OGT Social Studies Prep Session 5 Cold War Era Post-Cold War Era

OGT Social Studies Prep Session 5 Cold War Era Post-Cold War Era

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  • OGT Social Studies Prep Session 5 Cold War Era Post-Cold War Era
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  • The Cold War Its Important Points After WWII, the United States played a vital role in establishing the United Nations, but found itself in a Cold War with the Soviet Union & communism. The Cold War as caused by several conflicting political and economic ideologies, which resulted in Soviet expansion into Eastern Europe, the division of Germany, the creation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact, and the Communist Revolution in China.
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  • The Cold War Its Important Points The United States fought the Cold War with the Truman Doctrine, containment, and the Marshall Plan which helped rebuild war torn Allies after WWII. Former colonies experienced a rise in dictatorships. The Korean War & Vietnam Wars were attempts by the United States to contain communism. After the postwar (post-WWII) prosperity of the 1950s, changes prompted by social protest and civil rights movements altered American life in the 1960s and 1970s.
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  • The Cold War Its Important Points The causes and consequences of the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War include The arms race (build up), Ethnic unrest, Independence movements in former Soviet Union satellite nations, & Global decline of Communism.
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  • The Cold War Summary of What it Was The tense face-off between the United States and the Soviet Union (and their respective allies) was known as the Cold War. It was unusual for 2 main reasons: it lasted for 40 years and Americans & Soviets never fired shots at each other. It was a contest between democracy and dictatorship. The Soviets hoped to dominate the world by converting governments to communism, a dictatorial political and economic system that denied freedom and opportunity to its citizens. The US committed to a policy of containment (stopping the spread of communism) and promoting the growth of democracy in other nations around the world.
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  • Note about C/communism It can be confusing to see the word communism sometimes appear CAPITALIZED and sometimes uncapitalized. Lower-cased communism is the theory that the people will be more equal if all property is shared. Upper-cased Communism is a dictatorial political & economic system that denies freedom to its citizens.
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  • Churchill & The Iron Curtain (Background info) WWII left many European colonial powers in ruins. Even Britain and France, which had been on the winning side, had suffered physical and economic damage. These countries quickly realized that holding onto their colonies would be a difficult task while rebuilding at home and dealing with the threat of the Soviet Union.
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  • Churchill & The Iron Curtain (Background info) After WWII, the Soviets took back Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The Soviet Union refused to remove its troops from portions of Eastern Europe that it had captured from the Germans. It took control of the governments of East Germany, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Bulgaria. Governments sympathetic to the Communist system ruled Yugoslavia and Albania.
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  • Churchill & The Iron Curtain By 1946, Soviet Control of Eastern Europe was strong enough to cause former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to say: [A]n iron curtain has descended across the [European] continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of central and eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest, and Sofia; all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I must call the Soviet sphere This speech marks the beginning of the Cold War.
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  • US Policy of Containment The Truman Doctrine Began when President Truman announced the Truman Doctrine in March 1947. TD stated the US would help freedom-based nations that were resisting Soviet domination. First applied in Greece (civil war) and Turkey US gave economic aid Greek government defeated communists Turks resisted Soviet pressure
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  • US Policy of Containment The Marshall Plan Gave billions of dollars to European countries to repair factories & mines. Proposed by Sec of State George Marshall Way US hoped to promote democracy Nations receiving aid were required to spend some of it with American companies
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  • Arms Race Us was the only country in the world with nuclear weapons UNTIL 1949! Soviets developed their own atomic bomb. Two nations (US & USSR) began building large stockpiles of nuclear weapons. Meant growing danger for the whole world
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  • Cold War Military Alliances NATO (1949) (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) BelgiumLuxembourg BritainNetherlands CanadaNorway DenmarkPortugal France Turkey GreeceUnited States IcelandWest Germany Italy WARSAW PACT (1955) Albania Bulgaria Czechoslovakia East Germany Hungary Poland Romania Soviet Union (USSR)
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  • Spread of Communism in Asia The Cold War soon spread from Europe to Asia. When China came under Communist control in 1949, many Americans began talking of an international Communist conspiracy -- pitting the combined muscle of China and the Soviets against the United States. In such an atmosphere, almost any conflict anywhere in the world threatened to turn the Cold War into a hot one.
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  • HOT SPOT - Berlin After WWII, Germany was broken into 2 countries. East Germany was dominated by Soviets. West Germany was supported by Western Europe & the US. Berlin was divided into 4 zones (1 Great Britain, 1 France, 1 US, 1 USSR) but was located inside EAST Germany. 1948 Berlin Blockade - Soviets closed off Berlin Berlin Airlift Fr, GB, US airlifted supplies Almost a year. Soviets realized that the blockade wasnt going to work, so they lifted the blockade.
