v j k m v , b a Mazal Tov to Yisroel Aryeh Baitelman, Levi Yitzchak Farkash, Yossi Kagan, Benny Schuller, Yosef Sapochkinski & Yosef Yitzchok Gottlieb upon their birthday. c u y k z n Mazal Tov to Mendel Backman on the occa- sion of his i h k h p , , j b v / Mazal Tov to Mr. Sruly & Mrs Estee Yusevitch upon the bris of their son Moshe Yitzchok. Mazal Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Plotkin upon the bris of their grand- son. Mazal Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Menachem Rodal on the engage- ment of their son Yossi and Mazal Tov on the birth of their granddaughter. t h b , o h e r p c h - CLUB On Wednesday, at lunch time, the members of the 12 Perakim Tanya Club 12 Perakim who are up-to-date with their quota, gathered in Rabbi Eisenberg’s classroom for a BBQ lunch meeting. 12 Perakim Tanya Club members undertake to learn 12 Perakim of תניא בע”פbefore their בר מצוה. Members shared ideas of how they learn and review the תניא. Rabbi Greenbaum shared a story of what learning תניא בע”פand reviewing the Holy letters of בע”פ תניאachieve for the Neshomo. The next meeting is set for ה’ תמוז בעז”ה. The 12 perakim Club is a new initiative in Cheder, דייטש ע”הלעלוי נשמת התמים נת. v , u t c m We are proud to announce that Boruch Hashem two Talmidim in our Cheder have reached the rank of General in Tzivos Hashem. Levi Korf and Yankel Lipsker . Mazal Tov! The kiosks were being kept busy this week as Chayolim made their selections for the grand End Of Year Tzivos Hashem Worldwide Chinese Auction. The winners will be announced I”YH at the תמוז גWorldwide rally. z u n , d k v b f v As we know, the weekly Hachayol features a story of the Rebbe each week, submitted by Chayolim in Tzivos Hashem. As we prepare for תמוזג, we are taking part in Tzivos Hashem's Special Moment with the Rebbe Campaign. Talmidim are encouraged to write a family story with the Rebbe and bring it in. Each Talmid who par- ticipates receives a 25 mile achievement card and a chance for your story to be featured in next year's HaChayol Magazine. r s j CHINESE AUCTION Save the date: Thursday, June 13th - 5 Tammuz, at the Gilmore Adobe at the Grove. Prize viewing and hors d’oeu- vres 6:30 p.m. Cheder Boys Choir performance / sushi and dessert 8:15 p.m. Prize drawings 9:00 p.m. For tickets go to www.chedermenachemauction.com . 7:36 ,urb ,eksv 8:37 ,ca htmun May 24, 2013 N E W S L E T T E R CHEDER MENACHEM 1606 South La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90035 web site: www.chedermenachem.com e-mail: chedermenachem@ gmail.com Tel: 310.623-1470 Fax: 310.623-1462 o j b n r s j o j b n r s j g u c a v h s h n k , STUDENT OF THE WEEK Graphic design / P. Gabai Graphic design / P. Gabai CLASS NEWS l,ukgvc ,arp ’c erp ,uct d’’ga, w iuhx u”y t 1 h r p v , f Our siddur party will I”YH be this Monday, 18 Sivan, May 27th at 1:00 pm. h s u r c c r v - d v , f Mazal Tov to Shloime Richler for earning the merit to take home the velvet siddur for Shabbos. y f g v c r v - v v , f Double Chai Club: K. Lezak, D. Spalter, Y. Gurary, N. Taylor, E. Ratner, S. Tuller. Shem HaShem: Sh. Feldman, M. Berger, H. Teitelbaum, A. Ferszt, A. Shabtai, M. Munitz Y. Kagan & Y. Engelstein. v k h p , v , s u c g g m c n - i h b n The following boys are the winners of the Minyan Trip for this past term of מבצע עבודת התפילה: u v , f : T. Kreitenberg, Sh. Wolowik, M. Heidingsfeld. z v , f : Y. Laskar, M. Marks, M. Rav-Noy, Y. Greenbaum, A. Ch. Hurwitz, M. Kreitenberg, Y. Rodal, M. M. Teitelbaum, M. Tuller. j v , f : Sh. Laskar, E. Lerner, E. Levenberg, M. M. Lezak, Y. Plotke, Sh. D. Raichik, Sh. Tauberman, L. Tsikman. The raffle winners: leather sefer: Mendel Rav-Noy & regular sefer: Moshe Cunin. This week’s honor roll of boys who excelled in their v k h p , v , s u c g are: u v , f : Y. Meyer, Sh. Wolowik, M. Heidingsfeld, Y. Raeburn, M. Marks, M. Rav-Noy & Sh. Z. Arnold. z v , f : M. Boganim, Y. Laskar, M. Marks & M. Rav- Noy. j v , f : B. Abend, Sh. Begun, M. Cunin, Sh. Feiner, E. Lerner, Y. Lipsker, L. Mishulovin, Y. Plotke, Sh. D. Raichik, Sh. Tauberman & Ch. Zippel. ANNUAL EXPO Save the date for the annual Expo created by v , u t c m h k h h j Units - Thursday, evening i u h x j f at the Cheder. This year’s theme is 200 years of the histalkus of the Alter Rebbe. . h e , c h a h r s j We are happy to announce that our head counselors for the afternoon part of the Yeshivas Kayitz program will be Chida Levitansky and Shmuely Posner who together with experienced counselors will share their chassidishkeit & chayus with our talmidim. Rabbi Shimy Heidingsfeld will once again be directing the afternoon portion of Yeshivas Kayitz. Please note that the Yeshivas Kayitz Program is mandatory for all talmidim from s - t , u , f . Talmidim in ’z - v , u , f are obli- gated to attend the Yeshivas Kayitz Program, unless going to an overnight camp for the entire summer. If going to overnight camp for one month, it needs to be the second month and the student must attend Cheder Yeshivas Kayitz for the first month. This year Cheder is only having a one month Yeshivas Kayitz Program - June 24th-July 19th. Limud HaTorah / v r u , v s u n h k i h b u e h k u n a - t 1 h r p v , f r g b h u u i n k z - t - t v , f r e x p h k v a n - c - t v , f k t a h n c e g h - t - c v , f i t n k g y h h c i n k z r u t h b a - c - c v , f r b y t r o j b n - t - d v , f a y b u t u u o h h j - c - d v , f i t x b h p k t e z j h - t - s v , f . b t h t z v j n a - c - s v , f r g k h h y o g u b - t - v v , f - c - v v , f r g r t p h s b g n - t - u v , f x e b n s u s - c - u v , f h e x b h e a y t p t x h x u h - t r n d u v , f x h h u u h x u h - t r n d u v , f - t - z v , f h r t r u d h k , p b - c - z v , f - t - j v , f h e y u k p h x u h - c - j v , f Midos Tovos / , u c u y , u s n r t k h h y h c d - t 1 h r p v , f x k r p b c v s u v h - t - t v , f r g e x p h k e z h h t - c - t v , f i h e a c u r k s b g n o j b n - t - c v , f r g r t p o u k a - c - c v , f c h k y t d ; x u h - t - d v , f . r t u u a v a n - c - d v , f i t n k g y h h c k s b g n - t - s v , f i t n k g y h h c k t r a h - c - s v , f h r t r u d k t r a h - t - v v , f - c - v v , f i t n c t k d k t r a h - t - u v , f r h h t n h x u h - c - u v , f z h u v e g c t z - t r n d u v , f s k t b r t / z r u t h b a - t r n d u v , f - t - z v , f i h h s k t h r c d - c - z v , f - t - j v , f e r t y a v a n - c - j v , f t r n d j &z , u , f e h u u t k t u u k t h n j r h c r v o h b d u c o j b n - sunhk i t v s v a n - ,usn e h k d o u k a c r v - sunhk - ,usn d r c b h r d h k , p b c r v d r c b y h h r e k s b g n - sunhk k s t r ; x u h - ,usn i t n k x e r g c s o u k a c r v - sunhk - ,usn o h h r v m v r j t a s u e h s u n k h u b - c r h s b g n - d v , f i v f h u k - s v , f - v v , f ; r t e h u k - u v , f h n k u x k t u n a - z v , f - j v , f A d v e r t i s e m e n t O p p o r t u n i t y Advertise your business & services to the community, with a flyer in the Cheder Menachem weekly newsletter for only $ 5 0 p e r w e e k

