inUfJi, drowned o u t llm Imir.,


- an /Vow /HffcciiiwW AW nW OTON, Ju n o 30 IU.R>- M W im u n e n l’B new ralim ad rn-

« n t M l. H ltlh g tip a iMiuioi) - n fo r Uie nU on’s •l,aoo,ooo raii-

h a d become ettectivo W W fdllowlng a i tn a tu re by P re s l.

■ d m i Bo o w v H y e s te r d y ,

y J .Thjf buTMU o f a i r eoauaerce now

B t f ! » ' « • ir n im


RICHFIELDHi-Octane GasoUtie

You’ro onlitlcil to th a t K xtrii Mill? i)fr Kallon. W hy no t laki! il7 D rive 111 to Bnrnnrd’i! today and try Uichflolit . . . tho giiBolIno no popular amonfr woHt count molnrintfl fo r Us quickcr Jiliirtinff. oxtrn ixiwor nnd longer milonge.

the new

RICHLUBEMotor Oil- 25f! qt.

ClmriKo over,to HichlUlMi thlH \v«c!t f(ir ycmr W(M:k-»!ni| trJj). Ri'i»»?niln'r, ycnir car iiMdH grcHter cur« fur h iu iu iio i- 'driviiiK • . . So, fur luiHiiT, iiix) moro cnjoyublo d riv ing drlvn into UnrnardH for U lC lllA IH t:,

B a rn a rd A u to C o.CHRY8LKR PHONK 164 PLYMOUTH

Grand Summer OpeningA t Radioland

TONIGHTFeatnM ng Id ah o ’s Newest and

L argest D ance B and

“RADIO TROUBAPOURS”An R . C; A. Victor recording a n d b ro ad ­cas tin g o rchestra composed of only o u t­s ta n d in g m usicians taken from b est o r­ch es tra s In in te rm ounta ln te rrito ry .



Man B ound Over O n Check Charge

JE R O M E . Ju n e 38 (Special). — H av in g allegedly passed w orth less checksi b o th d raw n fo r »5. on T in g - w all’s D e p a rtm en t store an d Snow ­ball’s S p o rt alc>p. R a lp h ’Thompson,

o f R ichfield, w as tr ie d before b a te Ju dge H eber FoUcm&n. W edaee- day, J u n e 23. H e waa b ound over to answ er to th e charge In th e d is ­t r ic t c o u rt a n d placed u n d e r » | 1^ bond. H e wa« unable to ra ise th e a m o u n t &nd w asn U ced In c ustody of S h e riff D a v ls .« iw a lt ln ^ . leg al r e - '

• Com * In. 5*8 w hsc ■ ihrlllin* ■dvitac* Pfigl.U lr* wUh tho M*icr- M i(*c brlnji* fo r 1957i Supcih n<w l)«»u ty pint Sttl‘B k * p U T Y t t lite price o f *n «.tdin»ry r e f ilg tr ilo tl

. Y o u K«« p r o o f o f c o m p lc ie n s u oeTcr k n o w n befo re In AU. BAsu: m v i c e s Igr horn# r« frlg«»tl<"»-.■»

N o w y o u d o n ’t ha*o <o l '« r «n m«f« My»f>. Yom ilon ’t h«v# to imr ■ rrirlK cra lo r «h»t glv*! only f.^ri. o l (he H«r>ice-A1.lli»y.you n « . l

^ o w you ta n • • • r a o o r , tlKix I..

Brings Completeness Never Knoim Before In


1 . G R E A T E R I C E - A B < t l T Y - » ~ i . .Strvgilm” a n d < 'fc*> Fatn (ne ''i N ew Instant Cube-R cleuc lo sU (ce> tr.y*. A u to m itic T rsy R cle isc . M ore pouiiJi o f Ice . . . f ilte r. Stores 100% m o te r e u rv e Ice-cubes. SI!U T li i l PR O O l'l

2 . G R E A T E R S T O R A G E - A B I L I T Y - h, .In fe rlw /A ilju iC i like m sg ic .M n lm u m ih e lf ip soe

up i f fn H . Pgll-W ldih *iiiiinK ilielve*, 2 .W »y Cold S to n g e T rsy , new Sup«r.Da*y H ydtstor* . SHU T llH PROOFI

3 . G R E A T E R P R O T E C T - A B I t lT V -K ~ > .fe o d tMUr, rreaf»M-, f o n g e r i SA l'lfl-Y ./.ON H Cold «l t i l time* by liie Food-Ssfety Ind ica to r 'wliW'disi on door, slw ijri in i l s h t Ah», 5 o fh e r« r te * Of c o ld . . . f o r #wry p ro tec tio n need. .SEH T llH PR O O P t

4 . GREA TER DEPEND-A B IU T V— »■ i-~r n . -faction P l a n o n tb e se>ied-in m echsalcal u n ltl Sealed Steel Cabinet. U fcdm e PorcffUin o r D u ra h le 'D u iu x Exterior. Uulit sa d backed by CenersI M otors. SUU T ill! PR O O FI

5 . G REA TE R S A V E -A B IL IT Y - ^ONLY m iQ ID A IR E haa th a

CU TS C U R R n n ' c o s t t o t h e BONCI see Iclectrlo m eter prcn It, hifori yau buy! M eter- MU*r <lo«» .SDl’J lK .D iri'Y a t tm u i t ig »«vlng

• a a s a a - w v - T A C A t / C -A B IL IT Y TO b A V t O n i^ .1 m oving p . r n , t h e m oto r .C E ’g l t l E ' l petm sttcn ilf o licd . . . le sicd a g a ln it m oiitu re and d irt. m iG U ^ A lR B

A N U 9 K . K V f c I , | ,e Mia'KR.MlRHK five* eno u g h o n food and o p .fa tin * c o n topay fo t itialf. and p>7 you a profit be ildes l SBK 'T liD PR O O FI

Sf^ari^ WarnerThe World’s Greatest Refrigerator Value

D uring the S tew art-W arncr Days S&les Cam paign thtf>special indKcements m ake it a doubly big value..

Be Your Own Salesman * ^

Save Salesman's o Commission

Get Full Particulars at--

Appliance Sales Go.BOB M ILN ER, M gr. - N ext to Orpheum

O r Y ourLocal^A asocialcd S tew art-W arner D«aler

o u r store, t iia t Frlgidalre U th e mo«i nmphit Ica -proT lder, ftJod-M otcr, a n d fn o d -p re s e rv e r a ^ e r knoW n. r « o o f iTist It M te i e tfoogh to pajr ft>r Id e lf and earn you a bc-•ideil T o m aiie B bsoluttlj fure o f Rcitlnft full IV37 Yilue Iti a 're f tlg . f r t to r , see o u r iR ltllD A IM r»tM>r. 1»M()NSTKATI()N first!


luM .ntly te1«a»c» I ^ „ p l .

DETWEILER BROS., Inc.‘.‘We (AmditUion Your Food, A ir A n d W ater” ■

Iron FIrcm ttn — F rlR W iiln '— CK AjipIiunceH— A t t ! f -W o « l— A K C O H cn tin K lM u m liln K > -A ir ContilHonInK— P e rm u lU W a te r(!o n iH tl« iu * rn