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  • Hot Spot - Berlin 1949-1961 Many East Germans fled their country through Berlin. 1961 Berlin Wall was built First wall built to keep citizens IN rather than enemies out. The Berlin Wall was up until the fall of 1989. Torn down as communism fell in Eastern Europe Reagans Speech: Mr. Gorbachev Tear down this wall!
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  • HOT WAR Korean War 1950 (Summer) North Korean (Communist) troops invaded South Korean (Democratic) US (and UN forces) aided South Korea; China aided North Korea Fought for 3 years (1950-53); Never a peace treaty. Ending boundaries of countries very close to what they were at the beginning Drawn near the 38 th parallel. Demilitarized Zone on each side of the border International tension with North Korea over its nuclear weapons program continues to present danger.
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  • In the US Another Red Scare McCarthyism in the Early 1950s Americans were worried about Soviet spies being in the country. House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) Investigated disloyalty in the government, schools (universities), and Hollywood. 1950 Joseph McCarthy Rep. Senator from WI claimed he had a list of 205 communists who worked for the State Department. Provoked huge sensation - witch hunts for communists began all over America. McCarthy never produced any evidence to support his claims.
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  • In the US Another Red Scare McCarthyism in the Early 1950s McCarthy kept making accusations for 4 years! He claimed the was working to protect national security. Many Americans careers were ruined as a result of McCarthys charges. 1954 - US Senate finally condemned McCarthy for contemptuous conduct (conduct unbecoming a member of Congress) and censured him. McCarthy lost popularity and McCarthyism died out. Not long after that, McCarthy died.
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  • Hot Spot - Vietnam France wanted to keep Indochina (Present day Vietnam, Cambodia, & Laos). USSR backed Communist independence movement leader Ho Chi Minh. France divided region into Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos (to appease the Communists) French forces still occupied the area, but each state had its own government. 1954 - Communist rebels defeated French forces; French left all together soon after.
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  • Hot Spot - Vietnam After the French left, Vietnam was divided in two. US began helping newly formed democratic South Vietnam in its struggle against Communist North Vietnam. Result of containment policy At first, the US was just sending money and military advisors, giving military advice, to the South Vietnamese. US did not want communism to spread any further. Afraid of domino effect. If one nation falls to communism, the one next to it will fall and so on.
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  • HOT Spot - Cuba 1959 Fidel Castro led revolution in Cuba that turned it into a Communist dictatorship. 1961 US tried to overthrow Castro Bay of Pigs Invasion Failed, miserably 1962 Soviets put nuclear missiles in Cuba, just 90 miles from the tip of Florida. Resulted in an extremely tense stand-off between the US and the USSR AKA: Cuban Missile Crisis Both realized that if one were to strike the other, it could escalate into WWIII. Compromise drawn: USSR would remove missiles and base from Cuba. US would stay out of Cuban affairs. Many Cubans have fled Cuba for the US. Cuba is one of the few Communist states still in existence.
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  • HOT WAR - Vietnam 1964 North Vietnamese attacked American ships off the coast of NV Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Allowed President Lyndon Johnson to take stronger military action. Johnson sent in the first combat troops. This marks the beginning of direct US involvement (TROOPS) in Vietnam.
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  • HOT WAR - Vietnam 1965-1973 More than 8 million Americans served in the military during the Vietnam War. Draft was instituted People tried to dodge the draft by leaving the country. As a whole, it affected the poor the worst, including many minority groups in US. If you were in college, you could get out of going to war, but most poor people could not afford college and, thus, were eligible for the draft.
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  • HOT WAR - Vietnam The VW was the first to be seen on TV and viewed by the American public. Split the country between Hawks (those who supported US involvement in the war) and Doves (those who were against US involvement in the war). Doves were a HUGE part of the counterculture movement in the US. Seemed to be a war that the US could not win. Vietcong (South Vietnamese fighters, guerillas who supported NORT Vietnam) looked like everyday South Vietnamese citizens Hard to recognize the enemy. Vietnam was like a jungle; Different fighting tactics were needed and used Guerilla warfare & booby traps.
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  • HOT WAR - Vietnam January 1968 Tet Offensive Surprise attacks launched on South Vietnam cities by Vietcong. Tet = Vietnamese New Years holiday. Vietcong managed to infiltrate all the way down to Saigon (which is WAY south in South Vietnam) In the end, US and SV forces pushed the enemy back, BUT the Vietcong had own a MAJOR political victory Tet Offensive showed that even with a half a million US troops, no part of SV was safe from Vietcong attacks. Turning point in war; More Americans started to protest it. Johnson did NOT seek reelection in 1968.