ojbn rsj CHEDER MENACHEM ,urb ,eksv ojbn rsj ,ca htmun

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Page 1: ojbn rsj CHEDER MENACHEM ,urb ,eksv ojbn rsj ,ca htmun

vjkmv ,baMazal Tov to Yisroel Aryeh Baitelman, Levi YitzchakFarkash, Yossi Kagan, Benny Schuller, YosefSapochkinski & Yosef Yitzchok Gottlieb upon their birthday.

cuy kznMazal Tov to Mendel Backman on the occa-sion of his ihkhp, ,jbv/Mazal Tov to Mr. Sruly & Mrs Estee Yusevitchupon the bris of their son Moshe Yitzchok.Mazal Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Plotkin upon the bris of their grand-son.Mazal Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Menachem Rodal on the engage-ment of their son Yossi and Mazal Tov on the birth of theirgranddaughter.

thb, oherp c”h - CLUBOn Wednesday, at lunch time, the members of the 12Perakim Tanya Club 12 Perakim who are up-to-date withtheir quota, gathered in Rabbi Eisenberg’s classroom fora BBQ lunch meeting. 12 Perakim Tanya Club membersundertake to learn 12 Perakim of תניא בע”פ before theirמצוה Members shared ideas of how they learn and .ברreview the תניא. Rabbi Greenbaum shared a story of whatlearning תניא בע”פ and reviewing the Holy letters of בע”פתניא achieve for the Neshomo. The next meeting is set forThe 12 perakim Club is a new initiative in .ה’ תמוז בעז”הCheder, לעלוי נשמת התמים נת� דייטש ע”ה.

’v ,utcmWe are proud to announce that BoruchHashem two Talmidim in our Cheder havereached the rank of General in TzivosHashem. Levi Korf and Yankel Lipsker.Mazal Tov! The kiosks were being keptbusy this week as Chayolim made theirselections for the grand End Of Year TzivosHashem Worldwide Chinese Auction. Thewinners will be announced I”YH at the.Worldwide rallyג’ תמוז

zun, ’dk vbfvAs we know, the weekly Hachayol features a story of theRebbe each week, submitted by Chayolim in TzivosHashem. As we prepare for ג’ תמוז, we are taking part inTzivos Hashem's Special Moment with the RebbeCampaign. Talmidim are encouraged to write a familystory with the Rebbe and bring it in. Each Talmid who par-ticipates receives a 25 mile achievement card and achance for your story to be featured in next year'sHaChayol Magazine.

rsj CHINESE AUCTIONSave the date: Thursday, June 13th - 5 Tammuz, at theGilmore Adobe at the Grove. Prize viewing and hors d’oeu-vres 6:30 p.m. Cheder Boys Choir performance / sushi anddessert 8:15 p.m. Prize drawings 9:00 p.m.For tickets go to www.chedermenachemauction.com.

7:36 ,urb ,eksv8:37 ,ca htmunMay 24, 2013 N E W S L E T T E R

CHEDER MENACHEM1606 South La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90035web site: www.chedermenachem.come-mail: [email protected]: 310.623-1470 Fax: 310.623-1462

ojbn rsj

ojbn rsjgucav hshnk,


Graphic design / P. GabaiGraphic design / P. Gabai


l,ukgvc ,arp’c erp ,uct

d’’ga, w iuhx u”y

’t1hrp v,fOur siddur party will I”YH be this Monday, 18 Sivan, May27th at 1:00 pm.

hsurc crv - ’d v,fMazal Tov to Shloime Richler for earning the merit totake home the velvet siddur for Shabbos.

yfgv crv - ’v v,fDouble Chai Club: K. Lezak, D. Spalter, Y. Gurary, N.Taylor, E. Ratner, S. Tuller. Shem HaShem: Sh. Feldman, M. Berger, H.Teitelbaum, A. Ferszt, A. Shabtai, M. Munitz Y. Kagan& Y. Engelstein.