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  • HOT WAR - Vietnam When Nixon came into office, he widened the war effort (at first), hoping to weaken the enemy. NV had used trails in Cambodia to send supplies to their soldiers and Vietcong in SV. 1969 Nixon ordered bombing on communist bases in Cambodia, then US & SV troops invaded by land. Plunged Cambodia into civil war In 1975 Khmer Rouge won civil war 1979 Vietnam invaded Cambodia; Set up new communist govt. Nixon under pressure at home began to turn war over to SV and withdraw US troops. Peace talks in Paris In January 1973 Cease fire agreement reached 1974 Last of US Troops left. Result (by April 1975) NV & SV became one, Communist, Vietnam
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  • Space Race 1957 Soviets launch Sputnik I into space 1 st satellite 1961 USSR sent first human into space to circle the Earth US formed NASA and began their own space program to keep up with (or surpass) the Soviets Congress approved funds for NASA US strove to become the leader in space travel July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong 1 st human to walk on the moon
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  • Cold War Winds Down US had refused to recognize Mao Zedongs communist government in China (since 1949) US recognized the Chinese Nationalists now on island Taiwan. US gave arms and aid to the Nationalists & supported their claim to being the legitimate government in China. 1972 Nixon visited mainland China 1979 US and China finally established diplomatic relations (tension had eased to allow this)
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  • Cold War Dtente Dtente Lessening of tensions (specifically between the superpowers US & USSR) May 1972 Nixon visits the USSR (1 st President to do so since start of Cold War) Dtente in play Dtente led superpowers to sign SALT Agreement Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
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  • Cold War Dtente Challenged 1979 Soviets invaded Afghanistan sent there to set up a pro-Soviet government that had just seized power. US condemned the invasion President Carter withdrew SALT II Treaty from Senate approval hearings and the US boycotted the 1980 Summer Olympic Games in Moscow. Eventually, Soviets couldnt afford to stay in Afghanistan and withdrew troops in 1989.
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  • Cold War (Spend that money! See who wins this thing!) In 1970s US started cutting back military budget Some believed we needed less weapons due to dtente Others believed US was still at risk spending should continue Ronald Reagan (1981) Pushed for higher levels of military spending. Caused USSR to spend more money (Arms Race continued) 1987 US & USSR signed Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty limit medium-range nuclear arms.
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  • Cold War (Spend that money! See who wins this thing!) Reagans tough stand against Communism and the Soviets spending extraordinary amounts of money on defense led the Soviets into so much debt that they couldnt provide for Soviet citizens. People within the Soviet Union started to revolt. Mikhail Gorbachev (came to power in 1985) Glasnost policy allowed people to talk openly without attack by the government.
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  • Soviet Union Breaks Apart USSR broke apart in 1991 Commonwealth of Independent States (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine) formed 15 New Republics formed: Germany (unified), Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Macedonia US emerged as the leading nation of power in the world. Has led to struggles Should US use power to help others gain independence? US became a target to take down by nationalist groups (like al-Qaeda)
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  • Also During the Cold War Throughout the World Independence Movements were happening all around the world primarily on the Asian & African continent. US & USSR would try to ally with those newly forming countries. Some accepted the help of one or the other, allying with one or the other. Some accepted help from both, but would not ally with either. This allowed the US & USSR to increase their pull & influence worldwide.
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  • During the Cold War in US Civil Rights Movement 1954 Brown v. Board of Education Topeka, Kansas Supreme Court decision ends segregation in schools. (Over-turns Plessy v. Ferguson) 1955 Montgomery, AL bus boycott begins 1957 President Eisenhower sends in National Guard soldiers to Little Rock, Arkansas to help 9 black students enroll in a white school. 1961 Freedom Rides and other peaceful protests happen throughout the South. 1964 Civil Rights Act is passed; MLK, Jr wins Nobel Peace Prize 1968 MLK, Jr is assassinated in Memphis, TN.
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  • During the Cold War in US While in the early 1960s, the Civil Rights Movement focused on voting rights, winning economic rights became the focus in the late 1960s. Womens Rights Movement 1960s & 70s Betty Friedan Feminine Mystique Described how society pressured women to remain in the home and reject a career. Womens Liberation Movement Women examined personal lives Led to a movement for social and political change in workplace, education, and in politics. Argued for rights like equal pay for equal work, less governmental interference in private lives, and fairness of women seeking political office or high achievement in academics.
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  • During the Cold War in US Counterculture Movement Children of postwar Baby Boom young adults Followers pushed for equal rights for African- Americans, women and other minorities. Followers were against the Vietnam War (Doves) 450,000 young people from all over US went to Woodstock Music & Art Fair (1969) Peace, Love, & Rock-n-Roll Hippies & Flower Children. Counterculture politics tended to be very liberal Libertarian hardly any rules.
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  • Post-Cold War Era Its Important Points Conflict in the Middle East has continued despite international peacemaking efforts. Europe, Asia, and Africa have all experienced ethnic strife.
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  • Israel & Palestinians Background Info 1948 Israels declares independence; Recognized by US 1967 Six Day War Israel tried to break an Egyptian blockade of an important water route; Result: Tripled Israels territory Captured Gaza Strip and the West Bank AND Egypts Sinai Peninsula. Placed 1 million Palestinian Arabs under Israeli control
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  • Israel & Palestinians Background Info (Continued) October 1973 Yom Kippur War between Israel and Egypt & Syria settled after about 3 weeks by UN cease-fire agreement before either side had won a clear victory. 1979 Camp David Accords President Carter invited leaders of Israel & Egypt to Camp David (Presidential retreat location in Maryland) March 1979 Peace treaty signed; ended 30 year state of war between Egypt & Israel; US agreed to provide economic & military assistance to both; US pledged to help negotiate an end to the dispute between the Israelis and the Palestinians; This peace treaty angered other Arab states (They lost Egypt as an ally against Israel)
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  • Israel & Palestinians Dayton Accords Peace talks between Israelis and other Arabs/Palestinians Throughout the 1990s Led to Israels withdraw from the Gaza Strip and removal of some troops from the West Bank. Suicide bombings by Islamic militants AND Israeli occupation and retaliation continue to terrorize the people who live there.
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  • Israel & Palestinians 2002 US, the European Union, Russia, and United Nations jointly propose the road map for peace. Goal: Independent Palestinian state 2005 Israel removed troops and a number of Israeli settlers from the Gaza Strip permanently.
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  • Persian Gulf War 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait President George H. W. Bush (Senior) sent US military forces to Persian Gulf Iraqs leader, Saddam Hussein ignored warnings to back down and leave Kuwait. January 1991 US began airstrikes against strategic targets in Kuwait US forces drove Iraqi forces out of Kuwait Persian Gulf war came to an end
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  • 9/11 and After September 11, 2001 al-Qaeda attacks Twin Towers in NYC. War on Terror (George W. Bush Junior) begins Any nation harboring or supporting terrorists will be regarded by US as hostile
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  • 9/11 and After 1998 Kosovo (province in Yugoslavia) most people are Albanian sought independence from Yugoslavia or a union with Albania Intervention by UN stopped fighting Bosnia continues to be ethnically divided February 2003 Serbia & Montenegro (remaining Yugoslav republics) voted to dissolve Yugoslavia and form a loose union called Serbia and Montenegro.
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  • Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide (Some examples, but not all shown) 1992 Serbs in Bosnia-Herzegovina (with help of Serb- dominated Yugoslav government) began expelling/killing Muslims in attempt to keep Bosnia from becoming independent. Conflict in Rwanda Hutu and Tutsi ethnic groups Tutsi only 9% of population 1993 Major-General Juvenal Habyarimana (Rwanda President) and Hutu signed an agreement that would protect human rights of the Tutsi and attempt to solve refugee problem. His plane was shot down (April 1994) Mass murder of Tutsi began (Nearly 800,000 murdered)
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  • Globalization & Interdependence Internet has connected the world Trade became interdependent Issues of trade have made nations (like the US) get involved in others affairs to protect their own countries interests.
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  • Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (Affirmative Action Challenged) 1973 & 1974 Allan Bakke repeatedly applied for admission to medical school and was rejected. School had a separate program for minorities with a lower acceptance score. Not all of the minority spots were filled Bakke still denied acceptance. Bakke sued claimed he had been rejected based on his race and that the rejection violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14 th Amendment University sued Bakke wanted the court to say that its affirmative-action program was legal.
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  • Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (Affirmative Action Challenged) Trial court ruled that race could not be used in admissions decisions; did not grant Bakke admission. California Supreme Court ruled that the university could not use race against Bakke and that it must admit Bakke. US Supreme Court ruling (1976) 2 part ruling Upheld CASC ruling Bakkes rights had been violated Overturned CASC part about race not being apart of admissions USSC said it could be used as PART of the plan to make the student body more diverse.
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  • Compelling Government Interest USA PATRIOT (Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept & Obstruct Terrorism) Act Passed by Congress in 2001 Result of 9/11 attacks Opponents: Law is dangerous weakens rights guaranteed by Bill of Rights unlawful search & seizure and guarantee of due process Supporters: Protecting American interests as a whole protecting against terrorist acts is a compelling government interest.
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  • Compelling Government Interest Legal term that allows the government to restrict individual rights in order to protect & serve the common good. This argument has been used in situations from affirmative action disputes to George W Bushs signing of an order to allow special military tribunals to try foreigners accused of terrorist activities.