vkhp,v ,sucg gmcn - ihbnThe following boys are the winners of the Minyan Tripfor this past term of התפילה עבודת :מבצע’u v,f: T. Kreitenberg, Sh. Wolowik, M. Heidingsfeld.’z v,f: Y. Laskar, M. Marks, M. Rav-Noy, Y.Greenbaum, A. Ch. Hurwitz, M. Kreitenberg, Y. Rodal,M. M. Teitelbaum, M. Tuller.’j v,f: Sh. Laskar, E. Lerner, E. Levenberg, M. M.Lezak, Y. Plotke, Sh. D. Raichik, Sh. Tauberman, L.Tsikman.The raffle winners: leather sefer: Mendel Rav-Noy &regular sefer: Moshe Cunin.This week’s honor roll of boys who excelled in theirvkhp,v ,sucg are: ’u v,f: Y. Meyer, Sh. Wolowik, M. Heidingsfeld, Y.Raeburn, M. Marks, M. Rav-Noy & Sh. Z. Arnold.’z v,f: M. Boganim, Y. Laskar, M. Marks & M. Rav-Noy.’j v,f: B. Abend, Sh. Begun, M. Cunin, Sh. Feiner, E.Lerner, Y. Lipsker, L. Mishulovin, Y. Plotke, Sh. D.Raichik, Sh. Tauberman & Ch. Zippel.

ANNUAL EXPOSave the date for the annual Expo created by’v ,utcm hkhhj Units - Thursday, evening iuhx j”f at theCheder. This year’s theme is 200 years of the histalkusof the Alter Rebbe.

.he ,chah rsjWe are happy to announce that our head counselorsfor the afternoon part of the Yeshivas Kayitz programwill be Chida Levitansky and Shmuely Posner whotogether with experienced counselors will share theirchassidishkeit & chayus with our talmidim.Rabbi Shimy Heidingsfeld will once again be directingthe afternoon portion of Yeshivas Kayitz. Please notethat the Yeshivas Kayitz Program is mandatory for alltalmidim from ’s-’t ,u,f. Talmidim in ’z-’v ,u,f are obli-gated to attend the Yeshivas Kayitz Program, unlessgoing to an overnight camp for the entire summer. Ifgoing to overnight camp for one month, it needs to bethe second month and the student must attend ChederYeshivas Kayitz for the first month.This year Cheder is only having a one month YeshivasKayitz Program - June 24th-July 19th.

Limud HaTorah /vru,v sunhkihbue hkuna - ’t 1 hrp v,f

rgbhuu inkz - t-’t v,frexphk van - c-’t v,fktahn cegh - t-’c v,f

itnkgyhhc inkz ruthba - c-’c v,frbytr ojbn - t- ’d v,faybutuu ohhj - c- ’d v,f

itxbhp ktezjh - t-’s v,f.bthtz vjna - c-’s v,frgkhhy ogub - t- ’v v,f

- c- ’v v,frgrtp hsbgn - t-’u v,f

xebn sus - c-’u v,fhexbheaytptx hxuh - trnd ’u v,f

xhhuu hxuh - trnd ’u v,f- t- ’z v,f

’hrtrud hk,pb - c-’z v,f- t-’j v,f

heyukp hxuh - c-’j v,fMidos Tovos / ,ucuy ,usn

rtkhhy hcd - ’t 1 hrp v,fxkrpbc vsuvh - t-’t v,frgexphk ezhht - c-’t v,f

iheacur ksbgn ojbn - t-’c v,frgrtp ouka - c-’c v,fchkytd ;xuh - t- ’d v,f.rtuua van - c- ’d v,f

itnkgyhhc ksbgn - t-’s v,fitnkgyhhc ktrah - c-’s v,f

’hrtrud ktrah - t- ’v v,f- c- ’v v,f

itnctkd ktrah - t-’u v,frhhtn hxuh - c-’u v,f

zhuveg ctz - trnd ’u v,fsktbrt /z ruthba - trnd ’u v,f

- t- ’z v,fihhs kthrcd - c-’z v,f

- t-’j v,fertya van - c-’j v,f

trnd ’j &’ z ,u,f ehuutktuu kthnjrh crv

ohbduc ojbn - sunhkitvs van - ,usn

ehkd ouka crv- sunhk- ,usn

drcbhrd hk,pb crvdrcbyhhre ksbgn - sunhk

kstr ;xuh - ,usnitnkxe rgcs ouka crv

- sunhk- ,usn

ohhrvmv rjt asue hsunkhub-cr hsbgn - ’d v,f

ivf huk - ’s v,f- ’v v,f

;rte huk - ’u v,fhnkux ktuna - ’z v,f

- ’j v,f

Advertisement OpportunityAdvertise your business & services to the community,with a flyer in the Cheder Menachem weekly newsletterfor only $50 per week